#otp: some snow would be nice
bripops · 1 year
heads up seven up
@jtownnn tagged me in another writing meme, we stan. sharing seven lines!
also from my seblaine 'tis the damn season AU because I'm buckling down on it so I can publish at a seasonally appropriate time lol. I have two chunks of exactly seven lines that I could not choose between, so the second one is under the cut
Blaine was wearing a lobster-patterned polo shirt when he emerged, and it was so mind-numbingly stupid that Sebastian’s shocked silence must’ve come across as residual pity. 
“Not you too,” Blaine said miserably. He was already out of steam, never able to stay mad for long even when it was justified. Sebastian wondered, not for the first time, if Blaine and Kurt would have lasted as long as they did if Blaine was the type to fight back when he was being treated like shit.
“Not me,” Sebastian said. “Literally never. Like I told Trent when he made the rules, that’s fucking stupid and I’m not doing it. You got dumped, it’s not like you have cancer.”
“Not a Face ID kind of guy, huh?” Nick said as he unlocked Sebastian’s phone. “Not like you to turn down a chance to look at yourself.”
“What are you, a cop?” Sebastian asked, t-boning a police cruiser in-game. “They need a warrant to get your code but can make you use your face whenever they want.”
Nick raised his eyebrows as he sent himself Trent’s contact info. “Learn something new every day,” he mused. “Hey, you know you have like ten unread texts from Blaine, right?”
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dangermousie · 10 months
Wonderland of Love - done
It was a delightful drama - visually stunning, great chemistry. I am incredibly fond of Xu Kai, and it's proof of how much that I still remained fond of him after his recent string of shudder-inducing choices (Court Lady, Royal Feast, the gaming thing, that modern with YM, Snow Eagle Lord.) But what a pleasure to watch a Xu Kai drama I genuinely enjoy and not suffer through.
You can tell that censorship had FWSC hemmed tighter than that second in command was clutching his evil boss' urn - we all know if she had her druthers, the stupid emperor would have been taken out in a coup by Li Ni (who would have actually got to kill one of his brothers) and there would have been a lot more of ambition and murder (the secondary girl? would have so been murdered!) But on the upside, we also got a blissful OTP ending and a ML who is probably the sole drama ML this year that I actually would want to be married to in RL.
Anyway, this was so delicious for my not-so-inner angst junkie:
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Yes, our ML has kept the corpse of his wife around, slept by it, changed it etc. However wholesome, this is still a FWSC tale. And now he's giving the corpse a sword and taking her coffin in battle. I...I...I...this is feeding me!!!
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I enjoyed him plain text telling evil secondary girl he will never have another wife, whether CL is alive or not, and to leave or he will kill her. He cuts off her jewelry and I think the lady is lucky this wasn't made a decade ago, or she'd be shorter by a head.
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Have you ever considered invading the palace with the coffin of your wife by your side? No? Then don't even talk to me! PEAK GOTH METAL!!!
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Li Ni's reaction to this royal order is an arrow to the throat. God, how I wish the narrative let him go all GMP insane!
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"Hi Dad, so I come to visit you with a giant sword and a dead body of my spouse in an elaborate coffin. How you doin'?" I wish wish wish they let him go all Lee Bang Won/Li Shimin but alas (someone pointed out this is a fantasy wholesoming/whitewashing of Li Shimin and I can't unsee!)
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Sadly, he's there for the prime minister and evil jieshuo people. Why can't we have nice things? But the best part is that FL finally comes back to life, in the middle of the battle, and her first move is to leap out of the coffin with that sword he left her in hand and kill the bad dude in unison with her husband. Battle Couple indeed.
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This whole sequence was unbearably lovely but this was my favorite bit:
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You guys are incorrigible and I LOVE YOU MANIACS SOOOOO!!!
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The ending with him becoming an emperor for ten years and then passing the throne to his cousin and peacing out to live on the border with her and their kids as he wanted was lovely (even if realistically, it's just causing trouble for next generation - you bet his children/grandchildren and the new emperor's kids will end up in some battle) but my favorite part was when he was still emperor of them with their newborn son.
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Anyway, this was a lovely lovely lovely chemistry-filled delight and one of my faves of the year!
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uhhhitsme · 1 month
002: Duke Keane?
002 | Give me a character & I will tell you
How I feel about this character: 
All the people I ship romantically with this character: 
My non-romantic OTP for this character: 
My unpopular opinion about this character: 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
my OTP:
my cross over ship:
a headcanon fact:
one: i am so sorry for the extremely late response. i started writing this yesterday and finished the questions but then my page reloaded and it all got sent to shit and it was 12 am so i just. gave up. two: youre so cool btw thank you for all the lovely comments on my fics :DDDDD three: so hahahahahah i havent watched nmt2. and by extension have not seen killer track. ITS FINE.
HOW I FEEL ABOUT THIS CHARACTER: i desperately need this guy to give me a hug none of you get it. it would actually fix me. like im being so serious right now maybe some of you gay fucks (/lh) want to dick him down i need him to give me the biggest hug in the entire world it would make my entire life so much better. i absolutely adore him with my entire heart---he treats hannah nicely!!!!!!! in the witch in the web!!!!!!!!!!!! he's so freaking sweet to her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! his dynamic with ms. holloway is so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he desperately wants to do good for the world, to make a change in someones life, to help others, and that sparks so so so much joy i love him so much.
ALL THE PEOPLE I SHIP ROMANTICALLY WITH THIS CHARACTER: well obviously. ms. holloway. THE power couple of all time. wilbur because it would be funny. and. uh. ted. NOT BECAUSE ITS A BUDGET CURTWEN SHIP. WELL YES. A LITTLE. but also because i read two wonderful fics by amythestunarmed (?) (i think) on ao3 that dstroyed me and i desperately am in need for more content their dynamic is so cute.
MY NON ROMANTIC OTP FOR THIS CHARACTER: probably him and rose. i dont know anything about rose but idk i feel like theyd be a fun duo.
MY UNPOPULAR OPINION ABOUT THIS CHARACTER: okay so i dont really get why i see people all the time being like "everyone treats duke as a sidekick!! we need more love for duke!!" like idk man. he seems pretty popular to me. i see a billion trillion analysis posts for him all the time. maybe because im not really that into the hatchetfield fandom i like dont get it but 🤷 i do think he deserves the attention i love him so much the guy ever!!!!!
MY CROSSOVER SHIP: uhhh i dont neccarily have one but someone should put him with keith swanson for the sillies
HEADCANON: i think ms holloway has a thing about pie??? he doesnt actually like it but he comes to the diner all the time to eat it anyway because homeslice is down BADDDDDD. this might contradict canon but it would be really funny to me if he's shit with animals. or on the flipside. he's TOO good with animals. they follow him around all the time and he doesnt know how to make them go away. modern snow white fr
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damagedintellect · 2 months
Kenny McCormick x reader
💌 As Long As I can Remember: Chapter 1  💌  
Summary:  You moved to south park in the 4th grade. You weren't expecting what came next. After seven years of friendship you were about to make a move but what happens when Cartman's OTP gets in the way of what you desire most.
Notes:  Overall Kenny x reader but also some Craig x reader, I wrote this over a decade ago but I'm feeling nostolgic, this was written for a friend a long time ago
💌 Word count: 1,540 💌  You Are Here | Chapter 2 =>
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It was cold compared to what you were used to but hey at least you got to see snow. That had been one thing you had wanted to see for as long as you could remember. Living in Hawaii you don't really get that unless you went to certain places on the big island and seeing as how you lived on Oahu, yeah no snow for you. You didn't particularly want to move all your friends and family were here. Although thinking about it moving would be a nice change of pace. You were getting sick of living on an island anyways between the horrible paradise tax, the dumb power-outages and shitty internet you guess there were some perks to leaving your home.
"Honey we're here" you hear your mom say. You open the door of your car and look at your new area of living. It was simple and really generic compared to your old house but hey at least it was new.
Slowly walking up to the front door you survey the houses around yours, they looked nearly the same. The only difference was the color scheme. You turn around to see your mom talking to some redheaded lady followed by a man, her husband probably? The man only greeted your mom as he walked to the house next to yours. Turning back to the door knob your mom calls for you to meet the lady as you reluctantly walk over to her.
"(Y/n) this is Mrs. Broflovski she's our neighbor. We were talking about having dinner over at their house to welcome us to South Park" Mrs. Broflovski smiled "Yes sweetie, I used to be the new kid in town once. I know it can be hard to make friends so I figured that I have two sons, one around your age. Maybe he could show you around."
You force a smile "that sounds lovely, I should go get ready."
With that you hurried into your new house leaning your back against the door, sliding down it. You knew you would have to socialize at one point but this soon? You weren't the best with making friends or talking to kids your age. Back at your old school you were known as the weird girl because you liked "One Piece" over "Naruto" which you thought was so dumb because shouldn't the kids living on an island like pirates over ninjas? Whatever the point was you were not looking forward to being outcasted again for liking the wrong anime.
Taking a deep breath you decide to get off of the floor and get ready which meant that you would have to find your room and the bathroom. The movers had already moved the furniture from your old house so finding your room shouldn’t be that hard. Making your way upstairs there are actually six rooms, which is surprising because it’s only you and your mom who are living here. You find your room and smile it looks exactly like you left it, so you pull out the first thing you see in the drawers and head over to the bathroom.
Afterwards you head downstairs, greeting your mom as you both head out the door. With every step that you take you wonder what kind of a person this kid next door is like. You wouldn't even know how to describe the local boy culture that Hawaii has other than annoying. Brah everyone always like scrap for no reason because they swore you gave stink eye when really you just gagged at their axe body spray and now the whole school is screaming backroads. Like five people will get that joke but it doesn't matter you were already at their door.
*knock knock*   
You had a soft smile on your face to seem more interested in meeting the random neighbor’s boy. Upon entering the home Mrs. Brofloski told you that you could head up into Kyle’s room before dinner and that she would call when it’s ready. Taking a deep breath you gently knock on the door. You meet lovely green eyes as you awkwardly smiled. “h-hiya, I’m (y/n)”
A nice tint of pink graced the boys cheeks “I’m Kyle." He paused before he looked back at his room "So...um... do you like video games?”
“Do I?!” you both smile, this looks like the start of a very good friendship. You both played games until Kyle’s mom called for dinner you both sat quietly at the table while the adults talked. Kyle started to talk to you about some of the best adventures he’s experienced living here and you could not wait to have some of your own. Before you knew it you and Kyle were just sitting on the couch talking while the adults were still at the table with Ike.
“And that’s when the wizard killed the evil king of the humans becoming the grand wizard king. Little did he know that's what started the elf army” Your eyes light up when he says so far “That sounds amazing, you guys are so lucky. My friends back home never wanted to do anything like that.”
Your mom walked in the living room. “(y/n) it’s time to go home” You and Kyle both looked at each other before you sighed. “Aww really?”
She laughed glad that you could make a friend this quickly into the move. “Yes honey, you have to get ready for school tomorrow”
You looked at the clock. It was getting pretty late to be fair. Reluctantly you get up from your seat to follow her to the door. “Okay, see you later Kyle” You waved him off.
“Wait, are you going to be taking the school bus?” You both looked at your mom who nodded then said “(Y/N) will be but not tomorrow I have to meet with the principle tomorrow so I’ll be dropping her off.” You waved one last time as you and your mom left.
The school was bigger than your old one. It was weird how everything was indoors too. In your hometown every school was pretty much an open campus. As your mom said last night you met up with the principle and received your schedule as the councilor gave you a brief tour of what area of the school you would be a part of. You stood outside of a classroom waiting for your introduction.
"Okay quiet down class today you have a new student that's going to be joining us for the rest of the year.” Mr. Garrision motioned for you to walk in “Go on and tell them your name sweetie." Mr. Garrision smiled. You looked at the class and took a deep breath which probably seemed stupid to the people staring at you but it helped calm your nerves. "My name is (Your Full Name)."
You heard someone start laughing and you clenched your fist and glared at the fat kid "Hahahehe (Y/N) ha what a stupid name." The fat ass got everyone to start laughing but you were prepared for retaliation, or well kind of. You had watched some TV show greatest comeback compilations in hopes to steal some material just in case this happened. "Thank you and while we’re handing out compliments, nice hat fat ass, do they sell men's clothes where you got that."
It took the class a moment to process what you were getting at but the moment they did they lost it. "Burn" was all you said after that and you bit your thumb at him. Mr. Garission's jaw was on the floor. Such an innocent looking girl was no better than the rest of these rowdy kids.
"(Y/n) how about you take that empty seat between Kyle and Kenny and we can get started." You take your seat next to Kyle and he turns to you and smiles and puts a fist out and you fist bump him back, you could tell you were going to like it here. You turn to the other guy you're sitting next to, Kenny was it, he was staring at you. Although most of his face is covered but you could tell he's cute by his eyes, you give a small wave and smile before you turn back to Mr. Garrison.
During recess Kyle introduced you to most if not all of the class at the playground. “So just stop me if I get this wrong okay?” Kyle had introduced everyone by name briefly and had everyone all stand in a line. From what Kyle said they did this every time they got a new student, the great name test was always fun for some reason. “Stan, Tolken, Kenny, Butters, Jimmy, Clyde, Scott, Tweek, Craig, Pip and fat ass.” Kyle laughed and applauded along with everyone except Craig who opted to flip you off instead, because you were actually the first one to get everyone’s names right on the first try “Bitch my name isn’t fat ass it’s Cartman” You rolled your eyes at Cartman “Well fat ass my name isn’t Bitch.” Both of you just glared at each other and you crossed your arms. Then bell rang signaling that recess was, in fact, over.
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hotcat37 · 5 months
Woke up N the first thing I saw was ur OTP ask game post N f4n *KNEW* what 2 do so here I am :3!! 54, 42, 39, 34, 30, 21, 13, 10, 7 N 3 for Bojere pls! (U don’t gotta do all of them if it’s 2 many N Deaf! Jere AU preferably cuz it’s been idk how long but that fic *still* has a chokehold on me N U bet my Ass is gonna be wrapped in a f4 ton of fluffy blankets with snacks N plushies as soon as U bless us with a new chapter!! X33
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I'm glad the AU lives in your mind rent free 👀 Thx for sending some numbers!! :3
54: who's more likely to carry the other to bed?
Probably Bojan because he likes to pick Jere up and carry him around randomly for fun haha Jere does also have strong arms though so it's not out of the question for him to carry a sleepy Bojan to bed and tuck him in <3
42: what's their favorite type of weather to enjoy together?
Snow for sure <3 They love making snow men and playing and watching the snowflakes fall. They also just find it cute to see the other bundled up in a big winter coat and a cozy scarf💞
39: who would rescue an injured animal and nurse it back to health?
I can see both of them doing that tbh They both have huge empathy for animals so both of them would be on board with helping an injured bird or abandoned cat or something. But I do think Jere would be the one to play responsible adult at some point once the animal is healed again and explain that they have to set it free even tho they've both gotten attached to it
34: who's more likely to tell a dirty joke to make the other blush?
Jere 👀👀 He can be surprisingly raunchy lmao The fact that he communicates mostly through text and looks so innocent is something he uses to his advantage. No one would suspect a thing if Jere casually shows Bojan the dirtiest message you can think of on his phone lol While Jere is often the one to start things, though, Bojan tends to be the one to finish them 😏
30: your OTP gets to pick out each other's outfits, what are they wearing?
Jere: he'd really love to see Bojan in leather so he'd give him a pair of his own pants and a leather shirt so he can swoon over his handsome Bojan 🥰 Bojan: he's putting Jere in more skirts... 1, because it's sexy. 2, because Jere really does look nice in skirts <3
21: who would get into a fight to defend the other's honor?
They're both pretty protective but unfortunately Jere is more likely the one to be harassed or treated rudely by a stranger so it's more common that Bojan would (fiercely) defend his angel. Bojan doesn't get angry easily but if someone is mean or hurtful to Jere he can become absolutely livid. Jere prefers to avoid conflict but he's not above using a right hook to protect his Slovene 💪
13: who's the bigger tease?
I couldn't really choose one in particular. Bojere have a really playful dynamic so the teasing is pretty equally divided haha
10: describe their first date
Something active. Maybe like a bowling date. It'd be just something lighthearted, something they'd do as friends. Except whoever scores a strike first gets a kiss 🤭 Hand feeding each other fries n whatnot 🥰 Then at the end Bojan would try to pay for everything but Jere distracts him and ends up paying ahead. Bojan is devastated until Jere tells him he did the math and Bojč can pay his half of the bill later. Equality 💪💪 Afterwards they walk to Jere's dorm together hand in hand ♡
7: would they build a pillow fort together just because?
100% They'll have sleepovers on the floor surrounded by pillows even though there's a perfectly fine bed waiting for them
3: do they wear the other's clothes?
Yes 🥰🥰 Jere likes to wear Bojan's hoodies and rings. Bojan also wears Jere's sweaters cuz they're oversized anyways and also his socks cuz Jere has a bunch of socks with fun patterns :3
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charmwasjess · 4 months
2, 4 and 21 for the ask please :D
Catching up on these wonderful asks!! My work deadline got away from me earlier in the week. <3
2) a headcanon you weren't sure about at first but have come to like!
Oooh. Okay: Permanently Stationed at the Temple Sifo-Dyas.
At first it felt sort of like sidelining my boy for something disability coded, and then I realize I was sort of missing the point? Not just in the fact of writing the Temple as a gigantic accessibility aide, but also in the roles of the many, many Jedi who stay there as a part of a flourishing and inclusive community that has many different important jobs to do beyond "go out and be a sword in the galaxy."
I actually wrote the central conflict in my fic Milk Run about this doublethink around what a Temple-based or nontraditional Jedi roles means and what they can do and add to the Order. That was me figuring that out in real time.
4) say something nice about a ship you don't ship (it can be another ship in your fandom, a mutual's OTP, etc)
Stupid sexy Obimaul, keeping me up all night like a tortured Victorian in the throes of sexual metaphor.
I don't ship it, really, but it's so weird and hot. I love how Maul looks like one of those alarming bright bugs you're not supposed to eat, but in an erotic way, and Obi-Wan is like "I don't know what's going on" and everyone is confused and covered in blood?? And I like the Jedi Maul AU version too, because Maul, poor Maul, his voice is so soft in TPM and he was never given any chance to have a good life.
Anyway, it's all very compelling. I actually have legitimately never read anything Obimaul. And that sounds like a joke like I'm goofing on the fact that I have read a lot of it, but I really haven't. Maybe I should. Maybe it would change me. Or fuck me up more idk
21) a fandom you're not active in anymore but that you still really like
A Song of Ice and Fire. That's where I was for part of the time I was taking my little gentleman's intermission from Star Wars. It's where I learned to write such long disgusting essays on even more rancid topics.
It was a real wild west of a fandom. I remember this one time I was in the middle of some big comment war with a really combative dude over Tyrion's trial and at a certain point I just sort of politely and nicely excused myself from it. So he private messages me to apologize for his behavior and getting too steamed up about the topic because "he, too, had been falsely accused of murder." Ahh, good! Reasonable! :D Another time, I made some benign comment on another thread about how Jon Snow's decision to sleep with Egret as collateral for her vouching for him as a true Wildling would read much different if the genders were reversed. A different guy private messaged me to say I'd get what was coming to me on January 6th. AND SURE ENOUGH, the failed insurrection happened the next day!
Sometimes I wonder how that guy is doing.
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whimsicalcotton · 16 days
30 and 42 for any LiS ship
might as well round out the polycule and do amberprice for these ^^
30: Your OTP gets to pick out each other’s outfits; what is each wearing?
given full freedom I think;
Rachel would put Chloe in something Fancy. black tie formal wear type of deal. Chloe's not good w "dressing stuffy," as she calls it though and would absolutely find a way to wear whatever it is slightly ruffled/loose/unkempt
Chloe would put Rachel in some grungey butch scene kid nonsense. like. final fantasy amounts of unnecessary chains and belts. a million zippers. striped long sleeve under a t-shirt combo. the most hanging on by a thread converse you've ever seen. do you get me. do you see my Vision
42: What’s their favorite type of weather to enjoy together? (getting snowed in together, watching thunderstorms, etc.)
they like a nice summer night kinda vibe. clear skies so they can see the stars and warm enough that they can roam to their hearts content w/o having to retreat back inside. although Rachel in particular also likes when it gets chillier in autumn bc it means she can start stealing Chloe's jacket more
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aannonn · 1 year
shipping name thingy
honestly the omori fandom is so creative with names that it makes me want to be creative too
like- sunflower?? suntan??? cotton candy???? such beautiful names honestlyy
thats why... after discovering some creative names for the shipping names in jshk.... and being inspired by the omori fandom... i decided to create some ship names myself yey
and because i like to be creative with things it feels nice lol
anyways- lets start!1!11! (lil' note; those names that I have created are mainly for me to use it. However, If u yourself want to use it aswell, I don't mind.)
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Yugi Twins x Yashiro Nene Honestly I thought of naming it YugiNene at first... But then it would be like I was shipping the whole Yugi Family with Nene... And because I was kinda copying someone else's ship name for them, so....
not exactly sure about this one, but the twinnie (stand for twins) is just me shipping the Yugi Twins with Nene, and not with each other.
The reason why I even came up with this ship name in the first place, its because amanenetsuka/hananenetsuka kind of sounds like im shipping the twins with each other too... i'm not saying that everyone who ships hananenetsuka/amanenetsuka ships the twins, i just wanted to try to make it sound like im shipping yugi twins x nene, and not amane x nene x tsukasa. idk im paranoic lol
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Yugi Amane | Hanako-kun x Yashiro Nene I once saw someone name the ship something along with "star" or something like that. I was inspired by them. This one was kind of tricky, since we hardly know anything about each of them (yes, even nene), but I thought of naming it...
spacebound hanako likes space... nene is bond to a ghost who likes space... does that make sense? lol
starfish hanako likes stargazing(or atleast used to), and nene turns into a fish when in contact with water- eh
donutcake hanako likes simple and homemade donuts, nene likes strawberry-filled rice cakes
strawberrydonut same with the previous one
kittyhamster nene looks like a hamster, hanako acts like a cat
spaceflower flowers are often used to represent nene, especially the tsubaki flowers; hanako is inlove(not literally) with space
starflower same as the previous one
starnene hanako loves space, nene is already a cute name
spacenene same as the previous one
moonyreflection hanako has moony pupils, nene's eyes often reflects hanako on them
shootingstar they are both the shooting stars in each other's lifes/afterlifes
snowy based on that one official artwork where it shows that nene finds snow romantic, while hanako seems to find snow fun/seems to like snow
y.y a text face, but the letters are the initials of their last name (yashiro & yugi)
(I'm probably going to add more.. Once i get ideas lol imagination is infinity)
Those are all the names I can think of (yea im not good at naming things lol) Since I'm not exactly sure which one to use, I'll probably use all of them yey
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Yugi Tsukasa x Yashiro Nene my otp i love them sm... not in the actual context of the manga, but i like to pair them up in some of the official aus, since tsukasa doesn't have a demon inside him in those aus- lol honestly i wouldn't be myself if I haven't atleast tried to give their ship a name.................... even though tsukasa is being pretty difficult...
fluffydonut tsukasa seems to like donuts, while nene's face seems to be really fluffy (in a way that its squishable lol)
to add more (maybe) its just hard to think of a name when we hardly know anything about tsukasa a plz aidairo show us more of tsukasa's actual interests......
it had more, but I didn't really like any of them, so I decided to just put the fluffydonut here lol
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Thats basically it... But I probably going to add more lol I just had ideas for those for now
Anyways! I think that's it-? For now atleast lol and yes that was random. lol kind of-
lil' reminder; feel free to add your own thoughts into it or to correct me about something! Just, please, be respectful about it.
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tessa-liam · 2 years
Christmas Traditions
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Book: TRF AU
             With snippets from The Royal Holiday
Summary: It’s the annual holiday festival in Lythikos and Olivia is hosting members of the Royal court at her keep. New relationships are nurtured; family and friendships are celebrated.
Main Pairing: Liam Rys x F!MC Riley Brooks-Rys, OTP LiRi
Secondary Pairings: Drake Walker x F!OC Delaney Leigh, Leo Rys x Amalas (past pairing Leo Rys x Olivia Nevrakis)
All characters belong to Pixelberry, except Delaney Leigh
A/N1: @choicesflashfics Week#10 Prompt 3 “Is there any particular reason as to why you’re getting drunk on a Tuesday afternoon?”
A/N2: This is the 3rd chapter in my TRF AU
Rating: 18+ 🍋 🍋 🍋
Word Count: 2182, Read Time: 16 minutes
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House Nevrakis, Lythikos, Cordonia
Gliding to the center of the frozen lake, the crown princess gracefully transitions into an arabesque spiral, displaying her newly learned skating move to her proud mama.
Watching Ellie skate brought bittersweet memories back for Riley of her own childhood, skating with her parents in New York’s Rockefeller Center at Christmas. The picture of 5-year-old Riley, standing by the huge Christmas tree with her father, was taken by her mom. The framed portrait now sits in her study, back home at the palace.
That would be the last Christmas she would celebrate with both of her parents. Her father, a firefighter, died in the 2001 collapse of the twin towers, 10 months after that picture was taken. Her mother passed 13 years later.
Riley’s reverie was interrupted when Ellie skated to a stop, taking her hand.
“Mommy...look!” she pointed to her friend, Micaela, with her mother waiting at the edge of the lake.
Queen Amalas and princess Micaela were visiting Lythokis to join in the celebrations of the winter festival and were staying with Olivia at the keep. Amalas and Olivia were friends, intimate partners that for the most part were hidden from the world.
As they skated back, Riley dabbed her eyes with a gloved finger. Clearly, her emotions were in overdrive with all the pregnancy hormones; feeling melancholy with her memories. Tomorrow, Liam and Riley will share this joy at the press conference scheduled to be televised in town at the winter festival.
“Ellie!!!” Micaela excitedly called to her friend.
“Hi Micaela! Ellie gracefully came to a stop, then jumped onto the snow to hug her friend. After changing into her boots, Ellie, with her friend in tow, ran towards the estate, followed by their guards.
“Riley, it’s so good to see you,” Amalas smiled.
“Hello, thank you for coming out to the festival.” As Riley stepped onto the snow, she hugged her friend and smiled, “Leo has been waiting for your arrival, for some reason. Hmmm, I wonder why?”
Amalas laughed, shaking her head ‘no’. After Leo moved to Monterisso, he spent more and more time at her palace, attending royal functions hoping to run into their queen. To be more than friends.
As they walked to the huge estate, Amalas explained, “It is nice to get all the attention from your brother-in-law, but...” Amalas paused, looking up to the sky, “I feel so conflicted. I know that things are complicated with Olivia and nothing more can come of it, but...”
“The charming older Rys brother, is opening up new possibilities,” Riley candidly explains.
“...yeah, I know that you understand the effect Leo has on me. It feels so amazing receiving his singular attention. I don’t have that with Olivia. Being with her is exciting and hot, but at the end of the night we always go our separate ways. The connection always abruptly ends.”
“Well, this is going to get awkward very quickly. Have you broken things off with Olivia; what is your intention here at the festival? Leo has been talking about you...a lot!”
Amalas sighs, “I know...I shouldn’t have come here. I was telling myself I had to come, because Micaela wanted to be here with Eleanor.”
“...and Olivia wanted you here for the holidays.” Riley side eyed her friend. Amalas kept looking forward, avoiding answering that comment.
As Riley and Amalas move into the foyer, attendants are eager to greet them with Lythikos nog, as they take their coats and accessories to the closet.
Moving into the great room, they see the huge talon tree sitting beautifully decorated in the center of the room. Olivia had gone all out decorating for the court visit. The estate was resplendent.
“The moment of truth is upon us; are you ready for this?”, Riley asks.
Amalas sighs, not answering, and moves towards the bar where Olivia was waiting for her arrival. Riley, meanwhile, puts on a Santa hat, and grabs a sprig of mistletoe from a table arrangement.
Liam and Leo are sitting by the fireplace, each in a wingback chair lost in an intense discussion; Riley sets about her husband and positions herself on his lap.
Holding the mistletoe above his head leaning close, she brushes her lips against his ear and whispers...” Hello, your majesty.”
As she Innocently kisses his cheek Liam surrounds her waist with his arm, pulling her close to his chest. “Let me warm you up from all that outside activity, my queen,” snuggling her neck.
“Really, you two? Get a room!” Leo admonishes his brother, snatching the mistletoe from Riley.
 Secretly wishing that one day he will find that connection with someone in his life for the long term, he decides it's time to set things into motion. Leo stands and saunters over to the bar.
Amalas, watching Leo as he approaches, starts to demurely smile, purposely turning towards him, crossing her legs.
Olivia sighs, knowing that she couldn’t publicly pursue her in front of members of the court, had her suspicions about Leo, but was hoping that she was wrong. She reluctantly stood up to give him her space to sit down beside Amalas.
“So, when does Walker plan on joining us?” Leo questions Olivia, trying to ease the tension he feels as he sits down.
“He is coming up with Maxwell, Bertrand and Savannah, and they are bringing a friend of Drake’s as well,” Olivia answers with a smirk, grateful for the change in subject.
After checking on their children, Riley and Amalas begin to peruse the hors d’oeuvres on the sidebar. Riley looks up when she hears Liam greeting his best friend, entering the foyer.
“Ah Drake, welcome; I am glad you joined us here for the festival.” Clapping him on the shoulder, he pulled him forward for a quick hug.
“Thanks, my brother, I wouldn’t miss spending the holidays with you and Brooks. Liam, I would like to introduce you to Delaney Leigh; my friend from Austin, Texas.”
Delaney dips down to curtsy to the King, “Your majesty, it's an honor.”
“Laney, we talked about this....no formalities are needed,” Drake sighs.
“...but he is the King! Now that I live here in Cordonia, I need to show my respect,” Delaney blushes.
Liam chuckles, sighing, “it’s wonderful to meet you, Delaney, welcome to Cordonia. Please, ‘Liam’ is just fine for my friends and no formalities are needed.”
“See, what did I tell you? Drake responds to Delaney.
After greeting Maxwell, Bertrand and Savannah, Liam crouches down to shake Bartie’s hand.
“Hey, are you hungry? Ellie is in the dining room if you’re interested.”
“Thank you, Uncle Liam”.  Bartie smiles and Savannah takes her son’s hand and walks him to meet with the other children.
“Everyone let's move to the great room. Drake, I will leave it to you to introduce Delaney to the group.”
Drake, sipping whiskey by the large floor to ceiling window was looking at the falling snow. Once Riley found out that Delaney was a fellow American, they were huddled together talking like long lost friends. Not surprised at all, Drake knew that Cordonia’s queen would embrace her and be welcoming.
 He smirked at the recent memory of Delaney’s expression when Riley told her she was Liam’s wife. She was so nervous after that, thinking that she had to follow decorum.  It didn’t take long till Delaney felt comfortable and Drake was appreciative; thanks to Liam and Riley, they were down to earth, not pretentious at all.
“You're looking happy over here, Walker.  How many of those did you put away already?” Leo chided.
“Ha, this is my first one, Rys.”
“Really, Drake? Then it must be that strawberry blond that you are watching,” Leo winks and laughs.
“Is she the one that kept you busy the other day after the poker game? Ya know that day you wouldn’t answer your calls or messages.”
Drake replies, grinning, “maybe."
“And, you were pretty out of it when you finally answered.”
“Is there any particular reason as to why you’re getting drunk on a Tuesday afternoon?”
Leo notices that Drake was beyond happy and relaxed.
Drake finally replies, “Sure, I had one drink...but I wasn’t drunk. I had an epiphany. Brooks would be so proud of me if she knew!”
Delaney met Drake’s gaze from across the room.
“I found the love of my life.”
The night passes in a whirl of laughter, food and drink.
Olivia raises her hand and calls to get everyone's attention. “Let’s celebrate the evening with a toast”. Servants carrying serving trays of flutes of champagne circulate the room.
Olivia continues, “It wouldn’t be the holidays without the joy that friends and family bring. May you never forget what is worth remembering or remember what is best forgotten. Cheers!
After making eye contact with Amalas, Olivia turns and walks toward the staircase, then up the stairs to the staterooms, alone.
Witnessing the silent exchange, Leo looks at Amalas, placing his hand on top of hers, whispering, “stay with me tonight.”
The rest of the night passes all too quickly in a blur of laughter, music and champagne.
Liam and Riley, returning from their midnight stroll around the lake, noticed that more nobles had arrived while they were out. Before they go in, Liam turns to Riley and deeply kisses her. The chill of the night is temporarily forgotten as she lets the kiss deepen.
 As Riley started to turn into the great room, Liam gently pulled her back into his arms.
“Let’s get into the spirit of things and enjoy some time alone before we go back to the capital tomorrow evening. It can be our own, private holiday tradition.”
Riley breaks away from Liam’s embrace and flashes him a coy smile. “Let’s go, now!” Racing hand in hand, they run up the stairs and down the long hall and into their stateroom, breathless with laughter.
Liam turns to lock the door behind him and starts towards his wife with a predatory gaze.
Riley slowly moves backwards, her heart beating quickly, warmth pooling between her legs from his intense stare.
As the back of her legs touch the side of the bed, she falls back onto the plush bedding.
Liam’s eyes stay focused on her as he begins to remove his jacket, his tie, and then his shirt. He steps between her legs, her breath catching as he slides her dress up to her waist and off. He lightly skims his fingers along the inside of her thighs, hooking his finger around the band of her thong and pulls it down.
His hands encircling her waist pressed her body tight against him.
He pulls away suddenly, smiling mischievously. Riley raises one eyebrow in question.
Reaching for his tie, his voice deep, “I want to deprive you of your sight tonight, make things more pleasurable.”
“Anything you wish to do to me...I am at your mercy.” Riley seductively replies.
Not wanting to waste any time, Liam binds his tie over her eyes to blindfold her and begins to kiss her neck, moving down between her breasts. His teeth grazing her skin sending shivers coursing through her, all the way to her fingertips. Riley tries to tangle her fingers in his hair, but he shrugs her off. Taking full control, his head travels lower, placing kisses, nipping her skin with his teeth.
Fisting her hands in the sheets, she bucks her body up, while Liam pushes her down with one hand, his other unbuckles and removes his pants.
He resumes his attention to her body, flicking his tongue at her center. Fingers intimately stroking and entering her body. As his mouth encircles her sex, he growls her name, the vibration flows from his lips to your thighs. “oooooooooooohh, oh Liam,” Riley moans.
Liam moves back up her body, placing soft kisses along the way, marking her neck with his teeth.
Finally at her lips, the passionate, deep kiss instigates her pleasure to bloom. Swallowing her moans, he presses her body with his, between her legs.
Riley wraps her legs around his waist, allowing Liam to go deeper to her core with the new angle. 
Blissful moments later, he succumbs to the pleasure as well.
Wrapped in his arms, the new morning dawns and Riley awakens and kisses Liam to start their day at the winter festival.
@txemrn @bebepac @ao719 @peonierose @phoenixrising0308 @queenmiarys @karahalloway @twinkleallnight @703cowbarn @mom2000aggie @malblk21 @queenrileyrose @indiana-jr @winkyluxhumanoid @rubiwalker @harleybeaumont @kingliam2019 @marietrinmimi @imashybish @angelasscribbles @isha26 @sfb123 @cordonianredruby @tinkie1973 @belencha77 @honey358luv @jared2612 @urfaveaesthetic101 @xpandass420x @kyra75@late-to-the-fandom @sammiiieeevaaans @lsvdw-blog @
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plucky-belmondo · 5 months
Tibarn + 22, 36 and 42 for the ask meme ^^?
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[ OTP/Selfship Asks ]
22. What reminds each of their partner?
Clear skies and soft, brown colors remind Summoner!Plucky of Tibarn. Sometimes, Plucky would watch him fly, in all his glory. It provides some relaxation, despite what's happening in the kingdom of Askr. As Plucky views it, clear skies represent Tibarn taking breaks outside of kingship (his LV40 quote in FEH mentions that being a king can be tiresome...).
Regardless of whether you're at in life, breaks are always nice.
In Tibarn's point of view, he says that purple flowers and blue stars remind him of Summoner!Plucky. Although Plucky uses dark magic, beneath the shadows still lies a kind-hearted person. The blue stars reflect just how strong this desire burns. Yeah sure, Plucky's just the summoner/tactician of the Order of Heroes, but after a certain incident in Book III, a desire within them (Plucky) started to flare up.
36. Who's more likely to fire up the stove at 2AM because the other woke up in the middle of night hungry?
...None of them, actually. This is because both Plucky and Tibarn are heavy sleepers. Also Commander Anna's trying to save costs on food, since she's aware that some Heroes eat a lot, which has been brought up in the game a few times xD.
42. What's their favorite type of weather to watch together (getting snowed in together, watching thunderstorms, etc.)?
Sunny days that have clouds (for cloud-gazing), and the beginning of snowfall! Leaning more towards snowfall/winter in general because this gives Plucky an excuse to huddle up with Tibarn (his wings are great for warmth, this makes him like a giant blanket)! *The funny thing is, keeping warm has been used for a comic xD*
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onepiece-writer · 1 year
could I request kikunojo with a karate master s/o
Okay! But since you didn't include a prompt, i went to a fluff otp generator. Hope this is good.
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pairing: Kiku x gn! Reader
warning: selfhate
genre: angst to fluff
Summary: You've been training Kiku for some time. But when you two clashed swords, she kept losing so much that she doubted her swordmanship
"Nice one, Kiku!"
You two were training in a dojo, well your dojo exactly. Kiku started training with you after she found you stole her training place. Because of that, you were training her to see if she was worth the try.
But as you clashed swords, you saw her swordplay. Her sword moved in such an unusual way, genuinely fascinating to see. She trains everyday, so it's undoubtedly surprising to see her progressing this far. But still, she wasn't enough to beat you. 
"Good try, Kiku! You just needed to sharpen your senses!" You encouraged her. "Your swordplay was unusual, but stunning to watch".
"Ah, okay!" Kiku nodded to you as she whispered something. "I'll take that as a note."
You then wiped the sweat coming from your face, and put your sword in place. But as Kiku gets faraway, you can't help but notice the gloomy look on her face. 
The Sakura trees were blooming, dazzling every eye that met it. The pink radiant color that appears in every petal was stunning. The strong woods that supported the cherry blossoms were the reason that kids often play around it. But now, you saw her, devastated under the tree.
She then put her frightening mask on to hide her emotions. While doing so, you had to observe the situation. Otherwise, it won't be good. Kiku then proceeds to shed tears in her mask. Maybe for her, showing emotions is embarrassing. So she decided to bottle it up and be in tears when no one's around.
You then rushed to the scene, and sat right next to her.
"Kiku, are you okay?"
"I-i'm fine", she said with a crack in her voice. "Well, not really".
"If it's okay, can you tell me your problems?" You then opened her mask and wipes her tears with your hands. "It is safe here, Kikunojo."
Kiku then takes a deep breath, and proceeds to tell her problems.
"I don't know. I'm just frustrated. Maybe so much that I doubted myself."
"Why's that?"
"You see, after Oden-sama died, I was filled with guilt until they showed up. Luffytaro and others really helped me to show my true intentions. But still, why would I get tricked by that Kanjuro, to befriend him ,and get almost on my way to hell with Kanjuro defeating me?"
You take a deep breath. Right, the person you train is the Kikunojo of the Lingering Snow, of the nine Red Scabbards members. Well, eight exactly. After the battle with Kaido, she had lost an arm, but shrugged off like it was nothing. 
"I felt useless in front of Oden-sama. How could I let him be boiled alive by the bastard Orochi and Kaido? When I was defeated by you, the flashbacks of him getting boiled appeared in front of my eyes".
"Well, sorry for that-"
"No need to, because he died because of how weak I am. If I was stronger, no one would die that day. But I learned from the past, that I have to be stronger in order to protect anyone."
A silence was felt between you and Kiku. She has to learn self love, or else she will be dragged into a black hole of self hate. 
"Hey Kiku, I think you're ABC!"
"What's that?"
"Aesthetically, But Clumsy".
"Listen, you need to love yourself. No need to blame yourself for everything that happened. Yes, you are weak, but does it matter even to your heart? I love you, so no matter what happens, you're always accepted in my heart".
"Thanks" Kiku giggled in response. "That was a smooth pick-up line there!"
"I-um thank you too!"
when you spread self love post but you hated yourself
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bripops · 10 months
WIP Whenever as tagged by literal earth angel @jtownnn but on mobile so pray 4 my formatting
“Was being his boyfriend really that much of my personality that people still don’t know what else to talk to me about? Don’t answer that, I know you don’t care.”
The note of genuine bitterness in Blaine’s voice surprised Sebastian enough that he spoke without thinking. “I care,” he said. “Like don’t get me wrong, yeah, for a hot minute you were definitely Kurt’s Boyfriend more than you were you–” Blaine scoffed “–but not anymore. And for the record, I never didn’t care, it’s why I fucking hate him so much.”
It was true, but he’d never said it to Blaine so directly. Kurt was the kind of self-centered bitch Sebastian saw a lot in small-town gays: so desperate for every drop of validation he could wring out of his first and only boyfriend that he didn’t even realize he was bleeding Blaine dry. Sebastian had known from day one that Blaine would only ever be collateral damage as Kurt clawed his way out, it was what sparked the stupid vendetta in the first place.
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koolkat9 · 2 years
Can you create a fanfiction where your favorite hetalia otp is stuck in a christmas hallmark or lifetime movie?
You know what, I've actually been meaning to do this. Now a full-on fic would require multiple chapters, but I could give you a small section. For context, I'm basing this off a Hallmark themed dress up thing I made once:
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Rating: T
Pairing; GerEng
Word Count: 1602
Read on Ao3
A Puppy for Christmas
Arthur Kirkland--or more widely known by his pen name A.K. Walker--had made a plan: Spend Christmas with his eldest brother Dylan in their hometown in the heart of the English countryside and perhaps stir up some new ideas for his next novel. But life had always had that psychotic way of toying with you, and Arthur had been faced with one of those moments.
Instead of his cozy childhood home in the middle of nowhere, he was stuck in a small, but bustling tourist town in Michigan after an emergency landing. Though he’d love to do nothing more than scream, he wasn’t a child, and that wasn’t going to help him. Collecting his suitcase, and tightening his coat around him, he set off into the freezing vortex.
Though the rest of the town lay dark save for the Christmas lights lining the street, one building stayed lit. It was a grand home made of weathered brick, mossy trimming, and a homey wrap-around porch. Vintage, just how Arthur liked his buildings.
Garland strung with golden lights swayed in the wind as Arthur approached. It looked like something out of a Christmas card. Safely under the roof of the wrap-around porch, Arthur could finally read the sign: Beilschmidt-Übernachtung mit Frühstück and in smaller print: Beilschmidt- Bed and Breakfast. Thank God.
Arthur shuffled in, not realizing how cold he was until the warm air of the in brushed against his chilled body. He brushed off the snow from his coat and stomped his boots on the carpet.
“Good evening,” an accented voice called.
Behind the reception desk stood a tall, broad-shouldered man, with light blond hair kept neatly back by gel. His blue eyes pierced into Arthur, far colder than the snowy world he just escaped.
“H-Hello…” Arthur stammered. He felt something wet against his hand, and he immediately pulled it away. Looking down, he found two adoring brown eyes looking up at him.
“Berlitz, don’t scare the guest,” barked the receptionist, “Heel.” The dog obediently trotted behind the desk and promptly laid down. A blink and you’d miss it smile spread across the receptionist's face as he praised his dog. But his sharp eyes and frown quickly returned when he turned back to Arthur. “How may I help you?”
“Uh…I was hoping to get a room. I’m a little stranded at the moment."
“You’re lucky, I have one room left. I hope you don’t mind two double beds.”
The receptionist sounded pissed or at the very least annoyed. Arthur bristled but tried to remain polite “I’ll take whatever you have,” he replied tightly.
“Here you go, room 202, just up the stairs. Breakfast is from 8:00 AM to 11:00 AM.”
No ‘enjoy your stay’ or ‘have a nice night.’ Of course, a handsome, tall, blond receptionist with a body carved by God Himself had to have something wrong with him. Before he blew up over something so small, Arthur made his way to his room for the night.
- - -
As soon as Arthur awoke the next morning, he immediately booted up his laptop only to discover that his flight was still grounded. With a groan, he rose to his feet despite the cloud of jet lag that hung in his brain. He looked over at the clock. Shit 10:30. He quickly threw on some clothes, brushed his teeth, and rushed downstairs, not even bothering to try and tame his bedhead (he always looked like he had bedhead anyways).
He was in such a rush that Arthur didn’t notice the large German Shepherd napping in the sun and the center of the bottom of the stairs. He didn’t notice until he was falling face-first into the pine floor.
But the impact never came. No hard cold floor, no throbbing face, he almost felt like he was floating. Opening his eyes, he found himself suspended mid-fall. Arthur looked back and meant those cool eyes from the night before.
Arthur felt as though he was being strangled under the intense gaze. The receptionist pulled him back up, causing Arthur to collide with his sturdy chest. His face burned.
“Uh…A-Are you alright?” The blond man asked, sounding much more unsure than he had the night before.
“I-I’m fine,” Arthur stuttered out, “I overslept a bit. Jetlag and all that.”
“Understandable, but there is no need to run.”
Feeling like a child who was being scolded, Arthur looked away. “S-Sorry…”
“It’s okay. Now go take a seat, I’ll make you something.” But the receptionist's hold lingered a few minutes too many before he seemed to shake himself out of whatever state he was in, going back to that cool, calculated man from before.
The dining room, just like the rest of the inn, was as if it was trapped in time. Dark wooden floors, cream-coloured walls, tables, and chairs right out of the Victorian-era novels that Arthur had loved as a preteen and well into his adult years filled the room. He took his seat.
“Hello there,” a gravelly voice called from behind, “I sure hope my brother hasn’t scared ya.”
Arthur turned to see a man with eyes as sharp as the receptionist's, but much more fire behind them. “Not at all.”
The man grinned. “Good... I just want to make sure no one feels uncomfortable. Both him and all you guests. Anyway! Can I get you some juice?”
This guy must have been the owner. “Orange is just fine.”
“Coming right up. Now, if you need anything during your stay, just call Gilbert or Ludwig, and we’ll help you out.”
Arthur nodded.
Breakfast came out minutes after Arthur had gotten his juice. Pancakes, covered with apples, cinnamon, and sugar with syrup and bacon on the side. Dipping his finger the syrup and giving it a tentative lick, Arthur concurred it was real maple syrup and not the ‘sugary fake shit’ as his cousin Matthew would say.
He poured a generous amount over his pancakes before digging in. Of course, nothing would beat Matthew’s pancakes, but these were a very close second.
Well-fed, Arthur decided to see what this little town had to offer while he waited for any news that he would make it home for Christmas.
The streets were bustling as residents and tourists alike browsed the colourful storefronts. So many shops full of little knick-knacks, artisan goods, and Christmas decorations you couldn’t find anywhere else. An old-fashioned bookstore that reminded Arthur of the one his late mother once owned particularly caught his eye. He made a mental note to ensure he stopped there on his way back to the B&B.
But what had truly taken Arthur’s interest was when he spotted the receptionist–Ludwig–struggling with a few gift baskets. Without thinking, Arthur rushed over, taking one of the baskets before it fell.
“Danke,” Ludwig said breathlessly.
“You’re quite welcome.”
Ludwig straightened himself out, cheeks flushing slightly. “Um…would it be too much trouble to ask you to help me bring these in?” He nodded towards a small brick house. Or at least it looked like a house, but the outside pens and the sign deemed it an animal shelter.
“None at all.”
A cheery auburn-haired man with a strange curl greeted them. “Ah, Luddie! You brought them.”
“Yep, this is the last of them.”
“Perfecto! Can I get you and your helper to take these to the back?”
Ludwig looked over at Arthur hesitantly.
Arthur nodded and followed the auburn-haired man to the back, Ludwig following close behind.
A cat spotted with patches of orange, brown, black, and white lay on the office chair. It stretched as they entered and blinked at them slowly.
"Hello Pookie," the auburn-haired man cooed, scratching the kitty behind the ears. "Just place them on the table with the rest of them.”
Arthur and Ludwig unloaded the baskets amongst the others. Arthur took a moment to look over them all. One full of toys and games, another full of craft supplies, one for a movie night, soaps and creams, chocolate and sweets, and so on.
“Great! Other than decorating the rec center, we’re all set. Thanks again for everything Luddie.”
“Good to hear. Just let me know if there is anything else you need me to do.”
“You’ve already done so much. And with that storm, I’m sure you’re busy at the inn.” For the first time since they got there, the auburn-haired man’s eyes fell on Arthur. “Oh! You didn’t introduce me to your friend. I’m Feliciano.” He extended his hand to Arthur.
“Arthur,” Arthur replied, shaking Feliciano’s hand.
“I sure hope you’ll be coming to the fundraiser next weekend. We could use all the guests we can get.”
Feliciano nodded so quickly that it looked like his head would snap off. “Yes! For the animal shelter. We’ve…um…we’ve been struggling a bit. Too many animals, not enough homes.”
“Ah. I-I’ll see. I’m not from around here.”
Feliciano’s face fell slightly. “Oh. Heh, sorry.” He shook his head, and his smile returned at full force. “Don’t let me keep you!”
Ludwig and Feliciano exchanged a few more words before Arthur and Ludwig took off.
“You didn’t have to wait for me,” Ludwig said as they exited the shelter.
“Oh uh…” Arthur wasn’t even sure why he had waited. “I-I uh…I don’t want to get lost on my way back.”
Ludwig tilted his head slightly. Arthur couldn’t blame him, after all, it was just down the street. But thankfully Ludwig didn’t say anything and just started walking.
Arthur stumbled behind, mentally slapping himself for such a lame excuse.
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likesaly · 1 year
Misane, Towa, and Tobari for the character ask thing?
My favorite thing would be design for sure (even before realizing I was an irl) I really enjoyed her aesthetic in 1Beat! My least favorite thing probably character development in both games; There could've been more if you ask me (it's done a LOT better in the novel from what Nanashi has showed me from their translation so far). Favorite Line: "Could you make an effort to conduct your investigations as legally as possible?" brOTP - Misane and Nanase for sure bc they are the siblings ever OTP - N/A nOTP - Honestly anything shippy with Misane because of her being a time traveler and there's nobody near Misane's age her timeline as well. Though ive seen someone say they used to ship Misane and Shinobu on the wiki somewhere but it's like? How does that one even come into your head like accutallly I'm terrified. /lh A random hc (source compliant) is Cat instinct Misane ( climbing in trees and falling asleep in them. Nanase and Toukai having to build a tree house just for her to fall asleep in the branch directly adjacent to it) I don't think I have any unpopular opinions on Misane accutallly. I associate Lolita by Violent Vira (Mainly for 1beat) and Doomspiral by Black Dresses (This one due to the bad and normal ends) w Misane
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My favorite thing about him; Probably the role he plays in 1Beat since he played it pretty well I was pissed w him upon finishing the game for the first time so that's on good writing. And if we're going source compliant that time period when we hung out bc he was genuinely nice to me during that but that's it. My least favorite thing is everything he did to me in 1Beat (mainly /source ) Favorite Line: "...Huh? No I wasn't sleeping. Nah. Really." bOTP - N/A OTP - N/A nOTP - Him w anyone because why would you at this point? And like whatever the fuck I mentioned previously. A random hc - I know it came from a joke but the fucking life insurance commercial actor thing bc it just sounds like him tbh /lh I think my unpopular opinion is he is a good character (not as a person) for 1bh considering how most of File 03's interrogations w him were executed. (Though I am in some weird stockholm syndrome phase w my opinion on him as a person /nav /source /lh) I associate Towa Kristy Killings by Snow White's Poison Bite (Accutallly listen to it, tell me if I'm wrong or right after /hj) and My Own Summer by Deftones (I'm not sure why on this but like guys please see my vision, I literally drew art of this back in April)
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My favorite thing about Tobari is definitely her design, she was my favorite side character ever since I finished the game for the first time! I actually don't think I have a least favorite thing about her considering she's written well and I have good source memories with her. Favorite Line: "I'd simply have to turn down working with that odd fellow again. And it would be best to leave it as little more than a hobby." bOTP - Tobari and Kirara - I personally think they go on shopping trips together! OTP - N/A nOTP - N/A (I don't really have any for Tobari, I hc and remember being aroace but I'm sure there's something out there that could work) A random hc is I feel like Tobari has plans to travel the world at some point since she likes trying things out.
I don't think have an unpopular opinion for Tobari at all as well I associate Tobari with the song We appreciate Power by Grimes (I generally associate the hackers overall w that song)
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grapecaseschoices · 1 year
Hey! Numbers 2, 12 and 42 from the OTP ask for Pierre and Felix? No pressure, of course
Ty for the ask!! Sorry for the delay.
2) What would they do if the other woke in a manic state after a nightmare?
I think Felix would try his best to hide it from Pierre. Like he might jackhammer upward or flail abit but try to bite back/suffocate the sound. I imagine if Pierre was in bed, and been asleep, he would pull Felix toward him. Half awake, his first instinct would be to automatically reassure. Despite Felix's best efforts, Pierre would notice and I think he would just pet his hair, say reassuring noises, and let Felix take from him what he needed. Once he settled and Pierre was more awake, they WOULD talk about it.
If Pierre was already up, he would hover. He would rush automatically to Felix's side and bring things that have worked in yhe past, but try not to jump at the ready -- let Felix pick what he needed. But his arms are always open. And once they settled. Convo.
Pierre, on the other hand, would sneak off. And Felix would let him. Because it would give him time to drag the covers to the couch, grab some cookies, and then later corral Pierre into cacooning with him to watch some movies. If one of the neighbors cats snuck in they would cuddle the animal too. Felix gets that Pierre would want to feel like he wasn't bothering Felix but he also knows that Pierre needs to be reminded to take a breather. He would be less likely to push for a talk right away.
12) Do they have many heated arguments? How do they smooth things over?
I've been so stuck this. Because it is rare for Pierre to lose his temper, rather rare. But it exists. I really can't see him losing it with Felix or being mad at Felix for long. And Felix does Disappointed very well, but I can't see him being mad at Pierre for long either.
So I DO feel they have... tense conversations and have been rather upset at each other. But I don't think it is heated per se. The words won't come to me yet. Maybe like URGENT vibes. Like you can feel it bubbling but the kettle doesn't let the steam out. Sorry, that's the best I can give for now.
Funnily enough, either talking to each other or giving the other space and then talking. They're both so sympathetic-- and honestly their biggest issues are probably matters of approach or matters of not wanting to bother the other. If that doesn't work, then Nat reminds them that they love each other or Mason gives Felix a kick in the pants. But thats highly rare that it gets to Mason lmaoshehbe.
42) What's their favorite type of weather to enjoy together? (getting snowed in together, watching thunderstorms, etc.)
Snowing. Pierre would deny having a fave season but he actually does like winter [second], despite the mess it brings. While snowed in is nice, he actually does like a lighter and softer snow that he and Felix can walk in [and he can keep his boo warm] and do winter activities in. He loves introing Felix to sledding and stuff and would put up with being social just to take Felix to festivals.
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the-blue-fairie · 2 years
Disney Character Ask: The big mouse himself, Mickey Mouse
Favorite thing about them: I love the way he can slide so easily into a variety of different roles. Depending on the variation, he can be an adventurous D'Artagnan, a straight man for others' comedy, a mischief-maker, a quick thinker, Bob Cratchit, etc. My favorite iteration of him as a child was in House of Mouse.
Least favorite thing about them: I guess you could say that chameleon-like quality I mentioned above could be a double-edged sword because it means he can be kinda flat on his own, and when people say that, I kinda see what they mean, but, at the same time, he's nice. He's likable. And he can be genuinely hilarious.
Three things i have in common with them:
I tend to have a very mellow, generally nice attitude towards people.
In spite of this, I sometimes have a mischievous streak.
I tend to get swept up in things, the way Mickey does sometimes in the shorts shown on House of Mouse (like, no, I don't have a mechanized house going haywire, but sometimes I let myself get caught up in things much to my vexation.)
Three things i don’t have in common with them:
I don't have a dog.
I am not the owner/proprietor of the House of Mouse.
I am not a mouse.
Favorite line: These are going to seem random, but...
In Snowed in at the House of Mouse, there's a moment where Ariel says, "I'm sure Mickey will think of something," and then it cuts to Mickey up front declaring, "Aha, I've thought of something!" Simple joke (would you even call it a joke?) but for some reason the delivery and timing always made me laugh as a girl.
brOTP: him and Donald, him and Goofy, him and Pluto
OTP: Mickey/Minnie
nOTP: *shrugs*
Random Headcanon: After a long and busy night at the House of Mouse, he and Minnie rest in each others' arms and it's very sweet.
Oh! And also, I get the feeling Mickey Mouse Bob Cratchit and Kermit Bob Cratchit would be friends.
Unpopular Opinion: I don't know if it's unpopular to say this, but sometimes the Mickey that exists to simply "be the face of Disney" grates at me. But at the same time, I still like the character when he's a character and not just "the company image."
Song i associate with them:
House of Mouse theme song:
The Sorcerer's Apprentice:
Wings of Love from Three Musketeers:
Favorite picture of them:
This art is gorgeous:
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I can't find a picture of the exact moment, but his realization moment at the end of the Gift of the Magi segment in Once Upon a Christmas:
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This sign for Fantasmic:
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Also, okay, look, these McDonalds toys that were released when House of Mouse came out are nostalgic to me, so I'm sharing them here:
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