#ouch this hurt me
spybiote · 1 year
"The Milligan" project gets its name from Harrison Milligan, April's husband, who passed away from an illness just a year into their marriage, April found solace in her work with Cassie. As they delved into the complexities of time travel, April was determined to honour Harrison's memory and the time they had together.
Harrison had been a brilliant physicist and shared April's passion for unravelling the mysteries of the universe. He had often playfully referred to time as a "Mill" that ground moments into the fabric of existence, a metaphor that had stuck with April. To preserve his legacy and the profound love they shared, April and Cassie decided to name their time travel project "The Milligan," symbolizing the idea that time could be harnessed and explored.
As April and Cassie delved deeper into their research, "The Milligan" became a testament to love, resilience, and the pursuit of knowledge. The project's name served as a reminder that, just as a mill transforms grains into flour, time could be harnessed to transform pain into progress. Through their groundbreaking work, April and Cassie not only paid homage to Harrison's memory but also paved the way for a brighter future.
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hinamie · 27 days
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idk about yall but life is good again
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bird-inacage · 3 months
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Love Sea Episode 5 | "Get out. Get out!"
Peat's performance in this entire sequence was superb. Probably some of his best work so far. This truly encapsulates the saying 'hurt people hurt others'.
Tongrak is so overcome by what he's feeling, he looks physically smothered, like a caged animal fighting against his own mind. He's trying so desperately not to be affected by the confrontation but it has inevitably gotten to him.
In the midst of this, he tells Mut very clearly to stay away. One, because he understandably wants to be alone. But two, he knows he can't control his emotions right now and so he's likely to lash out. And that's exactly what he ends up doing. So on top of everything else, he now feels immensely guilty and frustrated that Mut didn't heed his warning and leave him be. He just has to hurt one person here who cares about him.
The final scene at the dining table really hit me hard. Because I've been exactly there before and I'm sure others can relate too. When you feel so immensely helpless and alone, the silence of the four walls around you seems desperately cruel. At such a low point, even the tiniest gesture of kindness can threaten to break you down.
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sky-kenobye · 3 months
Anakin's pink boots - Part 1
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Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 (Pride Edition)
(more pictures under the cut)
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shadedheart138 · 4 months
I'll Be Here Until You're Okay
Legend was fine when they landed in Skyloft. It'd been ages since Sky had seen Groose or Sun, and he quite literally cried when he saw them again. Sky deserved to see his partners, deserved to see his Loftwing, his home. It was a blissful few days of rest, before they had to leave due to hearing of a group of black blooded monsters nearby.
Legend was fine when they landed in Outset, even with the memories of the waves, the sand, a girl and a dream. Wind had missed his grandma and sister so much, and he'd screamed as soon as they hit the sand. He ran faster than Legend had ever seen him run. Wind had smiled more than he had in a while too, and Legend got really sunburnt and quite miserable.
Legend was fine when they landed in Four's world. It was good to see Four's Grandpa again, to trade stories and fix some of Wild's broken weapons. Four had been excited to see the Minish again, and get a chance to talk to Dot.
They were fine when they landed in Time's. The ranch was quiet and felt almost like home. Malon was kind as always, and they had good places to sleep. Fighting was easier, almost, with the knowledge they'd have an actual bath and mattresses to sleep on when they were done.
Fine in Wild's. Flora had been ecstatic to see her partner again, and Wild relaxed a good bit around her. Seeing Farosh had been a rare treat, and the hot springs Wild had brought them all to were heavenly.
Fine in Twilight's. Ordon was just as quiet as the ranch had been.
Hyrule's. Good to see Hyrule acting confident for once.
Warriors'. The bars were good.
But they were most decidedly not fine once they landed in Wild's again, after only a couple of months away from it. ***
Legend stepped forward out of the portal, Hyrule right behind them. They blinked in the bright sunlight, expecting to see a familiar landmark, the house they shared with Ravio...
When none of that was seen and instead they were greeted by an open field, Legend froze. Why Wild's Hyrule again? Why? Hylia must really hate them if she won't even let them go home. Legend hated her just as much, she never let them rest, not even after all the adventures. No matter how many times Legend did her bidding, she was never satisfied. Legend clenched a fist, angry. They wanted to go home.
Oh, Ravio.
Legend's eyes watered. They let their hand unclench, suddenly gripping the side of their skirt instead. It'd been almost five months since Legend had seen Ravio. Legend bit their lip and didn't notice their name had been called until the entire Chain was watching them with worried expressions. Legend took their hands from their skirt and clasped them together instead, with a sort of finality. "Wild. This is yours, right?" Fuck, Legend's voice broke. Legend took a shuddering breath, watching Wild. Wild nodded, expression sad. Legend nodded stiffly right back, before turning around and beginning to walk, shaking. They didn't care where they went, not right now. If the road didn't lead to home then Legend didn't care.
Legend ignored Warriors, continuing to walk. The longer their mind dwelled on home, on Ravio, the worse they felt. Legend was quite tired of feeling sad already.
Ravio. Legend missed him so much. The space between his teeth, his scarf. Sheerow. His laugh. The feeling of his hands against Legend's. The gentle curve of the back of his neck against Legend's hand. The stumble when they danced together.
Legend hadn't even received a letter from their husband in what, three, four weeks? Almost a month? (Married for tax purposes, Legend always insists. Lies.) What if Ravio was hurt? Worse, what if Ravio was dead? Fuck. The thought alone... Legend choked, giving a soft whine. They brought a hand over their mouth, trying to stifle it. Tried not to cry, don't cry, don't cry, don't-
A soft hand came down on Legend's shoulder, encouraging them to turn. Legend turned, eyes squeezed shut, biting their lip hard to try and make the pain there worse than the pain in their heart. Legend was gently pulled forwards into someone's chest- Time, only Time had that height -and Time's hand came up behind Legend's head to cradle it close. Ravio had always held them the exact same as Legend was being held by Time right now. It hurt.
"I'm sure the next portal we go through will be yours, Legend." Time said quietly. Legend gave a soft sob- the way they were being held, how much they missed Ravio, the soft tone, it was all too much- and that was all it took for them to lose the tiny bit of control they had over their emotions. Legend shakily put their arms around Time, fisting the back of the man's shirt tightly.
"I miss Ravio." Legend whispered, crying harder as soon as Ravio's name was out of their mouth.
"I know, Legend. You'll see him again soon." Time soothed, hugging Legend for an undetermined amount of time. By the time they were done, the rest had set up camp most of the way and Wild was making lunch. Legend sat down next to the fire, close to no one.
Warriors offered Legend whatever Wild had made for lunch. Legend refused, staring into the fire. An apple was put into their hand.
Legend looked at it, and reluctantly took a bite. It wasn't long before Hyrule was pressed to Legend's left side, trying to comfort. The soft tingle of magic against Legend was soothing, even if only a little. Wind quietly came to rest against Legend's other side, small hands fiddling with a seashell. Legend tiredly watched the fire, tuning everything out.
Ravio, Ravio, Ravio. Every heartbeat pressed Ravio's name into Legend's head. If they closed their eyes they could see their home. The place they put their shoes. Where they packed up their gear. The rocking chair. A table with a cup Legend had carved out of wood, when their hands didn't shake. A blanket that Ravio had crocheted, at the end of their shared bed.
Legend hugged themself, bringing a shaky hand to an earring in their ear. Enchanted with both a minor protection charm and a resistance to lightning. Ravio had given them to Legend for an anniversary. Legend took a shuddering breath. Their anniversary had already passed, and Legend didn't even get to spend it with their husband.
That night, Legend slept away from everyone, and poorly. They were grouchy all the way to the nearest stable, and then some. Warriors didn't jab at them even once the entire trip.
A week passed in Wild's world. A week and a half.
Every day, Legend was worse and worse. Everyone was quiet around them, lest they shatter whatever fragile state Legend was in. They cried, and frequently. No further words from Ravio, no reassurance that he was okay.
Three weeks.
They spent a month and a half in Wild's world. When the next portal appeared, everyone cheered. No matter how pretty Wild's world was, blood moons were no fun and neither were the guardians. Legend stepped through the portal first, and even chanced a prayer to Hylia. Another one to Lolia for good measure.
Please, let this one be mine. Let me be home.
They landed in an apple orchard. Legend rubbed their eyes and turned around to help Sky through, then Wind. When everyone was through, Legend put a hand on one of the trees, thumbing an engraving on it. L + R.
Link and Ravio. They'd engraved their initials in every one of these trees, after an escapade with a good bottle of wine.
Legend was home.
Legend started stripping themself of their gear, much to the Chain's surprise. They got their boots off, ignoring the questions, and started pulling on the Pegasus Boots. They started cursing up a storm when they had to untie the left one. As soon as they were on enough to stand, Legend clicked their heels and fucking bolted.
It didn't matter that they ran into a tree on the way there. All that mattered was the man in the purple button up, sleeves rolled up and hands in the garden soil. What mattered was the way he hummed and the way his fingers moved and the wedding band on a cloth beside him. Legend wrenched the boots off their feet as soon as Ravio was in their sight, and yelled for him.
"Rav! Ravio, I'm home!" Legend had tears in their eyes, scrambling to get to Ravio.
"Link?" Ravio's head whipped around, and he dropped whatever he had been trying to plant. He'd barely risen to his feet before Legend barreled into him, hugging almost tight enough to bruise.
"Link-? Oh, honey." Ravio whispered, as Legend started crying hard.
"I missed you, I missed you so much, Rav. I love you. I was so worried when you didn't send any letters, I thought you could've been dead and-" Legend whispered, the rest of the words lost against Ravio's skin, holding so tight as if Ravio would disappear like the girl on the island. Legend wouldn't be able to take it if that happened again.
"Breathe, dear. I missed you too, and I love you just as much. If not more. I was equally worried, since I haven't heard word from you in months." Ravio said softly, and even though his hands were covered in dirt, he brought one of them to cradle the back of Legend's head very firmly. Even though Time had held them like this more than a month ago, it hadn't felt the same.
This was home, and it smelled like lavender and apple soap. The other hand landed on Legend's back. They were still swaying lightly together when the rest of the Chain caught up. Sky flopped down onto the grass, wheezing. After a few moments, both Hyrule and Four joined him.
Legend whined very audibly when Ravio tried pulling away, tightening their grip.
"Link, we've got visitors."
"Don't care. Please, stay, please. Just a little bit longer, Rav. It's been so long. I was so scared." Legend's voice was soft, barely heard, whispered against skin.
Ravio sighed, and kissed Legend on the forehead.
"A little bit longer, then." Ravio sniffled, tightening his hold.
Link's wedding band glittered on their right hand, the only ring that Legend had brought themselves to wear for a while. They'd polished and fiddled with it a little obsessively. Sheerow twittered about, pulling at Legend's hair, nipping at his ear tips, his own little way of saying, "Hello, welcome home, missed you."- no matter how irritating. Sheerow was gently told something by Ravio, and after a moment, Ravio's right hand had the same ring resting on the designated finger.
"You're alright, honeybun. I'm here." Soft, whispered against Legend's cheekbone.
"I'm real."
Legend sobbed, squeezing tight.
Ravio was here, and he was very, very real.
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blackkatdraws · 2 years
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omg he can enter your dreams and chase you 😨 everyone be careful, the old man is dangerous
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addictt-with-a-pen · 7 months
oh, don’t mind me, just over here being the most unlovable creature in existence
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dronebiscuitbat · 17 days
Give me a Reason: Chapter 16 - "Ego"
Fucking Lizzy.
She'd been silent for three entire weeks, perhaps waiting until school was in full swing to truly start her torment, or just to catch Uzi off guard.
But at the beginning of math class, when she was turning in her (hastily done) homework. That she struck, her prissy, chemically sweet voice attacking her ears.
“Didn't expect you to still be here, Doorman.” She said with a sneer, a quick glance around the room confirmed the fact the teacher had left the room, making it safe for her to make her attack.
“I could say the same, weren't you the one who said you could “finally spread your wings?” at graduation?” Uzi spat back, setting her paper down in the pile the former queen bee was standing next to.
“It's called an internship loser, not that you would know. It's a real job.” Lizzy flipped her hair, nearly smacking Uzi in the face with it. The smaller girl rolled her eyes.
“You know it's not a job unless they pay you? You're just providing free labor. So jealous.” Uzi sneered back, sarcasm dripping off every word. Lizzy made a face one between disgust and annoyance, before a small smile replaced it.
And with a quick, subtle movement. Sent the neat stack of papers on the teachers desk tumbling to the floor. Giggling as Uzi stepped back in surprise.
“Whoops.” Lizzy hummed, a shit eating grin on her face. A long-suffering sigh escaped Uzi's mouth, already, she could feel the headache coming on.
“You're the teachers assistant dumbass. It's your job to clean this up.” Uzi deadpanned, standing in the middle of the flurry of papers.
“Not if I tell him you were being disruptive and knocked it over on purpose.” Lizzy grinned back, flashing her a shark-toothed smile.
Uzi bent down slowly, beginning to pick up the scattered papers with a grumble. Lizzy as a student was bad enough, at least she didn't have any real power over her, but now she was worse, no way any teacher would belive Uzi over a teachers assistant.
“Missed one.” Lizzy pionted at a paper closer to her own feet and Uzi could feel herself growl in annoyance as she bent down again to pick it up.
Only for Lizzys knee to connect with her stomach. Hard. Knocking all the wind out of her with a strained grunt. It took everything in her power not to tumble over, pain wracking into her ribs and chest.
No one else in the classroom seemed to notice, or if they did, they didn't say anything. But Uzi refused to show any amount of pain, not to Lizzy, not to anyone.
She picked up the last sheet and placed it on the desk, Lizzy was smirking, trying to pretend she hadn't just kicked the shit out of her.
“Aw. You okay?” She asked, false sugar to insure she knew she'd done it on purpose.
“Fine. You kick like a bitch.” Was her immediate response ignoring the way her ears rang loudly and pain radiated through her torso. Heading back to her seat just in time for Mr. Reese to come through the door.
Immediately, Lizzy went up to straighten the papers, making them look all nice and tidy where Uzi had haphazardly slammed them down. The young teacher smiled at her.
“Ah, thank you Miss Brown.”
Uzi just sighed and held her throbbing stomach.
Two faced bitch…
It was hard to focus in English, she was supposed to be paying attention to the lecture about the meaning of the book they'd just read. But her insides felt… uncomfortable. Like something had been moved or bruised by Lizzys knee.
If she moved a certain way, the pain would flare up again and she had to force herself to not react with a wince. She looked around, eyes settling on N, who unlike her wasn't having any trouble paying attention to the lecture, and who's eyes were locked onto the front of the room.
She did her best to absorb the information, honestly. But a droning voice talking about sled dogs and the representation of freedom was hardly any distraction from the pain.
A small adjustment in her seat had her hissing in pain quietly, a sound that seemed to rouse N's attention from the lecture and he looked at her curiously.
“You good?” He whispered, cocking his head to the side.
“Fine.” She replied automatically, placing a hand over her aching stomach to try and stop the throbbing, it only about half worked, the skin there was tender and she gritted her teeth as the pressure agitated it further.
“You sure, you look like you're hurt.” His voice was a little louder now, a little more urgent. She looked over, taking in the concerned look on his face.
“I'm fine. Stop asking.” She snapped, which she almost immediately felt bad about but couldn't exactly help it. Her temper on a short fuse.
N flinched at the venom in her voice, but did as she asked, turning his head back to face the front.
He was still looking at her from the corner of his eye though, something was clearly wrong. And she was trying to hide it.
Every time she sifted to the left, she would (barely) wince. Her hand holding her stomach tenderly, sometimes her breath would catch shakily, and she steeled herself to try a breathe normally.
He knew that behavior. She was in pain but didn't feel safe enough to express it. So she was riding it out, pretending it didn't hurt when it very very much did. The only problem was that he didn't know how to help.
He didn't know what happened, or how, or where. (Though he could at least guess generally) and she clearly wasn't willing to tell him if she wasn't even comfortable displaying that it hurt at all.
So when the bell rang and class ended, he was the one who bent down and picked up her backpack from under her desk beaming wide as he handed it to her.
She froze and stared at him for a moment, standing up with a little bit of effort.
“Thank you…” She mumbled, something he could barely hear but he grinned all the same.
“No problem buddy!”
“Sorry…” Came even softer, and he had to force himself not to give into the sudden urge to wrap her into a hug. Instead he didn't even acknowledge she said it, just continued to smile radiantly.
“See you at lunch!”
She was trying to wait until she got home, but the pain was not getting better, it had waned a little at lunch, enabling her to interact with N fairly normally, but now it was back, and she was squirming in her seat during her entire history class, unable to absorb anything the old man had said.
So she headed to bathroom in-between classes. Going inside one of the few stalls which lock wasn't broken or nonexistant. And lifted up her hoodie and tank top
She winced at the sight, there was a large, nasty bruise beginning to form on her side, already a light shade of purple and grey that she was certain would only get darker, she ran a tentative finger over it. Wincing as the muscles jumped in protest.
She sighed, the nurse would probably have painkillers and something to stop the swelling, but if she went she'd have to explain where she got it, which she was sure the woman wouldn't believe. She couldn't just say she fell either… her pride wouldn't let her.
She grit her teeth and sighed, dropping her hoodie and tank top and heading to computer literacy, just two more classes… she could get through two more classes…
Next ->
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not that i don't appreciate the ones that exist/the fics that do address it bc i do but i need more fix-its for the laugh police scene. ultimately this wasn't a huge deal really, but consider it hurt my feelings specifically and i want FIX-ITS
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anguishmacgyver · 10 months
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–Daniel. Damn it! –I’m dead anyway. Just get outta here. –I am not leaving you here, Daniel! –Get out of here! We’re just going to blow up with the other ship anyway. What difference does it make! Go! Just go... I’ll stay and watch your back.
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mrsoharaa · 12 days
characters: Miguel O'Hara x Reader
cw: MDNI smut, angst, just lost of affections ;-;
a/n; I hate how personal this one got (to me lmfao)
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You wanted a clean break.
Something to deter your one-sided feelings from the man who was clearly only attached to one thing and one thing only.
Maintaining the multiverse.
So, how was it that you ended up practically folded firmly amongst your living room carpet, against the very same arms you wanted to part ways with? Feeling the rugged material of your rugs fur bristle and fringe deep into the back of your bare flesh. With your legs perched highly over the strut of his broad shoulders and his heavy weight pinning you down completely with boundless force, you couldn't help the rapturous euphoria of feeling his thriving cock drilling deep into the sweet, molten center of your sopping cunt.
Little held back whimpers and cries strain back down the pathway of your staggering throat, your hazy head drifting off to the side as you avoided the inevitable eye contact with the famished brute taking you whole, without remorse or tender.
And he picks up on that.
Hated that you couldn't look up at him directly into his eyes.
He growls deeply, continued with his ruthless pace but angled his head to meet your avoiding gaze. Uses his left hand to steadily grasp onto your chin and force you to look at him, to meet his hounding, searching gaze.
Deep, ravished irises of dim crimson bore directly into your own. An unwavered glare locks with your hesitant, sorrowed expression. Wallowing and soaking in the inevitable regret and divergence linger in those round, glossed beautiful eyes of yours. Hardly stirs a painful jab in the pit of his contracting gut.
He hates that look.
He hates that you're giving him that look.
He hates that he's making you feel like that.
He hated everything that he had put you through, and yet...here he was, selfishly indulging into his primal, greedy carnal desires. Famishing on the lingering taste of your spiraling demise and conflicted feelings. Projecting his own confined feelings with your own.
His protracted claws dig into the rugged rug beneath you, the ones on your soft plush cheek grazing over the warm flesh. His fangs nipping harshly onto the lush of his bottom lip, thick brows furrowing in with a tight scowl.
God, how he loathed himself for this.
For putting you through this.
All you ever wanted was reassurance and closure with the man, to finally mend to his on going heartache and despair...but yet, there you two were. Entangled with each others illustrious desperation and desire for one another.
A few more rough thrusts into your sore hips, and his fangs find settlement into the damp skin of your bare shoulder. Grumbling a deep, muffled groan as he empties himself deep into the torrid comfort of your snugged cavern swallowing him up.
Your back arches on instinct, nails seeping deep into his flourished coffee kissed flesh as your lips continued to tightly purse together. Holding back the last mantras of blissful moans and withered whines of his name to slip past your lips and waft through his ears.
You didn't want to give him that last bit of pleasure.
One hand that ruffled deep into the soften tresses of deep umber, gently massages through the thick strands. Slowly pulling away from the tickling strands as you plant your falling hand right onto your chest, your closed eyes now gradually peering open to glance over to the frame of your front door and entry way.
Heavy pants and shuffled body limbs stumble through the thicken, tensed air.
The weight of his heavy stature swiftly pulling away from you, laying right beside you for a moment as he stares up onto your ceiling, catching his breath.
You could feel your heart putter frantically against your chest, thick beads of sweat tracing every inch of your heated, stained body.
You blink once, then twice as you finally catch up on your breathing, finally sitting upward to find your clothing. Nothing but the unwanted, neglected silence filling the air around you.
You emit a soft sigh, picking yourself up to your feet with a unbalanced wobble rushing up through your nimble legs, your hands that were filled with your clothes, clinging to your chest closely.
"...You should go, Miguel" you mumble out lowly, turning your back at the quiet, stiffed man already re calibrating his suit back onto his thick body.
Another deathly silence fills the air.
His lowered gaze hesitantly leers over at your smaller figure, peering at the back of your tilted head with a tinge of guilt and anger brewing within his stare.
His lips hardly perches open, but nothing seems to come out.
Rage consumes his entirety, faint of guilt and regret bubbles through his blood.
He watches your limbs stifle, head hardly noting his presence nearly a few feet away from you.
"...I hope you find happiness wherever you go...cariño" he mumbles out hardly above a murmur, before opening a portal in your living room and stepping through it. Leaving you to drop to your knees and bawl your teary eyes out, feeling your entire soul crumble immensely to the lingering tone of his voice.
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skysglcw · 2 months
I’m not crazy (at least I think I’m not) but idk what you call a person who refuses to sleep even if it’s 5 in the morning and has done nothing but scroll through hundreds of posts of Blanche and Dorothy on Tumblr just to fangirl all over for them because you're too overwhelmed by their chemistry and the feeling just makes you hyped even more to the point where you can't sleep anymore because you're too excited although your eyes are burning from staring at the screen too long……
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poisxninthewater · 6 months
reading tsc . im not having a good time .
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adrift-in-thyme · 1 year
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Rereading LU and I just realized Jojo captured the botw spreadeagled rag doll pose perfectly
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Uhm okay sobbing I guess
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dawnthefluffyduck · 5 months
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Dess from the Deltarune comic Looking Glasses by @ferronickel, I loved her design at first sight so here's the promised fanart; check out the original comic! It's very much worth the read :D
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