#oumasai fankid
sleepykoi · 1 year
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danganronpa fankid dump yessir
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Pit orphanes kaimaki's kid (kind of)
Hina: I had an AU where Kaito got really sick and knew he was gonna die so he recorded all these videos for his daughter before he passed and instructed Saiou to give them to her at different points of her life It was based on the elephant from inside out dying lmao He plans videos for moments that might not even happen He has several shovel talk videos And they differ based on his kids sexuality He made all these coming out videos of him being supportive
Beez: help the way i was about to say imagine he has a video prepped for when his daughter gets a bf but she turns out gay [sob emoji]
Sini: He went through his gay acceptance/understanding arc
Hina: Comforting after a breakup. “I know your partner broke your heart, and that sucks. I promise, I’ll haunt them for the rest of eternity, and I’m sure your uncle Kokichi will make their life a living hell.” Okay just Imagine He’s recording all these taps And there’s so many But you can see him slowly getting more run down as he does But he’s still smiling in all of them He wants his daughter to know just how much her dad loved her. He knows that Shuichi and Kokichi will take care of her But
Sini: IT'S NOT THE SAME He wanted to see his daughter grow up
Hina: Exactly That’s all he wanted, more than anything But he won’t be able to I headcanon he gets sick when she’s really young too So he doesn’t even know if she’ll remember him, and that’s another reason he wants to make these
Ves: there's a video of him apologizing in case she inherits his sickness
Hina: I think he has a video just labeled. “Give this to her when she’s ready” and it’s him explaining how he died This is gonna sound really stupid but he leaves his daughter these galaxy crocs and now she wears them all the time They’re a million times too big (Also his daughter having to do a project for school about her hero and she picks him)
Checkers: does he leave her The Jacket
Hina: Absolutely Also I imagine he tells Saiou not to watch the videos before she does. He wants her to be the first to see them And the first time they show her one and she’s just so excited, not really understanding As they realize exactly what they are
Sini: "Dada!" : D She reaches out
Ves: there's simple videos of him singing lullabies, reading stories, etc that she watches over and over as a little kid she knows his voice as well as anyone else's :')
Hina: Also just when she argues with Saiou, screaming about how they’re not her real dad.
Checkers: How old is she when she sees the first video? Hina: Probably 4-6 I don’t have an exact date for when Kaito dies but She’s around those ages
[me? coming in late and changing the flow of the conversation? more likely than you think]
Wh. What happened to her mom?
Hina: Great question. No idea skskskskks
Sini: I assumed Maki was the mom-
Hina: I wasn’t sure if it was Maki who just went MIA or what but Mom isn’t around
Ves: if mom isn't in the picture. wouldn't he have had to give up going to space? for her?
Hina: And he was 1000% ready to do it
Sini: She's his brightest star
Hina: Also when I said it was inspired by the elephant from inside out [sends gif of the elephant saying "Take her to the moon for me. Okay?"] That’s the quote I based this on
I don't want Maki to die in child birth so divorce it is, my default hc for her realizing she's a lesbian only after a longterm relationship with him not working out the way she thought it would Activated
Hina: Does she try to reach out to Maki later
I think Maki would just, loose the rights in court at first bc Kaito is better off and later be unavailable for some reason
She's broke bc the divorce goes thru as her fault and not an agreement so Kaito takes everything and then she moves to another country for work
Clown_Chaoticz: OHHH. If the reason over her leaving is along the lines of her having the realization it isn't the life she wants. It would be so cathartic for them to have a conversation later on that's just Maki explaining why she couldn't be her mom. It's not that she had done anything wrong, some people are just not cut out for that lifestyle. She wasn't. And she won't be. It's not the beginning of a new relationship between them. But its closure. I like that sorta thing
I didn't know how to put it but, yeah, I don't think she fought to get the weekends
Clown_Chaoticz: Does she keep in contact with saiou at least?? How is Maki even feeling at the moment?? Did they separate on civil terms? Did they fight over it? Does she even get to grieve the friendship she lost?? MAN
I think it's really bitter and messy bc the kid is 2 or under and Kaito just refused to do an agreement of any kind because of that
If she's leaving them, then she's leaving with nothing, if she's breaking apart their family then she doesn't deserve any time with their daughter, should have stayed if she wanted to see her regularly He'd believe in staying together for the kids, it's his traditional upbringing striking again
Clown_Chaoticz: OHHH I didn't even think about the traditional nuclear family dynamic he'd favor Yeah I could see that being a source of conflict Man everyone here is NOT having a good time
Checkers: does Maki even know Kaito’s dead
Checkers: Is she even allowed to visit her daughter
Hina: I think that Maki doesn’t meet their daughter again till she’s older
Ves: is the daughter angry or just tired
Hina: I think a little bit
Apollo: I think Kokichi would be hesitant to let her visit but after talking to Shuichi, they'll allow it
Sini: It's Maki, and given his possible trauma with being abandoned, probably even by his parents…..Yeah-
Apollo: Kokichi, having his own abandonment issues: I dunno Shuichi: Kaito would want them to at least meet once Kokichi: Ugh you're right…But I'm being in the room to make sure everything goes well. It's awkward but can you blame him? He has his own issues he's still working through plus he's never had the best relationship with Maki
Sini: And then she pulls something like that which makes it sm worse He sees her as hypocritical in a sense, cause an orphan like her should've known better to do that Kaito knowing that his death will inflict the same trauma on his daughter that his own parents' death did on him : D It adds more reason to why he's upset at Maki
Checkers: She really just inherited both her parents’ parental issues
Apollo: Plus she's being raised by two guys with their own issues regarding parents. That poor girl
Sini: I don't think she'd be good in any of the V3 cast's hands. They're all fucked She's inheriting some trauma
Clown_Chaoticz: Okay. Considering part of the reason Maki and Ouma don't get along in the first place is due to ✨️ projection ✨️, "I hate that I look you and see the worst of what I could be/have been" silly guys who both end up throwing the last thing they'd ever want done to them at each other. IMAGINE the bitter feeling that would come from watching someone like Ouma live comfortably in the life that for a while she thought she wanted. Why couldn't she have had the same peace he seems to? Why was she never to fit herself in a place like that? She wanted to be happy about it. Why couldn't she be?
Sini: YEAH! Girl was forced to be a caretaker in the orphanage she lived in. It was something she was expected to do since she was young, it became one of her ultimate talents. It's part of what defined her….How could she not acheive what was expected of her her whole life?
Ves: taking care of children was the only reason she kept living for so many years…why shouldn't it be the core of her life? why can't she make herself keep doing it? she doesn't know how to live for herself. beyond the parentification, who even is she? but…she doesn't HAVE to live like that anymore. no one's got a gun to her head anymore. so… i'd flee the country too honestly maki on her self discovery europe backpacking trip
Hina: Caring for kids and having your own are so different She just Doesn't know how to be a mother in that way To actually be seen as nurturing Also her having to grieve Kaitos passing But not knowing how
Checkers: I assume it’s been a few years between Kaito’s death and Maki finding out It’s been so long, how does she grieve? She doesn’t know, like she doesn’t know how to face her daughter after so many years apart does her daughter even remember her
Hina: Her daughter probably doesn't She was only two Kaito having a video about Maki He has a couple: "For when she asks about her mom" "If her mom comes back" "If she wants to find her mom"
Checkers: I just had an awful thought Is there a video for in case Shuichi/Kokichi dies
Hina: Oh no He probably has one Wait imagine Something happens to either Shuichi or Kokichi And she just becomes terrified
Hina: Just If something happened to one of them and she was ready to drop everything for them instead of Maki
Apollo: Maki doesn't know how to feel cause on one hand, she deserves it. She hasn't been in her life at all but on the other hand…It's Kokichi because despite how much of a help he's been in replacing her raising her daughter, a part of her still can't get over what he was like when they were younger
Checkers: I think it’d make for an interesting dynamic too if Shuichi was the one hurt, because Maki would see how capable Kokichi is with her daughter even under that much stress
Apollo: Like part of her still thinks Kokichi won't take things seriously but he seriously steps up and she has to admit he's changed from the brat he was Like she forgets that he's a LEADER It drives her nuts but she has to thank him
Hina: Maki has to deal with the fact that her only blood related family, likes her mortal enemy more than her That. Kaito would sooner trust their daughter with Kokichi Ouma than her
Apollo: It just…Hurts in a way she can't describe. She knows she left and all. She's not surprised Kaito trusted Shuichi but Kokichi? Was she really gone for that long that she missed him changing? Or was she too blind to see that he wasn't as horrible as she thought he was?
Sini: Love Maki realizing that she had Kokichi wrong the whole time And Kokichi in turn coming to terms with how complex Maki is
Hina: I'm just thinking about the idea of Saiou showing these videos to their daughter and when she first meets Maki she's just like. "You were absent my whole life, I know my dad more than I know you." And the fact she knows Kaito better when he was gone when she was an infant just
I'll give my idea for what could happen before someone else makes it angstier than it has to be: Shuichi gets shot while working on a case, so they rush to the hospital without knowing any details, but it's just a scare and he's mostly fine, going to have a cool scar, the bullet is already removed by the time they get there, it didn't hit anything vital and he's stable
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mrmiserymushroom · 3 years
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i was given an idea to try making a saiouma fankid and i was like “yeah, sure, i have nothing else to do anyway”
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May I interest anyone in a Saiouma fankid I made?
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hysteric-butter · 3 years
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ramurice · 4 years
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My submission for @kitsune-kyouii ‘s dtiys 
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kinoronpa · 6 years
More ocs since y’all like them
Saiouma kiddos edition!
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Sachihiro Ouma - SHSL Crime Scene Leader
TW: Mentions of Ab/se, Kidnapp/ng.
Sachi grew up with his two brothers and sister. He lived in a good household with his parents Kokichi Ouma and Shuichi Saihara/Ouma. He was best friends with Mikkusu Iruma, even to a point of helping him program a chip he needed to code his personality. His parents shipped them off to different relatives to get to ‘know the family’ more, Sachi was sent to a cousins house which leads to leading a false hope to kids he had kidnapped, one being Daichi. After a turn of events, he left to go attend his brother's side in a different housing. Currently, he is now a haunted AI. He was killed in chapter 4 by Azamuku. His boyfriend brought him back to life- surprisingly. He highly damaged Mikk’s eye to the point of being unrepairable until further notice, due to wanting Mikk to use his audience to get his cousin off trial. Though, since then he has apologized and has given away the current location of his cousin. Which will be taken to higher authority once out. He has also apologized to Daichi, which was accepted- but Daichi has made it clear not everything will be forgiven. Though, he understands.
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Suchiru Ouma - Shsl Conspiracy Theorist
TW: F/ghting, Break up.
Suchiru is one of the more sane ones next to Irei, he’s very calm and collected- mostly. He gets most of his personality from Saihara. He normally escaped through backdoors of where they were currently living at and went to meet up with his girlfriend. After a few months he went where they usually met and ended up meeting a guy there. He had thick naturally red hair and a cloak. Things take a turn for the worst and they’re fighting, which the girl he was dating was calmly watching from her room window. Suchiru left with a few bruises- nothing too serious. He constantly has memories of the night, and needless to say he avoids going around that place anymore. He blocked the girls number to be safe, too. Only Shai knows about this.
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Shai Ouma - SHSL “Crime Scene Technician” Liar
TW: Fight/ng, Bu//ying, Bl/ood, Manipu/ation
Shai looks alot more like Kokichi, and is very prominent of features that can be traced back to him. He grew up like his brothers and sisters did, though he was picked on for being the more timid one. In school he was bullied, as such. He got into countless fights and began fighting back. It resulted in more cuts and scrapes though. Eventually, he began lying and manipulating his bullies. Which was completely believable to them, which gave him the Ultimate talent Liar- and which also gave him the ability to lie about his talent. He has a more Pregame Kokichi-esk look to him at first, which can shift into a more Pregame Saihara mentality. (All of this is a subject to change, currently rewriting his character.)
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Irei Ouma - SHSL Planner
TW: ??? Is breaking an exes car up a tw-
Irei- probably one of the more badass kids grew up normally but mostly around Kokichi. She’d challenge him to play fights when she was 8 and sometimes she’d win. She considered herself a kick ass bi until she broke up with her boyfriend of 2 years. She realized “ Well, fuck that! “ because her boyfriend had been seeing other people without her knowing- plus was a pretty much overall douche. She trashed his car and then fuckin’ yeeted. She also was not to be messed with, she will kick someone for her brothers. She’s now just a big butch lesbian with a lil bit of chub! Funfact: She can chew icecream and anything cold!
OKAY THATS ALL THE MAIN ONES. I HAVE TWO MORE BUT THEY’RE NOT IN THE SAME RP AS THESE FOUR. God now I gotta go take a shower i’m yeeting to mod kiyos play today and I need one :pensive emoji: 
- 🍀
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tielniel · 7 years
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So many people seem to enjoy my Saiouma boys! Here they are! Tomoya and Seiji Ouma. Seiji Is the SHSL Psychoanalyst, while Tomoya is too young for a talent. Info about them is under the cut.
Who are they?
Seiji Ouma: Seiji Ouma, the SHSL Psychoanalyst, is a tame boy. He is reserved like Saihara, and can be awkward at times, but he still manages to be a helpful person when he can. Seiji has a horrible smile and refrains from showing it in order to appear more approachable. His personality follows “pre-game Saihara’s”, coming off as a creep and maybe even a pervert. 
But all in all, Seiji means no harm, and tries his best to make up for what his appearance lacks with his good nature,
Tomoya Ouma: Seiji’s younger brother Tomoya is a sweet young boy itching to be something great. He is determined and strong willed but his lack of actual confidence holds him back. Around new people he is shy and nervous and hides a hidden jealousy of tall people. He can be rather devious when angered and despite being nice, he can let himself go and plot dark plans against others who annoy him. 
Luckily, Tomoya never succeeds in doing bad deeds and thus focuses on doing good ones and staying kind to others!
Seiji’s Talent:
SHSL Psychoanalyst: Being a Psychoanalyst, Seiji is fantastic at analyzing people and learning about what they like, hate, and fear, just through their words and mannerisms. He is incredibly intelligent, reading his enemies and knowing how to stop them. His love for the human mind came from many horror movies he used to watch with Kokichi and his admiration of Shuichi’s studies, staying up late at night to read with him about his cases. Seiji’s love for mystery novels also came into play, enjoying watching the motives of others play out. 
Because he loves talking about the human mind, he may come off as obsessive and creepy when he starts to show his horrid smile, resembling Korekiyo and his taste for humanity. Just don’t let Seiji get too into his analyst work... Things could get a little out of hand.
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anima-art-posts · 7 years
“This is my ‘love letter’ to you, whom I treasure a lot.“
Youtube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmKn-588fU0 (less refined version)
This short PV revolves around Ouma Kohaya, my SaiOuma fankid, and his other siblings. It takes place in an alternate universe where Kohaya loses his memory!
Kohaya’s bio can be read here!
I also wrote a bit on this AU before in Amino, which you can read here!
Ouma Kohaya @anima-art-posts
Ouma Seiji @tielniel
Ouma Rokurou @/J_celine_draw
Saihara Houshin @reicchon
Ouma Katsumi @/PuriOrange
Hi! Anima is back after so long with a short PV in her hand, although it’s not her main PV project, which is the OumaSai SukiKirai project.
However, I still do think that this video is worthy enough for me to share it to you guys, even if you know nothing about Kohaya and his siblings! This PV does not require any knowledge about the characters, as whether you know what’s going on before this PV is not that important; the “message” in this “love letter” I have made is still there for you to be able to process!! It’s quite a positive message, too! (also a “thank you”)
I’m also quite proud of how this PV turned out despite it being my first time directing, drawing and animating a video 100% on my own! So I wanted to show everyone the result of my all-nighters! XD
To know what is going on exactly in this AU, please refer to the links I have provided above! — Kohaya’s bio, the YouTube video link where I explained the AU briefly, and of course, the short story that started everything)
Anyways, what I want to say in this post is that; those of you who are having a bad day, please watch this video. I hope this video can brighten up your view in some way!!
I’ll leave the discussion about the PV for you guys to read in YouTube!! XD
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ramurice · 4 years
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Love Triangles <3. @kyou-ii thank you for letting me borrow your characters for this long. Also yes I would love to be friendos with you <3.
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tielniel · 7 years
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Made a sprite for my Saiouma fankid/fanchild, Seiji Ouma, I will work on a big sprite edit post but for now enjoy him! I tried my best on making him look like both Ouma and Saihara, hope it worked!
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tielniel · 7 years
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Some people said Seiji looks like he needs sleep, I would honestly agree
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tielniel · 7 years
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VERY Lazy quick doodle of a lil brother I have planned for Seiji, Just some small AU(?) idea I had been working on! His name is Tomoya, and he’s probably more like Ouma only in the sense that he’s got that cheery childish atmosphere. Maybe gets nervous and all flustered easily tho- Maybe I can doodle more? Who knows! Enjoy! EDIT:Those aren’t suspenders like Seiji those are straps from a backpack
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tielniel · 7 years
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Seiji’s brother Tomoya! Sorry for the lack of posts, he was featured in my previous tutorial on @bettynayo , enjoy! He is too young for a talent, but that doesn’t stop him from trying! Maybe he will get one!
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tielniel · 7 years
I love your love children because they are so nice and you have done a great job~~ Oh! I always wanted to see an Oumami Love child! Can you make one if possible, thanks
Thank you so much!!! Gosh it means a lot that you like my fankids! I try to put work into all of them even if it’s a little bit of development! https://bettynayo.tumblr.com/post/167250412170/tielniel-since-people-loved-seiji-my-oumasaiHere he is! His name is Mameto! I have the ship already cause I had been dying to, enjoy him! He’s a literal bean~
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