#our stars still shine together
tansyuduri · 2 months
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Art for Chapter 2 of Our Stars Still Shine Together Chapter Up now!
by the truely amazing @kairennart
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movedtoferinehuntress · 8 months
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what is a mother if not a sacrifice of pure love — [ ship: caitlyn/cassandra ]
you found parts of me I did not know still existed — [ ship: caitlyn/vi ] : shimmerbeasts our lives are intertangled in a complex game of intricacies — [ ship: caitlyn/jinx ] : shimmerbeasts to love a monster is to accept her nature — [ ship: caitlyn/jinx ] : shimmerbeasts there is a secret universe written in the freckles of your face — [ ship: caitlyn/vi ] : decidentia even when its darkest i will be right with you — [ ship: caitlyn/grayson ] : knightfeared the greatest gift you gave me was you — [ ship: caitlyn/jayce ] : knightfeared ferocious and free; two hearts of feral nature meant to be untamed — [ ship: caitlyn/sett ] : goldenfists we shine together like the moon and stars — [ ship: caitlyn/lux ] : knifvd you are a landmark on my heart little star — [ ship: caitlyn/soraka ] : knifvd here — [ ship: caitlyn/viktor ] : hexcoremagician
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hotvintagepoll · 2 months
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Ava Gardner (The Killers, The Barefoot Contessa)— She's so goddamn hot. Her and Frank Sinatra could've sandwiched me and I would've thanked them for the privilege
Jean Seberg (Breathless, Saint Joan)— Some of us watched À bout de souffle as a lil French undergrad and had the trajectory of our lives changed by Jean Seberg. She IS French new wave!! She is the moment!! She sadly had to work with a lot of shitty directors in her career but even so, she has this magnetic energy whenever she’s on screen. In her personal life, she was also very supportive of civil rights causes, and was even targeted/harassed by the FBI for financially supporting the Black Panther Party.
This is round 2 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Ava Gardner:
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Ava Gardner is one of my favorite actresses of all time. Although a lot of her roles in movies are about her being beautiful and nothing else, there are some films where her acting truly shines.
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Gifset: https://www.tumblr.com/pelopides/721438308726603776/ava-gardner-as-pandora-reynolds-pandora-and-the
Gifset 2: https://www.tumblr.com/portraitoflestatonfire/731899355804598272/if-the-loustat-reunion-doesnt-look-like-this-then
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HER FACE. LOOK AT IT. Also was a life long supporter of civil rights and a member of the NAACP, had lots of fun love affairs with other stars, bullfighters, married several times but was also happy in between to just have lovers and was unapologetically herself.
I literally gasp every time I see her.
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Between 1942 and 1964, Ava Gardner was credited in no less 50 films, and is still considered by some to be the most beautiful actresses that ever graced the silver screen. Despite life-long insecurities regarding her talent as an actress, she weathered public scandal, industry hostility, and outright condemnation by the Catholic Church with fearless grace. She would later in life talk candidly about the reality and pain of living through two (studio approved!!) abortions during her short marriage to Frank Sinatra, and while the two of them could not make their relationship work, they remained in each other’s lives for nearly 30 years. She would forever describe herself as a small-town girl who just got lucky, but always felt like a beautiful outsider.
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Really genuinely one of the most beautiful human beings I have ever seen. An autodidact. Had amazing chemistry with Gregory Peck to the point where I do think about watching On The Beach again sometimes because they're so good together even though that movie did destroy me. Was a great femme fatale in many movies.
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Jean Seberg:
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anyone who plays Joan of Arc is kind of hot by default tbh
she's gorgeous, she's cool, she has the original blond pixie cut
She donated a lot of her money to civil rights organizations such as the NAACP and the black panther party as well as Native American school groups, as a result of this the fbi ran a smear campaign against her and a surveillance campaign which is thought to have led to her suicide tragically.
idk if this is propaganda but the COINTELPRO and the FBI are widely blamed for her death. If the FBI was after her for supporting the Black Panther Party you know she was good
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1K notes · View notes
pucksandpower · 9 months
Another Man’s Treasure
Max Verstappen x Reader + Charles Leclerc x ex!Reader
Summary: Charles made the worst mistake of his life when he threw away his relationship with you. Max … well he’s learned to take advantage of others’ mistakes both on and off the track
Warnings: cheating (not the main pairing) and pregnancy
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“Please, Charles, why can’t we just talk about it?” you implore, the two of you standing on the balcony overlooking the glimmering lights of Monaco. The city shines brilliantly but your eyes are clouded with frustration and disappointment.
Charles exhales deeply, his jaw clenched as he avoids your gaze. The silver lining of the night —the glimmer of stars overhead — contrasts sharply with the tension between you two. “I told you already, it’s not the right time.
You take a shaky breath, trying to hold back tears. “Every time I bring up having children, you just push it away. Why can’t you see how much this means to me?”
Charles runs his fingers through his dark hair, exhaling slowly. “Look, it’s not that I don’t want to have a family with you someday,” he begins, his gaze distant. “But right now, with my career at its peak, I can’t risk distractions.”
“Distractions?” Your voice breaks, the hurt evident in your tone. “Our children would be a distraction?”
He flinches, clearly not expecting that response. “That’s not what I meant. I just … I need to focus on the championship. The pressure is immense. Racing is my life. Ferrari is my life.”
“I understand your dedication to your career, but ...” You pause, your gaze searching his. “Don’t you think we can find a balance? Am I not part of your life too?”
He looks at you, those hypnotizing eyes you’ve always loved flinching away from yours after no more than a second. “I wish I knew how,” he murmurs. “But every time I think of the late nights, the early mornings, the endless travels ... I’m afraid I won’t be there for our children.”
You reach out, holding his face in your hands. “We can figure it out together. But not if you keep shutting me out.”
Charles leans into your touch for a brief moment, his warmth radiating under your fingers. But then he pulls away, taking a deep breath. “I just need time,” he whispers.
“You always say that,” you reply, voice almost inaudible. The weight of the situation presses down on you both. The future, once so clear and bright, is now clouded in uncertainty.
But one thing is clear to you. You love Charles Leclerc. Despite the pain, the hurt, and the disagreements, you still believe that one day, you’ll both find common ground. So, you nod, taking his hand. “Alright, I’ll give you time. But please, don’t take too long.”
He looks at you with a mixture of gratitude and guilt. “Thank you,” he says, his voice thick with emotion.
But deep inside, a gnawing feeling of dread starts to grow, leaving you wondering if you’ve made the right choice.
The soft hum of the espresso machine at your favorite café in Monaco is the only thing that brings comfort these days. You take a deep breath, trying to enjoy the momentary solace as you sip on your coffee. But today, the calm is quickly disrupted by the muted buzz of your phone.
An unknown number flashes across the screen. Hesitating for only a moment, you decide to pick up. “Hello?”
A hesitant voice responds, “Is this ... is this you? I’ve seen you with Charles.”
Confused and on guard, you ask, “Who is this?”
The voice falters, “It’s Elise.”
You wrack your brain, trying to figure out who she might be. But before you can respond, Elise continues, “I think we need to meet. There’s something you should know.”
Agreeing to meet up, you find yourself waiting at the edge of the Fontvieille Park, the minutes feeling like hours as you try to decipher what could be so important.
Elise finally arrives, her demeanor nervous, eyes darting around. She’s visibly pregnant.
“I didn’t know how to tell you this,” she begins, looking down at her swollen belly, then up to your eyes, searching for understanding. “This is Charles’ child.”
The world seems to spin, the weight of her words pressing down on you. “What? How? Why?” The questions blur together, each one as painful as the last.
Elise sighs, taking a moment before she speaks, “We’ve been seeing each other for a while. I thought he loved me ... but then I found out about you.”
You’re at a loss for words, feeling a mix of betrayal, anger, and pain more complex than you can describe. The very foundation of your relationship with Charles feels like it’s crumbling beneath you. “He said he wasn’t ready for children,” you whisper, more to yourself than to Elise.
Elise looks genuinely pained. “I didn’t know. If I had, I would’ve never—” she stops herself, tears forming. “I’m so sorry. I thought you deserved to know the truth.”
The rest of the conversation is a blur. Elise shares her story, and you listen, trying to reconcile this new reality. The Charles she describes isn’t the man you thought you knew.
By the time you part ways, the Monaco sunset paints the sky in shades of gold and purple. But its beauty does little to lift the darkness that has settled over your heart. Charles had been unfaithful, and now a child — a constant reminder of his betrayal — was on the way.
With every step you take towards the apartment you share with Charles, your emotions churn and crash like tumultuous waves. You have practiced the confrontation in your mind countless times, yet as you reach the door, your hands tremble. Taking a moment to gather your courage, you push it open.
Inside, Charles looks up from the couch, surprised. “Hey, I wasn’t expecting you back so soon,” he starts, attempting a smile but his eyes give away a hint of nervousness. Perhaps he senses the storm brewing.
“We need to talk,” you say, your voice firm despite the turmoil inside.
Charles swallows hard, pushing himself up to stand. “About?”
“Elise,” you state simply, watching as his face pales.
He hesitates, and for a moment, you hope for an ounce of remorse, a hint of regret. But when he speaks, his words are cold and detached. “How did you find out?”
“Does it matter?” You shoot back, trying to hold back tears. “Is it true?”
Charles avoids your gaze, running a hand through his hair. “Yes,” he finally admits.
“And the baby? Is it yours?”
Again, he hesitates but then nods. “Yes.”
The weight of the revelation feels like a physical blow, and you stagger back slightly, gripping the back of a chair for support. “All those times … when you said you weren’t ready, that it wasn’t the right time …” Your voice cracks, pain and betrayal evident in every word.
Charles finally meets your gaze but there’s no warmth, no apology in his eyes. “I didn’t plan this,” he says but it’s not a justification, merely a statement.
“That’s supposed to make it better?” you scoff, voice rising in disbelief.
He sighs, rubbing the back of his neck, a gesture you recognize as one of discomfort. “I never wanted to hurt you. But things just ... happened.”
“You think that justifies anything? Things just happened?” You shake your head in disbelief. “I gave up so much for us, Charles. I moved away from everything and everyone I knew to be with you. And you threw it all away like it’s nothing.”
“I’m sorry,” he murmurs but his apology feels hollow. His eyes betray the truth.
The room is thick with tension and heartbreak. The man you loved, the life you envisioned — both seem like illusions now. You didn’t even know if they were ever real.
“You know what?” You say, a new determination rising within. “I deserve better. I deserve someone who truly values and respects me.” With that, you turn, making your way to the bedroom to pack a few essentials.
Charles doesn’t stop you. And that, more than anything, cements the truth. Your future lies elsewhere. The chapter with Charles is closed.
Rain begins to drizzle over Monaco, each droplet reflecting the city’s luminescence. With a bag slung over your shoulder and a broken heart, you wander aimlessly. The streets that once felt like home now seem foreign and cold.
As the rain intensifies, you duck under an awning, the gentle hum of a nearby bar providing a temporary reprieve. You’re lost in thought when a familiar voice breaks through, “Is everything okay? You look a bit ... lost.”
You look up, surprised to find Max Verstappen looking genuinely concerned. His bright blue eyes study your face, searching for an answer.
“Max ...” Your voice trails off, unsure of how much to reveal.
He gestures to the bar beside you. “Want to come in? We can talk or not. Up to you.”
Gratefully, you nod, and the two of you find a quiet corner. The dim lighting offers a cocoon of privacy, away from prying eyes.
Over a glass of wine, words start to tumble out. The betrayal, the heartbreak, the uncertainty of the future. Max listens intently, his gaze never leaving yours. His silence offers a comforting presence, allowing you to unburden your heavy heart.
“I can’t believe Charles would do that to you,” Max says after you finish your story, his voice laced with anger. “You deserve so much better.”
A tear slips down your cheek. “I thought we had something special. But I guess I was just naive. And stupid. So stupid.”
Max reaches out, gently wiping away the tear with his thumb. “No. He was the fool for not seeing what a treasure he had.”
The evening wears on and you find solace in Max’s company. The conversation shifts from heartbreak to hopes and dreams. He opens up about his childhood, the pressures of racing, and his aspirations for a family — one where he could offer his children a better upbringing than he had.
The connection between you two grows, the raw vulnerability drawing you closer than you could have ever anticipated over just a few hours.
“It’s getting late,” Max observes, glancing at his watch. “Do you have a place to stay tonight?”
You hesitate, realizing you hadn’t thought that far ahead. “I ... I hadn’t planned anything.”
Max looks thoughtful for a moment then says, “I have a penthouse not far from here. You’re more than welcome to stay. No expectations, just a place to rest.”
Gratitude swells within you. “Thank you, Max. I really appreciate that.”
The two of you leave the bar together, the rain now a soft drizzle. As you make your way to his place, the weight of the day begins to lift, replaced by an unexpected feeling of hope. You couldn’t have predicted this turn of events but perhaps, just maybe, the universe has a plan for you.
The penthouse apartment is a sanctuary, perched high above the city’s twinkling lights. The soft glow of lamps bathes the room in warmth, contrasting with the coolness of the floor-to-ceiling glass windows that offer an unobstructed view of Monaco’s beauty.
Max hands you a plush robe and gestures toward the bathroom. “Feel free to freshen up. I’ll make us some tea.”
You nod, grateful for his understanding and hospitality. The hot shower washes away the day’s troubles, and when you emerge, wrapped in the robe, you find Max in the sleek kitchen area, preparing mugs of tea.
“Here you go,” he says, handing you a steaming cup. “Chamomile. Good for relaxation.”
You take a sip, the warm liquid soothing your frayed nerves. “Thank you, Max. For everything. I don’t know what I would’ve done without you tonight.”
He smiles gently, his eyes meeting yours. “Sometimes, unexpected moments bring people together for a reason.”
The two of you settle onto a surprisingly comfortable leather couch, gazing out at the night sky. Silence envelops you but it’s a comfortable one.
“You know, I never expected to connect with someone like this,” Max says, his voice soft. “Especially not after what you’ve been through.”
You look at him, seeing a depth of sincerity that surprises you. “It’s been a strange and difficult day,” you admit. “But talking to you, it feels like a weight has been lifted.”
Max’s gaze holds yours, and for a moment, it feels like the universe has conspired to bring you to this very place, to this very person.
He takes a deep breath. “I’ve always wanted a big family. A loving home, something I didn’t really have growing up. I want to give my kids the stability and happiness I never had.”
Tears well up in your eyes, touched by his vulnerability and his willingness to share his dreams with you. “That’s a beautiful aspiration.”
He shifts closer, a comforting hand on your shoulder. “And what about you? What do you dream of?”
You lean back, contemplating the question. “I dream of a family too, a partner who’s truly invested, children who grow up knowing they’re loved and supported.”
Max's fingers brush against yours, a gentle touch that sends a shiver down your spine. “You deserve that. You deserve to find happiness.”
As the night deepens, the emotional intimacy between you grows. There’s an unspoken understanding, a shared connection, and for the first time in a long while, you feel a glimmer of hope for the future. The chapter with Charles might be closed, but perhaps, with Max, you can start to write a new one — one filled with shared dreams and the promise of a brighter tomorrow.
The morning sun casts a golden glow over Monaco as it begins its ascent into the azure sky. You wake up, wrapped in the softest sheets you’ve ever felt, with memories of last night’s conversation playing on a loop in your mind.
Exiting the bedroom, you find Max in the open-plan kitchen, whipping up a breakfast spread. “Good morning,” he greets with a warm smile. “I hope you’re hungry.”
As you eat, Max discusses his plans for the day, mentioning an upcoming summer break in the F1 calendar. “A few friends and I have organized a yacht trip during the summer shutdown. It’s a tradition,” he explains. “A way to escape and recharge.”
You nod, picturing the glittering sea and warm beaches. “That sounds wonderful.”
He hesitates for a moment, then, as if taking a leap, says, “Why don’t you join us? It could be a good distraction. Get away from all this ... chaos.”
The offer catches you by surprise. The prospect of a holiday is tempting, especially after the emotional whirlwind of the past few days. Plus, the idea of spending more time with Max, getting to know him outside the confines of Monaco, is equally appealing.
After a moment’s contemplation, you reply, “You know what? I think I will. Thank you so much.”
The days leading up to the trip are a blur, filled with shopping for swimsuits and sundresses and a growing sense of anticipation.
When the day finally arrives, you find yourself aboard a lavish yacht, surrounded by Max’s close friends. Laughter and conversations flow easily, the crystal-clear waters providing the perfect backdrop.
As the yacht sets sail, you and Max find a secluded spot on the deck. He wraps an arm around you, pulling you close. The two of you talk, laugh, and occasionally, just sit in silence, enjoying the tranquillity of the moment.
During a sun-soaked afternoon, Max teaches you how to steer the yacht. Your fingers brush against each other, and there are shared glances, stolen moments, and an electric charge between you that’s impossible to ignore.
Each day deepens the growing bond between you. There are sunrises watched from the deck, dinners under the stars, and long conversations that last into the early hours of the morning.
One night, as the yacht anchors near a secluded cove, Max takes your hand, leading you to a quiet spot. The moonlight dances on the water, creating a magical atmosphere.
“You know,” he begins, his voice soft, “this trip has been special. Not because of the destinations but because of the company.”
You smile, leaning into him. “I couldn’t agree more.”
A tender moment passes between you, one filled with promise and the potential for something more. The yacht trip might be coming to an end but both of you sense that this journey, this new chapter in your lives, has only just begun.
The gentle lull of the waves against the yacht rocks you as the moon hangs low in the sky. The night air is warm and fragrant, carrying with it a sense of peace. Tomorrow, the yacht will dock back in Monaco and reality will catch up with you once more. But for now, you’re content to savor these final moments of the trip.
You find Max leaning against the railing, gazing out at the sea. As you approach him, he turns, his expression softening into a smile. “Hey.”
“Hey,” you reply, standing beside him, your shoulders brushing against each other.
“I can’t believe the break is almost over,” Max muses, his voice carrying a hint of wistfulness.
You nod in agreement, casting your gaze out to the horizon. “It still feels like a dream.”
Max glances at you, his eyes holding a certain intensity. “You know, I’ve had an amazing time with you.”
A flutter of warmth ignites in your chest at his words. “Me too. The best time.”
The moment is charged with unspoken feelings, the connection between you growing stronger with each passing day. Max’s fingers brush against yours and the touch sends a shiver down your spine.
“I don’t want this to end,” he confesses, gaze never leaving yours.
You take a deep breath, your heart racing. “I’ve never felt so connected to someone, so understood.”
He cups your cheek with his hand, his touch tender and affectionate. “I feel the same way. And I don’t want this to end.”
The tension in the air is palpable, heavy with anticipation and longing. And then, as if drawn by an invisible force, your lips meet in a soft, tentative kiss. It’s a kiss filled with all the emotions that have been building between you, a kiss that bridges the gap between friendship and something more.
As the kiss deepens, Max’s arms wrap around you, pulling you closer. The world around you fades away, leaving only the two of you under the moonlit sky.
When you finally pull apart, your foreheads rest against each other, your breaths mingling. Max’s voice is a gentle murmur against your lips. “I don’t want to rush anything. But I also don’t want to pretend that this connection we have isn’t real.”
You meet his gaze, your eyes reflecting the same sincerity. “I don’t want to pretend either. Max, I want to give this — give us — a chance.”
A genuine smile graces Max’s lips and he kisses your forehead in reassurance. “Then let’s take it one step at a time.”
“Where to now?” Max asks, his hand lightly touching your arm as the yacht crew busies themselves with docking procedures.
You hesitate, the reality of your situation setting in. “I hadn’t thought that far ahead. I … I moved here from my home country to be with Charles.”
Max looks concerned. “You can’t stay with him, not after everything.”
“No, definitely not.” You exhale deeply, feeling the weight of the situation. “I’ll figure something out. Maybe find a hotel for a few days.”
Before you can say more, Max interjects, “Stay with me.”
You look at him, a bit taken aback. “Are you sure? We’re still navigating whatever this is between us.”
He nods, his gaze steady and sincere. “I know. But I also know you shouldn’t be alone right now. You can take the guest room or,” he pauses, a hint of mischief in his eyes, “the master bedroom, if you prefer.”
A blush creeps up your cheeks at his teasing tone but his offer feels genuine. “Alright but only if you promise not to snore.”
Max chuckles, wrapping an arm around your shoulder as the two of you head off the yacht. “Deal.”
The familiarity of Max’s penthouse greets you as you step inside. It's comforting and safe, an oasis to escape the shattered memories that line the Monaco streets.
While you unpack, Max makes dinner. The two of you eat in comfortable silence, the city lights casting a soft glow through the apartment.
“Thank you for this,” you say, gesturing around the dining room, the food, the moment. “It’s more than I could’ve ever asked for.”
Max meets your gaze, his blue eyes reflecting warmth and understanding. “You’re not alone in this. Whatever comes next, we’ll face it together.”
The night unfolds, a sense of peace settling between you. Whether it's the soft hum of the city below or the comforting presence of Max beside you, you drift into a deep, restful sleep.
Waking up the next morning, the events of the past weeks feel like a distant memory. But the man beside you, his arm wrapped protectively around your waist, is a calming reminder of new beginnings.
With Max by your side, you feel ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead, knowing that no matter what, you’re not alone.
“Are you ready for the madness?” Max asks, offering you a hand as you step out of the car, the roar of the crowd at Zandvoort Circuit immediately evident.
Taking a deep breath, you nod. “As ready as I’ll ever be.”
The two of you walk hand-in-hand towards the paddock, drawing attention from fans, crew, and media alike. Whispers spread like wildfire but neither of you flinch. Together, you are a united front.
Suddenly, Charles appears from around the corner, his gaze immediately locking onto yours. “So this is the big reveal?” he asks, dripping with condensing sarcasm.
Max steps protectively in front of you. “It’s none of your business anymore.”
Charles scoffs, his eyes darting to the Red Bull VIP pass around your neck. “Jumping ship already? You always were fickle.”
Ignoring the jab, you retort, “You lost any right to an opinion about my life the second you threw away our relationship.”
Charles’ eyes flare with anger. “And you,” he snaps, turning his attention to the reigning world champion, “you think you can just swoop in—”
Max cuts him off sharply, “I think you’ve said enough.”
“You two deserve each other,” Charles hisses before storming off.
Max wraps an arm around you, his touch reassuring. “Ignore him. Today is about the race, about us. Nothing else.”
You nod, taking a deep breath. “Thank you.”
The race itself is thrilling. From Red Bull garage, you watch as Max masterfully maneuvers his car, leading the pack with unparalleled skill. Every turn, every overtake steals your breath. And when he crosses the finish line, the roar of the crowd painting the grandstands orange is deafening.
As Max emerges from his car, he’s immediately surrounded by his team, celebrating yet another victory. And then, spotting you in the crowd, he breaks away, making a beeline towards you. Without a word, he pulls you into his arms, his lips meeting yours in a passionate kiss.
The world fades away, leaving just the two of you in this perfect moment. As you pull apart, Max’s eyes shine with triumph and love. “For you,” he murmurs, holding up the trophy.
Laughing, you pull him close once more. The challenges and confrontations of the day pale in comparison to the joy of this moment. Together, you and Max are unstoppable. And as you celebrate his victory, you know that this is just the beginning of many more triumphant moments to come.
The familiar sounds of roaring engines, the scent of burning rubber, and the vibrant energy of the paddock have been a part of your life for years. But being around the Red Bull team feels like a different world compared to your previous experiences with Ferrari.
Christian Horner welcomes you with open arms. “It’s great to have you on board,” he says during a quiet moment in the Red Bull motorhome. “Max seems happier than he’s been in a long time.”
You smile, thinking of the nights spent laughing with Max, the whispered conversations, and reflected dreams. “I’m grateful to be here. And to be with Max.”
Helmut Marko, although initially intimidating with his sharp gaze, soon warms up to you. “Just take care of our champ,” he jokes one evening after another successful race.
As the weeks pass, the bond between you and the Red Bull team strengthens. Daniel Ricciardo becomes a close friend, often joining you and Max for dinner or movie nights. Sergio Perez, with his playful humor, keeps everyone laughing, while the mechanics and engineers teach you the deeper intricacies of the sport.
Yet, it’s not all smooth sailing. The media, always hungry for a story, constantly probes into your relationship with Max. Rumors swirl, some true, most fabricated. Yet, through it all, Max remains your anchor, always supporting and defending you.
One evening, as the two of you relax in his suite after a grueling race weekend, Max turns to you, his eyes serious. “I know this world can be intense, the scrutiny constant. But I hope you know that you’re not alone in this.”
You nod, feeling a swell of emotion. “Being with you, being part of this team, it’s incredible. Like finding a family I never knew I needed.”
Max smiles, pulling you close. “That’s because you are family. And I promise, no matter what, we’ll face everyone and everything together.”
The season progresses, and as Max inches closer to clinching the championship title once again, the excitement within the Red Bull team reaches a fever pitch. Through every high and low, every victory and setback, you stand beside Max, cheering him on.
“Easy there!” Christian says, catching you just as the world starts to spin and your vision blurs.
The sound of concerned voices surrounds you as you struggle to stay conscious but it’s too much. Everything goes black.
When you come to, you’re lying on a couch in Red Bull hospitality, Max’s anxious face hovering above yours. “Hey,” he murmurs, relief evident in his voice. “You scared me there.”
“What ... what happened?” you ask, your voice weak.
“You fainted,” Daniel chimes in from nearby. “We’re getting a doctor to check on you.”
True to his word, a doctor soon arrives, performing a series of tests and asking various questions. He recommends a more thorough examination and you find yourself being whisked away to a nearby clinic.
As you await the results, Max holds your hand, his thumb gently stroking your skin. “I’m right here,” he assures you. “Whatever it is, we’ll get through it together.”
The doctor returns, a knowing smile on his face. “Congratulations,” he says, looking at both of you. “You’re going to be parents.”
The room goes silent, the weight of the revelation sinking in. You turn to Max, searching his face for a reaction. “I’m sorry. I ... I didn’t expect this. It’s so soon.”
Max pulls you close, his eyes glassy with tears of joy. “Life has a funny way of surprising us,” he murmurs. “But I know one thing for sure. I can’t imagine having a family with anyone else.”
Your emotions swirl, a mix of surprise, joy, and fear. “Are you sure? What about your career? The media?”
Max silences you with a gentle kiss. “None of that matters. The only thing I care about is us. Our family.”
Tears roll down your cheeks, touched by his words. “I love you,” you whisper, heart full to overflowing.
Max grins, his blue eyes shining. “And I love you. This might be unexpected but it’s the best surprise of my life.”
“Three-time World Champion! How does that feel?” A journalist thrusts a microphone towards Max moments after his astounding win in Qatar.
“It’s surreal,” Max responds, his gaze seeking you out among the crowd. “Every championship is special but this one ... it’s different.”
The winter months are a haven of privacy for the two of you in your own little bubble. As the world speculates about the upcoming racing season, you and Max nest away from prying eyes, savoring the anticipation of your growing family.
However, when the 2024 season kicks off, it’s impossible to hide your baby bump any longer. Whispers ripple through the crowd as you walk through the paddock with Max for the first day of preseason testing.
“It’s so obvious now!”
“They look so happy together.”
“She’s glowing.”
But one voice rises above the rest from the sea of murmurs, filled with venom. “So this is your grand plan? Trap Max by getting pregnant?”
You turn to find Charles, his face contorted with anger. You take a deep breath, preparing to face the storm. “Charles, this really isn’t the place—”
Max steps forward, partially blocking you from Charles’ view, his voice colder than ice. “What do you want?”
Charles scoffs, looking you up and down with disdain. “Just wanted to see the spectacle for myself. You always did know how to play the game.”
Max’s eyes flash with anger, his posture tense. “Let me make this clear. You don’t get to disrespect Y/N or our relationship. You lost that right a long time ago.”
“You think this will make him stay with you?” Charles sneers towards you. “That he won’t get tired of you just like he did with all the others?”
Before you can respond, Daniel steps in, his presence commanding and the joking smile that usually graces his face nowhere to be found. “Enough. Show some respect.”
Christian, overhearing the commotion, joins the fray. “Is there a problem here?” he asks, voice firm.
Charles hesitates, glancing around at the united front against him. “No,” he finally mutters, turning on his heel and walking away.
Max’s grip on your hand tightens, his expression stormy. “You know you’re never alone in this, right?” he asks.
You nod, your voice soft but resolute. “I do. And I know you’ll always have my back. Just like I’ll always have yours.”
He squeezes your hand. “Always. Nothing and no one can ever come between us. Our family is the most important thing in my life.”
The soft hum of chatter surrounds the preschool’s main entrance. Parents eagerly await their children, discussing the excitement of the first day. You stand beside Max, his hand resting protectively on your protruding belly.
“Look, Mama!” A little voice exclaims and two giggling children rush towards you — your daughter, Sophie, and a boy with familiar dark hair.
Before you can respond, another voice joins the fray. “Henri! Over here!”
You turn, finding Charles standing there, Elise by his side, her arm entwined with his. Their eyes meet yours, a mixture of surprise and recognition.
Sophie hugs her little friend, Henri. “This is my new best friend!”
Max bends down, ruffling Sophie’s hair. “That’s great, liefje.” He then stands and addresses Charles, his tone neutral, “Seems our children have taken a liking to each other.”
Charles nods, attempting a smile. “It appears so.”
There’s an awkward silence, the past hanging heavily between you all.
Finally, Elise speaks, her voice quivering, “I’m sorry ... for everything. I never expected things to turn out like this.”
You meet her gaze, seeing genuine remorse. “Life is full of surprises. But it led me to Max and he is the best thing that’s ever been mine.”
Max adds, “What’s important is that we’re all here for our kids. Let’s not make our past their burden.”
Charles sighs, rubbing his temples. “You’re right. I regret many things but right now, Henri is my world and I want the best for him.”
You place a hand on your belly, feeling the tiny kicks. “Our children have a chance at a fresh start, a friendship untainted by the history of their parents. Let’s not stand in their way.”
The two children, oblivious to the emotional weight of the moment, tug at your arms. “Can we go to the park? Pretty please.” Sophie asks, her eyes shining with excitement.
You smile down at her, “Of course.”
As your two families part ways, there’s a sense of closure. The past, with its pain and betrayal, has been acknowledged, but the future, the innocent laughter of your children, holds promise. Life has moved on, leading each of you down different paths, but in this moment, there’s newfound unity in the shared hope for a brighter tomorrow.
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leaawrites · 4 months
Stars in her eyes
Percy Jackson x daughter of Apollo reader
Warnings: Apollo reader who likes to stay up late and admire the moon, fluff, cheek kisses, fem!reader, use of Y/n
Summary: after a camp fire, Percy decides to stay behind in hope of getting closer to a certain child of Apollo
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The crisp and splatter of the fire was filling the silence that laid between them like a blanket. It was soft and comfortable, light on the skin. Y/n had her head lean against a tree, her eyes were focusing up on the sky.
The two never properly talked before. Sure, Percy saw Y/n around before, he noticed her. How couldn’t he? She was beautiful. Always a smile on her face.
“Aren’t Apollo kids supposed to like the sun more than the moon?” Percy asked her, his voice cracking at the end.
She didn’t look at him, still she answered. “I suppose so.”
“Then why don’t you?” He asked her, his hands playing with a small stick he found on the floor. His fingers were nervously fidgeting while he thought about a possible answer to whatever she was gonna answer him.
“I believe everything is beautiful,” she said, her voice softening with every second she stared at the moon. “And I can look at the moon, which makes it more bearable for my eyes to admire.”
She wasn’t as bright as the sun, but Percy still couldn’t keep his eyes on her, before his nerves got the better of him and he looked away. Not that she would notice. She had her mind elsewhere. It was all on the constellations and meanings behind the sky. It was where she couldn’t go to.
“That’s why most people aren’t close to her,” Annabeth told him earlier. “They aren’t willing to sit in silence for a long time, watching the sky like she does.”
But Percy was convinced, that he could watch her for a lifetime and not get bored. His eyes traveled over her face, taking in every little detail he could capture.
When he felt creepy for looking at her for so long, he looked up at the sky. You could see the moon but the stars weren’t as visible as they could be.
The boy stood up and took the water can to extinguish the fire. Y/n loosened her gaze from the sky above and looked at him. She really looked at him. Percy felt something inside him tighten as she furrowed her eyebrows at his action.
“Light disturbs the dark,” he answers. “It makes the stars less visible.”
When he sat back down, he sat closer to her.
“Thank you,” Y/n answered, moving her body closer to his as well. “Look, I appreciate your concern, but you don’t have to stay if you don’t want to.”
Percy looked at her confused, why wouldn’t he want to be by her side?
“I like being in your presence,” he simply answered, before looking back at the sky.
Y/n watched him for a minute longer before planting a kiss on his cheek. The boy looked at her perplexed. She was surprised at her action herself, so when he smiled down at her, she didn’t know how to react.
Percy found himself now more comfortable looking at her. He was closer, which made it easier to look at her. He noticed the way her lips wanted to form a smile on her face as she noticed his eyes on her. He noticed how her body leaned into his by the second. He noticed how he didn’t had to look at the sky to see the stars. She had them in her eyes. They were sparkling and shining bright.
The later the time got, the colder the weather became. The two teens were sat side by side, watching the moon and the stars, when Y/n’s body shivered from the cold. Percy noticed it from how her skin moved against his. He took his sweatshirt off and gave it to her immediately.
“Oh, no. Percy, it’s fine,” she tried to talk him out of it but Percy wouldn’t let her.
“Take it,” he said with a serious face.
Y/n took the sweatshirt from his hands before pulling it over head. It was too big on her, but it was comfortable.
“I think we should go back to our cabins,” she mentioned, gaining a nod of approval from Percy.
The pair walked back together in silence. As they stopped before Cabin 7, Y/n was about to take the sweatshirt off of her body.
“Don’t,” Percy told her, stopping her from giving it him back. “Keep it.”
Before she could protest, Percy leaned down and gave her a kiss on her cheek. The moonlight followed him as he walked back to his own cabin, making him visible to her. Her star.
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hemmingsleclerc · 3 months
Since 2013┃SV5
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The year was 2013 and the young and charismatic Sebastian Vettel was dominating the racing scene with Red Bull Racing. Across the paddock, the talented and determined Y/N L/N was making waves as Ferrari's first female driver.
The connections between them was undeniable, both on and off the track. Amidst races with champagne-soaked podiums, Sebastian and Y/N found moments to exchange glances, winks, and playful smirks. Their chemistry was evident and the F1 fans couldn't help but speculate about the nature of their relationship.
As the 2013 season progressed, Sebastian claimed his fourth consecutive World Championship title, leaving fans in awe of his racing talent. Meanwhile, Y/N demonstrated her skills behind the wheel of the scarlet red Ferrari with the number 22, earning the respect and admiration of fans around the world, and especially of young girls dreaming of becoming like her. The two drivers continued their subtle flirtation.
A year later, in 2014, Y/N made history by taking the World Championship title, becoming the first female driver to achieve such a feat in Formula 1. The whispers among the fans grew louder and the media speculated about the connection between the two racing stars after the celebration shared between both drivers. Still, Sebastian and Y/N remained silent about their relationship, and continued to share glances and secret smiles just for themselves, telling the world they were ''just best friends''.
Fast forward to 2015 and the rumors remained the same or with more intensity. F1 fans began to suspect that there was more to the relationship between Sebastian Vettel and Y/N L/N than met the eye. The duo, however, chose to keep their personal lives private, maintaining an air of mystery around their connection. Although their physical behaviors gave them away.
Time passed, races were won and lost and the duo continued to shine in their respective teams, but always together on the track. By 2022, with four World Championships under his belt, Sebastian had joined Aston Martin, while three-time world champion Y/N had become a force to be reckoned with at Mercedes two years earlier.
Then came the unexpected announcement that shocked the F1 world. Seb and Y/N stated that they were expecting their first child and would retire from racing at the end of that season. The news was greeted with a mix of joy and sadness from their fellow drivers – the younger generation on the grid who had come to see them as their racing parents. Who were their greatest support on the track, giving them advices, raising their spirits and taking care of them as if they were their own blood childrens.
Charles, Max, Lando, George, Alex, Lance, Mick and other drivers expressed their excitement for their growing family, but couldn't hide a hint of sadness that their grid parents were leaving the racing world. The F1 community, which had witnessed the love story between Seb and Y/N over the years, sent them their sincere wishes for their new journey beyond the track.
''You two promise to come back sometime?'' Mick asked with watery eyes
''Of course Mick, we will never forget about our grid childrens'' Y/N responded with a warm smile
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missjadesfics · 3 months
“My Gem”
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Paul Atreides x Reader Request: Yes Summary: Paul asks for the Emperor's eldest daughter's hand in marriage. Warnings: None, it's just pure fluff Word Count: 880 I don't own Dune or it's characters nor do I claim them as my own This is a short cute imagine, hope you all still love it x Comments likes, and reblogs are always adored and appreciated xx
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Paul stood tall as he saw the Emperor’s daughter approach him with a graceful smile. He had asked for her hand in marriage, which she happily accepted. Paul had grown up with the Emperor’s daughter when he would visit Kaitain with his father and mother. The lush planet was always beautiful, and Paul had grown to love it as he grew older. During his visits, he became closer to the Emperor’s eldest daughter. Princess Y/n. In their teenage years, they both grew to have a crush on one another. Their hearts would skip a beat; when their eyes locked, they would shine like the brightest stars in the night sky. Paul replayed their first meeting as Y/n climbed up the steps towards him.
Paul’s head tilted as he observed Y/n play a game with her younger sister, Irulan. Paul smiled as Y/n hid behind a tree before jumping out and picking up Irulan. The younger sister squealed in delight as Y/n spun around, seeing Paul Y/n let Irulan down as the sister ran to find their father. Y/n wandered over to Paul with a smile “My Lord Atreides”, she curtsied gently, her eyes looking up through her lashes, a slight smirk on her lips. Paul bowed his head with a sly grin “Princess Y/n”, he held her hand, kissing her knuckles. “You are very pretty today, Princess”, Paul complimented Y/n, blushing at his words, looping her arm with his; they both strolled down the cobblestone path. “Thank you, Lord Atreides, and you are very handsome today, “ she giggled as Paul blushed, talking endlessly about their favourite things. Both of them knew then their relationship was only just beginning.
Paul exhaled, slowly holding out his hand for Y/n to grasp. Her fingers delicately slid along his palm, joining his side. His bride sat beside him at the wedding table, and his mother and father sat at the end with Y/n’s sister Irulan and her other sisters, Wensicia, Chalice, Josifa and Rugi. Paul had never met her other sisters besides Irulan, but he could see where all the daughters got their beautiful looks. Their mother, but to him, Y/n was the prized gem in his eyes. He held his wife’s hand on the table; a smile graced his facial features. Admiring her beauty, his eyes turned to look around the grand hall. Watching everyone cheer and laugh at his wedding celebration. When Paul stood up, he offered his hand for Y/n to grab. As she stood beside him, Paul led her out of the grand hall and towards the entrance. Strolling through the halls together, Paul made a detour from their new chambers and turned in a different direction. “There is something I would like to show you.”
Paul led her to the Caladan gardens, covering Y/n’s eyes. She could hear the calm sounds of water trickling and birds tweeting in the moonlit sky. Paul stopped and told Y/n to keep her eyes closed before his arms wrapped around her waist. His lips ghosted over her neck, his nose trailing over her pulse towards her ear. His eyes watched her chest rise and fall, his hands sliding up her stomach and up towards her chest. Y/n gripped his hands. “There will be plenty of time for that, Paul” “ she giggled; a deep chuckle fell from Paul’s lips; he grinned. “Hmm, I can’t wait that long, but if I must. Until then, open your eyes, my wife,” he breathed, kissing her jaw as her eyes fluttered open, taking in the gardens before her. “This is beautiful, Paul. I’ve always heard such stories about the Caladan gardens. Our gardens at home don’t compare to yours” She turned to look at Paul with shining eyes. Paul smirked, laughing. “Oh, I don’t believe that; your gardens are just as beautiful. As are you,” he whispered as he bowed. “May I have this dance?” he asked; she smiled, nodding, holding his hand. “You may,” she said, placing her other hand on his shoulder. Paul wrapped his other arm around Y/n’s waist as they danced in a circle. The only sounds were the waterfalls and sounds of fauna surrounding them as the newlyweds shared their first dance.
The Duke and Lady Jessica watched from the shadows with smiles. “Our son chose well; he will be just fine.” Leto’s arm looped with Jessica’s, and the woman hummed in agreement. “He has, but then they were destined to be together, Leto. She is his other half, as he is hers.” She pulled Leto away as they rejoined the wedding celebrations. Paul and Y/n were once again alone, away from prying eyes. 
Paul pressed his forehead against his wife’s; Y/n’s tender smile made him feel a thousand butterflies in his stomach. Fireflies danced around the husband and wife as Paul pulled her closer, breathing deeply and brushing his nose with hers. His eyes stared into hers lovingly.
“Careful there”, Y/n whispered. Paul chuckled lightly. “What do you mean?” Paul asked her with a slight smirk; his wife leaned in, her lips brushing his
“You look like you are falling in love” Paul licked his lips, his smirk broadening. “I already have, My Gem”
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p0ckykiss · 4 months
the sound of flowers blooming - lee heeseung
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summary -> you are shooting a couple photoshoot with your co-star lee heeseung. but what happens when you're told to look into each other’s eyes, and you realize that you really wanted to kiss him, and not just pretend?
warnings -> female reader x heeseung, alternate universe - actors, feelings realization, first kiss, fluff
"come quick, y/n. we’re already late because of this meeting." 
minji, your manager, grabbed your shoulders and pushed you out the door and into the underground parking lot.
"you’re telling me to hurry just because you're impatient to see your boyfriend,” you groaned, dragging your feet towards the van parked in between two smaller cars. 
“i'm sure you're impatient too, your beloved heeseung is waiting there too,” minji playfully tapped your back, “he must be looking so pretty all dolled up for your photoshoot.”
you rolled your eyes, although some odd feeling lodged itself at the pit of your stomach when you thought about having to shoot a couple photoshoot with your co-star. you heard minji click on the car keys, and watched as she came to slide the door open for you. 
"beloved?" you scoffed, "i hate him." 
"hate?" minji repeated as she sat down in the driver seat and started the car, glancing in the rear view mirror to look at you with a raised eyebrow. "then why does your face light up everytime you see him? and why do you smile at him like he hung the stars one by one in the sky?” 
"that’s acting! if you film a romance drama with someone of course you have to look at them as if you’re in love with them in front of the cameras!” you replied in one breath. “i’m an actor, acting is what I do… what kind of bullshit are you spitting?” 
“hey, watch your mouth! i’m still your manager! i regret ever telling you to talk to me as if i was your friend, you've gotten way too comfortable.” 
in the span of maybe 10 seconds, you found yourself sitting down in a chair, with hair and makeup stylists preparing you in a hurry.
"done. not surprising for our beautiful y/n, we don’t need much to make you look pretty,” said the hair stylist while looking at your reflection in the mirror. 
you shyly bowed your head and thanked her, which earned you a fond smile and a gentle pat on the head -while making sure not to mess up your hair, of course. as soon as she stepped away, you turned around in your chair to see if heeseung was here, but he was nowhere to be found. where the hell was he?
“y/n, come this way please.” 
a staff member clapped their hands together to get your attention and led you to the photoshoot set on the opposite side of the floor. 
as soon as you walked in, you were left speechless. in such a beautiful space, was an even more beautiful man waiting for you. like a flower among the flowers surrounding him, there heeseung was. his wavy blonde hair suited him perfectly, framing his delicate features with gold highlighting his cheeks and making him shine in a way that could rival the sun. when your eyes met, a smile bloomed on heeseung's face. wow, so beautiful- wait, get it together y/n.
“y/n, you came?”
his voice was also so sweet… you hated it. 
“yes, i’m here.” 
“they styled your hair really prettily,” he gently touched a strand of hair dropping on the side of your forehead, spreading goosebumps all over your exposed arms. his touch was so soft… you hated it. “it looks good on you.” heeseung smiled. that smile was about to ruin you. 
“one last pose. y/n, please come a little bit closer. look into heeseung's eyes, as if you were about to kiss.”
your eyes opened wide in surprise upon hearing that, and you stopped in your motion. it was nothing new for you to be so close, especially when filming a romantic comedy, but somehow it felt different today. heeseung's lips formed that smirk he often had, the same smirk that made your heart flutter, and he touched your cheek to tilt his head so your eyes would meet. time stopped, as if it was only the two of you in the room. at that moment, you heard it, the sound of flowers blooming.
“okay, cut!” the photographer clapped. “everyone, you did well. thank you.”
you brushed heeseung's hand off and shot up. you hurriedly bowed and greeted the staff before running to the waiting room. 
it was hot. too hot. as soon as you bolted in, you grabbed a water bottle and chugged it before taking a deep breath. 
why… why the hell did you feel like you were suffocating whenever heeseung came close? you sat down with your head in your hands, pressing your cold palms on your eyelids.. you couldn't figure out what you were feeling. was it truly hatred?
you hated how heeseung's smile made your heart race. you also hated that heeseung had such pretty lips. you also hated how much you wanted to kiss heeseung. you wanted to believe that you truly hated him because if you hated heeseung, it would make everything so much easier. 
“what are you doing? why did you run away?” 
that damned voice. when you heard it, you weren’t sure you could hold yourself back any longer. 
you replied with your head still in your hands, not courageous enough to look into his eyes. “it was hot. i wanted to get changed quickly.” 
heeseung brought a warm hand to your shoulder. it felt like the contact was burning your skin through the layer of fabric separating you. “you’re still wearing the same shirt, though? do you want me to help you with that?” 
frustration rose within you. you pushed his hand away and stood up, looking at him with a dark gaze, “please, leave.” 
"but i don’t want to." heeseung tilted his head, showing that insufferable smirk once again. 
"heeseung, please leave." you pleaded, your voice sounding much weaker than you wanted it to.  
heeseung took one step closer, and your heart began to race against you will like it always does. it's like you're not master of your own body anymore.
"i said i didn’t want to. tell me. what’s going on?" 
you passed a hand through your hair, gripping a fistful of it and sighed. “i'm saying this because i don’t know what i’m capable of doing right now. so. please. leave.” 
a look of surprise briefly ghosted on his face before taking another step closer. it was getting dangerous. he was way too close, causing you to forget how to breathe again. 
“y/n… no way…,” his smile widened, “don’t tell me you really want to kiss me?” 
you couldn’t hold his intense gaze and looked down at the ground where nothing could draw you in and trap you. “can you please just leave me alone?” you mumbled, although you weren't sure it was what you wanted anymore. 
heeseung brought a hand to your chin and tilted your head up so you would look him in the eyes, knocking the air out of your lungs. “no. i don’t want to leave. i told you, i don’t want to. do whatever you want. i was waiting for you to.” 
your brain short-circuited at those last words. you couldn’t speak another word. was this real? was this a dream? did heeseung really say that? was he acting again? 
“will you just keep staring at me like that? or will you stop holding back and actually do what you've been craving since we first met?” heeseung asked. 
“ugh, will you shut up, lee heeseung?” 
you grabbed heeseung's shirt and pulled him in until your lips met before he could utter another word. finally, you really kissed him. it was even better than when filming the drama, because you didn't need to think about when to stop, when to close your eyes, or how to make it look good for the camera. without a care in the world, you kissed him because you wanted to. 
as heeseung's hand made it's way to your waist, you heard it once again… the sound of flowers blooming. 
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hazelfoureyes · 2 months
The Safeword is RadioApple (part 4)
Part 1 ꒰აMaleReader✧FemaleReader໒꒱ Part 2 ꒰აFemaleReader໒꒱ Part 3 ꒰აAlastorxLucifer໒꒱ tidbit (cute, not smut) Part 4 ꒰აFemaleReader໒꒱✨NEW✨ ₊⊹⁀➴ Lucifer wins⟡Alastor Wins
Happy SunSinday! I really hope you like this. Thank you to @sugoi-writes for treating me to the coffee that helped me power through this. I’ll need like, atleast half a day of no writing to recover the mental exhaustion 😂 I’ll be back Monday to catch-up on all the comments and inbox from the last 2 days!
Lucifer lets fate decide how he and Alastor will show their dear kitten their teamwork skills.
「warnings/promises apply to both routes: RadioApple x FemReader, threesome, Lucifer x Alastor anal, p in v, soft breeding kink, Luci calls himself Daddy, biting, choose your own adventure, heaven ain’t got shit on Luci, fingering, tentacle fucking, cuddling, creampies, cum fucking, lots of deer references partially because of @n-after-me’s latest fic, sweet words, Happy Luci」
Deer Duck Kitten
Finally. You finally had both men in a place where you could enjoy each other as a group, instead of just you getting fucked by two people at the same time. 
You had half recovered from your hangover by early afternoon, but the little slip you made earlier in the day was just causing a new headache to emerge.
When the men both questioned what exactly you had meant, you decided the best option was to take your own advice and shut the fuck up. So shut the fuck up you did, for a solid three hours, while lying in your bed face down.
New problem now. Perfect. 10/10, you suck. 
Alastor and Luci were huddled in a corner of the lobby, two arm chairs pulled together and facing away from the others.
To Alastor, you had said something unspoken until then. The only difference that he could see was his …embracing of Lucifer’s inclusion in your relationship.
Lucifer was partially blind, the stars orbiting his head shining too brightly for him to see or think properly.
“Was that normal?” Lucifer asked.
“Not for us, no.” 
Lucifer, unblinking, “It’s too soon for sure for us.”
Alastor’s static aura flickered, “Obviously.” Lucifer glared.
“She’s obviously happy we got along so…well?” 
Alastor nodded.
“So let’s show her our teamwork in action! Let’s take care of her. Together.” He winked, making Alastor grimace.
“Take care of her how? Because she’s sick?” You were still hungover.
“No… take care of her.” Lucifer’s brows rose up and down, saying the words a little louder.
The air around Alastor snapped, a crackle of static returning, “I’m not deaf, I just don’t understand what secret meaning you’re hinting at.”
The normally patient and polite king’s face scrunched before he grabbed Alastor by the lapels and pulled him close, seething, “Take care of her. In bed. Sex. Fuck her.”
Alastor scowled, dark gums peaking past his lips, “We do that nearly nightly in some fashion, your majesty.”
Nose pressed to nose, forehead to forehead, “I am going to fucking kill you.”
While what they were saying wasn’t audible, Angel was adding his own narration to the video he was taking, “I’m gonna fuck you, Radio Demon.” He attempted a regal voice. “Not if I fuck you first! ha ha ha,” His best shot at a trans-Atlantic accent.
“You’re insufferable. Just speak plainly!”
Lucifer opened his mouth to reply but instead of words, a choked noise as he turned his face away. A deep blush now rising up his neck to his cheeks. A flash of a memory of Alastor’s dark eyes looking down at him over his wet body, stomach bulging with every thrust. Could he really say it out loud?
“Oh.” Alastor sat back in his chair, “She and I haven’t…” he searched for a delicate word, “Explored other avenues.”
Now who wasn’t speaking plainly?
“Well we could rearrange the order a little.” Lucifer sandwiched his hands together in hopes he could keep the details unspoken.
Alastor hummed, “Who would be in the middle, so to speak, if not my-”
“Our.” Lucifer cut him off.
A sinister snarl of a grin, “-dear.”
Lucifer put out a fist, “Did you know rock paper scissors or are you too old timey for that?”
“Loser has to hold open their gaping hole and-,” Angel jumped and nearly dropped his phone when Charlie bounced up beside him.
“Awww Dad and Al are playing games together!”
He snickered, tears forming in his eyes, “Yeah like tugga war and hide the pickle.”
“I think it’s called tug-of-war, Angel.”
Angel patted her on the head and turned to flee, “Good catch, princess. Nothin’ gets by you.”
They couldn’t decide who would knock, so both did. You weren’t ready for the conversation yet, having to explain it was just an expression and not intended to be a declaration. You and Alastor used many other words instead; my beloved, I adore you, my love. You had found comfort in the steadiness of his adoration, never a fear he would leave so you never worried much at the lack of direct ‘I love you’.
But …. Luci. You could see in his face how desperately he needed to be overshadowed with someone’s love. To be the one to eclipse all of his insecurities with a warm blanket of consistent affection? You’d die again for the opportunity. Just—- not yet. Certain words are meaningless without action. And you hadn’t done much more than cuddle and have sex. You needed to show him your love before you said anything about it. 
Another set of knocks. You whined, they didn’t deny you anything so how could you deny them? “What?”
“Kitten?” mixed with “Dear.” from outside the door.
You called them in, not watching as Luci beelined for the bed and Alastor closed and locked the door as quietly as possible to not bother you. 
“Does your head still hurt?” Lucifer slid up to your right side. You opened your eyes, turning your head to him. 
He smiled. You felt the bed dip, Alastor settling to your left. 
“Are you feeling otherwise unwell?” Alastor asked. Rolling off your stomach to turn fully to Alastor now, surprised at the gentle conversation. You had anticipated an interrogation. 
“I’m fine now. Just don’t feel like moving much so… bed.” Luci’s hands slipped over your waist as he cuddled into your backside. You couldn’t help the smile you made. Alastor kissed your forehead, and your smile grew. Much more tender of an interaction than usual. Normal events involved you passed between the two, them taking turns with your attention when not actively having sex.
You were the little buffer between them. It always felt like they were trying to enjoy you without needing to realize the other demon existed in the room at all. 
Alastor made a show of taking his hand and sliding his fingers into Lucifer’s, resting on your waist. 
Manually breathing, you tried to keep your face neutral to not scare away the moment. 
Luci propped himself up and leaned over you. When Alastor leaned too, receiving a kiss from Luci on the lips you rolled onto your back. You’d never seen the Eiffel Tower from underneath but as you stared directly up as Lucifer kissed Alastor again, and again, you could imagine what it must be like to be under such a grand display. This was the first time you’d seen them intentionally touch each other… other than attempted murder. 
Did Lucifer win rock paper scissors? Cum here
Did Alastor win rock paper scissors? Smash this
∰ Summoning the Horny Little Deer Cult (general tag list):
@cxrsedwxrlds , @nonetheartist , @tsunaki , @janchei , @wettiny-in-smutland , @moonmark98 , @hoebihoeshi , @pansexual-opera-house , @polytheatrix , @lorddiabigmommymilkers , @backinthefkingbuildingagain , @harley2223-blog , @coffee-colored-hopeless-romantic , @poinappel , @midnightnoiserose , @spookieroz , @missmidorima , @ivebeenthearchersstuff , @downbadforfictionalppl , @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx , @sleepylittledemon , @aether-th3-enby , @dontfuckbutimfab , @breathlessaura , @aperfectidiot , @certainlygay , @jth12 , @star-kujo-platinum ,
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🏹Alastor stalkers: @celestial-vomit , @amurtan ,@valkyrie-expeditions
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tansyuduri · 1 month
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Merlin moaned and rolled over. “Tired.”
Merlin grabbed a pillow and put it over his head and ears. 
“You know for one usually so chipper in the morning you seem to be very tired. Perhaps it has something to do with the random circle of trees we all woke up to find outside?” Arthur seemed to be somewhere to his left side.
Merlin mumbled something about protection and perhaps having to leave the castle. He was not exactly sure what he said as half his brain was still asleep.
“But then I said ‘Of course that couldn’t be him!’ not even Merlin would wake up in the middle of the night knowing we have enemies that could attack us at any moment. Not even Merlin go on a long walk outside completely alone without telling anyone. All so none of us could help protect him while he was distracted performing what must be powerful magic. Not even Merlin would do that.”
Merlin slowly woke up, grumbling about not being the first time, which was likely not the best thing to say in this situation at all.
“What do you mean it’s not the first time!?” 
Merlin finally rolled over onto his back looking up at Arthur's outraged face.
“Just that sometimes I went on long walks outside the palace to do magical things or scout enemies.” he paused. “Did not always go so well so it's possible you have a point…”
“Merlin, how many times did you go out at night with it not going so well?”
Merlin tried to count in his head but soon gave up as he could see in Arthur's expression that he was taking much too long.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” Merlin sat up in bed. “You know you always did look good when angry.”
“You might want to be a bit quieter, someone can likely hear you.”
“I don’t give a damn if they hear me!”
Merlin could tell Arthur's face was now at might starting throwing things level. For a moment he wondered if he would and what it would be. Would he still do that? Merlin didn’t think so. Then he decided not to test it and lept to the other side and off the bed skidding out the door.
Chapter 5 Art by @kairennart Fanfic found here!
Give it a read?
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charlie-lec-stories · 28 days
Nightmares // CL16 & MV1
Pairing: Charles Leclerc / Original Female Character / Max Verstappen
Summary: Everyone deals with their own battle, but they are always easier faced together.
Warnings: Abusive parenting, homophobia, abandonment issues, sexism, grief and childhood trauma.
Author’s Note: This is about companionship, we all deal with our own pain and we all have a past that still haunts us. This is about facing those battles hand in hand with the people you love. I wrote this some time ago, listening to 'Return the favor' and 'Therapy', both by All Time Low, and 'The only exception' by Paramore. I highly recommend listen to those tracks. I hope you like the story. Rate: +16 (descriptions of violence)
The cold wind from outside filtered through a small dent on Max's bedroom window and the contact it made with his uncovered skin made him shiver. He thought about all the other punishments he had endured before over his 16 years of life and he assured himself that it could have gotten worse. Spending the winter night on his bedroom floor, in underwear, was way better than when he had to spend a week sleeping in the back yard because he came in second on an important race. It was also better than when his father left him alone in that gas station, the fear so intense that he ended up crying on the bathroom floor, hiding from the strangers around. At least he was in his home, in his room and he had his stuffed lion to keep him company. He gripped it tightly, feeling a little stupid for keeping such a childish object when he was that old, but it was the only thing that brought him a little comfort. He thought about his mother, who gave him the lion, and wondered what his life would be like if he had stayed with his mom and sister instead of his father. Would he be happier? Would he be as good at racing as he was? Would his mother have accepted him for who he was? He had an answer for that one: Yes. His mother would have chosen to love him anyways, he was sure of that. He wished, with his whole heart, to close his eyes and wake up in a better place, where he was loved for who he was. So he closed his eyes and waited for his wish to come true.
Max woke up in a cold sweat, he could still feel his fingers and toes frozen, the floor against his bare legs. A decade had passed from that night, but he still had nightmares about it once in a while. His childhood always came back whenever he was stressed or with low batteries. It was like his brain tried to sabotage him, filling him with more pain than he already felt. He looked to his left and found Charles sound asleep, his arms under the pillow, bringing it closer to his face, a peaceful look adorning his features. He knew that Charles had his own battles, and that he dreamed of his own nightmares, but how he wished he had the kind of father Charles had. Hervé was a loving husband and parent and even though he left this Earth way too early, he left a wonderful mark on everyone who knew him. His children loved him, his wife Pascale loved him. What did his father do? He also left marks, his mom had an order of protection against him, his sister was terrified of him, and Max did everything he could to run away as far as possible so he didn't have to be near him. If he could, he would bring back Hervé and give up his father. With a sigh and feeling a little guilty for his thoughts, he finally got up. He had to look for his girl, who was definitely hiding somewhere instead of being in bed with them.
The sky was still pretty dark outside, the stars shining on Monaco's natural ceiling, the full moon big over the Mediterranean Sea. He found her sitting on the floor of the balcony, a cigarette between her lips and her eyes lost in the waves that crashed rhythmically on the beach. Charles hated when she smoked, so she did it outside, so the stick of the nicotine wouldn't stay on her clothes. Max didn't like it either, but he tolerated the habit because he knew that it helped her calm down, one day he would make her switch to something healthier. Some day. Before stepping out, he caught a glimpse of the beloved lion on one of the living room shelves, so he grabbed it and hugged it close, a familiar calmness running all over his body. If she heard him walk out, she didn't show, but she must definitely have noticed his presence when he sat down next to her. They were used to the silent conversations, they had had them their whole friendship. Secret gazes, millimetric gestures that only they could read, the changes on each other's skins when the other was around. They were used to the effect they had on each other, so he knew that she felt him there when the hairs of her arms stood up and her breathing changed, because even if she didn't say anything, her body did.
"Which one was it this time?". She asked, not even looking at him.
"The night I came out". He had said it so many times that his voice didn't break anymore.
"That one is tough". The comment was swallowed by the poof she gave to the cigarette, but he got it.
"It was. It always comes back whenever I'm happy with you, but angry at racing". And it made sense, after all the punishment wasn't only for coming out of the closet, it was also because Jos was sure that 'the queerness' of Max would make him a mediocre driver.
"You know that losing this championship wasn't your lack of concentration or skill. Charles is as great as us, and for the love of God, Ferrari finally did things right for once". He knew that, still, he lost and he always had a hard time losing. He lost in 2024 against her, he lost in 2025 against Charles, would he ever be able to win again? "You are a 3 times World Champion, Max. You don't owe anything to anyone, and I can assure you that you're not mediocre".
He pulled her close and took her cigarette away, she was about to complain when he pressed his lips against hers, kissing her deeply. He believed her, every word, and he was grateful that he had her to remind him of the amazing person he was and could be. They pulled apart when they heard movement inside, the curtains of the living room moving aside as Charles walked out to the balcony. Sleep was still written all over his face, but he woke up fully pretty quickly when he felt the dense atmosphere that wrapped them up. He walked over to them, a mixture of curiousness and worry in his eyes as he scanned them over. They pulled apart to make some room for him to sit in the middle, Charles noticed the lion and the cigarettes, understanding the situation. Resting his back against the building's wall, he pulled them to his chest and ran his hands up and down their arms, hoping for it to be enough. He saw Max's grip tighten around the old stuffed animal, the marks of his pyton's grip over the years clear on it. Charles pulled him a little bit closer and kissed his head.
"You're anything but ordinary".
She did all she could to get loose, but the grip on her arm was so tight it was impossible to break. She screamed and kicked as her mother dragged her to the room, she wished that her racing suit was ticker, so her arm wouldn't hurt that much. Her father was crying and pleading behind them, asking for his wife to finally let go, but it was pointless, when had she ever listened to anything he had to say? The mud of her shoes drew patterns on their living room floor as they neared her bedroom and she wondered if her mother was actually going to use the chancla on her. Her body made contact with the carpeted floor of her room and her mother grabbed her face to make her look at her. She screamed at her face, about how she was a disgrace, a 'marimacho', a 'zorra' playing with the boys instead of being a 'señorita', she went on and on about the shame she brought to the family. She reminded her that no daughter of hers would do something like racing, wear the clothes she wore and go around covered in mud and filth like she did. But the girl just muted the rest of the screams, she just let her say whatever she wanted, because she was not going to stop her from chasing her dream. She had just met the best boys in the world and she was going to race those boys for the rest of her life. No matter what. She felt the chancla hit her back, but it didn't hurt her anymore, no when she knew that it was the price to pay for sneaking out to race. Her mother would change her mind one day, but for that day to come, she had to take it today. No. Matter. What.
She woke up to the sound of the front door closing. Max and Charles were probably back from the supermarket. She sighed as he got up from the couch, the feeling of the chancla still lingering on her skin. It was the worst, the rubber hitting on the same place, over and over again, but it was more hurtful to her pride. The humiliation that came with the beating, the screams, the words, the hate on her mother's eyes. She remembered that beating like it was yesterday, because it was the one that changed everything. It was the first time that, when she was finally left alone in her room, she wasn't scared anymore. That week she met Pierre and he introduced her to Max and Charles the very same day that her mother gave her that beating. Meeting the boys and winning a race against them gave her the push she needed to hold on to her dream and never let go. Her motto was born that day: 'No matter what'. She took it to heart, and kept pushing and pushing, she took as many more beatings as she had, but she kept sneaking out, even if her mother dropped the chancla to grab the wooden spoon from the kitchen, even if the skin of her hands was red and burning from the hard wood against it. She kept pushing, and she became world champion. A hand on her back brought her back to reality and she relaxed against Charles' hand once his scent made her aware of his presence.
"Which one was it?". He asked softly as he ran his hand up and down her back.
"The day we met". She admitted, Max placed the bags on the floor and walked up to them.
"It's okay, Schat, you're safe now". She smiled softly at them.
"I know. It's just that her birthday is in a few days". Charles nodded, understanding.
"You know you don't have to go if you don't want to, Amour". It was her turn to nod.
"I also know that. But she changed a lot over the years. I know that we still have out problems and that she's not a fan of our relationship, but I can see that she's trying". Max was a lot less forgiving, but he was also aware that he wasn't the one with the best record of family choices, he still visited his father.
"I agree that she seems to be trying, Amour, and I admire you a lot for being able to see that and be so forgiving. I still want you to put yourself above everything. Take care of yourself, because you're not any of those things she said. You're wonderful, and we are beyond proud of who you are, okay?". Charles placed his hand against her cheek and she snuggled against it. "We are so very proud, Amour".
Charles rubbed his nose with hers, making her giggle a little, and bringing a smile to Max's lips. It always worked, because if there was something that she needed was softness. It was something that her dad did, treat her with gentleness, with love and with trust. He always believed in her, even if he was so afraid of his wife and had to take even more beatings and insults than her. She didn't blame him, but she was sure that she would never make the same mistakes her dad made. So she looked for gentle men, men with nice words and tender touches, nothing like her mother, nothing like who her dad settled for. And she found Charles and Max, the embodiment of kindness, enough for her heart to skip a beat and her shoulders to relax under their touch. It felt good, being able to be loved, laughing on a daily basis, relying on them when she needed and giving herself the chance of being an open book, unafraid and never judged. A lonely tear fell down her cheek and Max caught it before it made it to her jaw, wiping it away with a swift movement of his thumb. It made her look at him, his blue eyes looking back at her with the same adoration they have been for the past decade. Her heart made a few jumps inside her chest. Max pressed his forehead gently against hers, making her close her eyes with him, the feeling of Charles' hand agains the skin of her back, where the burning of the chancla was just a bitter memory in the back of her mind. Max's lips barely touch hers.
"You're a dream come true".
Charles ran, his lungs burning as the air coming inside was not enough to keep his body moving. The fog around the graveyard and the darkness of the night made his heart race faster, the feeling of it threatening to jump out of his ribcage. He called their names into the silence of the dead, but he couldn't hear anything. Does sound really exist if there's no one to hear it? He passed gravestone after gravestone, the names of his family and friends written in each one of them. He cried, the tears blurring his vision as he desperately looked for their names. He didn't want to be alone, in the dark, in the cold, with the dead. The place seemed to never end, filled with all the people he loved but weren't there anymore, the air felt tight around his body, sour inside his mouth, painful coming into his lungs. He kept searching. What would he do if he couldn't find them? How could he keep on living if they weren't by his side? He couldn't be alone, he didn't want to. He needed them, he needed his friends, his family. He kept searching, because it was the only thing he could do, and as the names kept appearing he felt like his heart just couldn't take it anymore. He fell to his knees, two stones right in front of him. Suddenly, he couldn't breathe anymore, the feeling of his lungs contracting for air but nothing going in. There they were, the names he hoped to never see graved in stone, right in front of his eyes. Charles clawed at the grass, removed the dirt, he felt the cold and humid soil under his fingertips as clear as he felt the daggers inside his chest. He just wanted to pass out, to turn to dust right there so he could join them wherever they were, because no life was worth living without them. But he had had this nightmare before, so he knew, he knew that he was never going to pass out, because this was his biggest fear: living the rest of his life mourning his own.
He woke up alone in the hotel room bed, a halo of cold sweat around him and he inhaled as hard as he could to keep his lungs full. He felt a rush of calm run down his spine when he felt the air come in. He searched for the dirt under his fingernails, only to find them as clean as they were when he went to sleep last night. Getting up, he gave up the longest sigh as he gathered everything he needed to jump in the shower. He needed it, he needed to get rid of the stench of the graveyard that still lingered on his nose, the humidity of the air clenched to his skin, but mostly, he needed to wash away the feeling of loneliness that haunted him still. As the water ran down his body, cleansing him like a religious ritual taking away his sins, he felt the same tug in his heart as he did a few years back. The guilt of that feeling settled inside his belly, like a parasite eating him inside out. He remembered the fear of closeness, how he refused to accept that he loved Max and Y/N because he was terrified of ever losing them, how he had found solace in keeping a comfortable distance, how he convinced himself that he was content with loneliness. He refused to love someone because he knew that the grief is as great as the love you feel. But they found their way into his heart and now he couldn't kick them out. He was destined to suffer, to live in pain. To be alone. He heard movement outside the bathroom as he stepped out of the shower. He opened the door to find his partners changing the bedding. They knew that he hated to be alone in the hotel rooms, he ended up getting sick and tired of sleeping alone over the weekend.
"Which one was it, Poopie?". Max asked, even though the messy sheets and the shower were a big hint. He just wanted to be sure.
"The graveyard". He sat on the bed, the smell of clean sheets comforting against the odor of the humid dirt that he could still remember.
"We're still here, Charlie". She reassured him, her hand on his tight applying a little pressure to ground him there.
"But you'll leave". He replayed softly. She pressed her hand more, a little proof to his heart that they were there.
"Everyone leaves, Poopie, but that doesn't mean you'll be alone". Max sat by his side and ran his finger through his hair, a gesture that brought some warmth to his chest.
"You can't know that". The risk was just so much, too great. "The more I love you the more it'll hurt".
"We know that, because we love just as much, Charles". Max pulled him into a side hug, his head resting against the Dutchman's collarbones. "Loving is a risk and we are all afraid of taking that risk. But, I have known since I met you, that there's just one person that everyone is willing to take the risk for, and that person is you. You're the greatest man I know. Loyal, just, kind, hardworking, you are the epitome of greatness. It's impossible for someone like you to ever be alone".
It wasn't just the words, but how they reverberated inside Max's chest, in sync with his heartbeat that made Charles believe him. It was the warm feeling of Y/N's hand still on his tight. They were there, they were worth it, the fear, the pain. He would rather spend his life mourning them if it gave him the chance to have them for as long as Death allowed him. He was still a work in progress, but he was on his way to believing, trusting, risking. He felt Y/N moving to sit on his lap, her hands carefully adjusting the towel around his hips so it wouldn't loose. She pulled him away from Max and placed his head against her chest, her own heartbeat now strongly pumping against his face. It gave him peace of mind. The feeling of them there, Max's hand still on his hair, her soft hands on his face. They made him feel loved, they made him feel like there was hope in life, no matter how hard the road was. And he finally felt like he may be that special person Max told him he was. Maybe he was one of those people that'll never be alone. Maybe, just maybe, he didn't need to be so scared. Y/N pulled him away and pressed her lips to his forehead, erasing the frown that tinted his features. Maybe, he was the reason why they were willing to take the risk of loving, even if their whole lives they had only met pain and hurt. Maybe the risk was as great for them as it was for him, so maybe he was the one they risked it all for, even if they said they would never. Maybe, he was comfortable with loneliness, except when it came to them. And he knew, the moment she mumbled against him, that he was...
"You're the only exception".
I hope you guys like this one. It's really hurt/comfort and I feel like it turned out great. Like, reblog and comment, like you guys always do. Much love!
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kkami-writes · 7 months
waiting for us — chapter forty one. sunset wc. 677 + 2 ss a/n: so while writing this i listened to waiting for us (both versions) and was like lowkey on the verge of sobbing. anyway enjoy :D
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Later that night almost feels like a repeat of this morning, Jeongin driving you to the same little outlook that Chan had taken you to. This time though you actually follow him to the clearing. The sun has almost left the horizon, the same familiar orange glow slowly fading into black. Jeongin lays out a fuzzy blanket and motions for you to sit down. As you do, he quickly runs back to the car, rummaging in the back seat. He comes back with a small picnic basket, filled with a small bento dinner (courtesy of one Minho). Once the two of you had finished the food, the sun has already set, leaving the two of you basking in the light of the moon, stars shining bright in the sky. You’re on your back against the blanket, your heads lightly pressed against each other and hands linked together. Jeongin attempts to point out any constellations he knows but to be honest both of you are pretty clueless about astronomy. But it doesn’t matter, you feel so content and cozy just staring up at the vast sky, thinking about how big the universe is - wondering if there was anything more out there.
You end up completely curled up onto Jeongin, head resting against his chest. You can feel his heart beat echoing in your ear and you find it cute that’s it’s slightly fast just from having you so close. It feels like barely any time has passed but the two of you end up spending a few hours out there. Even though you still have a few hours left before your curfew, you’d rather not risk it for now. When you sit up, you stretch your arms out from having laid down for so long, bones popping lightly. Jeongin moves to clean up but you pull him back down to sit. He blinks at you confusingly, head tilting cutely.
“Jeongin,” He nods his head, encouraging you to continue. “Thank you,”
“Huh? For what?”
“For finding me. For not giving up on me even when I tried to push you away. You could have given up on me, seeing that I wasn’t worth it. But you stayed. You fought for me. I really can’t thank you enough,”
His smile turns bright, a fondness swimming in his dark eyes. Jeongin brings a hand to cup at your jaw, brushing back some of your hair. Your eyes flutter shut for a second, relishing in his small touch.
“Silly girl. We would never give up on you, even if you had decided you had wanted to be platonic. You have and will always be so important to us. Now that you’re with us, we could never let you go. You are ours. Forever. Until the end of time,” Jeongin swipes his thumb against your cheek, wiping away the single tear that falls from your face.
“Jeongin. I love you,” His eyes widen and get watery, looking like he might cry himself.
“God. Y/N. I love you so fucking much,” His words are almost a whisper, like a secret just between the two of you. Jeongin pulls your face closer to his so he can press his lips softly against yours. It’s sweet, soft kisses shared between the two of you, lips slotted perfectly together. His tongue is tentative when it swipes across your lower tier, testing the waters with how far you’re willing to go.
But when you part your lips for his tongue, it feels like he’s lost all control. Jeongin’s hand comes to cup the back of your head, leaning you back down against the blanket, his other hand holding himself up to hover over you. He’s practically devouring you, tongue licking into your mouth and prodding your own wet muscle.
Jeongin finds that he absolutely loves the way your lips look after he pulls away, slightly swollen and slick. You’re staring up at him with literal sparkles in your eyes and Jeongin thinks that you were quite literally everything and more than they could have ever hoped for.
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previous | masterlist | next waiting for us taglist (50/50) send an ask or sign up here!: @abbiestearsricochet @boo-ven9eance @adorawritesalot @melleus @inlovewithallmusic @alnex05 @borahae-reads @zonked-times @yoonrimin @slay-and-gay @loverlixie @katsukis1wife @0325tiny @adestayskz @minhwa @littleaprilcherryblossom @soobery @lillithathecat @everglowdaisies @boi-bi-ahaha @popcatx0 @stayinhellevator @jaiuneamesolitaiire @enchantedgrunge @corrodedthorn @143lix @ashitshowforalot @xrvrqs @lynlyndoll @txtandroll @kawennote09 @liknws @ritzy-dream-boy @vampcharxter @surefornext @puppy-minnie @freckleboilix @turtledove824 @fylithia @toshijimafarms @hyunestrella @blackrowses @chlodavids  @reallysparklychaos @irantoyouwithoutthinking @sunnibearr @chili-crab0811 @stickycrusadecollective @lucidliving1205 @princelingperfect
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gyrhs · 2 days
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To celebrate the begining of June, a merthur illustration that is the cover of @tansyuduri 's fic "Our Stars Still Shine Together" 🌈💛
Do you want a commission like this? You can send me a DM or go directly to my Ko-fi or VGen pages | Be my Patron
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fisheshavegill · 29 days
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, 「 ✦ CRA ✦ 」 Crazy Rich Asians
: pairing: sunghoon! fem reader! | slight heeseung!fem reader
warnings: cursing, slight suggestive, mentions of @ buse , slight violence? lmk what i missed
a/u note: Pinch me, because I'm about to hit 'post' on something I thought would take me eons to finish. But look at us now, defying all odds and deadlines 😜🤌
!! No proofreads on this one, so if there's anything wrong with the grammar or anything else, I apologize. !!
wc: 10.5k
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Picture this: You're at a dining table by the pool, feeling like VIPs under a warm little roof. You and your partner, brought together by one of life's rarest miracles - a shared breakfast! This morning it seems that all the planets are in line and all the stars are aligned just for you two. and your schedules finally decided to stop playing hard to get. But heyyyy?? Who knew dining together could feel like winning the lottery?
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“I’ve been starving my whole entire life,” Sunghoon sighed dramatically, eyeing the spread of delicious food like a kid in a candy store.
“Don’t you eat?” you teased, raising an eyebrow in mock concern.
“Well, my schedule doesn’t occupy any meals whatsoever,” Sunghoon replied with a hint of resignation, grabbing his utensils with a flourish. “Besides, the only thing my body digests is caffeine whenever I am in the office,” he added, raising his cup of coffee in a toast to his perpetual fuel source.
“Ah, the breakfast of champions,” you remarked with a grin. “But seriously, you should consider nourishing your body with something more substantial.” Sunghoon grinned back. “Perhaps I should.”
“Just don't let your ambitions eat you alive. Remember, even beasts need sustenance.”
"Wow, are you joking?" he countered, a playful glimmer dancing in his eyes as he curled an eyebrow in mock disbelief.
"Joke? Kill the thought,” you replied with a chuckle, shaking your head at the playful banter.
"You're toying with me, aren’t you?" he persisted, his tone shifting to one of mock seriousness as he mirrored your laughter.
“How’s  business going?” you asked, smoothly changing the subject as your fingers traced the rim of your glass, ready to delve into more serious conversation amidst the morning laughter.
“Um…” he squinted his eyes for a good two seconds.
“I've been meticulously examining our business strategies, and it's become apparent that we need to fine-tune our approach to stay ahead of the curve.”  
You nod, taking a sip of your water,  “Especially with the new product launch coming up” he adds  “It's all about adaptability and seizing opportunities as they arise. Speaking of which….”   
“Go on” 
“Well you know, things like expanding product lines or exploring new markets. But also…..other personal milestones.” 
“Personal milestones?”  you ask 
There was a moment of silence between the two of you, the clinking of cutlery the only sound in the room. He raised his eyebrows as he was hesitant to speak. 
“ I was thinking more along the lines of…..having someone to continue the legacy in the near future”  There was again silence that filled the atmosphere, a much intense one. “Don’t you think that's a bit too soon?” you chuckle at him. 
“Yeah….yeah, let's take our time with this. No rush” he pats your shoulder, A small yet uneasy smile to kill off the moment of whatever was that. 
“I was also thinking about grandma this morning” he says as the breakfast continued “Is everything alright with her?” you replied as he takes a sip of his coffee 
“Well, she’s still in bed. I spoke with my mom yesterday, and she mentioned that grandma's feeling lonely” 
“I thought maybe we could see her this afternoon, after I finish up some business papers.” he added as you smile at him 
"Perhaps we could swing by the florist on our way and grab a lovely bouquet of her favorite roses" he suggested eagerly, catching your nod of agreement. The sense of excitement in his voice, enthusiasm shining through. While he tended to be talkative, it was when his adrenaline kicked in that his thoughts spilled out most freely. 
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Inside a charming flower shop filled with an array of vibrant blooms. You and Sunghoon, stand not so near the counter, eagerly awaiting the completion of a floral arrangement.
“Look at all these stunning arrangements..I can't decide which one your granny would like best.” You say as you took a picture of the flowers 
“She always appreciates anything with roses.  They remind her of her garden back home.” Hoon smiles as he touches one of the rose petals. 
Waiting in line took a very long time as the flower shop was filled with a lot of customers today. “What if I pop over and grab some cinnamon rolls for your granny?”  
“Where?” he asks, raising an eyebrow. 
You point at the bakery shop just in front of the flower shop. “Sure, go ahead, I’ll keep looking for flowers for the arrangement.”
You stepped into the cozy bakery, the aroma of freshly baked cinnamon rolls enveloping you in warmth. Your eyes were enough to dance over the array of treats on display, finally settling on a dozen of the irresistible pastries. 
Making your way to the line was easy since it wasn’t occupied that much, though your attention was drawn to someone familiar—a figure in a black hoodie, blue jeans, and a beanie, with his face partially obscured. 
"Heeseung? Hi there!" you called out, waving at him with a smile. It took a moment, but, well, recognition dawned on his face, and he returned your greeting with a grin.
"Y/N. “
“It's been ages. How have you been?" Heeseung exclaimed. You closed the distance between you and Heeseung. "I've been good, thank you. Just here to pick up some cinnamon rolls for Hoon’s grandma. How about you?"
Heeseung's smile widened. "I've been busy with work, but things are going well. Thanks for asking."
 “We should definitely catch up sometime," you suggested.  As you chatted, it struck you how much Heeseung had transformed. Gone were the days of boyish charm; now, he exuded the confidence of a man who's survived one too many group projects. His eyes held a glint of wisdom, or perhaps it was just the reflection of his newfound love for Sudoku puzzles. But fear not, underneath that veneer of maturity, he was still the same old Heeseung, a buddy whose loyalty could rival that of a golden retriever—just with fewer tail wags and more inside jokes.
The bakery is eerily quiet now, with just you and Heeseung left amidst the faint scent of cinnamon. You glance at your watch, only to realize you've become a time traveler, lost in the tantalizing vortex of pastry-induced euphoria.
"Oh, I completely forgot about the flowers for Hoon's grandma" you exclaimed, a twinge of guilt creeping into your voice.
Heeseung chuckled softly, his warm eyes reflecting genuine understanding. "Don't worry about it," he reassured, his voice carrying a comforting tone. "I'm sure Hoon will understand. Besides, it was really nice catching up with you." He nudges the door open.
You shared one last smile outside the bakery before hastily grabbing a box of cinnamon rolls and rushing out of the bakery, mentally berating yourself for being so distracted. As you dashed across the street to the flower shop, you noticed Sunghoon standing by the window, his arms crossed and a bemused expression on his face.
Forget it, you were oblivious that Sunghoon was giving glares on the window of the flower shop.  "Running late, huh?" Sunghoon teased as you entered the flower shop, a playful grin on his lips.
You shot him an apologetic look while setting the box of cinnamon rolls down on the counter. "Sorry, Sunghoon. Time just got away from me. But I come bearing treats."
Sunghoon's eyes lit up at the sight of the cinnamon rolls. "Ah, you're forgiven then. But you owe me something for making me wait." You chuckled, knowing he was only half-serious. "Deal. So, what flowers are we getting for Grandma today?"
Sunghoon leaned in closer, lowering his voice conspiratorially. "Well, Grandma loves those white roses we got last time, but I was thinking we could add some baby breaths this time. Mix it up a bit, you know?"
"Sounds perfect”
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You and Sunghoon make your way to his grandmother's room, with you shouldering the box of cinnamon rolls, their sweet scent wafting through the hallway, while Sunghoon gracefully carries the flower bouquet. 
Entering the room, his grandmother is in conversation with a bedside nurse, discussing her medications. Sunghoon sets his coat down on the couch before approaching her with a warm smile. "Halmeoni, How are you feeling today?" he asks, his concern evident in his tone.
You follow suit, offering a gentle hug as you greet her, "Hi, halmeoni! We've missed you."  eyes light up in your presence. 
"And I've missed you two. It's been too long since you last visited."
"We brought you some flowers and a box of cinnamon rolls to lighten up the mood," you mention, presenting the treats with a flourish. "Oh, bless you, dear. You always think of everything,".  Turning the conversation to entertainment, Sunghoon suggests bringing her some DVDs, to which she declines, mentioning the hospital TV. 
As the conversation flows, Sunghoon inquires about her health, “So, how have you been feeling overall? Any improvement?” he asks “Oh, you know, ups and downs. But I'm staying positive.” 
His grandmother's gaze shifts to you, her expression curious yet caring. "You know, dear, you've been looking a bit different lately. Are you feeling alright?" she asks, her concern evident in her tone.
"Oh, well, Grandma, that's very kind of you to say. Maybe it's just the lighting in here," you respond, pointing at the windows that are no longer covered with curtains.
There's an awkward silence as his grandma continues to look at you, her expression unreadable. Sunghoon clears his throat, "Grandma, do you need anything else while we're here? Magazines, maybe some snacks?" 
She shakes her head, "No, I'm fine for now. Just having you two here is enough to lift my spirits," she says, looking at both of you with warmth in her eyes.
"Hey, how about we grab a cup of coffee?" Sunghoon suggests a faint smile playing on his lips. "I could really use a breather after all that catching up," he adds, gently closing the door behind him. The conversation with his grandma was cut short since it was her time for sleep medications. 
“I think I'll pass on the coffee. You seem like you've already had enough caffeine for the both of us." you chuckle lightly, gesturing to the slight jitteriness in Sunghoon's movements. 
Sunghoon blinks,  "Yeah, you might be right," feeling the residual effects of his earlier espresso shot he took as he does his business papers. "Maybe we can just take a walk instead? Clear our heads a bit." 
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“A stroll in the park with my favorite person.” Sunghoon  grins as he looks at you.  “Flattery will get you everywhere, you know.” you nudge him  “Hey, it's not flattery if it's true” he says as he avoids your nudging. 
“The flowers we gave to my grandma reminds me of that bouquet I got you on our 4th anniversary.”   “Good thing you noticed” you smile fondly. “Though, you know you don't have to wait for special occasions to bring me flowers, right?” you teased him. 
“Duly noted Babe. I'll keep that in mind for next time.” He grins sheepishly 
It was a warm spring afternoon, and the park was alive with families and laughter. But for you and him, Well. Maybe it was a moment of reflection. 
Since nothing lingered in the air between the two of you but subtle tensions.
Believe me, Sunghoon, normally pragmatic and level-headed, found himself swept away by the notion of parenthood ever since both of you got married, however he couldn’t really bring that up since he felt you despised it. 
As both of you wandered through the park, the sight of families enjoying their time together stirred a longing within him. Watching couples with baby strollers pass by, he could feel a sense of yearning for what could be.
“Our future, huh? You're getting ahead of yourself, aren't you?” you said. “Imagining us with a little one of our own someday, it's a pretty nice thought.” he grins 
“Alright, alright, let's not get carried away just yet. We have plenty of time for that.” you say as you playfully roll your eyes. “Fair enough,” he chuckles. “But admit it you’ve thought about it too, right?” he ask, looking into your eyes for any sort of approval;. 
“Well, whenever the time comes, I know we'll make great parents.” he squeezes your hand. You smile at him as he lean your head to his shoulder.
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You're quite committed when it comes to keeping promises, aren't you? So, about catching up with Heeseung yesterday... Wasn't exactly a meticulously planned rendezvous, but you figured out that  meeting over coffee would be rather effortless, especially since it's on your tab.
Settling into the cozy café chair, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee fills the air, and you glance at your watch once more. Heeseung was running a bit late, but you didn't mind. It gave you a chance to soak in the ambiance of the quaint café and anticipate catching up with an old friend.
Just as you start to wonder if he forgot about your meeting, the door swings open, and Heeseung strides in with his trademark smile. "Sorry I'm late," he says with a sheepish grin, sliding into the chair opposite you. "Traffic was insane."
You wave off his apology with a chuckle. "No worries. I was enjoying the people-watching anyway." Heeseung glances around the café, taking in the cozy atmosphere. "Nice choice of venue. It's been ages since I've been here."
"Yeah, I thought it'd be a good spot for a relaxed chat," you reply, flagging down a waiter to order some drinks.As you wait for your orders to arrive, Heeseung leans forward, a curious glint in his eyes. "So, what's been going on with you lately? Any exciting updates?"
Launching into a lively recount of recent events in your life. Heeseung listens attentively, interjecting with questions and anecdotes of his own. After a while, the conversation shifts to reminiscing about old times. You both share a laugh over embarrassing high school stories and nostalgic memories of your college days.
"You remember that road trip we took senior year?" Heeseung says, a nostalgic smile playing on his lips. "That was one for the books. ""Definitely," you reply with a grin. "Getting lost in the middle of nowhere and surviving on gas station snacks for hours. Good times." He sighs. 
The waiter arrives with your drinks, and you both take a moment to savor the rich aroma of the freshly brewed coffee before diving back into conversation.
"Hey, I've been meaning to ask," he begins tentatively, "how's Sunghoon? Last I heard, he was doing pretty well." You pause for a moment, surprised by the sudden mention of your husband. Sunghoon and Heeseung had been classmates in high school, but they weren't particularly close. But Heeseung  was probably the reason why you both met since he invited you to a party, the rest was history. 
"Oh, Sunghoon's doing great, thanks for asking," you reply with a warm smile. "He's been busy with work lately, but he's doing what he loves, so he doesn't mind the long hours." Heeseung nods, his. "That's good to hear.” 
You chuckle softly “He's definitely driven, that's for sure. Sometimes I have to remind him to take a break and….” you trail off, and there was silence grown between the two of you
"Do you have a girlfriend?" You blurted out, instantly regretting it as if your mouth had been caffeinated with a shot of espresso and a splash of tequila.
Heeseung's eyes widened ever so slightly at the unexpected inquiry, but he couldn't help but chuckle. "Nope, no girlfriend on the horizon. Too busy juggling work and, well, trying not to burn down the kitchen every time I attempt to cook."
You both shared a laugh, the awkwardness of the moment dissipating like morning fog under the warm rays of a comedic sunrise.
You nod, relieved at his casual response. "Sorry for saying that out of the blue” you say  “But you never know when someone might come along and sweep you off your feet.” you add, as Heeseung grins, shaking his head. "Yeah, maybe someday. For now, I'm just enjoying the single life."  You chuckle at him. 
Eventually, the café begins to empty out, and the waiter discreetly clears away the last of the dishes.  "Well, I guess we should probably head out," you say reluctantly, gathering your belongings.
Heeseung nods, a hint of reluctance in his expression. "Yeah, I suppose so. But hey, let's not leave it so long until the next time we catch up, okay?"
You smile, feeling a warmth spread through you at the thought of reconnecting with Heeseung more regularly. "Definitely. And who knows? Maybe next time, you'll have some exciting dating stories to share."
Heeseung chuckles, throwing an arm around your shoulder as you make your way out of the café. "Yeah, maybe. Thanks for the chat, though. It was really great catching up."
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As you step into the grand foyer of the mansion, the tranquil air is gently stirred by the soft melody of a jazz tune, dim lights, with a scent of lavish lavender spreading throughout the whole place. 
"Well, well, look who decided to grace us with her presence," a familiar voice calls out, drawing your attention.
It's Sunghoon, standing regally on the first-floor landing, clad in a luxurious robe with a book in hand. Won't deny, won't lie. You were weirdly checking him out. . His gaze meets yours as he descends the staircase which drives you terrifically insane. The robe was barely covering some parts of his chest, his collarbone exposed. 
 "Y/N, where did you disappear to? You didn't even leave a note," he chides with a playful smirk. 
You offer a sheepish smile, shrugging slightly. "Oh, Sunghoon, don't be so dramatic," you retort, taking a few steps closer to him, your heels clicking lightly on the marble floor. "I just popped out for a caffeine fix with an old friend. Didn't want to disturb your intense battle with the stock market." 
He chuckles softly, his eyes sparkle with amusement as he crosses his arms, you could see his veins. 
 "You know me too well, love," he concedes, beginning to descend the rest of the stairs. "But next time, a little heads-up wouldn't hurt. I was starting to think you flirted with the barista."  
"Are you kidding me?" you scoff incredulously, a playful glint in your eye as you meet his gaze. you graze your hand on his chest. You slightly tilted your head as laughter bubbles up between you, filling the foyer with warmth and light. You give a peck on his lips. 
Enough flirtatious session, wouldn't it be delightful to conclude the day by unwinding with a nightcap in the study room? 
Picture it: the warm glow of the fireplace casting a cozy ambiance. 
Sunghoon gestures for you to take a seat on the plush sofa, while he pours both of you  a glass of fine whiskey from the crystal decanter. “So, about our plans for the following weeks…” 
You settle comfortably into the sofa, raising an eyebrow inquisitively as you take the glass from him. “What plans are those, dear? You're not plotting to whisk me away on another surprise adventure, are you?” 
He chuckles, shaking his head as he takes a seat beside you,  moreover getting a perfect angle of his side view. “Not quite, my love. Actually, we've been invited to my cousin's wedding.”
“Remember Sakura? She's finally tying the knot” 
The news was absolutely spontaneous and here's the kicker - he’s been asked to be the best man.  Their wedding preparation  had been announced a few months back, but if it wasn’t for his busy schedules alongside tons of business trips, he wouldn’t be so damned “oblivious” about it. 
 “Just slipped my mind amidst the chaos of work and other commitments. But don't worry, Y/N, we have a lot of time to get everything sorted.” he says, planting a light kiss on your lips “I'll have to work on my best man duties from now on." Sunghoon replied, taking a sip of his drink.  You chuckled softly, however  you knew deep inside without any doubts that he’ll not do it any splendidly. 
But who knows? maybe a sense of anticipation swirled for him,  Perhaps tinged with excitement for the upcoming celebration.. Whatever that was,  He's acting like being the best man is some kind of reunion with his "loved ones." Like, please, spare yourself the sentimental crap.
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First week of wedding preparation. Everything started to get more tense than usual, talk about the dress fittings first of all? Good thing you were close with one of the bridesmaids. Yeah, the one that Sunghoon specified as “the most angel-like” out of all of his cousins? Chaewon. 
Sakura’s  attention was pulled in every direction, leaving Chaewon and you to your own devices. Leaning against the wall, both of you exchanged commiserating glances, silently plotting an escape from the dresses.
"I can't believe we have to wear these in front of everyone," Chaewon muttered under her breath. You  nodded sympathetically. "I know, but what choice do we have? It's for Sakura’s big day." Chaewon sighed, running a hand through her hair. "I just hope we don't trip over these ridiculous skirts."
A mischievous grin tugged at your lips. "Well, if we do, at least we'll go down together." We shared a laugh.
As the bridesmaid’s fittings came to an end, Sakura approached both of you  with a hopeful expression. "So, what do you think? Are you ready to rock those dresses?"
 Chaewon and you exchanged a glance, a silent understanding passing between both of you . With a shared nod, you both turned to Sakura, plastering on your most convincing smiles.
"We can't wait to strut our stuff down the aisle." Sakura’s face lit up with delight, her excitement contagious. "That's what I like to hear! Thank you both so much for being a part of my special day."
Though the road ahead might be filled with questionable fashion choices and inevitable mishaps. And who knows? Maybe, just maybe, both of you would even learn to love those dreaded bridesmaid dresses along the way. 
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The plush surroundings of the fancy restaurant provided a luxurious backdrop as Sunghoon and you settled into our seats, the clinking of cutlery and murmur of conversation filling the air.
"So, how was your day, Sunghoon?" I asked, my voice warm with genuine interest.He sighed, running a hand through his hair with a weary expression.  "Busy, as always. Finalizing the details for the bachelor party and dealing with work stuff. You know how it is."
I nodded sympathetically, squeezing his hand in understanding. "Sounds like a handful. Well, hopefully, dinner will be a chance for us to unwind."
As both of you perused the menu, the conversation naturally turned to Sakura's upcoming wedding, a topic that had been on both of your minds lately. With Sunghoon being the best man and me a bridesmaid, the dress fittings were a common concern.
"So, about Sakura's wedding," Sunghoon began, his tone thoughtful. "Have you heard anything about the dress fittings?"
 I sighed, setting down the menu with a slight frown. "Unfortunately, yes. It seems there's been a bit of a snag."
Sunghoon's eyebrows furrowed in concern. "What happened?" I leaned in closer, lowering my voice to a whisper. "Well, let's just say the bridesmaid dresses are a bit too much"
He groaned, running a hand through his hair. 
"You're kidding. What's wrong with them?"   
I grimaced, recalling the ill-fitting gown from earlier in the day. "They're... less than flattering. Chaewon and I practically had to wrestle ourselves into them."
Sunghoon shook his head in disbelief. "This wedding seems to be one hurdle after another. First, the venue mix-up, and now this."
I nodded in agreement, my frustration mounting. "Tell me about it. I just hope Sakura doesn't have a massive breakdown before the big day." 
The evening ends with Sunghoon hoping that both of you would survive the wedding without any major disasters. 
Time seemed to slip through your fingers like sand, and before you knew it, you were only a week away from the big day. The countdown to Sakura's wedding was on, and the days seemed to blend together in a whirlwind of excitement and anticipation. Amidst the flurry of last-minute preparations, there were countless festivities planned by both the bride and groom, each event adding to the mounting excitement leading up to the main event.
While some of these festivities were optional for you to go to, for Sunghoon, as the best man, attendance was practically mandatory. He found himself side-handling all the arrangements and logistics, ensuring that everything went off without a hitch. From coordinating transportation to managing guest lists, Sunghoon was the epitome of efficiency. 
For Sunghoon, these moments often came in the form of late-night visits to home.  It became somewhat of a ritual – Sunghoon would arrive, weary and worn, the weight of his responsibilities etched into every line of his face.  
Sunghoon stumbled through the doorway with a stumble and a hiccup, the unmistakable scent of alcohol trailing behind him like a mischievous shadow.
You stood in the kitchen, arms crossed and a disapproving frown etched upon your features. "Oh, look who decided to grace us with his presence. I see the festivities were a smashing success." you smile sarcastically.
"Ah, don't be like that, Y/N," he slurred, waving a hand dismissively. "I'm just embracing my duties as the best man."
You rolled her eyes, accustomed to your husband's antics after years of marriage. "Yes, because stumbling in at the crack of dawn smelling like a brewery is definitely the mark of a responsible best man," you retorted, your tone teasing.
Sunghoon grinned, reaching out to grab your hand as you  passed by. "Hey now, don't act like you're not impressed by my dedication," he quipped, his words slightly slurred. "Besides, you knew what you were getting into when you married me. I'm a wild card, babe."
You chuckled, swatting his hand away gently before returning to your phone. "Ah yes a wild card, who is out there making out with random girls instead of just celebrating with your friends." you tease him. 
Sunghoon gasped dramatically, clutching his chest. "How could you accuse me of such a thing, my dear? I am a loyal and devoted husband!" You laughed, playfully swatting his arm. "Oh please, spare me the theatrics. I know you're just a big softie who can't handle his liquor."
Sunghoon grinned, pulling you into a hug. "Well, I may be a big softie, but I'm your big softie." You rolled her eyes, returning the hug. "Yes, and I wouldn't have it any other way."
He made a mental note to apologize to you  properly once he was sober enough to form those “coherent” sentences. But for now, he was content to bask in your warmth  knowing that no matter how wild the night before had been, he always had you by his side to keep him grounded. EAJKHDAJHDAKJDHA
 It's like being caught in a whirlwind of confetti and chaos. On one hand, you have the bachelorette party, a guaranteed recipe for chaos and questionable decisions. It's like herding cats through a glitter factory—utterly entertaining, yet slightly concerning for your sanity.
And then, there's the Family Party, where drama flows as freely as the drinks. It's like a real-life soap opera, complete with long-lost relatives and enough gossip to power a small town. You're not sure whether to bring popcorn or a crash helmet, but either way, it's bound to be a rollercoaster ride of awkward conversations and embarrassing anecdotes.
You're not entirely sure if you've ever been to the family party before, or if it's just a folklore passed down through generations like the tale of your aunt’s missing dentures. It's like trying to remember the lyrics to a song you've only heard once in a dream—faintly familiar, but mostly a mystery.
But hey, who needs a memory when you have a survival kit packed with snacks and a fake smile sharp enough to slice through the tension? Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a first-time explorer of this familial jungle, one thing's for sure: you're in for a wild ride, complete with awkward encounters and enough passive-aggressive comments to fuel a small country's worth of therapists. Let the festivities commence... or is it… survive?
A few FEW YEARS back (flashback) !!! (feel free to skip lol) 
This heightened attention was not solely a product of chance. In the bustling metropolis of New York, a chance encounter with Charlotte Kim, a figure of notable pedigree and social standing, had unwittingly propelled you into the realm of public scrutiny. Charlotte, once a companion of Sunghoon Park during their university days, captured a candid  between you and Sunghoon during a cozy café rendezvous, with the click of her camera.
As the photograph circulated among acquaintances and acquaintances of acquaintances, it served as fodder for speculation and gossip. "No ring?" ventured a curious girl , casting a subtle glance at your bare fingers. "No ring," she affirmed, her response echoing with a quiet confidence that belied the curiosity that surrounded her.
It wasn't long before whispers of Sunghoon's impending return to Korea with a mysterious girl began to permeate the social stratosphere. 
In the opulent halls of his mother's ancestral mansion, the air carried the weight of tradition, mingled with the faint scent of aged oak and polished silver. As the evening sun cast long shadows through the antique lace curtains, the family gathered for an elegant dinner, each member donning their best "pretending to like each other" attire.
As the evening progressed, conversation flowed freely, punctuated by the clink of fine crystal and the soft rustle of silk. Sunghoon’s uncles pontificate about politics, waving their fork like a seasoned politician making empty promises, while his aunties critiqued the latest art trends with the fervor of a Renaissance art critic stuck in the wrong century.
Yet beneath the surface civility, tensions simmered, a silent undercurrent of rivalry and resentment that threatened to boil over at any moment. The family dog, “Sir Barkington III” whatever that name was , oblivious to the human drama unfolding, happily gnawed on a bone under the table, providing the only genuine display of contentment in the room. As the night wore on, it became increasingly clear that the only thing more polished than the silverware was the art of pretending everything was fine in this dysfunctional yet impeccably dressed family.
The soft glow of chandeliers, like celestial spotlights, illuminated the opulent hall, casting a glow on the perfectly coiffed heads of the guests. You found yourself standing beside Mrs. Minseo Park, your husband's mother, amidst a sea of relatives so rich they sneeze gold dust. 
It felt like being a penguin at a peacock convention—out of place and desperately hoping no one notices your lack of feathers. And yet, there you were, about to play a game with higher stakes than a poker match in a diamond mine. 
Cue the dramatic music~~~~
As the champagne bubbles in your glass, you couldn't shake off the feeling of being under Mrs. Minseo's microscope. "You know, Y/N, these family gatherings always make me feel like I'm auditioning for a role in a historical drama," Mrs. Minseo quipped, her tone dripping with sarcasm.
You mustered a strained smile. "Ah yes, the importance of lineage and all that jazz."Mrs. Minseo took a sip, her gaze sharpening. "Speaking of lineage, have you and my son had the 'talk' about expanding the family tree?"
The topic had been a persistent thorn in your side, poking at you from all angles. "Well, it's been a topic of discussion," you replied cautiously.
Mrs. Minseo raised an eyebrow. "And?"  
 "And... let's just say we're still in the brainstorming phase," you admitted, feeling like you were tiptoeing through a minefield. Mrs. Minseo’s  disapproval practically radiated off her. "Three years of marriage, dear. Time to start popping out those heirs."
You fought the urge to roll your eyes. "Easier said than done, Mrs. Minseo. Sunghoon and I have a few more items on our to-do list before we dive into parenthood." Mrs. Minseo’s perfectly painted lips formed a thin line. "Such as?"
"Such as not wanting to raise our kids in a cardboard box," you shot back, your patience wearing thin. Her expression hardened. "A woman's place is in the home, dear. Haven't you heard?"
You took a deep breath, summoning your inner calm. "Yes, but I also heard that women can do anything men can do, except maybe pee standing up. So forgive me if I want a career and a family."
Mrs. Minseo’s eyes narrowed. "If you focused more on being a wife, maybe Sunghoon  wouldn't have wandering eyes."
Your jaw practically hit the floor. "Excuse me?"
She leaned in, her voice dripping with disdain. "I've seen the way he looks at other women at these kinds of events. If you can't fulfill his needs as a wife, don't be surprised if he seeks companionship elsewhere."
Your stomach churned with a mixture of anger and disbelief. "Sunghoon loves me, and I trust him."   Mrs. Minseo’s  façade softened, but her disapproval lingered. "I hope you're right, dear. For your sake."
With a curt nod, she excused herself, leaving you feeling like you'd just been hit by a whirlwind of outdated opinions and passive-aggressive remarks. But you refused to let her rain on your parade. You and Sunghoon would figure out your family plans on your own terms, thank you very much. And if anyone dared to question your choices or your marriage, they'd better be ready for a battle.
The time that you turned around wine splattered across your dress, turning your elegant attire into a vibrant Rorschach test, you couldn't help but let out a startled yelp. "Oh, for the love of... who just painted me like one of those French girls?" you grumbled, turning to face the perpetrator, turning around to face the perpetrator, only to be met with the sheepish grin of none other than Heeseung, yeah,  your old high school buddy.
“Heeseung? What in the world are you doing here?" you exclaimed, trying to process the surreal moment. This was supposed to be a strictly family affair, and last time you checked, Heeseung wasn't on the guest list.
Heeseung scratched the back of his head, a guilty expression crossing his features.  Heeseung grinned, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Always prepared, my friend. You never know when a good pratfall might come in handy. Right?” 
As you both attempted to mop up the mess (both literal and figurative), you couldn't shake off the surrealness of the situation. Here you were, at a supposedly exclusive family party, and lo and behold, Heeseung, the long-lost friend, pops up like a pop-up ad on a website.
"So, spill the tea, Heeseung. What brings you to this neck of the woods?" you asked, genuinely curious about his unexpected appearance. Both of you guys walking onto the garden fields. 
Heeseung scratched the back of his head, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. "Well, funny story. Turns out my mom is the long-lost cousin twice removed of your husband's aunt's neighbor's cat sitter."
You couldn't help but burst into laughter at his convoluted explanation. "Ah, the classic 'six degrees of separation' scenario. Who knew our family trees were intertwined in such bizarre ways?"
Heeseung grinned, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Yeah, small world, huh? But hey, at least it led me to this moment of wine-spilling glory."
As you both share a laugh at the absurdity of it all. Sure, he may be a walking calamity, but he was your calamity, and you wouldn't have it any other way. 
You ended the night with champagne problems, bidding farewell to the storm and hello to the calm, leaving your Sunghoon behind amidst the wreckage of the “what the fuck is this” party. You can't help but be simultaneously annoyed and amused by the man you call your own. Ah, marriage: where every day is a new adventure in forgiveness and eye-rolling.
As you lay in bed, the air crackling with unspoken tension, you couldn't help but feel like you were starring in your very own melodrama. The evening had been a rollercoaster of emotions, and now, as you lay there in the darkness, you couldn't shake off the feeling that you were trapped in a bad sitcom.
You had arrived home earlier than expected, your blood boiling after yet another run-in with your mother-in-law. Without so much as a warning text to Sunghoon, you had stormed into the bedroom, the door slamming shut behind you like the finale of a dramatic soap opera.
"So, you're just gonna pretend to be asleep, huh?" Sunghoon broke down the silence, the sound of him removing his blazer was briefly audible in the room.  
You suppressed a snicker, knowing full well that your acting skills were about as convincing as a toddler's attempt at hiding behind a curtain.  Sunghoon's eyebrows shot up in disbelief. "Don't 'sleeping beauty' me. Why didn't you tell me you were coming home early?" he crosses his arm. His sleeves rolled up. 
You rolled over to face him, a mischievous glint in your eye. "Well, I didn't want to spoil the surprise, obviously. Plus, I needed some alone time with my thoughts. You know, to contemplate the mysteries of the universe and all that jazz."
Sunghoon let out an exasperated sigh, his frustration palpable. "Right, because slamming doors and sulking in bed is the epitome of enlightenment."  
You couldn't help but burst into laughter at his deadpan delivery. "Hey, you try dealing with your mother's unsolicited life advice and see how zen you feel."
Sunghoon shook his head in amusement, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips despite himself. "Fair point. But next time, could you at least give me a heads up before you go all drama queen on me?"
You grinned, feeling the tension between you dissipate like a popped balloon. "No promises. After all, where's the fun in predictability?"
And with that, the two of you settled back into bed, the laughter echoing off the walls like the soundtrack to your own private sitcom. Because when life throws you curveballs, sometimes all you can do is laugh and roll with the fucking punches.
As the morning sun cast its cheerful glow over the amusement park, Sunghoon was knee-deep in best man duties, leaving you to spend the day with Heeseung. As you strolled through the park, Heeseung’s excitement was palpable, like a puppy on caffeine.
“So, Heeseung, what’s our first stop?” you asked, trying to keep up with his brisk pace.Heeseung pointed enthusiastically to the roller coaster towering above the trees. “That one! Let’s kick things off with a scream!”
You chuckled nervously, eyeing the coaster's loops. “Oh, joy. I hope my breakfast stays put.”
The line for the roller coaster was surprisingly short, and before you could say "safety harness," you found yourselves hurtling through the twists and turns. Heeseung's laughter echoed against the screams as you both clung on for dear life.
Once the ride ended, Heeseung looked positively thrilled. “That was awesome! What’s next?” You scanned the park map, trying to ignore the fact that your stomach was now on speaking terms with your throat. You grinned, feeling a bit like a daredevil by comparison. “Agreed. How about something less... vomit-inducing?”
Heeseung was nodding so vigorously, you thought his head might detach and roll into the nearest carnival game booth. And as you ventured into the land of rigged games and dubious prizes, Heeseung's competitive spirit burst forth like a lion who had chugged a case of energy drinks. It was less "friendly competition" and more "I must win at all costs or my pride will never let me hear the end of it."
“You think you can beat me at ring toss?” he taunted, tossing a ring with unexpected accuracy. You smirked, grabbing a ring of your own. “Oh, it’s on like Donkey Kong!”
The competition escalated, with stuffed animals hanging in the balance. After several rounds of near misses and wild throws, you both walked away with a small army of plush toys and aching arms. As the day came to a close, you collapsed onto a bench, exhausted but grinning from ear to ear.
“Well, Heeseung,” you said, wiping tears of laughter from your eyes, “this was definitely something  to remember.” Heeseung grinned back, rubbing his sore shoulder. “No kidding. Thanks for braving the rides and the games with me, Y/N.”
You nudged him playfully. “Anytime, Heeseung. Just maybe next time, we’ll invest in some motion sickness pills.”
As you traipsed through the chaotic carnival with Heeseung, the ridiculousness of the situation hit you like a giant plush hammer. "Who knew being the substitute spouse came with such sweet perks?" you quipped, elbowing Heeseung with a wink.
Heeseung chuckled, his eyes darting from one colorful attraction to another. "Well, I'm flattered to be your stand-in hubby for the day," he replied with a grin. "But let's be real, I'm probably enjoying this more than Sunghoon would."
You both shuffled over to the Ferris wheel, its towering presence promising a view that could make even a bird jealous. As you plopped into your seat, Heeseung leaned back with a satisfied sigh. "Ah, a brief escape from the circus of life," he remarked, lazily surveying the horizon.
You nodded, feeling the serene insanity of the amusement park wash over you. "Absolutely. Although I never pictured spending my day at a theme park with my husband's... what's-their-name-again cousin?" you teased, shooting Heeseung a playful side-eye.
But halfway up, Heeseung's excitement took a nosedive into full-blown panic territory. "Um, Y/N," he whimpered, his face draining faster than a slushie on a hot day, "I think I'm terrified of heights."
You couldn't stifle your laughter. "Really? Just now, when we're halfway to the clouds?" Heeseung clung to the safety bar like a sloth on caffeine until the ride finally ended.
"You're starting to remind me of my husband," you said through giggles. "Except he was scared of thunder..." Your voice trailed off as you extended your hand to Heeseung. "Need a hand, or maybe a parachute?"
You extended your hand to him, but he shot you a skeptical glance. "What the fuck is that suppose to accomplish?" he queried, raising an incredulous eyebrow.
"I dunno, maybe to prevent you from clinging to the safety bar like a koala on a eucalyptus tree?" you retorted with a shrug, nodding toward the towering Ferris wheel. He cocked his head slightly, eyeing you curiously.
"You're cool with this?" he asked, a hint of amusement in his voice. "I'm just trying to save you from turning green at the thought of heights," you quipped, rolling your eyes at him.
 With a reluctant chuckle, Heeseung finally relented, tentatively taking your hand in his. As the Ferris wheel ascended, his grip tightened, but with each rotation, you felt his tension ease. "See? Not so bad, right?" you teased, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze.
Heeseung let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding. "Yeah, I guess you're not so bad at this” calming thing," he admitted. 
As the ride reached its peak, you both marveled at the breathtaking view below. For a moment, all worries melted away, replaced by the simple joy of shared laughter and camaraderie.
When the ride finally descended, Heeseung stepped off with newfound confidence, a smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Thanks for the hand," he said, giving your fingers a final squeeze before releasing them. 
"Anytime," you replied with a grin. 
Heeseung, clad in his pajamas, stood in front of the bathroom sink of his sprawling house, , the opulent surroundings only adding to the absurdity of his situation. 
"This is beyond ridiculous," he muttered to himself, his reflection in the mirror seeming to agree with a silent nod.
He splashed some water on his face, hoping the shock of the cold liquid would jolt him out of his swirling thoughts. But as he looked up again, his reflection remained unchanged, a constant reminder of the turmoil within.
With a frustrated sigh, Heeseung ran a hand through his  hair, his mind racing with questions he didn't have answers to. 
Well, isn't that just Murphy's law in action? Of all the fish in the sea, you reel in a big, shiny, unavailable one. Classic! Now, what's next? 
Well, Heeseung could always try your hand at convincing you to get a divorce with your  husband. No fucking way...That's a one-way ticket to Awkwardsville. 
How about we start with a little self-reflection? Then maybe sign up for a dating app where all the profiles actually belong to single people. 
You could practically hear the ominous music playing as you went out with Heeseung, fully aware that a note-less escapade would land you in the doghouse. So, you hastily wrapped up your amusement park adventure, not because you were done having fun, but because you were on a mission to beat Sunghoon home, avoiding the impending interrogation about your lack of communication! It’s like a high-stakes game of tag, except instead of being "it," you’re just "in trouble."
"Bloody hell," you muttered, juggling all your amusement park loot as you tiptoed back into the house. You couldn’t believe you’d danced so close to the flames of Sunghoon’s note wrath, but hey, victory was yours.
There you were, freshly scrubbed and draped in a silk nightie, the epitome of nighttime sensuality. Yeahhh perhaps too much sensuality for a regular evening at home. Fortunately, that was a night to remember later that evening. 
Rousing from slumber to the sensation of a heavy weight on your stomach, just discovering Sunghoon nestled against you, shirtless, arms encircling you in a gentle embrace  and apparently mistaking you for a human-sized teddy bear in his sleep.
If only you went straight to bed yesterday, but no,  you made your way downstairs, night air enveloping you like a clingy ex, refusing to let go. The “silk nightie”, who was clinging for dear life, seemed to have its own agenda, plotting to reveal more than your freaking  thirst. The time you were quenching that thirst, the door creaked open, and in strutted your husband, looking like he’d just seen a ghost, a very seducing one.
You wouldn’t have seen all these love bites scattered all over your body just now in the bathroom mirror. All you knew that man was starved, in fact it was like a vampire attack, like you were some eternal blood source. 
"Well, on the bright side, at least it's a clear sign that he's still absolutely obsessed with you!" Chaewon says through a phone call. You rolled your eyes as you switched your phone to the other side of your ear. 
"But seriously, I might need to invest in some garlic or fucking turtle necks until these fades away” You were absolutely convinced these marks wasn't planning to vanish by the time the big day rolled around. Well, here's to hoping there's enough makeup foundation to camouflage it – or maybe just hope it passes off as avant-garde art. 
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As the bachelorette party continued on the beach, the atmosphere grew livelier with each passing moment. Sakura, the bride-to-be, seemed to be in her element, regaling her friends with hilarious anecdotes from her past and leading them in impromptu beach games.
With her claddering in a makeshift veil fashioned from seaweed and shells, twirls around the makeshift dance floor, her laughter infectious as she attempts to teach you the latest dance craze she picked up from a YouTube tutorial.
Yujin dramatically fanned herself, her face flushed from a combination of excitement and the relentless sun. "I swear, if I get any hotter, I'll rival a popsicle on a July afternoon"
Karina, chuckled sympathetically. "Tell me about it. At this rate, I'll be auditioning for the role of tumbleweed in a beachside Western!" wrestling with her wind-mangled hair,
You couldn't help but burst into laughter at their exaggerated plight, feeling a sense of camaraderie amidst the absurdity. "Well, if we're destined to become tumbleweeds, let's at least be the most glamorous ones ever seen on this beach"
Chaewon nodded eagerly. "Absolutely! Move over, Baywatch, here comes the Tumble Squad!"
Despite the idyllic setting, chaos seemed to follow the bride wherever she went. From all of you,  bridesmaids frantically searching for her lost engagement ring (which you guys later found buried in the sand during an impromptu game of beach volleyball) to her future mother-in-law mistaking a seagull for the wedding planner, it was abundantly clear that this bachelorette party wasn’t even close to ordinary ones. 
As the day goes  by, you find yourself nestled on the sandy shores, seeking solace amidst the cacophony of bachelorette shenanigans. Just when you were about to sink into a serene trance, a sight straight out of a tipsy fairy tale unfolded before you.
There she was, the blushing bride-to-be, stumbling towards you with the grace of a drunken seagull, her eyes sparkling with mischief like a mischievous sprite.
 With all the finesse of a beached mermaid, she flopped down beside you, disrupting your beachside reverie.
"Heyyy," she slurred, her words riding on a wave of tequila. "Guess what?"
You braced yourself for whatever whimsical revelation was about to befall you. 
"Your hubby?" she exclaimed, leaning in so close you could practically taste the margaritas wafting from her breath. "He's our wedding superhero. Save us from total meltdown" 
Your laughter bubbled up faster than champagne on New Year's Eve, imagining your usually mild-mannered partner morphing into a wedding-wielding crusader, cape and all.
"He's a legend," she proclaimed, brandishing her cocktail like a triumphant warrior. 
"You've hit the jackpot, my friend” she says weakly nudging you. 
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As the boat swayed gently like a cradle rocked by a tipsy sailor, the groom, Jay, and Sunghoon found themselves caught in a momentary lull in the storm of wedding madness.
"So, you knew about this whole thing and didn't confront her?" Jay leaned back in his chair, arms crossed, looking like a detective from a B-grade movie.
“I gotta play it cool until the 'I do's' are done, you know?" Sunghoon replied, taking a swig of his drink. "Can't be squabbling with my Mrs. while I'm supposed to be your best man. That'd be like serving cake with a side of divorce papers."
"THEE LEE Heeseung, right?”
“ONE OF MY GROOMSMEN?" Jay asked, putting the puzzle pieces together, as he widens his eyes
Sunghoon grimaced, "Yeah, that's the one."
 "Bro, that's twisted."
"Messed up, right?" Sunghoon chuckled, though there was a hint of pain in his voice.
"Well, ain't that a pickle," Jay muttered, trying to lighten the mood but failing spectacularly. "I'm just here for the drama, mate. Pass the popcorn." he threw his hands up in mock surrender. 
"Thank the heavens you dragged me into this escapade of yours away from your OWN bachelor’s party," Sunghoon says as he trims his fingers through the wine glass. 
"Hey, if you stayed longer there, you would have had to punch that guy in the face? Right?” Jay said, with a concerned look. 
“Sorry Hoon, can't have you rotting in jail on my wedding day." Sunghoon rolled his eyes, thoroughly unamused by Jay's cavalier attitude, knowing he had a loyal friend, yeah even if that loyalty came with a side of over-the-top theatrics.
Sunghoon actually harbored suspicions well before your chance encounter at the bakery. His intrigue began when he noticed Heeseung's name on the groomsmen list enclosed within the wedding invitation.
Heeseung certainly masked his true nature with a devilish guise, yet you found yourself too preoccupied to realize it.
Yeah, to remember when Heeseung left Sunghoon with bruises after their playdate? It's hard to believe, but it all boiled down to Sunghoon having better toys than him. What's even more surprising is that nobody reprimanded Heeseung for his behavior, it was brushed off as “typical childhood antics."
Heeseung's behavior continued as they grew older, contributing to the growing chasm between them. He would frequently target Sunghoon, resorting to physical violence during vacant times at school. Sunghoon chose to suffer in silence, fearing the consequences if he dared to tell his parents, knowing he'd face even more trouble in school if he did.
"In case it wasn't clear before, let me make it crystal: one more conversation, one more glance, even a hint of your presence near Y/N, and you'll wish you'd never done that" he uttered in a low, ominous tone, his gaze piercing into Sunghoon's soul. 
“I’m not afraid of killing you right here, right now”  he whispered at Sunghoon, his eyes ablaze with a chilling intensity, after catching you both in conversation at the party where your paths first crossed. 
Heeseung's just doing his best protective bulldog impression because he's fucking smitten with you, but let's face it, he's about as intimidating as a fluffy bunny wearing a 'Beware of Rabbit' sign. And yet, despite his valiant efforts, the bond between you and Sunghoon is stronger than ever. I guess love wins all over damn bunny threats 
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As you sit in the church pew, trying to suppress the urge to fidget and accidentally knock over the flower arrangement, your attention is suddenly diverted by the sight of Ms. Youngseo in all her glory. There she sits, like a majestic peacock in the third row, her hat towering above the congregation like a beacon of eccentricity.
You debate internally whether it's worth risking your dignity to approach her. After all, she's the aunt of Sunghoon, your husband. Ah yes, it’s the lady who made divorce seem like an extreme sport, she’s crazy but at least she is kinder than Hoon’s mother. 
Mustering up your courage, telling yourself it's for the sake of civility and maybe a good story to tell later. "Ms.Youngseo, lovely to see you here," you begin, trying to sound casual despite feeling like you're tiptoeing through a minefield.
"Oh, dear, isn't it just a splendid day for a wedding?" she chirps, her voice as cheerful as a Disney character on helium. You nod, trying not to get distracted by the miniature garden atop her head. "Yes, it's quite lovely."
She gives you a knowing smile, as if she's privy to some grand secret. "Ah, weddings. Such joyous occasions. Reminds me of my third one." You resist the urge to raise an eyebrow. "Oh?"
"Yes, lovely affair, that one. Shame about my ex though. Turns out he had a wandering eye. Literally. Had to get it surgically corrected," she confides, her tone oddly chipper.You're not sure whether to laugh or run for the hills. "Well, uh, glad you could make it to this one."
She pats your hand with a gloved finger. "Oh, my dear, I wouldn't miss it for the world.”
Meanwhile, at the entrance of the church, a silent showdown unfolded like a low-budget Western film. It was the kind of conflict where the only weapons were awkward glances and passive-aggressive sighs. .
Well, Sunghoon's eyes narrow as he spots Heeseung lingering there. Suddenly, it's as if a floodgate of childhood memories bursts open, unleashing a tidal wave of old grudges and playground battles, turning his chest into a pressure cooker of pent-up irritation and resentment.
Heeseung's gaze meets Sunghoon's, as they walk past each other,  neither speaks. After many years the tension still hangs thick between them, suffocating the air around them.
And even before Jay and Sakura could even think about saying "I do," you found yourself caught in a poignant stare-down with Sunghoon. Memories flooded in like a nosy neighbor barging into your life uninvited. As the church organ wheezed into life, signaling the start of the grand spectacle, Sunghoon shot you one last desperate glance. Both of you silently mouthed those three little words, "I love you,"  
And there it was, causing even the sturdiest of souls to feel a tear or two meander down their cheeks as the bride floated down the aisle, a vision of love and hope in white. 
It felt like just yesterday you were the one sauntering down that very same aisle.
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As you and Sunghoon settled at a table, basking in the post-nuptial glow, he leaned in with a soft smile, his eyes gleaming with a hint of mischief. "You know," Sunghoon began, his voice tinged with a hint of nostalgia, "seeing Sakura walk down the aisle reminded me so much of our own wedding day."
You chuckled softly, remembering the whirlwind of emotions that had accompanied your own journey down the aisle. "Really? I didn't know I had competition," you teased, nudging him playfully.
Sunghoon grinned, shaking his head. "No competition at all. But seeing her, in that moment, it was like déjà vu. I almost cried, you know."
"Almost?" you raised an eyebrow, feigning disbelief. "You're slipping, Mr. Park. I thought you were the king of sentimental tears."
He chuckled, his gaze lingering on you with affection. "Well, I had to hold it together. Didn't want to steal the spotlight from the happy couple."
You rolled your eyes, reaching for his hand under the table. "You're such a sap," you teased, squeezing his hand gently.
"Only for you," he replied, leaning in to press a kiss to your lips. "Always for you."
Just as the glasses clinked, the speeches began, with him leading the charge. As the toasts flowed like fine wine, you couldn't resist sharing knowing glances, silently acknowledging the uncanny resemblance between Sakura's procession and your own wedding extravaganza. It was indeed déjà vu with champagne. 
Outside the elegant venue, away from the laughter and music of the wedding reception, Sunghoon sought a moment of solace, a cigarette hanging between his fingers. Champagne wasn’t enough to  relieve all this wedding stress. 
He was startled to find Heeseung standing in the shadows, a cigarette of his own between his lips. The sight of his childhood tormentor sent a chill down Sunghoon's spine, but he squared his shoulders, refusing to show weakness.
Heeseung's smirk was as insidious as ever, his gaze lingering on Sunghoon with a predatory glint. "Well, if it isn't little Sunghoon. Enjoying your moment of freedom, away from your precious wife?"
Sunghoon's grip tightened on his cigarette, the ember glowing in the darkness. He forced a tight smile, his voice cold. "Just taking a breather, Heeseung. What about you?
Heeseung's eyes glinted with mischief as he took a drag. "Ah, that is overrated. I prefer the view inside. 
“Speaking of views... your wife. She's quite the sight, isn't she?"
Sunghoon's blood chilled at the mention of his wife, his grip on the cigarette tightening involuntarily, his temper ready to burst despite his attempts to keep it in check. "Watch your words, Heeseung. You're skating on thin ice here."
Heeseung chuckled darkly, the sound sending a chill down Sunghoon's spine. "Oh, come on, Sunghoon. Let's be real. She's got curves in all the right places. I bet she keeps you on your toes in bed."
Sunghoon felt his vision blur with rage, it looks like the cigarette is now a forgotten accessory. He stepped forward,  "That's crossing the line bud. Don't you dare talk about her like that."
Heeseung's smirk widened, his gaze daring. "Or what? You'll finally grow a backbone? I highly doubt it. You've always been about as sturdy as a wet noodle, Sunghoon. And as for your wife... well, she deserves someone with a bit more backbone, don't you think?"
“Oh please it’s like you’re even better than me” Sunghoon rolls his eyes 
“Just admit it”     “You’re jealous of me” 
“That’s why I had to endure every bit of your endless torments” 
With a sudden, sharp impact, everything blurred for a split second. The sensation of Heeseung's fist crashing into Sunghoon's face rips through him like a bolt of lightning.
Sunghoon's control snapped like a brittle twig, his hand lashing out to grab Heeseung by the collar. The air crackled with tension as they locked eyes, the weight of years of resentment hanging heavy between them.
Both of their eyes lock, a silent battlefield where years of bitterness and resentment converge. The air crackles with the tension of unspoken words, heavy with the weight of our tangled history.
But then, with a deep breath, Sunghoon released his hold, his voice steely. "Stay away from  her, Heeseung. Or you'll fucking regret it." Before the situation can escalate further, a hand grips his shoulder, pulling Sunghoon back from the brink of violence. 
It's Jay,  his expression a mix of concern and admonishment.
"Sunghoon, what the hell are you doing?" Jay's voice cuts through the tension, grounding Sunghoon  in the reality of the present moment. Sunghoon takes a deep breath, as Jay turns his attention to Heeseung, his tone firm.
"Heeseung, I think it's best if you leave," Jay says, his words carrying a weight of finality while death glaring at Heeseung. With a final glance at Sunghoon, Heeseung nods curtly before disappearing, leaving behind a lingering sense of unease. 
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As you enter the bedroom, you find Sunghoon sitting on the edge of the bed, his expression a mix of pain and frustration. His lips are swollen and bruised, evidence of the altercation with Heeseung at the wedding reception.
Approaching him with a mixture of concern and amusement, you suppress a smile at the sight of his injured pride. "Well, look at you," you tease gently, "getting into fights at weddings. I always knew you had a knack for drama."
Sunghoon manages a weak chuckle, though it's clear that the pain is still fresh in his mind. "It wasn't my fault," he protests, wincing as he touches his swollen lip gingerly. "Heeseung just sucker-punched me out of nowhere."
Once you've finished tending to his injury, you lean back and regard him with a playful glint in your eye. "You know, maybe you should take it easy on the whole rivalry thing," you suggest lightly. "I don't want to have to patch you up after every encounter with Heeseung."
Sunghoon rolls his eyes, but there's a hint of amusement in his gaze. "Yeah, yeah, I know," he concedes, leaning in to press a gentle kiss to your cheek. "But promise me one thing?"
you raise an eyebrow, curious. "What's that?"
Sunghoon's expression turns serious as he meets your gaze. "Promise me you'll stay away from Heeseung," he says softly. "I don't want you getting mixed up in our history."
You smile reassuringly, placing a hand on his cheek. "Don't worry," you assure him, "I have no intention of getting involved in your drama from now on.  Besides, I have enough trouble dealing with you."
Sunghoon grins, leaning in to press a kiss to your lips, his injury forgotten for the moment. 
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incase if some lines/dialogues are familiar to you guys thats because some are from movies/books ive read/watched ! =)
p.s: no i am not gonna make another continuation for this or make a special chapter about it..
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crystaldivination · 1 year
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𓈒 ˙𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑙𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑠𝑖𝑔𝑛𝑖𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑛𝑡 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟 𓈒 ˙
Hello beautiful souls, I hope you had an amazing day! I feel called out to do a reading on this topic so here it is. Maybe it’s something that needs to be get off of the chest. Reblogs, likes and follows are highly appreciated. Stay hydrated always and don’t forget to shine my little stars ✦
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© 2023 Crystaldivination | All rights reserved.
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How to choose your pile? As alwavs meditate or close vour eyes before looking at each picture. Trust your intuition and pick out a picture you feel the most drawn to.
The piles
from left -> right
Disclaimer: this is a general reading which may or may not resonate with you. Take what resonates and leave out anything that doesn't. Feel free to choose another pile if you'd like.
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My dear, I miss you so much. It aches me that you’re still not here with me now. I know that we still have a lot of things to do for ourselves in order to be together but I just want you so much. I want you laying in my arms now, I just need to hold you for a while but I know I can’t and that makes me so sad. When will we be together?… I know I shouldn’t be so desperate. I know I shouldn’t rush. Believe me I want us to last for a long time if not for eternity but I feel so lonely nowadays, if only you can be by my side… but I won’t be weak. I will be strong enough to be able to wait for you so please do the same for me too, okay? We are meant to be together so nothing can stand in our way. I believe in that. Until then take care of yourself and be happy as much as you can. I need to know that you’re well. Reassure me that you are, so that I don’t need to be worried about you all the time. Trust me, you’re on my mind 24/7. You’re my dream person. Sending you all the good things in the world.
I love you my darling.
[CRYSTAL’S NOTE] I think your significant one is likely going through a spiritual or emotional transformation/ transition right now so send them all the positive and lovely energy you can to support them. They do need it. Mark it with something they’d know it’s from you.
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My love, I think about you often. How are you doing these days? Do you eat properly at the right time? Go out in the sun. Don’t stay in your room even if you don’t feel the need or desire to get out. Fresh air will make you feel happier. I promise. I hope you take good care of yourself. You know that’s the only thing that gives me reassurance right? I can’t see you nor pamper you myself so you have to do it all by yourself now. Just until I’m beside you then I’ll make sure you feel like a princess every minute. I’m your servant for life. I can’t wait to treat you like I’m supposed to. I’ve been waiting for this moment in my imagination my whole life. I can still wait, until you really appear in front of me. I know this sounds ridiculous and a lot of this might seem exaggerated but I really mean it. You might not believe me or you could even laugh at me, it doesn’t matter but do know that I’m really sincere with my words. This is all I want to tell you in this moment. I hope you feel better hearing these messages.
May this made your day, my love.
[CRYSTAL’S NOTE] Remember to take good care of yourself and love yourself enough for their sake because your significant other is someone who might be literally devastated if they knew you were struggling. They might have a developed intuition or spiritual awareness so they could be able to feel your energy through their chakra system which is why it could make them feel weak as well if you were down.
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Baby, it’s me. It’s been a long time. How are you doing? I’m doing pretty well. Sometimes I feel a little bit lonely but I’m okay. I think of you from time to time. I have to be honest I don’t like to push myself to do anything that doesn’t feel natural. I know you’re there waiting for me and I’m here doing my job to get closer to you. I know what we both want and things always come at the right time so I believe we will be together (again) when the time is right. Do we decide when it’s time? Or is it divine timing? I don’t care but whenever you’re ready I am. I can feel our time coming nearer. I can already feel it close to me. I can’t wait for you. I have faith in us so I choose to trust the process. I know that no one or nothing can separate us. I’m so in love with you. Stay strong I’ll be by your side soon. I will never change my mind when it comes to you. I’m standing firm in my convictions so do you. When we do meet let us meet each other with a happy face, deal? A kiss to your cheek.
I’m forever yours, babe.
[CRYSTAL’S NOTE] Your significant other is really firm in their belief of you. They know what they want so nothing can shake them. They’re ready for you. I sense stubborn energy as well. You should know. Make whatever you think out of it.
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© crystaldivination ── all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, edit, alter, or redistribute my work. Plagiarism in any form is prohibited.
1K notes · View notes
bloatedandalone04 · 9 months
When Faced with Darkness
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➪the one where you and anakin reunite years after he turned to the dark side.
Warnings: angst, that’s really it, anakin being manipulative, just a short fic because i was feeling inspired to write something like this
Word Count: 1.2k
Do not repost this anywhere, reblogs are fine ♡ Thank you for 3.3k follwers MWAH
“Call out to me,” you hear his unmistakable voice say again. You glanced around at your surroundings, finding nothing but the emptiness of your old room at the temple. Your old shared room, the one you hid away in with Anakin. That room had long since been destroyed, so you couldn’t quite figure out how you were back in it, or question where all the furniture went before he spoke again. “Let me in. Call out to me, angel.”
Your heart faltered at the name and you peered out into the darkness, seeing nothing at all, but feeling that he was close by. Anakin. “Come to me,” you requested in a quiet voice, his presence growing stronger with each passing second. “Come find me.” 
Though your words were faint, they echoed around the room and called back to you as a tall figure emerged from the shadows a few steps away. “I’ve found you,” he spoke and you turned around quickly, your eyes meeting his almost immediately. 
His voice was a mix of himself and someone else, but his appearance was exactly what you remembered it looking like. The scar on his cheek, the flow of his hair, his teasing smirk, everything. “Anakin,” you murmured, a grin breaking out on your lips as he inched closer, his head tilted as he, too, observed you. “Is it…is it really you?”
He stepped towards you, a hum bubbling in the back of his throat as he held his hands behind his back. “Who else would it be?” He teased in his soft yet enticing voice.
It never failed to draw you into him. 
Maybe that is why you were here now, because you weren’t as strong as you needed to be. Not when it came to him. 
It looked like him, sounded like him, even felt like him, but Anakin is gone. He’s been gone for a long time now, and what replaced him was a darkness that even the brightest star couldn’t shine through. 
Still, you couldn’t help but let yourself fall into a state of denial, wishing that this was real, that he was back and was as desperate for you as you were for him. It wasn’t hard, seeing as he looked the exact same as before, just more stoic. More dark and intimidating than he had ever appeared in all the years you’d known him. 
“I’m not sure,” you answered honestly, watching as he walked around you in slow circles, his eyes raking up and down your form as if he was trying to remember how you looked under your gown and robe. “I’m not sure what’s real anymore.”
Anakin stopped in front of you, his smirk fading into a teasing smile as his gloved hand reached for your wrist. “Look around you,” he softly ordered, watching as you obeyed him without any hesitation. You were still his obedient, sweet girl. “This is our room, isn’t it? The one we shared together.”
“I don’t know,” you shook your head quickly. The room was the same, but it was just empty, so void of love and care and secrecy. You couldn’t bear to think about the last time you were in this room, back when you were at your happiest and had everything to look forward to. 
Back when Anakin was still here and hadn’t given himself up. When he didn’t let himself slip further and further to a one way destination. 
But he was here, right in front of you and giving you the same look he always did when you weren’t feeling like yourself and needed comfort. It was the same look, but it wasn’t him. 
You hadn’t even noticed that piece by piece, the furniture began to fill the room, mirroring the way it looked before. 
Your head felt like it was spinning, but Anakin’s grip on you tightened to ensure you wouldn’t fall. “Now look at me,” he quietly demanded. “Look at me.”
“It’s not real,” you admitted to yourself, despite your heart screaming at you, begging you to give in and let him do whatever he wanted to you. This was better than not having him at all. “It’s not…”
But he hushed you, “Y/n,” he spoke sternly, that same, much deeper voice from before creeping back in alongside his own. You hadn’t heard him say your name in so long, you had almost forgotten what it sounded like. “Look. Look at me.”
You always were weak when it came to him. Lifting your head, you meet his eyes, briefly glancing into the ones of a sith before you let yourself drown in the orbs of blue. Releasing a long sigh of relief, you let your tense body relax under his gaze, rendering yourself to him almost completely. 
“Good. That’s good,” he praised, keeping his hand wrapped around your wrist as he moved it upwards. Placing your palm flat against the left side of his chest, his burning gaze never faltered as he pressed himself against your hand. “Feel me. Feel that I am here, with you, in our own room.”
Your head told you to pull away and run for the nearest exit, but you couldn’t see anything past all the shadows. All you could see is the apparition of your lover, who you lost ages ago. “Anakin,”
“Feels right, doesn’t it?” He asked, a small, barely there hint of mockery in his tone as he removed his hand from around your wrist and allowed you to keep your own pressed against his heart. “Feels just like before.”
You stifle a surprised cry, looking up at him with watery eyes. “Why are you here? Why now?” 
His expression softened, but it was just an act. A way to tear your walls down and rip apart the growth and healing you’ve endured since losing him. You should, but you can’t bring yourself to push him away. You can’t bring yourself to not give in to him.  “Because you needed me,” he answered simply. “Because you still need me.”
You shake your head but don’t pull away when he places his hands on your hips. The coolness of his glove sends a shiver up your spine, a repressed groan of longing slipping past your lips. 
“And I still need you,” he added, daring to step closer to you and successfully invading your space. He made it his own as he reached his left hand up to caress the side of your face. “We’re one in the same, angel. We always have been.”
A shaky sigh leaves your mouth before he is covering it with his own. His lips envelop yours softly at first, but the gentle kiss grows stronger, a certain sinister feeling slipping from him to you, but you don’t pull away. 
You grip his shoulder and cry a call of his name when he breaks the kiss. “Anakin,”
He grins down at you, a wicked and twisted sight right before your very eyes. “I know,” he consoles, pressing a firm kiss to your forehead and gripping the sides of your face much tighter than before, but it only leaves you wanting more. 
How unfortunate of you to be so weak when faced with the embodiment of true darkness. 
“I know,” he repeats his words, sliding his hands down so they’re pressing against the base of your throat. “Now, give in to me.”
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