#oura oc
pommigranite · 1 year
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oura and ammi are both apart of the "babies that pretty much just came out of nowhere" club lol
ammi belongs to @sha-biest
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welcometohelck · 4 months
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Ranger's Training
Always gotta stay in top shape. And when it comes to the training sessions for the Ranger's crew, it usually involves with the other members sparring with North in a one on one. He is the captain for a reason people.
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And afterwards, they all get ice cream as a treat. There's even a added challenge that if one of the crewmembers can beat North he pays for all the ice cream, otherwise they pay for there own.
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(Zane is owned by @moonspiritleaf)
(Merrit is owned by @fishy0bishy)
(Zelda and Sparky are owned by @svetikfandomfrom0902)
(Thorn is owned by @infinite-hearts-333)
(Sunny and the art is owned and made by @novalizinpeace, always check her out for cool art)
(Space Rider's au made and owned by @onyxonline)
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infinite-hearts-333 · 2 months
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Gala Dance
I decided now was the best time to feed you lot Thorn’s gala fit. I’ll draw a better version were you see the front later, the background on this one fought me to the end of time ugh.
Also Bobby Bearhug. Cause. Gay.
Au belongs to @onyxonline and so does bobby!
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newts-and-sharks · 3 months
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PoV: a baby Kora sat next to you
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Some Coffee Spies Au where Dream meets with Oura Thorn and Starchild from @infinite-hearts-333 and @starastarship
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This one for Star is where Dream finds them when they are injured and nurses them to health.
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And this one where Dream first sets up their bakery and Thorn checks out the new competition. Their creator, infinite, had mentioned of them being rival bakers in a comment of Dream’s Coffee Spies AU profile and thought it would be cool. But then I thought it would be funny if the rivalry was one-sided since they’re not that competitive.
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svetikfandomfrom0902 · 2 months
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HOORAY! Now you can rest.
The idea for the challenge is mine. Because I wanted to draw from Fnaf 7 in this format.
RUS: Челлендж! Выполнен! Ура! Теперь можно идти на покой.
Идея челленджа моя. Потому что я хотела в таком формате нарисовать из Фнафа 7.
Author Oc's:
North Heat @north-heats-stronghold
Sunny Yolk, Lizzy & AI @novalizinpeace
Zane @moonspiritleaf
Oura Thorn @infinite-hearts-333
Merrit & Mrs UnNamed @fishy0bishy
Dogbite Salaris and his team
Starchild @starastarship
Alan Crane @williammorgan45
Dream @poppy-playtime-fan-ocs
Asahi Saki @truelazymaker
Silly Billy @darktapufifi
Kaiza @itzasharks-3-thoughts
Depresskitty @bsw421
KoiRite & Eve @lavendersartistry
Fennecin Fox, Bluebell Butterfly, Aprina Phoenix
Whimper Wolf & Sinful Shepherd
My Oc's:
Zelda Starsnow, DogStar-02(Sparky), Mr X, Cassie Safety, Miss Crow (Elena).
Space Riders AU by @onyxonline
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moonspiritleaf · 4 months
SO. The character Jaz, fanofanything's Smiling Critter and Space Rider OC, is no longer part of the Ranger team. As Fan left the Discord chat we are in.
Fan left without saying anything, not even telling us why she deleted her blog. So after she left, we had to remove Jaz from the Ranger team.
We already have a new member of the Ranger team. @infinite-hearts-333 Smiling Critter Oc. Oura Thorn.
Space Riders AU by @onyxonline
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So the au is once again by @onyxonline
the only oc is Oura Thorn by @infinite-hearts-333
mentioned oc is Sunny by @novalizinpeace
this one actually made me cry because of the song i used
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ceapa-mica · 1 year
The Choices We Make | Chapter 7: Conflicted
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{cross-posted on ao3} {masterlist}
<- previous chapter
Pairing: Imperial!Crosshair x Tholothian!OC
Warnings: angst
Word count: 2419
Summary: Crosshair wants to keep Zaree out of trouble.
a/n: Crosshair and Zaree are back!
I finally finished this chapter and can't wait for you to read it! I have quite a few other projects going, but don't worry, I'll still continue this fic. The message of this story is too important not to finish it.
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Crosshair checked himself out in front of the mirror before getting dressed for the day. As a soldier he hardly ever cared much about his physical appearance since he spent so much time wearing his helmet. Shore leave had always been an exception though. With his brothers he used to visit 79s, meeting a nice Twi'lek lady or two. Without his brothers he never considered going back there, and he had different plans anyway. Zaree needed him, and he didn't wanna be late. He splashed cold water in his face, put bacta cream on the scar at the side of his head, and shaved the light stubble of his beard. Ever since he became friends with Zaree it had actually turned into a daily routine for him. 
Wearing armor inside the facility was mandatory. So he put on the black plastoid and a toothpick between his teeth before he took his helmet and a simple DC-17 blaster, leaving his quarters, eager to see the young woman.
Zareena, already wearing her civvies, was working on her datapad when he entered the maintenance room. She looked up in surprise, her signature smile was back.
“Cross! Right on time! Thank you for doing this.” She switched off the datapad and left the room so he could change into the civvies that belonged to Lyle. Crosshair sighed, his feelings for her trying to break out of the corner of his mind.
Get a grip! You’re going with her so you can protect her down there. Focus on her safety!
The first time he'd worn them, the civvies had felt strange on his skin, but by now he wished his blacks were as comfortable as Lyle's clothing was. Compared to them, his blacks were somewhat itchy, something he had never noticed until he had worn this outfit for the first time.
Zaree had checked out of her shift and they went the secret way she had shown him last time.
"I wonder how many people will come to this get together. You're so quiet, are you okay?" Zaree asked.
"M'fine." Crosshair replied with an icy tone in his voice. He tried so hard to stay emotionally distant. It's what he thought was best.
"I bet the kids look forward to seeing you again, especially Baxel."
Crosshair rolled his eyes at the mere thought of the Mon Calamari boy who talked way too much for his liking.
The way to the Kjori family's apartment was more of a one sided conversation. He listened to every word Zaree said, but didn't add much. She told him how she and Lyle had become friends and how he had taught her the everyday tasks the job included.
"You know, talking about someone a lot keeps the person alive somehow. Not that I think he's dead, but…" At the last few words her voice broke, but her face remained neutral and so did her posture. That's when Crosshair figured out she was an expert when it came to hiding her true feelings, that there had to be more than the smile she put on every day. But wasn't he the same way? Putting on a brave expression in his line of work?
Crosshair still wasn't used to the stench of the lower levels. He kept an eye out for potential dangers and instinctively put an arm around Zaree. With the scowl he wore on his face, he probably scared away any criminal waiting for their next victim. Still, it was a relief when the door to the apartment building shut behind them. To their surprise the small apartment was crowded with people - friends and neighbors of the family. When their eyes landed on Crosshair, the entire room fell silent, except for Oura who was serving her guests seaweed salad - a Mon Cala delicacy.
"This is the soldier you told us about?" an elderly Nautolan woman asked.
"Crosshair!" Baxel pushed his way through the people to wrap his arms around his waist in a tight hug. "That's my friend!" he declared while Crosshair stood there completely rigid. Everything in him wanted to push the child away, but Zaree's amused chuckle kept him from doing so. "Enough, kid." was all he said, and the boy let go and looked up at him with admiration in his big eyes.
"Who says he won't tell his superiors what we're talking about? We could get arrested, just like my friend Col. He mentioned that he doesn't trust the new Empire while being out with a friend, next thing troopers came out of nowhere and arrested him. Chila hasn't seen him again ever since." the Nautolan woman said.
"What do we know so far?" Zaree asked. "Did y'all compare your financial records?"
"Yes, and the fee varies between households based on how many people live in one household, and the district you live in. The Empire doesn't even care about your salary." Oura explained.
"What if he arrests us for speaking our minds?" a middle aged human man asked, pointing at Crosshair.
"Not my orders." he replied, keeping a neutral expression.
"What are your orders then?"
"I'm on shore leave today, no orders. Say what you want, I'm just here to keep Zareena safe in that shady district you call home."
A discussion about the security fee broke loose. The human man, Mr. Darga, lived alone, and his security fee was still higher than the one the Kjori family had to pay because of the little convenience store he owned. Neela, the Nautolan woman, had to pay less than the Kjoris, because she only owned a little apartment with her husband. A young Twi'lek man named Griff was a single dad who couldn't afford enough to eat at the end of each month, and Risa, a middle aged Zabrak woman, had to move to a different part of town. Due to the fee she couldn't afford rent anymore, and now her way to work was even more unsafe than before.
"You know what else they do?" she raised her voice. "I've been working in the library for more than twenty years. A few days after the Republic fell some people in gray uniforms turned up at the library and took so many books and they gave me a very long list of books they say are now banned. And in the last few weeks I got deliveries with books I didn't order. When I read them, all of them were glorifying the Empire and its military."
"I didn't know it's that bad." Zaree said with a deep frown.
"Civil compliance makes our job easier." Crosshair muttered, leaning casually against the wall and shoving a toothpick between his lips.
"He's one of them! How can you trust this guy, Zareena?!" Mr. Darga yelled.
"He's my friend! I know I can trust him because… my heart tells me so!"
Why did Zaree's words feel like they stabbed Crosshair in the chest? Suddenly the air inside the small apartment became too thick for his liking, or was it the heavy feeling inside his chest making him feel this way?
"I'll wait outside." With these words Crosshair left the room, sitting down on the cold staircase right outside the apartment. He was angry, but he didn't fully understand why. It had something to do with what Zaree said, but it was not her he was mad at, nor anyone else in the apartment. What had he gotten himself into? It would be his duty to call for backup and arrest everyone in this apartment for treason against the Empire, yet all he did was sit on the staircase, musing about ways to ensure nobody found out about Zaree's obvious disdain for the very people she worked for. Nobody could ever find out. She cared, she was kind and compassionate, everything Crosshair thought he wasn't. He couldn't bear to see his only friend through a prison rayshield. 
After thirty minutes the door opened and Zaree came out, putting on her dark blue jacket.
"Sorry it took so long, really."
"Patience is a core trait any skilled sniper has." he responded with a shrug and a cocky smirk.
As they went on their way back through the district, Crosshair noticed that it was now Zaree who was unusually quiet. As they stepped into the elevator and she still hadn't said a word, he decided to ask her about it.
"I- It's just… Look, I tried to avoid this question, maybe because I was too afraid of the answer…" She looked him straight in the eye. "If you were given the order to arrest me, would you do it?"
Crosshair was surprised at her question, remembering what he had thought about while waiting for the get together to end. He averted his gaze, he couldn't just lie to her. "Orders are orders."
Zaree's brown eyes widened in fear and she took a step back. Not that there was much space in that small elevator, so her back touched the transparisteel wall. The way she stared at him with tears welling in her eyes made him feel uneasy.
"I'm just being honest." he added.
"You know you deserve more, Crosshair? You clones are treated like shit by the military, you basically have zero rights. You're my friend and you deserve more than being treated like this. So why follow their orders?"
His heart felt as if a ton of bricks weighed it down. He didn't wanna talk about it - the guilt he felt for what he had done to his brothers and Omega under the influence of the chip.
"You don't know what I deserve." he spoke with a sharp edge to his voice. "If it's any comfort to you, I would try and avoid a situation where I had to arrest you. Look, I- I was created to be a soldier, just like any clone. There's nothing else in this life for me but my service to the Empire." he tried to explain.
I deserve nothing more after what I've done.
"You just came with me to keep me safe on the lower levels, you help me with the search for my friend. You listen to my rambling and you're respectful compared to many other people at the headquarters… Actions mean more than words, you are deserving of kindness and a life away from all this."
Crosshair didn't understand what she saw in him, but he was sure that if she knew what he had done - what the chip had made him do - she wouldn't speak like this. She would loathe him.
"I wanna continue what Lyle started while trying to find him. I'm glad I don't have to do it alone."
Crosshair grabbed her arm and she stopped in her tracks. "You should forget about this. I know these people need help, but if anyone finds out what you're up to in your free time… It puts you in danger and if you get arrested I won't be able to help you. Just do your job, stay out of trouble and let's keep having these little lunch dates once a day."
Zaree sighed and removed her arm from his gentle grip. "Don't expect me to look the other way when people need help. You were there, you heard what they said. What happens to these people is unjust and somebody needs to do something!"
"Then let it be someone else! Please, Zaree!"
She was surprised when she saw something in his eyes, even if just for a mere second, what looked like vulnerability.
"I need to do this for Lyle. He would take the same risks for me." She looked so confident. Crosshair knew, after meeting Lyle's family and friends, that what Zaree did was not foolish, but very brave. Hell, she was as brave as a soldier, he thought, but at the end of the day she was just an overlooked maintenance worker. He wanted to help her and have her back, but at the same time keep her out of any trouble. How could he protect her if she became a rebel - an insurgent - someone Crosshair, like every other Imperial soldier, was ordered to eliminate on sight?
As they reached the Imperial army headquarters, Crosshair put his armor back on, and somehow it felt heavier on him than usual.
"See you tomorrow?" Zaree asked with the signature smile on her face.
"Lunch. Same time as always." he nodded, but then went completely rigid as she jumped, wrapping her arms around his neck in a warm embrace. He tried to ignore the way she made his heart flutter, he tried so hard.
I don't deserve her. Get a grip!
"Thank you for joining me today. That doesn't mean that I don't know how to use a blaster though." she clarified, letting go of him.
Crosshair chuckled. "Is that so, little one? You need to show me sometime."
He liked the thought of spending time with her at the shooting range and showing off his skills to her. The only problem was that she didn't have clearance to the floor the shooting range was located. They could both face serious consequences if they were caught. It was too risky.
That evening he went there alone after taking a quick detour to his quarters to pick up his beloved firepuncher rifle which was really kind of an extension of himself. 
Hitting targets, never missing a shot, came naturally to him. It calmed the storm that raged in his heart and mind. Zareena occupied both, he couldn't stop thinking about her, nor did he want to. She was the first person after his brothers and sister he actually cared for. He shouldn't, he really shouldn't, but he couldn't help it. It frustrated him that he couldn't allow himself to act on his feelings. He let his frustration out on the targets for hours.
She's the one who deserves more than working in a humid basement. She deserves to be with someone who's good and can show her the Galaxy, and that can't be me.
At the first light of dawn he returned to his quarters, eyelids heavy and with a headache. After taking a quick shower he let himself fall on the mattress of his bed with a groan. Sleep came fast and quietly. Brown eyes with a joyful gleam and little lines in their corners from laughing, that broad smile on her plump lips. Crosshair sighed in contentment, not used to dreams as beautiful as this one.
He was definitely in trouble.
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<- previous chapter
a/n: Crosshair is head over heels for Zaree and refuses to acknowledge it. I think we can all agree with Zaree that Cross deserves the world, he really does!
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pommigranite · 1 year
Donnie’s still not great with hugs, but he does his best, especially for his daughter 💜
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found a reference pose thingy on pinterest and was like “oh my god it’s them-“
Ourania’s Masterpost (if you’re curious lol)
credit under the cut 💜
pose reference by @/mellon-soup on TikTok and Pinterest as well I believe, check ‘em out <;33
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welcometohelck · 5 months
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dnangelic · 1 month
Spoiling? Spoiling?? Yes you're awesome and fantastic and Dark and Dai are so vibrant under your wings and I love em sm and takehiko does too!!
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PLS WE RESPECT TAKEHIKO IN THIS HOUSE!!! AUGHHH WHT A GOOD OC!!!!! i can totally see how she fits largely into the project k universe tbh but i love to see where u put her all the time!!! she can do anything go anywhere and to me thats always a sign of excellent cohesion and core character and i jujstttt ooohggh WAABABABA SHE'S SO COOL I WISH I HAD BETTER WORDS TO DESCRIBE IT BUT TRUST ME!!!! shes all tough but tender im so glad she treats dark n dai rlly nicies cause they wanna treat her rlly nicies too. if she'll let them OJALKJKGJ BUT WAAA OURA THANK U!!!
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infinite-hearts-333 · 2 months
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GAE 💥✨🫵🏻🏳️‍🌈
Also this thing. I regret nothing
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Au belongs to @onyxonline ✨✨
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whump-in-progress · 3 years
klaus & the gang, pt 1
hi everyone! this is the first installment of my new whump series, set in a d&d-type, generic fantasy setting. the whumpee/main character, klaus, is a halfling artificer, and the comic relief of his team. he was kidnapped as a gift/toy for a stone giant. the plot focuses on his recovery, as well as the team's long trip back to their home. let me know if you want to be included in the tag list!
(for context, oura is a beartaur, which is how she carries two people on her back and manually opens a metal restraint. rory is an aasimar, which is why she has wings.)
cw: references to past physical whump (whipping, beating, non-fatal stoning) and mental whump (mockery, pain as entertainment, food denial), swearing
klaus was exhausted.
he'd been locked up in the stone giant's underground stronghold for...
it must've been weeks, at this point.
chained to the wall, kneeling, like a piece of meat. he shivered.
his captor kept him there, in that stupid cell, only coming in to watch servants beat or whip him. once per day, the servants would also bring him food and water that he couldn't reach. he was sick of it.
klaus didn't know the giant's motivations, but he'd guessed that this torment was just for sadistic fun. he was a halfling, after all. the size difference must've been hilarious.
he slumped down as far as he could and let himself sag, that familiar pull appearing in his shoulders.
that was the doorknob to his cell.
oh no. oh no, no, not again. he had just been there!
klaus tensed up. servants had already 'fed' him that day, and the giant had finished a session just a few hours ago, so it must be him again, with servants holding a bullwhip, or a barrage of small stones, or brass knuckles, something to make him hurt and bleed so he could laugh...
or, he'd come in and mock him. no weapons in hand. just another slew of insults, calling him feeble and harebrained, among other things. maybe the giant would nudge the plate of food ever closer to klaus with his toe and cackle when he couldn't take any.
he gritted his teeth, preparing himself for something worse.
he heard... hurried discussions? that wasn't unusual in and of itself, but they were hushed and frantic. usually, his captors would boast and brag about the damage they were doing. also, some of the voices sounded female. that was odd. the stone giant didn't have any female servants.
what the hell is going on?
the heavy iron door to klaus' cell came crashing down, and his tormentors were nowhere to be seen.
what the hell?
his teammates flooded into the room. his friends. they were finally here! was he dreaming? before he could ponder whether or not this was a hallucination, his shoulders loosened involuntarily, perhaps out of sheer relief.
"oh my god, am i glad to see you guys!" klaus exclaimed.
"klaus! oh, thank god, you're okay!" xavier rushed into the room and flung his arms around klaus, clinging to him as if it was the end of the world. his tight embrace made klaus uncomfortably aware of his bruised ribs, but it was comforting nonetheless.
"hey, hey, it's okay xavier, i'm happy to see you too," he reassured him, with a slight wheeze.
"about fuckin' time, too!" rory grunted. she pulled a lockpick from her satchel and got to work on one of klaus' wrist restraints. the twitching of her wings betrayed her stress. "we've been combing this labyrinth for ages, looking for you. it's like a goddamn anthill!"
"i know, right?" klaus agreed. "i guess that's what i get for being kidnapped for a stone giant."
oura smashed the other cuff open with one of her paws, taking great care that she wouldn't hit klaus' wrist. "are you okay, man?" she piped up, voice gentle with concern. "you're covered head-to-toe in bruises, and your back looks like it's been through a cheese grater."
"trust me, oura, i've felt way worse." klaus replied with a slight chuckle.
she frowned at him.
the second wrist restraint came free, and just as klaus started to regain the feeling in his shoulder blades, oura scooped him up and placed him on her back.
rory began to bark orders at the team. "let's go, let's go, hurry, hurry, hurry!"
"woah, woah, hang on! i can still walk!" klaus yelled, indignant, but he was ignored. xavier clambered onto oura's back behind him, and rory behind xavier in turn. oura broke into a sprint.
klaus clung to the thick fur on oura's back, trying to not fall off, as the team scrambled frantically to leave before they were met with trouble. xavier kept a tight hold on klaus' waist, now being careful to avoid touching wounds.
klaus wasn't dreaming. he was really safe.
he couldn't keep feigning energy anymore. he had spent this entire time as the giant's plaything on high alert. he had needed to. if he'd relaxed in front of his captors, he was sure they'd take it as a sign of defeat. he couldn't allow himself to submit like that.
so, he'd kept his wits about him.
but now his team is here, and he's nestled in oura's soft fur, safe, and leaving his prison.
for real.
the chaos around him seemed to subside as the exhaustion took over, and he let himself relax for the first time in ages.
tag list: @whumpzone
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New drop!!!! One of them got overhauled a lot since the last time I drew her but loved what I did overall
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