#out of 4 thats a good ratio
takeutothemoon · 8 months
3 cashiers were nice 2 me yay
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thatdeadaquarius · 8 months
I have a random idea for some sagau crack loosely based on my dynamic with my friend so Im giving it to you because I have been enjoying your sagau language stuff :D
Imagine there are two readers that are two different people. Like, not as in clones they are just two separate people that are rlly good friends on earth. They both really like genshin and play the game, and they both have self aware teyvat citizens. Reader 1 is a whale. They invest a l o t of money on the game, have all the characters, and all the characters have five star weapons. They are like the usual sagau reader you see. They have used up so much money on getting all of the characters, and I mean A L L of them, best weapons, constellations and put a lot of care into it. The place where they really get to show off is their knowledge and love for the lore, and are really invested into it and read all of the artifact descriptions and books. They know about primordial one, the four shining shades, random useless facts about items and often rant to reader 2 about their theories. Their quest bar is always empty because they did them to check out the lore of the game, and are always searching for more lore. They basically play everyday and are always reacting and talking to the characters out loud, unaware that they can hear them.
Meanwhile, Reader 2 is a f2p who is only interested in the archon quest lore and the lore of their fav characters. Because they are f2p, their options are limited so there is some blatant favoritism. They choose their fav character to save up for, and then pull for them. After they get the character they want, they will no longer pull and save up from there. Because of this, they only have like 5 five stars and only have zero five star weapon. Their favourite character is their main(*cough* wanderer *cough*), and unlike reader 1 who uses all of their characters regularly, reader 2 sticks to this character for most of their gameplay unless they need to use someone else. However, reader 2 takes almost an entire month to finish building a character, because they go overboard with the artifact stats. You would expect to normally have a 50 180 crit ratio, but reader 2’s dps characters always, and I mean ALWAYS have 50 200 crit ratio or more. Like, their main (it doesnt have to be wanderer but Im putting him here anyways) has 70 and 200 crit ratio, is crowned, full 4 pc best in slot, and is even crowned and faruzan only needs like 200 er but reader 2 gave them 300. (Im totally not putting this here because this is what I did/j) Reader 2 is also the type to never speak while gaming, so the first time they spoke everyone turned it into a national holiday to be celebrated. They also play a lot less than player 1. Player 1 plays everyday while player 2 plays for a month straight and then takes a long break to wait for the content to pile up.
So these two gremlin besties are always speaking with each other, and are always on coop. Whenever player 1 needs help making team comps or building characters, they just ask player 2 for help. And whenever player 2 needs help understanding the lore of the game, they ask player 1. But all I can think abt is the first time they cooped. Imagine player 1 was using childe and then when the coop starts, both childe and wanderer are very confused as to wtf is going on. Like, childe is confused because he sensed a strange aura coming form them like whenever someone gets controlled by reader 1, and wanderer is confused because reader 2 seemed so excited that they were talking, but its just childe? Reader 2 always skips childe’s banners.
Thats it lol, hope this wasnt too long.
Not long at all! Or more like, I like long asks so feel free to share! :D
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Said friends in genshin like: ^^^
this kinda inspires me/reminds me of @mists-reading-nook soldier/poet/king post, you should check xe stuff!! Gave me brainrot to this day tbh, like im imaging how that “3rd King style of worship” would look like even now lmao ive been down bad 😭
Sun: 2 Readers! (as desc. above), (you/they/them)
Orbit: Headcanons-ish
Stars: wanderer/childe, mentions of others i forgot to focus on any one character or nation :/
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: mild cussing language, & Trigger Warnings: none known.
Please comment if I missed any. /gen
dual symbolism everywhere, obv you both thought “for the twins” but it just kept getting out of hand the more the game updated over the months lol
like shrines/temples/churches showing up more often in new countries/areas and always identifying the same 2 gods
obv the for-the-lore player picked up on it first, and by the time the trickle-down effect happened, where characters/NPCs were outright talking about these gods, the 2nd was asking the lore knower to explain lol
the 2 gods kept getting referred to by a few names, like “The Soldier and the Scholar” or “The Sage and the Warrior” or “The Keeper and the Pursuer” etc.
after awhile of comparing both of your games, you realize that some vision users/gods tend to use the soldier/warrior/pursuer titles more often when talking about one of you, and the other gets the sage/scholar/keeper more often
u both get excited, maybe its bc you chose diff travelers or some other reason, but when u try and post abt it or otherwise ask other players u get a lot of negatives/”hasnt happened for me”s??
u both just think the games glitched or some dev is playing a prank on you two maybe,
it gets weirder when u both realize the lore player be over here getting random gifts from all the characters in the mail all the time
and just as grinding players like “ :’( my favs don't like me?? but they have the best artifacts and maxed friendship levels..”
they get flooded with multiple gifts from their main characters, most of which benefit the grind tbh lmao (like a bunch of cheaper materials or crystals to level up artifacts/weapons or to ascend that character = no more slaughtering every samurai on sight for their handguards or collected a fuckton of those blue layered mushrooms for wanderer)
god u were both grateful to this glitch ngl, it saved a lot of dumb misc tasks and was just a nice touch
no but the amount of confusion inside the game from when u first started playing together, like each of ur games began with stuff abt 1 god, then as u co-oped moved onto 2 gods (like said at the beginning)
the lore player is blabbing away like you do, which begins to be heard by the other player’s game world
like it starts as whispers in battle, then all the time, then a quiet convo in the background all the time, until they can just hear u out of earshot esp word for word when they focus!! at first the vision-users/gods got all excited bc their god was speaking!! finally!!! until I'm sure they heard narration that didn't fit/it was there sometimes even when their god’s presence wasn't?/voice sounded “off” to them/didnt fit their god…??
ok ik u were joking abt the national holiday,,, but I’m not. 😈
Player 1, playing as Childe, steals a singular (1) sweet flower from Player 2, who has Wanderer out:
P2: “I seriously hate you. Listen to what I’m saying, I can’t stand you.”
(Wanderer panicking that its abt him- Childe freezing bc he managed to piss off a god that feels as powerful as his own- the PROPHECY LMAO- )
P1: “… you miss me.”
(everyone else: 💥vine boom sound 💥😦😨😰???)
P2: “I hate you.”
P1: “You miss me and you love me, why must we fight??”
(everyone else: 💥vine boom again💥🤨🫠??…)
P2: “I hate you-”
P1: “-we gotta good thing going on, you and I, why must we tussle??”
(everyone else: 💥yet another vine boom💥 💀💀)
(the absolute deep anxiety/pure confusion as the two harbingers heads just ping pong back and forth towards the voices lmao)
u two scare the shit out of any characters u do this with lol
they do get used to it as u talk, and the characters even manage to interact (thru hacking magical shenanigans and discord)
to send thank you gifts to player 1 for getting player 2 to talk more lol
along with sending copies of any lore books that player 2 has gotten that player 1 hasn't!
and it becomes common/tradition to exchange gifts like this to thank or appreciate the other god, like player 1 characters sending thank you gift copies of rare materials or ascension stuff that player 1 had that player 2 didn't (esp making sure to send during resinless hours lmao)
overall, 10/10, whats better than 1 god that plays one way? 2 gods that compensate for each other and now u have 2x the worshippers
(i wonder how meeting alternate versions of themselves would go, bc id like to headcanon that each of ur behavior towards them/ur unique influence has changed them a bit comparing, like they arent carbon copies anymore, not like they used to be…)
hey sorry for slowing down guys!!
i just feel bad its taken me forever to get to these asks, so i wanted to take what time i could lately and charge thru them so i could spam post lol
I've also been working on fics! so that's delayed things by a lot, bc fics take longer to “respond to” than short asks or replies
my poor bsd fic
Anyway thank you so much for sending this in!!! I'm so sorry i took forever to get to it, and i hope u enjoyed response/my brain shitting this out lol
have a good weekend!! :D
Safe Travels Anon!!
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manikas-whims · 2 months
how do you manage LADS as F2P? I'm having a hard time collecting gems 😭 is so difficult compared to games like genshin
Okay so..i know it sounds difficult (IT IS) but it's not impossible.
the grind can be heartbreakingly annoying..i know! Before i used to find grinding in Genshin and HSR difficult but its..so doable and easier compared to Love and Deepspace 😭
Their constant barrage of Banner after Banner is another issue especially when they don't even run for long. FOMO gets to a lot of people who find it hard to spend due to personal reasons, which is just unfair. IMHO, every limited card banner should run for at least 30 Days.
And i think these are issues that should be thrown at the Devs every once in a while. So fill out the survey forms whenever available and list all your grievances to them. LADS isn't exactly F2P friendly.
-> However, with the launch of version 2.0, they're trying new stuff and giving out a bunch of Free 5 star memories as well as materials. So thats..something ig
It's also a fairly new game, one of a kind sorta thing..so i wanna give them the benefit of the doubt. They're still trying to find their way around things and i hope they gradually add better stuff for grinding of materials and gems. (Abyssal Chaos counts as one)
As for playing as F2P, here's how I do it..
If you can spend a little, then i suggest atleast buying the Aurum Pass (i have). It ain't much but it increases stamina cap to 170. And gives 100 gems + 60 stamina daily
only make pulls on a banner when you absolutely want that limited card
save up the red gems & empyrean wishes (blue tickets) for your bias/fav LI & make pulls only for his banners (unless you absolutely want a card of another)
Use your stamina daily. Don't let it stay full. Like expend at least 80 stamina in the morning. Then play again in the evening with a nearly full stamina cap.
Focus on one LI at a time & grind materials for him only. For example, i am a Xavier main so i expend 80 stamina for the yellow/green stellactrums (ascension material | fight Lemonette) and another 60~80 on the EXP bottles (experience material | fight Heartbreaker)
DON'T WASTE MATERIALS ON 3 STAR. You can waste them on 4 star cards but I don't suggest upgrading them more than Level 40 unless absolutely necessary (i.e. you don't have any other card options)
Fight Mr. Beanie once or twice regularly! You also need that gold to upgrade your memories.
And then of course, the achievements, completing a 5 Star memory story, tender moments and secret times also give gems.
Once a week try to grind for Protocores. Even your maxxed out 5 star memories are useless without good protocores. (50 : 100 ratio between crit. rate & crit. damage is ideal) And ofc, upgrade those protocores from time to time.
This all sounds like a lot but takes less than 20 minutes to do daily..And yes, you'll find some full length guides on Reddit & Youtube.
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viridianevergarden · 6 months
So it seems that one of the main gripes that antis have about elriel is the way Azriel worded his big question to Rhys. That the way he said it screams entitlement to Elain? I’m going to break this down a little.
"The Cauldron chose three sisters. Tell me how it's possible that my two brothers are with two of those sisters, yet the third was given to another."
I really don’t think anything is wrong here.
Consider how Azriel is for a moment. He is of a more sophisticated character and he talks that way normally. The sentence is structured poetically, yes? Azriel is of a poetic sort, as we have seen on many occasions.
Azriel is referring entirely to the numerical imbalance that is present between the 3 to 3 ratio because that’s what it is. A numerical imbalance. Thats why Elain is referred to as “the third”. Weren’t Nesta and Feyre referred to as the “two”?
But it’s only wrong that he referred to Elain as the Third? Okay.
He wasn’t specifically referring to the sisters individually. He was referring to them alongside his brothers as a group. Of course she is the Third, because that is what she is. You’d think an English class would teach that.
This doesn’t mean that he sees her as an object.
Its quite the opposite that he sees her as such, given the fact that this man -across 4 books- has risked life and limb for her, spent time with her, gave her his dagger for her own safety that no one else has ever touched, actively sought her out on many occasions, and defended her against Nesta and *Lucien? Come on now. Let’s be real.
*Voicing that she doesn’t even want him in the BC is a defense in her stead.
No one does all that to slip under someone’s dress or get into their pants. Across 2 years mind.
The “given to another” line really isn’t serious just like the aforementioned.
She practically was given to another. She was thrown at Lucien, as per Lucien’s pov, since he’s oh so important. The cauldron shackled her to him as he is to her. It’s merely an observation. No entitlement.
The way Azriel spoke about Lucien regarding the blood duel, fighting him and beating him, etc. People think that Azriel is screaming entitlement by merely stating that he’d beat him? Oh lord. After Rhys and the narration confirmed that it was true? Spending precious page space to make that known?
Not entitlement. Merely stating the obvious, an observation just like the rest. A truth that SJM was trying to convey.
And don’t start with the “He’S a HiGhLoRd’S sOn, He’D bEaT AzRiEl.” Respectfully, silence. Highlord power is passed on by the death of the current highlord. Highlord esc dominance ≠ highlord power. SJM spent page space to make the fact that Az would win known, get over it.
Then they have the matter of “well why didn’t he fight Rhys back and confess his love for Elain then?”
There’s three answers I can give:
This is a BC, he won’t do that until it’s in a book that he actually stars in as a main character, which obviously is the next installment.
Azriel, as a person, feels he should not love her. That he does not deserve her. That he taints her very being. And that she is too good for him and Lucien. So that statement would be completely out of character for him to do so here. This man hates himself so much that he feels he doesn’t have the right or reason to fight for his love for Elain. So he won’t.
Rhysand himself.
The explanation on Rhysand:
Rhys shut him down as soon as he walked in
Taunted and antagonized him
Threw wild assumptions at him
Threatened him
And then immediately proceeded to shut him out
He effectively gave no room for Azriel to open up. He didn’t even ask Azriel what was happening or what he felt. It was an immediate attack as soon as he walked into the office.
“Are you out of your mind?”
Being shut down instantly
“What of Mor?”
Antagonized and taunted
“you think you deserve to be her mate?”
Wild assumption
“So you’ll what? Seduce her away from him?”
Instigated + assumption
“Snarl all you want. But if I see you panting after her again, I’ll make you regret it.”
A threat
“Get out.”
And shutting him out
After throwing knives of assumptions at Azriel, trying to bait him with Mor, he threatened him and then kicked him out.
Rhysand is at fault for not creating a safe space for his brother to explain. Azriel merely gave him curt answers in response because that’s all he allowed him to do.
It’s only salt in the wound that we know that Rhys knows of Azriel’s self worth/esteem issues and still treated him this way. But given the time this BC took place, I’m cutting Rhys some slack.
Again, keep in mind that Azriel won’t fight for his love because he feels he has no right or reason to. Not right now.
Could his question about the sisters and the cauldron have been worded better? Sure. I think it was worded well enough though because it explicitly states the disparity that he sees in a logical fashion.
Azriel isn’t entitled, he doesn’t feel entitled.
The irony of it is that some people think he is all the while the man feels as though he doesn’t even deserve to be in any close proximity to Elain. To be around her and to see her light.
People fail to consider the emotional and mental state of Elriel, completely ignoring their words that made it so obvious of what they’re thinking and feeling and wanting all so they can determine what they want them to do instead.
Very ironic indeed.
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gomzdrawfr · 7 months
Gomz, I'm sorry as a fellow CNY celebrator I'm in desperate need of your cutie tang yuan tutorial 😭 (no pressure at all of course but yours is stinking cute and I can't handle it)
What’s up gaymers, it’s Chef Gomz speaking! Here’s how to make tang yuan(herein refer to as dough balls)
The base usually is made up of either one or two kinds of flour:
glutinous rice flour (tepung gandum, 面粉)
rice flour (tepung beras, 粘米粉)
Some people just use glutinous rice flour, which makes the tang yuan less QQ(spongy), for me though i like to add rice flour to the mix, a ratio of 3 glutinous rice flour to 1 rice flour is good (sometimes 2:1 is okay too, i dont measure accurately, just wing it PFT)
Your set up should include one big bowl for the main flour mixture, another bowl of warm water, and a few plates(to put the balls)
Mix in warm water into the flour mixture until you can form a rollable dough thingy, they should have the consistency of play dough
From there you can separate the white dough into several smaller dough and then add food coloring, i suggest using dry or gel ones, if u only have liquid one just bear in mind the inks are going to add dampness into the dough(if the dough mixture is too wet, add more glutinous rice flour), and also the inks are going to stick on your hands LOL
When you make the dough, it will eventually dry up, so to prevent this you can take a cloth/wet hankerchief to put it over the bowl to cover it, you can also use plastic sheet to cover the rolled dough balls
If the dough balls turned dry, you can dab it with water using your fingertips(thats why the setup has a bowl of warm water)
Once you finish making the dough balls, boil a pot of hot water/broth of your liking, then drop the dough balls into the pot. You’ll know the balls are ready when they float up.
1. Some tang yuan i found online!
The first one with the red marble is just mixing white and red dough together its super simple
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2. If you dont want to make individual dough eyes/nose/mouth as faces, you can use red food coloring instead. Take a toothpick, dab it on red food coloring and then paint it on the dough balls, example showed with this sad pompompurin:
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3. Some recipes adds unsalted butter or oil into the dough mixture to prevent dryness and give the final tang yuan a shine on the surface, personally ive only tried it once with butter and it definitely works! But i dont do it cuz its just for bling purposes haha, I used about 3 tbsp of butter for a rough 150g of main flour
4. If you find it hard to remove the dough balls off the plate to boil it, you can put the dough balls on baking paper (one year we put it on A4 paper cuz we ran out…it works LMAO)
5. The soup/broth we usually drink is just simple ginger soup with brown sugar. If you want the soup to be sweeter, you can add red dates or longan(can bought ones are good enough). If you want the soup to smell good, we add pandan leaves too, tie the pandan leaves in knot and dump it into the pot to boil it.
I think that’s about it :3 give it a try and lmk how it turns out! I will apologize if the recipe comes out whacko lol cuz i dont measure the flours, i go by vibes PFTT (asian amiright)
Glutinous rice flour, rice flour (ratio of 3:1 or 2:1), water
Food colouring, butter/oil, pandan leaves, brown sugar, ginger
Have fun!!
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diapered-fox · 9 months
January, 2024! Diaper Training Update
Nothing really remarkable has changed as far as things I've noticed with my diaper training. I'm trying to sleep on my back. I'm a tummy or side sleeper😪 and it means I have to wash my sheets often. Bedwetting is probably my biggest accomplishment of my training, somedays I wake up cold and wet in the middle of the night. So I take my blanky and pillow and sleep on the floor. Ohh I got a new bottle 🍼. Its 4 growd ups! But I put stickers all over it! So now its cool 😎. I have been drinking formula and it's been helping me lose weight. Idk if im getting the right nutrients from my regular diet and thats why I'm hungry so much. But I definitely eat less on days I use formula. I water it down and do a half or third of what the mix ratio is supposed to be.
I dont go out much but I did go out last night. (New years) I wasn't out long before I came home. Too many ppl, too loud, too autistic lulz.
Since I've been drinking formula regularly I have notice I dont mess as often and they are not solid. I have had 2 messing accidents one snuck out with a fart. And I have no idea about the other. Someone either put a poo in my diaper, or it just fell out of me.
Oh! New years resolutions! This has nothing to do with my diaper training. But if no one noticed I never put a gender on my blog. I'm a fairly femminet guy but this year I'm going to give up the gender norms. Its hard cause I see super cute things that a "man" can't wear. But I mean I wear diapers anyways. This will be more openly displayed. It will be nice to like what I wear. Instead of wearing 😒 bland man stuffz
As always..
You deserve all the luvz
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alphaketoglutaricacid · 3 months
hater moment alert
Cannot stand the girl autism is more acceptable than boy autism bc masking take….i can abide by shitty takes on fictional shit but i cannot let shallow analysis of real issues slide. What the hell is boy autism and girl autism!!! The neat splitting of the complex process of socialization, the ways healthcare works as a system of control that often disregards symptoms of women, the complex way ppl punish the ways ppl diverge from gender roles esp for women, and how diverse of a disease autism is. I know this is a complicated discussion in healthcare bc how we view behaviors differently w gender but dare I say a big reason women (just like poc in america) are underdiagnosed is medical neglect LMAO.
This is like an actual pet peeve of mine. Theres so many stupid long held medical myths in the field like the symptoms of heart attacks are different for women vs men w no statistical bearing or were borne out of statistical malpractice (nuanced topic im not gonna fully get into abt how health data is analyzed). We (i hope) are moving away from this stupid biological determinism ohhh diseases present differently in different genders/races/whatevers bc of (biological differences/genetics/epigenetics and ooo this doesnt have anything to do w the long standing beliefs eugenics still has on how we view health ooooo bc eugenics was #cancelled and theres no troubling inheritances from it ) and acknowledging the reason why mortality differences exist are overwhelmingly bc of health inequities. I know behavioral issues are different. But they are often medicalized similarly and demographics are often homogenized when within groups ppls experiences are incredibly diverse. Anyways.
edit: this is not a dont trust the medical system go to a naturopath instead thing. Naturopaths are scammers. I generally think its a good thing medicine has moved to having evidence behind it, but our ways of collecting and executing it can be deeply flawed.
edit: its in bad form to make medical claims without sources and i dont aim to spread medical disinformation. Here are mine and you can draw your own conclusions:
the most commonly cited study on difference on presentation based on gender for heart attacks is the framingham heart study. A more recent cohort is the GRACE (the global reg of acute coronary events). U may look at these stats and go hey some of these proportions in initial disease presentation do look different between the sexes and even is statistically significant. Which is true. But it must be noted that atypical symptoms are common in both men and women (1/4 roughly vs 1/3) which means when assessing for a heart attack, you should be checking for atypical symptoms in both men and women because it occurs often. I dont believe these ratios are clinically actionable, tho some ppl disagree. Now the fact women get advanced heart treatments, get put on standard medications less often than men etc, I think thats much more actionable.
There is also something to be said abt what statistics measure. Which in population studies is: are the prevalence or outcomes of the disease different between these two populations? Which if you theoretically rounded up every man and every women in the US that has had a heart attack (which the populations in these studies are a proxy for) the answer would be: yes. But also if you rounded up everyone in the state of Minnesota vs everyone in the state of Montana, you would also have differences between manifestation of disease in these two states. The question is how large and why—the why is a question stats have a harder time elucidating.
Another question is what is the utility of dividing the groups to compare each other when there are infinite ways you could split groups up. You probably would not argue that there are inherent biological differences between people who live in Minnesota and people who live in Montana, but if you found enough difference, perhaps you could make an argument that there may be a difference in health infrastructure or policy thats driving that gap. But then youd have to further investigate. There is no approach in statistics where you can avoid the responsibility of interpretation. Now how does that get into how sex and or gender is traditionally interpreted in health studies. Well stay tuned to if i still feel like talking abt this. Bc this is complicated.
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mobblespsycho100 · 6 months
I think I already asked ur fav character but whos ur fav from each area? express, space station, belobog, luofu, and penacony. and then misc to include the sstellaron hunters n stuff. Well. I can assume the for for penacony lolz
4 me.... the express is probably the MC tbh. Himeko is a close second she may be tied
space station issss HERTAAAA !!! 100% herta. waittt Arlan too.....
Jarilo vi is Clara or Sampo ^.^ the sillies
Luofu.... does Blade count if hes technically a different person now. It's probably Yanqing 4 me
Penaconyyyy.... so hard.. NO WAIT MISHA I LOVE MISHA silly little guy
For misc,,,, is Boothill from Penacony? if not then its him. oooh or screwllum... hes not playable tho.... OOKH silver wolf def shes soooooooo
I LOVE ALL UR PICKS (xcept blade im sorry bladers i can see his appeal just not for me) ‼️‼️
yes okay so
🌠🚂 Astral Express: very similar to u. Himeko is my numero uno, but I love MC and pompom too <3 if i had to rank id say Himeko, PomPom, MC, and then Welt Danheng March are kinda tied ? i love themb theyyre the sillies ever ^.^
🛰️ HSS: Probably Arlan and Peppy (theyre a package do not seperate), because theyre silly to me and I think Arlan deserves better!!! But tbh IDK, If Screwllum counts as a space station character since he appears there often, id say screwllum :3 robots !! Herta and Asta are also characters that I used to be neutral on/dislike but I quite enjoy them now!!! :D Ruan Mei is interesting 🤔 but i would love it if her design actually had like a lab coat or more biology aspects to it like the dna helixes are great but i need More y'know?
❄️Jarilo-VI: SAMPOOOOO !!! not even a question. second fav either Serval or Bronya or maybe even Lynx??? but Sampo is top tier to me. yesss. Underworld Charas r kinda more fun than the Overworld ones though imho, they have a closer tight-knit dynamic which I loveee like Seele and Luka are so siblings / besties and Oleg and Luka mentor-student relationship and Natasha and Hook being like aunt and niece and Clara Svarog daughter father bond of all time is so silly to meeee <333
🪷 Luofu: Blade counts imo!! since he appears in Luofu patch and thats like his former home. My fav Luofu character is Xueyi, but I gen rlly love Jing Yuan, Fu Xuan, and Yanqing too :3 Hanya is fun also but only because I like tragic siblings ajdhsjdh also shout out to Luocha for being a merchant whos actually NOT that much of a good guy and is just a silly weirdo man
SPECIAL SHOUTOUT TO 🪙THE IPC🪙, i hate the corporation's wholedeal but i love Owlbert, Topaz & Numby, and Aventurine a lottt <333 Ratio doesnt count as IPC despite being a representative sent by them btw hes in Intelligentsia Guild which is funded by the IPC but isnt part of the IPC. ANYWAAAAY
🌟 Stellaron Hunters: Kafka... its still Kafka.... i want to move on from her so badly please.... I stil havent gotten her i want to cry.... please letme let me live..... I like Sam and Silver Wolf as well too :3!!! Blade is silly but hes my least fav. Elio is my silly cat cat to meeeee
🌃 Penacony: Our canonical Penacony characters aka the playable ones actually from there are Sunday, Robin, Misha, and Gallagher. I really like Robin !!!! shes so silly and cute and i love herrrr <3 but if we r talking characters *featured/will be featured* in Penacony's story, then I have to admit Im very down bad for Aventurine and Black Swan rn. Boothill also <3 :3 sillies forreal . Acherons lore is interesting as well!! though shes not like a fav, shes like my blorbo in law for sure (one of my moots/friend is a big fan of raiden mei and therefore a big fan of acheron :3!! we ramble/basically make essays and talk to each other abt hsr a bunch and its fun :3!!!)
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romanceddawn · 3 months
video editing
related to the ask i answered from @whats-amata-you about video editing, i'm going to go into a more in depth guide on editing with CapCut on desktop under the readmore ^-^ there are other editors out there obviously but this is the best free one i've worked with so far
this is very long and im sorry for that, i just have adhd and wanted to talk about everything, i hope its helpful and if theres anything thats confusing let me know!
before you start you wanna go into your settings and make sure Proxy is turned on, this will help with lag from any big file sizes
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to give a rundown of what i know about the capcut menu so far (and whats the most useful for basics imo):
the tool bar section essentially, for splitting/cutting down whatever section you have selected, mirroring it, rotating it, etc
the main edit section- video, audio, and speed are the basics that you'll need but ill go into some of the other parts listed in a few
how to resize the output ratio, depending on the ratio of your clips/videos you may need to resize them to whatever you want the output to be. i use 4:3 most of the time and resize the videos to fill the space correctly (if you mass select the clips you can resize them all at once)
the zoom bar for the timeline so you can work more precisely or quickly with clips
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once you've got your new project started and all your clips and audio imported, you wanna click and drag those files down to the timeline and itll put them in the middle 'cover' layer, HOWEVER, you wanna drag video clips ABOVE the cover layer after, and then 'hide' the cover layer. this is because the middle layer locks video clips in place and offers very little freedom to work, doing it on free layers is better (when you drag itll look like the first pic, with a line highlighting above the main layer. the eye symbol in the second pic is how to hide a layer)
you can also edit the ratio of the output and mass edit the videos to fill the video player while you've got your clips in one place
NOTE: i try to move all the videos so that there is a good bit of empty space in the beginning of the project, this is where your song and actual edit will be worked on, and you want some empty space between the song and the videos you're using so that you have space to move them around and cut them down later on
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from here, you wanna cut down the song audio you want to use and put it at the very beginning of the timeline. you wanna pay attention a bit to the intro and outro so things dont sound disjointed or off beat or have too much dead silence, but for the most part it doesnt have to be perfect. you can also edit the volume of the song in the audio menu top right so its not blasting your ears out while editing
also, a tip for audio: if you need a section to be shorter or longer, you can sometimes splice the audio up and piece it back together. its easier to do this if you zoom in really far and pay attention to the beats and sounds, but with enough practice you make a song work better for the edit while still flowing smoothly!
you should also decide if you want any speaking parts for your edit or any neat sounds and set those clips aside, the clips that you dont want to have audio you can mass select and right click them, there'll be an option to extract audio which you can them mass select and delete (if you decide you want audio later you can right click and do recover audio on any clip that needs it) if you have a clip where you only want part of the sound, you can extract the audio and cut it down so only that section of audio remains, but make sure to keep it synced with the video!
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the next step is just fitting your clips to the audio! it doesn't have to be 100% perfect, nor do you have to have a new clip on every single beat, but it is good to use the beats of the song or the words as a general idea of where you should cut the clip to so it looks smoother. if you zoom in far you can see on the audio tracks where the beats are along with listening and you can use a marker (highlight in yellow on the first pic) to tell you where it is later, this will also help the clip snap into place when resizing (second pic)
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EDIT: there is also a button on the tool bar that will mark the beats for you if you dont want to do them yourself (no, this is not gen ai, its just a beat detection tool)
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this is pretty much the last of the basic stuff, aside from whatever little edits you want to do to size, speed, audio, etc. when im fitting clips i always do it all over the place so just take your time and dont worry about making it like a puzzle, just fit clips to wherever you think they look and sound the best
for everything after this, its not a necessity or anything, if you just wanna slap your watermark on the video and export it you totally can i do that all the time when i dont wanna deal with other stuff, but ill give the rundown of extra stuff just in case you want it too-
colors, sharpening, filters
so, while you can adjust each video's colors individually, its a lot easier to nab an adjustment layer from the top and pull it down to the timeline, then resize it to your edit (first pic). you'll mostly want the basic section which will give you clarity, saturation, etc (second pic), and the curves section which can help you edit the colors of the video, either to an extreme or light amount (third pic) i havent played with hsl too much but you can mess with it to your liking too! (if you need a few clips adjusted a certain way you can also split the adjustment layer so you only edit the clips it's above as well)
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you can also use the pre made filters for this, right next to adjustments, but not all of them work great with animation
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animations/transitions, text, edits
so to make your clips move and look more lively, you have two options: animations or transitions (or both if you want)
for animations, you click on a video clip and go up to the animation section where you can choose a combination of in, out, or combo. theres a lot of really fun ones here and you can adjust the durations of them until they look how you want, you can also add in AND out animations together on one clip
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for transitions, you go to the section up top, pull one of the transitions down between two clips, and then you can edit the size of it. you cant add two transitions at once but they can go along with clips that have animation added to them so you can layer the effects!
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effects and stickers are in the same vein of just fun stuff you can add, i havent played around with stickers a huge amount but capcut has a pretty good amount of neat things for edits tbh, but also if you want to make your own 'stickers' you could probably just import a transparent png image and put it on a layer above your video
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for text, i usually just do default text and edit it to my liking but i know they have some neat premade stuff too, either way you wanna put it as the very top layer so none of the adjustment or effects layers are doing anything to it
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theres a few other things that capcut has to offer that i havent explored yet or thought they were a little more than basic, but once you have all this down then the editing program is your oyster to play around with as you please!
after everything's the way you like it, you wanna delete all the extra clips/audios you didnt use, that way the program will default to ending at the actual end of your edit, then you wanna go up to file and select "Export" and you'll see a menu pop up
now it defaults to saving in a hidden folder in your appdata which is the most annoying thing in the world so you wanna select the folder to export (highlighted), save whatever folder is best for you, and then click export! it chooses video automatically so you dont really need to do anything extra, you also dont have to choose a folder every time, it will save into whatever you first chose every time after this
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afterwards, you simply upload to your social media of choice with whatever caption and tags you want!
i hope this covered everything, and you have a fun time editing! ^-^
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istherewifiinhell · 7 months
Carrot Pineapple Muffins
The recipe for the muffins seen here, well. Sort of anyway.
Recipe as written, on a page from maybe a website or book? I just have a photo copy I reprint as needed (read: as the paper falls victim to mishaps)
1 1/2 cups flour
1 cup sugar
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp salt
2/3 cup salad oil
2 eggs
1 cup finely grated raw carrot
1/2 cup crushed pineapple with juice
1 tsp vanilla
Sift flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon and salt together in large bowl. Add oil, eggs, carrot, pineapple and vanilla.
Blend on low speed until all is moist, then beat for 2 minutes at medium speed. Half fill greased muffin tins and bake at 350 F for 25 minutes.
Makes 24 muffins. -Mrs. W. Atkins Agincourt, Ontario
Well thank u Mrs. Agincourt, the impact uve had on my life is not insubstantial. If you would like these muffins id def reccomend just making them as is...
however... u dont have a recipe in your life this long and Not Fuck With It.
Number One alteration that ive never NOT done (well maybe once by accident?) blend those pineapples. well it very well might be to ppls preference to have little morsels of pineapple in there. but a blended pineapple slurry just makes it like. applesauce muffins. just a nice moist texture throughout idk
Number 1.5 is u can make this a cake if u like. i guess thats obivious. BUT. Its good. i had this for many a birthday. ice that shit, normal buttercream please what is with the cream cheese obsession i dont know. do what u like but dont limit urself to expectation okay. Bakes into a nice really brown cake. U gotta bake this recipe like 'well done' if u want it to have any kind of structural intregrity so its kinda? crusty? i like it tho.
Number 2. ratios. in an impluse that im sure started in some healthy eating for the kids blah blah. but its just how i make it now. I tend to increase the pineapple and decrease the oil and use one egg? how much?? ehhhhhh..... like like a cup of pineapple. and 1/3 oil? does that math out? probably not idk. dont do it like how i do it maybe probably but thats how i do it
ALSO. MORE CINNAMON. Live deliciously. could go up to a tbsp of cinnamon honestly. Maybe even apple pie or chai spices. Could do whatever.
Number 3. definitional quibbles. "makes 24 muffins" whos muffins.... i find this tends to make me about 15 large muffins. maybe 16-18 if u want to be safe from over flow? and more if u want to fill em with a jam thing.
"finely grated carrot" using a grater with wholes less that like... idk half a centremeter gives me a bad time. u want like. chedder cheese size not parmesan.
oh also "salad oil" i use canola or vegatable. is that what it means by that? [makes i dunno noise] you could sub with various melted fats. there would be differences but not a big deal. butter or marg or coconut. whatever.
Number 4. Process. Oh mostly just I mix all the liquids together and then add them to the dry ingredients. (u could pop them all into blender together if u want) im mixing this shit by hand so u know. usuaully i do carrots a dry ingredient but that might not even be a good choice again ignore what im doing.
and again bake time. Ur really gonna want to check on them to to make sure their done. like toothpick check colour check whatever. their moist so its not a big like. over cook problem i think. AND i think theyre really good after sitting in the fridge or freezer and getting reheated (fresh baked goods are soooo tasty but a microwave is also a wonderful invention)
post thought. the jam. i dont usually fill these muffins usually i save that for applesauce ones, but i did last time. i tend to just heat whatever frozen berries, little lemon or lime juice. uhhhh maybe 1/4 cup of sugar? in a small sauce pan. how much fruit. ??? enough. i fill each muffin with like. a tablespoon. so idk. math that one out. needs to be a thick sauce! (however if its TOO thick then u also lose out on messy pick apart muffin treat. ur call) and chilled. if u wanna avoid Big Mess Muffin. lmao. u could swril the jam in or whatever else to but. effort.
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g0om · 8 months
the food recipe foyu need: cabbage, carrot, oil, spices, tomato paste??, rice optionally: onion, tofu, teriyaki sauce
make it idk recioe:
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okay so i did 1/4th of a cabbage a little less, and abt 2/5th of carrots cut it like that, if you want onion then fry it on its own first a bit if u want u can fry the tofu on its own so it doesnt get mushy
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add more oil then u think (the rice will absorb it) i usually get something like ázsiai wok fűszerkeverék but i couldnt find tbh put whatver u want on it but put a lot the garlic and pepper
i dont add extra salt bc its salty anyway and if u use teriyaki thats also salty
fry it on medium heat? my dorm only has heating stovetops so i do it on 4 out of 6 u can steam it a bit if u want but i like it if the vegetables r crunchy still
we will have to wait until it becomes smaller so lets wonder at my dorms kitchen
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add tomato paste when u get bored of waiting btw lifehack is that u can buy the tomato paste from spár tha aminek ilyen kupakja van then u can just save it and put the cheaper tomato paste inside it bc those dont close
u can keep adding tomato paste we want it to b gooey and gross looking
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keep geoing!!! it will look good eventually
okay so w fried rice u should use 2nd day rice but i was hungry so i just used the day of rice
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after u add the rice (picute for ratio i like) let it fry for a bit if the color looks toxic then u made it well
i like this recipe bc i love rice and cabbage but also u can just chop up the cabbage and carrot and store it away and make it fresh
obligatory hungarian recipe site core picture:
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i swear its good
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vampryn · 1 month
Hope you didn't waste your money on that copy of Nosferatu. On top of the music being flat out stolen and unapproved by the band, it's just lazily slapped on to a bad transfer of the film with no effort taken into making it match what's happening on screen. You'd have a better experience just playing October Rust in the background while watching a better copy.
i bought it, but i didnt buy it because i thought it was going to be good-- i buy every copy of nosferatu i find for a reasonable price. it was only $4 cad (thats just under $3 usd). i have the original and the 70s remake on vhs already, and the original on dvd with a horrific "remastered" aspect ratio a "waste of money" is relative, its not a waste to me~ i own physical copies of some of the worst movies money can buy, i promise you this isnt the worst of the bunch
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breadraptor · 3 months
what i ate in toronto last week
felt like food blogging hehe
Day One
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The first thing I got was a tea and donut bites from a new donut stand in the Portland airport. Yum! Then I remembered I had a long day of traveling ahead of me and went back to the Tillamook store for some real sustenance. Honestly I thought a chive biscuit egg sausage cheese sandwich would be a slam dunk but it wasn't that good.
Donuts: 8/10 (had them over the course of 3 days)
Sandwich: 5/10
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Even on long flights, Air Canada only offers paid options. I got this BBQ chicken wrap for $11 CAD or something. Tortilla to filling ratio was bad but it did the job. 4.5/10
I got into the hotel late at night and just decided it wasn't worth the effort to get more food, so thats all for day one lol
Day 2
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Met with Suyasha and had Cafe Landwer! Was starving and it took forever for the food to come out. This is the Mediterranean shakshuka. Bread was so fluffy. The presentation is gorg but i wasn't obsessed with the tomato-y sauce I guess. 7/10
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In the afternoon I got a matcha at the library cafe where we worked (it was average, so I guess 7/10 because me love matcha). Later, I went to Fuwa Fuwa Pancakes for pre-dinner dessert. I'm glad I went when I did, because they cook everything fresh, and the wait was long even when I was the only customer. So fresh, fluffy, and refreshing - not too sweet. Yum! 9/10
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After that, some folks told me they were getting dinner, so I said I'd join assuming I'd get an appetizer. Well, they decided on all you can eat hotpot, so that was unfortunate lol. We had a good time, food was good but not really noteworthy. I tried a mussel, gross! Also ate a pepper wrapped in beef that had been soaking in the spicy side for too long. That shit HURTED. 5/10
Day 3
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I needed something fast to keep me going before the wedding - sadly the only thing I could walk to in time was McDonalds. The tzatziki seasoning was bad and basically ruined my fries. Chicken wrap was just whatever. 3/10
Unpictured: Shirley's wedding food! I forgot to take a pic sadly. I had chicken, kimchi mac and cheese, and other things I don't exactly remember, but it was all yummy! Plus the signature cocktails were really great. 8/10
Day 4
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Niagara falls tour with Alyssa, Hwee, Jen, and Alex(?)! we shared between 4 people. It was steaming hot and yummy. I love cheese curdsss. 7.5/10
While the group went to go on the boat, I got a prosciutto goat cheese salad and a cocktail at the Queen Alexandra. Cocktail was a bit watery and salad was 90% arugula with not enough dressing - but the point was I could see the falls from my seat and they had ceiling fans (IT WAS SO HOT) 6.5/10
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When we got back from the tour finally (took 3 hours to get back in traffic), we got Mr. Tonkatsu! The katsu was really flaky and good. 8/10
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We also went and got asian shaved ice after this - one with red bean paste and one with almond and soybean. i wasnt really into these so i only had a few bites.. i miss hawaiian shaved ice fr. oh yeah i got some baked walnut balls here too, they were ok, would be better if they were warm. 3.5/10
Day 5
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gochujang mushroom tofu banh mi at rustle & still cafe.. OH MY GOD. spicy, creamy, a lil crunch from the pickled carrots and peanuts. i might try to replicate it, it was everything. 10/10
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chicken biryani from rikki tikki, with Alyssa, Shendy, and Matt. another HUGE W meal... spicy, scrumptious, perfect. the rice had pomegranate seeds in it which was such a nice little sweet crunch. it came with yogurt sauce which i adored with the spicy meal. im drooling thinking about it. 10/10 my only complaint is that i like more pillow-y naan
Day 6
Lunch was leftover Rikki Tikki!
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Forgot to take a pic before it was gone, but I had a chai latte at the cafe we worked at today. It was meh, 4/10. at least the cafe had ok wifi and good a/c lol
After work, I started wandering around and went to a matcha cafe called Tsujiri. All the stuff on the menu looked amazing but I got a peach yogurt matcha frappe. It was so freaking good and those big slices of peach on top were yummy too. 9/10
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While walkin' I had to stop at this Vietnamese cafe because the cake looked so yum. And it was! Fresh mango with layers of shortcake, mango pudding, and cream. i just wish it was a little smaller so I hadn't felt so bloated from eating it lol (it had to stay cold and it was a hot day so... I had to just eat it) 8.5/10
For dinner we went to a Jamaican/Chinese fusion place called Patois with Shirley, Jeremiah, Alyssa, guy who I forgot name, and his old WoW guild leader or something haha. We got a "feast for two" to share with the table, plus pork belly yakitori, becuase some of us weren't hungry. I didn't eat much but my fave was the yakitori. The rest was just ok. 5.5/10
Day 7
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For my last day Suyasha and I went to Tibetan Cafe and went shopping afterwards. The reviews for this place were so high, but we were both underwhelmed by these "momos" (chicken dumplings). The dipping sauce was tomato-y but overall it was a bit bland. Suyasha is Nepalese and she said this was low-end by her standard lol. I'll try Tibetan food another time. 6/10
This was the first canned diet coke I had all week and man, how sweet it tastes - new jeans
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At the airport I shared a snack of poutine and a maple moscow mule with Shirley :3 This poutine wasn't as good as the one I had before. Moscow mule was nice, the maple flavor was mild. 5.5/10
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And yes, to give me the energy to travel until 3am EST, I got another BBQ chicken wrap on the plane. So nice I had it twice. Jk, it was not that nice, but actually this time it had a better filling to tortilla ratio lol. 5/10
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Toxik's realation with the other 3.
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Transcription and more explaination to this(also ignore the existense of my hand),kinda more based on the others view on him but eh.
The realation with sai could be translated as a silent and not very problematic kind,tho sai is judmental over him,afther all he knows the most part of his crimes.
But don't bother to ask how he does,not even mis himself knows afther all he never told him anything,maybe if becuse of him being able to detect chemicals,drugs or blood on him at a single toungue blep.
He is the embodiment of this image taking that in count.
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Still sai says nothing but is more than worried over his younger brother being around him,anoys him usually when entering or going out of the quarantine stacion but nothing more.
At his eyes he's a very dangerous and a very bad influence to Take,still he wouldn't take him seriously so he straight up dosen't bother.
Meanwhile kira...oh kira,where do i beggin with you?
Well first of all two big things to keep in count,kira is both an mantis and a cannibal,and together to that kira is part of the medical department.
With that clarified well it kinda resumes why kira will try to at least bite toxik without hesitation nor fear,especially if alone and unsupervised.
Afther all belive me when i say that in terms of strenght and speed toxik will lose,not for nothing kira is an more than skilled and oportunistic hunter with a lot of tactics under his sleeves,and an almost 95% success ratio.
Still why? Well thats becuse for toxik bad fortune the smell of the drugs and toxins on him make kira's hunger and hunt instincs go bonker's,even if its not visible unless you chose to take a very close look to his body language.
Still they wouldn't kill him they will at least try a good pice of meat,afther all toxik is both his youngest and oldest (in some way) brothers friend and even with Mis not caring as much as Take probably will,they wont kill him becuse of his brother's friendship with Toxik.
Leaving this as the only card saving Toxik of being devoured alive by the diva natured mantis.
While Eco is a whole diferent history afther all at first eco donsen't detect him as bad she does detect the drugs,toxins and chemicals al over Toxik's body all becuse of the sensors on her antenae.
She's usually really nice towards him being a total ray of sunshine like always,tho she's truly worried for him specually his health afther all she reconizes the gas mask fabric,and with him always wearing it something probably isn't right.
Also due to the closenes of him with his bros (despite kira just wanting to eat him)and the recurrent frecuense in wich she feels him she started taking him as a kind of far family member.
She detects him kinda like a cousin that dosen't shows ofthen but that comes every now and then to pay an obligated visit the rest of the family.
Still that dosen't mean she does not feel a bad aura coming from him and a kinda stabbing feeling of danger and dread that come from him,and a hunch on her heart over him being a posibly bad influence for take.
Tho she tries to ignore it it a bit hard when hers perceptions dont include her visions and is more based on fellings and accidentaly hearing some conversations in betwen the eldest of the 4 and toxik.
Anyway this was created on my especulations over posible relationship dinamics or more like the view of the other 3 brothers on FFPO over Toxik an important character on DF in general
Toxik and Take both are @stingerking's oc's
Anyhow ill soon be uplouding kira's oficial and more extended info and full desing.
Have a nice day,evening or night remember to go out,see the sun,hug a tree or touch some grass,remember to also drink water and to try to be happy.
Crow out
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nocturnalghoul · 1 year
*frantically grabbing my Ghouls And Hematology notebook* no, no, tell us about blood bags - -
Okie Dokie :D (I need very little encouragement to talk about blood)
Time once again for Kait's Science Corner. Um below the cut for mentions of blood (duh) but its rather clinical and not actually gorey. Also included for free is a small rant about vampiric characters and blood bags because I love that trope and it cracks me up.
I think blood bags are so neat because not only do they normally have that feel to them of those squishy water tube toys, but there are different types for different products.
Blood gets split up into 4 different products: pRBC (packed red blood cells), FFP (fresh frozen plasma), platelets, cryprecipitate (the concentrated coagulation factor parts of plasma)
I know the RBC units are the fun sexy ones that people think of when they talk about blood which makes sense but there are the other components too. Technically speaking in transfusion for blood loss a 1:1 ratio of RBCs to FFP is recommended. So I constantly am like where is the plasma.
pRBC (packed red blood cell) bags have different types of additives in them. The additives are essentially a preservative, acting as food for the red cells and also an anticoagulant.
The bags for platelets are super cool to me cause they obviously need to be closed off so that bacteria cannot get in, especially since platelets are stored at room temp, but also platelets need to breathe so there still is oxygen exchange through the bag.
FFP have water balloon energy to me and I want to throw them so bad once they are thawed. (They are kept frozen until needed because once thawed its only good for 5 days)
NOW for the built in vampire rant. I LOVE LOVE LOVE when vampiric characters are just drinking a bad of blood or like have a connection to get bags of blood because it is always pRBCs and thats funny to me. I know that this is because then it reads as blood instead of weird goo but it still cracks me up because like what is happening to the rest of it? It is something that I love to think about!
It makes me feel like those types of vampiric characters are the vegetarians essentially of the vampiric world. Like they are only drinking the RBC component.
That or like what if the plasma component is like the vampire equivalent of a milkshake or a nice soda. Is cryopoor plasma (the plasma left over after cryoprecipitate gets made) the vampire equivalent of diet soda, except instead of aspartame its albumin? The idea cracks me up so much and I adore it.
Also yes jokes about vampires liking certain ABO types, but there are other antigens on those cells and I can't help but think about if they also have flavor. Do the different perservatives have a taste???? These are the vampire things I think about :D
EDIT because I was silly and forgot to mention it: There also are bags of whole blood that essentially is just if a blood donation never got separated into the individual components. They really only get made for trauma scenarios though. I guess those could be drank as well but also the plasma and the red cells separate out in the bag and then mix back together when you wiggle them around. Kinda like when you have a layered drink and then stir it :)
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petorahs · 1 year
☀️ i am so sad, i heared that they wont include anything from fes or portable, so no femc, no answer or the like. I hate it here, why this disrespect to my girl Minako i will fight somebody at atlus HQ
oh. well i will say it straight (the only thing straight about me i fear lol) but thats likely not entirely true, ☀️ anon. idk if youve seen this post but it sums it up pretty well https://www.tumblr.com/petorahs/719925542729695232
and the full article published a while later:
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bad ign reporting aside, i was also pretty upset at first since no femc and the answer! but then i saw a good point someone made about the femc case:
persona 3 reload has reportedly been in development for four years. and in that four years thats standard time to build a game from the ground up, maybe even too little – anyone who's been in game dev can tell us that. p3re doesnt reuse assets, too, it's completely from scratch. so having femc isnt simply a matter of model swap. they'd also have to program the UIs and make everything pink - sure, that could be "easy", but there's also the changed social links and team dynamics (more writing to be done), weapon system and all that (more coding)? so its like... i'd be actually surprised if they managed a femc during those 4 years. its quite a lot of work to re-adapt base p3 as is i feel and modernizing it. also i feel like atlus themselves wouldnt want to do their character and her fanbase wrong so of course they wouldnt fkn slap on a few pink menus and call it a day. they surely want to rewrite the s links and everything too in accordance to her. art takes time.
(with all that being said bullying atlus for femc is warranted actually maybe then her inevitable dlc might come faster lmao )
similarly, im fine with no "the answer" now despite being its #1 defender. theyd have to completely rework the 30:2 hour grinding to story ratio which is just not sustainable on a modern gameplay perspective. that also takes time.
its why i made this post actually. i somehow trust them, and i feel like most of us can stand to chill a little and have healthier expectations. as in not overbloated and not have the bar set in hell either (altho we should also do that too)
and i know, like anyone who's played this game, it means so much to so many people. and thats why its maybe impossible to please everyone, because its so many different things: a game that saved their life, a funny goofy lighthearted one where you catch demons, the most depressing persona game ever (altho i feel like p2 would beg to differ on that one-), or for me personally, a game that just made me cry man.
and because it means so much, everyone wants to see it be the best it can be!! and that means having hamuchan. i get that all of this riot energy is out of love for the game, really. but. yeah.
a remake seems like it's "less work to do" since the foundation's "already there" and i dont know how many people worked on p3re but like. i highly doubt theyre just sitting on their asses pissing off fans on purpose lol. (or maybe they are and im just too optimistic damn 😭)
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