#out of the fire and into my hands au
poprockpanda · 2 years
Afraid to Fade (Out of the fire: Chapter 3)
tw for almost being sufficated, body horror, and dying in a dream
Tommy twisted the plastic bag’s handle in his hand and then he watched the bag spin as the handle untwisted. He absentmindedly fiddled with the bag as he fished his phone out of his side pocket. He quickly navigated to his contacts and tapped on his friend David’s picture. The phone started to ring and he pressed it to his ear as he waited for David to pick up.
The ringing died as David answered the call. “What’s up?” David asked.
“I picked up the snacks and I am on my way to the park. I should be there in like 7 minutes,” Tommy replied as he crossed the street.
“Okay, cool. I’ll be by the big tree waiting for you,” David said. 
Tommy opened his mouth to say goodbye and hang up but the ground beginning to shake made the words die in his throat. He nearly fell over as the ground was racked with one final quake and an impossibly loud thud.
Tommy willed his legs to turn him around to face whatever the fuck was shaking the ground like that. Not even 200 feet from him a massive thing was knelt smack dab in the middle of Wilson Street.
The sight of the thing that towered over everything surrounding it froze Tommy in his tracks. He lifted his head to look at the being’s face. They had an irritated expression on their face as their eyes scanned for something on the ground.
Tommy dared to take a breath after he realized that he hadn’t been breathing. The being’s eyes immediately snapped up and locked onto him. The hand that was draped over their knee lifted to reach out for him. Tommy turned around in a split second as adrenaline made his legs run faster than he ever had before.
“Tommy?” David’s voice reminded Tommy that he had yet to hang up and he accidentally tapped the speaker button when the ground shook. He gripped the phone as he ran down the cracking sidewalk. 
All too suddenly a flash of flesh blocked his exit and Tommy was running far too quickly to stop in time. The tree sized fingers curled around his body as his phone and the bag were bumped out of his hands. He began to scream for help as he was pulled into the air.
He struggled and squirmed in the crushing grip as the being inspected him with cold, uncaring eyes.
“Tommy! Tommy, talk to me! What’s happening?!?” David’s yelling attracted their attention to Tommy’s phone. They looked at it with a look of disgust as they easily crushed it beneath their fingertip.
They looked back to Tommy for a moment before placing their thumb over his mouth to silence his screams. They turned their head up to look around for anyone else but their search was cut short as a voice came from their walkie talkie, shouting something Tommy couldn’t understand.
Tommy could feel his life start to fade as his air supply was cut off. He started to lose consciousness as black dots flooded his vision. Air whipped past his ears as the being pushed themselves to a stand. They took one last look around as they began running back the way that came from.
He could hear the street cracking beneath their feet as he lost his last grasp on consciousness. 
Suddenly he went weightless for a moment before smacking against a hard surface. He gasped for air as he looked around the new environment. He couldn’t see anything, not even himself in the suffocating darkness.
With a click a blindingly bright light turned on above him. The light showed him where he was.
Is this a cage? Where the hell am I? Tommy looked around the box. It was barren and empty, nothing in it but him. He approached the plastic wall opposite him to try and see what is beyond the cage. No matter how hard he squinted, all he could see was the same darkness surrounding the cage.
Maybe I can climb out. Tommy tilted his head up just in time to see a hand far bigger than any he had ever seen reaching down for him. He stumbled backwards and tried to back away from the hand but his feet were stuck to the floor. He fell onto his back as he struggled to move his feet. 
His arms were as stuck as his feet and he could do nothing but scream and watch as the hand dragged him into the darkness.
He was weightless again as he was dropped into the cage on his back. Pain set his spine ablaze but he forced himself to sit up. Something felt…off.
He looked around him to see if anything had changed but it was the same barren cage and infinite black. His gaze fell onto his right hand as he realized what was wrong.
His ring finger was gone.
His heart raced as he grabbed his hand with the other. He couldn’t drag his eyes away from his hand as the flesh on his hand started to rot before his eyes. The flesh turned to nothingness, leaving only bone. He screamed as his bones began to turn to dust and disappear. 
He could feel his other limbs start to rot and turn to dust as he tried to get away from his arm. Before he knew it his entire arm was gone as he screamed with all his might. His voice started to die as the rot reached his lungs. He lost sight as the rot took over his face and covered his eyes. He only had time for one last simple thought.
Help me.
And then he was gone.
Tommy woke up screaming, pain scorching his raw throat. His eyes darted around looking for anything that would show him he was alive. He couldn't  see anything in the darkness, same as before. He stopped screaming as something wet fell onto his hand. He didn’t even notice that he had been crying.
He yelped as a massive silhouette shifted in front of him. In an instant it sat up and he was being stared down by two massive, yellow eyes. 
Their eyes.
The same massive yellow eyes that stared him down as he suffocated in their grip.
The being’s hand reached out for him again.
He started scrambling backward but he knew we would be too slow.
I’m too slow.
With a click, warm light filled the room. Tommy froze as he took in the realization that he wasn’t dead. He wasn’t in some dark void, he was on a bedside table with a lamp beside him. He lifted his arm to his face. It was perfectly intact, aside from his ring finger.
There was no sign of the rot and decay that had overtaken his body. He remembered the being in front of him and his head snapped up to their eyes.
He saw his captor’s eyes……but it wasn’t them. The eyes were sat on a concerned face. The snake alien’s face.
I-it was a nightmare. Just a nightmare, Tommy.
He was dragged from his thoughts once again with the sound of the alien’s voice. He felt his entire body untense as the alien spoke softly, their words and their meaning were lost on him. All he knew was that they were there and his captor wasn’t.
Tommy takes a deep breath, the feeling of his breath filling his lungs calming him down even more. The alien waved their hand slowly to get his attention before pantomiming scooping Tommy up and bringing him to their chest.
He debated their offer for a moment. The warmth would do a great deal of good but the idea of being held made him decide to refuse. Tommy shook his head and their expression softened further. They hesitated for a moment before slowly moving their hand toward him. 
His heart threatened to race but he managed to calm himself down as their hand pinched his makeshift blanket. They draped it back over him and moved to turn off the light.
The darkness returned but it didn’t feel as scary as before. The alien stared at him for a moment before laying back down. He also wanted to go back to sleep but he knew better than to think he was going to fall asleep again tonight.
He pulled his blanket over his head to at least try and get comfortable but he couldn’t seem to feel right. He sighed as he sat up. The alien’s breath indicated that they were still awake. He stood up and grabbed his blanket.
He walked back a bit and ran forward, propelling himself off the edge of the nightstand. He landed on the soft mattress, sinking into it slightly. He heard a small chuckle from the alien as he snuggled up against their side. A finger came to pet his head and ruffle his hair before disappearing again.
Tommy’s thoughts carried him lightyears away as he looked out to the darkness.
Taglist: @beckyu @skullsnbruises @data-expunged-0
If you would like to be added to the taglist just let me know!
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this is probably one of my favorite outfits that i've ever put together! and it's all for one of my top five fav character designs, like... Ever!
i would like to note that my dear beloved Jaime (@/awkwardalphajay here on our very own hellsite<3 check em out <3) helped out a Ton by sending inspiration photos and providing insightful commentary on details and vibes!
overall i wanted Sally to have fancy vibes! while i was originally going to have her fit very much based on her canon one, i wound up veering off course and - while still keeping some elements - mostly went for Medieval Entertainer and Her House insp! continuing with the day/night theme, and leaning heavily into the fire aspect - she's a literal star fallen to earth, after all!
it was suggested that she should have dragonscale used in the making of her clothes since she's, you know, kind of made of fire! and it was genius! I imagine she has extra fire charms on this fit and also the rest of her clothes, since dragonscale is hard to come by and is a finite resource once Gathered. she gets better at Not burning everything she wears over time, thankfully!
i think that, like Frank, she'd have One (1) Dagger. for emergencies! it's likely very ornate, and she'd hate to scuff up the gleaming blade. Probably. plus, why would she need it? she's got firepower, babey!
there isn't quite as much to say about this as usual... mostly because this one was more Vibes than strategic "ok this and this and this because this and also-" i was just! makin a fun outfit!
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fistfuloflightning · 2 months
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nearly went with black-haired Blade, but I like the auburn better
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valhallavalgrace · 18 days
How are you adjusting to the whole Norse mythology situation?
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LEO: I’ve mostly been bugging some of the older einherjar, and Hunding, a little bit, to figure this place out. Do you know how cool it is that some people have been here since the industrial revolution?? There's no way that I'm the first of my dad's kids to make it here. I just don't know who to talk to about it.
((Leo's coping mechanism re: Norse mythology is just hating himself more bc of course he doesn't belong in his own afterlife. but he won't admit that to anyone bc he doesn't know who can be vulnerable with.))
prev ask
#uy samirah appearance! I just finished her and magnus' designs and I'm so excited abt including them!#this post and the following uhh 2+? are setting us up to talk to Magnus; figure out wtf is going on with floor 19; and get answers for Leo#which is so exciting for me bc 1 I love my magnus base sm and 2 I LOVED GINNYLUNA'S HC THAT LEO HAS ELF BLOOD IN HIM??#thats SO COOL and I'm sat for Leo to find out that he does have a place here. that he does belong and that he's not a curse and he is#not a mistake either. but for now we will have him litrly scurrying away from anyone his age and drowning in imposter syndrome bc I said so#I pointyfied his ears a little extra just for that :>#leo valdez#magnus chase#mcga#valgrace#valhalla!valgrace#blood of olympus#hotel valhalla#post-blood of olympus#einherjar!leo valdez#heroes of olympus#samirah al abbas#art#v²au#leo valdez responds#answered asks#guys he's not even using his fire powers rn because 1. he's scared of himself and 2. he doesn't know if he can. T-T#bro is engaging in hand to hand combat and also only talks to einherjar from the 20th century#that said I'm pretty sure he's just scared bc he doesn't know what's going on btw. and I think the annabeth reveal will be fun#he's not about to get kicked out of the afterlife goodplace style#sidenote bc I'm actually so excited for tmw's post#finally being able to draw these characters the way I want to (and getting really any positive response about it) has been so special to me#like .. I haven't read these books in maybe 6 years and I haven't attempted fanart since way before I started arch school and got to#actually develop any tech/digital art program literacy via practice. I'm having sm fun srry for all the rambles on this post LMAO
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eggsistential-basket · 2 months
man the struggle of going back into my old art and trying to see if i've improved or not
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paper-lilypie · 1 year
Ccrt Eclipse: "do not take these off, we will find you"
Me: *tucks hair behind ear*
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800db-cloud · 2 years
hey. are you normal; about the old sugary spire lore :)
oh heavens no. oh absolutely not.
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rontheweaselqueen · 3 months
You will learn respect, and suffering will be your teacher.
It is in his quietest moments that he recalls his father's words. They echo in his mind, a poison and curse. The words etched into the scar very meant to shame him. To stare back at him as a reminder of his failings.
His speaking out of turn at that war meeting was the opening his father had needed.
Not only had Ozai saw an opportunity to make an example out of his son. His saw another opportunity to punish Ursa.
Ozai had sought to punish his son. To root out the softness in him, to stamp out the kind hearted sweet boy he'd been. He sought to erase his mother's presence from his life. He burned him because he could not look at him and not see her.
So he marked him in an effort to erase the woman who was once his wife. The mother of the son who was his bitterest disappointment. The reason it all fell apart.
This revelation does not shock him. From what he knows of their marriage, it had been tumultuous from the very start. From his shuttered memories he knows there were glimpses of happiness.
But grown and matured as he was, he can not help but think about how much of it was true. And how much of it he had blocked out and supplied. He doubts his memories, how much of it had been true? How much had it been false?
His mother had shielded both her children from Ozai's harhness the best she could. Painted a kinder picture in their young minds that left no doubt that their father however distant, loved his family.
And Zuko had believed it, he thinks his sister had too.
But Zuko now has grown and has seen life, all facets of it. And he knows what it is to love someone. To love so deeply that his heart aches from it (his mind goes to the blue eyed waterbender who rests in the adjacent room and sometimes he cant quite believe she is here and loves him just as much as he does her).
He knows now that it hadn't been quite the case for either his parents.
Complicated doesn't quite encompass all what they had, but it's what he tells himself and others.
It transcends something beyond love and hate and he doesn't think he can understand it. He can't fathom ever hurting someone he loves, he can't understand how Ozai could.
He doesn't have his mother's side of it, and that is a bitter thought. He can never ask her.
He doesn't know if it's a blessing to finally know the truth of what happened or another tragedy he must learn to live with. The curse of that knowledge of how much his mother had done, of what she in her desperation had done and what Ozai had done in the end to them all.
And for what? A bid for power for a crown so soaked in blood and fire.
Ozai would see the world burn, and if it came at the cost of his wife and two children than so be it.
For as long as he lives, Zuko doesn't think he'll ever really get over it.
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poprockpanda · 2 years
Out Of The Fire And Into My Hands: Chapter 1
Cold. Pain. Darkness. 
That’s how Wilbur woke up every day. But today he would change that, or die trying. He’s spent months aboard this horrible vessel, nothing but a test subject. Months and months of planning would come to a head today. 
Today was the day when he would finally get out.
He sat up from the rotting pile of fabric scraps that he called his bed and let his eyes adjust to the bright fluorescent lights that shone in from the hallway. Everything outside of his cell was disgustingly white and sterile while the inside of his cell was a sad shade of gray paint that was covered in scratches and tears. It was a pathetic comparison to his wonderfully colorful home.
As he looked around his cell he saw the many discarded rations shoved into the corner. If he was stuck here he sure wasn’t going to be compliant and let those bastards try to poison him. His eyes eventually landed on the bars that held him here.
One of his jailers had been stupid enough to drop a screwdriver within reach of his cell. He had been using it to chip at the bars bit by bit. All he needed was to work the weak points enough and he could snap the bars. 
He leaned towards the bars, looking into the hallway. He saw only 2 guards, both pretty young looking and seemingly unarmed. Those fools let the newbies guard. And now their greatest prize is going to escape. 
He let his hands drift to the weakened bars, sudden movements would draw too much attention. One last check that the guards weren’t close enough to reach him in time and he gripped the bars, snapping them with an audible crack.
He stood with the broken bars in his hands, still slightly shocked that his plan worked. He took a deep breath and stepped out of his cell. His first willing step in this damned place and it was time to make the most of it.
As he stood in the crushingly bland hallway he realized one thing. He didn’t know the fuck the way out of here was. His fool-proof plan wasn’t as perfect as he thought it was. He noticed that one of the guards was making their way back to the end of the hallway. 
Looks like it’s time for an ambush. They might have some keys. He turned back to his cell and tried to make a step into it. But his legs wouldn’t move. He willed himself to move but his feet stayed planted in their place. “Guess we’ll have to do this the hard way then.” He sighed as he saw the guard stop in their tracks. 
He turned to the guard, the air tense. “You just gonna stand there, or are you going to fight me, coward?” he growled. They started scrambling for something in their pocket as Wilbur approached. His shadow enveloped them and they looked up. The pure fear in their eyes filled Wilbur with a feeling of power that he dearly missed.
He stood and stared with a smug grin as he waited for their move. Their face hardened and they swung towards him with the tiniest pocket knife he’d ever seen. The blow easily bounced off his thick scales. “Is that all you got?!?” He said with dark laughter bubbling in his chest. He lifted the broken bar and hit square across the side of the guard’s head. They fell with a heavy thud, Wilbur moving too quickly for them to even scream.
But he did hear a scream from the other end of the hallway. Wilbur turned to face the source. His smile started to fade as the sirens started blaring in his ear. The other guard had pulled the alarm and decided that charging him was the best course of action. They got in his range, he struck their skull, and they fell like the other.
Looks like it’s time to get out of here before the armed backup arrives. Got to find the hanger and get out of this hell hole.
Wilbur started running through the labyrinth of a ship. It felt like he had been running for miles until something caught his eye, a steel door with a bright yellow triangle painted over it and a button off to the side.
Must be something dangerous. Exactly what I need.
He double-checked that no guards were coming at him before clicking the button.
The doors opened up and he stepped in. He was met with an average-looking lab.
Huh. Maybe that’s just the labeling system. Might as well look for a map here.
He walked over to one of the desks with a messy pile of paper and started rummaging around in it. He pulled out drawer after drawer. Nothing. Well, this was useless. He stood up to leave and was about to head out the door when he saw a small bit of movement in the corner of his eye and his head snapped in its direction. His gaze was directed towards a small glass cage with small holes in the sides and many plain-looking plants. He tilted his head in confusion until one of the bushes rustled.
He found himself walking towards the cage, his curiosity getting the better of him. Upon closer inspection, it appeared that the cage was home to a small creature. Water and food bowls the size of his claw sat empty in the middle of the cage. He tapped on the glass, unsure what he was doing this for. The plants rustled again and he heard a yawn.
As Tommy was pulled from his dreamless sleep all he could feel was the shaking of his enclosure. He immediately sat up and got to his feet. He dusted himself off and was about out step out of his plant cover but couldn’t do it. Come on Tommy! You know it’s worse if you make them wait. Maybe this time they’ll let us take a nap. He worked up all the strength he could muster and stepped out. The bright lights always felt wrong against his skin. He walked closer to the front of his prison. He let his head drop and closed his eyes, waiting for the hand to come.
But it didn’t.
He peeked open his eyes and saw an enormous reptilian face pushed up against the glass. He barely held back a flinch. He didn’t recognize this alien and they weren’t wearing the uniform. It seemed like they had a bright orange tag around their wrist just like Tommy’s. He tilted his head and they tilted theirs too.
They seem different. Somethings up. Maybe I can try something. He lifted up his wrist that had the tag and held it out to the alien. They looked shocked and lifted theirs to the glass as well. It was definitely a tag. 
He stumbled away from the glass as he realized what that meant. They escaped. He looked back to the alien, their expression twisted slightly with concern. Maybe they can take me with them. They could get me out of this place!
He walked back to the glass, surprising the alien, and placed his hand upon it. The alien placed a clawed finger on their side of the glass. Tommy smiled and removed his hand. He made sure that the alien was paying attention and he pointed to the hatch on the ceiling of his cage, hoping that they would understand.
They seemed to catch his hint and pulled the hatch up, the slightest bit of hesitation in their movements.  As the alien hand moved to lay flat on the strange material that made up the bottom of his enclosure he felt his heart sink with the realization that he would have to be picked up to leave. He tried to subtly back up but his foot caught on one of many fake plants, causing him to stumble. 
He hoped that the alien didn’t notice. They get mad when they notice. He shook away the thought as he turned his face up to meet the alien’s. Where he thought he would find a look of anger he found soft eyes and concern. This isn’t them, they aren’t here right now. If we can move we won’t ever have to see them again.
Tommy brought his gaze forward and took a deep breath. He moved his leg and planted it, even though his leg shook horribly. We are a big man and a big man would get out of here. We can do this. He took another step and another and another until he reached the scaly hand. 
He placed his hand upon it and found it cool to the touch. Taking one last deep breath he sat down in the center of the hand. He tried to ignore the alien’s eyes burning into him as the hand lifted out of the accursed cage.
He was lifted to meet the alien’s eyes and they seemed to be looking him over with a gentle gaze. Their eyes filled with a firey determination as the hand was lowered to the alien’s chest. Tommy felt an unexpected feeling of safety radiating off the alien as he let himself sink into the alien’s scrappy jacket.
Seeing how malnourished and bruised the little life in his hand looked only solidified his suspicions. This was a child. Those monsters had been torturing a child. He was now filled with dangerous anger. He was going to get both of them out. He brought his hand to his chest, cupping it slightly to make sure they were secured. He took a deep breath to bring his focus back to the tasks at hand. He would make these bastards pay one way or another but he had to get them out of here first.
He stepped out of the bland lab into the hallway when he suddenly remembered what he was looking for. But as he turned back around to look in the lab the metal doors slammed shut. He tried the button but the doors wouldn’t budge. And even better yet he heard heavy footsteps closing in fast. 
As he debated staying to fight or running aimlessly in the endless halls, he felt a light tug at his jacket. He looked down to find the kid pointing down the hall. They seemed to be trying to get him to go that way. Wilbur was about to question how the kid would know the way out when he heard the heavy footsteps dangerously close. 
Wilbur let the kid lead the way as adrenaline kept him going through indistinguishable halls. The kid seemed to have memorized the way around this place. As he ran he noticed the structure of the halls changing. The sterile white, featureless walls were replaced with metallic walls and pipes that stretched on. Suddenly the halls turned into a large, open room. They had finally made it to the spacecraft hanger.
He ran to one of the smaller crafts and got in. As he quickly inspected the vehicle he realized that it needed keys to start. We don’t have time for this. He placed the kid on the dashboard and ripped open a side panel, exposing the ship’s inner workings. Recalling how Tubbo showed him how to jumpstart a ship he started pulling wires as he had been taught.
When the last wire fell into place the craft lit up. He jammed the panel back in and sat down in the control chair. Making sure that the kid was okay he started up the launch sequence. He pressed a button and the exterior hanger door opened. He secured himself and the kid before jerking the controls forward. The ship made an incredibly high-pitched noise as it zoomed off into the expanse of space.
A wave of relief passed over both of them as they were getting further and further away from their prison. Wilbur checked the scanners to see if any ships were tailing them and nothing came up. He breathed a heavy sigh as he set the ship’s autopilot to his beloved home on the remote jungle planet of Azora. He leaned back and relaxed as he let his thoughts wander for hours. He was snapped back when he heard a small gasp off to his side. He looked over, seeing the kid sleeping. They were shivering and shaking. Probably having a nightmare, and wouldn’t blame them. Wilbur gently reached over and scooped them into his hand. He brought his hand to his chest and felt them latch onto his shirt as they slowly stopped shaking. “It’s okay, kid. We’re going somewhere safe. You’re going to love it, and Phil is going to love you.” Assured that the kid was okay he let himself fall asleep with thoughts of his family.
@skullsnbruises @beckyu @data-expunged-0
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runawayfuture · 17 days
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concept art for my AU where the church lets House Gautier hold on to the dragon sign in case they didn't have a kid with a Crest and so Miklan doesn't get kicked out and he loves his little brother and everything is Fine Actually
#fire emblem#fire emblem three houses#fire emblem 3 houses#fe3h#miklan anschutz gautier#miklan#miklan gautier#my art#pencil sketch#he doesn't use the dragon sign usually because it gives him headaches and nightmares#(nabatean stuff is Weird and not really compatible with humans!!)#but if he needs to pick it up for like a border skirmish/invasion or a formal event where they want to show off‚ it's safe for him to use#when sylvain is home miklan hands the lance off to him asap bc it's less weird if you have the actual crest rather than just the dragon sign#he prefers to use an axe (i'm thinking fortress knight for his class given that he has pretty heavy armor in game + bulky physique)#also he doesn't have the scar here bc i figured that happened either when he got kicked out or in a bad fight while he was a bandit#though i might put it back and say he got it while defending the border#not sure yet. the au is still in the early stages of development lol#anyway he and sylvain are SIGNIFICANTLY less fucked up and traumatized here bc their parents didn't treat miklan like trash#so he had no reason to get jealous of sylvain so he didn't abuse him and try to kill him multiple times when they were kids 😅#sylvain still has some crest baby issues but not nearly as much bc less crest-related trauma + emotional support from miklan#their parents still suck ass but having an older sibling who's on your side is way different from one who abuses you and then disappears#i also think miklan and glenn were friends in this au#... i wonder if ingrid's parents would have betrothed her to miklan instead after glenn died#haha ingrid. you are engaged to my brother#though idk if they would want to introduce a different crest to the family given that the lance is specifically for the crest of gautier#maybe they'd figure that having one parent with crest blood increases the chance of a different crest kid#because we know crests can skip generations so maybe miklan has latent crest blood that could manifest in his children#that would be an au to think about... if miklan found a wife and had a kid b4 conand tower and the baby had the crest of gautier?#and he came back like FUCKING ACKNOWLEDGE ME BITCHES UR GRANDSON HAS A FUCKING CREST!!#beep
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cinnamon-bunni · 26 days
NOT okay right now im thinking abt pokemon leaving scars on their trainers + everyday, domestic problems.....
#this is abt my top gun au btw <3333 which will forever haunt me even though im less likely to write it everyday </3333#like.....getting thin scars from rowlet as a kid which have now all basically faded to time#(though the ones gained as a teen from dartrix can still be seen)#while in the other hand always having angry red scratches along both arms because hes always holding up rufflet who fights like no tomorrow#(believe me; its better to hold him up and take the damage than put him down and let rufflet pick a fight with someone)#OR like....getting electrical burns because elekid doesnt know how to control its discharge yet. and the scars that stay bc of that#(which tbh is an ash + pikachu thing i would love to see)#or how one accidental poison jab from toxicroak will leave you utterly sick for days#(like serious he should probably go to a hospital or smth) and toxi just has the biggest saddest puppy dog eyes in existence it feels so ba#(its fine this has happened before he'll be fine. probably)#bruisings on your shins bc pawmot punches your legs to grab your attention or to get smth it wants....#rooms always being like ten to twenty degrees colder (or even more) when he has his ice pokemon out for whatever reason...#the reverse of that with fire types..... ough...#having to BEG flygon not to fly rn bc it starts a sandstorm every fucking time and it does it anyway#(PLEASE i took you out of your ball to eat dinner why cant yiu behave this one time)#and then dragonair fixing it to be clear skies again.....the never ending cycle....#any trainer who have pokemon that start sandstorm needing a pair of safety goggles for when they battle#(maybe even bringing a spare just in case or--if theyre kind enough--for their opponent to wear so they can see too)#dont even get me started on mythical pokemon interacting with the tg characters.....#anyway tried to stay as vague as possible for the characters lolol#bergmite is just a lil guy who wants to be carried around like all the other small 'mons....i am so sorry sweetie you are over 200 pounds#you cannot be perched on your trainers shoulder like someone else's rufflet can#having ice burns bc froslass tried to freeze him.....#anyway. can you tell i love pokemon#sorry to anyone who sees this in the pokemon tag </333#delete later#i feel like im begging on my knees for someone to ask abt my au....but also if they did id die of embarrassment from answering it...#the pros and cons of having a dumb little au </3#sigh maybe one day i'll write a fic... (<-keeps saying it but has written nothing for it (yet))
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raisnkaine · 1 year
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He's gotta get that whopper
Im trying to make a habit of coloring my doodles
It feels like im painting when I color :]
Also enjoy some close ups of y/n's patches- I wanna give em more but i dont any ideas for some- probably gonna give em a pronoun patch thatd work
Ooo maybe some bones along the sleeves or back-
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v-tired-queer · 6 months
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Sketches from a fem!Sheith ATLA AU that I never ended up writing where Keith is the Fire Princess, and Shiro is a Fire Nation soldier-turned-Sun Warrior tasked with teaching Akira (Keith) firebending (she owed a favor).
Akira doesn't firebend much, not after loosing her father in a tragic accident, but it turns out the princess is remarkably skilled with swords. Shiro is smitten (but of course, so is the princess) ❤️
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singsweetmelodies · 2 years
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softquietsteadylove · 2 years
Hello Darling! Love your Thenamesh Pokémon AU and I have a prompt request :)
let’s say Thenas entire Pokémon team gets poisoned because something is wrong with the pokefood (let’s say team rocket is doing some dumb shit again). So Thena ask Gil if he can help because all the Pokémon healing centers are filled with poisoned Pokémon.
And Gil being a absolutely sweet man helps and cares for her Pokémon as well as the others at the ranger station.
Some soft moment where Thena watches Gil how caring and sweet he is! Maybe some fluff in the end between them?
It was in the water, it was determined. The ranger centre - and every pokemon centre for half a region's distance - was overrun with poisoned pokemon.
It was an environmental pollution case, and poised for a huge class action lawsuit, from what the news was reporting. A few major companies, from Silph Co. to the Devon Corporation, were expected to face massive backlash from it.
The Pokemon Ranger Association was expected to head the actions taken against them. Even then, the rangers on active duty were running around with their heads cut off trying to keep up with the mass poisoning. Luckily it was a relatively light condition, nothing that antidote supplies and pecha berries couldn't help. Curing would just take a little time--and a lot of pokemon centre help.
Gil was supposed to be out there helping, too. And he had, through his standard shift. He had been herding poisoned pokemon all morning, having called on every steel type they could find, as well as any ground type willing to simply help them out. He had been working tirelessly.
And still he came right over to Thena's after work to help with her pokemon.
She had called him in a panic at the first signs of the toxicity in them. She used such specialised home blends for their pokechow, she couldn't fathom how they had all gotten the signs of mild poisoning. Gil had told her that they were investigating it, but the likely cause was the water. He told her to shut off her water main, run all her taps dry, order some bottled water for delivery and wait for him.
"How are they doing?" he whispered as he closed the door behind him.
It was quite a scene.
Gallade was laid on the couch, curled on his side with a blanket and a cool cloth on his forehead for the reactionary fever. Ninetales was curled up as tight as she could go on her bed, all of her tails draped over her body like an extra blanket. She also had a blanket laid over her.
He had to assume that the freezer door was open because Froslass was either hovering right in front of it or inside the freezer itself.
"I gave them each a pecha berry every half hour, and I already used all the antidotes in the house," Thena sighed, rocking a miserable little Teddiursa in her arms with a frown. "I ordered more but, well, I'm sure you know."
There was about to be a region wide supply shortage. They were already in the midst of it, most likely. He set down his bag and took his hat off.
"How's Dragonite?" she whispered, rubbing Teddiursa's forehead while he was swaddled up in a blanket of his own.
"Good, actually," Gil managed to smile amidst the misery around them. "We generally use the bottled water from the machines while we're out in the field, so we got off pretty easy."
"Thank Arceus," Thena sighed, although she was looking down at her whiny little cub with misty eyes. "I just wish I could do more for them."
"I know," Gil whispered, putting a hand on her shoulder. She had called him specifically because she knew the pokemon centres would all be completely overrun. And with her very specific team, she was just as equipped to handle them here at home as any care unit.
Teddiursa pried his glassy eyes open, "Ursa."
"I know, buddy," Gil sighed, also ruffling their little bear's fur between his droopy ears. "Your tummy hurts, huh?"
The cub curled into Thena, as he did when he was a baby first getting used to the world outside Thena's house.
Gil picked up his bag and set it on the counter, "I was asking some Tropius how they were handling things, and they offered some knowledge about the berries that might help. They said that cherri and pecha berries mixed might provide some comfort."
"Cherri?--for paralysis?" Thena asked as Gil dumped out the collection of berries. "Pecha must be hard to come by too, I imagine."
"Well," Gil smiled at her gently, "a group of Quagsire from the lower caves remembered a very nice trainer who came to their aid not too long ago and shared their stash with me."
Thena sniffled.
"Okay," Gil whispered, cutting up the berries and mixing them as Thena pulled out a pot and poured in water they both knew they didn't exactly have to spare. "This should help you guys feel a little better.
"Froslass," the ghost pokemon apparated, just to see what was going on.
"I'm sorry," Thena whispered to her poor ice type, patting the spot between her little icicle-horns on her head. "We're just going to cook up a little soup. I'll chill yours for you."
"Fross," the pokemon muttered before disappearing from sight again, curling up in the freezer to try and endure her symptoms.
"I hate to think about how some of the other pokemon are doing with this," Thena frowned as Gil stirred around the soup, cutting up a few oran berries as well, just to give them back a little energy.
"This morning was rough, but when I was getting off we were just starting to get our heads above water."
Thena rocked Teddiursa against her as Gil tasted the berry mixture before adding a few vitamins for good measure. Once they were incorporated he ladled out a few bowls, handing one to Thena to put in the fridge before giving it to Froslass.
"Here we go," Gil whispered as he held up a bowl to Teddiursa's muzzle, tipping it to him gently. "I know it doesn't taste as good as Mama's pokechow, but it'll help your tummy."
"Teddi," the little bear whimpered before accepting the medicine. He knew better than to refuse it in Thena's presence.
"Good work," she whispered, kissing the fur between his ears as he drank up. She accepted the bowl from Gil smoothly as he went to her other pokemon with theirs.
"Think you can sit up, bud?" Gil asked Gallade, who groaned but pulled himself up to lean against the armrest of the couch. Gil handed him the bowl. "There's some HP Up, in there--just a little, though."
"Gallade," the pokemon uttered its thanks. No matter its opinions on Ranger Gil and his relationship to its trainer, Gallade had to admit that the human man was nothing if not reliable.
Gil patted his shoulder, leaving him to feed himself. He was sure that the viciously independent pokemon wouldn't have accepted being fed - by anyone but Thena - anyway. He moved on to Ninetales, "c'mere, sweetie."
"Nine," she whined, barely emerging from her little knot of tails to peek at him.
"I know, girl," Gil assuaged the poor fire type. "You're not made for this. But I've got something that'll help, okay?"
Thena watched as Gil held the bowl just off the ground, tilted so Ninetales could eat from it without having to stand. He really got off an exhausting shift of taking care of everyone else's pokemon just to come here and hand feed hers.
"Is that a little better?" Thena whispered down to her poor little baby bear. He snuggled back into his blanket cocoon and turned his head in against her shoulder.
She would take that as a reluctant 'yes'.
She opened the fridge, testing the temperature of the sweet and sour soup before holding it up. "It's nice and cool, just how you like it."
"Froslass," the ghost appeared, accepting it with a miserable nod of thanks before digging in.
That was the sign that things really were bad. Froslass never let anyone watch it eat--it wasn't in its nature to allow such a vulnerability, even in its own home.
Gil looked up as Thena took a seat on the floor next to him, leaning against his shoulder as he let Ninetales finish her serving. He set the bowl down, petting their fox pokemon on the snout before nudging Thena lightly. "Hey."
"Hey," she whispered back, looking intently at Teddiursa's restless sleeping face. But he was sleeping, and she was grateful.
Gil nudged her again, asking her to look at him. She was exhausted, obviously having been awake since she caught the first signs in her poor team. Her eyes were bloodshot and misty, her skin was pale, he could tell she had cried a little here or there. He pressed his forehead to hers. "How are you doing?"
"I hate seeing them like this," she whispered, inhaling gently as she let Gil's warmth seep into her. "Battling is one thing. Injuries, status conditions--I know how to handle those. But this-"
"I know," he comforted, moving to press his lips to her forehead. She moved closer, tucking her head under his against his shoulder. "How are you feeling? Did you drink anything from the tap this morning?"
"Barely," she sighed. "I saw on the news that humans are less likely to be affected based on volume per mass. I wish I could take it on for them."
Gil nodded, smiling at Ninetales, whose tails perked up to wag just a little. Thena was a good trainer, and they could ask for no one more caring and loyal to have by their sides.
Thena puffed out a little breath as she felt Gallade drape a blanket over her shoulders from behind her. "Don't you dare get up off that couch, mister."
"Gal," he sighed, already lying back down and pulling the blanket off the back of the couch for himself again.
"Y'know," Gil yawned, "maybe we should try out some sleep powder on 'em. Could help them sleep off some of the symptoms."
"That's a-" Thena paused, the contagious nature of Gil's yawn catching her in her own, "good idea."
"I'll ask Dragonite," Gil mumbled, turning over his watch gear to send a message to his partner, who had offered to work a double to help out with the situation (and free up Gil to help Thena).
"Altaria," Thena mumbled, bringing up her beloved pokemon who was officially retired from battling and released into the wild. It stopped in regularly between migration seasons, though. "It might still know Sing."
Gil nodded, feeling Thena's fatigue seeping into him. "You should get some sleep."
"Speak for yourself," Thena mumbled right back, already slipping further and further into sleep.
Teddiursa snuggled against her as she laid down. She instinctively pulled him closer to her, as she did when he slept in her bed for the first few months of his life with her.
Ninetales and Gallade, with their combined psychic abilities, expended what energy they had to lie Gil and Thena down to rest. Thena sighed into the softness of Ninetales' fur, as she often did when they were camping in Victory Road. The fire type kindly let Gil also rest his head against her plush tails as well, since his arms were wrapped around Thena (and Teddi).
Gallade mustered enough effort to spread Thena's blanket out over the ranger as well. It would demand a thank you from him later, it determined before lying down again. "Lade."
"Tales," Ninetales yawned in agreement, also settling down to rest again.
Froslass floated over with the extra blanket Gil had brought in his pack, spreading it out over them before closing the freezer and going to settle itself in the cool of the bathtub.
The three - fully grown - pokemon could at least agree that maybe, just this once, they really did owe their trainer's mate.
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thespacelizard · 1 year
brain machine broke for like. 90% of the day. full rampage of headweasles (which. we love for our day off. truly)
however, i decided 'fuck it' and spent like forty minutes doodling modern!AU Viz/Pharaun and now?? brain machine?? calmed down???
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