lesenbyan · 2 years
There, I made that post unreblogable. I've only seen two people say shit about kyouske- both I immediately blocked- but it pisses me off so fucking much I'm not risking more.
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pemebi · 8 months
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Short scenario: You didn't tell me that you knew about Pandora!
"I've been searching for Pandora for a long time, you knew about it, and you didn't tell me that you… have a idea of where it is?!"
Shinichi isn't looking at him
"Of course not"
Kaito loses it.
"What is your problem?!"
The humanoid gem is just looking at Kaito with a bored expression, not a bit scared of the outbust
"What are you going to do when you find pandora?"
"Destroy it, of course!"
Shinichi don't change his expression.
And then, suddently, it made sense.
He knew that Pandora was a gem, but now the door was open to a new possibility, Pandora is a gem like Shinichi, not a "it", but a "them".
"Pandora is like you…"
"Yes, Pandora is… like me, a gem with a useless power for my kind"
Shinichi tried to not think about being a Sapphire that can only predict death in a race that never die…
"A gem that can give eternal life, something valuable for humans… So what is the plan, Kid? Add murder to your list of crimes?"
Of course this makes things more complicated.
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shosta · 2 years
hey i just realized Dracula daily is gonna end on Nov 5/6, tumblr holiday famously featuring trump's outbust. May i pitch that we call this holiday "Stop The Count Day". Do you get it. It's like, they're stopping the count. count dracula. get it?
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bookwormangie · 3 months
Was Snape’s magic intentional or accidental in The Prince's Tale, DH?
So, I had a discussion a while ago that I still think about, about whether Snape intentionally or accidentally dropped the branch on Petunia. They argued in a video that Snape intentionally broke a tree branch on Petunia when he was nine years old. According to this person, Snape aimed to drive a wedge between Petunia and Lily and deliberately hit Petunia with the branch because she was spying. The implication in the comments was that Snape's actions contributed to Petunia's later abusive behavior towards Harry and her ‘fear of magic’. They furthermore argued that if Lily could control her magic so can Snape and that Snape already knew curses when he started school etc. I of course defended Snape because I believe it to have been accidental magic on his part since it is already established in the books that children are prone to emotional outbursts. It's quite a bold claim in my opinion, and since I still think about it, I decided to write a “short” analysis on the specific memory.
First of all, let’s get it out of the way that there's nothing in the memory that explicitly confirms whether Snape's action was intentional or accidental. As readers, we're left to interpret it and consider the most likely scenarios. Since I personally believe it to have been accidental, I will be looking at clues in the memory that points to an accidental use of magic from an emotional outbust.
What we know about Snape is that when he started Hogwarts, he displayed intelligence, talent, and an attraction to the dark arts. It's said he knew more curses than half the seventh-year students when he began school. While it's plausible he acquired this knowledge from books at home, it doesn't necessarily mean he could cast those spells. 
Furthermore, Snape didn't possess a wand before starting Hogwarts, making it unlikely for him to cast such curses before that time. Additionally, Snape seemed to be aware of magical rules and the Ministry's leniency towards children due to their emotional outbursts and lack of control, as he mentioned to Lily in the memory.
It's also worth noting that the assumption that Snape could control his magic due to his later proficiency in magic and dark arts may not hold in emotionally charged situations. Just as Lily demonstrated control over her magic, Snape might have possessed such control, but it's different in situations of heightened emotion, where you can lose it.
Here is Snape and Lily talking about the rules:
““ . . . and the Ministry can punish you if you do magic outside school, you get letters.” 
“But I have done magic outside school!” 
“We’re all right. We haven’t got wands yet. They let you off when you’re a kid and you can’t help it. But once you’re eleven,” he nodded importantly, “and they start training you, then you’ve got to go careful.””
Despite his awareness, Snape is also speaking from experience. I doubt that there has ever been a magical child that hasn’t done accidental magic from an outburst. The description of him nodding his head importantly suggests he takes that matter seriously. 
There's a subtle clue before the incident with Petunia that I wanted to touch on. This clue is evident in Snape’s reaction and body language when Lily asks him about his parents:
““How are things at your house?” Lily asked. A little crease appeared between his eyes. “Fine,” he said. “They’re not arguing anymore?” “Oh yes, they’re arguing,” said Snape. He picked up a fistful of leaves and began tearing them apart, apparently unaware of what he was doing.”
When Lily asks Snape about his parents, a crease appears between his eyebrows, signaling tension and discomfort for Snape. The word 'unaware' holds particular weight here. Snape appears lost in his thoughts, visibly upset about his parents' situation, while his hands unconsciously destroy the leaves. This moment is crucial as it underscores his lack of control in moments of distress.
I’m not sure if this is too far-fetched or that I’m reading into things that aren’t there but while this clue is physical and not magical, it provides some insight into Snape's physical responses on emotional discomfort.
If we consider this moment alongside the incident with the branch, it becomes apparent that Snape's magic was likely accidental. The crease in his brow and his unconscious action of tearing leaves point to a deeper, uncontrolled emotional response. 
Onto the branch incident: 
When Petunia is caught spying, Snape quickly jumps to his feet and starts shouting. From the outset, the atmosphere is tense, particularly given Petunia's rude demeanor from their first encounter:
“Snape had jumped to his feet. “Who’s spying now?” he shouted. “What d’you want?” Petunia was breathless, alarmed at being caught. Harry could see her struggling for something hurtful to say. “What is that you’re wearing, anyway?” she said, pointing at Snape’s chest. “Your mum’s blouse?” There was a crack. A branch over Petunia’s head had fallen. Lily screamed. The branch caught Petunia on the shoulder, and she staggered backward and burst into tears. “Tuney!” But Petunia was running away.“
This incident occurs immediately after Petunia insults Snape for wearing his mother’s smock, a remark intended to highlight his poverty. Petunia’s insult is particularly cruel, targeting Snape's socioeconomic status and attempting to embarrass him. The timing of the branch falling is crucial—it happens just as Snape is emotionally provoked by Petunia's hurtful comment. It's important to note that Snape doesn’t focus on or interact with the branch at all. His reaction is entirely directed at Petunia, not at his surroundings. The sudden crack and the branch falling, appear to be an unintended consequence of Snape's heightened emotional state. This sequence of events are suggesting that the branch falling was a direct result of Snape's loss of control rather than a deliberate magical act.
Paralleling Snape’s Branch Incident with Harry’s Wineglass Explosion:
A parallel can be drawn between the incident in Prisoner of Azkaban involving Aunt Marge and Harry, and the incident with Snape and the branch. In PoA, when Aunt Marge insults Harry’s mother, the wine glass she is holding immediately breaks. This incident mirrors Snape’s branch incident:
“Aunt Marge reached for her glass of wine. "It's one of the basic rules of breeding," she said. "You see it all the time with dogs. If there's something wrong with the bitch, there'll be something wrong with the pup --" At that moment, the wineglass Aunt Marge was holding exploded in her hand. Shards of glass flew in every direction and Aunt Marge sputtered and blinked, her great ruddy face dripping.”
In both instances, the characters are subjected to deeply personal and hurtful insults. For Harry, Aunt Marge’s derogatory comment about his mother provokes a strong emotional response, causing the wine glass to shatter. Similarly, for Snape, Petunia's cruel remark about his smock and his socioeconomic status triggers him, resulting in the branch falling.
Now back to the incident with Petunia:
“Lily rounded on Snape. “Did you make that happen?” 
“No.” He looked both defiant and scared. 
“You did!” She was backing away from him. “You did! You hurt her!” 
“No—no, I didn’t!” But the lie did not convince Lily. After one last burning look, she ran from the little thicket, off after her sister, and Snape looked miserable and confused . . .”
Lily, witnessing the incident, confronts Snape with a direct question: "Did you make that happen?" Her tone reflects a mixture of shock and suspicion, as she grapples with the idea of Snape causing harm to Petunia. Snape denies causing the branch to fall, but his demeanor betrays conflicting emotions. He appears both defiant, refusing to accept blame, and scared, possibly fearful of the repercussions or of losing Lily's trust. Despite Snape's denial, Lily remains convinced of his involvement. Her insistence and accusation highlight her growing unease and the strain on their relationship. Snape's final reaction—looking miserable and confused—reveals his internal turmoil. As a lonely child, Snape may lack a nuanced understanding of social norms and interactions. His isolation could contribute to his difficulty navigating relationships and expressing himself effectively. Caught between his desire to maintain his innocence and the realization that his uncontrolled magic may have caused harm, Snape's confusion is compounded by his struggle to comprehend the complexities of human emotions and interactions.
In conclusion, this tells me that his use of magic was accidental rather than intentional. Was he sorry the branch fell on her? Probably not, but it was caused by his outburst. Snape's magic also aligns with the pattern of accidental occurrences common among young wizards and witches. 
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thatoneer · 7 months
Colin's on a health leave, huh? After that whole thing with Jon... Is he okay? Lena made him take some time off because of his outbust?... I'm sure neither of them knows more about what is going on...
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munchcrvnch · 3 months
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Sometimes friendships can be hard. And it takes work to maintain them. But without friends, things can be a lot harder.
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Hello! I'm Munch! I'm 22, so you know. I'm an artist that does art related to my current interests and I do also adore horror art! We love drawing gore art and things that are a little scary lol
We are a DID system of at least 30 members, but there are most likely more of us. Our collective pronouns are they/xe and our collective sexuality/gender identity is queer and nebularomantic and Ambiamorous! I'm in a polyamorus relationship with 3 people and I love all of them so dearly.
We do have a system blog! It's @fries-collective ! We mostly just shitpost on there and ramble. This account is our main blog and we post art on here!
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reblog - just a general reblog tag, if you wanna see just my original posts, you can mute this
queer reblog - a variant of my reblog tag (always added in never alone) for queer content, not all of my queer centered posts have this tag but my recent ones do
important reblog - a variant of my reblog tag for content i deem important, like go fund mes, news, and things i just feel like people need to know
xenogender reblog - a variant of my reblog tag for my xenogenders! ....pretty much just that lol
art reblog - a variant of my reblog tag for art!
horror reblog - a variant of my reblog tag for horror content, this may range from digital horror like lacey's games to slashers to horror movies. this tag does contain topics of violence, images of gore/guns/blood, and other potentially disturbing content (but its always tagged with a tw or a cw)
funny shit - things we find funny lol
messing with mutuals - me reblogging stuff from my mutuals and mostly clowning on them, mutualposting if you will
save - stuff i wanna either save for later or keep on hand, recently started using this lol
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⛧I post art underneath #munch art and any asks are under #munch asks !!!
⛧I block racists, TERFs, homophobes/transphobes, zionists, and ableists. I hold no empathy for people who choose to be horrible to people.
⛧We as a collective are very mentally ill (BPD, DID, Autism, PTSD, and possibly OCD) and we were very severely abused for most of my childhood and teenage years, as well as neglected emotionally for most of my life. Outbusts can happen on here and I do apologize for that in advance.
⛧We are severely paranoid and thus we hate unprompted DMs or @/s. If you do want to get into contact with me, you can send an ask about it. But keep in mind that if you are under 18, I will not befriend you due to me being 22.
⛧Despite wanting people to be 18+ to befriend, my account is 16+ due to holding some potentially mature topics!
⛧My account does hold topics of religious imagery and satanic topics. This is how we cope with our religious trauma.
⛧We are susceptible to delusions and paranoid thoughts. Please interact with care especially regarding some intense topics.
⛧I try my best to trigger tag things but if I miss something, please tell me so I can correct it!
⛧I struggle with tone so tone tags are so so needed!
⛧I block freely and often for little reason. I often block even if I simply do not like one of your posts.
⛧I interact with both anti-endo and pro-endo, I'm going to only DNI if you have "endo neutral" on your DNI.
⛧Do not bring LGBT discourse or syscourse into our dms or proship/antiship discourse. I have friends who are bi lesbians and who are lesboys. I do not care. Bringing those topics up to me will result in an immediate block.
⛧Please do not ask me to participate in callouts! You'll be blocked if you keep trying. (If we have an abuser in common, I'd also ask that you please not talk about it with me. I am not comfortable talking about my abusers with people I do not trust.)
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Alt Blog:
System Blog: @fries-collective
General NSFW/hornyposting lol: @fuzzybnnuy
Senshi dedicated Blog: @senshilover2002
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just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
One of the things I enjoy about Eddie and Babs dinamic in Unburied and makes me really defend their friendship is that Edward respects Barbara. He is a little shit, but he does respect her from the beggining (in contrast to Vicky and Alfred) just like he respects Bruce and used to respect Gordon (no one can convince me Edward doesn't particially blames Gordon for never investigating or exposing the truth). I even made a list of moments were you can notice that even though he is a little shit to Barbara he cleary holds her in high regards:
- When he hears the news of Bruce's death his go to move is to call Barbara.
- One of the first things he says to her in the Arkham confrontation is that she is too good to be a cop.
-He sees no problem in interrupting Barbara and Alfred emotional conversation even when they say he is interrupting and he cannot read the room at all but when Barbara cuts him after his outbust with Vicky he shuts up. He let's Barbara keep the interrogation and doesn't speak until they're out the building
- He complained about it but still used the gloves.
- He is genuinally confused by her atitude when he is holding the knife. Hurting her never even passed through his head and he even sounds hurt that she though he would even when she has a lot of good reasons to be afraid.
- When Barbara is telling her story about why she became a cop he actually can emphatize with the situation - a thing he was shown having dificuillty before - and even points out to Barbara how Jim was probably terrifiled for her.
- When she orders him to distracts the guards he complains but he follows her lead. In fact the only moment he doesn't follow her lead is when it's about Bruce (this is a small note to myself about how this is not the place to add a riddlebat coment).
So yeah. There is mutual respect and care in the mist of bickering. There is a genuine potential for a good platonic relationship between two very different people of the opposite gender in a similar place in life and I would love that.
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taldigi · 2 years
How do Richard, Nathan, Adoni, the Dominos (and maybe Amber and Claude if you want) react to finding out Felix is Chat Noir? Are they angry, do they try to steal it from him while he's sleeping, do they see it as an opportunity to recruit him, are they shocked that what they've been trying to get for so has been right under their noses for so long?
Richard never finds out in a way that matters. By the time it would be revealed, Felix is an afterthought and all that matters is keeping Ladybug and Chat from ruining his master's plans. Should it be earlier, it would be another angry outbust,, this time backed up with Adoni and the Dominoes. He's one of the few on the list that would neutralize him rather than try and kill him. The same procedure that renders Richard braindead would be performed on Felix first... should he catch him, of course.
Nathan hates Chat, (viewing him as a lesser version of himself- depending on weather or not Nathan had been Chat Noir at any point.) He's annoying and fanciful and never engages in a head on fight (Classic Chat had Black hole and Black Storm as abilities and no weapon- that, plus Felix' boxing struck me as him developing more of a hit and run sort of fighting style.). "Figures that that[terrible insult] fleabag ended up being you! A coward to the end, huh?" then, with renewed vigor, now has a proper excuse to try and kill the boy who stole the love of his life- now with the added fact that he is against him and their father.
Adoni would be frustrated at best, and depending on what point she would know- as well as how aware that Felix would know that she knows, would try and eliminate Felix directly. Much easier to kill a sleeping boy in his own room, harder when he has a watchcat who is much more amicable to murder than Felix is.
Dominoes are shocked, but ultimately, only react depending on what Adoni's order would be- which is most likely "break his knees and retrieve the ring for your boss. If he ends up at the bottom of the Seine so he keeps his mouth shut, than so be it." Should they no longer be willing to work for Adoni- as happens when she crosses the threshold of actual mass murder- they couldn't care less, and would actually be more willing to side with the heroes. Money dosen't matter if the world ends.
Amber takes it very personally, digs in her heels, and goes full out on the smear campaign, stripping the heroes civilian lives away as a place of safety. Should she loose the sway of the masses, or if Pergue's scheme is laid bare, violence becomes her answer- as she has nothing to loose at this point.
St. Claude always met Felix with smug superiority, knowing that with Nathan/Pergue as backup, he could destroy Felix (he can't). However, he becomes absolutely terrified of him should he find out. Ladybug and Chat would be considered violent vigilantes to the public- with few allies -thanks to Amber's wicked smear campaign. Ultimately, he would rat Felix out to Pergue, but is too chicken to try and kill him outside of Mimic's pressuring.
A lot of this doubles for Marinette as Ladybug, too.
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heavenfelled · 1 year
@hasteur / hastur sent : “be glad of your human heart. pity those who don’t feel anything at all.”
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'  who,  the  dead  or  the  damned?   speaking  from  experience  either  way,  i  expect.  '    a  tilt  of  his  head  and  the  valentinos  slid  down  the  bridge  of  their  nose,  putting  hastur  under  his  full scrutiny.   they  shifted  closer, conspiratorial,  and  the  leather  seat  of  his  bentley  protested.
'  you  could  learn  a  thing  or  two  from  them,  y'know !   the  humans,  that  is.   those  bastards  conjur  devilry  you  n'  me  could  hardly  dream  of !   -  then  they'll  turn  right  'round  and  ...  i  dunno,  help  a  little  old  lady  cross  the  street  or  something.  '    he  watched  a  young  man  doing  just  that,  at  the  turn  of  the  block.    '  a  sight  to  behold,  really.  free  will  and  all  that.  '
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crowley  clapped  a  palm  to  the  dash  and  she  rumbled  to  life  with  an  outbust  of  queen's  don't  stop  me  now. ' fancy  a  joy  ride,  hastur?   you're  keen  to  feel  something,  yeah?   that'll  get  your  blood  pumping !  figure  of  speech.  '
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bigmeandragonlady · 1 year
the tvd magic system is so wibbly and vague, i have some fun rules i'm applying to it. primary ones are as follows:
witches inherently grow in power the older they get, they just kind of accumulate magic over time. Vampires already do this, and I hc werewolves do as well, so it's not a far stretch imo
This usually doesn't amount to much, as they have human lifespans.
Witches that grow up in witch communities, generally are okay in terms of control. But non-practicing witches, especially ones that might have grown up alone have outbursts often, and it takes work to stop it- just like regulating emotional outbusts.
I LOVE the idea of heretics. I love the idea that nature isn't as black and white as most witches think. So, death doesn't = no more magic. (we know that the werewolf gene persists after death and since magic is inherent to a person, i don't see why it wouldn't persist as well)
It disrupts a witches connection to her magic and usually she can't reconnect. However, depending on things like how long you were dead, nature of the death, or type of magic practiced has an influence on it. For instance, a witch who practiced necromancy in life is one of the more likely candidates to be able to reconnect after death. Ancestral magic on the other hand... not so much.
We've seen how some witches react to hybrids and even just vampires, so I don't think it's a stretch to have the same mentality to any heretic. There might even be a group that hunts down heretics- they generally call heretics traitors
Also! witch hunters! I don't think anything like this comes up in any of the series but they're in just about every other thing that has witches, so i'm adding them.
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living for my lovesick su1c1dal art major in college vibes my room is giving rn, my art supplies scattered across my room, the b1ood thats everywhere you look if you pay attention long enough, the sheer mess ive created in my little outbusts, all my cup noodles and junkfood trash just everywhere, my disfigured beloved shrine i finally finished halfway thrown into my room and ruined, me sitting hunched over at my desk w my tablet drawing my ocs,,, rlly living the life rn lol
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influxinfotechseo · 13 days
Discover India: 15-day Golden Triangle Tour with Rajasthan By Incredible Heritage Tours
Embark on a captivating 15 days journey through India's golden triangle a classic route that gives you the journey to the India's most heritage spots and diverse cities and historical and architectural marvels, vibrant culture and unforgettable experiences by Incredible Heritage Tour who gives you best deals and opportunities to travel to our Golden triangle tour package. The Golden Triangle Tour with Rajasthan is a 15-day adventure that combines the classic Golden Triangle circuit of Delhi, Agra, Fatehpur Sikri, Jaipur, Jodhpur, Jaisalmer, Bikaner, Mandawa, Ajmer, Pushkar, Udaipur with a fascinating exploration of the colourful state of Rajasthan.
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India’s Golden Triangle is one of the most iconic travel packages to travel in India’s heritage spots and cultural sites, offering a captivating glimpse into the country's rich history, vibrant culture, and architectural marvels. Spanning Delhi, Agra and Fatehpur Sikri, Jaipur, Jodhpur, Jaisalmer, Bikaner, Mandawa, Ajmer, Pushkar, Udaipur all these cities to travel on this journey is a feast for the senses and a deep dive into India's heritage. In this blog, we’ll explore how to maximize your experience over a 15-day tour with Incredible Heritage Tours, allowing time to each city and their surroundings.
Tour Highlights in a Golden Triangle Tour with Rajasthan:
Delhi: Explore the historical landmarks of Delhi, including Red Fort, Qutub Minar, Jama Masjid, Raj Ghat, Humayun’s Tomb, and the bustling markets of Chandni Chowk. Visit the magnificent Lotus Temple and the spiritual Gurudwara Bangla Sahib. Experience the blend of ancient and modern at the India Gate, President House, and Parliament House with Incredible Heritage Tours.
Agra and Fatehpur: Travel to Agra, home to one of the Seven Wonders of the World. After checking into your hotel, take around the city or visit the Agra Fort, which offers fantastic views and historical insight.
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Embark on a day trip to Fatehpur Sikri, a former Mughal capital known for its well-preserved palaces and mosques. The red sandstone city offers a unique glimpse into Mughal architecture and history.
Jaipur: Arrival in Jaipur, Travel to Jaipur, the capital of Rajasthan, and settle into the city's colourful ambiance. Enjoy an elephant ride or jeep ride up to the fort. In the afternoon, explore the Hawa Mahal and the Jal Mahal, both iconic landmarks of Jaipur’s architectural heritage. Jaipur’s local markets and handicrafts gives the traditional textiles, jewellery into Rajasthan arts and culture.
Ajmer and Pushkar: Visit the revered Ajmer Sharif Dargah, a Sufi shrine, and seek blessings. Explore the holy city of Pushkar, known for its sacred lake and Brahma Temple
Udaipur: Travel to Udaipur the city of lakes Explore the City Palace, which offers stunning views of Lake Pichola. Enjoy a boat ride on the lake in the evening, providing the lake view restaurants with beautiful sunsets of the Lake Palace and Jag Mandir.
Jodhpur: Jodhpur the famous blue city with beautiful locations and cultural heritage sites with beautiful forts. Visit the majestic Mehrangarh Fort and the Jaswant Thada. bustling markets of Jodhpur and enjoy local cuisine will surely outbust your mind in a Golden triangle tour with Rajasthan by Incredible Heritage Tours.
Bikaner: Visit bikaners impressive Junagarh Fort, renowned for its architecture and design. Explore the ancient temples and vibrant markets of Bikaner.
Mandawa: Marvel at the beautifully painted havelis of Mandawa, showcasing wall paintings and frescos and artwork. Experience the opulence of Rajasthan's wealthy merchants, trading  outpost on ancient caravan routes and a thikana of Jaipur State.
Incredible Heritage Tours Include all these things in your package:
• Pickup and drop-off from your hotel or your asked/desired location.
• Private air-conditioned Car with comfortable seats.
• A professional driver with English spoken who is Friendly and well- known with all the routes.
• English-speaking tour guide on your asked destination (optional)
• Toll taxes, fuel charges, parking fees, and interstate taxes.
Travel Tips
• Pack Wisely: Consider the climate variations, especially between the desert and urban areas. Light, comfortable/ breathable fabrics are ideal for the day, while a little warm fabric might be necessary for cooler evenings.
• Local Cuisine: Embrace local dishes like Dal Baati Churma, laal maas and Gatte ki Sabzi are popular dishes of Rajasthan. Each this region has its unique flavors and specialties.
• Traditional/Local Customs: Dress modestly, especially when visiting religious sites, and be mindful of local traditions and customs which can be bright and colourful.
This 15 Day itinerary offers a perfect blend of India’s historic and royal experience in a Golden Triangle Tour by Incredible heritage Tours promising a journey that captures the essence of both the Golden Triangle and the enchanting state of Rajasthan. Enjoy your adventure and comfortable journey through India's timeless beauty and rich heritage and culture which gives you a different experience to your journey.
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alarrytale · 5 months
after the larry denial, do you think we will still see the BluGreen lights on Louis' stage?
Hi, anon!
I do! I think everything will be as normal, if not gayer, now that he's done a denial yet again.
If he does five more denials, the denials doesn’t work as far as denials go anyway, do you think he'd pick up a rainbow flag? I want to know what we can trade it in for. Ten denials for a rainbow flag? One angry twitter outbust for a glimpse of his triangle tattoo on his ankle? Five ig likes of ex beards or potential beards for a queer t-shirt? Or for wearing Harry's socks? Two bananas for a pund, three bananas for a euro?
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jihef03 · 2 years
Gonna sound weird but I kind of see Peter and Hook being brothers rather than Hook being a parental figure to Peter.
I mean, Peter *was* inspired -in part- by Barrie’s own brother, who died at 13 and also happened to be their mother’s favourite. When came the time to give Peter a rival, Barrie made up a neurotic english-educated man, gave him *his* first name James, and set both characters in a competition to win the approval of their “mom” Wendy with Hook as the clear loser.
Not saying this was intentional of anything (probably a bit intentional, but no so much), but yeah this definitely influenced my view of Peter and Hook’s relationship. I’m not saying it negates the parent thing as well, it’s more about what i personally took from the works.
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omokdrama · 4 years
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El 6 de mayo se puso en marcha en Corea una campaña para apoyar la crisis que están padeciendo las salas de cine independiente durante la pandemia del Covid-19. Esta campaña va a estar en marcha 100 días, a partir de esa fecha, bajo el hashtag #saveourcinema en la que actores, directores, productores… recomiendan 3 películas independientes y etiquetan a una persona que coja el relevo. Se están recomendando películas interesantísimas, algunas de las cuales se pueden ver en plataformas como Filmin o Outbuster. Os animo a que cliquéis en el hahstag y descubráis la cantidad de cine coreano que hay por ver. A ver si con poco de suerte, se dejan caer también en alguna sala de cine de por aquí y las podemos disfrutar en pantalla grande. #cineindependiente #cinecoreano #saveourcinema #koreanmovie #filmin #outbuster #savethecinema #독립예술영화관후원 # #독립예술영화관챌린지 @saveourcinema https://www.instagram.com/p/CAwCN84CWHh/?igshid=ig2eyg58y180
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longestwave · 4 years
jeff winger hating marvel movies and being astounded at the lack of appeal once again I’m jeff kin
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