#outcast stars
outcaststars · 11 months
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countesspetofi · 3 months
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haydenshill · 3 months
Someone had the AUDACITY to call me a new fan… (I won’t say their name cuz they were very gatekeeperish, condescending and because they don’t get a mention but-)
Not only do I own several of his movies, (outcast and virgin territory are quite uncommon movies to find) I even have multiple copies of them.
But that’s not really proof of being a long time fan, until you look at “Life as a house” and “awake” which both came from Blockbuster Video.
(For the younger peeps on here, Blockbuster was where you went before streaming.)
But ya, let’s see someone post up a Hayden Christensen blockbuster exclusive. Lol.
PS- I own Little Italy, Life as a house, Vanishing on 7th street and Higher Ground on Amazon Prime.
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matchademi · 10 months
Me:brain no BRAIN NO
Brain:What if Rex was the one who constantly commed Fox and visited Fox on his leaves when he had the time. What if after Cody, Fox is Rex's favorite brother. What if Rex was trying his best to figure out why his Ori'vod is changing more and more every time they talk. What if Fox kept pushing Rex away more and more, but Rex kept trying to close the gap because he had already lost Ponds, and he was not losing another brother. What if Fox killing Fives is the last straw for a little brother watching his his big brother change, and Rex has no idea why and Rex is angry because his big brother just killed his baby brother and he has already lost so much.
But Rex just wants HIS Ori'vod back
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incorrectclonewars · 3 months
Quinlan-Vos: Okay, I’ll be back soon.
Quinlan-Vos: If Kenobi calls, tell him I died but make sure you really sell it.
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bumblingbabooshka · 11 months
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Hey, Star Trek Writers... -taps the glass-
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the-dorky-dame · 1 year
All of you seem to really like clips of Gwen, so here -
Have a treat darling~💜
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oftenlyshitposting · 8 months
i know some of us think vampire shin is great, but have we considered outcast, unwillingly-turned vampire sabine who hated what she had become?
plus! with shin's whole wolf imagery, i raise you recently-turned, power hungry not because she's a megalomaniac but because she's powerless her whole life werewolf shin.
vampire sabine who came from a long, powerful, and legendary line of a vampire clan. vampire sabine who was born a human, which cemented her outcast's image because her mother married her human dad and she was conceived before his dad was turned in an attempt to save him from his genetic illness.
sabine, who was turned unwillingly to a vampire because her mother wants to save her from the illness that already began manifesting in her from such a young age. sabine, who unlike her vampire-born half-brother tristan, is always disregarded by her whole clan since she was a child.
sabine wren, who grew up hating who and what she is because she didn't ask to be born human and turned vampire. meeting a rogue, recently-turned werewolf shin hati.
shin, who was found by a rogue werewolf baylan in a cold forest, bleeding out to near death in a wolf trap. shin, who was willingly turned by baylan's werewolf bite and was powerful enough to survive the transformation; immediately adopted by baylan and trained to master her new power.
werewolf shin who quickly grew to be as powerful as baylan, a rogue werewolf alpha, and had to watch him die at the hands of human hunters because she was too late to save him. shin, who slowly grew to be so vengeful of everyone and the world; humans, vampires, and even other werewolves.
shin and sabine met purely out of luck, starting out as powerful supernaturals who are seething with so much hate and anger, to reluctant partners because they are both outcasts, to shin teaching and showing sabine that she is more than what she is.
to sabine slowly loving herself, while shin falls in love with sabine without her even realising it.
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gearbroth · 1 year
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[concept-dump] Space-au - (main(?) Antagonist) Skal, enemy of sun and mentor to iron
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outcaststars · 11 months
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Commission for Retro
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allmyandroids · 10 months
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he's just so 🥵💞
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haydenshill · 5 months
Hayden christensen characters that can get it:
Anakin Skywalker from Star Wars was tragic and had a whole lot of red flags, but I’m a fighter and I’d try to change destiny and become one with the force… figure out time travel, go back and kill palpatine before order 66. If that didn’t work, I have time travel on my side, so I’ll just keep trying till I can fix my boo.
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Even when He’s a fixer upper
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Clay Beresford from “awake” was precious, and just needed someone to love him. I could be that girl. I wouldn’t betray him. In fact I’d be more protective than his mother
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David Rice from “jumper” was very appealing. Imagine just traveling all over with your hot ass man. And I think the best defense is a good offense, so I wouldn’t worry about anybody getting me, cuz I’d go get their ass first. I wouldn’t have to run away from shit.
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Sam Monroe from “life as a house” is the most babygirl boy that ever lived and I would share make up, and love him to pieces and teach him all sorts of ways to deal with your feelings that don’t involve drugs or being a hoe.
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Jacob from “outcast” was masculine and I would even accept his hairstyle. I’d have an intervention with the opium and we’d go around saving random children and make some too
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Billy Quinn from “factory girl” was jucking hot. Harmonica and all. And that sex scene…. If you haven’t seen it, what are you doing? Go watch it! I’d be whatever he needed me to be.
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Lorenzo from “virgin territory” because just look at him! I own this movie and it’s so dumb, but god is he hot in it. Lorenzo would be my favorite pet man.
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brennacedria · 4 months
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Lookie what I got!
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Kyle Katarn - Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast
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good-wine-and-cheese · 3 months
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Star Trek AU Tenmas (and mirror!verse Tenma)
Tenma is a half-Vulcan, half-Human and thus doesn't quite fit in with either society. He was raised Vulcan and thus strives toward the ideal of pure logic, though has never been able to succeed in the ritual purging of emotions that all Vulcans undergo, to his great shame. Rather than seek to join Starfleet, he instead took his post within the Vulcan Science Academy with a focus in engineering.
After an intense and violent emotional breakdown caused by the death of his wife and son, he is essentially expelled from the academy until such a time that he can "master" his humanity. He’s assigned as an observer to a Starfleet research outpost, where he meets and must cooperate with Ochanomizu. If he is to be accepted back to the Vulcan Science Academy, he must come to terms with his human half; a difficult process, for someone who views humans as inherently inferior for their illogical nature.
Because he's not Starfleet, it gives him room to be kind of an antagonistic force since he's serving the interests of Vulcan rather than Starfleet and sometimes, even though they're allies, they don't get along. Ochan can't give him orders because they're not the same chain of command so they're gonna be butting heads a lot.
Mirrorverse Tenma: This version of Tenma has achieved balance with his human half and accepts his emotions rather than try to suppress them. He actually did become a member of starfleet the Terran imperial fleet, as one of the few avenues through which a Vulcan can obtain status in the Terran Empire (short version of the alternate timeline: when humans made First Contact with Vulcans in the Mirror!verse it did not go well for the Vulcans).
I can't decide whether he's working his way through the ranks to install himself at the top or if he's engaged with resistance groups aiming to sabotage and overthrow the Empire....though knowing him he might be playing at both ends.
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ab-rinart · 3 months
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Got some new brushes.
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