#outlander headcanon
always-outlander · 1 year
Do you have any headcanons for the Outlander characters?
Hi Anon, thanks for this question! What a lovely thing I got to spend some time thinking and writing about. To quote Miriam Webster for those who may not know, a headcanon refers to something that a fan imagines to be true about a character or story even though no information supporting that belief is spelled out in the text.
So yes, definitely do! I mainly like to fill in the blank spaces or passages of time that the show does not cover fully. And because the show and source material span so much time, there are plenty of those. I love the drabbles people write for those reasons, but you asked me specifically for the characters, and my faves are Jamie and Claire so here we go.
Perhaps this is a more commonly discussed one, but my longstanding thoughts about his ghost that we see in the first episode. We know the ghost is Jamie at age 25 per Diana, which is about the time when Jamie fought in the battle of Culloden and had sent Claire back through the stones. We also know Jamie has "sight" and has been able to see his loved ones in the future through visions. Since Claire is from the future, I have always thought that as his sight increases, he likely could see Claire in her time and during her life before she went through the stones and met him.
He has also said countless times that his soul will find Claire's even in death, and that he would endure 200 years of purgatory in order for them to meet again. So I think that at the end of Jamie's life, he uses the knowledge of his 'sight' to send his soul and project himself to the place he knows Claire will be able to reunite with him, which is 1940's Inverness. I have always hoped that it is his appearance as a ghost that triggers the sequence of events in which Claire to goes to the stones, travels through time and meets him. So in my mind, in Jamie's death, he creates a never ending time loop that the two of them are in. (I hope that makes sense).
I also have thoughts pertaining to Jamie's childhood at Lallybroch and all of the adventures he found himself on with his older brother, Willie. They would climb the walls and venture to the furthest stretches of Lallybroch together, pretending to fight in battle or hunt. A five year age gap between the two likely meant that Jamie was often Willie's undesirable shadow, and the two undoubtably would fight.
I think the snake "Sawny" was carved by Willie as a token of respect and thanks following a scare on one of their escapades. The only snakes native to Scotland are venomous Adder snakes, and I bet Jamie saved Willie from being bit by one. To thank him, Willie carved him the snake with his nickname on the back. 'Sawny' is an abreviation or nickname of Alexander (Jamie's middle name). When Willie died of Smallpox in 1727 at age 11, Jamie was only 6. Two years later, Jamie lost his mother and younger brother Robert during the birth. It's no wonder this piece of his adolescence means so much to him and remained with him throughout his life. It was likely the fondest concrete memory he had, given to him when he had won the respect of his brother.
I've ALWAYS wanted to have a storyline or a tidbit of information regarding Claire's parents. To me it's strange that Diana never wrote anything about them, or had Claire's character recall something substantial that her uncle might have said about them in the past. For background, Claire was born in London to Henry Beauchamp and Julia Moriston. We know from a small passage in Outlander that Claire looks like her mother, but I've long liked to imagine that Claire gets her fiery personality from her mother as well, who was only 32 when she died in 1923. Her mother's maiden name has Nordic/Scottish roots, while her father comes from French roots. In my head her father came from a more affluent or wealthy background, while her mother was more middle to low class.
Claire was born at the end of World War I in 1918 and I like to imagine that her parents met towards the beginning of the war (closer to 1914). At that time in England, women were beginning to fill the job positions left by men who had gone off to war, and there were countless strikes for equal pay taking place. In my mind Henry was a scholar like his brother who found himself perhaps a bit useless in his profession at the time of the war. Julia would have been in the middle of the women's rights movements and fighting for equal pay, perhaps working as bank teller or clerk. When Claire was born at the end of the war, I imagine she cut back on her hours but maintained some autonomy and retained her job she had spent so long fighting for.
I like to think the two met with a classic meet-cute, where Henry had lived a very privileged life filled with high profile connections forged through his parents and scholarly peers. Julia mistakenly finds herself among his social circle one day and completely knocks his socks off with her candor and forward ways of thinking. She challenged him, and treated him differently than any woman previous. Similar to how Jamie cannot help but adore Claire's outspoken nature, I picture Julia having that same fire and strength which Henry would and could not ignore. I'd read a book about them, I think!
These are just a few, I have PLENTY more but this would quickly become it's own novel :)
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devilsrecreation · 5 months
Listening to “Teke Ruka, Teleza” from “Bunga the Babysitter” where Bunga teaches a bunch of kids how to defend themselves and it’s kinda funny knowing I hc that Kenge does the same thing with the Outland kids. The difference between Bunga’s lesson and Kenge’s lesson is so amusing
Cuz Bunga’s lesson is super fun and lighthearted while teaching the kids a good strategy, as seen later in the episode. But his method is teaching them as if it’s a simple game
Meanwhile, in my hc, Kenge’s just like “I want you to take all your pent up anger and put all of it into fighting. ALL of it. Just go absolutely feral”. You know the song “Stick it to the man” from School of Rock? That’s how it goes
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spinnysocks · 5 months
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this is my take :3
inspiration from this tierlist but i made it for the outlanders!!
please share your thoughts if you'd like, i love to hear different headcannons!! :D
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dawn-sunlight · 3 months
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I want to talk about these two for a second, specifically my thoughts about how they were after Scar's backstabbing of the hyenas
On the one hand, there's Janja. He knows Scar tried to burn him and his hyena clan, not even for actual betrayal, just for Janja THINKING about whether to join Jasiri. Something he'd actively tried to keep from his clan. And they're the ones that got caught in the trap while he escaped. If the Guard hadn't figured out a way to escape the lair, Scar would have failed to kill the one actually having traitorous thoughts but succeeded in killing his clan who had no idea of any of this. His clan would have paid for his "mistake". And this probably haunts Janja. And I see Janja as someone who takes loyalty very seriously(I disregard Janja's New Crew entirely because pretty much nothing in that episode makes any sense with what we've seen in pretty much every other episode), which was one of the reasons he was having such a hard time choosing a side. He couldn't just backstab Scar like that. After all, Scar actually cared about them, he was actually trying to help them which was more than anyone else had tried to do for them. So when Scar told Janja that Kion was powerful enough to destroy him, Janja felt incredibly bad for seriously considering switching sides just that morning. Scar could be destroyed and he was over here thinking of backstabbing him. So he decided not to do it. And then Scar double crossed him. In addition, if Janja defected to Jasiri's side, it would screw over the rest of Scar's army, and he might bicker and fight with them and partake in power squabbles among them but he was still loyal and couldn't bring himself to do that to the army. And after Scar tries to burn him and his clan, he no longer can say whether the rest of the army would give him that courtesy. He doesn't know whether Scar consulted the rest of them, or how much they know about what happened. He's sure the skinks and Ushari knew. Scar always told them everything. And at the end of the day he wasn't too surprised even if the betrayal still stung(because they had still been teammates at the end of the day); they had never had a good relationship. But the other three leaders? Sure, Kiburi and him had a strained relationship, but they had fought together in the army since pretty much the beginning. Reirei and him always fought in petty squabbles, but they'd also had each other's backs when it counted. And Mzingo? The thought that he had been in on it was what really hurt, because Janja could at least understand it if the other two had known. He couldn't do that with Mzingo. So he needed to know.
On the other hand, there's Mzingo. Scar had only told him that they would burn the royal family and the Guard, and that Janja and his clan would make sure the Guard was in the right place for the plan to work. And after Janja defected, Scar told the army that Janja had betrayed them by allying with Jasiri and, by association, the Pridelanders. When Janja asked him if he had known about the murder attempt, if Mzingo had been in on the plan, Mzingo was horrified. He hadn't known Janja had been backstabbed like that. That the fire he'd been told to drop on Pride Rock, that he'd been told was for the royal family and the Lion Guard, was also for the hyena he saw as his son. He hadn't known, and to make matters worse, he had believed Scar when Scar painted Janja as the one who was the backstabber. And Mzingo feels so incredibly guilty because he should have realized something was up, that Janja must have had a reason for joining up with the Pridelanders, but he believed Scar instead, who almost succeeded in having Janja killed.
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pizacat72 · 1 month
More Random TLK Headcanons
Kion was much more stubborn as an infant cub and would push Kiara away whenever she tried to help him.
Tamaa eventually joins the Traveling Baboon Circus along with Cheezi and Chungu. Janja is mildly irritated (and somewhat proud of those furbrains but he'll never admit to it. Yeah, of course he comes to every show, it's only for the free food after all).
When Bunga gets old, he starts acting like a grizzled veteran who tells wild and overly exaggerated tales about his time in the Lion Guard and he even wears a leaf eyepatch to look cool.
Beshte frequently gives some of the Pridelander children rides down the river during the wet season. The Guard helps him build an easy exit point for the kids to get out safely.
Ono sometimes sits and floats in the watering hole to catch some rays and just relax for a while.
Makini absentmindedly doodles on leaves whenever she's bored.
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wispstalk · 2 years
some more bath lore.
In Valenwood, swimming hole locations are jealously guarded. The ones nearest settlements are always packed, and they're a nice way to catch up with your neighbors while you attend to the needs of the day, but anyone would be pleased to stumble upon a little unoccupied pool in the woods. If you find one, you only share it with a few friends who you trust not to blab. It'll be overrun in a few years anyway, because someone always blabs.
Wet fur is kind of a pain. Though some coastal Khajiit don't mind a soak, sand bathing is more popular. Bathers are buried to their necks, and the warmth and pressure of the sand is much-touted for relaxation and pain relief. Afterward, a good thorough combing removes grit and oils and loose fur.
After a day of work, Breton laborers give themselves a dry scrub and then take an invigorating cold shower. Clever engineering of aqueducts makes pressurized water possible, and stonemasons pride themselves on making fantastical water spouts.
In the Summerset Isles, a private bath is an opportunity for spiritual cleansing and sensory indulgences. Most homes have a tub with a simple heating enchantment, and special attention is paid to cordoning off and beautifying the space. Floral oils and sea salts are common additions to the water.
The bathhouses of Morrowind are shining examples of public architecture, and filled with brain-meltingly hot geothermal springwater. Bringing foreign visitors in to see how long they can withstand it is a treasured tradition. A chilled sweet drink flavored with merrow is always offered afterward, to show that the laughter was all in good fun.
Orcish practices vary across the diaspora, but many have noticed that a long hot soak followed by a cold plunge is good for the health. Young children are taught to control their breathing to endure the chilly water, but in time the practice becomes quite addicting.
In the Reach, the stalks of horsetail plants are boiled to make a hair rinse for cleansing and shine. The roots of ragged robin plants, found growing along the banks of the Karth, are boiled to create a saponin-rich wash that gently cleanses the skin.
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valentinbelleyh505 · 1 month
i was seeing these Kiburi's pictures, and just now i noticed something...
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and Kiburi have eyeslash- even since his name means "Pride" i got a......
New idea and my conclusion: Kiburi's bigender btw
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sigurdjarlson · 2 months
I always found that sweet how a lot of the time in TLG Med would jump to reassure Khadgar or even apologize after snapping at him
And yet in some ways the cruelest thing Medivh said to Khadgar in my opinion was correcting him when he called Karazhan “Our Tower.” And reminding him he was there at his whim and he could send him away at any time.
And he never did apologize for that one and honestly I don’t really blame Med for that per se? It is his tower and Khadgar can’t tell him who is allowed there. What I mean is going by JUST the power dynamic they have as mentor-apprentice, Khadgar is absolutely out of line there
In some ways could have come off quite spoiled and entitled but the thing is I don’t think that was the case at all.
He’s become so comfortable in Karazhan he’d started thinking of it as his home. Then Medivh has in one conversation reminded him it very much was not his home and he could send him away at anytime if he so wished it
He’d finally found someone who cared about him, respected him and treated him as a person. He found a place where he felt he belonged for once in his life and…
No wonder he was so jealous of Garona for a while after that. He’d been reminded that all of it could be taken from him at any moment and here was someone stealing his Master’s attention.
Just thinking about how that jealousy so obviously comes with feeling like he’s not enough and insecurity about his place in Med’s life.
Just very interesting how I think it could very well have went over Med’s head as not that big of a deal too? One of those things he’d be like huh oh yeah I said that? Meanwhile Khadgar is spiraling about it
He could of also been absolutely aware of how harsh it was because Medivh does lash out like that on occasion (especially towards the end of the book as Sargeras gets harder and harder to fight) he can be a little shit we know this
(Don’t really blame him for that given being possessed by the demon lord Sargeras is probably just a teensy bit tiring /s)
Also seen valid and honestly very possibly canon interpretations where he’s also trying to push Khadgar away cuz he knows what’s coming and what Khadgar is going to have to do.
The more attached to him he is the more difficult it will be for Khadgar to do what needs to be done.
What better way to push someone away then hit them right where it hurts?
And yet even then I think those words hurt Khadgar deeper than he’ll ever know :(
#wow blogging#angst angst baby#something something power dynamics and Med inadvertently enforcing it there when he also ironically often tries to make their relationship#there’s some interesting scenes where Med does reinforce it because well they ARE mentor and apprentice#but also how he also seems to want it to be more than a formal/professional relationship and tries to encourage that#I think that’s one of the reasons he corrects Khadgar for calling him Master or sir or whatever#less formal and more equal#jokes about Khadgar totally having a kink aside#(I could talk forever about how I think Khadgar calling him Master is actually really sweet and I think it comes from a different place#than Med thinks it does)#how the title is actually very meaningful to Khadgar I think#and in some ways it shows the same level of affection that Medivh calling him Young Trust does#I don’t think Med realizes that though and he’s just like hey chill you don’t gotta call me that#and Khadgar just instinctually keeps doing it (even DECADES later it Outland he refers to him as his Master)#there’s something to be said I suppose for how it could be pure habit from growing up in the environment he did#but I like to think it’s..deeper then that#(he also does totally have a kink for it but that’s besides the point here)#(don’t get me started on how most of my headcanon kinks for him to stem from his issues with self worth and fear of abandonment)#love playing with power dynamics okay#they are so interesting#how do you balance it all#lines slowly blurring in the mentor apprentice relationship as it becomes more than that#because they do very much care for another obviously#no matter how you interpret their relationship#absolutely rife with angst potential honestly#….#no i shan’t say#raventrust
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aphroditelovesu · 2 years
Hii! Could I ask for some hcs for yandere Jamie Fraser? Your writing is fantastic!!!
''Even if you want me away from you, I will never abandon you.'' - Jamie Fraser.
❝🗿— lady l: sure you can Hope you like these hcs, anon, I really enjoyed writing it, as I really like this character and I haven't seen any yandere content for him, so… Here it is! Thank you for the compliment!! Good reading and sorry for any mistakes! <3
❝🗿tw: yandere themes, obsessive and possessive behavior, uncontrolled jealousy, implied physical aggression, dub-con, implicit murder, threats, slight nsfw, slight dirty talk, unhealthy relationship.
❝🗿 pairing: yandere!jamie fraser x gender neutral!reader.
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There are many words that can define Jamie Fraser but the one that makes the most sense is: devout. This man can be many things, but he is a yandere who is very devoted to his darling, no matter how obsessed he is. There is nothing he wouldn't do for you and every moral he has will be cast aside for you.
Jamie was fascinated with you after meeting you and became more and more obsessed with each encounter you had. You couldn't get out of his head for some reason and he became more and more addicted to you. He yearned for you constantly and felt angry and sad when you weren't there.
You are his top priority and always will be. You'll be put on a pedestal for him, basically. He really worships you, in a not unhealthy way, and you've become the center of his world. Jamie has been through a lot and he doesn't want any of those things to happen to you. Fraser will kill anyone who dares to try to lift a finger to hurt you.
Jamie is not that possessive, he trusts his darling, he is confident in your feelings and he knows you will never do anything to hurt him. But that doesn't mean he isn't jealous, because he is, and a jealous Fraser is a real pain in the ass. He'll be quite annoying when he's jealous and will claim your attention any way he wants. It's not uncommon for him to have nicknames for you, but if he feels threatened by someone he will call you in more affectionate ways. He will make it clear that you are with him, that you belong to him. And if that doesn't work, Jamie will make subtle threats.
Jamie's natural instinct is to be overprotective and that's not something he can let go of even if he wanted to. This man is so protective of his sweetheart that even a broken nail is cause for concern, he cares for the ones he love and he cares and love you more than anyone else. How much he loves and protects you is unmatched and almost impossible to write. You are the most important person to him and always will be, he puts you above everything and everyone and you will always be his priority. You are matchless, perfect, and even a goddess/god in his eyes.
He's a soft yandere for you, and only for you, it's really hard for him to want to hurt you, but that doesn't mean he won't, because if you cross him in any way, Jamie can and probably will punish you. He doesn't like to hurt you, he has always hated physical punishment, but if necessary, he will physically punish you. His most preferable forms of punishment are those that involve some form of sexual pleasure, it's fun to watch you sexually agonize over him. And only for him. But that could also depend on how involved he is with you because if it's in a platonic way he'll be kinder to punishing you. But don't worry, he won't leave marks on your skin, he would hate to ruin your skin with scars.
Jamie is quite gentle and soft when it comes to you, you're the only one who knows his more vulnerable side. He can be many things and some of them are truths and lies, but the reality is that nothing people say about him makes him uncomfortable, he doesn't care about them, he cares about you and what you think. Fraser really values your opinion and if you don't like a trait about him Jamie will do his best to change it to please you. This is something he has done a lot, he lives for and craves your approval. He needs it constantly. It's like a thirst and Jamie is always thirsty for you. In every sense of the word.
This man is a yandere worshiper completely, he adores everything about you: your face, your voice, your smile, your eyes and your body. Even the parts you don't like, he will assure you how perfect you are. He likes to kiss you a lot, he loves the taste of your lips and it's almost always when he's glued with your mouth on his, that is, if he's not using his mouth for other… purposes. Every part of your body must be adored and he is more than happy to fulfill that wish, you drive him crazy and he almost can't contain himself around you. Bite marks and hickeys on your body are very common, he likes to mark you. He likes to remind you that you belong to him and him alone.
To say he is a dom is an understatement, this man is completely versatile and he loves both giving and receiving. Jamie loves to feast on your juices, if given the chance he will spend hours between your legs eating you out, devouring your pussy like a starving man and in a way he is hungry for you. Fraser loves to taste you, he likes to run his tongue over all your sweetest and most sensitive spots, enjoying the sounds you make in pleasure. He won't object if you want to suck him too, in fact, he loves to see you on your knees and taking him in your sinful mouth. Jamie likes to take you hard, pushing hard inside you enjoying the sly little screams you'll let out when you feel all of him. Every sound you release is like sweet music to Jamie's ears, fuck he loves you so much and hearing you moan his name just makes him even more in love with you. You are so fucking perfect.
Jamie can be as loving and patient with you as he is furious and crazy, his mood swings will vary greatly depending on your degree of relationship. He's not the most patient man you know, but he's there for you, totally gentle and calm, always encouraging you to get what you want, that is, if he hasn't already gotten it for you. He loves taking care of you, secretly, seeing you vulnerable and depending on him is something he appreciates very much, because he loves you and just wants to be the only one you trust. Jamie wants to be the one you trust blindly, the one you turn to for comfort or advice, he's going to be the one you trust and love without sense, he'll make sure of that.
In a way, he's not the worst yandere you'll ever meet. He has some characteristic and dangerous traits, but he will never hurt you too much, he doesn't like to see you all hurt and bleeding. Jamie is overprotective and jealous, he will protect you from everything that is bad in the world, including yourself, but he will not protect you from himself. He's quite confused by his own feelings, but he knows he's madly obsessed with you and he doesn't intend to ever let you go. Fraser can be thought of as a selfless yandere at times, but many of his selfish actions speak to the contrary. He is very loving with you, he loves to hug you, simply having you in his arms makes him happier and more confident of his own feelings. Jamie just wants the best for you, he wants nothing but your happiness, but he feels he's the only one who can help you achieve it. You cannot run away from him, he will never allow that. The love he feels for you is greater than any notion he may have and you will never leave him. Jamie will do whatever it takes to make sure you will always be with him.
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chaoticspacefam · 1 year
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Lana: I won't apologise for being right! Saarai: 😡😡😡 Lana: Saarai: APOLOGISE.
Lana: *immediately apologises*
Your girlfriend won't let your pride get you out of this one, Lana /lh You're welcome, Theron.
(also gtfo of here if you think Lana's evil for making a mistake when Theron makes one that at the very least is ON PAR with this if not WORSE because he actually DID almost kill TWO people. I'm not saying Theron's evil for making a mistake either but my point is people are people and they ALL make mistakes, if you're gonna demonise Lana but expect people to not be mad at YOUR blorbo for fucking up in the EXACT same way several expacs down the line then you're a fucking hypocrite and yes, I will die on this hill I'm sick of that bullshit. Start shit in my notes because I've said this and you will be insta-blocked I am not joking.)
That aside I genuinely do really like this interaction. I see a lot of people poo-poo Lana's stubbornness here but I feel like its authentic given that this is still the VERY early days of what will eventually become the Alliance. Yes Lana and Theron consider eachother as friends but like....stereotypes still exist on both sides and realistically, they haven't known eachother for long enough at this point to NEVER mess up and butt heads and I feel like this interaction very nicely shows that. Lana sees just the results of the mission and didn't stop to think "hey maybe I should ask Theron if he's okay with this", Theron (rightfully) wants an apology but at this time as far as Lana is considered she didn't do anything wrong (important distinction here, as well. NOT "she didn't do anything wrong uwu" but "she thinks she didn't do anything wrong") BUT she's also not too proud to actually apologise when Rai pipes up and says "yeah actually, that wasn't nice. Apologise or I will be mad at you until you do".
I just think it's neat. It's not just the "lower down" members of the de-facto Alliance that struggle and butt heads, Lana and Theron do it too. Theron and an Imperial PC might butt heads often. The Warrior and/or Inquisitor might have problems with Satele, vice versa for the Jedi Knight and the Sith Warrior...there's so much potential for various dynamics here and I don't think it gets outwardly acknowledged as much as it could be.
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elysabeththequeene · 4 months
thinking abt girldad jamie fraser
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eorzeashan · 6 months
anyways Koth used to call Eight "his pookie" when they were dating but never stopped calling him that even after they broke up
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devilsrecreation · 4 months
Skink personality headcanons
Inspired by/adding onto @spinnysocks ‘s post
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-Along with being the stealthiest skink, he’s also the quietest of the bunch. While Ed and Neema don’t talk but still communicate through sounds, Nyeusi prefers to stay absolutely silent. When he does make noises like hissing or flicking his tongue, it’s only around the skinks (and Ushari when he was alive). Only time where he hisses or flicks his tongue at someone else is to insult them
-While he doesn’t have anger issues like Kenge does, it’s not that hard to piss him off. All you have to do is shove him aside and he’s already plotting revenge against you
-The skinks sometimes forget he’s there. They’ll be talking, Nyeusi suddenly flicks his tongue to comment on something, and Njano would be like “Have you been here the whole time?”
-Romance repulsed aroace; you can go do your thing with your partner, he’ll just he over by his favorite rock trying not to puke
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-She’s one of the least likely to get mad other than Njano. She gets more amused if anything
-She’s very sassy and quick-witted. She can come up with the best comebacks on the spot and it never ceases to amuse Shupavu
-She’s definitely very smug, often mocking Nyeusi after beating him in a race. She’s competitive like that
-Honestly has a little respect for Kinyonga. Not everyone can outrun her. I like to think after Kinyonga escaped her and Nyeusi, she went “Huh…respect” before getting up to go after her. I’m not saying she likes being beaten, but she’s a good sport lol
Green female skink (who my friend has named Nyororo):
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-I have a feeling she’s the flirty one, managing to sweet-talk her way into getting what she wants. All she has to do is bat her eyelashes, maybe tickle someone with her tail, and she’s getting her way no matter what. It’s only until after she’s long gone when you’d realize you’ve been tricked
-She always knows exactly what to say in every situation in order to trick someone, it’s actually kinda scary
-She’s actually known Shupavu for a while, about as long as Njano has. Maybe even longer. They’ll tell each other everything and it’s the one time Nyororo’s sweetness isn’t a trick. It’s why she sometimes joins Shupavu and Njano on missions
-You could definitely beat her at her own game by flirting with/complimenting her back. It’s not super easy though. You have to have a certain trick up your sleeve and that trick is being a girl. She can handle guys, but if it’s a girl flirting with her, she’ll get all flustered
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-Waza’s the mediator and the most chill of the group. When two skinks are arguing, he’s the one to step in and resolve it either by talking to them or by slapping them with his tail (whichever is easier at the moment lol)
-I like to think his keen eye is…inconvenient at times. He notices when someone tries to sneak away or catches someone doing weird stuff when they think they’re alone, yet he couldn’t see where Kinyonga went when the skinks were chasing her. Waza wasn’t paying attention when someone does something suspicious but somehow knows all the cutesy nicknames Reirei calls Goigoi when she thinks she’s alone
-He’s sometimes quick to assume
-Has a plan for everything cuz he comes up with all kinds of scenarios in his head
Orange skink, who that same friend has called Hasira (anger):
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-You know those grumpy, sometimes old characters who get annoyed by just about everything the main character does? Yeah, that’s Hasira
-He’s definitely the eldest in the group, about middle-aged in skink years
-He’s seen it all, but not in a “wise mentor” kind of way. It’s more like “I’ve been through a lot of bullshit and I’m just done” lmao
-He’s also kind of a reluctant babysitter to everyone. Shupavu may be the leader, but he’s the one making sure no one actually dies hfhfgfg
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spinnysocks · 3 months
almost 10 days into pride month and i haven't made a lion guard headcannons post.. my sincerest apologies </3
to make up for it, here's some (mostly Outlanders) headcannons based on this Pride Month Calendar!
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*some of these headcannons are my own personal ones, others are those i've seen around and liked. therefore, there may be contradiction. but i'm putting whatever i want and i don't care /nm
Pride Month Day 1. MLM/Vincian headcannons!
Mzingo, Janja, Kiburi, Tano, Waza, Makucha, Thurston, Timon, Pumbaa
2. WLW/Lesbian headcannons!
Shupavu, Nyata, Nyororo (green skink), Chuluun, Swala, Vitani, Fuli, Tiifu, Zuri
3. Bisexual headcannons!
Scar, Janja, Reirei, Madoa, Njano, Ushari, Hodari, Muhimu, Kiara, Kovu
4. Polysexual headcannons!
Chungu, Nne, Nuka, Kinyonga
5. Pansexual headcannons!
Cheezi, Hasira (orange skink), Kion, Beshte
6. Omnisexual headcannons!
Mwoga, Nduli, Makuu, Ajabu, Bunga
7. Skoliosexual headcannons!
Ushari, Beshte
8. Demisexual headcannons!
Kiburi, Kenge, Ono, Kion, Ma Tembo
9. Greysexual headcannons!
Kenge, Sumu, Anga, Makini
GAY LION GUARD!!!! /silly, pos
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So, I have a headcanon regarding Outlander and Valkorion
Spoiler territory for pretty much the whole game (mostly Jedi Knight and Sith Warrior class stories and all expansions from Shadows of Revan).
How does Outlander (especially non Force user) defeat Valkorion in KotET? This question bothered me (and I'm sure all of you) for quite some time. And frankly, the game doesn't answer it very well. So I did some thinking, searching and theorizing, and found a solution that I will bring in my personal stories. Just thought it would be interesting for others to see as well.
Explanations offered in the game:
Valkorion's power had become weaker at some point (as noted by Arcann in chapter 8 "Taking Flight", and indicated by events on Ziost, since Theron wasn't possessed, and by Valkorion in chapter 9 "Eternal Throne", when he said that he needed Vaylin's power to destroy Outlander's mind);
Arcann and Vaylin helped defeat him;
The holocron was the instrument of Valkorion's defeat (but it's never properly explained how exactly);
The "kneel before the dragon of Zakuul" phrase worked on Valkorion because the Outlander said so.
It doesn't sound too bad, but when I tried to go into details, it didn't make much sense. "My mind, my rules" was really out of nowhere, also kinda goes against the previous experience of Outlander not being able to do anything about Valkorion before that. And Arcann and Vaylin being on your side isn't the key either because even the three of them were still losing, it only changed after the main character said the key phrase. And why the heck does it even work like that? Because they said so? Gee, should've thought about it a few chapters before, no?
Now, what I came up with doesn't really go much different from that, I just made some adjustments to make it flow better (at least for myself). I'll talk through my thoughts in chronological order, so bear with me (I tried to summarize it at the end, so scroll if you want the short version).
Vitiate learned to transfer his spirit as one of the ways to be immortal. It can happen either through a ritual, which is preferable since it's easier, doesn't weaken him, and he doesn't need time to adjust, but it does require consent from a person, or killing the previous host, which does weaken him for some time. The longer he has possessed a host, the greater the loss of power will be upon the transfer. It's not to say that he isn't dangerous, quite the opposite, but perhaps he can't do some 'impossible' things (like consume a planet or shatter a mind) just like that.
He was at his full power before the events on Belsavis and Voss, timeline wise. Remember how easily he possessed the minds of the Jedi on the strike team? Yeah, Jedi Knight broke free, but that's bc they're super strong (and the main character in their storyline).
But because of Baras Vitiate had to be released from the body on Voss by being killed, which made him slightly weaker, just enough for the Hero of Tython to kill him again on Dromund Kaas. That made him lose more power (because he possessed this body for much longer than that Voss), and Vitiate tried to find a new host and regain his power (either by Revan reviving him or consuming all life on Ziost). His attempts were not successful, so he retreated to Zakuul.
That would explain why after being 'killed' yet again on Zakuul (thus losing two of his main hosts) Valkorion wasn't powerful enough to possess the Outlander's mind (regardless of their class). He was in a pretty vulnerable position, so he came up with a plan. We'll get to it. For now, Valkorion understands that if the Outlander dies, he'll be even weaker and probably won't be able to get a new host, so he protects the Outlander while pushing them to use his power.
Every time the Outlander agrees to do so gives Valkorion more control over their body, and even if they never agree, the bond grows stronger as time passes, it's just faster when Outlander uses his power. Eventually it would be just strong enough for Valkorion to use the main character's body without their permission (like in chapter 16). But he's still not powerful enough to break their mind, so he goes to the next part of the plan.
Valkorion manipulated the main character into killing Vaylin (and Arcann, if applicable) because he needed to consume her power to destroy Outlander's mind (which is what happens in chapter 9). But he made a couple mistakes in doing so. First, he underestimated how smart Commander is, and how the bond allowed them to take his form to survive. Second, by consuming Vaylin's spirit, Valkorion gained not just her strength, but also her weakness, which is the conditioning.
But wait, didn't Vaylin free herself from it? Sort of. I saw a suggestion from another player that Vaylin didn't get rid of conditioning itself, but rather the lever that triggers it. It's possible because the process on Nathema didn't exactly according to the plan. And because of that, Valkorion also gained her conditioning after consuming her spirit.
So, what does that mean? What does it do? Well, I think that when the key phrase is said in presence of Vaylin, she temporarily loses her connection to the Force (or it becomes so weak that she can't use it), thus isn't a threat. And the same happens to Valkorion when the main character attempts to use it on him in KotET chapter 9, at least for long enough for the Outlander to kill him. This way the victory isn't dependent on one's power in the Force, and it fits a non Force sensitive Commander as well.
What about the holocron? I explain this as it only binds, commands and releases spirits, as we see with lord Dramath. It's not the key to Valkorion's destruction, but it is still important because it is used to free Vaylin's spirit from Valkorion after her death (and Arcann's, if applicable), which gives Outlander a potential powerful ally.
[Just a little addition that has very little to do with my explanation, but wanted to mention - in the throne room, when Valkorion breaks Outlander's mind, he takes over the body and attacks your companions. They hold off long enough for Commander to put their mind back, and at that moment Valky loses control, and the body is unconscious.]
So, to sum it up:
Valkorion is weaker after being killed on Voss, Dromund Kaas and Zakuul, hence why the Outlander can resist him, regardless of theirconnection to the Force;
the holocron found on Nathema can bind, command and release spirits, which allows Outlander to free Vaylin (and Arcann, if applicable) from Valkorion;
the bond formed between Valkorion and Commander allowed the latter to survive after having their mind destroyed;
Vaylin didn't completely get rid of the conditioning on Nathema because the process didn't go as it should've, it just removed the trigger;
by consuming Vaylin's spirit Valkorion gained both her strength and her weakness - her conditioning, that's why it worked on him, and it temporarily weakened his connection to the Force.
I know this isn't perfect, there are probably plot holes that I haven't noticed or poorly explained, but I like it much more. Why do I even bother with this explanation?
I just love doing mental gymnastics around KotFE-ET, and this particular part was difficult yet entertaining to figure out.
But honestly, probably most important reason is that it works for every class (so even non Force-users are fitting here) because strength in the Force is not the key. Valkorion underestimated how observant and clever Outlander is, and I think it works better for their characters.
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pizacat72 · 2 months
Outlander high school au where makuu and his float are the school's football team and hodari is the top student in pua's biology class (pua is the bio teacher). Makuu and Hodari become friends through Hodari offering to help makuu with his homework aaaaaa
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