#outlaw immortals
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Outlaw and Marionette
Outlaw and Marionette
The king of the dead born from mud
Will guide the souls to a new world
Though I am separate from their way of things,
一人じゃないさ きみがそばにいるなら
I am not alone, as long as you're by my side
Those outcasts and their god
Aren't even permitted to die
In that case, I shall lead them
To yet another World of Evil
A Lychgate that was opened
A Marionette that was unreachable
A Punishment that was incomplete
They all shot off and vanished
This is the
Clockwork utopia that someone dreamed up
Surely there are times where gathering up all the mistakes
Can in itself lead to a different solution
The four of us changed our course
And in the end, neither of us had been correct
I've destroyed everything
Of the world you built
We've always been this way
Both of us mutual outcasts
A judgment that was handed down
An August of lingering heat
It has never felt to me as though
This season suited you
These August memories
Disappeared into the cold of winter
Those outcasts and that doll
Aren't even permitted to sleep
And so I shall lead them
To a World of Evil that shrieks in lament
A Lychgate that was opened
A Marionette that was unreachable
A Punishment that was incomplete
They all shot off and vanished
The Outlaws all lined up
The world shot back a "No".
They'll take you along too
Once I put you in the coffin
This is the
Clockwork utopia that someone dreamed up
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forsty · 1 year
these are all 4 different characters i promise
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markuspatterndraws · 2 months
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The Kindness Of Killers #1
Art by Markus Pattern
Writer by Cy Dethan
Letters by Nic Wilkinson
Published by AAM Markosia
Buy it here https://www.drivethrucomics.com/product/488280/The-Kindness-Of-Killers-1?src=newest
A warrior in ruins. A woman adrift. Four centuries apart, two damaged lives are drawn together at the point of a broken sword. Hunted by assassins and cursed by fate, they must reweave the threads of destiny to destroy a Lord of the Unburied Dead. Their currency is blood: for one to heal, the other must kill.
Kindness of Killers was a lot of fun, swapping between the two art styles for the two different time periods. Stretched a few of my creative muscles. It’s been a while since I drew an ultraviolent, horror comic and it was a lot of fun to dip back into these waters. My aim is to have a more scratchy, messy style with Takakage (the gnarly looking Samurai) and cleaner, solid vibe for Jack (the sweary chick in the bowling shirt). As well as helping separate the two timelines, it gives a chance to play with all the comic book techniques.
It was also a lot fun being part of a team again, bouncing ideas off one another, playing off and expanding concepts. I do like working on my own, but there is nothing quite liking being part of a group of creative people. I hope you dig this book as much I as did drawing it. Issue 2 has been an even better romp.
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hotstreak2k3 · 11 months
My favorite Toonami shows by far.
What’s yours?
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Where the F*ck-
Me: ah yus, Sanders Sides brainrot.
BBC Merlin phase: *pops out of nowhere*
BBC Merlin phase: cause who's back, mf?
Me: *screams*
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memecatwings · 1 year
trimax vashwood really hits so different i dont think you guys understand. i truely thought this was just a shipping goggles situation until i read the manga. i didnt get it. i thought it was people shipping two men just because they stood next to each other. trimax took my hand, led me out of the cave, and showed me the object i had only ever seen shadows on the cave walls of. its genuinely Different.
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doorplays · 8 months
My Top Ten Games That I Played in 2023
Hello! 2023 has come and gone. I’ve played a decent amount of games across the year. Now that it’s 2024, I want to look back at the games I played and how they affected me. A retrospective! Now that some time has passed between my playing of a game and now, how has that time aged my opinion? I want to know! And I have decided to do it in the form of a top ten list!
This top ten list is NOT the best games released in the year 2023, but rather, the games that I’ve enjoyed the most when I played them during the year of 2023. Most of these games were released during earlier years. What matters more to me really is discovering how these games have left their mark on me.
So thus! Let’s find out!
10: The Forgotten City (2021)
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Read my review here!
I liked its premise. The many shall suffer for the sins of the one. You explore this forgotten city, find out more about its inhabitants, and discover that you’ll have to crack open mysteries upon mysteries. There’s a fair amount of philosophical discussion here, and the characters are well-written. My main qualm about the game back then was its horror elements, as I was and still am averse to jump scares. Surprisingly though, I realized while writing this review that I completely forgot about that aspect of the game! Funny, that. This is considering the fact that I had to get a friend to go on voice chat with me so that I have company playing this game…
While I liked the game, I found it difficult to remember specifics about it other than the feeling of philosophy and mystery. So I guess those were my lasting impressions of this game specifically!
9: PRODUCER 2021 (2022)
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Read my review here!
The gameplay of this game is some standard Visual Novel stuff, but what left an impression on me is its commentary on the artistic process. It is a rather cynical game with a lot to say. I related at points even if I don’t really consider myself an artist. I like its discussions about compost, of all things. What I liked most about this game, I think, was its soundtrack. A lot of bops! The soundtrack is the one that left the most lasting impression on me, though it’s somewhat easy to do that with soundtracks as I can just save them on my Spotify playlists if they’re on there. A nice two hours of gaming, in my opinion!
8: Mask of the Rose (2023)
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Read my review here!
It is rare that I get ensnared by romance stories. I backed this game on Kickstarter cos I am fond of Failbetter’s games. I played it because I enjoy their stories. I didn’t expect to fall in love with so many characters! Rachel, with her sense of self and her writing. Archie, with his good nature. Harjit, with his watchful eyes. Griz, with her determination. There are just so many people to romance and know more of.
I still think of Rachel from time to time. She’s hot and is a person who knows what she wants. I like that sense of certitude in a person.
It’s nice as well to revisit the Fallen London universe. A relatively modern world with an eldritch vibe… it feels unique to me even years later. Re-experiencing it with a dating sim is not how I expected to do it but it is nonetheless very welcome.
7: Forklift Load (2020)
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Read my review here!
Do NOT play this game on mouse and keyboard. Play this with controller!!!
This game really made me feel like I am an utter newbie forced to pilot a forklift. It is a zany concept, but I actually had fun with it. It feels somewhat like a puzzle game, trying to figure out how to go from point A to point B while lifting whatever with your forklift.
What I didn’t expect was for the story to be as cerebral as it was. It goes into some philosophical stuff, and the vibes of the game was unexpectedly calming, even if the gameplay itself was frustrating. I… am uncomfortable with regards to this game’s ending, but overall this game was an interesting experience. The concept was fun enough, and seeing it applied in practice was fun enough for me.
6: Betrayal at Club Low (2022)
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Read my review here!
This was SUCH a fun game. The bombastic music, the fun visuals, the wacky humor, it combines into a world that’s fun to explore. And the gameplay is very fun! Rolling the dice against various challenges makes for interesting decision making, as you also have to manipulate your own stats to stack the odds in your favor. And the pizza dice are a fun mechanic, while also being a funny concept in and of itself. This is just a very creative game from top to bottom, and it makes me wanna experience more games from the dev in the same vein. It just feels so nonstandard yet so fun, which is why it left such an impression on me.
5: Elsinore (2019)
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Read my review here!
Turning Hamlet into a timeloop game was a very inspired choice in my opinion. And it works! Though I guess it worked more for me because this is my first time actually experiencing Hamlet. I enjoyed the characters, their stories, the varied endings, and the unique take on the age-old story.
This game added a lot of stories that didn’t exist in the original, and I think I appreciated that decision a lot. It’s like updating a story for modern audiences. Though I’d argue that this is a wildly different story once you play enough of it. Nonetheless, when I think Hamlet, I will think of this game, and that is pretty much as lasting of an impression as you can get.
4: Hypnospace Outlaw (2019)
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Read my review here!
The 1990’s were 30 years ago!!! I still can’t believe it! And yet here I am, feeling nostalgic for the computer era of the late 90’s. The forums, the pop-ups, the wacky wallpapers, the music. This is such a good game with well-crafted vibes.
And the story!! It feels so real. I think nowadays we rarely think about the simple fact that there is an actual person behind an online persona, but this game can make you confront that reality really well. It’s nice seeing the little quirks people have with designing their own sites, making their own posts, and dealing with their version of the internet. It makes the story hit harder. I’ll think of this game fondly as the perfect time capsule of the past and as a reminder that even the little things matter.
3: The Case of the Golden Idol (2022)
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Read my review here!
I’ve been looking for a game that scratched the same itch as Return of the Obra Dinn (2018) and this game fit the bill perfectly. I really enjoyed the way I had to discover all the evidence, and then having to piece them together to find out what actually happened. And the fact that solving the mystery was ALSO the way the story was told was something I enjoyed a lot. Storytelling AND gameplay neatly folded in together! I’m sure the formula could be improved upon further, but I’m very much excited for more games like this from the devs. I still have a couple of DLC’s from this game to play too!
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Read my review here!
This is such a gripping game. I played this with a bunch of other friends, and watching the movies, experiencing the twists and turns… The simple act of making us interface with the game via the match cut mechanic gives the game a certain mystery, as clicking objects to do the match cut with lead you to random clips. Simple gameplay, but leads to a great experience.
The story is very thrilling, and piecing it together was very fun. It’s like a puzzle game where you have to find each puzzle piece, only that you didn’t know what the overall puzzle picture was and discovering each puzzle piece led you to an existential crisis.
This game made me think about the creative process more deeply than the other games I mentioned here. It made me think of the ways each of us want to leave a mark on this world, to live beyond our own mortality. It made me think of the costs of such ways… This game will be on my mind for a while.
1: Chicory: A Colorful Tale (2021)
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Read my review here!
When I started writing for this game in this article, I just… stopped. Not because I have nothing to say, but because I feel like the effect of this game on me feels… bigger than I thought. This is a game about art, about the artistic process, and also about… depression, burnout, and trauma. I did not expect that getting into the game the first time, but it was good timing for me in a way, as I was dealing with these things in varying measure. It was a therapeutic experience, playing this coloring book of the game while dealing with these topics.
What’s more, it was actually nice getting to color stuff and draw stuff with my brush! Just coloring the various areas in was soothing. And in game, there are actual art classes where you are shown various artpieces that you have to recreate. I enjoyed making my own spin of some art shown in the classes.
Playing this game was an unexpectedly deep experience for me. I feel like it helped me with my own journey to getting better. I initially chalked this up as my #2 game of 2023, but I had to make it my #1 after I realized how big of a mark it left on me. I am glad I played this game.
One thing I noticed with my games last year is a fair amount of them are detective games. I love mysteries, and would love this genre to be explored further like in Return of the Obra Dinn and The Case of the Golden Idol. Another thing I noticed is that a surprising amount of games involve the artistic process. I like seeing games as art, and would love to see this space explored further. All in all, I love a lot of the games that I managed to play last year, and am excited for what this year holds for me! Thank you for reading, and I hope you continue to read my little review blog :)
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striveattemptfail · 2 years
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mermaidsirennikita · 2 years
Garreth MacRieve's fated mate (a warrior woman who took a vow of chastity, obviously) meets him for the first time when he is:
--shirtless and playing demon/werewolf basketball TO COPE
--drunk on whiskey because werewolves shoot whiskey during basketball to "level the playing field" (hot)
--calling his opponents pussies
--about to maybe take part in an orgy (he wasn't super into the idea but who knows)
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babythegod · 2 months
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thevellaunderground · 6 months
The Harmonious Nexus: Music and Video Games in Star Wars Outlaws
The galaxy awaits! Star Wars fans, rejoice! Ubisoft’s upcoming game, Star Wars Outlaws, is set to revolutionize the gaming universe. As we eagerly anticipate its release, let’s delve into the captivating intersection of music and video games within this epic sci-fi adventure. A Symphony of Soundscapes Wilbert Roget II, the mastermind behind the game’s musical tapestry, weaves a symphony that…
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dannymans66 · 4 months
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Day 1 and 2 of the vinsmoke shipping week
Day 1-> Perona/Reiju (mortal/immortal)
Day 2-> Ace/Ichiji (criminal/officer)
Ace is not really a criminal per say, more of an outlaw, it's funnier that way
Also you guys can requests ships as well, I have no idea who to do next lmao
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ironmyrmidon · 8 months
I think necromancy wouldn't be outlawed in your typical wizards-are-common fantasy world. Not for moral reasons, but for economic reasons. I think most lords would be unable to resist the allure of having their peasants continue to plow their fields after death or having guards that never fall asleep or need to step away from their station. Your local baron probably already has a court wizard. They would probably command their court wizard to at least learn the fundamentals of necromancy.
Also, considering how many real world nobles pursued immortality, at least some of your wealthier nobles should be liches or ghosts. What king would choose to die and bequeath their kingdom to their squabbling failsons when they can just become a death knight?
From a religious angle, if ghosts are a real and observable phenomenon, then surely any sensible church would tell people that their soul goes to heaven while their body stays on earth. What kind of virtuous person wouldn't want their corpse to help provide for their children? In fact, don't you kind of have a moral obligation to leave behind your physical attachments when you ascend to the afterlife?
Adventure hook: kill the lich lord of this land, but only so that their son can claim the throne and enact some moderate necromantic reforms. No more ghosts, but of course your corpse is still the property of your liege lord.
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dj-of-the-coven · 5 months
trigun was insane for making a hundred-fifty-year-old character--who's both so much his age and so tragically young for how much time he's been around--watch generations of humans grow and die while he barely got to know anyone, barely got to feel the love and warmth he craved so badly--and then GIVING him that connection, for just a second, with the guy who was sent to lead him to his grave; the only mortal soldier around who was traumatized enough to keep in step with an angel; the world's least catholic priest; an altar boy who didn't believe in G-d, who carried his sins on his back in the form of a man-sized shotgun. Vash found love in the driest cracks of the desert like the most stubborn California poppy, and though it changed him and grew into his body and his lungs, it didn't last. He wanted to spend the rest of his possibly immortal life waking to Wolfwood. He wanted to spend "all his tomorrows" with a man he NEVER should've fallen for and who shouldn't've fallen for him. But it happened, and it was there, and then it WASN'T. The outlaw walked free while the executioner was hanged for loving him. And the winds kept blowing towards the future!! wasnt that fucked up!!!!!!!
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hallsofsin · 2 years
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Tom Garreth, from my (unfinished) story Tom Garreth and The Unholy Bunch #art #sketch #drawing #ink #illustration #western #immortal #outlaw #cowboy #antihero https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj_ab1RJ-LY/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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