#over 12 hours on it
quartergremlin · 5 months
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And here we are! previews for this month. As always, the comic is early access for two weeks and the illustration and tutorial are exclusive!
If you're interested in supporting me you can mosey om over -> here!
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triona-tribblescore · 3 months
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I cant stop thinking about them :'( 🩷🩷✨✨ drew my human designs for a wee change of pace uvu
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ribbittrobbit · 2 months
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Ruvina, goddess of winter and sorrow
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motherhenna · 9 months
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Moon-kissed child of Hircine: / Accept mine proffered blessing do / So thou wilt never flee or rue. / From faun to fear-bringer, / Nadir to night-singer / Even the odds and return those who huntest thou to basest parts / Hearts and all.
My Skyrim Dragonborn, Vakna True-Thunder shortly after turning an unlucky band of highwaymen into a three-course meal. Wanted to make an illustration alluding to her history with lycanthropy and the Daedric Prince of Prey over the course of a decade. After all, where is the sport in hunting an unarmed prisoner on the run--a young messenger for the Jarl of Windhelm himself who had yet to see even her sixteenth winter? The pursuing Dominion jailers and hounds never had any intention of playing fair, blood moon or not, so Hircine offered the desperate girl the power to even these odds and make his forest a proper hunting ground once more. And in years since, she has certainly never let this power go to waste.
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clarisse-doodles · 1 month
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batkids - colors
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expelliarmus · 7 months
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xxrat--punkxx · 1 year
In light of uh... Recent trigun events on twitter, here's a tihylttw and trigun crossover
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starlightseraph · 3 months
house md is actually a love story with a bunch of medical jargon layered on top and no one will ever convince me otherwise.
the first episode is all about whether or not house cares about wilson. it’s proven that he does.
through the first series, it’s established that they’re the only two people who put up with each other.
in series two, house nearly gets back together with his ex. he tells her to leave him. then wilson gets his third divorce, which, like the others, was because he was never fulfilled in his relationships with women. he stays with house. he’s in a hurry to leave, but house tries to make him stay. he eventually moves into a hotel to get away.
in series three, wilson obsesses about trying to ‘fix’ house. to teach him humility and gentleness. when house doesn’t change, wilson is willing to go to prison to protect house.
series 4 sees wilson enter a relationship with a woman, and house is crushed. he can’t share wilson. when the woman is dying and she can’t be saved, wilson asks a gravely injured house to risk his life. house does it, but he can’t save her. house is willing to take that risk because he thinks that, given two options for companionship, wilson would be happier without him. house nearly lets himself die, because he’s afraid to live in a world where wilson hates him.
wilson tries to cut house out of his life in series five. it doesn’t work. he realises that house makes him happier than anyone or anything else in his life. later, house has a psychotic break, and wilson saves him from himself.
series six changes everything. house moves in with wilson. their lives revolve around each other even more so than before. wilson risks his life, and decides he wants house with him. they buy an apartment together, for them and only them. wilson proposes to house as part of a scheme, which he never would’ve done, even as a joke, several years before. wilson no longer gets afraid or angry when people notice his closeness with house. house tries to get wilson to come out of his shell, to stop relying on his relationships (specifically his relationships with women) to define him. wilson realises that he doesn’t know what he wants for himself, just that he wants house to be happy.
in series seven, house and wilson no longer live together and are both in committed relationships with women. yet, somehow, they still choose each other. when both of their relationships end, they lean on each other more than ever.
in series eight, they start off on bad terms, but they quickly realise that their connection is stronger than their anger. wilson gets cancer. house does everything he can to help wilson fight it and to convince wilson to keep trying. then he decides to let wilson have a peaceful death. they plan to relive all their best memories together. when it looks like they might be separated for the last months of wilson’s life, house nearly kills himself. he can’t stand living without wilson. he thinks about all the people who’ve cared for him and all the possible happy endings that he could’ve had. he thinks about how he sabotaged them all, he never let himself be happy and he never did right by the people he loved. at the last minute, he decides to go against one of his core beliefs, that people can’t change. he decides that he’ll change, he’ll save himself for wilson. he’s never been about to do it for anyone before, but he does it for wilson. they quite literally ride into the sunset together.
in the early seasons, wilson is deeply denial about his relationship with house. he gets defensive and angry and scared when people make assumptions about their relationship. he only ever wants to be around house, but he also tries to distance himself. he slowly becomes more comfortable just being with house and very clearly loving him. he becomes more comfortable with casual intimacy and domesticity, when he had fiercely rejected before. he’s spent his life clinging to this idea of getting married to a woman and settling down. but he realises that he doesn’t need that, he just needs house.
house is always ready, he is always receptive to anything wilson gives him. throughout the show, he eggs wilson on, pushing the boundaries of their relationship. when it’s his last chance to be with wilson, house does what he thought was impossible.
they’re in love. they want to fuck so bad. they get their (sorta) happily ever after in the end. they change their souls for each other, they break out of the boxes that they’ve lived in, they break down the walls they’ve put up. they balance each other perfectly, they become better people when they’re together. they save themselves so they can save each other.
i’m gonna have a breakdown just thinking about it.
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royalarchivist · 3 months
Pac: Oh, Nenê... How cute... 🥺💕
After dying to an atomic creeper in a cave and stressing over potentially losing all his items, Pac returns home to set his spawn and receives a sweet surprise:
His cat falls asleep on top of him and purrs when he goes to bed :')
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yardsards · 2 months
the thing about labru vs kabumisu is that both of them have the same core appeal to me, specifically from kabru's side of things: kabru being someone who is constantly agonizing about social rules and putting on the right mask, and meeting this Weird Fucking Guy who does not (cannot) care about all those things, and so kabru slowly allows himself to be more genuine. they're both such good relationships (whether you view them romantically or platonically), why must there be so much hostility between enjoyers of these ships?
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nonuggetshere · 6 months
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Somehow they took longer than PK's reference did. Here's to hoping I don't change their design again so I don't have make a 4th reference sheet for them 🥂
I forgot to add the fact that they start growing leaves and flowers in their fur after they recover and aren't stressed 24/7 onto the ref, AH WELL- I might just make a version for when they are older and not a complete wreck
Some notes;
They now have pernament wings that are usually tucked under an elytra, identical to Pale King's (monarch) wings but black and white instead. My friends also voted the pubic fur out ✌️😔 probably for the better, I couldn't come up with a way to NOT make it look awkward as hell.
Their adolescent stage is around 13-14 years of age and around Pale King's height, outgrowing him ever so slightly.
The hatchling stage is EXTRA potato shaped and EXTRA fluffy now, instead of the fur being mostly on the back of their neck and lower back they have a full mane that runs down their back, much like their dad. The hatchling and child stages also have much dimmer light, it gets brighter with age.
But most important addition; they have ✨️HEELS✨️
Not sure if the white bits behind the ridges on their feet and forearms wi stay but they are here for now, I'll see how I feel about them as I draw them
They mostly take after their father in all but height but they do have some traits from their mother, which will be more obvious once I will make a proper reference for her
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emypony · 6 months
come get y'alls sentihua fix
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fine ill make it myself ! ☝
her little antennae should work more like ears, they would be doing her a disservice otherwise!!! id love to have them act out her emotions <3
ALSO SCALES WHO? those are small feathers babey and they puff up!! birb hua real !!
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yaoiconnoisseur · 8 months
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Sometimes I wonder how precanon Astarion would feel about who he becomes and the journey he takes to regain his self
Speedpaint time lapse
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"Philza, can we be serious for a second?" Fit asks, one day.
"I'm listening." Philza turns, his attention granted once more
"If we ever get off this island, what are we going to do?" The question has been haunting Fit for some time; it is only right he asks one of his closest friends.
"… Go back to where we came from, I suppose." Philza, to his credit, seems melancholnic with the answer.
"But the kids, Phil," Fit's voice tenses on the words. "I can't take Ramon with me - you've seen where I live. I can't take a child there, never again."
"You've changed, mate."
It's not wrong, but its not what Fit wants to talk about. Not in the slightest, or at all - Philza has changed too, after all. For the more vulnerable, in both their cases.
There is silence a moment, before Philza sighs. "I get you," another pause. "I love my hardcore worlds, but… one life and you're dead. It's the thrill of it, it's the beauty of it, I'm sure I could make somewhere safe enough for my eggs, but… they shouldn't have to live in fear of death. Not ever, not any more, never again. Hell, not even Wil lives with me there, and he's an adult. Beautiful as it is its a solo world for a reason, you know?"
"Then you get me."
"Yeah, I get you."
Probably better than anyone else in the worlds.
There's silence again for a few moments, broken only by the sounds of using Phil and Missa's warp as a shortcut to spawn. Fit is quite content to let it sit, to simply know that the problem is shared, that he's not the only person both deseperate to escape and terrified of what that means.
The interruption, however, drives Philza to speak again. "Fit, what do you want to say?"
Does he want to say something else? Fit doesn't know, but assumes Philza must have some idea. "… I'm not sure," he says. "But I think some of the others don't have suitable homes either."
"Do any of them?" Philza replies. "I'm not even sure Wil /has/ a home at this point."
"Right. And the Brazilians. I don't know exactly, but Phil-" Fit pauses, unsure if he should finish that sentence, before deciding to hell with it, Philza will recognise it anyway. "Pac and Mike were using the boat to put distance between them and the law after their past caught up. Dunno about the others, but can't imagine its great if they shared a boat together."
Philza whistles, clearly not surprised. If anything, slightly impressed - FIt could always trust him with that. "Guess its a habit of theirs."
"I'm serious, Philza." Fit reminds him.
"No same," Philza gestures a bit. "I don't know them like you do, but Pac and Mike... They deserve a chance, let alone Richarlyson."
So do all the children, Fit doesn't say. He's done crimes enough against children before.
Philza waits, and when Fit doesn't continue, does so himself, "I don't know much about the French before they came here, or Foolish, but Bad was already working multiple part time jobs, and if he had a home it wasn't best suited to a kid."
"Vegetta? Missa?" Fit asks. "Does Quackity have somewhere to go maybe?"
"Dunno about most. Missa's a bit like Wil, though," Philza smiles softly at the thought, before it turns a little sadder. "Never stays anywhere very long, and with the skeleton thing and his reaction to this shack… pretty sure it's not by /choice/ he's doing the travelling musician act. Wil at least has somewhere to return to, Missa nearly burst into tears at four walls made of fences and a cheap roof."
"Well shit."
"Definitely can't take Missa to hardcore, either," Philza continues the thought. "I could make an area safe for Tallulah. Missa? He'd die as soon as I looked away from him and I /can't/ loose him. Not now."
"Travelling musicians, ex-cons, men who live alone without any contact, old hands in an eternal wasteland... The Feds clearly picked people who wouldn't be missed," Fit frowns a little, struggling to think of anyone who bucks that trend.
Philza doesn't reply to that. Fit doesn't think it too odd but, after he doesn't respond for a while, he looks over. There's a clear look on Philza's face, one that has ended empires and built others anew.
"I do have… a bit of a plan. Not a lot of one. But I've been thinking."
"Thinking, eh? Using that beautiful brain of yours?" Fit doesn't know if he should be terrified or excited, and so falls back on the oldest trick in the book - flirting.
"Oh shut up big boy," Philza waves one dismissive hand. "But, yeah. I'm pretty sure, if we could get out of here, I could manage to find some place uninhabited. A new island or world. Whitelist it just to us islanders and the eggs, maybe people's partners from elsewhere. Infinite lives, an empty but open world… Somewhere just for us. All of us."
"It'd be a lot of work, starting again from nothing. Can you even support this many people? I know there's your worlds, but it'd be a lot..." Fit wants to be excited, wants to see some hope in this tunnel - somewhere safe for him and his kid, somewhere to retire to. Maybe make trips back to the wasteland, but no longer live there. Never live there again.
"I can't talk to her here, not easily, but I bet Kristin would be willing to support it. I've heard a few other people have ties to gods, too, which would help. Not sure which, but once we /have/ a plan asking is easier." Philza muses a bit as he talks. "We discussed it once, before, for another group. Smaller than this, but with help... I reckon it'd work. Even if not, I could hold it together long enough for someone to make a better plan."
"Sounds nice. Too nice," is all Fit can really say.
"I've never wanted it before," Philza sighs with the words. "I was happy just with my solo worlds, but… I don't think i could loose this - everyone - now I've had them."
"Just like I cant leave Ramon."
"Exactly. We've got families now."
"Look at us, getting old and sentimental."
"Oh piss off mate you started it."
"I know, I know." Fit laughs, because what can he do but laugh in the end.
Philza has a plan, and Fit is included in it. It will work, or it will fail, and there's nothing they can do about it.
It's a pipe dream, anyway; they'd have to get off the island first, and Fit's pretty sure that won't be possible in his lifetime. The best he can do is enjoy what he has for the time it lasts, and leave worrying to people better suited to it.
If only the Federations would let them have their fun.
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jeysbvck · 5 months
no but he's actually everything to me
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