#overinterpreting a kids show
chiskz · 2 years
kawasaki once more (CHICHI x CHANGBIN)
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𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞: unspecified
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1,2k
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: the day chichi first realized how she felt about changbin...
♡𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @alyszaen , @smh-anon , @neohyxn , @stealanity , @alixnsuperstxr , @kimcheon-sa , @hafsa-hoofsa-heefs , @qtnoaly
《 ♡ 》
"You really are like a child!"
"But at least I’m your child!"
Chichi walked slowly along the narrow sidewalk, putting foot in front of foot in a straight line, while Changbin held her hand. Between concerts in Tokyo, Chichi found time (and got permission) to travel to Kawasaki, the city that was truly home to her (at least the "physical" one). Although it wasn't where she spent her childhood and teenage years, it was nevertheless where she began to live - she was free and independent, cut off from her parents and her past. It was here that she learned everything she knows about dance, and it was here that she watched her first Stray Kids videos. Who would have thought then that she would end up as one of them? Life really is one big unknown.
And of course she wasn't alone here now. She was with a security worker, who was walking a few meters behind her, and with Changbin. She can't even justify why she asked him to travel together. She simply felt one evening that Kawasaki was a place she wanted to show him. Why shouldn't she give the most important person in her life a tour of the most important place in her life? She had prepared herself for a long time to ask him about it. She didn't know why, it just seemed so important and somewhat intimate to take him here that deep down she was afraid he would refuse her. But that didn't happen - Changbin was genuinely happy that she offered it to him, which only solidified her decision. And now here they are, together, and Ichi felt her heart overflowing with happiness and peace impossible to describe.
Time, their social status, the acquaintances they had, the schedule... Nothing seemed to matter. They are in another city, just the two of them, enjoying the shy rays of the sun. They were not here as CHICHI and Changbin from Stray Kids, but as Park Ichi and Seo Changbin. This gave a truly amazing comfort and bliss that Chichi didn't even know she needed. The two even turned off their phones to get the most out of these moments together. For the photos, Chichi took a polaroid with her.
With a slow walk, the two reached the water, where several ducks were lazily lounging on the grass. Ichi was prepared for it - she took duck food out of her bag and poured some into Changbin's hand.
"I understand why you love this city so much." He spoke up, feeding the duck closest to him. "I like it here."
"I'm glad." Ichi replied immediately, feeling a sincere smile appear on her face.
Knowing that someone appreciated something that was so important to her was truly invaluable.
"You must meet my family someday." He spoke up suddenly, already surrounded by a much larger group of ducks. "They've already met the rest of the members, you haven't had the chance."
Chichi almost spilled food out of her hand hearing these words. It was nothing, and for some reason it sounded... serious. But she is just overinterpreting it after all, she needs to calm down. Exactly why does she overinterpret and overthink everything so much? Everything... related to Changbin. She swallowed her saliva quietly. Quick, answer something before he thinks you thought something strange!
"Actually yeah, we didn't have the opportunity." Wow, that was something. Oh, shut up.
Changbin sent her a brief, warm smile and returned his gaze to the ducks. Chichi stood a short distance away from him, feeding the animals blindly, gazing at her companion. The bright early spring sun reflected off the surface of the water, which was now glistening, as was Changbin's hair. A gentle breeze played with his bangs in the same affectionate way it played with grass or leaves. His face, today without makeup, looked beautiful. It was not without minor imperfections, which actually made Ichi realize from time to time that he was a human being just like her, not a sculpture created by an Italian artist. The dark coat he had opted for today lay perfectly on his muscular shoulders making being between them sounding like the fulfillment of her fondest dream. How was this even possible? He was an incredibly beautiful person, with the most sincere smile Ichi had ever seen, and he was just as incredibly talented. His voice, both when he rapped and when he sang, the intense focus evident on his face every time he was creating...
However, there wouldn't be enough days for Ichi to fully comment on his character. He was well-mannered, caring, genuinely funny and sometimes chaotic and loud... Some see the last thing as a flaw, but for Chichi it's just another thing making her feel safe around him. When she finds herself stressed on the backstage, but hears his loud voice laughing about something, she immediately feels better. She then feels the warmth slowly spread inside her assuring her that everything will be fine. Because how can it not be when Changbin is next to her?
She loved Bang Chan as their leader, a responsible friend and an incredibly good person. She loved Minho for being her mean brother. She loved Hyunjin for being her soulmate and inspiration. She loved Han, her partner in getting into trouble. She loved Felix, her sunshine and greatest support. She loved Seungmin the most wonderful companion she could ever ask for. She loved Jeongin for his similar sense of humor, the understanding he always showed, and the infinite care he gave her.
But Changbin... she just loved him. She always wanted to be close to him, she won't count the moments when she wanted to grab his hand and just feel his closeness. She won't count the dreams that were dedicated to him. She won't count the number of times her heart sped up at the sight of him. She won't count the moments when she caught herself thinking about him and searching for him with her eyes when she hadn't seen him for too long. She won't count the moments she thought about him in stores when she saw something she thought he would like. She won't count the number of times she came to the gym after her finished workout and when she met him there she pretended that today was only the first time she had come here so she could stay and exercise with him.
She always felt more confident when he was next to her. She always did better when he was next to her. She always wanted and did more when he was next to her... With him, she felt that her demons of the past had finally gone to sleep. He was to her what a night light is to a child afraid of the dark. He was her light, her hope, her future....
The way he always calmed her down with her panic attacks, the way he always made sure she was eating and sleeping as she should, the way he looked at her while recording in the studio, the way he hugged her when she needed a tight hug, which was due to overstimulation...
She loved him, but she wouldn't die for him. It was for him that she finally wanted to live.
Ichi dropped the rest of the duck food on the ground and covered her lips with hand, hastily lowering her head. She felt her pupils begin to tremble and heart began to beat with an irregular rhythm. Her cheeks became as warm as a hot stove.
She was in love… She was in love with Seo Changbin...
《 ♡ 》
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dmagedgoods · 2 years
Okokok I've been waiting!!!
🛡️🩸🕷️ going through the Shield Maze
🦊 during their first meeting
😈 when reunited in Act III
And of course
😇 during the proposal
Seelah and Salvadore in the Shield Maze 🛡️ Seelah: For one of those high-up, lordly snobs, he doesn’t seem to be too bad. Looks to me like he has a plan. And I think he cares. Iomedae, I hope we’ll find those kids that run into the maze. It could be too late already. Maybe we should have listened to that other guy and shown the sword. It would have been honest at least. But I guess he didn’t want a bunch of children throwing themselves against demon hordes. They could need some real training first. And some real food. 🛡️ Salvadore: I assume having a Paladin in the group will be of advantage. At least thanks to her, I can turn around without expecting a knife between my shoulder blades. She knows how to fight and she can follow orders. For the dangers ahead, this is something to work with. ~ Camellia and Salvadore in the Shield Maze 🩸 Camellia:
How wearisome. Another knight in shining armor. And as expected, he makes it appear as if falling into this hole was his personal decision to guide us back into the light. Well, it shall be all the same to me, his eagerness to lead will prove useful to finally step out of this disgusting place. 🩸 Salvadore:
She is well trained with her rapier. It speaks in her favor that she took her lessons seriously. Lower nobility often shows higher amounts of enthusiasm and ambition than those at the top. Nonetheless, her style in battle seems a touch … concerning. – The intensity, the … hunger? Well, maybe I’m overinterpreting her passion. Many soldiers enjoy the killing too, after all. ~ Wenduag and Salvadore in the Shield Maze 🕷️ Wenduag: Conceited fool, stumbling blindly into the darkness. Show me if you are strong enough and I will grant you a weapon beyond your wildest dreams, nourishing my own power. Oh, you will play right into my hands, stranger, and never notice until it will be far too late. 🕷️ Salvadore: The way they move when she walks … Can she use them to hold her pray like a real … They seem fully functional and twitch and curve and … Did she say something? This has to stop. Getting distracted by her extremities like some kind of naïve boy who stumbled into the world for the very first time. Disgraceful. ~ Nenio and Salvadore during their first meeting 🦊 Nenio: It is reassuring to discover that the mental abilities of at least a few specimens among the crusader armies lie high above the intelligence of the average cultist. Note to self: Measure the intellectual capacities of the leopard when separated from the boy. The way it reacted in battle suggests an increased understanding of its surroundings and situational thinking. Must find out if this phenomenon is caused by mutual influence. 🦊 Salvadore: Hubristic. Respectless. And appallingly clueless for someone pretending to be a scientist. Did she think this little test of hers was even vaguely challenging? Enough of this. We lost too much time with this nonsense. She can come along, no doubt that she would get herself killed in under twenty-four hours if she was left to navigate the city on her own. Nonetheless, she will have to learn to address me by my proper title. But there is at least one thing even more concerning than the utter lack of manners of someone calling herself an academic: I can’t believe this whole land lies in ruins through the hand of people with the intellect of an earthworm. ~ Woljif and Salvadore when reunited in Act III 😈 Woljif: He means it? I can … stay? The running off will just be forgiven and forgotten? No hard feelings and all that? Maybe the chief is not as much of an uptight upper-class bugger as I thought. But of course he would take me back! He needs me after all. ‘No stealing, Woljif, put this back Woljif, I swear you will spend a week in a cell, Woljif.’ Ha, I bet he missed it and the stuff I got for him! 😈 Salvadore: I didn’t expect to see him again. Well, it is good to know that he made it. He seems surprised. Did he expect me to judge him for behavior this predictable? I knew that he would run sooner or later when I freed him from that cell. And I know he will run again. It does not matter. He is none of my soldiers and we have no contract. His abilities are useful for our group and for the crusade and I will make good use of them as long as he provides them. Well, I may admit that I missed his fanciful, confusing stories. ~ Daeran and Salvadore during the proposal 😇 Daeran: Look at him, all radiant in white, striding like this place was his already. There isn’t the slightest doubt in him that he will make it, is there? – That he will put an end to it all and stand victorious. This ridiculous confidence, this unwavering certainty, it was there right from the start. How did he manage to infect me with it? It makes my head spin. Am I floating? I can barely feel the ground. Oh, it all be damned! This future will be mine, it will be ours, I won’t allow some ugly crack in the world to take it from me! He better makes true on all those high promises! And I’ll give him another reason to! 😇 Salvadore: Lord Arendae. He can’t possibly mean … Has he ever appeared more vibrant than in this very moment? More alive? Lord Arendae. No, he is not joking. A promise to gift him forever.
He has planned to ask him, he has already drawn the first drafts in his mind, of all the sophisticated details as soon as the worldwound would be closed. It has been so clear to him: Of course, it would be him, Knight Commander Salvadore Arrigo, who would do this step and propose. And Daeran would tease him, would draw back an inch, withholding a clear answer at first, before smiling at him – a smile that would give away the truth of his feelings and …
Yes, this very smile is here, it is here right in front of him. But they stand near the dreadful ruin of this former fortress, blood falling down on them, the hardest battle of their lives right ahead – and there never has been a moment more perfect, more complete.
Lord Arendae. Lord Salvadore Arendae. The world seems to dance around him and he realizes that he has stared in speechless silence for far too long.
He straightens his back, emotions flooding from his heart, through his veins, too strong to be held by his body, he may as well be torn apart by their intensity.
But he manages to compose himself enough for the answer. An answer given with every fiber of his being.
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thatiranianphantom · 1 year
I have actually watched both episodes...going in with no expectations I just don't feel like I care that much so whatever happens happen . I pray the CW stop sending screeners out because I wanna see the BAs lose their shit they are already doing so even with the 2/3 BA screeners telling them time after time not to worry about the BH kiss next week and basically saying VA died (I am kidding you not!) This is what one of those screeners posted: "I just saw the end of 7.02 as a victory because it put a stop to Archie chasing after V. From his POV, I felt like he was over it. But I never expected the show to outright end VA two eps in sadly" "I guess to me, Archie rejecting Veronica at the end showed where he stands and made it fairly obvious (in my eyes) which relationship is being written as the long game in this timeline. But I also get the frustration with the constant ship teases and love triangle promo"
It's so funny to see it unfold because they claimed BH died in S4 and Varchie is NO threat but yet they're out there asking questions to those 2/3 BA leaning screeners to reassure them about both Varchie and Bughead. Funny as hell!!!! And those screeners really aren't doing them any favors because they just started to dip their toes in that Comics triangle and I'd be very surprised if they didn't continue with both BA/VA actually...
I’m with you anon I am just trying to vibe through this season because hey, presumably another AU and the last one didn’t matter, so why should this one?
But screeners are the bane of my existence because at best they just overinterpret what they see and at worst it’s just like “…you freaked everyone out over something that didn’t happen?”
Just tune them out. Honestly. Even the BH positive ones, it’s all an opinion. Jesus, that screener. Even in the most VA hating, ship negative interpretation, it would be very hard to say that this was an end for VA. These are not even multiple episode problems. This could be solved in one conversation. And even the non VA screeners admit that they’re in 703. Promo says they’re in 705. So like….I don’t really see this as the end of VA?
And the screeners and BAs in general will swear up and down this is so good for BA, they feel so good about BA….few things we’re ignoring here, my darlings. Lili saying she has made out with everyone, the way this show ALWAYS leans VA, the way this show has had seven literal years to really take BA seriously and never has and now putting them in a triangle? I don’t know if I’d be so confident 😂
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kontextmaschine · 2 years
There's an occasional anon that calls me narcissistic when I think he really means I have delusions of grandeur, and I mean yes at least in mania I do tend to overinterpret things as massive webs of meaning passing somehow through my self, but also like, over and above the way the last decade played out eerily in line with my prediction in ways that touched on the fairly specific focuses and sideplots I'd picked up, these days I constantly see some random thing, look into it, and find I'm like two degrees of separation closer than I expected
Part of this is being an Ivy League graduate. That's how it works! People you remember from undergrad will show up all sorts of places.
Part of it was being a kid who got the Internet in the 90s, cyberpunk tropes in mind, and being like "now I'm gonna put my nose to the ground and find the strange back alleys and elusive characters, the stuff people don't see coming that really shakes things up"
And that kinda working?
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her-canine-teeth · 6 months
cornflower blue by flower face - notes
-interpretations r all mine and completely baseless as im prone to overinterpreting. but its my edit so idc (just a heads up. not like theres that much symbolism here either (yet))-
pov jackie is blue, pov shauna is red
I wanna lay on the kitchen floor with you
theyre. laying on the floor
I wanna do all the things that lovers do
idk but her lookkk in the beginning. to me, the neclace is symbolic of their support; a promise that theyll always have each other. something that held value to jackie (always held it when she was nervous/excited/idk) and now its shaunas. 'its a good luck charm' - im giving you my luck, im giving you what carried me through this; id give u anything. the meaning is like the one of a a ring to me. Also its a heart
Bruised on your face like a watercolour bloom
'bruised' reffering to the emotional bruises she shows now. 'watercolour' bc i think it fit sorta and 'bloom' bc. plant
Moonlight paints your skin
it does
Cornflower blue
honsetly just searched for blue stuff
You love me 'til you wear me out
Then you love me more
technically she doesnt. but jackie doesnt know that
I'm blue to the middle, just like you
=sad. shaunas sad bc she like. lost her friend
Freezing to the core
i thought that was funny. still do
The days, they fly like trains go by
the closest thing i found to a train
I'm on my way home to you
YES bc she is on the way home to her best friend, to her shauna (i think i alr said this in the tags) BCEAUSE the shauna in the death hallucination did never actually exist. Shes what jackie thinks she is, which is different from who she actually is. Jackie is on the way home; here, home simultainiously meaning 'shauna' and 'the place where hallucination-shauna came from' whcih is. non-existance. ignore the random man in the corner
And I think about if they ran me down
obvious i think?? even though theyre more running shauna down though
Baby, what would you do?
I wanna lay on the train tracks with you
can i just say. i LOVE the like transition of sound. idkkk anyways yeah theyre like together n happy
I wanna tie you down the way that lovers do
shes giving back the necklace that was hers, therefore binding them together (made more sense in my head ill be honest) maan idk how to explain but also it was the closetst thing to tying i could think of. also the eay jackie looks at shauna omg and i think her head idk shake? is sorta on beat. and its a HEART what more could u want
In the morning, I'll love the mangled bits of you
R U KIDDING THATS LITERALLY WHAT HAPPNED OMG cannibalism is a form of love.
I'll love you when your lips turn cornflower blue
makes sense also this was the first time i used a transition slay
I love you 'til I wear you out
Then I love you more
cannibalism is a form of love. this has been established.
Now all the things that we don't talk about
Are waiting at the door
guys look shes literally pointing to the door. amazing
I won't let you out of my sight
greatest tragedy is that she did
Even when you're sleeping
So baby, take your medicine
think that is obvious too like. medicine
And promise me you're eating
Who will I say goodnight to when you're gone?
love this part tbh
you can find the edit here!
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Why bananas is pyjamas is SEXUALLY EXPLICIT and promotes rape!
1. Introduction: The Innocent Perception of "Bananas in Pyjamas"
1.1 The Beloved Children's Show
Oh, the nostalgia! "Bananas in Pyjamas" has been a staple of children's television for decades, bringing giggles and smiles to little ones around the world. With its catchy theme song and lovable banana protagonists, it's hard to imagine anything remotely explicit about this seemingly innocent show.
1.2 Its Longevity and Popularity
What's even more impressive is the longevity of "Bananas in Pyjamas." Since its debut in 1992, the show has managed to capture the hearts of generations of children. Its enduring popularity is a testament to the simple yet effective storytelling that has kept kids entertained for years. But could there be more hiding beneath the surface?
2. Unveiling the Alleged Explicit Content: Controversial Themes and Imagery
2.1 Examining Specific Episodes
Upon closer inspection, some claim that "Bananas in Pyjamas" harbors explicit content. They point to certain episodes that supposedly contain controversial themes and imagery. But are these claims justified, or are they just reaching for hidden meanings where there are none?
2.2 Symbolism and Metaphors in the Show
To add fuel to the fire, enthusiasts have dissected the show, uncovering symbolism and metaphors that may or may not be intentional. Some argue that the bananas represent a phallic symbol, while others suggest the pyjamas symbolize conformity. Whether these interpretations are valid or the product of overactive imaginations is up for debate.
3. The Argument of Subliminal Messages: Hidden Meanings or Overinterpretation?
3.1 Controversial Interpretations
Enter the realm of subliminal messages. Detractors of "Bananas in Pyjamas" claim that hidden meanings are embedded in the show, intended to influence young minds in questionable ways. From veiled political messages to subliminal advertising, these interpretations border on the absurd or the ingenious, depending on who you ask.
3.2 Experts' Perspectives on Subliminal Messages
So, what do the experts say? When it comes to subliminal messages, most researchers dismiss the notion that "Bananas in Pyjamas" is intentionally explicit. They argue that overinterpretation and the human tendency to find patterns create these controversial readings. According to them, the show's creators likely had innocent intentions, leaving any perceived explicitness to the imagination of the viewer.
4. Impact on Young Viewers: Potential Effects on Behavior and Development
4.1 Psychological Impact on Children
Assuming there were hidden explicit messages lurking in "Bananas in Pyjamas," what impact could it have on young viewers? Some believe that exposure to such content could lead to psychological harm, influencing behavior and development negatively. However, it's essential to approach this argument with skepticism and consider the lack of substantial evidence supporting these claims.
4.2 Influencing Language Skills and Social Development
On a more tangible level, supporters of the explicit content theory argue that the show's alleged hidden messages could affect children's language skills and social development. However, it's crucial to remember that children engage with various forms of media, and their overall environment plays a more significant role in shaping their skills and behavior.
In conclusion, while some may attempt to brand "Bananas in Pyjamas" as explicit, the evidence remains dubious and largely based on subjective interpretations. Perhaps it's best to let the bananas continue their innocent adventures in pyjamas and focus on the joy and laughter the show brings to young children's lives. After all, a banana is just a banana, right?
5. Parental Concerns and Public Backlash: The Call for Censorship
5.1 The Rise of Parental Concerns
As innocent as it may seem, the beloved children's show "Bananas in Pyjamas" has recently found itself in the spotlight of parental concerns. Parents and caregivers have started questioning whether the show contains explicit content that may not be suitable for young audiences. From the surface, it may appear to be all fun and games, but a closer look reveals a growing unease among parents.
5.2 Outcry and Demand for Censorship
The concern among parents soon turned into a full-fledged outcry, with demands for immediate action and censorship. Online forums were abuzz with heated discussions about the show's supposed explicitness. Calls for banning the show or modifying its content to make it more suitable for tender eyes and ears echoed far and wide. But is there really a need for such drastic measures? Let's dig deeper.
6. Analyzing the Cultural Context: Different Perspectives on Explicit Content
6.1 Cultural Sensitivities and Differences
Examining the controversy from a cultural standpoint, it becomes clear that what may be considered explicit in one culture may be completely acceptable in another. Different societies have varied sensibilities when it comes to children's entertainment. What seems harmless to one group might raise eyebrows in another. Understanding these cultural differences is key to unraveling the debate surrounding "Bananas in Pyjamas."
6.2 International Reception and Cultural Adaptations
Moreover, it's worth noting that "Bananas in Pyjamas" has had a global presence, reaching different corners of the world. This international reception has led to cultural adaptations and modifications to cater to the specific preferences of each audience. These adaptations make it evident that the show's creators acknowledge the need to respect cultural norms and sensitivities.
7. The Role of Media Regulation: Balancing Creativity and Responsibility
7.1 Current Regulations for Children's Content
One aspect to consider is the existing media regulations governing children's content. These regulations set standards for what is acceptable and appropriate for young viewers. It's important to evaluate whether "Bananas in Pyjamas" complies with these regulations or if it veers into problematic territory. Striking a balance between creativity and responsibility is no easy feat, but it's crucial for the well-being of our little ones.
7.2 The Responsibility of Creators and Broadcasters
While regulations help shape the boundaries, the responsibility falls upon the creators and broadcasters of children's shows to ensure that their content remains suitable and beneficial for young minds. It's their duty to foster learning, promote positive values, and engage children in a way that sparks their imagination without crossing any lines. The question remains: have the creators of "Bananas in Pyjamas" fulfilled this responsibility?
8. Conclusion: Debunking the Controversy or Seeking a Middle Ground
8.1 Evaluating the Validity of the Allegations
As the curtains draw to a close on this controversy, it is essential to objectively evaluate the validity of the allegations thrown at "Bananas in Pyjamas." Are the concerns raised by parents grounded in genuine observations, or are they perhaps blown out of proportion? Separating fact from fiction is vital to reaching a fair and well-informed conclusion.
8.2 The Importance of Critical Viewing and Parental Guidance
In the end, the fate of "Bananas in Pyjamas" and similar shows lies not only in the hands of regulators and creators but also in the hands of parents and caregivers. Critical viewing and parental guidance play a crucial role in shaping children's media experiences. By actively engaging with the content and fostering open discussions, parents can ensure that their children derive educational value from these shows while avoiding any potential negative influences.
So, before we jump to label "Bananas in Pyjamas" as explicitly unsuitable, let's open up a dialogue, understand cultural nuances, and work towards finding a middle ground that respects the concerns of parents without compromising the show's essence. After all, it's important to remember that a little bit of humor and mischief can still be good for a child's development, even if they happen to be bananas in their pyjamas.
8. Conclusion: Debunking the Controversy or Seeking a Middle Ground
In conclusion, the notion that the TV show "Bananas in Pyjamas" is explicit appears to be largely unfounded. While some interpretations may suggest underlying themes or hidden meanings, it is crucial to consider the innocent perception intended for young viewers. The show's longevity and popularity speak to its ability to captivate and entertain children without causing harm. Nonetheless, it is essential for parents to remain vigilant, engage in critical viewing, and provide appropriate guidance. Striking a balance between fostering creativity and upholding responsibility within children's media is a collective effort involving creators, broadcasters, regulators, and caregivers alike. By navigating this terrain carefully, we can ensure that children's entertainment remains enjoyable, educational, and free from unnecessary controversy.
1. Are the allegations of explicit content in "Bananas in Pyjamas" substantiated?
The allegations of explicit content in "Bananas in Pyjamas" are largely unsubstantiated. While some individuals may interpret certain elements of the show as having underlying meanings or symbolism, the overall intention of the series is to provide innocent and lighthearted entertainment for young viewers.
2. Should parents be concerned about their children watching "Bananas in Pyjamas"?
Parents need not be overly concerned about their children watching "Bananas in Pyjamas." The show has been enjoyed by children worldwide for many years without any widespread reports of detrimental effects. However, it is always important for parents to engage in critical viewing and provide appropriate guidance to ensure a healthy media consumption experience.
3. Is there a need for increased media regulation for children's television shows?
The question of increased media regulation for children's television shows is a complex one. While some argue for tighter regulations to protect young viewers from potentially harmful content, others emphasize the importance of maintaining creative freedom and fostering responsible content creation. Striking a balance between the two is crucial to ensure that children's entertainment remains engaging, educational, and suitable for their age group.
4. How can parents navigate the landscape of children's media effectively?
To navigate the landscape of children's media effectively, parents can engage in several strategies. These include researching and understanding the content of the shows their children watch, setting appropriate screen time limits, encouraging critical thinking and discussion about the media, and being proactive in selecting age-appropriate content. Open communication between parents and children is key to fostering a healthy media consumption environment.
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Me, daydreaming about The Owl House: The existence of characters like Boscha and Willow who are children of same-sex parents but show a display of both parents’ physical characteristics has the most incredible implications. I mean, not only does that mean that queer couples can have biological children, but think of the possibilities when it comes to infertility! Rather than putting the mother or otherwise AFAB person through an expensive and painful process, her partner can just-
The little goblin me who lives at the back of my brain: MPREG IS REALLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!
Me: I mean yeah, but that wasn’t really what I was gonna phrase that li-
Me, backing away slowly: Okay, let’s rephrase that. In the Boiling Isles, I think that would be more like the equivalent of an interracial marriage, so-
Me: Aw, yeah! That opens up room for representation of genetic disabilities, kinda like how Eda’s curse was treated like a chronic illness! I wonder if staffs like Hunter’s with pre-stored magic were made as disability accommodations for witches without bile sacs?
Goblin me: …
Me: …
Me: Do I even want to-
Goblin me: I was just gonna say it’s entirely possible that one of Barcus’s parents straight up screwed a-
Me: Nope. That’s enough. I’m getting the broom.
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iggytheperson · 6 years
Hugtto Precure on why screaming at depressed people is a bad idea
Hey so I’m as happy about the new development with Henry as much as the next gal but first Mother and now this new transformation have kinda undercut what I find to be a very interesting addition to Hugtto’s thematic narrative so imma talk about that now.
So. We’ve just now seen the results of Harry and Listol’s fight. And those results are less than ideal. What went wrong for Harry? Let’s discuss.
The greatest contributing factor to why this went so horribly wrong is simply that Harry isn’t a hero. What he did was not heroic. He met Listol on the man’s own terms, with unchecked aggression, a lack of foresight, and no intention of mercy.
And Harry won that fight. He beat the crap out of Listol, yelling all the while about how he’s doing the wrong thing and that Criasu is a monster that needs to be stopped. And the end result, as we see in the latest episode, is the permanent loss of a Listol who could be talked to or reasoned with in any way, and thusly the permanent loss of Harry’s little brother.
Because Harry simply failed to understand what the problem was. It wasn’t that Listol didn’t know he was doing something wrong, it wasn’t that Listol wanted to do wrong. It was that Listol was scared. Too scared of his oppressors to even dream of defiance. Groomed by an asshole to believe that such a thing would be jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire.
Because ultimately, the people of Criasu are scared.
Downtrodden, beaten down, and afraid that the few things they have left will be taken from them tomorrow, just as life has taken from them every other day.
And that is why it is so significant that these people are met with compassion and understanding from the girls. Taking down Charleet with a massive sword defeats him for the day until he comes back next week fueled by even more bitterness and a thirst for revenge. It’s addressing the symptom as opposed to the problem. They are people, not objects of evil that need to be beaten down until they stay down. That simply doesn’t work.
It’s significant, then, that the person who helps Hana to understand the importance of emotional support would indeed be Charleet, the one Hana chose to console instead of hurt. Who has since taken back his life, overcome his mental hangups, and put himself on the path to a long, happy and fulfilling life.
With Papple, too, perhaps even moreso, it is significant and important that Lulu and Emiru prevented her from being finished off so that she could be comforted. Because Lulu and Emiru have every right to be angry with Papple. Her depression does not excuse the pain she’s inflicted on the both of them. Their anger is justified, and they are right to avoid her as they do in the time following this fight, but they recognize that to further beat down a broken, borderline suicidal woman would not be constructive, nor would it ease their own pain enough to justify breaking their group’s moral code.
If Listol exists to teach us that the typical setup of villain beatdowns is counterproductive in the face of real people, the Happy Future Productions trio exists to show us the merit of compassion. That people are multifaceted and can change for the better if they’re given the tools and emotional support to do so.
And it is important, more than anything, that this is normal, human compassion as opposed to super magic rainbow love and having blind confidence about what any single person is capable of without observing their circumstances. Anyone can say “You can do anything!” in the face of someone else’s misery. But to be an understanding person who can meaningfully impact the lives of others in a positive way through kindness and emotional support is an invaluable life skill.
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the-ark-is-real · 2 years
Thoughts on Mac?
It's been a while since I read IWBFT in full so my thoughts on him may not be full or coherent but...
I think he's meant to be an unlikeable character. He's a liar, he's shown to not be the best at talking to Angel or socialising in general... I think he's just like any insecure kid trying to impress a girl by pretending to like something and then digging a hole deeper and deeper for himself. I like Mac for just that. He's an example of what many people experience in their teenage years.
And from Angel's perspective he's horrible: a fake fan, stealing Juliet away from her, and taking away a concert ticket for the Ark from a real fan (or however Angel phrased it). But-- and here's where this may become a bit of an overinterpretation- I feel like he's sometimes the common sense in the story. When it comes to fandoms, he calls out the absurd actions of fans and the toxic obsession. In a way he's the polar opposite of Angel, and if the book was from an outsider perspective Mac would not be as negatively portrayed by the narrator.
Also in a way (though I don't have the brain capacity to go into this analysis so these are only the starting threads of a few more thoughts on Mac) the way Angel views Mac may say a lot about her, not just about him. The way she treats Mac and Juliet's relationship may allude to her being aro/ace or somehow queer, and being confused or appalled at straight relationships. It could also show her view of romantic relationahips in general. But I'm going into this right now cause I don't remember the book that well.
TL;DR he's an interesting character with a lot of nuance, though he is annoying and a typical insecure teen.
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flying-elliska · 5 years
S3 Rewatch - Vendredi 21h00 - “Kiffance”
Yay, back to the fun clips ! And I absolutely adore the rest of the episode, it’s just so cool and on point and well done. My only quibble is that ‘Kiffance’ sounds to me like the kind of cringy 90s slang you would expect adults trying to be ‘djeunz’ (aka ‘how do you do fellow kids’ oldie with skateboard reaction pic) to use but ehhhh maybe it’s made an ironic comeback or something and I’m not exactly a teen anymore either (french ppl feel free to let me know lmao). 
Anyway, the idea of having a clandestine party at school is genius. It fits in Daphné’s arc of spreading her wings to make the foyer into a thing, provides a setting for Elu to meet again but most importantly it fits the theme and the emotional arc to a T - we start in a place where everyone is wearing masks, hiding who they are, and then we have a moment of crossing boundaries, breaking rules, of things being turned upside down, and a short moment where Lucas and Eliott can finally meet in the middle. We’re crossing into dark/light symbolism too with the night/day reversal. The setting of endless boring days, of rules, of homework and constant pressure and the need to fit in, of compulsory heterosexuality - the high school - is for the night turned into a place of freedom and excitement, they make it their own (the foyer is all about that in a sense). And therefore how symbolically on point is it that it’s Alexia - our main open LGBTQ+ character so far, and who gave a super important talk to Lucas earlier - who opens the gates ? Amazing. And the girls look fierce as fuck with their tiger masks and coveralls. I love the bit where Daphné talks about almost pissing her pants but going ahead with it anyway and being like ‘no cowards allowed.’ that’s right, it’s an evening for everyone to be brave. It’s hilarious that she is trying so hard to enforce a password that everyone has anyway. It’s like ‘what point gatekeeping’ ? Basile, again has completely misunderstood social cues with his Ninja Turtles costumes, but I actually found it kinda endearing up to the point where he shouts something vulgar at Daphné and kinda ruins her moment. Ughhhhhhhhhh. 
The sound editing is awesome in this clip too - starting with the ticking in the beginning, the soaring sound and then a moment of silence for suspense as everyone is waiting. And then later the rising music again as they put on their masks and hoodies and start chanting, building up to the next clip and the energy, ending with the gates opening. It’s a hella dumb idea, in the end, they’re noisy as fuck and are almost certainly going to get caught but - that’s what your teenage years are for, in the end, pushing boundaries and rebelling and finding yourself, not to be cliché but it’s so necessary for your growth, and the rest of the epi shows why. They’re just so giddy to do this and we get to see Lucas be young and have fun for a moment and it’s great. How adorable does he look with those marks on his cheeks and yelling with the others ? So fierce. Love the twist on Isak’s pink stripes, it fits him, too. Camouflage is a form of hiding that is about blending into your environment, and well - Lucas has been pretending to be a straight bush to avoid the tigers of social judgment for a long time now. Lmao. But here masks are not presented as a bad thing, they’re a way to feel badass and have fun through this ‘Infiltration’ fantasy and basically, it’s a way to find catharsis (just as cool stories about gay characters finding themselves allow us catharsis) and I think that’s an important element, too. Like way overinterpreting again but - the element of fiction (just like Polaris) gives them space to be themselves in new ways they hadn’t allowed themselves before, bringing the game of masks to the light and therefore being able to choose to discard them. I love this ! This meta series is basically just me yelling “the symbolism is good” over and over again huh 
Previous clip 
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psychicreadsgirl · 5 years
Relationship Analysis for Goo Hyesun and Ahn Jaehyun
How I do my readings for celebrities and key figures: I look at their photographs and share my thoughts. Goo Hyesun and Ahn Jaehyun were married around three years ago. They were known as a beloved couple in Korea. It doesn't come to me as a surprise that this marriage ended up in divorce and that is better for both of them. I will say why. Hyesun is a very domineering type of person in relationships. She is also very sensitive and Jaehyun is quite bad at detecting underlying feelings or thoughts. He is quite dense. Jaehyun is also very passive and relies on others to make decisions. He is afraid to take responsibility for many parts of his life and he is bad at saying no. In a way they did complement one another at the start of the relationship. There is no denying that they did share feelings for one another. However having a nice relationship when not married is different than being able to be a married couple. When they married, that was when their personalities and style of living as well as outlook on life were far too different than could bear. Moreover, once they married their careers began to intertwine with one another. This especially happens with celebrity couples. The relationship of celebrities often becomes part of their career, which more often than not hurts both parties. The relationship becomes a business that needs to be managed as in marketing is needed. Keeping a good image of a happy, loving couple is required. Some celebrity couples can manage this, but these two are not suited for this. Hyesun is the sort that requires a lot of attention, love and care. She also likes all of the spotlight on her. She cannot be embarassed in public nor can she be the losing party. She is also the sort that loves so deeply that once the love is over that love turns to hate. If her former lover moved on before she fell out of the relationship, she is the type to want revenge on the person or try to stop that person from gaining their happiness. There's a how could you do this to me attitude from me and you're not gonna get away from this vibes I get from her. It's unhealthy and toxic. In the long run she gains nothing good out of this, especially for her mental health. Better she just move on and find a new partner. Sadly she is not this type to just move on if things didn't end how she wanted it to be and when she wanted it to be. Jaehyun is like the little kid that never ever grew up. He doesn't make a lot of good rationale decisions. He decides by impulse and his feelings. He feels like not going to this social event last minute then he will just make an excuse and bail. If she pissed him off during a meal, he will leave her at the restaurant and just say they need to take a break and avoid her. He deals with his anger and frustrations by avoiding the problems and giving the silent treatment. Hyesun particularly hates being ignored and avoided. She is the type that despises people who read messages and don't reply. If someone has read a text then they should be able to say they are busy. Jaehyun, conversely, is the type that reads a message and then gets distracted and forgets to respond till the next day or even a few more days. He feels he genuinely did not remember or he wanted more time to think things through before responding or he doesn't think that message needs a response or he's just busy. It just so happens he checked the chat. Whether or not he responds isn't so do or die. Hyesun sees no response as lack of love towards her or a signal that he is hiding or lying to her. Of course when they first dated Jaehyun was more patient with Hyesun and did put all of his attention on her. The change in how he treated her during the relationship to during the marriage made Hyesun feel like he just didn't love her anymore. For him he got tired of her "princess" attitude and neediness, and he felt the honeymoon phase was over. He also felt overburdened by how exploited their relationship was. That constant loving image he had to show in public for their career was very exhausting and took a mental toll on him. I wouldn't be surprised if he had to see a counsellor about this. Hyesun felt it was part of their duty to be that loving couple. She also loved the admiration people had regarding her marriage. This helped boost her confidence and self image too. The romance they showed on screen let her relive the honeymoon phase she had experienced with him. If she could she would prolong the romance. I see Hyesun as still being in love with Jaehyun but knows she cannot keep him. Therefore she hates him. She also felt betrayed by him in many ways. As he became colder to her and got frustated with her, he started to hang out more with his other friends including female ones. Some may purely be friendship. Some have other romantic purposes. Hyesun, either way, is not the type that can stand her husband communicating with another woman. During their dating days he was totally focused on her and ditched his other pals for her, so this change again was too much for her. Many things that Hyesun claims are exaggerations of the truth mixed with lies. Hyesun has a way of dramatizing events and overinterpreting some things. Jaehyun is not at fault either. Many things that he says are embellished forms of the truth. He also is very rash and childish. He will say a lot of angry words that he only meant during the heat of the moment. Then they will be used against him. He doesn't make the wisest decisions for his social life nor are his ways of destressing very healthy. Many of his friends are problematic in different ways. They are very yolo and party focused and have likely said a lot of negative things about Hyesun. He is easily swayed by friends so he will listen to their advice, against better judgment. He is not very smart or logical and is easily manipulated too. Hyesun is smarter than him and plans more than him. He is terrible with his money while she is better than him at managing her finances. I see this divorce dragging out till at least the end of 2021 and not ending amicably. She will keep her aggressive stance that he was a cheater, he lied to her, he was abusive in many ways, he only married her to use her etc. Meanwhile he will say he was loving, he never betrayed her, he gave her what she wanted yet she is being greedy, he tried to cooperate but they don't match, she caused him emotional harm, etc. Both have their own stories of what happened. I do see Hyesun receiving more support after the divorce but her career will take a big hit as people will still find that they felt lied to about this loving relationship. She also loses a big source of income as a married woman. She will take on that role of a hurt but strong independent divorcee for her next comeback. Likely will write a book to milk and spill about this divorce either through a fictional story or an autobiography. If she does an autobiography he will likely sue her for defamation or try to demand her not to publish it. We shall see. Jaehyun's career takes a major hit. He will unlikely be able to recover his acting career until four years out at least. He will likely make the news for remarrying. He will likely remarry in five years.
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bugie78 · 7 years
Hey! Just a quick response (knowing me, it will probably get a bit longer anyway, but well...) to your post regarding self-diagnosis because there's something I wanted to add – another reason why I absolutely agree with you. I'm not in university yet, but I've spent the last four years absorbing everything I could find about psychology in general. One of the first things I learned regarding mental illness: You cannot accurately observe yourself. You're biased. (1)
Anonymous said Just like the people you are dear to. And of course, even the best therapist/psychiatrist isn't immune to prejudice. However, they are trained to deal with that and they'll still have an easier time "objectively" (as far as that's possible) looking at possible symptoms than anyone with a personal relationship to you (including yourself). (2)
Anonymous said:That doesn't mean you or the people around you can't suspect you suffer from condition x. Otherwise, how would you know you need to go see a doctor? But that's what it should remain until you can get a pro-diagnosis: a suspicion. And you should treat it as such. (3)
Anonymous said:Regarding the community and resources thing: If you don't have the opportunity to get a pro-diagnosis, that's totally alright. What stops you from beginning your research/looking for resources & people with similar experiences on suspicion alone? For example: I highly suspect I have or at least had a mild form of depression. (And there've been times when I've been so much worse.) It runs in my family and a few of my relatives've got professional diagnoses. Still, I don't tell/never told (4)
Anonymous said: people I suffer from clinical depression because: no official diagnosis. When talking about it to someone, I usually narrow it down to symptoms I experience or to a simple "I think I might've (had) depression". To go further would be to discredit official diagnoses & the severeness of the disorder. And, let's be honest: It hasn't stopped me from recovering. It's been a long, long way, but I've learned to manage what I perceive as symptoms of depression. By learning about it. (5)
Anonymous said: By talking to people with similar experiences. By getting to know myself better, etc. At this point, I don't feel the need to get an official diagnosis anymore. Whatever I have/had, I can live with it just fine now. So, self-diagnosis (as in: being "sure" without checking with a professional) really isn't a requirement for getting into a community or whatever. (6)
Anonymous said: God, I need to go now, haha. This has already turned out way longer than anticipated... and I could still say so, so much about this. One last thing, though: There's another reason why a trained professional's perspective is important when it comes to diagnoses. Not just because of the bias-thing. As a layman, it's easy to get the wrong idea about a condition, to not understand something correctly or see things where there are none. Say, you strongly believe you have x – then it's possible (7)
Anonymous said you overinterpret stuff to suit your image of yourself. Or even develop symptoms you didn't show before. Of course, that's not always the case. There's definitely people out there who've self-diagnosed correctly. But it's not as rare as one would want it to be. What it burns down to: Professionals make mistakes as well, but FEWER and they usually have a deeper understanding of an illness. That's their job. But well, that's the main things I wanted to point out (in addition to your rambling.) (8)
I know right! You make some excellent points! People who self diagnose and then refuse to go see a doctor and just put a label on themselves are the ones that bug me the most. I know a lot aren’t like this. BUT there are people who I have seen who are like this. Some people say “well some of us don’t have the time, energey or desire to go see a doctor” And I am like  no if you really suspect you might have something you will make time, and have the desire to go see a doctor. 
I remember my doctor told me once that a kid came in, and his mom demanded that he give the child meds because he has ADHD... but my doctor knew better and knew that the kid certantly didn’t have it. So he refused which somehow pissed off the mom... like wouldn’t you be happy your child doesn’t need to rely on meds to keep focus... 
And I saw ppl put in their blog “im self diagnosed autism” and it just doesn’t work that way. Self diagnose Autism isn’t a thing... being just diagnosed with Autism is.. if your self diagnosed and then go and tell ppl that you have it, it’s just like putting a label on yourself... which being autistic or having asperger’s is wayyy more then just having a special interest and not being able to make friends. Hell, I have many friends and I have Asperger’s. And they all know I have it. Even my boyfriend knows and he accepts it. I have a hard time knowning how to socialize with others but I really do try my hardest.. probally why I am better at this is cause I gotten group therapy to help me on this. And if I just self diagnosed myself, then I wouldn’t be able to get group therapy...but since I had a legit diagnoses done I was able to get group therapy which helped me a lot. 
So yeah sorry ranting again but thank you so much for agreeing with me! 
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2whatcom-blog · 5 years
Experimental Autism Medicine Goal to Enhance Social Communication Expertise
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Two medicine that alter the exercise of the hormone vasopressin appear to enhance social communication in individuals with autism. The findings come from two impartial medical trials printed at present in Science Translational Medication. The outcomes are encouraging, however some specialists urge warning, saying the strategies used to evaluate the medicine weren't designed for that objective. Vasopressin is said to oxytocin, a hormone thought to manipulate social bonding. However vasopressin's hyperlink to autism is way from easy: There's proof implicating each too little and an excessive amount of of the hormone in individuals with the situation. The 2 medicine additionally goal vasopressin in reverse methods. One among them, balovaptan, blocks a receptor for vasopressin within the mind and dampens the hormone's exercise. The opposite is a nasal spray containing vasopressin. Regardless of their opposing modes of motion, each medicine seem to spice up social perform in autistic individuals; neither has severe unwanted side effects. The findings are noteworthy as a result of no medicine can be found to deal with autism's core traits, says Eric Hollander, professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Albert Einstein School of Medication in New York, who was not concerned in both research. "These two studies provide important information that the vasopressin or vasopressin and oxytocin systems are important in social communication," he says. "Different agents affecting these systems may ultimately be helpful in terms of new treatments for autism." Nonetheless, each research depend on a questionnaire that isn't designed to measure a drug's effectiveness, says Lawrence Scahill, director of medical trials on the Marcus Autism Heart in Atlanta. "Both of these studies suggest that the mechanism is worth further study," Scahill says. "But I think we want to be careful not to overinterpret the findings." Dose impact: Within the balovaptan trial, led by the Swiss drug firm Roche, researchers at 26 websites throughout the US randomly assigned 223 males with autism to take the drug as soon as a day for 12 weeks. The tablets contained both 1.5, four or 10 milligrams of balovaptan or a placebo. The boys who took balovaptan fared no higher than controls on a caregiver questionnaire referred to as the Social Responsiveness Scale, the research's main end result measure. However these taking the 2 highest doses improved of their social and communication talents, based mostly on the Vineland Adaptive Conduct Scales, a secondary measure. The boys confirmed no distinction on scales measuring repetitive behaviors, nervousness or temper, amongst different traits. The Roche researchers have been unavailable for remark, however Hollander says these outcomes are promising. "It's tough to show good response rates in multisite trials, where you have high placebo responses and site-specific effects," Hollander says. "But they do get a nice dose-related effect on this social communication domain." The outcomes of the trial prompted the U.S. Meals and Drug Administration to grant the drug 'breakthrough' standing in January 2018. The researchers are testing the drug in two new medical trials: One includes autistic kids within the U.S., and the opposite contains adults in Europe, Canada and the U.S. Sniff take a look at: Within the trial of the vasopressin spray, mother and father of autistic kids aged 6 to 12 years gave their kids a nasal spray twice a day for 4 weeks. Of the 30 kids within the trial, 17 bought the vasopressin spray, and the remaining sniffed a placebo. Youngsters within the vasopressin group considerably improved of their social abilities, based mostly on the Social Responsiveness Scale, the first end result measure. Clinician rankings of those talents, father or mother rankings of hysteria, and the youngsters's efficiency on two of 4 assessments of social cognition additionally all pointed to an enchancment. Not one of the kids who bought vasopressin grew to become extra aggressive, as some rodents do. "Multiple independent assessments show that the drug was more effective than placebo," says co-lead investigator Karen Parker, affiliate professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford College in California. Paradoxically, the youngsters with the very best blood ranges of vasopressin earlier than therapy tended to point out the largest results, and solely these kids improved of their repetitive behaviors. Parker is not sure why that's, however maybe the dose was too low to profit these with much less vasopressin, she says. Medical caveats: Some specialists, together with the researchers themselves, warning that the outcomes are preliminary, nevertheless, and have to be repeated in bigger teams of youngsters. "The results of a small study can be deceptive," says Scahill. "And when you have this many outcome measures in a small study, some things are possible to turn up as statistically significant by chance." Others have questions on how two medicine with reverse modes of motion result in comparable results. "They're really divergent approaches to targeting the vasopressin system," says Elizabeth Hammock, assistant professor of psychology and neuroscience at Florida State College in Tallahassee. "And we don't know for sure how either is working." Nevertheless, the specialists word, it is tough to match trials with such totally different designs and units of members. "Autism is a very heterogeneous disorder," says Antonio Hardan, professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford College, who co-led the nasal spray trial. "It may be possible, with autism, to see abnormalities that relate to either too much vasopressin or too little." Hardan and Parker are testing the spray in a brand new trial of 100 kids with autism. FURTHER READING Tech agency's 'superpower glass' for autism not so tremendous, specialists say Youngsters who outgrow autism label find yourself with different diagnoses The signaling imbalance concept of autism, defined Sharing genetic outcomes can advance autism science, medical care This story was initially printed on Spectrum. Read the full article
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befitnessweb-blog · 7 years
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New Post has been published on http://www.befitness.pro/cayenne-pepper-and-anxiety/
Cayenne Pepper and Anxiety
It might remain in the evasive nature of feelings generally that the specific sources of anxiousness conditions are still not totally comprehended. Anxiousness problems have actually been connected to social-environmental as well as psychological variables, over active neurological paths and also adjustments in mind chemistry. Nevertheless, it is more than likely that, most of instances, a blend of variables add to the beginning of the problem.
Emotional Factors
It is well developed that previous injuries– such as spoken, psychological, physical or sexual assault– in addition to persistent anxiety enhance the possibility of establishing a stress and anxiety condition.
A variety of research studies discovered that constant tension as well as stress and anxiety changes the task of specific areas of the midbrain, which leads to an increased responsiveness to anxiousness sets off. Particularly, the amygdala (a little, almond-shape gathering of centers) shows up to play a significant function in the growth of anxiousness problems.
From a mental viewpoint, it shows up that high degrees of stress and anxiety as well as anxiousness over an extended period of time reason adjustments on a subconscious degree, which bring about an altered point of view on truth. The even more famous these distortions, the faster and also more powerful an individual responds to anxiousness activates till also instead safe scenarios are overinterpreted as prospective hazard. These subconscious modifications could likewise describe why reasoning as well as sensible reasoning are typically inefficient to conquer a stress and anxiety assault.
Biochemical Changes in the Brain
Scientists located a link in between the focus of specific natural chemicals in the mind as well as the start of anxiousness problems. Natural chemicals are launched by nerve cells and also some glands, such as the pituitary gland and also the adrenals, as well as feature as carriers in between the nerves et cetera of the body. When launched, natural chemicals bind to certain membrane layer receptors, like secrets suitable right into their matching locks, as well as hence start unique feedbacks as well as chemical adjustments within the cells.
Epinephrine, norepinephrine, serotonin and also gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) are natural chemicals in the mind that are associated with the stress and anxiety path. Whereas epinephrine as well as norepinephrine are associated with the tension as well as stress and anxiety action, GABA and also serotonin are recognized to promote favorable sensations as well as enhance your state of mind. Reduced focus of GABA and also serotonin, which could be brought on by an absence of healthy protein consumption, persistent anxiety and also hereditary tendencies, raise the chance of creating an anxiousness condition. Lots of antianxiety medicines operate on the basis of elevating serotonin and also GABA degrees in the mind.
Hereditary Factors
Stress and anxiety shows up to run in family members. Nevertheless, the inquiry is whether relative are much more vulnerable to have anxiousness as a result of ecological elements they share or since they have the very same genetics. While hereditary study has actually come to be very progressed in the previous 20 years, there is still just restricted details on the hereditary proneness of stress and anxiety conditions. Research studies with twins showed that, although anxiousness could be genetic, genetics just clarify about 30 to 40 percent of why an individual creates a stress and anxiety problem or otherwise.
Current research study has actually been concentrating much more on exactly how epigenetic elements could add to the beginning of anxiousness conditions. Epigenetics checks out just how our atmosphere could create the activation or deactivation of particular genetics. DNA methylation is just one of one of the most usual methods cells transform a genetics off in reaction to modifications in the atmosphere. Researchers discovered that tension and also stress and anxiety while pregnant could be handed down to the kid via epigenetic adjustments. It ends up that in unborn children and also babies of moms that have actually been having problem with clinical depression and also stress and anxiety, the genetics of the glucocorticoid receptor (GCR) could be very methylated. The methylation of the GCR creates a too much launch of stress and anxiety hormonal agents, makings babies respond much more highly to tension as well as stress and anxiety triggers.
Various other Factors
Stress and anxiety conditions could additionally be triggered by specific health and wellness concerns, such as anemia, thyroid issues, cardiovascular disease, persistent discomfort as well as diabetic issues. Various other aspects consist of alcohol and drug misuse, withdrawal from specific drugs, rest deprival and also extreme usage of high levels of caffeine.
Offered the multifactorial factors for creating a stress and anxiety condition, it makes good sense to approach its therapy from a selection of angles, consisting of psychiatric therapy, way of life adjustments as well as, if proper, antianxiety medicine.
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2whatcom-blog · 5 years
Prepared or Not, Two Medication for Autism Edge Nearer to Clinic
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Two medicine that alter the exercise of the hormone vasopressin appear to enhance social communication in folks with autism. The findings come from two impartial medical trials printed as we speak in Science Translational Drugs. The outcomes are encouraging, however some specialists urge warning, saying the strategies used to evaluate the medicine weren't designed for that objective. Vasopressin is said to oxytocin, a hormone thought to manipulate social bonding. However vasopressin's hyperlink to autism is way from easy: There's proof implicating each too little and an excessive amount of of the hormone in folks with the situation. The 2 medicine additionally goal vasopressin in reverse methods. One in all them, balovaptan, blocks a receptor for vasopressin within the mind and dampens the hormone's exercise. The opposite is a nasal spray containing vasopressin. Regardless of their opposing modes of motion, each medicine seem to spice up social operate in autistic folks; neither has severe unintended effects. The findings are noteworthy as a result of no medicine can be found to deal with autism's core traits, says Eric Hollander, professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Albert Einstein School of Drugs in New York, who was not concerned in both research. "These two studies provide important information that the vasopressin or vasopressin and oxytocin systems are important in social communication," he says. "Different agents affecting these systems may ultimately be helpful in terms of new treatments for autism." Nonetheless, each research depend on a questionnaire that's not designed to measure a drug's effectiveness, says Lawrence Scahill, director of medical trials on the Marcus Autism Heart in Atlanta. "Both of these studies suggest that the mechanism is worth further study," Scahill says. "But I think we want to be careful not to overinterpret the findings." Dose impact: Within the balovaptan trial, led by the Swiss drug firm Roche, researchers at 26 websites throughout the US randomly assigned 223 males with autism to take the drug as soon as a day for 12 weeks. The drugs contained both 1.5, four or 10 milligrams of balovaptan or a placebo. The lads who took balovaptan fared no higher than controls on a caregiver questionnaire known as the Social Responsiveness Scale, the research's main final result measure. However these taking the 2 highest doses improved of their social and communication skills, based mostly on the Vineland Adaptive Conduct Scales, a secondary measure. The lads confirmed no distinction on scales measuring repetitive behaviors, anxiousness or temper, amongst different traits. The Roche researchers have been unavailable for remark, however Hollander says these outcomes are promising. "It's tough to show good response rates in multisite trials, where you have high placebo responses and site-specific effects," Hollander says. "But they do get a nice dose-related effect on this social communication domain." The outcomes of the trial prompted the U.S. Meals and Drug Administration to grant the drug 'breakthrough' standing in January 2018. The researchers are testing the drug in two new medical trials: One includes autistic youngsters within the U.S., and the opposite contains adults in Europe, Canada and the U.S. Sniff check: Within the trial of the vasopressin spray, dad and mom of autistic youngsters aged 6 to 12 years gave their youngsters a nasal spray twice a day for 4 weeks. Of the 30 youngsters within the trial, 17 acquired the vasopressin spray, and the remaining sniffed a placebo. Kids within the vasopressin group considerably improved of their social abilities, based mostly on the Social Responsiveness Scale, the first final result measure. Clinician rankings of those skills, mother or father rankings of hysteria, and the youngsters's efficiency on two of 4 exams of social cognition additionally all pointed to an enchancment. Not one of the youngsters who acquired vasopressin grew to become extra aggressive, as some rodents do. "Multiple independent assessments show that the drug was more effective than placebo," says co-lead investigator Karen Parker, affiliate professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford College in California. Paradoxically, the youngsters with the very best blood ranges of vasopressin earlier than therapy tended to point out the largest results, and solely these youngsters improved of their repetitive behaviors. Parker is uncertain why that's, however maybe the dose was too low to profit these with much less vasopressin, she says. Scientific caveats: Some specialists, together with the researchers themselves, warning that the outcomes are preliminary, nonetheless, and should be repeated in bigger teams of youngsters. "The results of a small study can be deceptive," says Scahill. "And when you have this many outcome measures in a small study, some things are possible to turn up as statistically significant by chance." Others have questions on how two medicine with reverse modes of motion result in related results. "They're really divergent approaches to targeting the vasopressin system," says Elizabeth Hammock, assistant professor of psychology and neuroscience at Florida State College in Tallahassee. "And we don't know for sure how either is working." Nonetheless, the specialists be aware, it is troublesome to check trials with such totally different designs and units of individuals. "Autism is a very heterogeneous disorder," says Antonio Hardan, professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford College, who co-led the nasal spray trial. "It may be possible, with autism, to see abnormalities that relate to either too much vasopressin or too little." Hardan and Parker are testing the spray in a brand new trial of 100 youngsters with autism. FURTHER READING Tech agency's 'superpower glass' for autism not so tremendous, specialists say Kids who outgrow autism label find yourself with different diagnoses The signaling imbalance idea of autism, defined Sharing genetic outcomes can advance autism science, medical care This story was initially printed on Spectrum. Read the full article
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