#overlords are powerful please I want something to happen
hellpegasus · 4 months
So I’m sure I’m not the first to ask this but the line from husk in loser, baby and the line before the song states that the reason he sold his soul to alastor was to save his power. Meaning he still has it. He’s just not using it. So like,,,, are we ever gonna get to see it because I really want to
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forbidden-sunlight · 4 months
yandere!Alastor with Violet Evergarden!reader scenario: A Wendigo's Violent Love
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Warning: aged-up!reader [in early to late twenties], violence, spoilers for episodes 7 and 8 in the first season of the 2024 show, possessive and obsessive behavior, Alastor is in denial, physical abuse, implication of friends to enemies.
There may be possible triggers in this story.
If you do not feel comfortable venturing any further, please hit the back button on your phone or computer and read something much more pleasant than a possible series of unfortunate events.
Hey guys, welcome to another Hazbin Hotel fic! I know I had said that I was going to be on a break until the 8th or 14th in my last post, but I had gotten a burst of inspiration after watching the season finale and wrote this after discussing the idea with @riddle-simp and collaborated with @witch-of-the-writing-desk. It's because of these two that I managed to write 2k in a single day, so please give a big round of applause to these amazing individuals.
So with that being said, sit back, relax, and let's see what's going on in tonight's broadcast with Hell's one and only Radio Demon!
Part Two
Alastor could not believe what had happened on the rooftop. No, he refused to believe that he was nearly killed by a hair. To almost die for his friends, a fucking altruist of all things.  Sorry to disappoint, but this is not how his story will end here. He thought viciously, tugging at his hair as memories rushed through his mind. He needed more. He needed his freedom. Yet this deal is restricting his powers from reaching their fullest potential, and it almost killed him. Yes, there has to be another way to get out of it. But more importantly….he needed to stop these feelings bubbling inside of him. These feelings he felt towards you. 
You, a simple groundskeeper who had forgotten what it meant to be a human and served as a weapon in war. You, who did not use technology like him yet still found a way to connect with the rest of the hotel’s wayward souls.
He hates it and he wants you gone, out of sight and out of mind, because these feelings have put him in more danger than necessary. When he finds the backdoor of his deal, how to unclip his wings, he will be the one pulling all of the strings and claim the power that he rightfully deserves. He is the Radio Demon, the Great Alastor! Nothing else matters to him!
He made his decision right in the dilapidated radio station to never get attached to you or anyone else again. To only focus on himself and no one else. He is in Hell for a reason, after all. He cackled, feeling the thrum of his power rising in unison with his conviction. Yes. He thought. Yes, he’s Alastor! The cold, ruthless overlord who always has room for more voices on his broadcast. Not some soft-hearted twit who would die for someone! 
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But what he did not realize at the time, just right underneath the hatch, you had heard everything. 
Despite your injuries and losing both of your arms to angelic steel, you had used your strength to trek through the debris and look for him. Now knowing that he despised you, knowing that he sees you as nothing more than a weapon to use for his convenience….well, you could not blame him. You were a weapon when you were alive. You were feared, you were hated, and you did not care at the time. So why did it hurt so much when he said that? You did not know, except it was better to keep your distance from him. 
So you left the Radio Demon alone, staggering away to join the others. 
Vaggie was somehow able to find Sir Pentious’ blueprints for your prosthetics in a fireproof trunk beneath the rubble, and put in a call to Carmilla Carmine to see if she could make them with angelic steel instead of adamantine. Of course, the angelic arms dealer took a look at them first before agreeing to it, but not before telling Vaggie she must ask for your consent to do the procedure and what you wanted to add or remove. You gave your input, and the procedure was scheduled for the following week. Although you could not help with the construction of the hotel, you did assist Charlie by putting together an eulogy and memorial service for Sir Pentious. The princess was not sure when it would be held, hopefully when the hotel was finished. 
You understood, softly promising to be by her side for support, even if you had to be pushed in a wheelchair. Sir Pentious had been a good person, an inventor and a gentleman who was nothing but kind and respectful to you. Even though you offered to pay him for doing repairs on your arms in the past, he brushed it off and instead asked you to join him for tea. He…you hoped he found peace. 
On the day of your procedure, you asked the overlord a question that had been plaguing your mind since the war. “Madam Carmilla, I am a weapon. I was raised to be one, to be used and tossed aside when my usefulness had expired. So…why is it that I am bothered by what Alastor said…on that day?” You did not dare to elaborate on what he exactly said to her, just that he said that he did not want to see you anymore. Be gone from his sight and mind. 
She stared at you for a long moment before she replied coolly, “So I have heard from Vaggie. But I do not share her thoughts. A weapon is lifeless. You are a person. An emotionally stunted one, but someone is living, breathing, and who can still be hurt by what others say about them even if they can’t see it. You are upset because of what Alastor said….and in my humble opinion, whatever you feel towards him, discard it. There is nothing to gain by being close to him.” She then turned away, pulling on a pair of gloves over her hands as one of her daughters placed a mask over her face. “Are you ready to begin? This is your last chance, and I cannot promise it won’t hurt.”
“I am.” You said. “Thank you for answering my question.” 
Carmilla nodded, and proceeded to give out instructions to you and the rest of the staff in the operating room. You complied, not wanting any more time to be wasted on your behalf. At least now you knew why you were upset.  It was because you cared about Alastor. Cared….yes, that is the appropriate word. You had to distance yourself from him. It is what he wanted, so you must respect his decision as the manager of the Hazbin Hotel. 
Yes, it is better this way.
That was the last thought that crossed your mind before a mask was placed over your face, and everything fell into darkness. 
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Alastor did not understand. You were doing what he wanted you to do. He did not want to see or talk to you unless it was necessary. So why was it making him angry? When he congratulated you on a successful recovery from your procedure, complimented your progress in physical therapy per Carmilla’s instructions, or how lovely the eulogy you wrote for Sir Pentious' memorial service, you showed no reaction. You simply stared at him with a hollow expression before thanking him, excusing yourself with a bow of your head. 
He should be elated. No, he is pleased. He is satisfied that his relationship with you has not gone by being professional. Why, you even pull away as soon as he lays a finger on you~! So why does it bother him that you recoil from his touch? No. He…cannot accept it. He cannot accept this.  He needed to speak to you. Discreetly. 
However, now that this new and improved Hazbin Hotel stood in place of the old one, everything is much bigger with the additional square footage; meaning there would be more ground to cover if Alastor is to ever find you, even if you do not wish to see him.
 Niffty, bless her little deranged mind, pointed him in the direction of the greenhouse. Of course, it was much bigger than the old one. But he still saw the old stained glass windows of the Moriningstar family crest lined up on the south side, allowing red light to come through and shine down on seedling trays with new shoots poking out of the inky soil. The clean, fragrant scent of herbs permeated the air as he walked through the rows of berries, juicy melons, and other culinary delights. He did not think this place would already be thriving when you were the only one who tended to it, as the hotel’s groundskeeper. However…this is you. You, who is able to accomplish anything once you put your mind to it. 
He found you hiding just beyond the apple trees, kneeling beside a bush of glistening roses, armed with pruning shears and an apron over your clothes. A watering can sat on the grass by your side. Your back was facing him…which allowed him the element of surprise. Grinning, he leaned forward, stretching his gloved fingers to lightly caress the petals of the rose you were about to snip off. 
“Oh, my apologies dear. My hand slipped!”
You glanced at him over your shoulder, emotionless [Eye Color] irises holding a steady gaze before turning away. “It’s all right. There are others that I can place at Sir Pentious’ memorial site.” You said, raising the shears to carefully cut another rose with a small snip. “Thank you for your concern.” 
The static around him buzzed, swelling in synchronization with his boiling anger towards you. “I see.” He hissed. “I am terribly sorry to disturb you.”
“It is all right.” Snip. “If there is nothing else, please allow me to finish this so that I can go on break. Niffty will not be happy if I am not out of here within ten minutes.” 
“I’m afraid we must discuss something, [First Name].” He pressed on, irritated at your uncharacteristic rudeness. “That is why I am here. So please turn around and look at me.”
You did. You placed the shears down, twisted your body around so that you looked at him straight in the eye. “Yes?” You said. “What do you need?”
He smiled, the static around him coming to a screeching halt and he was much calmer. Finally, He thought. You were looking at him, instead of avoiding his gaze. “I understand that since you have been cleared to return to work, you’ve been quite busy~! However! What I do not understand is why you have been ignoring me.” He leaned forward, feeling his eyes transform into radio dials. “You do not greet me as much as you have before, we haven’t had tea together, nor have we taken a stroll in Cannibal Colony~! So…why are you acting like I am a complete stranger to you?”
“Because I know the truth.”
Any and every thought he could have possibly said to her at this moment evaporated upon hearing your answer. “Pardon? I’m sorry but I didn’t catch that.” His voice leaked through the rising static. He felt his antlers grow, expanding past his ears with cr-crik, crick noises. Like the roots of a tree. 
“I know the truth. I know that you are angry over what happened in the war, how everyone saw you flee from your battle against Adam. I know you wish to unclip your wings and that you utterly despise me. So I am doing what you wish for. To maintain a professional relationship as the groundskeeper and the manager of the Hazbin Hotel. Our goal is to redeem sinners. There’s nothing beyond business between us.” You said with a calm and expressionless composure. “I went there that day, to the radio station. I had gone there to look for you, to make sure you were all right when I heard your words. But know this,” A sudden sheen of ice glazed over your eyes. “If you bring harm to Charlie or anyone in this hotel, I will kill you where you stand.” 
The last thread of patience in his psyche split in half. Before he could stop himself, Alastor pinned you against the ground, his hands on your shoulders and glaring at you, trying to intimate you with his true form, to scare you into silence as he had done with Husk…but you held your gaze. 
“It’s terrible manners to eavesdrop on someone, my dear.”
“And it isn’t wise to attack someone when you are not even at your full strength.” 
In a flash you immediately flipped him over, straddling his hips as you held down his wrists over his head with one hand. The other held a garden spade to his throat and he was burning. That was when he realized you weren’t wearing your gloves, thus the angelic steel is the reason why his skin is on fire. 
“Calm yourself, Alastor.” You said. “There is no reason to be angry when I am doing what you want me to do. Nor to act as you are doing right now. I advise you to take slow, deep breaths and count to five backwards.” 
“Release me.”
“Not until you have calmed down.” The way you replied so calmly, so…lifelessly, made Alastor angry. Angrier than he has felt in a long, long time. Not since his prey had escaped the forest and he did not get to eat them. Not since his mother died, leaving him alone in the world except for a drunken asshole who wasn’t worthy of being his father. Make these feelings stop NOW
“Come to my office in exactly twenty minutes for an evaluation about your conduct at work. Do not be late.”
That was the last thing he said to you before he sunk into the grass as an inky shadow, slithering back towards the greenhouse’s entrance towards his room. He couldn’t believe it. How could you have known everything? How could he not have sensed your presence? Was he that weak? No. No, he assumed he was alone and clearly he had not been. You were an anomaly. You were raised as a weapon; to spy, to kill, to search and destroy upon the command of your master. 
So why does it still bother him? Why does his head feel like it is about to split in half as he goes over the conversation over and over in his mind? Why is his heart falling into the pit of his stomach at remembering your promise to kill him if he harmed anyone here in the hotel? Why does he have this urge to know how you truly feel towards him? Do you still care for him? Do you love him?
In twenty minutes, he needed to know the truth…or else he would go insane.
What Alastor did not realize though, as he holed up himself in his quarters until the allotted time to meet with you, Husk had seen the whole thing from the door. 
He was going to drag you to lunch because Niffty had gotten pissed that you were skipping meals again…and thank fuck Alastor did not see him. Husk, the drunken gambler and former overlord, almost flew over to you with a worried look, grumbling under his breath. Once he saw that you were all right and did not have visible bruises or injuries courtesy of a certain someone, he grabbed you by the hand, leading out of the greenhouse. He was not going to let Alastor hurt you again.
He might be a dumbass, can’t fight worth shit…but you are important to him, and he’ll protect you even if it means putting himself in the line of fire again. 
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hyperiondickrider · 3 months
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Baby Bunny~
(Chapter 1)
Vox x Reader; Valentino x Reader; Alastor x Reader; maybe Lucifer x Reader
After your untimely death, Mr Vox was kind enough to take you in and give you a job as his assistant. However, it appears that you’ve caught the eyes of few other demons, who are certainly not afraid of a little competition…
Frankly, Vox was a stressed out man.
Endless meetings to attend, scripts to review, and catastrophes to clean up; very little could consistently relax the poor man. Luckily, one of these particular vices just happened to be readily available; you.
Oh, how he loved to watch you flit around his offices, big floppy ears twitching with concentration, large brown eyes peering up at him, searching for approval and validation. It almost made him feel guilty, the way you obeyed his every beck and call.
Regardless, your presence had become a somewhat comforting one in his workplace, ever since you had the unfortunate fall from earth following your untimely death. Your loyalty to the overlord only made sense, given his boundless generosity towards you, providing you with a job as his personal assistant, as well as a small flat inside his studio.
Thus, when he discovered that Valentino had decided to send you on an ‘errand’, he was less than pleased. Of course, you with your unbridled kindness and timidity couldn’t even think of refusing such a request, despite the sex maniac holding no legitimate power over you. So, off you went, suddenly feeling rather exposed in your open white blouse and tight leather skirt (a favourite outfit of Mr Vox), as you wandered through Pentagram City, glancing back occasionally at the directions that Mr Valentino had so graciously provided.
All of a sudden, you feel yourself slam into something, or more aptly, someone. Your nose begins to twitch in fear of the consequences, knowing full well the cruelty of the sinner residing in the area. Peering up at the stranger with teary eyes, you mumble an apology, and pull yourself back up on shaky legs.
“Not to worry, my dear! Accidents happen, of course! Although, you really should watch where you are walking, darling.”
The static in his voice, almost tangible, sends shivers down your spine, his glowing eyes intensely staring into your own, as if to bear witness to your very soul.
“How rude of me, I neglected to introduce myself. I’m Alastor, darling, the Radio Demon.”
The man, Alastor, extends a hand to greet you, but the mention of his title causes you to freeze, and flinch away in fear. The demon’s smile strains in reaction, appearing confused and mildly offended.
“T-the Radio Demon? M-Mr Vox said I’m not allowed to speak to you..”
Alastor’s grin tightens at this comment, his snarl baring gums, yet he chooses to feign ignorance.
“My dear, it’s impolite to not return a greeting.”
Due to the mild threat in his tone, you reluctantly tell him your name, your bunny ears twitching in fear, as you look up at him.
“Now, my dear bunny, wherever were you off to on this fine morning?”
“Mr Valentino w-wanted me to s-speak to Angel Dust about his s-supposedly ‘poor work ethic’. S-so, I was h-hoping to find him at the Hazbin Hotel..” you trail off, unsure of how much information you could safely disclose.
But Alastor’s grin only brightens at the news.
“Well, my dear, you’re in luck! I was just about to head over there myself!” With that, he pulls you closer to him, evoking a surprised yelp from you, and wraps his arm tightly around your waist, setting off at a brisk pace.
Alastor hums a jolly tune, seemingly ignorant to your struggles in keeping up with his quick pace, almost being dragged along. Finally, once you had reached your destination, he finally releases you, this time choosing to grab you by your arm. But, for some reason, he chooses to spare a moment, and look you over.
You stood a fair bit shorter than him, having to crane your neck to meet his eyes, but furthermore you were simply trembling with fear. Your nose was twitching, your floppy ears fluttering with anxiety, and your doe eyes refusing to meet his gaze.
You truly were just adorable. Oh, he was going to have fun breaking you.
And with that, he flung open the hotel doors, the action catching you off guard, as you jump again.
“Awfully jumpy today, my dear? Why, is everything alright?” He asks with a condescending grin.
“Just peachy, Mr Alastor.” You manage to mumble out a reply, starting to overcome your fear of the radio demon.
“Now, now, you mustn’t lie, my darling. But, trust me, you have nothing to fear here.” He draws you closer again, his clawed hand playing with your hair, as you looked up with a tight frown. Once he got bored of your lack of reaction, he decided to switch his focus, petting your bunny ears. This action caught you off guard, their sensitivity causing you to whimper, bringing a hand to your mouth to stifle your noises. Alastor’s grin grew ever wider, finding a new way to push your buttons. He increases pressure on his ministrations, causing you to yelp as your jelly legs gave out and you collapsed against his chest. He finally relents in favour of hoisting you back up onto your shaky legs and wobbly knees, forcing a whine from you at the loss of contact. He chuckles darkly at your compliance, your passive nature truly pleasing him. Perhaps he should keep you around; that truly would annoy Vox… but that’s a thought for another day. For now, he needed to build trust in you.
“Toots? What are ya doin here, cutie?”
Angel’s New York drawl fills the room, his voice full of concern.
“M-Mr Val sent me, Angie. Please, I-I don’t want you to get hurt…” your eyes well up at the thought of poor Angel’s contract, as he rushes over to hold you.
“I just came to warn you, Angie. Mr Val isn’t pleased. He’s mad at you, and he’s gonna make it hard for you. P-please, Angie, come back, for your own sake. I miss you…” you trail off, sniffling.
“I know ya do cutie, and it’s ok that big V’s mad at me. I can take it, sugar. But, toots, what about you? Does Vox know ya here? He’s gon be real mad that you been hanging with smiles over there.” Angel rebukes you, concerned for your own wellbeing.
“M-Mr Val said he’d tell Me Vox that he’d sent me on an errand for him, so I think I’ll be fine…”
“Sure, toots, whateva ya say.” He pulled you in for a tight hug, as you buried your head in his chest fluff.
Angel seemed a lot happier now. You were glad that he had begun to escape Mr Val’s clutches.
“Angel, who’s this?” A chipper voice interrupted your thought, as you were greeted by a tall blonde girl, who seemed ecstatic to see you.
“Charlie, this is Y/N. She’s Vox’s assistant and just came ta check up on me. Y/N, this is Princess Charlie Morningstar; she runs this shitty hotel where I’m stayin.”
Suddenly aware that you were in front of Royalty, you bowed nervously and squeaked out a greeting. Your timidness was met with aws and statements of your cuteness, causing your face to darken slightly out of embarrassment.
“Well isn’t she just adorable! Now my dear friends and guests, I believe I should be escorting our dear bunny back to her workplace. After all, we wouldn’t want your boss to worry about, would we? “
You gulped at Alastor’s words, nodding your head vigorously, as he once again, grabbed you by the arm and began marching away.
“See ya, cutie! Come visit sometime!” Angel yelled as you left.
“Bye-bye, Angie! I’ll definitely come see you again!”
And with that, you set off towards the entertainment district.
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vikkirosko · 4 months
Can you please do a imagine about zestial with a fallen angel! Reader? And how they meet, please and thank you ☺️
can i be 🪼 anon pleasee
Of course, welcome 🪼anon! And thanks for the first request about Zestial!
🕸 Zestial x Reader headcanons Fallen angel ☕️
Your acquaintance with Zestial happened many years ago, when he was a very young overlord. During the extermination, he saw an angel who was going to kill several sinners, but for some reason did not do it. Zestial saw how you paid for your mercy with your wings and were seriously injured by another angel. He understood that you would die, so he decided to show you the same mercy and saved you. He was the only one who knew about your true nature. The gates to Heaven were now closed to you, but you did not regret what you had done. Zestial understood that having a fallen angel on hand could be useful, so you entered into an unspoken agreement to help each other
You have worked together for many years, being at first just business partners, then friends, and then the friendship grew into something more, something that neither he nor you expected. You've become a couple. You helped him hold power in his part of the city. Your knowledge of angels and their fighting style helped Zestial survive successfully year after year, and quite often you got into a fight with your former comrades who left you for dead. Every year you had new ways to spend your time, but over time, one of your favorite pastimes became drinking tea together in a quiet and peaceful atmosphere
You often accompanied him during the meeting of the lords. Carmilla knew you well and respected you, just as you respected her. She and her daughters were the only ones besides Zestial to whom you told about being a fallen angel. It was a sign of your trust in them. Usually, during the meetings of the lords, you sat next to Zestial and remained silent, but when Velvette began to show disrespect towards him, you were ready to intervene, attack her, but Zestial stopped you. No one saw how he gently took your hand, calming you down and as if showing that Velvette was not the one you had to waste your nerves on
The closer the day got when the angels would descend into Hell again, the more worried you were. You directly told Zestial that you want to help the princess of Hell, because your knowledge can help her and her friends in battle. You were ready to fight yourself. Zestial understood your zeal and was not going to stop you, but he hoped that you would put your own safety above the desire to take revenge on the angels. Zestial loved you and didn't want to lose you in a battle he wasn't involved in
On the day of the battle, you stayed with Zestial. He felt safer knowing that you were safe, and you decided that your present was more important to you than the distant past. You didn't want to leave your beloved sinner alone, especially if your separation would be eternal
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libraryraccoon · 4 months
The Demon Of Cancellations : The Demon Of Radio
P1 -> P2 -> P3 (here)
TW : English isn't my first language, bad english.
Gender of the Reader : Male/GN
Pronouns used : He/They
Info : It's the last part of "The Demon Of Cancellations", short.
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Alastor decided to go meet the Demon Of Cancellations a little before Charlie and Vaggie.
Why ? For cancelling his own contract he made with 7B(- of course !
-An error have been made. Please try again.
He wanted to know if a demon like them can or not break a contract made by a very powerful, more powerful than him, demon.
I mean, they can canceled the contract Husk made with him, an overlord, so there no reason that they can’t cancel his contract.. Right ?
The Demon Of Cancellations was a good demon, Alastor decided.
They were nice and had a pretty good style, if he is honest. They even made tea for his coming ! An Earl Gray in addition !
How did they know that Alastor was going to come ? Well, he asked them the question.
“Honestly ? That was pretty obvious. I canceled the contract you made with Husk, it was only logic that you will come for talking about it.” Answer the demon. “Or that you will come for cancelling your own contract.”
Smart and that go straight to the point. They were very professional for a demon that is in hell for only a few months.
“How do you know I passed a contract ?” ask Alastor curiously.
Husk didn’t seems to have tell them that Alastor passed a contract with 8°è_, so that mean they found it alone.
-An error have been made. Please try again later.
“Well, it was obvious. After all, how a demon that just arrived in hell can make all this noise, all these murders, if he hadn’t made a contract with someone really strong and high ?” ask the young demon.
And they were right.
It was impressive to see a young demon understand that before they meet him, when none of the old demons understood it without him saying it.
Interesting, indeed.
“Well, can you cancel it ?” ask Alastor, giving the money to the demon in front of him.
"Of course." said the demon with a laugh, the Alastor’ contract with 9V+\ appearing before disappearing when they touch it, cancelling it.
-An error have been made. Please don’t try again.
Alastor could feel his soul being free again, after all that years, and all his power being finally back.
“With 0]^# ? Oh Lucifer, I will have problems, don’t I ?” said The Demon Of Cancellations.
-An error have been made. Please never try again.
“Don’t worry. If something happens, I will protect you. After all, I can’t let my new entertainment dying !” said Alastor amused.
Y/N think he made a friend. Alastor.
He was his first friend in hell.
It feels... Good.
They should do that more often, taking the tea together.
When Vaggie and Charlie enter in the office, they was surprised to see The Demon Of Cancellations and Alastor talking like two olds friends with tea.
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psuedosugu · 5 months
OMG your Vox with a pop star darling was perf!! Can you please do one where Vox starts to fall in love with his assistant who’s an imp?? At first he’d be in major denial because of the class differences but he’s just subconsciously SUPER doting towards her. Pen out of ink? Guess he'll just have to buy a brand new pack for her! Forgot her lunch? Obviously he'll just give her his!! Sorry if it's long :((((
thank youuu !! this idea is so interesting and no, its definitely not too long, i personally like longer asks better tbh !!
cw: stalking, manipulation, and things of the sort
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
✶𓏲ּ꩜ .ᐟ || you had always stood out to vox as one of his assistants the whole time u had worked for him.
✶𓏲ּ꩜ .ᐟ || at first he didn’t recognize his feelings as romantic.
✶𓏲ּ꩜ .ᐟ || you were a really good assistant. you were organized and always knew what to do, plus you knew how to handle his outbursts
✶𓏲ּ꩜ .ᐟ || he appreciated you and thats all…right?
✶𓏲ּ꩜ .ᐟ || it was the little things that made him realize what his feelings really were.
✶𓏲ּ꩜ .ᐟ || the way your nose scrunches up when you laugh, the way ur eyes glimmer when you’re given something to do, things like that.
✶𓏲ּ꩜ .ᐟ || you were such a delicate thing.
✶𓏲ּ꩜ .ᐟ || once he realized, he tried to deny it all he could.
✶𓏲ּ꩜ .ᐟ || his brain was at war with his heart. you were an imp. he was an overlord! things could never work out with you two..or could they?
✶𓏲ּ꩜ .ᐟ || its not like there were any written rules on it, plus he could use this power imbalance to his benefit.
✶𓏲ּ꩜ .ᐟ || vox favored you over all of his other workers and assistants, everyone could tell, even you.
✶𓏲ּ꩜ .ᐟ || you were naive, thinking that it was a sign to keep going, to work harder to get more of his approval.
✶𓏲ּ꩜ .ᐟ || at first it was just him being visibly nicer to you than he is with others but then things started to escalate
✶𓏲ּ꩜ .ᐟ || getting paid significantly more, longer breaks and more vacation days,
✶𓏲ּ꩜ .ᐟ || he even started buying you things, wether it be lunch, more office supplies, the latest tech (which he definitely didn’t use to spy on you), expensive jewelry, anything and everything you’d ever need.
✶𓏲ּ꩜ .ᐟ || you tried to decline them, you didn’t need all this, but he refused to take them back. you were his favorite assistant, after all!
✶𓏲ּ꩜ .ᐟ || he also threw flirty quips at you from time to time which confused you to no end.
✶𓏲ּ꩜ .ᐟ || he felt a pang of jealousy in his chest whenever he spied on you calling or texting other people (he could definitely look through your phone, texts, and calls)
✶𓏲ּ꩜ .ᐟ || he wanted you all to himself! you didn’t need anyone else.
✶𓏲ּ꩜ .ᐟ || he’ll probably ask you to move into the building with him, “-so you can work more efficiently!” he says.
✶𓏲ּ꩜ .ᐟ || if you said yes, you two would live “happily ever after”. he would coerce you into a situationship of some sorts. not an actual relationship, though, do you know what that would do for his image?
✶𓏲ּ꩜ .ᐟ || he would keep you close, though, close enough to the point where you wouldn’t want to leave.
✶𓏲ּ꩜ .ᐟ || if you said no, though, or showed any sign of leaving, oh, that just wouldn’t do.
✶𓏲ּ꩜ .ᐟ || what do you mean you wanna quit? he makes you uncomfortable? just calm down for a second, look into his eyes for a bit…and there! see, its fine, everything is fine.
✶𓏲ּ꩜ .ᐟ || and you don’t have the strength to refuse.
✶𓏲ּ꩜ .ᐟ || you spend the next few days in a hazy blur. you want to stay. you want to stay? vox does feel slightly guilty, hypnotizing you into staying, but he has no choice. you’re his, and you need to be protected! what if something happens to you?
✶𓏲ּ꩜ .ᐟ || he stays doting over you, making sure you’re okay and stuff, he really is trying his best to make this comfortable for you, so pleasee don’t make this harder for him.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
i do requests!
check out my masterlist!
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campbell-rose · 7 months
Alastor Redesign
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Omg there’s like over 70 people following me – guys I'm o///O flattered and flabbergasted. 
Anyway, onto today’s main event, Alastor. I hate Alastor’s og design, I hate his twig waist and his shoulder pads and the way you can’t see his antlers next to his ears, and his bow tie ugh viv please and his HAIR what even is that??? Not even mentioning that nothing about his design is really like a focal point. There’s no one thing that’s particularly interesting. At least before this he had that cathedral window looking cross on his undershirt that I found interesting. Nothing about his says he’s from the 1930’s other than dialogue. 
I wanted him to be in greyscale because that’s the coolest aesthetic, and colored photos weren’t a thing until way after the 30s. Recently I saw jjk, and Jogo’s teeth threw me because at some points I thought he was just straight up toothless. But then when I started this design, that colored tooth look spoke to me. Initially his teeth were yellow to look gross like he never brushes them, but then I was like ‘ayo wait, he’s literally a cannibal’, thus his vibrant red teeth to really pop against his greyscale. Initially his undershirt was white, but I feel like that was too much contrast and white is typically innocence, so by instead having a deep red it shows he’s just straight up bloodthirsty underneath his formal appearance. I also considered it being black, but then he looked like a pastor, and I wasn’t too much of a fan of it. The idea of the red on his design is that it leads your eye down his design to take it all in, with his face being the focus. I gave him glasses because I like the way it obscures his eyes a bit and I imagine they do the anime thing where they glow and hide his eyes. I liked Viv’s idea of sinners having marks where they died, and I slicked his hair back to show it off very prominently. His antlers are larger, I gave him cute lil deer ears. Also, under his suit he is lowkey buff. I feel like a serial killer should at least look physically capable of taking someone down not whatever the fuck viv’s nasty twig men can do. Like, in that comic with the cute sheep girl, when Alastor goes demon mode his body looks so snappable I just wanna like grab his waist in my hands and break it like a twig. I also tried to keep his design simple as if this were for animation, I know pinstripes are complicated and so are antlers but other than that I tried to keep his design basic. 
If I were to rewrite him based solely on the pilot, I honestly wouldn’t change a thing. Alastor is a decent character, his voice actor gives him life, the radio filter is cool, and nothing he did made me want to break my screen (ANGELDUST). The only thing I'd change would be his position in hell. Like, viv’s hell is so wack and I hate it, she’s got the princes, then the goetia and the overlords and then sinners and blah blah, it’s a lot to keep track of, not even mentioning the rings and circles thing. I think Alastor should have had dealings with hell as a human, maybe he routinely did sacrifices or something, and he made a deal with the archdemon Alastor and when he died like... uuhhhhhhh. Maybe through connections he’s gained more power? Idk, I just know I hate the idea of his dying and then having like the bestest most powerful demon powers despite not being hellborn. It’s got this mary sue stench. I’ll figure it out, maybe, who knows. 
I’m not gonna start rewriting since there’s nothing to go off of and alter yet, so that’s gonna have to wait until the show actually drops before anything concrete happens lol. 
Also the sheep girl is a sinner that reoccurs in the show now so sorry I don’t make the rules, you can’t give me a cute sheep girl and try to take her away, I’m gonna redesign her and shove her into the plot as someone looking for redemption at the hotel
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sockmeat · 6 months
Hello! I really like your blog and if i may ask for an Alastor x Lollipop overlord reader? Like reader doesn't look like a demon at all, she's cute, small, looks like a walking cotton candy, she's sweet to everyone and eat sweets. But she is dangerous like she has her dark side. Pretty please and thank you! <3
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
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𝐅𝐄𝐌 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 --  𝑨 𝑳𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒑𝒐𝒑!𝑶𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒍𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝑺/𝑶 (𝑯𝒂𝒛𝒃𝒊𝒏 𝑯𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒍)
(𝐰𝐜): 685
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: You, a suspiciously cheerful overlord, catch Alastor's eye and fate takes control of your relationship.
(𝐀/𝐍): I mainly focused on the build-up to the relationship since I can't think of anything outside of my romantic hcs :PPP
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠(𝐬): None
♡ Alastor first saw you as an enemy–a strong one, at that.
♡ You were an overlord, yet you were so sweet and innocent and loved to make people smile, just as he did.
♡ You intrigued him, but he knew better than to take your demeanor as a weakness. He would be stupid to. He knew that no matter how cute and welcoming you seemed, you must’ve done something truly monstrous to get the power you have.
♡ And Alastor found it riveting.
♡  He wanted to know what exactly you were hiding underneath all that candy.
♡ So, he approached you. He expected you to be threatened like any other overlord would be, especially considering his unforgiving reputation, but you were oddly welcoming.
♡ He decided he would meet you within your territory so if a fight were to break out, none of his would be broken.
♡ You weren’t hard for him to find. You were skipping down the streets, leaving a messy trail of cotton candy, lollipops, and sugar-stricken demons.
♡  Alastor greeted you and you didn’t seem all that surprised to see him there.
♡ The two of you made pleasant conversation while the demons around you avoided him like the plague.
♡  Alastor found himself enjoying your company more than he thought he would.
♡  Your carefree attitude was a nice breath of fresh air for him. Usually, people were either aggressive or timid around him, but demons were rarely chipper like you were.
♡ He was so captivated by you, he would often make excuses just for him to spend more time with you.
♡ Originally, he just wanted to observe you–how you operated normally and how you would react when you had an obstacle (that he was often the cause of.)
♡ However, his original plans crumbled when he started to fall for you.
♡ Alastor knew you liked him as well; you were much clumsier and nervous when he was around, something he knew only happened when you were with him because he’s been watching you for so long.
♡ He didn’t confess to you immediately.
♡ He instead chose to tease you, make you flustered and ensure that you really were attracted to him.
♡ He would stay unnecessarily close to you so he could lean down into your face whenever he pleased, give you gifts like sweets (he insists he just found it and hates sweets, but the wrapping is too pristine for road candy,) and insinuate that you two are together and deny it whenever you question him.
♡ Alastor is confident that you’ll be his, so he has no problem letting the chase drag on a little.
♡ You’re actually the one to crack and confess.
♡ While you were helping Alastor cook dinner for everyone, he teased you through lingering touches.
♡ He assigned you to cut the vegetables, chastised you for doing them wrong, then brought you to his chest and put his hands over yours to “show you how it’s done.”
♡ He regularly offered you samples of the food, keeping eye contact while he fed you and asked how you liked it while you were stuttering over your words.
♡ The final straw was when he told you not to get too close to the food or else you’d make it too sweet.
♡ You blurted out your confession before you could think and flushed when you saw his smile widen.
♡ He was very smooth with asking you out–you barely registered that he had actually asked you out before he finished serving dinner and called for everyone to eat.
♡ For your first date, he took you out for dinner where he reserved the entire restaurant for you two.
♡ Your dynamic hadn’t changed much from when you two were just pining.
♡ The only difference was Alastor could actually kiss you now, but he still doesn’t enjoy PDA much, so most people barely notice the change.
♡ You two are partners in crime with a good-cop bad-cop dynamic and strike fear into the citizens of Hell.
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
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bunnypeew · 4 months
Hey sweetie, just read that you're taking requests, so I thought I might toss one your way.
How about an Female reader x Alastor x Lucifer, both demons sorta fighting for her, but she doesn't decide for either of them. Alastor was a friend of hers when she was alive, and Luci is a real charm xD so they agree to share 😏 if ya know what I mean hehe please NSFW if you can. Lots of shadow play since Alastor doesn't like sex too much.
Thank you 🥰
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Sharing is caring - Lucifer x fem!reader x Alastor NSFW
warnings: NSFW, MDNI pls thank you, cunnilingus, shadow play, voyeurism, cumming inside
''you are just being a prick!,,
Lucifer shouted at Alastor while they were both waiting for Y/n to come out for them all to hang out. It had been a while since both of them kinda courted her and were always around her in some way, whether it was physically or just Alastor's shadows following her around making sure she was safe. She loved it, without any lies, one of the most powerful overlords in his time and the literal king of hell, like come on!
''And you are being an annoyance,,
Alastor scoffs at his nails, not interested in what Short Stack is saying. It wasn't until she came out of the door, that sleepiness on her face, her hair all messed up and her shirt hanging barely on her shoulders. She was a sight to be seen for both of them
''sorry guys I completely forgot about our outing today so I slept in,,
she says yawning and stretching he arms upwards, letting the fabric get lifted up by her boobs, exposing her panties and belly. At this, both men were petrified, both for different reasons. Alastor composed himself gripping his cane and giving her a warm smile
''why hello there darling! you seem to be a bit exposed there, care for me to help you out?,,
he says walking towards Y/n and putting a hand on the nook of her back, now looking at Lucifer with a challenging smile, this makes his blood boil making him get near her as well trying to pull her away from Alastor only for him to grab her waist stopping Lucifer from moving her at all. Y/n notices this and sighs
''you guys need to come to some sort of understanding because I'm not making that choice for you,,
she speaks, making them both turn their attention to her instead of their bickering. This makes them think for a little while, they did think of something but both of them didn't really like that outcome, but at this point, they really had no choice but to agree with one another. They look at each other, giving a nod then turn their attention fully to Y/n
''how about, we go back to your room darling, the three of us,,
Lucifer says putting a hand on her waist and getting closer to her face all at once, this time not to make Alastor jealous but to just grab her attention while Al works behind her. From the nod they had before they both agreed that they wanted her, maybe in different ways but they both wanted to make her feel good. Alastor shadow was put underneath her, moving away her panties, this made her gasp making her close her legs in an instant and turn around to look at the culprit. All Alastor had to show was a wide smirk and the bulge from his pants prominent, all three of them knew that he wasn't one for sex but to please his sweetheart he would do all he could without being touched, even if just standing and watching Lucifer take the lead, so that's what happened. They went to the bed in her bedroom, Luci smacking her onto it and getting on top of her, while Al sat down in a chair near them stroking his pants.
This took Y/n by surprise because they never did something for all three of them, it was mostly Lucifer with whom she had sex, Alastor usually didn't opt for this kinda of stuff but today was a first. Lucifer got in between her legs, the panties already moved off her cunt so this gave ease of access to his tongue to slip in, this made her gasp and grab the sheets on the bed. In the meantime, Alastor had pulled his cock out and started jerking it slowly with one hand while the other hand was controlling the shadows to which he made go to Y/n body to play with her, mostly her boobs. Whimpers could be heard from her, suffocated a little since she was getting shy by Alastor looking at her with a lustful look in his eyes, his permanent smile still there, just softer. One of his tentacles with into her mouth making her gasp and moan out loud
''I think both of us want to hear you dearest,,
Alastor speaks and chuckles when he can finally hear his sweetheart in all her glory, in the meantime, lucifer on sucking and licking on her cunt making her whimper and moan even more. He knew exactly what he was doing, eating her out was one of his specialities, after all, he loved to make her feel good. Soon after he stopped, letting his cock come out of his pants to then slam into her right away with one thrust, the tentacle out of her mouth and now around her neck giving her the possibility to speak
''Luci.. holy shit,,
she is able to mutter in between moans, with Lucifer picking up his pace, and Alastor does as well. They both went on until they reached their climax, Alastor finishing in his hand while Lucifer finished inside of Y/n, her legs quivering the same as her cum filled cunt.
They could say they were gonna share you like this more often from now on.
a/n: GOD I LOVE THEM SO MUCH IM SO GLAD I GOT TO WRITE THIS!!!! I hope it satisfied your request and thank you so much for the ask :3c @christineblood
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alice-after-dark · 2 months
Vox & Alastor's Portrayal of Power
Vox and Alastor handle their public and power very differently. Alastor wants to inspire fear. Vox, however, wants adoration. Yes, of course he wants people to respect his power, but his ultimate drive is for the public to love and admire him. And so he must tailor his image to please them whereas Alastor tailors his image to terrify.
Like, for contrast, when Alastor is walking down the street having his chat with Zestial, we see sinners literally lighting themselves on fire out of fear. That's how terrified the public is of these two. They would rather set themselves on fire than risk whatever they might do to them.
We see the polar opposite with Vox.
When Vox comes out of his elevator, there is a massive crowd of people ready and practically salivating to talk to him. They don't run. They don't lose their minds at his arrival. They bend over backwards to try and get close to him. And Vox loves every second of it. He slaps on his public persona and does what he does best: put on a show. His slogan is literally "Trust Us."
Now, I'm absolutely certain that Vox has publicly displayed his power on several occasions (can't have people forgetting that he is in fact a powerful Overlord), but I guarantee you that all of these incidents have been carefully calculated for his image. He can't just go off on some random bystander for looking at him the wrong way (like Valentino would). He probably waits for some blatant show of disrespect and then very quickly and efficiently puts them in their place. It's not a big dramatic show like Alastor or a mindless rampage like Valentino. It's swift, it's clean, and it's terrifying. But because he doesn't lose his shit at every little thing, it still leaves him approachable.
Arguably, he is the most personable and approachable of the Vees and he likes it that way. Valentino is charming when he wants/needs to be, but also volatile and hostile and easily enraged when things don't go his way. Velvette...well, she's more likely to just ignore you entirely but that's her brand, she is that #bitch after all (which Vox will gladly take over a public tantrum; besides, it means when she does engage, it's all the more impactful). With Vox, however, people hang on his every word and opinion and flock to him when something big happens (look at how sinners specifically cared about his opinion regarding the shifted Extermination deadline). His image is everything and controlling that image is his top priority because it's how he controls the public.
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urfavlarry · 4 months
Hi, I love your Husk work as an overlord. Could I please request a husker x reader when he lost the game to Alastor. Short time after Reader becomes the Cashio Overlord that runs on the cashios that once owned by Husker. One day, the reader came by to see Husk at the hotel. Please and thank you
A/N: im not sure if i understood this well but i hope i wrote it well enough for you to enjoy! also sorry it took so long for me to write i was a bit busy but here it is<33 (and also reader doesn’t know about Husk at first :3 )
warnings: swearing,alcohol,bad grammar,mentions of death and bl00d
genre: angst??? and some fluff
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——————————Flashback ——————————
You walk to your local bar, you and some guy you met online through a dating app were supposed to meet up there and get to know each other more. You liked the guy, he was nice and showed genuine interest in you, something guys didn’t really do that often. You put effort in dressing up today, wearing your best pair of clothes you had and fixing up your hair and just make yourself over all look presentable. “This guy better not ditch me.” You tell yourself as you look at the time; 7:02pm. You were supposed to meet up at 7 and he was late. “Not the best first impression.” You sigh when you suddenly hear someone yelling your name.
“Y/N! Hey it’s me the guy you have been talking to for the past few months? I’m so sorry I was stuck in traffic and I would’ve called but I just didn’t really think about it in that moment.” He says rubbing his neck nervously and smiles awkwardly. You smile at him and chuckle; “Don’t worry about it! Now let’s go have some fun!” You say excitedly and pull him to the bar.
The bar was fairly crowded, something you were expecting since it’s a pretty popular one at that. You order some drinks and take a seat in the corner of a bar. It was loud but you still managed to talk and drink the night away! You drank a bit too much that night and your head started to pound and the last thing you remembered was getting pulled into an alley by the guy and a sharp pain in your chest and blood on your hands.
————————End of Flashback ————————
After you fell down to hell you quickly realized your situation and tried your best to not get in anyones way. You kept a low profile and kept your guard up just in case. You come across a casino, an abandoned one at that. You go inside and look at yourself in one of the broken mirrors on the floor. You had poker card symbols under your eyes and on your fingers. Your eyes widen at the sight, you were still wearing the same thing from last night it’s just that you have a big X on your chest. “That motherfucker killed me.” You say in disbelief, anger slowly bubbling up in you.
That day you went on a rampage. Finding an abandoned angelic spear somewhere in the bar and went fucking nuts. You swore you killed at least a good 250 demons and you kinda discovered some powers. “Cool.” You said and smirked. People had been recording you and posting about you online, calling you the “Soul gambler”, whatever that means. You slowly learned you killed 2 overlords during your little rampage and they weren’t even some random overlords, they were “heavy hitters” as people liked to call them. People started to fear you, making out the events that happened into something 10x worse. People didn’t bother looking your way anymore, wanting to light themselves on fire rather than to look at you.
You renewed the casinos around hell and gained massive amount of territory. People would visit the casinos frequently, it sort of reminded you of the casino from back when you were alive. Many people applied for the job since almost all of the jobs were taken because of hells overpopulation problem. Some old workers that worked at the casino before you renewed them and claimed them as your own started coming in, you hiring them of course since they had experience. You quickly learned there was an Overlord similar to you a few years ago. Unfortunately he lost his power and you learned from a commercial that he is now working at a hotel, Hazbin Hotel to be exact.
You decided to go and visit the hotel one day, wanting to have a chat with the old Overlord. You make yourself look presentable, wanting to look your best since you have a reputation to uphold. You walk to the hotel, people walking by screaming or just run into near by building, “Charming.” You think sarcastically and keep walking to the hotel.
You get to the hotel and look up at it, taking in its looks. It didn’t look half bad but it could use some renovation. You walk up the hill and brush yourself off one last time and knock on the big doors. There was silence for a few minutes then you heard commotion and a quiet “coming” from behind the closed doors. You wait patiently and hear the door open, seeing the one and only princess of hell. You go to speak but the door shuts right in your face; “Well that was.. something?” You think to yourself raising a brow in the process. The door opens once again, but this time by the radio demon himself, a fellow Overlord you quite liked. He didn’t try bothering you at all since you arrived in hell a few years ago and you appreciated that. “Salutations dear! It’s a pleasure finally meeting you! Quite a pleasure! Come on now, don’t just stand there. Come in!” He says stepping aside to let you in. You smile softly at him and thank him, walking into the lobby of the hotel when you suddenly stop dead in your tracks because a spear is suddenly pointed in your face. You smile, summoning your own spear and point it to the girls neck; “I wouldn’t try that if I were you. I’m not an Overlord for nothing.” The girl mumbles something in spanish and walks away, putting her spear away. You sigh and look at the princess of hell. “Well if you guys finished trying to assassinate me, let me introduce myself.” You say and look at everyone’s expressions. You smirk and continue; “My name is Y/N, maybe you know me by “Soul gambler” ,I mean uh whatever that means.” You shrug and hear a slight chuckle from Alastor and a pink spider demon, you believe his name was Angel Dust, a porn star from Valentinos studio. Poor guy was probably tricked into signing a contract with him.
“Well, I came here to ask about an Overlord that was similair to me. He owned the casinos I now own and I heard he was residing here now?” You say calmly, hoping you can to the right place. You hear slight radio static increase but choose to ignore it. Charlie shrugs, saying she doesn’t know of any Overlord being here other than Alastor, but that she hopes you will stay for a bit to see what the hotel is like. You nod in agreement and walk to the spider fellow since he was the only one that looked approachable. You talk for a bit when he suddenly says; “So um I kinda know something about the Overlord you’re looking for.” He says grabbing your full attention.
“The Overlord you’re talking about, it’s that bartender over there. You can try talking to him but I won’t guarantee that he won’t push you away.” He says lowering his tone and grabs you back the shoulder to bring you closer. You nod looking over to the bar where a grumpy cat demon sat, drinking some cheap booze. Angel pushes you towards him, giving you a thumbs up before walking away. You glare slightly but take a deep breath and walk towards the bar. His ears perk up at the sudden footsteps and looks your way, sending you slight glare; “If you’re here to make deals with me you can turn right back around and leave me the hell alone.” He says in an annoyed tone and turns around, his back facing you. You look at him and glare slightly; “What is it with you people and interrupting me all of the time? Like jeez let me fucking speak!” You say rolling your eyes and continue; “I don’t know what shit you hears about me but I can assure you that I didn’t come here to make a deal with you. I just want to talk.” You say sighing, hoping for an answer from the cat demon.
“Whatever let’s just get this over with, what is it?” He says rolling his eyes. You look around and say in a hushed tone; “Do you happen to know anything about the old Overlord that used to own the casinos I own now?” You say and hope you get the truth out of the grumpy ass cat. He looks back at you and curses Angel under his breath, an angered look on his face; “Cut the shit I know you know it was me. What do you want?” He says going closer to the counter where you were sitting opposite to him. You sigh; “I don’t want to cause any harm, really just a friendly chat. Share experiences you know? Since we’re both kind of similar..?” He looks back at you in disbelief and contemplates what to say. He sighs and pulls out two shot glasses, pouring you one and nods for you to continue. “Sooo..” “Husk. The name is Husk.” You smile, asking away and share your experience as on overlord with him. He asks some questions himself, wondering how the casino is doing or if anyone decided to come back there to work. You chat for the rest of the day, others looking at you in awe as they’ve never seen Husk open up to anyone.
After a while you get a bit drunk, talking the poor cat’s ear off. He smiles, listening to your stories, commenting on them here and there. After a bit you decide you had enough for the day and that you should get home. Charlie quickly offered you a room for the night, free of charge so you gladly accepted. “Husk go ahead and show them to their room please? I have something important to do!” Charlie yells before running off to who knows where.
Husk sighs but links your arms and walks you to your room. “Don’t forget to drink some water.. You know so you don’t throw up in the morning.” He says and walks off to his own room. You look at his figure disappearing in the dark of the hallway and enter your room. It was spacious and really nice for a hotel in hell.
You lay down in the bed, kicking your shoes off and hum in satisfaction, falling asleep just after a few seconds of resting on the comfortable bed. The next day you wake up, a slight headache but nothing pain killers couldn’t fix. You stretch and go to the bathroom, taking off your clothes and take a quick shower. You saw a new pair of clothes in the bathroom and a little note left by Charlie. You smile and take the clothes, putting them on. It wasn’t anything fancy but you liked it. You put on your shoes and fold your dirty clothes neatly on the bed and decide to head down to the lobby. It was around 9:30 ish when you went out so you hoped someone was awake. You head down and to your surprise see that everyone is awake. “Good morning sleepy head! You sure slept for quite some time!” Alastor chirped and grins at you, waving for you to come over.
You sit down next to Alastor, Charlie and Vaggie making breakfast. “So I saw you talking to Husk last night~” He smirks slightly. You roll your eyes knowing Alastor and Rosie like to gossip, usually during the meeting Carmilla holds once in a while. “Yeah? It was just a friendly chat. Sinner to sinner.” You shrug and sip on the coffe Charlie brought with the breakfast. Alastor raises a brow but shrugs and walks off.
You see the car demon from afar. Already sitting at the counter and drinking booze. You smirk and walk over with your coffee in hand and sit down at the bar; “Ain’t it a bit too soon for you to be drinking?” You tease and eye him and the booze in his hand. He chuckles lowly and smirks; “Once an alcoholic, always an alcoholic darling, it’s just the way it is.” He says and shrugs his shoulders, taking another swing of his booze. “Sleep well? You seemed pretty drunk last night.” He says and eyes your figure. You smile and say; “I’m fine, I handle my alcohol pretty well just a slight headache.” You take the last sip of your coffee and place the mug down.
You look at Husk who seems to be thinking about something before he suddenly speak up; “Maybe we could repeat last night another time? Maybe you could show me what you did with my poor casino?” He teases and smirks. You fake gasp and hold your chest where your sadly dead heart is. “Oh I would bet my soul that my version of the casino is so much better than yours was.”
“We’ll see about that Doll~”
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colourstreakgryffin · 4 months
Hi I’m the anon who submitted the ‘Hi! I hope you’re having a good day, I was wondering if you could do a platonic fanfic with parental Husk and Angel dust with a teen reader who tries to sneak out to prove their ‘adult’ enough to go out on their own. Maybe they get caught w a secret S/O 🤔’ ask and to answer your question I think a Huskerdust parental duo would be killer, thanks!
Hmmm… okaaay! That can work! This is my first Angel Dust writing as well! Let’s just pretend HuskerDust isn’t built on sexual harassment and that these two get married after a healthy relationship— just a little AU for a, could be, cute couple… if it’s handled better! Also, sorry… this is kinda short
Husk and Angel Dust- Growing Up
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Before anything starts. Let’s establish how these two gay dads treat their adoptive teenage child!
Husk is a doting and caring but also strict and wise father. He gives off the most brutal but truthful advice and reality facts. He is a loving parent and won’t tolerate his child being mistreated or bullied so you can always turn to him when upset or in need for help, he is emotionally intelligent and protective after all
Angel, on the other hand, is the most affectionate and mindful father you’ll ever meet and have. He isn’t the one to deal out the punishments, he’s the fun one. Playing with his child, giving them unconditional love, support and encouragement but he is also quite protective. He will come running at the drop of a hat
Whilst both Husk and Angel encourage their kid to be independent and not rely so much on them, they aren’t a fan of letting you out on your own. You are still fifteen and therefore, completely vulnerable to this nightmarish hellfire realm called H E double hockey sticks
However, you’re determined to prove to both of your dads that you’re capable of defending yourself and be an adult so you’ve been recently sneaking out of your home and going around Pentagram City. On your own, no protective powerful Overlord father or protective infamous actor father
You’ve been doing it for weeks now. Going behind your dads’ back to prove to yourself, then to anybody, your complete and utter independence… but of course, all good things must end
And both of your dads had caught you escaping the house through the window and your beloved partner, a demon you fell in love with and begun dating in secret, just waiting in the backyard of your home whilst you climb out
Husk is very annoyed and ordering you to explain yourself, not at all happy with what you’ve done whilst Angel is dragging you off the windowsill and is resisting the urge to cry since his heart is broken
Your dads fend off your lover, not wanting to deal with them at this moment whilst they are trying to scold their child for doing this… and yes. This causes a big old fight with your parents. You just wanted to prove that you can handle yourself whilst your dads aren’t happy that you did something so reckless and harmful to yourself
Husk takes a bit longer to own up to his accident. Making you cry and angrily go to bed. You’re nearly a legal adult and they are shackling you… Angel can sense how you feel and immediately apologies for his lashout and tries to encourage his husband to do the same thing
When they do. They talk to you, accepting and encouraging, to try make a compromise inbetween you wanting to go outside at night to have fun with your lover, and talking to them and informing them about your location so you three will be happy
Husk lays down the must text them rule with this accommodation himself and his husband have made for you, their precious baby, that you must follow this at all causes whilst Angel is actually excited about you going to have fun on your own but begs you to inform either himself or his husband if anything bad happens to you
They just love you… please. Give them a break, they’ll try their best to let you do whatever you want on your own… as long as they know you’re okay
“Heartthrob. Do you have your present for your partner? Yes? That’s good. When you get to the party, text me or your father so we know you’re okay. That’s all we ask now. Here, let me finish rolling you up before you go”
“Fluffball! Fluffball! Fluffball! Aww! You look so precious! You’ll blow the competition off the dancefloor and you’ll make that partner of yours’ jaw drop! Make sure to shoot me or your dad a text when you’re there, ‘kay?“
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circeyoru · 3 months
I've been having a whole scenario in my head and I wanted to ACTUALLY read them from a fanfic
A oneshot where reader is like an empress of Hell, they're the one who rules all the overlords and owns said overlord's souls, ans also the founder of overlords, but their power is just right below Lucifer's and Lilith's
The timeline takes place right after the fight between Adam and the exorcists vs the Hotel
So like, the hotel is rebuilt! And Charlie has received a few actual customers that wanted to be redeemed
And Alastor feels like there's something going to happen that it's making him all tingly and nervous, and it did!
And then, reader like showed up, but under disguise (Charlie is like a niece figure to reader) but then again Charlie doesn't recognize them because they're in disguise for some purposes (I'll let you decide 🥰)
And Alastor, was completely shook, he WAS NOT EXPECTING READER AT ALL
Though he was QUICK to realize that reader was in disguise, so he just slightly scrambles to introduce himself even though he's hiding his excitement and nervousness
After all Alastor was eager to please his master, he also ended up dropping his radio vintage voice in the process
"Alastor, pleasure to be meeting you, *quite* the pleasure! What brings you to this fine establishment madame?" literally took their hand and kisses it
And reader is just like
"I may have been in need for a place to stay. But I heard Vox had cameras everywhere, and this was the only hotel I could have privacy"
Vox was an overlord ofcourse, he's also on Ravine's command, but Vox always had cameras stalking Ravine, which Vox calls it.. "keeping an eye for protection"
And since Alastor was the Radio Demon, every camera breaks of crashes if he was recorded, qnd it counts the hotel! That's why Ravine came to the hotel in the first place, and they explained Charlie that he didn't need to be redeemed, just a place to stay at the moment and Charlie wouldn't refuse someone in need. After all if Charlie refused Alastor will find a way to make her
it made Alastor slightly annoyed at Vox displeasing reader
But also boosted his ego and pride! Maybe once he saw Vox again he would rub it on Vox's face that reader came to him for a place to stay instead~
And after all that chatty yada yada or tour
Reader and Alastor finally had a real private talk at Alastor's radio tower! This part is a bit angsty but fluffy
They catch up and then Ravine brought up Alastor's wound in his chest caused by Adam, along with his mic/cane that he was not holding no more
Alastor tried to brush the topic off, feeling ashamed
But reader insisted. They ended up locating the wound exactly and placed a hand over it before Alastor could protest, and healed him
And Alastor didn't have a choice but to melt into the touch, his fluffy ears pulling back in the process
And maybe just reader teasing Alastor for his deer habits
Or an extra scene of Alastor stating that reader came to him and rubbed it on Vox's face
Let's try something~ Here's a spoil on the next story I have written~ Will be out in a few hours.
Now this is a newer request, but it was so unique (and the longest request I got I think) that it got me thinking, so I had to write it. Haha~
Collection of Overlords = Requested
[Alastor x Soul Owner of All Overlords!Reader] P.S. It's out now~
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samptlay · 3 months
This is perfect
Finished it. Alright, so this is a work of art. I'm so sad it seems abandoned and the creator is not even reblogging anything, so I believe their poof, gone. They will most likely come back eventually but for now, I'll feed your hunger.
Now I completely understand the AU you want me to make. It would be similar to @yandere-3-sagau's, yet different.
This is my rundown of my own AU for this, Simple!Creator!AU :
Now with the way I would have the Reader wake up in Liyue as well, though she doesn't run into a grandpa who takes care of her. She is aware that her blood is golden and she cries crystals, so she could never really be accused as an imposter, there's no worry on that part.
But Reader wants to live a quiet, peaceful life. She no longer has to worry about exams or deadlines. She finds an abandoned family cabin somewhere in the open fields of Liyue, renovating it herself to call it her own. The reader does farm work to get by, and with how much power she holds, all her fruits & vegetables are always sold out the fastest due to how fresh they are.
Word gets around about how amazing your supply is, and of course, eventually, even Zhongli is curious about the commotion.
So when he one day runs into Childe who had just gotten back from your stall and the ginger offers him some of your own fruits, he is, awestruck. Out of his 6000 years of experience, he had never tasted something so sweet & juicy. Not a single taste of bitterness in sight.
This couldn't have possibly been produced by a regular human being.
As an Ex-Overlord (Like An Archon, but we’re thinking of dynamics, such as in Hazbin Hotel) his suspension was too high for his too drop the concern so he hunts The reader down, eventually finds out the truth about who she really is and suddenly becomes as submissive as a loyal dog.
Though it feels nice, it’s not what she wants. So what else then to keep him on a leash, making a pact with him to silence The reader's existence. 
A LOT more happens, the story would be way more detailed but this is just a rundown. Each Genshin Man would discover her secret in different ways, and the reader eventually has them all wrapped around her fingertips.
The men are just happy to have their souls connected with the creators in some way.
I might make the pacts with Archon’s (including Neuvillette) a lot stronger, so they're somewhat more at her mercy, something in that manner.
What do you think? I’d like to hear more ideas and comments about this AU and how it should be constructed.
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Taglist For Those Who Want To Maybe Contribute Ideas. Edit: The reader will be Gender Neutral, though it'll be my first time writing like that so please forgive mistakes.
@uhfhfhfhf @xdrin @msun1c0rn @lovingnahida @strrawb3rrysh0rtcak3 @ssecylia @skyl8ver @immahuman @meowmeowraven @01234 @markexplanation @esthelily @dawnofazrael
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vikkirosko · 3 months
ah uh i don't really send writing requests, but i think your writing is pretty nice and i like it so could i make a request for the The V's (separately) with a exterminator reader? im sorry if its vague or far-fetched, i don't do requests often !! 。゚・ (>﹏<) ・゚。
Headcanons Exterminator
💞 Valentino x Reader 🚬
Valentino often visited a variety of places and probably would have had a lot of problems if it wasn't for you. You accompanied Valentino and were often the one who solved conflicts. However, only Valentino knew your secret. You were an exterminator who decided to escape from Heaven and start a new life in Hell. You were great at it. You had a job and a man who, although far from perfect, was your man
Valentino liked it when you spent time together, and especially when you didn't hide your wings. He liked the fact that you listened to him and didn't pretend to listen, as Vox sometimes did. You gave Valentino a lot of your attention and he didn't bother to show you his feelings even if you weren't alone. Your relationship was not a secret and no one dared to say anything against it
Valentino knew that you could stand up for yourself, but still, every time someone insulted you, he got angry and was ready to start a fight. When someone threatened him, you became the one who solved the problem. It was enough for you to whisper a few frightening words to make the enemy afraid, and a frightening smile appeared on your lips
You and Valentino together were a frightening couple who could shake the peace in Hell. You were a fighter with a lot of experience and Valentino, being an overlord, had power. However, he was in no hurry to change anything. He was satisfied with what your life was like now, and if he was satisfied with everything, then so were you
❤ Velvette x Reader 🤍
You and Velvette met a few years after Alastor disappeared. During one of the days of extermination, she was attacked by several angels, but something happened that she did not expect. One of the exterminator attacked the others and killed them. You took off your mask, looking at her with a grin. However, you didn't attack her. When she asked what you needed, you told her you had a deal for her. You didn't want to go back to Heaven, and if she helps you start a life in Hell, then you will be her protector and help her
You and Velvette have made a deal. She even hid from Valentino and Vox who you were. To them, you were just a sinner who for some reason took a fancy to Velvette and now you often accompanied her. Velvette liked the way you looked and sometimes you tried on the outfits she created. She claimed that it was part of your deal, but in fact she just liked to see how the outfits she created matched your appearance
It was no secret that you and Velvette had a special relationship. She took a huge number of photos of you together and posted them online. You didn't mind it, watching with a grin the pleased expression on her face, realizing that your joint photos gave the effect she was waiting for. You liked the way you looked together and you didn't mind that you continued to be together
There was no way back to Heaven for you, but you didn't want to go back either. You liked how your life in Hell became and with the appearance of Velvette in your life. Even if your former colleagues find out about it and you become a traitor to them. You didn't care if they tried to kill you. You were willing to take the risk to stay together with Velvette
🖥 Vox x Reader 📱
Vox watched Pentagram City with cameras and drones. He had to know everything in advance to keep the situation in his hands. It was thanks to one of his drones that he saw you during the extermination day. He saw you take off your helmet and soon disappeared into the alley. It was the first time Vox saw exterminator's face, but he remembered that face, and immediately recognized it when he saw you on one of the streets of the city. He understood that either you were a deserter or a spy, and he was going to use the knowledge of your secret
Vox instructed to find you and soon you were in his office. You pretended to be a sinner and your face remained the same indifferent when he said that he knew your secret. Vox didn't hesitate to blackmail you with knowing the truth about you, and you knew that sinners would tear you to pieces if they found out the truth about you, so you agreed to work for him. It wasn't exactly what you expected, but maybe it wasn't such a bad option
Working with Vox wasn't as bad as you thought. You did not notice how the relationship between you has become much better. You sometimes told him about what life was like in Heaven. Now, being in Hell on a permanent basis, you saw that life in Hell, although it was different from the one you were used to, but not so much that your life changed dramatically. Vox liked your character, he liked how tough you could communicate with others. He liked you, even though you've been killing sinners for years
Vox was glad that you were on his side. You knew a lot about angels and it helped him. You were his valuable ally and a person close to him. He didn't know why you left Heaven, but even if he might be in danger, you were the one who wouldn't let him get hurt. You, overlord and exterminator, together were a strong alliance that could do a lot in Hell
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hunterwritesstuff · 4 months
Adam x fem overlord reader, who’s shorter then him, (before fall Adam) and he’s just super possessive and protective so much so that he set up a task team to kill her rivals so she doesn’t have to worry! Hcs and oneshot plz!!!
Gonna do just oneshot, hope that's okay! Hope ya enjoy! :D
"Angelic Assaults."
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"What's the damn problem, Michael?!" Adam snapped.
The taller Archangel sighed, shaking his head as he turned over the other's request in his head. "Adam, you know how many hoops we had to jump through for you last time."
Adam growled, a frown growing on his face. "If we do too much, He'll notice something is up." Michael warned.
"I THINK MY GIRLFRIEND IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN-" Adam started, getting cut off.
"Adam, whatever happened to Eve?" Uriel asked. "You were supposed to be with her. Eloping with another woman-a sinner, Hells, and OVERLORD of all things-will draw eyes." He added.
"I don't give two shits!!! I want HER and I want her SAFE and I want it NOW!!" Adam yelled.
"You are acting like a child, Adam. You know we cannot bring much death without questions arising. And I must preserve my own angels for when they are called upon for serious matters, not silly matters of the heart." Azrael signed.
"Maybe you SHOULD start caring, Adam. Do you want your rank and title taken away? Do you want to FALL, Adam?" Michael asked.
"YOU get to dole out your angels for errands all the fucking time!!! Why is it any different when I ask?!?" Adam demanded.
"It is different because they are MY ANGELS, Adam. I can ask them to do as I please. They never slaughter, they never maim. They never do as you are requesting of them to do." Michael scowled, narrowing his eyes.
Adam groaned, dragging his hands down his face. "You're being a pain in the ass, Mike!!" Adam snarled.
"You cannot change our minds on this, Adam. You may be the first man, but you have no power over us." Uriel informed.
Adam paused a moment. Yes. Yes he did. He did have power over them. He had control over them. He had knowledge that nobody else in Heaven outside of the Archangels did.
"...then I suppose you wouldn't mind people learning about Raph?" Adam asked coyly, the others' eyes widening, stepping back.
"Shut up. The walls here are thin." Michael warned.
"Adam, you cannot use such a situation lightly." Uriel scowled.
"What? I'm sure Heaven would LOOOOOOOOOVE to hear that you-" Adam paused, taking a deep breath. "SENT RAPHAEL TO TH-" He started, raising his voice to be fairly loud.
"KEEP YOUR VOICE DOWN." Michael hissed.
"How many men do you need?!" Uriel asked desperately.
Adam smirked. This would be easy.
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