rowboattheboat · 1 year
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greetings again dead fandom! enjoy jc the hippie!
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x22817 · 3 months
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We did way too much shopping today. I have finally broken down and admitted that I need new clothes that don't have holes in them and that fit. We went to the outlet mall that's near us for the best possible 'get everything done in one go' kinda thing.
It was hot. It was crowded. I despise shopping for myself. I got the worst headache going in and out of the ac.
Two things happened that made me really happy tho:
1. I got called a goth girl
2. A young autistic boy became fascinated with Hek while we were taking a break outside Starbucks. Hek let him hover over her and run around her for a solid five minutes. I've posted before about our lack of experience around children in general. This was completely out of the blue, and she handled it like a champ. (I am shocked his parents didn't do anything to stop him, but that's a totally different matter)
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tarisilmarwen · 4 months
Interacting with normie consoomers is so exhausting sometimes because I just wanna take them by the shoulders and and shake the apathy from their bodies and yell, "HAVE SOME STANDARDS DAMMIT!"
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chynandri · 6 months
Today I powerlevelled blue mage to cap… solo. Instead of having to do the vulnerable task of… asking for help… I decided to add one more profession to Chrom’s resume: marine biologist.
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I basically slapped the clionids with fish and fed leeches to them for like 2 hours like I’m some sort of trainer at a marine park (they kill the leeches when they’re near them, and you still get exp if you have the leech’s aggro). It’s really silly. But it worked! It was kind of relaxing once I got the hang of it and wasn’t running for my life.
Now I just need to actually unlock more spells to properly complete the quest line. But essentially… I now ONLY have black mage to level until all combat jobs are maxed out!
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third time this week darcy's ended up in the colonies.
took one step outside to see what the street hubbub was about and got thrown in mummy jail
serves him right
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warlordfelwinter · 2 months
i don't hate writing papers. i often enjoy it to the point of having trouble staying within page limits. it's just really annoying when i cannot get my brain into gear about one.
i know what i need to write. i know what order the topics need to go in and what i need to get across. i am staring in annoyance at the blinking cursor.
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wilyserpentofeden · 1 year
Ah we've got casual fatphobia and a racist stereotype within two pages of each other 😬 I really enjoy a lot of this book but all the scenes with Shadwell and Madame Tracy seem to just be full of shit like this, which is a shame because I did actually really like Madame Tracy until just now
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ghostofvalorie · 7 months
I don't understand the use for AI...
I can get wanting an AI to help collect research on for example mineralmining, it's just a lot of number that need to be put into order and I imagine everyone alive would find that dull. So using an AI is understandable, right?
But to use and AI to make art? Why? Cause it's quick, easy and cheap?
If those are the reasons than we have truely reached a distopian height of capitalism. Why generate garbage when there are people who LOVE to draw and paint? All AI has done for the artist side of this entire debate is make us scared and paranoid that our work is being used withouth our consent. Suddenly we have to watermark everything, put it throught filters, make the quality garbage, to the point where you can't even actually show what you can do as an artist in fear of it being stolen.
And as a writer I feel the same with any block of text I put anywhere.
And from what I just read, about @staff new fun update about mining for OpenAI... What is the goal here? What AI needs access to unanswered asks, PRIVATE blogposts och deactivated blogs??? What are they hoping to learn? The only thing that comes to my mind anyway is how to perfectly simulate human speach through writing. Can we take a moment to just assess how fucked up that prospect is.
And I'm sure some AI enthusiasm is going to tell me how wrong and backwards thinking I am. But honestly I miss the time where you could just post a picture of your friends and not worry about being used by third parties /shrugg.
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frmulcahy · 1 year
okay but cozy spider-sona that has these mitts:
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pattern here 
(this is not my pattern or work btw but I’d really like to make a pair!!)
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Round 1, Side 4, Match 15:
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ryukodragon · 2 years
It has been a hot minute!! With so much happening!!
I’m making a sorta snap decision here as I’m about to undergo wisdom tooth surgery soon and I’m honestly nervous BUT I wanna channel some ANTICIPATION into this
Gonna make a bigger effort to be HERE more often. Stop lurking and become more active and creative.
… well the creative part will happen most likely after recovery BUT I WANNA BE BACK HERE
(Yes that includes developing the FNAF AU though that has entered *o v e r h a u l* territory, stay tuned)
Anyhoo gonna try to sleep and look for posts to queue after work tomorrow, see y’all again soon~
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moss-and-marimos · 9 months
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Okay fine. Be like that. It’s not like I was coming into this conversation with a little bit of respect for you.
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gengarpng · 1 year
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le-velo-pour-dru · 1 year
Duuuuuude I feel so weird :0 I wanna bring myself out of it but I don't know how
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turbulentornado · 1 year
yesterday was the last day of classes for this semester 🥳!! Im so glad to finally just be through w this semester, its been a nightmare 😩. Im excited for what my future may hold!!
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