#owelle fic
fyngrot · 2 months
hello owl people
i have been entirely gahoolebrained for years and years and recently it's been all i can think about (again) so i figured i'd make a sideblog for ga'hoole and occasionally other animal xenofiction.
i'm a huge fan of the coryn books and legends arc (hagsfiends my beloved) so that'll be mainly what i post about. i occasionally draw and write, you can find a list of my ga'hoole fics here.
feel absolutely free to drop by and talk anything owls with me, i'd love to share headcanons/theories/anything
thank u *hands u an owel*
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hey!! i absolutely love your work especially valjercy <3335 is there any way you could write a mini drabble about their valentine’s day?
anon you light of my life, darling of my world! THANK YOU for all your kind words! I’m so so glad you like my messy little pieces of madness (and since you said valjers especially I can’t help but know you like all my insane writing, cause I only write them when I’m out of my mind ha!)
I am now realising you said mini drabble :o I did not read that when I first saw this ask so I hope it won’t take up too much of your mental energy if you decide to read the fic I did write (it’s a little okay a lot more than a drabble), forgive me?
I hope you enjoy! MWAH <3
Percy and Leo are so good at all this control. So good at burning it to the fucking ground. Jason is so good at picking up all those ashes and tossing them to the sky. Why do you think the clouds are always grey? They’re all so good at this. Love. What is love anyway? Power.
(alt sum: they’re all insane and addicted to each other)
beginning notes
hi angels! got an anon request for some valjercy for valentines — thank you for the request loveliest anon — I know I didn’t make it in time for vday but at least it’s here before love month ends entirely ? (please be proud of me I’ve been so busy with uni I haven’t had the chance to write and it’s ruining me)
as usual this is not edited it’s wayyy after midnight here and I need to sleep. every mistake is a hug. if there’s no mistakes (LMAO) I’m giving you a hug anyway!
happy love month y’all!!
title is from: “hugs & loyalty” by twlv, REDDY, IV, owell mood
I recommend listening to that and “closer” by RM, paul blanco and mahalia while reading :) to enhance the vibes
okay I love you guys! MWAH <3 thanks for being my valentine (yes all of you, I’m a spoilt girl)
blood mention // unsettling pace // gory content // sexual content (not real explicit stuff but implied things happening)
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lire-casander · 3 years
solo soy sentido si te vuelvo a ver
[1,869 words] [general audiences] [beta’ed by @meloingly. any remaining mistakes are my own] [title from nunca estarás sola by maldita nerea. the title roughly translates into i only have meaning if i see you again]  [carlos reyes, owen strand, michelle blake, tk strand] [mentions of a robbery, mentions of injuries, drunkenness]  [written for @carlosreyesweek 2021, day #2: “i’ll always be there for you” + romance + michelle and carlos friendship]  [inspired by @ana122892, who said she enjoyed the hilariousness of best-friend friends dating father and son, and venting about what it’s like to date the strands]
[when carlos enters the fire station to take owen's statement, he doesn’t know they're all in for a surprise]
solo soy sentido si te vuelvo a ver
It still feels weird to enter the firehouse knowing he wonʼt see Michelleʼs smile greeting him from behind the glass railing of the office upstairs. Carlos doesn’t think heʼll ever get used to her absence, and not even TKʼs wide grin and the teasing of the rest of the team can lift his spirits upon setting foot inside of the 126 station all for professional reasons.
“Captain Strand,” he says when Owen Strand steps up before him, his left arm in a blue cast. “Iʼve come to collect your testimony as a witness from the assault from this morning.”
There had been a call to the emergency services earlier in the morning from a bank in downtown Austin — the caller had identified himself as a first responder and heʼd explained that there was an ongoing rob attempt before pocketing his phone for fear he might be discovered. Austin Police Department had sent several units and, when Carlos had arrived along with his partner, heʼd found out that the first responder calling the police had been Owen Strand.
Carlos still needs to shake the horrible feeling filling his senses when heʼd realized that his boyfriendʼs father — and his best friendʼs boyfriend — was trapped in an active robbery scene. But he's now at the firehouse, ready to take Owenʼs statement, and be done with it. Although heʼs not so sure Owen Strand should be anywhere that's not a hospital or his house, given his injuries.
Upon close inspection — and Carlos can take a good look as he follows Captain Strand into his office, definitely not looking across the hall to what used to be Michelleʼs office — it looks like the arm isn’t the only body wound Owen Strand has sustained. Carlos can pinpoint several cuts on Captain Strandʼs cheeks, and there’s a limp in his step. Carlos also notices a slight wince when Owen sits down on his chair.
“Are you sure you shouldn’t be at the hospital?” he blurts out, unable to stop himself. “It’s evident you're injured.”
“Itʼs just a dislocated shoulder,” Owen tells him. “I was discharged as soon as the cast was placed.”
Carlos sighs. It isn’t his place to say anything else — heʼs just the sonʼs boyfriend, the girlfriendʼs best friend — so he goes over the questions he must ask, writing down everything in his most professional stance, until a loud noise downstairs steals their attention.
“Michelle Blake!” Carlos hears Captain Torres calling out, and his heart skips a beat. “Such a surprise! Are you back to take your job back?”
“So good to see you too!” says the voice that Carlos has been listening to on the other side of the phone for the past three months and a half. “Good surprise, huh?”
Carlos sneaks a glance toward Captain Strand, who's already approached the windows in his office to look down. He can see Owen tensing up, and he feels sorry — once Michelle knows about Owenʼs stunt this morning, she's going to eat him alive. “Shouldn’t we go downstairs?” he asks. “Although I understand if you don't want to, sir. Michelleʼs a force to be reckoned with when she’s angry.”
“Why would she be angry?” Owen tries for nonchalance. “It’s better than it looks like.”
“Is that what you're giving her, really?” Carlos chuckles. “I have all I needed, so I should head back to the precinct. We will contact you if needed, Captain Strand.” He moves toward the glass door and begins climbing down the stairs before Owen reacts.
“Are you seriously leaving me alone here, Reyes?”
Carlos walks up to Michelle, who's greeting everyone and receiving hugs and kisses from her old team, and surprises her from behind. “Chica!” he laughs. “Good to see you. Didn’t tell me you were visiting!”
She turns around and hugs him. “What’s the point of a surprise then?” She kisses his cheek before stag-whispering, “What are you doing here, officer? Couldn’t get a shift without seeing your guy?”
Carlos says nothing; behind Michelle, he can see TK blushing and biting down on his lip. He doesn’t think anyone has told Michelle that her boyfriend has faced a bank robbery just a few hours ago, but Carlos has the inkling that she won’t be ignoring it much longer. “I have to go,” he settles for saying. “But how about we go grab a drink later? Or have you forgotten already about your old stomping ground?”
“Never,” Michelle vows. “Now go. I have yet someone else I need to see,” she goes on with a sly smile.
Carlos leaves the firehouse when she’s walking upstairs, right after she first sees Owen. Her scolding of Owen Strand in loud screeches follows him all the way to the cruiser.
The honky-tonk is busting with life and noises when Carlos pushes the door open. His shift has been over for at least an hour and a half, but heʼs needed to fill some paperwork. He’s clocked out late, earning himself a good chunk of time enduring the worst of Austin traffic. But he's here now, standing in the doorway with his nicest black shirt and fitted jeans, searching the place for his best friend.
He spots Michelle sitting at a table, downing tequila shots and laughing with Nancy and Tim. He saunters over there and flops down on a stool next to them. “Hi, guys,” he greets.
“Oh, Mr. Hotshot Officer,” Michelle snickers. He can tell she’s had more shots than she should have, but he doesn’t say anything. He shrugs.
“I’ll order a beer,” he tells her, but Tim cuts him.
“Iʼll bring it to you. Nancy, come with me?” And before Carlos can say another word, they're gone.
“Guess it's just you and me,” Michelle slurs, nudging him.
“Where's the rest of the 126?” he asks. “Iʼdʼve thought theyʼd wanted to celebrate you coming down to visit from Indiana.”
“I sent Owen home,” she confesses. She’s swaying a bit on her stool. “Did you know he was in that bank when it got robbed? He fought the thieves!”
“Yeah, yeah, I know.”
“They had guns!” she throws her hands in the air. “They could have killed him. And then, who would I have surprised today? I almost lost him today, and I wouldn’t have known. What am I doing, Carlos?”
He sighs again. He knows Michelle left Austin to find some peace with Iris; Indiana offered them anonymity and a treatment program at a hospital that isn’t as invasive as the one offered by Austin General. He knows how hard it was for her, and for the people she left behind, because he's been there. He’s been left standing on that curb along with Owen and TK and Theresa, but he's also been on the other side of a phone call when Michelle could hardly hide her tears.
“You’re doing what's best for Iris,” he reassures her.
“But I miss everyone. Owen almost died today! I should have been here.”
“And do what? Do you think he wouldn’t have stayed in that bank?” He reaches out and takes her shot glass away from her grasp. Michelle grunts, but Carlos doesn’t relent. “Thatʼs enough alcohol for now, chica.”
“I’ve missed you,” she mutters, slurring as she leans into him. “I don’t know what Iʼd do if I lost you too.”
“You’re not losing any of us,” Carlos says. “Owen is reckless, you know he is. And I know that first hand, TK is his father's son. But you're not losing anyone.”
“I miss you,” she repeats. Carlos maneuvers her until she’s slid off the stool and she’s propped against his body.
“And I miss you too,” he whispers. “But don’t worry, chica, you're not getting rid of me so easily. I'll always be there for you.”
He starts pulling her toward the door, his eyes catching Timʼs as he moves forward in a silent plea. Tim understands him, and he comes to Carlosʼ help along with Nancy. Together, they get Michelle outside. Carlos knows he canʼt take her to her motherʼs in such a state, and he knows she gave up her lease when she moved to Indiana with her sister. So his options are either waiting for her to sober up a bit or bring her to his place — where he knows TK will be going later, after he's had dinner with his father.
It dawns on him suddenly.
“Where are you staying, Michelle?” he asks as delicately as he can.
“Iʼm supposed to be at Owenʼs,” she mumbles. “But he hates me. I yelled at him while he was on shift and he hates me.”
“He doesn’t hate you. He loves you,” he tries to reason. Tim and Nancy shake their heads. “Why don’t we take you to Owenʼs? I bet heʼd love to see you.”
“You’re all going to be so fine without me,” she laments, her head buried in Carlosʼ neck. “You don't need me anymore.”
Carlos knows that if he doesn’t stop her now, she will be embarrassed in the morning — that's if she remembers any of this. But, on the other hand, he has only seen his best friend down like this once before — when she blamed herself for Irisʼ disappearance. He’s not sure whether or not it's advisable to move her, but he knows Owen will take good care of her.
“You know that's not true, Michelle,” he says softly. He props her against his chest with some help from Tim. “We will always need you. I will always need my best friend. Now, here, let's get you home.”
He manages to get her into his Camaro; he waves Tim and Nancy goodbye after reassuring them that he will find out how long Michelle will be staying so they all can enjoy a night out without a breakdown. He drives away, fitting the car into the calm traffic at this hour, and they're pulling up in front of the Strand household in no time.
Owen is out the front door a second before Carlos kills the engine, maneuvering with his good hand so he can help Michelle out. Carlos thinks he hears Owen muttering I love you even when you run out on me and go get drunk, but he canʼt be sure. Owen nods at him when they lock eyes over the roof of the car, and then he slowly drags Michelle inside as TK rushes out.
“Rough night, huh?”
“They’ll be fine,” TK tells him. “They always make up. If they didn’t break up after she ran to Indiana, they're definitely not going to when she’s right. Dad shouldn’t have faced those thieves.”
“You would have done the same,” Carlos says with a frown.
“Yeah, I would have. But you know us Strand boys, weʼre hard.”
Carlos chuckles and drives away once again, this time cruising for his home, as he muses about how much he understands Michelleʼs worries. Only the few selected that date a Strand know about the perils of being part of their family.
But he's proud to be part of their lives — that's not something that will change. He guesses he's suffering from exactly the same as Michelle — a severe case of falling in love with a Strand.
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getthesamovarready · 3 years
First Sight
I just love this chapter honestly
also on ao3
Chapter 2: twist of fate
TK is sitting at the kitchen counter when he walks in the door. “Long night?” He asks, bringing his coffee to his lips. Owen cringes silently, shutting the door behind himself. He shouldn’t be coming home to his son trying to parent him, and his stomach rolls over in guilt. Immediately though, TK drops his frown, descending into a fit of laughter. “Glad to see you’re embracing your new surroundings Dad.” He stands from his stool, padding across the floor. “Don’t take too long getting ready, we have to be early today.” He pats him on the shoulder, making his way to the stairs. “Oh!” He calls, halfway up the stairs. “I really hope there doesn’t end up being a bunch of mini-Strands running around Texas.”
Owen pours himself a desperately needed coffee from the pot TK brewed, following him upstairs with a laugh. With the amount of times he caught TK sneaking home in the early hours, he supposes he should let his son enjoy this one. Even if it is a little humiliating.
He didn’t notice it this morning, but when he takes off his shirt he catches a whiff of perfume, and it shocks the breath right out of his chest. He can feel her hands on his chest, and his stomach twists as he tries to shake it off.
It takes a shower, and the familiar comfort of his skincare routine, to stop heart racing and memories of last night sending tingles down his spine. His hard work is undone, however when he starts to dress for work.
His work shirt is perfume-free, but still his fingers fumble with the buttons, unable to avoid thinking of unbuttoning the back of Michelle's dress last night. He screws his eyes shut, willing his shirt to cooperate with his hands.
When he makes his way downstairs he is flustered, and TK's casual leaning on the countertop doesn't help. "I thought I said not to take too long?" He smirks at him, glancing at the clock. An hour isn't too long, Owen thinks, but he doesn't respond. He just scowls at TK. "Oh wow." TK chuckles. "Must have been some night." He notes Owen's flush. "She really did a number on you didn't she?" He pushes himself off the counter to head to the door. "You sure you're fit to drive in that daze?" TK calls from the doorway, and Owen leaves indents in his fingers as he squeezes the keys in his fist.
Knocking on Dustin's door probably wasn't what Owen had in mind when he suggested that she celebrate Iris's birthday. He definitely wasn't suggesting that she slam at it, and scream until he called the cops. But that's what she did. And she actually feels a little better, kicking his house. She feels a little of her tension dissipate.
So she doesn't even feel that guilty when Carlos's squad car pulls up. She even nearly smiles when she greets him. She doesn't feel the usual guilt when he has to handcuff her.
She doesn't smile, however, when he pauses. And her chest tightens when he coughs. "What's that?" He asks her, and she whips her head around to question him. He's staring right at the back of her shoulder.
She flushes instantly, remembering Owen unbuttoning her dress, kissing her neck, his teeth dipping lower to nip at her shoulder. She turns her head forward again, determined not to answer Carlos's question.
"Michelle…" She huffs, desperately wishing she could tug her sweater to cover the bruise. "Do you have a hickey on your neck?"
"So what if I do?" She snaps. She's a grown woman, what's it to him what she does anyway? She starts to walk towards the car, Carlos close behind.
"I just...you didn't tell me you were seeing anybody." There is a hint of disappointment in his voice, and she realises that maybe she's been more distant than she thought recently, if he really thinks she could hide something like that.
"I'm not." She tells him when he opens the door, and her stomach twists at the look on his face.
"So who?" He starts to ask, closing the door behind her and slipping into the front of the car. "So who was that?" He points at his own neck, concern lacing his voice.
"A guy." She mumbles.
"A guy? Just some random guy?"
She sighs. "I met him at the Honky Tonk last night." This is honestly way more humiliating than the handcuffs around her wrists.
"Last night? You let some guy you don't know do that?" He's eyeing her through the rear-view, and she squirms. "I'm assuming you did more than just…" He huffs out a sigh, gripping the steering wheel tightly. "You let some random guy you don't know take you home?"
"Actually… I took him home." It gets exactly the reaction she expected.
"Michelle!" He groans. "What the hell? You let a stranger into your house? He could have been a murderer! Or like… robbed you? What's wrong with you?"
"Not everyone is a criminal Carlos." She groans. "Some people are normal!"
"Says the woman I just arrested for violating a restraining order for the fifteenth time!" She slumps back in her seat. He has a point, and it's not the first time he's tried to convince her that maybe Dustin might be innocent.
"If you people would do your jobs I wouldn't have to violate any orders, because you would have found out what happened." She snaps back. "It's her birthday Carlos, I can't just let her go on her birthday."
"We're not gonna have any new birthdays to celebrate anytime soon are we?" She struggles for a moment over his question, wondering what on earth he could possibly mean.
"Oh my God, Carlos!" She scoffs. "I'm not a total idiot."
"I just had to be sure." He eyes her again through the mirror.
"Whenever you want to stop being my father and start being my friend, just tell me." She glances out the window. "Hey, I start work in twenty, can you just drop me there?"
"Michelle, I'm not an Uber." He chuckles.
"I wasn't gonna tip." She smirks at him, chuckling when he takes the turn for the firehouse. "He was lovely, by the way. Not even a little bit murdery."
Carlos, back to being her friend again, laughs at her. "Good."
"You know," she leans forward. "Normal friends, when their friend has sex for the first time in a very long time, are happy for their friends."
"It's not that I'm not happy for you, Chica." He taps his hands against the steering wheel. "It's just...not like you. And you've made some...questionable decisions recently." She isn't sure if he's talking about Billy or...everything else in her life. But she wouldn't call Billy 'recent', so she assumes he's talking about the multiple arrests in the last few years, and everything else since Iris went missing. "It just feels very… new-Michelle."
"I know." She mumbles behind him. It is very new-Michelle. She'd had this very problem last night. "He was really nice though." She smiles, blushing as she thinks of how sweet he was about her little freakout. "He was really nice to talk to."
"Yeah, I'm sure you did lots of talking." Carlos scoffs, smirking.
"We did, actually. We talked a lot."
"So what does he do?" Carlos asks casually, and she flushes.
"I don't know."
"What's his name?"
"Owen...something. " He eyes her suspiciously.
"You talked to this guy, a lot. You took him home with you. And you don't know what he does? Or who he is?" Her cheeks are absolutely burning. "I don't even have a last name to find out about him! How are you supposed to show him to me? How could you have sex with someone and not let me know what he looks like?"
"It didn't seem important." She defends, omitting the fact that it seemed important to her not to know any of these things last night. "I'm sorry that I can't show him to you. He was quite something." She grins.
"Just his looks? Or?" He doesn't finish his question, and she giggles slightly when she finishes it for him in her head.
"Not just his looks." She sends a wink through the mirror, and he nods approvingly. She smiles out the window, the tension from Carlos's initial questioning gone completely.
He lets her off at the firehouse, with yet another warning. "Don't want you to make a bad impression on the new team." He tells her, unlocking the handcuffs. "Good luck today, Chica." He pulls her in for a quick hug, pressing a kiss to her hair.
"Come out for a drink with me after work?" She asks, pulling away. "I'll probably be taking the team out anyway, but it's Iris's birthday." She explains. "We should celebrate it."
"I'd love to." He squeezes her hand with a nod, turning to get back into the car.
It takes her a while to walk inside, and she's glad Carlos managed to drop her off early. It's quiet when she enters, and completely different to the last time she was here.
Nothing is the way it used to be, and she has to wander a bit before finding her office. She doesn't see a soul, and she can't help but wonder where they could all be. But she's not in uniform yet, and her shift starts in five minutes. So she finds the changing rooms, and she's just made it back downstairs to meet the team, when the alarm blares, and a group of unfamiliar people rush past her.
Tim and Nancy follow the group at a stroll, and smile weakly at her when she sees them. "You guys okay?" She asks, casting her eye over the new firehouse. The pair of them shrug. "You met them? What are they like?"
"They're nice." Tim shrugs, frowning slightly. "They're okay I guess."
"Captain Strand is more than okay." Nancy mumbles with a smile, squirming her eyebrows at Michelle. The pair of them chuckle, while Tim shakes his head.
“You guys okay? You ready for this?” She’s pretty sure she’s not ready for their first call out in six months, but still, she leads them to the ambulance, her hands shaking only a little when she reaches for the door handle. “If you’re not…” She can technically get dispatch to send another team. But that probably wouldn’t do any good.
But Tim and Nancy assure her that they are fine. Months out of the rhythm of things, has the three of them silent the whole drive there. Each of them rehearsing the motions in their heads.
Michelle thinks she's finally okay, that she's ready for her first call in months. Until she hears the Captain speak, and her stomach drops. "So we have some room to work." She catches, her stomach twisting itself into knots as she steals herself for the inevitable.
"You mean give us some room to work?" He spins around like a shot. "This scene belongs to us." She looks him in the eye only briefly, a warning for him to calm his obvious panic, before she brushes past him. She does her very best to hide hers, shoving it down as far as it will go before starts to direct Tim and Nancy.
"You must have missed the part where they made me the captain of the 126." It's suggestive, late-night, Owen, and she whips around, steeling her features.
"Michelle Blake, Paramedic Captain." She introduces herself coldly. "And this scene is medical, so I run the call."
"Woah, since when does EMS tell Fire what time it is?" She has to give it to him, he does a remarkable job pretending never to have met her before. Probably something to do with his newfound talent for getting on her nerves.
"Guess you didn't read the Travis County Manual, did you?" She presses, starting to get to work.
"I'm more of a … visual learner." She doesn't miss his eyes trailing over her, and she turns her head to catch him in the act.
"In Texas, EMS calls the shots involving medical emergencies." He has a hint of a smirk on his lips, and she can't help but snap at him. "So you do what I say, Captain." It's so unlike last night, and if she wasn't freaking out so much she would probably find it funny. He hides it well, but she can tell that Owen finds it hilarious.
She's good at her job. She always has been. She knows that she's impressive, but it's nice to have an audience, and this one is enthralled. They've obviously heard that the old 126 was in serious need of a re-haul, and probably didn't have high hopes for the remaining members. When she's finished, she looks back at Owen, and he's still watching her.
"Nice work, Captain." He smirks when she passes, following behind Tim and Nancy. "Impressive."
"Welcome to Texas, Captain." She winks. Immediately, she regrets it at the flush of his cheeks. And she's brought back to this morning, in her robe, letting him out of her house. She starts back on her way to the ambulance, blushing furiously.
He's in his office when she returns. He looks like he's deep in paperwork, she suspects the county manual, but almost as soon as she sees him he's out of his seat, making his way to her office. "Captain Michelle Blake." He stops in her doorway, leaning against it. "What a happy coincidence."
"This is not a happy coincidence." She huffs, dropping into her chair. "This." She gestures to him. "Is payback from God for my bad decisions." Of course she couldn't have a one night stand and move on with her life, of course there would be some kind of consequences.
"From God?" He chuckles. "I didn't think you were all that concerned about God, Michelle?" At least, not when that god wasn't Owen in the middle of the night.
"When things like this happen, I start to think maybe I should be." Carlos is going to have a field day with this.
"You say payback." He steps into her office fully. "I say fate." She can't help but smile, blushing softly. "Come on, it's like a movie. I think that if God had anything to do with it, he's giving us a sign." It is, it's exactly like some stupid romantic comedy.
"It's not a movie Owen." She sighs. "This can't be anything, you get that, right?" He doesn't seem to get it, his head cocking to the side with a hint of a pout. "Owen, we work together now. It would be a really bad idea." He looks like he disagrees, moving to sit on the edge of her desk.
"Okay." He sighs with a nod.
"No one can know about this. No one can even suspect." A smile springs on her lips unexpectedly. "So, if in future, you could avoid checking me out when I'm working, that would be a big help."
"Fine." He grins with a laugh, before sobering up quickly. "So, you okay? First day back?" If it hadn't started with such a shock, she would probably be less okay. But she nods silently. "I know the place is really different. I know that can be difficult…"
"I'll be fine, Owen." She assures him. She's actually a little bit glad the place looks so different. She had been worried about being assaulted with memories at every turn. But the place is bright, shiny, and new. "Thank you."
He nods softly, standing from the desk. Just when he reaches the doorway, he taps it with a sigh, turning around. "I should probably warn you." He bites his lip. "TK works here, he's on the team."
"TK?" Her eyes widen, and he turns again. "Your son TK?" And he's gone.
When she gets back from their next call, there is a cupcake sitting on her desk. Owen, the only person she can think of who would do this, isn't in his office, so she can't immediately go berate him for doing something so sweet. So she approaches the offending cake, picking up the post-it that sits under it.
Couldn't get a candle quickly. For your sister. -O
She sets the cake aside, smiling at it every now and then, while she does her paperwork. She decides against indulging immediately. It's the only cake Iris is going to get, and it doesn't seem right to eat it on her own, at work.
Owen is in the kitchen when she emerges for a cup of coffee. "Captain Blake." He greets her casually. "How's your first day back?" His head tilts towards someone rummaging in the fridge. "TK whatever you're looking for isn't going to be there if you haven't found it already." His eyes dart over to her when she straightens her spine. He smirks at her, and she glares pointedly at him.
"I don't even know what I'm looking for Dad." TK admits, emerging from the fridge with a soda. "We really gotta work on the snacks in this place. And by that I mean I gotta do it, I don't trust you.  We need things like cookies, and chips."
"There's a bakery around the corner." They offer in unison, both of them immediately flushing and avoiding the other's eyes.
"It's great," Michelle continues, thinking about many an impromptu celebration catered by said bakery. "And they like us, might even do you a deal." They liked the old team anyway, but she's sure they'll warm to any member of the 126.
TK thanks her, leaving the two of them alone in the kitchen.
"Way to not be suspicious." She laughs, almost going to nudge his arm, but thinking better of it at the last minute.
"He'll just think I've been sneaking around in secret eating illicit cookies." He brushes it off easily.
"Thank you, for the cupcake. It was really sweet of you." She blushes. "I really appreciate it."
"I told you to celebrate today." He shrugs. "I wanted to make sure you could."
"Speaking of celebrating." She starts, twisting her fingers. "I think we, the team I mean, should go out for a drink? After work?" When he starts to nod, she bites her lip nervously. "The thing is… we always went to the Honky Tonk after work." He stops nodding, twisting his lip awkwardly. "I think Tim and Nancy would like it if we did the same. And I told Chris last night I'd take the new team…"
"Sure? That's okay? It won't be weird?"
"Of course it'll be weird." He scoffs. "It's fine though, tell the team." She nods, starting to walk away, when he stops her. "I uh...I just wanted to ask. I left my number, on your bedside table. If I didn't work here...would you have called it?"
Her answer is easy, and it twists in her stomach. "Yes."
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911lsficrecs · 4 years
>>>>>>> Read on Ao3
by @sneetchestoo
“It’s not that bad.” Michelle choked out as Owen dropped to his knees beside her. “I’ll be fine.”
“Like hell you will.” Carlos snapped, his right hand brushing over her hair as he kept pressure on the wound in her leg with his left. “You’re bleeding pretty bad Chelle.”
In progress - currently 13/? chapters completed 
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debbielouocean · 4 years
unless you’re looking for pre-relationship flirting featuring michelle blake and owen strand, i haven’t got anything else at the moment and honestly i’ve hardly got that
(on ao3)
“Rosewater’s looking for you downstairs,” Owen said, going for a casual tone. Trying to sell the idea that he hadn’t been standing there for almost two minutes watching her type. As if she hadn’t noticed him the minute he’d come up the stairs. 
“And he didn’t think to check my office? Makes me wonder how gullible you think I am, Captain Strand,” Michelle said, not bothering to look up from her laptop. He could see her hand subtly shift on the desk, though, moving to slide the envelope underneath her computer as if he hadn’t immediately locked onto it. 
“And if he actually were?” 
“I’d just take it with me,” Michelle shot back, her voice soft, but leaving no room for questions. She finally leaned back in her chair to look up at him standing in the door of her office, her eyes sparkling with amusement that she managed to keep off the rest of her face.
“You know, it’s a federal crime to open someone else’s mail.” Owen moved into the room, beginning to realize this was going to be an ordeal. He sat down in one of the chairs across from her desk, crossing his arms over his chest. 
“It doesn’t become mail just because you put it in an envelope,” Michelle said, pulling it out from underneath her laptop and holding it up to inspect it. She turned it around in her hand and up to the light, pretending to look through it. “Besides, I haven’t opened it. Yet.” 
“Just tell me where you got it,” Owen said, squinting suspiciously at the item in question. It couldn’t be what he thought it was, and yet there was a not-insignificant part of him that was certain it was. 
“And then you’ll let me open it?” 
“I didn’t say that.” 
“Buttercup dumped your office trash can out, dragged half its contents out into the hall. It looked important.” Michelle sat the envelope back down on the desk and slid it towards him teasingly, careful to keep her hand on it. Owen snatched at it, but she jerked it back before he could even get close. “And your reaction has done nothing to prove me wrong. You’re welcome, by the way, for cleaning that up.” 
He stayed leaning forward towards the desk, but decided to change tactics. “It’s medical information. You don’t need it.” 
“In a baby blue 5x7 envelope?” she asked, suspicion clear on her face. She stood up and rounded the desk, envelope still in hand. Before he could even protest the invasion, she was in his space, pushing him back into the chair and leaning onto the armrests. She caught one of his wrists and gently held it down. “It’s a birthday card.” 
“For T.K.” 
“T.K.'s birthday is in August.” She smirked at him, knowing she was right, and had been right since she took it from the damn dog. She’d left it propped up on her desk with a paperweight for nearly two hours before she got to witness him seeing it. He’d almost dropped his coffee in the rush to get to his office, where he’d sat for nearly ten minutes just glaring at it and continuously checking his own trash as if it would reappear where it should have been.
“I’m a meticulous planner.” Owen’s face gave her absolutely nothing. She had to admit, he had a damn good poker face. 
“My birthday was yesterday and you didn’t get me anything.” She tried to pout, knowing her joy at having the upper hand was overwhelming it. 
“I got you a muffin!” Owen said, looking righteously offending. He held up his free hand in a mock defensive pose between them. He’d meant to get her more, but the mess with the card had left him questioning what was appropriate.
“I’m gonna open it.” She let him go, leaning back on her own desk and giving him space to breath properly again. 
“I really wish you wouldn’t.” 
“You gonna stare at it all night or you gonna sign the damn thing?” Judd asked, tired of listening his captain click the ballpoint pen in his hand over and over again. “Just write ‘happy birthday’ and give it here.” 
“Seems a bit shallow,” Owen said, “It’s a meaningless gesture if everyone just writes the same thing.” 
Judd covered his face with his hands, dragging them downward in a show of frustration. “This is the absolute last time I ever want to be in charge of someone’s birthday card. If you wanna write her a love letter just go buy your own so that I can be done with this. T.K. will you tell him it’s not that important?” 
T.K. walked into the kitchen, casually dropping down into the chair beside his father. “Captain Blake’s birthday? Completely unimportant.” 
Owen looked like he was about to argue, before he noticed he was being messed with. “One day someone’s gonna whack that smirk off your face and you’re gonna regret being such a smartass.” 
“Been there, few regrets.” T.K. pulled the card towards him and had taken his own pen out of his pocket. He was writing before anyone could stop him. 
“Hang on, you already signed it-” 
“Just speeding up the process,” T.K. said, handing it back to Judd. “I’m pretty good at forging his handwriting, you’re welcome, by the way.” 
Judd took one look at it before slamming back down on the counter, looking ready to throw down. “Oh you’re gettin’ ready to get smacked, kid. It only took me two goddamn days to get everyone to sign that.” 
“What did he write?” Owen asked, groaning in embarrassment when he saw how strikingly similar it did look to his own handwriting.
Happy birthday, babe. You know I’m always down -Owen 
T.K. was laughing his ass off, holding himself up with a hand on the counter as he watched Judd and Owen react. “Relax, Judd, just cross it out. It’s not a big deal.” 
“Just cross it- just? Someone better convince me not to kill him in his sleep tonight, I swear-” Owen didn’t hear the rest of it, already walking away from them to get rid of the damn thing before it somehow managed to get to Michelle anyway. He slid it into its envelope, sealed it, and threw it in the trash. 
“What if I told you I read it two hours ago?” Michelle said, crossing her arms. She’d tucked it under her leg after she’d sat back on the edge of her own desk. 
“T.K. wrote it. He’s practically an Owen Strand handwriting expert at this point. Years of signing his own field trip permission slips.” 
“Well that was a bit quick,” Michelle said, that damn smirk still threatening to kill him where he sat. “Why not lead with that?” 
“If you haven’t read it, it doesn’t matter who wrote it,” Owen said, shrugging, but still eyeing the envelope, trying to gauge if she was telling the truth. He didn’t particularly want to get into that whole debacle tonight, explaining why T.K. would even think to write that. 
Finally caving, Michelle held it out to him. Owen took it quickly, deflating a bit in relief when he saw it looked unopened. “It’s gonna keep me up at night. Not letting me read it.” 
“Thank you,” Owen said, folding it in half and sliding it into his back pocket as he stood up. He looked around the office sheepishly, knowing he’d overreacted to the whole thing. It really wasn’t that big of a deal. He got to the door before turning back, looking at Michelle still leaning against her own desk, watching him leave. “I’m ordering takeout from that Italian place you liked, let me buy you dinner. Since I screwed up on the birthday present.” 
“It’ll hardly fill the void,” Michelle said, sighing dramatically and shaking her head. She let her hair fall forward, clearly trying to hide her own face and the smirk that was threatening to break out again. “But you know I’m always down for Italian, babe.” 
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lonestarbabe · 4 years
What are your favourite Lone Star fanfics?
Okay... so I’m bad at bookmarking, but I’m going to do my best to compile some of my faves. Most of them are probably a bit dark, but there’s some more lighthearted stuff too. I’ve honestly probably wiped some good ones from my memory because they hurt too much... hahah.
Grey Zone by aewriting
T.K. seeks out a random hookup in an attempt to feel something... and distract himself from what he might be feeling for Carlos. 
This fic is just really well done. It tells the story wonderfully and builds it up with just the right amount of tension and angsty undertones. Good Tarlos moments and a great scene of Owen calling T.K. on his bullshit.
Also, Uniform by this author is also really good.
When a fellow officer sees Carlos and T.K. at the club together and expresses an interest, Carlos struggles to define their relationship, and his own feelings.
The Many Names of TK Strand by tabbytabbytabby
It all starts when someone asks what TK stands for, and only escalates from there. 
This fic is just really amusing and fun to read, and probably great for all of you who are wondering about T.K.’s name. This was written before we knew it was Tyler Kennedy, but it’s still so cute and worth a read. I laughed and smiled a lot.
as the world halts into darkness by Lire_Casander 
He canʼt see anything. Heʼs surrounded by a black hole that threatens to eat him up hole, and he couldn’t care less. He must be in shock.
At least he isn’t hurting.
AN ANGSTY ONE! Some of it could be very triggering so be warned and read the tags. I loved this one because you can really feel the dark state of mind T.K. is in and it feels very visceral. I love this author in general, but I really loved this fic. It’s the third part of a series, so I’d recommend reading all of those if you want.
Pressure by HaleyDingle 
Speculations for 1x08
Alternative version of my fic “Bottle”
TK gets overwhelmed by guilt and relapses.
Another author I’d recommend multiple works from, Pressure is a dark fic that may have some triggering content. It’s actually an alternate storyline based on the fic Bottle. I don’t know what it says about me that Pressure is the version I preferred (both are stellar though), but it just shows T.K. fighting addiction and inner darkness in a great way.
This Unreachable Sunrise by evening_spirit   
TK wants to be able to feel. But feelings have consequences and sometimes it's easier to stay in the no-feels zone. As TK tries to balance Carlos, new friendships and his Dad's illness, he turns his back on the way the world around him turns to ash. If he keeps up the brave face and believes everything's gonna be fine, it has to actually be fine, right? Isn't that how it works?
A 1x03 coda that turned into a series of episode fills (but with a twist).
For whatever reason, I always read this fic as “The Unreachable Spirit” somehow combining the Title with the username, but despite this, I love this fic so much. It explores little moments of the episodes that we didn’t get to see, and it’s still a work in progress, but with ten chapters already, it’s really got so much going for it. It will have a lot of hard to deal with themes but written in a great way that feels hopeful. Also, check out As Long As I Dare
Coma Patient by Piper__b
At a riot, Carlos gets jumped and ends up in the hospital. TK is worried out of his mind and confesses...only to have Carlos hear?
This one is really funny... well not really funny... but it’s kind of funny that it features Carlos in a coma (written pre T.K. in a coma). It’s pretty short, but it’s a cute fic that shows the love between T.K. and Carlos. Lots of other good fics to be found through this author.
if we burn it down and it takes all night by SuburbanSun
When TK offers to go with him to a precinct social event, Carlos isn’t sure it’s such a good idea— the other cops bring spouses, girlfriends, families, not their buddies.
But hey, what else are friends are for?
I love this because it shows T.K. being casually brought into Carlos’ world and then easing into their relationship. Really fun, and I love a good pretend relationship fic (BECAUSE WE ALL KNOW THEY ARE MORE THAN FRIENDS)
Silver Key by keeryscupojoe
It'd been a few months since TK and Carlos started dating officially and Carlos thought it'd be a good idea to give his boyfriend a key. Though the key originally wasn't used a lot, here's a few instances where it was.
DOMESTIC TARLOS!! That’s what matters here. I really love it. Just super cute and I think a good characterization. A nice short read.
birthday surprise, in more ways than one by evaneddie
owelle share an i love you moment
For all the Owelle stans. This is very cute. I really love a good I Love You moment, so this is very good. Also, a first kiss is always fun!! A pretty quick read too. I’d also recommend just thinking for some Marjeo action or breathe me in and hold me close, which has both Marjep and also Tarlos (it’s about the events after T.K. was shot).
i saved us a night in the sun by Madeofsequins
How to date the guy you're not dating in five easy steps; a.k.a. five times TK didn't go home with Carlos (and one time he did).
Okay, this takes a lot to get to the Tarlos, but I love the build up, and at less than 3000 words, it doesn’t take long to get through it. Well done story and just super cute.
The One Where Carlos Uses His Badge by tigermoo9
A guy is trying to talk to TK until Carlos shows up.
I really enjoyed this. Fluff, humor, established relationship-- good stuff here. Carlos doesn’t want anyone to be messing with his man.
The Blame Game by landy67
TK Strand really shouldn't be turned on by Carlos Reyes arresting people.
He also should stop getting into bar fights.
Or, a shameless fluff fest derived from the fact that Carlos would definitely blame himself if TK got hurt.
This is funny and fun, but also has some good serious moments between Carlos. It’s very sweet and well worth the read.
Safe in Your Arms by Strxnghxrringrove
Another Tumblr prompt:
Hi love! Would you be okay with writing something with and aggressive drunk guy and scared TK with badass carlos and badass fire fam? Because lets face it TK is a smol little baby and everyone is protective over him pleaseeeee love you
If you have an idea, send it to me on Tumblr- 911xtarlos
I LOVE THIS. Protective Carlos, asshole drunk guy, and TK= the perfect setup for a story. There are also some great Judd moments in this. It’s really cute in the end too. I cannot recommend this enough. At only 725 words, you could quickly read this great one!!
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breannacasey · 4 years
Remember when I said I would participate in all of the 911 and 911ls weeks? Well, this morning I posted the last fic I had done in advance. So, I will try to get one done for Women Week next week, but I won't do Owelle Week, 12 Days of Tarlos or Buddiemas.
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complicatedships · 4 years
someone should write a fic about owelle at the carnival/fair 👀
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luvdsc · 4 years
Im hoping to teach toddlers hehe🥰🥰💘its a critical age fr kids n id wn provide warmth to their lives! Yes miss cat im a 95 liner HEHE, i ws away frm tumblr fr yrs n didnt think id come back until a friend of mine told me to read fics agn,, n thts hw i stumbled upon ur wonderful blog! Yes i feel like a relic ovr here but owell LOL; oh noooo cat literally thats one of the best things anyone cud evr say to me.. thank u so so much. UR the angel🤧 i adore ur art too love thats y i hope ull (1/2)
Continue creating honestly :’)) digital art is so convenient 4 me personally cos i dont hv to clean up hehehe n im a messy person oops🤭i havent drawn anyth yet agn!☺️ my fave i thinkkk ws related to developmental/behavioral psych im def super interested in learning hw ppls experiences manifest into the person theyd become! Oh godddd i hope ill come to deserve all the compliments u give me😭😭😭😭thank u for being such a blessing!!♥️🌷♥️🌷🌻🌷🌻🌷field of flowers 4 miss cat. (2/2)
✿ ✿ ✿
omg that’s wonderful! 🥺💞 you’d be such a caring and kind teacher, and i’m positive you’d be their favorite teacher �� asjkdhfls wait i should be calling you miss then oh my gosh, i think you’re the third person i met on here that’s older than me; everyone else is younger than me, and it was honestly a bit disorienting at the beginning since i was used to being the youngest or a little lower than the average age in other kpop fandoms 🤧 and i gotta thank your friend then or else, i wouldn’t have met you 🥺🥺 and it’s ok, we can form a dino squad together!!! 🦕 jaklsdhflaksjd you’re making me blush and ooooh my goodness, thank you so so much, sweetpea 😭💗💗 i definitely won’t stop creating!!! if i could, i would love to make art all day :’)
omg that’s very true! there’s no mess at all! i’ve spilled and stained the carpet, my clothes, my desk, and literally everything else with oil paints so many times now rip oooo that’s super interesting! :o that’s really cool, and i remember having long discussions about the effects of nature vs nurture for behavioral psych. have you conducted any studies or done your own experiments in your psych classes? ✨ and you already deserve all the compliments and infinite more, sweetpea!!!! 💗 and oh my gosh i absolutely adore flowers with all my heart, thank you sosososo osoo much 🥺💞🌷
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setmeatopthepyre · 6 years
cappuccino, iced lemon tea, mint tea, herbal tea?
Cappuccino : What’s your middle name?Katrin
Iced Lemon Tea : Favorite song/band?I could never choose one! A song I currently keep coming back to is All I’ll Ever Know by OWEL.
Mint Tea : How do you relax?I really like watching series/movies and making online puzzles. I have two screens. It’s relaxing, idk. I also love plotting fic and bouncing around weird ideas for stories and the like. I’m also a big fan of reading a book while in a bath.
Herbal Tea : You’re at a candle shop, what scented candle do you buy?Something earthy/pine-y or spicy. When in doubt, cinnamon apple.
> cafe asks
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How does one break into fandom? I’m never tagged in fandom memes, or asked about my fandom interests. I write fic, comment and like others fics, scream about fandom on my blog, reblog gifsets and the like. I always feel like an outsider looking in while everyone else has fun.
Owell. I get that fandom isn’t all that important but still.
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that1nkyone · 7 years
4 and 9 for Spectrum?
Answered 4 here, so here’s 9!
9) Were there any alternate versions of this fic?
Oh boy.
There was an alternative in which Sans, during that night when the CORE incident occurred, would not have decided to try taking the Blasters from storage and just gone straight home, instead. Gaster is equipped with his Blasters, and also presents his idea for the CORE to the King as a result.  
None of this ends well. Reno and Val are among the ones dusted in Gaster’s increasing madness, and Owel is critically injured (Sprig was spared due to being at the security monitors). Gaster initially escapes incarceration, grabbing the vial of mutagen and evading capture until he reaches Snowdin, where he knows a much more reliable means of a getaway lives.
In his haste, and in the darkness, he infects the wrong skeleton.
The whole thing probably turns out a little less complicated than regular Spectrum, due to Gaster and co remaining in existence, and Sans and Papyrus getting the support they need and the doctor being incarcerated - but there is a very sad and scared baby blaster involved, at first.
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lire-casander · 4 years
love me after midnight
[200 words] [general audiences] [owen strand/michelle blake] [owen strand, michelle blake] [title from midnight by 5 seconds of summer] [alternate universe] [written for @owelleweek day 4: future/au + “i remember kissing you, why do i remember kissing you?” + future/au]
[when michelle moved to new york, she wasn’t expecting to fall through the cracks of the big city]
When Michelle moved to New York, she wasn’t expecting to fall through the cracks of the big city. Her job as a paramedic for Station 252 is exciting, but she still feels like a stranger.
She doesn’t usually go out with the rest of the crew, and that’s why she feels disoriented when she wakes up to an unknown room with the lingering effects of a hangover attacking her. Besides her, there’s the unmistakable weight of someone sleeping soundly. When she looks over and recognizes Owen Strand, bits and pieces of the night before come back to her.
She remembers drinking way too much. She remembers exchanging glances with Owen. She remembers dancing with him — slow, slow, slower.
She remembers doing much more than dancing.
Captain Strand stirs and wakes up to her panicking.
“I remember kissing you, why do I remember kissing you?” she starts, sliding further away from him.
“I’d daresay, we did much more than just kissing, Blake,” he says with a slow smirk, patting the bed next to him. “Come back here, the bed’s growing cold without you.”
Despite her best judgement, she slides back close to him, allowing Owen to pull her closer to him.
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blushingitachi · 4 years
replaying Shield (again) and tbh im gonna do a fic on my playthru tomorrow.. idk the writing itch got me owell
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lire-casander · 4 years
fix these broken pieces
[100 words] [general audiences] [owen strand/michelle blake] [owen strand, michelle blake] [title from broken pieces by 5 seconds of summer] [mentions of collapsing buildings] [written for @owelleweek day 2: favorite scene in the field + “please be careful” + suspense]
[collapsing buildings are definitely <i>not</i> anyone’s favorite]
Collapsing buildings are definitely not anyone’s favorite, but Owen squares his shoulders when the time comes for his team to face the music. He organizes the work — he sends TK and Judd inside, he trusts Paul and Marjan and Mateo with crowd control and watering down the façade, and only then he saunters towards Michelle’s team. The three of them are ready to jump into action.
“Please, be careful,” Michelle tells him, leaning in to peck him on the lips — a sweet gesture that warms him up. Her fingers wrap around his wrist. “Come back to me.”
“Always,” he promises.
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