#p//petey-pie is having a bad day-
kaydens-agere · 2 months
Peter's Grocery Store || Regressing Peter Parker/Spider-Man & Caregiver Wade Wilson/Deadpool
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Under the cut!! I might make a moodboard or smth for this later instead of the gifs but I wanted to get this posted cuz I'm very excited about it and its something my little has wanted for ages so here yall go :P
After a very long day of fighting bad guys, Wade is finally home. He takes his mask off as he opens the door to see Peter, carefully lining up an array of items from around the house on the coffee table. He has his fluffy blue blanket wrapped around him, a telltale sign that he's little. Peter looks up as Wade walks in and grins.
"Hi, Daddy." he says quietly as he puts a packet of lunchables on the table.
"Hey bub, what'cha up to?" Wade sets his mask and duffel bag down, smiling gently at Peter, with makes him blush and giggle.
"Making my grocery store!" he replies proudly with a big smile.
"Your grocery store, huh? I dunno if we have the funds for that, Petey-pie." Wade quickly scoops him up, earning a squeal and a giggle from Peter.
"Hey, I'm busy!" Peter nuzzles himself into Wade's arms, despite grumbling and pouting about being picked up.
"Alright, alright. I'll put'ya down." Wade sets Peter back down and lightly kisses his forehead.
"What's for sale in the grocery store of yours, anyway?"
Peter gives Wade a mischievous grin but doesn't answer the question. Wade inspects the table to see what Peter is selling.
"Hey, this is just stuff from around our house, bud." he ruffles his hair.
"Yeah, well, you'll have to buy it back" Peter sticks out his tongue in return.
Wade lovingly rolls his eyes and snorts. He peers into the bag that Peter's pulling stuff from and gasps when he sees something of his.
"Hey! This is my unicorn backpack, what gives?" he quickly retrieves the item from the plastic bag.
Peter huffs and grabs it back. "Nuh! It's for sale now." he pouts and sets it on the table away from Wade.
Wade smirks. "I see how it is. How much is it if I wanna buy it back then?"
"It's not open yet! You have to wait." Peter pulls the last few items from the bag.
"Alright, alright!" Wade puts up his hands in surrender.
After he sets the items down, he stands up and places his hands on his hips.
"Daddy! I'm finished." he giggles excitedly and grabs Wade's hand to drag him to the door.
"Where are we going, kiddo?" Wade laughs as he's being dragged away.
"To the door, silly! You have to come into the store. Have you never been to one?"
Peter's always very sassy with Wade while he's little, but he thinks it's adorable.
"Oh, my deepest apologies, sweetheart. How could I forget how a store works? How silly of me." Wade says sarcastically and puts his hand on his chest.
Peter sticks out his tongue again and runs behind the table.
"Okay! You can come now. Welcome to the grocery store!" he bounces and fidgets behind the table and it takes all of Wade's might to not scoop him up and shower him with kisses.
"Wow, this store is inviting." Wade playfully struts over to the table to get Peter to giggle, and he kneels down and looks at the shop's "stock".
There's a few of Peter's toys, a giant bag of flour, three packs of lunchables, a hairbrush and Wade's aforementioned unicorn backpack. He decides to go for that.
"Okay, you gotta tell me how much for that backpack, baby boy."
"Hm..." Peter looks down thoughtfully before replying. "Fifty thousand million!"
Wade plays along with a dramatic gasp.
"In this economy, kiddo?! Man, even the readers are shocked! Or maybe they're not depending on their living situation..."
"Wha?" Peter tilts his head.
"Nothing, sweetie. Don't worry about it." Wade ruffles his hair.
"You gonna pay up or what?" Peter sasses him again, and Wade rolls his eyes.
"Yeah, yeah, you little brat. I'm payin'" he pulls his wallet out of his pocket (he finally started carrying it with him). He pulls out a $5 note and hands it to Peter. He inspects the note carefully.
"This isn't quite enough, but..." he pauses for dramatic effect. "Because you're my daddy and I love you, I suppose this will suffice."
Wade can't hold in his laugh. Sometimes Peter likes to use somewhat sophisticated language when he's small, and he finds it adorable.
"Aww, thank you buddy. You're very kind." Wade takes the backpack of the table and slings it around his shoulder.
"You're welcome, daddy." Peter walks around the table to give Wade a big hug. He tenderly leans down slightly and kisses Peter on the forehead.
"I love you so much, my little angel."
He hears Peter's flustered giggles and smiles.
"I love you too, daddy."
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snexy-the-snail · 5 years
~If you're stressy and depressy riase your hand~
A wonderful marvel prompt! My ask box is always open for requests!!! ^♡^))
Peter hated it when his spider powers dialed everything up to like eleven. It was impossible to focus and the constant thrum of danger was pricking the back of his mind constantly. He all but sprinted out of the school when the last bell rang. He wanted out, he wanted his mentor to tuck him away from all the stupidly loud noises.
He didn't hesitate to pop a pill into his mouth when he got up to the penthouse of the tower. He bit down hard, the familiar taste of blue raspberry flooding his mouth. Technically he was supposed to swallow the pill but he honestly could wait, everything was just so loud and out of place.
"Jarvis, Mr.stark in his lab right?" He calls out to the AI as he starts shrinking, none to bothered with it. He was so used to the feeling by now it was actually a comfort. It meant that everything was going to be alright. Sure it wasn't normal but it helped with his issues so it was perfect.
"No. Sir is currently at a press conference in China."
Peter pauses in surprise at that, he felt mildly betrayed he hadn't gotten that information earlier before he turned himself into a bite sized snacks. He groans softly and fiddles with his web shooters aiming it at the ceiling, Mr.Stark would totally flip if he stayed on the ground like this, so he shot a web at the ceiling and started hauling himself up. The pounding in his head was getting unbearable and annoying. He would take almost anyone at this point.
"Great, perfect." He hisses sarcastically to himself shooting another web to swing more to the counter. Maybe he could get Mrs.potts to tuck him away, he was pretty desperate at the moment truthfully. Man tumblr would have a field day with this.
"I just want to be in a nice quite tum, is that too much to ask?" He whines hanging from his web, trying to judge how many swings it would take to get to the counter. He grumbles unhappily hating just everything at the moment. He was mad at his mentor for not being there, and slightly mad at Mrs.Potts as well.
He lets a small huff of disappointment out staring at the counter longingly, he really needed to start carrying the reverse pill as well so he didn't get stuck like this. He frowns and kicks his feet back and forth just waiting in general to figure out what he wanted to do, he didn't even notice Bucky entering the room
"...what's wrong webs?" Bucky asks slowly not sure what he walked in on. Peter seemed pretty damn angry about something another weird thing he was small, he never got to see the kid so tiny.
He was very surprised to see Peter awkwardly swing around until he was facing him. He shifts slightly as the kid stares at him intently before sighing dramatically.
"Everything is to loud, Mr.Stark isn't here and I ran out of the other pills."
Alright so the kid was just having a tough time, he wasn't sure why that meant he was small but he was going to roll with the punches. He personally didn't know the web slinging vigilante very well but Tony was very fond of the kid.
"Is there..anything I can do?" He asks slowly not exactly sure what to do with the web slinging hero. He didn't really try to interact with many of the people in the tower, he didn't want to come across as rude when he wasn't sure how to answer something and stayed quite.
He wasn't prepared for the kid's look of utter relief at his offer. He wasn't sure what the small child would want but he would do his best to make him happy, anything to get on Tony's good side.
"There is something, but it's kinda super weird and I don't usually ask people because it makes them uncomfortable but I'm just so stressed with school and my spidey sense is driving me nuts today you know-"
Bucky honestly was going to ask what it was but the kid was on a roll already taking a deep breath to finish his long winded story.
"You probably don't, anyway sense Mr.Stark isn't here can you eat me?"
Bucky wasn't sure he heard the kid correctly. He wasn't exactly sure why the hell the kid would want to be eaten but who was he to judge? Maybe he just misheard? Probably.
"Eat..you? I heard that correctly right?" He asks slowly wanting to be sure. The kid nods eagerly clinging onto his strang of web or fishing wire. Whatever it was keeping the hyperactive ball of sunshine in the air.
"Yep! Well Mr.Stark likes to refer to it as hiding away but yeah." Peter continued. He hadn't seen Bucky around a lot but he was at the tower and he was Steve's friend which automatically made him trustworthy. At this point he didnt care who it was, hell he'd even go to Sam at this point. Judging by the winter soldier's face however it probably wouldn't  be happening if he didnt hype it up.
"Okay okay, it sounds crazy, I get it, but it'll seriously help me out! And it helps you too, Mr.Stark says it's oddly calming having someone so close, plus it's safe for both of us." He says smiling slyly.
"How..is eating someone safe?...and Stark does it?" Bucky asks slowly, Peter relaxing a bit. If he was questioning it that meant it was being considered.
"Well sense I'm smaller my molecules are tightly packed, plus I'm like too dense to digest, oh oh and as a safeguard Mr.Stark put a chemical in the pill so the acids wont hurt me." Peter says with a tight grin. Wow his head was really pounding now. He had no idea what caused his over sensitivity but it was a bitch and be wanted it gone. Instantly.
"Please Mr.Winter soldier Barnes sir, I..it helps a lot with my senses, please." He begs before the man could even open his mouth to respond. He didn't care if he sounded like a pouty kid he wanted to be hidden the frick away right now. The world was to loud and he hated it.
He was fully expecting a no when the silence went on, be squirmed uncomfortably on his web strand just wanting a decision to be made out loud.
"...how..how do we do this?"
Oh frick yes.
Peter grins widely practically vibrating with excitement. He was finally going to be able to rest. He never had anyone else hide him away so he wasn't exactly sure, Mr.Stark just went for it really.
"Okay, so like obviously I'm going to need to be in your mouth, then all you have to do is swallow and bam mission accomplished." Peter says with a grin, gratefully climbing onto the man's hand when it was offered. He wondered what Mr.Stark would think about this, it was kinda their special thing.
He steadies himself as Bucky brings his hand to his face, a bit too fast but Peter could manage that, and hesitantly opened his mouth like he was doing something wrong. Peter didnt waste a second before eagerly crawling into the soldier's mouth, marveling at how much chillier it was compared to his mentor.
"Woah you're a lil cold, that's kinda awesome." He says with a small smile. He laughs slightly and shifts a bit so he would be laying down, it would make it a lot easier for Bucky, none to bothered by the slick muscle pressing against his front. It was more of a comfort than anything now.
"Tumblr would so freak if I took pictures now." He whispers to himself, grinning widely when Bucky closed his mouth slowly. It was dark sure but he got used to it by now besides he didnt have much time to focus on the missing light, Bucky apparently realized he needed to slick him up for the trip down and was rolling him around. It was slightly rougher than Mr.Stark but still gentle, he never once hit any teeth, and the cool muscle slid over him multiple times leaving him coated in salvia soon enough. He laughs slightly and pushes blindly at the slick muscle after a few minutes of being licked and rolled around.
"I'm good!" He calls out grinning widely. He could hear every shaky breath the man took, he was obviously nervous but Peter didnt blame him, it wasnt exactly normal to swallow another person whole. His cheeks hurt with how much he was smiling but he couldn't help it, this was just so ridiculously relaxing for him.
"Send me down Mr.Bucky winter soldier sir!" He says doing a mock salute even if he knew it wouldn't be seen.
"Ah yis." Peter says to himself when he started slightly back, Bucky tilting his head which meant the swallow would be coming very soon. He grins and lays flat not wanting to hurt the man even if it would've been completely accidental.
A loud swallow and he was already up to his hips in the threat, tense muscles rippling over him preparing for the next swallow. It was slightly more hesitant but another swallow pulled him down fully and he was sliding slowly down to the core of the Winter Soldier.
While it wasn't extreme cold Bucky was a lot colder on the inside than he expected, certainly not the 90 degrees he was used to in his mentor. He didnt have a lot of time to ponder it before he was squeezed into his final destination. Bucky was definitely tense, the muscles nowhere near being relaxed, more like a sheet pulled really tight, so he did the logical thing and started pressing into the mess of tightness.
"Don't be so tense, it's fine! Seriously I'm fine!" He calls out pressing his hands deep into the muscle, not surprised at all when he sunk a few inches. He gathered Bucky wasnt exactly a talker, but that was fine, Mr.Stark went to meetings a lot with him 'hidden away' so he didnt get to talk to his mentor a lot during those days.
"And..stark..he's alright with this?"
Woah Bucky's voice was a lot gruffer than Mr.Stark's, it seemed to bounce around a little more than his too. Man he'd have to keep a journal on what avenger had what type of stomach.
"Yeah he'll be fine with this, we do it all the time no worries." Peter says waving dismissively before going back to kneading the tense muscles, thankfully the winter soldier seemed to be relaxing so the knots were slowly untensing leaving soft chilly muscles instead. They sat in silence for a moment before Peter's phone buzzed.
"Oh...I am so fucked." Peter whispers looking at the message his mentor had sent. One thing was for sure they'd having a nice little chat when Mr.Stark returned.
Peter hoped Bucky could hide because there was going to be an intense game of hide and seek in a little bit.
((Up next is some Good old Good omens vore-))
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chokememrstark · 4 years
Kisses // Starker
Words: 1456
Summary: Tony has a very special way of greeting Peter but when Peter tries to return it, things don't go so well. Though, in the end, it leads to something even better.
Warnings: Scars, Arc Reactor, Self-Esteem Issues, Body Worship, Kisses, Early Relationship, Fluff, Feels
Notes: Sorry there's no read more, only on mobile. Just had to get out some feels.
Link to AO3
It started out with a kiss on Peter's cheek whenever they met, not pushy, not demanding, just a sweet hello because Tony was happy to see him. Then, the kisses slowly moved further south. 
It was subtle at first, barely noticeable, but each day, Tony's kiss was placed in a different spo, slowly reaching his jaw and, finally, Peter's neck. The first time he kisses him there was in front of other people and Peter's face turned beet red.
Tony doesn't expect those kisses to lead to anything, though. He never does. They're his way of showing Peter he loves him and every single time it makes Peter's heart flutter and he has butterflies in his stomach. They didn't go further yet, they take it so incredibly slow and gentle and Peter truly loves every second of it.
And then, he tries to return the sweetness. At first, Tony lets him, but when Peter starts moving down - Tony reached his collarbone at one point when Peter wore a too revealing shirt, so he figured it's okay - Tony gently, but firmly, makes him stop.
Peter is so confused when this happens and when they are in a more private setting, he asks Tony why he did it. Because it wasn't anything sexual, really, it was just a way to show his affection, so there shouldn't be a problem, right?
But there is one for Tony, obviously. And while he explains, Peter listens, his heart heavy and his eyes slowly starting to tear up. And it explains much more than Tony thinks it does. 
Why he never just wears a shirt outside but always keeps everything up to his neck covered. Why he will only reveal a bit more when he's at home, away from other people, especially those he doesn't know - or trust. And why he never, ever, let's anyone touch him if it's not on his arm or back.
It's his reactor, of course, and the scars surrounding it.
"Would you show me, please?" Peter asks quietly when Tony falls silent, a question that isn't surprising, but still makes Tony look uncomfortable.
"It's not pretty," he says, sighing and putting a hand on his chest. "There's only scars and bad memories. You won't like it."
"And what if I do?" Peter asks, his voice soft and gentle, and puts a hand on Tony's that rests on the table. "You don't have to, but I'd really like to see it someday."
He doesn't see it that day. Or the next, or the day after. Peter doesn't mention it again and returns to kisses on Tony's cheek, but he's still serious about what he said. 
It's weeks until Tony finally feels comfortable enough to consider it and, after a nice dinner while they are watching a movie on Tony's couch, he finds the courage to say something.
"Petey?" he asks quietly when the credits start rolling, swallowing down hard. "You remember when we talked about my… problem?"
Peter looks up, a bit confused, but nods. "Of course I do, why are you asking?"
"If you still want to see it, I think you can." They've been dating for a few months now and truth be told, Tony really holds back and Peter can see it. He rarely has a relationship that's this long or serious, but it is to both of them and by now, he knows he can trust Peter fully.
"I would love to," Peter smiles, sitting up straight. "If you're okay with it, of course. I don't want you to do it just because I want it."
Tony shakes his head, taking a deep breath. "It's not just because of that, you're… special. You're important. And I trust you."
"Thank you, Tony," Peter smiles, his eyes so full of love it's a surprise it's not bursting out of him yet. "It really means a lot to me."
It is then that Tony slowly takes off his shirt - a geeky t-shirt tonight because why not - finally revealing his chest for the first time. Of course, Peter has seen it before, there are plenty of pictures of Tony when he was younger online, but he never saw it like this.
"I told you it's not pretty," Tony smirks awkwardly, dropping the shirt next to him. "It's pretty ugly, I know."
Peter only looks quietly, taking in the picture, the scars that spread from Tony's reactor, almost like a star, and reach almost up to his neck. The emotions he feels are all over the place and he really has to force himself to keep it together.
"It's not ugly," he finally whispers, his voice shaking slightly. "It's… beautiful in a way, but in a sad way."
Tony stares at Peter for a moment, not sure if he heard him right. "That's a new one, I have to admit," he finally huffs half-amused.
"I mean it though," Peter says and shakes his head before finally looking up at Tony again. "It's part of you, it can't be ugly."
"It's a machine that I need to live, that's all," Tony huffs, but again, Peter shakes his head.
"It's so much more, Tony," he says softly and reaches out, only to stop himself an inch from Tony's chest, as if he just remembered something. "Is it… is it okay if I touch you there?"
Tony goes a bit pale at the question but nods, knowing that Peter won't abuse this level of trust. "Just be careful," he says, giving him a sad smile.
Peter's eyes wander back down to Tony's chest and after a moment his fingertips brush over the skin just above the reactor. Now he does tear up, but he barely notices it.
"Those scars… they show that you're alive, Tony," he whispers, his lips curling into the saddest smile. Gently, he brushes his fingers over Tony's chest, almost awestruck when he reaches the reactor. "It causes you pain and it was a traumatic experience, but you survived, all of this."
"Yeah, I guess that's true," Tony says, sighing. "I'd rather live without it though. I hate it."
"I don't," Peter smiles, trailing his fingers over the edge of the reactor. The gesture makes Tony shudder, both from the level of intimacy and because he never let anyone touch him like this. "It's your heart, Tony. You don't have one, but two, and it's beautiful."
Then, much to Tony's shock, Peter leans down and pressed a soft kiss onto the reactor, eyes closed and smiling softly.
"I love it, Tony," Peter whispers and, without looking up, follows with more kisses, tenderly brushing his lips over Tony's scars with no fear or hesitation. "I love you, Tony, and I love your scars and your reactor, I love all of you."
"You're such a sap," Tony says, trying to sound sarcastic but it's really just coming off as a choked off whimper. He's aware that Peter adores and admires him, of course, and it's definitely part of what he loves so much about him, the sheer innocence and honesty in him, but he never expected this.
"Maybe so," Peter chuckles, giving Tony's reactor another soft kiss before finally pulling back, smiling at him. "But I mean it. Those scars… they are nothing to be ashamed of. They show how much you fought in your life, how far you've come. They show how strong you are, nothing else."
"Peter, you're full of surprises," Tony chokes wetly, wiping his eyes. "I'm glad you don't think they're disgusting, really."
"I would never think that," Peter says seriously, shaking his head. "And I'm sorry that you had to go through so much pain and suffering for them and that they still cause the same."
"I think it might be a bit better now, actually," Tony smirks, gently pulling Peter into his arms to hug him. "And I'm glad I showed you, I didn't know if I actually could."
"I'm glad you did too," Peter sighs, snuggling back against Tony. "They're part of you and I want to know all of you, the good and the bad."
"You're perfect, Petey pie," Tony chuckles, kissing Peter's cheek. "But, if you tell anyone I'm a softie, this relationship is history."
Peter can't help but laugh at that, poking Tony's side. "Don't you dare," he says, smiling. "I won't say anything like that, I promise." Then, he turns to kiss Tony's scars again, still humming softly.
Maybe Tony isn't the only one who can show his love this way, he thinks as he continues. Because, in the end, it's one of the most beautiful, soft and purest ways to show their love to each other. And Peter couldn't imagine this kind of intimacy with anyone but Tony.
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missnxthingg · 5 years
At First Sight | She’s Just Tired Prequel
A/N: First, I wanna thank you all for +1K notes on “She’s Just Tired”. I loved writing that request just as much many people liked to read it. I wanted to post it when it hit 1K, but I was away for a trip with my friends and just got to finish it today (because I’m inspired by a boy I met). If you haven’t read “She’s Just Tired” yet, there’s no problem, because this is a prequel! So you can read this first and than read this post right after. It’s a bit long, but I hope you enjoy it!
Words: 9.1K
Pairing: Peter Parker x Female Reader
Warnings: Pure sugar, I feel sorry for you diabetes.
masterlist | she’s just tired
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Peter Parker was always late for decathlon meetings since his first year of high school. This year, for the first meeting, wouldn't be different. He arrived when everyone was already sitting down at the table, eating the cupcakes MJ always brings for the first meetings since she became the leader after Liz Allen graduated.
"You're late, loser." MJ said, cleaning her mouth from the whipped cream.
"I'm sorry."
"It's okay, we're used to have you coming in really late." MJ said and Peter nodded, glancing over the table to find an available seat.
A girl was sitting at the table, one he had never seen before. She was glancing at her nails, playing with them. She was shaking, clearly nervous, and that only made Peter think she was cute. Actually she was gorgeous, and he thinks his heart skipped a beat when he saw her. He immediately sat next to her, leaving his things over the table, getting a cupcake right after.
"So, we have a new member today. This is (Y/N), and she is new in school. She's going to spend a lot of time with us, since she was from her old school's decathlon. So be nice to her." Mr. Harrington said, starting the meeting for once. "Oh, and Peter, since you're late, you're going to show the school for (Y/N)." Peter nodded and glanced at her with a shy smile.
"Hi, I-I'm Peter. Peter Parker."
"I'm (Y/N) (Y/L/N)." She smiled nervously, tension coming from both sides.
"I can see you're nervous. Don't be, everyone here is nice. Well, everyone except Flash." He glanced at the boy eating his third cupcake across the table.
"I noticed, he's been calling me fresh meat all day." She rolled her eyes and Peter nodded.
"Don't mind him. He's an idiot."
The meeting didn't take long, they arranged the new schedule for their meetings and trainings, ate some more cupcakes and they were dismissed. (Y/N) left soon and Peter followed her.
"(Y/N), wait for me." He smiled when he approached her. "Let me show you around."
"Okay." She smiled shyly, following him around the halls.
"So, what school are you coming from?"
"Bronx High School of Science. But it's too far away from my apartment, and my mom wanted me to study here."
"Where do you live?"
"Queens." He giggled, opening a wide smile.
"Seriously? I’m from Queens too. Forest Hills.”
“I’m from Sunnyside.” He smiled and kept walking around with her. 
“That’s not too far away from where I live. I can walk you home sometime.”
“Yeah, it will be great.” She smiled to him, making him melt with that gorgeous face she has. “I could really use making some friends around here.”
“I don’t have many friends around here, mostly Ned but he’s not here today. So, I don’t think I’m your best choice to start making friends.” He said, shrugging, afraid of her reaction. Maybe she would just turn around and leave. But she chuckled and shook her head.
“But you’re the only one who has been nice to me all day.” 
They kept walking together, talking about each other and about school. He showed her everything and gave her some advice on how to survive that school. She was really funny and very easy to be around, it made Peter comfortable, more comfortable than he had ever been. They had a strong connection since the beginning, it was like they’ve been friends for life.
“So, this is Midtown High. And I hope that you stick around.”
“I probably will.”
“I have to leave now. I have an internship to get to. But I’ll talk to you tomorrow?”
“Of course, I hope to have someone to sit with during lunch, because I sat in the library today.”
“Well, you can always sit with me and Ned.” He said with a big smile on his face.
“Thank you.” She kissed his cheek and both blushed so hard, that it was the cutest thing in the world. “For showing me around and being nice to me.”
“You make it really easy being nice yourself.” He smiled. “Goodbye.”
“Bye!” She said, watching him walk away.
Peter went patrolling that day, and a smile didn’t leave his face during the rest of the day. He swinged through the streets of Queens, wondering if he would bump into her. He wondered if she would like Spider Man, or if she would like to know he’s Spider Man. She didn’t leave his mind for a second that day. Once he decided it was a calm night in Queens, he went home to have dinner with May.
“May, I’m home.” He shouted from his room, taking his suit off to change into some more comfortable clothes.
“Hey sweetie, come here." Peter came to her with a big smile on his face. "Someone looks extremely happy today."
"It was just a really good day." He said, sitting next to her.
"Really? Nice. What's her name?" 
"(Y/N). She's new in school." He sighed and May smiled, pushing him slightly with her elbow.
"Tell me about her."
"Nooo, this is too embarrassing! I'm going to bed."
"Oh Pete, no! C'mere." She pulled him back but he got up to get something to eat.
"There's really nothing to talk about her. She's just nice, and very pretty." May couldn't see him from where he was standing, but he was smiling a lot. "I just made a new friend, okay? It's nice to have more friends other than Ned."
"I know. I'm sorry to embarrass you. But you know you can always talk about this stuff to me."
"I know May." He finished his sandwich, and kissed the top of her head, before going back to his room.
The following first month of classes were good. (Y/N) sat with MJ and Betty, along with some other girls from her debate team, completely forgetting about Peter or his invite to join him and Ned during break. Still, she said hi to him whenever she saw him in the hall or when they met in shared classes. He would see her mostly in decathlon, when she was answering all of the questions correctly, showing how smart she was.
"I guess someone is taking your place of the best in the team, Peter." Ned said and Peter shrugged.
"I don't mind, especially if it's her."
He was amazed by how intelligent she was, doing her own thing and always answering questions correctly, or always having something to say in debate class. (Y/N) was simply good at everything, and that's probably why he found it strange when she asked help with physics. 
"I really need help, do you think you can help me? Maybe over a coffee or something. I'll pay."
"You don't have to pay (Y/N), just meet me at this place after class, it's in Queens. I'm gonna help you." He wrote on a small post it and gave it to her.
"So tomorrow after class?"
"I'll be there." She smiled and kissed his cheek before leaving.
"Thank you Pete, you're the best." 
He dressed up so nicely just to go study with her. And there she was, just being herself, waiting for him in a table in the corner, lost between her own thoughts, concentrated on a book resting on the table. Peter felt something on his chest, something very different, one that he never felt before, not even with Liz Allen. He could stand back and admire her for a long time, but he didn't want to keep her waiting.
"Hey, am I late?" He asked and she shook her head no, smiling to him.
"No, I got here earlier to go through some homework." She said, closing what she was doing on her notebook, focusing on the boy in front of her. "Oh, you smell nice."
"Thank you." He blushed, not letting his wide smile go. "Do you want to order something?"
"Yes. I want a iced coffee, with the whipped cream and sprinkles."
"Oh God, you're such a kid." He laughed at her order and hide her face between her hands. He got up to get their order while she organized their stuff to study. It took awhile, but he came back with their coffees in hands. "Here's one for my 5 year old kid, and another for me."
"I'm gonna start crying."
He laughed and got one napkin and a pen, writing something down for her. "Cute, but with a really bad taste in coffee. Still, cute." He handed it to her and she kept it on her bag, blushing very hard.
"So, Petey. I need help because I don't know what half of these words mean."
"It's easy, come on." He sat next to her and started to explain, and she met him halfway, understanding everything he was saying. It took a whole afternoon, but she caught up with him after a long study session.
"Well it was easy indeed."
"See, I told you. Also, you're incredibly smart, I bet you didn't even need my help."
"But I wanted some company." She smiled to him and they kept staring at each other for a while, until he broke the silence.
"Are you hungry? We can order something to eat."
"A pie would be nice."
The date went on for at least one more hour, they tried to study more, but they couldn't concentrate on the smart jokes Peter kept cracking around, making her laugh loudly, and the stupid kids songs she kept singing to him. 
"I guess I have to go. It's getting dark. Let's go pay."
"It's my treat." Peter said, getting up before her to pay.
"Thank you." She blushed, helping him by organizing their things before leaving.
"Come on, I'll walk you home
Peter walked her home right after they were done, considering it was on his way to the subway and he couldn't let her go home alone so close to being dark.
"I'm sorry for not sitting to you in lunch. It's just, MJ and Betty were so nice and we were hooked on a conversation."
"It's okay. You need to make friends, it's not like you're gonna get them by sitting with me and Ned, listening to us talk about Star Wars."
"No! You guys are really nice, I would love to talk to you about Star Wars." She smiled to him, slowing down her pace. "This is my building."
"Oh, okay."
"Thank you for today." She hugged him, and what was meant to be an awkward hug turned out to be a very nice one. She held his middle and he held her by the shoulder. "For paying and helping me."
"Anytime, (N/N)."
"Good night Pete."
"Good night."
He was too energetic to simply get the subway. Instead, he changed clothes in an alley and swing home, doing a lot of flips. Today made him extremely happy and all he wanted to do was scream in excitement. It was a good night, and he even did his small patrolling very happy, again, because of the same girl.
The next day, she met him early in the halls, and gave him some homemade cookies baked by her grandmother, just to thank him for the previous day. They met again in chemistry class, where they were partnered up by their teacher. And when lunch came, she saw him passing with his friend and called him.
"Hey Pete, why don't you guys sit with us?" She asked with a warm smile on her face. (Y/N) was sitting along with Betty and MJ.
"Okay." He said and Ned shrugged, following his friend.
Ned knew his best friend was falling for that girl, and how his eyes glow whenever he sees her. Completely heart eyes emoji. And they were close, like the inside jokes type of close, laughing a lot together. He even shared some of his fries with her. Also, she stood up for him when Flash came around to bully him during the following week.
"Sup Penis Parker. Did your mom dress you up today? Oh right…"
"Flash, seriously, go find something else to do. Also, he has a name."
"Oh, so you and New Meat are a thing? Good to know." He pointed to both of them and Peter step closer to him.
"Don't you dare say anything about her, or I'll break your fucking face." Peter said with an angry voice. "You can say anything about me, but don't you dare say anything about her."
"Come on Pete, he's not worthy it." She pulled Peter to go away, but still, they could listen to what Flash said.
"So you are a thing! I knew it!"
(Y/N) pulled him to an empty classroom, only to see he was crying. Red and puffy eyes, with wet cheeks. She didn't know what to do, so she locked the door and kneeled in front of the chair he was now sitting, resting her hands on his knees.
"Hey, don't cry for a guy like Flash. He's not worth it."
"I'm not crying because of him." He tried to wipe some tears away, but some more were kept coming. "My mom and dad died when I was really young, and I was raised by my aunt May and uncle Ben, and he died many years ago. And every time Flash brings it up this way, my heart breaks. I know shouldn't care, sometimes I really don't, but in days like today, it really gets to me."
"I'm really sorry Peter." She wiped some tears away and tried to smile to comfort him. "Family stuff can be hard sometimes. God, my parents are hard too. But if you ever need anyone to talk to, even though we're not this close yet, you can always come to me."
"Thank you. Really." He sobbed, trying to calm himself down.
"Do you want a hug?"
"A hug would be nice, yeah." She held him for  while, trying to comfort him. He cried a little more, but something about her seemed to make him calm down. Maybe it was her finger running down his hair, or her soft way of talking to him. 
It was weird, but they grew their intimacy so fast, trusting each other to tell things they've never told anyone. It took a long time, like a month or two, but they practically became best friends, knowing a lot about the other, always hanging out. But their chemistry was undeniable, and both of them knew they were falling for each other, slowly opening their hearts to the world, but they never admitted it.
One night, a Wednesday one, Peter stayed up patrolling until it was 2 AM, when his phone oddly started to ring. Her name shining on the screen. Peter jumped into his room before answering it.
"Pete?" Her voice broke the silence from the other side of the line. She was sobbing, crying.
"(Y/N), what's wrong?"
"They had a fight, and my dad stormed out… I-I don't know where he went. I'm scared."
"Who are they? Your parents?
"Do you want me to come over?" He asked and she started to cry harder.
"No, it's pretty late, I don't want you walking all the way over here. It's dangerous. W-We can just talk, it's okay."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, I could use a hug tomorrow though." She sobbed, breathing deeply before continuing. "My mom thinks he's cheating and he claims that he's not, but the fight was ugly and now I'm locked in my room and I can't sleep because I'm crying, and in the end I just wanted to hear your voice."
"I'm here. You can always come to me."
“Thank you, Pete. You’ve been the best friend I’ve never really had before. I’m glad I have someone like you to be there for me.” Peter smiled, even though his heart ached to see her so hurt.
“Do you want me to do anything until you fall asleep?”
“Just talk to me. Tell me a story.” He pressed the spider on his suit, removing it to be only on his underwear under the cover to think about something to tell her.
“So, when I was a kid, May used to take me to eat ice cream at least once a month. It was a thing she used to do when uncle Ben was still alive. And it was a very nice thing we used to do. One day, I even ate a whole bunch of ice cream and it started to get out from my nose.”
“That’s disgusting!” She giggled for the first time that night, and that made his heart warm up. “Tell me another one.”
“I don’t have many stories.” He giggled. “I’m not a very interesting guy.”
“Yes, you are! Everyone is. Now, tell me like… The first time you’ve been in love, or liked someone.”
“Oh I don’t think I’ve ever loved someone like this. But, I used to like this girl, her name was Liz, but I didn’t really love her.”
“So you never loved anyone?”
“No, I don’t think so. But who knows, maybe I get the guts to ask my crush out.”
“You should, I bet you’ll make her really happy.” He smiled, thinking he wanted to ask her out the most. “More stories Parker.”
“I’ll just tell you how I became friends with Ned. It’s a long one, so maybe you’ll fall asleep to this one.”
Peter told her the whole story and soon she wasn’t answering him anymore, probably asleep now. He smiled, but let the story finish, to be sure she was really asleep.
“Maybe I’ll take your advice and ask you on a date. But tomorrow I just wanna hug you until you feel better. Now, sleep well my angel.”
The next day she looked horrible, like someone who cried her heart out until she slept. Peter’s world crumbled to not see her in such colorful clothes she normally wears, but in black jeans and a black hoodie, hair tied in a bun and absolutely no makeup, showing dark bags under her eyes. She smiled softly when she saw Peter, but it wasn’t one of her warm smiles. It was cold, like it could transmit her pain. But she was truly happy to see Peter, just couldn’t demonstrate it.
“Hey.” He said and she curled up in his embrace before saying anything. “Are you feeling better?”
“Not much. Dad was sleeping in the couch when I woke up for school. I didn’t feel like coming, but staying home was worse, but I’m not in the mood to watch the classes.”
“Do you wanna ditch? I know the perfect place. I can stay with you and you can let it all go.” She nodded and he dragged her to an old changing behind the gym, that wasn’t in use since Peter got into Midtown.
“Are you sure no one is coming here?” She asked and Peter nodded.
“The janitor only comes here on Fridays to clean it up a bit. But I’ve ditched many classes in here with Ned or alone. It’s a good place to think.”
“So why no one uses in here?”
“It’s the old girl’s locker room. They never come here because it’s small, including the lockers. Also, the shower is pretty awful, and water’s always cold. So they use the one inside school.” She nodded and he sat on the floor and she sat next to him, embracing his arm, resting her face on his shoulder.
“I'm sorry for being like this. I hate the ugly crying."
"It's okay. Everybody cries and you have a pretty good reason to do it." He caressed her knees with his thumb. "And I'm here if you wanna talk, or simply not talk."
"It's been so hard to see them fighting. And I'm holding it in, it's just good to talk to someone about it. I feel like they aren't my family anymore."
"You can build your own family. You have friends. Family doesn't mean you have to be blood related."
"I know." She started to play with his fingers and he entwined their pinkies.
"I swear I'll be here for you."  She smiled tenderly, looking at their fingers.
"I'll be here for you too. Cross my heart."
"And hope to die."
Peter tried everything to make her happy and forget about her parents situation. He even organized a bowling night with their friends to cheer her up. And the more time passed, the more they liked each other. One week, Peter was agitated, and Ned knew it was because he overheard some jocks talking about inviting the new girl on a date.
"She's gonna fall for one of those stupid idiots, and they are going to be prom queen and king, and live happily ever after." He rambled, nervously flicking his legs.
"That's why you need to get to her first. Because the way she looks at you, it almost looks like she's gonna explode."
"Really?" His eyes shined and he couldn't hold smile back.
"Yeah. Now, there she is, go talk to her." He pushed Peter into (Y/N)'s direction. She was organizing her locker when she saw him coming towards her.
"Hey Pete." She smiled to him, closing her locker to face him.
"Hey (Y/N)." He smiled back, trying to come up with words to ask her out.
"So, May told me about this old pizza place that is really good, and I was wondering if you wanted to go with me. A-as a date" He was nervous, heart beating faster than it ever had. "O-only if you want it to be a date, of course."
"I'd love to." She smiled and blushed so hard, it was the cutest thing in the world.
"G-good." He smiled wider, not containing his excitement. "Do you mind if we walk there? It's not far away from your place, and I don't have a car."
"I'm fine with everything, as long as I'm with you" She held his hand and his whole body shivered.
"So, Friday?" She nodded and he entwined their fingers.
"Walk me to class?" He nodded back and she pulled him to the hall, so they could walk together.
When the day came, Peter took the subway to her place and waited a long time until he called her to come down, just because he got there earlier than expected. She got down to open the door and once he laid his eyes on her, he got completely mesmerized by her. (Y/N) usually dresses up nicely for school, but today she looked different, completely gorgeous. She was wearing a tight plaid skirt and a black tshirt with converses. She usually doesn't wear much makeup, only when she had a really long study session. But today she had a light makeup on and glossy lips. Peter almost fainted because of how beautiful she looked like.
"Hi Pete." She smiled to him and he was still jaw dropped looking at her.
"H-hi." He smiled and blinked a couple times. "You look so beautiful. A-actually you look beautiful every day."
"Thank you." She blushed, looking down to her toes. "Let's go?"
"Let's go." He gave her space to walk beside him.
They talked about all sorts of things during their walk to the pizza place. Their conversation flowed naturally, and suddenly all that anxiety of being on a first date with the other was gone. They were comfortable around each other. So comfortable that they didn't even noticed when they started to hold hands, it was just natural, but still enough to make them feel the butterflies in their stomach.
Arriving at the pizza place, they sat in a booth on the same side, this way they could be closer to talk to each other. He kept throwing jokes at her and they had a really nice conversation. They ordered soda and one pizza to share.
“You like pepperoni right?” Peter asked and (Y/N) nodded.
“It’s my favorite.” She sipped her soda and rested it over the table. “And after it comes those with pineapple on top.”
“You’re disgusting.” Peter did an ugly face, making her giggle and push him away.
“You’re such a bore. Pineapples on the pizza are fun! They bring you sweetness in the middle of all of that salty food. I definitely tastes nice when you choose the right toppings.”
“Yeah, like pepperoni, cheese and NO pineapple.” 
“Oh, shut up.” She giggled.
Both of them ate the whole pizza slowly, trying to enjoy every second of their date. They talked about everything, and it was the most magical thing in the universe. Peter was amazed of the way she talks, and sometimes she even caught him staring at her with admiration, like she was an angel.
“I really meant when I said you looked beautiful today.”
"You look beautiful too Pete." 
"I look like trash compared to you." He giggled and fixed her hair, resting his thumb on her cheek. "Do you know what?"
"What?" She asked confused.
"I really wanna kiss you right now." She smiled and locked their gazes together.
"So why don't you do it?"
Those words were like song to Peter's ears. He let a crooked smile out and leaned in to take her lips onto his. It was brief and sweet, but their hearts were pounding so hard that they thought it would beat out of their chests. And right there it was their first kiss, quite simple, but the most amazing one that they’ve ever had. He pulled back giving some small pecks on her lips before breaking the kiss. They both smiled when they pulled away, foreheads still close together, and they were just feeling each other.
“This was amazing.” She broke the silence for the first time.
“Yeah. And it tasted like pepperoni.” He joked and she hid her face in the crook of his neck, blushing hard.
“Oh my God, this is so embarrassing.”
"I like pepperoni.” He poked her waist with his index finger, making her look back to him. “But I like you more, since the first time I saw you.”
“I like you too. More than pineapples on pizza.” She touched the tip of his nose and he smiled.
“I’m starting to think that you don’t actually like me." She giggled, pulling him to another kiss.
"You dork. I really really really really like you."
"I really really really really like you too." She smiled and caressed the back of his head, bringing him closer to leave some more pecks on his mouth.
"You're my little angel." He whispered against her lips. "Thank you for coming with me."
"I had so much fun tonight. I'm glad you invited me."
"Well, I couldn't think of a better company." They entwined their fingers and she rested her head on his shoulder.
"I don't want this to be over, but my dad gave me a curfew."
"I will walk you home. Just let me go pay." He kissed her cheek before getting up to pay.
"Oh, let's split."
"Please (Y/N), I saved all my money for taking the girl I like out and I'm not letting her split."
"Well, I want to help the boy I like pay this for me." She smiled reaching him to hug him from behind while he waited to pay.
"The boy I like. That sounds really good." He smiled, glancing down to his wallet to get his money to pay up.
"I like hugging you. It's comfy." She brushed her cheeks against his back and inhaled his perfume.
"I feel like you might fall asleep if you keep doing this." He turned around and she hugged his middle. Peter kissed her forehead and she smiled widely.
"I like this new side of you."
"The Completely Head Over Heels side?" He asked, gaze locked with hers.
"Maybe. I don't know, haven't named it yet." 
"Come on, curfew." He reminded guiding her with a hand on her lower back towards the exit.
The weather was chilly and Peter noticed her body shiver in contact with the cold wind, so he involved her with her with his jacket and their hands glued together like two magnetic puzzles that were meant to be together. Since they found out this was a thing that felt too good to do, they didn’t let their hands go apart again. The feeling right deep in their chests was like the most addictive drug in the world, and they wanted to feel it again. Peter took her home safely and even gave her a good night kiss before leaving.
“Be safe, and text me when you get home.” She yelled watching him walk away.
“I will babe.” He said turn around one last time to blink at her.
“Babe.” She whispered with a smile on her face, before turning around to go inside.
As if it was somehow possible, they became even closer, the kind of inseparable close, on the following week. They texted all weekend and when it was Monday again, there they were, hanging together all the time. That week they had two study dates and Ned even let Peter have one lunch alone with her. But they didn’t kiss even once after that date, and it was driving both of them insane. They would glance at each other’s lips for long periods, wanting to feel it again.
The whole school already knew they were hanging out in two weeks of doing things like sharing homemade treats, partnering up in almost every class, and sometimes spotted holding hands and staring at each other in class or while talking. Being apart was getting harder and harder for both of them.
“(Y/N), wait!” He raced his pace to reach her before she met the front door.
“Hey Pete.” She smiled to see him again, just because they had separated classes all day and only talked during break. “Heading home?”
“Yeah. I was thinking that maybe I could walk you home.”
“Isn’t it too much for you to walk? I live a bit far away from your house.”
“I don’t mind. My day isn’t being the best, and you always cheer me up.” She stopped to look at his face with concern.
“Are you okay?” She asked with her worried eyes and he nodded.
“Yeah, I just woke up in a bad mood, didn’t sleep much and I get cranky when I don’t sleep properly.” She held his hand and caressed its back with her thumb.
“Come on. Maybe I can distract you, but promise me to get some sleep when you get home?”
“I promise.”
“Good. Let’s go.” She pulled him by the hand and they walked together through the streets of New York.
They took the subway together to get outside Manhattan, all the way to Queens, where they would have a fifteen minute walk from the subway to her apartment. They walked slowly, talking about their favorite things about New York, like places to visit or eat, and things to do. Peter knew in that moment that it would become his favorite thing to do with her, walk around New York, fingers laced together and they talked. He rocked their arms back and forth while listened to her list her favorite ice cream places in Sunnyside.
“Oh, there’s one of my favorite things in New York.” She pointed to his left, and he glanced over where she was looking.
“A newsstand?” He got a bit confused and she giggled.
“No! Look at the Daily Bugle. It’s Spider Man!” She said with a smile on her face.
“D-do you like Spider Man?” He asked nervously.
“Of course! He’s my favorite superhero, and he even helped me find my stolen phone once.” Peter eyes shined once those words came out of her mouth. “I wish I could see him again.”
“Maybe you will.” He said, trying to hold a smile back. “He’s always around Queens, you know.”
“Yeah, I don’t think so. I only saw him once, but it was amazing.” She smiled and got her keys out of her backpack. “I even have this key chain. It’s him upside down.” He glanced over her keys and smiled.
“You are the perfect girl.” He said, looking back to her, and before she even processed what he was saying, their lips were glued again. They didn’t properly kiss in two weeks, only a small peck Peter gave her in the middle of the hall and almost died of embarrassment, also not being very lucky once Flash was nearby. This time, he was taking full advantage of being alone with her. It was a real kiss, and it took longer than the first one, but it was also hotter and needy.
“What was that?” She whispered against his lips and he kissed her again.
“I just really missed your lips.” He said with one hand on the back of her head, before leaving some minor kisses on her lips.
“You need to go rest Pete.”
“I will.” She kissed his cheek before hugging him.
“And you are the perfect guy.” She said against his chest.” Thank you so much fo walking with me, baby.”
“Thank you for lighting up my day.” He smiled, leaving one last kiss on top of her head. “I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”
“Bye. Text me when you get home.”
“Always, boss.” He saluted her and walked away until he saw her coming into the build.
Peter decided to swing home in his Spider suit, because it would be faster for him to do it. So in less than 10 minutes, he was home, cooking something for him to eat. He couldn’t get that stupid smile out of his face, because the girl he truly likes also likes his superhero version, and he couldn’t be happier about something like this. He really tried to sleep a little bit, but she couldn’t get out of his head, and when he saw, it was already time to go on patrol.
It was a calm night in Queens, some minor things happened and he helped lost people, tourists, and some small robberies were stopped. But it was early and nothing was happening, so he decided to surprise his girl, knowing she was home and that she would love to see Spider Man once again. So he swung to Sunnyside and stopped at her firescape. He stood back and watched her inside her room. Her light was low, and she was concentrated on her Twitter and the songs playing on her headphones, as she normally does before lying to sleep. He smiled at her and her unicorn pajamas, seeing her so peacefully brings him joy and he could sit back and watch her do it all night, but it would be creepy. So he knocked on her window, and he thanked God her music was low, because she was able to listen and look back. Her eyes widened at the figure standing on the edge of her firescape. She ran to open the window with a big smile on her face.
“Spider Man? What are you doing here?”
“Just swimming by. Hello!”
“Hi.” She smiled and gave him space to pass. “Please, come in. Are you hurt?”
“No! I just got tired, and tonight is a calm night, but I need to rest. Sore back.” He pointed to his back and she nodded. “You’re (Y/N), right?”
“How do you know my name?”
“A friend of mine told me. And he also told me you’re my biggest fan.”
“I don’t know if I’m your biggest, but I’m a big fan.”
“I really appreciate that.” He smiled under the mask, completely mesmerized by the way she looked at him. “Can you get me a glass of water? Pretty please, I’m really thirsty.”
“I’ll be right back. Please don’t be loud, my parents are home.”
“Don’t worry.” He watched her leave the room and glanced over it.
It was almost like he entered her brain. Her room was so full of her personality. It had a fun decoration, but not with too much color. She had pictures all over the walls, along with posters and some books and HQs. Her bed was messy, and so was her table, since she’s not an organized person at all. But there was some things to be noticed around the room. She had a Spider Man plush over her bed, a Daily Bugle with him on the cover resting right next to her bed. It was all about him, but he couldn’t help but notice some Peter things as well. The napkin he wrote on their first study date was hanging on a board next to her door along with the post-it he gave her with the café name. He smiled, knowing that she kept it somewhere she could see it everyday.
“So, are you going to tell me who’s this friend of yours who told you about me?” She said coming back to the room with a glass of water in hands.
“I can’t. It would break my disguise.”
“At least tell me if it’s from Bronx or Midtown High.”
“Midtown.” He said and she whined.
“Come on Spidey! Tell me.” She begged and he smiled.
“Maybe if you tell me your friends’ names, I can see if it’s anyone I know.”
“Okay, so there’s MJ and Betty, and they are a few of my girl friends. I met this nice girl named Alicia in Biology class. Also, there’s Ned, but I hang with him more when I’m around Pe…” She stopped halfway and smiled, looking down to her knees, cheeks completely red.
“Around who?”
“Peter. Peter Parker.” She smiled with the mention of his name. It was like she completely forgot that she had a superhero in her room once Peter’s name was mentioned.
“I’m guessing this Peter is not just a friend.”
“He’s not. I mean, he is, but I don’t know what we are yet. But we’re far beyond the friendship lane, and I really like him.”
“Tell me more about him.” He leaned back on his seat and pulled his mask above his nose to expose his mouth so he could drink the water.
“Peter is the first guy I truly liked, from the very first moment I saw him. And it’s weird, because I feel so good around him and we’ve known each other for only a month now.”
“I know what that’s like.” He drank another sip of his water and continued. “I met this girl too, and she’s amazing, you know. I really truly like her, and I just wish she knew it.”
“You should tell her that.”
“I already have.” He smiled, finishing the glass. “She likes me back, yeah. Maybe in the same intensity, but I just wish she knew how important she is to me.”
“I bet she knows.” (Y/N) winked and he smiled, pulling his mask back down. “He kissed me today. Peter. I think for the second time, and it was magical. How did it feel to kiss that girl for the first time?”
“So good. Maybe it was the best kiss of my life, and I didn’t care a bit if it tasted like pepperoni.” Once she realized what he said, her eyes widened and she sat straight.
“Peter?” She asked and he nodded. (Y/N) approached and pulled his mask off. “Oh my God. You’re Spider Man?”
“Surprise.” He smiled nervously and she hugged him.
“I can’t believe this.” She said against his neck. “I’m going to be so worried about you now.”
“Don’t be, please. I’m completely fine.”
“You’re my favorite superhero. I think I might be dreaming.”
“I swear you’re not darling.” He smiled and she glued their lips in another kiss.
“And I opened up my heart to you.” She punched him in the arm, and his only reaction was to pull her into a hug.
“I opened mine too.” He stroked her hair, feeling her calm down under his touch. “I really mean when I say I like you. And (Y/N), you’re the most amazing girl in the world.”
"Why didn't you tell me sooner?"
"Because I needed to know if I could trust you."
"And you do?" He stopped to caress her cheek and smile tenderly.
"You're the person I trust the most."
"I'm glad you told me." She sat on his lap and he pulled her into a hug. "Are you hungry baby? There's some pizza leftovers. And did you sleep well?"
"Couldn't sleep, but I'm tired. And I ate a sandwich before coming."
"Come here. Let me make you rest." She pulled him to bed and he lied between her legs.
"May will be worried about me."
"Text her. Say you're with me." 
"I can't baby." She buried her nose in his hair and held him tightly.
"Please." She cried and he nodded, pressing a kiss on the palm of her hand that was before resting on his chin.
"Just a little bit, okay?" She nodded and pressed some more kisses on the top of his head. "Tell me about your day, I haven't seen you all day."
She told her everything about his day and he told about his and what was bothering him. And from that day, they were officially a thing, not holding back their relationship to the world. He even went to have dinner with her parents one night, which ended up with them loving Peter, but fighting with each other when Mr. (Y/L/N) was called for a "late night work". The night that was supposed to be a nice dinner ended up with Peter staying over to comfort his girl to sleep, because she couldn't stop crying.
But it didn't have a name, or a label. Everytime they were asked if they were girlfriend and boyfriend, they didn't know how to answer that question, simply saying that they were a thing. But both of them wanted something else, even though they've been to plenty of dates and were inseparable. (Y/N) hasn't met aunt May yet, because she was always busy. 
Peter was watching her during class, completely lost in her thoughts, not paying attention to class, buried in her book. In that moment he knew she needed to be his girlfriend and make it official with a promise ring or something.
"Ned, I'm gonna ask (Y/N) to be my girlfriend."
"She isn't already?"
"Yeah, kind of. But it's not like I ever asked her to be my girlfriend. We just hang out."
"You met her parents."
"Which was a disaster." Ned nodded, agreeing with him.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes! I want her to be mine forever."
"So go for it dude."
Peter planned for a whole week and it was just a good coincidence when she called him Thursday night during patrol.
"Movie day! Tomorrow, at my place." 
"Hello to you too babe." He giggled during his swing through the streets of Queens.
"Sorry. I'm just too excited. My parents won't be home for the weekend and I really wanted to have the place for us."
"Okay. I can cancel patrol tomorrow." He smiled, because his plan was falling into place.
"I really want to do absolutely nothing tomorrow. Just watch movies, eat junk food and be with you."
"The perfect day."
And it was indeed. After class, they rushed to her place and even met her mom leaving the apartment before going to the airport. (Y/N) cooked some pasta for lunch and they spent the afternoon in her bed.
"You know what is today?" He asked and she kept thinking if she forgot something.
"No, not really."
"Our 2 month anniversary since our first date." He caressed her cheek and smiled.
"You saved the date. How cute!"
"It's a really important one to me." He sat in bed and pulled his backpack to his lap. "And I got something from you."
"Pete, I didn't get you anything…"
"It's a gift for us both." He got a velvet box out of his bag and opened it for her, showing her a key necklace.
"Peter, it's so pretty, but it seems so expensive."
"I got a raise from my boss." He said and pulled his keys out of his pocket. "See this key chain? It's a heart, and it's locked up. And in the middle of many keys, you have the only one that can unlock my heart."
"Stop it! I'm emotional, and I'm gonna cry." She said tearing up and he giggled, turning her around to put the necklace around her neck. "Thank you so much."
"(Y/N) (Y/L/N), will you please be my girlfriend? This time officially."
"Yes!" She jumped on his neck and pulled him into a long kiss. They kissed many times before, but that one felt like it was their first one. Tasted different and new, and it was quite fun to do it. "You make me so happy."
"That's the reason why I asked you to be my girlfriend. You make me happy, you make me feel special, like no one ever did."
"It's you and me against the world, forever." She entwined their little fingers and he glued their foreheads together.
And their relationship was the best one they could ever had. They barely fought and they had a lot of fun together, it didn't matter if they were on a fancy dinner date or dancing while they were alone in her room. Still, even though Peter wanted to introduce his girlfriend to his aunt, it seemed like she was never home.
"Please May, try to manage some time. I really want you to meet her."
"I'm trying sweetheart, but things just seem hard on F.E.A.S.T. right now and I just wanna get all my work done by the end of the month."
"But I've been dating her for almost three months now, and I've already met her parents. She'll start to think I don't want you to meet her."
"That's bullshit darling." She kept concentrated on folding laundry and Peter decided to help her finish it.
"She's the girl of my dreams, and I really wanted her to meet my family. And you're my whole family May."
"I know sweetie. I promise you to have her over for dinner by the end of the month."
“I just wish that she could come over so we could have a dinner as a family, you know, because she has some issues with her family and I wish she could just be happy for one night.”
“She will, and it’s going to be perfect Pete.”
He thanked that he had (Y/N) to be there for him, because it seemed like May was pretty occupied with her new shelter to even remember his existence. He felt sorry for her, because he knew she was very tired. But (Y/N) was always there to support him, and vice versa. She made sure that he got home safely everyday after patrolling, and wouldn't sleep until he said he was alright. There was three situations where he got very injured and she had to take care of him, but that meant cuddling afterwards, which was a great thing for him.
At the same time that Peter felt lonely, (Y/N)'s parents started to fight even more than before and she would stay up until it was very late listening to their screaming and fights. She would show up everyday with dark bags under her eyes and her spirits buried deep down on earth. Peter was the only one to make her smile, because he had that kind of effect on her.
But one day she couldn't do it anymore. Peter was doing his homework in his room, listening to a low and calm music to set the mood, when he heard knocks on his door. He thought it was weird, because he wasn't expecting anyone, but was surprised with his girlfriend completely heartbroken in front of her. She had red and puffy eyes, with tears falling nonstop, as she couldn't barely breathe. When she saw Peter, she immediately ran for his arms.
"What's wrong baby?" He asked but she couldn't stop crying to tell him. 
"M-my parents. T-they had a pretty bad fight, and… and my mom stormed out and I don’t know where she is."
"What? That's some serious shit. Come in." He pulled her into the apartment, right into his room.
He sat in his chair to face her sitting on his bed, trying to wipe her tears away. He held her face between his hands, as if that way he could read her better. Peter gave her some forehead kisses and held her to his chest. It took a while, but she calmed down and got away from Peter.
“I need to text her, see if she needs anything.” She stated, getting her phone in hands.
“You’re right. And I’m here if you need anything, okay? Just please be okay.”
Peter’s chest aches in pain as he watched the girl he loves so worried and sad. All he wanted to do was get all of her pain to himself, so she could be happy for once. He would take it, anything to see his girl smile again. Once she sighed in relief, Peter rested, knowing everything was probably fine.
“She’s staying at my aunt’s house.”
“Good, at least she’s safe.” He said and she straddled his lap and lied her head on his chest.
“I just want this to be over! I haven’t slept properly in weeks and all I wanna do is cry. I don’t know what to do Pete. I just wanted a family.”
“You’ll have one, I promise. We can build our own family, okay? You already have Ned, MJ, Betty.”
“They are my friends.”
“Doesn’t mean they’re not family.” He stroked her hair softly, as she sobbed against his chest. “And you have me. We can start our family with just the two of us. Oh, and May will take care of you just like she takes care of me.”
“I haven’t met May yet.”
“I know, I’m sorry for that, she’s a really busy women. But you will, and you won’t have to hold on to that family that keeps hurting you, because you would have already built your own.”
“This means so much to me Pete.” She stopped sobbing and closed her eyes. “Can we cuddle?”
“I really need to finish this work.” He said looking down to his notes, but too heartbroken to let her go. “But you can stay like this until I finish, I won’t take long.”
“Tell me a happy story.”
Peter told her many stories, some about Spider Man, some about people he knew, and some about his own personal life. But while he did it, (Y/N) fell asleep listening to his voice. She was so tired that she barely could hold herself to be awake for too long. Soon Peter stopped telling her stories and focused back on his homework, while his left hand caressed her hair.
“I’m so sorry baby.” He whispered, kissing the top of her head again. 
Some noises came from outside the room, like someone was opening the door with its keys, and Peter knew seconds later that it was May because of the sound of her heels on the hard floor. He prayed to every God that she would be quiet, but knowing May for so long, he knew she was going to say something very loudly.
“Hey Peter, what do you want for dinner?” He pressed his index finger against his lips and watched his aunt freeze to see what was happening. Her expression softened when she saw who was on his lap.“What happened to her?”
“She’s just tired May. Her parents were fighting and she didn’t know where to go. And she just fell asleep right here.” He whispered and May nodded, leaning to the door and smiled.
“So this is the famous (Y/N)?” She asked and he nodded with a smirk on his face. “She’s really pretty.”
“She’s so beautiful, inside and out.” May approached him, standing behind him and stroked his hair. He inhaled the good smell of her shampoo on her hair and kissed the top of her head. “My beautiful girl.”
“Do you like her?”
“I think I love her May.” He giggled and dropped his pen over the book. “She makes me feel like no one has ever made me feel before. Happy, special, loved, but in a very singular way.”
“That’s cute.” She smiled, sitting on the edge of his bed. His eyes were locked on her and his other hand met her back. He softly rocked her, and she snored, deep into her sleep.
“She takes care of me, like… she always texts to see if I already got home safely from patrol, and if I have a problem, she’s always there to help me.” He squeezed her and she relaxed even more in his arms. She sighed, making his smile go widder. “Sometimes she does this thing where she draws constellations on my freckles with her fingers, and I kept staring at her thinking how lucky I am to have such a special girl in my life.”
“You know Pete, the last time I saw someone like this, head over heels about a girl, his name was Ben Parker. And well, I married him.” She caressed her nephews cheek, squinting her eyes. “Sometimes I think that you look so much like your uncle, more than your dad.”
“Really?” His eyes shined when he glanced back to his aunt, watching she nodding her head yes.
“Maybe not in appearance, but the way you act…” She sighed, remember her old love. “ He used to hold me like that too, when we were younger. And if I was ever sad, he simply knew how to make me feel better.”
“I really miss him.” Peter felt down for a while, but he usually loves to hear stories about his uncle.
“I miss him too. So much Peter.” She let a tear fall from her face, but she wiped it right away. 
“I’m sorry aunt May.”
“It’s okay sweetie.” She smiled, trying to comfort him. “If she is really that special, you better hold onto her and never let her go. You know that old phrase, ‘If you love her, let her go?’ ” He nodded. “That’s bullshit.”
“Great advice May.” He giggled, shaking his head.
“Now tell me about this girl...” 
Taglist: @missmulti , @zabdisamor , @cmon-peter-tingle , @lifeisabitchandsoareyou​ , @tinyplanet-explorers , @spideyyypeter , @princezzariel , @pastyoverlord265 ,@dumandbass, @tomshufflepuff, @deathofthethrones , @unicornslothfish, @coonflix , @itsjustahuman, @legendsofwholock , @emistrash, @starlightfound, @sandran04, @paaaam97, @pure-ghost
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incorrect-spiderson · 5 years
Prompt 6 and 31 with Peter and Harley being brothers and dork 💜 and I wanted to know for how you have been writing? 💕
My boysssss!!! Anyways I have been writing for about 5 years?? It’s always been a passion of mine and I’m just now getting pretty good at it! So yeah!
Also, I wanted to explain a nickname that Harley uses for Peter! He calls him Peanut Butter because of his initials! P. B. P. I just thought it would be cute. Aaanyways enjoy!
If it was up to Pepper, they would be having date night on Christmas Eve. Just her and Tony, doing adult things. Though, she can’t ignore her momma bear instincts. She doesn’t want the kids alone on Christmas. Or ever, for that matter.
That was her cue.
Pepper sets down her wine glass and starts towards the stairs. She drops the blanket off of her shoulders and goes after her boys. With each step she can more clearly hear their fighting.
“Pink looks good on you Peanut Butter.”
“Harley you absolute ass!”
“Oh it’s not that bad.”
“You’re the reason Santa even has a naughty list!”
“Really is that the best-”
As soon as Pepper opens the door, both boys freeze. Harley smirks triumphantly, leaning against the boys’ shared bunk bed. His ugly sweater reads “Santa’s favorite Ho”. Pepper turns to Peter and bites her lip. Her eyes widen and she tries (and fails) to hold back a chuckle. Peter is only wearing Morgan’s bright yellow banana towel. His pink curls clings to his face as he scowls at Harley.
Peter perks up a little bit and points to Harley. “Mom he dyed my hair pink! He is so, so lucky I’m going to pride in a few weeks otherwise I totally would have-”
Harley scoffs and pushes off of the bed. “Petey-Pie you wouldn’t’ve hurt a fly. Also, last week you filled my pillow with whipped cream.”
“The fly didn’t dye my hair pink! And the week before that you-”
Pepper holds up her hand and raises an eyebrow. The boys continue to go back and forth. Every few seconds, Pepper drops a finger. Peter catches on first and instantly stops.
“What? You ready to finally admit defeat PB?”
Peter slaps Harley’s arm and points to Pepper. Harley moves to hit him back but freezes. Once Harley realizes she’s on her last finger, he instead drops his hand and sighs. “Sorry Mom.”
Pepper smirks. “Okay, now that that’s settled, Harley go and check on dinner for me. Maybe start making the gravy. Peter go and help your dad set up the Christmas tree. He’s too short to get the star on the top without a ladder and you can walk on walls.”
Both boys sigh but mumble out agreements. Before Pepper leaves she peaks back through the door. “Oh and Petey... put on some clothes. It’s cold outside.”
Peter’s face instantly turns red as he sputters. Harley sprints out of the room in a fit of giggles, narrowly avoiding the pillow thrown at his head.
Pepper chuckles and shuts the door. Her boys truly are... something.
When May had passed away, they took Peter instantly. She can clearly remember the night when Peter showed up on their doorstep. It was storming outside, rain had been pounding against the window so hard she almost missed the knock at the door. Tony had been upstairs with Morgan, so she naturally answered it. What she hadn’t been expecting was the red, tear stained, soaking wet face of Peter Parker. Who had been clutching a familiar green sweater and a pair of circular glasses like his life depended on it.
To say the least, it had been a very, very long night.
Harley’s situation hadn’t been much better. Her and Tony had been watching Deadpool late at night when he got the call. Pepper couldn’t quite hear what was being said, but she could tell by the worry creases forming on Tony’s face that something was wrong. Suddenly, Tony had shoved the phone towards her while he pinched his nose to fight back tears. When she answered, to say she was surprised would be an understatement.
Harley had been in hysterics. She could barely tell what he was saying over his sobs. Until suddenly, his words had become crystal clear.
The Keeners were dead. Harley had been out with friends while his parents and little sister were grabbing ice cream. His family never made it home. In the same night Tony had gotten on a jet, flown to Tennessee at breakneck speeds, and only two hours after the call Harley was in her arms crying his heart out.
They’d both been through so damn much. Through things that teenage boys should never have to go through. Horrible, terrible things that people only hear about on the news and then never think of again. Every day she marvels at how much strength they both have.
Pepper smiles. She couldn’t be happier that they’re here. The tragedies were awful and she wishes every day that they would have never happened. But now, she wouldn’t have it any other way.
She loves her two boys with her entire being.
Pepper starts down the stairs, lazily sighing at the thought of getting back into her book and taking a sip of wine. She’s about half way down the stairs before she freezes.
Two boys.
Two of three kids.
Shit... where’s Morgan?
Pepper jogs back up the stairs and opens the door to her daughter’s room. She scans it quickly and then frantically moves on. She searches every room upstairs twice. Pepper gets ready to call for Tony when it hits her.
“Ow! Shit..”
Pepper rubs her head where the Ironman action figure hit her. She gives a pained smile down to her little girl and shakes her head. “Sweetheart, if you throw things, please make sure they’re soft? Okay?”
Morgan’s face screws up in confusion. “But Momma, Ironman was wearing a tutu! Tutu’s are soft!”
Pepper glances down at the toy and realizes. Yes. Ironman is wearing a tutu. A bright pink tutu with little yellow and red sequins on it. Pepper picks up the toy and hands it back to Morgan. The little girl takes the toy and then wraps her arms around her mother’s neck.
Pepper sighs and lifts her daughter into her arms. “You’re lucky that you, little gremlin, happen to be acting more mature than your brothers right now.”
Morgan giggles and taps the action figure on Pepper’s shoulder. “Momma I always act more mature-er than them. They’re teenagers.”
Pepper laughs and starts down the stairs. “You aren’t wrong, gremlin. I think-”
“Oh god.. OH GOD! MOM HELP!”
Suddenly, everything else falls away. Pepper’s instincts take over and she’s racing down the stairs. She grips Morgan a little tighter and as soon as she hits the bottom of the stairs she sprints towards the living room. She’s .2 seconds away from calling her suit, then she pauses.
She had been expecting a lot of things. Burglars, Aliens, Ultron reincarnated. Hell, evil snowmen wouldn’t have been too surprising.
What she wasn’t expecting was her husband to be tangled up in tinsel while her son (who is stuck to the ceiling) is keeping the tree from falling on top of her tinsel-ified husband. Peter looks up (or is it down?) from his perch and sheepishly smiles.
“So uh... we had a slight problem.”
Pepper let’s out a breath she hadn’t known she was holding. She puts Morgan on the ground and moves towards her husband. Tony smiles up at her mischievously.
“Hey hot stuff. All I need is a bow and-”
“Shush and let me get you out of there.”
After a few minutes of light bickering and un-tinseling, Tony is free. She helps put the tree back in place and turns back to Morgan.
“Sweetheart, it seems like you’re also more mature-er than daddy too.”
Tony’s face morphs into fake disgust. “Are you feeding our daughter lies? Pepper Potts-Stark, I thought you were better than that.”
Pepper just waves him off and starts towards the kitchen. “Whatever honey! Just try not to...”
Once again, Pepper freezes.
Harley is standing over the gravy. With green food dye. He spins to face her and his eyes widen. He glances back and forth from her to green gravy.
Once again, Pepper takes a deep breath. “Harley... Keener. Please. Please tell me you did not dye the gravy green.”
Harley purses his lips. “Well, I was raised not to lie-”
“BULLCRAP”, Peter chirps from the living room.
“- but yes. The gravy is now green.”
Pepper blinks. It’s just one thing after another with her family. “Okay, well... everyone come eat. Food is ready.”
Within two minutes the entire family is seated at the table with their plates piled high with food. Pepper sets the gravy on the table with a sigh.
Peter snickers. “Harley I knew you liked Green Eggs and Ham but this is a bit overboard.”
Harley rolls his eyes. “Coming from Pinkie Pie-”
“Harley I swear-”
Pepper sighs. “Boys. Do I have to start counting?”
Both freeze. They look at each other and then at the ground. “No mom.”
The table falls silent as everyone digs in. The peace doesn’t last long though. Does it ever?
“Oh.. oh god. Bleh! That’s nasty.. Pep what did you put in this?”
Pepper holds up her hands in surrender. “I went by the recipe. Harley on the other hand...”
Harley gasps in feign innocence. “Mom! How dare you accuse me of-”
Pepper raises an eyebrow. Harley pauses for a moment, then sighs. “Okay fine I may or may not have accidentally dropped the cinnamon and it may or may not have gotten on the food.”
Peter tips back his chair and groans. “Harley are you trying to kill me?”
“Not yet.”
“Well don’t feel bad,” Tony sighs, “you didn’t completely ruin Christmas dinner. There’s still this... jello stuff.”
“Yeah!” Morgan squeals. “It’s got marshmallows and fruit and everything in it!”
Pepper takes in the laughing faces of each family member and smiles. Their family is far from perfect. Very, very far.
But, even though they might be the strangest family on the planet, she wouldn’t change a single thing.
“Peter, I beg you, stop. You’re hurting my poor Tennessee ears.”
“Mom make it stoooop.”
“Harley he’s expressing himself”
“I don’t think expressing yourself through torture is a good thing”
“I give up. Morgan, wake me up when I leave hell.”
“Okay.... What’s hell?”
I would love and appreciate some feedback from y’all! Hope you love this!!
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