#p.e teacher
ravxe3n · 2 months
quick low effort post because i can
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professor morris ashley with brown hair and blonde roots because i headcanon him to be a natural blonde (he constantly dyed it brown back in 2007)
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masterofiodine · 4 months
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bbc ghosts modern au!!
making up their outfits was really fun (especially kitty and thomas, he would look great in skirt)
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strawbs-screaming · 8 months
the boxers coaching little mac
Ok, theoratically, if doc were to not be here he would need to be coached by someone else and uhh i forgot, this was very fun to do actually (this turned into a "what if Mac had the boxers as a father/brother figure")
Glass Joe
- has hope in Mac But is also very concerned about everything else, his school life, his health, where the hell his family is.. all that useless shmuck
- has to cover his eyes when Mac gets hit from concern but then acts like nothing happened, he totally doesnt care about this child who he sees as a son and would fight a crocodile for
- his advice is semi-useful but he cant speak in a motivating manner to save his life
- "When i was little, i got my ass kicked all the time, Mac, But with more time and work, i only get my ass kicked sometimes now"
- "was that supposed to be helpful or make me feel concerned about my future"
- outside of the ring, people mostly confuse Joe as a babysitter
- when Mac loses, Joe takes him to get some food to cheer him up, he cant speak in a motivating manner but damn he can comfort a man
- cheers like he saw his least favorite celebrity get cancelled when Mac gets a strong hit
Von Kaiser
- very stern & a bit cold with him and doesnt show affection since he thinks it would "distract him" (he doesnt know how to show affection) but will go out of his way for him
- very strict training schedule with him, if he wants to skip a day he'll ask mac if everything is alright (wow Kaiser's on some school counciler shit)
- to help him after losses, he usually gives Mac some headphones and gives him some space to calm down
- Really good at motivational speaking but terrible at comforting, completely clueless on what to do
- people always assume that Kaiser sees Mac only during training due to how cold he comes off to Mac
Disco Kid
- pretty loose with training, if they do training together he'll turn on some music and cheer him on, doesnt really mind if he wants to train alone or not
- wonderful motivational speaker, also good at comforting too
- people keep confusing them for adopted brothers
- to comfort him after losses, he'll give him a pep talk and it works 70% the time, the last 30% is him just crying harder
King Hippo
- overly concerned for him, if he doesnt want to train he'll just assume the worst and ask if he wants to talk, if he gets hit a little too hard he gasps like your grandma finding out you got a piercing and gets worried for him no matter how much he says its ok
- cant really motivate him well so he justs does a war cry and it works really well, they just communicate in movements & weird sounds sometimes, no better advice than "WHAGGHHHH"
- takes Mac out to get some comfort food to cheer him up after losses
- cooks for Mac to make sure he gets his proteins & eats his veggies, when he found out Mac had some troubles with getting enough nutrition he got to making him some food instantly
- Mac actually knows some basic hippo language from him
- people actually see Hippo as his brother, less like a trainer
Piston Hondo
-cold but tries to show affection since he doesnt wanna come off as too emotionless
- good motivational speaker, horrid comforter
- strict training schedule but a lot of meditation sessions & reading times as well, helping Mac with his education since he doesnt have much time to go to school
- gets some tea with Mac to help him calm down after losses
Bear Hugger
- good at giving advice along with comforting & motivation, the holy trio is complete with him
- they dont train much together, he mostly has ms bear train with him & watches over them to make sure no one gets too hasty
- goes fishing & gathering with Mac sometimes and lets him take out some energy he couldnt take out during matches & training
- goes walking in nature with Mac after losses and lets him punch a few trees
- most of his advice is just "PUNCH EM İN THE EYE!!"
Great Tiger
- training with Mac & teaching him some magic along the side, showing great care for his education since hes pretty concerned how hes gonna do math when he needs to
- uses his clones to demonstrate how to do moves since Mac is a visual learner, including movements, down to how he moves his arm and everything
- doesnt know how to comfort him so he just goes "There there" as hes in pieces
Don Flamenco
- giving Mac life advice knowing damn well his own is in shambles
- starts a crowd chant for Mac to cheer him on during rough matches
- gives him pep talks when he loses matches and chants for him
-not really a brother or a father figure, more like a uncle figure??
Aran Ryan
- making up the most devious cheating strategies specialized for Mac, at first Mac was kinda taken aback but after chugging 25 redbulls and a powerpoint presentation, aran convinced him
- "ok so we're putting needles covered in peanut butter in your gloves since the bastards allergic to nuts, we'll just throw jars of peanut butter at him if that doesnt work"
- "ok??"
- says some truly dumb shit to confuse Mac when hes sad and make him focus less on his loss when matches go bad
- "ya crying?"
- "yeah"
- "i thought your eyes were sweating"
Soda Popinski
- keeps him away from his soda (or does his best since macs a sneaky little boy) he has no clue why Mac is getting stronger and stronger this quickly and just assumes its him eating his veggies
- horrible at giving advice, down to the shitter with it
- "punch him!!"
- "what do you think ive been doing all this time"
- "punch him harder!!"
- horrible at comforting Mac after losses so he just offers him up some books he has lying around or offers to watch a movie with him
Bald Bull
- riles Mac up by going nuts for him in the corner, it helps him win matches, also totally unrelated: mac needs to get anger management
- "yeah!!"
- cooks for mac since he doesnt get enough proteins, it started with him saying "dont expect this very often" But after seeing Mac live off pasta he took that statement back very quickly
- first time Mac called him dad he teared up on the spot
Super Macho Man
- both of them train on seperate times so the most he does is make sure he trains for the day
- bad at comforting and celebrating so he just takes him shopping, he won? Shopping, he lost? Shopping
- pretends to not care about him but would iron someones face if they spoke shit about him, thats HIS little punchy boy youre dissing
Mr Sandman
- comes off as cold but cares a lot deep down, he just doesnt know what to say to help him
- gives really detailed advice to mac that always works somehow
- "if you punch him on the forehead while he tries to jab you he'll fall to the ground and struggle for a while and not be able to recover, he'll also get up very slowly if he can since he has iron deficiency"
- "how do you know he has iron deficiency?? Are you his doctor or something??"
- gives some pep talks to him after tough matches, regardless if he won or not
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geekynightowl1997 · 8 months
The Librarians are just teachers.
Jenkins- Principle
Flynn- English/ Drama
Eve- P.E.
Cassie- Math/ Science
Jacob- History/ Art
Ezekiel- Computer
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rongzhi · 1 year
Sports majors rehearsing a routine for an aerobics dance competition
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psudopod · 5 months
Splatmas is coming, and you know what that means?
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Bet none of you guessed it's Psudopod's Big Lecture on How Y'all Need SPORTSMANSHIP!
Sportsmanship is behaviour and attitudes that show respect for the rules of a game and for the other players. 
Part 1: Rules of the Game.
There are indeed rules, here they are!
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In Splatoon 3 you may be reported for breaking the rules for the following infractions;
Inappropriate Nickname
Intentional Disconnection
Unsportsmanlike Play (Self-Destruction)
Unsportsmanlike Play (Disrupting Team)
Intentionally Not Contributing
Network Manipulation
Malicious Use of Glitches or Errors
Griefing (the action or an act of deliberately spoiling other players' enjoyment of a game by playing in a way that is intentionally disruptive and aggravating)
I've bolded the rules I see broken, often, especially during splatfests. Thankfully, I rarely see the ones I didn't bold. What I do see, pretty often, is Bad Sportsmanship.
I am referring to mid-match squid parties.
What are squid parties? A squid party is when the players ignore the in-game objectives and do... Whatever they feel like! Usually, this is seen as people standing around squidbagging together. It's honestly pretty fun! When everyone is on the same wavelength and the full lobby parties, it can be a cool time to explore how the game feels, play party games, and be silly! Note however, I said the full lobby. To play by your own rules when any single player is playing by the game's rules, is unsportsmanlike.
Thankfully, for all you partiers, there is a simple and easy way to make sure every player in your lobby is playing by the same rules; private lobbies! Make a private lobby, invite your friends, or join a pool to make some friends! I imagine "Squidparty" is a code you could use, but please do share any codes you've tried in your reblog. You can even plan games in lobbies, like "bumper brushes" or "hide-and-seek"!
Please, if you want to party, join a private lobby. Everyone else there will want to party, too. Assume everyone in public lobbies is there to play the game as described by the rules, even if they leave you to party.
If you are in a lobby to play, don't ignore partiers. They are just as often "Griefing" with intentions to use your mercy against you. Kill. Leave the lobby. Report. Move on. Pick any of the multiple rules that apply to squid party behavior. You can find the report button in the battle logs section of the terminal. Don't join a private lobby and report the goofs going on there, don't join a public battle and goof.
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Part 2: Respect for Other Players
The Sportsmanship life doesn't end when you put the controller down! Y'all still Unsportsmanlike in the community. You need to treat other players right. We don't have Rules out here, but here's some bullshit I'm sick of seeing:
Racism (colorism and xenophobia)
Bullying (extreme language, hate mail harassment)
Being a sore loser (BS points 1 and 2, really.)
I don't need to re-hash the colorism issues. This is an old problem. Stop. Please remember your comments on the physical features of the idols can be hurtful, real people share those features.
What I do have to hash is the xenophobia. Y'all aware that blaming an entire nationality for you losing is bigoted? Y'all aware that claiming an entire nationality is just too good at the game is a stupid stereotype? Stop saying weird shit about Japanese players.
Bullying- hey, are you aware saying "KYS," any suicide baiting, is bullying and harassment? This is EXTREME language. Do not throw that shit around in the Splatfest tags when you're sad you lost. Do not throw that shit around in plaza posts. You will lose your plaza posting ability, account-wide. I dare you to send that shit on anon. I will drag your ass. Again.
It's ok to be sad you lost, but please be aware that lashing your negative feelings out on real people, or in ways that can hurt real people, is POOR SPORTSMANSHIP. Do you remember, in grade school sports, how the coach would tell you to line up and tell each member of the opponent team "good game"? You ever wonder why?
You should always be grateful and courteous, respectful, and constructive to every one of your opponents. You would not be able to play the game without opponents.
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This splatfest, I really hope to see some better sportsmanship inside and outside the game.
I've said way too much already, I'll leave you with homework. This 'fest, I'd like for you to thank your opponents. Even when they beat you. Especially then. They did their best and respected you with a display of the fruits of their effort.
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madmanwonder · 6 months
Fusion Cyberpunk & College Teacher- P.E. Teacher AU
Has the students ever walked in on this? Does this stop Rumi or does she keep flirting with him in a daring way?
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The students more and less been conditioned to see this as the norm and just started to do their workouts.
And this only made Rumi more daring and aggressive in her flirting. Especially when she used her cybernetic implants to make Izuku see though her clothes.
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stormyoceans · 17 days
5. high school teacher x high school teacher
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title: the ties that bind
main cast: jimmy jitaraphol, sea tawinan
pairings: jimmysea
summary: jimmy is a strict and traditional math teacher who is known around the school for his tough grading and no-nonsense attitude. his world is contained, predictable, and he finds comfort in the perfectly structured way he built his life. this, at least, until one day a new social studies teacher starts bringing chaos into it
sea is cheerful and energetic, owns an extensive collection of ties with the most ridiculous patterns on them, and quickly becomes loved by both students and school staff alike for his friendly personality and modern way of teaching, which is focused on a more hands on learning style rather than on listening to a lecture
from the moment they meet - marked by a disastrous encounter where sea accidentally spilled his coffee all-over jimmy, causing jimmy to get late to class for the first time in his career - the two of them clash over their different approaches to education and life: sea finds jimmy to be too rigid and old-fashioned, while jimmy sees sea as too frivolous and unprofessional. their disagreements often spill over into staff meetings and school events, becoming an endless source of amusement for anyone witnessing them
when their students start to struggle with family and societal expectations, though, jimmy and sea are able to put their differences aside to help them out, and while doing so, the two of them begin to see past their initial impressions of each other and find themselves enjoying each other's company. slowly but surely, their animosity turns into admiration and eventually into something more
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faunandfloraas · 4 months
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They could put them in slutty witch costumes but Noooooooo school uniforms again 🙄
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hanzajesthanza · 1 month
it’s nice how the hanza dynamics initially established can sometimes compound with more character development further on…
as milva and regis are established to be action and words, doing and thinking, brawn and brains… this is very good on its own as how they are introduced in baptism of fire, but also…
their balanced approaches can be relevant to angoulême’s arc in the company because she has been so disconnected from her body by what she’s suffered, conditioned into thinking of her body as an object and bargaining chip… and with no credence ever given to her mind, soul, identity…
in milva’s domain of the physical body, she can become reconnected with her body, learn that her body is hers and not property of anyone’s… for once notice its movements, feel its feelings, not give it up to others, ignore its pain and retreat into numbness…
and in regis’ domain of thought and the metaphysical, she can recognize her mind and conceptualize herself as a person, immerse herself in her own thoughts and evaluate situations with prudence…
and these are also arcs which milva and regis had to accomplish in their individual respects… milva had to recognize her own bodily autonomy, regis had to sit and think about life…
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ramenwithbroccoli · 2 months
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in polish every noun has its own gender - so while a mountain is a 'she', Giewont as this specific, named one is a 'he'
while in first contact there may be some misunderstandings, there is someone who can help clear things up although she may ask them to paint angry eyebrows on her face beforehand :]
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gunthermunch · 1 year
i never mentioned this but fun fact max was an A+ on p.e that boy is AGILE on the other hand lucas sucked and had to do essays to pass the class
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bredforloyalty · 4 months
maybe that's why something doesn't compute here between english and hungarian, i think i don't see the word break used for the time between lessons often and i don't. see that time in movies and shows like i would expect to notice that students are between lessons sometimes when there are students on screen but i never notice it? and recess is a specific break for snack/play time or lunch right so that's not the same thing? and looks like it's because y'all don't HAVE breaks
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awstenlookbook · 1 year
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For the New Wave music video, Awsten wears a "My Mom's A P.E. Teacher" white s/s tee shirt, available for a limited time from RockSports Daily Physical Education blog (no longer for sale). I was unable to find a photo of the actual shirt, but they are the source of that design.
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chaoswillcalmusdown · 7 months
my job interview today lasted like 50 minutes which apparently is long ?? so let's all hope that's a good sign bc i really got a good feeling from the principals
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madmanwonder · 1 year
Type: Ask
AU: College- P.E. Teacher AU
Summary of the Question: Is it true that the girls usually invite you to listen to their band whether private or in public Coach Uzumaki? What is it like? And have they dedicated a song to their favorite sometimes oblivious teacher? 😉
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“Their song is a banger to hear out.” Naruto replied as he hmm to the beat of the song with a smile. Obvious to the meaning of the song.
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