#page 6 of that update tho killed me
1esor2 · 10 months
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Updates people, updates!
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elviraaxen · 2 months
ive really been loving the pacing of your story and i enjoy the concept and the bits that have been released about the plot! youre doing really well, and i admire it greatly!!
ive been having trouble figuring out an overall plot in my own work, i just have character ideas and the vaguest idea for a storyline. i try to just write but then i usually end up taking a break (re: dumping it) because i don't have anymore ideas for how to complete the plot. i've laso been curious about how you go about writing for a comic (do you write then do thumbnails? do thumbnails then go back to figure out dialogue? a third thing?) so i was wondering if you had any advice or resource tips for writing? both for comics and for overarching plots, if that's okay
if you don't have any ideas tho, no worries. i was just curious. good luck with Felt World! i love everything that's coming out so far, thank you for gifting us it!!
Oh thank you so much!! I can't say I'm a comic book artist at heart because I really don't have much experience, I was only an illustrator for a short while and never wrote anything myself, but learning from past mistakes (i.e. I don't stick to plans), I've so far done this and it seems to work:
I'm one of those that don't like to plan strict layouts for the entire thing, because chances are I will not stick to it, so what I've done for felt world is just write a sketch for the overarching plot, the b-plot and c-plot, with rough estimates in what order I want the major plot points and settings to be. My current sketch looks like this;
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(which is done in Miro) and as you can see there aren't that many plot points, because I want to have the wiggle room to come up with something on the spot. And also, my comic focuses a lot on interpersonal relationships, character development, and themes rather than the plot, which means it needs to be concise or else the comic is gonna take 6 million years to finish.
And now,, I think this might just be how I work, but I think it's easier to be creative when you have strict restrictions rather than all the choices in the world.
for me, personally, I restrict an update of 10 pages tops, because instagram only allows max 10 images per post! This means I have to 1) fit all I want to say in 10 pages, 2) it has to be concise or else I infodump on readers, and 3) I have to answer some sort of question within the update, or else I said nothing and I start over.
As for scripts, I tend to write one or two sentences of what's going to happen for the update, and then I get to thumb-nailing and sketching right away! I come up with most of the dialogue on the spot too.
And also, I think what's most important, is that you take your damn time! If you aren't immersing yourself in your own world, how do you expect your readers to do the same?
I'm very much a believer that the stories you are telling are something that comes to you naturally if you just sit with it and listen rather than demand that it makes itself known to you. When I brainstorm for felt world I quite literally sit in my bed and go "omg!! And then what? :0" TO MYSELF LMAO as if I'm not making everything up myself! I think that's extremely important that your story is engaging to you first and foremost!
And as for more practical tips
carry a notebook with you or use your notes app AS SOON as you get ideas to write them down! No you will not remember, lol.
set rules of what you're not allowed to do with your story so that you don't fall into lazy trope territory! You can do that when you brain storm, but finesse the story post brainstorm to just make it.. smarter.. if that makes sens For example, don't kill your gay characters, don't make sensitive men the butt of the joke, don't make your women fight over men (unless it's the point), etc.
set physical restrictions! For example, max amount of pages per upload, max amount of pages for the whole story, max amount of characters, etc.! That literally forces you to problem solve, which by definition is creativity! Like, oh you can't do this the obvious way? Do it the creative way! That's way more fun!
I could probably go on, but this is too long already! But I hope it at least helped somewhat!
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polizwrites · 11 months
WIP Update - 26 Jul 2023
Another pretty darned productive writing week!   I touched 7fics (6 WIPs & 1 new work)  for a total of  3233 words - I also posted my 450th work to Ao3 - woo hoo!
On Ao3, I posted:
Chapter 3 of A Sugar-Coated Pill - WinterIron No Powers Omegaverse with Sugar Daddy!Alpha!Bucky & sugar baby!omega!Tony. This chapter is a bit of a turning point in their arrangement. 😁
A Shift in Their Relationship WinterIron shapeshifter AU
Chapter 3 of Technicalities - Stucky No Powers University AU with Professor!Steve and Student!Bucky (tho not Steve's student) -- after a bit of mutual pining and UST, they discover in this chapter they're both on the same page.
I have  18 semi-active WIPs  😬 with my  current  deadlines being the July Break Bingo, which ends 31 Jul and the  Tony Stark This or That   and Hot Bucky Summer events, which both wrap at the end of August.  
See  below cut for what I’m working on/planning to work on - arranged more or less by bingos/challenges/etc.  As always, feel free to send me   prompts or plot bunnies as well as asks regarding  any of these projects  or any other WIPs I’ve got out there.   Interaction really helps feed the Muse and keep me motivated!
Seek & Destroy Collab
After reading @psychiccatpanda‘s amazing   Morguna and the Green Queen, I  got the itch to explore the Soldier’s POV and talked  Faustie into   collab’ing with me!  We’re working on a new part of the series, and I’ve  contributed about 900 words towards the  2500-ish we have so far.   Going to see if I can squeeze any of my BBB squares into this fic.  
July Break Bingo  [JBB_23] (Ends 31 Jul)
Signed up for a 3x3 card for this all fandoms, no minimums bingo event  (@julybreakbingo ) because of course I need more prompts!   😁😬  I’m aiming for a blackout with five fills and four WIPs..  I’m playing a bit fast and loose with a few prompts, but I hope y’all enjoy anyways!
* A1 - “I can keep going” -filled this with Chapter 3 of Technicalities  (Stucky professor/student  AU)  which posted this morning as a crossover with my ACB Mutual Pining and SVB Experiment squares.  –  A bit of manual labor brings Professor!Steve and  Student(but not Steve’s student)! Bucky closer together.  It came in at 1297 words.
* A2 - “I think I’m losing my mind.”  Filled this with What Happens in San Francisco…  in combination with the Flash Fiction Friday prompt [#FFF208 Reporting the Scoop]  and a SVB adoptable: Celebration Sex.  It will eventually get posted to Ao3.
* A3  -  Word: Advantage or Antonyms – Filled this with Chapter 3 of A Sugar-Coated Pill (WinterIron Omegaverse Sugar Daddy AU) which posted on Friday and came in at 1341 words. It’s crossing over with my HBS “How Did You Meet?” + High Stakes Op  and  TSTOT  Omegaverse  prompts, along with   my WIB AU: A/B/O square.  Bucky and Tony continue to make a good team, then sugar baby!Tony asks Bucky for a favor.
* B1 - Location: Train Tracks -  combining this with my BBB  Never the Fall that Kills You  square for  an angsty  Winter Soldier fic  - it’s drafted at 271 words and will post  7/29 or 7/30.
* B2 - FREE –  May combine with this week’s  Flash Fiction Friday.  
* B3 - Pining/Longing/Being Needy -  filling this with Chapter 4 of A Sugar-Coated Pill where Bucky has a bit of a problem, and Tony offers to help.  It’s crossing over with HBS Week Nine (”Where do you want me?” + In My Lap), and ACB Mate-Induced Heat  - the chapter is coming in at 1395 words and will post on 7/28.  
* C1 - Location: Art Studio - Filled this with   Teacher, Teacher, Can You Reach Me?     I combined this with my SAUB AU: Teacher and TSB Dares/Bets squares and TSTOT Best Friend prompt for a  Tony & Rhodey bro-fic that is also a SteveTony meet cute.  It came in at 1604 words.
* C2 - Moving In/New Home - filled with Starting Something New,
* C3 - Mutual Pining –  started my Centerfold  Stucky fic -  When This Issue’s Gone is sitting at  a very rough 509 words of backstory. Am not sure this will be ready in time, so Plan B - combine with Technicalities - Chapter 3. 
Hot Bucky Summer [BBE_HBS]  (Ends Aug 30) 
Another @buckybarnesevents  event, this time with weekly smexy prompts.  My goal is to complete at least two fics/chapters per month for this challenge and have actually filled/will fill three of the 4 weeks for June and July so far.  
Week Eight - “How did you meet?” + High Stakes Op -  filled with Chapter 3 of A Sugar-Coated Pill - see JBB   Word: Advantage or Antonyms  above
Week Nine:  FREE   – cheating a bit and going back to the Week Three prompts.: (“Where do you want me?” + in my lap) - see JBB Pining/Longing/Being Needy  above
Week Eleven -  “Give me a color”+ Green/Red/Yellow – This works well with the upcoming Chapter Three  of   Finding Something Fresh -  Beta!Sub!Bucky   and omega!Dom!Steve work on pre-scene negotiations.  It will cross over with SVB Comforting Insecurity - it’s  sitting at 254 words at the moment and will post either 8/11 or 8/16.  
Week Twelve - “Who’s My ___”+ Good Boy -  probably will fit with the future Chapter Four of Finding Something Fresh  - crossing over with SVB  Tied to A Bed.    This chapter would post either 8/18 or 8/23
Week Thirteen -  FREE WEEK -  “Bossy” and “Bondage” are two suggested prompts - I can probably do something with either/both of these for Technicalities or A Sugar Coated Pill . 😁
Tony Stark This or That [TSTOT_23] (Ends 31 Aug)
Excited to see this event (hosted by @tstot ) come back!  When you sign up, you get a card with 10  prompts  in pairs  - so to complete the card, you create five fanworks.   I have two prompts posted and one idea so far.
* 1a - Love Letters  brainstormed with  @somesortofitalianroast and  Meg during the  @buckybarnesbingo  Discord party and will be combining this with my BBB  Fireplace prompt for a  1980′s No Powers WinterIron fic where they discover that someone’s writing them both the same love letters.  
* 2b - Best Friend - see JBB Location: Art Studio above
* 3b - Omegaverse  -  see JBB Word: Advantage or Antonyms  above  
All Caps Bingo [ACB_R1]  (Ends 30 Sep)
I’ve got thirteen completed fics, three WIPs and  will be pursuing the One Fill, One Bingo  Challenge for Row 5.  
* I1 - Mutual Pining - Chapter 3 of Technicalities - see JBB "I can keep going" Iabove
* G1 - Isaiah Bradley -  Planning to add more to The Fist, Defeated.   (possibly present day)
* G2 - Nesting - This works with the upcoming Chapter 5 of Sugar-Coated Pill where Bucky and Tony finally get together. I'm combining it with my TSB "Are you there yet?" and WIB Blowjob squares, and possibly BBB KINK: Gentle Sex as well. It's up to 1136 words and will post sometime in August.
* G3 - Established Relationship - planning to fill this with Chapter 2 of   Half of the Flesh and Blood That Makes Me Whole   - a Bucky POV remix of at least the first part of Take What Was Wrong (And Make it Right), which is current sitting at  52 words.  I’m expecting at least one more chapter, possibly two, depending on how far I want to take the remix.  
* O3 - Pararescue Sam Wilson - may try to squish this into an expansion of   A Rising Star -  a previous Flash Fiction Friday fill.  
* July Adoptable - Mate Induced Heat/Rut – upcoming Chapter 4 of Sugar-Coated Pill --  see JBB   Pining/Longing/Being Needy.
Sam Wilson Bingo [SWB_R3]  (Ends 15 Oct 2023)
I have four fills and one WIP -  I need to work on cross fills between this and the All Caps and Bucky Barnes bingo!
* B4 - Natasha Romanoff -  Maybe add on to my Card Sharks drabble, where  SamNat & Steve conspire to create a polycule with Bucky?  this idea crosses over nicely with my BBB KINK: Seduction mission square
* G3 - Joaquin Torres - see ACB Pararescue Sam Wilson above.
WinterIron Bingo  - [WIB_R1]   (Ends 16 Dec 2023)
I have twelve fills completed and two WIPs for this brand-new bingo event that I’m helping mod!  Along with crossfilling against my other bingos,  I’m going to try to combine my B column squares for the Iron Soldier badge (complete a bingo with a single work). – Alpha Tony Stark, “That was not my intention.”, James Rhodes, Alpine loves Tony and Blind date.   (Tony POV remix of A Sugar Coated Pill?)
* I2 - AU:A/B/O - filled with Chapter 3 of   A Sugar-Coated Pill  - see JBB Word: Advantage or Antonyms  
* N1 - Bucharest –  I think I can fold this into a future chapter of My Love is Vengeance -  where a young!Tony and a recovering!Bucky have been kidnapped by Hydra, who still thinks Bucky is the Soldier.  
* O2 - Blowjob -  upcoming Chapter 5 of   A Sugar-Coated Pill -- see ACB Nesting above.  
* G4 - AU: College Students – looking to expand Beaten to the Punch with some backstory on Bucky and Tony as science camp counselors to fit with this square - will also cross over with my WFB  Volunteering Together square.  
* O5 - Gentle – use this poem  as inspiration?
* July Adoptable: “What happened to you?”  I may browse through some whump prompts for this & see what vibes with my BBB & TSB bingos, though I'm kinda running out of time.
Stucky’Verse Bingo Round 1 - [SVB_R1]   (Ends 22 Dec)
Six fills, two WIPs and a couple of ideas  -  I need to review my card for potential crossfills and other idea sparks.
* A4 - Fairy Tale Curse  - this seems custom-made for a continuation of Beyond the Beast  😁  Nothing written yet, other than some Vague Ideas.  
* B3 - Tied to a Bed –  see HBS Week twelve 😁
* D4 - Edging - probably use this for Chapter Four of   Technicalities
* E4 - Experiment - filled with Chapter 3 of Technicalities - see JBB “I can keep going” above.
* Adoptable  - Things Have Changed – Stucky Centerfold fic -- see JBB Mutual Pining above
* Aug Monthly Prompt: Shy Bucky -- combine this with Edging for Chapter Four of   Technicalities
Bucky Barnes Bingo  - [BBB_R5]   (Ends 10 Jan 2024)
I’ve got  nine fills,  four WIPs,   and a couple more Vague ideas.
*B2 - KINK: Seduction Mission - might add a new chapter to Card Sharks - where Sam/Natasha and Steve finish what they started to get Bucky onboard for a poly partnership.
* B4 - Shapeshifters -  Posted A Shift in Their Relationship to Ao3 on Monday. It's a crossover with the WinterIron Pride Prompt Party prompt Dragons are Gay.  it came in at 461 words
* U1 - Never the fall that kills you -  see  JBB  Location: Train Tracks
* U3 - Fireplace -  see TSTOT Love Letters above
* C2 - Yelena Belova–   The plan is to use this prompt in the next chapter of Peresmešnik,  (aka Three Avengers and a Baby), which is currently sitting at 1100 words (400-ish of which are mine).  
* C5 - Marriage of Convenience/Pretend Couple -  next chapter of   Lady Natasha’s Consort and Lord Steve’s Companion.    Not quite sure where to take this next at the moment.  😕
* K3 - Magic -  Aro!Bucky sickfic idea?
* Y1 - Gentle Sex -upcoming Chapter 5 of Sugar-Coated Pill -- see ACB Nesting above
* Y2 - [image: IW Bucky with the good hair] A Flash Fiction Friday prompt [#FFF198 What Comes Next]   was a perfect match for an idea I’d already been playing around with to fill this square.  Getting Prepared -(updated title = Preparations)   an A:IW missing scene set between the time that T’Challa and Okoye come for Bucky and the moment he sees Steve again.  I will post it to Ao3 sometime in the next month or so.
* Y3 - Alpine  - see WIB Iron Soldier combo.
* Y4 - Forgotten Things -   using this for Chapter 4 of   You Can’t Stop It With a Gun  - it’s sitting at  116 words at the moment.      
Tony Stark Bingo Round 7  - [TSB_R7]   (ends 15 Feb)
Four fills and two WIPs already, with a couple of ideas in play.  
* S1 - Galaxy - possibly use in final chapter of   Never More to Go Astray ?  
* S4 - “Are you there yet?”   -upcoming Chapter 5 of Sugar-Coated Pill -- see ACB Nesting above
* T5 - Shawarma - possible crossover with SAUB Canon Divergence -- Battle of New York-related?
* A2 - KINK: Concubine - possible crossover with SAUB Gentle Dom
* A4 - Historical - possible crossover with SAUB AU: Pirate?
* R1 - Animal Transformation - DemonPanda shared a fun prompt on the WIB server - Tony as a short-haired werewolf who needs to cuddle his pack members for warmth.
* R4 - Playing Games - filled this with my part of the Tony Stark Bingo Mark VII - July Round Robin – where Bucky and Tony suggest a scavenger hunt at the Sanctum Sanctorum. My part came in at 327 words. 
* R5 - Doppelganger/Evil Twins -  this will probably cross over with my Stony AUniverse AU: Crack square as I have a semi-silly idea for it, inspired by seeing a T shirt of mine in a mirror.
Stony AUniverse Bingo  [SAUB_R1] (ends 15 Feb)
Another brand-new bingo I’m helping co-mod!  Got my card and square swaps sorted, and have several  crossover WIPs  and ideas already!
* S2 - AU: Crack - see TSB   Doppelganger/Evil Twins
* S3 - AU: Wings - see ACB Established Relationship
* S5 - Accidental Baby Acquisition - see BBB Yelena Belova
* T1 - AU: Fantasy -  CoffeeOwl shared a really cool dragon!Steve/indebted!Tony prompt in the ACB Discord server that I may be playing with for this.
* T4 - AU: Canon Divergence - see TSB Shawarma above.
* N1 - AU: Spy -  I want to expand on/add backstory to  Keeping All My Secrets Safe Tonight from the Stony Drabbles challenge earlier.
* N3 - Gentle Dom - see TSB KINK: Concubine above
* N4 - AU: Pirate - see TSB Historical above.
* Y3 - Teacher AU:  see JBB Location: Art Studio
Warm and Fluffy   Bingo  - [WFB]   (no end date)
I got my card from  @warmandfluffybingocards back in February but really hadn’t done much with it  - however, I’m picking it back up for some crossover possibilities!
 * O5 - Volunteering Together – see WIB AU: College Students
On  other creative fronts:  I have a Spider-Man Stuffed With Character figure in progress for an upcoming con.  I will be making an announcement about commissions sometime in August so if  you’re looking for one of a kind gifts for birthdays or other celebrations, check  out Stuffed With Character    over on Facebook for a full list of my designs (now over 100!).   These soft stuffed figures are  mostly Marvel and monsters, but I have some Star Wars, Star Trek, DC   and Disney figures as well. Plus I love to take custom design   requests  for any fandom!
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kaceywarne · 1 month
predicting grades after exams:
drama performance- 3
felt like i was screwed over
art- 4
i ate
spanish speaking- 3
was okay
drama- 5
was easy but didn’t finish the paper so can’t really get high
biology 1- 3
failed most definitely
reflecting back i didn’t do bad, according to online got 46/70
english lit 1- 5
i ate that
grade boundaries will be horrid
maths 1- 8
so easy
according to online got 60/80
chemistry 1- 5
felt easy, feel disappointed at marks tho- got 47/70
geography 1- 3
felt like an absolute failure, was cooked
english lit 2- 3
rambled for 13 pages and wrote about the wrong things with no analysis
physics 1- 4
not found marks yet but was satisfied, update- 35/70✌🏻😝🔫
english lang 1- U
there is no possible way i’m passing english with how much i’m misunderstanding the extracts
math 2- 6
ate but didn’t yk 57/80 😭
spanish reading- 3
i read some things 😊
spanish listening- 3
i listened and then got sleepy, so awkward
geography 2- 4
was decent, 15 marks on lagos migration killed me
english lang 2- 4
was decent, extracts ate
biology 2- 5
loved it, sad it’s over update: 38/70 💀
math 3- 5
felt horrid but apparently got 70/80 🙄
spanish writing- 3
decent enough
chem 2- 5
felt so bad, 41/70
geography 3- 3
couldn’t understand the questions so yippee
physics 2- 4
still searching for mark scheme, horrible tho 😭
0 notes
ohshit-itsyagorl · 4 years
Four Dipshits and a Michelle
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Part 6
Y’all I’m getting tired of linking all the chapters every time I post an update, so I’m just going to link the first part and my masterlist.
Part 1, Writing Masterlist
Read the story here on AO3
Summary: Michelle never believed in soulmates. But what happens when she turns seventeen and gets her mark? What happens when she inevitably finds the person with the matching tattoo? And what is she supposed to do with Peter Parker. Her best friend in the whole world. Her crush. Someone she feels drawn to for some inexplicable reason.
Also, I know it’s been a long time since the last update (yikes). I actually update every Sunday night on AO3 and just haven't had the time to catch up, so if I ever go a long time without updating just check there first lol. Alright, here we go...
Michelle woke to the sound of a camera clicking and soft snickering. The sun made her head hurt, eyes blinking rapidly.
“I’m sending this to the group chat,” she heard Ned say from somewhere behind her. She yawned into Peter’s chest. Oh no—this was not happening right now. She turned her head to see Ned standing in the doorway, furiously typing away on his phone, grinning like an idiot.
“Ned,” she whined, “please don’t.”
“Too late. It’s already done.”
“Damn you, Ned. It’s too early for this shit,” Michelle complained, though she kept her voice quiet so as not to wake Peter sleeping behind her.
She carefully tried to shimmy out of his grip, successfully turning around to face the edge of the bed, but when she tried to scoot out of his arms she found she couldn’t.
Peter mumbled something and pulled her closer to his chest, arms banding around her waist—going under her shirt—as he buried his nose in the hair at the base of her neck.
MJ felt her cheeks redden as Ned tried and failed to hold in his laughter, letting out a loud cackle that effectively woke Peter up and simultaneously ruined MJ’s morning.
She turned her head and watched as he blinked the sunlight out of his eyes, then looked to Ned, who pointed at MJ, who wanted to sink into the ground and die just to escape the embarrassment she felt crawling like ants under her skin.
Peter looked down at her. He stared for a second—two; then he seemed to realize what he was doing—one hand wrapped around her waist while the other disappeared under her shirt, scraping across her ribs, dangerously close to the undersides of her breasts. “Oh my—oh my god,” he cried, quickly withdrawing his hands and sitting up. The sheet pooled around his waist, and MJ shivered as her eyes dropped to his chest. To that spider tattoo over his left nipple. Peter covered his face with his hands, tight muscles rippling with the movement. MJ bit her lip.
“Goddamnit, Ned!” Michelle screeched. She grabbed a pillow, soft sheets scraping against the calluses that covered her hands from drawing, and threw it at his head with all her strength.
Ned squawked in outrage. Then seemed to remember what he was doing. “Man, Betty and Cindy are never going to let you guys live this down,” Ned muttered, looking at his phone. “So embarrassing.”
Michelle stumbled out of the bed, grabbing her phone and bag on the way to the bathroom. She flipped them both off for good measure. She slammed the door and collapsed down onto the toilet. Pulling out her phone, she opened up her text messages.
Four dipshits and a Michelle:
Ned: Check it out!
Ned’s text was followed by a photo of Peter and her. She had her face pressed against his chest, his arms were banded around her sleeping form, and his nose was buried in her hair. The sheet had been kicked down to their waists, and Michelle blushed when she realized her shirt had ridden partway up her back. It did look rather incriminating, though it really wasn’t. She scrolled down.
Then there was the other image. The one of Peter’s shirtless chest, abs on full display, hands covering his face. And there she was—obviously looking lower than his face, biting her lip, large t-shirt hanging off her left shoulder, clearly showing she wasn’t wearing a bra.
She opened the other group chat with incoming messages—the one with only Betty and Cindy.
Cindy: Well, this is a morning I will never forget
Betty: The way she was looking at him in that second photo, tho
Cindy: I KNOW! MJ with horny eyes is almost scarier than MJ with angry eyes.
Betty: Someone’s got the hoTS FOR PARKER!!!
Betty: MJ, have you locked yourself in the bathroom yet?
Michelle’s fingers flew furiously across her keyboard.
MJ: Those were NOT horny eyes.
There was a split second where the bubble icon popped up. Then it disappeared. Reappeared.
Cindy: They were definitely horny eyes. Betty?
Betty: I agree. The council has convened. Michelle Jones has a crush on the nerd next door.
Cindy: Yeah, when the fuck did that happen?
MJ: He’s had abs for a while.
Cindy: You’ve seen him shirtless before?
Betty: !!!
Cindy: Girl, you are so screwed.
MJ: Stop trying to kill me. I died, like, twenty minutes ago.
Betty: But you LOOOOVE him
Michelle shut off her phone at that. One minute. She would allow one minute of embarrassment, then move on.
She leaned her head back against the wall and groaned, trying to use the cool tile to calm her racing mind. Her eyes fluttered shut, slowly counting down from sixty. Fifty-nine. Fifty-eight.
The way Peter had reacted, like he was uncomfortable waking up with her. She had been uncomfortable, too, but that was because of Ned. What if Peter was uncomfortable because of her?
Her skin still felt like it was on fire, mark tingling pleasantly in a way that sent shivers down her spine. She cursed quietly.
Thirty. Twenty-nine.
And maybe the unrequited love was starting to drive her crazy, but she could have sworn he had been breathing her in—he had been asleep, of course, but…
Fifteen. Fourteen. Thirteen. Twelve.
Her whole body cried out at her to tell him, to be with him, to make him feel good—body and soul.
But she couldn’t.
Silence. Resignation. Determination.
One. Zero.
MJ stood up and shucked off her t-shirt and Peter’s boxers, nearly tripping in the tight confines of the bathroom. And maybe she was being selfish, but she shoved the boxers into her bag along with her shirt. Peter wouldn’t miss one pair. But wearing his clothes… it just felt so right, and she decided that after this morning, she would allow herself that small satisfaction. She put her hair up into a ponytail and looked at herself in the mirror. Then, before she could think better, she reached out a finger and touched her tattoo. Hissed. It was so sensitive—so sensitive after a night spent curled up with him. She could feel her heart beating quickly in her ears, but she could also feel the pulsing rhythm of a slower heartbeat; Peter, it seemed, had calmed down more than she had.
She put her clothes on and marched out of the bathroom. “Not a word from you,” she snapped at Ned as she stalked past. Peter had already put on a shirt and shorts, thankfully. She didn’t think she would be able to keep her eyes off that spider tattoo and then Peter might start to get suspicious.
Michelle turned to look at them. “So… the park and then lunch at Delmar’s?” She asked.
“Sounds good to me,” Peter replied, running a hand through his hair. Michelle looked away quickly, lest her eyes track the movement.
Ned noticed, though. He smirked. “Shut up,” MJ quipped.
“I didn’t say anything!”
“You said nothing very loudly,” MJ grumbled. Ned just grinned at her. She flipped him off.
By late August, the heat had become pretty much unbearable, the little air-conditioning units used in the cramped New York apartments no match for the sweltering summer.
Which is why Michelle found herself reading on the fire escape with a fold-out chair, trying and failing to cool down, sweating buckets and hating mother earth.
She turned the page. A small breeze swept through the alley and caught her bookmark. She reached out blindly to catch it before it flew out of reach of the fire escape. Just as she caught it, upper body leaning over the railing, sweat plastering her hair to her forehead, she felt hands come to steady her waist.
MJ screeched and whipped around, punching her attacker straight in the face.
Spider-man stumbled backward, hand reaching up to cup his masked jaw, and cried, “What the hell was that for?” His voice was clearly being altered by mask. Another way to protect his identity, she guessed.
Michelle shook out her wrist. “You touched me.”
Spider-man’s eyes widened. He reached his hand up as if to run it through his hair, but he was wearing a mask. “I was trying to help!” He said indignantly, bringing his arm back down and crossing them both over his chest. “I thought you were going to fall.”
“I wasn’t even off balance,” MJ quipped. She reached to push some stray curls off her sweaty forehead, then eyed his suit. “Shouldn’t you be dying in that thing? It’s, like, over a hundred degrees out today.”
“Built-in cooling technology,” he said, leaning against the railing. Michelle rolled her eyes; she supposed he thought it looked cool. It did, but that was beside the point.
“Lucky you,” she snarked. “I’d kill for that on a day like today.” She motioned to her sweaty face.
“The sweat suites you, darling,” he said, white eyes shifting down her body.
Michelle’s face reddened. “Oh my god, that’s disgusting. You could be forty—and if you touch me again, I swear—”
Spider-man’s eyes widened in shock. “No—I’m not forty! I’m a boy—I mean—young man!”
Michelle raised her eyebrows. “How old are you, exactly?” She asked. She waited a moment. “If you don’t answer I’m going to assume you’re older than thirty, which is still creepy, by the way.”
“I’m not, okay?” He said. She waited. “…I’m seventeen.”
MJ furrowed her brows at that. She was seventeen. She could know him. “Okay,” she said.
“You believe me?”
“Do I have a reason not to?” She arched a brow at him, a small smile tugging on the corners of her lips.
He shook his head furiously. “All I’m trying to say is you’re still really pretty, even with all the…perspiration.”
She looked at him more closely; something about him seemed familiar, the way he talked, or the way he held himself—maybe she really did know him from school. “Thanks, I guess. You’re not too bad yourself for a teenager wearing a spandex unitard.”
His hand slipped from the railing, and he stumbled to keep his footing. MJ’s shoulders shook with repressed laughter as she watched him, forgetting for a moment how hot out it was. “It’s not spandex!”
Michelle reached out and touched his arm. He froze. She chuckled. “It sure feels like spandex.”
“Well, it’s not,” he said a bit defensively. He nodded to her book. “What are you reading?”
“A Secret History by,” she checked the cover, “Donna Tartt.”
He nodded. “Is it any good?”
She bit the inside of her cheek. “Yeah, I’ve actually read it before, though. I ran out of new books and I’m too lazy to go to the library so I just picked up an old one.” She shrugged.
“Maybe I’ll go get it after the superhero gig tonight,” he said. She held out the book to him. He just looked at her, then at the book. “What?”
She rolled her eyes. “I was offering for you to borrow it, dipshit.”
His eyes widened again—it was actually a little creepy how they dilated; like, how did they know when to dilate? “Really?” He squeaked, reaching out to grab the book.
She pulled her hand back. “You’re not a serial killer, are you?” She eyed him suspiciously.
“What? No, I’m a superhero,” he said, still holding his hand out. “Why is that part of the vetting process for borrowing one of your books?” He made little grabby motions with his fingers.
“I feel like being a serial killer goes hand-in-hand with ruining borrowed books,” she said, narrowing her eyes. She handed him the book. “But if you damage it, I’ll kill you—friendly neighborhood Spider-man my ass.”
“Who’s the killer now?” He joked. Then he tilted his head to the side. “Well, I’ve got to go. Duty calls!” He reached his arm out and shot a web, swinging off the balcony with the book in his other hand.
“Don’t you dare drop it!” She called after his retreating form. She shook her head, not sure why she was smiling.
Michelle saw Spider-man again two days later. She was out reading on the fire escape again when he landed with a soft thud. She didn’t look up right away, determined to finish one last page.
He cleared his throat.
“I know you’re there,” she said.
MJ let out a hum, reaching blindly for her bookmark and slipping it between the pages of her book. She looked up at him. “What do you want, Spider-pig?” She smiled to herself at her inside joke, remembering that day in biology with Peter.
He held her copy of A Secret History out to her. “I finished. It was really good—I can see why you enjoyed it.” She took the book from his hands, peering at him from her chair. His eyes narrowed at her.
“What do you want? I can tell you want something,” she deadpanned.
“What should I call you?” He hopped up onto the railing. Her eyes widened a fraction watching him. He chuckled, “I’m not going to fall. Spider-man, remember?” He mimed shooting webs out of his wrists in rapid succession.
“You can call me Michelle.”
“Really? Your friends call you Michelle?” He swung his feet back and forth, leaning back over the railing so his body hung precariously over the alleyway below to grab a piece of garbage floating in the breeze.
“No. I have a nickname, but you can call me Michelle.” She didn’t just let anybody call her M or MJ, and just because he could swing around the city on wisps of silk didn’t mean he deserved special treatment from her.
He huffed a breath. “Fair enough. You look nice today. How have you been?”
Wow, that was a lot to unpack. She looked nice? She was wearing a ratty old painting shirt that hung below her knees and her hair was up in a topknot. How had she been? Well—
She decided to ignore the first comment. “I’ve been fine. I painted today so now my back hurts, but beauty is pain, right?” She said, gesturing to her paint-stained t-shirt.
“You have paint on your face,” was his only reply. He leaned forward, reaching his hand out toward her cheek, “Here, let me.” He brushed his finger over where she assumed the paint was, but then his eyes narrowed and he ran a finger over the spot again.
“It won’t come off, Idiot. It’s dry.” She smirked at him as he withdrew his hand.
“You didn’t punch me,” he breathed.
She raised her eyebrows. “Yeah, I guess I didn’t. Don’t get too comfortable, though—I might be in a bad mood next time you try to pull shit like that.” She mimed a quick sucker punch, then blew on her fist as if to cool it off.
Spider-man laughed at her antics. “You could give most common criminals a run for their money, you know.”
She shrugged, looking down at her hands. The paint under her fingernails seemed way more interesting than it had earlier that day when she had opted not to spend twenty minutes cleaning it out. “I learned from experience. My dad—” She stopped herself before she could say anything more. That was too much information; information she hadn’t even told her best friends, that she definitely did not want to tell an almost-stranger.
She was saved by a ding coming from next to her on the chair. She picked up her phone.
Four dipshits and a Michelle:
Ned: Has anyone seen Peter? We were supposed to meet to build the millennium falcon.
MJ snorted. She quickly typed out a reply.
MJ: Nope. He probably stayed late at the stupid Stark internship.
MJ: Also, you’re both total dweebs.
She looked up to see that Spider-man wasn’t sitting on the railing anymore. She almost had a heart-attack when she heard a voice right next to her ear. “Peter… Peter Parker?”
She squawked, turning around to see him upside down in an army-crawl position on the wall behind her. “Never,” she panted, “do that again.” Then his words registered. “Wait, you really know him?”
Spider-man propped his head up on his elbows. “Yeah, I know him—from the, uh, the Stark internship—which, by the way, is not stupid.”
She stuck her tongue out at him. “It’s rude to read someone else’s messages.”
“Well, I got to go,” he said suddenly. “I have somewhere I need to be.” He shot a web to the roof of the building next to hers and launched himself off the fire escape, disappearing as quickly as he’d come. Michelle looked down at the book in her lap. “Hey!” She looked up to see a red and white mask peering at her from above. “What book are you reading?!”
“The Assistant by Bernard Malamud!” She called back.
He gave her a thumbs up and disappeared again.
She waited, but he didn’t come back a second time.
Part 7
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House of Hades Read With Me
Hey everyone, I’m back with an update. If you haven’t been following this thread, I’ve been reading the Heroes of Olympus series by Rick Riordan. I read the first three books in this series back in 2012 and never finished. If you want to know my background with the PJO series and my thoughts on the Son of Neptune (I started my re-read with that book because Lost Hero is trash imo), you can find that here. My thoughts on Mark of Athena is here. So let’s get into the House of Hades 50% update that will include spoilers so you’ve been warned. 
Okay so I’m going to use two images to convey my thoughts on this book so far:
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Okay so let’s address the first image... um. I’m fucking terrified. I’m scared of Percy and I’m scared for him and Annabeth (She told him that she loves him ahhhhhh, I need him to say it back tho). My past read with me’s have been pretty harsh on the HoO series so far but I really like this book so far. Dear gods, please let the other half of the book be good! Rick you’re doing amazing sweetie (kind of-we’ll get into it). So far, I’ve cried at Percy and Annabeth thinking about each other and how tired and hungry they are. And when Percy and Annabeth were surrounded by Kelli and the other empousai and I really thought it was done for them (I know they don’t die but the fear I felt was real) then Bob came in and saved them. And when Percy was surrounded by the Arai and Annabeth was temporarily blinded by a curse. Like he literally says, if I’m going to die, I’m not going to let them hurt Annabeth and he went out fighting (out meaning unconscious in this case) ughh my heart. It was torn out of my chest!! 
Brief pause because the Arai said that Calypso cursed Annabeth because Percy left her and I just can’t really emotionally deal with that fact because Battle of Labyrinth is my favorite PJO book BECAUSE of Calypso’s appearance. I’ve held a torch for that girl to find happiness for years and to think she cursed Annabeth (Obvi she didn’t know it’d actually affect Annabeth years later), that shit kills me. But I remember thinking in the Last Olympian why Percy didn’t ask for some sort of amnesty for Calypso when he was telling the gods to claim their kids, etc. So I’m glad he realizes he f-ed up there but ugh why Calypso?? It’s okay, I know that her and Leo get together so she’ll be happy eventually. I just have to wait. 
But let’s also talk about the fact that I’m starting to feel bad for monsters? Annabeth and Percy have been reflecting on what it’s like to be sent to Tartarus by a demigod and slowly reforming. And all the curses the Arai gave Percy were manifestations of how he killed those monsters so he felt their deaths which seeing him in pain, put me in pain. Like Rick don’t do this to me. I don’t want to feel bad for monsters but I do. I’m curious to see how this experience will change Percy and Annabeth’s willingness to kill monsters in the future. I really like this presentation of the monster’s perspective, I think it’s very interesting. In relation, I’ve noticed HoO is a lot darker in theme (even before this book) just by the way they phrase things. Like the demigods will say ‘kill monsters’ or ‘kill’ very easily compared to PJO where I felt that death was sugar coated because it was a middle grade genre. Most deaths were off screen (off page?) like Beckendorf’s. Or not very grim. And this series is much more in your face about it, especially in House of Hades. It was hard to get used to at first but I think it shows maturity, it’s well within the realm of YA to kill off characters and explicitly say so it’s just strange going from PJO to this imo. 
Moving onto the next image, the slowly being seduced one. AHAHA Um can someone tell me why I was briefly seduced by Frank and Percy?? So Percy, I’m always seduced by, that’s not new. But him being scary makes him 100x more attractive. Like imagine if Percy had been on the titan’s side? The gods wouldn’t have had a chance. Here’s some quotes:
(This is after Percy kills Arachne, on pg 6) Percy kicked the dust on the rocks, his expression grim and dissatisfied. “She died too easily, considering how much torture she put you through. She deserved worse.” Annabeth couldn’t argue with that, but the hard edge in Percy’s voice made her unsettled. She’d never seen someone get so angry or vengeful on her behalf. It almost made her glad Arachne had died quickly. “How did you move so fast?”
Then when Percy convinces Bob to kill the reforming Hyperion, Annabeth thinks this: 
How was he keeping his cool? The way he talked to Bob left Annabeth awestruck…and maybe a little uneasy, too. If Percy had been serious about leaving the choice to Bob, then she didn’t like how much he trusted the Titan. If he’d been manipulating Bob into making that choice…well, then, Annabeth was stunned that Percy could be so calculating.
He met her eyes, but she couldn’t read his expression. That bothered her too (22). 
Like what?!?! Please come pick me up, Uncle Rick. I’m scared. What’s happening to Percy?? I need them to get out of there STAT! I have no theories as to why he’s acting like this (maybe it’s the energy of Tartarus) but I’m excited to see where it goes. But Scary Percy is also right up my alley so ugh, I’m conflicted. 
So next, Frank. Rick did something hella problematic here but before I get into that, here’s the line where I was slowly being seduced by him:  
Frank was faster. He lunged at Trip and slammed him into the wall, his fingers locked around the god’s throat.
“Think about your next words,” Frank warned, deadly calm. “Or instead of beating my sword into a plowshare, I will beat it into your head” (19). 
Like ngl, that choke thoo?? I’ve never been attracted to Frank but my god, the dangerous tone, the threat. I had to put my hair up and get a cold glass of water when I read that. Frank was the last person I thought would do something like this but I am not mad at all. Very Ares of him.
What I am mad about, however, is the fact that after this scene, Frank (or it’s Hazel that notices) notices that he’s becoming taller and better built. Because Mars/Ares gave him a little ‘grow spurt’. Now let me say this: I’m not one of those people who think that everything problematic was meant to be intentionally offensive/stereotyping/harmful. I know that Rick has had his fair share of controversies ever since he’s been incorporating diverse characters. That comes with the territory of writing marginalized character-I’m black and I still have watch myself in how I portray black characters. He has do the research and I don’t he did it. Sorry. 
And I’m sure I haven’t even caught half of the problematic things brought up in HoO (there’s times where Hazel’s hair or skin is described as cinnamon, like food when other non black characters don’t get that kind of description. Also the fact that her name is Hazel like Hazelnut has always bothered me but I digress). Back to Frank’s growth spurt. Prior to that, other characters have described him as a bit on the chubbier side, baby faced, ‘big guy’ (that bothers me tho but that might be an internalized societal mentality that any word like fat or big = bad. And that’s not always true but I personally don’t feel comfortable calling someone that), etc. And he’s of Asian (spec. Chinese) descent. For what it’s worth, I’m not Asian so this may be out of lane to talk about but from my personal life experiences, Asians tend to be on the smaller end of the scale when it comes to size. I am 5″7 ish, size 6 and I would be considered overweight in mainstream Asian stores but in Western stores, I’ve never had an issue fitting in something or finding my size. I also tend to have a lot of options fashion wise. I have an Asian friend (Lmao I feel like one of those yt people who are like I have a black friend so I can say this and that. sorry I’m trying to get a point across) and she is plus sized. She doesn’t fit into the straight sizes in America so by Asian standards, she’s considered anywhere from moderately to morbidly obese. And she faces a lot of judgement from her Asian relatives because of it in addition to the fatphobia that has infiltrated American society as well. 
My friend doesn’t see a lot of representation for Asians her size. If she does she sees Asians that isn’t as thin and small, it’s people with my size who are considered thin by Western standards but ‘big’ by Asian sizing. My problem with having Frank be given a growth ‘spurt’ is that it’s erasing that plus sized Asian representation. This wouldn’t have been a good thing to do to ANY character that was plus sized but do you see where it’s even more problematic to do because of his Asian ancestry? It would’ve been fine if at the end of the series, he got hella fit and happens to be more in shape because of all the fighting he’s done but to be given that growth spurt implies that there was something wrong with his size in the first place. And so far, the other demigods have been taking him more seriously (Frank notes that Leo has stopped teasing him as much) which is kind of thin privilege esque to me. Frank may not be my favorite character but he deserved respect, no matter his size. I think this growth spurt aspect was hella problematic and Rick shouldn’t have done it. It was also unnecessary as hell. He looked fine before and could do everything the other (thinner) demigods could do just as well.
This is getting long so let me get to my last couple of points: Nico and the many, unnecessary POVs.
As y’all know by now, I think Nico deserves rights. He deserves friends and place to call home where he belongs. Both Frank and Jason didn’t want to be alone with Nico because they thought he was creepy and I can see where this is a set up to eventually have him fit in but damn, he’s just a kid. Be nice to my son. I feel like one of those mom’s who just wants their kid to make a friend at school. Will Solace as his love interest please come sooner. Again, I’ve been spoiled to this. I’m interested to see how this pans out and if this relationship will be a kind of aside mention like the fact that Grover and Juniper are dating or will it be given the same focus as opposite sex couples like Percabeth and Jasper. And I already knew Nico liked Percy but I didn’t expect it to come out in the way it had. It makes his relationship with Percy make a lot more sense. And I see how Nico could view him in that sense after Percy saved him and Bianca in Titan’s Curse and how he was like the real life version of his Mythomagic games (also I totally forgot he played that, he’s not that excited little boy anymore ugh, his innocence left ever since Bianca died). Overall, I think Nico being gay was handled well-Jason’s reaction was very straight but supportive so he gets a pass there. My point is Nico deserves the world. That’s all. 
The POVs. Again, I don’t know if people who aren’t writers would have an issue with the POVs in this series but I do. So far, we’ve had Hazel, Leo, Frank, Annabeth, Percy, and Jason narrate. I said this before, Rick needs to stick to 3 or 4 POVs because this shit don’t make sense. Annabeth and Percy are in the same setting together, they can’t even go on side quests because they’re in Tartarus so like why do we need both of them to narrate?? If they separate at some point, maybe. Don’t get me wrong, I love their narration but it’s jarring as hell to keep bouncing from POV to POV. I also saw somewhere that they don’t get a narration POV in Blood of Olympus in which case, I sure as hell don’t want to be reading the POV in the HoO characters who I don’t really jive with except Leo. So Hazel is going to be important to the Mist thing whatever, it makes sense she gets a POV (and she hasn’t had one since tSoN/same with Jason but the Lost Hero instead) but Frank and Leo? And I really thought since it’s 5 demigods (Percabeth in Tartarus) they’re going to be able to do side quests with all 5 of them that we didn’t need so many POVs but guess I was wrong. Idk it’s driving me insane, Rick should’ve done third person omniscient (Think Harry Potter and it can still follow different people like Percabeth in Tartarus). 
Damn, if this is how much I have to say about the first half of HoH, I’m really excited to get back to reading the last half. I’m HELLA looking forward to have Reyna join the quest temporarily (where I left off, she is on her way to the 5 demigods). I want the Piper/Reyna/Jason thing to be resolved (a lil drama would be nice) so Piper can stop being annoying and insecure. I want to know who Coach Hedge has been talking to and is he a good guy? Oh and another thing that’s been bothering me is Gale, Hecate’s polecat? It just farts all the time. And I have to remember I’m 20 and this books isn’t targeted to me so juvenile humor isn’t funny to me anymore but it’s just kind of gross and unnecessary?? 
Anyway, I’m going to have to start a new post for the last half of my HoH read with me because this thing is long. But you guys, I am invested into this book. It is on par with my love for PJO books so far. I could give this book a 4.5 stars (despite some faults) if it keeps going this way. Thanks for reading! 
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elizabeatrice · 4 years
Sumire: In Summary (Chapter 66)
Let’s Talk About JSHK Manga #2
Warning: !!!Manga spoilers up to chapter 66!!! Duh.
These are my initial thoughts. I’m warning you, they may not be entirely coherent. I wrote this when Eng scanlations weren’t out yet, so I used @etoile_atelier’s Eng summary that they posted on their Insta Story. I’ll update with the scanlations later.
Sorry not sorry for the awful title I’m just punny like that okay.
Summary: Chapter commentary + theories on: Sumire’s relations to Aoi, Sumire and Tsukasa’s seals, and is Sumire and Shinigami a cautionary tale for Hanako and Nene?
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First, chapter recap.
Having no expectations at all amplified my emotional reactions to this chapter like 1000%
IT ONLY TOOK FOUR PANELS. FOUR (4)! (Oh, the number of death ... makes sense)
I can’t. I can’t deal. I’m not supposed to sympathize with Goat Man yet.
I mean we’re only four panels into his story smh
Okay so we’re back with Hanako and Nene! And they’re ... somewhere.
And they came across villagers who call them monsters (mononokes)
Honestly why are people so rude to my boy he’s a kiddo trying his best mkay and now ya’ll’re capturing him, the nerve! Y’all captured my daughter in law as well, who’s a literal angel! I will call your mothers about this unacceptable behavior, random villagers.
*ding* [A wild new character appears!]
Ghost girl finally reappears! And yet again, I must ask,
“What is your deal, bruh?”
Sumire took them in, treating them like miserable strays in desperate need of help
And Sumire said something along the lines of taking in the mononokes like she always does
Lmao when these two dumbasses tryna escape
At the very least, Hanako and Nene are trapped somewhere comfortable. And without creepy bugs.
Sumire is so much like Aoi I-???
‘Kay they must be related somehow, right? (More on that later below)
So ... is it official? Are we serving tanuki nabe in hananene events now?
Hanako is even more careful than usual and I gotta say, I’m following his footsteps.
Before I got my stylus out and started translating stuffs, I was so worried when I saw the panels focused on Hakujoudai.
I care about Hakujoudai more than I thought, guys. What a revelation.
Domestic hananene, finally some good freaking food tea.
Darn Hanako spilled the tea (literally, and figuratively)
So they’re not in the Far Shore ... I feel like I was lied to. Why would you lie to your own minions (and us), Shinigami?!
Unless them landing wherever this is wasn’t intentional.
Man, I was excited to see the Far Shore too.
Hanako said they’re still in Shinigami’s boundary, and the place is water-less because they’re in some sort of made up world inside his boundary (that may or may not be based on his memories)
I think it actually is based on his memories, because the first page’s introductory sentence included something along the lines of, “Seven Mysteries’ No. 6′s memories”
So yeah it’s like a mini theater, presumably made by Shinigami so that his boss and his boss’ kannagi couldn’t interfere with his plans. Maybe.
I know the tea might be drugged by Sumire/Shinigami or whatever but-
Your wife helped make that tea, Yugi Amane, show some appreciation!
She looked sad about the tea, too, oh you precious child
Hanako’s sulky, distrustful face tho lmao
Boy was all serious like, “I’ll protect this girl with my afterlife”
Then ZAP *obligatory “Hanako you pervert” comment*
Hanako: Go in there save Yashiro go in there save Yashiro and maybe take a lil peek-
Also Hanako: She’ll hate me.
Hanako: Fuck.
Sumire: Aren’t you two lovers?
Nene: NO.
Nene: ////// D-do we actually look like lovers?
Sumire: Gurl-
*TV beep*
AidaIro: Imma just drop the bomb of the month here~
Sumire: I’m (probably) a yorishiro!
*roll credits*
*cue me screaming*
Sumire? Aoi?
Option A
Aoi and Sumire come from the same bloodline, Sumire’s her ancestor.
Option B
Aoi is Sumire’s reincarnation. So, that means the Sumire we’re seeing isn’t the real Sumire, regardless whether she was made especially for this ‘made up lil’ world inside the boundary’ or the real yorishiro.
Though, would Shinigami actually put his yorishiro somewhere Hanako and Nene could find and destroy her so easily? Suspicious.
So yeah this Sumire, if she really is the real yorishiro, must be a memory apparition like Mitsuba 2.0
White on Black, Red on Black
Now the moment this girl revealed her seal I knew the fandom would point a finger and unanimously scream, Tsukasa!
But ... then again, there’s the matter of different colors between Tsukasa’s seal and the yorishiro seals we’ve seen so far
What if object-yorishiro and person-yorishiro seals have different colors?
Like, white on black seals for object-yorishiro, and red on black seals for person-yorishiro
We actually need to see Sumire’s seal in color to confirm this tho
Sumire, Shinigami, and the Repeating Motive of Tragic Human-Supernatural Relationships in JSHK
Boi. You knew from the first four panels alone that something went wrong with Sumire and Shinigami.
“Promise you’ll stay with me forever.”
Bruh. I can not.
I mean I’m already imagining stuffs that are probably not how their real story’s gonna go down but
It’s definitely tragic, you can smell it. I’ll be entirely shocked if it ain’t tragic
Shinigami’s her betrothed, right?
Why are they only getting married now tho? I assume these two first met ages ago.
Could it be that human Sumire died before they could?
If so ... what if they’re trying to fulfill their wish that never got to happen when Sumire was alive?
What if these two are a cautionary tale for Hanako and Nene?
This might be too far fetched but think about it.
Sumire said, “Falling for things that don’t exist in our world may be deemed a taboo, but you can’t help it if you’re attracted to them,” and it’s the same for Sumire.
According to her, Shinigami is a straitlaced but cute demon. He used to kill for fun (and out of boredom, ‘cause the dude is immortal) but he’s quick to get shy, too.
So. You’ve got a kannagi who’s all too kind to ‘monsters’ (taking in the mononokes, remember?) and try her best to help them.
And a monster with dangerous powers who also have a shy side and would do anything to do what they deem right.
Sounds familiar?
Let’s admit it. The only problem Nene has with liking Hanako is the fact that he’s not her type.
Him being dead has never been the main problem.
In fact, when she does acknowledge his death, it was out of sympathy. She wished he could’ve lived happier. But since he didn’t she sets out to make his afterlife happy, you know, as a good friend.
So I imagine if she does, in fact, accept that she really does like him like that, she’ll be a lot like Sumire, don’t you think?
Nene’s thing is that she’s got compassion for everyone, whether they’re supernaturals or not (unless they mock her legs I guess hahahaha).
She won over Yako (who still hasn’t admitted it), Tsuchigomori, and Shijima with her earnest heart.
On the other hand, Hanako was willing to defy his own principles, his hatred toward the fakeness of Shijima’s world, and perhaps supernatural law or whatever (’cause I doubt it’s ‘legal’ to keep the students trapped in a painting) just because Nene could live happily there.
As we (slowly) uncover Shinigami’s story, Nene also seems to be constantly confronted by others regarding her own feelings. Akane, Aoi, now Sumire.
“Promise you’ll stay with me forever?”
“Stay by my side until then, okay?”
I just broke your hearts. Maybe. Maybe not.
Now Imma go cry.
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nyaawn · 4 years
My FFVIIR copy is here! It’s finally here!
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Covid19 didn’t kill my pre-order! And it arrived on day one too! ( ಥ▽ಥ) Gosh, I totally didn’t expect this. Thanks God, thanks everything thats holy, thanks store staffs, thanks Squenix, thanks Sony, thanks universe!
It had been weeks full of uncertainty here. Tho, I’m sure condition all around the world is pretty bad too.. Well, at least here in my country, game shops confirmed there are production and distribution difficulties, and shipments that do get through on schedule aren’t enough to cover everyone who had pre-ordered. That majority of people who want to buy FFVIIR won’t get their copies for at least 6 weeks. Hence, my pre-order status also got stuck in limbo. And I felt too bad to push the shop I pre-ordered from for answer since their page already flooded with angry customers for days (because Persona5r and RE3 delayed as well), on top of all physical stores mandatory closing by government, limited delivery service all around and difficulty tracking, and I’m certain they are in shortage of staff as well... So yeah I just shut up and gave up lol.
The day before release, nothing happened to my order status. On morning of release day I checked again, still stuck. Oh well, so be it. I brace myself to continue avoiding internet and spoilers, planned to wait for a few days till things wind down and contact the shop for refund, and then perhaps goes digital while praying my temperamental internet would play nice and willing to download 90gb something game...
So imagine my surprise when the delivery guy came knocking later in the day. Not to mention he still working amidst epidemic AND holiday, he delivered my game on release day. HOW COULD THIS BE??? To note, I never get physical game on day one. Never. People in US and other maybe think it’s par for the course, but here games always goes to stores in capital first, and stores hardly ever break street date. Only on release day they then send to other cities including mine, which can take 1-2 days with fastest delivery option. So I used to get mine on Day2 or 3.
But back to this one. The receipt on the wrapped box said it’s my copy of FFVIIR. Huh. I checked my online pre-order status again. Same as ever. Nothing on it said it was sent. The store page still didn’t post any update. My doubt kicks in. Could it be the store just sent an empty box? Or letter of apology, perhaps? So I carefully unwrapped the plastic packaging and... the writting FFVII Remake Deluxe Edition peeped back at me. OHMAIGAH IT’S REALLY HERE!!!
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I don’t know what else I have to thank for my luck getting in the first shipment. My order receipt still hasn’t change and the store have yet to reply to my messages, but when they do they certainly will get a lot of virtual kisses and hugs.
I’m getting the game also means my stupid ramblings and gaming post will make a comeback here in coming days. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHsorry. Okay I’m rambling enough I’m off to fawning over Cloud.
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k-drabblings · 5 years
only then (pt. 5)
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KIM JIWON (BOBBY) X READER Type | Genre: badboy au | fluff/angst Word Count: 1663 A/N: I thought this was much longer than 1.6k words... Guess not.  Also I do update very very slow, I know. It’s mostly because I have no idea what to write next, and I don’t want to write nonsense. So thank you for your patience. I hope this doesn’t disappoint!  To be honest, it feels a little weird to write about Hanbin after the huge scandal, but it felt weirder leaving him out of the story after including him in the beginning.
Also wtf happened to line breaks? Why is that not an option anymore? This sucks.
part one two three four
Jiwon looked at the well healed scar on his arm fondly, running his finger along the raised ridge. His smile couldn’t help but widen as his phone buzzed. 
[23:22] y/n: i can’t sleep [23:22] jiwon: y? [23:22] jiwon: cause ur too excited to be talking to me? [23:23] y/n: ... zzz ...  [23:23] y/n: o look i fell asleep
He chuckled. Within a matter of days, teasing had already become part of their regular banter. So cute.
[23:23] jiwon: ...  [23:23] jiwon: do u think ur funny or something bc let me tell u rn that u r not [23:23] jiwon: boooooooo [23:24] y/n: if im so unfunny then y r u texting me hmm HMM??? [23:24] jiwon: cause i pity u [23:24] y/n: ...  [23:24] y/n: GOODNIGHT
Even though he knew was joking, his fingers still quickly scrambled to reply. 
[23:24] jiwon: im just kidding!! [23:24] jiwon: ur funny sometimes [23:24] jiwon: a little bit [23:24] jiwon: real little [23:25] y/n: then go talk to ur other super exciting and funny friends y dont u [23:25] jiwon: now dont be jealous [23:25] jiwon: the more time u spend with me the more exciting and fun u become [23:25] y/n: ive only seen u like 3x [23:25] jiwon: thats y ur so not funny
His finger hovered over the keyboard, wondering if he should type out the next line. He knew it was probably a bad idea, but he couldn’t help himself. Fuck it. He firmly pressed the upward arrow.
[23:26] jiwon: so i guess we’ve come to the logical conclusion that we should hang out more [23:26] y/n: i guess we have
You felt bold as you sent that last message. Was this considered flirting? You hadn’t known that your heart rate could increase so much within a mere 4 minutes. The past few nights had consisted of increasingly witty and teasing messages - messages that got your heart racing, your face flushing, and your imagination going a little crazy. Nothing even close to romantic had happened between you and him, and yet your ridiculous mind was coming up with possible scenarios that could maybe (just maaaybe) happen in the nearby future. You felt like an silly high schooler again, getting too easily excited over someone you barely knew. You didn’t even know how exactly how old he was or what he did for living. 
But all those unanswered questions just made you more excited - kind of like a good mystery book you just didn’t want to put down. 
[23:27]: jiwon: ok so whens ur next day off
Your breath hitched. You were off the upcoming Thursday, which was in 2 days. You hadn’t expected the next time you were going to see Jiwon to come so soon. You were used to seeing him like twice a month. You knew you could simply lie and give him your next day off, which was in a week or so, but you knew you didn’t want to wait that long.
[23:28] y/n: thursday [23:28] jiwon: ok cool so ill see u then [23:28] jiwon: and if ur busy... [23:28] jiwon: make yourself unbusy thanks
Your lips curled into a smile. How could someone this cute possibly be bad news? 
“You’re distracted, Hyung.” Donghyuk mumbled quietly so Hanbin wouldn’t hear. 
“Hm?” Jiwon murmured. “Nah, I’m good.”
Donghyuk’s eyes narrowed as he carefully tried to peer over Jiwon’s shoulder to see what was keeping him so preoccupied.  A girl’s name. He rolled his eyes. He was more than willing to bet that this was the same girl that had so nicely bandaged Jiwon up that rainy night. “Let’s keep outsiders... outsiders, okay, Hyung?” Donghyuk warned in a hushed tone.
Jiwon immediately shut off his phone screen and gave his younger friend a long hard stare. “I’m not fucking stupid, okay?”
And of course, despite Donghyuk’s words, he still went to see her on Thursday. They met up later in the afternoon, mainly because he slept in well into the afternoon. Since he did his work mainly at night, his sleeping schedule tended to be slightly off. When he woke up, you were getting some errands done - groceries and such. That gave him some time to get dressed and ready - he wanted to look good for the first date.  This is a date right? He hadn’t made it explicitly clear, but he was hoping you were on the same page as he was.
He recalled the the other day that you had said you wanted to try this restaurant that you had seen on some celebrities eating on TV.  And since it was on the other side of Seoul Station, they could walk along Seoullo 7017 along the way. He supposed that would be a good, somewhat nice way to start the date.
And you were delightfully surprised at how much Jiwon had actually planned out. You wouldn’t say it aloud, but you had been expecting somewhat of a haphazard schedule of activities that randomly popped up into his mind. 
“You look cute.” You jokingly scowled. “Are you saying I wasn’t cute before?” He rolled his eyes and laughed. “That’s exactly what I’m saying.” He put his hands up defensively when he earned a playful punch to the arm. “Hey, you gotta appreciate my honesty, right?” He grinned. “No, but seriously. You should wear dresses more often.”
“Thanks,” you mumbled shyly, having always been slightly awkward at accepting compliments. You glanced down at your outfit. It was a pretty plain dress, but this was the most dressed up he had ever seen you. 
“Where’s the scar from - if you don’t mind me asking?” He asked, pointing to the mark on your forearm. If it hadn’t been for that scar, he probably would have never recognized you. “Nothing cool,” you responded. “Got it while I was helping out at the bakery a while ago. Hot stuff can do that to you sometimes, you know.”  He laughed. “See? You’re already getting funnier - thanks to me.”  You rolled your eyes exaggeratedly but couldn’t help but join him in laughter. 
You were sure he had a fair share of scars all over his body, and also exciting stories behind them. But you were reluctant to ask, afraid that it could ruin the lighthearted mood.
The rest of the evening went by in a blur - partially because Jiwon had convinced you to share a bottle of soju with him during dinner. ‘You can’t enjoy pork belly without soju!’ he had insisted.  You had initially refused, being worried that you might end up blabbering and saying something stupid or embarrassing. But Jiwon was one convincing young man.
But luckily the only embarrassing thing that slipped out was a, “Fine, you’re kinda cute, okay?” after he had pestered you about what you thought about him. And boy, did he enjoy that answer.
You were partially disappointed when the date ended with a simple hug. You probably would have thought he were moving too fast if he had gone in for a kiss, but by no means would you have refused. In fact, as much as you hated to admit it, you'd immediately have shut your eyes and puckered your lips.  But a long, warm hug was what you got tonight. And you weren’t complaining. "Thanks. Today was really fun,” you said with a warm smile.  “Okay, so when can we have fun again?”
All of a sudden, you had something to look forward to every week. Every date with Jiwon was exciting. You got to experience thrilling things like ziplining, but even just sitting at a cafe and chatting got your heart pumping. You felt like your life had been recharged.  You had even bravely kissed him on the cheek when he had dropped you off at your door tonight. 
As Jiwon walked over to work after dropping you off, he heard a familiar voice calling his name. “Jiwon Hyung! Hyung!” Junhoe shouted from down the block. "Where’re you coming from?” He asked, frowning. Wherever Jiwon was coming from, it wasn’t from the direction of his home. Jiwon played it off vaguely. “Just was doing something. Don’t worry about it.” “Come on, tell me!” Junhoe whined. “Why’s it a secret, huh?” Jiwon pressed his fingers against his tall friend’s forehead and gave it a good shove. “Have you ever heard of a personal space? Look it up.” He couldn’t recall the last time anyone had made him so easily excited, and he wasn’t willing to part with you now.
His friends had also noticed that he was constantly in a good mood these past few weeks.  Donghyuk wasn’t too happy about it, but the others seemed to enjoy having a less moody Jiwon around. He wondered if Hanbin knew what Jiwon was getting himself into outside of work. But he didn’t want to tick off Jiwon, so he kept his mouth shut. A pissed off Jiwon was one scary man.
“How long do u plan on keeping this up, Hyung? It’s going to serve as a distraction to you and a danger to her. She doesn’t even know what you really do. If you tell her, do you think she’ll stay?” Donghyuk hissed. “Yeah, right.” “I know. I know.” Jiwon mumbled. This was like the fifth time he had approached him about this issue. He was thankful that Donghyuk hadn’t blabbed to the rest of the guys, but it was a disturbing reminder every time. Why was it so wrong to enjoy it while it lasted?
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narcoticarchangel04 · 5 years
Light hearted questions: all of them 👿
😂 Logan u kill me, okay so:
1] What’s the last thing you did that made you feel proud of yourself?
I finished a novel ☺ 😂 needs editing but I never thought I'd actually do it.
2] What was your last inner chuckle about?
Not really sure tbh, maybe me realizing something I was doing wrong or something like a realization about something and I'm like ohh and I laugh like an idiot. 😂
3] What’s your favourite flower?
Not really sure. I like tiger lilies but I also like walking through flowers and just seeing random ones and I'm like Ooh look at those. I'd have to see a list too but tiger lilies are pretty.
4] A thing you accomplished today?
Getting out of bed 😂 and reading 30 pages. Not much to someone but it means a lot to me since I struggle with mental health and also reading block.
5] What’s the most beautiful word in the English language?
I'm not sure tbh, again I'd had to look it up but maybe just happiness or something 😂 I'd update on that one. I like the word embers tho, idk why.
6] Favourite way of dancing?
Just having fun and not giving a shit what other people think about u. I did it at prom and had a blast.
7] If a rogue managed to unlock access to the secret chamber of your home/lair/mansion, what would they find?
😂 probably a hidden library, stuff I'm not supposed to own if I had a lair and food 😂 maybe also money stashes 💰
8] What’d be your perfect sleep accommodation?
Lots of pillows and blankets, sleeping in favorite Pjs and either in an ac room or heated room.
9] Favourite fruit? Probably mango or apples, 😂 I love lots of fruits tbh.
10] If you could grant one wish to another person, who would that be?
Probably a week of relaxation for @hypothetically-psychotic so she can drink tea, nap, and have fun 😂 or take the stress of money away from people here.
11] One thing you like about your physical appearance? Hmm I'd say my hair, eyes, or my freckles 😂
12] One personal trait you like having? My creativeness and working on myself. It can get messy but it's good making progress.
13] What happened the last time you got goose bumps? 😂 I was cold
14] What’s a movie you feel deserves more love? Probably howl's moving castle, I love it so much.
15] What’s a song you need people to hear at least once? I think maybe leaving home ain't easy by queen, I relate to song a lot.
16] If you were a dragon what would you horde? 😂 probably gems and blankets
17] What Olympic sport would you love to excel at? Maybe boxing or skiing
18] What do you think is the worst kind of minor inconvenience? Maybe forgetting money u were like I'll bring it and then u don't. Or last minute assignments teachers love to drop 😑
19] What’s your favourite natural phenomenon? Probably fire tornado's or the northern lights if that's one.
20] Favourite childhood TV show? I loved little bear, Max and ruby, lazy town, Franklin, backyardigans or however u spell it, but my absolute favorite was imagination movers. I loved that show and saw them live at a center and it was amazing. Also screw u to the other kid who made fun of me for liking that show, it was amazing.
21] Which televised stereotypical high school group would you belong to; jock, cheerleader, goth, band geek, nerd, punk, prep, other?
Well when I was in elementary I was probably the band geek. But now I'm still a band geek as I play piano, guitar, and drums but 😂 I am also a nerd, a geek, and a mix of Goth and punk. I don't really care what people say about me cause I want to be happy and live my life by my decisions and not on other people's judgements or opinions. But forever I will still be a band geek ☺ 😝 I love music and its always there for me.
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uzyplus · 4 years
11. July 2020
Hello, long time no see ~who am I joking, no one ever reads this~. The life has been... fine I guess? Nothing really happened, other than I totally stopped watching anime, which I think was my last post about, or like 2-3rd last, who knows. So instead I’ve been reading manga a lot. Unfortunately I no longer have my list sorted by the starting date, as I had problems navigating through the piles of non updating mangas, so I sorted it into 2 groups: releasing and last released in 2019 or before, and even sorted the releasing into kinda: horror, slice of life, fantasy, adventure/isekai and manhwa groups. I’ll post pics of what I read later after finishing this. 
I don’t read so munch manhua anymore, mostly coz the stories usually suck, all have the same setting and same cliche moments and well, the ones I packed on back in 2018 on webcomics finally came to their end, with only a small group still releasing. I don’t think I’ll be returning to them ever again; the biggest reason being that they just end without any notice, the author decides to not just continue their series anymore and so be it. Well at the time being I still have a few over dozen releasing on webcomics so I guess I have to just survive through it somehow. ~Tho it’s true that I can find most of them on mangakakalot, but well, I don’t want to spam my list with them, let them be quarantined in their own app~
On the other hand there are Korean comics also known as manhwa. Most of all I love how beautiful many of them are and how the stories even tho may have the same background setting always get developed in their own unique way. I don’t think I’ve ever been disappointed in any of them. I also love scroll style of reading opposed to pages so I like them a bit more over manga in that aspect. I have around 13 of them at the moment and out of them the ones I love the most are: A returner’s magic should be special ~for thrilling story and overall enjoyment of story~ Who made me a princess [also called Suddenly became a princess one day] which has the most beautiful art I’ve ever seen and lovely story; 
In manga section I’ve been enjoying few Gyaru romances along with slice of life romances lately; I cannot really point out any of the slice of life ones, as they usually are fantasy and I just have too many of them to even remember the stories sometimes, but for gyaru one: Gal Gohan, which finished releasing few months ago, it was the first gyaru romance I’ve read ever and it kinds opened the whole school romance section for me, coz before I never touched that place, as I hate romance comedy combo, but as I read more and more I can safely note that it’s the animes that make the shows just total garbage, as most of the comedy romance animes I’ve watched and didn’t like actually have pretty good mangas. 
Another section of manga are the slice of life married romances, which I like for not having the whole shy aspect to them and well it doesn’t take the characters whole story to just confess their feelings that were introduced to us in like chapter 1 to 10. And also it doesn’t have just one kiss scene at the end of the whole thing, which is just the most annoying thing about these school romances. Out of them I love Tonikaku Cawaii the most. It has already a good amount of chapters and plentiful of romance, kisses, hugs, all these things you don’t get from these shy romances, that I strove for back in my anime times, but not often got. Apart from that one there also is On the way home, I got a bride and twin daughters, but they were dragons; [this era will be remembered as the long manga names one and I’ll drag about it to my grand kids, if I ever have any]. It’s not a long one, just 9 chapters so far [11 in raws], but well I love it; I actually put it into the not releasing group, but it released just few days ago, which made me really happy, coz it has so much potential to grow.
 Adventure or Isekai is well, just as the name suggests; all these mangas in RPG world, where they fight monsters, get levels, skills and complete quests belong here, most of them Isekais, coz well that seemed to be popular at the time I picked them. Oh oh and also the majority of them have stupidly long names, because of course, nothing identifies isekai adventure more than name so long it doesn’t fit on screen. I dunno whether it’s even possible to pick an individual one out of them to write about, as most of them have the same settings, backgrounds or developments, either it’s being summoned, killed and being reborn or just being the part of the part of the adventure set world to begin with [tho only a few actually have that setting]. Well from hat I wrote it can be noted that they’re very cliche, but I use them as sort of stops in reading longer mangas, as most of them are up to 20 chapters long at the time. Well actually now that I’m looking at the list I see one that I can bring up a little more, called  I Was Kicked out of the Hero’s Party Because I Wasn’t a True Companion so I Decided to Have a Slow Life at the Frontier, I had to copy paste this name, coz reasons... In this one the mc is actually a resident of the world the story is set in, which is a bit more of a rare sight in these, tho the part about being kicked out of the hero’s party is really common. The main difference is that instead of it focusing on the adventure part and having mc train, get skills etc, as most of adventure/isekais do, it develops the romance, it’s just 21 chapters long and I already love the way it’s going.
Then there’s supernatural or fantasy mixed with romance. There are very few of these, as majority of them can be either placed into slice of life romances or adventure romances. There’s not really much to talk about, the only difference between them and adventure/isekais is the leveling system and all.
After that I have few slice of life and romance fantasy pieces, out of which I already talked about few of them already, Tanikaku Cawaii, Gal Gohan or you know the long name one On the way home... 
Horror genre is my most recent preference, you see, over time my taste degraded so much that I sometimes like to just watch characters suffer through gore and so on, or actual horror romances, which is basically romance between a human and a ghost or zombie apocalypse, vampire love, these kinds of things. Usually as long there are demons or other beings tha devour humans I put it in here. The ones I’d appoint would be Dreamcide, a great Korean zombie apocalyptic manhwa, it surely doesn’t lack content to read, with its 171 chapters, the story is mostly about the main character’s chaotic ability to time travel and his will to save the future before the shit can go down. The second one is called Sachi-iro no One room. I greatly enjoyed reading it. It’s in this group even tho it’s not really a horror, I just noticed... But well I’ll leave it be. The genres are romance, slice in life, psychological, drama. What I love about this one is that it doesn’t reveal the thoughts of character and just leads you to believe something, to then blow your mind, showing you that the actual motives behind characters’ behavior is just the total opposite of what you expect.
That’s basically all the groups. There are just 6 more mangas on the top of my list, basically the ones I want to immediately notice when they release, because I l love them the most of all on the list or are just left at the cliffhanger.
With that I end my post. It was really lovely to let my hands let free and write this, I really lacked it during the last few months, but never really felt like going here and just spending one and half a hour writing, coz well, with the online school and stuff, pc was the last thing I wanted to see really and then the time for me to pick graduation topic and start working on it came and all, and I just felt like it now, tho almost turned around when the stupid 2 step verification kept rejecting me for 15 minutes, really glad I didn’t.
Also 1503 words, this post is a beast among the beasts.
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lady-fireheart · 7 years
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peppermintwrasseler · 7 years
my thougths on thelostspecial.com please, feel free to add, correct, etc. to any of my ramblings...
List of relevant pages i’ve found thus far:
1. /solveme -Dancing man cipher (Henry V, act 3 scene 1) -V=5. There are 5 acts in the play. -600 x 136
2. /Murderousmary -5-ton Asian elephant -FIVE ton. FIVE. FIVE YALL. -625 x 420
3./teatime -1200 x 737
4./coffee -WRONG WAY! -1920 x 1080
5./Mary -492 x 318
6./elephant -WHICH ONE? -623 x 358
7. /tljc -404 ERROR -578 x 432
8. /johnlock -404 ERROR -578 x 432
9. /ireneadler -??????? -425 x 321
10. /marymorstan -Mary, 2 thumbs up -that bull skull that's in 221B? The one with the headphones? Mary is standing in front of it...the horns line up with her head...didn't notice that from the episode...great foreshadowing...but why THIS screenshot for THIS puzzle? -i left this and then i came back after writing the end of this ramble...so like...mary and moriarty were workin together...the horns are pretty symbolic here if thats the heckin case. which i would love for it to be. -572 x 379
11. /marymoran -WHO? -who is mary moran? ah, yes...well...who do we know that's named mary, and is a great shot? oh yeah...mary watson aka mary morstan... -1000 x 643
12. /sherlock -hat-man and Robin: the Web detectives newspaper article screenshot -paragraph gives Johns blog: johnwatsonblog.co.uk -1280 x 720
13. /johnwatson -*see /sherlock*
14./sherlockholmes -*see sherlock*
15. /Mycroftholmes -fat mycroft from the abominable bride...which was a special, yes? -838 x 613
16. /mycroft - *see /mycroftholmes*
17./mollyhooper -814 x 476
18./molly -*see /mollyhooper*
19./lestrade -842 x 561
20./greglestrade -*see /lestrade*
21./moriarty -809 x 606
22./thefinalproblem -how many problems were there/are there in total yall? -if it was 3..."people always stop after 3"...so is he comin back orrrrrr?? -*see /moriarty*
23./hislastvow -696 x 582
24./thegreatgame -600 x 300
25. /eurus -902 x 667
26./eurosholmes -*see /euros*
27. /thereichenbachfall -john's on the phone, looking up at sherlock on the ledge... -s2e3 -1280 x 720
28. /tiehell -500 x 278
29. /Januscars -896 x 504
30. /norbury -mrs. norbury killed mary... -792 x 525
31./new -*?*  bath tub? Hotel? Wat? -someone let me know if this is from an episode or nah? i dont remember, and i'm going to post this before rewatching all of the episodes... -589 x 438
32. /old -is this a shot of the mantle from before or after euros's bomb blew up the apartment? .-. does this have something/anything to do with the /new page and the /new page's picture??? -868 x 638
33./dymm -moriarty, pink cab... -i saw the pink cab in the episode, its pretty noticeable, wasn't sure if it was like, foreshadowing or a nod to the first epiosde or what...lemme kno if yall have some theories... -852 x 478
34. /cluedo -CLEVER BUT NO! -1000 x 676
35./ineedaclue -Stumped by 40? Go back to the source. The real source. -852 x 478
36./ineedahint -*see /ineedaclue*
37./ineedhelp -*see /ineedaclue*
38. /XXX -You'll be hearing from me -moriarty pool -700 x 396 -last image...is this a screenshot from one specific episode? i'll be posting this before going back to rewatch all of the episodes, so if yall know, plz let me know? -also, the mary's ring/coloring book thing that's later on this rambling...THIS THIS THIS THIS THIS HOLY WOW YALL. HOLY WOW. -so...moriarty's in the other pool picture...but he's not in this one, why? well...we never found out who the sniper was for that episode...so perhaps this is alluding to finding out who that was? also, the ring thing again y'all...connect them dots...
I'll leave this here a well: I believe this is a masterpost for all of the images/pages...i was lazy, and this post is long AF, so i didn't include pictures...but here's the link for a running post that has them all... http://infinitelyromantic.tumblr.com/post/156831246164/infinitelyromantic-infinitelyromantic?is_related_post=1
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *HERE COMES THE RAMBLING *puts on tinfoil hat**
The dancing men cipher from 1./solveme: According to wikipedia, "This is one of only two Sherlock Holmes short stories where Holmes' client dies after seeking his help. The other is "The Five Orange Pips", part of The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. The themes of this story are love, trust and pride." Now, i seriously encourage you to go to this link and read the synopsis... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Adventure_of_the_Dancing_Men
curious thing: /black is the page that has the comment box...but now when i visit that page, it says the page cannot be found, and instead shows me a search box? i wonder why?
40: i got nothin...haven't delved into it too much tho...i'll let yall know if i find something...
the picture sizes: -the picture sizes are listed, but i am not sure why...this IS a wordpress website, so perhaps its part of the formatting??? maybe it’s another code? maybe its literally nothing? but i'm not sure so...if anyone has anything on this, please let me know???
the view-source pages: -if you right-click and then hit "view-source" on any of the pages from thelostspecial.com then scroll down, you'll see this message: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You see but you do not observe. 13.9.16 /solveme/ XXX ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-this is how you’re originally supposed to find the rest of the pages, because if you go to “thelostspecial.com” it’s just the header image that’s on all of the other pages...
-the /solveme/ page is the page with the dancing man cipher...
-the dancing man cipher is also the only page with a different date, as mentioned above...but why is september 13th 2016 meaningful???
the XXX thing: is tripping me up... -in the show, everyone signs their texts with their initials...but maybe i've missed something...again, i'll be rewatchinga all of the episodes. -if y'all know something about "XXX" that i don't...plz let me know <3 -also, why 3 x's? if the signature "xxx" is not significant (idk if its a signature yet), is the number 3 significant? i mean... the message from the cipher IS from the 3rd act tho...perhaps that is significant...
the dates: -all the dates on all the pictures (except one) are 05/02/2017 -the dancing man cipher is 04/02/2017...but it's the start, the beginning...series 4 just ended...maybe they're hinting at series 5 here? Or the lost specials air date??? -also, being in america, we write our dates mm/dd/yyyy but because people in other countries write dates dd/mm/yy and we don’t know if this is fan-made or sherlock-made, we know that 05/02 and 04/02 could mean either feb. 5/feb. 4 OR april 2/may 2... HOWEVER we can *deduce* that these dates are written mm/dd/yyyy because of that date in the view-source message, which is "13.9.16". this date is written dd/mm/yyyy (because we all know there are only 12 months) so the dates 05/02/2017 and 04/02/2017 are for feb. 4th and 5th. which is this weekend?!? -also there's a theory about the scheduling for a new series called Apple Tree Yard (see reddi theoryt: https://www.reddit.com/r/Sherlock/comments/5orufn/clues_about_a_fourth_hidden_sherlock_episode/ ) and the third episode airs on bbc tomorrow (feb. 5) at 9pm supposedly...
13.9.16: -at first i thought that perhaps this date IS significant, but i can’t think of anything off the top of my head, i’ll update if i find something about the air dates of any of the series/episodes or anything pertaining to this dates in the series/episodes later on.. -my second thought was that this website was created on sep 13 2016, and so the creator just used that date since that was the day the website was created, HOWEVER, according to this source: http://whois.domaintools.com/thelostspecial.com the website was created on 1/31/2017...so that theory is a nope, but also, in the episode “the sign of three” this quote:   Mycroft: What do we say about coincidence? Sherlock:The universe is rarely so lazy. sidenote: i just realized that its from the sign of THREE and that episode aired on january FIFTH 2014...it’s also the episode the watsons got married in, and it’s also where we found out there were THREE watsons...also, sherlock found FIVE women in his mindpalace while searching for the mayfly man...just another thought...maybe i’m digging too far into this number stuff??? well...i am wearing my tinfoil hat so...its whatevs i guess lol the website’s title: -the only title we can see on the tab in our web browser for thelostspecial.com is “xxx”...but according to http://whois.domaintools.com/thelostspecial.com the website title is “By the pricking of my thumbs...” -THIS SEEMS EXTRA SIGNIFICANT... -me: *does a google: “by the pricking of my thumbs”* google: *does a reply* “By the pricking of my thumbs,Something wicked this way comes.Open, locks,Whoever knocks.” -Macbeth Act 4, scene 1 -the picture of mary with her thumbs up on the /marymorstan page has the bull skull horns behind her head...and what do we say about coincidences? -also agatha christie has book entited “by the pricking of my thumbs” and if this is the significance rather than the macbeth reference directly (the book’s title is taken from macbeth), then perhaps this whole thing is that s4 was the last series? refering to the wiki page:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/By_the_Pricking_of_My_Thumbs we read that there were FOUR books, and if you read the synopsis of each book on the wiki page (they’re rly short), then there are probably some parallels between that and the sherlock series/episodes. -also this: “the novel is dedicated "to the many readers in this and other countries who write to me asking: 'What has happened to Tommy and Tuppence? What are they doing now?'". in this case, tommy and tuppence perhaps parallel sherlock and john, and seeing as how s4 scene ended in the middle of sherlock and john rushing off and in the middle of the case, it could seem applicable...so perhaps this is hinting that we won’t be getting a s5 since s4 wrapped things up, but that we will probably get to see The Lost Special as an update on john and sherlock (and rosie) and as an encore of sorts... -also there’s this ‘marple’ thing and i’m not entirely sure what it has to do with sherlock? someone explain?
seasons/moriarty train of thought/ramblings: s1e3: moriarty introduced s2e1: more moriarty s2e3: moriarty dead... s4: DID YOU MISS ME? IN THE MAIN PICTURE IT SPELLS OUT RIGHT IN FRONT OF SHERLOCK'S MOUTH IN BLACK TEXT "DID YOU MISS ME?" also, that red smiley on the chair is from the original image (i think?) let me know if that's also added... there's also a page called /dymm...
s5 or the lost special: moriarty back? -they always stop after 3...he was playing with sherlock in 3 episodes...there were only 3 episodes in each season... -perhaps season 5 or the lost special will be about moriarty?? -but what about mrs. norbury and the whole shooting mary thing... -and then there's the murderous mary the elephant (see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_(elephant) ) -then there's /marymoran and /marymorstan and /mary but NOT /marywatson. why is that when there’s a /johnwatson??? -plus, there's the dancing man cipher from the sir arthur conan doyle story... and if y'all read the wiki for the dancing man cipher then there's some parallels to mary watson, who has a husband. But if mary watson = mary morstan = mary moran, then that means ties with moriarty, and moriarty died, then there's a parallel there too?? there's probably more parallels, lemme know what yall find pls...i'd love to hear more theories...
-also "You see but you do not observe." is in the coloring book but also in the view-source page comment: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You see but you do not observe. 13.9.16 /solveme/ XXX ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -also the main picture on all the pages...is from the reichenbach fall (s2e3)
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elliothier · 7 years
Post your top 10 ships and pass this to the first 5 people in your notifications
Ohh, that’s a really cool thing, and a chain that’s not hard to sustain, I like it! This is going to be hard tho, so I’m glad I made a list of ships on my page, or I’d never get to 10. Or maybe I would in Supergirl and OUaT ships alone, who even knows, lol.
I just want you to know that this was actually really hard to do. Picking 10 ships wasn’t the hardest part, but putting them in order? Oh frick, why must you insist.
Aaand it escalated, now I elaborated on each ship. What is this, writing an essay? Anyway, without any further ado, here’s the list!
1. General DanversI’m obsessed with this ship right now, okay? It’s been a little over a month and I’ve read over a 100 fics of them already and I’m not tiring of it. When I finish all 400-ish fics I will start writing them. I’ve already drawn them. I wonder if it’ll last tho.
2. Swan QueenY’all know this already, it’s been my OTP for three years by now, I have a little merch of them, I own the first three seasons on DVD because of them as well, I’ve written for them more than for any other ship and read a whole freaking lot. It’s been dropping a little lately tho, I mean… Have you seen the show?
3. Shoot So. Freaking. Good. I’d judge them on having a dead half, but GD also has a dead half, and that literally doesn’t deter me. But still, Root dying is about the only flaw of this ship (I’m not talking about problematic things, I’m talking my own issues with it), they just work so good together and I love both my neurodivergent vigilantes.
4. Dragon Queen I’m just… So sold on it. Enter The Dragon made me ship this as a real ship rather than a fun lowkey ‘what if’ ship. Plus… Maleficent and the Evil Queen? Come on, man, that’s like, the ultimate villain ship. The most powerful sorceress with a freaking dragon, how can you not appreciate that?
5. Sanvers I blame Supergirl Lives. First it was a thing that’s just nice, y’know? It’s nice that it’s canon and that it’s there and that Alex is happy and Maggie is not a bad match. But the domesticity of Supergirl Lives just… Welp, I’m smiling like a doofus, I ship this now.
6. Red KansasI’ve written a ficlet for them immediately after the episode. I wrote the first posted piece of fanfiction for them on ao3, okay? I created their tag. Do I really have to explain that I ship this? The only reason it’s not higher up is because they barely have any screen time; Dorothy couldn’t grow on me properly.
7. Clexa It’s obvious why this ship is lower than it should be. The ship itself is the ship of dreams, even if it isn’t really my usual genre. They’re just perfect for each other and no one can deny that, but the way it was handled… It really killed it a little.
8. Supercorp I blame @chloefuckingmitchell for this one, for sending me fics that they liked. It’s still very lowkey and I don’t think it’s ever going to reach OTP status, but it’s a very nice ship, Lena is growing on me quickly and I already love Kara to death and beyond.
9. Hollstein It includes a vampire. Literally that was all I needed to start shipping this. Laura is a freaking cupcake and Carmilla is the broody gay vampire that I fell in love with in the first season. Even if I never quite fell in love with Laura, Carmilla’s utter devotion and love for her is enough to make me ship it.
10. Bechloe It’s my first ship that I knew was a ship, it’s like your first semi-serious relationship, you’ll never forget about it and it’ll always hold a spot in your heart. I love Beca, and I love her dynamic with Chloe. Unless they go canon in PP3, it might’ve been higher up the list if there weren’t any sequels.
… I thought I had two straight ships? Linctavia didn’t make it to the top 10, but there wasn’t a second one there… Maybe it was just one of those in-passing ships? Hm, ah well, if it’s important I’ll remember it eventually, I need to update that list more often.
Either way, thank you so much for deciding to send this, that was actually fun to do
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bloodychamber · 7 years
About Me
Tagged by @astarkey Thank you! <3
Rules: Answer the questions and tag 20 blogs you’d like to know better.
Star Sign: Taurus Height: 5’3” Time right now: 12:06 PM Last thing googled: converting grams to ounces (to update a project page on ravelry) Favorite music artist(s): Garbage, The Kills, Silverchair, Patrick Wolf, The Cure, Andrew Bird, etc and some recent favorites: Cigarettes After Sex, Cannons,  Last tv show watched: My Kitchen Rules (Brandy and Ray J need their own show tbh) What am I wearing right now: black leggings, black tshirt, a green hoodie with sleeping sushi on the back When did I create my blog: 2007 What kind of stuff do I post: idk it’s random? tv, movies, fashion, music, books, etc.  Do I have any other blogs: An animal crossing sideblog but I haven’t updated it in like 2 years Do I get asks regularly: aha no.  Why did I choose my url: I absolutely love The Bloody Chamber and Other Stories by Angela Carter Gender: Female Pokémon team: mystic I think? (pokemon go is the only pokemon game I’ve played tho don’t hate me) Favorite color: black and green Average hours of sleep: 6-7 Lucky number: 22 Favorite characters: Luna Lovegood, Lestat, Kitty Foreman, Anita Blake, Kimber Benton, Phyllis Margaret Gabor/Pizzazz, The Doctor (more specifically 10 or 4)  How many blankets I sleep with: 2 (3 if I’m really cold) Dream job(s): idk maybe to own a yarn and tea shop?
i know this is the lazy way out, but I tag everyone who wants to do this :)
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tamayrs · 7 years
A warning much comic making technicalities and musings below...
I got my digital sizing (for the comic) worked out but then I realized if I ever wanted it in print I should prepare my base files with print formatting for bleed and sizing.  So I’ve gone through that learning process.
Then I looked up print shops and learned if i ever need to find multiple options that is going to be hell and a half...
So I have no good standards because it is going to vary depending on the print shop.  Also I’ve only found few very standardized shops.  So custom dimensions on the shops I found would probably be a special order if not existent at all.  (I seriously need to know where the fancy zine people and art folio peeps print at.) (Also I dont live in California so hm.)
discovering i have no good set standard I will just have to make a good estimate on what a good standard would be for minimal re-editing for print.
(try to cut down on future work that should be done in the first drawings.)
(Always cut down on future work.  That way you can spend it on the quality of the art.)
-One last caveat.  I’m not sure how to feel on custom sizes.  Should I stick with 2/3 like i started.  I’ve done preplanned pages on 2/3 but digitally it feels different proportionally.  (It could be the composition of the art on the page makes the page feel wider.  I noted that on Cursed Pirate Girl.  The book is standard American sizing but it feels custom sized just due to composition and likely paper choice.)
I feel like a custom size will do me no favors but currently 2/3 feels much skinnier a frame than i had in mind.  Do I try A4, B5 type proportions.  American magazine format feels too wide let alone European width.  (I’m not sure how close A4 and Magazine are proportionally.)
I had been working dimensionally of the idea of something similar to Kill 6 Billion Demons but I know it isn’t quite 2/3.  Neither is it A4 or similar as i can tell .  It is much closer to 2/3, but would tweaking 2/3 cause me a load of problems later on?  Who knows? I’ll come to a decision for better or worse at some point.  (I wouldn’t mind some advice tho.)
Anyways so... yeah I still don’t know how I will minimize this digitally in Clipstudio or lower the resolution.  I guess I’ll figure those out once I’ve finished a page.
Also I need to format the paper to the comic pages for the Santoro Composition Competition.   I’ve got the paper, maybe not the time today.  I’ll pull out the rulers.  Tomorrow’s busy.  The weekend is the only time I get to visit the Medieval Faire and those friends this year. So I might just resort to doing sketches of a first draft on graph paper.
I really wanted to do it large scale as well but, take what you can.
I kept track of the path of the moon yesterday outside of my work’s window...
That’s the latest update.
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