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avanii · 1 month
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Shamelessly crossposting this WIP from my insta stories. It’s been weeks and I still haven’t coloured the lava bits oops, sorry Pahoehoe you gotta be patient a little longer 😅
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coffeenuts · 6 months
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remma-demma · 6 months
Not my geologist ass wanting to use a lava metaphor but it won’t work because 95% of the population has no idea there even were different types of lava.
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baron-bear · 2 months
When the dragons start attacking after years of peace, the well-fed manly heroes of the realm rise up once again to defend it.
These warriors went after the ice dragons, and although their breastplates no longer fit, it doesn't matter if you can defeat a dragon in one chop. All that extra weight just means more force behind the axe, right? Here's a few posing with their kill.
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The (relatively) more agile roguish types went after the jungle dragons, having to rely on their remembered combat motions and sneaky strategies.
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Some warriors tried to subdue the lava dragons but had a difficult time piecing their hides with conventional weapons. They eventually prevailed and also posed with their kills. One of the larger fellows accidently discovered an excellent strategy when he fell on a dragon's head, crushing it's skull under his mass.
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The mages employed this strategy to it's fullest with their massively mana-bloated bodies. Levitating over a dragon's neck and slamming down vanquished many a foe.
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Then there's this buff weirdo who didn't get the memo of peace and prosperity and has been fighting sand dragons for years, not getting rotund like many of his warrior brethren.
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----------------- Got inspired by @fatlazypanda 's mages and revisited an old concept of mine. \/ -A few nasty details below- \/ Couldn't get much blood or evidence of combat in these without getting some really fucked up body horror. It got REALLY nasty at times, like gallons of intestines pouring out of open wounds. Also the fat folds of the mages kept being turned into pahoehoe lava.
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requiem-on-water · 8 months
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Pahoehoe ropes form in the Wahaula Lava Flow,Hawai'i Island by USGS
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asking out of curiosity, but how common would each of these variants be?
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(Link was being dumb, sorry…)
The Purebred (Kantonian breed in this case) is the most common of this list and is found anywhere Rapidash and Ponyta is found (except for Galar where the Galarian breed is found instead).
The Vog is the least common, only being found in captivity. The only region where Wooloo and Dubwool are native alongside Ponyta and Rapidash is Galar. The Vog breed is born to a Kantonian mother, not a Galarian one.
Ion Storm isn't common, but it's not rare either. Neither of the parent pokemon are commonly found together in the wild but they are seen together occasionally.
Hanabi is a "spring" father exclusive and so the rarity changes depending on what region your in. In some regions, a sawsbuck/deerling's form changes depending on the time of year. In other regions, it depends on where it's found.
The Pahoehoe is common-ish? Mudsdales and Mudbrays are not typically found in the same environment in a region but have been known to mingle.
The Destrier breed is the second most common breed on this list. In some places, the Destrier breed may even be more common than the standard breed!
(///ooc: I found the post this art came from! Here's the post for those curious!)
-Prof. V. Maple.
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dyke-delphinia · 9 months
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— volcanic humanity
fagradalsfjall eruption, brian emfinger / autobiography of red, anne carson / dyke (geology), sabrina imbler / pahoehoe flow, grant ordelheide / chasing the lava flow in iceland, heidi julavits / vesuvius from posillipo, joseph wright of derby / thirteen ways of talking about a volcano, gina balibrera
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mutant-distraction · 3 months
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Ol Doinyo Lengai, "Mountain of God" in the Maasai language, is an active volcano located in the Gregory Rift, south of Lake Natron within the Arusha Region of Tanzania, Africa.
Ol Doinyo Lengai is a symmetric cone that rises more than 1,800 metres (5,900 ft) above the surrounding rift valley. It has two craters on either side of the mountain summit, which is formed by a 110 metres (360 ft) high ridge. The floor of the northern crater is covered with lava flows that resemble pahoehoe lavas. Small cones with sizes ranging from 2 meters (6 ft 7 in) to over 10 meters (33 ft) occur in the crater and produce lava flows from their summits and, when they collapse, form their flanks.
The volcano is known for its unique, low temperature, carbonatitic lava. Eruptions have been recorded since the late 19th century, consisting of smaller tephra ejections and numerous carbonatitic lava flows on the floor of the summit crater and occasionally down the upper flanks. Activity primarily occurs in the crater offset to the north about 100 m below the summit where hornitos (small cones) and pit craters produce lava flows and spattering. The current eruption period began in April 2017 and more recently has consisted of ongoing thermal activity in the summit crater. Similar activity took place during August 2022 through January 2023. Via: Beautiful Mother Nature.
source: Planetary Landscapes
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mybeingthere · 5 months
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Ripples of Pahoehoe
Photograph by Jeff Gnass
Cooled lava lies in icing-like ripples in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. This image shows ropy pahoehoe, a type of basaltic lava that forms when solidifying lava meets an obstruction. Hot lava underneath the hardening crust continues to move it along, forming wrinkles in the process.
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ariadne-mouse · 1 month
I know you'll probably have some fun stories to tell with 14 and 19 for the fic writer asks!
14. where do you get your inspiration?
All over! I get some atmospheric inspiration from places I've been (there is an IRL doohm rock reference from mercaleb, as you know), tidbits and themes from life experiences I want to explore from various angles, themes from canon that leave room for more exploration, idle daydreams, whatever other media I'm watching and go "hmmm what if I put a blorbo in that situation". Sometimes it's escapism and sometimes it's reflection and sometimes it's both. Other creators inspire me (like you!) with beautiful writing and art that makes a thriving fandom ecosystem. I've written snippets for art and drawn art for others' writing, circle of life, etc. I love great art prompts from followers when I'm doing doodles (thank you to everyone who has ever sent one!). Sometimes my inspiration for any creation is just "hehe wouldn't it be SO stupid if I just-" and then I do. Highly recommend.
19. the most interesting topic you've researched for a fic
It's gotta be everything volcanically related for Volcaleb. All the materials I watched and read for that were interesting, whether or not they made a reference in the fic. I watched videos of scientists who simulated lava flows with their own materials melted in a massive drum & poured down concrete slopes. Lots of folks hiking around active lava flows in a variety of heat gear, taking samples. Drone footage over active fantastical eruptions. Stumbled on a really unfortunate series of AI images of "people eating lava" (do not recommend). Timelapse footage of slow-moving pahoehoe which has this fascinating chrome color to the cooling surface in some lights. There was one 20min Youtube video about contractors in Hawaii talking about how it was dangerous to move construction equipment in some areas of the islands because you could unexpectedly have a big hollow chamber somewhere under you at any time and the weight of the machinery could collapse the whole thing. I watched the whole thing and used none of it lol. I learned about long-term land use recommendations as official documents in areas where geological variables are at play - this actually did get a mention! Anyway, volcanoes and lava are cool (heh).
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ezshillo · 3 months
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Obsidian Pahoehoe's older brother
We thinkin about naming him Basalt Pahoehoe to keep with the fire/lava theme
Their sister is gonna probably take on the name Magma (nickname Maggie),  I know I have an oc named Magma already but that mf needed a redesign and rename anywas u-u smh...
 anyways as you can see here.. I have no idea how to draw magma/lava
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colucana · 10 months
Clover's Megafauna PT 1
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Two canon animals and two original
Clover kingdom’s fauna concentrates around the periphery of the common and forsaken realm, there are next to none living in the noble realm and the ones that manage to live there are usually considerate plagues. Although hunting and territory invasion have made many prone to aggression, both peasants and commoners have better time dealing with surprise encounters and have even tamed some.
No magic registered
Little birds native to Clover and Diamond kingdom, easily fitting in a person's cupped hands, they have no mana nor magic of their own yet still seem to have some semblance of awareness of it.
The little horns on top of their heads serve them no purpose whatsoever since their beaks and claws are more than enough to cause significant damage, whereas the bird’s skulls are not thick enough to receive impacts nor give headbuts. Some once said that it could have been a sexual dimorphism but that theory got quickly debunked and to this day, they are deemed useless.
These little critters have the habit of attacking or annoying anything with low mana levels, which doesn’t help them the slightest since some will rather choose to eliminate a little pest that could end up uncovering low mana levels in their family or themselves.
These birds actively avoid creatures and places that hold great levels of mana like the plague, maybe due to a mild hypersensitivity to it, but some individuals decided to stay in said places for the easy food, though they end up with a constant tired appearance.
People in the common and forsaken realm have passed through generations stories of antibirds pecking, scratching and pulling ears, hair or tails of devils, even parroting insults to them, as revenge they took their magic in exchange for useless horns along with an intolerance for magic. This obviously is nothing but a fable.
Remy’s trio of birds fly away from time to time in order to rest from all the mana that dwells in the Coral peacocks hideout, mostly for two to five days, and usually bringing back objects to adorn the little nest they have in their mage’s room.
Pahoehoe horse/Lava horse
Lava/Magma magic
Big equines that form herds near volcanic regions up to 20 individuals and tower over a human for a head and a half, only recurring to aggression if pushed.
Their mana is constantly making their fur and mane glow in a way that makes it seem like lava is sliding down off them but unless they are consciously using it, this could be considered more like an optical illusion than anything else.
Their big stature and rock-like feet makes them a danger to work with or wander near wild herds, since there’s always the chance of getting trampled or kicked if the individuals get spooked, not to mention adults may have a set of lower upper canine teeth. And this is in the best case scenario.
Sometimes they’re seen forcing the ground beneath their hooves open till they make magma pour out or they force the rock to melt then proceed to jump in as if it was a pool, why they don’t go to a volcano instead is a mystery
In the past, a Clover king wanted to copy Heart’s tactics of mages riding on magical critters, these horses being one of the main interest but not only the taming process was slow and dangerous, the unpredictability of the battlefield made them unusable since they could end up burning their riders and the small volcanoes they used to shot lava were near impossible to get a good aim with.
The failure of involving these creatures in battle ended with all the already trained horses being left to their own devices somewhere in the common realm. Sadly many weren’t able to join any herds without more often than not getting chased by the wild horses or falling easy prey of predators and hunters, the few that managed to survive did it by finding themselves in the common and forsaken realm villages, where people made use of them to carry, pull, transport, natural heaters, sports and companionship. Nowadays it is hard not to see a village without a few of them.
Spatial owl
Spatial magic
Nocturnal birds of prey that could easily grab and take off with a 10-12 year old child, originally from Clover kingdom but their task as messengers has made them spread around all the four kingdoms.
Birds with an incredible sense of direction and memory that allows them to open portals in areas where they know are either safe for raising their young, good hunting game or are away from crowded areas.
Owlets have very little control over their magic, usually it acts when they end up wandering too far from their homes or falling from their nest, the portal will open and automatically drop them back to their homes safely. As they grow and explore they will mark the places that are of their interest and consciously portal themselves there.
Elusive and cautious animals, finding a nest is a very hard task because if a nest gets compromised, the adults won’t hesitate to abandon the area, throwing their young through a portal to a new location they previously marked. No one has managed to find all the backup nests a single pair of owls may have.
Another creature that was part of clover program, only succeeded in full domestication via egg stealing, since adults and owlets would portal through the wards with no problem, escaping their captivity, and make mages pull their hair trying to come up with a way to include them as useful asset for the country.
Each important place in the kingdom is required to raise one owl, making a safe environment where they will want to come and go, squads have their own owls with unique kinds of markings. The bulls owl is as chaotic as the bulls themselves, with dark brown feathers and two light markings in the back that look like horns. Spends lots of time in Finral’s room.
Camouflage tiger
Chromatic magic
Striped felines that inhabit forest and strong mana regions, at times wandering through long patches of grasslands, only slightly shorter than a cotton lion yet still able to stand looking at a person in the eye without trouble.
Their magic makes their body constantly changing patterns but their stripes are the only things that stay somehow visible, only turning a shade lighter than the colour its trying to change into.
These big solitary predators roam around many places but are hard to catch since their magic allows them to blend and immitate other objects in with their surroundings with little effort, though someone with sharp eyes (and quick reflexes) might be able to their stripes and live to tell the tale.
Although normal chase hunters, they can also immitate other animals’ calls, luring any potential prey into a false sense of security before they jump for the kill.
Their magic differentiates from invisibility in the sense that these animals turn themselves into another part of their environment, curling into itself to look like a bush or a rock, drop to the ground appearing like another patch in the soil or becoming one with the grass and trees.
Some people have wanted to keep these animals like pets or something similar to the felines of Heart but because they are good at blending with the background and smart, they actively avoid mages to the point that their existence is even questioned.
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beautifulmars · 1 year
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HiPOD 2 May 2023: Complicated Lava Cooling
This HiRISE image shows a classic example of platy-ridged lava. Scientists think that this is the same as a lava type called “rubbly pahoehoe” on Earth.
In this lava, a crust of rubble forms as the lava partially cools but then tears up its own cover. Eventually, the rubble can form plates that can be rafted apart as the lava cools further, producing textures like those visible on terrestrial lava lakes that have cooled.
We see here a complex history of these processes. There are two different shapes of the rubble indicating two stages of formation. The smooth area at center also is divided into two domains with different polygon styles, indicating that the rift opened, partially cooled, and then opened further.
ID: ESP_077061_1845 date: 3 January 2023 altitude: 272 km
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princessjungeun · 2 years
lily as your girlfriend
*i was thinking of her today and i needed to post something…i’ll edit for spelling and grammar eventually*
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🪷 you sat in front of her in geology lecture which you didn’t actually know but lily very much did
🪷 which is also how she ended up failing the first quiz…she was too busy staring at you
🪷 she wanted to introduce herself but chickened out every time she got close enough to do it
🪷 so she just crushed on you from afar
🪷 that was until you both went to the first LGBTQ+ alliance meeting on campus and she saw you
🪷 and coincidentally you sat next to her which made her NERVOUS. like so nervous that your first conversation went a little something like this:
🪷 “hi im lily” “oh hey i’m y/n” “i know- wait no that sounds creepy- i know as in you sit in front of me in geology lecture so…i know you from class” “oh really i didn’t even know, that’s so cool. maybe we can study together some time” “i- yeah- i can- we can…yes please…i’m sorry that entire conversation was so awkward….” “it’s okay, you’re cute”
🪷 yeah that last part had her face RED
🪷 you two did in fact become study buddies for geology which she learned was a topic of interest for you
🪷 so a lot of the times when you two studied you went on little tangents about rocks or geologic processes
🪷 and even though lily understood 10% of whatever your spiel was about, she listened and gave her full attention with that loving look in her eyes
🪷 because although she had no idea what the fuck you meant by ‘a‘ā and pahoehoe lava flows, she was more than happy to hear you talk about them
🪷 lily ended up confessing first and it was so cute because she didn’t realize she admitted it when she did
🪷 she was shocked to find out you liked her too because she was convinced you were out of her league or something
🪷 it took half the semester for you two to get together though because you were those “i need a girlfriend” “yeah me too” *doesn’t do anything about it* gays
🪷 but you two were cute together
🪷 you two explore around your campus and off campus all the time
🪷 so many picnic dates
🪷 even more bookstore dates
🪷 she’s not huge on PDA as in like kissing in public is a no
🪷 but she will hold onto your arm as you walk or she’ll hold your hand
🪷 she does this thing where she gets super shy when you look especially gorgeous— like she’ll look at you then start giggling and covering her face then she’ll look away and it’s that over and over while she is telling you that you’re too beautiful
🪷 you do the same thing but it’s more subtle and it catches her off guard every time because you find her most beautiful when she’s not trying
🪷 like she’ll be writing notes on the other side of her room and you just go “lils look at me” and she does and your eyes go soft and you’re all “you’re so beautiful” and she’s all “🙈 naur dont do that while i’m doing homework”
🪷 you’re both total bookworms and probably the dorkiest people your friends know
🪷 one time her best friend jiyoon invited you both to double date with her girlfriend and you both declined because you were in a HEATED game of scrabble
🪷 then another time you two had a friend intervention because you were both pulling all nighters to read novels. all because lily claimed she could read more books than you in a month.
🪷 you both tied for 5 novels in a month and have yet to reach a tie breaker after 2 years.
🪷 she makes so many corny crunchy annoyingly embarrassing dad jokes that are SO bad it’s actually impressive
🪷 both of you use cheesy ass pickup lines on each other just to see who can do it worse
🪷 she will randomly text you things that remind her of you but it’s never all cute and fluffy like you see in tiktoks or tweets
🪷 one time she sent you a picture of a praying mantis and said it’s face reminded her of you and you replied ???? thanks? and she was like you’re welcome :D
🪷 both of you love movie nights and have had like 40 harry potter and star wars marathons
🪷 she’s not a theater kid but she loves watching musicals
🪷 she’s made you watch phantom of the opera so many times now that you know it all word for word
🪷 you never made it through the first hour of the sound of music because you fall asleep every time
🪷 it took nearly three months for you to learn that lily can SING
🪷 she mentioned it once when you very first met her but all she said was “i sing a little when i’m alone in my room”
🪷 when she said that you expected a little song on a ukulele
🪷 you went expecting her to completely obliterate you in karaoke during a LGBTQ+ alliance club sponsored karaoke night
🪷 she was all shy when she said she was going to sing empire state of mind and next next thing you know she had the whole room silent
🪷 lily steals all of your hoodies but she gives them back in exchange for a different one
🪷 you don’t mind because they smell like her which is comforting…plus you steal her beanies so you can call it even
🪷 pinky promises
🪷 matching bead bracelets you made at 3 AM on a tuesday just because you wanted to have something matching that you made for her
🪷 cuddles are her favorite thing
🪷 when you sleep you hug her closer to your body which makes her so giddy she feels like she’s gonna burst
🪷 weekends are her favorites for that reason— you waking up next to her with your legs tangled together and bodies pressed against one another like puzzle pieces that fit perfectly into place
🪷 and you just end up giggling and kicking each other lightly after waking up
🪷 even when you both feel like you look the most bummy— in the morning with messy hair and crust in your eyes— that’s somehow also when you both think the other is stunning
🪷 you two use pet names but keep the typical ones for private only
🪷 so in public lily is quick to call you “gremlin”
🪷 but when you’re home she’s right back to “my love” or “babe”
🪷 you will call her something like “hobbit”
🪷 when you’re home you call her “jin” which is only acceptable from you
🪷 she’s quick to playfully hit anyone who calls her jin but when it’s you— something about the way you say it makes her all soft and mushy inside and she doesn’t understand it but she loves it
🪷 she get all embarrassed when you call her “baby” so you only ever say it when you two are alone and even then it’s just a mumble against her lips before you kiss her or right when you’re saying goodnight
🪷 you’re her first everything and she is yours too so things are definitely awkward and wrong but you both figure things out eventually
🪷 it’s cute though— your first kiss was just you both asking “is this okay” then going in for it then shying away until literally having to do a 1-2-3 count for it and after you two fell out laughing because you were so scared over something you realized wasn’t all that scary
🪷 all in all you two just enjoy the bliss that is young love. holding onto one another’s hearts and promising not to let them go.
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tropic-havens · 2 years
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Flowing Pahoehoe Lava, Volcanoes National Park, Hawai’i
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