evanstarff · 6 years
Hocus Focus
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 1250
Summary: Bucky Barnes is a distraction and a half.
Warnings: Death by fluff – and a smidge of smut if you squint and make an offering to Bast on all hallow’s eve.
A/N: This is for the sweetest Paige @occasionalfics​​ #paiges2kbash writing challenge – congrats on hitting 2K lovely! Thank you for letting me join at the last minute ✨ My prompt was “Put me down!”, which is in bold and italics below. I am still so weak and inspired by this scene – Halloween isn't that huge in Australia, so I'm hoping I did it justice 🎃🍎🍂 Reader is adopted, because we in Wakanda now.
Masterlist here, lovers.
It was twenty past six on the last day of October when the autumn wind sent a delicious shiver down your spine.
Cool, calm fingers wrapped their bated breath through your lungs, piercing new life into your anxious heart as you rushed to finish that damn pumpkin pie you’d vowed your past self. It wasn’t the best idea you’d had today, but with a new day came the promise of new memories all familiar, sweet and shiny.
Unfortunately, your brilliant idea to recreate some semblance of a strange American holiday in a decidedly non-American country was marred by one wolfish white boy coming by a little earlier than expected.
You glanced up from your dough-covered hands to find those eyes burnished blue and hot, then sly and sweet on yours. Affection in his face, all jawline and cheekbones, carving the rush of sweet heat through your neck and in your face.
“You’re early.”
“I’m on time,” he replied, all charm and nonchalance, as curious eyes took in the changes in your apartment. “Your...”
Bucky trailed off, eyes widened then softening.
Much to Shuri’s eye-rolling chagrin, you’d spent the better part of the week making your place look like a gaudy Halloween movie special you found online. Ghoulish lights shaped like skulls shimmered vibranium blue across your windowpane. The view of the creeping night sky was curtained by bone-white thread, cotton-webbed and whimsical among a cloud of black paper creatures outlined that Bucky decided must be an attempt at bats.
And you, half-draped in a white sheet and practically elbow-deep in dough and pumpkin guts – sweet and spicy guts, but guts nonetheless, its shell carved by the undead, judging by the crude hollows. A ghost, you’d decided by the white sheet; partly because Wakandan merchants didn’t stock any other costumes, mostly because you ran out of time and couldn’t be assed.
“Happy Halloween?”
Bucky felt the damp taste of uncertainty prickle softly in your voice, but his heart swelled and surged with such tenderness that it cottoned up his throat and he forgot what he wanted to say.
Rouge-lipped nerves prettied their way through your face as he watched you, trying to tide the rolling affection in his body and keep it from overwhelming him completely.
It was Halloween and you did all this – for him.
“You’ll catch bats with your mouth open like that, Barnes.” You laughed after a time, turning back to your pumpkin dough, still feeling the pull of his gaze reaching deep into your heart. You pressed the dough into the pan, kneading the buttery goodness into the curve of the metal case and fixed your eyes on your perfected pumpkin filling.
Bucky sidled up to you by your kitchen counter. Hip to hip, shoulder to shoulder, his closeness rushing through your lungs with scent of straw and wildflowers and that spicy-sweetness that was utterly him.
Blue eyes sparkled from the corner of your own, his lips curling pretty and then they pressed quickly to your cheek. The shadow of a grin in response and his lips brushed again to your temple.
“That’s very distracting, you know.”
Your words only spurred him on and you could hear him smiling as his hand crept about your waist, turning you to face him. Eyes trained and really, so insanely distracting in yours.
“That’s the point.”
Lips dithered against your cheek, beard brushed gently to your lips, and along the line of your jaw that he’d memorised from the night before and tempted into the night to come.
“Did you just come by early to make out with me?”
His pretty mouth pressed to yours in response, soft and sweet, then sweeter in the way you felt your knees weaken with want.
“Is it that obvious?”
“Come on, Barnes.” Another to the corner of your lips. “I’m trying to focus.”
“Shh!” Mouth pressed to yours to emphasise his point.
“Really now?” Lips brushed to your nose, then your lips again and it was hot and lush and curling heat through your skin and chest that you were almost breathless.
“Bucky–” he closed you off with another kiss. “I can’t catch my breath.”
“That’s the point.”
God, he smelled so good. “Seriously, I gotta finish this pie.” You moved to turn back to your concoction, but his hips nudged you a different way.
He drew back to look at you, huffing in frustration and pressed a quick kiss to your lips.
Bucky really did love your pies, but honestly. “Seriously?”
Narrowed eyes replied to his question, but he ignored you. Strong thighs caged you to the counter as his kisses swept along that particular part of your neck that he knew best.
“Darlin’,” his drawl sweet, beard soft against your skin. “I'm doing some of my best work here and you're not even paying attention.”
The laughter from your lips shone brighter than all the gaudy, hallowed lights in your apartment. “You’re such a shit.”
His gasp of mock offence only made your giggles stronger. Slate-blue eyes narrowed and devious to yours, crinkling in the corners in your most favourite of ways. You tried to read his smirk-laced face when a flash of white overwhelmed your vision. You were suddenly weightless when you realised with a yelp–
“Put me down!”
Bucky ignored your protests, determination wrapped in the white sheet he’d taken from you and bounded about your struggling form, then over his laughing shoulder. He marched to your nearby couch and deposited you with a flourish. Noises of indignation and laughter greeted his ears and washed through your face as he unwrapped your clearly annoyed self from where he’d plonked himself alongside.
“If this is what I get for trying to do something nice–”
His lips were warm and shiny in your mouth again, cutting you off in the best of ways and kissing you with such earnest desire that it was unmistakable what he was trying to say.
“Thank you,” he whispered against your lips, tasting the smile on your face.
It was much later in the night and somewhere between him making darkened eyes on you and you making lust-blown eyes at him, and then much later again among the breathless parts in between skin curved to hot, sweet, then shuddering skin, and warring mouths and muscle, that you remembered the pie.
“Dammit, Barnes!” You threw on a shirt – his or yours, you couldn’t tell – and moved to stand up. “The pie.”
Bucky curved his arm tighter around your waist, pulling you back to him, relishing the feel of your skin beneath his own. Planes of muscle hardened by sun and straw work brushed against your chest and you realised once again, how goddamn distracting he was.
“Come on,” he drawled, roguish grin on his face and eyes sparkling.
It was your turn to press your lips to his own and he welcomed it wholeheartedly. Adored the way your hands cupped his face, thumbing the chestnut furs he knew you loved so well, then sliding through his hair in the way that pulled a growl low in his throat and curling new heat between his thighs.
You smiled into his lips and drew away, eyes soft and sweet on his own. Safe in his heart, safe in his soul.
“Happy Halloween, Bucky.”
And so it was.
Masterlist again if you like my trash ✨
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iambuckyrogers · 6 years
In That Moment
Summary: Bucky joins the team after finishes his reprogramming in Wakanda, much to the team’s dismay. What happens when you start falling for the brooding super soldier?
Word Count: 2445
Warnings: a few swear words, Tony’s a bit of a jerk, fluff
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Authors Note: Written for @occasionalfics 2k challenge/bash. I had heaps of fun writing this and it was a little longer that I thought it would be but I couldn’t bring myself to cut anything out! Feedback is always appreciated :)
Prompt: “Shut up and kiss me already”
Gentle sunlight filtered through the partially open curtains, illuminating your room in a golden hue. Cursing yourself for not closing them properly last night you flopped your arm over your eyes in the hopes of getting back to sleep. Sure enough, you began drifting off once again, enveloped in the warmth of the morning sun. You really couldn’t catch a break as just moments later there was a sharp bang on your door.
“(Y/N), are you up?” the voice was muffled but you were almost certain it was Natasha. You considered lying but Nat was notorious for banging down doors if people didn’t reply.
“Yeah Nat I am now,” you replied rubbing your eyes with the heels of your hands.
“Good, I was worried that you’d forgotten what today was.”
“Ah- no, I remember,” You paused, almost certain that no-one had a birthday this month and Pepper banned Tony from throwing any more elaborate parties, so what else could it be?
“But hypothetically if I did forget,” you continued.
“You’re not serious are you (Y/N)?” Nat’s tone was warning, “get dressed and get your ass into the common room, now!” You heard her stalk off down the hallway as you rolled yourself out of bed. You wracked your brain again as you made your way to the common room, trying to think of anything that may make today important. The moment you rounded the corner and saw the team you remembered. They were spread around the room with stony faces and tense muscles, anxiety etched onto their faces. Even Sam, who usually tried to ease the tension when it got uncomfortable, was sat forward on his seat wringing his hands nervously. Finally, the events from the last week started making sense. It explained why Tony had become so distant and why Steve had disappeared again. You had thought that they must have had another disagreement, an argument of some kind, completely forgetting that Steve was bringing his old war buddy back from Wakanda, having finished his reprogramming successfully.
You made your way to a spare seat next to Tony, giving his knee a gentle squeeze. Since you had arrived at the compound several months ago, Tony had been like a dad to you and forgetting such an important day made you feel sick to the stomach. Tony took your hand in his and gave you a weak smile.
“I’m ok,” he whispered, but his voice lacked conviction.
“I know,” you replied.
The sound of the elevator opening broke the silence, followed by two sets of heavy footsteps coming towards the room. Tony’s grip on your hand tightened as he fidgeted in his seat. You gently rubbed your thumb over his hand, wishing you could take away his discomfort so he wouldn’t have to suffer yet again. The footsteps slowed to a stop followed by incoherent whispering.
“Good morning team,” Steve came through the doors and addressed the room.
“Wouldn’t quite call it good,” Tony muttered. If Steve heard him, he didn’t let it show.
“As you all know, Bucky finished his reprogramming with Shuri a few weeks ago and she has given him the green light to move in and join us at the compound. I think we-“ Steve was cut off by a sarcastic laugh from Natasha.
“He finished a few weeks ago Steve, what contact has he had with the outside world in that time? He’s been living on a farm with goats for christ sake how does she know he won’t relapse when with real people?” Nat was enraged, her eyes blazing and hands shaking as she stood and began pacing. Steve opened his mouth to respond but was cut off by Sam.
“Yeah, I’ve got to say I agree with Nat, he could be dangerous. The dude’s already tried to kill us once whats to say he doesn’t try again?”
“Listen, I understand your concerns, I really do but this is Bucky, he’s my- he’s- gah,” Steve  let out a frustrated sigh and rubbed his face with his hands, “He’s all I’ve got left, I have to at least try.” Now it was Tony’s turn to laugh.
“All you’ve got, are we not enough for you Steve? Need your murderous buddy to fill that big empty hole in your heart?” Tony had ripped his hand from yours as he launched himself towards Steve, who just stood his ground as the smaller man approached him. “He killed my parents, Steve. He fucking murdered them in cold blood. Am I supposed to just forget that? Water under the bridge and all that bullshit.” You could see the tears welling in Tony’s eyes as his voice cracked. Steve reached his hand out to touch Tony only to be swatted away abruptly.
“Tony you need to realise it wasn’t him, he wasn’t in control, it was HYDRA. Please just give him a chance.” Steve’s gentle words did little to stoke the fire that was Tony’s rage, instead, it only angered him further.
“Keep him the fuck away from me,” Tony spat, pushing past Steve and stalking to his room. Once Steve heard the door slam he turned back to the team.
“Guys, please,” his voice was laced with desperation and you realised just how much Bucky must mean to him. You remembered why you were at the compound, the path that lead you there and you were compelled to help Bucky, at least try.
“Alright Steve” you whispered, heart hammering violently against your chest.
“What?!” the team collectively yelled at you.
“As I recall, the circumstances surrounding my own arrival at the compound were similar to Bucky’s and if I was allowed a second chance then doesn’t he deserve one too?” you argued, glaring at anyone who dared to look your way.
You were met with silence, “That’s what I thought. Bring him in, Steve.” Steve nodded and mouthed a silent thank you as he went back to the door. Moments later he returned followed by Bucky who was clad in grey sweatpants and a blue hoodie, his long brown hair framed his sharp jaw and his steely blue eyes scanned the room cautiously.
“Alright Buck, this is the team,” Steve went around the room and introduced everyone, most avoided looking at Bucky but not you, you gave him a small wave, a gentle smile and a warm hello. Bucky looked taken back at your kindness, his eyes becoming glassy. Quickly he turned away from you, whispered something to Steve and promptly left the room.
Steve turned to follow but paused and looked back to the team, “Please just make an effort guys.” With those parting words, he left the room in silence once again. It was in that moment that you realised you would make it your mission to help Bucky Barnes.
“Mornin’ guys,” you slurred as you walked into the shared kitchen, raising your hand in an attempted wave at Clint, Nat and Bruce who were sat at the breakfast bar.
“Morning (Y/N/N), sleep well?” Bruce asked.
“Yeah, I did actually,” you replied, plopping yourself heavily onto a seat next to Nat.
“Well, that makes one of us,” Clint groaned into his mug and the other 2 nodded in agreement. You ignored his comment, instead pouring yourself a generous amount of your favourite cereal and drowning it in milk. Out of the corner of your eye, you spotted a dark mess of hair round the corner. Bucky looked like death, dark bags hung heavy under his sad eyes and his usual prosthetic arm was missing. Wordlessly Clint, Nat and Bruce got up and left as if Bucky carried the plague.
“Sorry for ruining your morning, I didn’t think anyone would be up this early. Sorry, I’ll just leave. Sorry,” Bucky quickly mumbled, turning to leave.
“James, don’t be silly,” you called after him, “come and have something to eat. Please?” He froze as if he was weighing up his options. Slowly he turned back around and you patted the seat next to you hopefully. Bucky shuffled back over towards you, sitting on the seat but never once letting his eyes leave his feet.
“Do you like froot loops?” you asked, holding the box out to him. Still staring at the floor he slowly nodded his head.
“Good choice, Steve says that they’re not healthy but I beg to differ, they’ve got fruit in them,” you joked, getting up to grab him a bowl and spoon from the cupboard. You set it down carefully in front of him, filling it with cereal and then milk before sitting back down and diving into your own breakfast. Bucky just sat there and stared at the bowl.
“Thank you,” he whispered gently, a small smile tugging at the corner of his mouth as he tucked some of his hair behind his ear and you swear you saw a tear slide down his stubbled jaw.
“Not a problem,” it was in that moment that you realised you would to do everything in your power to see a smile on the face of Bucky Barnes.
Breakfast with Bucky turned into a daily routine. Every morning began with you and various other members of the team eating breakfast in the kitchen. Bucky came in around 6:30 and everyone quickly left, citing various tasks that suddenly demanded their attention. You’d fix Bucky breakfast and try to make small talk with him. It was like pulling teeth at first, he found more interest in playing with his food, but you were stubborn and refused to give up. Eventually, he began to respond to your incessant questioning with a soft yes or no, eyes still trained on his bowl. Finally, you were able to coax full sentences out of him and occasionally he’d even look at you. Slowly but surely you were making progress with him and with each passing day more of the real Bucky emerged. Steve had noticed the difference, pulling you aside after a meeting one day.
“Thank you,” he said, pulling you into a bone crushing hug.
“What are you thanking me for?” you asked when he finally let go.
“For what you’re doing for Buck. He may not say it but he really appreciates it, he talks about you a lot.” You felt heat flood to your cheeks, heart swelling at the thought of Bucky finally being happy after everything that he’s had to endure.
“It’s the least I can do, Bucky deserves happiness and I just hope that he finds it here.” You kissed Steve on the cheek and headed towards your room still thinking about what he said. It was in that moment that you realised you were falling for Bucky Barnes.
Just like every other morning, you head into the kitchen for breakfast, but unlike most days, you could hear Bucky’s soft voice drifting down the corridor as you got closer. It wasn’t like Bucky to break his routine, Steve said that it helped create a sense of normalcy if he had a set schedule, so you hung back and even though you knew it was wrong, listened in on the conversation.
“-kicked your ass,” Bucky’s laugh was warm and hearty, it wasn’t something you heard often but when you did, you revelled in it.
“I beg to differ Punk,” Steve quipped, “anyway enough about all of that, how’s your crush on (Y/N) going?” you gasped, hand flying to your mouth to stop any further sounds as you leaned closer to hear Bucky’s reply.
“I- ah, no I don- is it that obvious?” Bucky let out an exasperated sigh, barely audible over the erratic thumping of your own heart.
“Nothing shines brighter than the eyes of a man in love,” Steve mused dreamily. Moments later there was a loud crack followed by a surprised yelp.
“Oi, why did you whip me? That’s just mean,” Steve whined.
“Don’t make fun of me then, Jerk,” Bucky sneered, “Anyway I have no chance with someone like her she’s so pure and selfless and I’m so- well I’m me.” Another loud crack rang out.
“Oi what the fu-“ Bucky was cut off by another crack.
“Don’t talk about yourself like that Buck, you’re a good man and she can see that. Just try asking her out I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised.”
“Why do you think I’m down here early,” Bucky grumbled.
“Shit I should go then. Good luck Buck!” Steve wished his friend as he left, his footsteps fading out with each passing second. You counted to 10, took a deep breath and entered the kitchen.
“Morning Bucky,” you sang, “What are you doing up early?” Bucky turned around from the stove with a frying pan in hand, flipping a pancake onto a plate and sliding it across the bench to you.
“Making you breakfast. I thought well- you always make me food, so I thought I’d return the favour.”
“I didn’t know you could cook.”
“There’s a lot about me you don’t know,” he winked at you, causing warmth to flood to your cheeks. He plates himself up a pancake and sits down next to you, arm brushing yours sending a jolt of electricity to your heart. You’re about to start eating when you catch Bucky fiddling with the hem of his apron.
“Hey what’s up Buck?” you ask.
“It’s nothing- well it’s something but I don’t want to tell you,” he stutters
“Oh, alright. Not a problem if you-“ he cuts you off with a gentle hand on your arm.
“God no, (Y/N), I’m sorry that’s not how I meant it to come out. It’s just- I’m afraid that if I tell you then- ah I don’t want you to- I’m worried that you-“ you saved him from spiralling any further with a finger to his lips, you face just inches from his.
“Shut up and just kiss me already,” not wasting a second Bucky closed the distance, pressing his lips to yours, tentatively at first, but when you threaded your hand into his hair he kissed you with more meaning, pouring every inch of love and affection he could into the kiss. You fit together so perfectly, like puzzle pieces it was as if you were made for each other. His tongue swiped along your bottom lip, causing you to moan softly into his mouth as his tongue danced with your own. Bucky nipped at your bottom lip as you pulled away, desperate for some air.
“Wow,” you whispered, forehead pressed against his.
“Wow indeed,” he laughed, pulling you in for another kiss. It was at that moment you realised you were in love with Bucky Barnes.
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hiswhiteknight · 6 years
1,000 Contests
Summary:  Reader and Bucky turn competitive, much like Legolas and Gimli from Lord of the Rings. It gets goofy and annoying to everyone else. It becomes unbearable, until someone steps into stop their games and points out to them there might be some underlining themes to their antics.
I wrote this for Paige’s 2k challenge @occasionalfics #paiges2kbash - “Stop pinning this on me! You started it!” I really waited last minute for this one. It has been a crazy month. Hope it’s not too late!
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Words: 2,500 (sooooo long)
Warning: Angst, playfulness, a curse or two, and implied smut
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Our group was surrounded by enemies, a sea of murderers and thieves. This was supposed to be a simple opt. And even if we are surrounded by low lives, it was still going to be simple opt. The four of us, Bucky, Sam, Natasha, and myself had to be circled by 75 odd people inside and out.
“I bet I’ll take more down,” you whispered to the group.
Their faces all turned to you, “Are you serious,” Sam mumbled, “Are you serious right now?”
“Y/N,” Nat whispered, half amused, “This is not a boring mission. Let’s stay focused. We don’t need any more excitement,” she sounded like the true leader she was.
You rolled your eyes, leaving a smirk on your face, “That’s fine if your scared, I understand my skills are intimidating.”
Pushing your arm, a little bit, trying to get you focused “I’m serious, Y/N,” Nat mumbled more harshly than the first.
You didn’t get time to respond because suddenly you all were being ambushed. Again, you remained calm and did your job with ease, “15,” you heard next to you. You lost your focus for second, looking at Bucky, in surprise, “Someone needs to bump you down a peg.”
“And you were so generous to step up, big of you, Barnes,” you yell back, taking a hit before taking him down, “17.”
“I’m sorry,” he said, “In all your talking, I’m at 21.”
You grew angry and focused your full power, counting loudly in the air as you took people down. Sam and Natasha stopped when they realized you and Barnes were out of control. You even shoved Sam away from a pair fighting him, so you could take them down, “Animals,” he mumbles.
When everyone was taken down, you all grouped together. Nat spoke up, “Barnes, Y/N,” she waited for you both to step up and apologize for the unprofessional behavior.
You spoke first, “29.”
“34,” he smirked at you.
“You’re a liar,” you shout at him, point you finger at his chest, “There is no way Sam and Nat only took down like 12 people.”
“15,” Sam said causally, “We stopped after we saw you children running around.”
Nat looked from Sam to you, “Let’s go home.”
You push Barnes with him pinching you back. Then Barnes turns to Sam, “So 15, you were counting,” he teased.
“Fucking animals,” Sam whirled past him onto the jet.
The next days that past, Bucky found ways to tease you. And because you had a long conversation with Nick and Maria about professional behavior, even in the simplest occasions, you tried your best to not respond.
It took a few days for you to snap. You just got out of a shower and looked to the mirror. The steam had fogged it up, except for a big 34 with a circle around it. You gripped your towel tight and stomped to the common room where Bucky, Steve, Clint, Natasha, and Tony stood around the island in the kitchen, “It’s fucking on like Donkey Kong, Barnes.”
Barnes remained speechless looking at you in a towel. Steve looked away, while Clint sat back on his chair amused. Nat watched everyone’s expression, rather amused with Steve Rogers uncomfortable mannerisms. The only one to speak was Tony, “Lady, you’re in a towel. I’m not complaining, but you’re naked in a room full of clothed people, eating,” he said plainly.
You remained unphased, staring daggers at Bucky, “We’re going to dance old man, you and me – I’m going to make you cry.”
“You’re going to dance, naked, right now,” Tony looked around the group, “Should we leave or is this a voyeurism thing?”
Natasha slapped Tony’s arm, “Y/N,” Bucky had remained silent and still the entire conversation, “I think it’s time to find your clothes. I speak for everyone. You can beat Bucky up, when your clothed.”
“Oh no, she doesn’t speak for me,” Tony said.
Clint raised his hand, “Me either, get on with your bad self, girl,” he smirked.
Finally, you looked around the group, “I’m going to find my clothes now,” you say to the room. You turn around and stomp back to your room.
Steve clapped onto Bucky’s back grabbing his attention, “When you said you thought you liked the lady, I didn’t think you’d take this angle.”
He looked at his friend puzzled, “I am not as charming as I used to be,” he smirked at himself.
Clint jumped in, “Well, you got the girl’s attention, that is very clear,” he started to get up, drinking some water, “She is going to kick your ass Barnes,” and walked away down the hall.
Suddenly, it was every hour of everyday Y/N was doing something to try and one up Bucky, “How many languages can you speak?”
“What does it matter,” he said, merely eating his cereal. You continued to stare at him, “Seven?”
“Ha,” you said yelling in his face, “I know, nine.”
He stopped chewing to look at her, “I can beat you at chess.”
“Fat chance, that’s all about brains,” you leaned into the table on your elbows, really getting a look at his facial expressions, “No offense Barnes, you are all hunky brawns.”
Bucky didn’t blink, but simply squinted his eyes looking at you strangely, before leaning back, putting his hands behind his head, “Lead the way, princess.”
You squinted at him and stomped down the hallway, with him leading the way. He couldn’t help checking you out as you growled.
He beat you at Chess, shooting, obstacle course, and scrabble. You beat him at a pancake eating, swimming, battleship, and strangely enough chugging a beer. Technically no one won monopoly because you had flipped the board and Bucky was too scared to argue anything different. And it continued for about two weeks, relentlessly with no letting up. You nearly drowned because you wanted to see who could hold their breath the longest underwater.
After your loss to Bucky to see who could build and load up their gun, Natasha had a conversation with you. You were mumbling to yourself about losing, “You either have some form of obsessive compulsive that our psych evaluation missed or you have a crush on Bucky.”
That pulled you out of your thoughts, “I’m a grown woman, I don’t have crushes Nat,” you say with a sophisticated sound, “And Bucky, puh-lease.”
She pointed at your face, “There,” she smiled, “There it is. You do like him.” You eyebrows furrowed with annoyance, “Stop dancing around it and just ask him out. You can admit it, he has very pretty features.”
Rolling your eyes, “I would rather lose a thousand contests before admitting my likeness for Bucky Barnes.”
She chuckled before her attention went to her buzzing phone, “We’ve got a mission, come on.”
You and her ran to scramble into your uniforms and onto the quintjet. Bucky ran onto it next to you, “Barnes.”
“Princess,” he smirked, “Are you over the-.”
“Shut it, pretty boy,” you growled, “I don’t want to hear it,” you put your hand in his face before waltzing past him and sitting next to Clint, who started to whistle the ‘Sitting in the tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G’ song. You were too flustered to notice, but Bucky just shook his head at him, taking a seat up front with Steve.
The mission was a tricky one, several targets to take down, but the one you were all worried about was the bomb. Bucky had a plan to take the bomb and deliver it to a safe zone, but you had another plan, “Tony, I can disarm it.”
“I’m taking it,” Bucky said over the comms. You both were working your way towards it.
You were spinning and taking people out left and right, “No,” you yell back into the comms, grunting with each person you hit, “I got this Barnes.”
“There isn’t enough time,” he argues back.
“Rolling your eyes, more determined than ever, “Want to bet?”
“Alright kids, this isn’t a contest,” Steve said over the comms, “Make a decision, so we can plan accordingly.”
You both got to the bomb at the same time, “Back off Barnes.”
“Y/N,” he looked sincere and annoyed, if that was possible, “I’ll take it from here.”
You flipped him off and sat next to the bomb. He went to grip it and yank it from you, “I will rip your arm off,” you growl. And suddenly you ripped a wire out, “Can’t be moved.”
He stepped back, pulling his arms in the arm, “Are you kidding me?” You stuck your tongue out at him and began to work. Bucky called into the comms, “She has to disarm the bomb now, clear the building Steve.”
“Copy that,” you heard, “Work fast, Y/N.”
“You got it Cap,” you said back, “Get out of hear Barnes, help clear the building.”
He looked at you unphased, “I’m not leaving you to this bomb. If you can’t disarm it, I’m tossing you out the building and hoping to god it doesn’t kill you and anyone else.”
“Besides you,” you grumble back, “Now shut up.” You took a few seconds to really look at the bomb, slowly taking parts away before you could get to the core. You read two minutes, people were talking on the comms about building clear and to get the hell out of there.
“I’m giving you 45 seconds before we can see who can throw the furthest,” Barnes said from behind you. You continued to ignore him and focus and suddenly it came to you. Thirty seconds later, the bombs lights turned out and you slumped back, “Jesus,” Bucky breathed, “All clear, Steve.”
“A minute and fifteen seconds left, I think that is a new record,” you turned back to smile at him, “Does that mean I win?”
Shaking his head, tossing his hands up a little. He was clearly annoyed, but it didn’t compare to Nat and Steve, “That was pretty reckless, Y/N.”
“Get to the quinjet now,” Nat yelled. It was a silent on the way back, “Meeting, the four of us. Fifteen minutes, Meeting Hall.”
“What is the big deal,” you yell after them, “I did it. I did my job.”
She put her hands up, motioning the number 15. You rolled your eyes and made your way to your room to change and wash up.
Fifteen minutes later, your hair was down and wet. You had changed into your gym ware. You’d need to work off some steam after this whole day. When you walked into the meeting room, Bucky was already sitting in a chair waiting, “This is all your fault.”
He sat up, “Are you kidding me,” he stood up, “You almost got yourself and everyone around you killed. For what, you damn need to prove yourself and win.”
“Stop pinning this on me! You started it!”
He waltzed up to you, “Me,” he questioned, pointing to himself, “You’re saying I started all of this,” pointing quickly between the both of you, “You are crazy as they come.”
You were about to yell at him some more when a voice came over the speaker, “You both are locked in until you deal with what is going about between you,” Tony said, “After right now, your silly competitions will not be allowed on or during Avenger time. Get comfy,” he murmured on, “Oh, and there is no cameras in the room,” he added before he went silent again.
Looking at Bucky, you mouth, “This is all your fault.”
You sat for what feels like hours, “Alright FRIDAY, I call a truce. I will never be competitive again, please let us out.” You have said something like this every thirty minutes.
“I’m sorry Ms. Y/N, Mr. Stark has very specific conditions, which I cannot discuss.”
Bucky chuckled, “Nice try Princess.”
“Could you not,” you toss your head back. After a minute you mumbled to him, “You know, most of the time I thought this was just fun for us. Letting off some steam, not once until today I thought you didn’t believe in me.”
“Excuse me,” he sat forward, trying to meet your eyes.
You finally looked at him, “Today with the bomb. You were so willing to kill yourself being a hero, but not once did you believe I could do it. You want to talk about reckless, it’s you.”
“You thought I was trying to be a hero, so I could beat you,” he asked in disbelief. You just huffed out, not wanting to continue, “I like you,” he said, standing up to sit in front of you, “It’s not that I didn’t believe you could do it. I didn’t want to risk your life.”
“Excuse me,” you look at him, really look at him, “You like me?”
“And I think you like me too,” he smirked at you, leaning closer to you, “And I am willing to bet on it.”
You sat back, not knowing what to say or do. And then it hit you, “What would you like to bet?”
“If I’m wrong, I’ll give my arm to the talking raccoon,” he said confidently, so confident he got out of his chair, put his hand on your neck gently, pushing his lips very close to yours, but not touching it, “So who wins, you or me?”
You smiled, looking into his eyes, “Maybe, deep, deep, deep down in my subconscious I have a thing for you,” you chuckled, loving his gentle and quiet expressions, “But you see, I said to Natasha that I’d rather lose a thousand contests to you than admit I have a thing for you.”
He could tell you were still playing with him, “Guess we’ll call this loss number one,” before he pulled you into his lips. You kissed back instantly, putting one of your hands on his cheek and the others through his hair. You moaned a little before pushing him back on his seat.
“You are clear to leave,” FRIDAY announced to the room, “Good day Ms. Y/N and Sergeant Barnes.”
“Never mind FRIDAY,” you mumbled against Bucky’s skin, “Lock it back up.”
Bucky grinned into your lips before deepening it.
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akamaiden · 6 years
Where's my love?
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A/N: This is my entry for @occasionalfics' 2k writing challenge! It's my second time writing for Thor and this probably sucks but I'm trying lol Also, I found one song that kinda inspired me to write this. My prompt was “I thought we were a family”.
Gif belongs to: @marvelheroes
Pairing: Thor Odinson x Reader
Warnings: Angst and fluff.
Words: 2,803.
You grew up alongside Thor. That could be considered normal if you were some princess or someone else with a title in general. But you were just a normal girl with no noble title to hold on to.
You always were carefree and you did anything to have fun, this is what caused you to meet the prince. Thor was sitting alone, he was upset because the other children didn't want to play with him. They were just following theirs mother's order, they should do anything but hurt the heir of the nine realms.
And that was why he was sitting alone and with a really grumpy expression. You were older than he and you approached him to ask if he was needing some help or something.
You didn't know he was a prince, you didn't have the slightest idea that he was son of Odin, your king. Obviously, you noticed his clothes were really beautiful but this didn't mean too much for you.
Since that day you and Thor started a friendship that remained until nowadays. You grew up into a beautiful and strong woman, you worked with your mother designing and producing clothes. Here and there you prepared beautiful dresses for Queen Frigga.
You had a good life, you had anything you need and wanted. Well, excepting Thor. You discovered your feelings for him when you two were teenagers.
He said that he needed to talk to you urgently and he started talking about his feelings for a girl, Astrid, how beautiful, how sweet she was. You felt your heart tighten in your chest because something simply didn't feel right in hearing him talking about another girl.
Not much after later, you discovered that you wanted to hear Thor talking the same things to you. The point was you wanted him to talk about you that way. You wanted to see his eyes shining in his beautiful face when he said your name. You wanted him talking non stop about how pretty and bright was your smile.
But all you got that day was a “Well, I have to pick a wife already. And she'll be almost your sister, Y/N. So I have to make sure that I picked the right woman..”
Happily, Astrid wasn't the right woman. And with that the haunt started. Thor knew he was a literally God and like one he had such an effect on women and he used that, maybe a way too lot.
You watched in an deep agony he fooling around with a lot of girls. And when he asked you about then you always faked a smile and said positive things about them, even that all you wanted was to be in their place.
You watched Thor be banished from Asgard, you cried a lot during his absence. There wasn't a day when you didn't miss him. When he came back, you was one of the first to notice that the time he spent in Midgard worked magically on him.
You always knew he'd be an amazing king. You were always there giving him advices or fighting him when he was wrong and didn't notice it. Happily, Thor always heard you. He knew you just wanted to help.
Thor loved you since the very first time he met you. All those years ago when you were the only one that wasn't afraid to play with the prince, when you treated him like literally any other child. He was really young back at that time, but he already knew that you were special and that you'd be an amazing friend.
And he wasn't wrong. In every important moment of his life he was there. In the good ones and in those not that good. You were always there, you never left him. And that was the only thing that was holding him in Asgard. He was about to do something that he knew you'd never do to him. He was about to leave Asgard, permanently this time. He'd already gave up on his right to the throne. He needed to leave, he needed to be with Jane again. And even you, his best friend the closer that he had to a sister, couldn't convince him to stay.
It was a sunny day and you were playing with your younger sisters. You were braiding Siggy's hair and you were also teaching Thorunn how to make a flower crown. You were focused on both things so you didn't notice Thor coming in your way. But Siggy did, she screamed his name in pure joy, startling you.
Both Siggy and Thorunn went running to meet Thor who picked them both in his arms and spun them around.
You stood up and went meet him as well.
“You two keep stealing my friend,” you said to your sisters.
“Don’t you know? They're my princesses, Y/N,” Thor said and kissed their foreheads.
“I can see that,” you said.
Thor putted them on the ground and they immediately went back to the mission of making a flower crown to your mother.
“Thor can we make you one?” Siggy asked.
“Sure sweetie,” he said smiling.
You watched your sisters starting a discussion to see what flower would match Thor's hair better.
“It’s been a while since I saw you for the last time, Thor. Are you too busy with the coronation ceremony?” you teased him, you knew very well that Thor wasn't even aware for the preparations for the occasion.
“That’s exactly why I came talk to you,” he said too serious for your liking.
“Can I help you with something? Maybe I can get you a new outfit,” you suggested.
“There won't be any ceremony, Y/N,” he said.
“No?” you asked in disbelief. Since when Thor declined a reason to party?
“I’m going to Midgard,”
You could swear that you didn't feel your legs once your mind processed his words.
“Midgard… Is this some kind of terrible joke?” you scoffed.
“She’s there. I can't stay there knowing that my heart is too far away from me. I need to do something,” he explained.
Jane. He was talking about her. First time he talked about her, you were sure that she was just another affair. Nothing serious. But now he was saying that he'll leave Asgard to be with a Midgardian. This was far more than just an affair.
“Jane, yeah… I remember that you talked about her but is this really necessary, Thor?” you tried.
“Of course it's necessary. I love her, Y/N. She makes me feel like no other woman did before. I feel human with her. She doesn't treat me like a god, I'm special for her because she loves me and not because I'm a God. She loves for what I'm and not what I own,” he said.
You felt your heart breaking in tiny little pieces. He really loved her. You knew that nothing could stop him if he really wanted something.
“But the thorne,” you said.
“I couldn't care less about it. My father will rule Asgard for long years. If it's necessary I can come back, but I'll come with my queen at my side,” he smiled.
My queen. You closed your eyes and tried to calm yourself down. That was too much for you to process.
“You really love her,” you said the obvious.
“I do, I really do. If you knew her you'd understand the reason why I'm leaving,” he said lovingly.
“You can't do this, Thor!” you were almost pleading.
“Why not? Do you want me to be unhappy here? Do you want me to marry some stupid princess that I don't love?” he asked.
“I thought we were a family! You can't do this,” you said sobbing. You honestly didn't know when you started crying.
“I’ll miss you too, Y/N. But I need to go,” he said and caressed your cheeks, wiping the tears from your face.
“No, Thor please. No,” you said shaking your head, refusing to letting him go.
“I thought you'd be happy for me,”
“I don't want you to leave. Please, don't leave me,” you said reaching for his hands, holding them like if you could stop him to go.
He smiled at you and started saying that he'd be fine in Midgard, that this was the best for him. He finished saying that he loved you and he'd miss his little sister.
You watched him leave, you buried all your feelings for him deep inside your heart, because you were nothing but a sister for him. And you honestly preferred having his friendship than having nothing.
Several moons passed and somehow you managed to survive them. Of course your life wasn't as happy as before, of course you missed him every single day, of course you wanted to be as lucky as that midgardian girl, but even so you wanted him to be happy. With or without you.
One day you were in the forest picking some flowers to your sisters when a loud thunder echoed somewhere near you. You started running, following the sound and when you finally arrived at the clearing you saw him.
“Thor?” you asked cautious.
He looked up at you and tried to smile at you. But his smile didn't reach his eyes, you knew him to well to know that something was wrong.
“Are you okay?” you asked.
“No,” it was his simple answer.
“Where’s she?” you looked around and noticed that he was alone.
“She’s in Midgard,”
“I thought–”
“It didn't work out very well between us,”
“I’m sorry. I know how much you loved her,” you said and you mean it. You really wanted him to be happy.
“She left me, Y/N. Why? I did nothing but loved her, I left all behind for her, to he with her and she left me,” he said in a deep and sad voice.
You looked for words, because you truly weren't expecting such a thing. It simply didn't make any sense for you.
“She left me,” he repeated.
“I’m sorry, Thor. I don't know what to say to you,” you said and touched his shoulder gently.
“I feel like my heart is in pieces,” he said and looked at you with his beautiful blue eyes immersed in pain.
“It’ll heal, I promise you. It'll pass. You'll forget her,” you said and held his right hand, caressing it gently.
“I just… I was doing everything right and then she left,” he said.
“It wasn't your fault, Thor. I'm sure you're the kind of man all the women wish to have at their side. You're gentle, strong and brave. And there's your unfair beauty… Soon enough you'll find a woman that will love you and take care of you,” you said and kissed his forehead softly.
You wanted to say that you were this woman. You wanted to say that you loved him since you can remember. You wanted to take all his pain away and make him smile again.
“Why you're crying?” he asked suddenly.
“I’m just emotional and happy to see you again,” you said. Well, exactly was true. But it wasn't the entire true.
You were happy because you were seeing the love of your life again, you were happy because he was back.
Thor laughed a little and tilted his head to the side.
“What you're laughing at?” you asked.
“My mom was right,” he said.
“You. Us, I don't know anymore,”
“I don't think I understood,”
“She always said that you loved me,”
You suddenly didn't know anymore how to breath. You felt your head spinning around and your heart was trying to break free from your chest.
“This is absurd, Thor. We're friends and that's all,” said.
“Then why you say that with such a pain in your voice? You can't lie to me, Y/N. I know you since we were children,” he said.
You swallowed dry, there was a lump in your throat. You felt the heat in your cheeks, even your hands were trembling. Your body was betraying you and you knew that was useless denying the truth.
“I’m sorry. I… I'll understand if you stop talking to me. I know I'm…”
Not good enough for a prince? That you were simply the last woman that he'd marry with. You knew all those things and this just made your heart tighten in agony. You also knew that this could be the ending of your your friendship with him and Gods, this was what hurt you the most.
“I’m sorry,” you cried.
If you could at least stop feeling that way about him, if you could meet someone else, if…
“So you really love me,” he said.
“More than I should. I know that nothing will happen, I know that this is probably the ending of our friendship and it's okay, I understand,” you said looking at anywhere but him.
“Look at me,” he said.
You shook your head no. You didn't want to look at his eyes and see pity on them.
He lifted your chin up with his fingers and much to your surprise, he smiled. A true and bright smile. The same smile that always made your heart skip a beat, the same smile that used to lit your day up.
“Do you trust me?” he asked.
You nodded, suddenly incapable of forming phrases.
“That’s all I needed to know,” he said and his hands reached for your trembling ones and he placed a kiss on each one. “That’s okay, sunshine. Everything is going to be okay,” he said calling you like he used to do since you were children.
“What about now?” you asked scared of his answer.
“Now I'm going to take care of you, like I always did but a hell better this time,” he said.
You smiled and hugged him.
“How could I didn't see this before?” he asked stroking your hair.
“You were too busy sleeping with different girls,” you teased.
“Is that jealousy? What a woman I got here, huh?” he laughed.
“Come, help me to pick flowers to my sisters,” you said and guided him to the forest.
You two spent the entire day running around like two children, here and there he picked a flower and give it to you, here and there he got you grounded on the floor so he could tickle you and when you begged him to stop, he always obeyed but used the position to give you sweet little kisses in your face and neck. You two ended up hugged in one another, and admiring the sunset.
“It’s beautiful isn't it?” you asked.
“Yes, it's really really beautiful,” he said and started caressing your cheekbone.
You turned your gaze to him and he was smiling at you, and as usual your heart skipped several beats. You two didn't say anything for a considerable time, you just stayed there looking at one another, like if you wanted to draw yourselves at that very moment and save it for eternity. The orange and pink lights of the sunset made Thor looked even more handsome and you sighed loudly, because he was too much for your poor heart.
“I’m going to kiss you now,” he said.
You nodded and smiled at him. And then his lips were on yours. His mouth was soft and warm and simply felt so right against your. He kissed you softly, calmly, it was your first kiss after all.
“I can get used to it,” you said smiling and traced his lips with your fingertips.
“You better,” he said and kissed you again.
This time more hungry, he wanted to feel your taste. His tongue caressed your bottom lip in one silent request. You open your mouth for him and immediately you felt his tongue seeking for yours. His hands were cupping your face, caressing it, making you melt into the kiss.
When breathing became a necessity, you broke the kiss and smiled against his lips. You were so happy, you honestly never imagined such a scene, even in your best dreams.
“Let’s go to your house, we have some news for your family,” he said.
“Gods my sisters will go crazy,” you said.
“Well, what can I do? I have this effect on women,” he smirked.
“I bet you do,” you said and kissed him again.
Your heart was so soft and full of love, this was ten times better than you could ever imagine. Thor was really seeing you as a woman and honestly, you couldn't wait to show him all the love you saved for him during all those years. Well, you expected to show him, first you needed to explain to your sisters why you came home without the flowers they asked you.
Tags: @stanclub @ivarsshieldmadien @nothingeverdies @dangerousvikings @amour-quinn @feistybaby @deepdarkred @thisishowdynastiesareborn @float-autumn-leave @deepdarkred @haliannej @attorneyl @thisismysecrethappyplace @mal-functioning-writer
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occasionalfics · 6 years
2k Challenge/Bash Masterlist!
First, thank you to everyone who entered! I loved every single piece written, and I’m so grateful that I not only hit 2k followers but that people actually wanted to write for me! Everyone’s so talented and wonderful, and each piece deserves to be read a million times over - so here’s an easy, comprehensive list so people can find each piece to do just that!
Here was the challenge!
I’m posting this masterlist on the last day of the challenge but any submissions sent in after the “deadline” (lol get it because it’s halloween) will be added when I get the chance to read them!
If you’ve already posted your submission and it’s not listed (or if the link doesn’t work correctly), let me know!
* denotes NSFW/18+ content, ** denotes a personal favorite 
loyalty over love by @captain-ariel-barnes -- “i’m going to keep you safe” **
different by @multi-fandom-imagines8 -- “you’re cute when you’re angry”
where’s my love by @akamaiden -- “i thought we were a family!”
sun kissed by @thorsstorms -- “i am so in love with you” & “i wish we could stay like this forever”
on the sofa by @lookslikeleese -- “can i kiss you right now?” * **
gray by @sweetboybucky -- “let’s run away together” **
hold me tight, or don’t by @kentuckybarnes -- “i know you can scream a lot louder than that” **
domesticity in brooklyn by @barnesrogersvstheworld -- “is that my shirt?” * **
sweet life by @supernovasandcoronas -- “did you just...finish?” * **
going commando by @buckybarnes-xyou -- “you’re n-not, um, w-wearing anything under that, are you?” *
in that moment by @iambuckyrogers -- “shut up and kiss me already”
hocus focus by @evanstarff -- “put me down!”
1,000 contests by @hiswhiteknight -- “stop pinning this on me! you started it!”
the protective brother by @samanthasmileys -- “i can take care of myself just fine”
my life: the day before you came (and part 2) by @the-resal10 -- “don’t leave me”
late night texts by @thatfanficstuff -- “stop texting me weird stuff so late at night” **
lonely love by @romancing-the-reader -- “it’s lonely here without you”
Peter Parker
got a secret by @uhltrons -- “you’re ridiculously comfortable” **
new pack in town by @samanthasmileys -- “where did all these puppies come from?”
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thatfanficstuff · 6 years
Late Night Texts
So this is what happens at 1:00 in the morning when I’m not tired enough to sleep but too tired to write an actual fic. This is for @occasionalfics 2k challenge. She wanted us to have fun with the prompts so I did this. 
This was actually kind of fun so I’ll take requests for these too if anyone is interested. My prompt was stop texting me weird stuff so late at night with our favorite archer. 
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I don’t even know. This just happened. Hope you liked it. And Paige, I know this isn’t 500 words so I can write a companion piece to go with this if you want!
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thorsstorms · 6 years
Sun Kissed
Thor x Reader
Summary: You take Thor to the lake, and enjoy a calm day in the sun by yourselves. 
Warnings: kissing, major fluff
Word Count: 1.2k
A/N: I have had this cute idea for awhile but wrote it for #paiges2kbash @occasionalfics writing challenge. Fluff prompts ‘I am so in love with you’ & ‘I wish we could stay like this forever’. I hope you like it! Please leave a comment and let me know if you did! :) so in honor of these new Chris H pics that had me thirsting over him.... 
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The sun was starting to hang lower in the sky. Yellow, orange, and pink hues painting across the horizon, falling behind the rolling wooded hills. In contrast to the dark waves that surrounded you both. You had stayed out on the boat this afternoon, showing him your favorite spot, the lake. You grew up on this lake, having a lake house here and spending summers running through the forest and spending time by the water with your cousins was your favorite childhood memory.
You crave the feeling of the sun on your skin. Summer was the best. The cold wind of winter ripping across your skin made you want to permanently move to Maui, but for now, this was the best it got.
Your beautiful, cloudless, 100 degree, sunshine filled day was coming to an end. You knew you would have to be out of the water in two hours tops before the LP would start patrolling. You dreaded the thought of having to dock the boat and climb the hill to your little lake house that towered over the cove.
You sat in his arms at the head of the boat, leaning against his warm chest. You both smelled of sunscreen, both sporting fresh sun kissed skin. The breeze that started to pick up rolling across the calming waves nipped away at your skin, blowing strands of hair across your face. The cooling temperature refreshing in place of the intense burning sun.
Both your eyes were closed, senses taking in the moment. The boat rocked lightly through the waves, free floating in the cove that you’d grown familiar with throughout your childhood.
“It’s starting to get late,” your voice cut through the silent air, interrupting his focus on the sound of the crashing waves against the boat side.
“This is so peaceful, I’ve never experienced something like this on Asgard.” His thoughtful tone warmed your heart. You had worried that he would become bored when you wanted him to experience your favorite thing in the whole world. “I wish we could stay like this forever.”
“We have tomorrow to stay out here, I can teach you to fish,” your tone teasing him. You didn’t think he could stay calm enough to get a bite.
“Can we jump back in?” He pulled his now dry form off the seat, his leg sticking to the leather. You smiled up at him, glad he was enjoying himself.
“Let’s do it,” you stood on top of the seats and stepped over the beer filled cooler, towards the platform on the back of the boat. You leaned down to hold on the side as he came towards you, rocking the boat underneath him with his heavy steps.
“Are you going to jump with m-“ before he could finish you were already splashing into the water, sinking below the water line.
“Hey not fair!” He called to you once you broke the surface. His hands slapped to his hips, shaking his head. His voice hinting playfully.
“Don’t be a baby! Jump in, I scared the fish away for you.” You teased, backing away from the boat so he could jump in. He dived in beside you, his form catching too much air to be natural. You waited for him to come up from the under the water, but he still hadn’t. Once that irrational worried feeling started to set in, you felt his grasp around your thighs, scarring you out of your wits. You screamed against his touch, he startled you.
His head piped out of the water and his hands wiped the drops across his face, pushing his hair back. He grabbed your arm and pulled you closer to him, pressing you to him, both your legs moving to keep you afloat.
“Did I scare you?” You could sense the accomplished pride spilling from his mouth. A smirk beginning to form across his handsome face. He faced the sunset, golden hues dancing across the water hitting his face perfectly, though his eyes never made a move to squint from the exposure. The blues of his eyes popping against the orange contrast covering the sky. You shook your head at him, unable to hide the growing love sick smile from your face.
“You are unbelievable,” you told him. Though it had more meaning than one, you decided to weigh it on his actions rather than his beauty. “I hope you weren’t opening your eyes under there, it’s so dirty. This water is so dirty.”
“So what if I was? I don’t think some dirty water could take out the God of Thunder.”
“If you say so,” you leaned into him and pecked his lips. His hands tightening their grip on your sides. “Come on,” you pushed out of his grasp and waded towards the boat that started to float in the other direction, reaching the ladder that hung from the rear end. He watched you swim away from him, your hair dancing out behind you. You reached the ladder and pulled yourself up, his eyes about popped out of his head.
You sat on the back seat facing him, watching him climb up behind you, it was your turn to eye him down. His arms flexing, water dripping down his chest, his hair hanging in front of his face. He reached for a towel and sat down beside you. He wiped his face and pushed his hair back again.
“(Y/N),” you were looking towards the water, just stalling time.
“Hmm,” You hummed in response, leaning back on your hands. His eyes wandered over you.
“I love you,” he said simply. He snuck one arm braced under your back and leaned you into him. You laid into his arm, the other hand coming to rest on your thigh. He pressed a kiss to your lips, urgent to feel you against him. You both quickly deepened the kiss, pulling him closer by his neck, his hands tightening around your skin. His mouth moved perfectly against yours, his tongue fighting against yours. You succumbed to his assault, he knew how to draw the best pleasures out of you. An involuntary moan left your throat and Thor’s body lit up with fiery endorphins that made his fingers go numb. He loved to hear the effect he had on you. His lips trailed from your lips, reaching your jaw and down your neck, his stubble scratching across the sensitive skin. He pressed a hard kiss at the base of your throat.
“I am so in love with you,” His breath fanned over your neck, goosebumps started rising over your body. His words light a fire inside you that only he can bring about. You were his muse and he craved the feeling of knowing how he could make you feel.
You gripped at his short hair and pulled his enchanting blue eyes to yours, “I love you.”
“Ayy! Get it on!!” A sloppy voice called from far behind you both. Sounds of others cheering and hollering followed. You both about jumped out of your skin with the interruption. You were both so focused on each other you didn’t come to notice the sound or another boat engine coming into the cove. You both turned to look at them.
“Oh my god, they are so drunk,” you laughed with Thor at the estranged group of friends that were swaying and sporting alcohol in each hand. Thor shot him a quick thumbs up, hoping they would chill out.
“Ok, time to go,” he said, shoving himself into the driver’s seat.
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sweetboybucky · 6 years
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Word Count: 1200
Warnings: Bucko’s inner monologue is a little sad. But there’s still fluff because absolutely nothing has changed here. 
Summary: Bucky isn’t sure the Soldier will ever really leave him. But maybe that’s okay. 
A/N: This is my piece for the always stunning @occasionalfics‘ 2K Challenge. Congrats, you angel. You deserve the world. 
I’ve had this idea for a very, very long time, and my prompt, “Let’s run away together,” which is bolded and italicized, sparked this. I’m not sure how I feel about it, but here it is. I know it’s a little too cold to go the beach by now, but I wrote it about the beach anyway because why not. This piece was also slightly inspired by this HC by my incredible friend, @barnesrogersvstheworld. I hope you all like my random, slightly sad Bucket fluff. 
My Masterlist
There are days Bucky can still feel him.
Days shrouded in darkness. With an ache in his bones and his heart.
He’s there. Hidden somewhere. Deep in the recesses of his mind. A phantom. A shadow he can’t seem to shake no matter how far the sun falls. A past he so desperately wishes wasn’t his. Wasn’t his burden to carry, his life to remember.
The Soldier lingers within him.
And Bucky can feel him.
He’s quiet. Maddeningly so. It weighs heavy in Bucky’s mind, that silence. That little space the Soldier has made his home.
The place Bucky finds himself resting.
That strange, hazy part of himself. An area he knows all too well and yet is only beginning to discover. A weird shade of gray. Unknown. Forgotten.
Bucky is hesitancy. He is a smoldered ember waiting for a spark, something to ignite him into the roaring flames he once was. He is careful determination, quiet will that he will not end up the man he was once made to be.
He is the gray area. The space no one has been able to navigate. The place where nothing is absolute and everything is stuck. Trapped in a haze he hasn’t been able to push through.
Bucky sees the gray he resides in. It settles raw in his heart and mind and body and soul.
But within that, there is you.
Sitting in front of him on the blanket you brought with you. Flicking sand off of the arm he has around your waist, looking out at the sunrise resting before you.
And God - he loves you.
Because it’s the way you found him this morning, staring out the window in your soft little apartment before the sun had shown its face. Pressed yourself to his back, kissed his shoulder. Whispered, “Let’s run away together,” into the cotton of his t-shirt and drawn a laugh from his chest despite the ache living there.
It’s the way you packed up the car and told him not to help. Let him get into the passenger seat and held his hand as you took the wheel. Tipped a grin his way and left a kiss on his palm as you drove.
It’s the way you set out the blanket across the sand. Motioned for him to sit down and pushed yourself against him without a word.
And it’s you now. Sitting in the pale light flickering across rocky waves. Tugging him closer still and turning just enough to tuck your face into the crook of his neck.
It makes him feel safe.
You make him feel safe.
Even on the days his mind doesn’t feel like his own anymore. The days he wonders if it ever really will, if he’ll ever truly be free of that presence lying within him. The man he had no hand in creating but is forced to carry.
You shift against him again. Sigh and close your eyes when he presses his lips to your hair. Looks out at the warming horizon. The beach you brought him to, the beach he hasn’t seen in nearly a century.
He watches as your teeth bare, a soft smile he wants to trace with his fingers. Press his mouth against. Memorize, save in the corners of his mind for when he needs to see it most.
And despite it all, he finds himself smiling back at you. Trying his best to ignore the little tug at him. The quiet reminder of who he was. The being making a home in that hollow of his chest. In his bones.
But you know. You always do. You trace your fingers around the line of his jaw, make a path down his neck before settling a palm against his chest, pressing closer to get away from the chill in the air.
“You’re not him, you know,” you say, all the sincerity he longs to hear lacing the words. “You never were.”
His grin grows a little sad, parts enough for him to whisper, “Hard to remember that sometimes.”
Silence falls between you. And he knows it’s because you’re waiting for him to finish. To continue. But you don’t press, you never do. He’s grateful for that. For you.
It’s a sigh from his chest, rattling the Soldier as he says, “Hard to remember if I’m a good or bad guy anymore. If any of us are.”
There’s a weight that presses into him at the admission and another that leaves. An eternal burden, sharing his thoughts or keeping them hidden. Locked away in a place even he can’t find.
But it’s true. Painfully so. Something that he thinks of more often than he cares to admit. Something that’s settled deep within him, a question he’s not sure he wants the answer to.
Chestnut fans against your skin as you sink a hand into his hair. Comb through the strands and look at him for a moment.
“Maybe no one is a good or bad guy,” you murmur, soft in that way you always are with him. “Maybe all anyone can do is try their best to do what they think is right.”
You turn until you’re facing him. Kneeling between his legs and looping your arms around his neck, pressing your forehead to his.
The next words are breathed soft against his skin, “I’ll be with you no matter what you decide is right.” 
It’s something he would never admit he wanted to hear, a promise like the one you just gave him. But you offered it anyway. Opened up your home and your heart and your life and let him step in. Find solace in the quiet way you live.  
He looks at you. Watches the way that beautiful sunrise falls against your cheeks. Paints your face in soft, pretty crimson.
And he wants to kiss you.
So he does.
Because he can.
It’s gentle, the way he loves to kiss you. Full of so much love, something he’s wished for his entire life. Someone to love.
Someone to call home.
But you.
You are so much more.
You are the color he finds when he opens his eyes, the sunrise looking so much brighter but still paling in comparison to your beautiful face in front of it. The smile resting on your lips, whole and sweet. 
He whispers a little, “Thank you,” against your nose. Presses his lips there briefly before pulling back to look at you again.
And that one phrase will never be enough. It will never be enough to repay you for everything you’ve done for him, the way you’ve painted his world. But he says it anyway.
You hum against him. Leave one last ghost of a kiss on his jaw before turning back to the water. Settling against his chest and tucking yourself into his embrace.
“It’s pretty here,” you tell him.
He looks down at you. Finds your gaze resting on him, a sweet expression dusting your sleepy face.
He isn’t sure where he falls. If the Soldier will ever really leave him. If that gray he finds himself in sometimes will ever really fade.
But maybe that’s okay.
With you, it is.
Because you look at him like he’s Bucky. Like that’s all he’s ever been.
The Bucky you tease about eating all of your food but still let in anyway. The Bucky you’ve let into your heart.
The Bucky that’s found you in his own.
“Yeah,” he says, still looking at you, “it’s beautiful.”
@solarbarnes II @akamaiden II @my-meant-to-find-blog II @marvelous-avengers II @jack4xx II @buckyforbreakfast II @theglowstickofdestiny II @bucky-at-bedtime II @notimetoblog II @deceivedeer II @teawithbucky II @veronicalei II @part-time-patronus II @thunderous-flower II @thelostverse II @delicatecapnerd II @pizzarollpatrol II @laurfangirl424 II @stevieboyharrington II @yknott81 II @bucky-smiles II @buckysb-tch II @a-watson-in-search-of-a-sherlock II @heartssick II @spxder-bxck II @bottled-starr II @buckybarneshairpullingkink II @yenneffersstuff II @fangirlfictionmain
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occasionalfics · 6 years
Paige’s 2k Challenge/Bash!
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Hello and welcome to my 2k Follower Celebration/Bash! First and foremost, thank you for getting me to 2k!! This blog has more followers than my main blog. But I write for Thor so I get it. We’re hungry.
Secondly, the challenge! I wanted to do something more creative than just a simple writing challenge...but I think that’s gonna end up being more in the execution than this prompt list. And by that, I mean that I want y’all to get as creative as possible. Do whatever you want (within reason): one-shot/drabbles, feature-length fics, mini-series, letters, etc.
So here are the specifics:
Up to two prompts per person, two people per prompt. 
Should enough prompts be open by Wednesday, September 19th, I’ll think of something else to add because right now I’m out of ideas. 
Send me an ask with the prompt you want, the character(s) you want to include, and maybe a backup or two if you think you’ll need it (I’ll let you know if someone gets to your choice ahead of you though).
If I don’t respond to your ask within 24 hours, send it again.
Tag me in the body of your post and make sure to tag #paiges2kbash so I can find your entry! (If I don’t respond within 24 hours, send it to me in a message.)
If you’re gonna write smut, you’ll have to be 18 or over and the character you write for needs to be as well.
All Marvel characters are on the table - even ones I don’t normally write for. This is about what you want, as my way of giving back to you for following me!
I am 100% cool with and encouraging you to play with the genre your prompt comes from. You see something in the Angst category, but you think it’ll be cute and fluffy too? GIVE. IT. TO. ME.
Gimme AUs, Gimme body swaps. Gimme it ALL.
Word minimum: 500. Total. There is no maximum.
I prefer Reader Insert fics, but I’m also cool with OCs. PLAY WITH THAT PERSPECTIVE BABE!
Make sure the prompt is easily identifiable in your post. Bold, italicised, a different color, or just point it out in the informational part of the post (if you do those like I do), just make sure I and other readers can easily figure out what the prompt is!
You do not have to be following me to enter! I’d love to have you and would appreciate your company, but it’s not required to participate.
Entries are due by HALLOWEEN (10/31/18)! 
Make it spoopy.
Here’s what I’ll be doing throughout/at the end of the challenge:
Making a masterlist of all the entries with descriptions and tags
Denoting which are my favs in some way
Reblogging each entry to support and promote both the entry and the challenge (once again, if I don’t reblog within 24 hours, send it to me in a message)
Interchangeable prompts are located under Misc. So you get to pick what genre!
“Not you again..”
“I thought you loved me.”
“I can’t believe you!”
“We can’t keep this up forever.” - @mcu-owns-my-ass
“Don’t leave me…” - @the-resal10 with bucky (and/or steve)
“You’re a disappointment.”
“Don’t die on me– Please.” - @bvckysmanbun with steve
“I never meant to hurt you.”
“Thanks for nothing.”
“Why did you spare me?
“You need to leave.” - @the-resal10 with thor
“I thought we were family!” - @akamaiden with thor
“There was never an us.”
“So that’s it? It’s over?”
“I fucked up.” - @distinguishedstarlightcrusade with tony
“I came to say goodbye.”
“I don’t deserve to be loved.”
“About the baby… It’s yours.” - @sidehowriting with thor
“Do you want me to leave?”
“No, it was my fault for thinking that you might care.”
“I’m so in love with you.” - @thorsstorms with thor
“Dance with me!”
“I wish we could stay like this forever.” - @thorsstorms with thor
“Will you marry me?”
“I’m pregnant.”
“You’re special to me.”
“Do you trust me?”
“Can I kiss you right now?” - @lookslikeleese with thor
“You’re cute when you’re angry.” @multi-fandom-imagines8 with thor
“We’d make such a cute couple.”
“I want to take care of you.”
“Shut up and kiss me already.” - @iambuckyrogers with bucky
“Are you flirting with me?”
“Is that my shirt?” - @barnesrogersvstheworld with bucky
“You’d be a great dad/mom.” @averyrogers83 - with steve or bucky
“Did you do something different with your hair?”
“This is why I fell in love with you.”
“Stop hogging all the blankets!”
“Let’s run away together.” - @sweetboybucky with bucky
“Where did all these puppies come from?” - @samanthasmileys with peter parker (feat. tony stark)
“Wanna go see a movie with me?”
“I vote today to be a pajama day.”
“I’ll just be in the bathroom throwing my fucking guts up because our unborn kid wants to be a dick!”
“You’re smart and successful with an adorable belly.”
“Your hair is so soft…”
“Just relax, I’ll wash your hair for you.”
“You are ridiculously comfortable…” @uhltrons with peter parker
“I’ve had a rough day and honestly all I want right now is a drink and someone to cuddle with…”
Smut (NSFW, for 18+ only, I will be checking)
“This was fun— Let’s do it again sometime!”
“Why are you naked?”
“Bite me.”
“Fuck me.”
“Stop teasing me so much…”
“What a pretty sight.”
“Well, fine; just this once.”
“As you wish.”
“First one to make a noise loses.” @sassysupernaturalsweetheart with loki
“Car sex looks so much more easier in the movies.”
“Already? Do I really have that much of an effect on you?”
“We can’t do that here!”
“I’ve never wanted anyone to fuck me this badly.”
“Don’t give me that look.”
“You’re more than just a one night stand.”
“Don’t be so rough. There can’t be any marks.”
“I really don’t care. You still look hot and i’m trying not to kiss/fuck you senseless right now.”
“Put that thing away!”
“Don’t kink shame me.”
“Tell me what you want.”
“You’re n-not ,um, w-wearing anything under that, are you..?” - @buckybarnes-xyou with bucky
“Are you trying to turn me on or are you really just that oblivious?”
“You taste like fucking candy.”
“Just let me finish this level/chapter/etc. and I swear I’ll go down on you until you cum at least three times.”
“If I have to stop what I’m doing, you won’t be able to walk for the next week.”
“Were you just masturbating?”
“Ah, he’s playing hard-to-get. thats cute.”
“For the love of fuck.”
(optional) “Yep, thats me. I love to fuck.”
“I know for a fact that you can be a hell of a lot louder than that.” - @kentuckybarnes with bucky
“Your ass is going to be seven different shades of red after that little stunt.”
“Did you just… finish?” - @supernovasandcoronas with bucky
“They always make shower sex sound so appealing, but honestly, this is getting dangerous.”
“I’m not actually feeling anything.”
“Are you getting any closer?”
“Boobs are really just squishy pillows.”
Misc. (could be any genre you’d like)
“I’m fine.”
“I’m really fucked up.”
“Are you drunk/high?”
“Don’t touch me.”
“Not sure if you could tell, but I’m not exactly a people person.”
“I don’t remember that!”
“Well that’s pretty rude of you to say.”
“You owe me.”
“You did what?!”
“I love that show too!”
“Can I borrow that book of yours?”
“What are you listening to?”
“I brought you your coffee.”
“I haven’t slept in four days.” @hwkewhy with steve
“This place gives me the creeps.”
“Just how stupid do you think I am?”
“I can take care of myself just fine.” - @samanthasmileys with steve, oc, and tony appearance
“Since when have we ever been friends?”
“Stop texting me weird stuff so late at night.” - @thatfanficstuff with clint
“Put me down!” - @evanstarff with bucky
“It isn’t what it looks like! Okay.. Maybe it is…”
“Didn’t you read the sign?”
“Do you think you can teach me that?”
“Okay.. This is new.”
“You’re in trouble now.”
“Tell me again.”
“What do you think? You like?”
“This isn’t what I had in mind, but okay.”
“Don’t forget who taught you that.”
“Are you sure this is legal?”
“Why are you so annoying?”
“What’s with the box?”
“Stop pinning this on me! You started it!” - @hiswhiteknight with bucky
“Just pretend to be my date.”
“The planet is fine. The people are fucked.”
“I just did some calculations, and I’ve determined that you’re full of shit.”
“Do you ever think if people heard our conversations they’d lock us up?”
“It’s not that you’re wrong, exactly, you’re just extremely not right.”
“You shouldn’t be trusted with small children, should you?”
“Give me cake or give me death.”
“You have to tell me why were committing a felony before we do it. Not that that’s going to stop us, but at least I’ll have all the facts.”
“Those things you said yesterday… Did you mean them?”
“You’re like, five feet tall. How you gonna reach me, shortie?” - @sectumsempra-beaches with loki
“It’s not a double date, we’re just third and fourth wheeling.”
“I’m going to keep you safe.” - @captain-ariel-barnes with thor
“It’s lonely here without you.” - @romancing-the-reader with loki
“How did we get here?”
“You are not going without me.”
“You know we’re supposed to be together. I knew it the first time I saw you, and you know it, too. I know you do.” - @mcu-owns-my-ass
“I can’t stand the thought of losing you.”
Prompt sources:
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