#palatine Blades
tagedeszorns · 7 months
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Do it for him!
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fossilpainting · 1 month
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“Perfect ecstasy, boundless cacophony, excessive agony. I must have more!”
Chaos Space Marine (Warhammer 40k) - Emperor’s Children Palatine Blade
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yuristarwars · 1 year
Leia killing Jabba and ending the cycle of abuse that got her grandmother and father abused directly paralleling Anakin killing Palatine at the end of the movie, thus ending the cycle of abuse there too, with Luke not doing anything violent like either of them and instead ending the cycle by putting down his blade and trusting in the good of his father (just like Padme did).
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wh40kartwork · 1 year
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Palatine Blades Sergeant
by Eric Alonso
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the finished lord commander eidolon. next up are phoenix terminators then aquilae palatine blades
(already posted some of these in rbs of original post but put figured would post separately)
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xkeyon · 4 months
Emperor's Children for 10th
Most likely the EC will be in 10th Edition, thus finishing the MONOGOD Chaos Space Marine factions. As for what could be brought out I see it being in 3 phases. Phase 1: The Warbands. This will be for EC fans while waiting for the army we will see something like that with the World Eaters did during the CSM 9th codex release where you used that & a White Dwarf magazine, though we replace Kharn with Lucius, and Khorne Berzerkers with Noise Marines. With the different Combat Patrol rulers I see the magazine issue giving a combat patrol for them. 1X Lucius the Eternal (95 pts) 3X Noise Marines 5 man squads (85 pts) 1X Helbrute (140 pts) Enhancement, Intoxicating Elixir. Both the Noise Marines & Lucius getting new models available before the true launch and there would be a story reason.
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Eidolon is about ready to bring the 3rd Legion back into the Galaxy truly, but knows he can't use them all as they would be to useless to fight as a united Legion some being now shells of themselves they would be a waste of skill, while others are to strong and will try to usurp leadership in the new formation of the Legion. So have these Lords & Champions go out and take planets to weaken others in a specific part of the galaxy where a plan Eidolon needs to do something (I do have an idea it will be shared in another post). If they take these worlds it will be theirs & the 3rd will never try to force any orders of them, & when the 3rd comes they will be allowed to use some new weapons and soldiers that will come with the new Legion.
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Phase 2: The Legion. Eidolon has brought the Emperor's Children he knows that will be able to help achieve a plan. The units that come with this phase would be Eidolon who could also be made as a generic EC Lord.
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A more non-battle line unit would be the return of the Palatine Blades... kind of. Some of these new ones will have been the ancient ones from 30K while others will have proven themselves. But now they have fused with with their blades feeling whatever it touches. This is also not a Daemon Possession but more like that of the mutilators. This warp fusion also has mutated them where they now wear Death Masks of Fulgrim, a Chaos version of the Sanguinary Guard.
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I don't think they will get unique Terminators and Helbrutes, but instead their units will get a unique weapon option for each of them, this is how Sonic Dreadnoughts be a thing.
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I also think they will either get Helbrutes or Terminators in phase 2 (I would lean to the former) while the other will be out phase 3. Phase 3: The Primarch. Fulgrim is here with the rest of the army.
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Along with their Primarch we will see the other unique Legion weapon unit, a Psyker for them, & a unit that takes after their Primarch's snake look mixing tech & warp mutation resembling the Laer.
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Sorry this feels incomplete but there are 2 other parts that will bring it more all together.
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goldengoblink · 9 months
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The Palatine Blade
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violadives · 6 months
@pelcrus location: Palatine Hill notes: dawuh
There was a good reason why demons forgot their lives, it didn't serve a demon's nature to remember what it had been like to be human. To be someone's daughter, to want to feel loved, to feel appreciated, and to have the sort of hopes and dreams that were so completely mortals. Viola had once been a girl whose fingers were rubbed raw from the efforts of silk, who laughed under the lowlight of her father's priests, and danced as if at any moment her own mortality would come calling.
Remembering hadn't been the blessing that Viola had thought it would be, Arachne had died far below: Viola was loved, she was needed, and she was appreciated. The former was just a girl who had loved her father so much that she truly believed he'd have found her even in Hell. Pelorus was famed for his ability to locate just about anything and anyone, Thebes was revered under his protection for reasons that extended beyond his prowess with his blade. So many years she'd waited, it was foolish of course and Viola didn't begrudge him for not storming the nine levels of hell as Dante was said to have done for Beatrice. Still, Arachne had hoped, and then she had forgotten what hope felt like. Lucifer had seen to that.
"I didn't think it was true." Viola started, her father had died and that's what she had believed a century ago when she first walked this realm again. "I told them: my father wouldn't be cut down, not even a God could slay him." Because what else was a father in the eyes of a child if not divine?
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battle-sister-ames · 7 months
The Fall of Axiom, Act I, Chapter 3
"Donning the holy steel wings of the Seraphim, the First Squad makes their first foray into the Jeriko War. The skies thunder with destruction, the guns of the traitors crying for liberty in the face of the Imperium's imminent 'salvation.' But first, the Battle-Sisters must make it to the surface, a path that they themselves will have to carve by blade and bullet.
From orbit and by drop pod, Palatine Praxedes too deploys, a singular one-woman-army who will not stop until the two kingpins of this insurrection are given the Emperor's Peace. A glorified hit-woman for the Inquisitor, she will broach no surrender, spare none, pardon none, and carry out the will of Inquisitor Torrens and the God-Emperor no matter the cost.
Meanwhile, after weeks of endless death and battle, the insurgency's leadership is frayed and drained to two individuals who would just as likely strangle each other as they would kill an Imperial. Monika wonders what her father would think, seeing his tattered plans for liberation in the hands of Chaos-worshipers."
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the-fiction-witch · 1 year
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Media The Last Legion (AU)
Character Romulus Augustus 
Couple Romulus X Reader
Rating Sweet + Flirty
Concept The Lupercalia festival (Valentines) 
I woke as I almost always did being slowly woken by the sweet sunlight flooding in through their large villa's windows the red and gold curtains billowing from the spring winds. I forced myself up and stretched a little seeing the handmaidens at the end of my bed and the guards at every window and door to protect me. I sighed and climbed out of bed without a word heading to the baths and jumping into the warm bubbles giving myself a decent clean. 
"Ahh Your grace" My advisor bowed as he arrived standing close to my bath "Happy Lupercalia" He smiled 
"Ohh course. I forgot about that." I said rubbing my eyes a little I had honestly completely forgotten that Lupercalia was coming, "what do I have to do today?" I sighed 
"Well of course once your grace is finished with his bath we'll get you into your best clothes for the festival, and then we'll head up to Palatine Hill to the Comitium for the ceremony and of course the feast tonight" 
"Alright, best get on with it then" I sighed climbing out of my bath and getting dressed for the day with my handmaiden's help of course and we headed out of the villa and up to Palatine Hill and the Lupercal cave into the open air of the comitium as everyone in the kingdom was waiting as usual. I sat at the throne and soon enough the festivities began. 
The priests stood at the entrance to the cave sacrificing two large goats and dog using the ceremonial blade, before selecting the priests who would this year be covered with blood from the blade picking two of the older ones, smearing their heads with the blood before cleaning the blade with milk as they laughed hysterically. The moment this was done everyone cheered and began to rejoice as they could now tuck into the feast with food, wine, ale and all manner of luxuries for everyone from me and the guards to the small farmer's children.
The normal festivities went on as everyone enjoyed the feast, the priests making their year's ceremony whips, and running around naked whipping any lady in their reach all while of course the Lupercalia draw was going on, all those unmarried ladies in the kingdom would have their names entered into a jar, and as all this was going on the jar would be taken around to each unmarried man who would pick out one name, His Lupercalia lady. the two would then couple up for the rest of the festivities and of course all the sinful depravity that comes with picking out a random girl. 
I had some of my wine when I noticed the handmaiden girl with the jar for the festivities.
"I can?" I asked my advisor
"Of course, your old enough now no point excluding the emperor from the festivities" he explained
"Alright" I smiled excitedly taking a name from the jar unrolling the little paper "y/n y/l/n"
"A moment your grace I will find her for you" he says taking the paper and hurrying off to go find her I sat excited sipping my drink watching the festivities go on until he returned with a young girl in tow. She was a year or so younger than me and she … was beautiful. I stood in order to properly greet her as she sweetly bowed to Me in her little grey sandals, sweet blue dress with a silver belt and her hair in a sweet braid with a blue ribbon worked in to match her dress, I tried to hide blush from her as I have her a little bow too "Miss y/l/n?" 
"Yes your grace" she smiled
"Well I got very lucky then to get such a lovely lady" I smiled giving her hand a kiss.
I let her sit beside me and we shared good and wine as we watched the festivities together Talking non stop I loved listening to her talk about everything and nothing, about her little flower shop, the little cottage she lives in on the edge of town, even silly things like a story about her and her friends as the baths yesterday and I hung on she every word we even got to the point of sharing little kisses and nose rubs, "I think, you might just be the sweetest girl I've ever met" I told her 
"You don't mean that" she blushed "just getting wrapped up in the holiday is all" 
"No I mean it, I really do." I smiled "would you maybe wanna? Sit here with me"
"On the throne! I couldn't your grace"
"I say you can come on" I offered she blushed but egarly moved and sat on my legs so we could cuddle up together as many others did on Lupercalia she as so soft and cosy I loved having her here to cuddle and nuzzle with often giving her little kisses "your adorable" I smiled having given her a kiss on the cheek and seeing her Turn strawberry red "I really do like you y/n your so sweet I'd love to spend time with you even after the holiday?"
"You would?"
"If you'd like that?"
"I would like that very much" 
"Okay, as uhh the feast and festivities are dying down did you… maybe wanna come back to the villa with me?"
"Ohhh I'd love too" she blushed 
"Good, come on we'll scamper now before it gets too busy" I told her gently pushing her off my lap 
"Just a moment I need my bag" and smiled giving me a little kiss before going to get her bag 
"Shall I arrange transport for her your grace?" My adviser asked 
"No she's coming to the villa with me. She might need transportation… tomorrow morning. Maybe afternoon" I smirked watching her go and gather her bag 
"I will get it arranged your grace" he says going to get our transportation back to the villa 
"Quickly" I told him so he scurried off much faster 
"Everything alright?" She asks 
"Of course y/n, come on we'll take the nice way back" I told her taking her hand and tugging her away with me. 
I woke so happily my arms Still around that beautiful body, her head in my neck as we snuggled up in my bed admittedly I was still a little exhausted, humm little thing tired me out last night. I tugged her a little closer giving her some kisses, I heard the door open no doubt the handmaids and advisors but the moment I heard it "out!" I demanded and the door quickly shut again but that made her stir on my chest "oohh no, no no. Go back to sleep it's okay" I whispered trying to get her to go back to sleep so we could cuddle longer 
"But I'm awake Romulus" she pouts 
"Alright, did you sleep well my empress?"
"I did, I always sleep well with you' she coles giving me a kiss before she climbed out of bed I smirked sitting up watching that beautiful naked body get dressed or well half dressed, hardly believe it was five years ago I met her and I still adore her as much as the first moment I saw her 
"Yes Romulus?" She asks turning back to me so I smirked and summoned her back to bed she sighed playfully slipping off the amount of dress she has already put on and returned to bed with me sitting in my lap 
"Good girl. Ummm I love you so much"
"I love you too" she smiled giving me a little kiss "now come on we have Celebrations" she says getting out of bed to get dressed 
"Fine." I sighed climbing out
"No jar this year?" She giggled
"I've only partaken in the jar one year on Lupercalia and the gods gave me you darling. Why would I ever need to try again" I smiled giving her a kiss "maybe this year… you might get lucky and get a hit of fertility?"
"We'll see how it goes, come on or we'll be late" she says 
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space-outlaw-jin · 2 years
Warhammer Sunday
basically it’s been a couple of years,but Fulgrim has been calling my name back into his sweet embrace to return to the horus heresy battlefield. I got Palatine Blades being primed now
my pal is doin some 3d printing for some custom armor and power weapons
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tagedeszorns · 2 years
[Hear me out, a Emperor's Children captain trying to get away from the Slaanesh addiction]
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Uuuuh, good idea! I love the dark, brooding, possessed (not literally, that's for the dark-red cousins), manic aspects of Slaanesh.
Not a captain, but one of the ex-Palatine Blades. I always wanted to draw Krysithius, I hope he's okay, too!
You need a lot of warpdust to endure serving under the most pretentious bitch of all. (I was slightly mad at boss-pretentious-bitch for killing him, because I liked him. Not for long, of course)
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ordo-scriptus · 1 year
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After dwelling on my recent games, I'm feeling like - though hilarious - a tide of nothing but melee weapons isn't suitable when the enemy has units like Custodes or Palatine Blades. A smart man would add something like Recon Marines, snipers to rend down characters. But this is the First Legion. What would they be without massed Volkite? #warhammerkitbash #warhammercommunity #gamesworkshop #warhammer30k #horusheresy #horusheresy2point0 #darkangels30k #darkangels #legionterminators #indomitusterminator #legionsupportsquad #volkitecaliver #legionesastartes #spacemarines #hobbystreak #hobbystreakday457 (at Wakefield) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoyN7OBIhvB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Mansion shopping.
I’m bored today.
Let’s drive to the town,
Where the rich ones play,
And peruse all day.
Like a little kid on Christmas,
A roller coaster fanatic next in line,
A Disney adult in Florida,
A Swiftie about to hear Enchanted live,
I’ve never looked forward to something more.
He digs my brand.
Likes the way I smile,
Like I’m his starlit Palatine Crown.
He likes the way I whisper,
Especially that it’s just for him,
And that I hate every knock that’s not his.
Are we bad people?
But at least we have fun.
Are they shocked at the way we joke?
There’s no one else,
Who gets my bruised blue jokes.
And know one who gets how I feel,
That comedy heals some scars.
And nothing makes scary things seem smaller,
Than an ill timed joke,
Snake under my shoulder blades,
Ease out this tension,
Wring out this pain,
Kitchen towel dripping in your hands.
Silver smile,
Red lipstick,
Mental battle,
All for a kiss.
Back and forth,
This feels fun.
Just don’t mind,
My ears when they flush.
Roaming eyes,
Pretty words,
Stepped on toes,
Teach me the steps,
I’ll know them soon yet.
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Some very cool Alpha Legion Veterans with the Weaponmaster skill, armed for close-quarters combat with an assortment of power weapons.
This is one of the coolest Alpha Legion conversions I’ve found on the internet, and I think I’ll try my hand at converting something similar in the future - they just look that good. The base models are Palatine Blades for the Emperor’s Children.
All credit goes to Secret Geek on Twitter, who painted them. I just found the pictures on Google. Recently he’s knocking out some really cool Raven Guard stuff, I recommend looking him up if you’re interested in the Horus Heresy, or Space Marines in general.
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lordsofchemos · 5 years
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An accurate depiction of the 30K Emperor’s Children when compared to other Legions.
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