#palestine discussion
fairuzfan · 27 days
Sorry one more thing I wasn't going to talk about but if you had asked me about the binational state/land thing maybe... in 2016, I might have given a somewhat positive answer but I think that since then, Israeli society has become exponentially more racist and anti-Palestinian. Since then we had the Abraham Accords, Sheikh Jarrah, Massafir Yatta, the highest child martyr count in years, and now finally a full blown genocide. Many Palestinians who previously advocated for equality in a single state look at all this, especially in recent months and think "how can I live side by side with these people?"
The vast majority of Israeli society is not against war for the sake of the Palestinians, they're against war for their own safety. They say as much. Hell, look at standing together. The founder guy says "our security is tied in with the Palestinians'". So if it wasn't tied with the Palestinians', you wouldn't care? And I get sometimes you need to introduce people to ideas gently, but their entire organization language emphasizes "shared pain" when there is an oppressor/oppressed dynamic they aren't even hinting at. How can anyone achieve safety if you won't even admit you have power over your Palestinian org members?
Even Brothers in Arms claims to want to "strengthen democracy" but they completely ignore Palestinians have never experienced democracy in "Israel". So what's the point strengthening your own standing when the most disadvantaged still are at rock bottom?? Plus your whole group represents the IOF reservists/members, you have no intention of helping Palestinians when you are the primary oppressors. And this is not an insignificant group in israel!
Not many Israelis are willing to put themselves on the line to protect or even advocate for Palestinians. I mean 7+ months into a genocide and what did israeli society do other than protest *netanyahu*? Hold up flour bags during the flour massacre??? The people serving in the idf are your friends and family and community. Tel Aviv is an hour away from Gaza. Surely you can do *something* physical!! They had people at their Gaza borders starving Palestinians on purpose and people just... watched it happen. Not to mention the IOF, which many Israelis are a part of, participates in the genocide and has been lauded for their "heroism". I look at that and I think "how can I expect you to seriously consider my rights as a person? How do I know you won't miss your old status and reclaim it?"
We've seen Israelis *celebrate* and *ridicule* our martyrs and people. So like where us the good faith in all this? Where can we work with some of these people and think "Yeah I believe they'll respect my inherent dignity as a person"?
Which binationalism relies on this. You need to have good faith between communities for this to actually happen. But when one community won't even acknowledge it's status as an oppressor at the height of oppression? Then what?
Israel as a country has never faced any retribution for its actions for 75 years. No one is holding them accountable. The country teaches propaganda in its schools about the Nakba. There is not serious consideration for Palestinian rights in Israeli society. Why would they suddenly decide to participate in a project that puts Palestinians as equal to Israelis when they learned all their lives that Palestinians are ruthless, unreasonable people who can't be reasoned with, and Israelis are logical, poor victims who are actually the ones who need protection from the Palestinians!
It just is mind boggling because I see people constantly complain about the way they hear things from Palestinians these days like "all Israelis need to leave". And they go on to say "why would you be so hateful/why would you say that" and don't think for a minute they're experiencing a televised genocide of their people (which they could have ended up in their shoes! People forget that Gaza has multiple refugee camps! Any one of us could have lived there!) And conversely are looking to Israeli society for them to do anything and they see nothing. At least think for a moment why they would say these things given the context of the situation. There's a genocide going on! And you're worried about what the people who are experiencing their people's genocide are saying because you're worried for the society conducting said genocide?? Let's deal with the matter at hand first!!!!!!
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beldaroot · 1 month
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there has been more moments than i can count in the past seven months where i felt destroyed by all the death and carnage i've seen due to the colonialism and imperialism of the world. but there was something in particular about hind's death that made me think the world would stop turning bc how could anything continue given how gruesome and inhumane her death was? and yet, the world did not stop. and i thought we were once again left to remember her story only in our minds as she became another number, as her murderers went on killing unpunished, and as her mother grieved with rage when all she wanted was to keep her daughter warm and as safe as she could manage in this man-made hell on earth.
however, hind, a girl who only got to experience her kindergarten graduation, is now being immortalized in universities across the nation. her story did resonate to the masses and we will not let her be forgotten nor forgive those complicit in her death. real justice would be having hind alive, but these students are showing that they will stop the world and burn the status quo it upholds to the ground if it means her people can truly be liberated.
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rubysevens · 7 months
anyway in the past week the irish government has voted down two motions which would have condemned the genocide in gaza.
i need everyone to stop lionising ireland as if its not also a european government with strong ties to the us. american weapons pass through shannon airport and will continue to, because yesterday the motion to stop that was voted down 83 to 50.
other governments have done much more but somehow people still act as though ireland is the ultimate palestinian ally and exempt from criticism on its handling of palestine bc it was once colonised, even though that past experience clearly isnt being taken into account by the irish government when creating policy.
i live here i know there’s a lot of public support and sympathy for palestine, which is great, but that isnt reflected in government, and i think ireland should be treated like other countries whose governments have done nothing.
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stil-lindigo · 6 months
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I can't properly put into words the amount of disgust that I feel seeing someone who looks like she could be my cousin fight for a genocidal occupational force like Israel but I will say this.
If you are Chinese, Korean, Japanese or any one of these Asian ethnicities that the West deem "acceptable" and you align yourselves with western-backed racial supremacy, you are making fools of yourselves. You have fallen prey to the myth of the "model minority" and you are suckers for it.
The premise of racial supremacy is based on exclusivity. And here's a dose of reality - the myth of the "model minority" is nothing but a tactic to placate you. To sow divide in the ranks of people of colour. To artificially manufacture another realm of racial supremacy in minorities so that you're distracted from how we all suffer under colonialism.
Did we all forget about the skyrocketing of sinophobia in the wake of the first COVID outbreak? The transformation of Chinese people into fiends with barbaric eating customs, poor hygiene, and mass conspiracy to infect the world with biological weapons?
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What about the hate-crimes? The attacks in the street against anyone visibly asian? The rampant discrimination and ostracisation from society?
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In 2020, Donald Trump referred to COVID-19 as "The Chinese Virus", "Kung-flu" at a campaign rally to raucous applause, a chilling echo of the times where fears of the "Yellow Peril" had the western world in a stranglehold.
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For all that Chinese people have been lauded as "prodigies" and "well-mannered workers", the moment our existence was incovenient, were were nothing more than another target. And although Chinese suffering then wasn't close to the scale of suffering that Palestinians now endure, we all received a reminder on what it was like to be in the world's crosshairs.
Now, in 2023, Biden dismisses death tolls as unreliable and remains proudly Zionist even after Netanyahu described the genocide Israel is inflicting upon Palestine as the "struggle between the children of light and the children of darkness, between humanity and the law of the jungle." At the same time, Palestinians are being compared to fleeing rats in a gesture of dehumanisation that mirrors how the Nazis portrayed Jews during the Holocaust.
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And let's not think Abigail's Jewishness will save her, not when it's been proven that Israel has administered contraceptives to Ethiopian Jewish immigrants without their consent. Racial supremacy is an exclusive club that never stops getting smaller, and there is nothing that you, as a minority, will ever be able to do to fit in. One day, you too will be a target and there'll be nothing you can do but blame yourself. After all - it's already happened.
So shame on Abigail. Truly. With the memory of knowing what it's like to be targeted for factors out of your control fresh in her mind, she happily fights to do the same to others. And that says more about her than I ever will be able to.
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tungledotedu · 7 months
if you see this post about the so-called dangers of conflating hamas with other political parties in palestine:
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do know that op hid an addition by an actual palestinian and turned off reblogs
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lostthenfoundmyself · 1 month
You do realize that breaking into and occupying an administrative building while destroying property and wearing costumes is exactly what the rioters did on the January 6th attempted insurrection, right? Naming specific governing officers they hate, saying they “can’t hide,” claiming they’re justified because they’re the good guys fighting against the evil people in power.
The January 6th rioters were crazy because what they did was crazy. Not just because they thought Trump won the election.
I get that it’s university government buildings rather than US government buildings, but it’s a really, really clear echo. These protestors are not better just because you think they’re right.
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drawnbypaw · 7 months
it’s going to be Halloween and there’s poorly timed media releases, but we need to keep talking about Palestine and the Palestinian people. Please.
I’m a Jewish, third generation Holocaust survivor. I am telling you now that this is genocide. The Israeli government wants to wipe out the Palestinian people entirely. They speak of Palestinian people the same way we were spoken about, the way my grandmother was spoken about when she was in the concentration camp. Inhuman animals. This is wrong, and it is clearly wrong, and it is fucking evil.
Of course I want a homeland. It’s horrifying to exist in a world with so much antisemitism and nazism. But I do not want it at the cost of blood on my hands. That is evil. That couldn’t ever be worth it. I want my Israeli cousins who are being drafted to refuse and take the jail time. I want my entire people to realize that we are watching history repeat for another group and we cannot stay silent or compliant, like people were when it was us or our ancestors. The Israeli government is destroying the Palestinian people. Speak up against them NOW! Please, please.
There’s not much I can do from the comfort of my home. Please link petitions to sign below, preferably not from change.org. I do not have control of where my money goes and I don’t have a platform either. I’m just making this post because we need to stay focused and fight for a free Palestine. Please listen.
edit: I’m making updates in the notes for those who haven’t seen. I linked a petition I signed and PCRF’s website as I was able to make a donation. Please continue sharing resources, I’ll keep updating!
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karinyosa · 7 months
reminder that you can email congress for a ceasefire here and the white house here. don't forget to mention/also email about us government ending funding to israel and sanctioning them, and holding them accountable for war crimes, but the immediate need right now is a ceasefire. there are other online writing actions on the first link including calling the white house
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fairuzfan · 27 days
I agree with the concept of a 'terrorist' not existing bcuz the amount of ppl called terrorists by the US government only to be remembered as heroes after is insane to me
Yeah very true. There's also the case of the Holy Land 5 that I always think about. They were just some guys trying to do some and their lives got ruined because of these terrorism charges.
This case also was one of the signals for the Palestinian American community to be careful about donating and raising funds in general because we had this threat of being accused of terrorism for literally anything. A lot of NonPalestinians do not realize just how careful we are about these things because we know we usually are one of the first communities to get in trouble with the state. And almost always using terrorism as the excuse.
That's why the Oct. 7th survivors suing NSJP is so disgustingly obvious that they just want to send a message to us dirty palis to shut the fuck up about our families being killed. When I talk about how we are in danger from Israeli society all over the world, I mean it.
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hatosaur · 7 months
in case this wasn't clear since i've been a little absent from this blog, fuck israel, fuck its supporters, fuck the celebrities who are against a ceasefire (fuck neil druckmann especially), fuck the governments and brands funnelling money towards genocide, fuck the fencesitters.
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qweerhet · 8 months
i think people heavily involved with leftist ~discourse~ could stand to take a step back from questions of morality and recognize:
when you brutally torture people for their entire lives, they will eventually react with extreme and brutal violence.
it's not a question of whether that reaction is moral or not. it's certainly not a question of if they will react like this; the only question is when.
it's pointless to try to ascribe moral value to the actions of torture victims while they are being tortured. if someone is starved, beaten, denied medical care, denied humanity their entire lives... they will (at the very least try to) lash out with brutal and horrific violence at some point. this is how our bodyminds respond to torture. this is how the endless trauma of being subjected to such conditions manifests itself. morality doesn't factor in.
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myfandomrealitea · 5 months
This will be extremely sensitive topic and a vent as well:
I've been snipe blocking Antis on twitter due to them being performative activists of Palestine, they never change their stance & continue harassing people while preaching for Palestine freedom
I made a post calling them out and ended up doubling my block list in the matter of 2 days
Blocking is the best form of protection.
Its unfortunate that in a lot of cases, the so-called activism that antis partake in is just performative and self-serving. Most antis subscribe to a very black and white world view and are often extreme hypocrites of their own standards and values.
Using real-world issues to try and present a version of themselves to the world that will gain them approval is nothing new. You'll find that a lot of people will do the same, even those not entrenched in internet discourse and debates.
I recommend avoiding enflaming engagement with them and simply blocking them on sight. Because Palestine is such a tumultuous topic, they'll only double down on their stances and arguments and try to weaponise the suffering of real people. Palestine is not the scenario on which to debate proship/anti values.
The best thing you can do is block them and drown them out with valid, beneficial posts and resources and information.
And don't forget to take breaks from the internet, too. Taking care of yourself, your emotional and mental health and disengaging are important for your own health and wellbeing.
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Can we like, start a private tag for discourse here or something 😭 listen I get that you're upset because there's not enough x or y in the Ellie Williams/abby Anderson tag, but like some of us are here to read, and you're clogging up the tags for basically no reason like complaining is fine but I rlly don't see how it's relevant in the x reader tag. Like can yall please take this somewhere else 😭😭 not everything needs to be a conversation
Edit: also I think a lot of this is coming from just ppl migrating from different fanfic places and not realizing that there's ways to filter out tags here!!!! Obviously not everything is tagged but you can also filter certain words!!! If you don't want to see smut for a while you can just go to settings and filter it out! Tone/genuine cause I get excited telling ppl abt filtering cause it's genuinely my favorite thing
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alihartwrites · 3 months
Lilly did explore her gender identity & sexuality.
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c-kiddo · 7 months
still think its crazy whenever someone is like "but palestine is homophobic*" whenever you say that genocide shouldnt happen, because then theyll be from some stupid place like the united states of america or france or the uk. like reigning homophobia transphobia colonialism supreme grand champions. just zero self awareness at all. people get fired for saying basic support for palestine in the US, you think its in any way superior in regards to rights? you think that justifies any of this? stupid for real
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nyaskitten · 4 months
Originally I was gonna make some post calling out how ridiculous Her behavior is, vandalizing the Chima Wiki and straight up lying about shit, and just being a very rude and toxic person, but I think at this point everyone knows she is in fact not a nice person.
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