#pandering misha
laf-outloud · 1 year
//Ouch! I guess Misha's begging didn't work.//
I'm sure you saw but just in case (and for those who didn't), MC sent out an email through Gish on Monday:
Hey, friend!
Sorry I’ve been a little out of touch; I’ve been tied up working on a new show, Gotham Knights, playing Harvey Dent who becomes the Batman supervillain, "Two-Face." The character gets progressively darker and more insane as the show progresses. (In fact, by the time we get to the season finale you will see that Harvey has become so maniacally evil that he’s basically indiscernible from my daily persona as the Misha you’ve come to know and fear over the years.)
If you missed the first couple of episodes, you can still catch up—it’s on The CW app and website. Then, you can watch new episodes every Tuesday on the CW at 9/8 central. Do me a favor? Watch the show and email me back to let me know what you think (or you can text me at 323-405-9939 if that’s easier). Thanks!
Your two-faced friend,
PS: When you watch, could you do me one more favor: post about it on social media and tag #CWGothamKnights? I know this is shameless self-promotion, but any support we get improves the chances that we’ll get another season. (If that happens, I’ll get a chance to really showcase my duplicitous side, so I figured I might as well start practicing my "nefarious scheming" skills now.) Thanks.
So yea, he's getting very desperate ad using all means at his disposal to try and drum up attention. However, anyone who gets those emails already has a pretty set opinion on him and GK so sending out an email to people who are already either his fans or his haters isn't going to get any more eyes on the show. But is does show his hand and the desperation there.
LOL! I saw a couple of posts about it yesterday, but seeing the actual text is... well... I don't quite know what to make of it.
On the one hand, begging is entirely unattractive and pathetic, and it's consistent with the way he begged for people to buy his poetry book.
On the other hand, Misha's putting more work each week into promoting the show than the Ackles did for the entire run of TW, so his pandering effort is unmatched.
But to your last paragraph, you're exactly right! He's not expanding the audience, he's just catering to his fans who are already watching. (And using his former charity account, which seems to me a conflict of interest... especially if he takes in any donations this tax year.)
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samdyke · 1 year
waiting until the end of pride is so funny. feeling it out. Waiting until we needed it most. And now cas is gay
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Hard pills to swallow: Cas isn’t gay & Misha Collins is annoying
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fandom-hoarder · 4 months
It's not about what Misha said, really. It's not about a celebrity commenting on something they have no reason to comment on -- any citizen or person living under U.S. law has a right to air out their opinion, just for starters. And much as I prefer to keep appearance attacks out of politics, Trump IS orange, and it IS a choice -- you can see the line on his face/neck. Actually if he can't get his foundation shade in prison he might have to be pasty for awhile, but lbr that mofo ain't going to prison.
So it's not about Misha having an opinion. It IS a little bit that that joke has already been done by Stephen Colbert and the other talk show comedians YEARS ago, but recycled quips are not what makes it cringe. No, it's about the way this too is Misha pandering. It's about how he always has to say something about a trending topic so his followers know he still fits their purity parameters. Not only is he political, but he has Correct Opinions which align with theirs! Huzzah!! Give him love and attention and hashtags while you're talking about political news he isn't even involved in.
Cheap. Embarrassing, even. He wants to be politically relevant so badly, but all he can do is drag the chain of his minions around in a constant circle like a dog staked in the yard.
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jacobglaser · 1 year
The epic highs ("Also, Cas is gay 🌈") and lows (no ofmd trailer) of pride month 2023.
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anoramactir · 2 years
it’s honestly impressive how spn has been over for 3 yrs and is somehow still baiting fans
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milfsisyphus · 11 months
my mutual’s noble unemployed castiel posting vs misha collins’s barbarous jobless castiel pandering
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eisforeidolon · 2 months
"Oh you guys just don't understand Misha's humor!" [X]
No, actually, we do very much understand Misha's "humor". We've heard him intermittently talking shit about Jared, about Jensen, about the writers, about SPN, about the CW, about magazines that don't feature him as equal to the leads, yadda yadda yadda. Where it has very often been framed as "a joke" to give what he's saying a thin veneer of deniability. If anybody that matters notices and calls him on it? Well, it's just so very easy to brush it off with, "Haha, can't you guys take a joke?!" or "Sorry you didn't get my humor :(" or "Oh no, who could have guessed the fans would take me seriously?!"
Except his "jokes" bleed the exact same jealous bitterness that whining about not getting a trailer the size of the ones J2 had (when he was working a fraction of the time they were) did. Along with the same entitlement as being astonished he'd still have to audition for roles after having one recurring support role as a non-human on SPN did. As well as the same ungratefulness shit-talking the show and the network when they kept him continuously employed for an unreal span of time considering his quote unquote talents did and does.
Which does not even get into how there is a very clear motive consistently behind said "jokes" of pandering to the various conspiracy narratives of the only people still credulously buying into his bullshit. Who share a belief he (and they) are victims for not actually being entitled to things just because they want them.
Which is an absolute joke, but not in the sense his stans mean.
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babyboywinchester · 1 month
Hey, why do you hate Misha Collins? Can you explain please, preferably with examples, if you have time and it's not hard for you? I'm just trying to understand, because half of the internet literally in love with him and half of the internet hates his guts, so I want to know why.
I could delve into this, if you’re actually being serious, but it’s hard to tell anymore. I will refer you to @nancylou444’s very extensive list of problematic things he has done.
In short, I find his pandering and lack of a spine to be abhorrent and unbecoming. He continually throws scraps to his rabid base of fans who in turn harass, threaten, name call, and bully others who don’t share their point of view. (That Destiel is TOTALLY ACTUALLY CANON and anyone who says otherwise is HOMOPHOBIC)
His opinion changes depending on whoever is in the room, he says things when he’s alone with a group of frothing at the mouth gay fetishizers, but the second someone is around that can call him on his shit he is 😶. You didn’t see him saying Cas and Dean would be “balls deep” with Jensen or Jared on stage did you? No, because they would have shot that shit down immediately. He does it to stay relevant with a select few fans because he knows that’s all he has. He isn’t a well known or well liked actor. He has no prospects outside of Supernatural and the con circuit and he needs to make money. What better way than to get this gullible rubes to loosen their wallets and give him their hard earned cash when all he has to do his say Destiel was totes canon and TPTB were too homophobic to let it happen.
“Half of the internet” is a very skewed statement. He only seems as popular as he is because this is tumblr and the fans are particularly rabid here… but outside of that, on the internet as a whole and with the general population he is not known or liked at all. It’s only within the destiehell circles.
If this was a genuine ask then I hope that answers your question. I thank you for sending it and hope that helps! If you yourself are a fan of him that is fine. That is your choice and don’t let my feelings about him take away from your enjoyment, but I would ask that you don’t descend to the levels of his other fans who choose to harass people because they see him for what he is.
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laf-outloud · 2 years
Last of Us ANON: Personally, I don't think it's the worst he's posted, but it is apparent that certain people will latch on to the latest craze just for attention. In the end, it doesn't really matter because it doesn't harm the popular project and it makes the people posting look like the desperate fools they've become.
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lightofraye · 2 months
Are you like homophobic or why do you hate Misha with Jensen
…. Wow.
That is one hell of an accusation.
Misha is straight.
Jensen is straight.
I denounce Misha’s <b><i>behavior</i></b>. Y’know, him using the “f” slur, the “r” slur, his blatant pandering to the hellers and Cockles. His gross behavior in that one “gag reel” where he all but shoved his groin into Jensen’s face and Jensen was yelling at him to stop.
I don’t give a fig about anyone’s sexuality.
I do, however, despise abusers and users. Misha is both.
Stan better people, anon.
And be careful where you fling that accusation.
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supernaturalconvert · 1 month
Just wanted to respond to the disingenuous Misha praise
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This seems like such a joke coz I’ve been in this fandom for perhaps two years and there have been so many stories of Destial fans themselves saying Misha was so rude, disrespectful and not present. Obviously then the rest of them start attacking that person like clockwork. Also, Jared’s been the most respectful right from coining the term SPN family to creating AKF to help fans which he never let a corporation like WB take over coz he believed it was for the fans. Even his haters have said when meeting fans, he is most present and always does his utmost, right from remembering names of fans to giving fans that comforting hug which is pretty legendary at this point. Misha is just a panderer. Somebody said he sticks to his principles and I couldn’t help smirk like the dude keeps flipping based on what’s popular just to gain attention. That’s his second nature at this point.
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This election is no longer about the candidates, it's about Taylor Swift.
My god, I am so bored of Taylor Swift.
Why do people act like this woman is the second coming of Jesus? Yes, she's influential, but she's just another celebrity. The pandering to her because she decided to endorse Kamala is actually quite embarrassing.
First Misha Collins gushing over her.
Then Stephen King saying he likes her and her music because Donald Trump saying he hated her.
Now Hilary Clinton is going on about it.
Can we stop talking about her and get on with the real issues of this election? Because honestly this is getting tiresome.
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dotthings · 3 months
What kind of privileged out-of-touch cloud do people live on that they think Misha rightfully calling out the CW for its repressive caps on representation is "nonsense" and something he would say just to "pander."
Infuriating, anti-diversity hack behavior showing its ass.
As if real people who are queer creators aren't hurt by it. As if real queer people in the audience for these shows aren't hurt by it. As if representation doesn't matter. Who cares if it's a Jensen stan or Jared stan saying it. It's vile.
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walkergirlsposts · 2 months
to the previous anon, Rob and Rich are closer with Jensen and Misha than they are with Jared which is why they're on the shitlist. hope this helps!
dismissing them as irrelevant side actors, as Jared fans tend to do, is pretty funny when Richard Speight Jr. directed almost a dozen of episodes of Supernatural throughout the years, and you don't see them being this dismissive of the other directors' takes on the show. it's only because Rob and Rich have acknowledged Destiel and said they see what the fans see upon their rewatch.
🤣🤣🤣🤣Nobody gives a shit that loser extras are closer to loser extras than Jared,trust me idiot.You may be in high school, but we're not. Do you know what classifies as being an extra?? Not a main. And yeah, the loser extras are fueling the unhinged side of the fandom such as yourself, another reason they're despised.
Dying at: They see what the fans see." Hellers are not real fans, they are fans of a ship, and Rob and Rich are assholes for pandering to that side.
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eisforeidolon · 2 months
so are mishas fans going to excuse his use of another slur this weekend ? can the man go two months without saying a slur ?
For anyone else who didn't catch it, reportedly what he said was the r word. Didn't see a quote or video, but it's not like context could save that if it happened. So as to your second (rhetorical) question? Apparently not, yikes.
To answer to your first question, though? Yes, as a group they will continue to excuse him. Why? It's not really a conscious one, but it's a mental calculation every time. Is what Misha said/did bad enough this time to finally outweigh his continuing to tell them what they want to hear about D/C? So you have to consider how absolutely obsessed they are with NEEDING to be right about the ship being totes canon. Even four years after the show is over, some of them are still making it their entire (online?) personalities. I'm not saying he'd have to murder someone in the street for them to stop defending him, but ...
We've seen minions and hellers swear up and down that really, it's representation and inclusivity they care about! While bullying actual people from the groups they're supposedly advocating for. While praising the only people involved in the show queerbaiting them and calling everyone else homophobes. While touting backwards stereotypes about sexuality and masculinity as gospel truth that prove their ship is real.
So of course they largely don't give a shit about Misha throwing out slurs, because their posturing of progressiveness has always been a front that makes a convenient weapon in their shipwar against reality rather than something they genuinely deeply care about. At least in the vast majority of cases. He'll likely lose some individual fans over it, but I'd be shocked if there was any significant backlash among that group as a whole.
If Jared had said that, they'd be metaphorically burning him at the stake and insisting he's too problematic to be in an SPN revival and should be boycotted forever (like they insist every other Thursday over nothing). If Jensen had said that, they'd be demanding he make out with Misha on stage at every convention and on screen in a revival as compensation for them being so hurt at his crass, backwards insensitivity. But since it's Misha and they know he'll continue to pander shamelessly to them? It's either gonna be [crickets] or twisting themselves in knots to justify why it's a-okay, actually.
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