#paopu basket
xekutozoren · 7 months
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Stirring Feelings (KH Furuba/Paopu Basket ⭐)
One of the first Paopu Basket promos is getting a fair bit of attention suddenly. ( o A o ) Thanks so much, guys. (*/ω\*)
It's about time I drew some more Terraqua, eh.
Ref from Kimi ni Todoke
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sinfullyslutti · 1 month
I wanna send you a whole fucking fruit basket … orange, grapes, starfruit, and a bunch of paopu fruit 🍊🍇
Orange - I want to get to know you. Grapes - I could stay on your blog for hours. Starfruit - You are my tumblr crush Paopu Fruit - I would date you.
Lucky for you I’d love a fruit basket mmm maybe should come of anon and reveal your sweet fruit self.
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miscling · 8 months
It is time. You need more fruits in your diet!
Strawberry, cherry, watermelon, blueberry, kiwi, raspberry, plum, paopu fruit, grapes, stsrfruit and tangerine!
You can't just return my fruit basket! Wait, this is a different basket!
You cutie!
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ophiethehousewife · 8 months
Gonna prepare you a fruit basket!
Strawberry, Cherry, Watermelon, Blueberry, Kiwi, Raspberry, Plum, Paopu Fruit, Grapes, Starfruit, Tangerine.
So many fruit! Fuck citrus though!
Awawaeawawa oh my gosh ahhh thank you thank you thank you!
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twootietarte · 5 years
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New products AND new sets?! 
Launched our new section to the shop: shower steamers (since y'all asked for it) Along with a April exclusive bubble bar, Paopu Fruit body lotion, Matcha whipped sugar scrub and epsom salts. Click here to check them out.
We also have new Easter/non holiday baskets & sets available for purchase. If you want the ones with the handles you'll have to message me for a free shipping coupon to reserve it and then come pick it up in person or at a convention in the next month. 
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remmammie · 3 years
Hi, can I ask you to write for a Valentine's day with Sora, Ventus and Roxas (separated) please? Have a good day and a lot of fun.
I deeply apologise for how late this is! This is the first time I've ever received a tumblr ask and I didn't realise tumblr wouldn't tell me when one came through...I hope you can forgive me, so I put in the effort to make these headcannons longer than I typically see them!
St Valentine's Day with Sora, Roxas, and Ventus
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Sora is either completely invested in Valentine’s Day or…he forgot. It’s not his fault! He’s a busy young man with worlds to save and food to make at the Bistro.
Speaking of, if you’re lucky this year and he remembers, the Bistro is the first place he goes. With Remy’s help, he can make you whatever your favourite thing to eat is - it’s definitely something he’s memorised and he’ll definitely go out and get all the ingredients himself: hand-picked with love.
He’d hand it over to his s/o with a giant, toothy smile and invite them to sit outside the Bistro with him in Twilight Town, bathed in the light of the sunset and that of a candle between them. Adorable! But it’s Sora, so we knew that would be the case.
However, if he forgets…that changes things. He’d panic, first of all, when Kairi asked what thing he had planned, then be embarrassed when both her and Riku would laugh at him. Still, they’d help throw something together at mach speed, not liking to see their best friend unhappy.
With Riku distracting Sora’s s/o from the concept of Valentine’s Day, maybe taking them to places Sora and his s/o have been together to get them talking about just why they love Sora, about all the memories they’ve shared with him, Sora and Kairi get to work throwing together enough food for a light, cute, and romantic picnic. Well, more Sora’s making things on his own and Kairi is supervising, making sure he doesn’t blow up the kitchen. She doesn’t want to interfere - it’s Sora and his s/o’s day.
Inevitably, his s/o will be taken to Destiny Islands only to see Sora waiting on the islet with the Paopu fruit tree, wicker basket and blanket in hand and a big, cheesy Sora-grin on his face. It looks like he never forgot! Except he did and he’s really nervous and disappointed in himself for doing it. He would never tell, though.
Of course, after the picnic filled with finger foods and laughs, Sora suggests sharing a Paopu fruit. He claims that they don’t need it to stay together because they’re already attached at the hip, but his s/o appreciates the sentiment and obviously shares it with him - destiny to be together written in the star…shaped fruit.
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Newly recompleted and having spent his entire life as a Nobody, Roxas never really got to know about Valentine’s Day. Obviously the Organization never taught him because why would it be necessary? He barely even understood what the concept of love was - he still doesn’t fully - so he’ll be pretty clueless.
His s/o shouldn’t expect him to know straight off of the bat and either needs to tell him what a “Valentine’s Day” is first, or should wait for one of Roxas’ best friends to step in. Lea got to know what Valentine’s Day was from his time alive in Radiant Garden so, as soon as February arrives and Lea remembers Roxas has an s/o, he thinks to bring it up one sunset on the clocktower. He does try to be subtle, but we all know that’s not Lea’s style.
“Roxas, you gettin’ your s/o anything for Valentine’s Day?” Roxas glanced up from his ice cream, looking towards his best friend, incredulity written across his face. Lea seemed serious, so the redhead wasn’t teasing him…this time.
“Huh? What’s a ‘Valentine’s Day?’”
It takes a long time for Roxas to fully grasp the concept of Valentine’s Day, but he’s not against it at all. In fact, he’s actually really interested. Unfortunately for him, Lea doesn’t remember the backstory for the holiday, nor does Lea really care. He might boast about getting lots of chocolates and secret letters as a kid, but Roxas is too busy staring at the sunset, wondering just what to get for his s/o.
He asks around a bit because the only gift-giving he’s ever done is ice-cream to the Twilight Trio, seashells to Xion, and an ice-cream stick to Lea. Lea gives the basics - you know, chocolate, or flowers, or a sweet letter - and Xion is…just as clueless as Roxas but suggests something that holds a lot of meaning, something that brings up pleasant memories of Roxas and his s/o; and the Twilight Trio suggest spending quality time with his s/o, just being somewhere important with them and spending the day by their side.
In the end and as indecisive as ever, Roxas decides to take all three into account. Expect the ice-cream first because it’s extremely in character for Roxas to start with what he knows best, something he’s comfortable with and knows well.
He’s pretty nervous about handing over a letter with all his feelings for you written down on because he’s spent so long containing those emotions under the Organization’s rule. His hands are shaky when he hands it over, but his smile is so genuine and so are the words. It’s nothing flowery or metaphorically complex, it’s just so…Roxas.
Finally, he made sure the clocktower would be empty for the sunset of Valentine’s Day. He loves his friends, but he loves you more. The sunset is so fitting, so beautiful - no other sunset can contend with that of his first real Valentine’s Day with his s/o.
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While Ventus has heard of Valentine’s Day, he’s always spent it as just any other day with Master Eraqus, Terra, and Aqua, so he doesn’t really know how to make it special. Differentiating between platonic love and romantic love is difficult for him so do expect him to be really casual and do what he usually does.
He feels too embarrassed to ask Terra or Aqua for help - they already tease him for having an s/o, he doesn’t need to put on edge even more from them! He skims through a few books on his shelves from his room but finds himself gagging at all the flouncy romance scenes in them. (Why did he have those books again?) Ultimately, the day before Valentine’s Day, Ventus is laid under the stars, staring up as he thinks of what to do. He does really want the day to be special because he really loves his s/o but…
The idea hits him at that moment right there. He adores star-gazing, waiting for whatever could happen, and thinking about the vastness of the worlds beyond his own. Sure, he star-gazed with Aqua and Terra too sometimes, but they never took it seriously. So, why not take his s/o to The Land of Departure and gaze at the sky above together? He worries it might be boring, but there’s nothing else more meaningful to him.
So, side-by-side, Ventus lays beside his s/o, laughing and gossiping about the day they had together travelling from world to world and having as much fun as possible. Most of their time was spent in Disney Town, eating custom-made ice cream. It was a breath of fresh air for him to be in The Castle of Dreams and not be small, simply dancing in the main ballroom with his s/o, no matter how terrible he may have been at that kind of dancing. Maybe his clothes were still a little damp from splashing water at his s/o in Neverland, but the night air in The Land of Departure would dry it out. After all, they had brought a blanket - they planned on staying there all night, hands intertwined, star-gazing and being together.
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phoenix-downer · 2 years
A Steady Wish Chapter 9
~1720 words. Sora/Kairi. Set during KH4. Memory Loss, Angst, Romance, Fluff, Longing, Pining, Hurt/Comfort. Updates Weekly on Fridays.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13
Summary: Kairi plans her promised date with Sora, but when he doesn’t show up, she senses something has gone terribly wrong. 
(The author’s note at the end has content warnings.)
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Kairi’s eyes fluttered open, and sunlight streamed through the nearby window. Not the brilliant sunlight from back home, but a strange, alien sunlight that felt more cold than warm.
Quadratum. How much time had passed since she first came here? Three days? Four? It all seemed to run together. She rolled over and sat up, and the blankets bunched around her legs.
And yet, she couldn’t say her time here had been unpleasant. Tinged with melancholy, sure, but being around Sora after over a year of separation made everything warmer. Lighter. Reaching for her phone, she checked to see if he’d sent her any messages. Sure enough, there were a few new ones. The first said, Good morning, Kairi ❤️ and then the next couple were some of the pictures they’d taken together at the purikura booth.
She blushed at the one where she’d kissed him on the cheek, but then thought of the perfect way to tease him. Good morning, Sora ❤️ Have you changed your phone background yet?
A few moments later, he sent her a screenshot of his phone background, changed to the very image she was referring to. There, now everyone will know we’re a couple, he texted.
They will ❤️
You don’t mind?
Not at all. I hope today’s fights go well. I wish I could help Thanks. It’ll be over before you know it, and then we can go on that date like you promised
It’s a promise!
She didn’t want to distract him while he was fighting, so she focused instead on getting ready for the day, then ran to a nearby grocery store to get Strelitzia some groceries. While she was perusing the fruit, she noticed the same star fruit Sora had served her earlier. Smiling to herself, she grabbed a couple and put them in her basket.
Once the groceries were purchased and safely put away, she sat on the couch and got on her Gummiphone to research things to do here. Ueno Park looked nice, though most of the museums nearby would be about to close by the time she and Sora could get there. Searching for places near Ueno Park led her to the Asakusa area of Quadratum though, and her eyes lit up at all the places they could go: the ancient Sensoji Temple with Nakamise shopping street leading up to it, Sumida River and its accompanying park, and then Quadratum Skytree with its panoramic views of the entire city.
Sora had taken her on such a wonderful date yesterday that she wanted to make sure she did the same for him. So she carefully planned out an itinerary for them and picked a few recommended restaurants. A little shop in the area promised the most delicious-sounding chocolate by a company called Royce’, and given how much of a sweet tooth Sora had, she was sure he’d like it. Their nama chocolate sounded to die for: melt-in-your-mouth chocolate blocks infused with liquer and dusted with cocoa powder. Her mouth was watering just reading about it.
She figured they could buy several flavors, then come back here and share them. The star fruit too, if he was okay with that. A part of her hoped it would trigger his memory. It was a shame she handn’t brought any actual paopu fruit with her; that would probably be even more effective.
Her plans decided, she tidied up the apartment and got ready for their date, then waited patiently for Sora to finish for the day. Strelitzia wouldn’t be back till later tonight, so she had the apartment to herself.
But 4:00 happened and he didn’t show. Then it was 4:05 and still nothing. Frowning, she sent him a text. No response. Nothing from Riku either. A knock on their door proved useless too.
A deep sense of dread settled in her gut as she paced back and forth. It wasn’t like either of them to blow her off like this. She’d go looking for them, but Quadratum was so huge that she could search for days and might still never—
She gasped and clutched her chest. A strong sensation had just pulled at her heart, making her double over and knocking the wind out of her. Something was very, very wrong.
“Is Sora in danger?” she said weakly. He had to be for her stomach to be twisting into knots. The only other time she’d felt like this was in her dream when she’d faced off against Xehanort. He weakened her defenses and was about to strike a final blow against her when Sora came for her.
He always came for her. Maybe it was time she went to him. The paopu fruit was supposed to connect them, after all.
Straightening, she closed her eyes and focused on her bond with him. I have to go to him, I have to, he needs me and I promised, I swore I would keep him safe—
A strange tingling sensation traveled up and down her body, and then the safe walls of Strelitzia’s apartment faded away. Loud noises and blurry colors surrounded her, and for a disconcerting moment, Kairi existed neither in the apartment nor on this city street: she was in between two places, neither fully here nor there. Then a loud crackle sounded out and she fully materialized in the new location.
She was on a busy city street, but people were running away. A quick glance to the right told her why: a strange Heartless was attacking. It was enormous and like nothing Kairi had ever seen before. Pureblood, from the looks of it, with giant dark wings and a humanoid appearance. and darkness poured off of it and flooded the surrounding area. The Heartless moved quickly too, almost like it was warping around, and Kairi’s eyes struggled to track it.
And where was Sora? She couldn’t see him, couldn’t even hear him through all the noise—
There, on a nearby street corner. The darkness cleared long enough for her to spot him. His cheek was bleeding and his face was dirty and he was panting hard. Why wasn’t his fight over? It was supposed to be finished over an hour ago, and he had to be exhausted.
She raced towards him, her heart hammering in her chest. That sense of dread just kept building and building. Would she make it in time, or—
The Heartless appeared right in front of him. It knocked his Keyblade out of his hand, and Kairi’s heart froze. No. No. If he died here, he’d lose the game. And Riku’s words flashed through her mind: I’d hate to think what happens if we die in this world.
If Sora died here, he might die for real. Be lost to her for good. She couldn’t let that happen. Even if it cost her. Even if it killed her. At least this might not be the end for her. But it would be for him unless she intervened.
Her Keyblade appeared in her hand, and she threw it at the Heartless and warped after it. An instant later, she came between Sora and the Heartless. His eyes widened when he saw her there, and she smiled to reassure him.
But her Keyblade didn’t return to her in time. The swipe of the Heartless’s claw caught her full in the back, and she let out a choked cry. In an instant Sora’s expression morphed from surprise to horror, and she crumpled into his arms as his screams filled the air.
She was vaguely aware of Riku and Strelitzia’s voices floating in the background. That was good. They could take care of the Heartless for now. It was nice having friends so dependable.
She called on her light, but it didn’t respond. Panicking, she called on it again. Nothing. Why wasn’t her light working like it was supposed to? Well, this was a different reality. Her Keyblade worked, but maybe she’d given up the protection her light provided when she came here.
Ah well. Seeing Sora again… it was worth it. A hot tear landed on her cheek, and she looked up at his face. His eyes were rimmed with red, and his tears kept dripping on her cheek. She’d wanted to see him again, more than anything, but it broke her heart to see him like this.
“Don’t cry,” she said weakly, then cupped his cheek and wiped his tears away. “I never wanted…  to make you… cry.”
He just wept and brokenly said her name. And though he was shaking and trembling and sobbing his heart out, he leaned down and kissed her so sweetly and tenderly her pain faded a little.
Even in his pain he was so good to her. Before his memory loss had sheltered him from his trauma; in a single instant that protection was shattered. He knew, and how she wished he could go back to blissful ignorance. This wasn’t how she’d wanted him to remember her. All his pain over losing her before, all of his distress and suffering, it had descended on him all at once, and the hurt in Kairi’s heart for him rivaled the pain in her back. It was bad enough that he’d suffered through this before, and now he was suffering through it again. And yet, she was glad he did remember, glad he loved her so much that his thoughts were of comforting her, of letting her know he remembered.
She wanted to return to him even a fraction of the care he showed for her.
“Sora, listen to me, there’s—something—I need to tell you,” she managed between pants. She felt herself growing weaker by the instant, and she knew she didn’t have long. Whatever magic was at play here, she couldn’t hold out against it forever. So she smiled weakly and caressed his cheek. He needed to hear this, even if this hadn’t been exactly how she’d planned on telling him.
He rested his hand over hers and nodded. He was so warm and gentle, so kind and familiar.
“I love you,” she said softly, and his smile was bittersweet. Beautiful as always, but his eyes were filled with pain in spite of his joy.
“I love you too, Kairi,” he replied, his voice breaking, and with that, he faded from her vision.
A/N: Content warnings: Kairi takes a blow meant for Sora, and it triggers his memories due to past trauma. Kairi's fate is left ambiguous at the end of the chapter. 
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aquafolia · 3 years
Sokai Day Fic 1: True Love’s Kiss(es)
So yes, I am a Classics/ancient history blog, and this is obviously super different from the content I normally post on this blog. Please forgive me, but I’ve recently become OBSESSED with Kingdom Hearts and I have nowhere else to post this stuff at the moment. So please forgive me, normal content will resume soon!
Anyway, as I said I just started playing the KH games for the first time this summer and it’s been so much fun. And seeing all the amazing stories and artwork in this fandom has inspired me to write some stuff too. Anyway, I’m Holly, and I hope y’all enjoy :)
True Love’s Kiss(es)
‘Ugh!’ Kairi groaned, unceremoniously setting down the basket she held in her hands. ‘I forgot that when you pick apples, you have to actually carry them all back, too!’
‘Your basket’s not even half full, Kairi,’ Sora remarked, ‘and we’ve only just started!’
She grinned. ‘Well then, it’s a good thing I have a strong, manly boyfriend to help me carry all of these.’
He could hardly argue with that. Sora feigned displeasure by rolling his eyes and letting out a dramatic groan, which made Kairi giggle. But then he walked over to her, grabbing one of the basket’s handles as she grabbed the other, and the pair made their way deeper down the rows of apple trees. They could hear the distant shouts and laughs of their friends echoing through the orchard as they went. Apparently, Twilight Town– a world basically in perpetual autumn–  was known for its fall festivities, including its legendary apple orchards. Once they’d visited the orchards, the gang hoped Remi would help them make apple pies, apple cider, and all sorts of goodies during their visit. To that end, the group had decided to break up into teams in order to pick as many apples as they could carry. Today, Sora and Kairi were paired up. But Sora knew that if they only returned with a measly half basket of apples, the others would surely tease them, accuse them of slacking off.
They wouldn’t be totally wrong, Sora thought with a grin. Sure, Kairi was determined to focus on their task: she was deep in concentration, examining each apple carefully before deciding to place it in her basket. Sora, on the other hand, was much more determined to get Kairi off task. It wasn’t that Sora didn’t want to help out, but this was an opportunity for him and Kairi to spend some time alone– that was a temptation greater than any fruit, in Sora’s world.
Kairi set her sights on a shiny red apple that hung high on a nearby tree. She stood up on her tiptoes, making adorable little noises as she tried to grab it. Sora was staring intently, but not at the apple: Kairi’s form was stretched out in front of him as she reached high over her head, accentuating her curves, and Sora was mesmerized. It was only when she said his name that he snapped out of his trance: ‘Sora,’ she called out, not taking her eyes off the fruit, ‘would you come over and help me with this one? You should be able to–’
Kairi shrieked as Sora, having silently moved behind her, wrapped his arms around her legs and hoisted her up onto his shoulder.
‘Tall enough now?’ he asked casually.
Her surprised squeak was the only reply Kairi could muster. Once she’d successfully picked the apple, Sora released her hips. He held her by the waist as her body slid down his until she landed gently on the ground. Even in the autumn chill, Sora could feel his cheeks burning.
Having regained some of her composure, with a giggle, Kairi said, ‘Guess we make a pretty good team, huh?’ before she turned to the next tree. Sora tried to hide it by replying with a level ‘Absolutely,’ but inside, he was beaming: watching the effect he had on Kairi just never got old for him– but given how hard he had to try to appear cool and unfazed, it wasn’t like he was much better than she was.
Now that he’d had his fun, Sora walked up next to Kairi to help out. The pair picked apples side by side, happily chatting and admiring each other's finds, and over time, their basket filled with bright red apples. While they worked, something about the orchard nagged at Sora’s mind, but he couldn't place it. As he studied a large, blood-red apple in his hands, it finally clicked.
‘All these apples remind me of Snow White,’ Sora remarked. ‘Aqua told me how Snow White’s evil stepmother tried to kill her by getting her to eat a poisoned apple. The dwarves thought she was dead, so they placed her in a beautiful glass casket,’ Sora recalled, his eyes still fixed on the apple. He found himself absentmindedly tracing the spot on his chest where a scar marred the skin over his heart: the permanent reminder of his sacrifice for Kairi– well, his first one, anyway.
‘But she wasn’t dead,’ Sora continued, thought bleeding into memory. ‘She was asleep, and she couldn’t wake up…’
‘Until her true love saved her.’
That broke Sora out of his reverie. He looked up to find Kairi already gazing at him, her eyes soft and sincere. Sora replied, ‘Yeah… Reminds me of another princess I know.’
Did she really mean…?  They’d talked about their first adventure numerous times before, but she’d never said it like that.
‘I would have killed for a nice bed to sleep on,’ she continued. ‘You and Riku took me on quite a journey– napping peacefully in a meadow sounds pretty good to me,’ Kairi said with a grin.
A breeze drifted through the orchard, rustling the leaves over their heads. ‘I remember your dad telling us all those old fairy tales when we were kids,’ Sora said. ‘After all the adventures we’ve had… it’s strange to think we sort of became one ourselves.’
‘They’re not always as fun to live as they are to hear…’ Kairi remarked, almost to herself, ‘when you don’t know if there’ll be a happy ending after all.’ Her eyes grew distant, drifting aimlessly down the row of apple trees.  ‘I… I still remember waking up at Hollow Bastion, seeing that Keyblade in your chest… And then how you–’ she started, but then faltered, unable to bring herself to say what came next.
Sora gently placed a hand on her shoulder, turning her to face him. She still seemed lost in thought, not meeting his eyes. ‘I know what you mean. But we did get one, didn’t we, Kairi? It took a while, and we’ve had to find each other again and again, but now you’re here. And thanks to you, I’m here. We’re finally together, and nothing is ever going to change that. That’s the best ‘happily ever after’ I could have wished for.’
The pair were alone, the trees standing sentry around them, but his voice grew softer all the same: these words were just for her. ‘All that doesn’t really matter anymore,’ Sora continued. ‘What I mean is… what matters is that we’re here now. That means it was all worth it.’ He took her hand, interlacing their fingers. ‘Back at Hollow Bastion, when I saw your eyes open just before mine closed, when I knew your heart was safe… it was worth it, Kairi.’
She finally looked up at him. Sora hoped his eyes conveyed the sincerity of his words: It had all been for her– and it had all been worth it, every moment. Every time Sora got to see her sweet smile, got to hear her lovely laugh, it was worth it. And now, he wasn’t just connected to her across the worlds by promises and oaths– if he wanted to find Kairi, all Sora had to do was reach for her hand. How was that not a dream come true?
A small smile forming on her lips, Kairi gave him a look of such love and gratitude that Sora knew she felt the same. ‘It just makes our time together now even more precious to me,’ she finally said, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. ‘I’m never going to take this for granted.’
Sora decided then to gather her into his arms and bring her close, her head resting in the crook of his neck, his cheek on her soft hair. ‘You know,’ he started after a pause, ‘I have to admit, when I heard Snow White’s story, I got a bit jealous.’
Kairi pulled back just enough to shoot him a quizzical look. ‘Jealous?’
‘Yeah, of Prince Florian. All he had to do to wake up Snow White and save the day was kiss her– pretty nice deal, if you ask me,’ Sora explained. Kairi smiled, but her eyes were still a bit sad. So he continued, a grin spreading across his face, ‘Don’t know why I didn’t think to try that first…’
‘Oh, Sora!’ Kairi giggled, giving Sora a playful smack on his arm, her face brighter. ‘What, does that mean you thought about kissing Ven at some point, too?’ she countered.
‘I was getting so desperate to find the Power of Waking, I just might have!’ Sora replied, and they both laughed again. Keeping one arm around Kairi, he took a bite from the apple still in his hand. It was crisp and fresh, and amazingly sweet– it was just right, like everything else in this moment.
Suddenly, with a smirk on her face, Kairi plucked the half-eaten apple from Sora’s hand. She lifted the fruit to her lips, holding Sora’s gaze as she took a large bite next to where he’d just bitten, a small drop of juice running down her chin as she chewed. All Sora could do was watch her, hopelessly mesmerized. It was bold, yet playful– Kairi to a T. Before Sora’s brain could fully resume normal functioning, Kairi said, feigning innocence, ‘What? Isn’t sharing fruit kind of our thing? It’s no paopu fruit, but still…’
Staring into her eyes, the radiant sunset bathing them in soft, warm light, Sora grew bold himself: They’d spent so long in silence, so long apart, why waste any time? He’d fought so hard to find her, to come back to her, over and over again. She was right here– if he wanted to kiss her, what on earth was there to consider? Sora reached a hand forward to cup her cheek, wiping the juice from the corner of her lip with his thumb. Kairi let the gentle pull of his thumb part her lips. ‘It is pretty good,’ Sora said, ‘but… you definitely taste better.’ And with that, he lowered his head and kissed her. He heard the sound of the apple landing on the ground, utterly forgotten, as Kairi’s arms wound around his neck.
And Sora had to admit, kissing Kairi felt pretty magical– Maybe those fairytales were onto something after all.
But of course, the distant sound of Aqua, Ven, and Riku calling out in search of them forced the pair to break their kiss, albeit begrudgingly. Sora expected Kairi to step away, pick up her basket, maybe call out to their friends– but she didn’t. She stayed as she was in Sora’s arms, one hand resting on his shirt, over the scar. Sora could feel his heartbeat racing under her touch. When she looked up at him again, something in her eyes was different. Still happy, but mixed with something else– not just happiness, but a determination to be so.
‘This is a pretty large orchard,’ Kairi remarked, her eyes bright. ‘Our friends probably won’t find us for a little while longer…’
‘We’d better not make them wait too long, or Axel will use his chakrams to–’
Kairi grabbed Sora’s hoodie with both hands and pulled him back down to her lips. For a moment, Sora stood frozen, eyes wide with shock. But as she melted into him, his eyes fluttered closed and he wound his arms around her, each kiss between them less ‘Fairy Godmother Friendly’ than the last. Traditionally, in all those fairytales, the heroes only ever got one ‘True Love’s Kiss.’ Sora considered himself the luckiest prince of all time– he had a never ending supply.
Twilight Town was always just that– hanging in perpetual dusk. So Sora really didn’t know how long he and Kairi spent like that, lost in laughter and kisses and caresses beneath the trees. But once their friends’ voices grew dangerously close, Sora and Kairi managed to untangle themselves, wiping swollen lips, readjusting ruffled clothing, and fixing disheveled hair (not that Sora’s hair had been tidy in the first place– and Kairi burst out laughing when she realized her attempts to smooth it didn’t do much good, either). As Kairi called out to their friends, Sora picked up her basket, now full of delicious looking apples, and the pair began to head back toward the orchard entrance. They probably hadn’t gathered the most apples– and he was sure their friends would point that fact out–  but Sora didn’t care one bit. He wouldn’t have traded this day for anything.
‘Hey Kairi?’ Sora said as they walked, ‘For the record, if I’m ever in a fruit induced coma– or any other kind of coma, really– feel free to make out with me, in order to revive me. Thought I should say so, you know, just in case.’
‘Oh, really?’ She teased back. ‘I’ll make sure to tell Donald– you always complain he never uses Curaga when you need it.’
‘What? No! Ew, gross!’ Sora blanched as Kairi dissolved into laughter. But when his eyes found hers again, he couldn’t help but smile.
As her giggles died out, she replied, 'Okay, I’ll remember that… But that doesn’t mean you can go throw yourself into danger so I’ll kiss you better!’
‘I can’t help it– when you kiss me, I feel like I can do anything,’ Sora answered simply. Kairi’s eyes widened at his remark, and she ducked her head as her cheeks bloomed pink. Sora beamed. He may have been laying it on her thick, but Sora wasn’t lying: He had true love on his side– the most powerful magic of all.
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xekutozoren · 7 months
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Fesuto?🧨 (KH Furuba/Paopu Basket)
"Aqua? You're THE Aqua? Kiirei na oneesan, ne!"
Ven kinda made a debut before in the promo doodle in his animal form but here's his official one in the series keke
He's the bunneh 🐇aka KH Momiji.
Plot is largely the same, the only difference being he doesn't kiss Aqua on the cheek and doesn't have a crush on her. Aqua is just confused as she walks off.
Wow, his hair is just...wow. 😂 It's so much more complicated than I thought it was before I attempted to sketch it. As a kid, I always liked his hair best, it's just so cool-looking and endearing. And I never understood the physics of it.
Instead of German, I'm making him half Japanese, since this AU series is in English. (Cuz I don't know German, sorry, I know that German would probably work better given his physical appearance)
Ref from Free!
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miss-tc-nova · 4 years
You Won - Sora x Reader
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HI! First off, thank you so much for this request. I needed some more fluff in my life. Second, of course I had to pick Sora, Sora said the line! Okay, I didn’t have to but it felt so right! Third, I hope this lives up to your expectations. I had to mull it over for a while, but once I got it going it was fun. Please enjoy.
              “Okay, you can let go now. But don’t look yet.”
              Against instructions, I tighten my grip, pressing my face harder against the young man’s back.
              “Ugh! Sora!”
              “You’re gonna be okay. I promise.” A hand taps at my fists. “But please let go; you’re gonna squeeze my guts out.”
              I release him to slide my hands over my eyes. I feel him get off the massive, bike-like machine he calls a keyblade glider.
              “You’re not gonna leave me here, are you?”
              “No. I just need a minute.”
              “You know, when you go on blind dates, you still get to see the guy you’re going out with,” I say sarcastically.
              “What’s a blind date?”
              “Not this.”
              Sora laughs. “Just relax. I’ll be done soon.”
              Grumbling, I set in to wait.
              When I woke up this morning, I knew that my boyfriend had plans for us today; what I didn’t expect was for him to take me to an entirely different world.
              Once we got into a serious relationship, Sora kind of spilled the beans on his magical powers—meaning he started talking about wild adventures like a crazy person until Riku slapped him. I might’ve just let it slip and excused it as Sora’s wild imagination had Riku not overreacted. Once I picked the brunette out of the sand, I had to pry the story out of them. All of it was nonsense to me—a fairy tale they had made up or something—but Sora proved me wrong with the keyblade. In a matter of minutes, he got me believing in magic and that, maybe, other worlds really did exist. Well today he proved they did by taking me to one.
              “You’re not peeking, are you?” Sora calls, breaking into my musings.
              “No,” I groan.
              “Are you sure?” I can hear the smile in his accusation.
              “Yes, Sora, I’m sure.”
              “Good. I’m gonna pick you up.”
              “WhaaaAAAAAAA!” My arms immediately circle his neck when I’m lifted from my seat.
              His hold tightens. “Don’t worry. I got you.”
              Trusting Sora is as easy as breathing; so while I’m nervous and mildly uncomfortable, I keep my eyes closed and rest my face against his shoulder. A warm breeze washes across my skin. I can hear the dancing of leaves high above us and the song of a bird or two. I could probably fall asleep in the comfort of the moment if not for the fact there’s a surprise waiting for me.
              Sora’s arms shift, lowering my feet. I keep a tight fist of his shirt for a sense of stability.
              “Can I look now?”
              “Ye-No! Wait!” He takes my hand off his shirt before leaving me stranded.
              “Hold on!”
              I growl but let him run around a bit more while I’ve got my eyes closed. I can hear him fighting with something, frustrated growl and all.
              “Okay! Okay,” he says.
              “Can I look now?” It’s endearing that he’s trying to make it all perfect, but he got my hopes up that this blind thing was over, so I’m getting antsy.
              “Uh…Yeah! Now you can look.”
              The light is blinding yet only a few blinks fend off the brightness. Met with a beautiful scene, I awe. Trees tower high above, spreading their leaves to dapple shade on the ground. Green grass flourishes with patches of colorful flowers spread about. The weather is perfect and serene. This is a place I’d only seen in fairy tales.
              I’m definitely not on Destiny Islands anymore.
              Sitting in a shady spot of grass is a blanket with a basket, food containers, and even a little round vase with some of the wild flowers in it. Eyes roll because I should’ve known this would be a picnic. Beside the spread stands my boyfriend with the most excited, hopeful grin I think I’ve ever seen him wear.
              It takes two strides to wrap him up in an embrace. Excitedly, I ask, “When did you plan all this?”
              “Like two weeks ago.”
              “Two weeks?” Sifting through memories, I remember. Folding my arms, I say, “You mean when you told me Riku needed your help training?”
              “Uh huh. You realize when you plan a surprise, you should probably tell the guy who’s supposed to be your alibi?”
              His smile disappears. “What do you mean?”
              “I mean that I found Riku in town and grilled him about what you were up to.” Sora’s eyes widen in horror. “That guy better be your best friend. I knew he was lying his little heart out but he made up some excuse on the spot and stuck to it.’
              Shoulders slump. “Aww, you knew?”
              I reply, “I knew something was up, but I didn’t know what…And then I kinda forgot about it.”
              “Pfft. You forgot?”
              I grin. “Yeah. So it’s still a good surprise.”
              Sora nuzzles his nose against mine. “Thank goodness.”
              Hands against my back pull me flush against him. Soft lips press into my cheek and proceed to drop little pecks as they trail to my neck. A giggle comes from the tickling sensation. Reactively, I lift my shoulder to push him away and he places one more on my nose.
              “I love you,” he says softly.
              “I love you too.” I return the cheek kiss. “So what’s for lunch today, lover boy?”
              “Oh! This place has great soup and amazing bread!”
              “Perfect. I’m starving.”
              As we eat, just enough sunlight sprinkles through the leaves to keep warm even in the shade. By the time the food is all gone, I can already see where this is going. Sora flops onto his side, resting his head in my lap. It takes minutes for his eyelids to start drooping. A tuneless hum floats through the air as I run my fingers through his hair. He drifts off in peace soon after.
              I can’t help glancing around at the sight I would never see on our home world, still enamored by the foreign beauty. And then I look back at Sora. For a guy from such a small world, he’s seen so much. I’m sure there are plenty of other beautiful sights than just this. I thought I was happy and content on Destiny Islands in its familiarity and security, but in this moment, I’m tempted to make Sora take me to another wonderous site. So I would have completely understood if he never returned to Destin Islands ever again.
              But Sora came home. Despite being able to run off on adventures that could last a life time, he went back to Destiny Islands, and I don’t understand why.
              “What’s wrong?”
              My eyes shoot down to the boy in my lap. Sleepy eyes blink his nap away.
              “Nothing. Why?”
              “You got a crease between your eyebrows.”
              I realize I’m frowning and relax. “I was just thinking.”
              “’Bout what?” he yawns.
              There’s nothing to be gained from asking my question—it’s in the past so it’s not like anything will change. Still, I want to understand the choice that changed my life.
              “Why did you go back to Destiny Islands?”
              “C’mon, Destiny Islands is pretty, but it’s just one sight out of probably millions out there. There’s so much out there to see, so why did you go back?”
              His blue eyes shift to the sky. “Well, like you said, there’s so much out there—more than I’ll ever be able to see in my whole life. It’s nice to go out and explore those new things, but sometimes, you just miss home. Besides, ever since I first saw you, I could always feel something pulling me back.”
              “I’m sorry what?” He gives me a toothy grin. “No, don’t grin at me. What are you talking about? Were you stalking me?!”
              “No! I just-…I mean-…”
              Tugging at his cheeks, I say, “Mean what? Spit it out!”
              He pushes my hands off, a blush dusting his face. “Uh, well, me, Riku, and Kairi wanted to get off the islands so bad, we started building a raft. They told me to find supplies and, while I was doing that, I saw you for the first time. You were sitting by the paopu tree and…I remember thinking you were the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen.” Blood rushes into my ears. “I was gonna ask you to come with us…but I chickened out. Then stuff happened and I went to other worlds. But no matter what amazing things I saw, I couldn’t help comparing them to you—and you won every time.”
              My heart is fluttering in my chest at his confession. But Sora’s not done. He looks me in the eyes and, with complete seriousness, says, “I told myself if I ever made it back, I was gonna ask you out on a date.”
              A hand clams over my mouth while my dumbfounded brain scrambles for a response.
              Sora sits up, looking at me in concern. “You okay?”
              What comes from my stupid mouth is sarcasm. “You’re such a dork.”
              He protests, “Oh come on! Don’t you believe in love at first sight?”
              Sora scowls. As I’m coming down from the fluster, I can’t help smiling as I rest my palm against his cheek.
              “But I do believe in you. And your heart has never let you down before, has it?”
              The frown shifts to surprise and then cheeky glee. “No, it hasn’t.”
              “That’s all I need to hear.”
              Our lips meet in a tender kiss, rallying butterflies in my chest. He’s goofy and ridiculous and not always the smartest person, but Sora is the brightest person I’ve ever met. He’s my sunshine and I’ve never been happier. Knowing that he paused his adventures for me, I can’t even begin to explain how ecstatic—and bashful—that makes me. That emotion reaches my lips through a smile.
              Sora breaks away, mirroring the expression. “What?”
              “You’re amazing, Sora.”
              “Not as amazing as you.” I attempt to hide my face but he’s already caught on. “Aw, you’re blushing. What’s wrong, buttercup?”
              “Sora, stop,” I complain, not great with compliments. Blood is pooling in my cheeks; I can feel it.
              He’s laughing at me. “But you’re so cute.”
              Sora pulls my hands from my face, capturing me with those gleaming ocean eyes. “I love you.”
              I huff with a glance away. “I love you too.”
              A firm tug pulls me against his chest. “Good.”
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mimiplaysgames · 3 years
Terraqua Week Day 7 (Night Sky)
Summary: They don’t know it’s called love. Terra and Aqua dare a night out in a storm. || Word Count: 4,511
Read on AO3
A/N: @terraquaweek AAAAAAA it’s over!! It’s been a wild ride. This particular fic I feel is my weakest of the collection - I literally ran out of time to make this one special in my eyes. It’s just a soft and tender fic. I’m sorry I couldn’t give a stronger conclusion, but I hope you take something you like out this one regardless!
The sky over Destiny Islands is beautiful. Like the mountains in the Land of Departure, we’re isolated here, an audience to pinpricks of light blinking down at us with secrets from far away. 
Kairi’s been begging us to visit for a couple of nights to stargaze with her and her friends. She says we’ll be blown away. Tonight, storm clouds blot the sky in clumps, leaving us breaks in between to guess constellations. I do believe you could see stars from Destiny Islands you can’t see anywhere else, even though we all share the same sky. It’s special.
Ven points to a nebula, millions of miles away. “Hold on, is that—” 
“The star system of Montressor, yep.” Terra takes a swish of water.
“It’s so much closer here.”
“What’s Montressor?” Sora crushes melted marshmallow onto chocolate, his fingers coated. 
We’re sharing a fire, camping out on the beach and listening to the waves crashing. The beach overwhelms the senses in a way that grounds you. I can’t see the ocean through the darkness, but I can smell it. I can feel it by the humidity that drapes over my skin. There’s no mistaking where I am. The beach in the Realm of Darkness smelled like nothing. 
And yet, if I walked into the water, I’d walk forever. The horizon vanishes at night.
The cloudy weather lately has made it difficult for us to see everything, so Terra has asked if we could stay longer. This is our third night.
“It’s a cluster of its own stars, like a galaxy.” Terra denies chocolate with his s’more. “The people there travel between different planets with their skyships.”
Kairi snorts. “The adults told us that a god sneezed millions of years ago and that’s his celestial booger smear.”
Sora gapes. “That sounds cool, I’ve never been.”
“You’re missing out,” Riku says, smirking as he chews.
“Wait, when did you go?”
Kairi plucks a marshmallow from the basket. “We can schedule a trip together. It will be fun.”
Terra cocks an eyebrow. “If you enjoy getting mugged by sky pirates.”
Sora leans forward, eyes wide at Terra’s nose. “Sky pirates? There’s such a thing? Oh, I’m in.”
They’re lovely kids, self-trained and their technique shows it. I take a sip of water out of a straw from a coconut that Riku had broken in half by smashing it against a boulder. 
Terra eyes me from across the fire, holding my gaze as he drinks. We chose not to sit next to each other—no one else needs to know—but I admit that from this angle, I get to enjoy the way he looks at me. It was only last night that he held my hand and brushed his lips against mine, tucked behind a palm tree where no one saw us. I came back to the hut with fire on my cheeks. I still feel it in my stomach.
I can’t help my smile. I want to look at him longer but I don’t, so I cross my legs. 
Paopu fruits hang on the trees nearby. Ven has mentioned (in front of everyone else) that Terra and I should share one. I told him to shut up, and he hasn’t brought it up again since. 
“If we’re lucky,” Sora says, “we could see a meteor shower.”
I choke on my drink but keep my lips sealed.
Ven opens his mouth to reply but Terra hands him a warning glare.
Every star in the sky is a world. When worlds fall, the sphere that holds them together breaks into pieces, like the glass that shatters when the lantern is dropped. That is a meteor shower, but I wouldn’t want to break anyone’s heart if they believe otherwise.
“Don’t you wish upon them?” I ask, forcing myself to swallow. The thought of wishing upon the harm of others, even unintentionally, churns me. “Is that the tradition?”
“You mean you don’t?” Kairi asks. 
I shrug, desperate for an answer. “We… don’t wish upon much. There’s little use for it when you’re training for the Keyblade.”
Terra turns away to hide a smirk.
“That’s so depressing,” Sora says and I frown.
The wind is warm and moist. It’s so peaceful, of course the only stories you’d ever hear about the stars are the good ones.
Ven jumps up, pointing at the sky. “Look, look!”
Two shooting stars fly straight across. May they be blessed.
“Okay.” Sora slaps his hands together. “Wishing time. I wish…” He closes his eyes, and for a second, a solemn smile darkens his face. “I’ve been away for so long. Any minute Donald is going to ring me up and take me somewhere. I just want to stay home for a while, just a few days. You know, take a break, be with you guys, my best friends. I promised my mom I’d help with her gardening and stay one night for dinner.”
Riku nods to himself. 
“I’d like the same,” Kairi says, laying on her stomach on her blanket, gazing at the fire. 
“You’re not supposed to be wishing on them,” Ven blurts out, covering his mouth too late.
Sora’s eyebrows furrow. This is not a look I like to see on him. “Why?”
If Ven could kick himself without anyone seeing, he would.
Terra holds onto Sora’s shoulder. “A shooting star is someone traveling between worlds. Their heart is reaching out to someone to comfort or protect them. You don’t want to wish for something selfish, you want to wish the best for them.” 
The expression Sora gives can only be described as horror. “Oh, well, um, safe travels buddy. I hope you find your friend.”
“Is it too late to take the wish back?” Riku asks. I think he’s asking on purpose considering how much more fraught Sora becomes and how much Riku is enjoying it.
Terra notices. He nods his head to the side. I love the way he does it. He’s beautiful. “Probably.”
“But I really do want them to be safe,” Sora whines, defeated. 
The wind picks up, clouds floating across the sky at a speed where they swallow the stars. It smells damp and it feels hotter.
“I don’t like the looks of this,” Riku says, dumping the pail of water next to him onto the fire. He kicks sand over it for good measure. Sora and Kairi don’t hesitate to stack baskets and fold blankets. 
“What’s going on?” Ven asks, moving slowly when he folds his chair, as if unsure.
“Monsoon season.” Riku steps on the last embers. “We didn’t expect a storm to come out this soon but you never know.”
“Maybe it wasn’t supposed to come tonight.” Kairi eyes Sora suspiciously.
“No way—” Sora starts.
“Nice job, Sora.” Riku says. “You’ve doomed us all.”
“I didn’t wish for a monsoon!”
“You wished to be locked up here with us. Congratulations.”
I interrupt. “What do you need me to do? Where do we go for shelter?”
Kairi points to their treehouse, which connects through the cavern and which, from my understanding, stood there through their entire childhood. “My dad—the one you’ve met before, Papa—fortified it with extra wood on the walls and the roof. It’s always been safe.”
By the time we have everything packed and are going up the ramps to the treehouse, it’s pouring. At least it’s not the iciness of mountain rain.
The door bangs when Kairi swings it open, the wind throwing it back and forth as if it’s juggling it between two hands. Ven waves his arm in a circular motion—his magic redirects the wind for as long as he can hold it, letting everyone inside before he lets go and the door slams behind us. 
Inside, we dry ourselves with rags, our shoes and socks warming up under the lanterns. We have fresh blankets and sacks of food, in case the storm lasts all night. 
Except in terms of blankets, we’re one short.
Ven hands Terra the last blanket and (pointedly) says something to him. 
The last blanket is the largest, so I’d have to share it with Terra. I adore Ven to pieces (and I won’t protest sharing any space with Terra), but when Ven gets difficult, I sometimes have to suppress myself. Judging by the way Terra wraps it around our shoulders and nudges close to me, he doesn’t care what the others think anymore. 
Kairi quickly looks away from us, rolling her lips inward like she’s witnessed a scandal.
Rain beats onto the roof, a million patters like the fingers of thousands of people asking to be let in. Thunder rumbles in quickly, soothing then unsettling. Terra and I sit in front of a window, the water so thick that it blurs the screen. Under the blanket, he rolls a finger over my wrist, stroking my palm. I smile at him. 
“We should have brought real fruit,” Ven says, chewing on dried mango. If by real fruit he means paopu, he’s smart for not specifying it. 
“You need finer taste,” Kairi says, chewing on the same.
“You need culture,” Sora says, swallowing something I don’t recognize.
The idea of a spontaneous camp-in might have been exciting the first several minutes, but hours later, it becomes agony. 
All this time, I can’t talk to Terra about anything too personal, though we’ve snuck a few passing whispers here and there. 
He asks me an indistinct question that anyone can misinterpret out of context: When did you know? 
My answer is just as vague. I was fourteen. 
There’s not much we can do to explore touch. I tend to listen more to the way he takes finger by finger. Terra will intermittently say one sentence with minimal effort, but just enough so that the others know we’re still with them. I worry that if I laugh a certain way, it would expose us. 
But no one asks, too busy chatting about building bigger boats for the one dream they’ve never been able to accomplish. 
At some point, Terra challenges Riku to a rematch.
“So what you’re telling me,” Riku says, a mock-smirk that fits perfectly on his face, “is that you’re very impressed and you want to be foolish enough to lose to me a second time so that everyone else knows how impressive I am.”
“We all know, Riku,” Sora says.
“But Terra wants to remind you.”
Terra laughs as if he’s not interlacing his fingers with mine. He squeezes my hand. 
It’s when everyone’s eyes are closed, drifting away to sleep, that Terra wraps his arm around my waist and I rest on his shoulder. One lantern is still on. The storm has quieted for now, but we’ve been told to expect another onslaught. 
Terra cranes his head back, looking out the window. He’s done this twice per hour, but the sky has been black, the clouds smearing everything.
“What are you looking for?” I whisper. 
“I have this very,” Terra starts, pausing, “vague memory of looking up to the stars, looking for home but I could never find it.”
So not his memory, but Xehanort’s. Blurs and images that make no sense, as if from a dream. Castle Oblivion never shined, so of course Xehanort couldn’t find it for the last twelve years. Terra is lucky that’s as much as he remembers. I don’t know how he could possibly deal if he woke up with a history of every crime Xehanort has committed in his body.
“And I feel like,” Terra continues, his eyes lost, his voice hushed. “I’ve—or he—tried over and over again.”
“Ah.” I sigh. “You were looking for it these past few nights.”
“The Master told me that home is the brightest star in the multiverse. You could see it through the clouds. It would always guide you back if you were lost.” 
“I never heard that story.”
Terra looks at me and holds me closer. “That was before you came.”
“Whether it’s true or not, it’s out there.”
He frowns, leaning his head back against the windowsill again. “The idea that home was gone at some point… that’s the one thing that haunts me still, even though I know it’s just a trip away and I could always go back. But knowing that doesn’t suffice.”
I rub his stomach. “We can find it together.”
He goes quiet, the hand on my waist tensing up. The wheels in his mind turn. “Do you want to find it tonight?”
I look up at him. 
“The storm has stopped,” he says.
“For now.”
“Then we come back before it starts again.” He pulls me closer, nearly settling me on top of his leg. I feel his smirk in my hair.
I glance out the window. “But the clouds are too thick.”
“Well, if the story is true—”
“Then we’d take some time for ourselves.” He nudges my nose, and I wish he’d kiss me. “We’re Keyblade wielders. A monsoon isn’t impossible to manipulate.”
I stifle a laugh. He has a quick answer for everything, and to any given person, it’d be infuriating. I once found it so when I was younger. 
“I am obligated to remind you that it’s dangerous,” I say, wishing I could get away with tasting his lips. I come close to.
“I feel like I’m about to scream,” he says, brushing my hair. “I need to do something loud. Yell. Throw myself into the ocean. Touch you—I don’t know. It’s too suffocating in here. I’ve suffocated for twelve years. I’ve had enough.”
I don’t know why my heart jumps at the idea when it’s so reckless. Terra is not a bad influence, he’s just as responsible as I am, yet I find myself yearning for the thrill. 
I haven’t tasted something like this in years, when thrill was something to be avoided in the Darkness.  
“Okay. But we come back in no less than twenty minutes.”
We blow out our lantern and Terra takes precious, long seconds to turn the doorknob. 
Ven stirs, his bright eyes blinking open in the dark. “You guys are leaving?” he whispers. 
“We’re coming back,” Terra says.
“Is this going to happen a lot?” 
My heart sinks. It’s usually the three of us, never disconnected except when we’re bickering. I look to Terra for what to say when he replies with, “Do you want to come with us?”
Ven looks at me. “Nah. I’m tired.”
I bend down and pet his head. “You’ll come with us next time.”
“I know.” Ven wiggles in his blanket and gets comfortable. “Just don’t drown.”
Terra gently takes my wrist. As much as I’m compelled to stay with Ven, Terra’s smile is a reminder that there’s little to worry about with him. We leave the shoes and socks behind.
Outside, the wind howls strong, my sashes beaten in fury. The sand is warm when we step off the ramp, loose swirls of dust devils skidding across the beach. It’s dark without the moonlight, the ocean waves crashing onto the shore so hard that all I see are white bubbles. My heart races, but this feeling is nothing like the constant race of fear in the Dark Realm. No, this is familiar yet foreign. The slap of salty air in my face makes me gush with something jittery. 
Terra cups his hands close to the ground and jerks them forward near the base of the giant tree where the treehouse stands. The sand buckles—he’s moving earth and boulder against the trunk of the tree, compensating for years of erosion, creating a natural scaffolding to fortify it further.
The river nearby spills out of its bank, small streams skittling towards the ocean. I bring my hands together and wave them back inland, redirecting the water away from the tree so there is less risk of flooding. 
I hear Terra calling me. The wind ruins his hair—he looks more charming this way. When he walks, his pants flatten and blow open like balloons. He gathers bunches of my hair in his thick, large fingers, holds it off of my face, and kisses me. He’s firm and pulsing, strong but gentle, the touch of his lips igniting a flame that rides up to my heart. By the way he breathes through me, he’s been wanting to do this for a long time. 
A gust of wind bashes against our bodies. Water splashes on our knees and I nearly topple down.
We laugh into each other’s shoulders, my legs caked in wet sand. He’s holding me up by my arms, taking me towards the nearest palm tree.
“This is the most insane thing I’ve ever done,” I say, my voice raised to compete against the roar of the wind.
“I needed this,” he says, nodding. 
My heart sighs in agreement. 
Terra trembles from adrenaline, his smile glued on his face. He gestures in a way to call something down from above. A palm tree bends over, giving its head to us. “I want you to meet my new best friend, Leafy.” 
I snort. “What is this for?”
Terra giggles before grabbing a paopu fruit. “Thank you, my friend,” he says to Leafy, bowing.
“You’re talking to a tree.”
Pointing that out melts him into hysteria. “I don’t know how to describe it. I am so happy right now.” He gestures like he’s about to rip his skin off, something inside about to explode. “And I don’t know what to do with that feeling.” He turns to me, holding out the paopu fruit. “I want to share this with you.”
My cheeks hurt. “We don’t know how it works.”
“Will you accept it anyway?” 
No second thoughts. 
It has the consistency of an orange, the taste of a grape. The legend of the fruit claims that it binds the destinies of those who share it together, intertwining their hearts and fates so they’re a part of each other’s lives forever. It could be a symbolic gesture—I certainly thought so when I made our Wayfinders, embedding my magic into them to make sure they work that way. 
I don’t know what I think of the future—I stopped planning for it the day I fell to Darkness—but I would be okay so long as Terra stays somewhere in my life.
Terra leans forward and bites the other side of the fruit, right out of my mouth. It catches me off guard, shuddering me into a chuckle, and I lean to meet him, wrapping my arms around his neck. He tastes of warmed juice. My heart pounds at the slide of his fingers on my forearms as he pushes my sleeves away. I lose the paopu fruit somewhere when he pulls me in.
I realize now what it is: I’ve been numbed. The Realm of Darkness hushes it all inside, leaving you with nothing but your thoughts. When you can’t take much more, you wish for it to be over. Then, you are soothed, a sick, cold honey that drips over your skin. The numbness makes you keep walking so you keep living, until you can’t take the numbness anymore and you go back to despairing. Only to be soothed yet again. The only real emotion that lasts for more than a moment is the sudden whiplash when Heartless attack and you have to survive. The wrong kind of thrill.
Terra has been cut off from all senses for twelve years.
I’ve been quieted. 
So I need him. I need him to brush his fingers on my skin, I need to taste his tongue, I need to run in the rain, laugh at stupid jokes, get scared on purpose, for reasons that don’t truly threaten me. Terra reminds me of the morning when we raced in the ravine as children. He reminds me that there’s more to the way my heart beats than keeping my hands to myself. 
Terra sighs into my neck. “I wish I was strong enough to be a shooting star for you,” he says into my ear. “I’m sorry we waited twelve years to do this.”
Does he not remember that he came to me in the Darkness? He told me not to give up.
He told me that I never stopped lighting his way back. I must have flown in the sky too, without knowing, for other children to see. Maybe I’ve done so many times. I hold him tightly.
An unnaturally strong gust targets at us, loose leaves slapping us and nicking my face. Terra looks up and bursts into laughter. “Stars, he’s watching us.”
Ven sits at the window, waving his arms in circles, as if to slap our wrists with rulers for such behavior. 
My instinct is to remove myself from all scrutiny, but I bump into Terra’s chest. I laugh. I don’t know what else to do except to take his hand and run to the other side of the beach. I think about how Ven must have been worried, and opened that window to see what we were up to, only to witness what he did, and— 
—I cover my mouth and snort. “I can’t believe we were caught.”
“We’re being sloppy.”
I can’t stop laughing. It hurts, but in a good way, better than the victory after a Heartless attack, better than even seeing my friends again after so long, when I couldn’t stop crying.  
Water washes over my feet faster than I can step out of it, my toes sinking like I can be erased in a heartbeat. We all could, at the precipice of Darkness. I could laugh right now, I could mourn tomorrow. The thought chokes me.
“Aqua, are you okay?”
Storm clouds have suffocated everything, dark paint dabbed with a sponge layer after layer so that everything under is hidden. I lean back, but I don’t step away. It’s dark but not Dark, I tell myself. We’re alone, but I’m not. We’re nowhere close to home, but with him, I am. Small reminders for large steps forward. 
“It looks like it goes on forever.”
Terra squeezes my hand, and it says so much. He understands. “We’re facing west. Home would be this direction.”
I’ve faced the darkest enemy and survived. I’ve been running—it’s my instinct to—but I don’t have to run anymore. 
Yet I don’t know what else I could do with all this energy. I face the black ocean now. I want to do something crazy.
“We could try to find it,” I say.
Terra jerks like he’s about to torpedo himself into the sky. “We’ll fly.”
I swallow. “The ocean looks bottomless.”
“It’s not.”
“I know it isn’t.” I look again. The star isn’t there. “But that doesn’t make sense to me. Dark is dark, kind is kind, and the things that hurt me hide.”
“There’s nothing out there that can hurt you, only whales. And I know for a fact that you’re stronger than any shark I know.”
I pause, a mix of childish giddiness and sudden tears wrestling with each other and I don’t know what I’m supposed to feel. “We don’t fight sharks.”
“We don’t.”
“You don’t know any sharks.”
“You’re right.”
My body gives up and I laugh and cry at the same time. “That was the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard.”
Terra wraps his hand on my waist, leaning against my forehead. “I’ve got you. I’m not going to let you fall. Ever again.” 
“I know.” I place my hand on the center of his chest. Sometimes lessons are learned too late. Sometimes the consequences are more than what we’ve prepared for. “Let’s fly.”
He summons his Keyblade and commands it to transform into his glider, helping me on with the guidance of his hand. Neither of us want to break contact. His glider isn’t designed to carry two people, the curve of its engine forcing me forward so I lean onto him. His back muscles are well-formed, sturdy under my weight, his waist so thick that I have to grip his shirt to hold on. 
When Ven sees us take off, he makes frantic arm movements, grabbing fistfuls of air. It calms the fury of the wind around us, giving Terra a smoother path ahead with mild turbulence. We leave the beach behind, and ride into a world of nothing. 
I grip harder into his stomach and contain a meep. Terra slows to a stop. We haven’t gone far.
“I’m okay,” I say onto his neck. It’s quieter out here, without the waves and the trees.
Terra palms a hand over mine, gliding it up to his chest like he wants to feel his heartbeat through both of our hands. It’s hammers, like he’s running away, or towards something.
Or nowhere, really. We’re running just to run, just to remember what it feels like. I kiss the back of his neck, where it meets his shoulder.
“Look,” he says softly. His grip tightens on the handlebar, and he shudders under me. He’s about to cry.
There is one star through the clouds, brushed over in fog. Terra reaches up as if to grab it, measuring our home in the pinch of his fingers.
“To think our beds are small enough to fit,” I say, smiling into him.
Terra takes my hand from his chest and kisses it. 
A gust of wind knocks his glider, and he revs it up to stabilize us, holding a solid kick onto the pedals. Ven is either too far away or too tired to keep helping us.
Rain prickles onto us, and starts to build. I tremble. For some reason, I don’t want to go back into the treehouse and sleep it off. I feel cut off, trapped in a bottle where I can’t move. 
I look behind me. There are now four heads on that window, four worried faces gawking at the scandal. “The others are awake.”
“Let them have a show.” He turns over and holds me close, taking my lips with his. Again, again, again. 
I shiver. He tastes like springwater. I don’t know why I don’t find our predicament threatening. We’re hovering over darkness—but I’ve won against the Darkness. We’ve hovering in a dangerous storm, and yet it seems miniscule. I’m grateful.
“I can make the water dance,” I say.
“I know. That’s why I’m not scared.” He smiles. It’s like he’s asking permission.
I nod. “We wouldn’t be falling.”
“We’d be flying.” 
He dismisses his Keyblade. He falls first, relaxed, his arms open like he doesn’t mind landing into the turret of waters, like he’s about to fall on a feather bed. 
I call for my Keyblade and let it shine. The rain around us swirls, bursting into bright pellets. Terra catches me with one arm, hooking it around my waist and keeping me close. We twirl like we’re caught in a tornado. We kiss. We laugh, our legs wrapping over each other. The light spreads, tiny pinpricks of asteroids and firecrackers that shower Destiny Islands.
I can’t be crazy. I can’t fall. I’m safe and sound with the earth beneath my feet.
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disgruntledspacedad · 3 years
Orange, tangerine, grapes, cherry, paopu fruit (but replace date with marry 😌)
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No I am not above using Javi on you
Rachel really said hey bitch you’re the whole ass fruit basket.
I love it. Use Javi on me any time, wifey-dear. I’ll take him and you.
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an1xcy · 4 years
Our Paopu Fruit
This isn’t a Sanders Sides fic, but it is a story that I wrote for me and my friends, it was little visual I had for us all that I turned into a story, I’m not expecting anyone to actually read it, but it’s fine. Underneath the silver tree, sat six friends. All of them laughing, and enjoying themselves in the amber light of the setting sun. They had come across the tree nearly an hour ago, the twisting silver bark, and the sturdy branches. The branches sprouted white stars, their brilliant glow making the silver of the tree look dull. Willow had immediately scrambled up the branches, grabbing a star and tugging it off the branch. They passed one down to Kat who flipped the star around in awe. Leafy let out a breathless laugh, climbing up to sit beside Willow, grabbing her own star. A surprised cry from Kat made the two turn around. The star  in Kat’s hands had turned a brilliant shade of red, glowing brightly. Leafy turned back to her star to see it had become a pretty yellow, she smiled, waving the star at Kat. Ray reached up to the nearest branch, grabbing their own star and sliding down to lean against the trunk of the tree. Kalix sat beside Ray, they had grabbed their own star. Ray’s star began to glow a soft green to their satisfaction, they turned to Leafy and grinned. “See? Shrub.” Kalix laughed quietly, staring at their own star which was now orange. Dusk set down the blankets and baskets of food the group had brought, starting to set them up quietly. Kat took notice of this and fumbled to put her star in a safe space before helping Dusk unpack. Willow had climbed one branch higher and was now just completely splayed out on it, they smiled down at Leafy who hadn’t bothered to move from her spot. Kalix looked up from where they were sitting with Ray, and waved Dusk over. “Hey! Come sit with us! I’m curious to see what your color is!” Dusk looked skeptical but she stood, making her way over, shortly followed by Kat. Kalix handed Dusk a star, all of them waiting expectantly for the heart to change, and soon enough, it did. It turned black, which they had all expected, it was Dusk’s respective color. It didn’t stop Willow from poking fun at her though. “You’re edgy as hell y’know that?” Willow called over from where they were resting. “Oh shut up!” Dusk waved Willow off, but there was no heat behind her response, it was just them playing around as per usual. That was how they spent the evening, laughing, playing, enjoying themselves for the first time in a long, long time. TAGLIST: @averykedavra @official-leafy
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paopu-moo · 5 years
When Tohru used Kyo’s lines on him? I was already crying but i dammit i cried even harder
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twootietarte · 6 years
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Fresh special edition Paopu Fruit bath bombs. 
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luccislegs · 5 years
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*header by @httpjeon​
❊ updated 6.14.20
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⇢ schedule
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Oikawa: partner goes to karasuno and he sees them flirting with kageyama after a game
Sugawara: lazy day with his partner
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Bokuto & Tsukishima: being forced to dance with their partner
Oikawa & Tsukishima: unusual kinks they’re afraid to tell their partner about
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Bokuto/Reader/Kuroo: keep making jokes to make their partner laugh during sex
Kenma/Reader/Kuroo: kenma is neglecting them for a new game
Nishinoya/Reader/Tanaka: nsfw headcanons
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Kingdom Hearts
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Elrena: general relationship
Even: comes home after being re-completed
Riku: cheering up a partner who feels like they’re invisible
(Complete) Riku: misses the signs that his childhood friend has feelings for him
(Complete) Riku: partner has frequent nightmares
(Complete) Riku: sharing a paopu fruit with his partner who isn’t sure how to bring it up
(Complete) Sora: he and reader start a gaming channel together
(Complete) Sora: with a taller girlfriend
Terra: going to the beach with his partner
Ventus: spending a day with his partner
Yozora: getting a compliment on his eyes
Yozora: partner is the opposite of him and outgoing and expressive
Yozora: stargazing with his partner
Zexion: sassy female dom partner
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Author Pick: with a partner who has magic that can calm people down
(Complete) Destiny, Seasalt, & Wayfarer Trio: finding out they’re from a video games series
(Complete) Terra & Xemnas: finding out their partner has a foot fetish
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Isa/Reader/Lea: general relationship
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Kuroko no Basket:
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(Complete) Atsushi: chubby partner who snacks like him
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My Hero Academia:
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(Complete) Aizawa: forgets to wash laundry so is forced to wear a pink tracksuit
Hawks: meets someone in a club and takes them home for the night
Kirishima: cuddling after a rough day
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Aizawa, Bakugo, Shinso: defending their girlfriend from some pervert
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One Piece:
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Heart Pirates: crew mate who’s like a little sister
Kid Pirates: musical crew member who follows them around playing music fitting the situation
Strawhat Pirates: reacting to usopp’s change of appearance
(In-Progress) Whitebeard Pirates: playing hide and seek
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Ace: female/nonbinary parental figure 
Ace: finding out his partner has been married previously but kept it a secret
Ace: his partner has been forced into an arranged marriage
Ace: partner is a part of Whitebeard’s crew
Doflamingo: partner asks to do his makeup
Galette: with a female!crush
Jabra: falling for a tough waitress
Kaku: asking his crush out
Kaku: handling a partner with adhd
Katakuri: partner makes a mess while trying to make donuts
Katakuri: smut with a very small partner
Katakuri: with a very tiny partner who gets into a lot of trouble
Kid: looking for their partner after a big fight and finding her singing
(Complete) Kyros: meeting someone new and talking to rebecca about
Law: getting pegged by his partner
Law: has a male partner who’s actually a fox spirit
Law: looking for their partner after a big fight and finding her singing
Lucci: first time he meets his partner, it’s during the trial to join CP9
Lucci: going into heat
Lucci: partner ate cat-cat devil fruit: snow leopard model
Luffy: partner saves him from a finishing blow but gets injured themselves
Luffy: telling his partner  he “has always liked things with more meat on the bone”
Nami: on a date and the marines see them, so they run back to the ship and end up fooling around
(Complete) Rosinante: accidentally badly injuring his partner because of his  clumsiness
Rosinante: partner refuses to leave him as he’s dying
Sanji: accidentally kicking his partner
Sanji: very soft date; going shopping, cooking, cuddling, and going to bed
(Complete) Smoker: his partner gets kidnapped by pirates, who leave them to freeze
Zoro: gets drunk and gets caught cheating by his partner
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Ace, Law, & Shanks: meeting their daughter’s boyfriends
Katakuri & Smoker: curling up with their partner after a long day
Kid, Law, & Zoro: with a sweet, caring, & naive partner who’s actually been hurting inside for a while
Law & Ace: breeding kink
(In-Progress) Law & Luffy: “Surprise!” & “And that’s why I have trust issues!”
Lucci, Kaku, Kalifa: friendships with galley-la before and after the betrayal
Luffy, Sanji, & Zoro: partner has a very loud laugh and is fearless but weak
(Complete) Luffy, Sanji, & Zoro: partner is trapped in an un-poppable bubble
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Kid/Reader/Killer: smut with a partner who vaginism
Kid/Reader/Law: during the quarantine
Law/Reader/Sanji: partner is very kind and giving but ends up being kidnapped by a past abuser
Nami/Reader/Sanji: spoiling their partner who’s just finished a big project, treating them to dinner and smut
Sabo/Reader/Sanji: glove kink nsfw
Strawhat Pirates: partner is trying to save them from a sea prism stone cage
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