#papa arc recognizes a woman of quality
superiorsturgeon · 1 year
First Impressions
Patroclus Nikos: *sips his tea* I must say, young man, you seem very nice and trustworthy! I’m happy to see that our little warrior princess is in a relationship!
Pyrrha: Daaaaaad…! Stoooooop…!
Jaune: *awkwardly sips his tea* Thanks, mister Nikos! Pyrrha’s a very special girl!
Achilles Nikos: *squeezes Jaune’s biceps* Ha! And quite a strong lad too! Just what I wanted to see in my daughter’s first boyfriend! She’s always been a little firecracker, and it takes some grit to keep up with her!
Pyrrha: *blushing* Father, please!!!
Jaune: Well, Pyrrha’s really the reason I started training so much! She has a really tough workout regimen! 😅
Patroclus: *leans against his husband* I’m so happy our little girl has found someone to care for her, but I’m even happier that meeting Pyrrha’s boyfriend wasn’t an embarrassing disaster like when I met Achilles’ family!
Achilles: Let’s not tell that story! Our daughter and her boyfriend don’t need to hear about something that embarrassing…! 😫
Jaune: *glances at Pyrrha* 😒
Pyrrha: *uncomfortably poking her fingers together and avoiding eye contact* 😥
A few weeks ago…
Pyrrha: Back away from MY MAN, you hussies!!! I sculpted this butt from noodly clay, and I’m not about to give up my good boy to a gaggle of blonde bimbos, no matter how beautiful you are! You didn’t want him before, you don’t get to thirst over him now! *brandishing her spear with one hand and groping Jaune’s ass with the other to stake her claim*
Jaune: …uh…Pyrrha, meet my sisters! *gestures to the seven blonde women being threatened by his partner*
Arc Sisters: 😒
Pyrrha: Your…sisters…? 😨
Jaune: …also, my mom…
Mama Arc: 🤨
Pyrrha: 😱
Jaune: …and…you’re still grabbing my butt…! 😣
Pyrrha: 🫣
Papa Arc: …I like this girl! 🤣
(This happened immediately afterwards!)
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o-wise-corvid · 4 years
Chapter 3, incoming. Okay I promised y’all action and here it is. Hope y’all enjoy. Cody’s Kids are about to test their mettle and see if they’re ready for active duty. We shall see. 🤔
Warnings: violence/ broken bones/some blood/nothing fatal/ almost though
People who were wanting more: @captainrexisboo @clonetrooperrights @koskareevesismyqueen @gospelofme @jgvfhl @ct-27-fives @pro-fangirls-unsocial-life
Chapter 3: Combatant Eliminated
“Don’t try to win this by yourself. We’re strongest together. Remember.” Gaia smoothed Shriek’s hair back and helped him pull on his headgear. It wasn’t like wearing a full helmet like Papa’s, but it protected the forehead and back of the skull, cheek guards offering cushions to the face in case of a fall.
“Rend is top heavy,” Rex offered, cracking his neck to the side. “His balance is bad.” He shared a grin with Gaia. They had trained with Rend back during the short time that it had just been the three of them and the memories of the young man’s brutality were hard to forget.
“Wear him out. Make him work for his air.” Soren accepted a hearty backslap from Rex, and the boys laughed.
Rend had broken one of Rex’s ribs on his first day in the training yard and hit Gaia so hard across the face that she’d nearly lost consciousness. It had been Soren who had gotten in behind the muscle wall, looped his lanky arms around Rend’s neck and choked him to his knees. Even Soren had walked away with a bruised spine, a fractured shoulder and a bleeding due to being repeatedly slammed against the wall.
“We can’t use the Force, right?”
Shriek was the reliant on the Force of them all and his strength was unparalleled. He could lift all the others, and Cody, without having to gesture so much as a finger.
“No, we can’t. But we-“ Gaia said confidently as she walked around to each black suit of armor and stamped a bright yellow Imperial Seal on the chest plate- “are Sunshine Squad.”
“Sunshine? That sounds...” Kali made a face that indicated primness.” The others snorted and giggled, eyeing the bright symbol that was so stark against the black.
“Yellow is Cody’s color.”
Everyone fell silent. They each turned to Gaia with shameful expressions, Soren and Rex pressing a hand to their chests. “We should wear it with honor. Don’t you think?”
“Yes sir.”
Gaia blushed fiercely and the seriousness of the moment dissipated in a flash. Rex grabbed her shoulder, pressing his forehead to hers in a gesture Cody often used as one of affection and encouragement.
“You got this, vod.”
Gaia gripped him behind his neck, pressing her forehead harder against his. “We’ve got this.”
They walked out of the prep room together, Rex’s twin shock batons swinging on his hips and Gaia’s stun pike slung easily over her shoulder. Shriek carried one baton and Kali carried two short ones. Soren carried the most unique version of the weapon; he’d grafted retractable batons onto his gauntlets.
Rend and his squad, named after himself, were waiting at the other end of a mock canyon. The expanse of space that spanned the arena was rocky and full of cavernous rock formations. This was widely considered the most difficult setting in the arena and only the most skilled combatants were even allowed access to it. Rend Squad trained on it every week.
“Uneven terrain,” Shriek muttered, checking the grips of his gauntlets one last time. “Easy to lose footing.”
“Rend likes to use power moves, devastating blows with that mallet of his. Be a shame if somebody led him to some loose gravel and he couldn’t get the traction for something like that.” Kali ground her teeth together the further into the statement she went. “No one makes one of us bleed without paying the price,” she finished darkly.
“No heroics on our account,” Soren soothed, touching the Twi’Lek’s shoulder. “Using the Force will disqualify you, vod’ika... we need you out there.”
Kali sighed but nodded, closing her eyes for a moment. She showed her lack of rest, but Gaia knew how even a tired Kali could be lethal. Anger seemed to energize the girl, which Cody tried to frequently discourage, but Kali didn’t always listen.
A harsh bark of laughter echoed across the field. “Look at them! They even named themselves Sunshine Squad! How precious.”
Gaia tightened her grip on the staff, feeling the cold thump of anger in her stomach. She immediately pushed it away. She couldn’t afford to have emotions out on the field right now. She needed a cool head, not just for herself. Four others depended on her to be the logical one. The one who could make a split second decision that could decide the sway of a fight.
“Oh, so stoic! The captain’s got you all whipped. Cant even unleash your tongues else he might not feed you.”
Rex snorted. “The galaxy’s finest actors. Shame we’re waisted on the Empire,” he muttered. The others made soft, amused noises, refusing to raise noise that Rend might be able to perceive.
“When you’re sufficiently able,” a voice chimed from everywhere, Cody’s signature snarl that he used when in mixed company, “begin.”
Rend surged into motion like he’d been stung. The teenager pounded his way through the valley that ate up most of the arena’s center. His team followed, a knot of black against the leeched grayish brown of the sandy soil.
A hum filled the air as the five powered up their stun batons. They sank into crouched, legs braced, weapons brandished. Gaia side-checked Soren and Rex. They would move together, just like they’d rehearsed. “The joints,” she reminded. She heard Soren growl a little under his breath, saw the shine of sweat on his cheek. On the other side, Rex’s gloved squeaked as he adjusted his grip.
And then Rend was upon them.
Gaia took two quick steps forward and swung her staff. Rend blocked it easily, but then went down as Rex and Soren darted by, each scoring a hit to the unprotected backs of his knees. Kali and Shriek followed them, Kali’s hand darting under Rend’s arm to deliver a shock right to his armpit. Shriek kneed him in the face, the sound of breaking cartilage swallowed by Rend’s enraged yell.
Gaia side-stepped a half-blind, flailing swipe from Rend’s mallet, wound up and let fly a swing that caught Rend directly on the jaw. She groaned when he fell forward, unconscious but still gripping his mallet in his hand. “Players” weren’t considered out of the game until they either dropped their weapon or were disarmed. Disarming an unconscious opponent wasn’t allowed.
She turned, thrumming her legs into a churning sprint. The others had reached the rest of Rend’s team and the fight was on. Rend was the muscle of the team but being assaulted by so many combatants proved far too much for his weight-bound fighting style. Alone, he might’ve taken Gaia, but she wasn’t alone.
Soren danced in and out of the reach of a tall, slender human, who looked to be creating her fifteenth year. She twirled and flicked a baton that was almost as long as Gaia’s entire staff, the incredible reach of the thing keeping Soren from getting close enough to stun her. Her control of the thing was remarkable and she wore a fierce, almost animalistic grin.
Gaia stepped into a spin, circled her staff around and brought the stunning “blade” down hard on the woman’s elongated, but thin baton. There was a crackling snap and the low hum that had followed the baton’s motions died.
“Combatant eliminated.”
The voice was artificial, leaning itself to a feminine quality. Sterility aside, Gaia couldn’t contain a low, triumphant laugh. “Bit off a little much there, didn’t you, Kreia?”
“Karking nerf herders,” she snapped back bitterly, arms falling to her sides as Soren and Gaia hurried to help the others.
“I got Shriek,” Soren said, veering away to where the smaller boy was dueling his opponent like a mad man, his baton a purplish blue blur as he blocked, parried and struck.
Gaia glanced at Kali, who slid under the arm of a huge boy easily thrice her size. She drove her knee up into his elbow, breaking the arm, and causing the boy to release his baton.
“Combatant eliminated.”
Gaia heard her give a shout of joy.
Rex was directly ahead of her, scrambling over a small rock outcropping, using the terrain to keep the remaining member of Rend. Gai recognized the youngest member of the squad, Coris, by his double batons and by the constant twirling madness that he he created with them. Rex was easily his match, but one of his arms was slower, possibly he’d been shocked on that side. His good arm was working in a frenzy to block Coris’ blows and Gaia could see the sweat fly off the Zabrak’s face as he tried to trip up his opponent.
She put on speed, building up for a downward power strike that would send Coris to his knees. He turned at exactly the wrong moment. One arm arced backward in a stab, keeping Rex at bay, while the other swept outward, catching Gaia in the shoulder. The blow knocked her sideways, the bone jittering shock of the baton causing her muscles to seize up and clench violently.
Gaia slammed hard into a rocky formation, the air leaving her lungs. She was a powerful warrior, capable of taking down opponents twice her size, but she was still only eleven. She coughed, tasting copper on her tongue where she’d bit her own lip. The weight of her staff in her hand reminded her that she was still in the game and her head snapped up just as Coris bore down on her.
Her arm jerked around, sweeping at his knees, but Coris was not Rend. He jumped the strike and laughed. “Stupid little kid.”
“I know you are,” someone that Gaia couldn’t see all but bellowed, “but what am I?”
Coris’ face twisted into annoyance but then froze in a grimace as a baton-wielding arm looped around his shoulders and touched the tip of the weapon to the underside of Coris’ jaw. The young man’s lithe frame went rigid for a moment, then the arm retracted. Coris swayed, his batons slipped from his fingers and he fell flat on his face.
Rex stood panting, looking as if he might collapse, one arm bent protectively around to cradle the other. His batons hung on his belt. “You okay?”
Gaia nodded, using her staff to help her stand. “You?”
“Might be broken. I dunno.”
Shriek and Soren stood a hundred or so yards away, Kali near them. They were all looking back in the direction they’d come from. Gaia and Rex followed their gaze. Rend was stirring, pulling himself up to his knees.
“We gave him everything we had and he still didn’t go down,” Rex said softly so only Gaia would hear. “What’s the plan?”
Gaia tested her shoulder, rolling the arm. She’d have a bruise but she could still move it. “Get him in the caves. We can’t handle another all out attack like that, you especially. Confuse him. If we can hit him with a bunch of sneak attacks, just beat him down one by one, we can end this. See if we can really mess that nose of his up.”
Rex nodded once and the two set off. The others fell in around them, Soren touching his brother’s good arm worriedly. Kali glanced anxiously at the blood drying on Gaia’s chin, but didn’t say anything. Her anger coiled in the Force, begging to be set free.
“I’m okay,” Gaia assured her almost sternly. “Focus.”
Kali huffed, frowning darkly. “I know,” she snapped but then added more gently, “...I know.”
Rend lurched to his feet and whirled, eyes wild amongst a blood splattered face. He took in the unconscious forms of his teammates with an annoyed snort. Gaia wasn’t sure but she thought she heard him mutter, “Useless.”
“You’ve already lost,” she called to him. “Lay down your hammer and call it a day, Rend. You’ve already made squad. Nothing for you to prove. Gaining another qualified strike team for the Empire helps us all.”
Rend sneered at them. “You don’t make squad until until every one of my team isn’t holding a weapon.”
Soren and Rex sighed together.
“Guess we’ll have to do this the hard way after all.” Shriek cracked his knuckles.
The inhuman noise of rage that ripped out of Rend’s mouth was nothing short of deafening. A wave of energy rolled with the scream, slamming into the five children without warning. Gaia was sent flying, her staff ripped from her fingers. She heard a blaring klaxon sound in the area followed by four overlapping “Combatant eliminated” alerts.
She flipped head over heels and landed on her belly, losing her wind for the second time in five minutes. Someone clipped by her and there was a pained yell as they landed. It sounded like Shriek. Through blurry eyes, Gaia spotted Rend stomping his way toward her, his mallet held firmly in both hands.
He’s going to kill me, whispered in her mind, a tendril of panic curling cold and hard into her gut. She tried to push herself up, but pain, sharp and hot sang through her body; something was broken even behind all that armor.
Rend stopped in front of her, hooked a toe under Gaia’s shoulder and flipped her over. “No kid takes my field,” he said, blood and spit flying from his mouth.
“Drop it Rend.”
Cody’s voice ushered a wave of relief over Gaia that was so strong that she nearly lost consciousness right then. She tilted her head back a little and saw him, all glossy black and yellow, a blaster rifle aimed threateningly at Rend. “You disqualified yourself by using the Force. You lost your own field and handed the children the win.”
Rend turned toward Cody, fist balling up as he moved. Many things happened at once in that moment. Cody suddenly staggered, his armor buckling and contorting as Rend began to slowly squeeze his fist shut. His rifle fired and missed. Kali and Shriek screamed together.
Time seemed to freeze as Gaia’s injured body hurled itself into action, her legs and arms clawing at the ground. She tackled Rend’s middle from behind, feeling Soren and Rex collide one after the other, Soren above and Rex below. Another blaster bolt screamed through the arena and then another. Rend jerked as one made contact, a strangled cry leaving him.
Gaia felt the bigger boy land on top of her, felt Soren and Rex immediately yank him off as the crackling pain in her chest exploded like a silent bomb. She groaned, an arm flying over her chest protectively. Rex was on his knees beside her, a hand covering her forehead, keeping her on her back.
“B-Captain. She’s got a broken rib, maybe a punctured lung.”
Other hands touched her, one on her ankle, another on her shoulder. The pain ebbed and dulled. Cody’s face bobbed into vision over her, well, his helmeted face. It was good he didn’t take it off now she thought in a quick burst of clarity; he might not be able to hide his feelings after all that had just happened.
“We’ve got to get her to Medbay.” Kali squeezed Gaia’s hand.
“I’m going to sedate you, Cadet. Just hold still.” Cody’s fingers trembled a little as he turned her head to the side and injected the sedative, the soft hiss of the depressor promising relief with a gentle whisper.
She felt the prick of the needle in her neck and the pain disappeared. Gaia’s entire body seemed to unwind, growing warm and heavy. It felt good, to just lie there and not have a care in the world. Everyone she loved was there... This was nice. In fact, Gaia felt so good that she thought she just might sleep. Yes. Sleep would be... be nice...
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reactingtosomething · 7 years
Reacting to Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2
Part I: Can an Asshole Just Be an Asshole?
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The Setup: We’re four writer friends living in two time zones, who text each other a lot about All of the Things. We decided we wanted to work on something together, so this is happening. First up, two of us watched Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. We had a lot to say, so we’re splitting our Reaction into two installments. Comments after the fact are in italics.
KRIS: Wow that is just wild. I didn’t realize iMessage would export it so neatly.
MIRI: I know!
It’s SUPER convenient
Ok, ready to start?
I feel pressure from myself to have a mission statement
Or a critical philosophy
MIRI: Well that’s your general state, so I’m not surprised
KRIS: Fair
MIRI: You’ve now seen Guardians Vol. 2 twice
Within how much time?
KRIS: Definitely under 48 hours?
MIRI: I loved it 
I just really loved it
KRIS: See I wonder if being with people who so clearly enjoyed it helped me revise my opinion upward
I liked but was also disappointed with it on my first viewing
MIRI: Interesting! It may have
And isn’t that somewhat the point of the communal viewing experience?
What disappointed you?
KRIS: I guess so
The BEST answer I have, from a kind of writerly-nerdy angle, is that the Guardians are a lot more reactive than just active-active this time around
A more Kris-specific gut feeling answer is that I often felt the shallowness of the writing overshadowed the sincerity of the emotions
MIRI: Aaah. I wonder if a certain amount of that was inevitable, because as there is more canon/past to react to there will always be more reactivity?
On the emotions front, I see what you’re saying.
But also I am a sucker and it got me right in the gut
Or wherever my feelings live
KRIS: I guess, but I wonder if it will be helpful here to compare and contrast throughout this chat with Age of Ultron
Since they’re both team sequels
MIRI: It will not be helpful, because I will just yell
KRIS: From auteur-y dudes who have some superficial similarities
Okay I’ll try to minimize comparisons then, but a key difference is that the main conflict of Ultron comes from a decision Tony makes
And this sets all the personality conflicts into motion
MIRI: Whereas in Guardians 2 it came from Papa Planet?
That’s fair
KRIS: Right, or at least I think you can say that’s the A-conflict
MIRI: btw I’m calling him that from now on
KRIS: If the B-conflict is set off by Rocket stealing batteries
I’m onboard with Papa Planet
MIRI: Excellent
KRIS: Because it’s not a worse name than Ego
Although Ego is on-the-nose in a good way
MIRI: Um it’s dramatically better
thank you very much
I actually didn’t hate Ego (as a name), but I quite like Papa Planet
(again, as a name)
((he can suck an egg as a being/father))
KRIS: But anyway yeah, if the A-story is Quill’s Father-Son Drama, it’s a thing that happens to the Guardians, not a thing that comes from their pre-existing desires (in Vol 1: Quill wants to get rich/Gamora wants to escape Thanos/Drax wants to kill the shit out of Ronan)
MIRI: You’re definitely right that there was a lot more reaction than pure action, but I think it worked for me better than it may have because I liked the reactions for the most part.
Also, I haven’t rewatched the first one in about a year
so no unfavorable comparisons
KRIS: Sure, it definitely felt like the characters reacted “authentically”
MIRI: I’ve seen Ultron more recently
KRIS: Those quote marks feel more aggressively scare quotey than I intended
MIRI: I will always be gotten by team-as-family dynamics. I’m an easy mark
I will not judge you for your quotation marks
KRIS: We’re definitely going to have to come back to the Fast and Furious parallels
MIRI: I have seen approximately 2 and 4 halves of those movies
So I won’t be able to speak intelligently about them, but I will speak passionately regardless
KRIS: Did Quill’s (I don’t know why I’ve landed on Quill as opposed to Star-Lord or Peter but am open to changing) story end up being for you as strong as the movie wants/needs it to be, or did you find one of the subplots more compelling?
MIRI: a) Quill is cooler and more distinctive than Peter, and Star-Lord is not a name to take seriously
2) Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yes and no
The Yondu element of Quill’s Daddy Issues was effective to me
I enjoyed Quill triumphing over the evil stars in his eyes murder tool state
And the whole picture of David Hasselhoff thing worked pretty well to me
KRIS: Okay yeah, I’d agree with all of this
MIRI: The actual lived relationship with Yondu (unhealthy as it clearly must be CONSIDERING PETER GENUINELY THOUGHT YONDU WAS IN DANGER OF EATING HIM THE WHOLE DAMN TIME) was waaaaay more effective for me than the general concept of Daddy issues or anything Papa Planet put out there.
KRIS: I should say here that I rewatched Guardians 1 last night to see if that would help, and I’m pretty sure it did
MIRI: how so?
KRIS: I was not especially a fan of Yondu in Vol 1, and found him hard to invest in on my first viewing of Vol 2
And when he had a Sad Backstory (in 2) in the cell with Rocket, I was kind of like, did we need that?
Like they ALL have sad backstories, does Yondu need one too? Can an asshole just be an asshole?
MIRI: Well, he can when he’s a murdery planet
I did really like the detail of Papa Planet putting the tumor in Mama Quill’s head--it seemed incredibly in character to me. Loving her and wanting to spend time with her didn’t make him reconsider universe-wide genocide, it made him see her as a problem to be solved.
KRIS: Yeah that was a pretty effective reveal
MIRI: Re: Yondu’s backstory, I do recognize that they’re playing on the heartstrings pretty deliberately
KRIS: Right
MIRI: But I kind of feel like doing that successfully is its own form of quality?
KRIS: Like I probably would’ve been fine with the jail cell story if Yondu hadn’t also had a big I KNOW YOU BOY BECAUSE YOU’RE ME speech to Rocket later
MIRI: It might not be the best writing ever, but it’s doing what it sets out to do quite well
Yeah, that’s true
I didn’t super love Rocket’s whole arc
KRIS: That was also an issue for me the first time I saw it, but weirdly less so the second
MIRI: Since this one was very much about Quill’s Emotions with Gamora/KarenGillan* as the emotional b/c story, I think maybe saving Rocket’s Partial Redemption for Volume 3 might have been better
KRIS: To try to tie off some of the Yondu thread here, a reason it ended up working for me on a second viewing is that most of it does seem to be consciously set up in Vol 1
MIRI: Oh, that’s good
I did really really love the whole Ravagers code payoff and the funeral
KRIS: Another great payoff in the funeral scene: the little “dashboard” dolls he collects -- the gemstone one is from the broker on Xandar, and the Troll is what Quill gave him when he swapped out the Orb at the end
MIRI: OMG really???
I love that!!!!
Miri is still Emotional about this 3 days later
Plus it’s nice that they managed to twist the whole android brothel walkout thing--I definitely thought the other Ravagers were the “badder guys” in that scenario
KRIS: Yeah, and Yondu’s reaction when he sees the Troll, instead of being pissed that the Guardians “stole” the orb back, is this genuine laugh
So I could buy a real affection for Quill
MIRI: When really they were the ones who don’t deal in children and Yondu was in the wrong, but once he realized how wrong he stopped
and they eventually forgive him 😢
Ohhh, I remember that laugh
KRIS: So for sure Yondu’s arc is probably objectively the most effective thing happening here
MIRI: He genuinely is proud that Quill has grown up so well, both as a thief and a man
KRIS: I guess I was annoyed that he’d suddenly become a major character
Because Gamora and Drax felt sidelined
I was ok with Drax, because while I love him, I fear his whole schtick will get very old if they try to center him too much
KRIS: I did appreciate Gamora being the pragmatic one, and being right pretty much every time
MIRI: But Gamora has a ton of range and even more parental drama
KRIS: Like she was right when she suggested Quill should take a chance with Papa Planet, and then she was also right when she realized something was off
MIRI: And right that they killed him
KRIS: And she had her own blindspot where Nebula was concerned
Which I think is an arc that works at least 80 percent because of Karen Gillan
As opposed to the writing
MIRI: I wish that we had gotten a bit more Nebula, as well
totally agree
She does so much with so little
KRIS: I mean the backstory element of it is there in Vol 1, that Thanos is The Worst Father Ever
MIRI: Right, but the emotions aren’t super well explored
KRIS: But that big emotional scene after Gamora drags her out of the wreck -- “All I wanted was a sister” -- needed another few beats, I thought
MIRI: Because Gamora is a Tough Chick
Yes! The writing definitely felt the most clunky in those sister moments
Which is in part because the relationship is always going to be fractious, but also is just a bit of a weakness
KRIS: Yeah Gamora is kind of a conundrum for me. Sometimes I really love her, and other times I just don’t quite buy what the story wants her to do/be, and I’m genuinely not sure if it’s more a writing issue or a performance issue
Most superficially (and definitely a writing issue): Is she strong enough to walk around with a giant starship cannon, or is she not strong enough to easily carry one human sized person around?
MIRI: Having seen Zoe Saldana in other things where she played a tough woman with limited emotions, I’m inclined to think writing
Maybe we need to React to Colombiana at some point; Kris hasn’t seen that. We may also need to bring in a Guest Reactor for a rewatch of The Losers...
Hahahahahhahaha such a good question
I think there’s the obvious desire for her to be the sexy hot chick, and then a partial desire for her to not just be that
So they’ve made her kind of flat so that she’s not the emotional lady character
KRIS: I feel like the story isn’t sure whether it wants Gamora to have this sort of formal edge to her where she uses words like “shall” instead of “will”, or whether it wants her to be a more “traditional” Bad Girl
MIRI: True. I would say that Rocket, Quill, and Drax all have more clearly defined voices and speech patterns.
And Groot, obvi
KRIS: And even Nebula, who has this Sullen Teenager vibe
MIRI: I just really love Nebula
I know I always love the angry girl who can kill people (which should probably concern me)
KRIS: Where I really missed Gamora and Drax having agency was honestly just the action element of the climax
MIRI: But I really love her.
KRIS: They spend the whole first half of the final battle standing and watching
And most of the second half being almost engulfed by Papa Planet’s Blue Tendrils of Doom
Although at least there was that great Nebula rescue beat (“get over it”)
And Drax having a moment where he chose self-sacrifice
MIRI: Both of those worked nicely for me
One last thing on Nebula: I think part of my interest is the fact that she’s allowed to have her own drive, rather than being tied to Quill’s emotional needs
She wants to kill Thanos, and she’s damn well going to
KRIS: Yeah, for sure
MIRI: And her tie to her sister will be a factor, but killing Thanos is always there
KRIS: I really hope they do right by her in Infinity War
MIRI: I don’t really trust that they will
KRIS: Me either
MIRI: But they have set her up as being a factor, so there’s hope
KRIS: I mean in general I trust Marcus/McFeely and the Russos, but just sooo many characters and I can’t see them not defaulting to giving Steve and/or Tony the ultimate victory
MIRI: Oh, yeah. I think the Guardians folks are going to be mostly comic relief and deus ex machina
KRIS: But yeah. That third act. Welcome to the Quill and Yondu show, mostly for better, but for Gamora and Drax superfans partly for worse
MIRI: Especially if it’s the end of anyone from the first stage’s tenure
Yeah, that’s very true. I guess I’m just kind of too jaded to expect the women to be centered in MCU action
KRIS: Did love the whole asking for tape gag, though
MIRI: and as stated I like Drax as secondary
The tape gag was fun!
They did a nice job of including funny moments in the trailers without giving away the best part of said moments
which is rare
So props to whoever edited the trailers!!!
KRIS: Drax is probably my favorite (part of this is shamelessly because Dave Bautista is a bald Filipino man) but on my first viewing I actually did feel like his shtick got old fast
MIRI: It’s important to be able to see yourself in media!
Find Part II of our Guardians Reaction here.
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Modern technology.
Clare, the partner of my hubby's best friend is fairly a good friend of mine and also we work together establishing and also running advertising sales backwards and forwards the nation for a couple of well recognized youngsters's garments firms. The high quality of partnership matters for a great deal, according to the survey: 83% of those who explained their connection as very good or excellent reported sensation good concerning themselves while just 62% of those who described their partnership as average, bad or really poor reported the same degree of individual health and wellbeing. Concept Proficiency Alerts clear up hard concepts, informed by data from Mistaken belief Alert inquiries in PrepU for Brunner & Suddarth's Book of Medical-Surgical Nursing, 12e. In 1909, when some of the world's greatest scientists merged in Cambridge to commemorate Darwin's centennial, 92-year-old Hooker stood high among them, admiring the friend he had actually outlasted by virtually 20 years and also assisted for greater than 5. Alcohol abuse and also substance abuse can be different underlying sources of delayed ejaculation, so resolving these troubles may help. Thus, day-to-day actions may catch everyone's experiences, but regular steps may capture everyone's most personally pertinent or prominent experiences, which could differ for each and every connection companion. In some cases it's emotional like it is when you remain in a relationship that misbehaves for you. However, after a brief intro to Meesha in the first phase, guide returns to Employer also known as Malcolm Clark. Alluring Her Buddy is the tale of friends in love with each other, however neither understands the other loves them. In these cases, the friends most likely split on excellent terms, and restoring the connection merely means reaching out to re-establish call. His resistance to modern technology was a running motif (and a method of maintaining some personal privacy in a really public life) till he ultimately hopped on e-mail, in 2010, explaining himself proudly as a new computer geek". There he was familiar with regular Royal prince Harry as well as his friend Man Pelly, that drew Jack to run the stylish Mahiki nightclub where Jack functioned 12 hr days. So, I suggest that in a circumstances such as this one, it is smart to expand your very own inner network, over interact about essential choices that have to be made, and also overlook your manager when you have wide support to move on. While you still have your view, believe tough and also lengthy regarding what you want in a connection and send out that power out right into deep space. More Info of the one in charges was walking by (his name was Morrie) as well as he discharged this tasty cackle of a laugh, enjoying the fact that this other was caught forever. Even better, offer to throw one because you like your good friend and also this is a huge deal. While it's true that every partnership needs a particular quantity of compromise, do without the important things that we really need just doesn't work. Humane Society International becomes part of The Hair Free Partnership which held discussions with Hugo Boss concerning its fur policy. She doesn't want to be ruled under her daddy's thumb and also busts her evaluate day in and day out attempting to make her mark. Subscribe for 4 problems of the poetry collection, starting with The one in charge or the next publication, for $40. It is necessary you don't set up unnecessary boundaries that stop you from being viewed as friendly (ideally, a friend). Whatever Gave You That Suggestion!" The piece, which Benjamin composed in collaboration with his pal Wolf Zucker, provided a strikingly lucid however semi-satirical take on the everlasting question of ways to ask for a raise-- or, rather, the best ways to request anything when there is a power vibrant included in between provider and also receiver. It offers trainees' a fantastic start to just what makes a good friend as well as just what makes a not so good friend. In this situation, you program on your own to see and hear your manager but not really see or hear them" Your manager could be chewing out you, but you purposely let it move as if you did not listen to anything. Scott sees just how much this pleases Rachel and also makes a decision perhaps he needs to have an online good friend as well. Except for the check out to Hooligans, I would certainly had a good time the day before, and the individuals weren't pathing in and out of the kitchen area, complaining concerning me being low on whole-wheat bread or hot water (Claude) or providing me flowery pleasantries when all I wished to do read (Dermot). When it concerns songs, other individuals's opinions, or Annabel's inner monologue, Owen's advice continues to be the same: don't judge ... just pay attention. When taking on responsibility for a panel of individuals, doctors could be claimed to join a relationship in theory that does not yet exist actually. This 3rd city succeeds the initial city, Chicago the stretching industrial center, whose historical arc ranged from the Civil War up to the Great Clinical depression, as well as the 2nd city (not to be perplexed with A. J. Liebling's picture of a backwards, Potemkin town metropolitan area fated to a second-class emulation of the country's municipal facility, Manhattan), the Rust Belt exemplar of the period from approximately 1950 to 1990. When it pertains to your partnership, setting attainable objectives with a tone of partnership can aid enrich each various other's lives as well as sustain the bond in between you and your companion. By contrast, an additional buddy had a really various experience growing up. A New York City policeman, her papa had never ever avoided effort. While making Satisfaction & Bias in 2005, Good friend began dating Keira Knightley, that movie's lead. Throughout your trip you will fight managers you rolled up in the enchanting Make-A-Boss generator. With 26,075 released works, that suggests Picasso averaged 1 brand-new piece of artwork everyday of his life from age 20 until his death at age 91. He created something new, daily, for 71 years. You have actually simply been designated the head of a brand-new Animation studio and also have actually been offered 10 (currently 50) years to earn it one of the most effective studio around. The peculiar actions only becomes worse as Gretchen starts being nasty to everyone at institution and in your home, manipulating them to harmful and also harmful routines as well as driving a wedge between Abby and also all her pals. And also in a world where food has become a hot product, Yanou absolutely has good friends in the best places. The desk impended in front of a remarkable floor-to-ceiling view over a dazzling wet stretch of the City of London, not that he had actually ever been observed appreciating it. The functioning concept was that he just suched as understanding that it was commonly wanted by others, that this delighted him greater than the sight itself. This little lady took the realities a good friend shared with her as well as played for the remainder of the mid-day with my little woman. The cast are enjoyable as well as they offer some unexpected efficiencies, as usual the highlight is Lance Henriksen as well as he is what makes the movie what it is. This is a creative scary outing that delivers a fun hour and also a half seeing experience. And also appropriately so. With just a pitiful 6 (7 after Walmsley's promotion) female employers in the FTSE 100, there is clearly still a humiliating amount of job to be done to shatter the glass ceiling stopping most ladies reaching the top tiers of company. Following time you have an individually session with your boss (or your peers,) request for responses on your scalability abilities." You 'd be surprise just how it can minimize the quantity of pressure on your shoulder. These techniques represent movement toward an egalitarian relationship where the clinician knows and mindful with his or her use of power.
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o-wise-corvid · 3 years
Chapter 3: Combatant Eliminated
“Don’t try to win this by yourself. We’re strongest together. Remember.” Gaia smoothed Shriek’s hair back and helped him pull on his headgear. It wasn’t like wearing a full helmet like Papa’s, but it protected the forehead and back of the skull, cheek guards offering cushions to the face in case of a fall.
“Rend is top heavy,” Rex offered, cracking his neck to the side. “His balance is bad.” He shared a grin with Gaia. They had trained with Rend back during the short time that it had just been the three of them and the memories of the young man’s brutality were hard to forget.
“Wear him out. Make him work for his air.” Soren accepted a hearty backslap from Rex, and the boys laughed.
Rend had broken one of Rex’s ribs on his first day in the training yard and hit Gaia so hard across the face that she’d nearly lost consciousness. It had been Soren who had gotten in behind the muscle wall, looped his lanky arms around Rend’s neck and choked him to his knees. Even Soren had walked away with a bruised spine, a fractured shoulder and a bleeding due to being repeatedly slammed against the wall.
“We can’t use the Force, right?”
Shriek was the reliant on the Force of them all and his strength was unparalleled. He could lift all the others, and Cody, without having to gesture so much as a finger.
“No, we can’t. But we-“ Gaia said confidently as she walked around to each black suit of armor and stamped a bright yellow Imperial Seal on the chest plate- “are Sunshine Squad.”
“Sunshine? That sounds...” Kali made a face that indicated primness.” The others snorted and giggled, eyeing the bright symbol that was so stark against the black.
“Yellow is Cody’s color.”
Everyone fell silent. They each turned to Gaia with shameful expressions, Soren and Rex pressing a hand to their chests. “We should wear it with honor. Don’t you think?”
“Yes sir.”
Gaia blushed fiercely and the seriousness of the moment dissipated in a flash. Rex grabbed her shoulder, pressing his forehead to hers in a gesture Cody often used as one of affection and encouragement.
“You got this, vod.”
Gaia gripped him behind his neck, pressing her forehead harder against his. “We’ve got this.”
They walked out of the prep room together, Rex’s twin shock batons swinging on his hips and Gaia’s stun pike slung easily over her shoulder. Shriek carried one baton and Kali carried two short ones. Soren carried the most unique version of the weapon; he’d grafted retractable batons onto his gauntlets.
Rend and his squad, named after himself, were waiting at the other end of a mock canyon. The expanse of space that spanned the arena was rocky and full of cavernous rock formations. This was widely considered the most difficult setting in the arena and only the most skilled combatants were even allowed access to it. Rend Squad trained on it every week.
“Uneven terrain,” Shriek muttered, checking the grips of his gauntlets one last time. “Easy to lose footing.”
“Rend likes to use power moves, devastating blows with that mallet of his. Be a shame if somebody led him to some loose gravel and he couldn’t get the traction for something like that.” Kali ground her teeth together the further into the statement she went. “No one makes one of us bleed without paying the price,” she finished darkly.
“No heroics on our account,” Soren soothed, touching the Twi’Lek’s shoulder. “Using the Force will disqualify you, vod’ika... we need you out there.”
Kali sighed but nodded, closing her eyes for a moment. She showed her lack of rest, but Gaia knew how even a tired Kali could be lethal. Anger seemed to energize the girl, which Cody tried to frequently discourage, but Kali didn’t always listen.
A harsh bark of laughter echoed across the field. “Look at them! They even named themselves Sunshine Squad! How precious.”
Gaia tightened her grip on the staff, feeling the cold thump of anger in her stomach. She immediately pushed it away. She couldn’t afford to have emotions out on the field right now. She needed a cool head, not just for herself. Four others depended on her to be the logical one. The one who could make a split second decision that could decide the sway of a fight.
“Oh, so stoic! The captain’s got you all whipped. Cant even unleash your tongues else he might not feed you.”
Rex snorted. “The galaxy’s finest actors. Shame we’re waisted on the Empire,” he muttered. The others made soft, amused noises, refusing to raise noise that Rend might be able to perceive.
“When you’re sufficiently able,” a voice chimed from everywhere, Cody’s signature snarl that he used when in mixed company, “begin.”
Rend surged into motion like he’d been stung. The teenager pounded his way through the valley that ate up most of the arena’s center. His team followed, a knot of black against the leeched grayish brown of the sandy soil.
A hum filled the air as the five powered up their stun batons. They sank into crouched, legs braced, weapons brandished. Gaia side-checked Soren and Rex. They would move together, just like they’d rehearsed. “The joints,” she reminded. She heard Soren growl a little under his breath, saw the shine of sweat on his cheek. On the other side, Rex’s gloved squeaked as he adjusted his grip.
And then Rend was upon them.
Gaia took two quick steps forward and swung her staff. Rend blocked it easily, but then went down as Rex and Soren darted by, each scoring a hit to the unprotected backs of his knees. Kali and Shriek followed them, Kali’s hand darting under Rend’s arm to deliver a shock right to his armpit. Shriek kneed him in the face, the sound of breaking cartilage swallowed by Rend’s enraged yell.
Gaia side-stepped a half-blind, flailing swipe from Rend’s mallet, wound up and let fly a swing that caught Rend directly on the jaw. She groaned when he fell forward, unconscious but still gripping his mallet in his hand. “Players” weren’t considered out of the game until they either dropped their weapon or were disarmed. Disarming an unconscious opponent wasn’t allowed.
She turned, thrumming her legs into a churning sprint. The others had reached the rest of Rend’s team and the fight was on. Rend was the muscle of the team but being assaulted by so many combatants proved far too much for his weight-bound fighting style. Alone, he might’ve taken Gaia, but she wasn’t alone.
Soren danced in and out of the reach of a tall, slender human, who looked to be creating her fifteenth year. She twirled and flicked a baton that was almost as long as Gaia’s entire staff, the incredible reach of the thing keeping Soren from getting close enough to stun her. Her control of the thing was remarkable and she wore a fierce, almost animalistic grin.
Gaia stepped into a spin, circled her staff around and brought the stunning “blade” down hard on the woman’s elongated, but thin baton. There was a crackling snap and the low hum that had followed the baton’s motions died.
“Combatant eliminated.”
The voice was artificial, leaning itself to a feminine quality. Sterility aside, Gaia couldn’t contain a low, triumphant laugh. “Bit off a little much there, didn’t you, Kreia?”
“Karking nerf herders,” she snapped back bitterly, arms falling to her sides as Soren and Gaia hurried to help the others.
“I got Shriek,” Soren said, veering away to where the smaller boy was dueling his opponent like a mad man, his baton a purplish blue blur as he blocked, parried and struck.
Gaia glanced at Kali, who slid under the arm of a huge boy easily thrice her size. She drove her knee up into his elbow, breaking the arm, and causing the boy to release his baton.
“Combatant eliminated.”
Gaia heard her give a shout of joy.
Rex was directly ahead of her, scrambling over a small rock outcropping, using the terrain to keep the remaining member of Rend. Gai recognized the youngest member of the squad, Coris, by his double batons and by the constant twirling madness that he he created with them. Rex was easily his match, but one of his arms was slower, possibly he’d been shocked on that side. His good arm was working in a frenzy to block Coris’ blows and Gaia could see the sweat fly off the Zabrak’s face as he tried to trip up his opponent.
She put on speed, building up for a downward power strike that would send Coris to his knees. He turned at exactly the wrong moment. One arm arced backward in a stab, keeping Rex at bay, while the other swept outward, catching Gaia in the shoulder. The blow knocked her sideways, the bone jittering shock of the baton causing her muscles to seize up and clench violently.
Gaia slammed hard into a rocky formation, the air leaving her lungs. She was a powerful warrior, capable of taking down opponents twice her size, but she was still only eleven. She coughed, tasting copper on her tongue where she’d bit her own lip. The weight of her staff in her hand reminded her that she was still in the game and her head snapped up just as Coris bore down on her.
Her arm jerked around, sweeping at his knees, but Coris was not Rend. He jumped the strike and laughed. “Stupid little kid.”
“I know you are,” someone that Gaia couldn’t see all but bellowed, “but what am I?”
Coris’ face twisted into annoyance but then froze in a grimace as a baton-wielding arm looped around his shoulders and touched the tip of the weapon to the underside of Coris’ jaw. The young man’s lithe frame went rigid for a moment, then the arm retracted. Coris swayed, his batons slipped from his fingers and he fell flat on his face.
Rex stood panting, looking as if he might collapse, one arm bent protectively around to cradle the other. His batons hung on his belt. “You okay?”
Gaia nodded, using her staff to help her stand. “You?”
“Might be broken. I dunno.”
Shriek and Soren stood a hundred or so yards away, Kali near them. They were all looking back in the direction they’d come from. Gaia and Rex followed their gaze. Rend was stirring, pulling himself up to his knees.
“We gave him everything we had and he still didn’t go down,” Rex said softly so only Gaia would hear. “What’s the plan?”
Gaia tested her shoulder, rolling the arm. She’d have a bruise but she could still move it. “Get him in the caves. We can’t handle another all out attack like that, you especially. Confuse him. If we can hit him with a bunch of sneak attacks, just beat him down one by one, we can end this. See if we can really mess that nose of his up.”
Rex nodded once and the two set off. The others fell in around them, Soren touching his brother’s good arm worriedly. Kali glanced anxiously at the blood drying on Gaia’s chin, but didn’t say anything. Her anger coiled in the Force, begging to be set free.
“I’m okay,” Gaia assured her almost sternly. “Focus.”
Kali huffed, frowning darkly. “I know,” she snapped but then added more gently, “...I know.”
Rend lurched to his feet and whirled, eyes wild amongst a blood splattered face. He took in the unconscious forms of his teammates with an annoyed snort. Gaia wasn’t sure but she thought she heard him mutter, “Useless.”
“You’ve already lost,” she called to him. “Lay down your hammer and call it a day, Rend. You’ve already made squad. Nothing for you to prove. Gaining another qualified strike team for the Empire helps us all.”
Rend sneered at them. “You don’t make squad until until every one of my team isn’t holding a weapon.”
Soren and Rex sighed together.
“Guess we’ll have to do this the hard way after all.” Shriek cracked his knuckles.
The inhuman noise of rage that ripped out of Rend’s mouth was nothing short of deafening. A wave of energy rolled with the scream, slamming into the five children without warning. Gaia was sent flying, her staff ripped from her fingers. She heard a blaring klaxon sound in the area followed by four overlapping “Combatant eliminated” alerts.
She flipped head over heels and landed on her belly, losing her wind for the second time in five minutes. Someone clipped by her and there was a pained yell as they landed. It sounded like Shriek. Through blurry eyes, Gaia spotted Rend stomping his way toward her, his mallet held firmly in both hands.
He’s going to kill me, whispered in her mind, a tendril of panic curling cold and hard into her gut. She tried to push herself up, but pain, sharp and hot sang through her body; something was broken even behind all that armor.
Rend stopped in front of her, hooked a toe under Gaia’s shoulder and flipped her over. “No kid takes my field,” he said, blood and spit flying from his mouth.
“Drop it Rend.”
Cody’s voice ushered a wave of relief over Gaia that was so strong that she nearly lost consciousness right then. She tilted her head back a little and saw him, all glossy black and yellow, a blaster rifle aimed threateningly at Rend. “You disqualified yourself by using the Force. You lost your own field and handed the children the win.”
Rend turned toward Cody, fist balling up as he moved. Many things happened at once in that moment. Cody suddenly staggered, his armor buckling and contorting as Rend began to slowly squeeze his fist shut. His rifle fired and missed. Kali and Shriek screamed together.
Time seemed to freeze as Gaia’s injured body hurled itself into action, her legs and arms clawing at the ground. She tackled Rend’s middle from behind, feeling Soren and Rex collide one after the other, Soren above and Rex below. Another blaster bolt screamed through the arena and then another. Rend jerked as one made contact, a strangled cry leaving him.
Gaia felt the bigger boy land on top of her, felt Soren and Rex immediately yank him off as the crackling pain in her chest exploded like a silent bomb. She groaned, an arm flying over her chest protectively. Rex was on his knees beside her, a hand covering her forehead, keeping her on her back.
“B-Captain. She’s got a broken rib, maybe a punctured lung.”
Other hands touched her, one on her ankle, another on her shoulder. The pain ebbed and dulled. Cody’s face bobbed into vision over her, well, his helmeted face. It was good he didn’t take it off now she thought in a quick burst of clarity; he might not be able to hide his feelings after all that had just happened.
“We’ve got to get her to Medbay.” Kali squeezed Gaia’s hand.
“I’m going to sedate you, Cadet. Just hold still.” Cody’s fingers trembled a little as he turned her head to the side and injected the sedative, the soft hiss of the depressor promising relief with a gentle whisper.
She felt the prick of the needle in her neck and the pain disappeared. Gaia’s entire body seemed to unwind, growing warm and heavy. It felt good, to just lie there and not have a care in the world. Everyone she loved was there... This was nice. In fact, Gaia felt so good that she thought she just might sleep. Yes. Sleep would be... be nice...
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