#Pyrrha has two dads in this au
superiorsturgeon · 1 year
First Impressions
Patroclus Nikos: *sips his tea* I must say, young man, you seem very nice and trustworthy! I’m happy to see that our little warrior princess is in a relationship!
Pyrrha: Daaaaaad…! Stoooooop…!
Jaune: *awkwardly sips his tea* Thanks, mister Nikos! Pyrrha’s a very special girl!
Achilles Nikos: *squeezes Jaune’s biceps* Ha! And quite a strong lad too! Just what I wanted to see in my daughter’s first boyfriend! She’s always been a little firecracker, and it takes some grit to keep up with her!
Pyrrha: *blushing* Father, please!!!
Jaune: Well, Pyrrha’s really the reason I started training so much! She has a really tough workout regimen! 😅
Patroclus: *leans against his husband* I’m so happy our little girl has found someone to care for her, but I’m even happier that meeting Pyrrha’s boyfriend wasn’t an embarrassing disaster like when I met Achilles’ family!
Achilles: Let’s not tell that story! Our daughter and her boyfriend don’t need to hear about something that embarrassing…! 😫
Jaune: *glances at Pyrrha* 😒
Pyrrha: *uncomfortably poking her fingers together and avoiding eye contact* 😥
A few weeks ago…
Pyrrha: Back away from MY MAN, you hussies!!! I sculpted this butt from noodly clay, and I’m not about to give up my good boy to a gaggle of blonde bimbos, no matter how beautiful you are! You didn’t want him before, you don’t get to thirst over him now! *brandishing her spear with one hand and groping Jaune’s ass with the other to stake her claim*
Jaune: …uh…Pyrrha, meet my sisters! *gestures to the seven blonde women being threatened by his partner*
Arc Sisters: 😒
Pyrrha: Your…sisters…? 😨
Jaune: …also, my mom…
Mama Arc: 🤨
Pyrrha: 😱
Jaune: …and…you’re still grabbing my butt…! 😣
Pyrrha: 🫣
Papa Arc: …I like this girl! 🤣
(This happened immediately afterwards!)
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tanoraqui · 2 months
you’ve heard of Her Divine Highness Gideon the First, First Daughter of the House of God, and all the compelling, often Fake Dating-laced AUs that might follow. But have you considered...Gideon Jr. Dve, favored daughter of the First, heir of Gideon the First, Saint of Duty?
the timeline diverges at 2 points:
Gideon (ours) inherits her mother’s perfectly normal dark brown eyes
Gideon (lyctor) follows the escape pod to Ninth House, arrives to find Wake’s corpse and living baby, to the bemusement of all the locals is like, “yes, that’s mine” and takes said baby back to the Mithraeum to confess his sins and beg forgiveness
the conversation that follows goes like this:
Gideon 1: I am so sorry, John, I don’t know what came over me, Wake was just...really hot. She’s dead now. But, um, this is our daughter, and I feel duty-bound to raise her, or at least see that she’s raised well - but it’s your call, of course (again, I’m sorry for sleeping with the enemy for over a decade)
JohnGod, vibrating at a frequency known only to necromantic immortals who maybe swallowed a sun or something: N I E C E ? !
Augustine, Mercy, and maybe Cytherea, exchanging frantic eye contact behind the other two’s heads: Is that the baby? / I don’t know! I thought you were keeping track of it! / I don’t know! Can’t you tell!? / Are they keeping it? / What the fuck are we going to do about this?!
So, Gideon (Jr.) grows up in the Mithraeum, which needless to say is a fucking weird place to grow up. 
this au is dependent on the assumption that none of these millennia-old necromancers can identify the thanergic/thalergic weirdness of the biological daughter of God on slight, so, just accept that. Maybe children of lyctors (I refuse to believe there haven’t been any before) are a little Like That anyway? The Conspirators do learn the truth pretty fast, DNA test or something, but they quickly decide that stealing the baby and running for the Ninth is a terrible plan, and G1deon and God have to let her out from underfoot eventually. They’ll wait.
the Ninth had already named her Gideon. Gideon 1 tries to change this, but alas, his terrible immortal friends all think it’s hilarious and call her Gideon Jr, or “Junior” or “Giddy” for short.
Cytherea is undoubtably the Cool Aunt, and also Giddy’s first crush
(neither Mercy nor Augustine want to touch children on account of potential stickiness, ruling them firmly out)
JohnGod makes so many Godfather jokes in a terrible Italian mobster accent, which Giddy then imitates with equal inability to mimic an accent, which either produces something completely unrecognizable as old-Earth Italian mobster OR somehow loops back around to being a perfect impression of Don Corleone
Pyrrha tries to resist the urge to check in, but fails, particularly around bedtime (usually a private father/daughter tucking-in ritual). Giddy, with the uncomfortable insight for a toddler, quickly grasps that Sunglasses Dad is a different persona than Normal Dad. Sunglasses Dad swears her to utmost secrecy about this, and she keeps the oath...almost entirely
she does let it slip to Normal Dad, who...
listen, G1deon has been concealing his mysterious lapses in awareness from God and his fellow lyctors for centuries; he’s not going to stop now. And he MUST have had suspicions about what caused them; he’s not an idiot. But he would, I think, be a responsible father. 
So when 7yo Gideon Jr. lets slip about her interactions with Sunglasses Dad - which she definitely doesn’t realize is a whole different person; she probably thinks it’s a weird character her dad acts as sometimes, like how Uncle God will play pretend as a mobster, pirate, horse, etc. When Gideon Jr. lets slip, Gideon Sr. sits her down with his daughter, gets her to tell him about Sunglasses Dad, and admits that, uh, yeah, sure, it’s a fun game they play together, and still very secret from everyone else...and if ‘Sunglasses Dad’ ever makes her feel scared, or god forbid hurts her, she should run away and find Uncle God and tell him everything immediately. 
(Because he has suspicions, he must have suspicions, especially at this point...but just in case he’s wrong, he’ll confess to this centuries-old secret rather than let any harm befall his daughter. It’s the only right thing to do.)
Some Actual Plot Maybe, IDK?:
when Gideon Jr. is 13, her father finally agrees to enroll her in the Cohort Academy for Gifted Officers-To-Be, or whatever its called. Gideon Sr. has a quiet word with the current head of Second House and Gideon Jr. enrolls incognito, and rolls up to this place with
- sword skills trained since birth with fucking lyctors
- an uncanny ability to survive should-be-deadly wounds
- the social skills of someone who has never spoken with anyone under the age of several millennia
- probably slightly more respect for, like, the concept of authority/order/duty/not being a smartass 24/7 than the canon Gideon we know and love...BUT she has also literally never suffered a consequence in her life, and...you know how Miles Vorkosigan’s insubordination habits are based partly in that for the first 18 years of his life, his commanding officers, essentially, were 2 of the most competent people on Barrayar? God Himself used to give Gideon horsey rides. Gideon might try, politely, to be impressed by the commander-instructor glaring at her personally, but she is...not.
- gay
[insert a full YA novel’s worth of coming-of-age shenanigans here, absolutely ft. Judith Deuteros and Marta Dyas as soon-friends]
AND THEN ONE DAY, JOD SENDS OUT AN INVITATION to the heir of the Nine Houses inviting them to the First...
now, Gideon does not have a single drop of necromantic ability. She never has. So she wants to be a cavalier so bad...
but even Gideon, sword bimbo that she is, couldn’t grow up with The lyctors and not notice that... Well, no one really talks about their cavaliers, except when Mercy and Augustine fight about them. There is a grieving, sucking wound where every lyctoral cavalier should be.
she still tried so hard to be one. Judith very nearly agreed to have her even over <3Marta<3 (whom they were both madly crushing on). Then Gideon had one of her rare meetings with her father (he’d swing by the Cohort Academy sometimes and they’d get lunch), and told him about it all excitedly, and he flatly forbade it. And then he went over her head and flatly forbade it to the Cohort. 
so there’s something Weird going on there, or at least there’s something being unfairly forbidden to Gideon like birds are forbidden to the indoor cat staring out the window, eagerly lashing its tail. 
so she hatches a Plan:
- 1. Stow away on Judith & Marta’s ship to Dominicus - 2. ??? - 3. Profit!
when she sees Cytherea there, she thinks, Oh shit, I’m busted.
fortunately, she’d waited until everyone else had disembarked and gone inside before she snuck off the ship, so Cytherea doesn’t see her. So now it’s up to Gideon to sneak around, make friends with the heirs of the Houses, and recruit them into helping her not get caught by her aunt! Who she assumes is here specifically to catch her out...or maybe to covertly oversee the trials...? Hey what is up with this place anyway?
(It’s fortunate because as soon as Cytherea sees Gideon, she’s going to change her plan to “kill everyone immediately, except Giddy, whom I take to the Ninth and exsanguinate to open that damn tomb.”)
(Unfortunately, once like 5 people have died, Gideon is likely to honorably reveal herself in order to ask Cytherea for help, because CLEARLY something has gone terribly wrong. This can’t really be part of the trials, right? Uncle God wouldn’t do that.)
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howlingday · 28 days
(demi- arkos au) pyrrha makes the mistake of asking her mother how to attract boys.
The Virgin Goddess is not nearly as helpful as you'd think.
secondary story: jaune has two moms, why does he exist? like physically speaking? (jaune takes psychic damage as his goddess mother explains in detail all the advantages of shapeshifting)
"Pyrrha! It's so good to hear from you!"
"Hi, Mom." Pyrrha smiled through the video feed. "Um, is mamá there?"
"And if I am?" The goddess said clearly from out of view. "Would you prefer I not be here?"
"No, no, I don't mind! I just..." She sighed. "I have a question, and I'm afraid of the answer you'll give."
"Oh no..." Her mortal mother gave a soft groan.
"If this is in regards to courting, then I'm afraid I will be of little help." Her other mother said. "If this were in regard to the tournament approaching, then perhaps I would be of better service."
"So you don't have any advice at all?"
"I never said that. I have brought kingdoms to their knees and risen children to tyrants. If there is a way within my knowledge, then I will help you with what I know."
"Okay." Pyrrha took a deep breath. "So, there's this boy-"
"No." Athena repeated, this time in a more commanding voice. "Men are fools who would destroy everything they touch in service of their own hubris. You would only benefit yourself by abstaining from them altogether."
"All men or all mortals?" Pyrrha's eyes glanced to her mamá, who gave a gulp. Pyrrha could feel a migraine grow, as though her brain were trying to escape from her skull. It was dull, but the message was clear. 'Don't question the will of Athena'. "He's... different..."
"As was Heracles. And Odysseus. And Paris, and Perseus, and Achilles-"
"I am not those people, mother."
"No, but I'm Jaune is very much the same as them in one way or another." Pyrrha became quiet. "Oh, yes, child of mine. I know the name of this man you seek. And he will bring you naught but ruin."
Pyrrha became silent, her lips pursed. She wanted to yell, though it would do no good. Throwing a public tantrum never solved anything for anyone, as her mother taught her. But it would feel so good, wouldn't it?
"Is that his name?" Mamá asked, hoping to ease the tension. "Jaune?"
"Are you talking about me?" Pyrrha whirled around to find her team leader walking up to her, his hood up and his sunglasses on.
"Jaune!" She looked to her mother, then looked to him. She waved him over and his face came into view of the screen. "Jaune, this is my mamá, Carnelia."
"Hello there~!" She greeted.
"Hullo, Misses Nikos~!" He waved to her. "I can see where Pyrrha gets her beauty from."
Pyrrha flushed.
Misses Nikos giggled.
"Oh..." Another voice growled. "You..."
"Uh, hi? Is that your... Dad?"
"Jaune, this is... my other mother."
"Oh, nice to meet you, too, Misses Nikos!" Jaune smiled to the empty space. "Uh, my name is Jaune, Jaune Arc. Short, sweet, and rolls off the tongue. The ladies love it!"
Pyrrha giggled with Carnelia.
"Moulári pou flertárei." Athena grumbled.
"Wait, what was that about a donkey?" Jaune blinked. Suddenly, his scroll buzzed. Checking it, he hopped away. "Oh, sorry to cut this short! I gotta go. It was nice meeting you~!" Jaune turned and ran for the door. "See ya later, Pyr!"
"Uh, l-later?" Pyrrha waved. She looked to her mothers, Athena now in view. "So... That was Jaune."
"He seems nice." Mamá said.
"Pyrrha..." For the first time ever, her mother paused before speaking. "Focus on you studies for now. You are here to fight, not to flirt."
Pyrrha gave a nod. "Yes, Mother."
"Hey, Mom?"
"Yes, Jaune?"
"I was wondering... Do I have a dad?"
The kitchen was quiet. His mother, Iva, clenched her jaw at the stove while Aphrodite, his biological mother, hummed while carving an apple. The family of nine were having stew with an apple pie for dessert. Setting the knife down, Aphrodite looked to her son with glistening eyes.
"No." She smiled.
"No." She picked up the knife again and began slicing the apple into halves.
"What about David?" Jaune asked. The huntsman gone and away from home often was the father of seven children in the Arc family. All girls. His only son was not truly his to claim, if he so chose to do.
Aphrodite giggled. "No, not him, either."
"Then... Who is my dad?"
"I am." She set the knife aside and began placing the slices into the pie crust. "You are my son, and I am your mother."
"So, I don't have dad?"
"Y-You do have a father," Iva said, earning a quirked brow from Aphrodite, "just... not one biologically."
"I... I don't understand." Jaune blinked.
"I'll explain everything when you're older." Aphrodite chirped.
"Mom, I'm 17."
"When you're older, honey."
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aravas-writing · 7 months
Councilman Arc Au: Jaune has to go to the Schnee Manor again, Pyrrha and Eve in yow as guards. One: to give Jacques a peice of his mind. Two: see his "son" Whitley, who is fanboying over Pyrrha.
This was a statement and a half, coming to Schnee Manor with two bodyguards in tow. Though not just any old guards: Pyrrha Nikos, the Invincible Girl, and Eve Taurus of the White Fang had come with him on this journey. Despite being on a watchlist, there was no warrant out for Eve's arrest, so she could come and go as she pleased.
She didn't please often when it came to Atlas, however. It was simply too cold for her tastes.
Jaune, meanwhile, had a rather odd goal. For one, he wanted to try settling out of court with Jacques. To Jaune, the whole thing was a waste of time and money, while Jacques wanted nothing more than a full monopoly on everything Dust.
Naturally, that couldn't fly, but it was worth a shot to see if the jackass was open to... mostly realising just how bad his own position was.
The catch? The man wasn't there. Klein couldn't find him, but invited the visitors anyway for tea and pastries.
Suited Jaune just fine. Due to his liaison with Willow, he considered Whitley to be just about one step below actual stepson. Meaning: he felt like the kid needed a dad, not a father, but also didn't feel close enough.
It came to just about everyone's surprise that the little guy was a big fan of Pyrrha.
"I am not one to brag, but I happened to witness your prowess on several occasions. Say, is what the TV series says about you true?"
Now if only he wasn't being so Jacques about it
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notedchampagne · 1 year
rip to being stuck at the airport 😔😔 can i ask about ur severance tlt au 🫣
note: this has show-typical violence, by which i mean suicide attempts and violence
essentially gideon and harrow were childhood best frenemies at an orphanage or something until john came over as gideons long lost dad and they parted ways- timeskip about 2 decades and some change and griddlehark is made up of two incredibly depressed and lonely 30-something year olds: harrow already went through her 20s like a ball of screaming fire and hit the ground burnt, so now that shes effectively past the age she expected to die she has Zero expectations for herself and has started taking up online classes/doing her job at lumon as it gives her pay and pays off her student loans. gideon, daughter of john (higher up spokesperson at lumon who doesnt really know the depth of it either), doesnt have a direction in life and decided to get severed so that she blacks out half of the day working and blacks out the other half by drinking. shes truly not coping over anything.
one night gideon walks out and just. keeps walking. she eventually walks into a cornfield and expects to never come out, but LO AND BEHOLD she trips over harrow just sitting there. the cornfield is outside her apartment and she couldnt sleep so she surrounded herself with possibly one of the worst atmospheres out there <3. despite the odd moment of shock they ARE relieved to see each other and it kind of begins a series of small steps where gideon and harrow dont really know each other anymore -but they want to!- and theyve been socially stunted and dont know how to act around each other anymore - but they want to try! this is MY love letter to the fear of growing old and fucking up and being stunted. theyre 30 going on 40 and i believe in yuri
in the meantime their innies- nona h. and kiriona g. are engaging in 1) yaoi. two blokes doing fuck all and 2) incredible violence. theres no two extra coworkers here its just them in an office and the security (who is pyrrha. a woman whos in a predicament baby)
screenshots at time of production below
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laikaflash · 6 months
4, 11, and 30 for the 'yet another writing ask' prompt
4. Do you have any OCs? Do you have a story for them?
I made a bunch of OCs for "The Harlot and her Son" because going far back enough pre-canon (starting around the time Siegfried's parents met) left me with a sparse cast to work with. Keeping the number of OCs to a minimum was a losing battle, so I'll just name a few. Two of them were inspired by this line in Siegfried's profile on the old Soul Archive site (the bolding is mine):
帝国辺境に本拠を置く騎士の3男・フレデリックもそんな騎士の一人である。 Frederick, the third son of a knight based in the imperial borderland, is one such knight [who fought to protect the peasants].
That's the only hint I'm aware of that Siegfried has uncles and I ran with that, so... The eldest Schtauffen brother is Manfred, who is (to put it lightly) not thrilled about his new sister-in-law to the point where he's initially suspicious that Siegfried might not be Frederick's kid. The middle brother is the mild-mannered Wilfried, who takes over Siegfried's training while Frederick is away. There's also Manfred's son Kurt (Konrad when he's in trouble) who's kind of a bully to Siegfried because he overheard his dad grumbling about the "whoreson" more often than anyone likes to think. He's a teenager for most of the fic, so he still has some growing up to do.
11. Three tropes that are fine but overrated?
In general? On some level I get the appeal of soulmate AUs, but the concept just isn't my bag. I'm not too crazy about love triangles, but sometimes the multishipper in me sees possibilities. Miscommunication (romantic or not), depending on execution (it can get annoying, though).
30. Describe a fic that almost happened, but then it didn't.
It was about Rothion's attempts at finding Sophitia, Pyrrha, and Cassandra. Well, technically, I started that one a long time ago with him telling little Patroklos the story of Orpheus and Eurydice. After, much to the boy's dismay, it ends with Orpheus leaving the underworld without his wife, all Rothion can bring himself to tell him is that Hades kept his word. It's cold comfort for them both in their grief.
Now here's the part I didn't write. Years later, Rothion absconds with Patroklos (who is not quite yet in his teens) on an ill-advised cross-country trip with the express purpose of finding the three. Patroklos is by far the more optimistic (his mother and aunt are heroes, after all), but Rothion has a lot of second thoughts before they get anywhere near the border. I'm pretty sure this part of the timeline coincides with the Long Turkish War, so they get stopped by Ottoman soldiers, who don't let them go any farther. Suffice it to say that Rothion returns to Athens feeling utterly crushed, but Patroklos isn't quite ready to give up...
Let's just say I was going through something at the time.
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oddlyhale · 1 year
I had this AU idea where Ever After is actually just a wonderful, nice and peaceful place that all the dead characters have gone to live happily and without the memories of their past selves.
Ruby gets separated from her team but is helped by a girl that looks exactly like Penny, but perhaps with a different outfit and hairstyle. Ruby noticed that the girl has a robotic body.
The girl leads Ruby to a cottage where she introduces her two dads to. One is a man that looks exactly like Ironwood, but the other is someone Ruby's never met before.
In the backyard of the cottage garden, two other people are there. One looks like Pyrrha and the other looks like Adam (although Ruby doesn't know who Adam is, so she doesn't think too much on him.)
While everybody seems very happy living together, they inform Ruby that there's someone looking for her. All they give is a name: Carmine.
Carmine is a wolf man among the Ever After, and he's hunting. He is known as the midhusband of death and he is out to take souls to Death. He has been given a list of those that need to die: "those that have avoided death."
(And maybe this is the part where I have been clearly watching too much violent magical girl animes) but Carmine will not hold back on massacring those that he finds. His power could be proven by tearing Neo apart the minute he finds her, taking her soul. He goes after the others that fell into Ever After, WBYJ.
But not only is Carmine a killing machine, but he knows why Death wants these people to be dead. He knows the truth about Jaune, how little purpose some teammates have lost, and the truth about Ruby.
I'd also like to put in that Carmine constantly baits Ruby with the undeniable truth she could get from him or Death. They know Summer Rose and they know what happened to her, but, they won't tell Ruby a single thing but torment her with the idea that she could get to know if she were to give up her soul.
Carmine never goes after the others living in the cottage. Shockingly, they're good friends with Carmine. Pyrrha knows he loves baked potatoes. Penny knows he likes fishing. Ironwood knows that Carmine has been interested in him at one point but grew out of that. Everybody thinks Carmine, a killing machine, is a good person because he is a holder of so many truths.
The truth is, why Penny in this world still has her robotic body, is because Carmine drops it on Ruby that she never saved the real Penny. He tells her that the Penny that was left to die after she thought she separated the souls with a real body was the real Penny. He laughs at Ruby, mocking her for trusting a genie.
Ruby realizes that she was the one that killed the real Penny.
"Trust is a risk. That was all you got right."
Any main characters that die? Yeah, Weiss and Jaune. He leaves Ruby with Yang as a form of torment because the two are so distant that their bond isn't strong enough to save each other. He also makes Yang choose between Blake and Ruby.
Very fun tormenting stuff lol.
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Very interesting ranking. I'm rather perplexed by Sleet and Camilla's placement given that their regular civilians. And Willow as well to a lesser degree. I could see them developing their Aura levels to such a degree to prevent assassination attempts given their status as council people but if that was the reasoning then Jacques would probably be up there also and yet he isn't. I definitely feel like Ciel, Cordovin, Lil Miss Malachite and Ghira should be a tier higher at the very least. Possibly the Ship Captain as well? People that regularly deal with Grimm, other criminals and people that try to hurt them for their Faunus heritage should logically train their Auras levels. Likewise, I think Jaune should be higher given that he has in Pyrrha's words "a lot of it" and him being a damage sponge is kind of his niche. Somewhere around Sienna's placement. What's the reasoning for Weiss and Yang's placements? Do they become Maidens and inherit Winter and Raven's powers, respectively?
So I'm making Camilla and Sleet veteran Huntsmen in this AU because I never understood how regular civilans could get to their position in the land of Renment. Like, Atlas is supposed to be this "fascist dictatorship" (it's not), but the Atlas military seems pretty unimportant in the actual government outside of Ironwood having two council seats. Like, that's it? He should have way more power with what the story was trying to do (then again he could kill both of them and get away with it so I guess he did have the power and these two were just puppets maybe?)
Willow took lessons from her Dad when she was younger, but she was never serious about it. As for Jacques, I'm giving him a completely overpowered passive semblance that makes him one of the most dangerous "civilians" here. He can hax legendary huntsmen level of broken.
I honestly don't know what to do with Ciel, so I kinda just threw her down there. Ghira being down there is just me memeing because in this AU, he got assassinated before the story began. I could just straight up write him to be weaker than canon, but honestly, that doesn't matter much either way. Cordovin has a little grandma health bar lol, but you are right in that she (and everyone else in the Atlas military) should be around master huntsmen level because I made Aura more accessible this time around. Malachite is a meme and so is Ship captian.
As for Jaune, I plan to swap his and Pyrrha's roles in the story (Jaune dies fighting Cinder, Pyrrha lives in to avenge him). In the early volumes, all the students have Aura levels at the low Huntsmen range and they only get higher as time goes on. In other words, Pyrrha starts the story at about 2500 AP while Jaune starts at 3000 AP. If Jaune followed the same path that he did in vanilla RWBY, then he would be chilling in the raid boss tier along with Pyrrha and Sun.
Finnaly, I do plan for Weiss and Yang to become the Winter and summer maidens at the end of the au. Because I plan for Penny to stay dead after V3, Winter gets the maiden powers as intended and then gets killed by Cinder in V8, only for the power to go to Weiss. Then in V10, Yang should become the Summer maiden (maybe as a sacrifice so some other character dosen't have to do it).
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The Three Rebel Coven Heads RWBYcized.
Let’s take a look at these three, shall we?
Raine Whispers
Inspiration: Raine Whispers
Age: 45 years old
Colors: Mint Green, Maroon, Black
Hair Color: Mint Green
Eye Color: Jade (Glow Gold while Duet was activated)
Aura Color: Maroon
Species: Human
Sexuality: Bisexual
Pronouns: They/Them
Kingdom: Mistral (Argus)
Occupation: Hunter, Professor
Affiliation: Eliora Hawthorne, Darius Del Rio, Ozpin(?), Ebon Wulf
Weapon: Lightning & Thunder-Lightning is a baton with several dust infused strings that can extend outward to act as a violin bow, taser, heat cutter or freezer. Thunder is a violin with Dust capabilities to channel different Dust effects, limited use shotgun, or just be used as a club.
Semblance: Duet-Can take any two people or objects (such as Dust & sound itself) and massively heighten their coordination and subtly direct them. Requires music in order to function.
Symbol: Maroon Harp
Team: DEHW (Darius Del Rio, Eliora Hawthorne, Lilith Hawthorne) RED (Ebon Wulf)
Partner: Darius Del Rio
Essentially what Pyrrha might’ve been had she not been put in the spotlight (yay stage fright?)
Def Ozpin’s agent depending on how the AU shakes out. Kinda like Qrow.
Might get shapeshifting Magic in the form of a bat.
Prep academy teacher, has successfully inspired a small generation of Instrument using Huntsman (the BATTS)
Horrible actor, but great saboteur & spy
Dated Darius after breaking up with Eda (don’t ask either of them about it if you wish to keep your fingers)
Ebon Wulf
Name Etymology: Ebon (Ebony-black) Wulf (Wolf)
Age: Mid 30′s
Colors: Orange, Auburn, Grey
Hair Color: Auburn
Eye Color: Magenta (Glow Orange while activated)
Aura Color: Orange
Species: Wolf Faunus (Teeth & black sclera eyes)
Sexuality: ?
Pronouns: He/They
Kingdom: Vacuo
Occupation: Huntsman
Affiliation: Darius Del Rio, Raine Whispers, Ozpin(?)
Weapon: The Manglers-Clawed Boots & Gauntlets enhanced with Hard-Light Dust
Semblance: Favored Prey-Can supernaturally trace any target he focuses on.
Symbol: Two Auburn tri-claw slashes crossed over each other.
Team: RED (Raine Whispers, Darius Del Rio)
Partner: Darius Del Rio, Raine Whispers
Raised in a nomadic Vacuan Tribe
Selectively mute, communicates with SSL (Sanusian Sign Language) or grunts.
Did have an academy team, but drifted away following graduation
Met Darius & Raine during an Academy mission they volunteered to run (this was during the aforementioned Darius/Raine dating period, and the only fact known about this period)
Basically adopted Darius as his older brother.
Darius Del Rio
Name Etymology: Del Rio (Of the River in Spanish)
Inspiration: Darius Deamonne
Age: 45 years old
Colors: Purple, Gold, Emerald
Hair Color: Purple
Eye Color: Emerald (Glows while sclera turn black while Semblance is in use)
Aura Color: Purple
Species: Human
Sexuality: Gay
Pronouns: He/Him
Kingdom: Atlas
Occupation: Huntsman
Affiliation: Ebon Wulf, Raine Whispers, Ozpin(?)
Weapon: Ribbon-Whip that can toggle into different blades such as a rapier, scimitar, or scythe.
Semblance: Dark Water-Generates & manipulates a purple protoplasm he can use to restrain enemies, reinforce with Dust, and even teleport between separate pools.
Symbol: Sickle with a purple blade that appears like it’s dripping & melting
Team: DEHW (Eliora Hawthorne, Lilith Hawthorne, Raine Whispers), RED (Ebon Wulf, Raine Whispers)
Partner: Raine Whispers, Ebon Wulf
Grew up an Atlesian socialite, hated it, basically speedran his Weiss Arc Pre-Academy
Dated Amity’s dad (named Aldor here) but he was promised to the Blight families’ heir, Odalia.
Knows about Ozpin, but trusts him less than Raine. Will do jobs for him, but operates as a ‘proper’ Huntsman.
Still counts Raine as a friend.
Surprising amount of Dad energy. Hates it. Ebon & Hunter don’t care.
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moistmailman · 3 years
SCP AU part 2
*Jaune is pushed into a room with a bag over his face before the door shuts on him*
Jaune, slightly muffled: H-HEY! I SAID LET ME GO DAMNIT! *cautiously reaches for bag and touches it before ripping it off*
Jaune, immediately turning to the door and banging on it: I SWEAR TO GOD YOU GUYS BETTER LET ME OUT OF HERE RIGHT NOW! WHAT KINDA FUCKED SOCIAL EXPERIMENT IS THIS?! *continue banging*
Pyrrha: I can hear you.
*Jaune squeaks loudly before getting in a karate stance while turning to see a tall redhead girl around his age with vivid green eyes sitting on a bed*
Jaune, internally: What the fuck?! How long has she been here?!
Pyrrha, awkwardly waving: Hello.
Jaune, awkwardly waving back: Uh..hi.
*an awkward silence fall on the two, with the blonde slightly blushing and the redhead staring at him with interest*
Jaune, internally: Holy shit, she’s pretty. My god, she absolutely stunning. She has got to be the prettiest girl I’ve seen in my li— Wait Wait, Jauney-Boy, you're getting side tracked. What the fuck is going on in here, and why did those guys put me in a room with a very hot girl with really long and smooth legs— GAH, HORMONES THERE ARE MORE IMPORTANT MATTERS TO ATTEND TO!
Pyrrha: *giggles while slightly blushing*
Jaune, terrified:......w-was I t-talking out loud?
Pyrrha: Hmm? Oh no. *smiles teasingly* Why? What were you thinking about?
Jaune, voice cracking: N-nothing. Nothing at— *clears throat* H-hey, I’m Jaune.
Pyrrha, smiling: Pyrrha, charmed.
Jaune, internally: Wow, even her name is pretty.
Pyrrha: *snickers cutely*
*Jaune looks around to see what she’s snickering at to see nothing*
Jaune, shrugging it off: So uhm....they tricked you with the social experiment, huh?
*Pyrrha thinks for a moment, before a coy smile gets plastered on her lips*
Pyrrha: Yeah, you can say something like that.
Jaune: Damn. Who the hell are these people, and you have any idea what they even want from us?
Pyrrha, shaking her head: Your guess is as good as mine.
Jaune, sighing: Great. Isn’t today just wonderful. Should’ve known that offer was too good to be true. *slide his back against the wall until he’s sitting* Teach me not to read documents people tell me to sign.
Cinder, sighing: Wow, great plan, Roman. We are learning things about her so fast.
Roman: This takes patience, Cinder.
Cinder, frustrated: The boy haven’t even said anything to her for the past 5 minutes! He’s just sitting his ass on the floor. The boy is socially handicapped!
Roman: That’s not my fault! You're the one who pick him!
Cinder: Well you were the one to make this stupid plan in the first place! How will the boy even ask her about her powers in the first place if he doesn't even know that he needs to ask?!
Roman: Geez, I don't know! How did I know about you being an only child?
Cinder: Be—
Roman: Because I asked you as a curious person who wants to know about my friend! Now believe it or but if I got under the assumption that you started reading my mind, you bet your ass I would ask you about it, especially if I was trapped in a small room with you!
Cinder: But why would SCP-312 answer the question if she knows what we're trying to—
Roman, urgently: Hush! Something's happening!
Jaune: *has been moving uncomfortably on the floor for the past 5 minutes*
Pyrrha, scooting in her bed: Hey, you wanna sit next to me? The floor looks pretty uncomfortable.
Jaune: Really? You're alright with that?
Pyrrha, smiling warmly: Of course. The bed's large enough. *Pat beside her* Here.
Jaune, slightly blushing: O-oh, Uh, sure then. Thanks.
*Jaune walks over to the bed before sitting down, his cheeks crimsoning*
Pyrrha: There, is that better?
Jaune: Y-yeah. T-thanks.
Pyrrha: Youre welcome:
*Once again the room fall to silence as the boy looks everywhere but at the very attractive girl he's shoulder to shoulder with*
Jaune, internally: God, what's wrong with me?! I just got kidnnapped yet I'm more worried about this super hot girl sitting next to me! I can barely form coherent sentences around her! Damn, my hands are all sweaty too! She's so close! I can feel her body warmth! Just calm down, Jauney. Calm down already. Take a deep breath, and try to strike up a conversation with her. This silence is deafening.
Jaune, taking a deep breath: So, what—
Pyrrha: *Facing Jaune with a warm smile*
Jaune, voice wavering: —y-y-your.......*turns away in embarrassment*
Jaune, internally: For god sake! I can’t get used to that smile! It’s like beautiful personified. God damnit. I need to keep a conversation going, at least until those guys come back! Okay think! What did mom tell me about talking to girls?
A memory starts playing inside Jaune’s head with his mother’s voice: Remember Sweetie, women love wedding rings, but they love babies more.
Jaune, internally:.....is...is that it?! Really?! That’s literally the only advice my mother has ever given more for girls. How the hell is baby propaganda supposed to help me in this situation?! What kinda— okay, calm down. I have another parent. What did dad tell me?
Another memory starts playing in Jaune’s head, this time with his father’s voice: Son, I have absolutely no idea how I managed to make your mother fall for me. I am not the man you should be asking. You’ll probably have a better shot asking the stars that question.
Jaune, internally:.........I’m going to die alone, aren’t I? My parents managed to make the opposite sex so completely alien to me, despite me having 7 sisters! What he actual fuck?! This is an absolute disaster! This can’t get any worst!
*Jaune then remembers one crucial detail of the predicament he’s in*
*Suddenly Jaune’s nerves instantly drop and a calm aura surrounds him, almost like it just completely disappeared and got replace with an warm and inviting energy*
Jaune, confused: Huh?
*The weight on Jaune’s hand then became evident, as he looked down and found Pyrrha’s hand gently lying on his, almost reassuringly*
Jaune, slightly blushing:.........
Pyrrha, in soothing tone: So, tell me about yourself.
Jaune, no longer feeling nervous for a reason he doesn’t know why:...........well, I just graduated from college.
Cinder, frantically: WRITE THAT DOEN, WRITE THAT DOWN!
Roman, equally as frantic: I AM! I AM!
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womenofwonder · 3 years
Option on RWBY ships:
Btw, I don’t usually ship characters. Romance is usually the least interesting part of the story for me so expect a lot of meh.
Arkos: obviously I love this, it’s perfect
Blacksun: ehh, it’s cute. I started out feeling kinda meh, it was sweet but not really interesting, but now it’s growing on me. Ironically the same thing is happening with Bumblebee, although I still like Blake and Yang better platonically
Bunanas: so this is a ship between Velvet and Sun, and it’s honestly really cute to imagine even if it is completely random. I like it better then Blacksun…I think?
Candy Cane: this is just weird. I can’t imagine Nora being anything but a older sister to Oscar. The age gap makes it creepy too, not the four years is much of a gap, but when your teenagers it’s a big gap.
Chocolate Arc: this is hilarious to imagine but obviously yeah, Coco isn’t going to fall for someone like Jaune
Cinnabun: I barely know anything about Yatsuhashi but he and Velvet are cute, I guess? Still like her better with Sun
ClockRose: heck no!
Coconuts: again, can’t see Sun doing anything but annoying Coco. I really don’t like the whole ‘badass jerk of a girl falls for goof ball trope.’ It always ends up feeling sexist in several ways
Combat Boots: honestly outside of an AU I can’t see Yang ever forgiving Mercury much less falling in love with him. Also Mercury just doesn’t deserve her
Combat goggles: I feel like Yang and Neptune would have fun causally dating each other and slowly realizing they actually like (Blake/Sun/Jaune/whoever) and become each other’s wingmen. That fanfic better be lying around somewhere
Crimson Lotus: okay, if I didn’t love Renora and Rosegarden so much I’d probably ship this. It’s really cute
Crimson Sun: this feels like an excuse to write lemons of the two hottest characters
Crimson wings: look I understand most of the shipping heroes with villains because they’re both hot and the villain/hero dynamic is always fun. But Cardin…he’s not even hot. He’s not even interesting. And yet people ship him with Ruby? Why?
Daddie Issues: you know I see where this is coming from but they would just end up murdering each other.
Dairy Farm: obviously this is downright creepy in cannon, but in an au where Neo isn’t evil and both are closer in age, this would be adorable. I feel like Neo’s main problem is she’s incredibly lonely—other then Roman no one bothers to understand or talk to her. If Oscar reached out to her, and she began to protect him…it would be perfect. In way even better then Rosegarden because I think Neo would still be a bit of pycho even when good, and it would be fun to see her lose it when Salem hurts him.
Ilia/Adam: I just want to say I am forever grateful the show went out of its way to avoid this obnoxious, cliche ship from being canon
Dragon slayer: I see why people ship Jaune and Yang, I really do. They’re both the team mom/dad of their team, they’ve got the whole goofball/badass thing going (which is a trope I do like when the badass isn’t a jerk), they both have a good sense of humor, etc. But I just can’t see them as romantic. It feels really weird. I can’t even explain why. I understand shipping them but I really can’t ship them myself.
Emercury: I really love this ship, but I also don’t mind at all if the show decides to make them platonic. I enjoy their relationship in general and it works either way.
Oscar/Emerald: again, feel creepy. I love the idea of a sibling relationship and can’t see them possibly being romantic even without the age gape.
Cinder/Qrow: yeah again. Both are sexy and good for angsty lemons. I’m not into that stuff so I don’t ship them
Fall Stinger: I just don’t know why anyone would ship Tyrian with anyone. Unless it was Salem and even that is super creepy
Firerobber: I like villain relationships but Roman already has Neo and Cinder is a hot mess. Literally
Firewall: I don’t know why anyone would ship Watts with anyone. He’s even worst less ship-able then Tyrian
Footloose: I don’t actually ship it but just imagine Mercury and Melanie bonding over weaponized feet.
Freckles: Yeah this is just painful. The two most adorable characters (Penny and Oscar), who go through the worst things imaginable. It’s endless fluff, angst, and whump, and I love cute romance and tragic romances, so this is definitely something I ship.
Frostbite: seriously, this is so weird and toxic. Having Adam fall for Weiss or vice versa. Maybe it would work in an AU or something but it’s just too creepy
Funky Beats: it’s cute, I ship it.
Gelato: yeah I love healthy villainous relationships! Neo and Roman are freaking adorable, and I’m sad that we didn’t see more of them together.
Grandmasters: I obviously don’t ship Salem and Ozpin because that’s just creepy, but I do like their romance. I like tragic romances, and this probably the most tragic one in existence
Greek Lotus: I don’t see the chemistry and crashes two of my favorite ships so…
Green Knight: well, she kinda helped kill his last girlfriend so…unless it’s AU this isn’t going to work. Even if it is an AU. This feels like another ship made solely for lemons
Velvet/Cardin: yeah, a bigot changing his mind when he falls in love with a minority isn’t cute. Isn’t sweet. It isn’t romantic. I don’t even excuse lemons that use this trope. Even porn ought to be above that
Hummingbird: it’s hard to ship something when you only know one character, but I was interested in the theory that Qrow was actually Ruby’s father. But then in season 7 Qrow’s description of Summer made me rethink it, and it didn’t sound anything like how you’d describe a romantic relationship. So I don’t really like that theory anymore
Iceberg: this is just cliche and boring. I get them dating but it wouldn’t last that long
Flynt/Weiss: I really love this one, it’s my favorite ship with Weiss. I don’t want it to actually happened in cannon because that would be random, but I feel like it would be fun for both their characters. And they both share an interest in music. I’m imagining an AU where he gets her into jazz and she starts singing it at all her concerts to the horror of Jaques.
Iron Maiden: honestly what. Why. Gross
Iron witch: well I definitely see why people like it. I actually wouldn’t mind it being cannon, It’d be a good combination of funny/tragic and I’d like to see Glynda mentoring Winter
Jailbirds: this just feels forced and also Qrow is probably too old for her. I like their relationship and don’t want it to be romantic
Knight fall: lemon ship. Moving on
Knight Life: I feel like Jaune just gets shipped with everyone but this is cute I guess
Lancaster: it’s cute, but I can’t ship it because it feels cliche. I was worried that Jaune was going to be her love interest when they first met and was relieved to see him with Pyrrha instead. It just feels forced and boring to have him end up with Ruby
Pyrrha/Mercury: this really popular for some unfathomable reason. I like Mercury but Pyrrha deserves better
Marrowgold (May/Marrow): I just don’t see it
Nikong: Pyrrha and Sun would be cute together, but I don’t really love this ship. It’s kinda meh.
Nora’s Arc: no. Just no. It technically would work but their platonic relationship is way too good to lose
Old Silver: this is Maria/Pietro, and I think it’s adorable. They both strike me as really flirty for their ages and both are very good mentors. They can be the crazy grandparents of the team
Ozglyn: just don’t see it
Phoenix: yeah Raven was a horrible girlfriend/wife. I don’t ship her Taiyang
QuickSilver: Ruby deserves better than Mercury.
Rehab (Qrow/Glynda): the fact that this is called rehab explains why I don’t ship it
ReNora: yeah, this is probably my favorite ship. I don’t think I have to explain why.
Robotic Knight: I briefly shipped this but now disagree
Rosegarden: I really love Rosegarden, they’re just too adorable together, though the whole Ozpin does make it a little awkward
Rosewick: I can’t see this happening, even in an AU
Coco/Fox: I don’t know enough about Fox to really ship them, but the fact that Coco canonically slaps his butt during battle definitely makes me want to
Mercury/Neo: I could see this working. It would be pretty cute
Silent Knight: again, it would have to be an AU and even then I don’t see it working
Snowbird: so at first I really liked the idea of Qrow and Winter being ex’s, but now that I think about it he has to be at least twenty years older then her. Also, I have to say that while they have chemistry I think they would just end up killing each other
Speakeasy (Flynt/Coco): I got to say I like this ship and could see them having a lot of chemistry together
Strawbanna: I just can’t see Ruby and Sun together. It feels weird
Sunflakes: Can’t see it working
Sunflowyr (Ren/Yang): don’t see any chemistry. Again this just seems random
Tauradonna: this is obviously as toxic as you get.
The Hunt (Cardin/Blake): stop shipping Cardin with anyone!
Mercury/Cinder: Mercury is way too young, and even if he wasn’t this would be really weird. Also Cinder makes him look like a stable, peaceful person, so also no.
Toxic Petals: I swear I’m done with this. No more Cardin, Tyrian, or Watts ships. They too gross
Velveteen Knight: Aw, they’d be cute together
White Knight: I really hate this ship. It’s so obnoxious and boring, and nearly falls into the jerky badass/goofball trope I hate
Winter Soldier: ew, no, Ironwood is like her dad
Wise Dragon: anyone care to explain why this is so popular? Sage barely has any character to him, I can’t ship him with anyone
Yellow rose: Yeah, I kinda ship this, but again, it’s difficult when you barely know one character
IronQrow: I understand why you would ship this but I just don’t see it. Guys can hug without being gay you know
Martial arts: why?
Noah’s Arc: why?
Sea Monkeys: again I understand why you could ship it but I don’t. They’re obviously just friends to me
Shovel Knight: like most Oscar ships it feels weird. Jaune is obviously a big brother to him
TaiQrow: As funny as it is for Tai to sleep with every member of his team, I don’t ship it.
Fair game: I really can’t stand Clover so again, don’t ship it
Achilles heel: Cinder literally kills Pyrrha, why would you ship them?
Baked Alaska: lemon ship
Black glass: annnd, another lemon ship.
Blood Mint: yeah I don’t see Emerald and Ruby ever being a couple
Catmelon: I found Ilia’s crush on Blake kinda cringy and I can’t see them being a couple
ColdMurder (Weiss/Cinder): even in an au I don’t see it working
Cold Steel (Penny/Winter) eeewww, they’re practically sisters
Cream Machine (Neo/Penny): I mean…if she wasn’t evil…and wasn’t so much older…it might work? Maybe?
Crosshares: cute but I feel like Velvet is too much of a doormat for Coco
Digital Clock: Ciel obviously didn’t care much for Penny, and she was barely a character at all. I don’t see it
Pyrrha/Nora: don’t see it, and also can’t stand the idea of breaking up the two best ships
Falling Petals: I get that Cinder is hot, but can we stop shipping her with the kids she’s trying to murder? Because I can see several things wrong with that
Freezerburn: again, for no reason that I can think of this ship just doesn’t work for me. Much like Dragonslayer it just feels weird
Gingersnaps (Penny/Nora): that would be chaotic. I can’t really see them romantically though like most Penny ships it would be cute
Guilty Conscience (Bree/Winter): oh please no. They really don’t have any reason to be together
Ladybug: I just can’t see Blake with Ruby at all. Blake feels way to old even though she’s only older by two years.
Milk and Cereal (Ruby and Pyrrha): I guess it would work but I just don’t any chemistry
Mint chocolate (Emerald/Coco): if Coco managed to forgive her for everything that happened at Beacon I could maybe see this happening. There is some chemistry
Mommy issues: Nah, can’t see this working out.
Monochrome: Blake and Weiss have never had any romance chemistry despite plenty of opportunity to have it, so again, I see them as strictly platonic and shipping them feels almost like incest. I know that doesn’t make sense
Nordic Winter: I can’t see Weiss handling Penny, but again, any Penny ship is pretty cute
Nuts and Dolts: I would ship, but I like them together platonically too well. Definitely understand the ship, though I find it funny that Ruby, who insist she likes weapons better then people, would fall in love with a personified weapon. I know that’s probably racist against robots
Overheating (Penny/Cinder): I take back what I said about every Penny ship being cute
PennyWeiss: but this one is pretty cute
Pink Lemonade: can you imagine the chaos of Yang and Nora dating each other? They both need someone with a cooler head to keep them in check
Scheenoks: with Weiss’s fangirling I can definitely see were this is coming from, but Weiss is too mean for Pyrrha
Steadfast: I really don’t ship any of the ace-ops with anyone. I found them all boring and annoying except for Marrow
Strawberry Shortcake (Neo/Ruby): not seeing it
Sugar Rush (Ruby/Nora): Again, too much chaos. They both need chill partners. And I love Rosegarden and ReNora too much
Thunder cat (Blake/Nora): don’t see any chemistry between them
WhiteRose: I can see why this is shipped and I don’t dislike WhiteRose shippers. I just prefer Rosegarden, and find Weiss and Ruby working better together romantically
Bumblebee: again, I see this working better platonically, not romantically. It kind of annoyed me at first, but it is growing on me, much like Blacksun. I still like Blacksun better though
Enabler: No.
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jauneda1 · 3 years
The New War AU
"Author's note" This Au is a little different from the original RWBY adaptation, with slight character changes, and well War.
After Initiation and team selection
Jaune has already slipped away into the background in order to get away from everything going on in the ballroom. He soon finds himself writing in his notepad while silently thinking out new moves and ways to improve his swordsmanship. "I got nicked more times then I wanted during initiation. So much happened I tried to hide my true strength but that beowolf knocked my sword away I had no choice but to engage in hand to hand thank you dad for make the shield sharp around the edges and point. Atleast Yang is okay. I saw her get tossed by that deathstalker. Wait why am I worried about her she can handle it " Jaune let in a breath and then continued to walk around campus. Sooner or later he was going to have to face his team. He knew he wasn't ready for that also giving that he was the leader. " Man I can't believe I'm the leader of my own team, big sis owes me an apology. Saying I would never make team leader. Ricky would have made team leader."
Jaune had made his way back to the dorm room. Greeting his new team, he learned that outside of Pyrrha his other two teammates where pretty chill. Lie Ren being some sort of ninja or something close to it. Nora being bubbliey but lade back."Funny I was expecting the two of them to be completely different people but they act the same. Nora is like one of my little sister's." Pyrrha spoke up greeting Jaune and him to her even though they become partners in the forest they really didn't say much. Well Jaune didn't say much. When they crossed paths it was simple she saved him, he saved her round and round it goes. " Sorry if I came off distancing while in initiation. I was just focused on getting a high scoring." Pyrrha spoke to him and said oh no it's fine she had just hoped she hadn't rubbed him the wrong way.
After a few greetings a knock had came from the door. It was team RWBY who where they're neighbor's to Jaune's dismay. It wasn't really the fact of they're team but it's brawler. Yang Xiao long was one of Jaune's childhood bullies/crush she used to tell me to be a man back when we where in elementary. Then as we got older she would pick at my hight I used to pick at her boobs being huge and how they could be saggy if they get any bigger. But we've grown closer over the years. Her jokes and puns are funny too.
Group had a little get together party with Yang and Jaune sharing stories about the other from when they went to signal. Ruby would chime in to keep the two from fighting. Since there's a rivalry between the two. No one understood why till Jaune spoke. "It started on the first day at signal it was combat class and Yang underestimated me and got thrown out of the ring. This was before my father entrusted the family sword and shield to me so I would occasionally use boxing and simple judo, and jujitsu fighting style's." What Jaune didn't tell everyone was he has an intermediate almost advanced knowledge in Wing Chun fighting style. This is after he picked up the family sword he always made sure that if he were to every lose his sword in battle he would need a way to beat any and all enemy types. From Grimm to thugs and even other huntsman. Since so many have gone rogue his father thought it was necessary.
"Yang rushed me and it cost her a bump and a bruise when I grabbed her arm and used her momentum to throw her over my shoulder and into the ring out." Yang then spoke up and she had venomous spite in her voice. "Jaune now you know our combat class was always first to three. I beat you two times after that." Jaune spoke up now a bit agitated at the blonde beauty in front of him. " And yet I still beat you in the long run. Or did you forget that after all this this time?"
Ruby finally got in-between the two because they looked like they where gonna go at it again.
"Jeez you two are always like this, just hurry up and get back together already. You both know it's inevitable." Everyone in the room besides the three of them were shocked and surprised to say the least. Ruby finally explained while the two blondes turned they're heads away out of embarrassment. "It's been like this for about 3 years. During a house party they feuded with each other till Jaune had said something to her which made both of them leave the party together. The next thing people knew was that the Dragon and the White knight of Signal were dating."
Weiss spoke up. "Wait wait wait... You two are the Dragon and white knight of Signal academy? Do you two have any idea how well known you two are.?" Both Yang and Jaune looked at each other then back at Weiss not knowing what she was talking about. "Look at every pre-huntsman school they're are 5 students who are picked and given nicknames so that Huntsman Academies would know who to scout out in initiation. To get put in this top 5 you literally have to beat out everyone else in your school both academically and physically in training."
Blake have spoke up just to see if she understood what was being said. "So basically what your saying is that Yang and Jaune are in a league of their own?" Ruby then explained fully to Blake. "Well to be fair Me, Jaune, Yang, and Pyrrha. Are in the same level cap in a way of saying." Nora spoke up saying "oh so like a video game." With Ren saying "In a sense yes it is." Pyrrha took everything that everyone was saying and informed them that. "This is how Beacon has always done there team make ups. With two high grade fighters being budded up. The Initiation is held with an even amount of high grade students and low grade students. If by any chance r high grades come together they are split up. So for our team JNPR, Jaune and Myself are the high grades, and from what I gathered in skill wise from earlier Yang and Ruby are team RWBY'S high grades."
After everything was said the group noticed that Jaune and Yang weren't even there. Ren informed them that they left a while ago. Ruby said "Well this is normal they're always ditching lectures and class together, regardless if there together together or not."
On the roof our blondes were sitting with there leg's over the edge and leaning on each other, Yang spoke up. "Your not as talkative as much as you used to be."
Jaune responded with a low mutter which caused Yang to look more his way in hopes of getting a better response out of him. He finally succumbed to his feelings and brought up stone they were together. "Remember that time you told me it wasn't my fault."
Yang knew what was coming and was preparing to comfort her friend, the one and only man she loved.
"Ricky's death was my fault and always will be my fault and you getting hurt the way you did back then was." Jaune was cut off when Yang had pulled him into an embrace pulling him and herself away from the edge of the building. "Jaune..." Yang noticed the tears that are flowing down his face and she hated seeing him like this. It would hurt her more when she couldn't stop those tears. "Yang I know what your gonna say and ask. And yes the past year of me training and getting ready for this moment in my life. I've done nothing but think about how Ricky deserved to be here aswell that this was his dream school and all because I wanted to rush to get stronger H-h- ... He died saving me from my stupidity." Yang held him comforting him. Little did most people know was that Jaune may come off as a strong individual but he is very mentally weak with his life constantly pushing his mind to a break and collapse. Yang has always been there to keep that from happening. She has looked out and after him like he was a little brother and she started dating to do this more but also because she truly cares for him.
Jaune stopped his talking and embraced Yang back. "I'm sorry Yang I've just been lost in thought for so long that I've forgotten." "Jaune that's why I'm here to crack jokes and be by your side" Jaune thanked his fellow blonde with a kiss which was reciprocated. It wasn't long but it was enough to start a fire in the dragon as she pulled him down and got on top of him.
"So does this mean where together-together again or just a friend's with benefits thing."
"You tell me you kissed me first?"
The two began to embrace each other on the roof while secretly they where being watched by ember yellow eyes. "Huh they're bond is way deeper then Ruby told us."
That's a wrap part 2 should be out by tomorrow hopefully.
Hope you all have enjoyed
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lyriquette · 3 years
So I have the art and the premise under the readmore. (art at bottom of readmore)
WARNING: Very blatant endgame spoilers for OMORI under the readmore. Seriously, if you have the slightest bit of interest in the game, do not look under the readmore. OMORI is dang amazing and definitely needs a playthrough without any preconceived notions before playing it. 
The protagonist of this AU is Ruby. And because it’s an OMORI crossover, this is definitely angst. 
Crossover Premise:
Instead of Pyrrha being selected, Ruby is instead matched against Penny in the Vytal Tournament with both eager to prove themselves. However, tragedy strikes as Emerald distracts Penny momentarily with an illusion - and Ruby’s scythe, backed by the force of a sniper shot, slips completely underneath Penny’s guard. 
The strike slices Penny into two - and leaves a scared, disbelieving Ruby behind. 
The attack on Beacon occurs immediately afterwards. Ruby’s insensate, unable to bring herself to fight. Beacon quickly falls to the combined attack of Atlas’s machine soldiers and the Grimm. And though Ironwood managing to eventually gain control of the ship controlling his robot soldiers, it ended up being far too late. 
The aftermath results in Vale being destroyed, followed by Patch. The rest of Ozpin’s circle (minus Ironwood) and the Xiao Longs retreat to Mistral along with a good portion of Vale citizens. Meanwhile, the sheer guilt of killing Penny and hearing others blame her for causing the worst of the invasion makes Ruby shut down entirely. 
She convinces herself that she’s dreaming - that this world is a nightmare -  and drags herself deeper and deeper into this thinking, resulting in her attempts to repress what she’s done and creating both Headspace and White Space as a result. 
In the real world, she no longer goes out of her room, barely responds to stimuli, and only stays awake long enough to sustain her body before going back to sleep - and into White Space.  
Ruby’s White Space avatar is Red and is the one she merges with when entering White Space. Red wields one of the blades of Floating Array. (Crescent Rose is conspicuously absent.)  The Headspace world she created is a Vale where nothing went wrong.
Her mother is still alive, always making sure her kids and her friends were well fed before leaving home. Dad’s still teaching in Signal while Qrow’s a teacher at Beacon. Penny has always been a Beacon student, and she’s been close friends with her since forever. Torchwick and company are a bunch of Saturday-morning Villains. And in that world, her team and Penny would go fight the Grimm and arrest / beat up criminals while visiting exotic places like Forever Fall or Mountain Glenn.
However, the memories Red is repressing constantly poke out through the cracks in Headspace, and often her imperfect repression results in headspace!Penny getting kidnapped and being dragged down into Black Space. Team RWBY constantly finds their way into the Black Space, where the repressed memories lie, by collecting the thirty-two chess pieces and assembling them at the Emerald Forest ruins. After saving her and getting a glimpse of the truth, Red redoubles her efforts to suppress the memories and resets the world to a slowly more perfect one.
Ruby eventually gains the strength to see what’s hidden in those repressed memories. Despite not perceiving them consciously, Ruby is still affected by the visits that the rest of her team do in between patrols of Mistral. (Yang’s particularly affected because Ruby is acting exactly like her dad when they lost Summer - and Ruby’s a stage worse than him now.)  And the effects of her teams’ visits manifest in their headspace versions of them. 
This eventually culminates in the showdown between Red, who has been repressing her memories and hiding the truth as a part of her function, and Ruby. 
As for the outside world::
Team JNPR (as Pyrhha doesn’t get that extra push into suicidal martyrdom from killing Penny) pairs up with Oscar who now has Ozpin in his head. Their attempts to secure the Spring Maiden goes poorly, and Raven ends up with the Relic of Knowledge. 
As for Penny, Ironwood goes into complete lockdown and paranoia mode with no information leaving Atlas or Mantle. No one can enter or exit Solitas without his permission, and with the CCT down, there is no way to communicate to the outside world.
Anyway, the eventual showdown. 
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“Penny loved you, and you killed her.”
“Weiss loved her, and you killed her.”
“Yang loved her, and you killed her.”
“Blake loved her, and you killed her.”
“You loved her, and you killed her.”
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howlingday · 7 months
So no Fall Au: that one Simpson meme I feel like I'm wearing nothing at all but it's Jaune with his team and Rwby watching. What you think their reactions would be. Bonus points if you a second part where one them is fighting but has a flashback too it
Not sure what you mean by No Fall AU, but here we go...
Ruby: Wow! You guys have new costumes?!
Jaune: Yup! They even managed to take the scrap from me and Pyrrha's weapons and put them in with each other.
Pyrrha: It's almost like we're protecting each other~.
Weiss: Oh, how nice. Well, at least you two won't be as unbearable to watch as... Nevermind.
Nora: Check out Ren's new duds! So slick and smooth~!
Ren: They are very comfortable, too. (Turns) It almost feels naked. Like I'm wearing nothing at all.
Yang: ACK! (Runs outside)
Blake: ...So, that was weird.
Yang: Alright, lady! Time to take you to pain town!
Yang: (Thinking) Just gotta remember what Dad taught me.
Taiyang: (Memory) Remember, Yang, whenever you're facing a much bigger opponent, always remember to-
Ren: (Memory) Feels like I'm wearing nothing at all. (Zooms to ass) Nothing at all. (Ass in face) NOTHING AT ALL.
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aravas-writing · 3 years
Baby mama au
Tifa shows rwby and npr photos of their kids que jaune going full proud Papa mode and gushing over every photo and explaining everything
It was one thing to look at cute baby photos of two cutie patooties.
It was another to have the dad, who so happened to be in their age group, gush over them.
"There she is, my little one! Look at those chubby cheeks!"
"I know!" Yang wasn't perturbed at all. Neither was Pyrrha, for that matter.
"Aww, what's the widdle boy reaching for?"
"His favourite rattle. Viola has her own, luckily, because he will try and bite you if you take it out of his hands," Jaune laughed. "They don't have teeth just yet!"
"He's adorable!" Ruby wailed at the baby boy pic.
Jaune nodded sagely. "That's Delion, alright."
(Viola: violet. Delion: Dandelion)
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perpetuallyfive · 4 years
Schnee Week, Day 3: Weiss Ships
So I don’t actually have a finished fic or even a chapter to share today because until my sudden burst of creativity on Monday evening, I have been primarily focused on the next three chapters of Dishonored. (Roughly 31k words written so far across two chapters. It’s coming!) But one little thing I’ve been planning for a long time is on the back-burner and I thought I’d share an excerpt.
Way back at the end of 2019, pretty shortly after we met, @catalyswitch showed me a sketch she was working on of a Schneekos modern day AU and asked me for my thoughts. 
This is the beginning of the fic I’ve been wanting to write since then.
Winter drives her (and her things) to campus, but Weiss moves in on her own. There’s some kind of important meeting — lots of covert messages on a blackberry, which is a thing these kinds of people still use — and Winter can’t delay any longer. It’s not like Weiss expected anything else.
Maintaining low expectations for others and high ones for yourself are sort of the Schnee motto. It saves a lot of disappointment in life, in general.
She decorates her room just fine on her own. Minimalism is another thing she’s grown accustomed to in the mansion mom gave up on renovating in between her fourth and fifth trip to rehab. Call the abandoned projects and clutter in the attic a metaphor for something, if you’re inclined to such dramatics.
Weiss has never had any need for those kinds of abstractions or distractions.
She hangs a single picture on her wall.
Unlike the family portrait that hangs in the dining room, this is casual. While that is carefully composed and well lit, this shows Weiss and Whitley amidst of a mess of wrapping paper, faces lit up with excitement and the soft glow of the lights from their Christmas tree. Winter is in the background, distributing the gifts. Mother sips some unknown liquid from a coffee mug.
Father is nowhere to be found, and the photo was surely taken by Klein. That’s clear enough in Weiss’s smile, which is confident and unrestrained.
Her posture is straight. Her eyes are bright.
It’s as if her past self was looking right out into the future, smiling at the person she is today.
First day of orientation, and she’s ready for anything.
Correction: the one thing Weiss Schnee was completely unprepared for is her roommate.
The girl is a whirlwind of chaotic confusion, and so is the rest of her family. At least, Weiss has to assume this mess of (noisy) people is somehow this girl’s family. None of them look alike. The two loudest (by only a small margin) are blond with smiles as big as their biceps.
None of them have really stopped talking since they burst into the room and began hanging all kinds of things from the walls on the other side of the room.
“What—” Weiss begins, but she has no idea where the question is going.
What’s there to ask?
“Yes, hello!” the person who is probably Weiss’s roommate — but looks much too young for it — shouts from just beneath the mattress she’s managed to get stuck underneath. One of the blondes lifts it off her, and she darts back out, flailing. “Hi! I am your roommate, Ruby. If that’s what your what was.” She stands at attention, hands on her hips, as if that justifies any part of this. “I’m the what’s what, if you were wondering.”
Weiss barely has time to catch her breath. She’s not sure this even counts as caught. “… what?”
The two blondes exchange looks and both laugh, but Weiss doesn’t think it’s very funny.
“You must be Weiss,” the man who technically looks old enough to be someone’s father says, holding out his hand to shake.
The other blonde keeps her arms folder over her chest. “Weiss Schnee, wasn’t it?”
She says it in the same way that everyone says it. As in, are you one of those Schnees, as in they know her father. As in they’ve turned on the news sometime in the past eight years. Everyone knows the Schnee family name; father hasn’t exactly been under the radar.
But all she says is, “That’s right,” while shaking the man’s hand. Firmly.
Always shake firmly. Father taught all of them that.
“Your father sure has his hands in a lot of pies.”
“He doesn’t, actually.”
“—know the first thing about cooking.” Another early lesson: know when to make your exit. Weiss stands abruptly, her stack of books completely forgotten on the bed. “Well I,” she begins, but she’s already made a fatal error.
Because the new roommate is noticing the books. “Oh, wow, are you majoring in political science?” She’s suddenly much too close to Weiss’s personal space, though for what reason is unclear. It’s just happening, and Weiss is along for the ride. “That’s so cool! I guess it makes sense, huh, because of your dad and everything.”
There’s the elephant in the room. The very large (very republican) elephant. “I chose my major for myself, actually.” It was not an easy or a quiet conversation, and certainly not one Weiss cares to repeat to these total strangers. “As I was just going to say, I have somewhere to be.” Somewhere far away from here, that is. Literally anywhere else. “It was lovely to meet all of you,” Weiss continues, not bothering to acknowledge the fact that she has learned absolutely none of their names.
The first place Weiss finds to hide that she doesn’t think her roommate will find her is the coffee shop. It’s clear from her demeanor that the child — very obviously too young to be at college, so perhaps some kind of prodigy which would explain the hyper active behavior and poor socialization — is in no need of further caffeination.
Coffee shops are also a useful place to disappear. It’s easy to blend in to a crowd of people all looking closer at their cups than they are each other.
Except of course for the table of jocks nearby. Weiss has absolutely nothing in common with any of them.
Even if some of them are aesthetically appealing.
On day three of avoiding her room and her roommate, Weiss discovers that said roommate — her name is Ruby, a fact Weiss intends to immediately forget again — does in fact require even further caffeination.
If she cared about this particular annoyance at all, she might be concerned about the state of her heart.
As it is, she’s more concerned with her own social standing being seen in public with an infant who only stops talking long enough to consume even more coffee.
“So anyway,” Ruby gasps, practically gargling her last gulp down. “What about you, are you excited for your first day of classes?”
Since Ruby is studying something else — what that is, Weiss can’t recall, although she’s probably repeated it more than once — and will come nowhere even close to a political science course, the answer is very obviously yes. Weiss tempers her excitement, somewhat, just for the sake of kindness. 
“I’m overjoyed,” she says, almost neutrally.
“Yeah, me too.”
The jocks are there again today. They’re always there. Maybe the field they train on is nearby? Maybe they come here to study?
No, that doesn’t seem likely.
They’re all laughing (loudly) at something a boy with blue hair just said. Hopefully it was about something other than fashion decisions.
“Weiss?” Ruby says, as though she’s just repeating herself after perhaps even several attempts to get Weiss’s attention.
But all Weiss will offer in return is vague non-commitment. “Hm?”
“I was asking if you know them.” She points at the table that Weiss was very covertly staking out and Weiss slaps her hand back down. But Ruby just repeats the gesture with her other hand. “I only ask because you stare at Pyrrha a lot, and I was wondering if you wanted me to introduce you.”
“What, I do not,” Weiss answers without having any idea who Ruby’s even referring to.
At least.
Unless she means the redhead, because then yes. Weiss has been watching her off and on for the past three days, but surely so has everyone else in the cafe. They all have eyes after all.
Even if Weiss’s are currently bugging right out of her skull as Ruby jumps out of her seat. She can see what’s coming, but it’s already too late. “Pyrrha!” Ruby calls, her voice a clanging shriek.
Weiss recoils so hard from the sound that her eyes temporarily close. It’s such sweet relief safe in this darkness that she is reluctant to open them.
When she does, the redhead is there, at her table.
Her smile is confident but carefully contained. Her posture is relaxed and casual. Her hair is pulled back in a loose ponytail, with curls carefully framing her face.
“Oh,” Weiss breathes, before she can think better of it, before she can think at all. “Oh, hi.”
Years later, Weiss will wish she could remember what Pyrrha said next. But she doesn’t. She only remembers the way that smile pushed firmly into her chest, opening up an empty cavern of want that she had never known existed before.
The space inside, the empty need, felt almost limitless. It should have been awful.
But the one thing Weiss can remember from that exact moment is how much she was smiling.
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