#papa macaque
diverging-tides · 1 year
Part 22
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@aeonchangeling I believe you should recognize this scenario >:3
Anyway, this is the second-to-last part of Ruby! Hunter brought his new friend home to fix up his disaster of a dye job that he hasn’t been able to fix for two whole months, only to unintentionally give the poor lad a near heart attack XD
Oh, and if y’all are wondering where Flapjack has been: there’s your answer. Little bird has taken a real shine to Macaque since Hunter hasn’t needed him as much. He still loves that boy to death, it’s just that Hunters changing as a person and Flapjack knows he’s gotta find himself on his own
Hope to see you all for the final part of Ruby soon!
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nounaarts · 2 years
Started reading Sunbreak by LadyGreenFrisbee and this is all I could see
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Also if you haven't, please check it out on Ao3, it's so good RAHHH!!
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quitealotofsodapop · 2 months
Mentioned in DMs before hut MK definitely battles to Pigsy and Tang about Peaches' horrible taste in men. One one hand, okay cool, the Monkey King is way. Explained why every attempt for a girl or demon disguised as a girl to seduce him in the book failed. They were throwing darts at the wrong target. But HE DID WHAT WHEN A CRAZY EMO MONKEY WAS THREATENING HIM!?!?
MK is side-eyeing his big brother HARD after the encounter with Macaque. Those two were clearly *something* back in the day, going by the shadow monkey's reaction.
And now Peaches' is crushing on the guy!?
Even Macaque is incredulous.
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Of course now Peaches' family are super judgemental of the situation. MK is the most protective little brother ever. And ofc Dadsy and Papa Tang aren't gonna let some shadowy hoodlum date their precious boy!
The sad truth is; Wukong is still in love... not even Meng Po's soup could erase that, especially since his heart still beats for him. Peaches is in love like it's the first time all over again.
And after a while... so is Macaque.
Macaque showing up outside the restaurant to talk to Peaches like he's the boyfriend in a 50s greaser movie. And he can hear Peaches' family glaring from within the restaurant.
Part of Macaque screams that its a bad idea. But he wants to try and see if a spark of His Peaches still lives on.
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smilesatdawn · 1 year
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Torn between “Reincarnated Au” or “Disguised as Humans” Au. Either way, it’s shadow peach with an adorable baby~
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fluttershyflores2 · 5 months
Shuyan is a bit naughty.
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alicemclean-2203 · 1 year
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So many sneak peaks and projects hard to keep track of lol should officially be done with two of these this week lol
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elianaroselight · 5 months
Was inspired by @winterpower98 's post here. Specially the picture of Macaque with a young Yue Shi in his arms. So now you get a surprise fic. Enjoy!
Macaque smiles softly as he rubs his son's back gently, holding the boy close to himself as he rocked. The shadow demon never expected he would be in this situation. Especially not when he was the same age as the twins. But here he was, holding Yue Shi and rocking him to sleep as his twin sister looked on with a watchful eye. How did this all start, you may wonder?
Well, it began after the twins had moved into their own room in the hut. Macaque noticed over time that they still seemed to be tired, even after he thought they had settled in. It was almost like they were having trouble sleeping. But they were safe. They had their own space that neither him nor his mate encroached into without permission. They had settled down and had made improvements in many ways. So the still tired cubs were a concern to him. It had taken about two months before Yue Shi finally told him what was going on. Though they felt safer, they were still taking shifts during the night: where one slept, the other was awake before switching halfway through the night. Macaque was concerned and as he put Zan to bed one night, he came up with an idea.
He was grateful the twins were willing to try it and it became a nighttime routine for them. A small moment between him and his cubs. He always started with Yue Shi, who knew he was allowed to tap him to be put down. He would purr and rock the boy while holding him to his chest like a small child. Some nights, the lunar twin would even allow the other to rub his back or hum softly. When he could tell the cub was getting close, he would lay him down on his side of the bed and watched as the solar twin would tuck her brother in and make sure the massive bear Wukong had made for the twins was tucked in against the boy. Only when Ri Shi felt her brother was securely in bed and ready to rest, was when she would allow Macaque to go through the process with her.
The need to watch and make sure her twin was safe was not lost on the shadow demon. Especially now that he understood what he had seen them go through. He understood well and knew how it was. She would not rest until she knew her brother was safe and resting, but that also meant she would not let Macaque help her either. Seeing the lunar cub go through the process first was an important step for her brain to associate the routine as safe and okay to allow. It usually took her longer to relax either way, so it was a good way to help her learn how to relax herself also.
As Macaque thought through the process and the strides his cubs were making, he could hear his daughter's breathing begin to shift a bit. She was getting sleepy. She wasn't as comfortable with him rubbing her back yet, but he was willing to take it slow. It was already a lot for her to let herself get into such a vulnerable position in the first place. He began to sing softly instead. As he did, he felt her body shift, becoming heavier but also more relaxed. A sign she was almost ready to be laid down. Before long, her breathing changed again as she let out soft purrs and her eyes fluttered closed. He waited a minute longer, trying to enjoy the moment. Especially since this was the first time in months of doing this that his little girl started to purr during the routine. He wanted to just hold her close and listen.
Before it became too long, he gently laid her down in her spot on the other side of the bear and tucked her in. He made sure she was facing Yue Shi so the slightly awake cub could see his sister was safe and asleep, allowing his mind to fully drift off into dreamland. Macaque kissed their heads softly and took a moment to soak in the sweet forms of his sleeping kids, snuggled up to their favorite teddy bear with tails wrapped around each other. Slowly, Macaque backed out of the room, gaze not leaving his sleeping cubs until it was cut off by the door gently being shut.
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andromedakrow · 2 years
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[WIP] Hey sorry I’ve been kinda dead I’ve been trying to finish finals anyways and a commission hnmmmmm
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violetsmokes · 1 year
Fang: We're going to into town today. I want you both to keep your glamors on and to stay at my side.
Little Macaque: Yes father.
Little Min: I promise nothing father.
Fang tired: Good enough.
*later in town*
Fang: Liu Er............where is your sister?
Little Macaque: *shrugs*
Fang: Found her.
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ur-fav-valen · 2 years
Greetings! i’m opening requests!
as you may or may not know, i love to write, and i love to write fanfics, or head canons! so down below will be my rules! also please make sure who you want the pov from!
- ghost
- lego monkie kid
- jttw
- spiderverse
- and practically any sun wukong version! i love them ❤️
-specific fanfics or headcanons
- platonic
- familial
-practically anything else.
-smut (sorry, i’m bad at it )
-r/\pe, abus3 or ince5t
and that’s about it! remember to have fun and i’ll try to make it as soon as possible!!
pls reblog ����
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diverging-tides · 1 year
Part 21
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I bet you all didn’t suspect Macaque is a major benefactor for Madame Changelings Reformatorium, but he’s actually one of the founders, the school being a rather recent addition to the city (established a few months before Lady Bone Demon wrecked everything)
He’s the main reason why Jack hasn’t been thrown in Juvie yet-he both finds the little humans antics quite amusing, and he’d been hoping that Jack would be a good potential friend for his son, knowing his background of being someone from another realm, plus being someone of similar age to Hunter
This is also why Hunter was given immediate clearance to check out their most troublesome case for the day without prior notice-everyone on staff in the school knows Hunters face from Macaque (who carries a picture of Hunter in his wallet everywhere to show off his son <3), so attempting to deny any request from him would very likely end badly for whoever dared to do so
Until next time friends! We are coming upon the end of Ruby!
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amnesia-wukong-au · 29 days
Jia..? What’s wrong? The others are watching…?
Lady Jia Chunhua: (I know that trick!)
Lady Jia Chunhua: (Screw you father for constantly pranking me with Hypnosis as a form of training!)
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quitealotofsodapop · 2 months
Imagine how double heartbreaking it would be for the Noodle Gang + Macaque to watch the memories of how Wukong finds and then takes the stone egg back to his hut. The Monkey King had no way of knowing what this mysterious egg is or what creature will come out of it. Yet, he loved it immediately regardless and took it in. He would keep it clean, swaddle in blankets and pillows during cold nights. Sing and talk to it, telling it "I can't wait to get to know you once you get here!" Like a parent talking to a baby still in the safety of their mother's womb.
He was so excited, and gentle. A complete juxtaposition to how Peaches thought/feared his past self to be like. Peaches only had stories to go off of, as well as the biased perceptives of his past enemies. As he "grew up" under the care of Dadsy and Papa Tang, the Monkey King seem like such a distant figure that his baby brother was obsessed with, but he personally didn't worry about. Like, yeah, folklore figures do messed up stuff but those are all legends. No big.
Even if he never admitted it out loud, he had this fear in the back of his mind. That his past self truly was bad, a monster. All the people who knew the Monkey King personally are all unreliable narrators, so that didn't help his anxiety. And perhaps, he was scared, and maybe even unwilling to gain his memories back.
Because what if he becomes that person again. And loses his identity as Peaches. He loves being Peaches. He loves his family. What if gaining back his memories means he loses that loving family?
All of this! ^
btw shout out to @soniclozdplove cus we be busting this au out in the dms
Peaches sees so many of his worries about "old him" get tackled inside the Scroll.
Because although Sun Wukong was hesitant to share his issues with others, he shared them with The Egg.
Wukong, watching the Egg: "You know I've been wondering... would you even like me if you knew who I was? I have done some stupid stuff in my life. I don't want any of that to affect you." Stone Egg: (*silent. Tiny brief pulse of magic glows from within*) Wukong, climbing up to curl around it: "You're right. I shouldn't let my past control my future. And you are my future." Wukong: (*rubs face against Egg affectionately*) Wukong: "I've been thinking about names recently. It's a big decision. The Stalwarts gave me my first, and Subodhi my second, and Macaque well... I've already told you how many he gave me-" Stone Egg: (*makes an almost annoyed "kick" of energy*) Wukong, laughing: "Ok, ok! I won't go off on a tangent like last time. Just know that *Peaches* is already taken, so you can't have it. Let's see..." Wukong, thinking hard: "There's one name I think would be perfect, but I want to run it by you first. I focused so much in trying to secure Heaven for my loved ones that I failed to see the Heaven before me... wish I had known that back then so you could have met him..." Wukong, wipes tear from eye: "So! How do you feel about Xiaotian?" Stone Egg: (*pulses happily*) Wukong, fond smile: "I knew you'd like it. My Little Heaven. I can't wait for you to get here. This world is so beautiful, I want to share every piece of it with you. Nothing matters more to me than that." Stone Egg: (*humming pulse of magic*) Wukong: "You're right, I'm getting sappy again... I love you, bud."
The Noodle fam stare wide-eyed at how the Monkey King had dubbed the Stone Egg the same name Peaches would suggest for his baby brother - the name MK was legally known by. How he treated the mystery egg as softly as one would a newborn baby.
The scene turns to the raging king ready to rip the Not-Mayor limb from limb - the Stone Egg held precariously in the Thrall's hand.
How the memory-stealing soup had been forced down the King's throat, the Monkey King distracted by the sounds of the egg's shell cracking prematurely.
And how he made good on his threats to the Thrall the second he heard the first cry of a newborn monkey.
How even with his memories failing; how he crawled over to shield the baby from the rain, cooing in-between worried calls for his long-lost friends and beloved.
Wukong, golden eyes streaked with tears: "Mihou! Please don't let me forget my Yuèhuā! Please! Yuèhuā!"
Macaque gasp at those words. To think he'd believed his mate willingly forgot him when the names he'd given him were the last on his lips?
The family sees how the Monkey King's last act of lucidity was to rip the royal cape from his back and wrap the little one in the red fabric. His golden eyes scanning the horizon for familiar souls.
When his mental slate had cleared, he immediately held the baby close and wandered for hours looking for someone in the direction his gold vision pointed him.
How the monkey demon suddenly paused on the road like a deer in literal headlights as a delivery truck hit the brakes to avoid collision. And how Peaches seemed to recognise the spirit of the driver before him...
Pigsy, getting out of truck: "The Diyu are you doing in the middle of the road, kid? You trying you get yourself killed?!" Peaches: (*scared/hopeful monkey noises*) Pigsy, expression softening as he inspects them: "Wait... are you... gods you're hurt. Do you got anywhere to go?" Peaches: (*thinks hard and looks down at baby in his arms, cooing sadly*) Pigsy, trying to hide worry: "Crap... look, I got a place nearby. You and the little guy need to get out of this rain and get some warm food into ya. Then we can figure... whatever the hell this is about." Peaches: (*hoots happily, following the pig man to the truck, limping from an earlier injury.*)
The memory ends, leaving the Scroll's explorers inside a vision of Pigsy's restaurant.
The memories of thousands of warm mornings and hugs, and meals rush past them. Bright and happy and oh so normal.
Sun Wukong fought for centuries to give young demons the chance to live amongst humans and celestials as equals. And that effort was not in vain as Peaches and MK grew to experience a rich childhood impossible for demons of the King's time.
So many happy memories are playing all around them that the Noodle Family are able to slow down and get a look at one another.
Peaches can't stop crying as he turns to his little brother, someone he'd thought he'd never even consider if he had kept his memories. Memories of a Him that he'd feared was an unfeeling monster. Regained memories showing a side of Sun Wukong that Peaches had not considered - that he had always been the sweet, shy, nerdy, family-driven monkey he was now.
And that he had loved his family from even before the start.
MK can't stop crying either as he slams into his big brother in a mortal-crushing hug. He had feared that Peaches wouldn't care for him if he could remember being the Monkey King. But now he had seen his goofy bog brother singing and caring for him long before MK had ever been born. That the song the Monkey King sang to the Stone Egg was the same one Peaches sang to MK when he was a baby.
Following after them is their parents, the two souls that raised them into the happy demons they are today. Turning to Pigsy and Tang, he asks something thats been plaguing him for a long time.
Peaches/Wukong: "Am I... can I still call you guys baba and dadsy?" Pigsy and Tang: (*pull their son closer to them, both teary-eyed*) Pigsy, looking Wukong in the face: "Kid, immortal monkey superhero or nothing, you're my son. My stubborn, brilliant, son who'd do anything for his family. I am proud to be your and your little brother's father." Tang, unintelligible blubbering: "I can't believe you still want to be ours! You're so wonderful! I thought you would have abandoned us after you learned who you were!" (*blows nose into tissue*) Peaches/Wukong, also blubbering: "I would never leave you! I love you guys so much!!"
Both sons and their fathers join together in tight hug. Not even godhood or the powers of the Underworld could tear them apart.
To the sidelines of this sweet scene is a shadow monkey feeling conflicted
Macaque hesitates. Although his heart ached from seeing how much Wukong still thought about and grieved for him, he still hurt him terribly. Peaches is a good man, why would he have anything to-
Peaches extends his hand out towards Macaque.
Peaches/Wukong, smiling in a painfully familiar way: "My beautiful Yuèhuā. I'm sorry I made you wait so long."
Macaque leaps forward to grasp the open hand in his own. The mated pair rub their faces against one another, cooing and chirping as they did as young loves without a care in the three realms. Regaining his memories did not quench the love in Peaches's heart, but set it aflame with the love Wukong had fostered for his lost mate for thousands of years.
Their relationship is not fully repaired no, but healing - and thats all they can hope for.
MK's indignant *chirp!* Interrupts the lovebirds' song. He empathetically points at the cracks in the universe, averting his gaze from the sappy pair.
So much joyous crying and hugging had taken place that they need to be reminded that there's still a world to save and a Lion's butt to kick.
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itsabouttimex2 · 1 month
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Y/N’s not the Beloved?
(At least, not at first)
Thinking so hard about Y/N just… not being the “beloved” in the yandere dynamics, and instead being the “neglected” party.
Just, like-
It’s not that Sun Wukong and Macaque don’t love you for being their precious adopted kiddo, but… you’re “just” a person, and you don’t have a tail or fur to groom like them. You can’t climb as well as they can, and you don’t have fangs. And you just aren’t strong enough to keep up.
So there’s this inherent disparity, and you feel sometimes more like a guest than a member of the family.
But then MK’s rock comes along! And then it hatches and there’s a new little monkey in the family for them dote on! They have a new baby, one that’s just like them!
In a way that you just… aren’t.
You just can’t compare. Sure, they still love you- you’re never hungry or cold, your clothes are plentiful, and they still support your interests, but…
They just don’t love you like they love him.
Because MK gets the nicest things, in all the ways you didn’t. He gets brand new clothes just right for a growing boy with a true form that fractures in and out of existence. But many of your “new” clothes have to be hastily sewn up because they’re hand-me-downs from Papa, and they had ear and tail slits- they were made for Mystic Monkeys, after all!
(And you aren’t one of them, no matter how hard you try to be.)
And MK gets his favorite foods and snacks whenever he asks, no matter how far Baba has to travel or how many stores his clones have to trawl to find those illusive treats. And when he digs in, you think of the times Papa taught you to “appreciate” his hard work in the kitchen by making you eat every bite of a meal he made, even if you gagged and coughed through it… but MK gets full impunity to have sides replaced whenever he decides a food is “yucky” without even trying it.
You got gifts for being well-behaved or accomplishing goals, but MK gets them for simply asking. You got money by doing extra chores or babysitting the mountain monkeys. MK is given it because your dads are in a good mood.
Not to mention how many of your hobbies and free days are undermined because you “need” to babysit the favorite child.
So on, and so forth.
And then one day it all grinds to a peak and you can’t take the favoritism anymore, so you eventually have the quietest messy breakdown known to man in the ungodly hours of the morning. When you finally manage to pull yourself together, the decision is promptly made- with a tightly-packed bag in tow, you sneak out through a window, clamber down the house walls, and disappear beyond the horizon.
And Macaque and Wukong are devastated, obviously. Sure, you aren’t the “beloved”, which is clearly MK, but you’re still their baby!
BUT! It gets even worse, because for all the worry in their hearts, MK is even worse!
He throws tantrums and rejects food and has uncontrollable fits where he bites bloody marks into his arms through hysteric tears. And even when the kiddo isn’t screaming his bloodied little mouth off, it’s only to scream for you to come back.
So, while they would’ve always made an honest effort to bring you back home (this is your home, even if it doesn’t always feel like it), having their “beloved” child start to genuinely harm himself over your absence only ramps up the efforts to get their first kid back.
“Open the door,” comes your papa’s tempered voice, barely second after you’ve registered the knock. “C’mon, kiddo. We need to talk.”
His foot meets the wooden door, tapping and testing the strength- not that there was really any question he could clear the flimsy barrier.
Tap. Tap.
At the pause, you drop everything and scramble into the closet, right as Macaque kicks through the door with a huff. The leather of his boot catches the light with a dark gleam, but he retracts it and readies for another blow.
“You in, Mac?”
“Not yet- I missed.”
His next strike lands true, shredding the cheap doorknob out of place so forcefully that it tears through the glass window behind it and disappears into the bushes behind the hotel, entirely flattened into a copper disk.
“Not bad,” cheers Wukong, peering into the wrecked room. “Not bad at all, bud!”
With a hand clasped over your mouth to muffle the sound of shallow breathing, you hunker down and wait- with a bitter thought at how casual they are about all this.
Didn’t they realize how badly hurt you were by the unabashed favoritism, the constant coming in second, the unending isolation?
How could they treat this like a casual outing?
“Alright, bud- pack your bags and put on something warm! We’re heading home!
Just barely you manage to bite back a cry of frustration over this miserable circumstance, expected to return to a home that had essentially shunted you aside.
“C’mon, brat. Did you really think we’d let you spend any more time in this hellhole? The mountain is a lot safer, anyways.”
You don’t even realize that Macaque is reaching into the closet until he has your upper arm in his hold, pulling until you’ve cleared the wooden threshold molding between your sanctuary and the living space.
Barely even on your feet, Wukong is upon you with a scarf, wrapping it tight and finishing with a neat bow.
“You know, MK really missed you,” he sighs, thinking of tantrums that spanned hours and the smell of mold in the kitchen when food the child flung had spilled under the counter and gone unnoticed for far too long.
Why should you care that their baby was suffering?
But whether you care or not (and they’re certainly not waiting for your opinion), they’re going to take you “home”.
With Wukong’s hand to wrap around your shoulders and Macaque’s to grip your wrist, they slowly march the way back to the precious little Mystic Monkey that you’ve come to hate.
And though your heart turns over at the sight of MK wailing on the floor, there’s this strange discomfort that arises when they call it that:
“Y/N is back!”
and it prompts an immediate end of his formerly hysterical waterworks?
Because he runs to you and throws both of his chubby little arms around your legs, demanding that you “never ever leave again!” and both of your dads are right behind him, because their son gets whatever he wants, when he wants it-
And what MK wants is you.
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peachburger · 1 year
OK, I want to continue to say I LOVE YOUR ART!!
I have this cute idea for your "You're My Starlight" AU! Since Wukong and MK are staying with Macaque for the time being, I can imagine Macaque helping him with his anger problems.
But a cute idea is since MK saw Wukong as his Papa it makes me wonder if MK saw Macaque as another parent since he keeps seeing his Papa smitten with him...I bet MK for his innocent reason that he dubbed Macaque as his other Papa or Mama and accidentally said it out loud, causing the two monkeys to fluster deep red.
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It’s quite silly that this would happen and I’m making that real now lol
As for the first idea, macaque and wukong did help each other out with their own problems actually. Wukong helped Macaque with self defense that doesn’t lead to serious injuries in case macaque gets endangered when he isn’t around, while Macaque does help wukongs anger issues which was a slow process but managed to change a couple things!
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fluttershyflores2 · 5 months
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