#papp art
nicandragon · 1 year
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Papp, Roque, and their son!!!
Happily married (before the divorce)
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its5 am and I'm sleepy
decided to try out a new brush on ibis laint ok
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misscromwellsmonocle · 2 months
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Diving Tower (2022) by Sirje Papp
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chicken-molayme · 1 year
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"Whats the most efficent way to go...?"
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dannysoil · 5 months
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pumpkidgrove · 3 months
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"Die Villa entsteht"⁠ "Create: The mansion"
Halloween 2021:⁠ TRILOGIE⁠ TRILOGY
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detroitlib · 10 days
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Portrait of actor James Earl Jones in a scene from Shakespeare's "The merchant of Venice." Stamped on back: "Friedman-Abeles Photographers, Inc., 351 West 54th Street, New York 19, N.Y." Label on back: "From: Merle Debuskey & Seymour Krawitz, 137 W. 48 St., CI 7-7507. James Earl Jones in a scene from "The merchant of Venice,' which opens the seventh season of the New York Shakespeare Festival in Central Park on Tuesday evening, June 19th, at 8:30 p.m. The production, directed by Joseph Papp, will inaugurate the new Shakespeare Festival Theatre in the Belvedere Tower area (entrance at 81st St. and Central Park West). Ming Cho Lee designed the sets and Theoni Aldredge the costume; music is by David Amram."
E. Azalia Hackley Collection of African Americans in the Performing Arts, Detroit Public Library
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chernobog13 · 1 month
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Man, those Kryptonians were really hard cases to send pets to the Phantom Zone too!
From Superboy (vol. 1) #136 (March, 1967). Written by Otto Binder, art by George Papp.
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 4 months
05/26/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Vico Ortiz; Samba Schutte (Tangy & Zangy); TellTaleAwards; Emmy4Taika; Watch Party Reminders; OFMD Big Bang 2024!; Fan Spotlight; MerMay; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Today's Taika
== Vico Ortiz ==
Finally got some of the pictures from the Them Fatale Vico participated in a while back!
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Source: Vico Ortiz' IG stories
== Samba Schutte ==
Awww, Samba made an amazing new desert! This time with the theme Tangy & Zangy <3
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Source: Samba Schutte's Instagram
== Tell Tale Awards ==
The Tell-Tale TV Awards voting are up! There are several categories with Queer shows so if you have the time please take some time to fill them in! You can vote for up to 3 per category. Not only does OFMD show up, but Good Omens, Deadloch, Dead Boy Detectives, etc.
OFMD Categories Below:
Favorite Cable or Streaming Comedy Series (Round 1) - Our Flag Means Death
Favorite Performer in a Cable or Streaming Comedy Series (Round 1) - Rhys Darby / Ruibo Qian
== Emmy Considerations ==
You asked and they made it happen! Thank you to our friends over at Our Flag Means Fanfiction for more Emmy Consideration graphics, this time for Taika! Here's the Google Drive
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Everyone is encouraged to make your own as well! If you do I'd love to see them so please be sure to share!
== Watch Party Reminders ==
Our Flag Means Death Season 2 May 28-31 (we're skipping Memorial Day) Times: 3:30 pm PT / 6:30pm ET / 11:30 pm BST Need access? We're doing a WP on the RhysDarbyFaction Discord server, feel free to hit me up on tumblr @gentlebeardsbarngrill or @ aspirantabby42 on Twitter for access.
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== OFMD Big Bang 2024! ==
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For all of you who're seasoned OFMD tumblr folks, you probably have heard of OFMD Big Bang before! For our newer members of the fandom check out the description below by OFMD Big Bang Tumblr.
What is the Our Flag Means Death Big Bang? A big bang is a writing and art challenge pairing authors and artists to complete a long work of fiction. The OFMD Big Bang is centered around stories which take place in the Our Flag Means Death universe with a minimum word count requirement of 10,000. 
Interested in joining? Author and Artist sign-ups open on June 1! Here's the upcoming Schedule. Visit the @ofmdbigbang tumblr for more information!
== Fan Spotlight ==
= Cast Cards =
Today's Cast Card is Stephen Papps, aka an English Lieutenant from "Mermen". Thanks @melvisik!
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Source: @melvisik's Twitter
== Big Gay Energy Podcast ==
Our crewmates over at Big Gay Energy Podcast have a new episode out! This time they're discussing Season 1 Episode 10! Listen in on your favorite podcast platform via their Linktr.ee.
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== Mermay ==
= Snejpowa =
Day 26: Teal More Mermay! I love that some folks took Teal and did something with Stede, and others with Oluwande! Thanks @snejpowa for this iconic Stede scene, you can feel the wobble!
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Source: Snejpowa's Tumblr
= blueberreads =
Wow! Check out this gorgeous rendition of Oluwande and his Teal earring for Day 26 of MerMay by @blueberreads! That is gorgeous!
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Source: @blueberreads' Tumblr
= GooGooGoJob! =
As usual @googoogojob has some more stunning work for MerMay! Day 18: Calypso's Birthday / Day 19: Rowboat / Day 20: High on a Rocky Ledge
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== Stjernegaupe ==
Our friend @stjernegaupe has so many more MerMay fun submissions! I love how they interpret the various prompts! I want the Revenge for a flag!
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== Love Notes ==
Hey Crew! I hope the weekend was kind to you and you got to do something fun!
I'm a bit off today. I hope you can forgive me for not saying much. Please remember that you are such a gift to this world. I think about you all a lot, and I hope you know you're doing great. Just a little love note from someone else today. Have a good Monday-- whether it's a holiday or a workday. Take care <3
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Source: AlexaAubreyPoetry on Instagram
== Daily Darby / Today's Taika =
Tonight's theme is just these two giving each other hugs cause I need more of it in this life. Gif Courtesy of @usersukuna
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roosterm3at · 2 years
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half-life illustration hee hee, an art print by Rex papp - INPRNT
check it out!!! reblogs would be greatly appreciated!
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morgana-lefay · 5 months
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I'm not an art expert, but I'm pretty sure this is an actual Renaissance painting.
Rammstein | László Papp Budapest Sports Arena, Hungary (10.11.2011) 📷 © Photoreti
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kathastrophen · 1 month
Ficbinding - A5 Heft Teil 2
So, wir haben im ersten Teil den Satz unserer Fic gemacht und erfolgreich gedruckt. Jetzt wird aus dem Papierstapel ein Heft!
Ihr braucht:
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Ein Lineal (30 cm reichen)
Eine Schneidmatte (oder einen alten Pizzakarton)
Ein Skalpell oder Cuttermesser mit frischer Klinge
Einen Blestift
4 Büroklammern
Eine Schere
Eine Nähnadel
ca 40 cm Faden oder Zwirn - Ich benutze hier zwei Fäden Stickgarn
Den Ausdruck
Ein Cover aus Pappe oder festem Papier A4, ca 120 - 180 gr
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Als erstes faltet ihr alle Seiten in der Mitte. Den Falz ruhig mit dem Nagel nachfahren. Danach alle Seiten in der richtigen Reihenfolge ineinander legen.
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Genauso mit dem Cover verfahren. Wenn euer Drucker so dickes Papier bedrucken kann, könnt ihr euch da natürlich auch ausleben!
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Cover und Seiten übereinander legen und unten oder oben aufstoßen und mit den vier Büroklammern fixieren. Mit dem Lineal (oder nach Augenmaß) im mittleren Blatt die Löcher für die Bindung markieren.
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Mit der Nähnadel die Löcher stechen. Ich lege dafür das Heft an die Tischkante und steche nach unten in die Luft. Ruhig etwas mit der Nadel wackeln, um das Loch etwas zu vergrößern.
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Optional könnt ihr den Faden mit einem Teelicht wachsen, wenn ihr keinen Zwirn benutzt. Das macht den Faden etwas wiederstandfähiger.
Den Faden einfädeln und wie folgt durch alle Lagen nähen:
Von außen durchs untere Loch nach innen
Durch das mittlere Loch nach außen
Durch das obere Loch zurück nach innen
Durch das mittlere Loch nach außen
Ihr näht quasi eine Acht und habt dann beide Enden auf der Rückseite.
Für diesen Schritt kann man die Büroklammern auch noch dran lassen.
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Das Heft umdrehen und einen ziemlich strammen Doppelt- oder Dreifachknoten machen. Das ist mit einer Hand etwas tricky, aber vielleicht habt ihr da noch jemanden, der*die euch kurz hilft.
Den Knoten festziehen und ca. 2 cm entfernt abschneiden. Auch hier könnt ihr den Faden natürlich länger lassen und noch etwas daran festknoten.
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Wenn ihr jetzt das Zine zuklappt, seht ihr, dass die inneren Seiten länger als die äußeren sind. Das könnt ihr entweder so lassen oder mit Lineal und Cutter den Überstand abschneiden. Dafür ruhig mehrfach schneiden und nicht mit einem Zug versuchen durch alle Lagen zu kommen. Idealerweise macht ihr das auf einer Schneidmatte oder einem alten Pizzakarton.
Ta-Da! Euer Heft ist fertig! 🎉
Natürlich könnt ihr auf diese Art auch Skizzenhefte oder andere Formate binden!
Hier ist eines meiner ersten Zines - Das ist nochmal ganz anders, als dieses recht schlichte.
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viridiave · 2 years
this is just for fun! I feel the need to reiterate that for this list too! Ship whatever you like ya'll!
POST-CHAPTER 1 SPOILERS ABOUND (up to the final chapters, but only like some of them (Hikari 5, Throne 4, Agnea 5, Partitio 4))
Hikari x Agnea
- you saw the art for Crossed Paths and committed to it
Hikari x Partitio
- you're into himbos who can sling twinks over their shouler. i don't blame ya.
Hikari x Ritsu
- shonen made you wonder why pinning your enemies to the ground is gay as all hell
Hikari x Castti
- your morbid curiosity has drawn you to the potential of the two characters of 'something's not right'
Agnea x Partitio
- you have a thing for sunshine characters who can make you go blind
Agnea x Gus
- you're a believer in childhood friends being endgame
Agnea x Giselle
- there's just something gay about being alone on a small island together and using your central ethos to inspire okay
Agnea x Dolcinaea
- you believe that Dolcinaea and Agnea have the innate power to turn everyone they meet into a raging bisexual
Agnea x Ochette
- same joke as Agnea x Partitio, but with permanent cat ears
Dolcinaea x Veronica
- you have a thing for muscled women. honestly i can't blame ya.
- you've seen Agnea's Chapter 5, and wonder how much ball it took to put that in there
Castti x Throné
- you were/are an avid Alfion shipper, and are very pleased about their path actions
Castti x Osvald
- you have a thing for Team Mom x Team Dad tropes
Castti x Rosa
- Winterbloom hurt more than just your feelings
Throné x Partitio
- you took shopping buddies as an invitation for something
Throné x Agnea
- you just want good things for Throné, and honestly who doesn't
Throné x Temenos
- same joke as Hikari x Agnea but with a significant increase in crime
Throné x Pirro
- you cried when you stabbed Pirro.
- you have not yet reached Lostseed, or have - and are still wondering what the actual fuck just happened
Osvald x Harvey
- you think the fire in Osvald's breast is a euphemism for something other than revenge
Osvald x Rita
- you cried at Conning Creek. then again at Montwise.
Osvald x Temenos
- you know what holy water is made of, and seek to defile it
Osvald x Partitio
- same joke as Hikari x Agnea but Partitio can afford therapy
Osvald x Emerald
- you really think Osvald should have mourned a little more
Temenos x Crick
- you played Temenos's Chapter 1. that's it that's the joke.
- you have either not reached Stormhail, or have - and reject that reality
Temenos x Cubaryi
- you love women who can kick your ass
Castti x Malaya
- you have a thing for mindfuckery
- you have either not reached the Abandoned Village, or have - and reject that reality
Partitio x Alrond
- you think Partitio should have taken off his shirt
- dw buddy Dancer subclass has got your back
Papp x Roque
- you think Partitio's Chapter 1 was a divorce that literally almost starved a town to death
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chicken-molayme · 1 year
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Hear me out what if Partitio left with Roque....
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dannysoil · 5 months
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pumpkidgrove · 2 years
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"Der Stein des Anstoßes" "The stumbling block"
Halloween 2022⁠:⁠ Der Fluch der roten Witwe⁠ The Curse of the Red Widow⁠
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