#papyrus was the bigger one for so so long
aperfecta-rt · 1 year
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Underswap Sans and Papyrus as Pokemon! I rembered I could draw and therefore drew
croagunk has "lazy stretch" vibes and sans is small n cute but packs a punch- and he's shiny so the colors can match :]
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inbarfink · 1 year
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Any analysis of how Undertale deals with Pacifism and how it tries to guide the Player towards it has to take a deep look at Papyrus. Because Papyrus is the one character in the game who will never kill, the one actual ‘True Pacifist’ in the game’s main cast. 
I mean, the Player can be an even bigger Pacifist. Papyrus does still FIGHT, and the Player can get through an entire run without draining a single sliver of HP. But… they can also be the world’s biggest murderbastard and literally stab reality to death. 
Toriel would very much like to not kill, but she is also fully capable of doing so.
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Same with Asgore, but he has a lot more actual blood on his hands. Undyne and Mettaton are both fully 100% willing to kill to accomplish their goals. Sans is non-violent in most runs because he’s too lazy and depressed to do anything, and when he is motivated into actions - it is in the form of a FIGHT to the death. Alphys… the timeline is a bit fuzzy cause both she and Mettaton love lying so much, but it seems like she did sincerely add deadly weapons to Mettaton cause killing humans would make him more 'useful' and then had second thoughts once she developed a parasocial relationship with the Human Child and THEN she and Mettaton started hatching their little play-acting plan. I think??
With Papyrus there is NONE of this ambiguity, we know for sure - no matter what timeline or what may come - The Great Papyrus will always choose MERCY.
And the interesting thing about that is on a Meta-Sense, Papyrus is a very rare example of the game giving MERCY towards the Player. 
Because the game starts out being really obtuse with the Sparing mechanic and how it works. If you want to be a Pacifist in Undertale from the get-go, you’re gonna have to work for it. You're gonna have to figure it out on your own and commit to it and believe that it's possible. It's basically a test of your own belief in non-violence and your moral integrity. Then, the RUINS end with the Toriel boss battle - in a way, that’s probably the hardest Sparing puzzle in the whole game. And it’s very very easy to accidentally kill her. (I’d almost say that’s the intention of the battle, to try to goad the Player into Resetting so they can see how the game remembers across RESETs)
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And then we have Papyrus, and it’s not just that his ‘Sparing Puzzle’ is something as simple as outlasting him and letting him run out of dialogue - and it’s not just that he’s the only boss that will just give up and let you continue if you lose to him enough times. it’s also that, just as Papyrus is the only boss incapable of accidentally killing the Player - he’s also the only boss that the player is incapable of accidentally killing.
(Okay, fine, to be pedantic, there’s also Asgore)
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I mean, the Player can certainly kill him if they want to - but draining Papyrus’s HP just makes him skip through his battle dialogue right to the end of it. It’s designed in such a way that, no matter what Route you're on and no matter what approach you take with Papyrus - you will always end up on this screen.
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Unlike basically any other Monster in this game, including the major boss battle just before him - you can’t kill Papyrus accidently. You can't kill him without also having Sparing him as an option. The game kinda treats killing Papyrus as one of the Worst Things You Can Do because killing Papyrus will always be a deliberate, considered action done to a person who will not kill you and who has stopped wanting to FIGHT and has extended a hand of Mercy. With the game clearly communicating what you need to do to Spare him at that moment.
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And that means that - even if you killed before, even if you don’t have the patience of a True Pacifist, even if you spent all this time in the game without even trying to engage with the Sparing mechanic… as long as you don’t want to be a Huge Rat Bastard, the game is basically gifting you with the very very easy option to not be. Being a Pacifist in Undertale is usually a challenge - a puzzle to be solved, a test to pass. But as long as you aren’t intentionally trying to be the Worst Person - the game is basically giving you Papyrus. 
If you accept his Mercy, you are accepting the game’s Mercy. That sort of benefit-of-the-doubt assumption that maybe all of the LOVE you might have accumulated so far was all due to honest mistakes or panic or an attempt in self-defense. That you still deserve this one chance to prove that you are not intentionally, maliciously cruel - or at least not like the Worst Person in the World. Even if you did kill before, you still deserve at least one friend.
And Sparing Papyrus leads you to his wonderful Hangout/Dating Sequence and to his Phone Calls and they all add so much wholesome charm to the Undertale experience and no matter what happens Papyrus will always think the best of the Player and he will always trust them and it also makes Sans also kinda your buddy by default. And more than just adding a little bit of wholesome charm into even the more LOVE-filled Playthroughs, I think this is meant to try and incentivize these players into trying out the Mercy mechanic a bit more.
Whatever it’s, like, for future playthroughs or Resetting the game right there to try a True Pacifist Run right there and then or just trying to be a little kinder for the rest of this current playthrough - especially since there’s an emphasis about the close friendship Papyrus has with the upcoming boss Undyne, and to a lesser extent with his idol and next-next boss battle Mettaton. It’s like “well, if you didn’t figure out how to spare before, this is how you do it? And isn’t it nice to have a friend? Isn’t it nice to not have to kill this lovable skeleton man? You should do this more often wink wink nudge nudge!”
And it’s like… all of Papyrus’ loved ones care about him so much but they also look down on his pacifism. They see his inability to kill and desire to make friends as simple naivete and that’s why all tend to hide the truth from him all the time. About what will happen to the Human he will capture, about what his new Human friend might’ve done, about the fact that they view him as so naïve. 
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They admire it on some level, that’s why they want to protect it, but they also see it as a weakness which is why they want to protect it by lying to him all the time. But, you know, Undyne says that if Papyrus goes into battle he’ll be ‘ripped into little smiling shreds’ and that is certainly what happens every time a Player chooses to refuse Papyrus’ Mercy and the game’s Mercy and press that FIGHT button…
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But have you thought about all the times that doesn’t happen? All the careless or violent players who were offered that skeletal hand of friendship, accepted it and then carried that offered kindness forward for the rest of the game? All the players motivated to do good for the sake of their buddy Papyrus? All the Murder Routes stopped because the player just didn’t have it in them to kill someone who believes in them so earnestly?
Like, no, it’s not a surefire thing - especially since Papyrus has so much less narrative power than the Actual Unkillable Time God that is the Player. But it happened, and it happened many many times to many players. Papyrus offered Mercy, the game offered Mercy. And much like Frisk’s Pacifism, it comes from a place of seeing the honest goodness in your ‘enemy’ and can inspire them to become a better person - this little sparkle of goodness being passed forwards. 
And I think that’s beautiful, even if it didn’t happen in every timeline. Any potential future where Papyrus’ kindness can have such an effect on the Player and thus the entire trajectory of the Underground validates his kindness and pacifism on some level - even if there are also always the potential worlds that it backfires completely. 
And there’s also one other way in which the Great Papyrus Proves Pacifism Pays. One that is a bit more practical, perhaps. And one that Papyrus himself is not even aware of. 
Papyrus’ boss battle can be a surprisingly challenging one specifically because he is the only one who doesn’t kill the Player.
Like there is a reason why Papyrus will just offer you to skip his Fight after you lose to him three times, because if he didn’t do that - there’s an honest risk that the Player can get stuck in a much stuckier way than anywhere else in the game. 
Because, like, for basically any other character in the game, being killed is the Worst Thing that could ever happen to them. For everyone except the actual Player Character because we are an Actual Unkillable Time God and dying is nothing more than a minor annoyance that sets you back to your last SAVE Point. So, leaving aside Papyrus’ admirably kind intentions - there is not much material difference from the Player’s perspective between getting Captured and getting a more traditional GAME OVER. Except…
Except getting Captured does not undo everything that happened in your inventory during the battle. In every other Undertale battle, if you use all of your items but still lose - the GAME OVER at least means you get your stuff back. But because Papyrus doesn’t kill you, any healing item you’ve used during the battle is still used. I have watched so many Undertale Let’s Players waste all of their valuable items on their first Papyrus battle and then have to face him again without them and thus do even worse in their second go… and then their third go... and thankfully then Papyrus offers them to skip the fight.
And while that technically can be circumvented by just manually closing the game and opening it back again on their pre-battle SAVE Point, a lot of players are gonna reflexively Save over it if they pop over to the Shop or the Snowed Inn before their second attempt at the battle. If Papyrus didn’t offer that chance to skip his battle, it could’ve easily become a softlock situation for a huge chunk of players - because he doesn’t kill the Player.
Most of Undertale deals with the value of non-violence from a standpoint of morality and kindness and personal connections. Since most people do die when they get killed. But when dealing with an Unkillable Time God like the Player, Papyrus proves that not-killing might actually be the most practical solution.
Of course, it doesn’t seem like Papyrus is aware of any of this. From his perspective, he is just offering genuine mercy to a being just as ephemeral as he is. But it accidentally turned into one of the most effective methods of blocking the Player’s way… at least he didn’t offer us an opt out so soon after that. 
And it’s interesting when comparing him to how his brother Sans - one of the few people actually aware of the existence of SAVEs and RESETs - deals with the Player. Because the Sans boss battle at the end of the Murder Route is entirely based on the concept that death is nothing but an annoyance to the Player. Sans is less trying to kill the Player (the way Undyne the Undying did), he is simply trying to annoy the Player into a ragequit. But he is still killing the Player.
Now imagine a Sans battle where he has all of his usual annoying tricks, but also instead of killing you - he captures you just like his brother would’ve in a happier timeline. And while it’s not a fool-proof plan to stop the Player in their tracks - he could very easily stick them in that sort of softlock situation where they have to battle him again and again without any Healing Items. Forcing them to either abandon the game or RESET the whole world back the way it was - just like Sans wants them too. 
But instead, by killing the Player, he is just allowing that perfect second-third-fourth-fifth-sixth-try where they get all of their Stuff back. And he does actually knows that. And why doesn’t he do that? (Speaking here from an in-universe character study perspective. Obviously the Doylist answer is that the game doesn’t want to Softlock you even in the most deliberately-frustrating part of the game).
Maybe, even though he intellectually knows that killing the Player will be of no help - he still does it because he wants to. Because he just wants to get back at the evil murderous monster that took his brother from him and destroyed his entire world even if he knows it’s actually ineffective. And this thirst for bloodshed is, ironically, blinding him from a new exciting way to actually practically stop that murderous bastard who is themself motivated entirely by bloodshed. 
Maybe he just can’t do something like that. Reducing an enemy to exactly one HP and then stopping is not a feat anyone else in the game is capable of pulling off - even the ones who would obviously use such a thing (like Toriel or a Player with a Pacifist intentions). Maybe it’s something that requires a lot of hard practice and discipline and carefulness, that Sans never thought to put in because he didn’t see it as a useful skill the way Papyrus did. 
Maybe that wouldn’t have worked anyways. After all, and that’s something I kinda touched on in a previous Overly Long Rambly Hot Take - Sans’ War of Attrition against the Player is greatly helped by the fact he can’t remember every single previous try and so he can’t get exhausted the way the Player can get. Obviously, without a GAME OVER induced RESET that will not apply. Which is especially notable because… Sans’ laziness is literally what brings him down at the end of that Boss Battle. 
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So maybe, while Papyrus, as long as you decline his offer to skip the battle, is capable of offering just the same Battle as before over and over and over again.... It’s possible that Sans just won’t be able to pull off two or three or more battles of the same intensity and difficulty in a row without a RESET to undo his own exhaustion. 
But I think it’s at least worth considering the option, y’know? That after all this time of viewing Papyrus’ kindness as sweet-and-yet-kinda-foolish-naïveté - that exact viewpoint made Sans overlook the perfect solution to dealing with his little Murderous Time God problem. Cause he just never considered that while killing might be fully morally justifiable in this situation and very very satisfying, that does not necessarily mean it is actually the most practical solution. And that maybe, in a weirdly twisted way, Pacifism WAS the answer.  
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llamagoddessofficial · 9 months
Excuse me could we get some farmtale sans headcanon please just a crumb
You don't need to ask twice lol
He's deceptively strong, even by Sans standards. He's on par with Skull for raw strength. This guy carries massive heavy things pretty much for a living; he loads bales bigger than you. He could carry you around on one arm, and he might genuinely tuck you under one arm if he needs to carry you while he's busy
However he is also extremely Somft. He simply wants to sit on the couch and wear chunky knit sweaters and drink soup all day.
His greatest talent is coming up with places to nap that are out of sight of Papyrus. You'll be regularly tripping over him
He's wonderful to nap with! He smells like straw and sweet veg, his strong arms are perfect for cuddles. He is unreasonably comfy.
He flirts by giving you things from the farm. He'll show up to your door without warning, carrying cartons of fresh eggs, boxes full of veg, butters and jams and chutneys... one time, even a whole wheel of cheese.
(Probably saves you hundreds on groceries.)
Papyrus frequently asks you to go check on Sans while he's working, maybe to bring him food or a drink, 'see if he's doing it right', etc. Papyrus knows Sans is absolutely fine and knows how to do those jobs. But he also knows that Sans makes an art out of half-assing certain chores and making them take forever... if you're there, Sans wants to show off, and he ends up working twice as fast.
Sans has a way with animals. His vibes are just so easygoing that even the most high-strung creatures like him. Anytime he falls asleep, he ends up with chickens sitting with/on him until he wakes up.
For a guy who works with plants, he's pretty terrible at remembering the names of them. He knows the important ones, and that's about it. Don't expect him to remember more than he absolutely has to.
He's an excellent seamster! If anything you like rips, let him know. He can make it look good as new.
His love language is acts of service. He does the absolute bare minimum for people he doesn't like, and equally, he does So Much for people he loves (like you). He'll tow you for miles if you break down, he'll pick you up from anywhere at any time without complaint, he'll lend you incredibly important items of his as if it's no big deal. If you leave him alone in your home for too long he'll find something to repair or tweak... clothes, furniture, holes in the walls/creaky windows, etc. You'll come downstairs in the morning to find out he's fixed your heating.
His ideal date is driving out to a quiet field at night, then sitting under a blanket together and watching the stars. He may not know his plants... but he knows his stars, that's for sure.
Too bad he'll be too busy looking at you.
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S/O throws a slice of cheese onto Skeletons face.
Undertale Sans - He stays perfectly still and doesn't move. When you pass by the couch a few hours later, he's still there, with the cheese slice on his face, lifeless. That's his new life now.
Undertale Papyrus - He shrieks in shock before taking the slice out of his face. What the hell? This is disgusting. He needs to wash his face now because the smell is horrible. He doesn't even like cheese! It's in these small moments that Papyrus' autistic side really shows lol. He hates feeling sticky things on his bones and he's going to be grumpy all day long because you broke his routine by wasting his time as he has to clean again lol.
Underswap Sans - He panics as he's suddenly blind and throws the cheese back to you, smacking your face so hard with it that you fell on your butt. Don't do that! You scared the crap out of him. Give him a warning next time!
Underswap Papyrus - He ducks instinctively. The cheese ends on the top of his skull. He thinks it's funny though and refuses to take it off as it was always his dream to have hair. Now you have a problem because he will definitely keep it for a few days and the smell will soon be terrible.
Underfell Sans - He hisses, before rolling on the floor like a wild animal to claw and fight the maleficient cheese on his face, thinking it's actually way bigger than it is. Well, he's not overreacting at all! When he realizes nothing is actually killing him, he's so mad he refuses to talk to you until the next day. Worth it though.
Underfell Papyrus - He's annoyed but gets over it quickly to go back to his cooking. He can believe how immature you are sometimes. Thank god, he's here to show you how to put cheese in the lasagna because how would you survive without his brilliant mind. You smack another cheese behind his head to make it shut up. Oh, that's on. Edge turns around and starts to attack you with cheese as well.
Horrortale Sans - He instinctively catches the cheese with his mouth. He's really happy about the snack and starts purring more loudly. Welp, that's not what you expected to happen, but at least he's happy.
Horrortale Papyrus - You miss the head because he's so tall. The cheese slid right between his ribs and ends on his soul. Now Willow is screaming and twitching to get it off, very uncomfortable. You decide to retreat as fast as you can before he has a chance to lecture you to death. Sadly, he catches your movement and stops you with blue magic. Oh no you don't dare to leave. Good luck with that.
Swapfell Sans - He's not amused. He gives you THE stare. The one insulting silently your intelligence and judging you so hard you might feel ashamed eventually. He never says a word. His stare is enough to make you leave the room.
Swapfell Papyrus - Ah, ah. Congratulations, you got him. He's defeated... not. The next day, you wake up with your hair full of cheese slices to the point it's going to take a few hours to clean... Play with the prank master and find out.
Fellswap Gold Sans - Wine is a bit of a maniac on the edges so he reacted to this filthy thing like you expected him to do: dramatically. Like this, basically:
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Fellswap Gold Papyrus - CHEESE! Coffee loves cheese! Sure, the way to give him the cheese is weird but quickly forgotten because he can eat cheese and he's so happy about it!
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antlered-prince · 1 year
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The Universe
The famine is actually something that has happened before, way in the past when monsters were first trapped in the Underground. A lot of the knowledge of how it was overcome was lost with Asgore and Toriel however, and a lot of the older monsters were either too young to remember or were the first to fall down when it resurfaced again.
The famine is actually caused by an overabundance of magic. When the monsters were first sent into the underground they brought all of their magic with them, it soaked into the ground, rocks and water. The new density of magic caused any crops to become 'overripe'. The Core failing did the same thing, sending a new intense wave of magic through the Underground. If they had gotten the Core up and running the way it used to, it would regulate magic once more.
The only reasons Reuben's magic was able to restart the Core briefly was because it has the same magical signature as Gaster, it has nothing to do with power level or anything like that. When Gaster fell into the Core his magic became interwoven in its mechanisms, a significant boost of a similar magic (either from Reuben or Dagwood) would have been enough to restart it.
In my headcanon, Toriel was also defeated by Frisk. This is because I believe this 'run' was someone's first and only, someone who gave up trying to talk it out, someone who didn't bother to go back and get the 'best possible ending'.
Not that many humans have actually fallen down during the second great famine, at least not enough to affect anyone who has eaten them. Most of the changes that have happened to monsters are because of the extra magic, it changed them to help them survive tougher conditions. For example, making them taller/bigger, sharper teeth, improved vision etc. In some cases, this has affected their mental state as well.
Both Reuben and Dagwood's teeth and size are a result of the extra magic that the Underground got flooded with. Most monsters have been affected physically in some way by it. Their bodies changed to be able to handle that amount of magic. There was some emotional struggle since monster souls are so in tune with magic, so it was harder for them to keep their emotions and magic in check. But over time it has become easier as they adjust to their new reality.
They both know sign language, as Reuben sometimes finds it hard to speak verbally.
Horrortale Sans
Nickname: Reuben
Height: 6'4
Magic: Pinkish Red
Style: He likes dressing in cosy winter gear. Big jackets, jumpers, big grippy boots, etc. He almost always wears his matching yellow gloves and scarf, although sometimes he'll swap it out for something else Dagwood has made for him.
Other facts and info:
Reuben can cook, but he's not as good as his brother.
He loves spicy food.
Reuben has four pet chickens that he loves very much. Their names are Spoon, Knife, Fork and Ms Ice-cream Apple Pie.
Reuben likes to take care of the groceries and any other short errands around town. He'll often take one of his chickens (usually Spoon) with him if he has the opportunity.
Reuben loves to savour his kisses, much preferring soft lingering kisses and being closer to you. He likes if you take the lead as he's perfectly happy to get lost in it.
He 'doesn't dance'.
Reuben would like to work with animals, perhaps in some sort of petting farm or animal daycare.
His favourite colour is yellow.
Horrortale Papyrus
Nickname: Dagwood
Height: 7'5
Magic: Pale Green
Style: He likes light coloured clothing and he likes to look smart. He often wears button-ups, dress shoes and long coats. He's never seen without a pair of gloves, as his bones are heavily scarred and he prefers not to look at them.
Other facts and info:
Dagwood is a very skilled cook. He made it a priority to properly learn once they made it to the surface, taking advantage of the wider variety of foods available compared to underground.
He cooks mostly savoury things but he loves sweets. He's still not the best at making them though since he likes to make sure everyone eats healthy first.
Likes spicy food.
Dagwood is very outspoken, partially stemming from his brother's selective mutism. He's not afraid to speak up for others who need it.
He's very protective of those weaker than him, and keeps up a consistent workout routine to make sure he's always in fighting shape (the boost of magic from the core exploding in their au makes this very easy for him).
He likes to knit in his spare time too, although it's not something that he openly shares. The scarf and gloves that Reuben wears are a past birthday gift from him.
He was the main one that monsters in Snowdin went to if they needed help and that need to take responsibility never went away. He would melt if someone went out of their way to take care of him.
Because of the shape of his teeth, Dagwood's kisses are usually very gentle and precise. He'll usually take the lead and hold your face to direct you. Both because he likes the act of control and because he doesn't want you to accidentally get poked.
He really loves kids. If his partner also wanted kids he'd probably want at least two so that they'd always have a friend/someone to rely on. He'd also be open to adopting/fostering older kids who need a home.
About his relationship with Undyne. There were a lot of tense feelings at the start of the famine, a lot of magic going haywire, so their relationship was very rough for a while after his brother got hurt*. It's been a few years now and they've worked on and rebuilt their relationship as they've worked together to help the remaining monsters.
*It happened during an argument where her magic got out of control. She meant to summon one spear as a show of power but accidentally ended up summoning multiple.
He loves any kind of dancing with a partner.
Dagwood would love to be a teacher of some sort. Probably somewhere around the preteen level.
His favourite colours are pastels, but specifically blue.
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anfie-in-the-box · 1 year
Turns, twists, and paradoxes
First | Previous
It's been finished for a while, just didn't feel like uploading anything. It really takes effort to get the post done, with all the links, the credits, proofreading, etc.
Also yeah, it's the second x-tra! Since @zu-is-here insists on drawing illustrations for this fic, readers get more x-tra scenes!
X-tra 2
Horror hopes he knows where to shortcut to find Murder. He doesn't want him alone after a fight; never again.
Murder isn't in his room, but that's okay. Horror has a few other places to check. He can't feel the other's emotions like Nightmare can, but he knows Murder better than anyone, so of course he'll find him.
Just let him not be too late. Murder needs him.
Horror shortcuts and shortcuts. The castle is silent and empty — it's weird not to hear a single soul, no spars on the yard, no smells of cooking — someone is, was, always awake here. The castle was alive despite overwhelming, suffocating negativity, and now it's dead. For good, once Horror and Murder leave as well. It feels strange to even consider leaving the place behind, yet it's only logical — nothing stops them anymore. They can have a try at a happy ending of their own.
Horror finds Murder in one of the balconies where he sits right on the floor, breathing deeply. He's meditating, Horror knows, so he doesn't interrupt. Instead he sits quietly in front of Murder and watches his deceivingly calm features, looking for a sign of distress. Murder is particularly vulnerable before and after gaining EXP, and while Horror couldn't really help before — Nightmare would never let them comfort each other when their negative emotions were high, only after they calmed down by themselves — he can now. So he's here. It's new, so he's not sure what exactly to do, but being around people always seemed to ground Murder, if only a little, so Horror will keep him company. They worked together for so long they grew attached despite their differences and their past. Horror was at odds with most of others, mostly because unlike them, he cared about his brother and his people and couldn't even imagine killing them. In a sense, he was lucky, never once living through what they call a Genocide timeline; but he had a hell of his own.
Nightmare only picked up toys long broken, after all. Those he could bend and twist into loyalty. Some managed to escape his grasp — Cross wasn't the first traitor, not at all, although he's the only one who joined Dream and therefore put a target much bigger than usual on his back. Nightmare does not forget, and he does not forgive.
Or at least that's how it used to be. Nightmare did bow and thank them for help, after all. And earlier, he did let them go without a word.
They're not free yet, though. Maybe will never be. But now they can make a first step. Together with Murder, Horror hopes. He doesn't want to leave his partner alone.
Murder opens his sockets, mismatched eye-lights focusing on Horror.
Neither talks until Murder twitches, "Did you want something?"
"Just make sure you're alright," Horror responds. "Well, as much as possible," he corrects.
Murder hugs his knees, curling into himself. "Papyrus didn't make an appearance, if that's what you'd like to know. I don't know if it's meditation or he just doesn't feel like it."
"That's okay," Horror assures. "There's no rush anymore."
Murder lowers his gaze. "Are we really leaving?" he asks. Something in his tone breaks Horror's heart. He's come to care so much about his partner.
"I don't know," he answers honestly. "I have to ask Farmer if he's okay with it. But I don't think he'll refuse, especially if we promise to help."
"We're both unstable," Murder says. "And they're peaceful. Would it work?"
Horror knows what he's really asking. What if I snap? What if you snap? Horror doesn't know how to answer that. What he knows for sure is, "We won't be alone anymore."
Murder grins. "Don't know about you, but I was never alone in the first place. Not since you…" He quiets and whispers, smile smaller but more genuine: "Thank you."
"Thank you, too," Horror grumbles. It's not easy to be so open after years of hiding, even before Nightmare came for him, but for Murder, he can do it.
They fall silent, sitting on the cool floor, looking at each other. They're both roughed up, though not injured too seriously. Some food and a bath will heal them in a moment. Maybe good sleep, too, though they won't be sleeping any time soon. Or at least Horror won't.
"Why do you think Nightmare returned?" Murder asks, uncertain and vulnerable. He looks Horror in the eye, waiting for his response nervously.
"I think," Horror says, "Nightmare needs something he left here. Probably those precious books of his. And besides, we knew it would happen sooner or later, didn't we? We were ready as we'd ever be."
Murder nods thoughtfully, reaching out. Horror lets him touch and caress his hands. Intimacy is difficult, but Murder deserves comfort, and Horror is ready to provide.
"It's so weird seeing him like this," Murder murmurs softly. He must be scared to share his thoughts so openly, and so is Horror, but they will manage for sure. There's nothing stopping them anymore. They don't have to hurt anymore. They can heal.
"It is," Horror agrees. "Whatever happened that got rid of his corruption changed him drastically, huh?"
Murder doesn't answer — there's no need to talk anymore.
So they sit together, despite the odds, against the ever-present oppressing air of an AU with hopes and dreams long gone. They're not quite ready for whatever will come next, but Horror wants to face the future by Murder's side.
Undertale © Toby Fox
Horror!Sans © horrortalecomic
Murder!Sans © ask-dusttale
Read it on ao3
Read Russian version on ficbook or fanficus
I told you Murder and Horror would show up again, but did you expect it to be so soon? Even I didn't, but it really wanted to be written, so I couldn't ignore it.
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oops-its-a-fanwork · 9 months
Bountyhunter/Thief reader x the Pirates ☆
Based on the pirate au by @mega-punani, check out her stuff if you enjoy this! They are currently not creating content for it but what is there is really lovely :3
Reader is trying to catch the crew for their bounty! Or at the very least, get some of their fabled treasures for themselves. Your specialities are thievery and catching people or crews alive, which usually yields more bounty anyway. Not to mention that if you can get people to talk, they may reveal more valuable information, items or treasures. Your skills are becoming pretty well known around te area, and that reputation will grow even bigger when you finally catch one of the big dogs~
Yeah thats right, the Skull Pirates' ship just docked nearby! A perfect opportunity. You realize it would be easier to pick them off one by one (fighting the entire crew is obviously a Bad Time) but oops the first one you picked is like kinda cute actually?? Wait scratch that you're here for the money! ...even if they have some redeeming qualities that make them not that bad and- hey wait when did you end up on their team?
Sans It takes him such a long time to wake up from the knock-out that you are frustrated before he even starts talking. After that it really doesn't help that he starts talking to you as if you were buddies chatting during break instead of, I don't know, a hostage situation?? You press a knife to his neck to shut him up but he just keeps talking, telling you he thinks you'll like some of the edgier types on his crew and making puns about sharp edges and this not being very knife of you, chill as ever. When a loud bang rings through the air and your hideout shakes, he breaks the news: his team is getting him back right now and he has decided you are joining the crew. He thinks you're cute and you've got skills if you can manage to knock out and kidnap someone like him. You know you don't stand a chance against his entire crew so begrudgingly you join, letting your displeasure be known every single step of the way. Even if they start to grow on you rather quickly. The crew is confused and amused about your arrival but they at least tolerate you due to you being introduced by Sans.
Papyrus You tried to lure him into following you with flattery, talking about his interests and even sharing gossip from the village. Asking him to assist you with something was far too easy and he seemed happy to help, stating that he would let his brother know where he was going just in case! He's been told there's some sketchy folk around ;) Before you can stop him he's marched off. You mentally debate on simply leaving now before deciding against it. When he returns he lets you know that his brother is excited to meet you! You are pretty much carried aboard by the pirate before you can even object, where a few curious crewmembers give you a quick nod before continuing their tasks. Shit, now half of the ship knows your face, your surprise attack is ruined! When Papyrus sees you pout he immediately makes it his mission to cheer you up again: he showers you in compliments, shows you every nook and cranny of the ship since you seem so interested in it and he encourages you to talk about your home some more. In the chaos of Papyrus's boundless energy he manages to introduce you to Sans and ask if you can join the crew ('Wait wha-'). Sans agrees easily ('No seriously wait-'), recognizing you from a wanted poster and knowing that keeping an eye on you is far easier like this. Not to mention that he can clearly see that his brother really likes you and that he is already winning you over bit by bit. Welcome to the crew kiddo.
Blue He's clearly trying to impress you. You can use that. He's another one you tried to lure with talking, but he was too stubborn to lure with flattery alone so you used the next best thing: a bet. Feigning innocence as a random townsperson simply curious about the new faces resembling the famous Skull crew, you challenged his abilities. Surely they can't be all people crack them up to be? If you lost, you would tell them more about that lost treasure your town has rumors about, and you would accept that he is simply amazing. If you won, he would help you carry those heavy groceries of yours to your home to make up for the lost time. You knew he was strong so you expected to lose. You were hoping to be introduced as an innocent citizen so the crew won't be suspicious if you show up again to snoop around. Maybe the cutie fool can even vouch for you! Worst case scenario you can get him alone in your hideout and knock him out, then get the information you need by force. Either way, you were getting a good deal out of this. Aaaah bummer, you lost~ Guess you'll give his crew any intel you have! Feeling accomplished, you let him lead you to the ship... where he promptly introduced you to the others as the famous bounty hunter they had been hearing so much about. He knew all along???
Stretch He woke up to the sound of someone softly playing some notes on his banjo, his hands and feet tied. He was too tired and hazy to think too much, but looking a little to his right, he saw you softly inspecting his beloved instrument: gentle touches over the wood, fingers following the pretty carvings along the handle. Soft notes filled the room when you'd pluck the strings gently, listening to the notes intently as you waited for him to wake up. You could've been a siren with how entranced he was... until you snapped him out of it by looking up to him with a mischievous, self assured smile, putting the banjo aside and moving far too close to him. Oh boy. When he was inevitably rescued by his brother, you escaped quickly through a window with a smile and a wink his way, intensifying his orange blush as he looked away. You still follow them around, looking to get some riches here or there. Whenever you encounter each other he can never look you in the eye, a rush of magic spreading across his face, which only makes the chase more fun for you. Eventually the crew outvotes him on trying to get you on board, and he really doesn't make too much of a fuss about it. At this point everyone just wants to see how this turns out between you two. (including him.)
Red Just because you flirted with him when trying to get him alone, doesn't mean he gets to keep flirting when he wakes up!! Every part of you gets complimented, every conversation topic gets turned into a pickup line, and every time you threaten him he tells you he's into that shit. You didn't even know skeletons had... eyebrows?? brow-bones?? but he keeps waggling them at you every time you try to get to the point. It's absolutely infuriating! Annoying! Revolting even! (so stop blushing!!) You are this close to hitting him in the face but he'll probably make a flirt out of that too. When his brother shows up to rescue collect him, you pretty much just shove Red at him and tell them both to get lost. Now every time you encounter each other he drops everything to flirt with you and to convince you to join them, even mid-fight. The crew knows about the whole thing too so you don't have the element of surprise anymore. God damn it.
Edge BITES YOU BITES YOU BITES YOU BITES YOU BITES YOU- No but seriously he is pissed. You had jumped him from up high before he could set any traps to protect the ship's anchoring point! He would be even more pissed to be rescued by his crewmates, hoping to bust out by himself at least, or preferably even return without anyone knowing what had happened at all. Instead, you riled him up into talking, stole his keys and fled the little hideout to steal some of their treasure. Since most of the crew was looking for him on the shore you actually managed to steal some gems, but you were eventually cornered a few days later. He actually kinda respects your skills, he's just very butthurt to have been your first victim as the crew teases him for it a lot. In an act of reconciliation you prank the others and capture/'torture' them if any of them do something stupid or rude, showing everyone it's your skills that did him in and that he was no fool for falling prey to them. Although he nags about it to both them and you, he very quickly realizes that you are helping him keep the crew in check when they do dumb shit and you both reconnect from there. Now you're a terrifying couple to do stupid things around and you have quite the reputation. You both enjoy that a lot.
Razz You are confusing him with the way you act. You flatter him by calling him the most dangerous one there, saying how much research you had to do due to his reputation, telling him just how difficult it was to get some seastone to keep his powers in check... and you've stolen one of his maps too!! He is livid, seething, but keeps getting caught off guard by the flirtatious ways you address him. By the end of the day he's exhausted by the constant emotional whiplash you've been creating. When the crew comes for him you've already fled, leaving him tied to his chair. (insulting!!!) You sold his map for good money, which is how they tracked you down as he immediately recognises his own detailed work. You besting a guy like him made a good part of the crew curious about you though so now you are cautiously accepted in the group. Razz always brags about the quality of his maps to you and you tease him by telling him you'll steal them and sell them for a lot. Somehow, this has become the way you communicate. The higher a prize you name for a map, the higher its quality (and the more he blushes). When you're mad at him you tell him they won't sell cuz they look shitty. It's raining those days.
Cash He looked so tired and lanky that you hadn't realized he was part of the famed skeleton crew until you almost walked past him. It seems you surprised both yourself and him when you swiftly turned around and knocked him on the head, dragging him to your nearby hideout. Good thing you were always prepared for anything! And that no-one was watching. Now that he's awake, he's... far to meek. Almost a little smug, actually. You are suspicious of him, but he can't really do anything shackled up like this. Cash found himself in a really fun situation upon waking up: a good looking person standing over him, clearly ready to write things down in a little notebook and threatening him with the cutest little pocket knife he has ever seen. You remind him of his brother just a little bit... Welp, that does it. He's going to bully you into joining, this is too funny to pass up! Good thing he had impulsively stolen the keys from you before getting knocked out. Cash took you by surprise and carried you onto the ship, introducing you to everybody. He will never stop being a smug idiot about that story either.
Bear He's just sitting there, red eye on you and face blue. Maybe you shouldn't have come so close to threaten him, because as soon as you entered his personal space he completely spaced out. Fuck, did you get the mute one? How can you get information out of him like this! He's not holding anything of value either... maybe you can hand him in alone? It would ruin your beautiful complete-crew-cleanup-plan though... While you are contemplating just what to do with this guy, Bear is contemplating a few things himself: you're clearly not the most buff person, having relied on a sneak attack and the binds to keep him at bay. You were working on your own, which in a place like this likely meant you didn't have any close friends or family or you would've been in their gang instead. You also clearly didn't give a shit about his size, intimidating looks or injury, and while those thoughts made his face warm, it also meant you clearly had no sense of self preservation. Guess he has to take things into his own hands. He takes you by surprise by breaking the chair he was seated on, thus giving him enough space to remove his binds, and simply picking you up and taking you with him. He and the crew will take care of you from now on.
Cinnamon Ok you feel bad. He pretty much stumbled into your arms, apologizing profusely, called you pretty while looking up at you from within your arms and then apologized for the out of the blue statement in a whirlwind of stutters and sorrys. When after a second you recognised him from the wanted posters you knocked him over the head and he was out. You weren't even really hunting for the crew that day to be honest, just taking a stroll through the town for groceries. Now he's awake and stuttering so much you're not getting anything interesting out of him. You got close to his face to interrogate him properly and he almost passed out again. You end up dumping an awake him unceremoniously into his brother's lap, and now they know about you and are hunting you to be on their team instead. Sigh.
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recklesslycaffeinated · 3 months
Sans and Alastor
I’ve been thinking a lot about Sans and Alastor. Or Sans versus Alastor. But not who’d win in a fight (Sans) or who’d win Eurovision (Alastor). I’ve been thinking about them as characters, because that’s what I do.
At the heart of it, it boils down to this. Sans is a fundamentally good person living in a fucked-up world just doing his best. Alastor is a fundamentally evil person living in a fucked-up world also doing his best.
Dorks – Let’s get the most obvious one out of the way - they’re both dorks. Come on, both pun! Okay, Sans puns ad nauseam and Alastor claims he does in Hell’s Greatest Dad. Alastor has the dork part more than covered by his massively adorable poses when he’s just hanging out.
Big Smile, Scary eyes! – These loveable dorks are all fun and games. I mean, look at them, they’re always smiling! Until they turn on the scary eyes and you know not to fuck with them. This is the peek behind the curtain. The warning. Obviously, they could kill you right there and then, but why expend the effort when a dose of scary eyes will do the trick. Then it’s right back to a big old smile.
Dirty fighters – Paragons and Paladins need not apply. Both Sans and Alastor know the important thing about a fight is that they survive it. If that means avoiding a fight with bad odds, when it becomes unavoidable, using every trick in the book, that’s what they’re going to do. There’s no honour here. Sans is going to get in a massive attack before you’re even able to click a button and Alastor is going to hurl his minions at Adam – go get ‘em, boys!
Always a bigger fish – So far you’d think these guys have it all. Not so. These guys are living in an oppressive world and they’re not the top of the heap. If they were invincible, we wouldn’t be rooting for them as much. No need for cheerleaders if you can’t fail. I can’t tell you how many Let’s Play Genocide Runs I’ve seen where the Player is screaming for joy when they finally kill Sans… only to look suddenly horrified and miserable at his death. Alastor got his ass kicked by Adam, but I’m thinking more of the reveal that the big bad bully who scared Husk half to death is, himself, in a deal and isn’t happy about it. I’m sure that gave a lot of people immediate empathy with him.
Thinking outside the box – Sideways thinking has always been a trait of interesting characters and we’re invited into their minds to see a little of how they view the world. As a deal making demon, this is kind of Alastor’s whole shtick – he’s always finding the angles. For me, I think it’s the moment he gets Charlie on a deal which won’t involve her ‘harming’ anyone – which is a loophole so large you could drive a double-decker bus through it.
The best example for Sans is the fact that he and he alone of all the Monsters dodges. This is clearly not something Monsters understand or do. I have my own pet theory for why this is, but either way, Sans is not thinking the way he’s expected to.
Ultimate power – Sans and Alastor who could literally destroy you and everything you’ve ever known. They’re adorable silly boys with the power to bend reality.
However, this is where a key difference comes in. Because what’s important is their goals. In other words, what they’re using their ultimate power for. On the Genocide Run, Sans is trying to frustrate the Player long enough that they give up and Reset, bringing back his friends and family. Alastor is after hell domination. Maybe in series to come, we’ll find out it’s actually to ensure that bunnies and kittens can roam free… but I doubt it.
Does this make Sans better than Alastor? Well, ask a Player who’s been trying to win Sans’s fight for years who annoyed them more, Alastor in Hazbin of the Sans on their computer.
This isn’t me, FYI. I can’t do the Genocide run. If I had to hurt Papyrus, I don't know what I'd do. Turn off the computer and never use it again. I also almost cried when I accidentally killed Toriel on my first run. I immediately Reset and Flowey mocked me for it. Bastard.
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What would each pair of the Skelebros have as pets ? And would they have allergies ( despite being skeletons , I'd like to think that they do have some sort of allergy to an animal . )
Ah yes, pets. I'll do all of the boys/theys, because why not lol Oh, and remember, all names are paired with their respective skeleton on my pinned post!
Sans : He would love to have a little bird or something, like a cockatiel.
Papyrus : While he isn't the biggest fan of pets, he can accept a cat or a dog. It doesn't matter to him though.
Cobalt : Like Papyrus, he doesn't matter what kind of animal lives in his house, as long as it doesn't create a huge mess. Although, he would like a ferret. or three. maybe five...
Honey : He loves animals. He really likes dogs, especially the bigger ones, and would probably treat it like a big teddy bear.
Red : Lizard all the way. He would more than likely have a bearded dragon that vibes in a big ass tank in his living room. He would let it roam too(with supervision).
Edge : From the evidence we have with Doomfanger, Edge likes cats. His max is four, as he's not home often to be able to fully care for them. He would like to be home more often though, just so he can see the furballs.
Nox : Surprising or not, Nox would like to have a bunny. Specifically the English Lop. Although, his reasons are the same as Edge's for not having one, he's just not home enough.
Rus : Spiders, insects, lizards... Anything and everything to freak out his older brother, he more than likely already has it homed in his room.
Cherry : A lamb. Don't ask why, he'd just like lambs and sheep.
Pup : Like his name, he likes dogs, but ones that are bred to work. German Shepherds, Australians, Belgian...
Wine : No. Just no. If he'd ever get an animal, it'd be a guard dog. He's too worried about the house staying clean than an animal.
Coffee : With enough convincing, Wine would be okay with a small animal. So, he'd only get away with a bunny or a chinchilla. Not a bird because it's loud.
Moon : Kittyyyyyyyyyy!! He'd love to have a little scottish fold and would name them Stardust and would love it forever and ever and ever.
Sun : Sadly, Stardust will never exist as long as Sun is alive. Sun is allergic to kitties :(
Oak and Willow : You see that big ass farm out of the window? Yeah, they got enough animals to supply a whole high school. Though, Willow likes the cattle and Oak is fond of the chickens.
Crow and Dove : Unless their future s/o has an animal, they'd be lacking in that department. They are death personified, so being able to make the time to take care of one would just be a bother.
Error : Nope, next question.
Dust : Some kind of service dog would help, or maybe just there for emotional support.
Killer : He loves cats from his canon, so he'd be more than happy to get some more kitties if someone was okay with it.
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itsyagurlchip · 5 months
how is the original bone skeleton man doing?? OH OH AND is the setting the usual portal opening in the house and bam you've got new uncles or something else??? YAIOEPEPWLWKWPWBAOAV
buckle up, cuz this is super long yall 🥲
OKAY!!! THIS IS WHERE MY "INTERESTING" PART COMES IN 😁 monsters are just coming to the surface, and speciesism is as high as ever. after a year of this, queen toriel decides to open a human-monster program, something that also promotes her small school.
monsters adopt humans! ebbot was a bit iffy on it, but after realizing the benefits the mayor eventually agreed. (jk that nigga only wants the money 💀-) It was hard to get the program started, because many schools and orphanages werent as trusting, and the state wasn't fundinh it at all. So Toriel took a different approach.
Many monsters put their savings into it, considering their currency is literal fucking gold, and the program would allow each child to get $1000+ per month, depending on their age and needs. and yes giving kids thousands of dollars per year doesn't sound like a good idea, but shhhhh! the plot my dear!
The monsters who take care of them aren't allowed to use it themselves in selfish situations. Both the child and the guardian has rules.
one) you guys have to interact in some way. whether it be verbally, or even physically. two) NOTHING 18+, as all children being minors, that would be kinda weird. three) follow laws as follows- just dont be a shitty parent. four) the child has to want to participate as well, and cant do anything to hurt the guardian. including verbally (bc monster souls are made of feelings pretty much [thats another hc for another day])
id love to go deeper into the details, yet i however cannot bc i dont know how a parent-child program works.
and you have to be in the program for 1 month before you or the child wants to back out.
doesn't matter if its one-sided or not, when someone doesn't like it it immediately stops. id like to say that frisk and papyrus put most if their money into this, just so she can be adopted by toriel.
so when papyrus sees that gaster and sans have been stuck in the lab (not the basement!) for globs of hours at a time, sporadic sleeping, and overall exhaustion from work, he says the craziest shit
sans, in his sleep deprived state, promptly rose an eyebrow and fell out of his chair onto his side.
yea, its not that he didn't take the thing well, bro couldn't process it 💀💀
gaster just rolled his only visible eyelight and went back to work
well that worked well!!
reader arrived to the house the next day, and seeing that it was a two story house!?!?
AND there was an in-law suite? fuck yea! orphan kid made the jackpot 💥💥😼
they had fuckin steps too les goo!!
Your dark skin shined against the light of the sun, your brown eyes sparkling in excitement.
reader let go of papyrus's hand and ran inside immediately.
Careful as to not smudge your dirty shoes against the shiney floor, you looked around the house in amazement. This place had to have atleast 5 rooms!
and then the in law suite on the side looked like another 2 rooms!?? BEST DAY OF YOUR LIFE!!
Not only did you have super nice guardians (you hoped), they were packed enough to keep you and themselves stabilized!! Hell, if theirs more people, they could support them aswell!!
Taking off your shoes, you looked around the living room. The long couch was green, albiet a bit patchy for a nice place, while the tan side couches could lean back!!
where those outlets on the sides? omg
"HAVING FUN DEAR HUMAN CHILD?" Papyrus smirked. He knew that the house of the Great Papyrus was enough to impress anyone, even of young ages.
"You guys are so rich!! wow- i mean, not that im tryna take your money or anything, but like- WOW!! Its so big!! Bigger than anything ive ever been to!" You were now flapping your hands and bouncing a bit. Your locs of hair bounced in it's pony tail no matter how small the fidget-hop was.
Behind the living room was a beautiful and lavish kitchen, and to the right there was the steps. To the right it looked like some like of master bedroom or guest bathroom.
But you didn't care about rooms right now, you wanted to see your other guardians!!
"Where are the other people im supposed to be meeting? Are you my only guardian or do they have to take care of me too? Are they mean? Are they bums? I hope they dont smoke or something, Do they have an addiction? What about-"
"THAT!, DEAR CHILD, IS GOING TO BE FOR INTRODUCTIONS!! DO NOT WORRY, WHILE THOSE TWO MAY BE GRUMPS, THEY ARE PLEASANT PEOPLE TO BE AROUND...EVEN IF THE LACK OF SLEEP TAKES THEIR PLEASANT PERSONALITY AWAY..." Papyrus concluded. You noticed that, despite the way he tried to talk to himself, you still heard it loud and clearly.
Maybe he had a hard time with volume control. meh.
Grabbing your hand and leading you towards the back door next to the kitchen, Papyrus opened the door. He had to lean down a bit in order to hold your hand, but he didn't mind.
The hallway was looooong. Instead of it being regular walls, it was glass windows of different colors. Which made you raise an eyebrow abit.
You both reached the end of the hallway, hearing mumblings, ramblings, and overall terms that lowkey hurt your brain.
Getting too excited, you open the door to a glass-based lab. With the occasional plastic and metal equipment.
In the middle of the room there was an island counter filled was rainbow colored stuff ('gay as hell' , you sniggered), small green candies, and lots and lots if paper and pencils sharpened to the ends.
At one end of the room, there was a tall skeleton, a little shorter than Papyrus, who was more goop than skeleton. Infact, he looked like someone took a fire torch to his upper body, but you didn't say anything.
At the other end, there was a short skeleton, probably shorter than you (hah, being 5'0 did pay off), laying with his head on the desk, knocked out with blue slob. You marveled at the sight, wanting to know more about monsters at this revelation.
"FATHER! BROTHER! THIS IS THE CHILD I ADOPTED FOR ALL OF US!" Papyrus announced, grinning undauntedly. The smaller skeleton banged his head on the desk at the loud voice, while the other one barely flinched and turned slowly in irritation. "INTRODUCE YOURSELVES WHILE I MAKE LUNCH FOR THE GROWING FETUS!" He declared, marching out with a big smile.
If this plan went correctly, then his favorite family members would be mentally stable (as much as one could try- he thought to himself).
after banging his head on the damned table, sans sat up a bit disoriented.
why was there a human child in the house?
why was it in the lab?
"uhh kid, ur not supposed be here...uhh, its not safe and uh, you could die."
"WOW! Your so freakin cool! How do you talk without moving your face? Are you wearing a mask? I could die here! ooh shiney stuff, can i touch it?"
yea.. this kid has not had a proper friend in a minute
he was overwhelmed by the questions you asked at first, he didn't answer them at all in favor of watching gaster struggle to calm you down.
sans didn't mind how loud you were, it was moreso the curiosity that you brought along with you.
that wouldn't do.
"Hey! What's this?" the kid asked, walking towards the machine that could very much possibly cause the heat death of the universe, before getting snatched up by gaster.
"Enough! you are here to introduce yourself, and you will do as such" It was funny to see the man twitch like that. sans likes this kid already.
After knowing your name and age, sans was a bit surprised.
he honestly thought you were younger.
while introducing himself he tried to keep it simple and short. how old is he?
"how old am i old man?"
His blue slippers shifted from the movement of his ankle bones.
he thought you were just an average kid, but something about you was different.
oddly enough you always wore these earrings saying Y on the right and N on the left.
he wonder what it meant
Now its a week past since you came into the 'haunted house', aka the skele-dungeon
you two play pranks against gaster when he has free time. watching him bounce his leg in irritation every time he finds a lima bean in his notes is pure gold.
since you're virtual, due to your choice, he tries to take you places.
some of the most consistent ones are dance class every saturday and neighborhood walks you take by yourself.
I think of sans is the type of person to give less of a shit about his dad.
mostly because if the way he approaches things, iN tHE NaME oF sCIeNcE
it pisses him off everytime he tries to ask you for a blood sample
and it makes him even angrier when you say yes without a second thought.
but despite that, he cares about gaster.
but he wants to choke him out being his first son.
Despite being constantly sleep deprived, he makes time for this little new joy in his life.
Back then he's sleep at his desk, especially when his magic reserves were too low to shortcut.
But now, and you thought he didn't notice, you carry him to the living room of the main house and turn the tv volume down to 9 when you cant fall asleep.
another thing you both have in common
More often than not, you both find each other at the odd hours if the night.
since he can barely cook shit, it's mostly you making the midnight snacks
he appreciates the food you make for him, despite him initially coming to get a 10 1/2 ounce bag of chips
other times you guys will sit in the living room in silence
occasionally he'll find himself rambling to you about physics, specifically quantum, so he can keep his memory up.
sans likes the way you treat his brother.
as an uncle and not a childish cousin.
You may not be able to keep up with Papyrus's schedules and puzzles
but when you can, you two shine this wholesome light on the whole house that makes sans's soul ache lovingly.
Papyrus likes to take you out for walks more than him, or you'll both hang out in the backyard next to the glass hallway of the suite.
on his breaks, he'll find you two doing silly things
like rolling in the grass
or trying to carry each other.
without being able to admit it, sans and papyrus feel a new joy in their life.
and they got a cool kid to come with it :)
Gaster and sans were in the lab when his father said the most dumbest shit his nonexistent ears could ever listen to
gaster was never fully succumbed into the void, as sans had saved him before anything totally horrible happened.
hence his melted face and arms.
but he saw something, or rather somethings, that his meticulous little nerd brain has been hyperfiaxting on since the child came.
"Let's discover new universes!"
sans was just like 'naw, jit crazy'
so gaster fucks around with the machine for a while in secret while sans is frolicking with his newly adopted child.
ew, children.
but he guesses that she's okay, despite her adamant queries (hehe).
and soon enough, the machine made that man find out after he fucked around
Now that the machine stopped pouring in different variants of his children, this only made gaster more excited to use the machine.
sans on the other hand was fuckin freaking out.
the damn geezer did it
but not only that, there are aggressive ass versions of him who are willing to kill a child and that wont go.
sans is not gonna give on the things that bring him joy that easy.
*insert battle sequence*
ok so he got his ass whooped, no biggie.
and now his adopted child is befriending them. great.
annnddd now his brother is taking care of them. even better.
AANNNDD now his father is too interested in them to try and find a way to send them back. AMAZING!
bro wants to jump off a roof at this point
to be honest, he doesn't like the other versions of himself.
Theyre different possibilities of what could've happened currently and he already thinks about that enough.
but, reader likes them, so he gives them a pass.
but if they hurt her...or even worse, his brother...
he wont need the machine to figure out a way to take them out of this world.
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i know the reader sounds super excited rn, which is sorta unexpected for an orphan centered fic, in the official thing you're gonna see a less than..nice attitude from them.
btw i wanna make a house plan to this can make more sense for your guys. ohhhhhhhh- IM TOO DAMN EXCITED 😋😋💕 i prolly gotta learn skeleton anatomy too-
@kittykittyanon @radicallxser @oleander-nin @towomatos @thealphagirl @ziipzeepzop-eez @amorvincitomnia-14 @spongejuice @cyb3r-st4r. if you would like to be added, check my blog. if you would like to be added, check my blog. SEE? I SAID IT TWICE!!
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chibishortdeath · 1 month
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Free will strikes again, these were some really fun doodles :3. I think Simon is allowed to be a little visual kei sometimes. Idk I just know he’d vibe with it. Explanations under a cut—
And also a couple unfinished doodles that were just intended to be rough pose/anatomy practice sketches, but ended up accidentally more detailed than intended 💀💀💀. It’s nothing graphic, but ⚠️slight artistic nudity warning⚠️ anyway in case d(>_< ).
Hehehe, this is based off of a photo from Malice Mizer live, it’s Simon in place of Mana and Fuma in place of Gackt. Very fun pose to draw!!! Especially cause it’s a pose with a whip and also cause idk why but I find poses with one or both arms up pretty easy to draw. And yeah yay, Fuma inclusion yippie :3!
I don’t have any other explanation for why this exists other than dresses are cool. So I made him one :D. The coord has a half caplet that connects to a shoulder paldron on the other shoulder by chain with a little cross. Under that there’s a blouse and skirt combo with patterns similar to his SQ armor and some rose thorn patterns around the ends of the sleeves and collar. Over that is a corset and under is a cage crinoline made to look like crosses peaking around the edge. Shoes carry outfit motifs like the roses on the bow tie and headdress and the lace throughout. Also, an eyepatch with cross on it because yeah, cute :3. I’d probably wear this if I had uh any skill in sewing at all (TwT ).
A not chibi version of the above outfit! Except probably without the crinoline with how the skirt fabric is sitting lol. Tbh I think Simon would probably be fine with this for a little bit and then get uncomfortable about having so many layers on. I don’t think he’d like tights at all 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀. Hmmm I’ll have to draw a version of it that’d be more comfortable for him hmm maybe tomorrow.
Another Simon holding Dracula’s heart artwork. Shout out to how this guy just carries this thing around for so long lol.
Simon facing off against his worst enemy: stairs! This one was practice drawing characters in backgrounds, since I’m so rusty at actually drawing those two things together (ToT ). I can draw a separate background fine, but the second I have to put someone in it I just completely forget what I’m doing XD.
This one is also a practice! He’s running up to the altar in Drac’s basement. The lighting was fun for this one, but I forgot to draw the whip in his hand 💀.
This one was an attempt at drawing a skeleton and keeping the same proportions in a drawing of someone (Simon) who is uh not a skeleton. Fun fact! It took me like 5 tries to get the skeleton to not just look like Papyrus Undertale cause holy heck do the skeletons from that game take a hold of some part of your art style and never let go 💀💀💀💀
CASTLEVANIA JUDGEMENT HAS HATS??? AS LIKE AN UNLOCKABLE?????????? So obviously I had to draw Simon (x2) with the bow options. Pink probs looks really nice with his hair tbh. And the striped bow was black and white so it fits with the Judgement design’s outfit. If I ever actually play this game again (I suck so bad at it), I’ll be trying to get these for the very important reason of Simon cute. :3
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Ok now these two. The first one was a different attempt at that Mana pose, but a bigger scale and a bit less exaggerated. I ended up having to do a ton of edits to it cause I kept making things too big or too small lol. And the second one is just a couple dynamic posing practices. They’re also excuses to draw more arm up poses cause they’re fun X3. He was just supposed to have like a generic placeholder rectangle er um uh there, but some of the sketchy lines ended up looking like what’s supposed to be in that spot, so I just didn’t wanna risk these being on main tags out in the open 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀. Though, tbh, I’ve seen more explicit things on the tags so eh, better safe than sorry tho (- w - )
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skelekins · 9 months
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Have some copy pasta Gen Swapfell-Facet Lore from my notes app
Disclaimer: messy
Muffet - Snowdin tea and bakery owner. Close relationship with Skeles. Puts cayenne pepper in many versions foods - spicy sweets. Has a few (like 3) setup for spider checkers - a checkers game with an otcoganol board. Waffle-coffee house. Speciality is spider Waffles, Soft Boiled spider Eggs, and Spider coffee
Muffet is a very hairy spider/rancho with scales/hairs all over body like the fluff of a moth. Helps with insulation. Smaller spider monsters are primarily covered in fluff for extra insulation with only tips of legs visible. Spiders wear little uniforms - usually hats/ribbons/tassels
Diner is covered in trap magic - one of many reasons no one causes a lot of trouble - snowdin in general assumed to be covered
Unlike skelebros Muffet can completely hide her trap magic unless someone is looking for it. Or at the very least her anchors are extremely small/needs less.
Smaller spiders may also use trap magic -> mainly just related to their physical silk.
Silk is heavily used in wardrobe and general materials.
Muffet must be seated the majority of the time the diner is open due to outgrowing the building. She doesn’t need to move much to reach every corner of the diner.
Double doors allow Muffet to leave through front if needed but she prefers to use the basement exit that leads to an enlarged basement - big enough for her to move properly, with a separate door out the back of the diner.
Muffet does not often actually leave and the back door is usually locked tight and hidden behind trash and webs. Since she has space to move in her home below she doesn’t see a lot of reason to leave.
Enjoys cooking and making sweet confections with her kin. Finds Sans and Papyrus cute - seen Papyrus grow up. A little older than Sans.
Spider eggs served to help keep populations acceptable. Boiled in a dust bath -> turning the interior monster into a weird edible savory jelly-like creature that is excited to be eaten. They feel no pain and usually find weird entertainment from being eaten in pieces. Not offended if eaten head first.
Diner spiders may actually be at LV 2 -> spiders have their own leveling customs. Basement spiders LV 1 - part of why Muffet and Diner Spiders are partial to Paps and Sans
“Muffet’s”? Like Grillby’s?
Grillbys - bar and grill
muffets - cafe and diner
While being a diner doesn’t actually care how long anyone is there. Closes late opens early -> most of Muffets time is dedicated to business with closing hours uses for rest, self care, and baking for the next day.
Probably has early days and maybe takes a “Websday” off once a month or so. !!she would be big enough and strong enough to easily go to Hotland or the capital if she wanted fancier supplies. !! <- gives part of reason for being so dedicated to the diner. Maybe gets special stuff for her kin/herself. Also cares about residents of Snowdin in her own way.
Like the idea of some of the bigger spiders acting rough and having little spiked bats to emphasize her kind of hard-punk/street gang aesthetic
15' 3"
Alphys - captain of the guard, watches over Waterfall but mostly has attention elsewhere ruling by name alone. Has Stone generally look after it. Originally from Hotland, met Undyne while stationed in Waterfall. Ascends (playing with words dunno if like that) in genocide route. Maybe something Al or Alph <- not a lot of options even with Alf.
Absolute Alphys? Alphys Ascendant
Her gameplay is similiar to Undynes except instead of blocking the player has to shoot her attacks like a game of asteroids.
Undyne - Royal scientist spicy fish yandere-like/light. Drinks beer enjoys super violent manga. Mew Mew -> Bork Bork
Jewel has a rough relationship with Undyne. Initially they were friends but after Undyne met Alphys she started to gain more level. It once got away from her and Jewel had to shortcut away from her as she was undeterred by Sans protection due to her own relationship with Alphys. She moved to Hotland not long after; secretly regretting her actions and not trusting herself in Waterfall any longer.
Napstablook -> Retraton - RTT // Retraton Para -> translates into shared HP forcing use of consumables along with cursor that copy’s players movements // maybe Retrabot to play off being an automaton vs mettaton being robot // Retrabot Para
Retraton held in place/ can’t move legs. Instead commands show through others monsters/puppets/effects. Usually broadcasts tragedies. (stone in turn loves tragedies lmao)
Has Rounded mascot form - form that is held in place. Para is transformation - still held but with extending arms.
Retraton Para - has extra arms.
"Oh yes~" -> "Oh no :("
Previously Napstablook -> taken to Undyne when Alphys found her missing her home; neighbor of Undyne. Forced into robot when he kept trying to return home.
Songs are very sad and yearning. TV shows are A Lot but also uses a lot of effects because it’s not like there’s infinite monsters.
May not actively star is show frequently but instead use puppets || marionette puppets his cast and narrates -> sometimes puppets are real monsters Retraton has some sort of relationship with surrounding monsters hinting at his Para form.
Para - kills Undyne before protag can activating Para form. Para uses Undynes soul. Might kill surrounding monsters / connected monsters as well.
Retraton - no use of legs - part of why puppets. Maybe needs to remain charged or frequently and feels more comfortable plugged in.
Arms > legs.
Box Form -> literally just a box with arms - no wheel. Has to drag himself or walk with his arms. Maybe has a hover butt? Or a skateboard. Or has lots of little legs. Roomba.
Mettaton(MTT)- Hapstablook
Instead of lie on the floor feeling like garbage they sit on the roof and consider love.
Gaster and Riverperson -
Stay in their respective posts however Gaster speaks in song and the Riverperson speaks in hands
Riverperson - gondola (gondoga) dog theme, speaks in hands, gondola above river because river water is too dangerous
Grillby - fire sale; father of fireflies literally flames with wings. Has a pet Fryfly - long fry-like fly. Instead of forcing player onto strings covers the field with hazards and fire. Have to switch and jump over between flames.
Pacified by firesauce (increases damage, possible burn damage, take one damage for spice) or Frenchfire (a firefly with an exploding baguette - covering the board around you in fire for one turn and burning any incoming attacks) or the purchase of either from his Hotland firesale.
Prices may be inverted to some extent -> Hotland Prices are cheaper but u need both items to pacify him. Ruins are achievable but ridiculously expensive. Only need one to immediately pacify him. Differentiated by name is Hotland Firesauce vs Old/Ruin Firesauce
All Dog references -> Cats (and vice versa)
Dog Squad -> Cat Squad
Annoying Dog -> Adorable Cat
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skeleton and crush play Mario kart. Who's winning? Who's gonna rage the most?
Main 10 plz
Undertale Sans - He's cheating. He has to cheat, you're sure of it. That lucky bastard can't possibly win every game! Sans doesn't even do it on purpose. Somehow, even last time, he always manages to reverse the game last second.
Undertale Papyrus - Papyrus is not really good at the game, but he's also not giving up. To the point he refuses to go to sleep until he wins at least one game, and will forbid everyone to leave the house before he succeeds. That's going to be a long night.
Underswap Sans - He's shrieking in pure anger, trying to eject you off the road. He's not playing anymore. He hates to lose and he's going to make everyone pay. He's just trolling now, trying to ruin everyone's fun just because he's mad he's terrible at the game.
Underswap Papyrus - He knows all the secret passages and keeps winning. He loves video games and he often participates in e-sport competitions so you don't have any chance to win. He still tries to let you win though because he doesn't want you to be mad.
Underfell Sans - He's now sure of it: all that bullshit he learned at school about monsters being made of compassion is bullshit. He's a creature of rage and anger, and he swears he's going to punch the screen so hard it's going to fly to the Moon.
Underfell Papyrus - He's neutral on the outside, but screaming inside. Eventually, he picks up your controller and keeps it out of reach for you until he wins the race. You whine saying it's not fair, but he answers back that, indeed, life is unfair and to get over it.
Horrortale Sans - His brain keeps getting distracted because of all the things moving on the screen. Somehow, he always ends up going in the wrong direction. He's terrible at the game, but at least he's having fun.
Horrortale Papyrus - His hands are way too big for the controller and he's cursing out loud the entire time. He's so going to write to Nintendo about this. Make bigger controllers!
Swapfell Sans - He's willingly staying behind so he gets only blue turtle shells and he's ruining everyone's fun by throwing them one after the other. He wins the game only by being the worst asshole ever and he's definitely proud of it!
Swapfell Papyrus - He took the biggest kart he could find and he is now blocking the game. He's in the middle of the road, just forcing people to stop for long minutes. This race is never ending. Everyone wants to strangle him.
Fellswap Gold Sans - That's the tenth time he lost. He apologies to you, goes to the yard, and then a huge blaster absolutely destroy one of the big trees outside. He then comes back like nothing happened, takes back the controller, and takes a deep breath. He's ready to continue.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - He's overexcited, it's his favorite video game! He's just happy he can share it with you and he shows you all the cool secrets he knows as you go.
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roki-snake-sinner · 1 month
Stress baking and two very hungry bitties
I see the Papyrus/Swap Sans, as skeletons that stress bakes/cooks whenever they are alone, or with other Papi/swaps. And I wanted to write this scenario for a long ass time!! If anyone wants more or want to make a request, please let me know. Warning: implied Fontcest, don’t like then don’t read!!
Edge (Fell! Papyrus) and bitty Horrortale Sans and Papyrus (different than original Horrortale brothers)
“SO YOU’RE TELLING ME THAT THESE THINGS ARE TINY VERSIONS OF US?” Edge looks down at his brother, who has a small box, covered with a small fluffy blanket, in his arms and then to the silent box.
He could feel the familiar magic of the alternative Sans and Papyrus, but it was strange, like being near a small predator that was hungry and he didn’t know if he was meant to be the prey or provider.
”heh, something like that. Softy found them near a sewer drain, and.. we’ll take a look.” Red, such a stupid name, gently sets the box on the kitchen table and folds the blanket in half so the two of them could peek in.
“Fuck! Little shits!” Red growls as a tiny bone soars out of the box, cracked and with a faint bloody red glow, and nearly hits him in the eye socket.
Edge lets out an annoyed sigh as he grabs a sheet pan, and holds it like a shield as he peeks in. The pan takes a couple more hits before the tiny skeleton, which reminds Edge of Axe, or HT Sans, but tiny and worse for wear, as the bigger HT Sans and Papyrus had years on the surface and ate their weight in food and were slowly healing from the abuse of their world, tires itself out.
“BROTHER, YOU KNOW BETTER THAN TO UNDERMINE A CAPTURED MONSTER.” Edge lectures his brother as he sets the pan off to the side, but will within reach.
“oh fuck off bro. Rus said that it fell asleep, didn’t know it was pretending.” Red grumbles, pissed that he has gotten soft of being on guard.
“HM, YOU MAY LEAVE THEM ON THE TABLE. GET DOOMFANGER INTO HER ROOM WHILE I MAKE SOMETHING FOR OUR… UNINVITED GUESTS.” Edge turns and returns to baking, something he got into after seeing his brother inhale Rus’ mustard cookies and tried to sneak more.
“yeah yeah, just don’t lose a fucken eyelight, sweety.” Red puns, knowing that his nicknames are the best way to get a small treat even when his bro is not in the mood to share some of his creations.
“GO BEFORE I CHANGE MY MIND.” Edge huffs as he scans the box from the corner of his eye socket, keeping his magic close as a just in case.
A few hours later, Red leaves with a delightful bag of mustard cookies, with a box of other sweets to give to the other skeletons, and Edge carefully sets a plateful of monster food mini muffins, all different kinds, filled with his healing magic and nutritious.
The box stays silent, save for a few growling tummies, but Edge ignores it and begins cleaning.
He swallows the smile and chuckle wanting to escape as a very tiny, very dirty, very hungry HT Sans and Papyrus carefully makes their way out of the box, using the blanket and maybe some of their own magic, and sniff the mini muffins.
The Tiny Axe, maybe Edge should call him something else, take a small bite of a chocolate chip one and his soul skips a beat as he hear a tiny, soft, purr of delight.
‘It’s like Doomy all over again.’ He thinks as he continues washing the muffin pans, bowls, and such.
A small clatter almost makes him turn around, but he stays strong. Only a few minutes later, he would find the plate empty and melted chocolate spelling out, ‘Thanks’.
“Much little Doomy indeed.”
——-I don’t own anything, just the idea! Horrortale belongs to Sour-Apple-studios, UnderFell belongs to UnderFell (more or less), Undertale belongs to Toby Fox!
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rokishimizu4 · 1 month
Stress baking and a very hungry Bitty
I see the Papyrus/Swap Sans, as skeletons that stress bakes/cooks whenever they are alone, or with other Papi/swaps. And I wanted to write this scenario for a long ass time!! If anyone wants more or want to make a request, please let me know. Warning: implied Fontcest, don’t like then don’t read!!
Edge (Fell! Papyrus) and bitty Horrortale Sans and Papyrus (different than original Horrortale brothers)
“SO YOU’RE TELLING ME THAT THESE THINGS ARE TINY VERSIONS OF US?” Edge looks down at his brother, who has a small box, covered with a small fluffy blanket, in his arms and then to the silent box.
He could feel the familiar magic of the alternative Sans and Papyrus, but it was strange, like being near a small predator that was hungry and he didn’t know if he was meant to be the prey or provider.
”heh, something like that. Softy found them near a sewer drain, and.. we’ll take a look.” Red, such a stupid name, gently sets the box on the kitchen table and folds the blanket in half so the two of them could peek in.
“Fuck! Little shits!” Red growls as a tiny bone soars out of the box, cracked and with a faint bloody red glow, and nearly hits him in the eye socket.
Edge lets out an annoyed sigh as he grabs a sheet pan, and holds it like a shield as he peeks in. The pan takes a couple more hits before the tiny skeleton, which reminds Edge of Axe, or HT Sans, but tiny and worse for wear, as the bigger HT Sans and Papyrus had years on the surface and ate their weight in food and were slowly healing from the abuse of their world, tires itself out.
“BROTHER, YOU KNOW BETTER THAN TO UNDERMINE A CAPTURED MONSTER.” Edge lectures his brother as he sets the pan off to the side, but will within reach.
“oh fuck off bro. Rus said that it fell asleep, didn’t know it was pretending.” Red grumbles, pissed that he has gotten soft of being on guard.
“HM, YOU MAY LEAVE THEM ON THE TABLE. GET DOOMFANGER INTO HER ROOM WHILE I MAKE SOMETHING FOR OUR… UNINVITED GUESTS.” Edge turns and returns to baking, something he got into after seeing his brother inhale Rus’ mustard cookies and tried to sneak more.
“yeah yeah, just don’t lose a fucken eyelight, sweety.” Red puns, knowing that his nicknames are the best way to get a small treat even when his bro is not in the mood to share some of his creations.
“GO BEFORE I CHANGE MY MIND.” Edge huffs as he scans the box from the corner of his eye socket, keeping his magic close as a just in case.
A few hours later, Red leaves with a delightful bag of mustard cookies, with a box of other sweets to give to the other skeletons, and Edge carefully sets a plateful of monster food mini muffins, all different kinds, filled with his healing magic and nutritious.
The box stays silent, save for a few growling tummies, but Edge ignores it and begins cleaning.
He swallows the smile and chuckle wanting to escape as a very tiny, very dirty, very hungry HT Sans and Papyrus carefully makes their way out of the box, using the blanket and maybe some of their own magic, and sniff the mini muffins.
The Tiny Axe, maybe Edge should call him something else, take a small bite of a chocolate chip one and his soul skips a beat as he hear a tiny, soft, purr of delight.
‘It’s like Doomy all over again.’ He thinks as he continues washing the muffin pans, bowls, and such.
A small clatter almost makes him turn around, but he stays strong. Only a few minutes later, he would find the plate empty and melted chocolate spelling out, ‘Thanks’.
“Much little Doomy indeed.”
——-I don’t own anything, just the idea! Horrortale belongs to Sour-Apple-studios, UnderFell belongs to UnderFell (more or less), Undertale belongs to Toby Fox!
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battlemaiden13 · 2 months
akameloooooo: My God, I can’t believe the gem I just found, simply perfect!
(I don’t know if the creator is he or she, but I’ll address her as she.)
I caught a cold this week and stayed home resting with a sick note. With nothing to do, I decided to revisit my old hobby of reading Mafiafell fanfics and found this wonderful writing.
I confess that when I started reading, I didn’t pay much attention. I thought it would be bad or boring because it’s a multiverse and very long. But, my God, as I read, I became obsessed and couldn’t stop until I finished.
I usually don’t like long stories, but this one won my heart. I fell in love, simply perfect. I can’t express how euphoric I am about this reading.
I think I started last Saturday and finished last night.
It’s simply perfect. Congratulations to whoever wrote it. The writing is good, the story is immersive, and all the characters have distinct personalities. Not to mention the coordination in writing about so many characters at the same time, giving them hobbies, dreams, and desires in a fluid manner. Congratulations.
When I saw it was from 2017, I was sad because I thought the author had abandoned it. But I jumped out of my chair when I saw she released a new chapter today. I couldn’t believe she’s still writing. Congratulations. I haven’t read chapter 179 yet; I’m writing this before going to read it. I’ve never written anything on the internet; this is the first time I’m commenting somewhere random. I don’t even know if I’m writing in the right place. I didn’t even have an account for this; I just created this one to congratulate the perfect author. She knows how to write very well and makes the story engaging. I hope she achieves everything she wishes for. Congratulations once again. Perfect.
It’s a pity I return to my activities tomorrow, but I’m happy with the idea that I can continue my routine while waiting for more of this beauty. I had never participated in a vote before; I already took the opportunity and voted for mine, lol.
My eternal love since I was little is Sans, but she made me fall in love with many from the House Mutt, Coffe, Orange. I hope there are more hot moments. I’m embarrassed, lol.
13: Hi Akame! I’m battlemaiden and yes I’m the author of House Next Door. 
I hope my interpretation of Mafiafell was up to your standards since that’s how you found my story.
I’m so glad you enjoyed my writing after giving it a shot. I understand completely it is very very long. I’ve very much accepted then any new readers I’ll get will be ones who have skipped over HND heaps of times because of it’s lenght and then one day they just say fuck it XD Which I’m fine with, it’s just such a shame I don’t think those first like 20 chapters are great hooks XD. HND is defiantly a story that gets better the more you read. 
Thank you for your kind words. My character writing is something I’m very proud of and I’m glad I can write them well enough for others to enjoy (I think it’s far from perfect though)
Yep, House next door started in 2017 and is very much still updating. I almost do once a week at this point. there was a time I was updating everyday, I miss those days. I want to write a real book one day, not just fanfics and I’ve got an idea for one I just don’t have time to start a draft. 
It’s wild that you made an account just to talk to me. thank you, your welcome to chat any time. give suggestions or ideas or just talk :3
Ah almost all of the Chaos Quartet have your heart XD. I am very much a papyrus varient girly (with a few acceptions) so I will gladly convert you XD
Thank you so much for taking the time to write me so many sweet things and helping my head grow even bigger /jk. I really appreciate it and I hope you have a wonderful day!!
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