#but papyrus was ready to be the one carried and not the one doing the carrying
aperfecta-rt · 1 year
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Underswap Sans and Papyrus as Pokemon! I rembered I could draw and therefore drew
croagunk has "lazy stretch" vibes and sans is small n cute but packs a punch- and he's shiny so the colors can match :]
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Skeleton wakes up in the middle of the night. The house is burning and his S/O is already unconscious next to him. What does he do?
Undertale Sans - Sans stays calm. He gently picks up his S/O and teleports outside. He lays them in the grass, makes sure they're breathing ok, then he teleports back inside to fetch his phone and grab all he can carry to save it. He then calls the firefighters and simply sits next to his S/O, making sure they're still breathing and shaking them a bit to encourage them to wake up. He's a bit in shock though when the rescue finally arrives. The teleportations tired him out and it's too early for him to fully realise the gravity of what just happened. But that's fine. His S/O is fine. He can build another house. It's not what matters right now.
Undertale Papyrus - Papyrus is up and ready in three seconds. He picks his S/O, throws them on his shoulder like a potato bag and simply glitches through the wall. He hates using this magic, but at desperate times, desperate magic. He kinda walks in the sky for a solid three minutes, collecting his thoughts, then he puts down his S/O (still in the sky, somehow) and decides to use his garden hose to try to save the house. Turns out he's quickly overwhelmed and decides maybe it's best to call for help after all, so he calls the rescue services. He has no idea what even happened, and he's a little too agitated to realize. He snaps out of it when his S/O wakes up screaming in the sky, completely panicking as they're three meters up the ground. Papyrus stops his magic and makes them fall in his arms.
Underswap Sans - He does his best to keep his calm and opens the door. He grabs his S/O and slowly makes his way out, paying attention to the creakings, scared the house might collapse on them. He calls for rescue right away, as he drags his S/O far from the house Waiting for them, he immediately starts to investigate, not understanding how it could happen. He quickly finds a broken window and some oil on the grass. Someone is going to have a very bad time.
Underswap Papyrus - He's paralyzed with fear, trying desperately to wake up his S/O. It doesn't work, and eventually, he starts to struggle to breathe as well. Honey knows that opening the door will do worse, so he takes his S/O on the floor, trying to get close to the oxygen. Even that is not enough however. He just has time to call Blue on his phone for help before he passes out. He wakes up at the hospital, confused, next to his S/O. A good part of his bones are definitely not normal dark grey colour and he's in agonizing pain. His S/O looks like a mummy as well because of all the bandages. But they're alive. That's going to be a very long recovery and they both are going to keep scars for life.
Underfell Sans - He wakes up with the headache of a lifetime after he head a loud noise. He never thought his phobia of loud noises could save him, but that's pretty much the reason why he's still alive. The house immediately collapses on his head. Red just has the time to jump on his S/O and summon a ton of bones to protect them and then he passes out again. He's so confused when he wakes up at the hospital, and that's Edge that explains to him what happened. Red can't really believe they got out of there alive, but they did.
Underfell Papyrus - He heard Doomfanger's panicked meows and immediately jumped awake, realizing the room was on fire. His survival instincts kick in. He grabs his S/O in one hand, Doomfanger in the other, and kicks the window. He jumps from the first floor and quickly drags everyone out safely. He goes to the neighbors for help, as he doesn't have time to pick up his phone. He's quite pissed off about this, but that's not like he could do more. He watches over his S/O and his cat, waiting for the rescue services.
Horrortale Sans and Papyrus - Willow smelled it first and forced his back to move, only fueled with adrenaline. He opens his brother's room and shakes him until he wakes up, confused. Oak immediately starts to panic seeing the flames, but Willow can't carry his brother's S/O so he begs him to calm down. Somehow, it works and Oak follows him in the corridor, holding his S/O. The only problem is that Willow feels quickly light-headed since he can't crawl to reach the fresh air. Eventually, Oak has to take the lead to guide him out, supporting him so he doesn't fall down. Willow holds on until they reach outside and collapses immediately. Thankfully, Toriel and Grillby saw the fire from the distance and were already there to help. Grillby managed to control the fire to limit the damages, while Toriel put Willow and Oak's S/O in safety. Oak frees the animals in the near enclosures so they can escape before joining Toriel. He doesn't know how he's still holding on, but he does, following Toriel's orders to avoid panicking. Everything turns out alright in the end, but half of the farm is gone. Luckily for them, a lot of monsters know them and are still thankful for what they did for them Underground. It won't take that long to rebuild everything.
Swapfell Sans - Nox keeps his calm, and turns to his S/O, slapping them hard until they open their eyes. He then guides them outside, talking to them so they don't panic and, more importantly, try to stay awake. Once they're safe, slowly recovering, he calls the firefighters for help. Nox stays in safety, despite the urge to save some very important papers inside the house, but his S/O needs him more. Nox is not too happy when not five minutes later, he gets a call from the Queen saying he can live in her castle for now. He's pretty sure she noticed he was in a couple and did that to make sure he doesn't forget her. Nox coldly declines and goes to Rus' place instead. Toriel almost killed his S/O, it will be hard to forgive.
Swapfell Papyrus - The horrifying hell-honking of his agonizing rubber chickens is what woke him up. Rus kinda panics immediately, and even more when he notices his S/O is not moving. He picks them up, and not knowing what to do, decides to escape by the window. The problem is that he's not very strong so... Yeah. He throws his S/O by the window, hoping they crash in the bushes lmao. Thankfully they did! But still got injured because, well. Rus landed on them lol. Rus feels so guilty, but eh, no one will know right? He drags his S/O away from the house. He's pretty sure he knocked their head against the big rocks three or four times, but he's trying. They're both fine, except for the many contusions his S/O got in their escape. The firefighters are there before he can call them, so he simply calls his brother for help.
Fellswap Gold Sans & Papyrus - Wine stays perfectly calm. He checks on his S/O, then picks them out to put them in safety, escaping by the window. He's worried for his brother, but Coffee can teleport so he focuses on his S/O. Except when he finally get to safety, Coffee is nowhere to be found. Wine starts to scream his name, running around the house to see if he escaped from another side, and just watches in horror as the house collapses in front of him. Wine is devastated, and immediately starts to dig to find Coffee, burning himself badly. Eventually, the firefighters dragged him back as he was screaming and insulting them. Two hours later, Coffee is found. When he felt the house collapsing, he hid in his closet, saving himself. He's weak and lacking badly some oxygen, but he's alive. Wine got the scare of his life, and he's going to be overprotective for a few days. Maybe he's going to keep a low profile for now.
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voidandabyssal · 5 months
Heyy i saw your request are open :D, im sorry if this is cringe but can i get uhhhhh....can i get a uhh...can i get the lovely undertale and underswap boys with a tired s/o who came back from school or work
Some context:
One day i came back from school and i literally just pass out cold on the sofa and slept for a good 4 hours until my parents woke me up lmao
I wanted the boys reacting to that kinda scenario, would they be worried? Would they be chill? It's in your hands now 🥸✊️
Also thank you so much for be writing for undertale i love your works, please take as long as you need, no pressure
Take care 👋
Fear not anon, cringe is dead and I am busy burying it 6 feet under
Sans spots you knocked out cold on the couch soon after returning from his own tiring job
He joins you right away
Sans doesn’t want to push you awake or anything so he just collapses on top of you.
Luckily he’s pretty light so him crashing down onto you doesn’t wake you up
If Papyrus doesn’t catch either of you two, then you’d both probably sleep until the next day
When you do wake up (likely to the sound of Papyrus’s lecturing) you accidentally shove Sans off of you
He goes crashing to the floor. The perfect wake up call for such a lazybones! (At least that’s Papyrus’s opinion)
Like Sans, Papyrus walks in to you already passed out on the couch
He gives you the deepest, most withering look he can manage and exhales the most disappointed sigh he can give
You are spared the wrath of Papyrus’s lecture, for now! He is much too busy finishing up this year’s paper work!
(He can also see how tired you are so he leaves you be)
At least until it’s 8pm and your still knocked out, then he shakes you awake
Though he doesn’t lecture you
He really shouldn’t encourage such lazybones behaviour! But he also noticed how tired you were lately
He can make one exception, just this once though!
Blue (us sans):
Blue was too busy cooking in the kitchen to notice your long nap
When he goes out to get you ready for dinner he notices you
Weren’t you napping like 4 hours ago?! Blue gasps, have you turned into Stretch?! Has his brother’s bad habits finally rubbed off on his favourite human?!
He has a moment of silence for you before he tugs you out from the couch and plops you down on the dining room chair
Can’t sleep if you’re too busy eating
Blue also tries to feed you some sweet desserts! Then you’ll have more energy!
Then you can hang out more!
Stretch (us paps):
You’re so tired when you get home that you fall asleep on Stretch. Just collapse on him like as he lays on the couch watching the latest nabstation show
Stretch wraps his arms around you and follows you right into sweet, sweet unconsciousness
He wakes up briefly just to chase Blue off from bothering either of you
Then he carries you up to his room. There, now you can sleep fully uninterrupted for however long you want
He regrets doing that when you both wake up at 3 in the morning and have all the energy in the world
(You accidentally wake up Blue and now you’re both stuck listening to his lecturing. Send help!)
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timeofjuly · 10 months
And Four Papyri in a Pear Tree
Chapter 1 - Smooth Operator
Summary: Rus takes you ice skating for the first time and despite some initial wobbliness, only one of you ends up on your ass.
Notes: The first chapter of And Four Papyri in a Pear Tree, my four-part holiday series focusing on festive-themed dates with Rus, Edge, Stretch, and Papyrus.
Tags: Reader/swapfell Papyrus, ice skating, fluff, established relationship.
Read it on AO3 or read it below the cut!
“lookin’ a little wobbly there, baby doll,” Rus teases, looking unfairly steady on his skates. Behind him, a vast expanse of glistening ice stretches out under the open sky, reflecting the soft glow of twinkling lights that adorn the perimeter of the skating rink. The air is crisp, carrying the faint scent of freshly fallen snow and the rhythmic sound of blades gliding over the smooth surface.
Your own skates slide perilously against the ice, your legs clenched tight to stop your knees from slipping out from underneath you.
“Nuh-uh,” you say, willing your fingers to loosen their grip on the barrier. “I’ve just got knives attached to my feet, what’s scary about that?  It’s not like ice is slippery or anything.”
Rus chuckles. “c’mon, don’t’cha trust me? if you’re that scared, it’s not too late for me to get you a penguin.”
As if summoned by the cruel forces of comedic timing, a small child breezes past the two of you pushing said skating aid. They seem entirely at ease and as you watch, they remove their hands from the penguin with an elated whoop.
“Look, no hands!” they call out, presumably to a parent.
Your resolve, which has previously been a gelatinous mass quivering at the pit of your belly, hardens. Like hell you’re being shown up by a kid. “Nope,” you say to Rus, “I’m good.”
You aren’t, though. You’re nervous. You probably shouldn’t have watched that video about the top ten career-ending ice hockey accidents last night. Ah, hindsight. At least you’re wearing a thick scarf; hopefully that’ll protect your neck from any errant skating blades.
“if you’re sure,” he says. In contrast to the pitiful display you’re putting on, Rus looks completely at home on the ice. More graceful than he is on solid ground, even, though that’s not necessarily that high of a bar. There’s a natural ease to him like this, a confidence that you’ve only caught snatches of before.
“i’m ready whenever you are,” he says. His thick woollen sweater reads FESTIVE GUY and is a particularly fetching shade of eggplant.  His cheeks are faintly lilac from the cold that nips through the air, his long, delicate hands encased in cosy mittens.
Those mittened hands are held out to you now. Anxiety flickers in your chest but then you look at him again, at how steady he is, how the long lines of his body are looser and more relaxed than you’ve ever seen them outside of the safety of privacy, and that gives you all the bravery you need.
You take his hands, the chill of the rink being chased away through your gloves. Your fingers curl between his phalanges in a grip that would surely be bruising if he had flesh. As you step further onto the ice, you wobble perilously, struggling to find your balance. Your ankles feel heavy and clumsy, your feet dead weight. How do people make this look so easy? You’ve never felt so unwieldy in your life.
“you’re okay,” he says, holding you steady. “that’s perfect.”
The standards for perfect must be low.
You’re too busy concentrating on not falling on your ass – no, hands and knees, the video you watched in preparation for this said that letting your arms absorb the impact is the safest way to fall – so you can’t articulate that thought into an appropriately clever remark, so you just settle on responding with a dubious look.
His grip tightens reassuringly – you feel like he’s holding all of your weight at this point - and he begins guiding you across the smooth surface. He’s making it look so easy, skating backwards with practiced, smooth motions. You feel like a newborn giraffe in comparison, if someone was to sneak into the zoo, strap knife-blades to its hooves, and set it out onto the ice.
"first lesson: find your centre of gravity," he says, his voice low and encouraging. "keep your knees slightly bent, and let the skates do the work."
“What does that even mean?” you say, a little panicked, but you quickly mimic his stance. It’s awkward at first – you’re ready to tip face-first into him at any moment, but with enough gradual, tiny adjustments, you start to feel a little steadier. The tempo of the music playing over the rink's speakers helps you keep your movements rhythmic, and you find yourself feeling more and more confident.
“there you go,” he says. Despite yourself, warmth floods your chest at the praise.
“I feel like you’re doing all the work, not me or the skates,” you say. “How the hell are you so good at this? I’ve seen you trip over your own bone constructs.”
He lets go of one of your hands to press a wounded hand to his chest and you flail in its absence, letting out a startled eep.
“hey, i am beauty and i am grace. ’specially compared to you right now.”
He snatches your hand back before you can really panic, but as you recover, you realise that you probably weren’t in any danger of falling anyway. One, you trust that Rus would catch you and two, you’re feeling a little steadier on your skates now. Maybe you’re getting the hang of this! The Zamboni isn’t going to run you over after all.
“Aw, you don’t think I’m pretty?” You affect an exaggerated pout.
He laughs, but his cheeks tinge purple. “’course i think you’re pretty. you’re my cute little baby squirrel, slippin’ around on the ice. like in ice age.”
“… thank you?”
“you’re welcome, scrat.”
Eh. You can live with that. Dude has tenacity you can appreciate.
Besides, all this teasing is distracting you from looking down at your own feet and throwing yourself off-balance. Rus continues to glide you around the rink and the sounds of the other skaters seem to fall away, leaving just the two of you and the sounds of your skates sliding against the ice. You gently lap around, each pass making you feel more and more comfortable.
“Still, there’s got to be a reason you’re so good at this,” you press. “There’s not some secret winter Olympics Underground I don’t know about, right?”
He snorts. “hah. nah, nothing like that. not much time for organised sports when everyone’s tryin’ to avoid being dusted. i just did a lot of skating on my own, back when i was in stripes,” he says, and though the tone is off handed, you get the sense that this is far more significant than his voice is letting on. “spent a lot of hours out on the ice. with enough practice, angel eyes, anyone’d pick it up. even you.”
He lets go of your hand again, this time to boop your nose. When he takes it again, his grip is far looser, and you find that you’re staying upright of your own volition. Part of you is tempted to let go completely and see what you can do on your own now that you’ve got the basics down, but fuck, the enjoyment you’re getting from holding his hand is overriding your competitive spirit.
He’s also still towing you around and you have no idea how to actually make yourself go, but little details.
“There’s not much ice or snow from where I’m from, so I never learnt,” you say. “We’d get this gross, dirty sleet sometimes in the winter, but not much else. I used to be so jealous of kids who got to have white Christmases. Did Black teach you to do this?”
Fondness colours his features. “yeah, he did. he was good like that. not many of the other kids liked to go out onto the ice, so i think he thought that if i stayed out there, they wouldn’t pick on me. when i got older, it was a good way to get away from everything for a while.”
You imagine a younger Black taking an even younger Rus by the hands and leading him out onto the ice, guiding him in the way he’s guiding you now. You wonder what being picked on as a kid looked like in their universe, that cruel, brutal place. You doubt that it amounted to simple teasing.
Your chest aches at the thought, but you quash it down. Today is a day for good things; you’re not going to dwell on a past you have no way of changing.
“You must’ve learnt some pretty cool tricks, then,” you say, pushing levity into your tone.
The words chase away the hint of melancholy that had been lurking on his skull. He grins at you, lazy and languid and confident, and says, “oh, sugar plum, you have no idea.”
The two of you both glide to a stop on the side of the rink. You let go of his hands and grasp back onto the barrier. You feel safe now to stay standing without his assistance.
“Go on, then,” you say, angling your chin towards the ice. “Impress me.”
He takes the ice, his movements fluid and confident. The chilly air echoes with the scrape of blades against the smooth surface, and he shoots you a mischievous grin. With each stride, he gains momentum, twirling effortlessly with a grace that makes you dizzy. Your breath catches as he executes a flawless spin, his body a whirl of controlled motion. The ice seems to respond to his every command, and he carves intricate patterns with finesse.
With a final, daring leap, he lands with a flourish, a triumphant smile lighting up his face. The ice seems to shimmer in approval of his performance.
As he skates back to your side, there's a glint of anticipation in his eyes, silently asking if he managed to impress.
And in that moment, under the twinkling lights of the ice rink, you can't help but feel the warmth of his efforts.
Fuck, you’re getting mushy. You can’t find it in you to be upset about that, though.
“well?” he says.
Your applause is muffled by your gloves, but the intent is the same. “That was amazing! Do you reckon I could learn to go that fast today? Oh, or even backwards? Both at the same time seems a little ambitious.”
“maybe just a little,” he says, cheeks flushed from your praise. “we can work on it, though. just getting you to go under your own power today is a good goal. that you’re standin’ with no support now is impressive on its own.”
You look down at yourself and then at your arms and huh, would you look at that. Granted, you’re not moving yet, but you’re getting there!
You cast your eyes back out onto the ring to see the small child from earlier gliding around the ice, skating aid now discarded. You point a gloved finger towards them.
“Do you think I could at least go faster than that kid today?” you say.
Rus looks amused but doesn’t question your choice of a benchmark. “maybe, but don’t stress if you can’t. you’re doing really good for your first time on the ice,” he says. “i don’t want you fallin’ and cracking your head open because you bite off more than you can chew. don’t worry, we can come back for more practice. if you want. it’s okay if you, don’t, though, i -.”
“We are definitely coming back,” you say. You’re determined to at least learn one trick before the holidays are over. “You’re stuck with me now, coach.”
“does that mean you’ll get one of those leotards?”
“If you wear one too, sure,” you agree. “Maybe we can get matching ones.”
He takes your hands again and starts pulling you around the ice, slow and deliberate. You do your best to match his movements. The two of you make another slow lap and though you’re too focussed to be chatty, the silence doesn’t feel awkward. He gives you the occasional helpful, if teasing, pointer and your confidence continues to grow.
“well, how’s your first time on the ice shapin’ up so far?” he asks you after another lap. “everything you were hoping for?” The words are joking, but you can see his sincerity.
Your chest feels all warm and soft and suddenly, you don’t feel the chill of the ice at all. You steel yourself and use your handhold to pull yourself closer to him, slowing your pace, and then let go of his hands altogether, bringing one now free hand to cup the side of his skull. Your gloved fingers splay across his zygomatic arch.
He nuzzles into your palm, sockets drooping.
“Good,” you say. Your voice is soft. “Really, really good.”
“i – heh.” He ducks his head, but he can’t hide the colour that flushes his skull.
In an attempt to recover gracefully, he takes a misstep, his skates catching an edge. Before you both know it, he's tripping over his own feet, arms flailing in an attempt to regain balance.
To no avail. He crashes down into the ice, bony ass first. You narrowly avoid getting taken down with him.
“Oh my god,” you say, unable to stifle the laughter that bubbles up your throat. “Are you okay?”
Rus attempts to clamber to his feet, trying – and failing – to get his legs back underneath him. With each slip back onto the ice, the vivid mauve dusting his cheeks deepens further.
Eventually, he rights himself, skull blazing purple. “’m fine. that was exactly what i was going for. grand finale. ta-da.” The words are said with accompanying jazz-hands.
Still laughing, you pluck one of his hands from the air and pull yourself towards him.
“Real smooth,” you say. “Come on, you charmer. I want to have another go.”
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ben-guy · 18 days
Undertale Month Day 4: Toriel
UT month schedule
< Day 3 < ★ Day 4 ★ > Day 5 >
I've got a bit of a surprise lined up for y'all! The next 3 days... will be a trilogy of sorts! By which I mean all three stories will be about Toriel! This definitely isn't me looking for a positive way to say that when I looked ahead all my ideas for the next three days involved Toriel! Three cheers for three days of goat mom!
Toriel knocked on the door to the house with her free hand, the other one being taken up by an empty picnic basket. All over the lawn were signs of Papyrus' puzzle party from earlier in the day. Half inflated balloons, loose steamers, a spare flamethrower. Nothing unusual. From the other side of the door, a familiar voice responded.
"who's there?"
Toriel, as always, was ready.
"lettuce who?"
"*lettuce* in, we have the groceries!"
Sans paused for a moment as he saw Toriel walk in wearing her new hat and sundress, followed closely by Frisk. Toriel noticed the momentary lapse in his normally unflappable demeanor, and smiled.
"What do you think? Blue looks quite good on me, does it not? I figured I should be properly dressed for our picnic."
Sans, never one to miss an opportunity, gave her a wink.
"uh, of course. you really *blue* it out of the water."
From the kitchen, a groan could be heard.
Sans turned to look back towards the kitchen, a slightly quizzical expression on his face
"we made a schedule for today?"
"you sure? last i checked, i'm as *pun*ctual as it gets."
Papyrus let out a tiny snort of laughter
In short order, Papyrus and Frisk started carrying the groceries in while Sans and Toriel began packing the basket in the kitchen. After a moment, Toriel went to the oven, removing a butterscotch cinnamon pie she had put in earlier that day, lifting it for Sans to see before putting it in the basket.
"Poor pa*pie*rus, we really do give him a lot of trouble."
Sans, quick on the uptake, reached into a pile of fruit, tossing a pear into the basket.
"we're a real *pear* of rascals, huh?"
Toriel grabbed a Tupperware of spaghetti that had been prepared for the trip.
"I suppose he does have a point. We really should be *spaghetti*ng a move on"
Sans reached for a pack of doughnuts and a chicken sandwich.
"donut tell me you're chickening out already..."
Toriel laughed with mock haughtiness, snatching a leftover slice of cake from Papyrus' party off the counter.
"Of course not! Beating you will be a piece of-"
From the doorway to the kitchen, Papyrus cleared his throat loudly.
All eyes turned to the basket, whose contents were at least 50 percent dessert by weight.
A few minutes later, after basket's contents had been replaced with something resembling a balanced meal, everyone finally stepped out the door. Papyrus turned around, searched in his pockets for a few seconds, and then scratched his head.
Behind him, Sans carefully garnished the quiche he had set in the basket with the house keys.
"oh, my bad papyrus, i've got the *key*che right here."
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oscurascout · 15 days
Bad Sanses Adventures
Natural Resort
Note - I know there is not a lot of dialogue but I'm getting use to it, I'm trying to "act" or think like them (obviously not canon), but still enjoy!
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One thing Horror liked to do is watch TV while cooking. He didn’t care what was on; he just enjoyed having some background noise.
Today, as he was preparing dinner, a program started playing. Horror sat down for a bit, waiting for the soup to boil, and focused on the program. It was about a resort where you could spend a few days in nature, engaging in outdoor and inside activities like hiking, swimming, crafts, music and much more.
“Maybe I should tell the others; we do need a break,” Horror thought as he finished dinner. As he was setting the table, everyone came down to eat. Soon, everyone was enjoying the delicious food that Horror had made. While Killer talked about his favorite anime. Horror decided it was time to share his idea.
Horror - “Umm, could we .. go to a, natural resort?”
Everyone looked at Horror, confused.
Killer - “Why? Not that I don’t want to, but why that place?”
Horror - “I saw it, .. on TV while cooking, .. I think it’s, .. nice place to rest, .. there are other activities too.”
Nightmare - *looking at Horror and then back at his food* “Mmm, it does sound nice. This weekend, we will go. You guys deserve it.”
Horror smiled and accompanied Dust as he served himself more food.
Dust - *smiling* “This is very good, Horror. Is it your personal recipe?”
Horror nodded, and they continued their conversation. The weekend arrived, and the gang was getting ready for their little vacation.
Nightmare - *in the living room, calling out* “Is everyone ready?!”
He turned around and sensed how Killer and Dust teleported, Horror appeared a little later. Nightmare opened a portal, and they all stepped through. As soon as they arrived in the lobby, all the humans and monsters started to walk away quickly, some even running. Everyone fled from the lobby as fast as possible.
Nightmare ignored them and stepped in front of the receptionist, who was shaking with fear.
Nightmare - *sighed* “I have a reservation under the name 'Night'”
The receptionist quickly nodded and began searching for their reservation. Dust looked around; he and Papyrus liked the place. It had a very relaxing atmosphere.
Papyrus - *floating around* “Brother, this place is amazing! We should really leave the suggestions to Horror.”
Dust - “Killer has good ones too.”
Nightmare - “Come on, let’s go.”
Everyone quickly caught up to Nightmare. They arrived at their luxurious room, which featured four beds, a small kitchen, a bathroom, and a mini living room.
Killer - *excited* “Wow! This is sooo cool!”
Nightmare - “Don't get too excited; you're sleeping outside.”
Killer - *surprised* “Huh?!”
Nightmare chuckled while the others laughed. Killer pout, out of spite, he chose the best bed, which had a great view.
Nightmare - “You guys can go ahead and enjoy the activities.”
Horror - *worry* “What about you, Night?”
Nightmare - “I need to check on some things. I'll enjoy myself after I finish.”
The trio nodded and ran outside: Horror dressed in hiking clothes and equipped with gear, Dust carrying fishing equipment, and Killer wearing his swim clothes.
Horror thanked the park employee, who quickly ran away, and began walking up the trail. He had a camera with him—something Nightmare had gifted him. He took pictures of everything; to him, everything was fascinating, from the blue birds to the little black bugs. He smiled and took a break near a river, sitting down under a tree and relaxing in the shade.
Just as he was about to take out a snack, he looked up and saw a deer. He quickly grabbed his camera and snapped a shot, smiling at the picture.
Dust wandered around the fishing area, searching for a good, quiet spot. Papyrus guided him to a lovely spot beneath a tree. Dust cast his fishing line and settled down under the tree. However, as soon as he sat, the little bell on his fishing rod rang.
Papyrus - *excited* “Brother, quick!“
Dust hurried to the fishing line and began pulling on it. He fought long and hard, but in the end, he succeeded. He placed the fish in a bucket filled with ice, recast his line, and approached his resting spot again, but before he could sit down, the little bell rang again. Dust sighed and rushed back to the fishing line as his brother cheered for him.
Killer was led to a spot where guest could swim underwater and see the beautiful scenery. He put on his goggles and jumped in, swimming toward the bottom. He looked around, admiring the variety of fish and coral.
As he swam further, he spotted a manta ray. Excited, he quickly swam toward it, gliding on top of the manta ray while being careful not to harm or disturbed the creature. He eventually swam to another part of the ocean, where he discovered some very unusual and beautiful coral.
Nightmare, after finishing some business, headed to the kayaking area. He had never tried kayaking before, but he thought it would be a nice experience. He climbed into his kayak and started paddling. It took him a while, but he soon got the hang of it.
As he looked around at the scenery, he enjoyed himself, occasionally glancing down at the crystal-clear water. He dipped his hands into the water, relishing at the cool sensation. Soon, someone else would also be able to enjoy this peacefulness.
One by one, the skeletons returned to their room, with Horror being the last to arrive. He had gotten off the trail and gotten a bit lost but soon found his way back. They all shared stories about their experiences and eventually fell asleep after an exhausting but exciting day.
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the-writing-mobster · 9 months
were there any fic ideas you never ended up writing that you regret not doing?
also, do you have any other undertale ships? {:
Ah! Thank you for the ask dear heart! Let's see...
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Of course I have fics that are still deep in my drafts, and I also have a few unfinished fics currently published ON Ao3.
I don't really regret not publishing certain fics because it's not really a matter of if more than it is a matter of when. A few of these old ideas just need way more fleshing out and just aren't ready for the limelight.
And that "not if but when" mindset is carried over to my unfinished fics as well, like Baby Face and YWIW.
They'll eventually be completed. (Although tbh, I'm not so sure about ywiw now, may have to go and really take a good long look at that one and the goals I want to achieve with it. For YWIW, I guess I regret some of the choices I made with Frisk's character arc. Like I accidentally walked back on things that I shouldn't have. Sequels are hard, y'all.)
Now for my other UT ships? Hmmmm...
I'm gonna come out the gate swinging and say that I, first and foremost do not ship Asgore and Toriel. I think their dynamic is more interesting as a divorced couple. Boom. That'll stir the pot some.
(I have a lot of weird UT ships tbh)
Now, moving on to what I actually ship:
Asriel x Papyrus / Papsriel / Boneblossom
This stems more from how I wrote their dynamic in wdyw part 4 + ywiw. See, when Frisk and Sans are off doing hard main character work, Papyrus and Asriel were alone together a lot, working through both of their collective daddy issues together (their fathers were big ole villains and they were consoling each other about their relationships with their fathers, it was actually very sweet) Ergo, I began to ship.
But also, if you look at the game, there are instances of Asriel and Papyrus befriending, and Asriel manipulating him, or growing fond of Papyrus in his own way as Flowey. Yeah there's the problem of "well technically Asriel is a child!" Which like... Okay, he's also dead and immortal at the same time. In wdyw he died at an older age so... 🤷🏻‍♀️ It depends on where you take the story. I could also just ship them platonically. So yeah!
Undyne x Alphys / Alphyne
This one is obvious. They're canon. They're beautiful. I love gay people. I love lesbians. I am a gay people. I am a lesbian. I love them.
Also, low-key, I also just like to explore more of their dynamic than just lovey dovey sapphic stuff. The highs and the lows. And they're perfect to do that with.
Nick x Sans / Nicecream Guy x Sans
This one is unorthodox, but it's because of Baby Face. They're so gay in that fic like it's unbelievable. If not Sans, then definitely Nick. Like they've definitely explored each other's bodies at least once.
Also in wdyw, they have a more complex, complicated friendship since they're more like long lost friends, and the whole "you betrayed our ideals by joining Asgore's military" and Nick "you joined a rebellion that will never win, you've doomed yourself to martyrdom." Sans saving Nick from prison & the purge, ugh, they're so complex, I love em!
Nick is definitely gay. I know we were pushing for Alick but honestly... That boy is gay. And I really believe that. I think the only better pairing for him would be Napstablook, or... And I guess I'll concede to years of shipping before me... Burgerpants/Bryan. Because Bryan has that like, newly joined rebellion, starry eyes, just found out his crush was brutally murdered by one of Muffet's assassins, etc, and then there's Nick, shining hero of the revolution. I think it could work really well.
Muffet x Toriel / Muffriel / Spiderscotch
Bro even the name screams lesbian, wtf? This is like Everlark's alternative ship name being peenis.
BRO THEY LIVE IN THE RUINS TOGETHER, MUFFET SET UP SHOP IN THE RUINS. TORIEL BAKES PIES AND MUFFET BAKES FUCKED UP SPIDER DONUTS. THEY'RE A MATCH MADE IN HEAVEN. (And I'm purely talking about classic, but who's to say that wdyw Muffet wasn't sneaking into the queen's chambers after killing her own husband and poisoning Toriel's daughter right under her nose? UGH THE DRAMA!!!!)
Ugh, I love my gay ships.
Anyway, Toriel is the sweet, albeit very flawed, old money, cottage core wife, and Muffet is the manipulative, borderline Machiavellian, macabre, new money, goth wife and they're PERFECT FOR EACH OTHER. I've never been more serious in my life.
Anyway, those are my UT ships that are not Frans. Don't come for me, I know they're unconventional (except for Alphyne) but I love them each dearly.
Old pencil drawing I did:
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punsmaster69 · 9 months
(he rolled the 'r' in frisk's name, too.)
the two of them struck a back-to-back pose i'm sure they've practiced before; snowballs readied.
"Oh you're ON!!!"
undyne dragged alphys with her.
immediately, paps and undyne were on opposite sides of the yard, making snow walls for defense.
"Should we join them?"
yesterday took it outta me. couldn't keep up with 'em if i wanted to.
so me and tori watched from the sidelines as the chaos broke out.
flowey's out of his pot at the moment.
was yesterday, too.
goes back in it at the end of the day.
that's fine and all, but he definitely just tripped frisk with a vine.
tori didn't notice it happen.
...should i say somethin'..?
they can work it out.
frisk pelted him in the face with a snowball.
somehow, this led to an agreement.
not argument.
they're teamed now.
"They are having quite the time, it seems. Even Flowey has joined."
mettaton joined alphys and undyne's team to balance it out not long after.
"You can't go underground!"
"That's DEFINITELY cheating!!"
"And what?! I'm supposed to LET you-"
flowey disappeared and reappeared from the snow to dodge an incoming snowball from undyne.
"You can't do that! It's totally cheating!!"
"When you're throwing those things with murderous intent I can."
"Besides! It's not cheating just because YOU can't stop missing, fish face."
"Well YOU'RE about to eat SNOW!"
tori decided to go in early; says she's gonna start on dinner.
we watched frisk get bowled over into the snow by a concerningly large snowball. they sprung back up like a... well, spring.
right back into action instantly.
"...Perhaps I should warm up some cocoa while I'm at it."
"Make sure they do not freeze, will you?"
"i'll keep an eye out."
is it still considered a snowball fight if it's turned to them just launching increasingly large mounds of snow at one other?
i was up pretty late last night...
and this snow's pretty soft here.
think i'll sneak in a nap.
i heard footsteps get closer, but they missed me by a few feet.
a muffled sorry.
opening my sockets, i didn't see any more with them open than i did with 'em shut.
i felt snow fall into them.
shoving my arm upwards through the layer of snow,
the sound of crunching snow under boots stopped right beside me.
papyrus grabbed onto my hand and pulled me up.
there was a lot more snow around than before, and it was still falling even still.
"no wonder i got buried."
"yeah. i'm good."
four figures dotted the snow-covered yard.
"where'd flowey go?"
"he's not under all that, is he?"
frisk, lifting their legs up high to step through the snow, made their way over.
"How was it under there?"
"I mean, yeah."
undyne lifted alphys onto her shoulders, and mettaton made use of his heating function to make a path for them.
"What was it like being buried alive?"
"was too asleep to tell it was happening in the first place, so i really couldn't tell you."
in a similar fashion to what undyne had done to alphys, i was raised onto papyrus' shoulders.
copying that, mettaton carried frisk.
"...i know you're excited, but you've gotta stop kicking me, kid."
"Whoops. Sorry."
frisk is a weird kid who's favorite food happens to be stew.
their favorite drink also happens to be hot chocolate.
(it changes to chocolate milk in the warm seasons.)
needless to say, they're enjoying dinner.
tori's a real good chef.
i'd hate to imply that anyone could be better than my bro at cooking, but...
he has some competition in the ranks for sure.
even flowey's shut up by her cooking.
papyrus added a basket of blankets and pillows to the living room earlier this month, and i'm seeing their purpose now.
feeling pretty cozy in here with the blankets and all.
especially with everyone huddled around mtt like a furnace.
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madbard · 5 hours
I want to talk about Phantom!Papyrus.
Not Dust’s hallucination, no. I’m talking fanon Phantom, Papyrus’ actual ghost, and what a genuinely cool character concept that is.
Imagine that you are Papyrus. You’re outgoing and outwardly confident. You’re a pacifist. You’re lonely, with only two real, close friends - your mentor Undyne, and your brother Sans. You would trust either of them with your life.
And then Sans kills you.
The circumstances of this vary depending on level of canonicity and personal headcanons. I generally imagine that Sans waits until he has a pretty high LV before attacking Papyrus, so the fight is over relatively quickly (not because Papyrus is weak, but because at this point Sans does so much damage per attack that it doesn’t take too many hits to win, and I don’t think Papyrus would fight back - not violently enough to survive, anyway.)
Papyrus dies… and comes back.
How does this happen? Again, up to personal headcanon. For this post, I’ll say he becomes a ghost due to the violent circumstances of his death, and follows Sans because his dust is on the scarf Sans carries.
At first, Papyrus would be horrified. He’d be furious with his brother, and heartbroken too - this person he loved and trusted just murdered him! Maybe there would even be a moment of him wanting revenge, wanting Sans to pay for what he did.
But regardless of his actions, Sans is still Papyrus’ brother, which means Dust is too. And this is where things get interesting.
As Papyrus watches, Dust makes his way through the Underground, killing indiscriminately. If this is really Papyrus’ ghost, he’d be horrified by what’s happening. He’d beg Dust to stop, try everything he could to end the violence.
It wouldn’t work. How could it? Dust has already gone too far. He killed his brother for this, he’s not stopping now. But after leaving Snowdin, he enters the domain of the Underground’s most dangerous fighters. Papyrus is left to watch in terror as his brother faces Undyne, captain of the royal guard and Papyrus’ best friend.
He has a decision to make. As a ghost, he can’t attack. He can’t get in between them, and he can’t make himself visible to Undyne. The most he can do is talk to Dust, argue and beg for him to stop fighting. So that is what he does - Papyrus takes every chance he can to fly in Dust’s line of sight, yell at him, distract him. And it works.
As the fight goes on, Dust becomes more and more distracted by his brother’s ghost. His magic attacks miss. He doesn’t dodge in time. For a moment, Papyrus is relieved - until he realizes that Undyne isn’t letting up. The moment Dust goes on the defensive, Undyne presses forward, unleashing attack after attack until Papyrus realizes she isn’t just going to capture his brother.
She intends to kill him.
Undyne steps forward. Dust falls back. Undyne readies her spear. Papyrus looks at his brother and beneath the hood he sees an icy terror wash over his face, a sense of defeat, desperation, and despair.
(What is worth more? His brother’s life? Or his ideals?)
Papyrus flies over. Years of training flash through his mind as he whispers into his brother’s hood. “As she raises her spear, send one bone attack into her side, and a second from above. She won’t be able to block both attacks.”
Dust attacks. Undyne staggers. Papyrus watches his brother kill his best friend.
At this point they’re both guilty. Papyrus refuses to aid Dust in attacking innocents, but if he ever seems about to lose a combat, Papyrus is there to point out weaknesses, tricks and attacks that Dust could never have seen on his own. At the end, when the human is gone, Papyrus is left to haunt his brother, watching the world around him slowly decay as he too deteriorates. What could he have find differently? How could he have stopped this?
There is no answer that could satisfy that phantom. He is bound to what remains of his brother, but he has never been more alone.
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fandom-sickness · 1 year
Cleaning day, (Sans x reader )(ONE SHOT)
My eyes opened, and rays of sunlight danced across my bedding as I sat up and looked out of my window; a perfect day for cleaning.
"Mornin' sunshine."
I felt arms softly wrap around my waist and slowly pull me close. Sans rested his head on my shoulder as he yawned. "What are you doing up so early."
I let out a soft laugh before I kissed his cheek, "Oh, I think you know why~" I pulled from his hold and started off to the kitchen. "It's cleaning day, sleepyhead. Time to get up!" I heard a loud groan of annoyance behind me, "You're almost as bad as Papyrus." I started to pour us two cups of coffee, "Just be glad I didn't ask him to help." He was leaning up against the bedroom doorway while he watched me. "You'd make a cute barista." I smiled and walked over to him, handing him a cup of coffee. "Order up then," I said jokingly and went to the bathroom to get ready. I decided to keep it simple today to not mess up any nice clothes, so I went with a plain shirt and a short combo.
When I returned from the bathroom, I saw Sans slowly washing dishes and grumbling. I slide up next to him and kiss his cheek, "Would you be able to get the kitchen done while I straighten up the living room~" he shot back a playful glare but only nodded.
I left the kitchen and started vacuuming, organizing, and dusting the living room for an hour. I sighed, exhausted, and put my hands on my hips, "Hey, Sans! I'm going to start on laundry-"I was suddenly scooped up and face to face with a very tired skeleton. "No chance, sunshine." He carried me to the couch and sat with me still in his arms. "What a minute! We still have to do laundry! And the bathroom! And the bedroom! And we still have more stuff outside to do!" Sans playfully kissed my hand. "already done~" I stared in disbelief, and he chuckled slyly and smiled. "..how did you get it all done?" He turned on the TV. "Sans!" I gave him an annoyed look, and he softly kissed my cheek. "Let me have my secrets~ It's time for a break anyway~" I sighed and cuddled closer to him. "What about lunch?" He chuckled and pulled a blanket around us. "Y/n, my love, so many questions~ If you must know, I called in takeout from Grillby's; it'll be here in 20 minutes." I soon gave in and relaxed before slowly falling asleep.
Sorry for not updating for a hot minute! My dad was in the hospital, and I didn't think writing Undertale fanfiction while that was happening was appropriate! I'll try to post more! I hope you all enjoyed this cringe one-shot!
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sillyguy99 · 7 months
* don't look now, but i lost my shoe.
(Undertale Sans x Reader)
Chapter Two: * why do they gotta front?
[Index | Previous | Next]
                "Good morning. You must be Miss Toriel, right?” 
                You introduce yourself to the goat lady and offer her your business card. 
                She takes it, the tremble of her hand made clear when brushing with yours.
                “I’ll be in charge of your case for the next three months,” you state, smiling. “I look forward to us getting along.”
                Before you stands a monster clad in purple, white, and blue, her composed posture conflicting with the wrinkles in her brow. She nods once and brushes an ear back, as if to keep it from obstructing her face. Next to her sits your child, the one responsible for having freed monsters and letting them roam the Surface – the one who made you lose countless nights of peace, and who popped the last screw of patience off your husband upon their disappearance. 
                “It is lovely to meet you," she replies, returning your gesture, though with more stiffness. “You've talked plenty about her, have you not, Frisk?”
                Frisk shakes their head ‘yes’ – excitedly so. 
                Then, they smile and do a ‘love you’ sign with their left hand.
                "I was informed the social worker had a bit of an… issue with you,” you continue, trying not to frown. “Is it true that you kept Frisk under your care while I was occupied with the closure of their Missing Persons Report… Even though you've no legal custody of them yet?"
                The goat lady frowns instead, eyelids drooping and eyes dimming as she faces her lap. 
                "Yes.” Her tone and expression now match in solemnity. “They persisted in saying they did not wish to see their father, and… With how strongly they begged for that until they felt ready to face him, it would… simply not sit right with me to ignore their request, when they have done so much for us."
                You try to brush off the clench in your heart.
                Not only do you need to keep pushing on, but…
                There's truly nothing you can do about that particular matter right now.
                "They’ll be having more than one guardian watching over them, while my husband and I are working. Is that also true?"
                "Y- Yes," she repeats, looking up. "Undyne and Alphys will look after them on Mondays, Sans and Papyrus on Tuesdays, Mettaton on Wednesdays, and Gerson on Thursdays. Fridays are with me."
                You try to keep your cool when you hear a familiar name on the list, memories from the night at the bar from two weeks ago reaching your mind. It's a vague memory, yet it's still one you carry close to your heart. The rookie bartender had offered you a figurative ear to listen – his name, one you archived deep in your mind when it was time to say goodbye.
                "...I see," you mutter, hiding your stutter. "Then I would be required to have each of those people on my contacts to further research their backgrounds. Every person who looks after Frisk must have a clean record, else we are obligated to take them from your hands – Or simply remove that person from the picture, if the department allows us to."
                Toriel voices an agreement and shuffles through her purse, taking out a small notebook from its contents. 
                "Very well," she states, her smile returning. "I will write each of their numbers and addresses down for you. Would that be sufficient information to start with?"
                "More than enough." 
                You wait and watch as she tabulates all six names onto two pieces of paper – half in one, and half in the other. 
                She hands it over, her own nervousness showing again by the more prominent trembling in her hand. 
                "Thank you."
                You sign a ‘see you soon’ toward Frisk and say your goodbyes to the goat lady after a few more questions.
                While freedom isn't yet definitive, Toriel appears more relieved when it's time to leave, as so does Frisk when they wave and throw you a kiss.
• • • • •
                Had you chosen to make your calls in the confinement of your home, your sanity would have been put on a rough test.
                Sitting on a park bench with the sun warming your face and the breeze cooling the heat helps greatly with getting all your meetings settled and not dwell too much on your situation.
                "Friday at ten? Alright. Thank you, miss. And yes, please inform him about it, too."
                "Wednesday at nine? Noted. And no – Thank you , sir. I'll be contacting you again soon."
                "Would tomorrow be alright with you? I have a space open at three."
                "Thursday noon? I'll let you know beforehand."
                You arrange meetings with five out of the six people involved in Frisk's care, the last name left unmarked on your list one you wish to avoid in case he were to recognize you from the night at the bar. 
                Although you've contacted his brother, you're a little more than reluctant to call him separately. You don't know what's worse: to eventually let him meet you in your office, or to meet him today and be done with this, once and for all. Papyrus had informed you over his schedule, so – if you weren't mistaken – the monster would be working a different job aside from bartending. He's a cleaner for the town’s local park, tutoring children in math and science simultaneously. It's a service mostly monster parents searched for, the low cost and the skeleton's skills when it comes to teaching being more than enough for him to carry on with that business.
                "how's it goin’?"
                Startled from those thoughts, you turn around with a sharp move. 
                And then, you come across the skeleton you'd been reluctant to approach. 
                He reacts by taking a step back and holding you still with a thin shield of magic.
                A faint light settles between you, this being the very same thing that keeps you from bumping into each other.
                "sorry 'bout that," he says, pulling away. "thought you were gonna fall."
                You stand idly before him, at a loss for words.
                "It’s- It's okay, sir. Thank you," you manage to say, breathing out. 
                You gesture at your badge and introduce yourself – as awkwardly as can be.
                "...You'll be acting as one of Frisk's guardians, correct?"
                "yeah. the name's sans, though i figure ya know that by now, pal."
                Despite his words coming off light-hearted, it's impossible for you to feel at ease knowing you had shown him one of your most vulnerable sides barely two weeks ago: drunk, tired, and complaining all about your husband and your unwanted intimacy with him. 
                Embarrassment shows quickly on your face, though you try to stay firm with your reasons for being here. 
                "R- Right. Again, I… apologize for how I acted that night. I really wasn't my best self. Must've talked all your patience off – carelessly complaining about the stuff I had going on.*
                "it's all good," he replies, shrugging. "i offered myself for it. wouldn't've done that if i didn't wanna listen to ya."
                Tense, you toy with your engagement ring, its gifter reaching your thoughts. 
                "Still, I stand by what I said. I rambled about a certain… someone a little too much back there, so – again – I'm really sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable." Aware your pointless rambling won't stop unless you force it to, your instinct is to take out the note Toriel wrote for you. You then show it to him immediately, just to try keeping your mouth thoroughly shut about that night. "I, uh, have your number and address written here already. Miss Toriel gave these to me this morning, but frankly... It didn't seem appropriate to speak with you on the phone first, a- after what happened before."
                Again, you catch yourself bringing up that night. 
                As your second attempt, you slip out a ballpen and prepare yourself, reminding your inner thoughts not to bring that up anymore. 
                "What days are you available, sir? I would need to carry out a three month-long background check on you to determine whether you're, um… eligible to be one of Frisk's guardians."
                "how about today? i'm free after three. a parent cancelled on me, so i've got two hours off.”
                The universe is against you. 
                That's the only excuse you can find for him saying that. 
                While this is supposed to be your job, you're not ready to be alone with him.
                You're still bringing up unwanted subjects every few seconds, and it's hard for you not to feel awkward around him. 
                "Well, I- Uh, sure? If it's not an inconvenience, should we meet at my office? Or did you have another place in mind?"
                "my place’s pretty close by – about a fifteen-minute walk,” he elaborates, his smile growing. “i'm guessin' you'd also need to see my brother, don't ya? that's a two for one chance, i'd say.”
                The park's surroundings become much more interesting to you, and that makes you hope you're not being too obvious about how uncomfortable you feel right now.
                Your urge to escape shows through how you focus on the trees swaying wildly with the wind, the smell of freshly cut grass, and the raucous sound of children playing around.
                "Of course," you reply, breathing in. "I'll see you at three, then. Should I use the address written down, or would you like to meet here first?"
                "here first. you came by foot, didn't ya? i’ll drive us to my place, 'cuz you're not lookin' too rested."
                His comment makes you take a peek at your reflection on your phone's screen, displaying your face in its unholy glory: dull skin, baggy eyes, and a cut lip – the last one of those three the most unwanted, considering its background. 
                A product of your husband's hasty kisses last night, his teeth clashing with your mouth on the first try, with how desperate his approach had been.  
                "Thank you.”
                Finally, you speak up, managing a smile. 
                "I… definitely should be getting some rest soon."
 • • • • •
                You're not sure what to do.
                Of course, you didn't schedule a meeting with Papyrus today for a reason: he had errands to run! 
                And you failed to mention that to Sans, not knowing how to intervene earlier ago.
                With that obvious screw-up in mind, you take a seat on the only couch available. How small the house is makes it fitting for only one person – the sheer maximum being two. It takes all your composure to sit up straight and not shift in place every few seconds, feeling as if the skeleton were judging you at every turn. 
                "looks like he's not here," Sans comments, sitting next to you. "did he tell ya anythin', by chance? he's not usually out at this hour."
                You shrink to a corner of the couch.
                Sans's presence is discomforting, despite how willing he’d been to listen two weeks ago. 
                Because – now that you're sober – it doesn't feel all that easy; far from it, if you are to be true and honest.
                As if taking in your silence, the skeleton harrumphs and rubs the back of his neck, sneaking a glance at you. 
                "sorry if this looks like the wrong thing. i, uh, have no ulterior motives, if that's what you're wonderin'. dunno if you remember what i said, but that's really not what i'm tryna do."
                At the arrival of an unneeded, half-drunken memory, your head hurts with how far back it's been pushed away.
~ • ~ • ~ • ~
                "whoa there," the bartender says, holding your shoulders tight. "i ain't hittin' on ya, buddy – you being drunk's enough of a reason for me not to try anythin’, and that ring on your finger only adds to the cause."
                With a sniffle, you lean back against your seat, close your eyes, and sigh, reminding yourself you have to be out of this place soon. 
                "Sorry, I… I thought maybe you were looking to hook up,” you reply, frowning the kind of frown that would repel anyone around: the kind of expression where you're trying to smile and not cry anymore, so it ends up a big, messy mess: sweaty, tear-stricken face, leaking nose, and trembling lips. That's… That's what people usually want, anyway, right? Do I still look too drunk? I can't go anywhere like this. My husband will come here complaining about it!"
                "take a breath, eat somethin' warm, drink some water, and then hail a cab when it's time to leave. i can let you borrow the employee’s bathroom to wash up before ya go. buses aren't really the safest option if you're still feeling dizzy.” He offers you some painkillers and another water. "just tell your husband you're not feelin' well – He should understand."
                He won't.
                You're certain of that, yet you can't possibly tell that to the guy you've relentlessly spilled your deepest regrets and sorrows to, and who you'd confused with someone looking to woo you for a one-night stand.
                You’ve embarrassed yourself enough for one day.
~ • ~ • ~ • ~
                "Oh- Oh God, no!" you exclaim, shifting to gain a proper angle. "I didn't think you were. We already discussed that before."
                "that's a relief," he states, chuckling. "cuz i kinda wanna get to know ya better, now that you've been in my life twice – more so… since you're gonna be dealin' with my own problems for three whole months."
                You feel a full smile return, a weight – though small – being lifted off your shoulders. 
                "I'd like that, Sans. Can I… call you that?”
                He leans back on the couch, then winks.
                “sure ya can.”
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sky-scribbles · 1 year
I just read your post about you gushing on Skyrim's Thieves Guild Questline, I'm sorry, I don't know if it's something really old or if it's pretty recent, but then I wanted to seriously ask you something about it.
I love Karliah as npc, her and Serana are my absolute favorite of all Skyrim and like they're my top top top everything..! But while reading about Karliah all over the internet, I found some users speaking about how at the end of the day she used us. And since you seem to love the questline and the character as much as me, and having a pretty decent insight of the plot, I'm turning the problem to you, curious on what are your thoughts.
Basically, first thing is: Karliah turn us Nightingale to fight Mercer, even if Nocturnal's power are still blocked bc of Skeleton Key. She basically force us a bit, saying it's something we must be if we hope to survive against Mercer, which at the end of the day it's not true. (Another point is that no one said anything about serving Nocturnal in the afterlife, but my Dova wouldn't care about that).
The thing is, for how much I want to deny it, it's true. We don't gain absolutely anything for being Nightingale (apart the armor) at this point of the story. Karliah instead present 2 new warrior, rebuilt the Trinity, and thanks to this obtain the forgivness of Nocturnal.
The second point is 'but at the end of the day she saved our life'. True but. Why Mercer try to kill us in that moment? Because we're incapacitated. What if instead of us Karliah would have pierced Mercer? Mercer would have fainted, we then attacck Karliah, and a) kill her b) she kill us. If the b is true, she just have to tie Mercer and took him out and took him to Riften, while hoping to try to read the diary? At the end of the day, Karliah said this herself: 'Even if I carry out Mercer in front of the Guild I don't have any proof, it's just my word against his'.
So, Karliah both using the arrow on us and saving us after (because she come back after running away) are due to convenience. But that's is okay, it's afterall the first time she see us, she don't have any obligation toward us, and she is dedicated to her purpose.
What bother me more anyway is the first point. At that moment we aren't stranger with Karliah anymore, we maybe don't know the complete story but we have travelled a pretty amount of time with her. So yeah, she don't lie to us, but she don't tell us all the info.
I have my theories about it, being:
- if she was killed by Mercer, the Nightingale would have died with her. At least like this we're somehow involved and would carry on the legacy.
- at the end of the say she didn't know us and still didn't trust us.
- she was ready to do everything, and everything meaning ometting truth to anyone to accomplish her revenge.
After all this papyrus, sorry about it really, what do you think? I'm sorry it has to be you but I need a new prospective..! 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 Thanks even for having read till here!
Haha, no worries, I'm always in a mood for talking about the Guild questline!
Here's the thing: Skyrim's character writing is... honestly a bit thin. It's hard to know what Karliah's intentions are, because the game just doesn't go into that amount of detail. Which means that a lot is open to interpretation.
Looking at the Guild questline from a Doylist, out-of-universe perspective... let's be real, the reason Karliah comes across as having lied about us needing to be Nightingales to defeat Mercer is that the game writing isn't good enough to make us feel like we need to be Nightingales. Whoever wrote that quest didn't think to, y'know, give the players actual powers at that point and make those powers essential for defeating Mercer. I love Skyrim, but it isn't subtle in its writing. We're meant to believe that we Have to be Nightingales to defeat Mercer, because the writers (through Karliah), say so. The real reason Karliah shoots us rather than Mercer is so we can be a captive audience to the writers' cool reveal cutscene.
So... we're just left to interpret logic into the very thin reasons the game gives us for Characters Doing Things.
One interpretation for Karliah's actions is that she's using us. Karliah does actually tell the PC and Brynjolf about the serving-beyond-death thing; after getting the armour, she then explains how 'in life and in death, you must serve as a guardian of the Twilight Sepulchre.' But she does still bring you to Nightingale Hall to accomplish her own goals.
And I think this is a perfectly valid interpretation. I adore her with my whole heart, but yes, she is a career criminal, she's a pretty decent manipulator (seeing as how she set up the first half of the questline through her 5D chess game), and she is absolutely fixated on avenging Gallus and herself, and regaining Nocturnal's favour.
But because the writing is so thin in regards to her character (and she's one of the more fleshed-out characters in the game!), we can honestly interpret anything else we like. If we want to believe that there is a benefit to the PC, Karliah and Bryn becoming Nightingales - even a subtle one, like luck playing in their favour in Irkngthand, making some falmer distracted, helping arrows strike true - we can absolutely choose to believe that. That's a valid explanation too, imo.
What do I think? I do think Karliah uses the PC to an extent. I think she is fixated on her goal, and respecting the PC's agency is a second priority to her. And... I like that. I like the idea that she's flawed, and so obsessed with her plans that she can't think beyond them, and that she fucks up, and manipulates perhaps without meaning to because how can she be otherwise? She has been alone for twenty five years. She has not trusted anyone in that time. Her plan is the only thing that gives her any semblance of control. Manouvering others is the only thing that's keeping her alive. She has lost some of her ability to treat others like people because she has not been treated like a person for twenty five years.
I think she wasn't thinking clearly in that moment in Snow Veil Sanctum. Why should she be, with the bones of her lover not fifty feet away and his murderer approaching? When the PC appears in the doorway and her plan goes all to hell? She probably could have shot Mercer. Maybe 'I never had a clear shot' is what she tells herself so she doesn't absolutely break with fury at herself when she thinks of how she had her chance to avenge Gallus, and she let it go.
Maybe she does bring Brynjolf and the PC to Nightingale Hall for her own reasons - because she has to see this done, she has to see Mercer dead and the trinity restored, because that vow is all she's been for a quarter century and who even is she if she stops?
Karliah is filled up to the eyes with self-loathing. She constantly talks as if she's responsible for Gallus's death. As if by loving him, being loved by him, she distracted him enough for Mercer to kill him. Killing Mercer and restoring the Nightingales isn't just about her own desires. It's also trying to restore everything Gallus created, to ensure that his death isn't the end of all he worked for - because if that's gone, so is everything he was. Like he never existed. Every trace of him in the world gone, except for her grief. And she cannot fail him again.
Restoring his legacy is the only way Karliah could ever even begin to forgive herself.
So yes, I do think she uses the PC to an extent. Her behaviour was, however, coming from a place of deep pain, and while that doesn't justify it, it does explain a hell of a lot about it.
But perhaps there's something more important to consider: how do you think she acts after Mercer is dead, the Trinity restored, and she's reunited with Gallus's spirit? After she's seen that he's not lost forever, he loves her as much as he did before, doesn't blame her for a moment, and knows she will see him again?
We don't have anything canon to go on, really, because at this point the game practically forgets that she exists and shunts her into Nightingale Hall, but that means we can decide whatever the hell we like. And personally, I think she heals, slowly, tentatively. I think she slowly comes back to the Guild, works alongside the PC again and again, forgives herself at last. Realises that she is not responsible for anything that happened.
And after a bit of time of being treated like a person, like she matters, like she's cared for... maybe then she has the emotional energy at last to look at the PC and Brynjolf and think I just assumed you'd go along with my plans, and it was for me, for my purposes, not for you. And that wasn't right. Perhaps to talk to them, and tell them she's sorry. To resolve to deal with others better from now on. But also to understand that she made the decisions she made in one of the most painful and stressful periods of her life. To not hate herself for making flawed choices, and resolve to move on, looking forwards, not back.
I like to think she does.
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@themousefromfantasyland @the-blue-fairie @the-gentile-folklorist @adarkrainbow @tamisdava2 @princesssarisa @softlytowardthesun @grimoireoffolkloreandfairytales @professorlehnsherr-almashy
(The tale of Anpu and Bata, found in an Ancient Egyptian papyrus manuscript, is more than three thousand years old, and is regarded as the oldest story that has come down to us in writing. It may well have been an ancient tradition even then. One of the most interesting things about it is that elements found in tales all over the world ever since are contained in it. The first part has a parallel in the Biblical story of Joseph and the Wife of Potiphar. The core of the story – the life-token indicating death and the ‘separable soul’ – occurs in over eight hundred versions in Europe alone, and the reciters are unlikely to know that they are part of a line of transmission from the Nineteenth Dynasty of Pharaonic Egypt. The story is sometimes found, conflated with all or much of the Perseus and Andromeda myth, associated with the exploits of a dragon-slayer, which is encountered in almost every country in the world. The crumbling papyrus roll, in the British Museum, contains a message from the original scribe, a threat to those who might abuse it, which is similar to those found on Eastern manuscripts even today: ‘Excellently finished in peace for the Ka of the scribe of the Treasury Kagabu, of the Treasury of Pharaoh. And for the Scribe Hora, and the Scribe Meramapt. Written by the Scribe Anena, the owner of this roll. He who speaks against this scroll, may Tahui smite him!’ It was the custom of Eastern kings, when pleased with a story related to them, to order it to be written down and placed in the treasury.)
Once there lived in Egypt two brothers, and they loved each other greatly. The elder had a beautiful young wife, and a fine pair of oxen for the fields. His name was Anpu, and his younger brother’s name was Bata. This young man did everything for his brother, followed him and the oxen to the fields, waited upon him like a servant, harvested the corn, tended the animals. He worked for him day and night; for his brother, in his eyes, had no equal in all the land of Egypt. Now when the time for ploughing the land arrived, the elder brother said to Bata:
‘Come with the seeds tomorrow early to the fields, for we must begin sowing, because the Nile flood has retreated from the earth and the day is propitious.’ Anpu having gone on ahead, it was left for Bata to bring the seed, so he went to the door of the house, and said to his sister-in-law, Anpu’s beautiful young wife:
‘Let me have the corn from the bin, for my brother and I need it today.’
The woman replied:
‘Come in and get it yourself, for I am busy doing my hair and I cannot drop my pins and ribbons and get the corn.’
So he went in, and helped himself to as much corn as he could carry, for he wanted to start the day of planting well, as the day was propitious. Seeing him carrying such a load, the wife of his brother said:
‘You are strong and good-looking, indeed. I had not noticed that you were so presentable before. Come, stay with me a little while here before you go to the fields, for you will both be away all day, and I shall be lonely. Give me something to remember when I am alone.’ Bata recoiled at the woman’s words, and his face darkened with rage. He said:
‘You are like a mother to me, for are you not my respected brother’s wife? I will forget what you have just spoken. Do you forget it, also.’ And he went away to the fields, trying to erase her suggestion from his mind, for she was his brother’s wife, and though beautiful, now appeared evil in his eyes. All day they laboured in the fields, and at evening Anpu and Bata returned home. They expected to find food ready as usual, when they came to the house. But there was no fire, no light, no smell of cooking. Bata went to the stable to attend to the animals, and Anpu went in to see what was the matter with his wife. She was lying huddled under the quilt, crying as if she were in pain. ‘What is the matter with you?’ he asked. ‘Has anyone been here in my absence to upset you like this?’ ‘The only one here in your absence was your wretched brother!’
She cried.
‘Ask him what is the matter with me!’ ‘But what are you saying? Has he laid hands upon you?’ Shouted the enraged husband. ‘Yes,’ she replied, ‘I was here doing my hair when he came in for the seeds, and he said to me “Be with me a while before I go to the fields and my brother will never know” and he violated me. Oh, I cannot look at you for shame, my husband!’ So Anpu sharpened his knife, and stood outside the stable ready to kill his brother as soon as he came to join him for the evening meal. All unaware of this, the younger brother went about his tasks in the stable, when suddenly his favourite cow spoke to him:
‘Beware, Bata, your brother has sharpened his knife and is waiting to kill you behind the door. Run, do not go back to the house, or you will die.’ The young man looked out of the stable and saw his brother standing strangely still, with his knife in his hand. Fearing that he could never explain the true state of affairs to his brother, he made a hole in the mud wall of the barn and fled as fast as his feet would carry him. But the elder brother heard him running, and chased after him. The light of murder was in his eyes. So, in great fear, Bata called out:
‘Oh Great Ra Harakhiti, Mighty Lord, You are He who divides the Evil from the Good! Save me!’
And Ra answered his prayer. A mighty river sprang up between the two brothers, a river that Anpu could not cross, even if he had had a boat, for it was full of crocodiles. The elder brother was furious that he could not reach Bata to kill him, and cursed him from the other bank. But Bata called out in a loud voice to him:
‘O my brother, do not think ill of me. I cannot prove to you that I did nothing wrong, but my cow warned me, and I fled from you in fear. Why did you come to kill me before you asked me if I had done what you believed I did?’
And his brother said:
‘Tell me yourself, then, what truly happened?’
Bata answered:
‘I went to the bin to get the seed myself, for your wife told me she was doing her hair and did not wish to leave her toilette to attend to me. Then, after I had helped myself, she said I looked strong and handsome, and tempted me to stay with her for a short while, saying that you would not know. You see how the truth has been changed.’ ‘Will you swear the oath by Ra Harakhiti that what you have said is true?’
Cried the elder brother.
‘By Ra Harakhiti I swear that it is true.’
Said the younger brother, and he took his knife, and cut a piece of his flesh, and threw it into the water, and the crocodiles ate it. Then theelder brother was satisfied, and he wept for Bata and cursed his wife. He knew that he could not reach his brother, because of the crocodiles, and he stood there, putting away his knife. ‘Now we know that you have done a bad thing, trying to kill me, will you now do a good thing for me?’
Said Bata. Anpu said he would, so his brother told him,
‘I am going away to the valley of the acacia. So you go to your house, and look to your cattle. Now this is what you can do for me; my soul shall be drawn out, and put into the flower of the acacia. When the acacia is cut down, as it will be, put the flower in a glass of cold water, for my soul shall be in it. When someone gives you a glass of beer in your hand, and it is agitating in the glass, then do not stay, but go and find the flower, even if you search for seven years, and put it in the water. Farewell.’ Then the youth stopped speaking these strange things, and went to the valley of the acacia. His brother turned away and went back to his house, and he was angered against his wife, so he killed her in the heat of his wrath. Then he threw his knife away, and looked after his cattle and his fields himself, sorrowing for his brother. A long time after this had happened, the younger brother was living in the valley of the acacia. He had drawn out his soul, and it lived in the topmost flower of the acacia tree. He had built himself a small house in which he lived, and it was full of good things. One day, walking in the valley, he met the Nine Gods, who were going forth to look upon the whole land of Egypt. The Nine Gods were talking with each other when Bata came upon them, and they said to him, ‘O Bata, Bull of the Nine Gods, why are you walking alone? Your brother has slain his wife, and all is level between you. His transgression is forgiven.’ Then, as Bata knelt before them, Ra Harakhiti said to Khnumu:
‘So that he will not be forever alone, make a woman for Bata, a mate for his loneliness.’
And Khnumu made a wife for him. She was more beautiful than any woman had ever been before. The seven Hathors came to see her when she was created, and they said of one accord:
‘She will die a sharp death, though the essence of every god is in her!’ All the day Bata hunted and in the evening he came back and placed all his spoils at his wife’s feet, for he loved her very much. He said to her one day:
‘Now, I must warn you, never go too near the sea, for if it should seize you, and want to carry you away, I cannot save you, for my soul is in the flower at the top of the acacia, and I have no power, other than in that flower.’ When she heard his secret she smiled, and thought about it much. Next day she went to walk beside the sea, and the sea saw her, and began to cast its waves up towards her. She took to her heels and, being frightened by the passion of the sea, ran away from it. She entered her house, and the sea called to the acacia: ‘I want to have that woman, I wish that I could take her!’ Then the acacia brought a curl from her hair which the woman had cut off while sitting under the tree, and dropped it into the water. The sea carried it to the place where the fullers washed the clothes of the Pharaoh. One of the washermen who was standing on the sand picked up the curl of hair, and it smelt so sweet that it almost took his senses away. He put it into the clothing which was being taken to the Pharaoh, and when Pharaoh smelt it he was enraptured. Where did this rare and wonderful scent come from?’
Cried Pharaoh.
‘Bring the wise men, so that they too may smell it and tell me.’ The wise men came, with their signs and portents, and told the Pharaoh:
‘The scent comes from the curl from the hair of a daughter of Ra Harakhiti; the essence of every god is in her. Send messengers to the borders of the sea, and in the valley of the acacia she will be found.’ So the Pharaoh sent many men to the valley of the acacia, and they tried to take the wife of Bata, but he killed them all. None of these men returned to the Pharaoh, and so he sent more, this time men on horseback and strong soldiers, to bring her to him. Bata had to let her go, but they did not kill him. He remained behind, under the acacia, feeling very distressed. Somehow, from his mind he tried to send a message to his brother, reminding him of what he had said to Anpu across the river of the crocodiles, the last time that he had seen him. The beautiful woman pleased the Pharaoh very much, and he gave her everything in his power. ‘Pharaoh,’ said she, after he had presented her with gold and jewels and rarest rings, ‘send men to cut down the acacia, for my husband’s soul is in the topmost flower, and I would that he were dead.’
So the men went and chopped the tree in the valley so that the topmost flower, in which was the soul of Bata, fell to the ground, and he, too, fell dead. At that very moment, someone handed Anpu, the elder brother, a glass of beer, and the liquid became agitated as he was about to drink it. He remembered what his brother had told him, all that long time ago. He got his stick and his sandals, his clothes for travelling, and set off. He travelled all day and all night, and arrived at the valley of the acacia. Then he saw that the tree had been cut down, and saw the body of his brother lying dead. He wept bitterly, and looked everywhere for the flower which contained the soul of his brother. But he could not find it. He lay down to sleep under the tree, and said to himself:
‘Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow I will seek it; for I will spend all the days of my life, if necessary, to find the flower.’ Next day he did not find it, but he discovered, in a crack in the earth, a seed. He put the seed in a glass of water, and it sprouted. It was soon the flower containing his brother’s soul. Within a few minutes the body of Bata shuddered under the cloth which covered it, and soon he was standing well and strong before Anpu. They embraced each other joyfully, and sat talking together for many hours. Then Bata said to his brother:
‘I am to become a great bull, by favour of the gods, and you are to get on my back. By the time the sun has risen thrice I shall be in the place where my wife makes a fool of the Pharaoh. And, when I am before the Pharaoh, you shall be taken to him, and he will give you gold and silver, and good things in return. I will be thought of by all as a great marvel, and you will return to our old village home a rich man.’
Before Anpu’s eyes he turned into a huge bull. So, the elder brother got onto his back, and within three days they were before the Pharaoh. The Pharaoh had never before seen such a fine creature, in all dominions of the Upper and the Lower Nile, so he gave many presents to the elder brother, and took Bata in his bull form to the royal stables to be looked after in great style. The gigantic bull was so tame that it was often garlanded with flowers by the royal ladies. One day when his wife, now a Princess by command of the Pharaoh, came near to him,the bull said in his human voice:
‘I am alive, and now the gods have in their wisdom caused me to be in this marvellous bull’s body.’ She was greatly affrighted, and wondered how she could get rid of her husband yet again. So she went to the Pharaoh and said:
‘My lord, I will never be happy unless I have for my illness the liver of that creature, which I am sure is fit for nothing else but to be eaten!’ So at once the Pharaoh gave orders for the animal to be slaughtered, and said:
‘Let the liver be given to the Princess, so that she will soon be well again.’ A tremendous feast was planned, and the bull was to be sacrificed to the gods. As he was being slaughtered, the bull shook two drops of blood from his shoulder wound onto the walls of the royal palace. The blood dripped from each side of the gigantic door, and where the blood soaked into the ground two Persea trees grew. They grew and grew, each day taller, and each of them was perfect in every way. A courtier went to tell the Pharaoh:
‘Lo, there are two giant trees growing, one on each side of the great door of the palace, these are propitious signs, oh Pharaoh!’
And there was much rejoicing because of these trees, and many people made offerings to them, because of their miraculous growth from the bull’s blood. The ladies of the court went out, and placed garlands of flowers around the trees, and prayed to them. When his wife came, Bata said to her from the trees, in his own voice, which she knew so well:
‘Deceitful woman, I am Bata, who you have thrice betrayed. First you went to the Pharaoh, then you had my soul-tree cut down, then you had the ox slain. Now I am in the strength of these trees. I shall never die!’ So the Princess went to the Pharaoh and said:
‘As you love me, will you do me a small favour? I do not like the sight of those two grotesque Persea trees, one on each side of the great door of the palace. Do you please give orders that they be cut down, for they grow even uglier every day, and one day they will bring the palace down, I am sure!’ The Pharaoh, besotted with his love for her, consented, and the next day woodcutters were chopping with might and main at the beautiful Persea trees. The Princess was standing not far away, looking at this activity, rejoicing in her heart, when a tiny chip of wood flew into her mouth. She was so startled that she swallowed it. The trees were at that moment completely cut down, and fell outside the Palace gates. When nine months had passed, a son was born to the Princess, and there was rejoicing all through the land, for the Pharaoh thought that the child was his son. As the months went by, the Pharaoh loved the baby even more, and raised him to be the royal son of Kush, heir of all the lands of the Upper and Lower Nile. Not many days after that, the Pharaoh died. Then the Prince, the heir of the lands, said: ‘Let all my nobles come before me, that I may tell them all that has happened to me.’ They came, and he told them everything. His elder brother was brought from the village, to be made a minister at his court. Then they brought his wife, and they judged her and she received her punishment. He was thirty years King of Egypt, and so endeared himself to the people that his brother took his place when he died.
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tooti-fruiti · 4 months
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"Anything for you, Papy Wapy Poo."
"Don't listen to him!" You said, shaking your sister as she walked back to her cell.
"You ARE NOT the boss of me! And don't even think about stealing my Papy!" She said as she went back into her cell and closed the door.
He sighed once she was gone and smirked at you.
"Well she's not going to want to leave unless we break the spell! How do you make the antidote?!"
"ASK HER." Papyrus said, pointing to a glowing hole.
"THE SUGAR PLUM FAIRY." Papyrus said as you both leaned over the hole.
You looked inside the hole and saw a small blue ball attached to a stick.
"Welcome!" A voice came from inside the ball.
"If you set me free."
"Then, no."
You sighed. "Please. I love my sister. I need that antidote."
"Okay!" She said before she started to list things off that she needed.
"GET THOSE THINGS." Papyrus said to a near by monster.
"Do you think it will work?" You asked Papyrus as a droopy skeleton walked into the dungeon.
"Definitely." He mumbled.
"And you are?"
"MY FATHER." Papyrus groaned.
"Gaster!" He smiled and pulled you into a hug.
"(Y/n)..." You said awkwardly.
"You're quite pretty." He whispered into your ear.
He pulled away and you looked at him confused.
"Why don't you two come upstairs? It's drafty here."
Gaster led you both upstairs and into a room with all sorts of Valentines Day decorations.
"It was the best I could do on such short notice!"
Your jaws dropped and Papyrus dropped the sword in surprise.
You both looked around in disbelief.
"You two have fun!" He said as he left.
The smaller skeleton whistled. "nice score bro."
Papyrus turned to him and glared at him and the fish lady beside him.
After they left, Papyrus looked up and spun a dangling heart above the both of you.
"WHY WOULD HE-" As you both realized, you moved away from each other.
"Who likes this?!" You asked.
"It's disgusting!"
"I hate it." You both said at the same time.
Then Papyrus smirked and pulled on the dangling heart.
The arch snapped up straight.
"Let's show your dad why we're NOT lovers."
Papyrus chuckled as you both began destroying things around the room.
Anything and everything that reminded you two of love.
After throwing some paper hearts in the fire, you both turned to each other and smiled.
Then the fish lady and the smaller skeleton ran in, carrying the blue ball.
"IT'S READY SIRE!" The fish lady said.
Papyrus approached her and snatched the ball from her. "WELL?! WHERE IS IT?!"
"It's a riddle!"
"A riddle?!" You asked.
"Well you know, when you're in prison, IT'S HARD TO SHOP. So, do you want the riddle or not?"
"The riddle is! Bum ba-dum bah!" She said, making a drum noise.
"The antidote is the only thing more powerful than the potion."
You both sighed and started to think.
-Third Person P.O.V-
As Sunny, Pierre, Roland, and his army kept walking, Sunny started to get impatient with how slow they were going.
"It's almost Moondown!" Sunny said. "Can we go a little- no- a LOT faster?!"
"Halt!" Roland said.
Up ahead, a monster was stopped in the middle of the road and it slowly walked to the other side.
Roland shuddered. "I believe that was the ugliest creature I ever saw!"
After the monster passed by, it sighed sadly.
"And it was NAKED!"
Realizing that it was indeed, naked, the creature gasped and grabbed a leaf to cover itself.
Then it slid down deeper into the forest, then it landed by part of the echo flower line.
"An army approaches!" It whispered to the flowers before grabbing a larger leaf and running away.
"The one thing..." You started.
"MORE POWERFUL THAN THE POTION..." Papyrus finished.
"That's what I said." Plum said, bored.
Suddenly, the fish lady ran into the room. "NEWS FROM THE ECHO FLOWERS SIRE! 'AN ARM SKIS ON ROACHES'!"
Papyrus glared at her.
"...CARRY ON!" She said as she left.
After the fish lady left, Plum groaned. "I'm bored! I'll just tell you!"
"If you set me free!"
You looked at him, pleadingly.
He sighed. "FINE."
Plum cheered and spun around.
"Wonderful! Then I shall reveal the antidote with a story!"
"WHAT?! NO!"
"Once upon a time-"
Papyrus swung at the ball and you snatched it away from him.
"King Papyrus was getting married on his wedding day to the love of his life." She said as she transformed into a monster girl.
"Ew." You said.
"On the day of their wedding, the priest was asking if Papyrus would take his bride in sickness and health."
"When suddenly a man walked into the alter."
Papyrus reached for the stick again.
"He dusted the King's Bride with love potion-"
"The love potion worked, and she ran away with the mysterious man."
Papyrus walked away, hurt by the memory, and looked out the window.
"What does that have to do with the love potion's antidote?"
"She wouldn't have fallen for the love potion, if she truly loved him."
You watched Papyrus look down.
"So, does that mean the only more powerful than the potion is...real love?"
"Bingo!" Plum cheered.
Papyrus put his hand over his eyes. "TAKE HER AWAY!" He ordered.
The fish lady and the small skeleton immediately rushed back into the room and took Plum away as she called out that Papyrus wasn't being fair.
"This antidote won't help Dawn...she's not in love with anyone..."
You turned to Papyrus as he stood by the window with his head in his hand.
You quietly sighed before speaking up. "...If you think about it...maybe it's a good thing the potion worked." You said as you walked up beside him.
Papyrus turned to you, utterly confused.
"Well, if that man hadn't come in with the love potion...you would have married someone who didn't love you.."
After saying that out loud, you realized how bad that sounded.
"I'm sorry, that sounded a lot better in my head..."
"I...I actually know how you feel..."
"Yeah, actually."
You nodded. "I only saw the way he looked, and didn't see how much of an awful person he was."
"Well...the day before our wedding, he cheated on me, and I found out he only wanted to marry me for the crown."
Papyrus growled. "HOW SHAMEFUL."
"I know. He tried to ask me for forgiveness, but I told him off and kicked him out of the castle."
Papyrus chuckled again. "HE SOUNDS LIKE HE DESERVED IT."
You laughed too. "Yeah, he did."
You both smiled at each other again, before looking away awkwardly.
"I uhh...why don't we go for a walk...?"
He looked around awkwardly before handing you your sword. "HERE."
"Thank you..."
You took your sword back from him and walked out of the castle with him.
"HERE. FOLLOW ME." He said, as he led you up a cliff.
You walked up the cliff with him and there was a gap between this cliff and the cliff between giant Venus fly traps.
Papyrus stuck his staff inside the traps, setting them off, before walking across them.
He noticed you weren't following him, and he turned around to face you.
"Maybe we should just...I don't know..."
You looked at the Venus fly traps with uncertainty.
Papyrus chuckled and walked back over to you.
He held his hand out for you to take. "TAKE MY HAND, TOUGH GIRL. IT'LL BE ALRIGHT."
You slowly took his hand as he helped you across the Venus fly traps.
As he kept closing the traps, he would occasionally turn back to you and smile.
Once you were at the other side of the cliff, Papyrus sighed. "THE MOONLIGHT IS PERFECT RIGHT NOW. ISN'T IT?"
Papyrus let go of your hand and slid down a path on a cliff.
You watched as he slid down before following him and laughing.
Once at the bottom, you accidentally crashed into him and he caught you, holding you against his chest.
You both laughed before he let go of you and pulled back a curtain of leaves.
Inside was a cave, full of glowing blue gems hanging on strings.
You walked inside, amazed at the sight and reached out to touch one.
Whenever you poked a gem, they made a musical sound.
You spun around the gems excitedly, poking as many as you could.
Papyrus chuckled and smiled fondly as he watched you dance around the gems.
Once you finished playing around the gems, Papyrus lead you out of the cave to a cliff.
"So, I have to ask. Do you and your kind actually eat humans?"
He turned to you and smirked. "ARE YOU AFRAID I'M GOING TO EAT YOU?"
You laughed. "No...should I be?"
Papyrus chuckled. "I'LL LET YOU DECIDE THAT." He said, before leaning over the edge of the cliff and falling off.
You gasped and ran over to the edge to see if he was okay.
He flew back up to the cliff, riding on one of his giant dragon skulls.
"LET'S GO FOR A RIDE, PRINCESS." He said, holding out his hand to you.
You smiled and took his hand as he helped you onto the skull.
Once you were sitting comfortably, you wrapped your arms around his waist to make sure you wouldn't fall.
He started speeding through the dark forest and the wind blew through your hair.
After flying around a few seconds, you grew less afraid and slowly let go of him.
The skull flew over a river and you dipped your hand into the water.
Papyrus smiled at how excited you were getting.
Then the dragon flew up high in the air and you held onto Papyrus again.
The dragon landed just above a high tree branch and Papyrus helped you off.
After you were off, the skull disappeared in a puff of smoke.
Papyrus took both of your hands in his then gestured to his left.
You turned your head and saw a beautiful veiw of the dark forest.
The moonlight painted it in a completely different picture than what you were used to.
"It's beautiful..." You said, as you turned to look at Papyrus.
He smiled at you. "JUST...BEAUTIFUL..."
You knew he wasn't talking about the veiw and smiled.
Papyrus held your hands tighter before something caught his attention.
He saw something in the distance and gasped.
Then he turned to you angrily. "YOU...YOU PLAYED ME!!"
He grabbed a vine and slid down it to the bottom.
"Played you? What do you-"
You saw what he was looking at in the distance.
Roland's army.
You started swearing at yourself for forgetting to tell him and you slid down the vine as well.
Once you got to the bottom, Papyrus had summoned another bone skull and began flying back to his castle.
"Wait!!!" You called out, but he was too far away to hear you.
You sighed and started running back to his castle on foot.
-Third Person P.O.V-
"HALT!" Roland said to his army as he approached the castle of the monsters.
"Disgusting creatures!" He announced. "I come in peace. I am here to return this to your king!"
He pulled out the love potion as the monsters gasped.
"I will only need three of my men to accompany me, the rest of my army will wait here."
After he stepped off his horse, he turned to Sunny.
"Sunny." He corrected.
"Look fierce, you're in charge now."
Roland gestured for his men to follow him inside as he pushed through the monsters.
After Roland was gone, Sunny turned to Pierre.
"Pierre! You're in charge now! I'm going to go rescue Dawn!" He said as he jumped back into the hole that led him to the sugar plum fairy earlier.
Once inside, Roland turned to his men.
"I'm going to the throne, activate the plan on my code word 'Go'."
His men nodded and ran away.
Roland walked into the throne room and sat down on Papyrus's throne.
"What kind of throne is this? It's so uncomfortable."
Two of Papyrus's guards murmured to each other, until King Papyrus himself ran into the throne room, weapon in hand, yelling.
He swung at Roland, who backed away behind his throne. "Woah woah woah! Easy! I'm just here to return this!" He said.
-Second Person P.O.V-
You ran into the throne room as Papyrus swung at Roland.
"Woah woah woah! Easy! I'm just here to return this!"
"Roland!" You yelled as you ran up to the throne as well.
At the sound of your voice, Papyrus snapped his head towards you. "RESTRAIN HER!" He yelled to his guards.
His guards tackled you and did as they were told.
"Hey-! Papyrus!"
Papyrus turned to you angrily. "DON'T 'PAPYRUS' ME! YOU TRICKED ME!"
"No I didn't! Or...at least I didn't mean to..."
"That's not true!"
"I CAN'T BELIEVE I FOOLISHLY TRUSTED YOU-" He said leaning into your face.
"Wait." Roland said, cutting off Papyrus. "Are you two having..."
He threw up in his mouth. "...a lover's fued?"
"Roland you are such a fucking-"
"Hero!" Roland cut you off and smiled. "Besides, didn't you call him a 'dog toy'?"
Roland started to laugh and Papyrus turned back to you.
He noticed the look on your face and stared at you confused.
You sighed and Papyurs looked at him before looking back at you.
"Okay, I know that!"
Papyrus growled. "GET THE PRINCESS!"
"You mean the princesses."
"Papyrus, please." You begged. "I didn't mean to bring them here."
Papyrus stared at you, conflicted on what he should do.
"Well, regardless, I'm taking them both anyway."
"THAT WASN'T THE DEAL." Papyrus growled as he snapped his head towards Roland.
"Well, it is now." Roland said as he moved towards you, opening the potion.
"NO!" Papyrus yelled as he moved in front of you. "(Y/N) STAYS HERE!"
You smiled at Papyrus as Roland groaned.
"I wanted to do this peacefully, but you've left me with no choice." Roland said as he pulled out his sword.
-Third Person P.O.V-
Undyne and Sans ran down to the dungeon and quickly unlocked Dawn from her cage.
"come on human, we have to get you back upstairs." Sans said.
Dawn sighed. "But I don't want to leave!"
Dawn gasped and ran up the stairs. "PAPY WAPY!"
Then Undyne and Sans ran after her.
After all three left the dungeon, Sunny fell into the room.
Hearing him come in, Plum started yelling. "SUNNY! YOU DIDN'T LISTEN!"
Sunny groaned and ran over to the sugar plum fairy.
"I said, don't let the imp get the potion! I said to stand in front! I said-"
"PLEASE tell me where Dawn is!" He said.
"Alright! Alright! I'll tell you!" She said. "If you let us ALL out."
Sunny looked around and saw all the love dusted creatures.
"Which would be so sweet of you, since this is all your fault!"
Sunny sighed and helped each monster or human out of their cage before helping Sugar Plum Fairy out as well.
In the distance, they all heard someone yell the word "Go" and knights began swinging cages into the foundation of castle.
Slowly knocking it down as they all ran out of the dungeon.
-Second Person P.O.V-
You were still restrained as Papyrus and Roland fought each other.
Then Dawn ran into the room, gasped, and stood in front of Papyrus, protecting him so that Roland couldn't hurt him.
"Leave my Papy Wapy alone!" She said.
"PAPYRUS." He corrected her.
"What were you thinking? Did you think a beauty like (Y/n) would ever fall for you, a BEAST?"
You yelled out in anger and forced the monsters off you.
You pulled out your sword and swung at Roland.
"YOU'RE the beast!"
Roland groaned as you and Papyrus stood side by side, ready to charge at Roland.
"Two against one?" He said as he grabbed Dawn and put a sword at her throat. "Not fair."
Both you and Papyrus charged at him and manged to get his own sword and your sword pointed at his neck.
"LET. HER. GO." Papyrus demanded.
"You're right. I should probably just let...her...GO!" Roland yelled the word 'Go'! really loudly.
After a few seconds, the castle started to crumble.
"What's happening?!" Dawn yelled.
Roland then threw Dawn at Papyrus and pulled you into his arms as the castle created a wall between you.
You fought with Roland to let go of you as you could hear all the other monsters escape the castle.
You managed to get him off of you and kicked him into the wall.
Then you crawled over the rubble and out of the castle.
Once outside, you saw all the monster outside, but neither Papyrus or Dawn.
You turned around and saw Papyrus running towards you with Dawn in his arms.
"(Y/N)!" He yelled. "TAKE HER!"
You ran towards him and quickly took Dawn.
The ceiling fell on top of him but he had enough strength to hold it up.
"GO!" He yelled.
Reluctantly, you ran away as Dawn reached for him.
Once you were safe, the rest of castle came crashing down, with Papyrus inside.
"PAPYRUS!" You yelled.
"NO!" Dawn screamed.
You set Dawn down as you both started to cry.
Sunny rushed over to comfort Dawn as she cried.
You sat on the edge, staring at the dust, hoping Papyrus would fly out on a skull.
After a few seconds, then you turned back to Dawn and Sunny.
As she hugged him, you noticed that her eyes returned to normal.
The love potion was fading.
She smiled at Sunny and kissed him.
You smiled, knowing she wasn't under the power of the love potion anymore.
As they kissed, you turned back to the dust and saw a silhouette.
It was Papyrus, he rode out on a dragon skull with some cracks in his bones.
But other than that, he was alive.
You covered your mouth happily as he flew over to his father and his brother.
They both hugged him before Gaster took him by the hand and dragged him over to you.
You both smiled at each other, until you were suddenly turned around by Roland and sprayed in the face with the love potion.
"(Y/N)!" Dawn yelled.
Papyrus growled but Plum held him back.
You stared at Roland before staring to sing.
~"Sugar Pie Honey Bunch!"~
"WHAT?" Papyrus groaned.
"No..." Dawn said.
~"You know that I love you!"~
"That's what I want to hear." Roland smirked.
~"I can't help myself"~ You sang as you threw yourself onto him. ~"I...love..."~
Roland closed his eyes for a kiss but you punched him in the face and sent him over the edge as a little rabbit creature caught the love potion from his hand with it's tail.
"It didn't work." Plum said. "I wonder why."
You turned around and smiled at Papyrus as Plum slowly let go of him.
You stared at each other for a little bit before you ran to him and hugged him tight.
"You're alive..." You whispered as he hugged you back.
You looked up at him and smiled before pulling his skull down and kissing his teeth.
Papyrus stared at you in surprise before wrapping his arms around your waist and kissing you back.
Everyone cheered for you as you pulled away.
"Awkward?" You asked.
"EXTRAORDINARY." He growled as he pulled you into another kiss, dipping you.
After that kiss, he pulled away again and held you in his arms.
Then you both turned towards his destroyed castle.
You giggled. "Absolutely not. You'd hate it where I live. We'll rebuild your castle."
You held his hand as Papyrus smiled at you. "Together."
"Besides, I can't go back after seeing the beauty in this place."
"ME?" He teased.
"Yeah, definitely you." You said as you both shared a laugh, until Sunny gasped.
You all turned to see what he gasped at.
He was looking at the little rabbit thing that stole the potion from Roland.
It held the potion in it's tail, shaking it wildly.
Then a smaller rabbit thing showed up and rubbed up against him.
"Aww." Sunny said as the creature tosses the love potion into the abyss as well. "It just wanted a girlfriend!"
"Looks like everyone's finding love today!" Dawn cheered.
"Is love still banished from the Dark Forest?" You asked.
Papyrus rolled his eyes. "OF COURSE NOT."
You smiled up at him and laughed.
Everyone cheered as you and Papyrus smiled at each other, hand in hand.
The End.
[Hope you enjoyed. Stay tuned for more and have a good day]
<-Part one
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amalia-uwu · 1 year
A oneshot based on Skerbbie's @skerbbie First & Seconds!
Thank you for giving us this fic! You have no idea how happy your writing makes me!!! Here is a small gift for you!! 💕 😘
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Warnings: light angst, hurt comfort
I DON'T OWN!: Undertale, Horrortale, Farmtale, the fanfiction : Firsts & Seconds written by Skerbbie! @skerbbie
The rights go to the respective owners!
Cover : Photo by James Wheeler from Pexels
Undertale by Toby Fox
Horrortale by Sour Apple Studios
Farmtale -> Farmer/Oira Sans belongs to 귀농테일 on twitter
First & Seconds written by Skerbbie @skerbbie
More notes!
Horror Sans nickname is Axe Pronouns He/Him, They/them Farmer sans nickname is Sticks. I call him that or just Sans! Pronouns He/him
-> Axe can speak but remains silent most of the times. For the needs of this story!
Excuse my errors, English isn't my first language! 💕
Enjoy! 💕 💕 💕
Photo below by Simon Berger from Pexels:
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The sun slowly rose  from behind the mountain. Slowly illuminating the sky and their humble home with it's orangish rays.
Sans pulled the curtains. He sat down on his chair watching the sunrise while sipping his coffee.
He always loved the sunrise, sunset, stars, flowers. Yeah... Well he loves nature in general.
He sat there for a while enjoying the soft sound of wind and the chirping of the morning birds.
It was a beautiful day outside. An idea crossed his mind. Their guest could move around quite easily.
He decided that it will be a good time to go outside. It will do him good to change a scenery. He smiled at himself.
He got up and took a basket and a checkered tablecloth  (red and white in colors).
He hummed as he added fruits, sandwiches, water, juice, coffee, cake, biscuits and some more goodies. He prepared it nicely and put it in the side.
Papyrus was in town. He will come back in two days. Mkst chores were done so he could enjoy today with something different.
Soon he heard the floor creaking softly. He turned his head and looked at his guest.
"Hey buddy slept well?" he asked grinning softly.
They  rubbed their eyes but managed to smile and nod sleepily.
"Have a sit, I'll cook something" Sticks offered
He obeyed, sat down and waited patiently.
Sticks, as he was cracking the eggs and cooking the bacon said "You know? I was thinking maybe we could go outside, it's a beautiful day outside. It will do some good to you, change of scenery... What do you think bud?" he looked over his shoulder.
Axe smiled softly and nodded. Sticks smile widen.
They sat down and ate some breakfast.
After that they changed their clothes.
Axe put on a white shirt his blue jacket and black basket shorts.
Sticks put on a black flannel with green overalls and black shoes. He added his straw hat. In his left hand he held the basket.
He started chewing softly a wheat.
"Ready bud?" he asked. Axe nodded.
They walked about 10 minutes, where there was a small hill with a  cherry tree and ahead a beautiful valley with trees river, lake and flowers.
What a beauty!
They sat under the tree enjoying the sounds of nature.
Axe was mesmerized by the beauty.  "You like it?" Sticks asked. Axe nodded his eye shining brighter than the sun.
Sticks could promise that he saw some tears building in the corners of Axe's eyes. He said nothing. He unfolded the tablecloth.
They looked at the clouds that were carried away softly by the wind. Axe looked at the clouds but mostly at Sans's hands and him (Sticks/Sans).
Sticks had on hand/ arm behind his neck. Resting his head.
"Hey look buddy this one looks like a dog" he spoke cheerfully,
"this one looks like a cat". Axe was listening carefully.
"This one looks like -"
Sticks stopped for a moment..
The clouds
Brought back some memories that made his eyes tear up.
He remembered how he loved watching the clouds with his brother and grandpa.
His eyes would sparkle and his grandpa will pat his head lovingly.
Yet there he was now. He didn't realize his face was bathed in tears until he felt soft hands caressing his face.
He also felt his body being pressed against another body. It took him a few seconds to realize what was happening.
He didn't push away. He smiled and cried at the same time "Sorry bud, i didn't mean to cry" he apologized.
Axe held him slightly tighter "It's okay" he spoke softly.
It took some minutes for Sticks to recollect himself. When Axe felt it was okay, he gently let go. He spoke "Look Sticks, this one looks like a dragon and that over there like a.. Heh like a heart"
Sticks smiled softly "hehaha *sniff* you are right! And Uhm.. T-Thanks buddy.." he said wiping away his tears with his sleeve.
Axe took the juices and apples he offered one to Sticks. They ate it while watching the scenery and clouds.
They kept pointing at the sky finding different patterns and figures in the clouds.
It seems that at some point Sticks got comfortable and took a nap.  Axe inspected him, «Boy he is cute!» he thought.
He curled up next to him making sure that Sticks is comfortable.
Both enjoying a peaceful nap. In the warmth of the sun, the soft breeze and soft shadow of the clouds that passed by in front of the sun. They were cuddling with a happy and a peaceful expression on their faces.
The end! 😘
Thank you for reading! 💙
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(Sick day with Papyrus?)
I've done something like this with Papyrus as the sick one HERE, so let's see what the Great Papyrus would do when you get sick! (I've got a bit of a cold myself, at the moment. Someone bring me a handsome skeleton. It's the only cure!)
You weren't entirely sure how, but Papyrus had convinced you to go for a walk with him almost every morning. He came over to your house bright and early (you'd had to have a chat about not coming over before the sun was up, unless it was raining or snowing) and the two of you went on a stroll around the neighborhood. You actually started looking forward to it, although you definitely liked it more for the time spent with your sweet skeleton than the actual walking part.
This morning, though, you didn't even get up off the couch when your bony boyfriend bounced through your door. "Good morning, my sweet human!" he said. "Are you ready for our daily walk?"
You moaned. "Not so loud, Pap..." Your voice was a croak. "I'm sick." As if to prove the point, you sniffed loudly and wiped your running nose with a tissue.
Papyrus zipped across the room to your side. He clasped your hands. "You poor thing! I'm sorry you're not feeling well! Of course the Great Papyrus won't make you go walking when you're ill. Instead, I will now spend the day here with you to help you feel better! That is what a good datemate does!"
You smiled, even though his voice was still kind of too loud. "Thanks, sweetie," you said. "You're the best."
"I know it!"
"Could you take the volume down a little more, please? My head hurts..."
Papyrus lowered his voice to a whisper. "Is this better?"
"Uh huh."
"Right! Now what can I get you to help you feel better?"
"Um...there's some medicine in the kitchen, and...maybe some tea?"
"As you wish!" He pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead and raced off to get what you needed.
At the end of the day Papyrus carried you to your bed and tucked you in. He'd been so sweet all day. You hugged him. "I love you, Papy," you whispered. "Thank you so much for taking care of me."
He hugged you back. "I love you too, and it was my pleasure. That is what a good datemate does. I will always take care of you, Y/N. Good night!"
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