#parallels am I right?
smilesrobotlover · 4 months
I just realized that I accidentally wrote some of the dads similar to the Links that are not connected to the dads.
Leon and Warriors: self proclaimed leaders of the group. Takes the journey seriously and feels responsible for everyone’s wellbeing. Have some anger issues but they have a soft spot and love their friends. Kind of a pain to deal with since they’re very anal about things.
Sky and Rusl: the heart of the group and keeps the group together. They allow everyone to rest when they’re pushing themselves too hard and keeps things lighthearted. They love their wives unconditionally and are also very… VERY deep sleepers. They sorta balance out the strict leaders.
Kass and Legend: the positive kind souls that are comforting to be around. They have a chill attitude and keeps the energy down when needed. They’ve explored the whole world and know a lot to do with different places and environments. They’re musically gifted and relax the group with many songs, legends, and stories.
Ammon and Minish: the certified grumps of the group. They’re not actively grumpy towards people, but they get annoyed very easily. They’re rather reserved and keep to themselves, but they’re strong and capable, vital to the group. They’re not grumpy all the time, but they seem to be grumpy whenever they’re interacting with people. But they are pretty friendly when you first meet them, sometimes.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 6 days
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Sublime Equine.
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pageofheartdj · 1 year
Philip tried to kill Evelyn, but Caleb got in his way and Philip ended up killing Caleb.
Belos tried to kill Collector, but Luz got in his way and Belos ended up killing Luz.
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aroaceacacia · 7 months
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the only universal language
(inspired by @duckcoin 's post and based on two frames from how far we've come)
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nataliesscatorccio · 11 months
Alright I've rotated it in my mind for long enough now. I don't think Laura Lee dived into the shallow end of the pool on accident. I think she was trying to kill herself. Consider. This is an intelligent and athletic girl who teaches herself to fly a plane and qualifies for Nationals, yet walks right up to the "SHALLOW END" lettering and head-first plummets.
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Before this we see her sitting all alone at the pool. Detached, dreamy, expressionless. The camera pans across the other VBS kids laughing and playing together. "The devil's after me / he's always throwing bricks" they chant. She is excluded from this. Then she stands up, walks to the clearly marked edge, and hits the bottom hard. Like Lottie's baptism, Laura Lee floats motionless in the water until she is yanked out, reborn. Girls in crisis, medicated with delusions. "No, Laura Lee. I didn't save you. He did." / "That's the Holy Spirit, you've been touched."
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I don't think it's difficult to infer what her home life was like before the crash. I don't think it's difficult to imagine someone wanting to escape that. Someone feeling they can't live up to the expectations of their family, the church. Shamed and neglected in the name of God. This is not a new story. Her thoughts are policed to such an extent she legitimately worries thinking the word "cunt" caused them all to crash. Her teenage bedroom is comparatively bare save for a picture she kneels to pray to on the wall above her bed and the raggedy Leonard bear she's had forever. Even her sheets are plain and white, even her clothes are just an extension of the wallpaper. Suffocating. But we know when Laura Lee is trapped, she flies her way out. Even if it's a suicide mission.
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She tries to kill herself and they tell her God saved her. Now she has to believe. Now she has to trust he will protect her. Now she knows he is listening. Now he has given her a sign. Now she learns to fly a plane to save her friends because she has faith God is watching and loves her and forgave her for her sin. Now her God fails her. He wasn't saving her he was only saving her for later. Now she is punished. Now she is dead. This time, she drowns in fire.
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garashir · 24 days
the fact that vane first turned against teach for eleanor and then later for flint…sir you are so loud
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sebson · 8 months
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sunnykeysmash · 1 year
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awakeskydoesntdraw · 2 months
Posting in this blog after an eternity because I feel like I'm going insane here and my friends are asleep so I need to dump my brainstorm SOMEWHERE (SPOILERS FOR ARLECCHINO'S BACKSTORY/SHORT ANIMATION!!)
The TLDR is basically I think that the whole story with Arlecchino and Clervie is foreshadowing for whatever is about to happen with Lyney and Lynette
I think the parallels between Lyney and Arle don't need to be too explained for the most part. Pyro Visions, Arle wants him to be the next "king" while he doesn't seem to be too into that idea just like her younger self didn't want it, both are associated with Rainbow Roses (they both use them as ascension materials)
Plus, I'd argue they look kinda similar here. I'm not sure exactly what is that makes the resemblance, maybe a bit of the hair, bowtie and shorts and you could say it's something she has with the others too (her kid design resembles Freminet, current one Lynette) but I thought it was good to mention anyways
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Meanwhile, Lynette and Clervie are the two closest companions to their respective pair
Lynette's has Lumidouce Bells as an ascension material. Clervie is very clearly represented with the same flower (if her necklace wasn't enough, there's this)
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Plus, a bit of a smaller connection, but they both have clear sweet tooths
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(Lyney saying "we talked about this" implies this is a frequent event. The animation showing Clervie with cake twice while it only had 7 minutes to tell the whole story has a similar effect)
So, if Lyney is a parallel to Arle while Lynette is a parallel to Clervie, where does this leave us?
Well... Not exactly in a good spot-
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To be fair, I don't think Genshin would actually kill a playable character (or at least, so I hope), but it's very possible Lynette gets really hurt, either directly by Lyney or by being close to him
Arlecchino swore to be nothing like her mother, but in the end, the way she's acting towards Lyney by wanting to make him the next king may be very similar to it
Once upon a story quest, Lyney said similar words to a woman who claimed he'd end up all alone. I can only pray that the writers will have mercy at my soul and that they wouldn't go that low with a playable character
If I were to make a mildly self indulgent guess, as the Freminet main I am, I'd say that he may be the key that's going to make things turn out different for the twins. His presence is the biggest difference between the twins vs Arle and Clervie, who seemed to have no one else that was even mildly close to them. From the 4.6 trailer we know that he's the one that has been hiding stuff and we do see him blocking out Arle's attack, so I don't think it's a stretch to say he'll have a really important role in this whole thing
So yeah! If you read all my rambling, thanks I guess, hope you enjoyed it. In the end, all I can hope is that the Fontaine siblings all turn out fine for the sake of my own mental wellness because God knows these 3 stay all day spinning in my head as if it was a microwave
Also, for the record: No, I don't have a clue about what the hell is going on with Freminet apparently finding "Clervie" (ghost?? Illusion??) and hiding her from Arle. Until this short my best shot was that she was some sort of mermaid creature, but that idea is out the window so it could be anything really
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brother-emperors · 11 months
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ladies of the conspiracy
porcia and tertulla! I have some thoughts about their appearances in the scraps of the historical conspiracy that are visible (since it's like. the nature of conspiracy, even one as widely known and studied as the one leading up to the assassination of caesar, means that there's a gap in visibility with the details etc) that I'll have to try and pin down later, but for now, I think we should give them a dagger too
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Brutus, the Noble Conspirator, Kathryn Tempest
Junia too, the niece of Cato, wife of Caius Cassius and sister of Marcus Brutus, died this year, the sixty-fourth after the battle of Philippi. Her will was the theme of much popular criticism, for, with her vast wealth, after having honourably mentioned almost every nobleman by name, she passed over the emperor. Tiberius took the omission graciously and did not forbid a panegyric before the Rostra with the other customary funeral honours. The busts of twenty most illustrious families were borne in the procession, with the names of Manlius, Quinctius, and others of equal rank. But Cassius and Brutus outshone them all, from the very fact that their likenesses were not to be seen.
Tacitus, Annals III.76
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doctorsiren · 6 days
HI IM ABSOLUTELY INSANE ABOUT YOUR MOGAMI AND REIGEN AU CAN I PLEASE HEAR MORE (or thoughts about mogami in general maybe?) of course only if you want to!! also side note i LOVE your artstyle
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this is perfect because I came on tumblr to post this doodle page literally right when I got this ask (i just have to type all of this again because Tumblr broke and threw the post away when I tried to post it oops)
Since I only very recently made that base post about the AU, I haven’t had time to sit down and think about it more other than this doodle page bc I’ve been busy
However, I did have a thought while drawing this of like…when Reigen first starts developing the powers, he turns to the side all excitedly to try and show Mob buuuut there’s 2 issues with that. 1) Mob isn’t there and 2) even if he WAS there, Mob’s under the impression that Reigen’s had these powers the whole time, and so it wouldn’t make sense for Reigen to be all excited about his powers he supposedly has had forever
and so Reigen feels disappointed and lonely in that moment, but just like in canon, it quickly turns into a feeling of “psh, yeah who needs HIM anyways?” 😁 hi I’m normal 😁😁
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hopeinthebox · 1 year
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Like Crazy -> Set Me Free Pt.2
On Loneliness & Identity: Sylvia Plath / 'FACE' Mood Photo / Heather Havrilesky / Like Crazy MV Photo Sketch / Olivia Laing / Like Crazy MV / Jenny Slate / Like Crazy MV / Adil Arif / Jimin - Like Crazy / Overdose-8 / Fernando Pessoa / Robert Mapplethorpe / Rainer Maria Rilke / Set Me Free Pt.2 MV / Cameron Awkward-Rich / Robert Mapplethorpe / Jimin Invisible Face Ver. / Jimin - Set Me Free Pt.2 / Set Me Free Pt.2 MV Photo Sketch / BTS - Idol
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naivety · 1 month
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For if not…
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imminent-danger-came · 7 months
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...He looked up at me and I saw the fear in his eyes.
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eight-pointed-star · 3 months
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mmelolabelle · 10 months
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or; amidst all the horror and trauma of Anakin Skywalker’s relationship with Leia Organa, the most tragic terrible thing might be the way their lives echo one another
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