#paras: father daughter talks
lunazuniga-smith · 2 years
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Father Daughter Talks.  Location: Las Margaritas Restaurante  Time Frame: 8.16.22; evening  A/N: Luna has a heart to heart with dad, dad roasts her brothers, all good fun.  Tagging: @detkhamani
“Luz Elena left these for you.” Federico handed a couple of bags of gently used clothes for Cannon and Luna beamed, thankful for her supportive family. 
“Gracias, papi.” 
“How are you guys doing? Do you need anything? Does Cannon need anything?” He leaned back in his chair, the sound of the mariachi band performing at the restaurant coming in through the vents. 
“Bien, papi. Well, not entirely but…it’s hard to explain.” 
“I’m your father. Try me.” 
Luna knew her father was busy. It was an eventful night with a bridal shower in the party room and a company party at the bar but somehow he always found time for his kids. “I’m worried about Khamani.” 
“Oh? What’s going on?” 
“He’s, well outwardly you wouldn’t know something is wrong. But I know him well. I just know he’s very stressed and scared about what’s next to come with Cannon. We are so grateful for Seb’s sister. She has been amazing and everyone in our life but he’s worried. And he has so much on his plate and I want to be there as much as I can. I just hope it’s enough.” 
“Mijita, it’s enough. I can see how much that boy loves you and I can see that you love him just as much. I know this is all hard and I can’t imagine what he is going through. I don’t know all the details and I can tell it’s a lot. But it looks like he has a solid group of people that will stick up for him if need be and will come through for all three of you. Us included. Even your nitwit brothers.” 
Okay, so Luna had to laugh at that. “Have they come around yet?” 
“Please, the moment they saw the photo of Cannon, it was as you say…game over.” He smiled at his youngest. “Lunita, you do understand what this means for that little boy and for Khamani, right? I know I don’t have to talk to you like a child and I promise I am not doing that but this is a very big thing that is happening. Essentially, you are like a second mother figure and with that, comes a lot of responsibility and commitment. I know that you know that but I suppose I am asking and I can’t believe that I am but what are your intentions with Khamani?” He chuckled. “It should be the other way around, yo se pero. The circumstances are different now.” 
Luna smiled and then chuckled at her father’s words. As if she had prepared the response for years, she didn’t hesitate, “The intention is to never leave his side and stay there for as long as he wants me there.” 
“And if that happens to be forever?” He looked up at his daughter with a knowing look. Federico didn’t want to rush anything but he also wanted to gauge where everyone stood. When children were involved, things changed and it was no longer about the adults involved. 
“Then it’s forever. I’ve thought about this for a while and more so recently. If it’s forever, then dreams do come true. There’s no doubt in my mind that’s where we’re headed. We’re getting a home together and hopefully will raise this beautiful little guy together. It won’t be easy but I don’t plan on going anywhere and I had thought about this before Cannon. He’s honestly just an added bonus. I love them both, papi.” 
“That’s my girl. And I can tell. I’m not blind!” He chuckled briefly thinking about the time he doubted this relationship. He wasn’t exactly happy with how his daughter was depicted but she quickly showed him how she wasn’t his little girl anymore and Luz Elena reminded him how she did things far worse and far younger. He put that machismo away quickly and learned to love Khamani like one of his own. Hell, sometimes he preferred him over his two very close-minded sons. “Okay, well when all is said and done and Khamani is feeling more settled because he will, I promise you…let him know we’d like to add to Cannon’s college fund. We do it for all the grandchildren and I won’t take no for an answer. Just keep that in the back of your mind for when you’re both ready to talk about all of that. 
Luna’s eyes filled with tears and she stood up to walk around her father’s desk and hug him. “Te adoro, papi. Con todo el alma.” 
“Aye.” Federico chuckled and closed his eyes, tears falling for him as well. “I love you too, Lunita. “Come on, let’s go get dinner for the three of you and some tres leches” He kissed the top of her head, pulling back to cup her face and smiling. She would always be his little girl but there was no doubt in his mind Luna had grown to be an amazing woman like her mother. “Your mother is so proud of you, carino.” 
Luna sniffled and sighed. “She’s been proud of me since I beat you at Yahtzee.” 
‘Lucky rolls!” 
“Suuureeeee, papi. Sure. Whatever lets you sleep at night.” 
And with that, Federico stood up and walked back into the noise of the restaurant. “Trick dice!” 
“Sore loserrrr!!!” 
Luna grabbed the bags from Luz and followed her father out the door. 
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tarjapearce · 11 months
Lips anon! I'm learning from friends and duolingo lol but I still have a long way to go! Oooh imagine Miguel being furious another parent of another kid on Gabi's team shitalking about her in spanish. About how she's bossy for a girl and that she needs to pipe down and know her place. Mama tries to calm him down but fighting words commence lol
That's a good way to start. Best of lucks ✨
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"C'mon Gabi!! Get it baby!!!" You couldn't help but cheer her on as she kicked the ball in between her rival's feet, the ball passing between the kid and Gabi kept on leading with the ball.
A trick you had seen her practicing in the porch with Miguel. Your chest swelled with pride as Gabi passed the ball to another teammate, and they earned a score.
Miguel clapped and cheered her on, mid-time beeped and Gabi's team was called for feedback, some changes and tactic discussion.
Miguel walked towards the team, bottle of water in hand along a towel. Gabi's voice clear as she discussed with her team.
"No, no, pass the ball to Reuben, he is faster and you are injured remember? You are good with passes."
The kid only nodded sheepishly as he held his ankle softly.
Miguel's eyes softened upon hearing her lead, and exchange strategies with her team. She then turned to him and hugged him.
"Esa es mi niña." (That's my girl)
"Pappa, can we go to get some pizza later?"
"Of course." He offered the towel for her, which she used to dry her sweat, and the high pitch whistle rang, announcing the second time of the game.
He was making his way back when a voice made him stop in his tracks.
"¿Esa niña otra vez? ¿Porqué no le dan chance a Víctor?" (That kid again? Why Victor isn't getting a chance instead?)
If he could remember, the man was a parent he often saw at the games, always trash talking other kids in spanish, just because his kid was taking separate training and was doing an improvement on the team. Or so he had said.
He never paid attention to him really, or any other parents except you and of course Gabriela. Who had just been pulled a yellow card as a warning for playing a bit too rough.
"¿Ves? Esa niña es demasiado mandona y agresiva. Tiene que relajarse o si no terminará golpeando a todo el equipo contrario." (See? That girl is too bossy and aggressive. She needs to be tamed down or else she'll end up hitting the whole rival team)
That made his eye twitch in anger.
How dared he speaking about his daughter like this? A blatant disrespect he couldn't allow. He turned on his back and made his way towards the father.
Eyes hardened and fixed on the man that caught his presence a little too late as Miguel loomed over him.
"¿Qué dijiste de mi hija, cabrón?" (What did you just said about my daughter, fucker?)
Even though his tone was calm, each word he spilled were almost biting.
"That she needs to be tamed down." Despite the man's apparent bravado Miguel could hint the crack in his voice.
"¿Porqué no me repites lo que dijiste en mi cara, eh?" (Why don't you repeat what you just said to my face?)
At this point the cheerings had stopped to focus on the exchange between Miguel and the other kid's dad. Your heart leaped to your throat as you saw Miguel almost bearing his teeth at the man as his lips moved angrily.
"Fuck." You approached
"¿Te crees muy chingón para andar insultando a los hijos de los demás, sólo porque crees que nadie te entiende?" (You think you're brave to insult other's kids just cause you think none understands you?)
"Necesitas relajarte, amigo" (You need to relax, man)
The man seemed to hold a hand, creating space between them, the kids had stopped playing as they also focused on what was going on.
You held his hand and tried to pull him away.
"Let's go" You mumbled but his angered self ignored you.
"No soy tu amigo, pendejo. Y escúchame bien, cabrón. Si vuelvo a oir que le estás faltando el respeto a mi hija o a los otros niños te voy a partir la madre." (I'm not your fucking friend. And listen to me very well, you fucker. If I hear you disrespecting my kid or the others, I'll fuck you up.)
The whistle of the referee and other parents had to create more space in between, the tension between the both was palpable enough, you felt his hand gripping yours tighter.
The referee whistled again, resuming the game, cheerings and clapping slowly returned as the kids played.
"What happened?!"
"He was speaking shit of Gabriela. Hopefully he'll know now that I can understand him pretty fucking well. Talvez así se calla el hocico." (Maybe that way he can shut the fuck up)
You sighed and rubbed his arm, trying to comfort him. He threw glances at the man that only recoiled to his own self whenever he caught Miguel staring at him.
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luvneymar · 2 years
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SUMMARY: when you left the house after a fight with Neymar and his family escalates the problem drastically
“Você não tem absolutamente nenhuma ideia de onde ela poderia ter ido? Quero dizer, eu sabia que ela era esquisito, mas sequestrava seu filho-” [Do you have absolutely no idea where she could’ve went? I mean I knew she was flakey but kidnapping your son-]
“Nosso filho.” [Our Son] Neymar corrected his sister, “E ela não o sequestrou Davi só precisa de sua mãe nessa idade, tanto quanto me dói dizer isso.” [And she didn’t kidnap him Davi just needs his mother at this age, as much as it pains me to say that] Neymar continued, ever since you left 4 days ago he’s been a mess.
He hasn’t seen his son, hasn’t talked to his daughter and mostly importantly hasn’t seen you. Crashing at his family home was the most logical idea as your shared family condo was too painful to stay in.
“E ela não o sequestrou Davi só precisa de sua mãe nessa idade, tanto quanto me dói dizer isso.” [Well Davi also needs to know his father didn’t abandon him, he needs you just as much as he needs his mother] His mother reasoned, she loved her son but loved her grand-baby even more.
“Eu vou ser uma droga se ela levar seu filho embora. Quero dizer, e se ela se mudar para outro país?” She continued. [I’ll be damned if she takes your son away. I mean what if she moves to another country?]
“Mamãe, você e eu sabemos que ela não poderia, mesmo que quisesse, ela está grávida de 8 meses, ela poderia entrar em trabalho de parto em qualquer lugar e eu nem sei onde ela está.” [Mama, you and I both know she couldn’t even if she wanted to, she’s 8 months pregnant she could go into labor anywhere and I don’t even know where she is!] Neymar yelled out the last sentence as he threw a glass vase at the wall right beside the television.
“Acalme-se, vou ligar para o nosso advogado e resolver isso, Ney. Eu sei que você sente falta do seu filho, mas qualquer coisa apressada lhe dará mais motivos para obter a custódia total de Davi e Valentina.”[Calm down, I’ll call our lawyer and have this sorted out Ney. I know you miss your son but anything hasty will give her more reason to get full custody of Davi and Valentina.]
“Não, não, você não vai fazer nada. Ela já te odeia. Qualquer coisa mais vai, não importa.”[No, No you won’t do anything. She hates you already. Anything more will just, never-mind] Neymar knew whatever you said about his family should be kept between you both as you don’t want to cause a fight.
“Exatamente o que?” [Just what?] His mother questioned with a confused look on her face.
“Eu disse não importa, ma, apenas deixe cair!”[I said never-mind ma just drop it!] Neymar yelled out at his mom causing the room to go silent. Neymar was such a mama’s boy growing up that it surprised everyone especially his father.
“Neymar! Não grite com sua mãe. Ela só está tentando ajudar. Não me faça ir até lá e dar sentido em você.” [Neymar! Do not yell at your mother. She’s just trying to help. Don’t make me come over there and beat some sense into you.] Neymar settled down after the threat his father just sent his way.
“Desculpe, mamãe.” [Sorry mommy] Neymar muttered under his breath, he shoved his head into a pillow.
“Tudo bem, querida, eu sei que você só está preocupada, mas vamos consertar isso. Você tem alguma ideia do que a fez fazer isso?” [It’s okay baby, I know you’re just worried but we’ll fix this. Do you have any idea as to what made her do this?] Sitting down beside her son, Neymar’s mother grabbed his hands and looked into his eyes.
“…Eu derrubei a bomba de casamento nelaz.” […I dropped the marriage bomb on her.] Neymar confessed quietly, the room went silent until Rafaela broke it. [Flakey]~ Rafella sung causing Neymar to throw his pillow at her.
“Ela gostou da ideia de que eu levei longe demais dizendo que nos casaríamos em um alter.” [She liked the idea I just took it too far by saying we’d get married at an alter.] He explained further, “Você não vai se casar em um altar?” […Aren’t you going to get married at an alter?] His mom interrupted with an eyebrow raised.
“Provavelmente não vou me casar.” [I’m probably not going to get married.] The room was sour and silent after that for a while until his mother got up. “Eu não me importo com a religião que ela escolhe seguir, mas meus netos serão lavados no sangue de Jesus Cristo.” [I don’t care what religion she chooses to follow but my grand-babies will be washed in the blood of Jesus Christ]
“ Só que não depende de você, mãe, cabe a mim e a ela decidir isso.” [Except that isn’t up to you Mom, It’s up to me and her to decide that.] Neymar cried out frustrated at what such a small comment had created, if he could go back in time and not say it he would do so in a heartbeat.
“Vamos ver sobre isso.” [We’ll see about that.] Neymar’s mom picked up her phone and begun dialling someone “O que você está fazendo?”[What are you doing?] Neymar questioned, his mom was a quiet and reasonable woman until something was to happen to her family especially her son.
“Algo que eu deveria ter feito há muito tempo.”[Something I should’ve done a long time ago.] The ringing of the phone made Neymar curious as he got up to see who she was calling. “Family Lawyer.” Shit. “Pare, mãe, você vai piorar as coisas.” [Stop ma you’re gonna make it worse!]
“Não! Você está piorando as coisas sendo um empurrão.” [No! You’re making it worse by being a pushover.] She yelled out walking away from Neymar before he tried to stop her. He ran his hand through his hair and paced around the room.
He picked up his phone and called you stepping outside the house. Of course you didn’t pick up but he sent messages that made it seem very urgent. After 6 missed calls he decided to wait until you called back.
As he went back inside his family were waiting for him with weird looks on their face. “O que?”[What?] Neymar asked plopping himself down onto the single person couch.
“Liguei para o advogado e eles disseram legalmente, já que ela não deu à luz, você ainda não pode fazer nada sobre Vale, mas o que você pode fazer é processar por custódia compartilhada para Davi.” [I called the lawyer and they said legally since she hasn’t given birth you can’t do anything about Vale yet but what you can do is sue for shared custody for Davi.] His mother finish, Neymar sighed. Non of this is what he wanted, he was starting to understand why you didn’t like his family.
“Não posso fazer isso. Ela pediu espaço e você quer que eu a processe? De jeito nenhum.” [I cant do that. She asked for space and you want me to sue her? No way.] Neymar firmly answer. His family looked at him sour faces thinking “how could someone be so naive.”
“Neymar is a good man and you know it darling, he offered you a good compromise and you rejected it. What do you want to do?” Your mother explained trying to reason with you.
You went to your moms house to try and get different perspectives on the situation with Neymar. “I know mommy, I’m very aware of that. I just not want everything that he wants to be our #1 priority.” You admitted, playing with Davi’s hair as he slept in your lap.
“Honey, name 1 thing that you’ve asked for that he hasn’t provided for you? That man loves you so much. I doubt you’ll find anyone who loves you as much as he does.” You have to admit that he’s the most perfect man, sometimes.
“Why cant you be on my side for once!” You whisper cry out trying not to wake your sleeping babies. “I’m on your side! I want you to make a decision you won’t regret. I want you to make a decision won’t tear your relationship apart. Listen to me Love.”
You signed realizing how stupid you were to escalate the fight much more than it needed to be escalated.“You’re right I don’t even know why we’re fighting to this degree.”
“I’m always right I’m your mother, now come on I’ll help you pack up your stuff.” Your mother got up from her seat and held her hands out trying to help you get up. You slowly removed Davi from your lap and took her hands.“But if I go to him it’ll seem like-”
“Now darling.” She was firm which made you stand down and take her hand walking towards the guest bedroom where you and your son stayed.“Fine.”
Once you were done packing you woke Davi up and told him told that you were going to see papa again. Seeing his eyes light up and the mention of his dad made your heart break knowing you hurt your son by taking him away from his dad.
“Come on your dad will drive you.” Your mom said as she walked towards the door with you hold you and Davi’s bags. “Thank you mommy.” You kissed her cheek before exiting her home and entering the SUV where your dad was waiting at the wheel.
“Ready to go princess?” He asked ruffling the hair of his grandson. “Yes daddy.” You kissed his forehead before settling in and fastening your seatbelt. “Thank your princess, Neymar is so lucky to have you.”
“Okay Davi, Wait in the car okay? Mommy will be back so very soon? I love you.”
“I love you too mommy.”
You kissed him on the forehead and left the car waving at your dad as he sent you a thumbs up. Your legs were shaking as you walked up the door of the Santos house.
As you were walking towards the gate you noticed a man in a suit following you. You walked faster praying that he wasn’t some crazy serial killer out for blood.
“Ms. [Last Name]?” He called out.
“What?” You snapped at him, hoping he’d be intimidated enough to leave you alone
“You’ve been served. Defendant Santos is suing you for custody of Davi Lucca da Silva Santos. & in the nearer future Valentina-Rosa Camíla Santos [Last Name].” The lawyer smiled as he handed you a yellow envelope and walked away.
“Huh?” You stood there holding the envelope confused as hell about what just happened to you.
Your hands shook with anger as you rung the doorbell with one million different ways you were gonna kill the Santos family running through your head. As you imagines the 672,492 scenario in your head the door opened and you saw Neymar’s younger sister Rafella.
“O que você está fazendo aqui.” [What are you doing here.] She asked in a tone that sound less than excited to see you. You slapped her hard in her face and pushed passed her throwing the envelope in the face of the first Santos you saw. “O que há de errado com você? Todos vocês.” [What the fuck is wrong with you? All of you?]
“Princesa?” Neymar got off the couch his bloodshot eyes meeting your eyes filled with fury. “Você está tentando tirar meu filho de mim, não está?.” [You’re trying to take my son from me aren’t you?] You shouted walked up to Neymar who was just so glad to see you.
“ Não! Eu sou- Nós não estamos.” [No! I’m- We’re not!] His voice cracked as he wiped the tears away from his face. “Sim! Sim, Você É. Juro por Deus, se você tentar avançar mais longe do que já se foi, eu vou te matar. Todos vocês. Você não pode fazer isso comigo. Você não pode.” [Yes! Yes, You are. I swear to God if you try to advance this farther than it’s already gone I will kill you. All of you. You can’t do this to me. You can’t.]
“Eu te disse que precisava de espaço e você foi me processar? Deus Neymar. Você realmente não mudou.” [I told you I needed space and you went to sue me? God Neymar. You really didn’t change.] Your voice cracked as you cried at the thought of never seeing Davi again.
“Por favor, me escute, eu não fiz.” [Please listen to me I didn’t] Neymar tried to reason.
“Cale a boca! Apenas cale a cara e vá para o inferno. Cada um de vocês. Eu te odeio. Juro pela minha vida, se você tentar levar meu filho, nunca mais o verá, ele, eu ou minha filha.” [Shut up! Just shut your face & go to hell. Every single one of you. I hate you. I swear on my life if you try to take my son you’ll never see him ever again, him, me or my daughter.]
“Amor, please just calm down!” Neymar pleaded with you. “Acalme-se? Acalme-se? Você quer roubar meu filho de mim e você está me dizendo para me acalmar.” [Calm down? Calm down? You want to steal my son from me and your telling me to calm down?]
You walk away with Neymar walking right behind you. “Não fale comigo, não me toque.” [Don’t talk to me, don’t touch me] You made it very clear that you wanted nothing to do with the Santos family anymore.
He turned you around and grabbed your arms holding them above your head, quickly pulling yourself free you slapped him in the face, again, and again & again. “Como você pode fazer isso comigo? Você disse que me amava, que queria se casar comigo.” [How can you do this to me? You said you loved me, you wanted to marry me] You cry out looking up at him with tears falling from your eyes so fast you could barely speak audibly.
“Eu faço! Isso não foi o que eu estava fazendo, foram minhas mães.” [I do! This wasn’t my doing it was my mothers.] Neymar explained as if you were going to believe him. “Besteira, apenas culpe tudo na sua família. Eu sabia que você era um bastardo sem espinha, mas isso é baixo.” [Bullshit, just blame everything on your family. I knew you were a spineless bastard but this is low] You scoffed before picking up the envelope and leaving the house.
This time Neymar didn’t even try to follow you as he knew that he’d cause more harm and good. “Eu disse para você não fazer nada e você fez alguma coisa.” [I told you not do anything and you did something!] Neymar shouted at his mom.“I was just trying to help.” [I was just trying to help!] She cries you overwhelmed at the fact that her son is screaming at her.
“E agora você destruiu meu relacionamento. Faça-me um favor. Fique longe de mim, meu filho e minha namorada.” [And now you destroyed my relationship. Do me a favour. Stay the hell away from me, my son & my girlfriend] Neymar sent a nasty glare at his mother before grabbing his car keys and leaving the Santos family house.
“Love, what happened?” Your dad ask with concern seeing your red eyes and tears streaming down your face “Just drive.” You answers shortly.
“Not until you tell me what’s wrong.” He insisted, concerned for his daughter.“Just drive.” You screamed, annoyed at the questionnaire
“Mommy I’m scared.” Davi begun to cry in the back seat not used to you yelling at anyone. “I know, i’m sorry Davi mommy didn’t mean to scream.
“Where to?” He asked driving towards the main road.“The airport please.” You whispered out. Neymar and his family can’t take your babies if you’re not in the country right?
“Are you sure? It’s risky for pregnant woman this far along.” You thought about it for a while before answering in a small voice.“Yes. Very sure.” Rubbing your stomach you reached your other hand into the backseat to hold Davis hand from his car seat.
“We’ll be okay Davi, It’s gonna be just fine. We’ll be just fine.”
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vixen-academia · 3 months
Today is the 60th anniversary of the Military Coup that occurred here in Brazil (with a little help from USA, may I remind you)
The military killed and tortured thousands of people. They killed mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, daughters, sons, friends… they tortured children. They faked suicides. They targeted trans people, specially trans woman. They massacred indigenous.
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Always good to remember the face of those who were assassinated by the dictatorship fighting for our freedom. Remember their names. Remember their faces. Don’t let their death be in vain.
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Telma Regina Cordeiro Correa: a geography student from my university. Now the academic directory (it’s like the college version of a student council in Brazil) of Geography has her name.
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Stuart and Zuzu Angel: Stuart was an activist fighting for the end of the dictatorship. He went missing and his mother. The stylist Zuzu Angel started to talk about the dictatorship with foreign media. She was killed by a car “accident”.
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Edson Luís: a highschooler killed by the militaries during a protest against the high prices of the school’s restaurant.
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Alfeu de Alcântara Monteiro: A military from the Aeronautical He was killed by their own colleagues for standing up for democracy, being considered the first victim of the dictatorship.
And there are many, MANY more. Some of them were actively fighting against the militaries (sometimes literally, with guns and etc). Others were just mistaken. Some were just “wrong place, wrong time” situations. Others helped someone who was fighting. But their lives ended unfairly. Some families couldn’t even bury their loved ones. And that’s why we need to remember.
“Ódio e nojo à Ditadura! Para que não se esqueça, para que nunca mais aconteça: DITADURA NUNCA MAIS!” (EN, loosely translated: Spite and pish towards dictatorship! So we never forget, so it never happens again: DICTATORSHIP NEVER MORE!)
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pedrithink · 1 year
love to hate me ✩ kylian mbappé
kylian dates messi's eldest daughter and the media always talks that messi doesn't like him, they really don’t know the truth.
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Liked by k.mbappe, antonelaroccuzzo, and 607.829 others
ynmessi cool days in paris with the best people <3
View all 3.489 comments
mbappefan1 it's so funny that y/n wears kylian's shirt instead of her dad's
antonelaroccuzzo Mi niña 😍❤️
k.mbappe 😍😍
messifan1 Y/N, TAKE OFF THIS SHIRT NOW!!!!!!
messifan2 messi hating kylian and y/n dating him LOL
mbappefan2 where did you get that messi hates kylian???
messifan3 FOR REAL!!! messi doesn’t hate anyone 😭
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Liked by leomessi, antonelaroccuzzo, and 6.627.388 others
ynmessi muy orgullosa de vós, papá. sos un ejemplo para nosotros y te queremos muchísimoooooo! 😽🤞🏻
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antonelaroccuzzo 😍😍
mbappefan1 what about kylian??
mbappefan2 you're not going to post anything about kylian?
messifan7 why should she post something about mbappé? he mocked her dad during the match
mbappefan3 what game did you watch? because in the end kylian even hugged leo and scaloni
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Liked by k.mbappe, ethanmbappe, and 3.477.202 others
ynmessi and you? i only have words and feelings of pride. scoring a hat-trick in a world cup final is not for everyone and at the age of 19 you won your first world cup. i’m pretty sure more moments of victory will come for you, don't be discouraged because you did a great job! love you <3
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k.mbappe Thank you very much! 😍 Your support is the most important to me.
mbappefan1 yaaay, best couple!!
mbappefan2 thank you for supporting him 😭
mbappefan3 kylian deserved better than your father 🙄
messifan1 cállate boluda
ethanmbappe 😍
mbappefan4 she posting a pic of leo and kylian greeting each other at the end to see if these people stop creating problems where there are none 😵‍💫
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Liked by ynmessi, k.mbappe, and 9.638.028 others
leomessi ➕3️⃣
Felicidades @k.mbappe por ele récord!! 👏🏻
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mbappefan1 messi ending all the fanwars
messifan2 our HUMBLE GUY
k.mbappe ❤️❤️❤️
mbappefan4 him being the good father-in-law he is
messifan1 what
messifan4 THE REAL GOAT
messifan5 come back to barça
messifan6 mbappé & messi the best DUO 👏🏻
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Liked by leomessi, ethanmbappe, and 9.772.813 others
k.mbappe Another trophy at home. 🫡🏆
Big congratulations to @leomessi you are #TheBest 👑
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ynmessi the best men in the world on and off the field!!! 🏆🥇
messifan1 ah, he’s so cute…
messifan2 i wasn’t expecting this…….
mbappefan1 the best ones
messifan3 🐐
messifan8 you both deserve it!!!!
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Liked by k.mbappe, antonelaroccuzzo, and 5.028.567 others
ynmessi my boy always giving me the best night out in paris 🫡
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k.mbappe My girl 🥰
antonelaroccuzzo 😍❤️
messifan2 adopt me please i want to be rich
messifan1 i surrendered, now I LOVE THIS COUPLE
leomessi 👏🏻
mbappefan1 WE LOVE THIS
ethanmbappe 😍😍���
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rkivesyoshi · 8 days
to be feigned into love with ryomen sukuna
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special chapter, read the rest here.
pairings. oc x sukuna
content. sfw
language. english, tagalog
warnings. none
tags. ryomen sukuna x fem!oc, fake dating trope, lawyer!ryomen x art director!oc, established couple
synopsis. a second time truly is magical, if given the chance. shortly after itsumi and ryomen had become an official couple, they decided it was time to present themselves to each of their parents, again, and this time, as true lovers.
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note: this is written in first person point of view and in the perspective of the oc, itsumi.
enjoy reading!
◛⑅·˚ ༘ ♡ ೃ⁀➷ ` ੈ˚ ★ ◛⑅·˚ ༘ ♡ ೃ⁀➷ ` ੈ˚ ★
“Ryo, sure ka ba, okay lang ‘tong suot ko?” I ask for the nth time, checking myself in the mirror.
We’re going to meet his parents today and i have never felt more conscious, let alone anxious in my entire life. My job requires for me to converse with various people and I never once had emotions like this when doing so.
Ryo walks up to me and from the back, he wraps his arms around my waist planting a kiss on the crown of my head. “You look beautiful, my love.”
“What about my outfit, sa tingin mo, hindi ba sobra o kulang?” Aligaga kong tanong dito.
“It’s just right, my love.” He answers with no hesitation.
Realizing there was no benefit in me overthinking things, I took his word for it and we finally got to leave our apartment.
“Ah, my son was right, you are a gorgeous young woman, Itsumi.” Nakangiting sambit ng nanay ni Ryomen matapos akong mag-mano rito.
Ngumiti naman ako pabalik, “Thank you po, tita! Pero mas maganda po kayo, alam ko na kung kanino nag-mana si Ryo.”
“Naku!” Lumingon ito sa asawa. “Narinig mo ba ‘yon, mahal? Sa akin daw namana ng anak natin ang kagwapuhan niya.” Pag-bibiro nito.
“Hindi naman ako tatanggi ro’n, mahal.” Sagot naman ng tatay ni Ryomen.
Naramdaman ko naman ang pag-iinit ng mukha ko nang mapagtanto ko ang aking sinabi.
“Lagot ka,” Pag-singit ni Ryo sa gilid ko. “Hindi ka na papasa kay papa niyan.” Halata sa kanyang boses ang pang-aasar.
Pinalo naman ito sa balikat ng kanyang nanay at pinagsabihan, “Baka maniwala si Sumi. ‘Wag mong binibiro ng gano’n.”
Then dinner time came and it was nowhere near what I expected it to be. Magaan ang pakiramdam ko na makipagusap sa mga magulang ni Ryo. Palabiro ang kaniyang tatay at ang kaniyang nanay naman ay sinasabayan din ito. We shared heartfelt laughs, talked about our plans, dreams, and shared our values. Surprisingly, his parents and I have so much in common — so much more than my own.
My heart felt so full and joyous.
It was on the way home that I realized Ryo was reared in a secure household. Looking back, maybe it was the reason why he left and didn’t force anything between us—why he just let time and fate bring us together once more.
“Honestly,” Pag-uumpisa ko. “Kung ayaw mong makaharap si dad ulit, I respect that. We don’t have to go.”
Bahagya itong tumawa. “Bakit naman ako aayaw na harapin si tito?”
“Tito agad?” Tinignan ko ito ng may panghuhusga.
Natawa itong muli sa reaksyon ko. “What, does he prefer to be called sir or gusto mo, dad na lang din itawag ko?”
I cringe at the thought of Ryomen getting shut off in an instant if he had called my father dad on their first meeting in a long time.
“I can handle your father, Sumi.” He says, grabbing my hand as he guides us out of the apartment.
The ambiance from when we had dinner with the Sukunas compared to now differs greatly. This one makes you want to rip your head off, whereas the other was carefree. Moreover, I’m not entirely sure if having both of my parents here is good or bad. Though, on the bright side, this is the first time in a long time I’ve seen my divorced parents together.
“You’re that guy my daughter dated before, am I right? Iyong galing sa mababang pamilya.” Walang emosyong sambit ng tatay ko.
“Dad!” Pag-protesta ko rito.
Naramdaman ko ang kamay ni Ryo sa aking hita at marahan niyang hinaplos ito na para bang ipinapahiwatig sa akin na ‘wag akong masyadong mag-alala sa sitwasyon.
“You weren’t born a chairman. Naging empleyado ka rin na may mababang pwesto.” Pag-sumbat naman ng aking nanay.
I am already regretting even planning this dinner. Sana ay hindi na lang kami tumuloy.
“Yes, sir. I was that guy.” Sagot ni Ryomen sa tanong ni dad.
I gave him a glare, but he only squeezed my thigh, maybe as an attempt to reassure me that it’s all going to be fine.
“Was?” Natatawang tanong ni dad. “Bakit, marami ka na bang naabot sa loob ng maikling panahon?”
Kumukulo na ang dugo ko sa inis habang kalmado pa rin si Ryo.
“I believe so.” Sagot ni Ryomen. “I finished both of my undergraduate and graduate degree with latin honors. I was a top-notcher in the bar exam, and I work at a well-known law firm now.”
My dad snickered, “Face me again when you’ve built your reputation as a lawyer, or not. I know that field is very saturated.”
“I am building it at the moment, sir.” Ryomen smiles. “I specialize in corporate law and have won numerous lawsuits now. If you need my help, don’t hesitate to call. I heard your company is having troubles right now.” There was a hint of mockery in his voice.
Dad was left speechless and moments after, the silence was overrun with my mom’s mocking chuckle.
“Kid,” she turned to Ryomen. “I liked you before and I like you even better now. Good thing you two got back together.”
“Thank you, ma’am.” He smiled.
Mom waves her hand as if telling him off. “Enough with the ma’am. You can call me tita, or mom, but I prefer mom.”
Ryomen gave an amused chuckle before turning to me and winked. He leaned in closer to me and whispered, “What do you say, did I do a good job, princess?”
Naramdaman ko ang init ng aking mga pisngi.
“Kids,” Mom calls and we both face her. “Do you want to eat somewhere else? Nakakawala kasi ng appetite ‘yong atmosphere dito. Maybe we could go shopping, too.”
Pagkasabi niya noon ay dali-daling tumayo si dad at padabog na lumabas sa private dining area.
“So, kailan ang kasal?” Mom asked.
We ended up not having to change restaurants. Nevertheless, mom still insisted on going shopping and so we did, for two more hours. The night started out disastrous, but I’m thankful that at least Ryomen could get along with my mother.
“Bakit ‘di ka man lang nag-react do’n sa tanong ng nanay ko tungkol sa kasal?” Tanong ko kay Ryomen na ngayon ay nakaupo sa couch.
“I did, I smiled.” Simpleng sagot nito habang inaalis ang mga bitones ng kanyang damit.
Umupo ako sa kanyang tabi, “No, I mean, why didn’t you protest?”
Huminto ito sa kanyang ginagawa at tinignan ako na para bang may mali sa aking sinabi. “Protest?”
Tumango ako.
“Baby,” he turned to me, “there is no other ending to this than us getting married. Why would I protest? I intend to marry you, Sumi.”
“Isn’t it too early for you? You’re still starting on your career. Marriage is way different than dating.”
Ryomen examines me with a sincere gaze. “I’m not going to leave you. Hindi lahat ng marriage nasisira, Sumi.”
I look down, feeling a bit disappointed in myself for projecting unto him. “I know. Sorry.”
He scooted closer to me tilting my chin up before leaning in to kiss my cheek, “I’m going to marry you,” then my neck, “build a family with you,” then my lips, “all while loving you endlessly, my love.”
“You’re safe with me, Sumi.” He says before kissing me again, this time with more passion, as if it were full of love, hunger, and desire.
It wasn't long before my back touched the velvety feel of the sofa, and the sound of our moans and lips colliding together as he relentlessly professed his love for me faded into the night.
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disclaimer! this is a fan-made content. i do not own the rights to the character of ryomen sukuna. nevertheless, i respectfully request that you refrain from reposting, translating, or copying my content because the plot is my original work.
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sw-33-ts-stuff · 1 year
Home (Camila Montes X Reader)
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“Get Out!”
You were tossed on the small lawn in front of your house, your father standing above you seething and throwing a suitcase next to you clothes scattered everywhere.
“Where am I supposed to go?”
A car slowly came to a stop as a familiar face from school peaked at you.
Your tears were endless as you looked to your mom for help. She simply shook her head stepping back into the house, before she came back out your journal clutched tight in her hands. You glanced at the book and her, eyes widening in mortification at what she could’ve read. Your deepest thoughts were laid bare in that book: every good day, bad day, significant event, such as you realizing your crush on your long time best friend and many others to follow. You wondered why you’d get so upset when they’d discussed their crushes on boys or when they’d talk about first kisses.
“Mom..” you spoke shakily a hand raised and before you knew it that same hand smacked you. Leaving behind a sharp sting. Her eyes were watering as if she were the one in pain.
“We won’t have you in our house with these disgusting thoughts.”
She tossed the book at you and went back inside her husband following. You sniffled calmly picking up your clothes and throwing them in your suitcase.
“Mija que esta sucediendo?”
“Espera mama.”
Platform boots came into your line of vision and you found yourself looking up into the brown eyes of your classmate.
Camila Montes was notorious for her explosive attitude.
She’d sent a boy to the hospital just because he was staring at her on her first day.
To see her standing before you at the moment worried you. According to most that knew her, (not any friends she didn’t do friends) she was a “cold hearted bitch”.
“You good?”
You gulp trying to fight back more tears as you nod beginning to scramble quickly when you hear another noise come from your home. No, not your home anymore your mother and father made sure the whole neighborhood knew this.
Camilas dark eyes glanced to the house, her car and then you. Her mother watching with interest as she knew her daughter had a tendency to keep to herself. She felt a smile form when she watched as the teenager helped pick up your clothes.
“What happened?” Her voice was gruff as if she were trying not to yell.
“I uh..” you took a deep breath. “I just got kicked out of my house.”
The girls eyebrows furrowed she knew better than to ask anything else, everyone had seen exactly what happened. She picked up the suitcase and tilted her head towards her car.
“Come on.” You stood quickly confused as she took your suitcase to her car placing it in the back seat. You sat down quietly as the older woman began to speak.
“Quien es?”
“Y/n mami”
Camilas eyes shift to yours through the rear view mirror. You sat quietly confused as to why she was telling your mother your name and how she knew it.
“Ella necesita un lugar para quedarse”
Before you knew it, you were bought to a small house Camila going around to assist her mother. You stood by the car unsure of what to do making the girl roll her eyes.
“Come on I already have my hands full, I don’t have time to hold yours.”
You follow and help her get her mom sat down on the sofa in the living room.
“Gracias Nina linda.” She patted your cheek eyes closing as she went to put her head back and rest a moment.
“She said thank you pretty girl.”
You jump forgetting she was there with you.
“You can put your stuff in my room, and sleep on the futon,” she turned abruptly looking up to you slightly finger raised.
“But don’t touch my shit you’re not special.”
You nod following and placing your suitcase to the side. You went to take a shower.
Camila waited until she was sure you were in the bathroom to snoop through your wallet she’d opened it to find your ID, a few bills, and a small picture of an older woman with a young girl sitting on her lap. She looked closer at the date squinting before she looked at her phone.
When she heard the shower shut off she put everything back where it was and went to tend to her mother.
“Mami?” Her mom snored from her spot making the girl smile a bit, she kissed her forehead placing the blanket over her.
After you showered and gotten dressed you followed the path to the kitchen smelling food. You were surprised to find Camila standing by a few containers of food and a small box.
“They didn’t have a lot of options since it’s late but..” painted nails pulled back the lid and revealed a small cake. You looked to the girl surprised.
“How did you-“ She scoffed.
“You’re seriously gonna ask questions right now?” You gulp nodding and sit down the both of you eating in comfortable silence. Camilas mom walking in with a cane.
“Mami-“ the older woman cut her off with a wave of her hand before she lit a candle and placed it on the cake as she began to sing
“Cumpleanos Feliz”
You’d been at Camilas for a few months. Her mother adored you and was determined to teach you Spanish, Camila herself was a lot nicer than she was at school. Still stoic most times but she was helpful and considerate without thought. She had gotten you a job at the bodega and helped make the futon more comfortable, it almost felt like home.
Her mother would sometimes speak a lot faster in Spanish whenever Camila was around smirking each time her daughter would dismiss her or change the subject.
“What Camila it’s true are you really going to defend that Fag-“ the sound of a body being slammed to the lockers.
“If I were you I’d shut the fuck up.” You ran to see a crowd forming in the hallway, Camila holding your old “friend” Gabby against the locker. You cautiously walked up placing a hand on Camilas shoulder.
“Camila come on I don’t want you to get in trouble.” The other girl laughed.
“Is that why you’re defending her?” She turned her head to you. “News flash Camilas just a hopped up slut who’ll-“
Everyone gasped at the sound of a punch being landed but it wasn’t Camilas hand it was your.
“Oh shit.” You whimpered shaking your hand. You didn’t mean to punch her but you didn’t like how she was talking to Camila, she wasn’t a slut she was nice and took you in when you needed help without question.
You were in the nurses office getting your hand wrapped as Camila sat nearby. Luckily Gabby was also 18 and there were witnesses that stated she instigated the fight, the principal decided detention after school would be the best punishment for you.
Camila stood up to look at your hand. Her dark eye liner making her brown eyes even deeper somehow.
“I could’ve handled it.”
You shrug.
“You’re not a slut, even if you sleep with everyone in town that’s your business.”
“I haven’t, that rumor started because I was stupid enough to sleep with ONE guy after I broke up with my girlfriend.” You nod.
“Kind of makes me feel better not liking men.” You joke weakly. The girl smiles slightly at you nudging your shoulder.
“I’ll see you later yeah?”
You got back to Camilas late, her mom on the couch watching some new telenovela.
Camila already filled her in that you’d be late.
“Tu comida esta en la estufa.”
“Gracias senora Montes.” She smiled happy you were learning but quickly frowned.
“Solo llamame mama o mami por favor.” Your eyebrows furrowed you knew parts of what she said but not all of it.
“Mama.” She smiles patting your cheek and shooing you to the kitchen.
Camila sat at the table eating a plate already ready in front of her.
“Thank you.” You said softly sitting across from her.
“QUE?!” Her mom yelled. You both laugh.
“Gracias Camila.” Her mom cheered going back to her show as the two of you ate in silence.
It was late for some reason and you couldn’t sleep.
And apparently neither could Camila.
“Y/n?” She whispered.
“Yeah?” A soft hand grabbed yours making you sit up as you were dragged to her room.
She shut the door behind you gesturing towards her bed.
“You couldn’t sleep either?” She shook her head one of her hands inching towards yours.
Your eyes scanned her head to toe. Her usual make up gone nothing but freckles and fair skin covered by a giant t-shirt.
Her hand slowly made its way to your shoulder making you shiver.
Dark eyes searched yours before leaning in.
“Y/N!” There was glass everywhere a sharp sensation on the back of your skull.
“Y/N!” You struggled against the strong body against you as you watched Camila kick and scream. Her mothers voice also ringing out in the distance.
“So I either go to the nursing home or go to jail for being an accomplice to an accomplice to an “illegal” immigrant?”
You tilted your head at the lawyer who hummed.
“I know it’s hard but if you cooperate you’ll free not only Camila but her mother as well.” You bit your lip looking at the pamphlet. You owed them everything, working with the elderly was the least you could do.
“Ok I’ll do it.”
After a series of questions and a long drive in a school bus, you’d finally made it to the nursing home. Next to you a curly haired girl with glasses.
“I’m Lily.” She whispered.
“Y/n.” You whispered back offering a small smile, it dropping as a man in the corner looks to you intently. “Is it just me or is that guy staring?”
Lily subtly looks around the room before her eyes land on James. “No girl he’s staring at you real hard, be careful.”
You nod.
It feels almost like prison with how the cycle works. You eat, work, sleep and repeat. For some reason you’re the only one who can remember going to bed and what day it is. The other three besides Lily really don’t talk much. James seems to be nice though always having you help with simpler tasks and even bringing you things that only the staff have access to.
You try to take comfort in seeing some kindness here but you find yourself constantly missing a certain brunette wondering if she’s ok and if she was going to do what you thought she was that night in her room. You look to see Lily being taken somewhere and go to follow only to be stopped once again by James.
“You should get back to the garden, the new groups coming in and we need the hall cleared for the tour.” You nod as he puts his arm around your shoulder leading you away.
Camila steps off the bus and into the building eyes scowling at everything in sight until they widen at the sight of familiar hair.
“Y/n?” She goes to walk towards you but is quickly stopped by another guard. He points back to the group and moves them further into the hall.
It’s when you get to the garden and look around you see none of your group with you. Shyly you ask James if he knew anything of this but the man just redirects your attention to another task at hand. It’s when his walkie talkie goes off that there’s an issue in the cafeteria that runs him off. You looked down seeing a flash of silver smiling, you make sure no one notices by pretending to tie your shoe.
It’s late, it smells weird and Camilas pretty sure some of the old people next door are getting freaky either that or dying, she rolls her eyes to herself. She can’t sleep as she thinks of you and her mother, praying you’re both safe. The group she came with, misfits at best, weren’t horrible. Micah seemed decent she supposed, JP obviously having the biggest hard on for her, Chris was a pussy and Big Mac was just an idiot, an entertaining idiot but still an idiot.
A quiet knock shook her from her thoughts and she almost stayed in her bed until she heard it again. She got up to toeing to the door swinging it open.
“Y/n?” A small smile makes it way to your face as you look at her in the shorts and tank top provided by the facility.
“Cam-“ your relief was short lived as your dragged into the room. You’re pulled into the room abruptly by the collar of your shirt.
“What are you doing here?” You both ask at the same time.
You laugh softly. “They told me if I cooperated that they’d let you and your mom go.”
She scowled crossing her arms. “They told me the same thing.”
“I’m glad you’re ok though.” The shorter girls eyes softened as she uncrossed her arms. “I was worried about you.”
Dark brown eyes continued to stare at you and you felt a lump begin to form in your throat.
“How’d you find me?”
“Would you believe me if I said I went knocking on every door down this hallway?” Camila continued to stare at you as you rubbed the back of your neck.
She stepped closer to you. “So you turned yourself in for a girl you met a few months ago, risked getting caught sneaking around to find her in the same place not knowing what might happen after?”
You flush a bit. “Well when you say it like that it sounds crazy.”
She deadpans. “It is.”
You laugh. Damn I missed her. A hand on your shoulder brings you back to reality. Those same brown eyes flicker from your eyes to your lips then back again. Unconsciously, you both lean in, you dipping slightly to help her reach. Soft plush lips press to yours softly at first before they grow in intensity. Short black fingernails dig into your shoulders as you place yours around her waist, hands grazing the exposed skin eliciting a soft moan. You feel yourself stumble as you’re pulled more towards the bed, Camilas hand reaching back until she feels the soft surface.
She turns pushing you on the bed aggressively. The mattress spring making you bounce a bit. She wastes no time climbing on your lap as you sit up, hands greedy to feel more of her as they travel up her back. Hers tugging your hair as your lips slide against one another. It’s when her tongue licks your lips begging for entry that your breath hitches. You both groan when there’s another knock on her door she signals for you to stay as she goes to answer.
JP stands at the door smile on his face as he wiggles his keys.
“Employee swim?”
Camila tilts her head. “Didn’t take you for the bad boy type…” she pauses “I wonder why or should I say who?” She quirks an eyebrow.
The boy sputters.
“I’m just kidding bro, I get it. She’s hot if she were into girls I’d hit that.”
You felt yourself slowly start to stand up. Maybe this wasn’t a good idea you winced.
“Then again maybe I could change her mind.”
Definitely a bad idea. You look around to see if there’s another way out of her room but sigh when you see it’s only the door you sit at the desk and wait.
You hear more laughter before the door closes. You stand as Camila makes her way back to the bed.
“So where-“
“I think I should go.” Her eyebrows furrow.
“Wait what I thought-“ You quickly make your way to the door.
“Yeah I’m tired anyway but it was good seeing you.” The door slams shut making Camila huff.
What the fuck just happened?
As you make your way back you see Micah following JP and Big Mac to the pool. Your eyes widen as you realize you haven’t seen your group in a week and Micah is the last person you spoke with. You quickly turn back to Camilas room knocking urgently. She opens the door glaring.
“What? You gonna throw mixed signals again?”
“Shut up and listen. Everyone in my groups disappeared, everyone except me and Micah.”
“…Micah came with us.”
“Exactly somethings wrong here, Lily and I would stay close but one day she asked a question and I just haven’t seen her. I thought maybe they were just keeping us separate but-“
“Y/N! Relax it’s an old folks home you’re just being paranoid what if Micah has family too and they just look alike?”
“With the same name?”
The girl shrugs. “I think you’re looking too deep into it.”
You scoff. “Fuck it, good luck with the white girl I hope you get to “hit that”.”
You slam the door once more putting the keys in your drawer after getting to your room the ankle bracelet secured the minute you crossed the threshold.
Camila lays down agitated. At you, at this place, and especially at JP for interrupting. All because he wanted to impress Micah.
It’s in the garden when they find a mark on Camilas neck.
“What’s that?”
“Hey watch it creep!” JP rolls his eyes before Big Mac helps.
“There’s something on your neck girl.”
“Something weirds going on.” JP catches sight of something familiar.
“Hey Greta, you know my sister loved making those too..” the woman begins to freak out making James and another staff member step in pushing aside JP who clutches the forgotten cootie catcher between his fingers. Big Mac appearing next to him.
“Yeah definitely something weird.”
Camila looks around the garden, the pool, and the cafeteria before she finds you in the common area helping someone play bingo.
“Y/N!” You spin to her in surprise eyes going over her to make sure she’s ok before going back to the task at hand.
“What camila?” She sits next to you attempting to control her breathing.
“You we’re right somethings going on and-“
“Great I was right!” You smile sarcastically. “You can go now.” The girl stares at you incredulous.
“We have to get out of here-“ she whispers urgently.
“So now you want to listen to me.” You scoff. “Look Camila I did this for you and your mom I can’t go, I have nowhere else I belong.”
You lower your voice to whisper. “The ankle monitor key is in my drawer room 10. Take it and run.”
You sit back up with a smile and return to stamping bingo slots for the man next to you.
Camila stared for a moment. “Y/n-“
James appeared next to placing a strong hand on your shoulder.
“Everything ok here y/n?” You nod and smile politely.
“Yeah James I was just telling Camila they could use more hands in the cafeteria.” He smiles back at you before sneering at Camila.
“Well?” She gets up huffing.
A weird bird sound hits your ears before a big man drops from the ceiling.
“You y/n?”
You nod eyes widening as he shows the key you only told Camila about. “Camila said I can only trust you.”
“Where is she?” You sit up.
“I cant find her or JP.”
“Ok we need a plan.”
“Right. But first things first….you single?”
James laid unconscious on the floor by your feet as you snuck further into a testing lab. A quiet whisper yell filling the room.
“Camila!” A small groan responds you find her strapped to a bed next to the nice elderly woman Greta. The longer you’d stare at her the more familiar she’d look.
“Y/n?” You turned back to the small girl clutching her had and looking over her features they hadn’t gotten to her yet. You tugged off the restraints as she went to help the girl.
“Lily you have to wake up.”
Lily? You looked again feeling your eyes widen, the boy was her brother JP. You almost smacked your forehead not realizing you should’ve made the connection sooner.
“What a shame.” James limped towards you. “I really did like you Y/n, we still have a chance to make this right between us.”
You yelled running towards him trying to tackle him he hit you in the back making you fall to the floor in a heap. He went to inject you with a needle when Camila jumped on his back. Lily in a wheelchair looking for a nearby weapon. She tossed you a bed pan as you got back up. James throwing Camila off him, when he turned you smacked him across the face with the metal.
“We gotta go.”
The doors opened revealing Big Mac and a giant group of old people.
You, Lily and Camila went to find JP and Big Mac distracted the guards and find an exit. You all stopped when you’d seen him tied to a chair being circled by Micah and Eddie (the founder of the nursing home). Around you were meat grinders and body bags, you felt yourself grow nauseous as you realized what was actually being put into the meat.
“And this is why I’m a vegan.” You gave a dirty glare to Camila as you tried to find a way to help JP. She shook her head at herself. “You stay with Lily I’ll help JP.”
“Yes! FUCK Camila why can’t you just-“
Soft lips pushed into yours once more before the girl took off towards Eddie, you followed after when you saw Micah reaching for her. Lily slowly rolling to get JPs ropes loose.
Eddie had tossed Camila aside breaking your concentration. Micah took advantage and tased you. She knelt by you a small sadistic smirk on her face.
“You were right Camila is cute too bad you won’t live to ask her out.”
A body slammed into her pushing her onto the meat grinder. As she went to get up her hair got caught on the belt.
“EDDIE!” The man in question was in no better predicament. Lily not only released her brother but a pent up Chris who was sitting in a cage ready to be the next burger for Dennys. Chris slammed himself and Eddie onto the belt wrapping his legs around him and holding him still as he ripped out his throat. The sound of the trios bones and flesh permeating the factory.
You walked over to Camila who was grabbing her side.
“You good?” The angry teen gave you a grin as she pulled you into her for another kiss. it took a moment before you finally responded but once again got interrupted by JP.
“Not to cockblock but we should probably get out of the old people meat kitchen.”
You both nod exiting the facility and meeting up with Big Mac.
You look down to Camila who shakes her head at him. You dip down to place a kiss in her cheek making the girl smile and look up at you.
“Let’s go home mi amor.”
“Oh shit y’all lesbians?”
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bagopucks · 1 year
A. Matthews - Para Siempre
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Auston Matthews x Reader
Word Count: 3.7k
Warning(s): None?
Spanish Translations, in order of occurrence;
Por siempre y para siempre - forever and always
mamá ahora no - mom not now
Puedes proponer - you can propose
No en tu playa sexual - not at your sex beach
“When your father proposed to me…”
Auston hadn’t been expecting the story of the century. Meaning, that his mother took as long as a century to tell it.
“It was extravagant!”
Auston had planned to propose in Arizona. When he invited Hudson and I home with him, I was only under the influence that I was going to meet his parents and enjoy a short vacation. Nothing more.
I also had little to no suspicion of any ulterior motive when he asked me to go to the store and get a few groceries for dinner. And I certainly didn’t expect anything when Hudson bounced along with me. Though perhaps I should have. Because Hudson hated grocery shopping.
“He had flowers everywhere! Oh and Auston- the ring!” Ema spoke as if Auston hadn’t seen it millions of times. His own mother’s engagement ring. Of course he knew what it looked like. “It has to be something she’ll love. Something that makes sense for her.” Dainty and beautiful. Sparkly. Auston stole a glance at his mother’s ring. Definitely not as big as hers. His lover wasn’t quite that extravagant. He already had the ring anyway. Stuffed away in an old hockey duffel in his closet. The safest place he thought to hide it.
“He took me out to one of the lake beaches way after dark, where we spent the night together.” Her brows lifted in a suggestive manner, and it caused all three of her kids to groan and whine in complaint.
Alexandria and Breyana only joined their brother and mother in the kitchen when they picked up on the marriage conversion. In true sisterly fashion, they wanted the details. As it turns out, they got too many unwanted details.
“That’s actually,” Ema set her glass of water down, “where you were conceived.” She pointed a finger at Alexandria.
“Mama!” The eldest daughter scolded for the lack of filter, while Auston snickered.
“It’s nothing to be ashamed of. It’s life. And yours was created on that beach. Right after your father proposed.” Breyana’s head fell into her hands. When their mother grew older, all three feared the things that may come from her mouth.
“Oh quit complaining.” Ema rolled her eyes.
“The proposal, mom.” Auston swiftly guided her back on track. “Please.”
“Right. Well.. we ate.. then swam for a bit, laid down.. and eventually he pulled this ring out. He never bothered to get on one knee- but we were already laying down, so I figured it was close enough. And he opened the ring box, and I just couldn’t contain my joy.” Ema hugged herself as a smile formed on her lips. “And do you know what he said?”
“What?” Alexandria pried.
“He said, Por siempre y para siempre. Forever and always.”
Forever and always.
Auston kept that in the back of his mind. He let it sit. He thought it over. He gave it a good mental discussion. Forever and always was a long time. He had no second thoughts when buying the ring, or talking to Hudson. But cold feet creeps up on everybody at least once when they consider making the lifelong commitment that is to another person.
Two people in Auston’s case.
When I returned from the store, the home was exactly as I had left it. Auston was arguing with Alexandria in the kitchen, while Breyana sat on the couch scrolling through her phone, a smile on her lips the second she heard Hudson shout her name.
“Welcome home, girlie.” Breyana spoke as she wrestled Hudson for a hug. The boy giggled and tried to push her away.
“Hey, Brey. I got these groceries Ema needed.” I held the bag up as I kicked my shoes off.
“In the kitchen. Just be careful. Auston woke one of Alex’s demons.”
Demons. I snorted.
“Got it.” I whisked away, down the hall to peek into the kitchen, having to hold in a laugh at the scene I’d walked into. Alexandria had a tight hold on a lock of Auston’s hair, pulling it taught while he whined and begged for mercy in a language I didn’t fully understand. Perhaps Alex did have a few demons. Ones that could only be provoked by the tedious presence of a baby brother.
“Hope I’m not interrupting any sibling bonding.” I piped up from the doorway, watching the way both startled and stumbled away from one another. Auston whipped around to look at me, cheeks flushed and lips pursed, while Alex kept her back turned. I knew however, that there was a good chance she was smiling to herself.
“I got groceries.” I walked into the kitchen to set them on the counter, a smile spreading across my face the moment Ema came through. Her hands fell upon my shoulders as she passed, a silent expression of thanks before she spoke.
“You should be resting, sweetheart.” Ema suggested as she grabbed one of the handles of the plastic grocery bag and dragged it toward herself. “You’re on vacation. Don’t let my son make you run errands.” She spoke as if she didn’t have a clue why he asked me to go.
“Mom!” Auston protested, though he quieted when he saw the look she shot him from the corner of her eye.
“You know what you need?” Ema asked.
“What could I possibly need?” I sighed out with a smirk.
“A day at the beach.” My brow furrowed in curiosity when I watched Ema eye Auston once again.
“Mamá ahora no.” Auston seemed to scold her.
“Puedes proponer!” I leaned back slightly when Ema gestured to me. Clearly the subject of the unknown conversation.
“No en tu playa sexual!” Auston’s rebuttal had his sister falling into a fit of laughter, and I became increasingly interested when I realized their conversation had to do with something intimate.
“What are you guys talking about?” I asked, smiling nervously.
“Nothing, honey. Auston was just asking about date ideas earlier and I told him the beach was a good one.”
“Scottsdale doesn’t border any oceans.” I mentioned, somewhat confused.
“Lakeside stuff.” Auston swiftly interjected, shrugging. “It’s nice on hot days.”
“We could go.” I looked up at him, watching as he crossed the kitchen to stand by my side.
“As much as I’d love to, my mother ruined that idea for me.”
“What? Why?” I felt his arms snake around my sides.
“It’s not worth explaining.” He took a step backwards, dragging me along with him.
“Where are you taking me?” I reached behind myself to rest my hand on the back of his neck. Auston’s chin immediately fell against my shoulder.
“To my room.” He spoke, as if it was obvious. “It’s the only place we get any privacy here.”
“Oh your family is not that bad.” I laughed softly, following his lead as Auston slowly walked me backwards to the kitchen doorway.
“They’re the worst.” He teased before he pulled away and grabbed my hand.
“Auston Taylour!” I watched his face light up at the sound of his mother’s shout, and in a flash he was dragging me up the steps at such a speed I thought he might pull my arm out of its socket.
“Jesus, Aus!”
There was one thing I had gotten incredibly comfortable with since we arrived at Auston’s childhood home. And it was leaving Hudson alone. There was always somebody he was with. Somebody to keep him company or entertain him. And the girls simply fawned over him. Auston and I had more time to spend together. A little time without having to constantly fret over the kid a few feet away.
By the time we made it safely into his room, Auston had pushed the door shut, both of us heaving for air while he tried to listen for his mother.
“She’s a follower when she’s angry.” He explained.
“You stress her out too much.” I laughed softly, dropping onto his unmade bed. A twin size that I learned barely fit him growing up. The two of us had found multiple odd ways to sleep on it since arriving in Arizona. Most of the time it was just one on top of the other. Though I learned immediately one night that supporting Auston’s weight was a life or death situation, because he was too heavy to breathe under.
“I’m her kid. It’s my job to stress her out.” Auston defended himself with a smile, turning to look at me. I rolled my eyes at him. A mutual silence overtook the room, eyes wandering. Minds wandering.
“What were you and your mother talking about down there?” I watched something shift in Auston’s expression.
“Do you wanna go on a date tomorrow?”
Forever and always.
There was no going back.
What did forever and always even mean?
“I know you don’t like it Buddy.. just stick with me on this, okay?”
“When can I take it off?”
“After I propose to your mom.” Auston adjusted the bow tie on Hudson’s neck. His little button down and suspenders were nothing short of adorable. An outfit his mother helped pick out. Auston on the other hand, wore black slacks and a button down of his own, the first few buttons undone. Hudson found it unfair.
Forever and always.
Auston glanced at the ring box on the night stand. “Momma doesn’t know you’re proposing?”
“Nope. I asked her to fill the car with gas so we could get ready.” Auston explained.
“Is momma all dressed up?” He fidgeted with his tie while Auston grabbed the velvet box and slipped it into his pocket.
“I didn’t see her before she left. But I’m sure she’s beautiful.”
“What are you gonna say to her?” Hudson looked up at Auston, who adjusted his hair one last time before slipping his dress shoes on.
“Por siempre y para siempre.” Auston spoke, sure as he would ever be.
“What does that mean?”
“Forever and always.”
“What does that mean?” Hudson followed Auston out of the bedroom. The grownup now left trying to find an answer to a question he wasn’t sure how to respond to. Perhaps forever and always meant something different to everybody.
Auston decided not to answer as he walked down the steps, met with the sight of his family waiting patiently in the living room.
“Oh, oh it’s happening.” Ema stopped her pacing by the window when she caught sight of the two boys.
“Hudson you look so handsome!” Breyana cooed, causing a flush to take over the boy’s cheeks. Brian slowly stood from the couch, eyeing his son with a quizzical look before he smirked. He walked over and rested a hand on Auston’s shoulder.
“You’re gonna kill it, kid.” Brian glanced down at Hudson. “And the kid’s support is a pretty good sign.”
“Hey uh.. can I ask you a question?” Auston’s voice softened.
“What’s forever and always mean?”
Loving someone so much that you want to spend your life with them. Loving someone so much that it’s unconditional. Loving someone to the end of time, and loving them always.
When I pulled the car up to the front door, Auston had instructed me to switch seats. We shared a brief kiss as we passed around the hood of the car, and only when I got inside did I notice Hudson’s little outfit. I made a comment on it, but mistook his silence for displeasure. In reality, Hudson was too afraid of giving anything away. So he kept quiet for the whole drive, and it seemed Auston did as well.
Only when we arrived at the restaurant, and Hudson popped out of his car seat to open my door, did the boys start talking.
“You look so beautiful tonight.” Auston made his way around the car, offering his arm for me to hold onto as I climbed out, smiling at him before my gaze turned to little Hudson, holding my car door open like a butler.
“You boys look awful cute too.” I complimented playfully, stepping away from the car so Hudson could shut the door.
“Momma!” Hudson whined.
“Handsome.” I corrected, sharing a look with Auston. He pressed a kiss to my cheek, and I linked my arm with his own. My free hand came up to gently flick the small charm hanging from Auston’s earring.
“The leaves?” I asked softly. Knowingly.
“The leaves.” A pair he had well before we met. Initially bought because the silver hoops held dangling maple leaves that resembled the one on the jerseys his team wore.
“You wear those for luck.” I commented, allowing suspicion to raise in my tone. Auston didn’t respond right away, instead opting for a smile as he and Hudson led me toward the entrance of the restaurant.
“I might need it tonight.” When the words reached my ears, I finally decided to come to terms with the fact that something was going on.
The restaurant Auston chose was a homey little place more on the outskirts of the city. Surrounded by beautiful gardens, with outdoor seating to drink in one’s share of the view. I felt no surprise at all when Auston gave his name to the hostess, and she led us to possibly the best outside seat on the whole property. Hudson pulled my seat out for me, and I couldn’t help but feel like a Queen. The lines began to blur between who had taught Hudson better manners. Myself or the man sitting across from me, ordering my favorite wine from memory. And requesting an extra fancy glass for Hudson and the juice the boy ordered.
I immediately rested my elbows against the table, leaning forward and eyeing Auston through the orange flicker of the candle flame between us.
“You two are up to something.” I commented, my gaze falling to my son only momentarily. Hudson quickly looked away.
“We’re not up to anything. We just wanted to take you out.” Auston could lie all he wanted, but he wasn’t great at it. The guilty smile on his lips raised my suspicions more than Hudson opening my car door, wearing a bow tie, and pulling my seat out.
“You’re such a horrible liar, Aus.” I gently nudged his foot beneath the table.
“I am not!” His defensive attitude brought a quiet laugh from my lips. I felt his foot push my own away.
“Momma!” Hudson whined, “you gotta let it go.” He waved his hand dismissively at me, astonishment flashing across both mine and Auston’s faces.
“Well then,” I feigned offense, leaning back. “Suppose I will let it go then.” I folded my arms across my chest.
“Oh come on now.” Auston reached for me, but stopped short when the waitress came by with an opened bottle of wine, three glasses, and a bottle of orange juice.
“Just pour me a glass, Matthews.” I let him off the hook with a smirk, reaching for Hudson’s orange juice. I twisted the cap off and poured it into his own fancy glass, setting the half empty bottle aside and putting the cap back on. Auston busied himself with filling our own glasses, and I had no shame in watching the pools of honey in his eyes as the Arizona sunset lit up the warm dark undertones of his features.
When Auston handed my glass over, I was swift to take a sip, humming happily at the refreshing flavor.
“Perfect?” Auston quizzed.
“Better than perfect.” I assured, taking another sip.
“It’s magnificent.” Hudson chimed in after taking a gulp of his orange juice.
“That’s a big word for you, Hudsy.” Auston teased, and I watched Hudson giggle and stick his tongue out in return.
“Play nice, boys. You might have to live with each other one day.”
The banter between us always came with ease. Something I was always thankful for.
“Oh yeah,” Sarcasm immediately took over Hudson’s tone. “Pfft. Live with Auston. What a crazy idea.” My brow furrowed, amused and confused by his behavior. “Do you hear her?” Hudson looked toward my lover, with a look that practically said, ‘she’s a lunatic.’
“Just drink your orange juice, bud.” Auston scoffed, taking a sip from his own glass.
I wasn’t sure what signal I had missed, but I knew it was something. Hudson quickly relaxed after the exchange, and the topic of living together was long forgotten. We ordered and ate, I couldn’t remember how many times I thanked Auston for the dinner and the view. Hudson chimed in a few times asking for a thanks of his own. And I granted it with ease.
The boys had outdone themselves. I just hadn’t been able to figure out why until we were on the last leg of the large slice of chocolate cake Auston and I shared. Hudson had his own piece. I was dreading having to deal with his sugar rush on the way home.
“I didn’t know Arizona was so good at making ice cream.” I commented as I slipped a piece of the chocolate cake into my mouth, swiftly scooping a piece of vanilla ice cream off the plate to go with it.
“Guess they kinda have to. With all the warm weather.” Auston flashed me a toothy grin. We’d given each other far more fleeting looks and admirable glances than I cared to admit. I peered back down at the small chunk of cake left, losing myself in my thoughts before I heard Auston’s fork hit the glass. I looked back up. He licked his lips and reached for his napkin, wiping his spotless mouth. Tense. Anxious?
“Oh.. oh!” Hudson kicked his feet excitedly the second Auston reached beneath the table. Hudson quickly clasped a hand over his mouth to stay quiet.
“Auston.” The use of his full name brought his eyes to my own, but in the slight darkness of the almost set sun, I could see him still shuffling beneath the table.
“Just trust me, okay?” Auston spoke quietly, leaning forward before his movement stopped.
“I always do.”
Forever and always.
It’s answering last minute calls for a woman who’s in desperate need of assistance. It’s being open minded to a situation you didn’t expect. It’s keeping an eye on that kid in the park, and offering the pretty mother your number. Forever was in sickness and in health. Taking care of a mother and her son when they’re both ill. It’s about still showing up to be a dad, even after that second round knock out takes the shit out of you. Always was in the way you still loved somebody, even at their worst. The way you still wanted what was best for a kid kicking screaming and crying. Teaching a kid when they’re stubborn, being patient with a woman when she’s learning to trust again.
Forever and always was about finding his forever, and sticking to it always.
Auston found it with one woman from the park, and her lively son.
A gasp fell from my lips when Auston stepped aside from the table and got down on one knee. His mother may have said his father didn’t, but Auston thought I deserved tradition and nothing less. I reached out to touch his shoulder, tears brimming both of our eyes, before he could even speak. And then he did.
“Por siempre y para siempre.”
“Aus,” he knew I didn’t understand. And I knew I didn’t have to tell him.
“Forever and always.” His voice quivered, the smile on his lips faltering only due to the exhaustion of his muscles. The tears in our eyes were of pure joy. The excitement written in our slightly quivering bodies.
“Will you marry me?” I finally shot out of my seat, launching myself forward into Auston’s arms. Somewhat kneeling to match his height. His arms wrapped so tightly around me that I thought for a moment I might snap in half.
“Absolutely! Auston yes! I’ll marry you.” Tears flowed freely down my cheeks as I pressed a hard kiss to his shoulder. I heard him let out a sound between a laugh and a sob. I even heard the soft sniffles from the boy still seated at our table.
Then it seemed, simultaneously, we both remembered the ring. Auston had to peel me from his body, and I cooed at the sight of wetness on his cheeks. Our hands almost collided as we tried to wipe the tracks of joyful tears off one another’s faces. Then Auston snatched my left hand, giving a quick squeeze before he lowered it toward his thigh. My face hurt from the smiling as Auston slipped the ring from the velvet box, then carefully placed it onto my ring finger. My heart stuttered.
“It’s so beautiful.” No words could describe how I felt, and I chose not to try to use them either. When our eyes met, my hands rested on Auston’s cheeks and I pulled him in for a kiss. The feeling of a ring on my finger was foreign, but welcomed. The kiss barely lasted long between our smiles and euphoric giggles of laughter.
“You make me so happy.” Auston whispered against my lips.
When I pulled away, I felt the weight of a tiny hand on my back. Peeking toward my side, I spotted Hudson with a sheepish smile and teary eyes.
“Oh honey.” I wiped his tears too.
“You’re happy, momma?”
“Oh I’m the happiest.” I promised. “It’s all I’ve ever wanted.” I glanced at Auston, reaching for his hand. He held my own with such tenderness, I felt like a piece of fine China. “This is my family right here. I couldn’t possibly be any happier.” I sniffed, shaking my head in disbelief. Hudson hugged me, and I felt my heart completely melt. “This is my perfect little family.” I clarified, more for Auston than anybody else. And it was my family. A little unconventional, but a family nonetheless. It was the one I wanted.
“Of course I’ll marry you.” I reiterated sternly.
Forever and always.
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morpheusbaby3 · 4 months
PTBR: Você e Morfeu têm uma filha, e ela conta a todos na escola que o pai dela fala com corvos.
EN: You and Morpheus have a daughter, and she tells everyone at school that her father talks to crows.
Aviso: menciona assassinato, matar pessoas.
Warning: mentions murder, killing people.
Language: Brazilian Portuguese.
— Eu os chamei aqui porque a sua filha, Alice, ela tem nos contado algumas coisas que parecem… Diferentes da maioria das crianças.
A professora falava olhando por cima de seus óculos em tons de verde pastel. O olhar indo entre você e seu marido (o rei dos sonhos e pesadelos), que estava sentado ao seu lado, em silêncio, uma expressão séria… E havia preocupação em seus olhos, o que era de se esperar; Orpheus não ia à escola quando criança, ou ia?
— Sim, eu entendo. E eu posso lhe assegurar que não há motivos para preocupações. Alice tem uma imaginação muito fértil, e em parte é nossa culpa. Não explicamos a ela sobre nossas profissões…
Você disse calmamente e entregou a ela uma pasta com alguns papéis, dentro haviam documentos que mostravam de uma maneira legítima e oficializada o “emprego” de Morpheus e o seu. A mulher leu rapidamente os papéis e sorriu, voltando a olhá-los, agora com mais suavidade.
— O senhor é veterinário! Que inesperado… — Ela olhou para Morpheus lhe mostrando um sorriso que parecia ter um pouco de… Alívio?
Morpheus, por outro lado, hesitou por breves segundos mas acenou com a cabeça, concordando com a mentira.
— Se é o que diz nesse papel, então eu certamente sou. Um profissional da saúde animal.
— E a senhora é psicóloga. Isso é ótimo. Então se a senhora é psicóloga, não tenho com que me preocupar. — A mulher disse levantando e se afastando de sua mesa. Agora ela parecia mais simpática e você sabia o porquê; ela achava que Morpheus, com aquela expressão e aquelas roupas era um assassino, talvez um agente secreto do governo ou qualquer coisa que envolva matar pessoas.
— Alice dizia o tempo todo como sua mãe lia mentes, e seu pai falava com animais, um corvo, especificamente. Mas agora vejo que é apenas parte da imaginação infantil dela. Sinceramente, estou aliviada.
— Então não houve nenhum outro… inconveniente envolvendo nossa filha?
— Eu sei que parece bobagem, mas nós ficamos sempre atentos a todas as necessidades, falas e gestos das nossas crianças. — Ela andou até a porta e abriu. — Senhor e Senhora Fahrenheit, obrigado por vir, vejo vocês na próxima reunião.
Você dá um cumprimento se despedindo da mulher e saem da sala dela, ambos aliviados.
— Fahrenheit? Esse não é o sobrenome daquele vampiro que você gosta?
Morpheus a olhava enquanto você dirigia para sua casa do mundo desperto. Você mordeu o lábio e deu de ombros, fingindo que não dava a mínima para isso, sendo que certamente poderia ter usado o seu sobrenome invés de ter “inventado” um para Morpheus.
— Esse é o sobrenome de um cientista muito importante. Achei que você gostaria de ter um sobrenome que fosse de alguém importante na história da humanidade, já que você é tão importante quanto ele, meu amor. — Você deu ênfase na parte da importância, mas ainda olhando para a estrada à sua frente.
Morpheus era facilmente convencido por você e suas palavras doces e elogios, então ele mudou de assunto.
— Você acha que vão acreditar nisso, na mentira sobre os empregos? Não é algo que eu possa facilmente intervir usando meus poderes…
— Não se preocupe, eles vão acreditar em nós… Doutores. Há! Aquela menina. Mas não é culpa dela. — Você olhou rapidamente para Morpheus que concordou apenas com um olhar. — Ela sabe que sou telepata e sempre vê você falando com o Matthew.
— Deveríamos ter falado a ela que não devemos falar sobre isso para outras pessoas. Ela estava muito feliz em poder fazer amigos e nos deixamos ser contagiados pela alegria dela, assim esquecendo as restrições.
— Sim. Mas poderia ter sido pior. — Você sorri e olha para o seu marido, que se perguntou como poderia ter sido pior. — Ela ainda não sabe que você é o Rei dos sonhos e pesadelos. Se soubesse… Não sei qual mentira eu teria que inventar.
Você riu e pode notar o pequeno sorriso nos lábios de Morpheus que entendia o quão cômico seria a situação, pelo menos no começo.
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tgammsideblog · 1 year
Ollie Chen and Prejudice
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Ollie/Oliver Chen is a character that was first introduced in the first episode of Season 2 ¨The New (Para) Normal¨ along with the rest of the Chen family. The Chens become the Mcgees’ new neighbours and instanly click with them thanks to sharing things in common with them. All appears to be going well until Ollie reveals to Molly something shocking: Their family are ghosthunters. This established what would Molly and Ollie’s dynamic in the episodes that followed and the complex journey that Ollie goes through understanding ghosts through out season 2-A. In this post i’m going to talk about Ollie’s character arc, where his hatred of ghosts comes from and how he changes his mind about them later on.
Being born in a family of ghosthunters, Ollie was brought up to believe that all ghosts are evil monsters that should be contained or eliminated. He believes that by capturing ghosts, he is protecting people and making the world a better place. In his mind he thinks that he is some sort of hero who is saving others from ghosts.
Just like Molly, Ollie really cares about helping his local community and wants the best for everyone. The main difference between them is that he struggles seeing ghosts as ¨people¨. Because he doesn’t fully understand them, he treats them as his enemy, instead of something that just happens to be a different. As Molly puts it ¨He is afraid of what he doesn’t understand¨ (Book Marks the Sprite).
In ¨Book Marks the Sprite¨ it gets explores where Ollie’s hatred for ghosts comes from: When his father, Ruben, was a kid; he was attacked by a ghost. This bad (and possible traumatic) experience lead Ruben to believe that all ghost are evil and they deserved to stopped.
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Ruben passed this hatred of ghosts to Ollie and his daughter, June. Ollie often talks about being proud of following his father ¨legacy¨ even if other people make fun of them for believing that ghosts exist. Being a ghosthunter is important for Ollie’s identity and he wants to prove to others the existence of ghosts.
In the song sequence ¨Ghost Aren’t the Enemy¨ (Book Marks the Sprite) Molly thinks about this strange contradiction between Ollie being so kind to those who are living but cruel to undead beings. She finds it hard to get why someone who appears to be a good person hates those she considers her friends.
In a way, Ollie shares parallels to people in real life who are taught to see certain groups as bad just because they happen to be different. It can be because they live in a specific place, they have different sexuality or different lifestyle. It’s the idea of these people are ¨x thing¨ because they aren’t like ¨us¨. It’s also the lack of information or misinformation that leads to the general population to held questionable to dangerous ideas and how that can be passed down from generation to generation. Sometimes for some people it is easier to fear something than trying to understand it.
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Molly believes that she can persuade Ollie into changing his mind about ghosts. She thinks that the Chens aren’t a real threat until near the end of ¨I Wanna Dance with Some-Ollie¨ when she finds Scratch stuck inside a ghost trap and frees it from it. This motivated Molly to cut her relationship with Ollie since it could put Scratch in danger. While all this was happening, Molly and Scratch didn’t pick up that Ollie was seeing them talk to each other and found out that Molly had a ghost as a friend. Until that point Ollie didn’t get why Molly didn’t want them to be couple, seeing Scratch made him realize what was the reason.
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What is so interesting about the ending of ¨I Wanna Dance with Some-Ollie¨ is that Ollie didn’t tell his mother about Scratch and instead told her that Molly was ¨walking home with a friend¨. It was in that moment he started to have doubts over what he has been taught to believe about ghosts his whole life. It was probably one of the few times he saw a real ghost and that this ghost wasn’t acting evil like he had expected him to be.
Of course, because prejudiced ideas take more time change, for a while Ollie convinced himself that Molly was under the spell casted by Scratch instead of thinking that they both were friends. In ¨Frightmares on Main Street¨ he decided to do a deeper research to find out what was the true nature of the relationship between Molly and Scratch.
In part it could be said that Ollie was suffering from cognitive dissonance in ¨Frightmares on Main Street¨, meaning he was having two ideas in his mind that contradicted each other: ¨All ghost are evil¨ and ¨Molly is friend with a ghost¨. In his own denial, he jumped to the conclusion that Molly was cursed by Scratch somehow, it couldn’t be that ghosts could be friendly.
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So, when Ollie went inside the haunted house and saw all the ghosts scaring other people, reasonably panicked. He had never seen so many ghosts in one place before. Before he tried doing anything, Molly explained to him that Scratch and she were friends and the ghosts hanging out in the haunted mansion were trying to have fun because it was Halloween. While Molly was trying to explain Ollie all this, Ollie remained nervous but somewhat open to listen. The best way to describe it was him being confused by the ghost being friendly instead of agressive and evil.
After the Chens showed up in the festival to catch ghosts, Ollie trapped Scratch in a sticky substance, still holding to the idea that Scratch was evil. He interrogated him and Scratch explained to him the same that Molly had told him before: That he and Molly were friends. In that moment Ollie came with terms that yes, he was wrong about Scratch and he was Molly’s friend even if he didn’t understand it.
A scene worth of mentioning is that when June showed up and almost blasted Scratch, Ollie asked her to not to since he was ¨interrogating the ghost¨ and made June leave. Despite of being confused, Ollie knew that Scratch was important to Molly and he couldn’t let him to be hurt.
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Moments later Molly showed up and had a big argument with Ollie about his hatred of ghosts. Ollie was still trying to grasp to those beliefs until Molly told him that he ¨didn’t know anything about real ghosts.¨ It was that phrase that made Ollie stop arguing and think about how he never had never met a real ghost or talked to one before while Molly had a lot more of experience with ghosts than he did. That, in reality, he barely knew what ghosts were like and that he had was things that his father had told him to believe.
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In the worst moment possible, the frightmares showed up. Molly asked Ollie to free Scratch so he could stop them with his chairman powers. Molly told Ollie that ¨ghost are like people¨ and some are good and others are bad, which it was a more realistic and easier statement for Oliver to believe in while he was still confused on what action he should take. Since he was able to see Scratch as one of the ¨friendly ghosts¨, Ollie freed him from the sticky sustance and allowed him to stop the frightmares. After the issue was solved, Ollie freed Geoff and Jeff, who have been previously trapped by Esther and Ruben and apologized for assuming that all ghosts were evil.
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Ollie shows up again later in ¨The Unhaunting of Brighton Video¨ trying to make up for his past actions and help the ¨Ghost Friends¨ team with saving and assisting ghosts in need. In the whole episode Scratch gives him a hard time due to his past as ghost hunter, making Ollie harder to avoid thinking about the things he did.
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When they find Blair haunting the video store, Ollie relates to Blair’s fear of not wanting to confront her past and joins her, telling the rest of the team to leave him alone. In part it was a good progress for Ollie to be friendly with Blair and hanging out with her, even if this caused some issues for the team temporarily.
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The ¨Ghost Friends¨ team returns and Molly asks Ollie is he is having some issue that he isn’t telling them. Ollie breaks down crying about how he feels guilty for being wrong about ghosts and how he tried to hurt them. It’s easy to see that it has been hard for him to come in terms with this since it was part of his identity. Molly cheers him up by saying that is good that he is now trying to be a better person and that’s what it is important. 
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Blair relates to how Ollie feels and decides to explain her backstory: When she was a human, she had a favorite movie that she never returned to the video store and she was never able to give it back because she died before she was able to do so. Ollie comforts Blair by telling her that is okay to feel guilty and the Ghost Friends team helps her with finishing her unfinished business and setting her free.
In conclusion: While Ollie started as ghost hunter, with help of Molly and a bit of Scratch’s, over time he was able to learn that ghost weren’t evil and let go of those misinformed views he had about them. Now he is trying his best to understand ghosts and help those that are lost and have unfinished business in their afterlifes. He can’t change the way that he was raised in but he can chose to be a better person and learn from his past mistakes.
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cuichichan · 11 months
I saw your requests were open for Miguel👀
Would you mind writing a fic were reader gets jealous😃✋ I’ve seen so many where Miguel gets jealous and I feel like there has to be atleast one situation where reader gets jealous because let’s be honest miguel has got to have some admirers or even maybe his ex girlfriend? Idk😭 I’m sorry if this is confusing but thank you so much<3
Jealousy Jealousy..
Miguel O’Hara x gn! reader
Summary: You were jealous of Miguel’s ex wife Dana, since he spent most of his time with her because of Gabriella tagging:nobody A/N: there will be some words in Spanish but mind you I will use a different type of Spanish when I write for Miles and yes the request was kinda confusing 😭😭
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Miguel was a father, and he wanted to make sure his daughter Gabriella was happy so he spent time with his ex-wife Dana a lot, you were waiting in his house for him to come home from his day, a few minutes later he came home kissed your cheek and walked to the bathroom to shower, that was his daily routine for the past 3 weeks and you were tired of it, you were his lover he should have time for you too
one day he got home and you walked up to him with your arms crossed and eyebrows furrowed “Miguel can we talk?” You asked “Aye dios no tengo tempo para esto”(I don’t have time for this..) he muttered “I said can we talk?” You repeated “mhm yeah what do you wanna talk about?” He said “You should make more time for me, I’m your lover and Dana isn’t anymore, stop spending so much time with her, I get it if it’s with Gabriella but-“ you said “So that’s what this is about? You being jealous? Seriously? You know Dana and I got divorced so stop thinking that she’ll take your place, come on [Name] you know better then that” his face turned soft
“But still, she’s the mother of your daughter and I could never compare to that” you looked away and put your head down “No me hablas con esas tonterías” (don’t talk to me with those stupid words) he said and smiled softly “I would never replace you” he walked up to you kissing your forehead reassuringly
“But you’re spending more time with her and then you could break up with me to go back and date her!” “Mi cielo.. you’re not going to get replaced” it went on like that for a few more minutes before he kissed you cupping your cheeks as he pulled away “Eres mi amor, nada puede cambiar eso” (you’re my love, nothing could change that) he said softly
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Indartsu's making great progress politicking.
Now as previously mentioned, my choice of career for this guy is with the marriages of his offspring and those of the Emperor in mind. His son Aitor is the best age for the heiress to the throne, BUT he won't age up into a marriageable age this round AND they had negative chemistry as teens. Oh also he loves her younger sister more and they are triple bolters. So where does that leave Para?
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Well, she might never have looked twice at Aitor, but Lehenik senior is downright handsome in her book.
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Let's ignore the age gap shall we? We're all adults here... and they do like each other a lot. also let's forget how Para's mom and this guy used to be a thing.
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Unfortunately, Indartsu has a bit of a reputation, and it turns out a lot of the neighbors have not fully realized he's a widower... friends and family of his late beloved Elewá take great offence to this.
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And that includes Aitor :|
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Can't really blame Para for having some reservations... or at least take things more slowly than what is easy for Indartsu, what with feeling his age and all
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Aitor's also a shameless gossip. Here he's trying to spill the tea onto Oraora, who will not hear such talk about her mistress.
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Imole drops by for dinner... she also does not ship it.
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Neither does Iluna, Indartsu's daughter. She does not stick around to watch her licentious father embarrass himself and dishonor her beloved mother, and walks out of dinner to distract herself with chess instead
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I don't know that the Romans had chess as such, but they surely had similar enough games that this seemed permissible.
not much happens the next and final day of this rotation, except this
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Nice. That extra money'll come in handy
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Not her canon romance, I know, but Aranea/Mephistopheles, if you're willing to indulge me by talking about Hell's hottest DILF.
II.1, II.7, II.10, II.12, II.14
Hello hello and welcome into my asks!! :D Sorry for the delay, I was rather occupied in the previous day with IRL stuff, but omg I couldn't stop thinking about these questions (because while Aranea/Mephisto are technically not the canonical endgame, they were canonically a couple for around a century or so, so OMG I CANNOT WAIT TO ANSWER THESE). So, without further ado, LET'S GO!
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1. Who initiated the relationship, and how did they go about it?
Aranea initiated their Warlock/Patron relationship, when she first started to find a way to summon a demon to gain the power she needed, but Mephistopheles was the one that initiated their tryst, determined to get past her wall of icy contempt and hatred for the world and the people around her and seducing her with murmurs of pure comfort for her damaged soul , alongside the promises of every power she could ever just imagine to possess. Aranea tried to resist for some time, but the more time she spent besides Mephisto, the more her hunger for him and his raw power - the only thing that seemed to quell the unconsolable pain that Halim’s death left behind - grew uncontrollable. It was at that moment that she decided to have her own heart frozen and removed, de facto allowing darkness to fill her entirely, as she lost herself in Mephistopheles and his burning desire.
7. What is their relationship with each other's families like?
PECULIAR, TO SAY THE LEAST. Aranea’s family of origin knows *nothing* of what she has done to become a warlock. Heck, they don’t even know that she is a Warlock, to begin with. So they are not aware that Aranea has spent a good part of a century in Cania, consorting with an Archdevil. On Mephisto’s side, instead, things are a tad different.
Raphael is very much aware of the tryst between his father and his favourite “pet”, so to speak, and because of this, he never misses the chance of trying to cajole her or trick her into pursuing all kinds of debauchery, if anything to get back to Daddy Dearest, since he knows her loyalty to her father is unwavering and corrupting her would just be a way for him to kick Mephisto in the shins, metaphorically speaking. However, in the past century, Aranea has learned to play the game from the Master himself, so she goes along with whatever Raphael is planning on doing just to put a spoke in his wheels for the sake of making things more “intriguing”, so to speak. (Mephisto and Aranea do like to see him squirm whenever he plans to just be a little shithead for the sake of it, especially after learning that he is after Karsus’s Crown). On his end, Raphael gets a kick from calling Aranea his “Step-Mom”, knowing that it miffs her to no end. Aranea does have a good relationship with Azriel, whom she actually considers like a daughter, the constant target of Raphael’s unwanted amorous attention and pursuit (I mean, Raphael resembles Daddy Dearest more than he likes to admit), and she does what she can to keep the Cambion away from her and give the poor Tiefling a bit of respite. She enjoys listening to her spontaneous joyous outburst and all her adventures around Faerun, sometimes even following her outside the Nine Hells and accompanying her around, something she would do even more often even more so after Zaynab, her own daughter, joined the family. 
As for Mephisto’s own relationship with Azriel, he acts very much the same way Raphael acts with Aranea, if anything to get back to his son and just teach him a lesson not to be a little shithead.  He doesn’t care much for her but looks at her as some sort of “fun experiment” to take care of in order to get under his son’s skin. It has happened more than once that Aranea had to intervene to save the poor tiefling by convincing the Archdevil to show mercy to her because Raphael is already torturing her enough.
10.What are their parallels, whether in their personalities or their histories? I think that, for a start, the main difference between Mephistopheles and Aranea lies in the extent to which their cruelty and callousness reach: Aranea, while deciding to deprive herself of her own heart and swearing to do whatever it takes to conquer the power needed to exact her revenge, still maintain certain moral boundaries that she is not willing to cross (albeit not as many), while Mephistopheles, in virtue of being an Archdevil, doesn’t share the same piety nor he feels compelled to discern which souls to spare or which to take based on ethic and morality.
That being said, in the century she spent at Mephisto’s side, Aranea has grown more and more disillusioned with humanity (could also be caused by the fact that she spent longer in Baator than in the Mortal Realm) to the point that her own moral boundaries have started to shift and become less rigid compared to when she first created the pact with Mephisto.
In terms of parallels between the two of them, both are creatures of intense temper, despite their calm and collected appearance, both are extremely prone to intense bursts of emotions, albeit Aranea’s are not nearly as frequent nor as intense as the ones of the mercurial Lord of Hellfire, and both can become cruel if pushed. But what truly connects them in an absolute understanding and motivates Mephisto to keep Aranea at his side, is the obsession they have for their goals: Mephisto in his constant pursuit of knowledge and Aranea with her quest for power to fuel her own vendetta against the people in Huzuz that had weaved the plan to destroy her late husband’s reputation and life. It was that glint of obsession in Aranea’s soul, her willingness to go to extreme lengths to obtain what she needed that had brought her to Mephisto’s attention, and the main reason why he was the one to answer her call when she performed the ritual to become a Warlock.
12.Do they hide anything from each other, big or small? Not as much as they’d like to. While they do not share everything that they plan/think about, Mephisto does trust Aranea, if anything because she has never given him a reason not to (and of course, because of their deal). But, while Mephisto does trust Aranea to do his bidding and bring him the souls he needs he is still very much intrigued with her for the length she would go, and trusts her even to let her counsel him on his plan of overthrowing Asmodeus, he still doesn’t see her as an equal, considering that she is still very much a mortal who has exchanged her soul for power and he an Archdevil. On the other hand, Aranea did never truly care about hiding anything from him, because in one way or another, he would find a way to know what he needs to know. However, that started to change the moment she fell for Gale, and she forced herself to be more secretive, if anything for Gale’s sake.
14.What are some songs that apply to their relationship, in-universe or otherwise?
Lemme grab some songs from my playlist for them!!!
Within You - Labyrinth
Fleurs Du Mal - Sarah Brightman
Daze - Poets of the Fall
Hounds to Hamartia - Poets of the Fall
Break the Ice - Britney Spears
Music of the Night - Phantom of the Opera (Ben Lewis version my beloved)
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SO! THERE YOU HAVE THEM! THANK YOU AGAIN FOR THE QUESTIONS! I ADORED ANSWERING TO THEM (also, please let me know if you received mine. I know that sometimes I send them and they disappear without being delivered :( )
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joekeeryswife · 2 years
can you write a story about spending time with joseph on fathers day and doing something special with him and the baby?
Father’s day - J.Q
hello loves how is everyone?? sorry i haven’t been posting a lot but please request more imagines!! dad!Joseph is my favourite. i’m sorry but i didn’t do spending the day but i did do the morning with Joseph and baby Tommy! my work isn’t good enough atm so i’m sorry😭 probably has a few mistakes but enjoy <3
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you had given birth to your daughter Tommy three months ago and today was Joseph's first father's day. Joseph had always talked about becoming a dad and when you finally had your daughter he was ecstatic. he was one of the best dads you'd ever seen and seeing him and your daughter bond was beautiful. the first father's day was always important to him, he always spoke about it when you were pregnant and now Tommy was here he could finally experience it for himself.
he didn't believe his friends when they said being a parent was the best thing to ever happen to them but now he had his beautiful baby he knew exactly what they meant. you were downstairs making Joseph breakfast, both Tommy and Joseph asleep which gave you a bit of peace and quiet before Tommy woke up screaming. you hoped that she wouldn't wake up Joseph so you could surprise him and had the baby monitor right next to you as you cooked, any sound she made you were looking straight at the monitor to tend to her.
you heard her fussing as you plated up the food and quickly turned the oven off so you could go feed her. you walked up the stairs and into her bedroom where you saw her squirming around on the bed, obviously groggy from just waking up. "good morning sweetheart. did you sleep well?" you asked, carefully picking her up and placing her on your chest. the three month old lifted her head up slightly as she looked up at you, her doe brown eyes staring right into yours.
having your baby was the best thing to ever happen to you. there were no words to describe the feeling when you first met the most beautiful creature which you created. you let your head fall down slightly so you could kiss her multiple times on her neck. you heard her giggle slightly, her left hand coming up to grab ahold of your hair. "ouch" you whispered, getting between her hand and your hair as you tried to stop her from ripping it out. you walked to the rocking chair which was in the corner of her nursery and sat down, pulling down the left side of your nursing pyjama top, knowing it was time for a feed.
she latched on pretty quickly which you were grateful for because today you definitely didn't want to be more stressed then you already were. sometimes it would take her at least 20 minutes to latch but the gods must of heard you. she nursed for about 10 minutes before she let go, meaning she didn't want anymore and that also meant you could now wake up Joseph for his breakfast. you pulled your top back up before sitting her up on your lap, allowing yourself to burp her.
after burping her you let yourself stand up and walk downstairs to put her in her baby bouncer which was in front of the TV. it was playing Bluey and every time that show was playing Tommy was absolutely mesmerised by the screen. she would not take her eyes off it for the ten minutes it was on the screen. obviously she didn't understand what was happening but the different characters just made her eyes widen and coo at the screen. you had gone back into the kitchen and picked up the breakfast you had prepared and put it on the dining room table, ready for Joseph to eat.
every father's day is special but a first father's day should always be remembered as the best so for his present you decided to make a card which had Tommys hand prints on the front and then inside the card were her foot prints. you had made this a few weeks ago and let's just say Tommy did not like having paint on her hands and feet but nevertheless you got a decent picture out of it. you also decided to add to the card a sweet paragraph and try to get Tommy to 'write' her name at the end of it with your help, obviously. you also got a frame made with a picture of  Joseph and Tommy sleeping together on the couch when she was a month old. there were letters around the photo which said 'Happy first Father's day Daddy'. it wasn't anything expensive but it was sentimental and you knew Joseph would love it.
it was nearing 8:30 when Joseph finally woke up and you had just enough time to put both presents in front of the breakfast you had made. you quickly got Tommy out of her baby bouncer and sat down at the table, hearing Joseph's footsteps carrying him down the stairs. he was confused, he didn't see you in the bed next to him like you usually were, Tommy wasn't in her crib and you weren't in the living room. he walked into the dining room and saw you and Tommy sat together, a wide smile on your face. he looked at the table and saw a card, a small wrapped up gift and a full english breakfast which he automatically assumed was his.
"happy first father's day" you said as he walked closer to the table. Tommy noticed her dad almost immediately and let a wife smile spread across her face as she cooed at him. Joseph sat down and kissed your cheek, getting out a small thank you before he took Tommy out of your hands and left little kisses all around her face. she giggled loudly as Joseph's kissed tickled her skin making his face match the exact same smile she had on hers. "that breakfast smells so good" he said as he turned his attention back to you. you smiled softly at him and put your hands out so you could take Tommy allowing him to eat.
he gave her over to you and started eating. there was one thing about Joseph which you're never ever wanna change and that was his love for food. sometimes you thought that he loved food more than you and that was a running joke you both had since the start of your relationship. after he finished eating you passed Tommy back over to Joseph and took his plate to the kitchen. there was one thing you hated and that was dirty dishes. seeing them being left on the table after they were finished made you feel sick so you got to cleaning it straight away before going back into the dining room to see Tommys hand in Joseph's hair, not a care in the world.
"ouch baby. you can't pull daddy's hair" he said weaving his hand between his hair and her hand, exactly how you did it earlier. being three months old Tommy didn't realise right from wrong so teaching her hair pulling was wrong early was the best thing for her. "come on then let's open these presents" Joseph said looking just as excited as a kid on Christmas morning. you sat down next to him again and let your head rest on his shoulder, the tiredness from this morning taking a toll on you. Joseph turned Tommy around so she could sit facing the table so it would be easier for him to open his gifts. she was lent against his back, her feet kicking in excitement and Joseph opened the card first.
the card read 'Dear Joseph, i'm so thankful that we have been on this parenting journey together and i am glad that i chose to do this with you. you are the best father to our little girl and i wouldn't change it for the world. i love our little family which one day in the future we can grow and i love you so much. i know this isn't much but i know how much you love the small things and these gifts would be special to you. Happy first Father's day! love Y/n and Tommy'
after he finished reading the card he saw the messy handwriting in black ink. 'Tommy'. it was obvious that you had helped her because she couldn't write but something about this made Joseph's heart flutter. he hated how quickly time was moving. how was his sweet baby already three months old when it felt like just yesterday you told him that you'd gone into labour and that you needed to go into hospital. it felt crazy that he had a baby and he was actually a dad. he had been dreaming about this moment since forever and he was so lucky to share that experience with you.
he skimmed over the card again, eyes filling with tears as he saw the handprints and footprints and he felt grateful. grateful that you went through the hassle of trying to get a newborn to cooperate to even make this card. he sniffled, not wanting his emotions to get the best of him and put the card down on the table, kissing Tommys head in the process. he wiped his eyes quickly before turning to you seeing you already looking up at him, a soft smile on your lips as you watched he'd his reaction to the card. he lent in and kissed you passionately, his face a little red from his emotions.
his attention then turned to the small present which was neatly wrapped up in wrapping paper which was grey and printed in gold bees. Joseph took ahold of the box and put it in front of both him and Tommy, her hands immediately finding the box as her small fingers tried to pull it apart. Joseph watched as she tried her best to rip apart the paper and decided to help by tearing a bit of the paper, creating a tear for her to grab ahold of. both Tommy and Joseph started ripping at the paper allowing it to reveal the most special gift of all.
once it was revealed Joseph gasped, in awe of the gift. to others it may be to simple for a first father's day but Joseph loved it. the picture of him and his newborn baby sleeping in the most beautiful frame. he had never loved a gift more than this and his smile grew once he saw the letters around it. "y/n this is so beautiful. thank you love" he said, kissing you again before leaving little kisses on Tommys head. watching Joseph and Tommy together always made your heart swell. having your own family was one thing you'd always wished for, even when you were a little girl, and now that you have a family your life had changed. having Tommy just made your life complete.
the whole morning was filled with cuddles, kisses and loud giggles from Tommy. since she turned three months she had been smiling and giggling so much more and seeing her smile always made Joseph smile to himself, he created this beautiful human and he loves you and her so much. “can we rest today sweetheart? i just want to lounge around with you both all day” Joseph said, tickling the back of Tommys neck softly making her cringe but smile widely. luckily you didn’t plan anything and wanted to wait to see what Joseph wanted to do so him saying this made you smile. it meant you could have a lazy day with your family, away from the fans, the paparazzi, the stress of the world. although you hadn’t done much, Joseph didn’t care. he got to spend quality time with his girls and he loved nothing more than the two of you and this first father’s day couldn’t of been more special.
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the-broken-truth · 2 years
Hi can I request yandere batfamly and superfamily x daughter reader
Like the reader disappeared for years and comes back as a bad ass with powers cuz she was kidnapped by some aline and he raised her kinda like Star lord.
Broken Truth: Star-Lord? From Guardians of the Galaxy, right? I watched that movie a long time ago, it was good. Now, let the words weave together.
It was supposed to be a simple mission - investigate the mysterious lights at the factory and deal with any villains that were causing it but what Batman and his Family didn't prepare for was visitors from another world coming for the daughter of the bat family - [Name]. Bruce and his sons fought for their daughter/sister as hard as they could but it was for not when the Aliens knocked them away and took the girl before disappearing; Bruce, Dick, and Damian were heartbroken and looked for her for years but they were gone and there was nothing they could do to find her.
It would be 10 years later when [Name] appeared on Earth again, defeating the villains of the League of Doom with strange powers and guns that Bruce never saw before under the name 'The Star-Lady'. She wasn't alone either - she was friends with a talking raccoon that stood on two legs named Rocket Raccoon, a green warrior with red markings on his body called Drax the Destroyer, a green-skinned assassin female named Gamora, this man looked like he was made of gold named Adam Warlock and a giant walking tree man named Groot.
Once the league of doom was dealt with, [Name] turned and looked at the bat family with a smile as she sheathed her guns and introduced her team as the Guardians of the Galaxy.
"Guardians of the Galaxy? What nonsense." Bruce said as he glared at the people his daughter was surrounded by.
"It's not nonsense, Father. I am the Leader of the Guardians and they actually respect me, instead of just keeping me locked in my room or only going on missions with a stupid patrol." [Name] hissed at Bruce when Gamora placed a hand on her leader's shoulder.
"Don't get upset, [Name]. We don't have to stay here. We have other missions to deal with. Gamora said, calming down the Leader but what Bruce said next made all of their blood boils.
"You all can leave, but [Name] is staying here, where she belongs." Bruce said.
"I'M NOT STAYING HERE, BRUCE! I'M THE STAR-LADY AND I'M NOT GOING BACK TO YOUR SIMPLE-MINDED WAYS!" She yelled as she pointed the guns at Bruce when he pulled out his Batarangs, Robin bulled out his swords and Nightwing pulled out his staff when the Guardians armed themselves. This was going to be a hell of a fight
Clark watched the ship slowly descend from the skies of Metropolis as the hatch opened and 6 Figures jumped out with their weapons drawn: A Assassin with a sword, a raccoon with a rocket, a large green man with dual swords, a plant man with a gun, a man made of gold with a pair of guns, and...
"[Name]?!" Clark said as he watched his missing daughter pull out strange guns with a smirk on her face.
"Guardians! Attack!" She barked out with a smirk as she pointed her Guns at Darkseid but opened fire at him and the para=demons
"At once, Star-Lady!!!" The Green Man with the swords roared as he charged into the sea of para-demons, slaying them with single swings of his arm.
It was 30 minutes when Star-Lady and Drax knocked Darkseid back into the boom tube with his busted body before it closed and Star-Ladu looked at Superman and Superboy.
"[Name]!" Superman said as he walked over to her and hugged her with a smile, "I never thought I would see you again after those aliens took you away when you were a child, but now you are home!" He said.
"I"m not staying here." She pushed Clark off her body and busted herself off.
"What do you mean you're not staying? Father has been looking for you all this time." Jon Kent said as he walked forward to his sister who pointed her gun at him, telling him not to get too close.
"I have my own duties as the Star-Lady and I'm not going back on them because you or Clark want me to come back to Earth." She hissed.
"You're coming home, now." Clark balled his fists up as [Name] get s into battle stance with her girls and the others got ready to fight.
"Just try and make me."
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valeria-flint · 6 days
Self Para 001.
Mentions: @r-lestrcnge
The Carrow's had just left and Val was left behind in the room with her father and mother. Her father had returned from his fourth home and marriage especially for this conversation. It was the last thing of her parents had wanted. It was not good for any of them. And Val knew that but she wasn't so certain if she could care about it all.
"How did this happen, Valeria?"
Her full name coming from her father was not a good sign. Everyone knew that there was no way you should call her Valeria.
"I don't know, Father. I guess it took too long in the end." Her dark eyes were focused on her father who only gave her one more look before turning around and leaving the room with long strides. It was only then that she looked at her mother who had a disappointing expression on her face.
"This could become a disgrace to our name, Val." And with those words, her mother also left the room, leaving her daughter alone in the room.
A deep sigh escaped from Val as she let her forehead rest on her crossed arms on top of the table. The woman was definitely having mixed feelings. She had no idea what exactly to feel.
Being married had it's pros. It was no longer her against the world, it was the two of them against the world. Amycus hadn't been a wrong match. There was respect, he wasn't terrible to look at. But at the same time... Being married meant that the married name was important. It had to be continued. And that was something Val was not ready for at all. And probably never would be. Children was not her aim. She was not a mother.
A failed proposal also had pros and cons. But what did outweigh the other? The cons of a failed betrothal meant that people would start talking; the one thing her mother was so afraid of. Reputations would be damaged. People would wonder where it all went wrong and who was then to blame. Would it be Amycus or would it be her? When looking at history, Val had a feeling that it would be her reputation that would be damaged the most. A pro of it all was that she was free of the expectations of marriage. She was free to do what she wanted, with who she wanted. She was able to cross lines that she had given herself. She was able to give in to temptations.
The woman pushed herself away from the table and stood. It was time to talk to her friends first. Val needed to speak to someone. And a letter send to her earlier that day by Rabastan was the perfect distraction.
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