#part time postman lol
dreamings-free · 2 years
Louis on BBC Radio 1 with Matt & Mollie, playing a game of Secret Celebrity and introducing Bigger Than Me - 4/9/22
[these audio clips are longer than those in the twitter video]
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where-theres-smoak-2 · 6 months
I was watching 1x3 again because I had a crappy day and that's my happy loki episode, for obvious reasons. But anyway I got to the part where sylki are talking about love on the train and I noticed something.
When the conversation first starts with them talking about the old woman and how love is hate and the pretend postman its got this very playful, teasing atmosphere to it. It's not hostile like their earlier disagreements but they are still taking these playful jabs at each other, Loki mocking Sylvie's 'Love is hate' line, her telling him to piss off and in turn mocking him for thinking she could maintain a relationship whilst on the run her whole life. They are smiling so you can see that its all said in good fun but its still got that banter element to it.
Then the conversation shifts into a more curious kind of tone, its the are you single, what's your past relationship history look like kind of chat, and that shifts into a deeper conversation about never experiencing anything real.
But what really caught my eye, and I could just be looking too much into it, but when Sylvie says the line 'love is mischief then' her body language and tone seem really flirty to me. She tilts her head and she's got this flirtatious smile. We know that in the past she would get through these apocalypses by finding comfort through intimacy with others and I do wonder if that was what Sylvie was doing here, feeling out the waters and whether she said that 'love is mischief' line hoping to shift it into a more intimate situation, they are both the embodiment of mischief after all.
Loki also kind of freezes when she says it and, to me, he has this 'wait is she making a move on me' look. Whilst he tries to think of an answer to what love is exactly, he ends up sharing this really long and intense stare with Sylvie, where she seems to be waiting to see if he's going to follow on from her 'first move' lets call it. There's also a moment when she is waiting for him to respond where, right after Loki presses his lips together, she licks her own lips. Meanwhile Loki seems to struggle with himself and his feelings, before ultimately deciding against it and kind of brushing it off and averting the conversation with his comment about needing another drink to think about it.
After his brush off the tone of the conversation changes again and whilst is not as hostile as they were to each other at the start of the episode, that playfulness and flirtatiousness is gone and they are a bit colder to each other, like maybe Sylvie is a bit disappointed and like they've both caught themselves and thought 'wait no, not supposed to have feelings, not supposed to like them, get a grip.'
I don't know, like I said before, could be totally wrong. But to me it seemed like maybe there was alot more subtext to that conversation than I first noticed, and like Sylvie was actually trying to make a move on Loki, it definitely seemed more flirty than I remembered. But also, full disclosure, its 3.30am where I am and this could be a result of sleep deprivation and watching that scene one too many times lol. Either way it's still one of my favourite sylki scenes.
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uramilf · 1 year
A/N: Hi everybody! Here’s the prologue of my first series fic called The Record Shop. I’m extremely excited to share this, enjoy the first part! Don’t worry, it’s gonna get more exciting in the first proper chapter. I hope you guys like the sound of our main character Penny (she is named this because every OC i come up with is given a name that I would defo name a baby in the future and penny is my top name rn) Ps. the gif below is exactly how I imagine Matty looking for the duration of this fic lol. I’m sorry but I love mullet Matty xox
The Record Shop —Prologue
Matty Healy au x OC
Warnings: No smut in this part but this fic will contain smut and angst!
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*Penny’s POV*
I moved to Manchester from London in June, ready to move on from my shit relationships, my shit job, and my shit family. I had managed to find a new job in a hairdressing salon, hopefully with staff nicer than the last one I worked at. It certainly seemed that way, and the higher pay was a thrilling bonus. My new flat was small but cosy, and I planned on making it beautiful. It was already packed with all the things I loved; scented candles and fairy lights and pretty cushions. I had stuck a few of my favourite bands’ posters on the walls and propped up my guitars in the corners. There were little potted plants on the windowsills and a couple of soft blankets draped over the sofa. My clothes were hanging on a rail in my new bedroom and my record player had been plugged into the wall beside my bed.
I looked around my new flat, thrilled with how much it felt like home already. That is, until my eyes fell on a pile of photos of me and my friends from back home. The pictures spanned over 5 years, from we were 16 and still in school, til now when we were 21. I had left school after my GCSEs (which were abysmal, so it’s a good thing I decided not to go to uni), did a short hairdressing course and got my first job as a proper hairdresser at 20. I worked in London for a year until my relationship broke down and I decided it was time for a fresh start, away from him and away from my family who were still upset that I didn’t complete my A-Levels and “make something of myself.” I felt a pang of loneliness while looking at the photos, realising I didn’t know anyone down here at all. I wasn’t yet friends with my new co-workers, I didn’t know my postman or the staff in the local shops, I didn’t know which nightclubs were good, not that I had anyone to go out with. I didn’t know my new doctor, or my new dentist, or where to get a nice cup of coffee. Everything that I knew about London was gone. But if starting over meant knowing nothing, I would just have to live with it.
My first day at work was great - my co-workers were friendly and seemed like the type of girls you could really have a laugh with, the customers were chatty enough to keep me entertained throughout the day, and I felt for once like I was in control of my own life. As I walked out of the salon at 5pm clutching my handbag, all feeling of loneliness had dispersed; and I was elated.
A couple of streets away from my flat I walked past a little record shop with a neon pink “open” sign on the door. I could hear Fleetwood Mac playing from inside, which instantly got my attention. I decided to have a browse, maybe treat myself to a new record. Stepping inside, I had a quick look around. The walls were painted a calming cream colour and were lined with band posters and shelves of CDs and records, and I instantly spotted some of my favourites. There was no one at the cash register, but I assumed the staff had nipped out to the back as I could hear a couple of men laughing and chatting. I stepped into the 90s section the shop, flipping through the records in the middle. Just then I heard footsteps in the back corner of the store and looked up.
A boy about my age was standing there, wearing a black t-shirt with the store logo, a pair of black skinny jeans ripped at the knees and black boots. He was gorgeous; deep brown eyes and soft-looking brown hair that was shaved at the sides into a kind of mullet style (which usually I hated, but he made it work). One of his ears was pierced with a small hoop earring and his bare arms were covered in tattoos. He looked to be a good bit taller than me, and he was thin but the tattooed arms seemed quite muscular. The name tag on his top read “Matty”. He smiled a gorgeous smile at me and I felt my breath catch in my throat.
“Can I help you with anything darling?”
A/N: thank you for reading! Soz for the very long note at the start but I wanted to get some things out there lol x
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deepspacedukat · 6 months
The Baker's Baker - Part One
So, this is the fic I made the poll about. 75% of you said you were at least open to other David Birney characters depending on the character, so here it is. I honestly have no excuse. David Birney played a hot character in "Murder, She Wrote" and I have caught the brainrot. Spoilers for S10E3 "The Legacy of Borbey House." I know I changed part of the story, but it doesn't stray too far from the original, hence the spoiler warning. I'm not tagging anyone for this fic, because, even though some Letant Enjoyers might like this, I don't think anyone came to my blog for MSW fanfiction lol. To those who choose to give this little brainworm a read, I hope you enjoy.
Cross-posted to AO3 here.
Lawrence Baker (MSW) x Reader
[A/N: Future chapters will contain smut/smut adjacent content, so 18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI!!!]
Warnings: Mild rudeness, flirtation, mention of a missing person per the episode plot, vampire rumors, utilizing cupcakes for flirtation, readers owns and works in a bakery, reader has history with Borbey House but that'll be expounded upon in a later chapter.
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Cabot Cove was rife with rumors surrounding the property across the street from my front door. Borbey House had stood empty for a year and a half - some residents wondered if anyone would ever buy the place until a couple of weeks ago. I only caught a glimpse of my new neighbor as I was getting home one night. Dark hair, a darker suit, and the jaunty strut of a man who was utterly confident in himself - whoever he was, the new owner of the Borbey Estate was much flashier than the usual Cabot Cove crowd.
I only saw him once, though, along with a couple of curtain twitches from one of the upper windows. Any other time a person emerged from the house, it was without fail a harsh looking man with a square jaw. He and his employer both seemed rather ominous to anyone who believed in superstition, and the Borbey legacy was already saturated with those. All the mysterious deaths years ago...it was a wonder that anyone was interested in buying the place when it went on the market.
Legend had it that the original owner, William Borbey, had been a vampire, and given the new owner's tendency to avoid going out in the daylight coupled with how quickly gossip of any sort traveled through Cabot Cove, rumors about his condition spread rather rapidly. I couldn't really blame the man for not wanting to immerse himself in the insanity that was a small town like this. I had hoped I'd catch another glimpse of him eventually, but after that first sighting, all I saw was his - was the man with a square jaw a butler or a chauffeur? Both, perhaps?
This morning, however, my luck changed - for better or worse, I couldn't definitively say. It wasn't often that our postman switched mail around, but today I'd opened my mailbox to find a letter addressed to one 'Mr. Lawrence Baker.' Glancing at the address confirmed my suspicions: this belonged across the street.
With barely a moment's thought, I hurried back into my house and dropped off my own mail, scooping up a box of assorted cookies I'd packaged in advance for the bakery in the process. There were plenty more where that came from, so I figured it couldn't hurt to give Cabot Cove's newest resident a warm welcome.
Straightening myself up a bit, I grabbed the misdelivered letter and the box of cookies and walked across the street. Before I even got the chance to knock on the door, however, it was practically flung open. Mr. Baker's butler scowled silently, expectantly down at me with cold, hard eyes.
"Uh, hi! I–"
"Do you have an appointment?" His question was clipped and rough. Was that a German accent? Interesting.
"No, but–"
"Then begone." With that, the door was slammed in my face.
Oh, hell no. Tall and scary that man might be, but I wasn't about to just let someone treat me like that.
I was secretly quite proud of the firm, confident sound of my knuckles rapping on the aged wooden door. Once more, it was thrown open, but before Mr. Scary got the chance to do something more drastic than slamming the door in my face, I held up the letter so he could see the typeface on the envelope.
"This was delivered to me by mistake this morning. I was just coming over here to give it to its proper owner." After a tense moment of silence, the letter was snatched from my hand. "And these are from me. I run the bakery on Main Street and I wanted to officially welcome Mr. Baker to the neighborhood."
Shoving the box into the stunned butler's grasp, I turned on my heel and started back to my house, standing as straight as possible to cling to my remaining dignity. Well, that had been slightly more humiliating than I'd expected. So much for being neighborly–
"Excuse me, miss?" A smooth, sophisticated voice called out from behind me before I was more than a few feet down the front walkway. Looking back, I saw a familiar dark-haired figure stepping around the gruff-mannered butler to stand in the doorway. Red-lensed sunglasses rested atop the bridge of his nose, but it was still undeniably the same man I'd seen that first night. Lawrence Baker, in the flesh. Up close, he looked...well, extremely handsome. "I'm sorry for the rough reception. Peter is used to dealing with less pleasant visitors. I'm afraid most people don't like an outsider invading your peaceful community."
Taking a few small steps toward the door, I gave my elusive new neighbor a tentative smile and attempted to ignore the way his pale blue button-down shirt clung to his figure so perfectly.
"It's alright, but I promise not all of us are quite so prickly. I'm sorry if you've been on the receiving end of any sort of intolerance," I said, and he leaned jauntily on the door frame as a grin stretched his lips. The lines on either side of his mouth spoke of the many smiles he'd worn over the years. "Anyway, I should really let you get back to your day. I just wanted to officially welcome you to the neighborhood. If you need anything, I live just across the street."
"I'll be sure and keep that in mind, Miss...?"
I introduced myself, keeping a respectable distance between myself and the front door. The longer I looked at Mr. Baker, the more I wanted to do something ridiculous, like take up sketching just so I could capture the shape of his lips when he smiled.
"I couldn't help but hear what you said a moment ago. You run the local bakery?"
"Yes, I do. If there's something you'd like that I don't normally offer, I take custom orders." My brain went somewhere it definitely shouldn't have, and I fought to keep myself from blushing.
Instead, though, I had some restraint. Excusing myself, I retreated quickly back to my own home. I took a seat in the kitchen and glanced at the timer I'd set for the cake in the oven. There was still a while until I needed to check it.
I had no idea how long I'd been sitting at my kitchen table lost in thought when a knock sounded at the door, jolting me back to reality. A brief flash of fear zipped through me at the prospect of Mr. Baker or his butler - somehow the name 'Peter' didn't full encompass that man's personality - coming to throw my cookies back in my face and threaten legal action if I ever set foot on their side of the street again.
"Why, you look as pale as a ghost, child!" Seth exclaimed when I opened the door. I'd almost forgotten that he and Jessica were coming over for lunch today. Inviting them in gratefully, I stole a quick glance across the street and was just in time to see a curtain twitch in one of the upper windows of the Borbey House.
There was nothing I could do but close the door as if to block out the storm that was my neighbor's red-tinted gaze.
"Are you alright?" Jessica's hand rested gently on my shoulder, and I gave her a grateful smile.
"Oh, yes! I'm fine. I just had a very odd encounter with the new owner of the Borbey place," I told her as we all made our way into the kitchen. A couple of hours passed, and with lunch consumed and my new cake recipe freshly sampled by the three of us, I'd heard several bits of gossip about Mr. Baker and his butler.
"You say he had red lenses in his glasses?" Seth asked as he cut himself another slice of cake. When I nodded my head, he hummed thoughtfully. "Those have a few uses medicinally, dependin' on the shade. He could be sensitive to light. Until he comes into my office, though, I'm afraid that's all I can say."
With a wry smile, Mrs. Fletcher leaned back in her seat.
"I doubt that will do anything to dispel those ridiculous vampire stories that have been making the rounds, lately." She was right, of course. "Be careful, dear, you might find him knocking on your door one night in search of something more than just cookies."
A laugh bubbled out of me, and I felt suddenly better than I had all morning. Trust Jessica and Seth to know how to lift my spirits.
"I'll be sure to wear a garlic necklace and keep a stake handy," I joked. Allowing my smile to fall in favor of something more serious, I switched topics. "Any news about...?"
Jessica and Seth glanced at each other and shook their heads.
"You'd be one of the first to know. The last tip-off the Sheriff had was a dud. Lady was in her fifties. Definitely not Laurel Perrin," Seth murmured setting his fork down. Had he already eaten his second piece of cake? Mentally, I marked that recipe down as a success. I'd have to make one or two for the bakery this week to see how people reacted to it. "I...I know you were her friend, and I don't mean to sound disheartenin', but the chances of Laurel turnin' up after all this time..."
The doctor laid his hand over mine where it rested on the table, and I looked pointedly down at the wood grain beside my fingers.
"I know, Doc. I just...I can't give up hope. Neither can Dave or Charlie. Not until we know for sure, one way or the other. You can understand that, right?"
"Of course, we can. Closure is a somewhat universal longing, especially for those closely involved in situations like this," Jessica murmured wrapping her arm around my shoulders in a reassuring hug. "Now, why don't you tell us how the new space for the bakery is working out?"
Never had I been more grateful for a change of subject.
Six days later, I was in the middle of serving who I thought would be my last customer of the night when the bell over the bakery door jingled.
"I'll be with you in just a moment," I called over my shoulder as I boxed up a dozen brownies.
"No problem, take your time." I blinked a couple of times as I finished up. I knew that voice. Forcing myself to stay focused on my current task, I served my regular customer and handed him his change.
"Thanks, Jim. Have a safe drive home, okay?"
"'Course, ma'am, and I'll be sure and tell the wife you asked after her," he said tipping his hat as he turned to leave. My heart thudded rapidly in my chest as I turned to the new arrival.
"How can I help you tonight, Mr. Baker?" The man in question was clad in a crisp, black suit that was probably worth more than my entire inventory, but the smile on his face softened his visage into something more personable.
And his eyes! I hadn't been able to see them properly when they were hidden behind his tinted glasses, but they were the clearest blue I'd ever seen.
"Would you prefer the socially acceptable answer, or the truth?"
Oh, color me intrigued! Clasping my hands and resting them on the counter, I narrowed my eyes at him playfully.
"Hm. Let's have the truth first, then the respectable excuse," I murmured, and he stepped up to the counter, tracing his fingertips over the refrigerated cases as he moved closer.
"Alright. I was fascinated by you the moment I saw you walking up the drive. The way you handled Peter's abrupt dismissal made me realize I'd made a mistake in avoiding contact with my neighbors," he said leaning one forearm on counter. "I wanted a chance to see you again...to talk to you longer than just a few seconds, and this seemed like my best bet. In my defense, I had no idea that I'd have such a gorgeous neighbor."
I forced the muscles in my face to remain neutral. No smiling, not yet. I had to be casual. If I let myself smile now, I might explode.
"And the respectable excuse?"
"Ah, that. Well, I heard about the special you were having on cupcake orders and thought I'd come take advantage of the discount," Mr. Baker said with a smile, and I bit my lower lip to stifle a laugh. "What?"
Crooking my finger at him, I coaxed him into leaning close enough to whisper in his ear, trying to add to his anticipation.
"The special is on brownies today, not cupcakes."
A warm, velvety laugh spilled from his lips as leaned back again.
"Oh, damn, there goes my airtight alibi," he mused when his eyes met mine once more. "I guess that blows my chances of you accepting my invitation to dinner..."
I couldn't hide my surprise.
"Yes, but I doubt you'd be interested in socializing with a man who can't even get his excuses in order beforehand," he teased. Giving me a shrug and turning to a cloche-covered tray of brightly-iced cupcakes, he pretended to study them as I forced my brain into gear.
"...What day did you have in mind?"
The wide grin he gave me lit up the whole shop.
"How about tomorrow night? From what I understand, your shop is closed on Sundays, isn't it?"
"That's right. Sure, why not? Tomorrow sounds great," I answered lifting the cloche off the cupcake tray. "In the meantime, if we're going to sell that poorly-constructed cupcake excuse, you can't leave here empty-handed."
"Ah, thank you. We wouldn't want the rest of the town to think you were in danger from a reclusive vampire," he muttered with a gleam in his eye as I boxed up an assorted half dozen cupcakes. "How much do I owe you?"
"Nothing at all. These are on the house."
His eyes went wide, and he placed one of his large hands gently on my arm.
"I didn't come here to swindle you out of your merchandise. I don't want you to think I can't afford a few baked goods."
"This has nothing to do with your ability to pay, Mr. Baker. Haven't you ever had someone do something nice for you before, just because they could?"
Something like comprehension flickered across his face.
"Not...in a very long time, no," he said just above a whisper, looking at me as though I'd transformed right before his eyes. Placing one of my hands over his where it still rested on my arm, I spoke just as quietly.
"Then it's about time someone did." A moment's weighted silence passed between us before I got back to the cupcakes, closing the box and sealing it with one of my labels. "There you are. And if you really want to do something to repay me, tell me this: what's your favorite dessert?"
He was silent for a moment while he considered his answer, but ultimately he shook his head.
"I'll have to think that over. It's serious business deciding something like this," Lawrence said with a faux stern expression plastered on his face.
"Oh, naturally. You can tell me over dinner, assuming you've selected by then," I said with an equally stern expression, but when a bright smile broke across Mr. Baker's lips, I cracked and let out a quick laugh.
"I look forward to your charming company tomorrow night, my dear," he said, and without a moment's hesitation, he caught one of my hands in his grasp and brought it to his lips. My heart fluttered in my chest, the traitorous bastard, and before I knew it, Mr. Baker had taken his box of cupcakes and left.
Resisting the urge to squeal or smile so hard that my face broke, I went to the door and flipped the sign from 'Open' to 'Closed.'
When I got home that night and exited my car, I glanced across the street. Instead of the usual twitching curtain, I was just in time to see both Peter and Mr. Baker in the latter's sitting room, nibbling on what were unmistakably a pair of my cupcakes.
If I'd been any happier, I might have floated away like a balloon.
"You're having dinner with the man? But neither you nor anyone else in town knows him very well," Doc Hazlitt protested the next morning as I chatted with him over the phone. He'd called to ask what day that new cake would be added to the bakery's menu so he could give me some extra patronage. Once I assured him it would be a Tuesday addition, he moved on to a rumor he'd heard about Lawrence Baker kissing my hand during business hours and leaving my shop with a box of desserts. I hadn't disabused him of the notion, hence his current state of agitation.
"Doc, I am perfectly capable of handling a simple dinner. I'm not a little girl anymore," I said, and a sigh crackled down the line.
"I know, I know, but I don't want you to get hurt. I was the doc in the ward when you were born, and I've known you all your life. Is it any wonder that I feel a little nervous about you gettin' involved with a man who's only been in Cabot Cove for a handful of weeks?"
"Y'know, that's another thing, Seth," I started as I cradled the phone to my shoulder and slipped a tray of scones into the oven. "People around here act as though every new arrival or outsider is here to pillage the town. Why can't someone move in and be given the benefit of the doubt for once? Mr. Baker is perfectly friendly–"
"–And rich, to boot, meanin' he is used to gettin' exactly what he wants–"
"That's enough, Doctor. You haven't even met the man. You have no right to judge him until you've at least tried to get to know him." I didn't even try to keep the reproachful edge out of my voice. "Please, at least try to be open minded. If not for his sake, then for mine."
"I'd still be grateful if you gave me a call tomorrow morning so that I know you survived the ordeal," he requested, and after a quick agreement, he finally let me go.
Seth was right to an extent. I barely knew him, and Borbey house, despite my personal history, was still surrounded by gruesome stories and the ghosts of its past. It wouldn't hurt to be a little cautious.
Although, a benefit of spending time across the street was that I'd have a chance to change that surly butler's opinion of me. That was something I definitely needed to do, especially if I was going to be acquainted with his employer. Maybe with the right dessert, I could lower his defenses enough to show him I wasn't just a pest to swept out onto the street.
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redrum-alice · 11 months
...some long ass timebomb prompt based on a music video I watched before
The video in question is "Dreamgirl - Teenage Blues" which features the movie "Postma blues" where I loosely based this stupid prompt...
This is like...a super looooooong read, so ignore if you're not into it lol. I dont know how to write a fic, only prompts 💀🔫
Ok so like this written a long time ago in the server but no one rlly got it nor paid attention to it 😭 It's set in modern au, but it's more dreary and polluted bc of the factories
Ekko is an upcoming college student and a part time postman for more income bc his parents arent making a lot from working at the factory.
One day while he was on duty, he came across an unnamed package dropped by a man in black coat. Out of curiosity and suspicion, he opened it and found a pound of shimmer dust that can be dissolved, and a small business card own by Silco. He panicked and tried to diapose of it but got enforcers' attention when he was under the bridge.
While being interrogated at the station, several strange men came in and one of them was the man in black coat. He sees that they are in kahoots with the police, so he made an escape and ran as fast as he could until he was in the outskirts of town. He ended up in an old hospital that is barely abundant of patients. Assuming theres no one residing in one of the rooms, he got inside from the window and hid there...until his head got smacked from the back
It wasnt long until he was conscious again and found himself lying perpendicularly at the edge of the bed with someone sitting from his side where the pillow is. He was greeted by a blue haired girl dressed in a hospital gown and introduced herself as "Jinx". Jinx has been a patient ever since she and her sister got separated after a house fire then eventually got adopted. Ekko recognizes her as his classmate back in early middle school but stopped going to classes and no one noticed.
When he told her why he was hiding from something, Jinx made a deal with him that after she helps him hide from the police, he gets to take her outside for funsies. Having no other choice, he accepts. After barely escaping the hospital once the police got there, they headed to Piltover for sightseeing. Ekko toured her in the city and had fun as promised.
According to Ekko, she's a menace but is nice when shown kindness.
They eventually initiated a truth or dare game while looking down at the city from the sky tower, but got disappointed when Ekko kept choosing truth. When she asked what he wanted to do in the future, he said he wanted to graduate college so he can help the city of its pollution problem and air quality that keeps affecting his mother's lungs.
Jinx was moved by Ekko's answer and eventually confessed that she rarely got to go outside because of her heart condition and that she was deliberately putting traces of drugs in her food and medicine so her father would pay more attention to her whenever she's in need. He asked who is her father and she answered "someone who runs a drug cartel. His name is Silco." Ekko, shock at her answer, questions why she didnt try to escape.
Jinx: "I don't want to be alone. I had no one."
Ekko: "...do you feel alone right now?"
Jinx: "not as I used to be...and I'm glad."
Just before they can head back down, Jinx lost her balance bc of her weak health but Ekko caught her in time before she could hit the floor. Not wanting to upset her, Ekko joked that the floor underneath them was probably loose and they were being clumsy. He held her and began swaying with her in his arms, pretending they were dancing. Jinx cries knowing that her time would end soon and Ekko is only trying to cheer her up, brushing that worry away. She kissed him as thanks. He wrapped his scarf around her to protect her from cold as they head out
On their way back they were spotted several enforcers that were looking for them, presumably bribed by Silco. Ekko suggested it's probably best to stay at his apartment until the road is clear. Jinx enjoyed her stay and his company, entertained by his stories and his future plans on science and engineering which is something they have in common. She felt envy, but more pain from the thought of never being able to see him accomplish those dreams of his. Ekko told her he'll check up on her whenever he can after all of this is over.
Jinx confessed again that she was the one who accidentally caught their house on fire before, and that's why she called herself 'jinx'. Ekko realizes her real name was Powder and remembers that he had a crush on her back then, but never got a chance to confess. He said that she didnt do it on purpose and she shouldnt bare that burden for so long.
Before they can kiss again, Ekko's mom entered. She warmly welcomed her before Ekko could explain the situation (she wanted his son to find a partner so he wouldn't be alone lmao, plus she's sweet towards Jinx)
The next day, Ekko saw the cops entering the building of their apartment. Him and Jinx hurried again to escape, but they barely got away when they were cornered at the bridge. Jinx suggested they'd jump, but Ekko refused saying it was too dangerous for her. She hugged him and eventually pushed Ekko off before the police got to him, letting him escape while having Silco's men escort her back to the hospital for her treatment. The police couldnt find his body and assumed he was dead
4years later, Ekko was found to be residing at a different location far from the two cities. He eventually got himself another part time job that was enough to sustain him and for his college funds. Being an assistant to a professor allowed him to start plans to improve his old hometown.
When he got back and assumed no one was looking for him anymore now that Silco was pronounced dead, he returned to his parent's apartment. Turns out, Jinx told him to hold his breath before she could push him while hugging on the bridge. His mom told him he had several letters from his old friend waiting for him. Her letters consists of longing, greeting, concerns, and wishes of seeing him again and his stupid postman hat as she calls it. She wrote that she knows he's going to come back...and he did
Ekko decides to visit the old hospital and asked the remaining staff about Jinx, but it turns out that she died two years ago. He also heard that her 'father' supposedly died a year after Ekko escaped the city, supposedly at the hands of opposing party.
He reads the last letter from the parcel signed by her that was left at the hospital and it said she wanted to help him one day but at the rate of her condition, she can't stay to even see him achieve his dreams. He also found a small handmade monkey plush and bundle cash in the box with a note saying:
"I wont be needing this to where I'll go, so won't you be sweet enough to use this for good? It aint exactly a clean money given it's from my dad, but it's a start. You're too good boy savior, I wish I could see you again but that's a dream I won't be able to reach.
I love you so much. Thank you for everything. You made my life worthwhile."
Few years forward, Ekko enters a company with blueprints at hand containing plans for improved water filtration system for the city. He wore the monkey plush on his waist saying "its for good luck".
This is for you @starry-nights12 because you make fanfics for me and I havent given you anything...not that this is on par but like I tried outside of art HAHAHAHAHAHHA. Anyway enjoy 😭💝🔫
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postmail · 1 year
okay so biggg trans hc dump up ahead. idk how read mores work and i was sleep deprived as hell when i wrote this so idk
okay so trans maxwell right? trans maxwell. but consider that if one part of a pair of identical twins is trans then typically the other one will be too. so trans jack.
and thats just dandy and opens up a lot of interesting paths you could take with that. and look, ive got a whole deleted version of this post thats twice as long going over the whole wendy and abi thing, so just trust me when i say that ive thought about it, lol
and just listen to me. the idea that both jack and maxwell are trans makes me feel so much. perhaps the reason they seem to be rather close is because they share this one aspect of themself with the other.
imagine a nervous william admitting his darkest secret to his twin and finding out that the other has been dealing with the exact same thing the whole time. or jack putting on a brave face and telling william that he wishes he was born a boy and william saying that he feels the same, and that maybe they werent born that way but they could become who they know they are inside. neither of them will face this alone, so long as the other is there
contrast this with trans, hirsute wilson. wilson, who feels like no one in the world understands. no gets why hes happy he has hirsutism, and why he refuses to shave, because they think hes a woman. he cant tell them that he feel like his body has finally got the memo thats hes a man, that it feels right to be able to grow a beard. its no becoming cis over night, but it makes him feel better. gender euphoria and all that jazz
wilson feels like who he is in the inside is finally being reflected outwards. and if other people dont like the truth... well, he doesn’t need them anyhow. he knows who is, and thats all that matters.
when wilson moves to america, it is very much like turning a new leaf. here, he decided, he would live as a man- and nobody would ever know the truth. and it feels great. but it also feels very lonely. it feels very isolating, and he has a dark secret all over again. hes not lying to himself or others anymore, but he knows how fragile this new life is. one wrong move, one wrong person confided in, and this whole new life hes constructed for himself will crumble in front of his eyes.
all of this considered, is it so much of a shock that he withdraws himself, swearing the only friend he needs to be science? refusing to interact with others unless absolutely necessary, never letting himself get close to anyone. to protect himself
all of this compounds into living alone in a rickety shack in the woods, far from anyone else. never seeing anyone except the postman on the other side of the window.
wilson might pass much better, but he lacks something maxwell has- a support system, someone who understands him. this isolation protects him from the transphobia of the outside world, but its loneliness all the same
its this that makes him willing to listen to the smooth talking stranger over the radio. he has no one, and when even science itself seems to fail him, hes eager to hear out the first friendly voice hes heard in a long time.
when hes trapped in the constant, it almost feels like reality has come back to smack some sense into him. of course, of course this would happen, who was he kidding?
when he frees maxwell and then precedes to be freed himself it takes them both a long time to figure out that the other is trans. they are both very well trained in hiding this specific part of themselves, but theres only so long you can hide this kind of thing from some one you are literally surviving in the woods with
so when someone inevitably finds out, i think it would be a whole ordeal. if its maxwell figuring it out then i think he would be more chill about it but wilson would lose his goddamn mind. for the first time, wilson finally has someone who understands him and doesn’t judge him.
it would change everything. wilson gets more comfortable with maxwell than he ever has with anyone else and maxwell can understand and he can understand maxwell
its been so long since maxwell had had another person like him around, and its like a breath of fresh air. he doesnt have to watch what he says, he doesnt have to make sure that his voice doesnt sound too high, he can just be honest with who he is, and wilson wont judge him. infact, wilson almost seems to like him more because of it
maybe they try to go back to how they were after this reveal but they just cant. they know too much now to just go back to the way they were. and maybe they find that they dont really want to, anyways
they might be in hell, but theyve got each other.
all of this to say, t4t maxwil is the best maxwil. trans rights baybeeeeee
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shinygoku · 5 months
With the Beatles (1963)
Time for part 2 of CutCat Reviews Beatles Albums now it's February!
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An iconic picture to be sure, but I'm not wild on it. Maybe it reminds me too much of trying to fit pictures into a small MS Paint Canvas? lol
Like with Please Please Me, I think there's some songs that slipped under the osmosis radar and that I ain't heard in full. Though I think the only albums I've listened to from start to finish all in order are the 1 CD, Revolver and Sgt Pepper, so I'll stop mentioning it on these early and the later ones... We're also still in "a fair few Covers" country, so will I be as mild on them as I was on the Non-Boys of PPM?
It Won't Be Long: I first heard this fairly recently, on the radio that was playing in another room. My thoughts weren't that strong, other than that "She Loves You" does the Yeah! repetition better lmao. Having been able to it properly since, though, I'm a lot warmer to it! It's optimistic and energetic, and the even higher amount of Yeahs is funny (though I maintain that SLY easily wins the Yeah Battle... but more on that when I reach it~). Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah!!
All I've Got To Do: This one seems to get slept on a lot... it's pretty solid, but it doesn't really offer any particular Iconic moments. The chorus shakes things up in a nice way but it seems Sticking Power ain't something it has. It's one of many songs that go to show how amazing this band was, as this isn't bad, but it's been left far behind by the other songs they've blessed us with, innit?
All My Loving: Now THIS is a memorable song! Such a jaunty guitar with the direct words! A real narrative is being laid out, albeit as an assertion of future things being promised~ Ah nuts, it blasted my memory of the previous song outta my head... XD - Seems this is the only one that got Red Album'd in this list? Wild that it's only the 1, but I think the right choice was made.
Don't Bother Me: George time! I'm not clear on if the narrative here is a post-breakup or if he's being dramatic about a spell away from the GF, but the main crux is that he doesn't want non-GF contact at that point in time. It's much moodier than most'a their stuff from this time, and there's more damn nice instrumental work.
Little Child: The title on it's own has me somewhat 8(, and the lyrics unfortunately confirm this [albeit Dancing on it's own ain't that bad, but one knows Dancing is often a euphemism in songs like this, or a precursor to more]... I'm sorry for such a negative, potentially pearl-clutching response. But also the music isn't charming me enough to coax me into softening my view. The first real Dud of this album, imo.
Till There Was You: Now THIS, I like! I was baffled why this seems to fly under the radar of Iconic Beatles Songs, but I since found out it's a cover, so that's probably the explanation. The lyrics are decent but the real appeal is that absolutely gorgeous guitar work and bongos, they provide such a warm feel~ It's also giving me strong "Anime Ending Credits Sequence" vibes, which I'm quite partial to ^w^ ...Issit just me or does Paul gain a slight Irish accent when he says "no, I never heard (them/it) at all" :0c
Please Mr. Postman: This I DID know was a cover from the start, haha! It's a very catchy song, but even with my sizable Beatle Bias, I can't really commit to declaring this one as the best... it's very good and very listen-able, but it may be that the definitive Mr Postman is somewhere else...
Roll Over Beethoven: Again, it's a cover, but I've not heard Chuck Berry's OG take at the time of writing. The song is pretty groovy, George's vocals ring nicely. I'm not dazzled, but I like it well enough :>
Hold Me Tight: Another Beatles original, another one that tends to get omitted from Mentions...! It's nice, but a lot plainer than most'a the stuff, lacks a certain Pizazz
You Really Got a Hold on Me: Another cover, one I've prolly heard before by a non-Beatles act, while this one is another Fine, Inoffensive romp that I lack strong feelings for lol
I Wanna Be Your Man: Now I know this one was somewhat famously given to The Rolling Stones, and I even heard that played on the radio too. When it was their version, I wasn't impressed. Sung by Ringo, as it had been intended initially? ....I'm still not that impressed. Mostly in the lyrics, it's real repetitive! But my Ringo bias keeps it afloat, and it's odd Mid-ness makes it more memorable than others on this album.
Devil In Her Heart: A good cover, this! George doing nice vocals and the candance to the title is catchy, and ooooh the instruments in the background are also fun, are those maracas I hear? It gets bonus points for the harmonies disagreeing with the lead too, hehe
Not A Second Time: The last original of this album, and it's not really doing it for me. Something about it kinda blurs into itself. Their later betrayal type numbers are more my bag, baby
Money (That's What I Want): And we're closing the experience with one more cover. I dig the instruments, most notably the piano, but the song itself is just, like, whatever lmao, Maybe it's too overtly materialistic and a bit listless? Man oh man does the Pink Floyd Money blow this outta the water lmaooo
Best 3: It Won't Be Long, All My Loving, Till There Was You
Blurst 3: Little Child, Not A Second Time, Money (That's What I Want)
Overall Quality?: An improvement over Please Please Me, though in a way it's more level quality makes it a bit harder to pick the best at least best songs in it. Most of the covers are again decent but not amazing, and the originals are hit and miss. Unfortunately it seems side 1 got the Lion's Share of memorable, fun numbers, leaving side 2 with also-rans, though in that is Devil in Her Heart at least!
On the next part, it shall have been (?) A Hard Day's Night and its all-original song lineup! Just the Album though, if I'm looking at the Film it'll be another, separate instalment ^w^;
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butchdykekondraki · 1 year
Okay so. We haven't yet watched any theory videos/essays the like, so maybe we're just stating what everybody already knows, but e have a loose theory that it has some sort of tie to the Zodiac Killer. For one, if you remove Wally and his house (main character (and suspect) and the house, which is for some reason apparently considered a '9th neighbor'), you have 7 remaining side characters -- the Zodiac killer has officially claimed 7 victims, although he himself claims to have killed much more (around 37?). This could also be a hint that the viewer is going to be one of the 'unconfirmed victims' so to say. Along with this, the show began October 11th, 1969, which is the date that the Zodiac Killer claimed his final victim, and ended in 1974, when he officially ended activity and sent his last known letter. There are also some notable name similarities. I haven't gone through everyone yet, but Eddie does have a name similar to Edward Edwards (pff), a serial killer and former suspect of the Zodiac Killer's identity, but was later cleared of suspicion (of being the Zodiac Killer, I mean. He still killed people lol). He also has a name similar to Linda Faye Edwards, a possible victim, but that seems to be a bit more of a reach to me. Eddie being a postman also aligns with the theme of letters, which is essentially what the Zodiac Killer was known for. Along with this, despite the misplaced letters on the website being able to be arranged into different links, they could also be at least a nod to how the Zodiac Killer would use ciphers. Not to mention, the neighborhood as a whole is often portrayed as picturesque and perfect, like a paradise. The Zodiac Killer (god take a shot every time I've said that so far) had an odd obsession with the concept of paradise (referencing 'paradice' in several of his motives, even saying that he does not fear the gas chamber, as it would only bring him there quicker). Unrelated and I'm sure people have said this before, but the whole thing gives somewhat of a 'cult' vibe to it, as much as I hate to say it. Just the way that you're told that you'll be welcomed and accepted, that you are already an integral part despite not being a part of it -- yet. As far as I'm aware, it's basic cult recruitment tactics; get someone who's in a low place in their life, offer a place for them to belong, to feel welcomed and loved and as though they will finally have a purpose and find their true selves there. But yeah, all that is just theories, and I haven't looked into everything yet (still need to scrutinize similarities between other characters and suspects/victims/etc). Sorry for the massive wall of text :]
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gaggleofaddisons · 2 years
Can i see your new Spamton? -heartless anon
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I've posted this art already, but I'm too lazy to find all the links. lol The top one is how is starts out, though I might tweak the design a little bit still. This new body was created by my Deepweb addison Escrow, who wanted to turn him into a weapon. He scrapped the NEO suit and parts of Spamton's body in order to create the body he has now.
He ends up wanting to go back and have his body restored in a way so he looks like a completely different addison, including a new, non glitchy voice box. The second design is the older design for his new addison look, with the postman one being the most recent one. He's more blue looking, but his fur keeps trying to turn white due to his coding. So he constantly has to get it dyed.
He's able to do all this due through a process of augmentation. This is because addisons in my canon are mechanical in nature (though weirdly mammal at the same time), so they can have almost any part fixed up or restored so long as they have the money for it. You can have your fur dyed another color, or maybe you want a tail to make yourself more cute to attract more customers! The most expensive augmentation surgeries include full body fur replacements (this also can include the silicone skin replacement as well), body part replacements and even some parts of their brain chip or entire organs. The only things that can't be fully replaced are the heart and the entire brain chip. The heart contains what makes up their soul, and the brain chip is most of their knowledge and personality. If either of those are damaged beyond repair, the addison would die, or become effectively brain dead.
Spamton is only able to do this thanks to the virus addison CR, who was tasked with finding Spam after he escaped from Escrow's workshop. Of course after awhile of hunting the guy down he decides he's really just tired of living his life under another's thumb, and thinks it would be funny to help Spam out more than working for Escrow. That's not to say the dude is completely good. It's more he's bored and thinks this could become something entertaining if he sticks around.
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Thoughts and First Impressions on the Beatles Discography: With The Beatles
It has been some time, but welcome back to: "Misery listens to Beatles albums on repeat for a really long time and then gives his opinions on them"! This listening episode was With The Beatles!
Compared to when i listened to Please Please Me, I've had this one on repeat for a lot longer, and idk if that's me liking it more or if I just needed more time to formulate my opinions lol
It Won't Be Long: Starting the album off with a bang! Love the guitar riffs. Also the little background "yeah!"s are charming. Love the backing vocals on this in general. Got a good groove to it altogether. I like how it's more intense instrumentally on the chorus and then pulls back on the verse, it's a good ebb and flow. Also like that oooo harmony at the end.
All I've Got To Do: LOVE this one! I love how sparse the instrumentation is at points so that part of the song is also just the silence. Vocals are lovely. Really like the solid light drumming on the verse. The hum over the instrumental into the fadeout is gorgeous.
All My Loving: It's this one! I'd heard this one before when I watched AHDN. Harmonies are nice. It's got a good consistent groove to it. The bit where it pulls back and it's vocals with the "Ooo"s is really lovely.
Don't Bother Me: George song!!!!! Made me laugh that his first released song was just "leave me alone", very George of him. Claves are fun! The tambourine is cute. Guitar is groovy. Good vibes good vibes. Melody is nice. Unique in just having lead vocals. The tom on the fadeout is cool!
Little Child: HARMONICA!!!!! SHE'S BACK! This one is fun and groovy. Very dancey. The yelling and then going ham on the harmonica makes me smile.
Till There Was You: Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful!!!! I said "oh Paul..." with a dreamy grin on my face the first time i listened to this. HOWEVER my brain is meme poisoned and when he sang "I never saur them winging" my brain just played the tiktok H2O just add water "aur naur cleo the condensation" audio and i did start laughing. HOWEVER HOWEVER this is genuinely gorgeous and i love the guitars and the bongos and Paul's voice. Beautiful Gorgeous, and one I'd listen to on repeat alone. Probably my favourite track.
Please Mister Postman: Tiktok also poisoned my brain for this one a bit but it's really fun! I love the "wait a minute"s, they're good vibes. I was bobbing my head. Just really nice. Good vocals all around. the bit where it's just John singing and the handclaps and the drums? Gorgeous.
Roll Over Beethoven: The stereo mix... was not made for men like me... I did not enjoy having handclaps every second blasted into my right ear, I'm not gonna lie. Otherwise it's very good technically instrumentally, George did very good on the vocals and I like his little "woo"s and the way that he pronounces Tchaikovsky. Good vibes if not for the goddamn handclaps.
Hold Me Tight: Ohhhh the vibes are fantastic. I love Paul's voice so much, I really do. Vocals in general are fab. Guitar is fun and good. Another very danceable one.
You Really Got A Hold On Me: Good slow groove! I like the drums, with the sus cymbal. Also the "hold me"s are lovely. Nice high notes! Piano is good.
I Wanna Be Your Man: RINGO TIME BAYBEE!!!!! Just a fun good time. The guitar is great! Apparently there's organ on this? I can't super hear it individually, but I can feel it supporting the other instruments, and the glissando is audible. I actually fucking love how (so far) Ringo's songs just devolve into him screaming. Fantastic. Good Vibes. Ringo I Love You.
Devil In Her Heart: Groovy! I like the maracas. The backing vocals are lovely. Good drum groove. The bass is actually audible in the mix for once! Guitar is nice, and I like the closing chord.
Not A Second Time: Piano!!! I love how percussive it is. Great. It's interesting to hear the other instruments take more of a backseat in the mix.
Money (That's What I Want): More groovy piano! Enjoy how for the second album in a row we have John closing it out and just YELLING. I would also like some money! Again with the sparser instrumentation leaving the vocals a bit more isolated. John Lennon Yells At You To Give Him Money ASMR.
Aaaaand that's the album! Gave similar vibes to Please Please Me tbh, and I know this one was about a third covers as well. I really liked it though, it was a good listen. Idk if this is just something i noticed in this album because i was listening more, so it might be a thing with PPM as well, but the bass was really quiet in the mix. Anyways, yeah! My Opinions! Onto the next set of non-album singles, and then AHDN! As always if you like my opinions feel free to follow or chat!
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thexfl · 2 years
anyway heres some more info on the vhs dvds i was into as a kid. part 1 probably.
my fav videos i used to watch religiously when i was like 2-6 were a bunch of rosie and jim tapes. cus the show was already old by the time i was born my parents bought a bunch of these tapes in charity shops and car boot sales. when i was 4 my parents got me some rosie and jim dvds for christmas and i thought i was sooo spoilt that im making it big time, i got MY own dvds now. and i remember the host/boat owner was a new guy not pat or john and i was so sad. i thought he was a bit annoying but like its new rosie and jim i hadnt seen so like its a fair trade i guessed. the first time i used a website was to go to the rosie and jim website and i that it was soooooo cool. some other videos i had were tots tv videos, sooty videos, old postman pat and fireman sam videos like 2 pokemon videos of the first like 6 episodes of the anime, a bunch of barney and wiggles tapes, a the adventures of sonic the hedgehog tape some brum tape, a few muppet and sesame street videos which i also was like "this is da gold standard of entertainment to 3 year old me", one simpsons video, id later get so many simpsons dvds tho. and one like really obscure low budget puppet show i think was direct the video called playbox which i only was able to refind the name of this year. im infodumping like mad and only a little bit done but i really was fucking raised by tv especially when i was really small lol.
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Heyy please tell me about your ocs!!! they caught my eye and now I'm interested. Give me the summary or the full dump, either works :3
(*゚▽゚*) I- yea sure gladly!! Though I‘m still a bit new to this whole making characters (with actual character traits) thing so it‘s probably all over the place and not the best, hope that’s not too disappointing
Also prepare for a big info-dump. I tried making it short but it didn’t work. I‘m sorry.
For context, the setting‘s pretty much "standard fantasy rpg but technology is a thing“ (which mostly just means they’re all based on rpg classes lol, it’s why the outfits are so weird), and a bunch of info on all five is spread throughout posts in the "original character do not steal [tm]“ tag
But anyways
There‘s Mage, first oc of this group who kinda started this whole concept, unofficial official main oc and thus the most fleshed out one, and also the only one I actively posted about before which you can find here. In short, he‘s a (usually traveling) merchant with dark magic, lots of secrets, kinda shady but also happy-go-lucky, (so more or less true neutral if we‘re going by alignment charts?),a sad backstory the length of 2 sentences, addicted to knowledge, and really likes to poke jabs at Yel.
Yel is a permanently tired postman with constant :| face who only became one because he lost his Hunter class due to being short-sighted, and this was the next best thing to still roam around the woods freely while being undisturbed. Kept and uses his survivalist skills from that time though, which made him the group medic and also the one bringing back Red others when they get lost. Stickler to rules most of the time, pretty much the only thing that‘ll ever make him disregard them is his loyalty towards people he cares about. And even then it’s quite the internal battle (though he knows which side will always win). Hasn’t actually ever told the others his real name, and isn’t even sure if they’ve realized it yet. As far as he‘s aware, they think Yel is his real name and not a nickname slapped onto him by Mage, and can’t be bothered correcting them. Also doesn’t wanna admit it at all, but secretly enjoys bickering with him because Yel‘s sassy too, he just doesn’t show it.
Red is what happens when you complete a videogame and just keep chillin at the fishing area or building a third house for your twenty Minecraft dogs. Once the picture-perfect hero main character, now she‘s just. Relaxing. World‘s saved, after all! The hero-ing never vanished though, and they don’t bother hiding it, still helping whoever needs it, exploring new places found while getting lost, and pretty much enjoying her time until someone inadvertently ropes them into another great quest because she just can’t say no. Incredibly protective, pretty friendly and chill most of the time, but can’t deal with situations where she can’t be 100% in control. Also, you do. Not. Want. To be a traitor. If you’re standing on the other side, you are an enemy, and enemies get cut down, twice so for daring to lead the people around them on with their lies. Will forgive people who betrayed her though, if they decide to change their mind. But otherwise, Red’s alignment is chaotic good I think? Finds it funny when someone realizes The Hero hasn’t mysteriously vanished or epically sacrificed themselves in the last grand battle like everyone thinks, but is currently hanging upside down from a tree taking photos to fill up their dex.
Deniz kinda started out as an NPC-style character so there’s not much to him, he lives near the sea, flight over fight but will fight with everything he’s got when the first isn’t an option, really good at dealing + commanding people though sudden situations at reflex due to sailing, teaming up with Yel as the navigators of the group, and the first-aid person for serious situations. Not part of the Red-Retrieval club due to being just as prone to exploration, though. They kinda enable each other. Doesn’t care about rules unless he sets them up himself, because unlike other rules, he knows his own are there for survival, and you better listen to him. If something happens because you didn’t, that’s on you, and only you. But if something happens because you did listen to him, that’s equally on him, and he will carry that guilt alone. (So more of a neutral good, but a different flavor than Red, if that makes sense?)
Violet - your princess isn’t in another castle, she broke out after getting kidnapped to escape fulfilling [insert evil goal of every endboss here]. Literally. That’s her backstory. A very "the end justifies the means“ person, but more prone to stick to the rules while doing so, and only disregards them if necessary, but very willing. Has no problem with half-truths and playing mind chess against others. Pretty good at formulating plans beforehand, but can’t do it on a whim, quick to read the room, and kind of a history nerd. Also quite the cold judge. Unlike Red, Violet will never forgive you, no matter what you do, since there’s always a chance everything just repeats again. Also, pretty good at light magic, and thinks Mage is a bit shady because of his secrets (and not just because of his standard shadiness). She really doesn’t like when she‘s not getting information. But neither does Mage, so they found a common ground there, ironically. Either lawful or true neutral…? Not sure which one fits better.
Aaaand that’s them! Hope it’s not too different from what you expected? Tbh a lot of this is probably gonna chance anyways, I enjoy collecting and changing things gradually over time instead of sticking to a bunch of set notes. I mean, some info on them only exists because another anon‘s ask made me think about it, but doing it that way is pretty fun!
So yeah, feel free to ask more, completely ignore and/or criticize them, (dump some info on your own oc‘s if you’ve got them and want to? 👀) whatever you vibe with
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Just the bit after they played Bigger Than Me today after Louis was on Secret Celebrity pretending to be a part time football manager / team owner / postman lol
(Parts one and two in previous posts)
Sunday, September 4th, 2022
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nephaelia · 2 years
Got the API part working for adding CC entries to the database. However, it refuses to actually return search results properly for some reason??? In the terminal I can get entries from the database by searching no problem. But via postman it’s like “no :)” and I cannot think of why I think this is the end of my time working on this today lol. sigh
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 1 year
201 of 2023
What is your favorite thing to cook or bake?: Soups.
When someone is tailgating you, do you drive faster or slower?: I don\'t drive, I\'m not allowed for health reasons.
What place outside of your own home do you spend the most time at?: The whole Flanders, I just go home for sleeping.
Do you have any checks that you need to cash or deposit?: No, everything is digital in my country.
Do you like scented candles?: I do, as long as their scent is not too intense, otherwise it gives me migraines.
Do you know how to use AutoCAD software?: Probably, but I don't use it anyway.
Do you read peoples' answers to the surveys you've created?: I don't create surveys.
What is your least favorite household chore?: Cleaning.
What career field are you in / would you like to be in?: Rail transport.
Describe the curtains/shades you have in your bedroom.: We don't have any, our bedroom is upstairs.
Have you ever been snorkeling?: No, never.
Why did you last see a doctor?: I have a neurological disorder, so I'm under a permanent care of a neurologist.
How often do you check your email?: Every day, but I receive notifications.
What is your favorite outdoor activity?: Travelling to other parts of the country.
Do most of your relatives live in the same state/province as you?: No, none of them lives here anymore.
Have you ever participated in a medical study?: I don't think so.
Do you have any magnets on your refrigerator?: Yeah, you can't see my fridge from under them anymore. I buy them in every place I visit.
How long have you worked at your current job?: 9 years.
What is the last thing you got in the mail?: Letter from the postman that our package will be ready to be picked up tomorrow because nobody was home.
Is there a food you hate that everyone else seems to like?: Yeah, watermelon and all related fruits. I can't stand the taste.
Have you ever donated to a charity?: NO, I don't trust them. I'd rather help one particular person.
What is your favorite kind of soup?: Almost all of them, really. But not blended.
How long would it take to drive from your current home to the last place you lived?: 40 minutes or so.
What do you usually order from Subway?: I don't ever eat there.
Are you the oldest of your siblings?: Yes, I'm older than my sister.
Are you the oldest of your cousins?: No, I'm in the middle.
What is the most expensive thing you own?: My laptop.
Have you ever had to evacuate from a natural disaster?: No, we don't seem to have them here.
Do you have any family members who are cancer survivors?: No, my grandma died from it.
Describe your favorite pair of sunglasses.: I don't own any sunglasses. I never bought any.
Are most of your friends shorter or taller than you?: Shorter.
Are you allergic to any medications?: Not that I know of.
Do you have any licenses other than your drivers license?: I don't even have a drivers licence lol. I only have licences from work, for working on heights, with electricity and with chemicals.
What's your favorite Nintendo 64 game?: Never played any.
What all do you have on your keyring?: Work keys and some other keyrings.
Would you rather ski or snowboard?: Neither, thank you.
What job does you significant other have?: He just started at internal transport within our company today.
Which class would you rather take: computer programming or astronomy?: Computer programming, that was my secondary school diploma anyway.
When was the last time you were out of the country?: Last year, for Christmas.
Have you ever traveled via train?: I do it every day, plus I work in a company that produces trains.
When you were in elementary school, what was a typical afternoon like once you got home from school?: I was going out to play with my neighbourhood friends.
Is your favorite movie part of a series?: I don't like movies at all.
How often do you go to your favorite restaurant?: Once a year or so.
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barry-aston · 2 years
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