#partially a joke post
ubenutz · 29 days
twst is an epic mickey spin-off fr
from talking to mickey in the mirror and the blot monsters
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conspiracieys · 9 months
trans man seeking 5' solid short king bf to love and care for deeply and tenderly
be 5' tall
be trans
be king
be polyamorous
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veetowervaporwave · 3 months
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I love it when a shot is composed in a way that it looks as if Vox has hearts floating above his head when he's looking at Val.
It's as if the universe is trying to tell us something.
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One of those "your soulmate's first words to you are written on your wrist" AUs where Uzi constantly wonders why she's gonna slap her soulmate when she finds them and N is confused by the concept of someone wanting to be bitten.
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noodl3s4dayz · 1 month
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”Am I Still Pretty?”
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firestorm09890 · 10 months
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here’s my Demyx character analysis
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ride-a-dromedary · 4 months
Halsin's (apparently justified) fear of doppelgangers is both amusing in the way that he solidly mentions it semi-out of the blue twice (once in his surprise that anyone would want to genuinely get to know him, and the other where he assures the PC that if he ever refuses hugs it's because he's been replaced), and concerning. It's a very specific wariness to have (post Orin less so, but *pre* Orin...). What has this man encountered that reared that up?
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adobe-outdesign · 2 years
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Everyone keeps discussing what names we should give to the new teachers but I think we’re sleeping on the opportunity to call this guy Employed Brendon. Like imagine you’re Unemployed Brendon and then suddenly you have a younger brother who’s also called Brendon except he’s more successful than you and now everyone calls him Brendon and starts calling you Unemployed Brendon instead to differentiate you and you absolutely hate it but you can’t get anyone to just call you Brendon because that’s your brother’s name now
and you still can’t find anyone to publish your novel
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arienai · 1 year
One thing I do want to clarify that I feel gets lost between the memes and the Miyazawa interview... is that the stuff he writes is like, genuinely explicitly gay. Girls kiss each other in Otherside Picnic*. Girls lust for other girls' bodies in Otherside Picnic. Girls talk about their married lesbian moms in Otherside Picnic. I won't throw in volume eight spoilers in specific but let's just say. Yeah it's a pretty damn literal lesbian relationship.
I love the jokes about Literal Yuri vs. "Miyzawan Yuri"/Yuri of Absence, I really do, but I want to stress that Miyazawa's yuri is itself in fact very literal with its f/f relationships and I highly recommend yuri fans check him out if you haven't already.
[*] this all refers to the novels by the way, since I know there's also an anime and manga and it gets some people understandably confused
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phykoha · 4 months
If I get enough Kofis I'll drop a turtle base that yall can use to make ocs like we're in 2012
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a-finnish-janitor · 5 months
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I'm glad I managed to scroll past those other screenshots of this meeting I happened to come across one day, kept this a surprise for me just now! And so thoughts.
It's fun seeing them both on screen, the face and voice of Alan Wake together in game at last!
Love the lampshading of the above point, with the looking and sounding familiar.
Tom bisexual confirmed, Tim wasn't lying about him being touchy feely lol. The way he starts feeling at Darling's lab coat, just gets right up into his space.
And on that last note, GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM CASPER I do not like this. I do not know why this makes me soooo nervous but it does.
But also, it will be interesting to see if anything comes of this? The whole idea of science and art combined, will Casper get out? Will Tom just use him and then leave him in whatever reality he is stuck in? Who knows!
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kairithemang0 · 1 month
April 26th will forever be spy day, a spies are forever holiday where we appreciate gay spies. mark next years calendars and also give us some god damn amazing fanart/fics/any piece of media
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acespirit · 6 months
you don't understand tumblrinas I wasn't joking about juno steel I'm never joking about juno steel once again I lie there for an hour listening to and thinking about juno steel and again I am overtaken it is midnight thirty I put on my fire safe leather jacket I stand forlornly alone on empty bridges I clandestinely avoid cars and human interaction staring into the night sky in a place that should be full of life yet I am always alone and I AM STILL FEELING THINGS ABOUT JUNO MOTHERFUCKING STEEL--
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7goodangel · 26 days
can i story of undertale you?
asking first cuz i don't wanna get blocked-
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((I'm partially joking but seriously like... idk what you mean other than a summary of the story... XD))
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chiquilines · 1 year
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Midjoke appreciation post ladies and gents because they're so <333
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saintbleeding · 1 year
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[ID: Four digital drawings of Martin Blackwood, a fat white man with freckles, ginger hair, and round-framed glasses. The first shows him from the waist up, standing against a wall that shows his height of 5’6”, and he is posing as though for a mug shot. The paper in his hands says “Peter Lukas is a punk bitch”. The second shows him reclining on a bench seat dressed in boxers and a silk robe which is slipping off his shoulder. There is a lollipop in his hand and he smirks off to the side. The third shows him sitting on a chaise in a collared shirt, tie, and suit trousers. His skin looks pale and his hair has dulled to a medium brown. In the last, he is shown from the shoulders up, laughing as he holds a red pen between his thumb and forefinger. The background of the image is mustard yellow with lighter scribbles surrounding each drawing. End ID.]
1) martin blackwood is fat n sexy n these two qualities are inextricably linked
2) yes these are all reffed from harvey guillén’s modelling shots thanks for asking xoxo
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