luciosfanpage · 1 year
Lucio: They hate me for being a slut, to be honest. And maybe the killings too but that's unlikely.
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earhartsease · 1 year
depressing news for US people with mental health issues (depressingly unsurprising) - first part pasted below:
The rapid growth of the new 988 mental health hotline has been greeted with positive media coverage. As many people expected, calls, texts, and chats to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, now renamed “988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline,” started climbing immediately with the launch of the 988 number in July of 2022. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and the nonprofit that was given centralized control over the 988 system, Vibrant Emotional Health (VEH), have been releasing monthly updates on key metrics.
In April 2023, compared to April 2022, calls answered increased by 52%, chats by 90%, and texts by 1022%. The trend was heralded by federal Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra to CNN: “Our nation’s transition to 988 moves us closer to better serving the crisis care needs of people across America. 988 is more than a number, it’s a message: we’re there for you.”
However, as previously reported by Mad in America, a percentage of people who contacted the former National Suicide Prevention Lifeline were subjected to geolocation tracing of their phone, computer, or mobile device. The Lifeline advertised itself as a place for confidential discussions about suicidal feelings but, according to its own policy, if a call-attendant believed a person might be at “imminent risk” of taking their own life in the next few hours, days, or week, the call-attendant was required to contact 911 or a Public Safety Answering Point to send out police and/or an ambulance to forcibly take the person to a psychiatric hospital.
Many Lifeline users described the experiences of betrayal, public exposure, police interactions, loss of freedoms, and forced psychiatric treatment as dangerous, harmful and traumatizing.
So, since the transition to 988, has anything changed? As contacts to 988 rise, how many people are getting forcibly subjected to these types of unexpected, unwanted interventions?
It appears detention numbers are climbing dramatically, too—even as VEH, SAMHSA, and many news outlets continue to obfuscate the facts publicly.
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monriatitans · 5 months
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Wednesday, April 17, 2024
“You hear as autistics we make poor eye contact, we have difficulty socialising, which are both very pathologising ways of describing something that is inherently neutral. You could completely rewrite the neurotypical experience to be just as pathologised, if you wanted to. … ‘I’ve discovered this new condition – sorry, disorder – called “Neurotypical Spectrum Disorder”, and people who are suffering or afflicted with this disorder often have poor attention to detail. They might have an obsession with meaningless small talk, social status, and ritualistic exchange or social grooming. They may demonstrate a lack of interest in exploring their favourite topics deeply. They will take many activities at once, aka “multitasking”, at the expense of all of them. They have a linear thought process and inability to think outside of the box on a daily basis.'” – Samantha Stein, Autistic traits are HUMAN traits: depathologising the autistic
Check out Different Brains, who “strives to encourage understanding & acceptance of individuals who have variations in brain function and social behaviors known as neurodiversity”. Interested in seeing where the quote came from? If so, check out her YouTube Video here! For the curious, the purpose of this series of quotes can be found here! Enjoy what I do? Please consider supporting via the WGS Ko-fi! Like what you see and want to know when there’s more? Click here to subscribe for updates!
For more about MonriaTitans, click here! Watch MonriaTitans on Twitch and YouTube! The first image was made with the Quotes Creator App!
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gavin-3 · 1 year
hi mr gavin hope ur doin ok
Just seeing this now. I’m not doing so well, haven’t been doing well for a while. For those of you wondering, Angel or @pathologising is ok. She’s currently in a health center and she is alive, so please don’t worry. She loves you all very much and is glad to have such a supportive community. I will update in case anything more happens. Please send good vibes and prayers, love you all.
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anthroxlove · 1 year
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What do Britney Spears, Amber Heard, Selena Gomez, Miley Cyrus, Demi Lovato, Sinead O'Connor, Lindsay Lohan, Meghan Markle, Meg Thee Stallion, Amy Winehouse, Tina Turner, and Princess Diana have in common?
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ginnymoonbeam · 1 year
People need to stop suggesting clinical diagnoses for the Only Friends characters. Apart from Ray and maybe Top, everything we've seen so far is consistent with a diagnosis of Being 22. It's a condition with an extremely broad range of presentation and severity, and clearly most of these characters are suffering a fairly acute and debilitating case, but it is more common in the human population than you might think, and does usually resolve without intervention.
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fellhellion · 5 months
genuinely p4 fandom outside of tumblr makes u feel like ur living in an alternate reality. You say hey I think u can easily read trans subtext and text in Naoto’s story because the game quite literally talks about transition surgery, and people act like you’re the insane one.
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vimbry · 2 months
disclaimer that I don't like the idea of openly assuming things about strangers' identities or their personal lives, especially when you're catching a glimpse of only one part of them they choose to share in the public eye. but it Is very funny when you're reading or watching some interview with a famous person, and they say things that make you do this one comic:
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metamatar · 1 year
To an extent, certainly, Proudhon was just articulating the view of woman’s subordination that was prevalent in mid-nineteenth century. If that were all, he would not be interesting. The fact is that this “libertarian” went far beyond even the most conservative versions than current on the place of women.
[...] In method he differed in no way from any of the contemporaneous deep thinkers [...] Men = strength; hence force, ability, and all associated virtues. Women = beauty and grace at the best, and nothing else but baby machines and unpaid servitors. He did not even give a nod to a conception that was already commonplace among socialists: that women were driven to prostitution not by their “female” natures but by social conditions.
Proudhon himself understood that his anti-feminist views were more reactionary than even the upholders of the status quo – reactionary in the literal sense of wishing to return to a more patriarchal past. Public opinion and government had to be convinced, he proclaimed, “that the father of the family should be re-established [sic] in his domestic jurisdiction, honors and authority.” A propaganda campaign was needed against the current degenerate state of affairs, “against the licentiousness of young people and feminine rebelliousness.” Women “have nothing to gain by education.” [...]
“Back to patriarchy!” was the banner he raised himself. “It is to a new patriarchate that I would like to invite all men,” he wrote. [...] we get one clue to the connection between his antifeminism and his anarchist standpoint, that is, his blind resentment against the organization of modern society and a longing to return to the small-unit society of the past, where a patriarch could rule. [...] He quite consciously linked the peasant’s concern for preserving seed with the “virile” man’s need to retain his seed in order to conserve strength and intellect. Women, eunuchs and children were inferior because they lacked this conservation of the “seed.”
[…] a gemlike formulation: “A woman does not at all hate being used with violence, indeed even being violated.” Whether “by reason or force,” a woman has to be bent and broken to the master’s will. “If the woman resists you to your face, it is necessary to beat her down at any cost.”
Even to the power of life and death: violence in dominating the woman is not to be limited. Proudhon demanded that society return to the Patriarchal Law. [...] In Proudhon’s case, the atomic individual was the individual family, which was the only natural unit of the species. Proudhon’s need for patriarchalism was not simply a personal aberration. The family was the only meaningful unit of society, and the family was necessarily an autocracy: this was the crux of Proudhon’s view of the world.
Women and Class, Hal Draper
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theadhdgoblin · 4 months
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banrionceallach · 10 months
Just crying to myself on a saturday night because a random tumblr post accurately articulated a particular Neurodivergent Thing (autism related in my case) that I experience but have never been able to explain with words before and something in my brain went click and recontextualised a lifetime of experiences.
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quasi-normalcy · 2 years
What if I told you that you don't need to be coping with trauma to explore dark topics in fiction? What if I told you that's okay to explore dark topics in fiction because you think they make for a good story?
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junemermaid · 4 months
thought of the day:
I think the reason I don't enjoy a lot of fandom meta anymore is that it's so preoccupied with pathologising everything characters do. Every negative reaction is a sign of trauma, every bad decision is motivated by deep psychological distress or abuse. I enjoy deconstructing characters just as much as the next person but people are more than their mental health diagnoses, and characters definitely should be.
Sometimes they make bad choices because it makes for better story. Sometimes they are unhinged because it is more interesting. Sometimes genre dictates that characters bounce back from events that might traumatise a real person (and also, on average it takes a lot more to traumatise a real person than fandom seems to believe), and that is okay because we're going for a good story and a dramatic time instead of watching a character go to therapy.
Like, it's fine to identify with a character's issues and if you like that sort of thing, it's also fine to put your own issues on a character in fic, that's part of what fic is for, but for god's sake do it with a thimbleful of intent. A crumb of recognition for what the character is about. Maybe a soupcon of genre awareness so you know when a text intends for a character to be deeply affected and when a world-shattering horror is just gonna be Tuesday for them.
I don't have a further point. I'm just ruminating. But even so, I'm tired of this "send every character to therapy" mindset whittling away all the rough edges and drama that make characters gritty and textured and enthralling.
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lesbienneanarchiste · 3 months
Desperately wish people online would stop reinforcing the Neurotypicals vs Neurodivergents™️ binary a la 1980s men are from Mars women are from Venus bc the underlying factor in these arguments is usually either 1) the OP's specific experience with a limited amount of people that they are then painting the broader population with or 2) the thing they're annoyed by is a social convention that they personally are not clicking into. But something being a social convention has nothing to do with neurotype; perhaps neurotypical people (and I have qualms abt that category as a whole but that is a different tedtalk) are more likely to pick up on and then follow said social convention, but just as likely is neurodivergent people being taught the social convention and then never deviating from it bc they've internalize it as a rule.
Like. Before you complain about "neurotypicals never communicate", have you considered communicating yourself? Have you explained that they're not being clear? Bc most people will elaborate or be more direct if you ask them to and if they're not, it's bc of something that specific person is dealing with, not brain wiring.
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snaggletoothedbastard · 9 months
neurotypicals: *spend hundreds of years excluding and alienating neurodivergent people from society*
neurotypicals: *invent stories about their neurodivergent children being mythical creatures because they can't comprehend a human that isn't normal*
neurotypicals: *create harmful stereotypes about neurodivergent people that have become popular belief to the point that if we correct people on it they think we're wrong*
neurotypicals: *literally try to prevent neurodivergent people from existing*
neurotypicals: *treat us as if we're not even people*
neurodivergent people: *make a very obvious joke to counteract this treatment and show how silly it is*
neurotypicals: nooooo we're not all like that! you're spreading misinformation about us! we're the victims!
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steakout-05 · 4 months
hot take: Skibidi Toilet (as in the og series and not the stupid exploitative content farm shit) isn't even as bad as people say it is. like yeah it's definitely silly and nonsensical, and maybe super young kids shouldn't exactly be watching it, but can you really say that the insanity of Skibidi Toilet isn't at all similar to the types of Gmod videos we used to watch when we were kids and teenagers? are we seriously trying to act like our own nonsensical Source Engine shitposting from way back in 2007 is somehow better than the more modern shitposting of Skibidi Toilet? or are we just deeming anything liked by kids as "cringe" now. cause that's what it seems like.
also the whole "Skibidi Toilet Syndrome" thing is really stupid and is literally just describing kids reenacting stuff they like on the internet which is a completely normal thing for kids to do. i used to reenact Viva Reverie's old MLP toy horse nonsense videos back when their channel was still called "IMATOONLINK" because they were funny as hell. kids acting out their favourite medias isn't new and it isn't suddenly a bad thing or a "syndrome" when it's something that's generally considered to be "cringe" on the internet. you guys are just mean.
#skibidi toilet#cringe culture unfortunately never went away. it just has a different coat of paint now.#people trying to pathologise their kids reenacting and doing their little skibidi cosplays as a ''syndrome'' will never not be funny to me#better go ahead and classify every slightly weird thing kids do as a syndrome because that is literally just normal kid behaviour#kids always incorporate a bit of their own experiences and the stuff they like into play. i did it all the time when i was a kid.#if i were a kid today would me reenacting mlp scenes word for word with my toys be considered a ''syndrome''? yeah i don't think so#so why is it suddenly a syndrome when kids reenact those silly gmod videos they watch online through play? hm?#is it actually an illness or do you just find it ''cringe''?#i think the double standards of the internet when it comes to what kids like are so fucking stupid#stop trying to act like your bizarre tf2 gmod videos are somehow better than the og skibidi series because i promise you they are not.#you're likely just clouded by nostalgia and being gatekeepy for no reason. let kids enjoy stuff and stop bashing it just because-#-''ohhh its so cringggeee'' when you used to watch the exact same type of shit when you were a kid.#i personally will always prefer ''Heavy's Odd Fastfood Experience'' to skibidi toilet but i don't bash the latter because it-#-doesn't bother me in any way and i don't care if kids like it. it's not evil or bad. it's just different.#anyway rant over gmod videos go hard and cringe will be dead someday#i will keep killing cringe until it's nothing but a tiny lil red stain on the floor
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