#patient 307
princessdong · 2 years
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Patient 307, Lee Yubin
Reason of entry: ▬▬▬▬▬▬
Disorder: Dissociative Identity disorder (4 alters)
Classification: Level 3 Danger, proceed with caution.
Notes from Psychiatrist:
· Three of the four alters are able to pretend to be Yubin to perfection.
· The system is mainly friendly, so there's no need of extra precautions.
· Be careful of the alter "Dami"
· Sedation is not needed, but a higher dose of medication is encouraged in case of facing the alter Dami.
·The host needs medication for depression and anxiety, alter Emma needs sleeping pills. Do not give those medications at the same time, and make sure to give it to the right person.
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dfortrafalgar · 6 months
I'm Losing You
Having a family isn't always as easy as fairy tales make it seem.
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Chapter 2
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Law knew his eye bags were heavier than they usually were, so it came as absolutely no surprise when one of his nurses expressed deep concern for his unusually tired appearance.  And that was saying a lot.
“Room 305 is doing well on aspirin, their blood pressure has improved dramatically since yesterday morning– Dr. Trafalgar, do you need another coffee?  You look like you’re about to fall asleep,” she expressed, her eyes heavy with worry.
“I’m alright, Rebecca, but thank you,” he responded without a single fluctuation of his tone.  Though, he was definitely a tad embarrassed that his lack of sleep from the night prior was that evident.
His pink-haired coworker continued walking alongside him, flipping through her charts from her latest rounds in the cardiac care unit.  Not wanting to press further and risk upsetting him, she simply continued catching her supervisor up to speed with the patients in his ward.  “Room 306 has been slightly unstable since his triple bypass surgery, so he was on extra monitoring overnight but hasn’t shown any significant signs of distress.  Room 307 however is still intubated, with arrhythmia that comes and goes at random.  He has both you and Dr. Tony overseeing his care today.”
Law nodded along with Rebecca’s words, and he truly was trying to absorb them as best he could, but he couldn’t get his mind off of you at home.  He knew Shachi and Penguin would be good company, but he truthfully wanted nothing more than to be home with you at every waking moment, making sure you were okay.  The constant thoughts of you from the night previous made his entire chest ache, the sounds of your distraught sobs echoing in his brain constantly.
“Dr. Trafalgar?” Rebecca once again questioned.  She had stopped walking and Law hadn’t even noticed.  He turned around, startled at his lack of awareness, and turned to face her.  This time, her brown eyes were profoundly concerned.  “If something is seriously wrong–”
“I’m fine, I swear,” he urged, briskly cutting off her statement.  “Thank you for your concern, but I’m fine.  I apologize for my lack of attention, please continue with your notes.”
After a few brief moments, Rebecca sighed through her nose and flipped to the next page on her clipboard, continuing her briefing.
In a way, he was partially thankful for an unassuming round.  He really needed to clear his head in time for his next surgery in an hour.  This wasn’t like him.
It was around 9:00 PM when the front door to your apartment opened and closed softly.  You were on the couch with Bepo, barely keeping your eyes open at the mindless television program in front of you when your husband walked through the door and hung his jacket on the coat rack, kicking his shoes off of his feet.  Bepo seemed to know the drill, quickly hopping off of the couch and trying to make it seem like he hadn’t been lying there for an hour.  You watched with a faint smile as Law exhaustedly trudged over to where you sat, flopping down next to you and resting his head in your lap.  His nose was nestled into the plush of your belly, making you suppress a giggle at the ticklish feeling.  Your hand immediately gravitated to his mop of thick, black hair.
“Busy day?” you asked, already knowing the answer.
Law groaned.  “It wouldn’t have been so bad if I wasn’t thinking about you all day.”
You frowned.  “I know… I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be, I just can’t help but be nervous for you.  It’s not your fault.”  Law’s hand trailed to your hip, rubbing lazy circles into the skin below your pajama shorts.
“If it helps ease your worries, Shachi and Penguin took a huge load off today, they spent the entire day with Bepo.  They even did your laundry, if you could believe it,” you stated with a dry chuckle, thinking back to a few hours prior when Shachi was boldly making fun of the gaudy pattern on a pair of Law’s boxers.
“That instills some confidence,” he joked back at you.
Your fingers continued to comb through his hair, making his eyes close with the content feeling.  “Any interesting cases today?” you asked, desperate for a way to distract him from what was on his mind.  Frankly, you needed the distraction too.
Law hummed, thinking back to the morning.  “When I arrived this morning I had a patient in the OR for Carotid Artery Disease, so we did a carotid endarterectomy to help him with that.  Very pleasant man, I spoke to his family during my final round when he was moved to recovery.  He had suffered a very minor stroke a few years prior, so hopefully this surgery greatly reduces his risk for another.”
You nodded along with Law’s words.  You were always allured at the way he could talk about his work for hours if you let him, and with the weight hanging over both of you, you desperately wanted him to.  You could listen to him talk about cardiovascular diseases for the rest of your life if it meant not having to deal with the reality of your situation.
“What’s Carotid Artery Disease?” you asked, hoping he couldn’t catch on to the way you silently begged him to keep talking to distract your fuzzy mind.
“It’s a condition where a plaque builds up in the carotid arteries in your neck,” he explained, picking up his hand and trailing his tattooed fingers along the side of your neck, demonstrating where the vessel was.  “It’s sort of similar to the way certain blockages can cause heart attacks, but because the plaque builds up in your neck, it could cause strokes.”
You continued nodding.  “That’s interesting… any other surgeries today?”
Unbeknownst to you, Law was most definitely catching on to the way you urged him to continue speaking, using his voice to block out the anxious radio static in your head.  He slowly sat up, leaving your lap feeling cold and vacant before pulling you into his chest.  Bepo came to sit at the base of the couch, resting his fluffy head on Law’s thigh.
“I know you don’t want to talk about it right now…” Law began.
You closed your eyes and sharply inhaled through your nose.
“But I did call a urologist today to set me up with a brief fertility examination,” he continued.
You were scared to look up at him.  “What will they do?”
Law idly trailed his fingers up and down your sides.  “Most likely a semen analysis, blood test to detect hormone levels, or an ultrasound,” he explained.  He paused, anticipating your reaction, but got none.  With a sigh, he placed a hand on the back of your head, holding you close.  “I know it’s really hard to talk about it, but I want to rule out every possibility.  You don’t have to call so quickly, but I think it would be good to get in contact with your gynecologist again.”
You feebly nodded into his shoulder, your forehead resting where you now knew his carotid artery lay.  “I know… I will.  I promise I will.”
Law encouraged you to pick your head up to look at him.  “You know I’m not the best with words,” he blankly stated, bringing a very small smile to your lips as you nodded.  His calloused hand caressed the skin of your cheek.  “But I’m going to be with you through this entire journey, no matter how long it takes.  I’m your husband, I’m not going to leave you over something so…” he trailed off, looking for the appropriate word.
“Pointless?” you offered.
He quickly shook his head.  “No, not pointless.  Far from that.  Maybe ‘idle’ is a decent word.  An idle issue.  An idle issue that will resolve with time.”
“Might resolve,” you countered.
“No.  Will resolve.”  Law was steadfast in correcting you.  You could tell it was taking an incredible amount of energy for him to keep a positive head.  As much as the entire fertility situation greatly upset you, you found a spark of hope and joy in the way Law was, surprisingly, keeping optimism.  It wasn’t near enough for both of you, but it was better than nothing.
“I’ll call my OB-GYN tomorrow morning when her office opens…” you muttered, dropping your head back down.  Law hummed in response, now taking the time to pet your hair with his fingers.  
The room fell into moderate silence before Bepo huffed, demanding to go outside.  You snorted at the sound, picking your head up and looking at your husband.  “I’ll take Bepo to pee, there’s leftover lasagna in the fridge if you’re hungry.”
Law lifted an eyebrow.  “Lasagna?”
You finally stood, stretching and popping your back.  Bepo excitedly ran toward the door, eagerly bouncing on his paws for you to hurry up and follow him.  “Penguin was cooking all day today.”
Law grinned.  “Nice, I’ll make myself a plate.”
He watched as you slipped on a light jacket and pulled Bepo’s harness over his body, looping his leash and exiting the apartment.  With a groan, Law stood up and meandered to the kitchen towards the refrigerator.  
You didn’t have many decorations or magnets, a few small sticky note reminders here and there, but a gift-shop magnet from a trip you took while still dating was stuck to the metal, holding up a candid picture of you and Law on your wedding night.  Law still had no idea who took the image, but every time he looked at it sent butterflies through his stomach.  You were both in the middle of dancing to an energetic song, you happily clinging to his arms with the brightest smile on your face.  Your eyes were creased with unparalleled glee as you stared up at Law, who was looking back down at you with his own cheerful grin.  The lights had blurred around you with the motion of whoever took the photo, but it made an ethereal golden glow surround your dancing figures.  Your wedding night, albeit cliche, was the happiest night of Law’s life.
His stomach grumbled, interrupting his thoughts.  He mindlessly reached for the leftovers in the fridge.
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fanofspooky · 4 months
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The Twilight Zone S2E6
Eye of the Beholder
“In a moment, we'll go back into this room, and also in a moment, we'll look under those bandages, keeping in mind, of course, that we're not to be surprised by what we see, because this isn't just a hospital, and this patient 307 is not just a woman. This happens to be The Twilight Zone, and Miss Janet Tyler, with you, is about to enter it.”
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turtletaubwrites · 7 months
Slipping Away ~ Part 27
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This is part 27 of the poly series 'We've All Got Needs,' linked below:
Pairings: Zoro x Fem!Reader, Sanji x Fem!Reader x Robin
Word Count: 4261
We've All Got Needs Masterlist
Ao3 Link (Ch. 17 of We've All Got Needs cont.)
!!SPOILER WARNING!! Spoilers for the anime for the Water 7/Enies Lobby arc (through episode 307).
Summary: More dangers block your path as the Straw Hats keep pushing to free Robin. Help arrives in unexpected ways.
Rating/Warnings: AFAB!Reader, She/Her Pronouns for Reader, Reader-Insert, Polyamory, Canon Typical Violence, Blood, Injuries, (Including Reader), Pet Names, Cigarettes (they're gross, don't smoke), Swearing, Angst, Fear, Heights, Nausea, Throwing Up (just heaving, nothing comes out), Drowning, Reader is not doing great, Dizziness, Explosions, Fear of Death, Hurt/Comfort
A/N: Hi y'all, I'm so sorry about the wait! These chapters following the arc have been taking me longer, and I got distracted with other stories/requests. But I'm here now! The next update will be out within a week, as well as an extra scene. Thank you so much for being patient with me 🙏🏼🖤
| masterlist | about me | rules | ao3 |
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Blood splattered on the ground as Usopp dragged himself to all fours, his wrecked body stiff, yet shaking.
“I’m sorry, Sanji,” he coughed, more blood spreading around him. “I tried, but I couldn’t…”
A silent sob left your throat as Nami struggled to guide your pathetic, limp body. Your limbs were dead after clinging for your life for so long, and you hated that you couldn’t help Usopp off the ground.
“You’re alive, that’s what matters,” Sanji declared, his voice rough with emotion. Water dripped from his blonde hair as his eyes flicked to you for a moment, before comforting your friend. “Everyone has things that they can do and things that they can’t.”
The lump in your throat did not help to reduce your frustration at your uselessness. 
“Yeah, but,” Usopp mumbled, the wobble in his voice like a punch to the gut.
“Look outside,” Sanji commanded, Pointing through the gaping hole in the stone wall. The sight of those massive gates fell like a weight on your heart. A weight that stole your breath as it started to open, the huge metal slabs moving slowly, but not slowly enough.
“Robin,” Nami whispered, saying the name that you couldn’t with your dry throat.
“If those gates open up, and Robin goes through them,” Sanji warned, “we won’t have any way to follow her. She’ll cross waters infested with sea kings, then there’s the undersea prison, or the navy headquarters. Everywhere on the other side of those gates is beyond our reach. We’ll lose her forever.”
Sanji came to you, taking you from Nami’s arms to hold you against him for a moment. Your feet were getting a bit steadier, but his warmth was too much. You wanted to push him away as he kissed your temple, the tenderness shoving you closer to that edge of falling to pieces. 
“This is the worst situation, but in every situation, even one as bad as this, there’s always a chance,” he comforted, his eyes on Usopp as he helped you step toward Nami. 
She handed you her Clima-Tact, giving up her weapon for you to use as a makeshift cane before she pulled Usopp to his feet. His blood stained her clothes as she supported some of his weight with his bandaged arm around her shoulders. 
Sanji leaned in close to the sniper, reaching to touch his shoulder, but let his hand fall before gripping the wounded flesh.
“I'm gonna stay here, and do what you can’t do. We’ll get those keys. You need to do what I can’t do.”
“Huh,” Usopp questioned, head tilting toward the cook. 
“Think carefully, read the situation,” Sanji commanded, his rough voice giving you chills as the wolf man stalked ever closer. “As long as we have you there’s still a chance we can save Robin. You hear me, Usopp?”
Your bloodied friend started shaking, his question interrupted by a howl. 
You heard the metal slash of blades as Zoro battled the giraffe man, and in an instant the wolf was on Sanji, your lover yelling for you to leave as he blocked the attack.
“Come on, we gotta go,” Nami ordered with a grunt, fighting Usopp’s struggle to call for Sanji.
“Ow, Nami,” he complained as she yanked at him, “I’m still injured.”
“Well, staying here and getting killed will hurt more,” she scolded, their stumbling forms moving past you. 
Your boys. Teetering with the Clima-Tact, you couldn’t tear your eyes away from their fights. Battling agents of CP9, devil fruit users.
Blood, and broken stone, and hits that made you cringe.
They can win. We need to save her. 
Your movements were agonizingly slow, the makeshift cane slipping in your hands. Wiping your blood and dust stained palms on your shirt, you gritted your teeth, following Nami and Usopp out into the center stairway of the tower as fast as you could manage. 
The trek down the stairs had barely started when Usopp pulled away from Nami. He was limping, but practically buzzing with a manic gleam in his eyes.
“I get it!”
“Get what,” you called as he started rushing back up the stairs. 
“We can save Robin. As long as I’m here we can save her, damnit,” he declared with more true confidence than you’d ever heard from him before. Chills ran along your skin as the wounded sniper turned to face you, issuing a command that you had to follow. 
“Let’s go!”
Nami took her weapon back, offering you her shoulder as Usopp’s burst of energy sent him scampering away faster than you could have gone on your own.
“Fuck, I’m slowing you down,” you hissed, fighting for your body to move, your head still reeling from that antler ride you’d like to forget.
“Didn’t you hear Sanji’s speech,” Nami scolded, supporting your sluggish steps. “We’re a crew, Y/N. Helping each other is what we do, stupid.”
Her comforting words pulled a small smile from your lips that was quashed almost immediately as you struggled up the endless stairs. Usopp’s cheerful yells pushed you forward, and your legs were slowly feeling steadier. It seemed your headache was the biggest issue, dizziness staying with you as your limbs relearned how to function. 
Stepping into the sun was brutal. The light gray stone of the tower almost glowed beneath your feet, and you pulled away from Nami to cover your eyes from the glare. She wrapped your hand around her weapon again, moving ahead of you to watch Usopp at the edge.
You couldn’t get too close as your new fear of heights started closing your throat, so you stayed back. The bridge cut across the water in the distance, leading toward that now open gate, those massive metal doors like a gate to hell.
A hell that Robin was being dragged toward. 
“I see her,” Usopp cried out, prepping his new weapon. With Kabuto held in front of him, and his broken mask still showing rays around his face, Usopp's shadow really did look like some mythical warrior.
Nami took your free hand, inching you closer, but you had to take it back. Holding it above your eyes to cut the glare, you stared at the bridge, desperate to see her.
You saw people. Very small people. Marines in white moving across the bridge.
“Watch this,” Usopp commanded, humming his silly Sniper King song as he lined up his shot.
An urge to stop him tore through you. It was too far away, how could he see her, let alone aim to ensure she wouldn’t be hit?
But he was your friend, even if he wasn’t part of your crew anymore. You trusted him, but still held your breath.
Then you saw her. 
Two of those figures weren’t in white. One charged across the stone in a billowing, dark cloak. The other was in gleaming black, being dragged along the ground by the first.
This pathetic fucking man child. This scumbag that already didn’t deserve to open his stupid mouth again.
Spandam was dragging Robin behind him like she was trash. You wanted to rip his mask off, and smash his stupid mouth into the stone until he choked on his teeth. 
“Get him,” you growled.
“On it.”
The terror of waiting was replaced with pride and sick pleasure at the sight of that small, cloaked figure being blown away from Robin. You hoped that the smoke erupting around his head was enough to strangle the air from his lungs. 
Usopp hit him again, Spandam’s body flying down the steps of the bridge. And the sniper didn’t stop, sending blast after blast as those marines in white scattered, their shouts carrying across the water. 
Without meaning to, your voice joined Nami’s, cheering for Usopp as he wreaked havoc on your enemies. The praise seemed to set him on fire, his shots flying faster, laughter on his lips, singing his song while he blew them away. 
“Look,” Nami yelled, pointing toward that figure in black. 
Robin had broken away from the chaos, and was stumbling as she ran away from that gate. Toward you.
You cried out, ice filling your veins while the marines stood in a line as they faced her. It was hard to see clearly, especially with your head still pounding, but you knew what those movements meant. 
They were going to shoot her down.
Usopp kept shooting, but there were too many. There was no way he could take them all down in time. 
The three of you screamed for her as she fell to her knees.
You couldn’t look. You couldn’t look away. You could only scream her name, and hope that she heard you. That she knew she wasn't alone. 
The moment before the shots were fired lasted a century. A century in which you were trapped in stone, forced to watch and wait, helpless again. 
Your eyes almost shut when the sound of death exploded from that line of guns. But if they had, you wouldn’t have seen it. The moment that filled you with more forgiveness and gratitude than you’d ever felt before. 
The man whose family had stolen from your crew, who’d hurt Usopp. The pervy cyborg whose family was now fighting at your side. 
This strange man that you barely knew was standing in front of Robin, shielding her from the marines. He held his arms out, and took every single bullet that was meant for your love. For Robin.
“Hey! Sniper King? Needy?”
Zoro’s voice called up from what sounded like not too far down, but you couldn’t stick your head over the ledge to find out. 
“We’ve got the rest of the keys. Catch, and send them to Franky,” Sanji commanded as your eyes returned to the bridge. Franky was still standing, still protecting her.
“Can you do that, Sniper King,” Sanji questioned, his voice filled with his belief in your former crewmate. 
“Of course! Just throw the–”
“Catch,” Zoro yelled before a tied up bit of cloth came flying in front of Usopp.
Usopp caught it easily, tossing it in his hand.
“There’s more than keys in this.”
Usopp made you even dizzier as he leaned over to question the boys. 
“We stole a snail off an agent,” Sanji’s voice carried up “You still have one right?”
“Yes,” you choked out, confirming that it had survived the monster ride with you.
“Fucking shoot it already,” Zoro yelled.
Nami untied the bundle in Usopp’s hand, adding the remaining keys before securing it, nodding at the sniper.
Everyone was silent as he aimed. This shot would mean her freedom.
“Franky! Robin!”
You were shouting in the poor snail’s face, until Franky turned to pick up that tied up cloth.
“Oh gods, Robin,” you sighed through your tears. 
Nami took the snail from your shaky fingers as she smoothed her hand along your back. 
“All the keys are in the bundle. Franky, please unlock her!”
“Got it, but how did y’all–”
“Thank you, long-nose,” Robin interrupted. There was joy in her voice. Joy.  “That was wonderful.”
“It was the least I could do,” Usopp declared in that silly, pompous voice. If he wasn’t so close to the edge of the building, you would have hugged him. “The true heroes are those who fought to retrieve those keys from the enemy. The Straw Hats will be proud to have you back. Hold your head up high, and meet them with a smile when all of this has ended.” 
“Right,” Robin agreed, and even from a distance, you could see when she was freed. She stretched her arms above her head before pulling them down in front of her, and you knew exactly what was coming next.
“Seis Fleur.”
That powerful voice echoed through the transponder snail, just as a cloaked figure made its way to the front of the marines. 
“I’ve been waiting a long time to do this,” Robin purred, arms sprouting from his dark clothes as she smacked the shit out of Spandam.
“Fuck yeah,” you cheered, hearing the cacophony of slaps, and the whimpering cries of that sniveling piece of shit. 
The remaining marines scattered, rightfully fleeing in terror from her power. 
“Alright, let’s move,” Franky ordered with a laugh. “Get your asses over here. I’ll get everything ready for ya. We’re gonna bail.”
“Got it,” Nami agreed, storing the snail while Usopp called down.
“Did you guys hear that? Robin’s free, Franky says–”
“Get down here already, Sniper King,” Sanji yelled. 
You were squeezing the sides of your head, trying to relieve some of the pressure. The relief poured through your body, but almost made you feel more off balance. 
“Ha, everything went according to my plan,” Usopp hummed as he limped toward the stairs. He stopped abruptly, making Nami grumble as she almost ran into him. 
“What’s that,” he wondered, almost under his breath. “I swear I heard something.”
“Come on, we’ve gotta–”
Nami’s demand was cut short, all of you hunching and covering your ears as an explosion went off. It was easy to spot, a huge plume of black smoke rising from the metal fence surrounding the island. A marine ship firing on it’s own base. 
“These psychos are really going to destroy their own fucking island, and kill all their own people because some dumbass pushed a button,” you seethed, hearing the boys calling for you. 
Nausea rose as you neared that ledge again. 
“Things have gotten serious, Needy,” Zoro urged, making you bravely peek down at him on the balcony below while Nami held your hand. “Hurry up, and jump down from there. We need to go now.”
“Jump,” you choked, glad that Usopp cut in to be cowardly for you.
“Is that supposed to be a joke? I don’t have the same kind of freakish superhuman strength that you guys have, alright. And my bravery is not the life risking kind. In case you haven’t noticed, I’m a normal super hero not a super super hero–”
“Don’t be babies,” Nami teased. “We’re almost home.”
Nami called down before leaping off the edge. 
“I’m fine,” she shouted as you looked over to see Sanji setting her down on her feet. “Come on, it was fu–”
At first you thought your body was fucking with you, all the looking down bringing that terror up. The crushing sound, the slipping of your unsteady feet, until there was nothing. Nothing holding you, nothing touching you, just you hanging onto the Clima-Tact as you spun. 
The rough scrape of broken stone flying across your legs tore your eyes open, but you closed them immediately. 
All that clinging, all that hell you went through to keep yourself from falling, and now you were falling to your death.
At least you got to hear your boys one last time, your name screamed from their lips.
It wasn’t stone.
The dreaded moment of impact came, along with the deep groan of whoever had caught you. 
“Needy, are you–”
The Clima-Tact clattered to the stone of the balcony, and the top of the tower finished crashing to the ground while you fought to crawl away. Zoro’s warm hands were just another sensation too many. 
But those hands held your hair back while you tried to throw up, soft voices floating around you as your head fought to split open. You whimpered as nothing came out, just spinning nausea, and your memory failing you as you tried to recall the last time you ate. 
“Hey, you’re okay,” he soothed, pulling you against his chest after your empty retches had turned into frantic breaths. “We have to go now, Needy.”
As he pulled you to your feet, Nami was there, rubbing your arm as she checked on you. She offered you her weapon, but Zoro shook his head.
“I’m sorry, Needy, but we need to go faster than you can walk. Do you want me to carry you in my arms, or do you wanna ride on my back?”
Nausea rolled in at the thought, but you bit the inside of your cheek, motioning for his back. You saw Sanji and Usopp having the same debate, Usopp wincing as he moved. 
“If you hadn’t torn my bandages–”
“If I hadn’t caught you, we would have had sniper crepes for lunch. Just get on,” Sanji demanded, until the five of you moved on three sets of feet. 
Down those endless stairs, the sky burned through the roof that was no longer there. The rhythmic bouncing of Zoro’s body had you clenching your teeth, closing your eyes to fight the spinning.
I’m going to be dizzy for the rest of my life.
If we survive.
You only knew that you had made it to the bottom as the downward falling motion of Zoro’s steps on the stairs shifted to a steady up and down that was still just as bad.
“Please don’t ever pick me up after this, you groaned against Zoro’s shoulder. “I don’t want to be carried anymore. Ever.”
His chuckle was cut short as a familiar voice called out. 
“This way, kiddies,” Kokoro ordered, and you opened your eyes just a bit to see her pointing down a dark corridor. Chopper was back in his normal, small form, his mouth hanging open in sleep as she had him strapped to her hip like some living purse.
“This leads to the bridge, come on!”
There was no time to argue or question. Just heavy steps echoing down the stone hallway that seemed to get colder with every step the swordsman took. 
“Try to pick up the pace, we’re in a hurry here,” Usopp rushed over Sanji’s shoulder.
“I could probably run faster if you were unconscious,” your cook threatened, and you were shocked to feel a weak smile on your lips. 
“How could you talk to your hero that way? Especially when I've been so seriously injured in the line of duty. All six of my ribs are broken!”
“You have more ribs than that,” Zoro huffed, pulling up beside them, “but if you don’t shut up, we’ll break the rest, and make you run. Got it?”
You smiled at Usopp from your carried positions as he kept complaining. Slowly, the feeling of a hammer hitting your brain was starting to lessen.
Not distant enough explosions had you tightening your body around Zoro’s back. 
“We’re almost out.”
His whispered comfort almost sunk in.
“What’s that?”
“I hear something weird down the tunnel.”
Usopp and Nami had spoken at once. The group stared down that cold corridor as you kept heading toward freedom. 
“We don’t have time to go worrying about weird sounds. We’ve gotta make those government jerks pay,” Kokoro said with a cough, still sounding drunk as if she’d been at the bar while you all fought for your lives. 
“Is that–”
“It’s water,” Usopp cried out, cutting Nami off. “Don’t you hear it? We need to run!”
No one stopped. You couldn’t hear anything over the rhythmic slap of feet against stone, and Zoro’s heavy breaths as you rested your head against him.
“We have to turn–”
“We’ve got nowhere else to go,” Sanji huffed, “we need to keep moving no matter–”
“Holy shit,” Nami cursed beside you, her voice breathy as everyone stopped running.
“Hang on, Needy.”
You cracked your eyes open, the horrifying sight matching the sound you could finally hear.
Zoro slashed at the stone wall, but even his swords couldn’t break through. 
“We’re underwater, dumbass,” Sanji spat as the group started running the other way.
Running for your lives. 
The stone walls made that rushing sound echo, surrounding you even before the cold death touched your skin.
“I’ve got you,” Zoro promised through gritted teeth while he sprinted ahead.
As he passed your friends, you saw the terror burning through them, sweat dripping from their faces. 
Your mind went hazy, just a little outside of your body as yet another chaotic force threatened those you loved. 
Zoro flipped around as the sound roared too close, gripping your knees against his waist as he took the brunt of that liquid force.
You wished you had stayed dissociated, stayed out of your freezing body. Zoro’s rapid turn had shaken you enough that you took a deep breath, but it took every scrap of energy in you to keep your mouth closed, to not scream into that watery void.
Slipping, slipping away. The spinning torture through the rapid water had you reaching for your aching head, releasing your hold around his shoulders.
Zoro never let go. His hold started to slip, but he clamped down on your legs until they ached.
At least we’ll die together.
Your tears never had a chance, they just mixed with the wave that would drown you all. 
“It’s alright. Just hang in there. I’m not going to let you die.”
A soothing voice washed over you, clear and calm through the flood. All you could do was fight to keep your mouth closed, letting yourself drift to wherever you might end up. 
But something pulled at you, interrupting that chaotic drift. Your eyes opened, but the water burned, the world nothing more than a painful blur. Something had snared you, tugging you closer to Zoro, and you could feel another wriggling body against your side. 
At least we’re all together. 
“I’m swimming as fast as this tail will let me! None of you are gonna die on my watch!”
Kokoro’s voice carried through the water, and you almost cried out, managing to clamp your hands over your lips as the bodies around you seemed to writhe against the shock. 
What the fuck?
But it was too long. You couldn’t hold it. 
The choking pain tore through your chest, the struggle to stay finally fading. 
Just cold.
“Y/N! Y/N!”
Too many hands rolled you onto your side as scorching water tore through your throat. 
Your stinging eyes watched the water that left your lungs as it spread across wood, staining the black clothes of the person holding your hair back.
The person whose many hands held your body, whose voice cracked as she repeated your name. 
She let out a cry of relief, pulling your body gently as she held you against her chest. 
“Is this real,” you breathed, managing to move your arms to wrap around her.
“It’s real. You saved me.”
You felt the warmth of her cheek against your temple, and if you’d had the energy, you would have wept.
“I didn’t do–” 
“You came for me, Y/N. And you saved me,” Robin countered before you could finish your thought. Many arms held you up so that she could look at you, and tears managed to fall from your tired eyes at the sight of her beautiful face. Stunning, even marred with dirt and blood. 
“I love you too,” she confessed, a wave of fear filling those eyes before she cried it away, laughing before she kissed your cold lips.
It didn’t matter where you were, or how much danger you were still in. Robin was holding you, kissing you. The two of you laughed and sobbed as voices moved around you, orbiting your perfect world. 
“Sweethearts, are you okay?”
Sanji’s rough voice moved closer, and you finally looked around to find yourself on a ship. An empty marine ship, whose deck was covered with your crew, and all the water they’d ripped from their lungs. 
Your cook crawled over, seeming hesitant to get too close. 
Robin reached out, and you smiled at that sweet look of awe on Sanji’s face as he gazed at her. 
“I love you, Robin,” Sanji cut her off, racing to touch both of you, a gentle hand on your cheeks. 
“I love you too, Sanji,” she said with a laugh, and your heart melted as they shared their own salty kiss. 
Cannon fire and shouting were distant as the three of you held each other, laughter and tears like a shield from the danger that remained. 
But it wasn’t complete. 
A shiver ran up your neck, a warm vibration pulling your eyes away from Robin and Sanji. 
Zoro sat with his back against the railing, giving you a small smile as you caught him staring. He shook his head when you held out your hand. 
A frown pulled at your smiling lips as he mouthed, ‘it’s okay,’ nodding his head toward your other lovers.
“Please,” you whispered, hoping he could see how much you wanted him too. 
How much you needed him. 
He coughed, wiping more water from his brow before he crawled across the deck.
You and Robin clung to each other, laughter and tears still spilling from you. Sanji poured out streams of praise and words of love as he hugged you both from behind Robin’s back.  
Your swordsman came to you, and his soaked body warmed yours as he wrapped his arms around you. He joined the group embrace without flinching away, pressing a wet kiss against your shoulder.
It was all worth it. You’d go through all of that again, just to have this perfect moment. 
All of your lovers holding you close. Safe, if only for the moment. 
All of your crew on this stolen ship, ready to escape this hell.
All of your…
Zoro’s body went rigid, leaving you cold again as he leapt to his feet. 
His words cut through it all. No more laughter or tears could be freed until his question had an answer.
“Where’s Luffy?”
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Likes, comments, and reblogs bring me much ✨dopamine✨ thank you so much!
a/n: I love them all so much 😭😭😭
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Tag List: @vinsmokesangio | @ferns-fics | @heilee | @iamn1ya | @ghostfacefricker6969 | @onlybassoon01 | @apothicgloom | @slyhersophia | @cyberaestheticals | @nothing-but-brass | @egos-r-life | @shewrites02
Part 28
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| masterlist | about me | rules | ao3 |
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doromoni · 1 year
Hunting Affections
Charles Leclerc x photographer! reader
Max Verstappen x photographer! reader
Part 3.
fanfic + smau fic
y/n faceclaim : Hwang Eunbi
warning: angst , mild swearing , implications of cheating(?)
!song credits belong to Julia Micheals alone
<previous next>
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Summary; Love is but a concept — just connections of neurons that take part in the brain … and yet, why is it the most painful when one falls alone?
Loving someone who doesn’t love you back , until you can’t no more. Maybe then they’ll actually know what they’ve lost.
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You were never the patient kind , I could tell. You also didn’t like sharing — to this day I still grimace to the memory of your shouts that time I wore your hoodie when it rained out; I didn’t understand your anger … you hated that hoodie. You said that it was yours , you didn’t want it , but it was still yours. I was in shock, yet you could never do wrong in my eyes , always perfect and always kind.
There were times when your words were ugly and crass — more often than I would like to admit. I could understand french , did you know? I heard you mutter “la pute” under your breath when I didn’t want to go out partying 3 nights in row. I was hurt , did you notice? Did you look back? I didn’t see , the tears were blocking my vision.
Your friends pitied me when you took off with another girl from the party you invited me too— petit and brunette, you did have a type. I should be humiliated, I should’ve cried, but all I felt was the cold that numbness provided.
I guess, I should thank you, because if you haven’t left me, your friends wouldn’t have helped. Oh, did you know? your friends and I got along great; I knew that we were going to be the bestest of friends the moment they said “ I’m sorry about Charles. My name is Daniel , that’s Lando and this is Max, we were about to leave and get some ice cream , wanna join?” His lie was obvious, but I didn’t point it out — I only smiled and said “Sure , but only if it’s the cheap kind” because another expensive object forced into my hands is the last thing I needed.
We then found ourselves in the parking lot of McDonald’s — dressed in couture priced at hundreds and thousands of dollars on top of an Aston Martin, eating soupy ice cream from half empty McFlurry cups and munching on mostly soggy fries. We were laughing about nothing and everything. I was having the time of my life . I felt the cold wind of Monaco’s evening breeze in my hair as mindless chatter filled the air. It felt nice.
I did not think of you. You never once came to mind. That was the first time where I didn’t fucking care. I felt … free.
I sensed someone nudge my side, It was Max . “You grew quite, are you alright?” He asked , his eyes filled with concern ; I never knew that eyes could be that blue. I smiled and gave him a nod, and to my surprise a fry was suddenly pushed into my mouth. The only thought in my mind then was how salty the fries were and how beautiful the smile that adorned the face of the dutch racer was.
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navi.exe this is goodbye.
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maxverstappen1 1h
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viewed by y/n_stills. , charles_leclerc , carlossainz55 , and 1,506,189 others
story replies :
y/n_stills. EMILIAN! how mean >:((
charles_leclerc Mate, is that y/n?
charles_leclerc She’s with you? She said she was busy.
y/n_stills. 30m
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viewed by maxverstappen1, carlossainz55, charles_leclerc, and 307, 251 others
story replies :
maxverstappen1 : im sorry~ liebling, please let me hug you :((
y/n_stills. No
charles_leclerc Y/N?!
charles_leclerc You said you were busy, what the fuck is this then?
charles_leclerc please answer your phone, pick up my calls.
charles_leclerc i swear y/n… pick up the phone.
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liked by user1 , user2 , navi.exe, and 68,081 others
F1wags Max and Y/N spotted at singer-songwriter y/f/n’s concert!!
A fan had seen both max and y/n arriving together in Max’s Aston Martin at the concert hall earlier this evening, It was reported that the two were hand in hand as they were escorted towards backstage and stopping to sign autographs for fans who recognized them.
During the Formula 1 summer break, these two were mostly silent until the most recent post of Y/N that features a mystery man - whom she called “my hero” to which Max left a 💙 in the comments. Could the unnamed guy be Max? Is Y/N finally an official wag?
Even before Max, fans have speculated something going on between Y/N and Charles — more than a employer:employee relationship. Yet nothing was confirmed or made official by the Ferrari driver.
Nevertheless, Y/N has been a staple at the paddock and is loved by both fans, drivers, and motorhomes alike.
Admin: We love Y/N so much it hurts >:((
tagged : maxverstappen1 and y/n_stills.
user1 WHAT?? Max and Y/N? I didn’t see that coming… yet they surprisingly suit each other ngl
user2 Ikr they oddly complement each other and the height difference?? they got me so softtt.
user1 grumpy x sunshine on track ~ they’re so cute!
user3 lmao off track these two are just crack x crack @user1
user1 facts, imagine them together with Lando and Daniel … complete and utter chaos.
user4 Charles and Y/N weren’t dating? Bruh fumbled and lost a 10. Should’ve bagged her when you had the chance.
user1 much like his team , his strategy failed.
user4 @user1 Lmao , and Red bull is here to overtake 🤭
user5 everything is clicking omg. It makes sense! Y/N is close to Max’s sisters and surprisingly Jos!
user6 dude imagine being bffs with your boyfriend’s dad. I swear everyone just loves y/n and if you don’t. That’s a you problem.
user7 oof big L for Charles 😭 , yo girl went to the enemy .
user8 well its a fact that villains love harder, I support you y/n! get the most payed athlete on the grid .Girl get the bag!
user9 tbh I never was a supporter of the Y/N and Charles ship… It felt one sided?
user10 @user9 I thought I was the only one! It felt like Y/N was always pushed to the side or smth.
user8 they’re both glowing in their recent posts~ must be nice to have someone. ha ha ha im not lonely at all.
landonorris they didn’t invite me, again.
user1 lando what are you doing on a wag page??
user2 what do you mean again… so this ain’t new huh. Interesting
user3 so it’s basically true, They are together! confirmed. I wont take no for an answer
📍 AO Arena , Manchester
The light had again started to dim, only a single spotlight shone — illuminating my most dearest friend. A familiar arm snaked around my waist, pulling me back into their warmth . Sighing with content as I melted into his embrace
“How are you feeling , liebling?” Max whispered in my ear, drawing mindless circles around my waist . I couldn’t answer, as I was too overwhelmed with peace and comfort. I could only fall deeper in his embrace and letting my head lean on his shoulder. Feeling the soothing beating of his heart as my back pressed into him.
“alright everyone, I want to sing one last song. This one is not written by me, but my dearest and longest friend, y/n! She’s actually in the audience today. This song is dedicated to the person who she opened her heart to after going through every hardship she faced, and I was made aware that the certain person is here with her tonight. This song … It’s too beautiful not to share with the world. Y/N im sorry for putting you on the spot , I know how this song means so much to you. You deserve all the happiness and love in this world. You finally found it.”
Hearing what what y/f/n had said , my pulse grew quicker and my throat grew dry, yet I didn’t pull away from Max’s embrace. I wasn’t sure if I wanted for him to hear what I in wrote that song. That song held the contents of my heart, holding nothing back; baring my soul in each word. I laid all my cards for him to see.
“The summer before you
I thought love was Shakespearean
More or less a painful experience
Only ever real if you're delirious
The summer before you
I let it take up very little oxygen
Nowhere I'd rest my head, more like an ottoman
Never had someone like you to treat me like Solomon
But little did I know
You would be the one I confide in
Learn how to try with
Little did I know
It was you before I ever decided
Oh-oh-oh, little did I know
Oh-oh-oh, little did I know
The summer before you
You can't spell "drama" with consonants
And I admit, I usually was the cause of it
Now here we are, you got me changing all of it
Slow me down, I want you too
It's different when it comes to you
Hey, yeah
But little did I know
You would be the one I confide in
Learn how to try with
Little did I know
It was you before I ever decided
Yeah, little did I know
You would be the one that would save me
Learn how to change me
Little did I know
Oh-ooh, just look at you, can you blame me?
Oh-oh-oh, little did I know
Oh-oh-oh, little did I know
The summer before you
I thought love was Shakespearean
More or less a painful experience
Only ever real if you're delirious
But little did I know
You would be the one I confide in
Learn how to try with
Little did I know
It was you before I ever decided
Yeah, little did I know
You would be the one that would save me
Learn how to change me
Little did I know
Oh-ooh, just look at you, can you blame me?
Oh-oh-oh, little (yeah) did I know (did I know)
Oh-oh-oh (oh), little did I know (did I know)
Oh-oh-oh, little did I know that it could feel like this (yeah)
Oh-oh-oh, little, every time I got you on my lips (hey)
The summer before you”
Shouts and claps filled the stadium, but it grew deaf in our ears as we stood frozen in time- the beating of our hearts beating louder than ever. Then suddenly, I was again staring at the bluest of eyes that reflected every emotion and this time they were filled with unshed tears. My hand shook as I slowly lifted my palm to his cheeks.
“Do you mean it?” His voice soft , filled with yearning and hope . Slowly leaning his forehead against mine.
“Every last word” I whispered.
Then his lips finally met mine. We didn’t have to say it, we both knew that we were each other’s.
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Liked by maxverstappen1, justy/f/n , landonorris , and 805,415 others
y/n_stills. Little did I know , it was you before I ever decided. Little did I know it could feel like this.
Thank you for waiting for me , my love💙
tagged @maxverstappen1
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Liked by y/n_stills. , redbullracing, danielricciardo, and 2,628,917 others
maxverstappen1 I would’ve waited for eternity if you needed me to, my Liebling 💙
tagged @y/n_stills
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“CHARLES! Are you alright?!”
“Mom, what have I done… I lost her. I lost y/n”
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octoberautumnbox · 1 month
box update!!
tldr: hiatus but ill be back dw :DDDD
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hey y'all! its been a hectic few weeks box-side since The Sultry and Pervy Soda in Apartment 307 lmao and I think its for the best to maybe take another break. ive got a few big things to worry about within the next couple months (I also havent been answering asks as often and as well as i like) as well as recent difficulty in writing nearly anything and I can't in good faith promise releases during this time :((((
I won't totally disappear tho! just a little break from writing long lol 6k "long" fics. not that anyone will worry or care but for the few who wait patiently for me to put stuff out, im sorry u have to wait a little bit longer slfkslahdlg
and for anyone that might be worried that I'm retiring hahahahahaha ofc not, very little will be able to keep me away for good :DDDD I still have a shit ton of drafts im very excited to work on when the writing juices inevitably return!
in the meantime I promise the other very lovely writers I share the platform with will come out with their own fics so im sure I won't be missed too horribly <3 praeluxius, capslocked, sinswithpleasure, writerpeach, midnightdancingsol, kooyabooya, authorhjk1, 0cta9on, coldfanbou, ggidolsmuts, usedpidemo, thewritingrowlet, msafterhours, okaylikesmomo (wow im so not used to yalls government names anymore lmao), and many more of my fellow writers will come at you with awesome work for you to enjoy so watch out!!!
and finally watch out for yuri as well! it's still a good while before December when Squid Game S2 comes out on Netflix so it isn't totally off the table for covers, appearances, and most excitingly a possible comeback to be within the year!! tag me when theres news in case u find I still havent gushed abt it on my blog yet lmao
see y'all in a few weeks, honorary glassys! love ya!
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tspud-screenshots · 3 months
Hello! Do you need screenshots of TSPUD but don't have the game or no-clip? Do you need a specific angle or screenshot of a specific part of the game that is usually glossed over in videos or images? Send a request either in submissions or the inbox and I will do my best to provide it!
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Mod is a college student, Please be patient if you submit a request! This blog is meant to help provide resources and references so I may take time in answering your ask/submission
Inbox and Submissions must be about TSPUD only. I may occasionally speak about other things related to the game, but this blog is mainly for screenshots of the game.
The Half-Life 2 Stanley Parable Mod, The Stanley Parable Demo, and The Stanley Parable HD Remaster (2013) are available for screenshots as well. If you want a screenshot from those games then please specify, if not I'll be going with Ultra Deluxe.
While I can't access Ultra Deluxe's assets, I can direct you to certain assets that I may have on hand from the one steam guide with a few assets uploaded to imgur. Feel free to ask about those as well as assets from the HL2 Mod, the Demo, and the HD Remake.
Common courtesy always applies. Homophobic/Transphobic/Sexist/Racist messages in reblogs, replies, asks, or in submissions will not be tolerated.
I may make mistakes in getting certain screenshots. Please be patient with me as I can't get the exact screenshot you may need.
Feel free to provide references for the screenshots you want which require perspective and positioning. (Keep references PG and SFW)
Requests are open!
MASTERLIST: (Updated August 31st)
Not-Stanley Boss' Office
Meeting Room
Broom Closet
Bucket Apartment Ending (P1) (P2)
Mind Control Facility Cameras (P1) (P2) (P3)
Starry Dome and Zending Stairs
Employee Lounge
Hallway Leading to the Employee Lounge (Rooms Only)
Hallway Leading to the Employee Lounge (Rooms Only)
Computer Head Art from the Stanley Parable 2 Expo Office
Stanley (Not-Stanley Ending)
Mariella (Insanity/Dream Ending)
Watching/Airport Man (Bucket Elevator Ending/Bucket Quiz Ending)
The Bucket (With Stickers) (Beginning office pre!Two-Doors)
Employee Numbers
Lighting Differences between Source and Unity
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sevenoctober7 · 1 month
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1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- 10- 11- 12- 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20- 21- 22- 23- 24- 25- 26- 27- 28- 29- 30- 31- 32- 33- 34- 35- 36- 37- 38- 39- 40- 41- 42- 43- 44- 45- 46- 47- 48- 49- 50- 51- 52- 53- 54- 55- 56- 57- 58- 59- 60- 61- 62- 63- 64- 65- 66- 67- 68- 69- 70- 71- 72- 73- 74- 75- 76- 77- 78- 79- 80- 81- 82- 83- 84- 85- 86- 87- 88- 89- 90- 91- 92- 93- 94- 95- 96- 97- 98- 99- 100- 101- 102- 103- 104- 105- 106- 107- 108- 109- 110- 111- 112- 113- 114- 115- 116- 117- 118- 119- 120- 121- 122- 123- 124- 125- 126- 127- 128- 129- 130- 131- 132- 133- 134- 135- 136- 137- 138- 139- 140- 141- 142- 143- 144- 145- 146- 147- 148- 149- 150- 151- 152- 153- 154- 155- 156- 157- 158- 159- 160- 161- 162- 163- 164- 165- 166- 167- 168- 169- 170- 171- 172- 173- 174- 175- 176- 177- 178- 179- 180- 181- 182- 183- 184- 185- 186- 187- 188- 189- 190- 191- 192- 193- 194- 195- 196- 197- 198- 199- 200- 201- 202- 203- 204- 205- 206- 207- 208- 209- 210- 211- 212- 213- 214- 215- 216- 217- 218- 219- 220- 221- 222- 223- 224- 225- 226- 227- 228- 229- 230- 231- 232- 233- 234- 235- 236- 237- 238- 239- 240- 241- 242- 243- 244- 245- 246- 247- 248- 249- 250- 251- 252- 253- 254- 255- 256- 257- 258- 259- 260- 261- 262- 263- 264- 265- 266- 267- 268- 269- 270- 271- 272- 273- 274- 275- 276- 277- 278- 279- 280- 281- 282- 283- 284- 285- 286- 287- 288- 289- 290- 291- 292- 293- 294- 295- 296- 297- 298- 299- 300- 301- 302- 303- 304- 305- 306- 307- 308- 309- 310- 311- 312- 313- 314- 315..
It is certain that you were not patient with the counting and went straight to the last number. Our people in Gaza lived 315 days, counting them day after day while waiting for you. So what did you do?
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silveragelovechild · 3 months
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“Eye of the Beholder” (season 1, episode 6) from Twilight Zone (1962)
Donna Douglas plays a woman undergoing plastic surgery to correct defects on her face… but it’s a failure!
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“Suspended in time and space for a moment, your introduction to Miss Janet Tyler, who lives in a very private world of darkness. A universe whose dimensions are the size, thickness, length of the swath of bandages that cover her face. In a moment we will go back into this room, and also in a moment we will look under those bandages. Keeping in mind of course that we are not to be surprised by what we see, because this isn't just a hospital, and this patient 307 is not just a woman. This happens to be the Twilight Zone, and Miss Janet Tyler, with you, is about to enter it.”
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pannaginip · 2 months
“While the people are paying high out-of-pocket expenses, [the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation or] Philhealth is earning so much profit that the Department of Finance wants to get the surplus funds for other unprogrammed expenses like Maharlika investment,” [Dr. Edelina De la Paz, chairperson of Health Alliance for Democracy (HEAD)] said.
The Department of Health (DOH) earlier announced that there is P89.9 billion unused government subsidy for Philhealth, the national health insurance program of the government. They sought to transfer the unused funds for “unprogrammed appropriations” in the 2024 budget.
During the pandemic, the Duterte administration was urged to hold accountable ranking officials of Philhealth over the alleged P15 billion ($307 million) corruption. Concerned groups and individuals have been calling out the contribution premium hike for workers, adding layers of burdens amid massive price hikes and inflation, as well as unresolved issues in the Philhealth.
Dr. Jamie Dasmariñas of the Coalition for People’s Right to Health (CPRH) said that utilizing Philhealth requires health institutions to be accredited. “If you are poor and you do not have a barangay health station, and the nearest station is also not accredited by Philhealth, there is no other option for you,” she said in Filipino.
Dasmariñas stressed that Philhealth funds should be reallocated to barangay health stations and local government units because the process of Philhealth is also taxing for patients, and mostly falls under layers of red tape.
In a unity statement, CPRH called on the Marcos Jr. administration to set up health centers in every barangay with a complement of adequate health personnel, basic laboratories, supplies, and equipment in the wake of severe understaffing and subpar working conditions of healthcare workers.
2024 Jul. 19
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pairing: bucky barnes x fem!reader
series summary: you're steve's sister, and bucky barnes' girlfriend. and maybe also a supersoldier from the 40s
chapter summary: cute stuff that happened before you and steve became supersoldiers <3
chapter warnings: none to my knowledge!!
A/N: hi im so sorry I haven't posted in so long and i'm excited about what this is going to become!! (also thank you for your patience because i'm very bad at time management)
series masterlist ♡ masterlist ♡ next chapter
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"307, 308, 309"
Slowly, you pushed open the door of Room 309, trying not to disturb whatever patient was in there. You pulled your trolley filled with band-aids and rubbing alcohol into the room with you.
"Y/N? Doll? Is that you?"
You look up, not knowing why a patient finds you familiar. The eyes you meet are not of just any patient, but of Bucky Barnes.
"Y/N/N, I'd like you to meet my new friend!" Steve, no older than seven years old, said to you as he dragged along a boy, who looked to be around eight years old, towards you. You looked up from the tattered children's book your teacher who believed you were just pretending you couldn't read forced you to read, wanting to see the face of the poor soul your older brother had unfortunately chosen as his accomplice in all of his antics.
"My Name is James Barnes, but you can call me Bucky," he introduced himself as he offered his hand. You shook his hand amiably, "I'm Y/N, Steve's younger sister by just one year."
"He beat up Harry and his friends after he saw them take my money! He's awesome!" Steve continued chattering on as all three of you waited for your respective parents to pick you up from elementary school.
"You're very pretty Y/N" Bucky said to you in a shy voice. Hearing his words, you blushed a deep crimson. "That means I'm going to marry you one day." Bucky said as his ma arrived at the school. Steve's mouth was agape at his utterance as Bucky said his goodbyes to the two of you.
"I'm not going to let you do that!" Steve yelled after him.
"Make sure you write to us at least twice a week Y/N," Bucky beseeched while the four of you- you, your mother, Steve, and Bucky- were on your way to the train station. To further your education, your mother made the decision to send you to live with your aunt and go to school there and move on to university to study nursing eventually.
"Make sure you don't forget to write back to me," you said as you got a ticket to where you aunt stayed. The excitement you felt to be going to stay with your aunt slowly transformed into homesickness as you said your goodbyes to your mother, Steve and Bucky.
"Don't forget us Y/N/N," Steve said as he pulled you into a bone-crushing hug. He reluctantly let go for you to say goodbye to your mother and Bucky.
"Take care of yourself and make sure not to trouble your aunt too much," your mother hugged you and pulled apart to wipe away her tears with a handkerchief.
"I'll miss you doll," Bucky said as you hugged him, burying your face in his neck. You let go only when it was time for you to get on the train.
Once you got to your aunt's house, you and Steve wrote to each other frequently. From what you knew, Bucky came over to read the letters addressed to both of them. But slowly, your letters to Bucky trickled down to nothing, seeming as if he didn't go over to read the letters with Steve anymore. The letters to Steve also dwindled down to once a month. In one of Steve's letters to you after you started working as a nurse in a nearby hospital, you read something that made your heart stop.
"Mom's got tuberculosis. They don't think she'll make it."
You couldn't go back to Brooklyn because you didn't have enough money to book a round ticket on your measly salary, which wasn't even enough to pay your tuition. You wrote back to Steve telling him that you weren't able to come back and you gave him directions to ensure that your mother would overcome the dreadful disease.
A month passed, and you got the dreaded letter.
"Mom's passed. The funeral is tomorrow. Her last words were that she loved both of us and hoped we would be able to take care of ourselves without her."
That night you cried until your eyes were red and were blaming yourself for what happened to her.
"If only I had left to take care of ma."
"Bucky?" you asked in disbelief, as you walked towards him. Since you came back to Brooklyn after repaying your debts, five years after your mother died, you lived with your brother in your desolate little house. Ever since the war broke out, Steve was hellbent on joining the army, and dragged along Bucky with him. When they tried to enlist, Bucky was the one who was recruited instead of him, and he joined the army.
"I haven't seen you since you were 12 and left to study in some city," Bucky said as he sat upright in his hospital bed. "You didn't even come home when Sarah passed."
Well didn't that hurt.
"When you're drowning in debt and can't even pay off your tuition, it's a bit hard to buy a train ticket across the country."
"Alright I'm sorry doll, I didn't mean it that way. You look prettier than you did ten years ago, if I may say so."
"Thank you." you replied and began to dress his wounds a bit more harshly than you initially intended.
"So Steve tells me you enlisted into the army. How's that working out?"
"You're dressing my wounds. I think that speaks for itself."
So that's why he's here.
You continued dressing his wounds in silence, making sure they didn't get infected.
"Would you like to go get an ice cream at that place you loved tomorrow? I'll pay." Bucky asked you, looking into your eyes.
With a hand on your heart and feigned surprise in your voice, you asked, "Mr Barnes, are you asking me out on a date?"
"Why, yes I am, Miss Rogers." he replied in the same manner.
"Does 4pm work for you?" You asked, putting away the rest of your medical supplies.
"If it works for you."
word count: 1k
tagged: @your-local-questioning-agender
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princessdong · 2 years
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Patient File, Alter: Dami (Lee Yubin)
Original name: Dmitria Glushakova
Name given: Dami Lee
Place of origin: Russia
Age: never given, but it's estimated to be between 28-33
Appearance (based on descriptions given):
5'9, jet black long hair, fair skin. Of athletic body and blue eyes, described by other alters as someone who looks intimidating both from beauty and the seriousness in her face.
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darkmaga-retard · 4 days
Sixty percent of young people who were hospitalized with myocarditis after receiving an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine still showed signs of myocardial injury roughly six months after getting the shot, according to a new peer-reviewed study funded by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Critics said the study authors — who published their report in The Lancet on Sept. 6 — downplayed the seriousness of the study’s findings. They also noted that some authors had ties to the government and Big Pharma that may have influenced the research.
The study authors, led by Dr. Supriya S. Jain, a pediatric cardiologist and researcher at Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital in Valhalla, New York, analyzed health outcome data and biomarkers from 333 patients ages 5-30, from 38 U.S. hospitals, who were diagnosed with COVID-19 mRNA vaccine-induced myocarditis.
The researchers used late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) in cardiac MRIs to determine which areas of the patients’ heart tissue were injured.
Gadolinium is a metal used to help doctors see abnormal tissues in MRI scans with more detail, according to Drugwatch. The presence of LGE is often associated with worse outcomes, such as a higher risk of heart failure or arrhythmias, according to Trial Site News in its coverage of the study.
The authors followed up with 307 of the 333 patients by analyzing their health data collected from April 2021 to November 2022. The time between vaccination and follow-up varied, with a median of 178 days.
The results revealed that LGE persisted in the cardiac MRIs of 60% of the patients at the follow-up. Jain and her co-authors called these results “reassuring,” noting that there had not been any reported cardiac-related deaths or heart transplants at the time of writing their report. They recommended “continued clinical surveillance and long-term studies.”
Daniel O’Conner of Trial Site News criticized the FDA as the study’s funder. “The FDA is not keeping up with its tradition of ‘patient safety first,’” he told The Defender, adding:
“The procedures that were used and the outcomes that were identified are associated with a higher probability of more severe conditions.
“The FDA [study authors] rightly called for ongoing surveillance — but they don’t have the urgency they should, given the vulnerabilities of the population.”
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notenoughmuses · 2 months
If they had a kid / Allyria and Jaehaerys (whichever one :3), Aegon and Rhaenyra, alara and jory
Allyria and Jaehaerys: in alphabetical order:
Arthur, Barric, Cedric, Daenerys, Elia, Gwayne, Helaena, Jacaerys, Kara (Valyrian for great/excellent),Nymeria, Oberyn, Shiera
the triplets: born in 300 AC (in verse where Jae comes fourth with allies and support and takes over King Tommen's rule)
Barric David Oakes (born 301 AC) Gwayne Orlando Bloom (born 303 AC) Helaena Elinor Crawley & Jacaerys Eoin Macken (born 306 AC) Kara Freya Allen (born 307 AC) & Nymeria Hannah New (born 309 AC), Oberyn (born 311 AC), Shiera (born 314 AC) Helena Mattsson
Name: Arthur
Gender: Male
General Appearance: More Dayne/Dornish features. Dark hair, purple eyes, Dornish skin tone, roughly 5 feet 9 inches tall
Personality: Sweet, headstrong, prone to strong feelings and outburts as a child.
Special Talents: hand to hand combat
Who they like better: Allyria
Who they take after more: Allyria
Personal Head canon: He basically starts his own hand to hand combat sport similar to boxing or MMA
Face Claim: Leo Sutuer
Name: Daenerys
Gender: female
General Appearance: Targaryen features with a curvy build and growing up had weight fluxuations like crazy.
Personality: very outwardly directed, always focused on meeting people, going out, doing things with others, hates to be alone with themselves
Special Talents: great at crafting
Who they like better: Jae
Who they take after more: Allyria
Personal Head canon: Can't sit in a chair properly.
Face Claim: Katheryn Winnick ( I know overused but i love her)
Name: Elia
Gender: female
General Appearance: More Dornish/ Dayne features, tall slender and well endowed
Personality: Is always down for arson (she's allowed to burn candles and that's with supervision). Great at reading others, knowing how people are feeling and why, etc. It's borderline impossible to hide a secret from them or mislead them since they seem to almost supernaturally just know the actual truth about how someone is feeling or what they're thinking, etc.
Special Talents: good at memorizing facts and retaining information
Who they like better: Allyria
Who they take after more: Jae
Personal Head canon: Always smells like campfire/burnt wood
Face Claim: Laura Berlin
Aegon and Rhaenyra
Name: Vaegon
Gender: male
General Appearance: typical Targaryen features, ends up being as tall as show Daemon/Aemond
Personality: Course, rough, he cares too deeply and loves too hard. He rushes head first into situations. Not dramatic themselves but they love observing the drama of others
Special Talents:
Who they like better: Rhaenyra
Who they take after more: Aegon
Personal Head canon: He tried to improve the lives of every small folk of Westeros when he became King. He's remembered as Vaegon 'the benevolent' Targaryen
Face Claim: Lucas Till
Alara and Jory:
Name: Rodrick
Gender: Male
General Appearance: Dark hair, brown eyes, 5 feet 7 inches tall, lean build
Personality: A total sweetheart, easily impressed, patient, very romantic, always has little crushes on everyone, constantly dreaming of having cute dates, writes poetry about every little thing that makes their heart flutter
Special Talents: Bread baking
Who they like better: Jory
Who they take after more: Both
Personal Head canon: Marries a woman from a noble house outside of the North. They met at a Tourney.
Face Claim: Santiago Cabrera
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turtletaubwrites · 29 days
Numbers Game Extras ~ Suitor Dossiers
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Hello, stars! Thank you so much for your patience for Chapter 32. It's almost done, but it's a big one! I was planning to put these into the chapter as well, and I still might, but I figured I'd share some details about the suitors since you have all been so patient and kind! I hope you enjoy it, and I'd love to know who your favorite is! This post includes a poll to share who you'd like to see more of during this little game. 9 guys is a lot, lol. I want to make sure that I give special attention to yours faves! (Not changing their motivations though, so I hope you like what I have planned for them 😈🤭)
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!!! SPOILER WARNING !!! ~ If you haven't read Part 31 yet, I highly recommend finishing that first before looking at the dossiers.
Image descriptions are located at the end, as the dossiers are on images.
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What's this?
It was rare to find trash on the ground at the Oak Roots Estate. Curiosity got the better of you, and you picked up what looked like a brochure.
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Are you fucking kidding me...
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Image Descriptions: Alternating images and text in the form of a brochure shows each of the nine suitor's faces with some personal details, and a quote. The format is laid out with snooty cedar leaves, the sun shining through trees, soft greens, exaggerated font, and images of arrows (as in bow and arrows).
Dossier Text: Each picture includes the phrase "Which hunter will claim her?" The final picture also includes the phrase, "Make your bets now!"
Age: Couldn’t Recall
Height: Misplaced Measurements
Birthday: August 14th
Title: “Warehouseman”
Favorite Food: Rye Whiskey
How he plans to win: “I’m sure the lovely lady and I will have a delightful time. You don’t get to be my age without learning a few tricks.”
Age: 21
Height: 186 cm (6'1")
Birthday: March 2
Title: Prince of the Germa Kingdom
Favorite Food: Strawberries and Whiskey
How he plans to win: "I’m a Vinsmoke."
Age: 21
Height: 185 cm (6'1")
Birthday: March 2nd
Title: Prince of the Germa Kingdom
Favorite Food: Blueberries and Scotch
How he plans to win: “She’s coming with us. If I don’t win, there’s two more Vinsmoke’s.”
Age: 21
Height: 194 cm (6'4")
Birthday: March 2
Title: Prince of the Germa Kingdom
Favorite Food: Green Peas
How he plans to win: “I wouldn’t mind ending up with a woman like her, so I’m gonna turn her into a princess.”
Age: 40
Height: 199 cm (6'6")
Birthday: January 3
Title: President of the Galley-La Company, and Mayor of Water 7
Favorite Food: Curry Made by an Old Friend. A Drunk, Old Friend.
How he plans to win: “Mm, well... I suppose I’ll win because I know her best.”
Age: 24
Height: 604 cm (19’10”)
Birthday: February 4th
Title: Prince of the Ryugu Kingdom
Favorite Food: Abalone Steak
How he plans to win: “I hope that she carries peace in her heart. If she does, I will stop at nothing to earn her love.”
Age: 45
Height: 307 cm (10'1")
Birthday: February 28th
Title: Sweet Commander of the Big Mom Pirates, and the Minister of Biscuit
Favorite Food: Biscuits. Dislikes Kimchi and Carbonated Drinks.
How he plans to win: “Easy. I’ll outdo them all.”
Age: 48
Height: 509 cm (16'8½")
Birthday: November 25th
Title: Sweet Commander of the Big Mom Pirates, and the Minister of Flour
Favorite Food: Doughnuts. Dislikes hot ramen.
How he plans to win: “I will win because I must.”
Red Haired Shanks
Age: 39
Height: 199 cm (6'6")
Birthday: March 9
Title: Emperor of the Sea
Favorite Food: Kimchi Fried Rice and Lobster. Dislikes Blueberries.
How he plans to win: “Just gonna show the cutie a good time.”
End of Image Description.
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WIP Update I hope you liked this little tease! Chapter 32 is 8300+ words already, and I still have a few more outlined scenes to finish, including the smut. If y'all didn't crave the smut every chapter it would have been out by now, lol. There's a lot going on at the Oak Roots Estate! 🌲 Life is lifeing, but I have received word that the major factor keeping me from my usual writing schedule is fading, and I'm so happy because this story dominates my brain, and I miss all of you so much! Thank you for your patience, I can't wait for you to read the next update! See you soon! Lynna 💜✨
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Author’s Note: All of the character details above are from Oda, except for the quotes and the missing details for Giberson. I found them on the One Piece Fandom Wiki if you’d like to go check out more about the character’s history. I live on that site, and have to give those fans the credit for compiling all those details! I already spend hours searching for specific parts in the anime for things like lines for speech patterns and such, I’d be lost without the wiki!
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flower-boi16 · 1 year
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur is AWESOME!!!!!!
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OK so, have you ever went to watch a show, that you expected to just be a fun 7/10 series only for it to absolutely blow you away with how well-written fun, and GREAT it is? Well, Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur was that show for me. This show only has 1 season released so far and it has already become my new favorite cartoon of ALL time. But why is that? Well, let's dive into why Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur is an awesome series.
NOTE: I have not read the comics this show is based on, so this is judging it as a stand-alone show and not an adaptation. Oh, and this review contains spoilers for the series, you've been warned
1. The Art Style & Animation
I LOVE this show's art style. It looks like it comes straight out of a comic book with the character designs, the backgrounds, the thick outlines on the characters, the bright colors that pop in every scene, this show looks GREAT! The animation also gets cool and creative in the show's action-music video like sequences at the end of each episode where they change the colors of each character AND they use some cool ass and creative animation in each of these sequences too, whenever these pop up in an episode, they are always great to look at. And then there are the fights in this show outside of that and they look great too! Overall, this show has a fantastic art style that looks pleasing and fun to look at.
2. The Music
DAMN does this show have an amazing soundtrack. I LOVE every single song here. They are just super catchy and great to listen to, and remember those sequences at the end of each episode I mentioned in the previous section? Well, these sequences have some of the BEST songs in the whole show. My favorites are definitely the ones in the last two episodes, both of which are 70s remixes of the theme song, which is also a BANGER too! Other great songs include My Hair is a Mood, The Wave, The Beyonder's Song, Out of My Mind, Go Big, The Look in Your Eyes, and MANY other ones as well! This show has the best soundtrack out of ANY cartoon I've seen. Go listen to this show's soundtrack right now, it's actually amazing.
3. The Characters
Okay, enough of praising the superficial aspects about this show, now, it's time to praise the other parts of it; that being, the characters.
Lunella- The main protagonist of this show, and she's great. The show does the usual things that all good shows do and that is teaching its protagonist lessons, however, Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur does this so incredibly well that it makes Lunella a great protagonist. You have Lunella learning pretty basic lessons like being patient and not feeding internet trolls when they say mean things about you online, they also have her grow as a character like learning to face her childhood fears in episode 14, and learning that, fear isn't something you should get over, it should be something you should get through.
There's also episode 7 where she learns to overcome her awkwardness whenever she's in a slumber party and becomes better at making friends. Even basic lessons she learns like in episode 4 where she learns that she shouldn't be overly competitive add so much nuance to that moral. LOS-307 (the robot Lunella competes against in that episode) wants to try and connect with Lunella because they don't really have any friends, yet Lunella ends up ignoring that and gets so focused on the game that LOS ends up being turned on while they are on charging for so long and overheats, because Lunella was too caught up in the game. She was too obsessed with winning and that cost her almost getting killed. Other episodes like the one where she learns that it's ok to say when you need a break from stuff, the one where she learns that what makes life special are all the fun moments in between are also all great too.
But the episode where her character is at her absolute best imo is in episode 11, AKA; the gentrification episode. In that episode, she learns that she, as Moong Girl, is a voice for the community of the LES, and a role model, and she meets these two guys Marty and Marcy, who want to revitalize the LES to be "better". She thinks that it would help the LES only to see that the changes Marty and Marcy make are affecting the LES for the worse, gentrifying it. She then gets scolded by her mom as Moon Girl saying "how could you support something like this?". She used her voice in a way that badly affected her community, and then there's that AMAZING scene with her mom as herself, and says that she tried to use her voice, but it turned out it didn't matter.
And then she learns that she needs to use her voice wisely as Moon Girl, and that her voice does matter, she just needs to make herself heard. And then goes to fix this and bring back her block from it's gentrified state. I'll talk about this episode more in the next section, but it did such an amazing job of making Lunella a FANTASTIC protagonist. She's flawed, she makes mistakes and those mistakes have big consequences, but she learns and grows from those mistakes. Oh ya, I could also mention many other episodes like episode 5 but I think you could get the idea; Lunella is a great protagonist. Grows throughout the whole series and each episode finds a new way to make her develop in a way that's compelling.
Casey- I have a lot less to say about Casey than I do about Lunella, but I still really like Casey. She's the social media-obsessed popular girl in this show and normally with these two types of characters Casey would be a bully to Lunella, but that's subverted here which is nice. I also love Casey and Lunella's friendship, it's really cute and they a lot of great chemistry with each other that makes their dynamic interesting and fun!
Episode 12 is the episode where Casey goes through a bit of character growth, as she throws bat mitzvah and has Moon Girl make an appearance so it could be the most epic one, only for Casey to become too obsessed with the bat mitzvah to the point it creates a rift in her friendship with Lunella. I think that episode did a good job of making Casey go through some character growth, and overall, she's a fun character and a great tritagonist.
Devil- Devil's cute. I like him. Devil is Lunella's suto pet/crime fighting partner, and I do like him. Like with Lunella and Casey, there are episodes that give him a little depth, like episode 8 or episode 13, these episodes focus on Devil and they are pretty good, not the best episodes of the series but they are still great. Devil's friendship with Lunella is cute too, they have such great chemistry with each other. Devil is a good deuteragonist for this series.
So Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur has a pretty great main cast. The characters are likable, and get great growth throughout the series. Now let's talk about...
4. The Villains
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur is a superhero show, so it's going to have a lot of villains. Most of the time these guys usually appear for only one episode to serve the plot for each episode. The first villain, Aftershock, is the main antagonist of the pilot, and she does a decent job as the show's first major boss. She's funny, she's threatening, and her design looks pretty cool. Next is the Syphonater, AKA Angelo. Angelo wanted to help the community but never got noticed, and when Moon Girl got all the attention he never received, he became jealous of her which made him susceptible to being a host for the Syphonater. Again, he serves his job fine as being that episode's main antagonist.
Other villains include Gravitas, a villain with gravitation powers who went after Moon Girl and Devil because they accidentally destroyed his car, Mane who is all of Lunella's natural comprised into one giant hair monster thing, Abbyss who can shoot dark cloud things and who doesn't want to be evil, but since she's apart of a family of supervillains she has no choice, LOS-307 who's a supercomputer that turns evil after overheating (I actually got worried for them when it looks like they were about to die like, damn, this show got me to care about a robot...how) and many, many other villains. All of them serve their purpose for the episodes that they are in and they are entertaining to watch. However, there are two villains that I think are the most worth talking about. Those being The Beyonder and another antagonist I'll talk about later in section 6.
The Beyonder is my favorite villain in this show so far. He reminds me a lot like HIM from the OG powerpuff girls; an all-powerful being that likes to torment our heroes for the fun of it. He's just such a fun villain, he basically was sent to Earth so he could study about humans, and when Lunella says one thing about Eduardo being a useless partner, he takes that like her saying that humans are worthless and says that if Lunella doesn't complete her school project with Eduardo, he'll wipe out the human race. Nah, turns out he was just messing with Lunella there. The Beyonder is just such an fun entertaining villain, he's no doubt my favorite villain of the show.
The villains in this series are relatively decent, most of them serve their purpose for each episode that they are in, some are sympathetic and get redeemed at the end of each episode, most of them don't, so this show's villains are pretty solid, now let's talk about...
5. The Morals & Messages
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur has the basic kinds of lessons you would see in most kids shows; however, it's the executions that matter here and they way Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur teaches it's lessons is great! Let me give you an example; Episode 3, this episode has Lunella learning to be patient and that she shouldn't rush things. Basic moral on paper. Then later in episode a villain named Gravitas shows up and begins recking things. How is he defeated? Lunella goes and waits for him to run out of juice so he can't use his gravity powers.
What I like here is that the episode gets its moral across in a creative and interesting way; Lunella defeats Gravitas by waiting or being patient for him to run out of juice so he can't attack her anymore. It gets a moral across in a way that's both creative and entertaining to the audience without it feeling hamfisted. Another example; Episode 4, I already mentioned this episode in the characters section but this is one of my favorite episodes of the show so far. Like episode 3, it takes a pretty basic moral; don't be overly competitive, and does something interesting with it.
In the episode, a new AI comes to Lunella's school named LOS-307, a robot who was just built eight months ago, and Lunella goes to play chess against it. The robot tries to connect with Lunella and become friends, but Lunella is too focused on winning against them to connect. It gets so bad to the point where neither of them beat each other and Lunella is still playing against them even after school is over. And then later in the episode, when Lunella sneaks back into the school to beat LOS once and for all, they end up overheating which causes them to go evil, LOS tells Lunella this before this happens but Lunella is still so focused on winning that she doesn't listen.
Lunella was so focused on winning that she didn't get to connect with someone and she ended up almost getting killed because she didn't listen to LOS's warnings. It takes a moral that has been done to death and does something interesting with it. Another example is episode 9 where Lunella creates a app so she can skip all of the boring parts of her life like doing chores, waiting in lines, and other stuff, only learn that life isn't meant to be a highlight reel, rather its about the small moments in between that give life meaning. Episode 14 is another example, where Lunella has to overcome some childhood trauma where she got lost in a theme park without her grandma Mimi, and encounters a scary clown.
Normally the message here is that you should get over your fear, but the show takes a different direction with this and says that fear isn't something you should get over, it's something that you should get through and that it's OK to be scared, as it's something that we always have to deal with.
This show is great at teaching morals in a way that's both entertaining and doing different and more interesting things with those morals. They never feel hamfisted or anything, and the show adds it's own spin on morals that have been done to death by doing them in interesting ways. But there are two episodes that I think are the best at this, both of which are the two best episodes of the show. Those episodes are episodes 5 and 11. These episodes tackle the topics of hair discrimination and gentrification respectively, which are both topics you wouldn't see being talked about in a kids show, especially in a Disney TVA show.
Now, I'm not the one to judge how well these episodes handle these topics, but by the looks of it from other people who have seen this show it looks like both episodes handled these topics very well. Episode 5 has Lunella try to make a hair relaxer for picture day that is coming up after a girl from school made fun of her hair. Unfortunately, she ends up becoming bald as all of her hair falls of and gains sentience in the form of a villain called Mane, who is all of Lunella's hair. And then later in the episode Mane goes and sabotages random stuff for Lunella and then after they both meet eye to eye Lunella goes to talk to her family and reveals to them what happened.
And then we get this wonderful scene with Lunella's Mom and Grandmother after Lunella tells then what happened. Lunella's Mom and Grandmother both comfort Lunella by telling her that they've been in similair situations like Lunella, where they both tried to "fix" their hair but they ended up getting bald as well. And then they tell Lunella that she shouldn't believe the lies people say about her hair, that it's messy and ugly, and that to love your hair is to love yourself.
It's a new spin on the "looks aren't everything" message, except it talks about hair issues, Lunella got caught up in what one person thought of her hair so she tried to fix it, and then later in the episode when Lunella goes to stop Mane, she realizes that she has been fighting herself and that she wasn't loving herself when she tried to "fix" her hair when she thought it was ugly because someone said it was. This episode imo did a great job with its moral and the fact that the show had the balls to cover a topic like this is impressive. And then there's episode 11, I have already talked about this one in the last section so I won't repeat myself here, but as I said in the characters section this episode talks about gentrification very well and it does absolute wonders for Lunella as a character.
Lunella learns that, as Moon Girl, she has a voice and that voice is one for the community, and she approves of the changes Marcy and Marty propose at first, until she sees it's changing the block for the worst. And then in the episode she learns to use her voice wisely. Episode 11 is just a phenomenal episode for how it tackles gentrification and what it does for Lunella's character, best episode of the show hands down.
This show is great at teaching lessons and the fact its able to cover these topics so well is amazing. But wait, there's one more thing I need to talk about in this show, and that's...
6. The Finale
Ok so, this section contains MAJOR spoilers for the final two episodes of the first season. If you don't want to be spoiled, skip this section. Now. You have been warned. Anyways, the finale comprises of last two episodes; episode 15 and episode 16 titled "OMG Issue 1" and "OMG Issue 2" respectively. Episode 15 has a lot of reveals thrown at you, such as the reveal that Mimi is the original Moon Girl, ya know, the scientist that Lunella got her superhero name from? And it also introduces a new antagonist in the series who will likely be the big bad of show; Maris Morlak, who used to be Mimi's partner/best friend before turning evil.
First, let's talk about Morlak as a villain; he's definitely intriguing. His backstory is that he and Mimi built a machine that could create portals into other dimensions, and their racist boss presented it without them and took the credit. After the portal gets opened and the boss gets grabbed in and his ring falls off, Morlak now wants to use the portal to open dimsions so his and Mimi's work will never be erased. He's a good villain, his threatening, he has some great charisma, and his motivation is solid. I'm very interested to see what the series does with him in season 2, he has a lot of promise and I can't wait how the show fleshes him out further in the future.
Now let's talk about what these episodes do for Mimi as a character. Mimi before these episodes was just a cool grandma who supported Lunella throughout the series, but these episodes reveal that she was the previous Moon Girl who built the portal with Morlak as I already stated. Episode 16 is a really beautiful flashback scene of Mimi's life after she went into hiding from Enclave (the evil organization that Morlak is taking control of) which shows her first meeting Lunella's grandfather, all the way to when Lunella was little. It's a really cute flashback and it got me in the feels for a bit. So I think these last two episodes did some great stuff with Mimi's character, and I can't wait to see what they do with it in season 2.
Alright, now let's talk about how these final two episodes end; to add in a little context here, Morlak captures both Lunella and Mimi to rebuild the portal after destroying pretty much everything in Lunella's lab, but Lunella escapes while Mimi stays probably to try and protect Lunella. And then Lunella and Casey along with Devil go and devise a plan to save Mimi and stop the portal. They go there and have a fight and then the episode ends with Lunella sacrificing herself by going into the portal so her and Mimi can push the buttons on the opposite sides so the portal can close.
Wow...those episodes where fantastic! They threw so much at you and I'm so intrigued to see how season 2 will play out considering how episode 16 ended. Like, damn, Lunella is in another DIMENSION now. I have so many questions, but not the kind where I'm confused, the kind where I'm wondering what's going to happen next. How will the rest of Lunella's family react to her being missing? Will they also get to now that she's Moon Girl? What kind of dimension did Lunella end up on? What are they going to do with Morlak? I am SO excited to see where this series goes after these episodes, I can't wait for season 2 to come out so I can see where the show takes all of these major new plotlines revealed in these last two episodes. Oh and did I mention that the songs in these episodes were FIRE??? That song in episode 16 is my favorite song of the whole show, it's just SO damn catchy and I love how it's a 70s remix of the show's theme song (which is already great btw). These episodes were overall fantastic.
I have one complaint though; and that's with one scene in episode 16. So basically while Lunella runs back to lab to save Devil the lab blows up with Devil inside, so it looks like he's dead...until it's revealed that he escaped the lab. Um, HOW did Devil escape the lab before it blew up? The timer was already up by the time he woke up from all of his wounds so...how did he escape??? That's the only thing that bothered me about these last two episodes though, aside from that, these episodes were great and a fantastic finale to the first season. I can't wait to see where season 2 takes this series.
7. Conclusion
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur is an AMAZING series. It's so damn well written with loveable characters great messages and an awesome finale. The songs are great, the animation is great, the characters are great just...everything about this show is great. It's so damn fun, and after watching some garbage like High Guardian Spice or PPG 2016, this show felt like a breath of fresh air for me. I highly recommend you watch this show, its one of the best Disney TVA shows out there and my favorite TV series from the channel.
Score: 10/10
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