carriejonesbooks · 5 years
Writing is NOT Terrible - a Rant, Men Disrobing in the Meat Department
Writing is NOT Terrible – a Rant, Men Disrobing in the Meat Department
Carrie’s having a bit of a rant this episode. Let’s blame it on her going to a Lynryd Skynrd concert last night.
Here’s the rant:
There’s a lovely funny author who recently gave a speech saying that writing is terrible and that it is 100 % okay to complain about it incessantly and completely professional to do so.
Everyone is all, “Yes! And preach it!”
Except me.
I don’t care…
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bharatpatil · 4 years
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Cloud Burst : Chapter 1
#FictionStory ,#Fictionwriters,#Patreoncreators , #Patreons #Novels #Novelchapter
This is First chapter of my Unpublished Novel ( rough draft)
Free Tier Offer starts today Midnight for all Patreons so go and grab it folks.
Please share and like
Thank You...
For More Please visit my Patreon Page @ https://www.patreon.com/theballons
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vignettepause · 3 years
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Some quick shots of my first week living in Switzerland. Glorious sunshine, reunited with my love and a few misadventures in the grocery store!!
Follow my adventures on Patreon!
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Hi, everyone! So, I wanna thank you all so much for enjoying myself and Michael. IRL I am a writer and I have a Patreon! If you enjoy my writing/role playing here, please consider donating to my Patreon for some of my full stories! I have one in the works now called Don’t Feed the Strays. The first two chapters are posted already. If you’d like to check it out, please click above!
Thanks, my loves! 💜😈
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codyfernaesthetic · 6 years
Patreon preview
Hi everyone! You’ve probably seen my patreon page linked on here before, and I wanted to give you guys a taste of my work outside of fanfic. This is part one of my short story entitled “Don’t Feed the Strays”. I’ll be posting the next part on my patreon today. Hopefully this will convince you to pledge a $1 and see where the story goes?☺️ You can find and pledge at Lovely Little Writings on Patreon.
(P.S. I think you Millory stans in particular will like this story)
October, 2018
The coffee shop quietly buzzed around Rachel as she sat at the small corner table clicking away at a ten page research paper she had neglected to start on for her English class until three days before the deadline. She had Beethoven and Mozart pumping through her earbuds for the sole reason that she heard they helped you concentrate better. She found it relentlessly boring but did find that being unable to find pleasure in the music forced her to focus on her task. Some employees of the shop had taken to teasing her when she walked in that she should grab an apron and work overtime, one of the main ones being a creepy 16 year old barely out of braces who apparently thought she was just as interested in him as he was her; so perhaps there were two reasons why she had earbuds blasting loud dead guy music. Her furious typing was interrupted by a notification at the bottom bar of her laptop screen. She hovered and clicked over red “1” on her mailbox to bring up a new tab to add to the other 7 she had open. It was one of those automated emails from a website. Someone had replied to her roommate ad.
Kelly her previous roommate had moved out a month before she got married. She’d invited her to the wedding but Rachel didn’t go. Kelly was nice and a good roommate for the most part, but not her friend. There’d only been a night or two when she and her girlfriend had woken her up with drunken sex, it wouldn’t have bothered her if one of those nights didn’t end with a leftovers left on the kitchen counter and an unidentifiable liquid spilled on the floor; much to her clean-freak dismay. She skimmed through the reply and saved it for a later time.
She jumped and gasped as something tapped her shoulder. She plucked the earbuds from her ears and looked in the direction of the disturbance. She met the artificially white smile of a stocky young woman around her own age wearing a bright blue tracksuit; her blonde hair was tightly pulled into a ponytail, perfectly plucked eyebrows framing smiling hazel eyes.
“Hey, Rachel!”
Her voice wasn’t unpleasant, but it was an annoying spotlight of sunshine in a perfectly quiet rainy sky. Rachel smiled half-heartedly, rubbing the earbud cord between her fingers, “Hi, Macy. How are you?”
Macy fluidly pulled out the other chair and sat across from her, “I’m good, how are you?”
“Fine,” she lied.
“Homework?” She playfully indicated toward the laptop.
“Yep...I have to finish an English paper. It’s due Monday and I didn’t start on it til yesterday.”
Macy nodded knowingly, “I get it. I have a Chemistry project due next week and I haven’t even taken one look at it—“
Macy continued for another two or three sentences; Rachel kept eye contact while wondering why we spill details about our mundane failures, but then felt entirely pretentious and pushed the thought away.
“But anyway,” Macy finally said, “I’m sorry to bother you-“
“Oh, you didn’t,” she lied again.
“But I really wanted to ask what you were doing for Halloween?”
Rachel blinked slowly with a blank expression, her mind whirring to life to comprehend her question, “Halloween?”
“Yeah!” She chipperly exclaimed, “There’s a carnival coming into town that’s gonna set up in Washika Park for that weekend and me and a couple others were gonna go! You wanna come with us?”
She scratched the side of her nose and shifted the laptop, stuttering, “I, well, I...I mean I don’t know.”
“Ok, well if you want to just let me know! I’ve got one spot open in my car, we’d be leaving at seven, we’d love to have you!”
“I’ll let you get back to your paper. Have a good day!”
“You too.”
Macy left the table with a cheery little wave and went off to order from the counter. Macy was a very sweet girl who had decided that Rachel was her project lonely shy-girl that she assumed had a either a bad home life or depression and needed someone to save her. Rachel could already envision the graduation speech where Macy would name drop her as a testament to her heavenly kindness. And the worst part about it was that her assumptions weren’t necessarily wrong.
She returned to her paper, wondering how she could come up with an excuse to not go to the carnival.
Unfortunately, no valid excuse came up. She didn’t have the heart to tell Macy no; and besides, she told herself, it’s no fun to stay at home alone. She kept telling herself to get out with people more, to try and make friends. This was her attempt.
She didn’t have much in the way of costume ideas, especially not in her own closet; which was composed of neutral sweaters, t shirts, and leggings. She decided to keep it simple and bought a modest black dress and a witch’s hat splashed with purple designs. She watched a few tutorials online to figure out how to do a smokey eye and concluded that makeup was far too messy for her to use in any consistent capacity. She felt like a raccoon with all the black powder smudged around her eyes, but now she had committed to the look. She sent Macy a message that she was walking out the door. At least she had convinced her to let her drive herself there. There was no way she’d be out in public without an escape plan.
The group that Macy invited consisted of a couple of her friends, tall and buff athletes who gave off an air of superiority along with their boyfriends of the same type; all of them dressed in matching Superman/Supergirl and Batman/Batgirl outfits, Macy’s boyfriend Lance, a lanky English major dressed as Edgar Allan Poe, and a friend of his who Rachel had never met. She was told he was Lance’s next door neighbor and childhood friend Carson, who was a Doctor, apparently; which one Rachel couldn’t say. Macy herself was a raven, complete with homemade wings and beak. Which Rachel found adorable. The night went by at an agonizingly slow pace. She tried to find interest their conversation, but found herself drifting off more often than she wanted to. Playing games was pretty fun, she didn’t win anything, but she enjoyed not being forced to talk. She hated heights, so she told them she would stay on the ground while they went up on the Ferris Wheel. She was grateful for the chance to be alone. Macy and her friends were fine, they weren’t rude or mean, she just didn’t connect with them. She wanted to go find someplace quiet.
She spotted a beacon in the crowd. An instant photo booth. She noticed the other patrons passing it without a glance and watched it for a moment to see that no one entered or exited from the red curtain. It would maybe provide a moment to gather her thoughts alone. She fast-walked as naturally as possible to her salvation and pulled the curtain back with a quick step forward to step inside.
“Oh, I’m sorry!”
She froze at the wide-eyed stare of the young man sitting in the booth. He was dressed in all black with a pair of fuzzy cat ears on his head. He scratched his arm with a light chuckle, “You trying to hide too?”
She blinked wordlessly for a moment before returning his awkward mirth, “Yeah, is this the escape pod?”
He smiled, “Unfortunately it’s not mobile,” he paused then scooted over with an awkward glance, “But there’s room for two.”
Rachel would have normally refused and found somewhere else, but nothing about his body language suggested that he was hitting on her; in fact he looked just as people shy as she was, almost curling up into himself. She sat down silently and kept to the other edge of the booth, more so for his comfort than hers.
After a beat of quiet and listening to the ruckus outside their sanctuary, he asked knowingly, “Who’re you escaping?”
She looked at him and bit her lower lip with a suppressed smile, “Acquaintances. You?”
He sighed heavily, looking at the bottom of the booth, “Everything.”
Her heart clenched slightly at his tone of voice.
“You not having fun with these acquaintances?” He continued.
“Not really.”
He finally looked at her, “Not your usual crowd?”
“I don’t do crowds usually.”
“Me neither,” he smiled knowingly.
A beat of silence passed. They returned to their respective staring at the ground or the wall of the enclosed box. The silence was sprinkled with nervous throat clearing or sniffling.
“Are you here with anyone?”
She opened her mouth then bit down on her lip, as if to stop herself, but let out a breathy chuckle,
“So, I guess that makes you a stray?”
His brows furrowed and he scrunched up his nose as he glanced her way. She awkwardly indicated to his cat ears, earning her a small, but genuine laugh as his confusion melted away.
“Yeah, that sounds like a good word for me.”
She shrugged, words tumbling out of her mouth faster than her mind could keep up with, “Well, maybe it’s fate then. Witches are supposed to...like, come in contact with spirit guides that take the form of animals. The most popular is cats. They’re called familiars. I read an article once.”
He paused, and she mentally scolded herself. But he smiled and looked her in the eyes, “So, I’m not a stray, I just hadn’t met you yet.”
This was her first chance to get a good look at him. Though his shoulders were slumped, they appeared toned through the black shirt, his smile was charming, through his slightly parted lips she could see a single sharp canine close to scraping his lower lip, his button nose slightly red from the cold, a shaggy mess of dark brunette hair swished over blue eyes that held a sort of pained kindness.
“I guess so.”
She kept staring at him. She couldn’t help it, though she knew how creepy it must’ve been. She was usually loathe to maintain long eye contact, it made her far too uncomfortable. However, she found herself captivated, never wanting to look away from those eyes. He wasn’t a chiseled jock like Macy’s friend’s two boyfriends, but there was an odd beauty to him; his jawline was sharp, but his cheeks were round, his lips were full and soft, but his hands looked slightly calloused and strong, he was blooming with feminine grace, and bursting with male ferocity. Or perhaps Rachel was sleep deprived; which was not unlikely.
The curtain of the booth slid back, and they stared at a guy dressed as a video game character that Rachel only recognized from a few conversations she’d had at school. The guy apologized and quickly closed it again.
She stood, straightening her dress, “We probably shouldn’t be staying in here.”
“Do you wanna take a picture?” He asked suddenly. He met her surprised gaze, “I mean, just so you’ll have something from your not so fun night? Then you can tell your great grandchildren about the weird cat guy you met on Halloween.”
She answered, barely thinking of what she said, “Sure.”
She sat down closer to him and leaned on him as the pictures were taken. Two of them were normal, and he suggested two silly ones, which she obliged. He radiated heat. Their clothes shoulders were the only thing really touching, but their fingers were mere centimeters apart; a fact that Rachel desperately wanted to find uncomfortable, but only felt an excited thumping in her chest.
They exited the booth, allowing the couple outside to finally enter. They took a short, silent journey a few feet away. He lifted the strip of photos,
“You wanna split them?”
She nodded as he looked the photos over, a little smirk creeping onto his features, “Ok, just from knowing myself, I think I’m sillier of the two of us. I’ll keep these.”
She chuckled softly as he tore the photo strip and handed her, her half.
“You gonna reunite with your acquaintances or find another hiding spot?”
She gave an awkward laugh, “I think I’ll text their leader and tell them I’m not feeling well.”
He nodded, “Classic.”
She pocketed the photos, “What about you? Are you gonna face everything or hide from it some more?”
He flourished his right hand over his chest, “I am a hide and seek champion, it’ll never find me.”
The tug at her heart returned and kept her feet firmly planted. She pursed her lips and looked away from him at nothing in particular.
“I don’t wanna be presumptuous or anything,” he offered quietly, “but you seem like you could use a place to hide for a while.”
She turned her head, a bit wide-eyed.
“And I am your spirit guide after all.”
A shy smile pushed its way onto her lips. They looked at each other for a quiet moment, ignoring the noise around them. She took a breath, paused, and asked, “Where were you thinking?”
She saw his chest heave out as if he just released his breath. He rubbed the back of his head, “Are you new in town at all?”
She’d only been at the university for 6 months, and hadn’t taken the time to explore.
“A little.”
His smile lit up, “You ever been to the beach a little north from here? It’s honestly the most peaceful place at night.”
She shook her head, “I’ve never been.”
He drew into himself slightly, his voice quiet, yet inviting, “You’re welcome to join me.”
She spoke again, before her mind could catch up, a pattern seeming to emerge with this stranger, “Ok.”
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dankphart · 5 years
I'm not interested in paying for a bunch of fake followers. If you're here with me its because you like my poetry and support my mission of creative community. I will grow this into a brand that not only supports myself but more art and creativity in the world. If you're an aspiring artist study the craft and build your skills. Just wanting to be an artist isn't enough you've got to work for it! If you're really an artist it will drive you mad to not be doing it. We've all got a creative spark in some fashion find what makes you burn with passion and throw yourself into the flames! Being an artist isn't about fame it's about the act of creation and connecting with people. These days we artists can carve out an audience to make a living on our own terms and I want to see more thriving artists. You don't need a million dollars to get your needs met. Hustle hard, get skills and make dreams a reality.⁣ ⁣ JOIN me on my Patreon to be on the journey with me as an artist and recieve exclusive content only available to my subscribers. Link is in my bio.⁣ ⁣ Later this month I will be premiering my YouTube series "Digging It with Dank P.H.A.R.T" follow me here to be in the know. If my work inspires you, share it with your friends.⁣ ⁣ #patreon #patreoncreator #patreonartist #patreonart #patreonsupport #patreonwriter #patreonartists #patreoncampaign #patreons #patreoncommunity ⁣ #artist #artistic #artistsoninstagram #artists #artistsofinstagram #artista #artistoninstagram #artistlife #artiste #artistofinstagram #Poet #poet #poetrycommunity #poetsofinstagram #poetsofig #poetofinstagram #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #Entrepreneurs #Entrepreneurlife #artreprenuer (at Boulder, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwFzZqfBKK7/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=17z5k4hfyz80z
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parkerayers · 3 years
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I made a patreon today, not sure if anyone would be interested but I made a couple tiers for it. There i post every day, I make something new or a new idea atleast everyday. Also if anyone wants anything made for them, a love letter, an I miss you note to a family member, a note to give to a crush giving it your all or nothing, I would be more than happy to make that for you. Even just need help expressing your feelings towards something and you can't find the words. I would be honored to do that for you. #patreon #patreoncreator #patreonwriter #writercommunity #poetryisntdead #writer https://www.instagram.com/p/CN_QYc_MQa0/?igshid=1xm6ryyodhx00
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jacarooster813 · 4 years
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CHECK OUT THE-BOOK-OF-ROO VEGAN TOTE BAGS! You can get these right now on our patreon page, just subscribed to the $25 or $35 tier and you will receive this and so much more. If interested just comment below👇and I will personally send you the link. #patreoncreator #patreonreward #patreon #patreonrewards #patreoncampaign #patreonsupport #patreonwriter #patreoncontent #patreoncreators #onpatreon #supportsmallbusiness #supportlocal #support #supportlocalartists #supportwomeninbusiness #supportwriters #supportwritersandauthors #supportyoutubers #supportdreams #blogger #gifts #podcast #podcastlife #podcasts #supportdisabilities #supportthedisabled #disabledartist #creator #thebookofroo #roostreasures https://www.instagram.com/p/CBokJQCFodg/?igshid=1rdjdc7otirhb
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https://www.patreon.com/thehuntforthelovemonster I've just created this patreon page for my story. I'd love to have you check it out and see all of the benefits there are to be a supporter. #patreons #patreonpreview #patreon #patreonartists #onpatreon #patreonwriter #patreonlaunch #patreonrewards #patreoncreators #patreoncampaign #patreoncreator #patreonartist #patreonpage #patreonreward #patreonperks #followme #sharethelove #investinme #supportmybook #kidsbooks #newauthor #kidsbookstagram #kidsanddivorce #kidsgrief #itwillbeokay #findyourlove #illbethereforyou #selfpublishingisntcheap #makemydreamscometrue (at Kanata, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5I5ujWAcRP/?igshid=1q6zqr075fq69
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Yup! Your girl here is now 30 years old! Happy birthday to moi! :: :: :: #sohappyimthirty #birthdaygirl #millenials #nineteeneightynine #writingcommunity #musiccommunity #wattpadcommunity #patreonwriter #writersofinstagram #writersofwattpad #yaauthorsofinstagram #indieauthorsofinstagram #supportcontentcreators #supportindieauthors #songwritersofinstagram #fml #fuck https://www.instagram.com/p/B1bgRU0h8vH/?igshid=55ttyn3x0la1
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jonetoart · 5 years
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Hi. I'm very excited to announce my Patreon ( crowd funding) site is up and running. Please check it out and get involved. LINK IN INFO. #patreonlaunch #windypatreon #sarafaberpatreon #patreon #patreoncosplayer #patreonreward #inkypatreontribe #patreoncosplay #patreoncreators #patreonpage #patreoncampaign #patreonartist #patreonmusic #patreonrewards #patreonwriter #patreonexclusive #cosplaypatreon #patreoncandykisses #onpatreon #patreonursulatv #patreonsupport #patreondewindy #windygirkpatreon #patreonsundaybest #patreoncomics #prilaga #patreonart #patreonartists #patreoncreator #patreons #patreongirl (at Miami, Florida, USA) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw7cOHPh1xF/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=h69kjid7959j
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vignettepause · 3 years
For anyone who is interested, here is my brand new Patreon baby. Where I will write about my experiences and adventures as an Australian newly moved to Switzerland, learning new languages, getting married and love during Covid, my creative passions and inspirations as well as my life in general. Plus lots of photography of beautiful Swiss landscapes!!
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allyreneekitty · 5 years
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Some of you know me as Rose Quill over on Fimfiction.net and some as Allykitty on fanfiction.net. Wherever you might know me from, drop me a line to say hello, or visiting my Patreon. #shamelessplug #patreonwriter #mlpfim #saofiction #writersofinstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/BwR4xg_HCos/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1rbq02txk1ftn
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codyfernaesthetic · 6 years
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First chapter of my newest short story up on my Patreon! Consider pledging to take a look! www.patreon.com/lovelylittlewritings #patreon #patreonwriter #shortstories https://www.instagram.com/p/BuTXFNogHkD/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=nzbj5k3pnzvh
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gothictumblerfartz · 6 years
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I recently completed a 2019 update illustration of my SharkTastic self and gave her the snack that bites back so she can be a happy shark/ animated~animation artist! She is me shark AKA 👇 😁.....................💤🦈👧 If you like my content please follow me and if you want more from me you can support what i do threw platforms like kofi and patreon for a exclusive treasure trove of content- posts,downloadable attatchments and more! ✨💙💜💛💖✨ You will have my never ending 🌊's of gratitude splashing behind you for supporting my work 😘 Links to my pages are offered below! Insta.🦈 https://www.instagram.com/tiredeyesharkco/ YouTube.📹 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJRssyTzRx6QDbzRr... Twitter shark 😉 https://twitter.com/TiredEyeSharkCo/ Deviant 🦈 https://www.deviantart.com/tired-eye-shark-co Ko-fi 💤🦈 ko-fi.com/tiredshark ... 🦈portfolio💙 tiredeyeshark-jaws-toots.daportfolio.com FB,s https://www.facebook.com/TiredEyeSharkCo/ Patreon 🦈 🎨 https://www.patreon.com/illustratedshark Redbubble .😗 https://www.redbubble.com/people/TiredEyeSharkCo/ 😁🎉 @tiredeyesharkco #patreoncontent. #patreonart. #patreonshark. #patreonwriter #patreonpage #patreonillustrator #kofikofi. #kofi. #kofigold. #deviants #deviantartist. #deviantid #instagramer. #instaartist #instaart #artistsoninstagram #redbubble #redbubbleartist #twitter #twitterposts #artistic_share #artistontwitter #tiredeyesharkco #tumblerart https://www.instagram.com/p/BvTAZZ9grSM/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=m5e6h6e9h2wj
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urfavoriteauthor · 5 years
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July 1st marks the start of a new era for me as an author. A lot of great things will be available to my fans and supporters. One of those things is exclusive content for those who support me. This means books and audiobooks that won’t be on my website, insider news and updates, and more. For this week, the next five people to sign up on my Patreon will receive a FREE copy of Thrill of the Hunt : Hunted signed by me! Go to the link below and sign up today!👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾 www.patreon.com/urfavoriteauthor #urfavoriteauthor #hustleandmotivate #comics #iwritebooks #authorsofinstagram #author #authorlife #futurebestseller #support #patreonwriter #writer #instaauthor https://www.instagram.com/p/By0CbdXlUfj/?igshid=ffisfca812ym
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