#patrick mahomes fanfic
pleasantglitterflower · 2 months
The dark side of envy (Joe Burrow x Burrow!sister x Patrick Mahomes)
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Tw: envy, hatred, anger, resentment, displays of narcissism and psychopathy
NCAA Championship 2017- Clemsom x Alabama - Tampa, Florida
Janine had just won the college football championship for the Alabama Crimson. It had been a fantastic season for the young wide receiver. She walked towards her parents with the trophy in her hands, all proud, seeing her brother in the middle of the way, all smiles with open arms to welcome her.
-Jan, I can't believe it, I'm so happy for you, you're a champion. - Joe tries to hug her, but she walks right past him, pushing her arm hard against his chest.
-Get out of here, you little shit. - She strode towards her parents.
Joe stood there, embarrassed and not knowing what to do.
-Oh my God, daughter, I'm so proud, you won the college championship. - Her mother shakes her hard, before she and her father give her a triple hug.
-Now that we have a champion, next year we'll all be in the stands, cheering for Joseph. - She just forced a smile at her father's comment.
A lot has happened between Janine and Joe, her twin brother, but of all these many things, the most important one, without a doubt, was his effort to be with his sister, to show her that he loves her and wants to be part of her life.
Janine, on the other hand, is the kind of person who, when she realizes she is good at something, uses it to bring everyone down to earth.She has become the most poisonous and manipulative person Joe has ever met in his life and she loves being like that, the kind of unbearable person who only shows herself like that when everyone around her is already tied down enough to her and her ego.
Her words at first made him laugh, his mother would say “It’s just her way”, “She loves you”, “You are siblings, she would never hate you”.
But it’s not quite like that.Janine has never been able to see anyone being better than her and when she does, it’s better that that person is someone she really loves.
Like her husband Patrick.
Someone who is hard to overcome, hard to shake, hard to deal with and hard to hate.
She knew she couldn't compete with him, so why not combine business with pleasure?
Mahomes fell in love with her strength, her desire to be the best in everything she does and the way she is with her family.
At least until they get married.
-We finally have someone we can proudly call a quarterback- She boasts, still wearing a veil, with a glass of champagne in her hands, giving her husband a peck on the lips, who laughs awkwardly.
Joe, sitting at the table with his parents, heard it and started laughing, hoping it was just a joke, but it wasn't. Janine hates him.
As the years went by, the annoyance became more and more explicit at family dinners, making birthdays, the rare holidays they could spend together, a living hell for his parents, siblings, nephews, and husband, for everyone except Janine, who enjoys watching her brother with his head down, without the courage to retaliate, because he wouldn't be able to say a single word that he knew would hurt her, out of respect for his sister and love.
Actually, Joe never understood what love in a family is. Some people are easily lovable, while others, like Janine, even though he had more reasons to hate them, just thinking about it made him feel incredibly guilty and his conscience weighed on him. She was his sister and all she had to do was receive her love, no matter how much it cost him.
-You need to listen to this new Kendrick Lamar song, this guy never tires of changing the rap industry- Joe says, ecstatic as always, when the subject is his favorite genre.
-You again with that low-level and derogatory noise, please improve. Although what could I expect from you, right Joseph- His smile died and so did the conversation and smiles at the table.
-Jan please, you are married to a black man, you know better than anyone how important this song is for the whole society, that the lyrics talk about real problems, not stupid love affairs- He tries to keep the conversation going.
-Any John Lennon song already does the job, we are in the 21st century, no one is an idiot- she replied.
Seeing Patrick uncomfortable, she sat down next to him with her plate made, now she would need to disguise the situation.
-But of course if Patrick likes it I respect it, especially because he listens to artists and not gangsters.
They weren't just arguing about music.
-I've been thinking about maybe finishing my studies, maybe changing fields, it might be good for the future- Joe confessed to Jamie, his older brother.
-Joe, you're almost 30, do you really think now is the time to think about that? You wanted to waste your time with these ridiculous courses, you don't even have enough intellect to do anything else- Janine makes the comment. Dan, the middle brother, immediately snorts.
-You talk as if you were a respected journalist, when all you do is spread fake news on social media, what kind of intellect do you have, Janine Burrow? It's because of people like you that others hate journalists. Give us a break, girl- The brother stomped off.
-Far be it from me to be bored enough to judge other people's lives, especially since I have real problems to think about, but it's very interesting how you think that finance is less important than marketing. Don't forget that your beloved husband didn't graduate, but your brother has a master's degree, something that not even you have. - It was Jamie's turn to throw it in her face.
-I think it's better to focus on your problems, Jamie, and go pay your mortgage. - The brother's hatred is visible, from the looks on his face they would easily kill each other right there, in the Burrow family's living room.
But nothing in the world moved Joe more than when she decided to criticize the only thing that Joe was most proud of in the world, not a football trophy or a degree, but his foundation.
A foundation he wanted the whole family to be a part of and help out equally, something that would be something from his family to the others, but someone refused to be a part of it.
-Joseph, I've been thinking, I want to make a photo album for the foundation of all these moments we've spent together and most of all, it would be really cool if we had an annual photo with whoever wanted to participate, to show how many lives we've touched, it would be really cool- Robin focuses partly on the Thanksgiving pie and partly on what the Burrow siblings are doing in the kitchen, to make sure nothing gets out of hand.
-I was thinking about doing some TV commercials with the kids to try to get more visibility and donors. With that, I believe we could extend the donations to the state. I feel really bad about only being able to help our hometown. I even spoke to Jamie and he loved the idea. - Joe explained, trying not to get dirty with all the seasonings he puts in his food.
-It will be really good. We can see which kids feel comfortable speaking out, if their parents allow them to participate, and then we can put it on TV. If the feedback is positive, we can even get support from interested companies. - The older brother explained to Robin, who agreed excitedly.
-Doing charity and advertising? If you want to be seen so much, put a watermelon on your head and go naked in the street. It had to be Joseph's idea. He's trying to buy sainthood. If you show charity to everyone, it's better not to do it. - Janine hurt him in the worst way.
-That way we'll get more donors, more interested people who will help. - He tried to explain.
-I have projects like that and I don't need anyone to know when I make deals with other people, I also don't need anyone to know, I just go there and ask them to see the project and help. You're ridiculous, you only think about fame, did you know that I even have a project with the NFL itself? - She boasts.
The silence in the kitchen takes over.
-I encourage girls to dream and maybe make it to the NFL - she was soon interrupted by Jamie.
-Do you know what your mistake was Robin? Joseph not being Josephine, because she would beat Janine to a pulp - Jamie leaves the plate she is making, going to the sink to wash his hands.
-Or rather, my intellect isn't that bad, it's your fault, dad, because the man is the one who defines sex. Besides, it's your fault that this girl is like this, because you didn't raise her right, you just did everything she told you to do, you two are wimps and now we have to put up with this bitch talking shit - Jamie leaves in a hurry with Jim, his father, calling him. 
-Don't beg me to come back, I'm almost 50 years old, I don't need this shit, I'm going back to my family who are saner - He shouted, leaving the house. 
-Janine, this behavior is unacceptable and you know it - Robin tries to correct her daughter. 
Although Jamie always gets on her case about what she does to Joe, he is her favorite brother and is always around, because for some reason the anger goes away. 
For this very reason, Joe always felt forced to do the same, but for Jamie, who was never offended, it was easy to forgive. 
And when her mother got stressed about the situation and called her to talk and take it easy on Joe, she gives her best acting.
-Joseph has always been the favorite, you always loved him more than me, because I'm a girl, you always celebrated everything he does and never cared about what I do- She opened his mouth and started to cry.
Jim dried her face, which began to burn, and when he felt his chest tighten, seeing his little daughter sad, he quickly went to her and hugged her tightly, while Robin remained firm.
-You know better than anyone that we always did everything equally for both of us. When you won the NCAA, we threw a party and kept Joe hopeful that his ring would arrive, and when he won, we threw a party and kept you hopeful that one day greater victories would come. So swallow your tears, because you have nothing to complain about us, girl, not in that sense, we always did everything equally.
But none of that is enough to stop her.
Patrick discovered a blog years ago, something very common until he was a teenager, where there was always some special subject for the author that it addressed, until it was replaced by long videos on platforms with the same style. But the more time passed, the more he spent with Janine and returned to the blog, the stranger everything became.
Investigating was not enough, she is his wife and knows her well, but he does not have the courage to ask if she had a blog when she was a teenager.At least until the day came to clean the garage, she had to get everything there in time, so why not during the holidays?
He took down the boxes, got ladders and a bench to tidy up the place and take a break from her pink world, it seemed like a good thing.Among the dolls, books, photographs, old telephones studded with crystals, making him laugh at the fashion of the time and also at imagining her at that age, he found an old diary with a broken padlock.
He opened it, imagining that they were drawings, because he himself loved to draw, but showing them to anyone would only be embarrassing. Even among the various scribbled pages, he found some rants about his family, very similar to the ones on the blog, nothing too different from what she talks about every day, so he wasn't too worried.
Until he saw one reference in particular, which left no doubt.
“Just one”
That's what the girl on the blog always said, because according to her, she wished she had been the only one born on that December 10, 1996.
Patrick didn't even blink, everything seemed to stop around him. It couldn't really be her, his wife saying those things about her family on the internet, for everyone to see, as much as he hoped to know that it really is, it's too heavy for him.
She didn't see when he came to her in the living room, she just threw the notebook for her to catch and by the look on her face, she knew exactly what it meant.
-I already know about the shit you did- He said loudly, catching her attention.
-That's good then- She let the notebook fall on the couch and went back to looking at the phone.
-If you still want to live in this house, be my wife and have the slightest bit of my respect, find a way to fix this situation, because if this becomes public, it won't be very good, besides, everything you wrote about them is disgusting and knowing them Janine, I know it's a lie - Mahomes yelled 
-Of course it's a lie, Joseph is too soft, he would never be able to fight back against me, but it made everything much more fun- She couldn't stop laughing.
Patrick stares at her seriously, not believing what he heard, and then she finally sees that he is really angry.
-And what are you talking about me? What did you lie about me to people or, I don't know, on some fake login somewhere? Fix this or this marriage ends here. - His ultimatum came out, leaving her alone in the living room with many worries, but not about feelings or what she did, but about being discovered and what she would do.
She took the diary and threw it in the trash can on the street, calmly returned to her house, not imagining that there would be a photographer there at that moment, wanting to see the facade of the house, after the recent renovation.
Unfortunately for her, he waited for her to come in and stop the movement at the door, to hang on the trash and pick it up, which for him at one moment seemed crazy, soon became true, since when he opened it, he found something too heavy and soon saw the same thing as Patrick.
Patrick was soon asked at the press conference.
Chaos ensued.
The Mahomes family was shocked, since they had no suspicions about this evil and dark side of Janine.
The Burrow family was devastated, due to so much exposure, each one of them was exposed there in an almost indiscreet way, with only their identities hidden.
Anyone who knew Janine and the way she talks about them would know it was her, because she talks about many things that happened, but also invents many others to make herself look poor.
Anyone who only knew the Burrow family would be suspicious, but would never have guessed that Janine would do this.
Joe was seen by Ja'marr, crying in the training center, hiding, afraid of being found, wondering what bad thing he did in his life for his sister to hate him so much.
Yes, hate.
As she herself writes in a post that was rescued, "If I had known that my brother would be so unbearable, I would have found a way to suffocate him with the umbilical cord", and she has often admitted in other posts that she planned different ways to kill Joe, whether by putting poison in his food, trying to asphyxiate him while he was sleeping, or even contacting hardcore serial killers from Athens to order the crime, but according to her, she ended up giving up because she wanted more years to make his life hell.
Joe is devastated, hurt, hurt, sad, it's as if someone had broken both his legs, both his arms and kicked him in the face, no injury and no defeat would hurt more than that.
In another state at the training press conference.
-Janine, what do you have to say about the blog? Do you regret it? Have you apologized to your family and especially to Joe? - A reporter asks.
-I was just a teenager, a child, too immature, it was just a joke, nothing major and they know it. - Her evasive answer and psychotic smile after answering the question shocked everyone. The apathy and coldness in Janine's eyes, and her frightening psychopathic smile put a warning sign in everyone present in that press conference room. They didn't need to be experts in psychology to realize that they were in front of a pathological narcissist with psychopathic traits.
Patrick began to suffer the consequences, as if he himself had created that blog.
-If Patrick doesn't come out and apologize, it will only seem like he is in agreement with all of this and since she is his wife, it is very clear that yes, he is in agreement. How can someone marry someone who doesn't respect their own family? If he didn't know before, now he does. What does she say about him without him knowing? - One of the commentators asked indignantly.
-Exactly, he has to speak up.
-Yes, he does, many sponsors won’t agree with that - another added.
-What scares me the most is that Patrick and Janine have a daughter together, what kind of education is this child receiving? Poor child - another commenter laments
That weighed on Patrick's conscience, the consequences of what he didn't do could arise,that's when he washed his face and made a video tagging the entire Burrow family, except Janine.
'I would like to publicly apologize to everyone in my wife's family.
Above all, I would like to say that I found out about this a few days ago and that I do not condone it, nor have I ever condone it. I have already asked her to do the same and I am waiting for it to happen and, like everyone else, I know very well that this cannot happen at home, it must happen publicly, since she had the courage to expose the family publicly in so many ways, for so many years. I can only regret that this happened. I love each and every one of this family and they are my family, especially you Joe, who shares the same profession and who is so young and talented, you have always had and will always have my respect and affection. You are family to me, you are a brother, I am sorry for those hurtful things you read, things your sister said about you'
The video was finished and posted, Patrick was more than ecstatic with everything he read.
When Janine saw it, she immediately appeared behind him, ready to confront him.
-My video, which I had no obligation to post, is ready, now please, have enough courage, the same courage you had to mistreat your brother, and do the same Janine and personally apologize to your family and Joseph or, if it's better, pack your bags and leave - He ordered, going up the stairs without even looking at her face.
She hugged her brother in a careless way, while he, imagining that she was being truthful, held her tightly, letting the tears wet her shoulder, who soon grimaced without anyone seeing.
-I'm sorry for everything, I was just an immature and idiot, who didn't know what I was saying, you know I love you very much Joe - She said it out loud very easily.
When her brother released her and she thanked him for it, she had to put on a fake expression of sadness, which worked well.
Peace was established between the Burrow’s, at least that's what everyone thought, since now she had other ways to transfer her anger towards Joe, a new diary, and Janine, with her traditional psychopathic smile, started writing again.
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lostaurorax · 2 years
our mvp- patrick mahomes.
pairing| husband!patrick mahomes x wife!reader
summary| patrick and his growing family celebrate the chiefs third super bowl win at their parade
authors note| this is my first time writing for patrick and tbh i actually love how this came out! i switched a few things up from his current life in this story that i think flowed better! lmk what you think!!! 💓💓
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the past few days had been absolute chaos but in a good way. the chiefs had won the super bowl for the third time and you’re husband had won mvp. things had been really good.
your 4-year-old son was absolutely ecstatic about everything that had happened. he was his dad's second biggest fan (after you of course). he adored pat and was his twin and mirrored all of his actions. so when you pulled up to the big party bus he immediately freaked out knowing he’d be able to celebrate with his dad.
“daddy the bus has the chiefs logo on it!!” your son bronze said in awe as he stared out the window. “yeah buddy i know. wanna get on it?” patrick said as he smiled at your son “um YEAH!!” he said practically jumping out of his seat when the car had come to a stop. “let’s go mommy & daddy!!!” he said as you followed behind him as quickly as you could at 6 months pregnant
“i’m comin' baby!” you said as pat stepped out before you and assisted you out of the car. his hand was placed supportively on your lower back as you both walked behind your eager son to the bus. “i told you he’d be more excited than you.” you said to your husband as you looked up at him “i really didn’t think he’d be that excited” pat said as he laughed “babe you’re his idol anything that involves you automatically makes him excited.” you said as you stopped before getting into the bus “i got so lucky with you three…” he said as he rubbed your belly and leaned in to kiss your lips “mom, dad!!!! come on everybody’s waiting for you!” you’re son said as he looked down at you from the top of the bus. “we’re comin!” you said as you chuckled “i love you baby, you’re our mvp..” you said placing your hand on his chest and placing a kiss on his cheek before slowly climbing up the stairs of the bus before pat was immediately behind you guiding you up the stairs.
“jeez me and bronze thought you guys got lost down there…” your sons godfather travis kelce said sarcastically as you and patrick made it to the roof of the bus. “we’ll hello to you too trav.” you said as you gave him a hug “hey y/n how’s the babe doin?” he said as he did his signature fist bump to your belly “she’s doing great! keeps me up all night and in the bathroom every 10 minutes but she’s thriving!” you said with a tight lipped smile on your face “you’re a trooper!” he said as he laughed and patrick came over after chatting with one of his teammates and dabbed him up. “i’m gonna go see bronze babe.” you said to pat as he replied with an “okay baby” and kissed your forehead before you walked away
“bronze you havin fun?” you said coming up from behind your son who was talking to orlando. “yeah momma!!” he said as he hugged your lower half. “hey orlando how are you!” you said as you sat in the seat next to your son needing a break from standing in your heels. “hey y/n i’m good how are you and the baby?” he said trying to look at you and your son as he talked to him. “we’re good! thank you for asking.” you said as you smiled at him “of course! hey do you mind if i put bronze in one of my tiktoks?” he asked as he pulled out his phone and mini microphone. “yeah i’m fine with that! get me in there too!” you said jokingly. “don’t play i will! i actually was planning to interview all three of you guys too!” he said causing you to laugh. he ended up asking bronze a bunch of questions about the nfl and how he felt about everything that had been happening lately and it was super cute.
“okay bronze last question! what are you most excited for coming up?” he said as he placed the mic next to your son. “um well my mommy’s pregnant and about to have a baby so i’m excited to be a big brother and hope i’m a good one!” he said nervously which immediately brought tears to your eyes. “wow bud that was actually really sweet!” he said as he pretended to wipe tears from his eyes but then he saw you and signaled the recorder to put the camera on you. “y/n you good?” he said slightly concerned “yeah yeah that was just really sweet…” you said as you squeezed your son and kissed all over his face “mom stop!!” he said trying to break free from your grip until you finally let go. “we’ll let’s interview y/n mahomes now! seems only right.” orlando said as he moved to sit in the seat next to you as you were laughing as you wiped your tears “sorry pregnancy hormones make me so emotional.” you said as you looked at the camera.
“nah it’s all good! now if you guys have been following patrick and y/n for a while now you know they’ve been together since college right y/n?” orlando said moving the mic to you. “yeah that’s true!! we met in our freshmen years of college and have been together ever since!” you said as you smiled “that’s awesome. i think anyone would say that you’re pat’s biggest supporter and number one fan. would you agree?” “oh, i definitely am. i love him so much and support him with every bone in my body. but i think i’ve got some competition with bronze! he’s trying to beat me for number 1!” you said as you looked slightly mad but anyone could look past your facade and tell that was the opposite. “you definitely do!! i don’t think he can take your spot tho! that’s why we got you this…” orlando said as he pulled a fake gold metal out of his bag that had pats face on it that said ‘#1 fan of the mvp” on it. “oh my god…i love it!” you said as you laughed and put the necklace over your neck. it was long enough that it reached your very pregnant belly but it was perfect.
“speaking of look who’s walking over here! let’s get pats reaction to that…” he said as patrick walked over as he had already been looking for you and your son who was sitting on your right side as he slept peacefully. “hey orlando!!” hey bab- oh my god…” he said as he saw your necklace and bent over laughing “do you like…? i’ve won the #1 fan award!” you said as you started to laugh too and he walked over to you. “oh i love it and you’re keeping it for later..” he said loud enough for only you to hear as he leaned in to kiss your lips causing all the men around you to erupt in cheers and you to roll your eyes.
“you ready for your interview pat?” orlando asked “oh yeah buddy let’s do it.” pat said as he dabbed him up. “so sorry to interrupt i’m just gonna go downstairs with this little guy so he can rest before the parade starts!” you said as you got up and picked up your son trying not to wake him. “okay baby call me if you need me. i’ll be down in a bit” he said as he gave your butt a gentle slap as you walked in front of him that didn’t go unnoticed by the other guys as they all looked at each other. “bye y/n & bronze see ya later!” orlando said as the camera followed you two as you walked.
“now pat if you could play for any other team in the nfl what team would you play for…” “hm i don’t know man that’s a hard question but if i had to pick id say….” orlando asked him many other questions some about the nfl some about his past and future and many about you and your growing family. “okay final question before we start moving! who’s your biggest inspiration? the reason you do what you do?” orlando said as he watched patrick’s face light up.
“oh man you already know my answer. my wife y/n is my biggest supporter and i’m so thankful for her you don’t even know. i love that woman so much man and id do anything for her. also, of course, our son bronze is my mini me and i love him so much. and our baby girl on the way! that’s the reason i do what i do for them.” pat said with a huge smile on his face. “wow man that was really sweet. congrats again bro! now go find your wifey!” he said as pat dabbed him up once again and went downstairs to quickly find you guys before the parade started. when he walked downstairs he found your son asleep with his head resting on your belly and you were also asleep right beside him. you had every right to be exhausted because you’d basically been up the last two days and had only been running on a few hours of sleep. he honestly wished he could’ve been sleeping right next to you two but the parade was about to start. “hey baby..” he said as he gently rubbed your cheek with his thumb “hm…” you said as your stirred awake “oh man i didn’t mean to fall asleep i’m sorry babe…” you said scared you’d missed the parade. “no it’s okay the parades about to start. if you guys want to stay down here that’s fine, i’ll honestly stay with you-“
“the parades are about to start! let’s go!!” your son said as he was immediately up and ready to go as soon as he heard those words. “alright then let’s go!” you said as you slowly got up from your seat taking pats extended hand. “thank you, baby. now let’s go celebrate my mvp…” you said as you leaned in and kissed his lips. before you could get too carried away your son interrupted you. “not againnnnn come on!” he said as he gently stomped his foot to get your attention causing you to laugh and break away from the kiss. “i’m not done with you baby, when we get home we’ll finish..” patrick said with a smirk on his face. “okay mvp…” you said smirking at him as you adjusted the glasses on his head and walked towards your son and the top of the bus. god, you drove him crazy but he loved you more than anything.
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mariposa-writes · 1 year
The Rumor Mill
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Pairing: Travis Kelce x Reader
Word count: 1.2k
Overview: The truth hurts more than the rumors.
CW: infidelity, betrayal, emotional distress, and relationship complications.
As the rumors continued to spread, you couldn't help but feel a jumbled mix of frustration and hurt. Every other day seemed to bring about a new headline or TikTok video speculating on Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift's supposed relationship. You knew that it shouldn't matter. After all, you and Travis were nothing more than friends with benefits. Despite all this, it didn't make the rumors sting any less.
You wouldn't have agreed to being fuck buddies if you'd known what laid ahead. In the beginning, it sounded like a great idea; both of your jobs were too time consuming for any kind of committed relationship. Yet after some time, you started to develop feelings for the six-foot-five tight end, and you couldn't help the ball of anxiety that continued to grow in your stomach, knowing that you'd be the one walking away with a broken heart.
It was Travis's fault, really, for being so infuriatingly perfect. He went above and beyond to make sure you felt cherished, both inside and outside the bedroom. From ordering takeout on your busiest nights to ensuring that your pleasure surpassed his in every encounter, he always left you feeling valued.
He texted you this evening, asking what you were up to. You knew this was his way of inviting himself over for sex. Typically, you'd be all for it, but with all the rumors going around, you decided against it. Sorry, not feeling too good. Started my period. That was the response you gave him. It wasn't completely false - your period had indeed started and you weren't exactly feeling your best either. However, Travis usually didn't mind when you were on your period and the amazing orgasms he gifted tended to ease away any cramps.
You didn't bother waiting for his reply, instead tossing your phone on the white fluffy rug and heading for your kitchen. All you wanted to do was curl up on your couch with a tub of ice cream and watch reruns of love island, to make yourself feel a little better about your life.
You grabbed the rocky road from the fridge, doing just that as you snuggled into your comfy couch. You only made it through one and a half episodes, before your door bell was ringing. You groaned, throwing the blanket off of you and heading for the front door.
It was probably your stupid neighbor lady, wanting to complain about how you didn't hid your trashcans well enough. You yanked open the door, ready to go off on the poor soul standing on the other size, but to your surprise Travis was there with flowers and a grocery bag in his hand, a Walgreens bag specifically.
"Brought you some things to help you feel better," he announced, his tone gentle and caring, making your stomach flutter. Without a word, you stepped aside, inviting him into your space.
A soft smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he placed the bag and flowers on your spotless kitchen counter. The vibrant bouquet added a touch of color to the room, and you couldn't help but appreciate the gesture even though a knot of mixed emotions still clung to your heart.
"Thanks but you didn't have to do that," you said, your voice laced with genuine gratitude and a hint of reluctance. You wanted to convey your appreciation, but the complicated nature of your relationship with Travis made accepting such kindness a double-edged sword.
A scoff escaped your lips, and you couldn't help but roll your eyes as you turned away from him. If you truly held a place of significance in his life, why did he talk so casually about his potential involvement with Taylor Swift on his podcast? That single conversation had been the catalyst for all the rumors, and deep down, you couldn't completely dismiss the possibility that they might be true. After all, the two of you rarely shared the intricate details of your day-to-day lives.
His brows furrowed, his concern evident in his furrowed brow. "What was that about?"
"Nothing," you mumbled, refusing to meet his gaze.
He persisted, a determined note creeping into his voice. "It was clearly something."
You hesitated, the words lingering on the tip of your tongue. The turmoil of emotions within you was too tangled to unravel in this moment, but Travis deserved to know your thoughts, even if they were filled with uncertainty.
Sighing, you finally spoke, your voice tinged with vulnerability. "It doesn't matter right now."
He rounded the kitchen island, his steps purposeful as he positioned himself squarely in front of you. In a decisive move, he gently but firmly grasped your wrists, his touch demanding your full attention. "You can tell me if something's wrong," he persisted, his eyes locked onto yours, his determination unwavering.
You drew in a deep breath, your mind racing with the weight of the question that had been gnawing at you. Maybe it was best to confront it head-on, to rip off the bandage, even if it meant facing an uncomfortable truth.
"Are the rumors about you and Taylor Swift true?" The words slipped from your lips, laced with a mixture of anxiety and longing. You held your gaze steady, searching for any hint of honesty in his eyes. "Are you two talking, or dating, or anything like that?" The silence that followed your question stretched, urging you to speak again.
He sighed, releasing your wrists and rubbing his chin, his actions speaking louder than words. The lack of an immediate response told you more than you needed to know, and a wellspring of emotions surged within you.
"Seriously?" you questioned, taking a step back from him, anger seeping into your voice. "I thought you had enough respect to at least end things with me before pursuing an international superstar." You were furious, and the betrayal you felt was palpable.
When you and Travis had embarked on this arrangement, you had agreed on one fundamental rule – exclusivity. Despite the lack of a formal commitment, there was an unspoken understanding that you wouldn't be sleeping with other people, even if your connection wasn't officially labeled as a relationship.
He knew about your past, about your parents and your father's infidelity that had marred your childhood. He knew that infidelity was the one thing you despised above all else. He knew it was the reason you had been hesitant to pursue conventional relationships or believe in the concept of love.
You took a deep, steadying breath, your efforts aimed at quelling the storm of emotions inside you. "You need to go," you said, your voice firm and resolute. When he remained rooted in place, you added with an urgency, "Now."
"I'm sorry," he whispered softly, his voice laced with remorse as he retrieved his keys from the kitchen island, his footsteps carrying him toward the front door.
Your silence hung in the air, heavy with unspoken disappointment, as you waited for the telltale sound of the door closing behind him. When it finally did, it was as if a dam had burst within you, and the tears flowed freely. Each tear felt like a piece of your heart breaking, and the pain was almost unbearable. You had believed Travis to be a good guy, someone different from the men you had known before. Yet, in this moment, it seemed he had let you down, just like so many others had in the past.
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masterandapprentice · 5 months
I'm in the needest urgency of writing some Kelce/Mahomes fic. I already have a plot for it, I just need to find time and inspiration :D
Because, just look, they are so cute with their bromance and all that bf thing between them ♥️
They look like they just married in Hawaii lol
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Of course, couples clothes :3
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The look-alike comfy and cool pose
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Always pairing together for games and tournaments, because, you know, they are a team 😉
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neonsoup · 6 months
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I swear I've seen fanfic like this
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yorktaylor · 6 months
there is. so much travis kelce x patrick mahomes fanfic on ao3
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callmearcturus · 10 months
Seeing you talk about my local football team is insane, you're one of my favorite fanfic authors and I keep thinking holy shit they live near me??!
ayo, are you Philly or KC?
I used to live in VERY rural Missouri, and I adore Kansas City. we got the best art museum ever. Love the Nelson-Atkins. Patrick Mahomes has a golden arm, baybee.
as for Philly-- I just like the vibe of Philly sports culture and have known a fair amount of philadelphia folks.
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dreamaboutwhathappens · 11 months
my dad sent this text about patrick mahomes and travis kelce
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which means that there is DEFINITELY fanfic about them. and i was RIGHT:
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37 found
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As I read more about Mahomes and Rodgers to try and figure out how they would work in a relationship, I have come to the conclusion that the main difference between them is:
Patrick is the embodiment of “I would die for you.”
Aaron is the embodiment of “I would kill for you.”
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dharamoonlight · 2 years
So, right now I have a gooood idea for a Rodgers & Mahomes fic, but, I have to sleep 'cause I need to get up early ):
Wish me luck so I can have the inspiration to write it tomorrow!!!!
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freackthejester · 3 years
Trying to get into football through the fanfiction
-hard to find, soccer mixed in
-i eat all the best stories in just a week
-the Patrick mahomes/Arron Rogers groundhog day fic
What there's a lot of for whatever reason is hockey fanfic
Banddom. You know that aging emo kids suoersoreader poster?
I was telling people about watching Seinfeld. And I mentioned that I appreciated George as a Gay character, and they were like "he's not gay, he dates like dozens of women and is freaked out by men"
And I realized I relate to media in a way that is fundamentally different than the rest of you.
Everything is just paper dolls. If you're rich or you produce proganea for the us military (Disney) you can afford to get Chris evens to be your paper doll.
If you have less money then that you get Jensen Ackles.
And if you have even less money then all that, you just have your own version of Seinfeld in your mind where Jerry is a butch lesbian. Every plotline and every outfit is exactly the same, the only difference b is that Geri is short for Geraldine and she has tasteful small hoop earrings.
I just remember it that way, applying that filter over my memories.
(An aside about Disney. I think they are going to someday take the place if the department is education. The only options are either weird internet leftists getting their shit together and leading some kind of revolution for us to join, or we live in the dystopia where companies have replaced the government. Probably both and probably the revolution too late to be effective. )
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american-satanxx · 5 years
Taking Requests!
I’m stuck in a rut when it comes to my fanfics, so I’m going to need you lovely people to send me requests. I’ll try and write everything you guys want. Just send me whatever you guys come up with. I’m probably going to do a few head cannons for Jimmy Garoppolo and Travis Kelce. 
But  here is a list of people I’m currently taking requests for
Jimmy Garoppolo Travis Kelce Patrick Mahomes Ben Hardy Joe Mazzello Nikki Sixx Douglas Booth Colson Baker Billy/Four from 6 Underground
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I don't know If I should cry, laugh, scream or die, my 2 guys are there!!!! 🥲 How I wish Aaron could play, would be the best game!!!
Also, we'll, my brain is already working on some fic ideas 😍. Love them sooooo much!!!!! Go Chiefs!
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Ahahaha but Pat xD
*Aaron Rodgers gets hurts by Bill's defense*
*Patrick Mahomes tweets inmediately*
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That's ok baby, don't worry, we still love you :3
Sorry, I need to take it light while knowing if Aaron's injury is serious ):
Also, X is getting hilarious with all the Jets tweets about the situation lol sorry!
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masterandapprentice · 7 months
Soooo, the NFL season is over for now, and what am I gonna do all these six months while waiting for the 2024 season?
-F1 (yes! 'cause Alonso and Russell are the plus)
-Writing more Rodgers/Mahomes fics (my list of ideas is getting larger xD)
-Writing more fics!
-Running? (I need it so badly!)
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masterandapprentice · 7 months
No but srsly, I WILL finish "Red & Green" it's a promise! But it'll be slow, as my time is so limited now a days because of work, but I got so many ideas for the story (including one that will depends on the Super Bowl results this Sunday :D)
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I know, I know, i'm crazy, but still wants to write NFL fics with my fav guys :D love my fav toxic pairing!
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