#pauline yates
sci-firenegade · 1 year
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Review of the farce What the Butler Saw, featuring Pauline Yates, Michael Barrington and William Russell.
Reading Evening Post - Friday 20 January 1978
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Only Love Remains - I’ll Carry On Believing In A Love
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Echoing ‘My Love’, lyrically as well as musically, ‘Only Love Remains’ begins with ‘And’, giving the idea that we’re joining an already started conversation. In the older song, the narrator ruminates on how it would be if he had to go away: how separation would not affect the connection between himself and his partner.
In ‘Only Love Remains’, the narrator imagines how he would feel if his love was taken from him: how, initially, he would probably pretend not to care, would want to save face. This wouldn’t sustain, though: “knowing me, I’ll want you back again and again”. Ultimately, when you strip away the facade of indifference, “only love remains”.
The video for Only Love Remains is intriguing with its’ use of shadows and light; characters hidden and revealed. Filmed in one long shot, it opens on Paul, Linda and the musicians but soon moves to a living room set. This set looks very like the living room at Cavendish Avenue. At least how it appears in the pictures from 1967.
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White fireplace, couch facing it, single seat to the right of the couch, standard lamp to left of fireplace with similar lampshade, tv stood on floor next to lamp..
In this living room scene, the official narrative for the video, I believe , has Paul and Linda twenty years on. Of course, this is hugely sad as we know Linda didn’t make it to that age.
The actors playing old Paul and Linda were very well known in the UK: Gordon Jackson and Pauline Yates. In this scene, however, you can only see GJ clearly. He is initially sitting on the couch with a female figure beside him. She, though, is in shadow and cannot be identified as Pauline Yates (you only get to see Pauline clearly later on, in the closing scene). In this scene, GJ/old Paul gets up from the couch and walks over to the fireplace and looks at a photograph before turning and looking at the female figure on the couch. The lyrics being sung at this point are “to bring a happy ending to our song, I’ll carry on believing in a love”.
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The female figure on the couch is in shadow and can’t be discerned. Perhaps, *someone suggested to me, it’s because she’s not actually there. She’s a memory. This, of course, is very speculative but she is quite deliberately kept in shadow. All we can see is that it’s a female figure, perhaps with a blanket round her for warmth? The camera pans over her with the shadow lifting only slightly.
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This could be Pauline Yates, who we’ll show in a moment but it’s hard to say. The light from the table lamp reflects on her hair, perhaps changing its’ appearance.
This is from the start of the living room scene:
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We now cut to the musicians before returning to the living room. This time, current Paul and Linda are standing in front of the fireplace. Linda walks over to the three-seater couch that the female figure had been sitting on but passes it and sits on the single seat.
We then cut back to the musicians. In front of them appear a number of older couples, including old Paul and Linda. This time we can clearly see not only Gordon Jackson but the actress Pauline Yates. In this remastered version of the video from, I think, 2022, this is the only clear sight we get of Pauline. I’m pretty sure that in the original video that had been on YouTube prior to this remaster, which I don’t think is up now, there was a scene where these older couples walked in procession to the front of the stage. Seems to have been edited out.
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The other couples move away, leaving only old Paul and Linda/GJ and PY.
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Pauline and the woman on the couch:
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A beautiful song and fascinating video.
*thanks, Lisa.
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chez-mimich · 1 year
Spesso mi dedico alla lettura di libri sul cinema scritti da storici del cinema, critici o registi e lo faccio quasi sempre in estate (senza una precisa ragione). Dire libri “sul cinema”, in realtà significa poco, poiché i libri assumono la fisionomia dei loro autori, più che quella dell’argomento trattato. Così un conto è leggere “Una volta” di Wim Wenders, “Scolpire il tempo” di Andrej Tarkovsky o magari “Zero Gravity��� di Woody Allen, un altro conto è leggere un libro come “Cinema Speculation” di Quentin Tarantino. L’affermazione potrebbe sembrare ovvia, ma non lo è per il semplice motivo che “Cinema Speculation” è un libro completamente “sconclusionato” ed uso il termine nella sua accezione letterale. Non solo Tarantino non arriva a nessuna conclusione, ma non si sa nemmeno bene da cosa incominci. O meglio, cronologicamente inizia dal ricordo del piccolo Quentin, trascinato in polverosi cinema di Los Angeles dai propri genitori e costretto ad assistere a decine di film alla settimana, una ossessione che diventa in fretta passione. Il libro è un lungo ed interrotto monologo, molto crudo, come era ovvio che fosse, molto stimolante e pieno di informazioni sui retroscena delle sceneggiature, degli studios e anche ricco di pettegolezzi. Quasi un flusso di coscienza ininterrotto che ci fa percorrere i primi anni Settanta del cinema americano, quello che Tarantino imparò fin da bambino a conoscere, ma anche i classici degli anni Cinquanta e Sessanta. Interi ed intensi capitoli sono dedicati a film famosi che magari nella storia del cinema di qualità potrebbero anche occupare posti di secondo piano come “Bullit” di Peter Yates, con il leggendario Steve McQueen o “Ispettore Callaghan il caso Scorpio è tuo!” di Don Siegel, fino alla cosiddetta “New Hollywood” degli anni Settanta. Naturalmente nonostante la predilezione di Tarantino per l”Expoliation movie”, ovvero il cinema che mette da parte i valori estetico artistici e predilige azione e violenza, “Revenge movie” film con la vendetta finale del protagonista, e tutta una serie di “B-Movies” (perché di questo si tratta), qualche riconoscimento al cinema americano di qualità è presente, non solo a livello di singola pellicola, come per “Taxi Driver” di Martin Scorsese, ma anche a livello di scuole cinematografiche, come nel caso del cosiddetto “The Movie Brats”, (come fu battezzato dalle colonne del “The New Yorker” dalla leggendaria giornalista Pauline Keal), movimento che ebbe come protagonisti, oltre che a Scorsese appunto, anche registi come Spielberg, De Palma, Lucas e Coppola, una sorte di “Nouvelle Vague” americana che, oltre a guardare al cinema europeo, ammirava grandi personalità del cinema come Alfred Hitchcock, Hakira Kurosawa, Frank Capra, Carol Reed. Però è inutile nascondere che Tarantino sia attratto assai più da prodotti cinematografici meno raffinati che incentrano le loro tematiche sull’azione, fino ad arrivare ai sottoprodotti del cosiddetto “Snuff Movie”, ovvero il porno autoprodotto con ricatti e sgozzamenti finali. Del resto di questo si sustanzia anche il suo cinema, anche se attraverso la raffinatura della citazione colta che qualche volta sembra tuttavia un pretesto, sebbene ben orchestrato, per tornare a mostrare quello per cui il cinema americano degli anni Cinquanta e Sessanta è diventato famoso. Un libro non facile da leggere per i continui riferimenti a nomi di sceneggiatori, di aiuto sceneggiatori, di registi e aiuto registi, non sempre conosciutissimi, ma anche divertente per il linguaggio che si potrebbe definire colorito. Non amo tantissimo Tarantino regista, amo ancor meno il Tarantino scrittore: forse perché girare un film d’azione è cosa molto diversa da raccontare l’azione in un libro.
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javisuzumiya02 · 2 years
Si big bro Linc dejará embarazadas a algunas mujeres que Lincoln 319 dejó embarazadas, que te parecen estos nombres para que sean hijas diferentes. Y de paso nombres que se me ocurrieron para otras mujeres.
De Carol: Caroline Pingrey
De Judy: Judith Zhau
De Maria: Marisol Santiago
De Carlota: Carina Casagrande
De Katherine Mulligan: Katia Mulligan (se que Lincoln 319 no la embarazó pero originalmente si)
De Blanca Guzman (la tormenta): Bianca Guzman
De Beatrix: Beatriz Yates
De Belle: Belinda Yates
De Margo: Margaret (o Margot) Roberts
De Paula: Pauline Price
De Jesse Hiller: Jessica Hiller
De Mollie: Monique
Son buenos nombres, guardare la lista.
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mefirstmagazine · 4 years
It’s never too early for horror
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unwillingadventurer · 6 years
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William Russell in Harriet’s Back in Town- TV listing
from: https://twitter.com/woodg31/status/1091022738242834432
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metaphorosis · 3 years
It came from Pauline Yates
It came from Pauline Yates, @midnightmuser1
Pauline Yates’s story “The Secret Keeper” was published in Metaphorosis on Friday, 4 June 2021. “The Secret Keeper” developed from an idea I had for another anthology call back in 2019. The theme for that anthology was based around the Zodiac signs. Being a Taurus, I wanted to write a story that focused on Taurus strengths, with loyalty and trust at the top of my list. I penned the original…
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tcm · 4 years
Director and Superstar Barbra Streisand By Susan King
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Kathryn Bigelow made history for being the first female filmmaker to win the Best Director Oscar for her gritty film THE HURT LOCKER (2008). But 35 years earlier, Barbra Streisand won the Golden Globe in the same category for her feature directorial debut YENTL (’83). She is still the only woman to win the Globe honor for Best Director, and she had fierce competition. Like Ingmar Bergman fierce. The influential Swedish filmmaker was up for his brilliant epic drama FANNY & ALEXANDER (’82). Streisand was also in competition with James L. Brooks for TERMS OF ENDEARMENT (’83)—he would end up winning the Oscar in the directing category—Bruce Beresford for TENDER MERCIES (’83), Mike Nichols for SILKWOOD (’83) and Peter Yates for THE DRESSER (’83).
YENTL also took home the Golden Globe for Best Comedy or Musical. Streisand was a major film star at the time. She had shared the Best Actress Oscar honors with Katharine Hepburn (THE LION IN WINTER) for her 1968 film debut in FUNNY GIRL, in which Streisand reprised her Broadway triumph as famed entertainer Fanny Brice. She earned another Oscar nomination for Best Actress in THE WAY WE WERE (’73) and shared the Best Song Oscar with Paul Williams for “Evergreen (Love Theme from A STAR IS BORN),” her hit song for the 1976 remake of the classic Hollywood tale.
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Still, the multi-Grammy Award-winning, Tony and Emmy winner ran into difficulties with YENTL. I was shocked when I interviewed her about the movie in 2009 for the Los Angeles Times that she ran into gender-bias trying to get the film made. In fact, she hid the fact that she had co-written the adaptation of Isaac Bashevis Singer’s story set in 19th-century Europe about a young woman desiring to study the Torah. Because women aren’t permitted to study, Yentl disguises herself as a man named Anshel so she can become a scholar.
Streisand confessed she didn’t put her name on the script. “I was afraid if they saw my name on it, [people in Hollywood] wouldn’t have liked it.” She also decided to place the credits at the end of the film. “In those days, the credits of the film were at the beginning. And the reason I didn’t put it on in the beginning is that I didn’t want [audiences] to be prejudiced—‘Oh, she directed it’—and have them think about it. I think it was easier for women who weren’t actresses to become directors.”
Streisand actually bought the rights to Singer’s Yentl the Yeshiva Boy back in 1968. But she was told audiences didn’t want to see her as another Jewish character. But Streisand felt it was a far more universal story about “the limits that are put upon a woman just because she wanted an education. She had to dress as a male. It was a simple as that.”
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She initially didn’t know if she could direct the film, which also starred Mandy Patinkin and Amy Irving, so she talked with various filmmakers including French legend Claude Berri, who had directed one of Streisand’s favorite films THE TWO OF US (’67), a lovely drama starring Michel Simon as an elderly gentile who takes care of a Jewish boy during World War II. “I was frightened to do it myself,” she explained. “But I had a vision to do it. I was looking for a sign whether or not to direct it.
She found that sign at the grave of her father, Emanuel Streisand, who died when she was just 15 months old. The name on the tombstone next to her father’s was Anshel, which is what Yentl calls herself when disguised as a man. “That was a sign,” Streisand said. “I have to direct the film.”
YENTL earned good to mixed reviews. Roger Ebert found the middle 100 minutes of the movie “charming, moving and surprisingly interesting,” while the generally hard to please Pauline Kael proclaimed “it has a distinctive and surprising spirit. It’s funny, delicate and intense-all at the same time.” There were some naysayers.
The New York Times’ Janet Maslin found the best thing about YENTL was its earnestness. “It may resemble a vanity production from afar (or at close range, too, for the matter), but even at its kitschiest it seems heartfelt. That goes a long way, though not far enough, toward saving the film from its own built-in difficulties.” Singer was a bit harsher in his assessment. He didn’t find “artistic merit” in either the adaptation or the directing.
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Though Streisand was denied a Best Director Oscar nomination, YENTL was nominated for five Oscars, including Best Supporting Actress for Irving and Best Song for the haunting “Papa, Can You Hear Me?” and “The Way He Makes Me Feel” by Alan and Marilyn Bergman and Michel Legrand. The trio won the Oscar for Best Original Score.
Eight years later, Streisand directed the romantic drama THE PRINCE OF TIDES (’91), which earned seven Oscar nominations including Best Picture, Best Actor for Nick Nolte and Best Supporting Actress for Kate Nelligan. Though Streisand wasn’t nominated for her direction, she did receive nominations from the Golden Globes and Directors Guild of America for Best Director.
The last film Streisand directed, to date, was the romantic comedy-drama THE MIRROR HAS TWO FACES in 1996. Reviews for the film, also starring Jeff Bridges and Lauren Bacall, were decidedly mixed, but the film was a triumph for the veteran Bacall, who earned a Golden Globe for Best Supporting Actress and her first Oscar nomination as Streisand’s caustic diva of a mother. I asked Streisand back in 2009 why she hadn’t made a movie since MIRROR. Her response? “I’m not that ambitious.”
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kwebtv · 4 years
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Hold the Dream  -  Channel 4  -  October 27 - 28, 1986
Drama (2 episodes)
Running Time:  195 minutes total
Jenny Seagrove as Paula Fairley
Stephen Collins as Shane O'Neill
Deborah Kerr as Emma Harte
James Brolin as Ross Nelson
Claire Bloom as Edwina, Lady Dunvale
Paul Daneman as David Amory
Fiona Fullerton as Skye Smith
Suzanna Hamilton as Emily Barkstone
Nigel Havers as Jim Fairley
John Mills as Henry Rossiter
Liam Neeson as Blackie O'Neill
Pauline Yates as Daisy Amory
Valentine Pelka as Winston Harte
Sarah-Jane Varley as Sally Harte
Paul Geoffrey as Anthony, Earl of Dunvale
Dominic Jephcott as Jonathan Ainsley
Victoria Wicks as Sarah Lowther
David Swift as John Cross
Nicholas Farrell as Sebastian Cross
Richard Morant as Malcolm Perring
Bruce Boa as Dale Stevens
Denyse Alexander as Gaye Sloane
Amanda Boxer as Minerva
Kate Harper as Elaine Vickers
Christopher Muncke as Sonny Vickers
Ralph Watson as Sam Fellowes
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carolwell-art · 6 years
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✨SCORE✨ - fiction written like music, with stories of love and joy, despair and fear, and always hope
-> words by the one and only Morris
Allen, with who I am working for three years now, and I am honoured to announce the release of this wonderful new anthology for which I made the cover🌿
-> As the writer Pauline Yates said: “It’s a symphony of words composed by a talented group of artists.” And i just can’t wait to have it in my hands🤗
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hollyoaksloversx · 6 years
Deceit, Another Dodgy Copper and Peril on a Pig Farm...
Rounding up a week in Hollyoaks (31st December 2018 - 4th January 2019)
A hostage situation, a hospitalisation, lies and another dodgy copper. We may be in a new year, but some things stay the same! After Breda pushed a shelving unit down on top of him at the end of last week, you’d be forgiven for thinking that Louis was a goner. However, he survived the crush and Breda’s now looking after him at her family’s pig farm. It’s amazing just how many residents of Hollyoaks have somewhere secret that they can store someone they’ve harmed, isn’t it? Louis was understandably confused when he woke up but Breda was on hand to help fill in the gaps, telling him that he’d had an accident but that she was going to look after him. He may have done wrong, but God had spared him for a reason and if he could prove to her that he’d changed, he could have a second chance to be a good Dad....
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Whilst Louis spent New Year passed out on a pig farm, back in the village, the new year was being celebrated in the more traditional manner. Maxine, Sienna and Liberty headed along to the party at The Dog, where Maxine got blind drunk and wandered off on her own. The following morning, she hadn’t come home but Sienna and Liberty initially weren’t too concerned, assuming that she’d got lucky. However, when their suspects, Zack, who Maxine had been flirting with, and Damon denied all knowledge, they began to worry and set off in search of their friend. It was Lily and Yazz who would eventually find her, passed out next to the garage. Maxine was rushed to hospital, where tests revealed that she had contracted pneumonia. However, far more worrying news was yet to come and the Doctor later informed Maxine’s loved ones that a high dosage of chemicals had been found in her system and questions were asked about just what she had been drinking at the party.  Having been working behind the bar, Damon initially found himself under suspicion but Damon was quick to point the finger of blame at Mercedes. It didn’t take long for the police to arrive at The Dog and they quickly found the dodgy vodka Mercedes had bought from Liam. Cleo gave the police Liam’s name and they arrived at The Loft to question him. However, DS Yates, the new police officer in town, was quick to walk away when Liam handed him a wad of cash. 
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Meanwhile, Harry was back in the village and keen to hook up with James again. Although James initially rejected Harry, the pair soon made up and James agreed to let Harry move in with him and give their relationship a proper go. However, over at Cindy’s, Romeo was starting to tire of Mac’s devious ways and threatened to reveal that he’d tampered with Cindy’s medication. Wanting to keep his secret under wraps, Mac cruelly threw his Grandson out. After spending a night on the streets, Romeo headed to gathering at Yasmine’s but ended up getting drunk and attacking Sami. Romeo’s arrest was witnessed by Alfie, who begged James to help him. Although initially reluctant, James headed along to the police station, where he found Sami preparing to drop the charges against Romeo. Having had a chat with the troubled youngster, Sami came to see the last thing Romeo needed was prison, and encouraged James not to turn his back on his son. Romeo was released, however, he was still homeless, until James invited him to move in with him. This would prove to be had news for Harry, though, when James told him that he didn’t think it would be a good idea for him to move in just yet.
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Elsewhere, Ste was in for a shock when Jonny claimed to be his half-brother. It’s all lies, of course, but as far as Ste’s concerned, he’s got a new Brother. Martine and Simone’s Father, Walter, arrived in the village whilst Darren tried to convince Ollie not to give up on his dreams of becoming a footballer. Finally, Sami was delighted to be told the charges against him had been dropped and there was more good news for the Maalik’s when Imran returned from brat camp. 
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5 Things We Learned This Week:
1. You know you’ve lived in Hollyoaks for too long when discovering that you have a long lost Uncle raises about as much interest as being told that you’re out of loo roll. Leah couldn’t have given less of a shit when Ste told her about ‘Uncle Jonny’. Well when you live in Hollyoaks, a place where murder, kidnap and every disaster known to mankind is as routine as breakfast, long lost family members are boring by comparison. Plus, it’s not even the first time Leah’s aquired long lost family members, and she’s not even in her teens yet! 
2. The Dee Valley Police force really need to work on recruiting high quality candidates. You’d have hoped that after DS Cassidy, who faked evidence left, right and centre, they’d have learnt their lesson. After all, Roxy wasn’t the first dodgy cop in the force. However, new guy, DS Yates, is just as bad, accepting bribes from Liam so he’d turn a blind eye to him selling dodgy vodka. 
3. Forget teaching, Sienna’s true passion in life is to be a pop star. She was clearly itching to get on stage with Liberty at the New Year party but didn’t want to look stupid and was later shown dreaming of performing to adoring fans. When are the X Factor auditions next in town?
4. Liberty would make a terrible advert for the English education system. How many days are there in a year, Liberty? Hint: It’s not 394.
5. Hollyoaks really knows how to camp it up. Louis comes round to the sight of serial killer Breda, sitting in the rocking chair, knitting, telling him ‘Nana Breda’s here now’.
Characters Featured:
Alfie, Breda, Brody, Cleo, Damon, Darren, Donna-Marie, DS Yates, Farrah, Harry, Imran, James, Jonny, Leah, Leela, Liam, Liberty, Lily, Lisa, Louis, Mac, Martine, Maxine, Misbah, Minnie, Oliver, Romeo, Sami, Sienna, Simone, Ste, Tom, Tony, Walter, Yamsine and Zack. 
Past Characters Mentioned:
Jade Albright, Pauline Hay, Neeta Kaur, Ryan Knight, Tegan Lomax, Jacqui McQueen, Ellie Nightingale.
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quoteoftheweekblog · 2 years
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‘April is the cruellest month, breeding  
Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing  
Memory and desire, stirring  
Dull roots with spring rain.’ (Eliot, 2019, p.5).
Eliot, T.S. (2019 [1922] ) ‘The Waste Land’. London: Faber and Faber. *****
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‘Winter with flowers.’ (Son and stepson of Courtenay, 2001).
Son and stepson of Courtenay (c.2001) Conversation with Pauline and Philip Courtenay, date unknown.
‘By the waters of Leman I sat down and wept ... ‘ (Eliot, 2019, p.17).
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AND IN 2010
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2FgDles4xq8 VIDEO
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QUOTE OF THE WEEK 2011 - 2021
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lincolncollection · 6 years
Spotlight on Laura Keene: Famous on an Infamous Night
Born on July 20, 1826, Mary Frances Moss grew up in the town on Winchester England. She was the fourth child of Tomas and Jane Moss and the niece of the British actress Elizabeth Yates. At age 18, Mary married Henry Wellington Taylor, a British Army Officer, who was presumed to be the nephew and godson of Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington. Henry and Mary had 2 daughters, Emma (1846) and Clara Marie Stella (1849). Henry was discharged from the Army and then the Taylors owned and operated a tavern. In 1850, shortly after this new operation for the family, Taylor was arrested for an unknown crime and was sentenced to a penal colony in Australia. Mary became a single mother after Henry was shipped off and she began to search for a career to support her and her two daughters.
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 Above: The Life of Laura Keene by John Creahan
On the advice of her aunt Elizabeth, Mary decided to pursue a career in acting, apprenticing at her aunt’s theater. Because of the social norms and expectations, it was unacceptable for a woman with children and no husband to become an actress so Mary’s mother, Jane, who was now widowed took in her two young daughters as her own and Mary Moss Taylor became Laura Keene.
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 Keene’s professional debut was as Pauline in The Lady of Lyons in October of 1851. The London stage became a popular place for Keene and she was seen at the Royal Olympic Theatre and the Royal Lyceum Theatre. In 1852, after less than a year as a professional actress, Keene accepted a contract with Hames William Wallack to go to New York and serve as a leading lady in a stock company. Keene would perform as Wallack’s Theatre from September 1852 until November 1853. Keene then met up with Edwin Booth, brother of the infamous John Wilke Booth, and with a new family in tow, she decided to tour Australia in hopes of securing a divorce with her convict husband, Henry. Henry was never located and Keene returned to the U.S. in 1855, landing in San Francisco. Keene married John Lutz in 1860 and entered into theater management as well.
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 Laura Keene, Library of Congress
In 1856 Keene along with her new husband opened Laura Keene’s Theater in New York. Because the theater wasn’t quite out of the construction stage at the start of the season, Keene took her show “on the road” and by February 1861, the company premiered their 100th performance. In the following two years, Keene added a touring company because it had been such a success in New York. Keene continued to travel with her company, their baggage and necessities, their families, and even a piano. As Keene’s daughters grew up, they began to get involved in theater management and performance, while still living with Keene’s mother.
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 On April 14, 1865, Laura Keene prepared for another performance of “Our American Cousin.” The show had been running since its premiere in 1858 at Laura Keene’s Theater. Keene’s company was made up of numerous actors including John Dyott and Harry Hawk. It was that night in which an uninvited actor would make an appearance and alter that date forever. Immediately after Lincoln’s assassination, Keene was noted as running up to the Presidential box and attempting to comfort the president and Mrs. Lincoln. Keene was so close that her dress was spattered with blood from Lincoln’s wound.  Keene had a difficult time recovering personally from the incident.
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 After the death of the president, Keene and her theater continued to put on performances, which was unusual. Runs during the late 1860’s and 1870’s were relatively short, with multiple shows being done for short increments. Keene continued to produce 6 week long performance engagements and some that lasted even longer. Her longest show run time was “The Seven Sisters” musical that ran for 253 performances. Due to failing heath, Keene’s final performances was on July 4, 1869 while touring in Pennsylvania. Keene died on tuberculosis at age 47 in Montclair, NJ and is buried in Green-Wood Cemetery in Brooklyn.
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Laura Keene’s Gravestone, Library of Congress
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blairemclaren · 4 years
Pauline Yates Obituary - Death | Pauline Yates Has Died
Pauline Yates Death - Dead,  Obituary, Funeral, Cause Of Death, Passed Away: On March 3, 2021, InsideEko Media learned about the death of Pauline Yates through social media publications made on Twitter. Click to read and leave a tributes
Pauline Yates Death – Dead,  Obituary, Funeral, Cause Of Death, Passed Away: On March 3, 2021, InsideEko Media learned about the death of Pauline Yates through social media publications made on Twitter. InsideEko is yet to confirm Pauline Yates’s cause of death as no health issues, accident or other causes of death have been learned to be associated with the passing. This death has caused a lot…
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Dean/Merit List Recipients
Alvin Community College recognized students for making the Fall 2017 Dean’s and Merit Lists during a reception on February 20.
To be eligible for the Dean’s list students must earn at least a 3.5 grade point average for 12 or more credit hours in a semester and no course with a grade lower than a C. To be eligible for the Merit List, a student must have 7 – 11 college-level semester hours during a semester with a minimum 3.5 GPA with no F or incomplete. College-level courses exclude credit-by-exam, nontraditional, transfer, or developmental courses.
The full Dean’s List recipients are: Crystal Bailey, Maria Barron, Noah Bartley, Cassidy Bell, Chelsea Biles, Madison Bochard, Paul Boddy, Sarah Bowman, Stephanie Burge, Scott Carpenter, Sydney Charbula, Katherine Chaviers, Mikayla Childs, Karalyn Clark, William Dahlstrom, Justin Davis, Diana Deleon, Egla Delrioaguillon, Stephen Franks, Sielo Garcia, Soledad Garcia Vasquez, Paul Garza, Travis Gonzales, Jose Gonzalez, Brittney Green, Christopher Guyton, Chandra Hardin, William Hart, Erik Hernandez, Valerie Hinds, Michael Hollis, Andrea Laws, Blake Ledoux, Andrea Leija, Jackson Loy, Samantha Maddox, Charles Manuel, Michael McCasland, Jonathan Medrano, Casaundra Mejia, Paola Merino, Christina Morgan, Christy Myers, Mason Myers, Phuong Nguyen, Brittany Nolen, Kayla Palmer, Andrew Pier, Tyler Ponder, Kenton Ritter, Gustavo Ruiz, Abigail Russell, Ricardo Sagredo, Justin Schissel, Rucha Thakar, Sharath Thomas, Ashley Vaughn, Ashley Villanueva, Marisah Villarreal, Celeste Villarreal, Ceydy Villasenor, Mikael Walden, Kylie White, Deborah Wilson, Andrew Wood, Rosalinda Arredondo, Denise Aviles, Margret Choate, JoLee Galetka, Cinthia Mendez, Jaime Weisel, Destiny Casey, Savannah Krenek, Christopher Martin, Eloy Phillips, Hunter Roberts, Patrick Dawson, Gabriel Garza, Kody Martinez, Rosaura Orozco, Luke Black, Brandon Carlin, Ronald Carpenter, Cameron Christeson, Brittnee Garner, Tyler Grisham, Haden Holtje, Jean Lanning, Anh Le, Trevor Mertel, Trung Nguyen, Robert Ornelas, Alyssa Van Vooren, Logan Varner, Kaysie Wilson, John Obrien, Brittney Surber, Matty Sullivan, Adam Thompson, Ryan Wilcox, Sarah Proulx, Alex Aste, Katelyn Cao, Thao Do, Tina Egbulem, Hector Garza, Ashley Hall, Roland Henderson, Erika Hoarau, Benjamin Jensen, Jeffrey Pope, Paul Porche, Fiza Prasla, Sally Turcios, Darnesha Randall, Amy Smith, Su-Hui Wu, Morgan Gilbert, Christopher Amend, Maggie Barry, Sahista Bhanji, Alyssa Broussard, Suzannah Gilbert, Victor Hernandez, Alejandra Hernandez, Alyssa Hughes, Samuel Jasek, Michael Jensen, Kylie Levett, Clarissa Respondek, Tyler Zarella, Stephen Smith, Alondra Bautista Lopez, Marlaina Grimland, Emily Gutierrez, Stephanie Justice, Pauline Smith, Hannah Whatley, Claire Wiedemann, Jonathan Franks, Dawndi Morrell, Ruth Nyoro, Mary Olubuogu, Erlbert Hernandez, Jared Donnelly, Brenda Rico, Fernando Campos, Andrew Alex, Rachelle Allen, Connor Allensworth, Thalia Nicole Rose Aruj, Ryan Barton, Victoria Bitner, Alyssa Burns, Micaela Campos, Kelly Childers, Chase Clark, Ryan Desbiens, Madison Everett, Brendon Farmer, David Feil, Jonathan Garcia, Salvador Gonzalez, Shannon Griffith, Ivana Hagos, Blake Hardy, Martina Herrera, Iscelle Init, Timothy Josef Joya, Makenzy Leonard, Gang Li, Maranatha Liga, Diego Lopez, Orian Mars, Shannon McReynolds, Madison Moncrief, Bianca Montemayor, Harinee Morkonda, Skye Mosk, Alyssa Mae Ocampo, Brandon Oelfke, Chiamaka Onumajuru, Camdyn Perkins, Brigette Pitts, August Reyes, Steven Reyes, Vanessa Rodriguez, Arturo Sanchez, Chelsea Vynce Saya Ang, Mauro Serna, Shayla Smith, Jason Sosa, Christina Standridge, Christina Thai, Morgan Thompson, Dustin Todd, Belen Torres, Michael Ulery, Miranda Voss, Samuel Werner, Emily Wright, Tristan Yap, Clayton Yates, Nicole Young, Rachel Abbott, Anayeli Salinas, Maria Theresa Louise Bautista, Russoviodoni Borneo, Esther Christodoss, Emily Demarco, Rany Duong, Katelynne Hall, Megan Hunter, David Maranon, Erika Martinez, Garret Page, Thaddeaus Phipps, Noemi Pulido, Conner Radler, Sarai Ramales, Rebecca Rubio, Oluwaseun Sonola, John Syzdek, Saxanh Thach, Jose Padilla, Noah De la Rosa, Dylan Anderson, Gabriel Degner, Kyleigh Holm, Colton Johnson, Clayton Lackey, Hannah Longoria, Akata Patel, Stephenie Rogers, Matthew Snipe, Melanie Walker, Joseph Castro, Serena Khakwani, Roberta Gimenes, Matthew Hromadka, Khawaja Raza, Rodman Villela, and Adeline Terry.
   The full Merit List recipients are: Ashley Strain, Deena Aguilar, Anthony Aprile, Kelsey Barba, Eva Bartley, Samantha Blaine, Joseph Boddy, Kyrsten Breaux, Austin Britt, Taylor Broussard, Autumn Burge, Bridget Byrd, Alexa Camacho, Connor Creedon, Johnny Davis, Cody Dewar, Raul Diaz, Katherine Dixon, Veronica Dudek, Michael Durham, Fritz Eixman, Purelily Ekpo, Megan Ercums, Kaitlyn Espinosa, Jennifer Fakharizadeh, Monica Flores, Tiffany Forgy, Erick Franco-Herrera, Samantha Garcia, Ashley Garcia, Erica Garcia, Servando Garcia Ramires, Desiree Garrison, Karen Gonzalez, Ariana Green, Allieann Greenwood, Erin Gutierrez, Tristan Habenicht, Creed Hall, Sara Hayes, Janina Hillyer, Kathryn Hoelter, Steven Holmes, Chase Horsfall, Cameron Hubbard, James Hutson, Sarah Jackson, Guadalupe Juarez, Sean Kinel, Collin Landis, Sharline Law, Emma Lee, Barbara Lomeli, Jehu Lopez, Shawn Lowery, Teresa Lozano, Tricia Lute, Traci Martin, Jessica Martinez, Yolanda Mena, Natalie Miller, Samuel Mitchell, Hayden Myers, Tran Nguyen, Timmie Olison, Michelle Orduna, Brandon Perdue, Christopher Perez, Darryl Perry, Sara Persons, Cole Pletka, Jacob Porter, Jose Ramirez, Andrea Ramirez, Kelly Ramsey, Morgan Revels, Erika Riggs, Britney Rodriguez, Sienna Rodriguez, Courtney Roeckel, Linzy Sandoval, Tamra Sanson, Taylor Savedra, Anthony Schmaltz, Brittany Schonert, Michelle Smith, Paige Snowden, Anisa Solis, Patricia Stasky, Cagney Steffen, Richard Stillman, James Thompson, Madison Troxlar, Waqas Uddin, Joseph Villarreal, Christopher Villarreal, Julia Wagener, Alexis Wilhoite, Matthew Wyers, Emily Wyhs, Roie Yehezkel, Katherine Yuchnewicz, Ayana Brereton, Matthew Cannon, Jordyn Cooper, Brittany Dahl, Kristan Drummond, Cindy Ha, Conner Hammonds, Mackenna Mcintyre, Juan Morales, Ashley Vasut, Jorge Moreno Pacheco, Dorcas Starcke, Jaecen Foytik, Jacqulynn Kendrick, Michael Priddy, Amber Rushing, Uzma Chaudhry, Chase Ivey, Cassidy Bodden, Adan Hernandez Flores, Daniel Molina, Joaquin Phillips, Meagan Ripple, Alexis Townsend, Lana Townsend, Daisy Alvarado, Tasheda Johnson, Gabrielle Metcalf, Sayjah Davis, Emily Drilling, Agustin Encinia, Kimberly Anton, Christina Blanton, Kennedi Carpentieri, Ashlee Chappell, Lee Cravens, Nicole Gonzales, Jessica Jensen, Mai Le, Stephanie Leblanc, Trace Mertel, Julia Miles, Keith Parrish, Lauren Rangel, Catherin Reed, Cristine Tran, Brieanna Thomas, Cody Jenkins, Ayana Meadows, Jessica Willis, Raquel Rooney, Bonnie Gage, Jennifer Baehre, Kirlice Carr-Lett, Ashley Collins-George, Nathan Fuchs, Amie Gallant, Erin Gunn, Zoee Huskey, Sharon Labauve, Julia Martinez, Tommy Patrick, Roberto Pena, James Ronk, Brice Stettler, Placid Tankie, Laryssa Thompson, Emmaculator Ugochukwu, Shani Ulmer, Alexis Wells, Layla Wolken, Brian Smith, Jacklyn Kendall, Carrie Watkins, Elizabeth Cornwell, Kayla Byers, Rachel Lovell, Thanh Nguyen, Danny Taylor, Sara Brown, Esther Erfan, Shelbie Hannah, Annette Jacobs, Cynthia Poehl, Brandon Presley, Vanessa Putnik, Rafaelle Tkac, Adam Alexander, Samuel Green, Bryanna Hardy, Alison Henderson, Lorren Munson, Joshua Avina, Christine Burton, Mariana Castillo, Brenda Davis, Joshua Deleon, Aubrey Dowdy, Shelby Foland, James Freitag, Adam Groce, Garrett Heidrich, Zhigang Ji, Claire Jones, Myrisa Keller, Hannah Knight, Cody Lloyd, Lovie Luckie, Joshua MacLeod, Ryan McGraw, Yejide Olutimehin, Elizabeth Omojola, Molly Page, Kaysie Perkins, Shannon Puliyampallil, Christopher Rangel, Jessie Robinson, Mercedeez Serna, Savannah Serrato, Kaylee Shelton, Kathryn Simmons, Sandra Simmons, Katherine Singleton, Nicolas Sudderth, Amanda Wurster, Taylor Yoakum, Jameson Young, Barrett Day, Julia Meah, Tessa Williams, Cassandra Solis, Krystal Aguilar, Eric Dinwiddie, Kevin Jackson, Juan Parkin, Kayla Smith, Raven Solomon, Kaitlyn Welsh, Mary Zvonek, Mejesh John, Loretta Garza, Sheila Agim, Chintua Amajor, Sheikinna Ang, Kaylah Angel, Saron Bahlbi, Kamya Bates, John Beach, Jenny Beaty, Lauren Beck, Savon Blanchard, Kayla Bordelon, Chloe Bradley, Tiffany Brown, Jessica Butts, Vicente Castellanos, Korinne Cathey, Devdeep Chandra, Farah Chokshi, Gina Daugherty, Camille Davidson, Cameron Davidson, Alexander De Jesus-Colon, Maria Rousseanne De Vera, Daniel Doud, Lauren Duke, Bruce Dumlao, Alyssa Esma, Noemy Espitia, Brandi Estis, Esther Fernandas, Preston Fillipi, Karishma Flores, Christian Fontenot, Robyne Foster, Cira Frias, Andrew Frick, Falon Garcia, Elijah Garcia, Jeffrey Garrison, Danielle Garza, Jara Go, Mikelcey Green, Lauren Guthrie, Alexa Hall, Andrew Hampton, Shawn Hemingway, Hannah Hendricks, Ariana Hernandez, Jonathan Hoang, Nicole Hopkins, Nicolas Horton, Jenny Horton, Travis Hudson, Abigail Husain, Adrian Jasso, Clarence Johnson, Lauren Jones, Hanikka Phoebe Jugo, Akunnaya Kalunta, Abby Khanh Ai Vu, Emily Lapoint, Madison Lloyd, Lindsey MacPhail, Hannah Mccreary, Mark Mejia, Christian Miller, Amanda Mills, Amber Molidor, Jackson Mortenson, Lindsey Munoz, Matthew Myers, Xavier Navarrete, Anh Nguyen, Justin Nguyen, Jude Nixon, Naomi Noyola, Glydel Marie Obate, Gwyneth Obediente, Oalyssa Oconer, Ogechi Onu, Charles Ortiz, Alyssa Osorio, Freia Rossi Pamintuan, Hailey Paulk, Emily Pepper, Veronica Perez, Dana Perkins, Tamia Peters, Nathan Pham, Michelle Pham, Marion Quidilig, Karolyn Raj, Kassia Raj, Doran Reyes, Jessica Richardson, Malik Rodgers, Laura Roman, Yashua Justine Saguin, Caitlyn Salmons, Aubry Scully, Karoline Sellers, Britney Shen, Aylen Sosa, William Stanaland, Jared Streeter, Camille Surima, Thu Tang, Halle Thompson, Mary Joy Tolentino, Nelly Ann Uy, Hima Vadakekara, Delores Vanhoose, Kayla Vero, Tarren Vielma, Ivan Vinev, Lovita Vinod, Jared Weaver, Kathryn Willenborg, Sarah Williams, Shayna Williams, Timothy Wood, Sara Yan, Shatrine Zachary, Noah Stowers, Adebisi George, Madison McDonald, Nicole Jocelin Alfonso, Timothy Allen, Mohammad Alom, Darryl Archer, Yesenia Arenas, Alyssa Arredondo, Matthew Atteberry, Lilian Avila, Jessica Balmaceda, Victoria Bermea, Rebecca Buckalew, Brittany Cephus, Tarza Do, Thomas Gallagher, John Garzon-Vasquez, Ailia Gould, Veronica Guajardo, Kelly Hejtmancik, Lori Ivy, Jeniece Julius, Alec Koecher, Brianne Menzies, Adeline Nzeribe, Alexis Ocana, Sandra Ortiz, Timothy Richert, Olivia Roberts, Jocelyn Romero, Brenda Sanchez, Zurisadai Sosa-Montes, Gerald Williams, Kathryn Bell, Tenea' Cannon, Chelsea Catching, Victoria Cole, Kristina Hagerman, Mark Jones, Hiral Patel, Haley Perkins, Shannon Simmons, Rebecca Thumann, Stacy Zinante, River Alford, William Clifford, Darrien Jones, William Blalock, Alison Flythe, Ashley Molina, Ashley Mcbride, Sarah Blasdell, Nareemon Kasmai, Mahboubeh Oufi, Hannah Crochet, Norman Gallardo, Victoria Martinez, Melanie Baccus, Ashley Durham and Aryn Rodriguez.
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Feb. 5, 2020: Obituaries
Dorothy Lewis, 100
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Dorothy Plonk Lewis, 100, died the morning of Monday, February, 3, 2020, at the Joan & Howard Woltz Hospice Home, surrounded by her family.
     Dorothy was born on April 12, 1919 to John Oates and Elvira Foust Plonk in Kings Mountain, NC. She graduated from Kings Mountain High School and Greensboro College. She taught for one year in Franklin, NC before attending the University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill where she graduated with a masters in Bio-Chemistry.          
     In 1944, she married Dr. Robert E. Lewis of Lumberton, NC. They moved to North Wilkesboro in 1946 where Bob was a surgeon. She was dedicated to serving her church and community as well as being a wife and mother.
      In addition to her parents, Dorothy was preceded in death by her husband, Bob Lewis and her daughter, Patricia L. Johnston of North Wilkesboro, three sisters Mary Foust Plonk Weaver of Greensboro, Douglas Regina Plonk McElwee of North Wilkesboro and Maude Plonk Harper Patterson of Kings Mountain and a brother John O. Plonk, Jr. of Kings Mountain.
     She is survived by her two daughters: Suzanne Tonski (Ernest) and her son Jacob Tonski (Sharon); Margaret Turner and her son Robert Turner (Poem) and daughter Anna Dooley (Chad); and her son Robert E Lewis, Jr. (Regina); as well as her grandchildren from her late daughter Patricia, Andy Johnston (Brooke), Mary Lewis Johnston, and Blaine Johnston (Melody). Her 9 great-grandchildren, Alex, Emmett, Geneva, Hannah, Reagan, Sebastian, Nick, Maggie, Kenzie have been a source of great joy to Dot.
     A memorial service will be held Wednesday, February 5, 2020 at 2 p.m. at North Wilkesboro Presbyterian Church with a celebration of life to follow in the church fellowship hall.
     In lieu of flowers, the family requests that donations be made to North Wilkesboro Presbyterian Church, the Joan & Howard Woltz Hospice Home in Dobson, NC or the charity of one's choice. To God be the Glory!
Betty Daniels, 83
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Betty Jane Tidline Daniels, 83, passed away on February 1, 2020.  She was born and raised in North Wilkesboro, NC to the late Helen Tidline.  
     The family will receive friends on Sunday, February 9, 2020 from 1-2 at First Baptist Church on 308 Main Street, North Wilkesboro, NC 28659.  A Homegoing service will be held to celebrate her life following the receiving on February 9 at 2:00 at First Baptist Church with Rev. Albert Saunders officiating and Rev. James Ferguson Eulogist. Burial will be in Poplar Spring Baptist Church cemetery.
     She was a graduate of Lincoln Heights and attended Winston-Salem State University.  Betty was a strong, faithful, and caring woman of God. She had a passion for helping others especially children.  She was a DayCare Teacher at Skyview Daycare Center for many years. She was a member of First Baptist Church where she served faithfully assisting with secretarial work at the Church, Sunday School Teacher, member of the Choir and Missionary Board.
     She is preceded by her mother; Helen Tidline and four brothers; Bill Tidline, Tommy Tidline, Lonnie Tidline and Chester Tidline. She had one deceased sister and brother-in-law Elsie and Douglas Suddith.
     Betty is survived by a daughter; Lynn (Roger) Dula of Newton, NC. , three sons; Nathan Daniels,Craig Daniels and Donnie (Pat) Daniels all of North Wilkesboro, NC, two sisters, Barbara (Claudius) Harris of Winston-Salem, NC and Doris (Robert) Anderson of Petersburg, VA, two surviving sisters-in-law; Mildred and Lottie Tidline, four grandchildren; Alex Dula, Aleshia Dula, Linda Ashford and Laura Cole and many nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends.  Flowers will be accepted.
 Terry Dishmon, Sr., 54
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Terry Norman Dishmon, Sr., age 54, of North Wilkesboro, passed away Friday, January 31, 2020 at Forsyth Medical Center. He was born September 18, 1965 in Hartford  County, Maryland to Perry Norman and Stella Price Dishmon. Terry enjoyed woodworking, golf and coaching. He was preceded in death by his father.
     Surviving are his wife, Angela Dishmon; sons, Terry "T.J." Dishmon, Jr., Brandon Dishmon both of Norfolk, Virginia; his mother, Stella Dishmon Trent and spouse Ronnie of Roaring River; brother, Tommy Dishmon of Conover; sisters, Michelle Parsons and spouse David of Millers Creek, Dawn Riddle and spouse David of Utah; and step-mother, Wanda Dishmon of North Wilkesboro.
     Funeral service will be held 2:00 p.m. Wednesday, February 5, 2020 at Miller Funeral Chapel with Rev. Claude Rhodes officiating. Burial will follow in Mountain Park Cemetery. The family will receive friends at Miller Funeral Service from 1:00 until 2:00 on Wednesday, prior to the service. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Camp Cole Foundation, PO Box  6377, Columbia, SC 29260. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.
 Darrell  Yates, 76
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Darrell Thomas Yates, age 76, of North Wilkesboro, passed away Friday, January 31, 2020 at Wake Forest Baptist Health-Wilkes Regional. He was born January 15, 1944 in Ashe County to Lloyd Leonard and Josephine Wyatt Yates. Darrell enjoyed motorcycles, Harley Davidson Racing, fishing and hunting. He was preceded in death by his parents; brother, Clayton Yates and four infant siblings.
     Surviving are his sister-in-law, Edna Yates of North Wilkesboro; niece, Janice Yates Dale of North Wilkesboro; great niece, Amanda Dale of Ronda; great great niece, Trinity Harris; great great nephew, Riley Harris.
     Memorial service will be held 7:00 p.m. Thursday, February 6, 2020 at Miller Funeral Chapel. The family will receive friends at Miller Funeral Service from 6:00 until 7:00 on Thursday, prior to the service. Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to the donor's choice in Darrell's name. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.
 Sandra  Handy
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Mrs. Sandra Lorraine Harless Handy, better known as Sandy passed away Friday, January 31, 2020 at Wake Forest Baptist-Wilkes Medical Center.
     Funeral services were February 3, at Edgewood Baptist Church with Pastor Eddie Tharpe and Rev. Julius Blevins officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery.  
     Mrs. Handy was born in Wilkes County on June 15, 1950 to Billye "Bobbye" Faye Shumate Harless. She was retired from Tyson Foods. Mrs. Handy was a member of Edgewood Baptist Church.
     She was preceded in death by her mother and a brother; Ronnie Harless.
     Sandy is survived by a daughter; Robin Gregory and husband Will of Hamptonville, a grandson; Seth Gregory, a brother; Steve Harless and wife Debbie of Hays, a sister in law; Jan Harless of North Wilkesboro and her special nieces and nephews.
     In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Ebenezer's Christian Children's Home PO Box 2777 North Wilkesboro, NC 28659.
 Tracy Ferguson, 49
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Ms. Tracy Lynn Ferguson, age 49 of Moravian Falls, passed away Friday, January 31, 2020 at Caldwell Hospice in Lenoir.
     Funeral services were February 3, at Zion Hill Baptist Church with Rev. Tim Roten officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery.  
     Ms. Ferguson was born October 31, 1970 in Wilkes County to Eddie Carol Ferguson and Linda Steele Ferguson. She was an employee of Food Lion and a member of Zion Hill Baptist Church. Tracy was involved with the GA's and Youth Group of Zion Hill and while attending Wilkes Central High School was a member of the Band.
     She was preceded in death by a her life partner; William Cutshaw and a son; Billy Ferguson.
     Ms. Ferguson is survived by her parents; Eddie Carol Ferguson and Linda Steele Ferguson of Moravian Falls, a daughter; Brandy Mae Cutshaw and fiancée David Mason of Moravian Falls, two sons; Corey Ferguson and fiancée Amber Stinson of Moravian Falls and Travis Lee Cutshaw and friend Tyler Staley of North Wilkesboro and a grandson; William Camden Ferguson.
     Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Caldwell Hospice, Inc. 902 Kirkwood Street NW, Lenoir, NC 28645.
 Pauline Milam, 77
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Mrs. Pauline Miller Milam, age 77 of Millers Creek passed away Friday, January 31, 2020 at Wake Forest Baptist-Wilkes Medical Center.
     Funeral services were February 4, v at Reins-Sturdivant Chapel with Rev. Mike Church officiating.  Burial was in Mountlawn Memorial Park.  
     Mrs. Milam was born August 18, 1942 in McDowell  County, WV to Paul Edward and Grace Idesa Whitaker Miller. She was a member of Cricket Baptist Church.                  
     In addition to her parents she was preceded in death by her husband; Paul Franklin Milam, Sr.
     She is survived by one son; Paul Franklin Milam, Jr. of Millers Creek, grandson; Dalton Milam of Millers Creek, two sisters; Geraldine Bumgarner and husband Roy of Wilkesboro, Rita Adams of Millers Creek and one brother; Gary Miller and wife Linda of Millers Creek.
     In lieu of flowers memorials may be made to Wake Forest Baptist Care At-Home Hospice, 126 Executive Drive,  Suite 110, Wilkesboro, NC 28697.
 Charles Brunett, 66
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Mr. Charles Timothy Brunett, 66, of Purlear, passed away on Thursday, January 30, 2020 at Wilkes Medical Center.
     Charles was born on July 1, 1953 in Montgomery County Ohio to Edward James Burnett and Mary Margret Garrison Burnett.
     Charles is preceded in death by his parents and brother, Jimmy Brunett.
     Charles is survived by his wife of 47 years, Joni Brunett; daughter, Michelle Brunett of the home; son, TJ Brunett also of the home; 3 sisters, 1 brother and 2 grandchildrens, Kaleb Frazier and Haliegh Robinson all of Millers Creek.  
     No services are planned.
     In lieu of flowers memorial donations may be given to Adams Funeral Home of Wilkes P.O. Box 396 Moravian Falls, NC 28654 to help with finally expenses.
     Adams Funeral Home of Wilkes has the honor of serving the Brunett Family.
 Willa Stanley, 76
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Mrs. Willa Dean Stanley, 76, of North Wilkesboro, passed away on Wednesday, January 29, 2020 at Wilkes Medical Center.  
     Willa was born on June 28, 1943 in Wilkes County to Robert Parsons and Venie Webb Parson.
     Willa is preceded in death by her parents, husband, Arnold Jean Stanley; daughter, Melissa Stanley Royal; son, Arnold Gene (Junior) Stanley and grandson Roger Wayne (George) Royal and sister, Betty Billings.
     Willa is survived by her sons, Monty G Stanley, Robert (RC) Stanley and wife, Mellissa Stanley; daughter, Michelle Stanley; brother, Rex Parsons; significant other Charles Call, 13 grandchildren and 8 great grandchildren.
     Willa Dean was a loving wife, mother and sister. She lived a great 76 years and the good Lord has called her home. She will be missed and loved by her Family.  
     A visitation was held February 1,  at Adams Funeral Home of Wilkes Chapel, 2901 Moravian Falls Rd Moravian Falls. Burial will follow at a later date.
     Adams Funeral Home of Wilkes has the honor of serving the Stanley Family.
 Clayton Holloway, 74
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Dr. Clayton Glenn Holloway, age 74, of Wilkesboro, passed away Tuesday, January 28, 2020 at Rose Glen Village. He was born September 2, 1945 in Wilkes County to Ira Glenn and Ethel McCurdy Holloway. He attended Lincoln Heights High School (class of 1963) and graduated from NC A&T State University in Greensboro with Bachelor of Science and Master of Arts degrees. He continued his education at Bowling Green State University in Ohio where he received his PhD in English in 1975. After receiving post-doctoral teaching fellowships via Fulbright (Department of Education) and the Lilly Foundation, Dr. Holloway began his professional teaching career as a counselor and instructor at NC A&T State University in Greensboro (until 1969) and Iowa State University (until 1972). He then obtained an assistant professorship in English at Appalachian State University and joined Hampton University in 1976 as an associate professor. By the time he retired from Hampton University, Dr. Holloway was an Old Dominion Distinguished Professor of Humanity and had served as a university trustee, a reviewer of proposals for the National Endowment for Capital Humanities, and an electoral for the Virginia Foundation for Humanities.
     Dr. Holloway was an avid reader and prolific writer and often shared his pieces with friends and family. He was a member of the Modern Language Association, National Council of Teachers of English, College Language Association, Mid-Atlantic Writers Association, and Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Incorporated. His additional interests included walking, reviewing films,
 traveling, and refinishing antiques, and he loved spending time with his family and would often leave without notice because he did not like formal goodbyes.
     Dr. Holloway was preceded in death by his parents; brothers, Billy and Robert Holloway; sister, Sylvia Holloway; and half-sister, Myrtle Gore.
     Surviving are his only daughter, Lynn Holloway of Hampton, Virginia; brothers, Thomas Holloway of Greensboro, Walter "Clyde" Holloway of Winston Salem; sisters, Lois Saner of Boomer, and Betty Carlton and spouse Julius Carlton of Moravian Falls; and a host of nieces, nephews, and greats.
     Memorial service will be held at 1:00 pm Sunday, February 9, 2020 at Miller Funeral Chapel. A private burial will follow in Pleasant Hill Baptist Church Cemetery. The family will receive friends at Miller Funeral Service from 12:30-1:00 on Sunday prior to the service. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to The Ira and Ethel Holloway Scholarship Trust fund. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  
 Brenda Roope, 75
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Brenda Kay Church Roope, age 75, of Hays, passed away Tuesday, January 28, 2020 at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center. Brenda was born December 10, 1944 in Wilkes County to Aries and Lillian Crysel Church. She was retired from Central Telephone Company after 30 years and a member of Union United Methodist Church. Brenda was preceded in death by her parents; brother, A.G. Church, Jr.; and grandson, Logan Tyler Perry.
     Surviving are her husband, Walter Dean Roope; daughter, Gilda Nicole "Nikki" Church Holman of Wilkesboro; step-son, William "Will" Roope and spouse Donna of Hays; step-daughter, Deena Roope Wood and spouse Bryon of North Wilkesboro; grandchildren, Emily Nicole Perry of Millers Creek, Amber Leigh Perry of Wilkesboro, Brenda Hailey Holman of Oklahoma, Tim Roope of Hays, Katherine Williams of Charlotte, Taylor Wood and Ethan Wood both of North Wilkesboro; great grandchildren, Alayna Willis, Chloe Perry both of Millers Creek, sisters, Sylvia Church of North Wilkesboro, Libby Davis and spouse James of Wilkesboro, Vickie Johnson and spouse Kemp of Traphill, Fran Amburgey and spouse David of Kernersville; and sister-in-law, Sissie Church of Wilkesboro.
     Funeral service was February 2,   at Miller Funeral Chapel with Pastor Susan Taylor Pillsbury officiating. Entombment   followed in Mountlawn Memorial Park Mausoleum.   Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Union United Methodist Church, 2257 Boone Trail, North Wilkesboro, NC 28659. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  
 Willie  Nelson, 88
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Willie Winford Nelson, age 88, of North Wilkesboro, passed away, Tuesday, January 28, 2020 at his home. He was born February 8, 1931 in Ashe County to Millard and Ollie Royal Nelson.                    Mr. Nelson was a member and deacon of Antioch Baptist Church and US Army Veteran. He was preceded in death by his parents; sister, Lois Perry; half-sister, Grace Perry; brothers, Larry Nelson, Tommy Nelson and Buddy Nelson; half-brother, John Nelson.
     Surviving are his wife, Kathryn Sloop Nelson; son, Jay Nelson and spouse Shonna of North Wilkesboro; grandchildren, Billy Nelson of Myrtle Beach, Jessica Prevette and spouse Michael of North Wilkesboro; great grandchildren, Alexis Peacock, Hailey Peacock, Cadence Prevette; great great granddaughter, Delilah Leftwich; brother, Dillard Nelson and spouse Linda of Moravian Falls; sisters, Nannie Perry of Cricket, Nancy Childress and spouse Jim of North Wilkesboro, Jimmy Nelson and spouse Linda of Grover, N.C.; several nieces and nephews.
     Funeral service was February 1,  at Miller Funeral Chapel with Brother Larry Adams and Rev. Homer Maltba officiating. Burial  followed in Mountlawn Memorial Park.  Flowers will be accepted. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.
 Iva  Ellis, 87
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Mrs. Iva Lee Blevins Ellis, age 87 of Roaring River passed away Monday, January 27, 2020 at Hugh Chatham Memorial Hospital.
     Funeral services were January 30,  at Reins-Sturdivant Chapel with Rev. Roger Wagoner officiating.  Burial was in Mountlawn Memorial Park.  
     Mrs. Ellis was born September 16, 1932 in Wilkes County to Lonnie Rufus and Ada Victoria Bell Blevins.  She was a member of Christian Fellowship Mission Church.
     In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband; Floyd Wintford Ellis, one sister; Virginia Bauguess and one brother; Rufus Blevins.
     She is survived by a daughter; Judy West and husband Duane of Roaring River, four grandchildren; David Miller and wife Shelby of Hays, Derrick Miller and wife Ashley of Summerfield, Jessica Sale and husband Charlie of Ronda and Zach West and McKenzie Stokes of Roaring River, seven great grandchildren; Allison, Dylan and J.J. Miller, Callie Sale, Allen Stewart and wife Kristen, Brandon Stewart and Hailey Brittain and husband Jordon, two sisters; Vea Blevins and husband Ray of North Wilkesboro and Peggy Greene of Purlear.
     Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Christian Fellowship Mission, PO Box 127, McGrady, NC 28649.
 McKinley Absher, 76
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Mr. McKinley Wayne Absher, age 76, of Ferguson, passed away on Monday, January 27, 2020 at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center.  
     McKinley was born February 12, 1943, the son of the late McKinley William and Myrtle Reeves Absher.
     He was a US Army veteran and a member of Boiling Springs Baptist Church in Purlear.  He enjoyed music and fishing.  He was a hard worker, having had many careers in his lifetime.  He had worked in the construction industry before retirement.
     Including his parents, he was preceded in death by his daughter, Laura Renee Triplett; sisters, "Jackie" Iva Nell Gainey, Bernice Parsons, Rosalee Church, Viola Campbell; brothers, Claude Absher, Charles Absher, Granville Absher and Martin Absher.
     Those left to cherish his memory include: his wife, Ruby Ann Foster Absher, married 34 years, of the home; children, John Triplett (Andrea) of Ferguson, Matthew Triplett of Ferguson, Angie Cheek of Ferguson, Lynett Wooten (Kent) of Wilkesboro, Juanima Minton of Hays, Laytin Absher of the home, Martin Absher (Iris) of Purlear, Anita Swanson of Clayton, NC, Michael Absher of California; siblings, Ann Shephard, Claudeane Burch (Deane), Betty McGuire, Sallie Key , Brenda Williams; 29 grandchildren; as well as, many great grandchildren and great-great grandchildren.
      In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to: Adams Funeral Home of Wilkes, P.O. Box 396, Moravian Falls, NC 28654 to help with final expenses.
     The family conducted a Celebration of Life Service   January 30,  at Boiling Springs Baptist Church with full military honors by the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post #1142.  Pastor Joey Moore  officiated.
     The family will receive friends from 12:00-12:45 p.m. prior to the service.
     Adams Funeral Home of Wilkes and cremation services is honored to be serving the Absher Family.
 Donna Dillard, 60
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Mrs. Donna Shumate Dillard, age 60 of Millers Creek passed away Sunday, January 26, 2020 at Wilkes Senior Village after a 3 year battle with cancer.
     Memorial services were February 1,  at Scenic Memorial Gardens Chapel with Rev. Benny Roten officiating.  
     Mrs. Dillard was born November 5, 1959 in Wilkes County to Leonard and Virgie Landreth Shumate.  
     In addition to her parents she was preceded in death by her husband; Roland Lane Dillard, four sisters; Faye Shumate, Sharon Pennington, Annie Dancy and Dreama Mae Shumate and two brothers; Tex Shumate and Roger Shumate.
     She is survived by a daughter; Crystal Triplette and husband Lincoln of Millers Creek, a son; Allen Dillard and wife Amanda of Purlear, three grandchildren; Cody Dillard, Tripp Triplette and Eva Triplette, one sister; Kaye Feimster of North Wilkesboro and four brothers; Leonard Shumate, Jr. of North Wilkesboro, Gilbert Shumate of Lafolette, TN, David Shumate of Thurmond and Roy Shumate of North Wilkesboro.
     Flowers will be accepted.
 Patricia  Foster, 79
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Patricia (Pat) Clanton Foster, age 79, of Wilkesboro, passed away Sunday, January 26, 2020 at Accordius Health of Wilkesboro. She was born January 13, 1941 in Wilkes County to Henry Kerley and Mary Magalene Broyhill Clanton. Patricia was preceded in death by her parents; and her husband, Jesse (Pete) Foster; sisters, Frances C. Penley, Mary C. Pearson; brothers, David James Clanton and Thomas Richard Clanton.
     Surviving are her son, Gene Summerlin; daughter, Lisa Pena Church; grandchildren, Mary P. Mahala and Luis Pena; four great grandchildren; step-daughter, Sarah Foster; step-son, Keith Foster; brothers, Henry Robert Clanton and wife Patsy of Moravian Falls, Jerry Wayne Clanton and wife Sherry of Hickory; sisters, JoAnn C. Broyhill of Lenoir, Nancy C. Clement and husband Kyle of Lenoir, Sonja C. Walker of Granite Falls.
     Funeral service was January 30,  at Miller Funeral Chapel with Chaplain Ken Boaz officiating. Burial   followed in Scenic Memorial Gardens.  Flowers will be accepted. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.
 Archie Johnson, 80
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Mr. Archie Kenneth "Kenny" Johnson, 80, of North Wilkesboro, passed away on Sunday, January 26, 2020.
     Kenny was born on February 16, 1939 in Wilkes County to Charles Franklin Johnson and Lula Mae Cothern Johnson.
     Kenny is preceded in death by his parents; brother, Burton Johnson; sister, Nelta Ingold.
     Kenny is survived by his wife, Shelby H. Johnson; daughters, Teresa Ashlin of Oceanside CA, Tammy Wyatt and husband, David of Roaring River, Kendra Johnson of North Wilkesboro; sons, Kenny Johnson of Hays, Charles "Mousey" Johnson and wife, Kimberly of LasVegas NV, Kenny"Leroy" Johnson Jr. of North Wilkesboro; sisters, Alma Oakley and husband, Delano of Roaring River, Ada Sheet of North Wilkesboro,  Glenda Sue Johnson of North Wilkesboro, Ruby Walsh and husband, Wade of North Wilkeboro,8 grandchildren and 8 great grandchildren.
     The funeral service was January 31,  at Davis Memorial Baptist Church with Rev. Bud Laws and Rev. Robert   be officiating. Burial followed  at Mountlawn Memorial Park.  
     Adams Funeral Home of Wilkes has the honor of serving the Johnson Family.
  Wayne Lindley, 96
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L. Wayne Lindley, age 96, passed away on January 25th at the Hospice Home in Burlington.
     Wayne was born on April 5, 1923, in Alamance County to the late Ressa W. Lindley and Annie Thompson Lindley. He was married to Sarah Ferguson Lindley for over 75 years. He was an alumnus of High Point College and served in the United States Navy during WW II. He worked at Blue Cross Blue Shield NC for almost 42 years. He was a member of Mt. Olive Baptist Church, Pittsboro NC where he served in a number of leadership roles including deacon, treasurer and music director.
     Wayne was preceded in death by his parents, four brothers and two sisters, son John W. Lindley, granddaughter Amy Lindley Wallace ; foster son Paul (Hank) Smith and foster daughter-in-law Jane Ingle Smith. He is survived by his wife Sarah Lindley of the home, foster son John Willardson and wife Ann of Wilkesboro NC; foster grandson Drew Willardson of Wilkesboro NC; daughter-in-law Trish Lindley of Graham; grandson Mark Lindley and wife Carrie of Mechanicsville VA ; foster daughter-in-law Dianne Cobb Smith of Mebane; foster granddaughter Elizabeth Smith Klutts and husband Gary of Browns Summit; foster grandson Matthew Smith and wife Katherine of Atlanta GA and nine great grandchildren, all of whom he loved dearly.
     A graveside memorial service was January 30 at Mt. Olive Baptist Church.  
     The family requests that in lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Hospice and Palliative Care Center of Alamance-Caswell at 914 Chapel Hill Rd, Burlington NC 27215 or Mt Olive Baptist Church Memorial Association Endowment Fund at Mt. Olive Baptist Church, 5043 Mt. Olive Church Rd, Pittsboro NC 27312.
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