#pawn oc: thorne
soloavengers · 16 days
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OC Questionnaire Tag!
Thanks for the tag, @anyablackwood (here)!
I'll go with Deimos Soll from Supernova Initiative, Lady Vivaldah Lariach from The Forgotten Ones, and Kane Mylestrom from Song of Thorns!
Your OC Questions:
What is a thing that would break your trust in a person immediately?
What is your favorite animal? Have you ever had a pet/or want one?
Who do you look up to the most?
If you were to wake up in another universe, what is the one thing you would take with you?
Deimos: "My sniper rifle, or food. One of those two options, it depends on what hypothetical 'universe' I happen to wake up in."
Vivaldah: "My sister's necklace, which is also the sigil of our House. It's one of my most prized possessions."
Kane: "I wouldn't call my dragon a 'thing', because she is a sentient and mighty being who deserves all the respect, but yes, I would take my dragon with me."
2. What kind of person pisses you off the most?
Deimos: "People who think they can do anything to others just because they have the power to - snobbish tyrants who think it's their birthright to screw others over. Also, people who objectify others or who think torture is 'okay' just because they think it's justified for a 'greater cause' are a kind person that makes my blood boil immensely."
Vivaldah - "Those who justify cruelty in the name of their 'Gods', and who think they can kill anyone whom they consider 'heretics' just for thinking differently than them. I also hate people who are rude and who like to make fun of others."
Kane - "Cowards and people who turn tail and run at the first sign of trouble, along with liars, manipulators and people who have no moral compass. I also despite royals who consider their subordinates as pawns to be manipulated and discarded once we're no longer of 'use.'"
3. How often do you dream? Are they usually dream-dreams, or nightmares?
Deimos: "Well let's see: I was kidnapped from my homeworld by slavers when I was sixteen, escaped, and grew up as a street urchin - with the duo who became my adoptive siblings - on one of the most crime-ridden moons of our galaxy, and then, as an adult, was captured by an insane warlord who tried to torture me into being her living puppet weapon. So... you can imagine the kind of 'dreams' I have are far from pleasant most nights."
Vivaldah: "I used to have the sweetest dreams in the past. When I was just me being a princess who lived in a rosy-tinted world, sheltered in my family's ancestral palace. Then the Iron Inquisition came. Now my sleep is haunted by the memories of the day my family was slaughtered by them."
Kane: "Eh. I'm not the kind that usually has a lot of dreams, and when I do they're usually the most nonsensical, stupid mess that makes me question my life and sanity, and then wake up and not remember anything about that dream in the morning. So. My dreams aren't bad, they're just weird and I rarely remember most of them."
Tagging (gently) @your-absent-father @ray-writes-n-shit @diabolical-blue, @saltysupercomputer @agirlandherquill
@sleepy-night-child, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @smol-feralgremlin, @oh-no-another-idea, @littleladymab,
@winterandwords, @cowboybrunch, @eccaiia, @sarahlizziewrites, @illarian-rambling
@agirlandherquill, @anoelleart @sm-writes-chaos
@leave-her-a-tome, @writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess, @forthesanityofstorytellers
@i-can-even-burn-salad, @cakeinthevoid
@lassiesandiego, @thepeculiarbird, @clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams and OPEN TAG
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lestatlioncunt · 1 year
i was tagged by @aragorngf and @devilbrakers to categorize some ocs and use this picrew, thank you so much ily both <3
i'm tagging: @uldwynsovs @nuclearstorms @morvaris @reaperkiller @risingsh0t @florbelles @nuwanders @nokstella @faarkas @indorilnerevarine @malefiicarum @katsigian @swanfey @necroticpetals @saintjudegf @denerims @shadowglens and all the ppl i probably forgot or that want to do this!!
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vesper moxley + fenix hayes — cp2077
just started and already cheating sorry. listen. i said this multiple times already but in my mind they're literally a package deal, buy one take two. if you ever spent 5 minutes talking to me or looking at my blog you know they literally live in my mind jdfnkds i've gave them infinite amounts of love, care and attention. i'll be honest, i was going to put only fenix here at first (which is crazy that an oc that was supposed to be just a backstory plot point came this far, i've poured into him too much of what's home to me that now he took the shape of my walls, my bad). but. look at that picrew of vesper..SHE'S SO CUTE I'M SO IN LOVE WITH HER <3
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maverick de soto — infamous if
maverick maeve mav rick eve, i gave them so many nicknames already and we're still are like, at the start of the whole if. they are a cunt, they would rather jump off a cliff than admit when they're wrong, she loves fights and antagonizing whoever falls in their trap..and they love their friends more than anything. i can't wait to see the if unfold because i love maeve SO much already!!
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selene — oblivion
not counting my characters from original works, selene is the oldest oc i have. i've played oblivion lots of times and she (for the most part) always been there with changes through the years. i went off with the moon as a concept for her, "she's a dreamer from the moon" is a line that always makes me think of her. selene is the unwilling hero, the one that got dragged into smth bigger than herself and slowly, since she had no choice, took the shape of the role they imposed on her. she found a mirage of a home for a little while, only for that to be taken away from her. it's truly not worth it to be a hero, huh?
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violante waesphine — baldur's gate 3
a difficult battle between vio, akira & zefyr but in the end i went for vio. saying "mean" is an understatement. 'a rose born among thorns'..well she's a thorn born among thorns. it's difficult for me to speak of vio at times, she's more of a concept than a person, more of a numb soldier than the one in charge of her own life. an assasin and a pawn in the hands of a patron, melancholy and remambrance, her life is like a long walk to the gallows and while she's walking that path she has full intention of making it everyone's problem
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joelle knight — fallout 4
this one made me realise how i barely have 'soft' ocs jklfds. easy sweep for joelle!! she had her whole life ahead of her with her wife & the son they just adopted, she looked at the future with exctiment until everything was taken away from her. joelle could've let the pain harden her heart but she didn't let that happen. joelle strives to help the people and what's left of the world she knew, she's a cutie who will listen to you talk for hours and crack stupid jokes to see you smile. her 'soft' nature doesn't make her naive so caution is still advised if you try to fool her!!
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zefyr — baldur's gate 3/d&d
i love zefyr madly. MADLY i say. they are a powerful draconic bloodline sorcerer that values their privacy AND peace more than anything else. zefyr lives as a hermit in a forest where they can fully concentrate on their studies of the arcane & such. they do not trust easily (or at all) and their guard is always up. you probably won't get more than a few words from them (unless you ask them about magic and power and such), they just want to be left alone u know? they are known as the ashen terror and not only for their hair color: ashes and fire are the only things they leave behind if you dare anger them!! also they are pink. if pink why evil, they're probably just misunderstood..
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hiraeth one-eye — skyrim
hate to do this to hiraeth so much fkjdsfnk..i wouldn't say they are dumb, but they surely prefer a good swing of their greatsword as a solution to any other more complicated response. they're super friendly, they love music, reading, chickens and dragons and they would risk it all for the people they love!! also they're extremely dangerous so don't let the big smile fool you. they value honor over anything else and they just can't let go of their father's death ://
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sibylla — skyrim
you had a dumbest dovahkiin, now have a smartest ex-dragon priest!! a tie between her and joelle but since joy had her shot already, it's sibylla's turn. formely known as vennesetiid (=the winds of time/destiny), sibylla was a breton born during the middle of the merethic era that joined the ranks of the dragon priests for the simple desire of power, and knowledge. she later betrayed her dragon lords and joined forces to defeated them but lost her life during the battle. but it's not over for her!! a silly little situation makes her come back to walk Tamriel's land, this time as a vampire. sibylla has been alive for centuries and centuries and spent all that time studying the arcane and magic and science as well and working to become the most powerful mage that ever lived (lived..kind of). she saw most of the world's history & legends say she had the power to see the future & she's the proud achiver of the first ever gender transition in tamriel, if you don't love her already you better start
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moira velez — fallout new vegas
beside the fact that i love her beyond human comprehension, moira is funny, adventurous, stupid in a good sense as in you can do whatever crazy thing you think of with her, she's an enabler and i think we would have lots of fun together, she's the positive kind of friend that can lift you up from anything when you need it. plus her and my best friend's nv oc are besties so it's like we're all besties to each other!! hehe <3
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luxy-the-art-blog · 2 years
Did a redesign if my delta rune oc. Meet Eden (the flower head) and Eve (the snake head)!
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MASSIVE lore dump under read more. Could update/change things later though.
(Some slight tw for themes of religion and body horror)
Her base body is based on the N64 controller, though in cannon she's a bootleg controller.
The snake from the garden of eden.
Irl 2 headed snakes, her tail can shake and rattle like a rattle snake as well.
Priests with long robes and dangly jewelry and gold.
Oroboros aka the snake eating its own tail
Before gaster
Before Gaster, Eve was an average bootleg controller, with one head. That being said, Eve was a star, a beloved toy to asreil, while her friend Adam was kris's controller, the one that came with the console. After asriel went to college, kris rearly played video games, and when they did, they never played with Eve. She wondered if she wasn't good enough, how she could change herself to get loved again. She wanted desperately to feel needed, to be worth while. That's when a man came into her life...
While with Gaster
A man saying he could give her purpose, to make her powerful, without the lighteners, a greater purpose than being a toy for a child. He just needed to test some stuff on her, but it was all in her best interest.
What she didn't realize this was an experiment for Gaster to test the effects of possession, to see how the body would react to a being taken over by another being. He planted a special plant seed filled with abandoned hope of a lighter (aka a seed/flower that asgore gave to tori that she threw away) in hopes of finding out more about vessels and their puppeteers (to prepare for your/ the player's arrival)(on a side note, this is also partially why spamton neo exists in this au, testing a possible hollow/robodic vessel, while Eve is a conscious vessel)
As the plant started growing inside her chest, making her feel much, much worse then before, but said nothing. "This will work long term. I'll be loved if I stick with it" she told herself. It kept getting worse. The sick feeling in her chest became constant feelings of paranoia, fear that everyone could see how she's breaking. How everyone could see her true worth, and they only put up with her put of pitty.
One day, after a confrontation with mike, the "long-term" benefit she was looking for burst out of her back, in the form of thorny vines lashing out at people. In fear of what she had become, she ran from the world, running to find Gaster and find out what she had become. She searched and searched, but nobody was there. After collapsing from exhaustion, one more surprise bloomed from the bottom of her neck. Her last friend. "No one will hurt us again." It promised. Its name was Eden, a culmination of her guilt and sin. After that, they isolated themselves in the trash can full of asgore flowers.
The main playthrough stuff is still a wip, but I got some reorganized stuff filled out
Her secret area is the "graveyard garden" aka the trashcan full of flowers
Her boss fight (most likely) uses the purple heart mechanic, with you dancing on the vines, with her swinging them around to dissorient you
If you pacify, Eve realizes your not a threat, but Eden still insists of fighting, leading to Eve attacking Eden, and the fight being over. If you attack, it's the reverse, where Eve begs you to stop, while Eden keeps trying to force you out/kill you, and Eden gets fed up and attacking Eve.
Slight change from cannon, her items are sword of tears (if you attack her)that lowers the opponents attack for a turn if you attack them, or the clock of thorns (if you pacify her), which is like your average thorns buff, cause damage to the opponent if they hit you.
In the weird route, she learns bravery and attempt to save people from you, (toriel is like the noel of this route)
At the end of the route, she fight you, but as the fight goes on you see her showing empathy for kris, realizing their a pawn in your rampage, but as she hesitates to kill you at the end, toriel sacrifices herself to save kris, killing ened in the process (in a move called hellfire)
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thetimelordbatgirl · 2 years
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OC Halloween Challenge 2022 Everything Else.  Day Twenty Eight: Hyperfixation Cures The Depression. 
Shattered Sight if it had a Season 1 DVD. 
“Once upon a time...... There was a kingdom named Auradon, ruled by its king named Ben, son of Beauty and the Beast, and his wife Queen Mal, daughter of Maleficent, with their sole heir Princess Kaida. But on the princesses 8th birthday, something happened that consumed the entire kingdom, and Auradon seemingly became no more. As soon as Benedict, known as Ben, gets a knock on his apartment door from a girl claiming to be his daughter named Kaida, Ben soon finds his seemingly normal life falling into chaos, lost memories and madness with a bit of magic there and then, and in the centre of it all, a glowing red rose...... “
EPISODES: *Pilot. *Fate Apple.  *A Roses Thorns. *Two Sides Of A Coin. *Curious And Curiouser. *Love Wars.  *Poisoned Heart. *The Cursed Deal. *Memories Of The Past. *Past Love. *Pawns At Play. *The Man With No Name. *Got A Secret? *The Heart Wants What It Wants. *Sleeping Death. *Sacred Words. *A Curses History. *To Believe. *The Believers. *To Never Wake Up. *A Kingdom Without Magic. 
SPECIAL FEATURES: Welcome To Adonaur (Behind The Scenes) - Bloopers - Deleted Scenes - Audio Commentaries. 
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Okay, I finally read Studied and Praised. My OC fixation this time? Renson.
He's been working for the Royal family since before the protag's birth. I'm curious about that- what he did before, what he's done as the protag's Guard. Whatever he'd done before must've been quite the transition to caring for a child, given who he works for.
I had a follow up question about the protag's father and Quizzy in terms of them working together, then had it answered when I realized it's the Emperor Lmao.
Ohh yes my poor poor Renson ❤
Timeline wise, he would have started working for Sheev when he was still a Senator, definitely before HRH was born. He is definitely loyal to the Emperor, but watching the transition from Senator to Supreme Cancellor to Emperor, I definitely get the sense Renson did not bargain for everything that was going to happen there.
He would have had standard bodyguard duties most likely, I definitely HC that Palpatine had all his children's Midichlorian counts tested the moment they were born, and when HRH's failed to stack up, instead of hand-selecting their guard, they were just handed off to the closest unassigned Royal Guardsman that happened to be in the room at the time to raise.
I think Renson was glad for the focus though, HRH is definitely a Palpatine, but isn't a total monster. They have that blinding ambition and have been taught to use people as tools in their games, but HRH does at least outwardly treat people, even their pawns, kindly, and they do legitimately care about maintaining the relationship with their guards. I'm sure Renson taught them a lot about how to gain people's trust and HRH does mention a few times that he gives good council, so he's clearly been there for them emotionally in the past.
I think the major thorn in Renson's side is that HRH STILL seeks approval from Palpatine, which they will likely never ever receive. He's saddened by HRH's secret plans because I think deep down, he wants them to be happy with their current station in life and stop pushing to become more like their siblings.
There's one throwaway comment early on about how HRH hopes Vanyiel wont have to be replaced as quickly as their last guard, and to me, that means they did something so questionable in their ambition that they had a guardsman turn on them and Renson had to strike them down and they both had to cover things up. Which I'm sure was unpleasant on Renson's part and he's hoping to avoid again.
But mostly I love the contrast between Vanyiel and HRH's relationship and Renson and HRH's relationship. Even when they are fully armorered and not speaking, HRH is pretty good at reading their guards' intentions, but for Vanyiel, it is always a guess. Vanyiel /seems/ nervous or Vanyiel /seems/ tense. HRH has been with Renson so long, that every micro movement has meaning to them. Renson /is telling me/ to keep moving. Renson /is/ agitated, Renson /wants/ me to stop.
HRH mentions a couple of times that they are glad they can't see their guards' faces, but clearly, doesn't need to see their faces to know what their thinking. Despite not having the Force, they've adapted a complete non-verbal vocabulary. In those moments, they just don't WANT to think about what their guards are thinking. I think its very telling HRH can't let themselves go to completion until the lights go out and they can't see their guards at all anymore.
Also kind of a sad side note that HRH is raised by Royal Guardsmen, who are nearly always covering their faces, wear concealing cloaks and gloves, and never speak in public. What are the features of the Grand Inquisitor that they become fixated on and can't stop thinking about? His eyes, his voice, his hands, all the parts of of someone HRH doesn't usually get to experience. Their ultimate fantasy is for someone to call them by their real name, not their title, which speaks volumes about the life they lead.
Thanks for the ask, I'm glad you enjoyed his character! I'm quite attached to Renson myself.
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lilhawkeye3 · 4 years
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❤️💙 Commander Thorn is the newest member of the blue girlfriend club!
Meet Danae! She is my and @suja-janee ‘s new OC! She’s a pawn shop owner on Coruscant who first meets Thorn when he’s in the middle of an investigation.
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Summary: Hathe and Emet-Selch needed a break.
For Hathe, it was to preserve her energy and ease her nerves before ascending The Ladder for the daunting task of putting an end of Vauthry.
As for Emet-Selch?
He just needed for the glint of that painfully familiar shard to stop tormenting him so.
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: WoL!OC/Emet-Selch
Continuation to “Mea Culpa”
It just wasn’t the same.
There was a time when Emet-Selch set his eyes upon the Warrior of Light as something more than just a pawn in his plan, more than a fascinating subject in his observation of the mortals within the First.
An era long lost, but one he yearned so dearly to return to--it was during those blessed bygone days when he mockingly called out to the savior of the realm as not “hero”, but Azem.
As much as he wanted to deny it, he preferred truth over delusion.
The shard of his beloved Azem was here, lingering within the possession of the Warrior of Light.
But now, as he found himself lingering around the proximity of The Ladder in the mortals’ ongoing efforts to thwart Vauthry’s plans while the Kholusian sun mercilessly bore down upon him, his eyes were not softened with affection as he gazed towards her, but fixed in a scrutinizing stare.
It just wasn’t the same.
Hathe’s aether.
Corrupted cracks had since formed during her adventures in the First, all because of her misplaced faith in the Crystal Exarch.
Honestly, for all the glares and huffs that he received from her, it truly was baffling that she did not do the same to The Crystarium’s leader.
His lips were beginning to form a pout from this biased treatment.
“How are you not boiling in that thing?”
But then his lips curled into a grin as his gaze shifted to the eyes of the inquiring voice.
Lounging beneath the shade of one of the old workshops was Hathe, who retreated to this distant corner of The Ladder to preserve her energy before the ascent up to Mt. Gulg while the other Scions and the Eulmorans worked together to get the Talos running once again.
Clicking his tongue in a tsk, Emet-Selch threw his arms open wide in overexaggerated faux shock as he remarked, “My, my, hero--how brazen of you.” 
He approached where she sat in a saunter, crossing between the distinct line on the pavement to where the blazing sunlight treaded no further into the cool shade as he continued, his voice donning a playful innocence, “Did you wish for me to strip for you so badly?” Tilting his head, he pressed a thoughtful finger against his cheek with a smirk as he purred, “Have you missed my warmth in your bed that much?”
A roll of her eye and a sigh out of her painted lips.
“I should have just stayed quiet and enjoyed the peace.” Shaking her head, her arms folded over her chest as she reclined further back against the wall. Her eyes shut, hoping he would take this as cue to leave her alone.
But the sudden presence that appeared right by her side entailed otherwise.
As did him crouching down, a silent affirmation of his intentions to stay.
Not even the sensation of gloved fingertips cradling her chin had her look towards him, let alone fluttering her eyelid open to perceive his existence.
“Oh come now, you act like my presence hasn’t enriched your life for the better--”
He drew closer to her.
“--truly, wouldn’t you prefer I over the Exarch?”
The heat of his breath fanning over her ear never failed to make her shudder, a sensation that she was ever reluctant to enjoy.
She had a feeling as to where this was going. Though her better judgment would have her shoo him away before matters progressed further--especially given their relatively close proximity to the rest of the Scions and the others--it was either indulging in pleasure or quietly stew in thought over both the task of sending Vauthry crashing down while dealing with the Light that was poisoning her aether.
But that didn’t mean she was going to be that compliant with the man who was meant to be her nemesis.
And thus her eye opened, the sight of which made him wish she didn’t have to keep that eyepatch of hers on.
Azem’s eyes were among the features he cherished most about her after all.
But as ever the contrast between his lost love to the fragmented soul who stood before him, she huffed in defiance, “I’d prefer you let me relax before I pick up the pieces of your meddling.”
Her tone was soft, but the irritation laced around each word was as prickly as could be.
Emet-Selch only smirked in response.
“Meddling I object to, but letting you relax--” His thumb traced over her lips, caring little for the smudge of rouge that stained the whites of his glove--if anything, he relished it.
Continuing on, he kept her right in his sights as he tsked haughtily, “--honestly, by now you should know to be more direct with me on with your desires, hero.” 
The distance separating them closed further as he drew his thumb away, eliminating the space between his face and hers until their lips were barely an ilm apart as he mused, “Has anything else even come close to having that beautifully battleworn body of yours be at ease like my touch?”
She expected a kiss next.
But ever full of surprises, Emet-Selch only smirked as he teased, “Save for those ruffians who have felt the might of a keg of ale smashed upon their heads during those bratty youthful days of yours, of course.”
Hathe’s eye narrowed with sheer annoyance. “Gods, you really need to shut up.”
And it was with those huffed words that her hands cupped his face as she brought his lips to hers in a kiss.
A kiss for distraction.
Hathe and the tumultuous road that she was due to tread any moment now.
Emet-Selch and a yearning that he never could bring himself to ever relinquish in the days that have passed.
As delightful as it was to indulge in the gorgeously toned physique of the renowned hero during their many trysts in the nights since passed in her personal suite, it was still an utterly peculiar experience for his fingers to roam over physical familiarity with a soul that thought him to be a stranger, an enemy.
Ever more the thorns that had long formed around his heart embedded further and further.
In the end, she was just to be a vessel to enact his life’s work, his purpose to continue and carry on the will of his people.
And yet, he still found himself being so attentive, doting even, to Hathe’s pleasure as he shifted her clothes around--being mindful to not rip, else risk being punched back to The Source as she warned--, his lips kissing over her breasts, his tongue skillfully lapping over her nipples while his gloved fingers slipped beneath the waistband of her pants, seeking to press and caress over her panties.
A warrior like her could handle some roughhousing, as he would often tease while fucking her into the mattress during his numerous late night visits to The Pendants.
But here, in this moment, hidden away in the shade, while she was more eager to peel off his robe, he was more in mind to take his time with her.
Bodies intertwined, an affair meant to exist only in the shadows.
She lied beneath him upon the ground while he eased his cock in and out of her core. Far from pounding but nowhere near delicate, he pumped himself at a lively pace. More kisses than bites were pressed onto her neck, one hand clasped around her waist while the fingers of the other slipped between their bodies to rub slow--and dare he say sweet?--circles against her clit.
It just wasn’t the same.
“What’s with the tenderness?” Hathe murmured breathlessly, her back arching as she continued to find her senses stimulated all the more. Though there was a teasing inflection to her voice, he could hear a layer of pure curiosity at its foundation.
The question genuinely caused Emet-Selch to halt in place.
Even if just for a few seconds.
Only before he snorted, his lips curling into a smirk. “You will never see Ascians as capable of love, do you, hero? Since you insist--”
His hands reinforced their grip on her waist, squeezing tight as he quickened the pace of his thrusts.
She was right, however.
Tenderness, affection, love--those were reserved for Azem.
A shallow copy of the woman he loved most was in no need of such pure and precious joys, especially when she was fated to become a vessel for his plans.
The leading role of his grand theatrical production was to take her place in the showstopping climax of the show, and he was ever so delighted to have front row seats.
And yet, his mouth still sought out to kiss hers nonetheless.
A kiss longing for someone he couldn’t have anymore.
A kiss affectionate for someone he needed for greater purposes.
But as they rode out their orgasms, soon falling into one another in a pleasured heap, he still embraced her close to his chest with a grip that did not want to let go in the slightest, his face hiding into her neck.
So familiar and so far at the same time.
It just wasn’t the same and never would things return to how they would and should have been in a kinder life.
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fanficshiddles · 3 years
Unexpected Guest, One Shot
Thank you for the prompt I hope you like it! I am always honoured that you trust me to write your beloved OC! toshisurtsdottir submitted: Toshi lives far away in the forest somewhere in Scotland. After Loki is defeated in Avengers, he uses his last bit of energy to teleport away and hide from Heimdal. He ends up unconscious in front of Toshis hut.
Toshi was minding her own business in her garden at home. She lived deep the forest, in the highlands. Where she finally had peace, away from everyone who could cause her harm.
She was tending to one of her rose bushes, watering them, they were in full bloom and she loved them.
But suddenly, a large being from above came shooting out from a portal in the sky and landed right on top of her rose bush.
She was stunned for a moment, then she took in what exactly had fallen. It was a man. He was wearing armour, a lot of leather and some metal. She frowned as she took him in, then she realised who exactly it was. She had seen enough paintings of the Gods during her childhood to know when she was looking at one.
It was Loki. Prince Loki, of Asgard.
At first, she was confused. Then she was furious. How dare he land not only in her garden, but on her roses!
He wasn’t awake, she wasn’t sure if he was dead or just passed out. So she tipped her watering can up and poured water over him. But that didn’t work, he didn’t move.
‘Maybe he is dead.’ She muttered to herself and crouched down to check his pulse. There was a pulse, so he must’ve just hit his head hard, she thought.
Thinking it wouldn’t be good to leave a God outside her home, she dragged him inside. She could’ve lifted him, she had the strength, but she didn’t want to. Why not let his clothes get dusty and dirty? Since he had ruined her roses.
She left him on the floor by her sofa and went back outside to try and salvage what she could of her rose bush. And to keep an eye outside to make sure no one was looking for him, she didn’t want him to draw attention to where she was living.
When she went back inside a little while later, Loki groaned as he sat up, looking confused as he looked around him. Then he locked eyes with Toshi and he eyed her suspiciously.
‘Where am I?’
‘You’re in my house. In Scotland. Midgard.’ Toshi drawled, folding her arms over her chest as she stared at him.
Loki narrowed his eyes at her. ‘Still on Midgard… Why are you here, you are not of this realm?’
‘I could ask you the same thing.’ Toshi said.
Loki went to move and he hissed. ‘Ow.’ He reached to the back of his neck and pulled out a small thorn. ‘What the…’
‘You landed in my rose bush.’ Toshi hissed.
Loki sat up more and wiped his face, realising he was wet. ‘Why am I wet?’
‘I will say it again. You landed in my rose bush.’ Toshi snarled.
Loki narrowed his eyes at her and slowly raised up to his feet. He made a slight movement with his head and had himself dry with his magic.
‘Why are you here?’ He asked and stalked over to her, then he started circling her, taking in her appearance.
‘More to the point, why are you here?’ Toshi asked and she leapt away from him, to get away from his scrutinising. She noticed him looking at her scars, especially.
‘I am… in need of a safe haven for a little while.’ Loki admitted.
Toshi raised an eyebrow at him. ‘Well, you can’t stay here. I don’t want any trouble and I certainly don’t want anyone to come looking for you here.’
Loki glared at her. ‘Do you know who you are talking to? I am Loki, God of As’
‘Yeah, yeah. I know. God of Asgard. Prince Loki. Yadda yadda.’ She mocked him with her hands and headed towards the door.
‘Where are you from?’ Loki queried, intrigued.
Toshi sighed and turned back to face him. ‘If you must know, I am from Muspelheim.’
Loki’s eyes widened in realisation and slight awe. ‘You’re a fire giant?’
Toshi sighed and nodded.
‘Wait… You’re Toshi? Surtr’s daughter? The one who ran away?’ He said, slightly excited that he was meeting her. He’d heard all about her.
‘How do you know of me?’ She asked cautiously.
Loki sat down on the edge of her sofa, ignoring the look on her face at the fact he was making himself at home. But his tone was softer. ‘When you ran away, I remember your father and your sister, Mirtria, coming to one of the celebrations on Asgard. I overheard Frigga speaking to your father and he was saying that you had ran away.’
Toshi nodded slowly and sat down on the sofa opposite him. ‘Let me guess, he put on a fake sad face and acted like I meant so much to him?’
‘No, actually.’ Loki paused a moment. ‘Quite the opposite. Frigga swiftly left to talk to someone else, she is not one for listening to a parent talk badly of their child. For some reason, I always wanted to meet you after hearing of you. I had a feeling that something wasn’t quite right, your sister was… uhm, a delight.’ He scoffed and pulled a face, making Toshi laugh a little. ‘I think Odin and your father was trying to get us together, I managed to pawn her off to Thor. Though even he, with his tiny brain, realised to stay away from her.’
‘Are you saying all this just so I let you hide out here?’ Toshi asked.
‘No, I’m not. I know what it’s like to be an outcast, to be born a runt. Small for a giant.’ Loki said honestly. ‘But being able to stay for a while would be a plus.’ He grinned charmingly.
Toshi had not wanted to let Loki stay, but she ended up unable to say no...
She found herself having to share a bed with the God of mischief. Since he refused to sleep on the sofa, claiming it was no use for a God. Toshi was not going to give up her bed for him, so they ended up sharing.
It kind of helped that they had a few drinks that evening. And it kind of helped that they had shared more of their lives with one another, finding they had quite a lot in common and sympathising with each other. The main one being overshadowed by their sibling.
What also kind of helped was the fact that they started kissing and feeling each other up on the sofa. Which then quickly progressed to the bedroom.
They both fought for dominance, Toshi tried to get on top of Loki but he growled at her and bit her neck, making her yield as he pinned her down underneath him with his strength and wrapped a hand around her throat, keeping her in place.
‘Good girl.’ He purred when she finally gave in and stopped fighting to be on top, making her entire body shudder in delight at his praise.
Loki wanted to take his time to devour her, but his lust raged on and he was unable to contain himself. He used his skilful silver tongue for a while, to make sure she was wet enough. First tracing some of her scars that were on her body, before delving into her cunt and making her dance on the tip of his tongue. When he had her screaming his name in pleasure, he finally crawled up over the top of her and thrust into her, filling her with his cock.
Her sharp nails dug into his back, leaving deep marks. Loki bit her neck and shoulder in return, marking her as his on the outside as well as the inside, as his thrusts became more erratic and harder.
It was frenzied and rushed, but the both of them came almost together in the end. Loki finished first, emptying into her just before she started clenching hard around him. Her eyes rolled back in her head in pure ecstasy.
They were both sweating and panting when their bodies stilled, Loki remained within her as he let the weight of his body rest on top of her. Knowing she could take it. She loved feeling the comfort of him on top of her, oddly it was really soothing and made her feel safe.
‘For what it’s worth.’ Loki said as he nuzzled her cheek, making her smile. ‘I think you are far better off away from Muspelheim.’ He hummed.
Toshi smiled and squeezed her arms around him tightly, not wanting to let him go. ‘For what it’s worth... I forgive you for crushing my rose bush.’ She whispered, making Loki chuckle.
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soloavengers · 23 days
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pet shaped.
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3cl4ir-c00ki3-simp · 2 years
Cookie run muses!!
(Gays at the bar)
Mint choco
(Detectives and a criminal)
(Bounty hunter and theif)
Chilli pepper
(Guild buddies)
Milk (Strawberry. Chocolate. Banana)
Purple yam
Dino sour
Mala sauce
(Chaotic evil and Neutral evil)
Hypnotic (oc)
Melted choco (oc)
(Desert lovers)
Poison (oc)
Snake vemon (oc)
Fire spirit (Lord of ash) (Immortal Cataclysm)
Wind archer (Night raven)
Sea fairy (Dread trident of the abyss)
Moonlight (Alluring crescent moon)
Millenial tree (Darkness tree)
Pitaya dragon
Ananas dragon
Lotus dragon
Lychee dragon
(The ancients)
Pure vanilla (Bitter vanilla)
White lily (Black rose)
Hollyberry (Poisonberry)
Golden cheese (Burnt golden cheese)
Dark cacao (Apyss cacao)
(Ex-cookie of darkness and a dancer)
Dark choco
Whipped cream
(Tropical islands)
Sorbet shark
(The bravest cookie, his not so brave brother, his bright sister and their enemy)
Gingerbright (Special symbols like . and - are Purple and Italic)
Spiral lolipop (oc)
(Family in the mansion)
String gummy
(Twizzly's friends)
Peeled carrot
(Dark cacao kingdom)
Caramel arrow
(Lab tested shapeshifters)
Faker (oc)
Jam (oc)
(Grandmaster hotel)
Earl grey
Pawn white cookie
Pawn black cookie
Plain yogurt
Yogurt cream
Cactus flower (oc)
(Crystalized undead and Flower ghost)
Crystal (Past name is Salted caramel) (oc)
Black tuilp (oc)
(Electric love)
(The Curse and the Phantom)
Curse (Special symbols like . and - bold, black and italic)
Phantom (Special symbols like . and - bold, black and italic)
(A trickster and a wannabe artist)
Gumball (cookie)
(A scientist and a cyborg)
Aloe (Special symbols like . and - bold and green)
Cyborg (Special symbols like . and - bold and purple)
(A sleep deprived professor)
Espresso (Special symbols like . and - are bold and black)
(Future king)
Custard (III) (Special symbols like . and - are orange and italic)
(Warriors that came from a timeloop)
Butter cream (NPC + fan name)
Waffle cone (NPC + fan name)
(Consul of the Crème Republic)
Clotted cream
(Bittersweet love)
Rockstar (Special symbols like . and - are Blue, bold and italic)
(The All-star)
Choco ball cookie (Special symbols like . and - are Orange)
(Forest enemies)
Grape feather (oc) (Special symbols like . and - are Orange and Bold)
Wolfberry (oc) (Special symbols like . and - are Orange and Bold)
(The thorned cookie)
Thornberry (oc)
(The optimistic host)
Blue raspberry soda (Special symbols like . and - are Pink) (NPC + fan name)
(Bug queens)
Bitter choco wasp
Raspberry dragonfly
Tiger ant
Jam mosquito
Lava scorpion
(Sprit guardians)
Sweet strawberry kitsune (oc)
Frosted grape deer (oc)
(The fallen guardians)
Soul stealer (Soul vanilla)
Shattered soul
(House caviar)
Captain caviar
(Wolf from the abyss)
Dark wolf
(The butterfly and the moth)
Light butterfly (Special symbols like . and - are Black)
Shadow moth (Special symbols like . and - are Black and Italic)
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thetwstwildcard · 3 years
Hehehe Lizz you said demon slayer oc 🥴
Well I have a female demon and a male hashira (thorn pillar). I have the most lore for my female demon (no name yet)
Connected to Muzan (he's the one that turned her many many years ago). She killed her horrible husband yet could not bring herself to kill her child as well. When stumbling upon the smell of blood, she attempted to attack Muzan as well. When she realized he was not human she submitted, practically begging for death. But Muzan's offer to live in the shadows fit better.
Loyal to him as he's the first man who showed her "kindness"
In current times the thorn hashira shares her blood. A thorn steming from a rose. Yes like Muichiro
She thought her child died (because she abandoned them to die) when she was first turned but only thought they might have lived when she randomly started crying at Rengoku's fate (because the thorn hasira refused to cry though his sadness was that bad)
Obviously Muzan is Muzan so there is no way romance would work as demons are just pawns to him. So there is a slight "romance" aka more admiration on her part.
When she sees the thorn hashira near the final battle she protected him only to be striked down like nothing by Muzan who in her dying moments sneers that she "should have killed her child back then if she didn't want to die here"
Due to her strong connection with Muzan she's connected strongly with other demons, able to tell Muzan when one does not obey or when one is killed as she can feel the death.
Her demon art is growing flowers that require human blood/flesh to grow. She does not like the savagery of having to eat people so she will grow flowers from them and use the petals to brew tea. So she still gets the benefits "without the mess"
Blindly loyal to Muzan and approves of all his actions. While present for the killing of most of the lower moons(save for Enmu) she simply looked away and covered her mouth with her sleeve as she felt each death.
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virgil-writes · 3 years
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ash & soot
Long before the Winters come into play, a monster stalks the Forbidden Forest that surrounds the Village. Karl Heisenberg is sent to investigate, and heads deeper into darkness to find his prey, a thorn on his side and someone just like him. (eventual Heisenberg x OC)
on AO3: chapter one | chapter two | chapter three | chapter four
chapter 4 - the hag’s cabin
SFW, mentions blood and mutilation, around 2K words.
It was like he had snapped out of a bad dream.
A flash of red blinded him for just a moment, hand shooting up to cover his eyes as he stood up straight, fingertips dripping with blood that wasn’t his. He opened his eyes to a much clearer view of the woods, a pressure relieved from his shoulders, and a strange yet friendly face staring down at him with avid curiosity. Blood-tinted eyes watched him closely, an amiable smile on her wrinkled face. The hag’s skin was light enough to glow in the scant moonlight, spindly silver hair wild and framing her face in the most awkward of ways. He was reminded of Mother’s little game of disguise, the unassuming crone of riddles and wisdom.
Maybe it was Mother all along, and in that case, he better be on his best behavior. She was surely capable of it all, confusing him on the path and assuming the form of some horrible abomination; but why would she bother? She did seem genuinely surprised, perhaps even wary. Was this another one of her games to keep them all on their toes? To ensure obedience, another way of displaying her powers to remind him that even at his best, he was not an omniscient near-god. In her eyes, he was a second class citizen with a thing for tinkering that she kept around. A dangerous, homicidally inclined one, but a second class failure nonetheless.
The hag’s dirty clothes fluttered in the wind, the smell of death seeming to emanate from within her bones, strong enough to choke him. For a moment, he expected her to cackle, conjure up a staff made of bones to wave at him while she spoke her nonsense, telling him to repent and surrender to the Black God. Instead she laboriously extended a frail hand to help him up, blackened fingertips offering him no comfort.
“Come closer, dear, let us have a look at you.” She spoke at last, tender, almost motherly, her voice sounding like a legion of disjointed souls pooling together to form a sentence. She took a step in his direction when he did not answer, bones cracking with effort, frame barely supporting her own weight. It looked to him as if her every movement was torture, like she had been living on borrowed time for far too long and the earth had grown tired of waiting to reclaim her to dust. “Let us bathe you, take care of you.” Her words were sweet, her tone malicious. “Everything will be fine.”
Oh, yes, naturally. She looked like she had come straight out of a fairytale book, but surely it would all end up alright. It would all be fine, surely, him being bathed in a large bubbling cauldron with herbs and salt for soap, trapped inside a cage being fattened for later use in culinary endeavors. The fat on his body would be used for tallow, the skin for the shade of some lamp, the heart to power said lamp.
“Think I’ll pass.” Was all he could say through gritted teeth, barely a whisper in the dissonance of his thoughts. Her snicker was low and delighted, form fading away in a cloud of crimson mist.
The terror that had consumed him had disappeared just as quickly as it had taken hold, his racing heart and staggered breathing giving way to the burning rage and overconfidence he usually carried with him. He looked around for the yellow flowers Donna used to trick people’s minds, for any sign that what he had witnessed was an illusion. The snow felt real as he crushed it with his fingers, the wind caressed him just so to keep him alert and awake. Heisenberg looked down at himself to look for anything that might be amiss, a misshaped piece of fabric, a hue that looked off; he counted ten fingers, pulled back his sleeve to look at his wristwatch, numbers crisp and clear. Not a dream, not a hallucination. Sheer terror, like he had not felt in years, adrenaline pumping in his veins to make him feel alive after decades of keeping his nose just above the water. Despite it all, he felt light as a feather. In a way, he felt free.
He rose to his feet to take the path ahead, ducking to miss the arch of the twisted tunnel, holding onto branches and feeling like they held onto him in return. A mere couple of meters away, a crude fence and wooden gate separated him from a clearing he had never seen. Slabs of stone marked the way towards it, visible despite the icy landscape, their surface well-worn and freshly disturbed. Had the hag come this way? Would he meet a series of monsters that made him offers he could not refuse, like the tales Miranda had concocted of him and his siblings?
He knew the mountain held a multitude of paths and clearings, nooks and crannies untouched by man and lost to time, mazes and caves and all manners of things he had only read in old books of fiction. The villagers would always say there was much that surrounded them, not altogether pleasant, older than them, older than the bones of this earth. Monsters and spirits, legends lost just beyond the village gates. Even as a child, swallowing his fear like a bitter pill, he labeled them all fools, pawns in the hands of a cruel bitch who kept them isolated, a flock of tarnished sheep that would never break free of their bonds. And yet it seemed the joke was on him, was it not? Here he was, mother’s prophecy fulfilled, standing alone in the forest deep, lost like the child who ran away to pick berries, having just witnessed something he could not explain.
Heisenberg peered into the trees in silence, breathing labored and pulse too loud in his ears. He watched for eyes in the forest, long fingers that camouflaged in the tree bark. Silver hair mistaken for spider webs, humanoid shadows that tricked the unwary. All he sees is a curious hare that stops to stare at him before going deeper into the woods to find its den, all he hears are the sounds of the night and the forest alive at last.
The smell of rotting carcasses inundated his nostrils as he walked, a series of carefully placed, crusty wooden stakes protruding from the ground like sickly trees that refused to wither. Blood dripped and congealed at its base, the decapitated heads of lycans and samcas and moroaicas neatly impaled, but looking so alive. He could almost hear it, the groaning and stretching of broken jaws as they tried to break free. 
An incredulous smile crept up to his lips as he reached out to touch a nearby lycan’s head, skin soft and clammy underneath his fingers, veins protruding on swollen flesh. Sharp teeth and exposed gums, no doubt a lycan, and he is too slow to react when the creature bites down onto his hand and all but tears the skin between his thumb and index fingers. It tries to finish the job but cannot break free, just enough movement to open and close its jaw, and Heisenberg looks down in disbelief to his bleeding hand, to the monster that should have turned to dust.
He reaches for the hammer in a half-horrified haze, swings with full strength to knock the stake to the ground, amazed when all heads spring to life and groan at him in a last breath that would never end. His morbid curiosity has him bring the hammer over his head and down onto the earth, bones cracking with the impact as the failed experiment finally crumbles to dust beneath the metal. What kind of fuckery was this? The pain in his right hand felt too real to be an illusion, the blood dripping onto his boots too viscous to be a trick of the mind. His mind spun with theories, with curiosity. Before he leaves, he should confiscate one of these for further study at the factory.
Heisenberg could hardly contain his excitement as he vaulted over the fence, anxious for the next chapter of this night full of surprises. He expected a gruesome display; an altar proudly displaying a sacrifice, the hunched over beast he had met before munching on an animal corpse. The hag kneeling by the stream, washing bloody clothes as a presage of war and death. A circle of witches chanting in tongues and cursing his entire, nonexistent bloodline for generations to come. An enchanted maiden with a delicate bosom and sinuous form inviting him to ravage her innocence, only to eat him alive liver first in a fit of madness.
Instead he was greeted by a curious chicken peeking at him from a hole in the trellis of its coop, a tiny goat grazing by his feet. There was a horse, real this time, penned in and cozy for the night, oblivious to his presence. 
The small hoofed animal doesn’t seem bothered when Heisenberg grabs it unceremoniously, inspects its fur and hoofs and horns, pinches at its flesh for any hint of supernatural. On the contrary, the goat seems to enjoy it, tiny tail wagging rapidly as Heisenberg stares it down like one would an annoying baby that is too cute for one to be angry at. It seems almost sad when it is put back down onto the snow, gives Heisenberg a tentative headbutt and walks away in defeat when he ignores it to investigate the rest of the place.
A small cabin stood just beyond, green shingles on the roof and walls covered in clay, narrow porch and swinging front door, a light bleeding out into the night through the narrow window of the attic. Suspiciously innocuous. There were no chicken legs, it was not made of sweets, and instead of decay, what he smelled made his stomach growl in response. He would eat that damn black horse the moment he saw it again, leg first as he moved up his feast.
A delicate wreath of wildflowers adorned the red door, slightly ajar to encourage his exploration. He did not recognize the symbol drawn just beneath his feet at the threshold - was it a warning? A welcome message? Heisenberg made sure to remain perfectly quiet as he stepped inside, taking care that his boots would not squeak against the wooden boards. The warmth of the house was a stark contrast to the biting cold outside, the colorful woven rug a pleasant change from the bleak scenario of ice and death. He pushed the door all the way to reveal a room that was equal parts cozy and mysterious.
To his right was a wood stove, a bucket of firewood resting beside it, white ceramic kettle embellished with blue flowers whistling loudly on top. A shelf stocked with grain and spices stood just beyond, hooks with a multitude of pots and pans beneath it. The small kitchen also had a rustic counter and ceramic sink, cutting board and bone-white knife abandoned halfway through a large carrot. The small dinner table was set for two, a pair of teacups resting at the end of it. There was no sign of electricity, candles and lanterns of wrought iron working double time to ward off the dark of night.
He walked further in to to look at the rest of it, the diminutive living room that was also kitchen and dining area. The couch was a wooden skeleton covered in coarse fabric, cushions looking like they had patched a thousand times over. Somehow, they looked leagues more comfortable than any of Alcina’s fancy armchairs. Dusty tomes fought for space on a wooden stool beside it, candle wax frozen solid halfway over the edge onto the ground. A rickety ladder was almost hidden next to it, woolen socks overhanging one of the steps.
Right in front of him, on the far wall, was a sturdy brick fireplace, cast iron pot hanging over it, the tasty looking stew he had smelled from outside bubbling invitingly. A soft whimper alerted him to the presence of a furry creature curled up in front of the fire, looking compact despite its real size, oblivious to his presence and sound asleep. Heisenberg chuckled as he walked closer and bent down to pet it with a little too much force, the shaggy shepherd hound lifting its head to look at him in annoyance before busying itself with its nap once again, too tired to give a fuck about anything else. Craning his body to the left he peeked at the mezzanine, candle lit but bed empty. No one home, it seemed.
It was difficult to remain quiet when anger bubbled under the first layer of his skin; he was furious at his Mother and sister, at whoever had pulled the stupid prank earlier. He had been sent on a wild goose chase, had gotten lost in the woods, had bled his own blood and now stood inside a poor soul’s shack doubting every single thing that had happened this far. Even a man like himself had limits, however, and if he had simply stumbled upon a well-kept homestead of a peasant trying to live their life alone in the middle of the woods, he would leave just as quietly as he had entered. It was only fair, considering he, too, would do the same if given the chance. Perhaps his prey still wandered somewhere and he had gotten lost along the way, but it was time to go back to the road and hunt down the motherfucker who had almost made him piss his pants.
A couple more minutes and he would leave the forest, march up to Castle Dimitrescu and give Alcina a piece of his mind. Maybe he should climb up to the belfry, call everyone over and proudly display his limp dick as he twirled it around like a helicopter blade. Imagining the look of disgust in his sister’s face brought him some comfort.
“So this is the monster that lives in these woods, huh?” He asked the dog, half expecting an answer, with his back turned to make his way out.
“Oh, I am afraid that would be me,” said a woman’s voice somewhere behind him.
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gaywatermelonbread · 3 years
Dear, I Love You|| OC X OC Oneshot
Note: This is an oc x oc story. The gman im using is my gman sona who i think ya’ll love once i fully introduce ya’ll to my characters. For now, have my gman sona dating a funky clone --------------- Gman slowly walks through the glitched out garden, brushing his hands against the flowers gently. His hands, cold and rough, were alone before and now. The warmer hand that used to hold it was long gone, including the once bright and cheerful smile of the one he loved. He never considered the circumstances of his place, only knowing that he was a pawn in a bigger world outside of this cage called the code. Feeling the numbness of the pain he felt when he was somewhere he shouldn't be, a place he was never intended to be.  He stopped next to a rose bush, staring at it with a sadden look. It was recently planted. The shrub only having a few bulbs of the lovely red color it was going to have. he gently took out a blossoming one, holding it the thorny stem in his hands before slowly rembering a song that his lover used to listen to. His heart slowly taking over as he slowly danced to the imgaitive music, in his arms was a ghost of his lover. That same bright smile that he gave him over, and over again. No matter where they were, that innocent smile never left his face. How he would look at him with those spinel like eyes. His face pure and innocent, in love.
 He could still hear his voice, calling to him. "Henrey, dear? I believe you stepped on my foot." Gman looks down and immediately steps off of his lover, embarrassed by this. "Sorry CC...i guess im not really...good at thiss stuff." "Oh nonsense Henrey. Dancing is always about being graceful, or precision. It's about having fun from the heart!" That innocent voice. oh how it never failed to make the suited man feel calm and soft. Gman smiled softly as CC continued to happily explain what dancing was and all, even going as far as giving out the definition of it.  Their movement was slow and steady, a soft melody playing on a cd player. Gman continue to stare lovingly at CC, his eyes examining his white cotton candy like hair to his soft lips. How much he loved to give the smaller man kisses. Even though they were fast and quick, they always were soft and loving. Something that he, himself, never even experienced
 Never in his life time had he ever felt the same feeling he felt towards CC...but here they were. All soft, fuzzy, and enchanting. He never wanted this feeling to go...it was so uniqe. Beautiful. terrifying. As the song slowly died down, he herd a small chuckle from CC, who had the widest smile on his face. "You did a great job Henrey! I never knew you could dance so well!" Henrey chuckles shyly before gently setting a rose in CC's cotton white hair, a small smile settling on his face as he cupped the clones face. He leaned in to give the man a kiss, only for him to disappear when their lips connected. Gman opened his eyes to see himself alone once again. He looked down and saw the rose on the ground, before looking at his own hands to which they were covered in cuts from the thorns of the rose's stem. He sighs sadly before walking off again. This time... into somewhere he needed to be..in the dark and cold void he called home.
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mancalledmxlice · 3 years
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Honorable Mentions: Somebody to Love- Queen//Fernando- Abba
War Pig: Damien Blackwell Playlist
Option 1: we’re looking to highlight the differences between your canon mythology character and the oc you’ve created and built around them. for side a, include songs that apply to the myth, for side b, songs about your own character
Side A: Deimos
War Pigs- Black Sabbath
Time will tell on their power minds Making war just for fun Treating people just like pawns in chess Wait 'till their judgment day comes, yeah!
Another Way Out- Hollywood Undead
You better run, better run, better run, yeah I'm coming after you When you're sleeping at night, yeah there's nothing you can do There's no place you can hide cause I'm coming after you
Street Fight- Adam Jensen
Try to break me, but I can't break I'm a bad dream, and you can't wake Nothing's gonna kill me, nothing's gonna stand in my way
Everything Black- Unlike Pluto
In a nocturnal state of mind Children of the night But it's the only way alive This black hole's pulling me inside Of this black heart, this black soul Underneath this black, black sky
Brain Damage- Pink Floyd
The lunatic is in my head The lunatic is in my head You raise the blade, you make the change You re-arrange me 'til I'm sane
Look What You’ve Done- Jet
Give me back my point of view 'Cause I just can't think for you I can hardly hear you say What should I do, well you choose
Gladiator- Zayde Wolf
Let me back it up to the start of the climb Faced with an army of vipers and lions I had to keep on reaching up 'cause it was my time To tear down the kingdom and call out the liars
Can’t go to Hell- Sin Shake Sin
Turn that fear into a souvenir The world is waiting and the hour's near So if you need a reason, if you need a sign Open up you're eyes, you'll see they stole your water, turned it into wine
Metal Health (Bang Your Head)- Quiet Riot
Bang your head Wake the dead We're all metal mad It's all you have So bang your head And raise the dead
Ain’t No Grave- Johnny Cash
Well, look way down the river And what do you think I see I see a band of angels And they're coming after me
Wreak Havoc- Skylar Grey
I herd 'em like cattle Cause I'm surrounded by cowards And I don't give a fuck when I walk into battle And that's why I got all the power I'm where you wanna be Ain't no one ahead of me All of my enemies made a decision It's better to follow me
Who Are You, Really- Mikky Eiko
Now you're moving idle and you say you're alone Suspicious that the string is moving your bones We are the fire, we see how they run See how they run, lift me higher, let me look at the sun Look at the sun and once I hear them clearly, say
Bad to the Bone- George Thorogood and the Destroyers
The head nurse spoke up Said "leave this one alone" She could tell right away That I was bad to the bone
For What It’s Worth- Buffalo Springfield
Paranoia strikes deep Into your life it will creep It starts when you're always afraid Step out of line, the man come and take you away
Ohio- Crosby, Stills, Nash, & Young
Gotta get down to it Soldiers are cutting us down Should have been done long ago.
God’s Gonna Cut You Down- Johnny Cash
Well you may throw your rock and hide your hand Workin' in the dark against your fellow man But as sure as God made black and white What's done in the dark will be brought to the light
Side B: Damien
War- Edwin Starr
Oh, war has shattered many a young man's dreams Made him disabled, bitter and mean Life is much too short and precious to spend fighting wars these days War can't give life, it can only take it away
Hurt- Johnny Cash
I wear this crown of thorns Upon my liar's chair Full of broken thoughts I cannot repair
Pretty Fly For a White Guy- The Offspring
Friends say he's trying too hard And he's not quite hip. But in his own mind He's the—he's the dopest trip.
Funny the Way it is- Dave Matthews Band
The way your mouth feels in your lover's kiss Like a pretty bird on a breeze, or water to a fish The bomb blast brings the building crashing to the floor Hear the laughter while the children play war
For Your Love- The Yardbirds
For your love, for your love I would give the stars above For your love, for your love I would give you all I could
My Mirror Speaks- Death Cab For Cutie
And when my mirror speaks it never minces words 'Cause these eyes don't shine half as bright As they used to do and they haven't for quite a while
Sleep is for the Weak- The Dreadnoughts
Baltic is at your back You'll head towards the Black Where the river's rising high All along the countryside Enter the hyenas
Viva La Vida- Coldplay
Feel the fear in my enemy's eyes Listened as the crowd would sing, "Now the old king is dead! Long live the king!" One minute I held the key Next the walls were closed on me
Wish You Were Here- Pink Floyd
How I wish, how I wish you were here. We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after year, Running over the same old ground. What have we found? The same old fears. Wish you were here.
Rock and Roll- Led Zepplin
It's been a long time since the book of love. I can't count the tears of a life with no love. Carry me back, carry me back, carry me back, baby, where I come from.
Dear God- XTC
Dear God, sorry to disturb you, but I feel That I should be heard loud and clear We all need a big reduction in amount of tears And all the people that you made in your image, See them fighting in the street 'Cause they can't make opinions meet
When You Were Young- The Killers
He doesn't look a thing like Jesus But he talks like a gentleman Like you imagined When you were young
Train in Vain- The Clash
Now I got a job But it don't pay I need new clothes I need somewhere to stay But without all these things I can do But without your love I won't make it through
Wish I Knew You- The Revivalists
Oh I hope you don't mind We can share my mood Two strangers in the bright lights I wish I knew you I wish I knew you Oh I wish I knew you when I was young
The Weight- The Band
I pulled into Nazareth, was feelin' about half past dead I just need some place where I can lay my head "Hey, mister, can you tell me where a man might find a bed?" He just grinned and shook my hand, "no" was all he said
Hard to Handle- The Black Crows
I have got some good old lovin' And I got some more in store When I get through throwin' it on you You gotta come back for more
Honorable Mentions
Somebody to Love- Queen
I work hard (he works hard) every day of my life I work 'til I ache my bones At the end (at the end of the day) I take home (takes home) my hard-earned pay all (goes home on his own) on my own
Fernando- ABBA
In the firelight Fernando You were humming to yourself and softly strumming your guitar I could hear the distant drums And sounds of bugle calls were coming from afar
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torr-sceadu · 4 years
Question thingy
Favorite colors: Grey (silver), black, red, turquoise as non-edgy runner up
Last song listened to: Lorn - Karma
Favorite song: Picking one is impossible so I’ll list a couple, pls forgib q_q
Unkle - When Things Explode
Rammstein - Mein Herz Brennt
Within Temptation - Our Solemn Hour
E Nomine - Vater Unser
Favorite Musician/Singer: I really don’t know where to go with it so I’ll go with Akira Yamaoka because.. yes.
Last film watched: Oof, I don’t remember last time I watched a movie so I’ll pick whatever comes to mind first. That’d be uh... uuuuuuuuuh...... Upgrade! With Logan Marshall-Green. I spent a couple of days raving about it I think. The ending was right up my alley.
Favorite TV show watched: I’ll go with Criminal Minds because I’ve re-watched it 3 times and CSI: Las Vegas because Nick Stokes *cough*
Favorite OC: My holy trifecta aka my BGII Bhaalspawns that l still sometimes see in every other OC I have. They will always have a special place in my heart so I’ll write a lil bit about them that you can probably guess from their nameplates lol
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Martyr was Chaotic Good. She really wanted to be accepted by people and did everything she could to please them. Her cheerful do-goodly facade started to break in Suldanessellar when elves wanted nothing to do with her after she once again saved everyone. It broke completely when the party got attacked by desperate soldiers that knew they had no chance but they needed the bounty that was placed on Bhaalspawn after Saradush. In the end she simply disappears losing all her desire to do anything in this world. Sarevok may have followed her.
Reaver was Chaotic-Neutral pirate captain until Sarevok destroyed her ship and her crew. Very offended by that move (mostly because of all the gold lost at sea) she sets out to be a thorn in his side. Actually finds friends along the way. Xan cries at night because she’s having none of his doom and gloom. Minsc and Boo are her BFFs. Irenicus had the most impact on her mental state. Actually considered staying soulless so the nightmares would stop. Didn’t give rat’s ass about great elven city, and prophecies. Just wanted gods to leave her alone. Said no to power, said yes to new ship.
Witch was Lawful Evil drow sorceress that lived one too many years and was fixated on gaining knowledge, often forbidden, for knowledge is power. Wasn’t actually a Bhaalspawn but was very interested in them. Saw Sarevok as the most powerful of them all so she wanted him for experiments.With immense magic knowledge behind her back, Witch had no trouble pretending to be Bhaalspawn and luring Sarevok in her trap. However, her success didn’t last as Irenicus had a jump on her. She arrived in Athkatla positively livid and ready to unleash hell. She always had plenty of pawns to do the dirty work for her. At some point she ran into Keldorn and got him out of a pickle (unintentionally). He didn’t like her at all but quickly realized that he wasn’t powerful enough to smite that evil determined to catch another evil. So he agreed to help perhaps hoping to control the damage done in that chase. As time went on their companionship proved to be most fruitful. Keldorn was surprised to see Witch have same disdain for chaos as him and zero intention to help other evildoers. Witch slightly softened up and started considering that having friends had its perks. Still enjoyed the sight of burning Suldanessellar just a bit too much. In the end Witch accepted the power and ascended. Keldorn declined her offer to be her champion but didn’t say no to occasional visits to her temple.
Sweet, spicy, or savory: Savory I suppose. Just a little bit of sweet. No spicy. Ever.
Sparkling water, coffee, or Tea: All of them. Each day a new craving. 
                (DONT READ IF YOU DONT WANT SAD)
Pets: This is where this post got stuck in my drafts. I had a cat, a cute assbutt with zero regard for closed doors and a deep desire to plop down on a dinner table. She died last summer after months of struggle. She has been with me for the most part of my life and I still can’t stop thinking about her. Her name was Mysya and she really liked sleeping on my chest.
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Tagged by @umbralitch​, @kazexvoss​, @lareine-kira​, @silvernsteel​, thank you ;_;
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