dmsonline · 2 months
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successvu-blog · 5 months
CTCP Tập đoàn PC1 (PC1): Các trụ cột chiến lược hỗ trợ tăng trưởng mạnh mẽ trong dài hạn[Mục Tiêu: 32.550 đ/cp]
Chúng tôi duy trì khuyến nghị OUTPERFORM cho PC1, với mức định giá 32.550 đồng/cp (tiềm năng tăng giá 24%). BVSC ưa thích PC1 do đây là doanh nghiệp có vị thế đầu ngành xây lắp điện Việt Nam, có năng lực triển khai dự án hiệu quả đã được chứng minh, và tiềm năng tăng trưởng lợi nhuận rất tích cực trong giai đoạn 5-7 năm tiếp theo. Một số thông tin cập nhật Dự án đường dây 500kV mạch 3 (mở…
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pc1epcvn · 1 year
Industrial electrical systems contractor PC1 Group - PC1 EPC
Electrical contractors are required for all structures to ensure proper operation, from the smallest outbuildings to the largest factories covering a hundred acres. In the same way that you wouldn’t ask a crossing guard to manage the city’s traffic light system, you also wouldn’t ask a residential electrical contractor to try to plan and design a high-powered facility. These knowledgeable contractors are involved in the facility’s planning and design, starting the process at the very beginning to evaluate the needs of the proposed building and create a strategy that will meet those needs. - mfm04v1jrh
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techtimechronicles24 · 5 months
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🇺🇸 Step back in time to 1986 and witness the dawn of a revolutionary device—the IBM PC Convertible. As one of the earliest portable computers, the PC Convertible marked a significant milestone in the evolution of American personal computing, offering newfound mobility and versatility to professionals and enthusiasts alike.
💻 The IBM PC Convertible represented IBM's inaugural foray into creating a portable version of its iconic PC line. It was the first laptop-style computer following the luggable IBM Portable, and notably introduced the 3½-inch floppy disk format to the IBM product line. Featuring a clamshell design this groundbreaking device set the stage for future generations of laptops. Its compact form factor and relatively lightweight made it a practical choice for on-the-go computing—a novel concept at the time.
⌨️ Unlike earlier portable computers that required external keyboards, the PC Convertible boasted a built-in keyboard, enhancing its usability and convenience.
👉 The PC Convertible came in three models: PC Convertible, PC Convertible Model 2, and Model 3. The latter two were released in October 1987 and are primarily distinguished by their LCD panels. The original Convertible used a non-backlit panel, which was considered difficult to read. The Model 2 lacked a backlight as well but upgraded to an improved supertwist panel, while the Model 3 included a backlight.
🖥️ Equipped with an innovative flip-up monochrome, CGA-compatible LCD screen, the PC Convertible offered a crisp display for viewing documents and running applications—a revolutionary feature for its time.
💾 Powered by an Intel 80C88 CPU, the PC Convertible came with built-in storage options, including 256 KB of RAM (expandable to 640 KB) and dual 720 KB 3.5-inch floppy drives, enabling users to store and access data with ease. It also featured serial and parallel ports for connecting peripherals.
🔋 Despite its modest battery life by today's standards, the PC Convertible offered respectable uptime, allowing users to work on the go without being tethered to a power source. Weighing just over 12 pounds and featuring a built-in carrying handle, the PC Convertible's battery was rated for 10 hours.
🌟 The IBM PC Convertible was succeeded in 1991 by the PS/2 L40 SX, and in Japan by the IBM Personal System/55note, the predecessor to the ThinkPad. The IBM PC Convertible left an indelible mark on the history of computing, paving the way for the modern laptops we use today. Its innovative design and practical features demonstrated the potential of portable computing, inspiring subsequent advancements in mobile technology.
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lycankeyy · 2 months
Apparently uping my meds dosage has made my dreams Even Weirder while simultaneously unlocking my ability to have dreams about fictional characters I guess
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yourplayersaidwhat · 5 months
PC1: [PC2]! You can't just ask someone what their opinion on the gods is!
PC2 (wanted by the law for being a heretic): yes I can???
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hakusins · 5 months
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cw // if you squint, incest/twincest
twins au - eros & eri !
i'm so endeared by the idea that they exist in the same world and that they're twins who care deeply for each other HBJERBFJHERF.
dol pc1 and 2 are just the same pc, just different genders HJERFBJHERF but their storylines/purpose as pcs are so different i got curious and thought,,, you know it'd be fun to have twins au!
so far what i have is: inseparable and protective twin siblings who have been with each other for years. when they became of age, and bailey started charging them, eros knew it was too dangerous for his sister to work in this town. although he was as sheltered as eri, he was friends with a lot of the older orphans, who wouldn't exactly hide what goes on in the town. since then, he's offered to go work most days of the week to earn both of their keep while eri attends school on his behalf. he'll only attend school every fridays to just pass the exams so he could keep his grades up and graduate. eros is apart of the Temple and is an initiate. eri isn't, she's just a normal schoolkid and although she is a lot more sheltered, she wasn't naive. she could only imagine the kind of danger eros put himself through just to keep them from getting sold by bailey. despite her begging, eros refuses to let her get a job, and insists she focuses on school so she could also teach him for friday exams.
though that does all change when robin can't keep up with his debt payments, and without eros knowing, eri went to look for work as well (and gets up to all sorts of shenanigans with guys) BHERBFBHRF
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fy-axel · 9 days
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gender swapping male pc1 and female whitney!
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Akari “Meditation Room,” model no. 820-PC1 by Isamu Noguchi 
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ritunn · 10 months
A Short Review of the PF2e Remaster Crafting Rules
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Crafting! Every Intelligence spellcaster's (and Alchemist, Munitions Crafter Gunslinger, Inventor, and Alchemical Sciences Investigator) favorite skill. In Pathfinder 2e pre-remaster, the Crafting skill and its Craft activity were generally... underused. The Craft activity asked of you 4 days to produce one permanent item or 4 consumables at full price after you also bought the formula for it, and most adventure paths just didn't have the downtime to allow for it to be useful with the real benefit of spending extra time to reduce the price of the items down by your Earn Income amount for your Crafting skill. However, with Player Core 1, that's changed! So, first, let's go over what changed from the CRB.
I Can Make a Spoon in 1 Day Now: The Changes to Crafting
The following are some of the most notable changes to Crafting and the Craft activity:
CRB: Crafting items takes 4 days of downtime, and you must have the formula. You must provide half the materials upfront and pay the rest of the value after the 4 days are finished, but you can spend can spend extra days to reduce the price further, up to half the total value of the item.
PC1: Crafting items takes 1 - 2 days of downtime. 1 day if you have the formula, 2 days if you don't have the formula. Any common item can be crafted without a formula. You must provide half the materials upfront and pay the rest of the value after the 4 days are finished, but you can spend can spend extra days to reduce the price further, up to half the total value of the item.
The following feat was altered with these changes to the rules:
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Inventor was moved down from a 7th level skill feat that required Master in Crafting to a 2nd level skill feat that requires Expert in Crafting. Additionally, it now says the GM can allow you to use the Craft activity to make uncommon and rare formulas, which you do need if you want to craft those items.
Spoons are Nice, But How About This Healing Potion: How Crafting Helps Every Party Now
So, with those changes, there is a notable difference with Crafting now: you only need 1 day to make stuff (if you have the formula). 1 day of downtime is stupid easy to come by in a majority of APs and homebrew games, heck 2 isn't a big ask either. The biggest benefit this provides is the savings, however. By reducing the downtime required from 4 days to 1, that gives you 3 days you typically would've spent making a wicked new magic longsword for Seelah as extra days you can spend to get savings you wouldn't have been able to get otherwise. This makes feats like Impeccable Crafter have much more value, since you can take advantage of getting a critical success on your Crafting check a lot more now.
But, let me provide a recent experience. In my current campaign, my GM gave the party a month of downtime before PC1 came out while I ran Malevolence for everyone to give him a break. I wanted to craft the following:
4x Cheetah's Elixirs (Moderate)
4x Elixirs of Life (Lesser)
1x Eye Slash (Greater)
4x Oils of Mending
4x Predator's Claws (Formerly called Owlbear Claws)
My Gunslinger/Inventor has the following skill feats and items to help with Crafting, with her Master Crafting proficiency:
Crafter's Eyepiece
Speciality Crafting (Alchemy)
Tattoo Artist
Overall, I got 4 critical successes, 1 success, and 1 critical failure on my die rolls. In total, I spent 25 days performing the Craft activity to make of all of this, spending lots of extra days to reduce the total cost of the items be crafted by half. In total, I spent 6 days making the items, and 19 days finishing them for the discount.
With the CRB rules, I would've spent a total of 24 days making the items, and then 19 days finishing them for the discount, for a total of 43 days spent Crafting, 13 days over my limit of 1 month.
Simply put, if I used the CRB Crafting rules, I would've had to spend much more gold, but I also likely wouldn't had taken the time to make the Oil of Mending for our Inventor, or the Eye Slash for our Barbarian. The new Crafting rules provide incentive for players to not only make cheaper items, thus spend less gold, but also make more items too since you're spending way less time.
We Only Have 1 Apex Item Between Us All: How the Formula Changes Helps High-Level PF2e
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A minor issue high-level PF2e APs have is item droughts. Acquiring the equipment you need can be difficult because it doesn't drop, and unless you have access to a city like Absalom with a high settlement level, it won't be sold either. The issue can mainly be seen in acquiring Apex Items, some of the best magical gear available to high-level PCs that boosts 1 ability score to +4, or increases it by +1 if it's above that already. This is essential for getting a +7 in your primary ability score. The main problem, however, is that most APs (barring a few like Stolen Fate) don't drop apex items for every stat and buying them could be out of the question either due to not having enough gold or just no place to purchase. The solution to this was supposed to be Crafting, but small issue, you needed a formula to craft it, and that was just as hard to get.
However, the recent change makes it so that common items require no formula at all, you just need to spend 2 days on the Craft activity instead! And what are apex items and their rarity at typically? Common. With this, plus the lowered downtime required to finish the initial item, if a party has a crafter, getting cheaper apex items can be simple provided you find time for a little bit of downtime from levels 17 - 20 (which can still be a big ask, but not as big as before). This means, that perhaps everyone can get access to the prestigious magic items and enjoy the benefits of the power they entail.
In Conclusion
The PC1 Crafting changes have been a boon to everyone interested in the skill, and everyone who loves playing with them too. The reduced amount of downtime required leads to cheaper items, and/or more items. While the formula changes provide more versatility in what one can craft for their party and themselves.
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dmsonline · 2 months
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successvu-blog · 8 months
CTCP Tập đoàn PC1 (PC1):Mảng xây lắp điện sẽ đóng vai trò chủ đạo trong năm 2024[Mục Tiêu: 33.000 đ/cp]
Chúng tôi duy trì khuyến nghị Khả quan cho PC1 với giá mục tiêu 33.000đ/cp, tương đương tiềm năng tăng giá 26.4%. Giá mục tiêu mới được điều chỉnh tăng 11,3% so với dự báo trước vì hai lý do (1) điều chỉnh dự phóng EPS cho giai đoạn 2024-25; và (2) giảm chi phí vốn bình quân (WACC) từ 12,6% xuống 10,1% nhờ việc giảm lãi suất phi rủi ro từ 3% xuống 2,7% (dựa trên lợi suất trái phiếu 10 năm tính…
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pc1epcvn · 1 year
Industrial electrical systems contractor PC1 Group - PC1 EPC
Professional industrial electrical contractor service provided by PC1 Group - PC1 Group is a joint-stock company that specializes in electrical construction and installation, founded in 1963 by a group of highly qualified engineers and technicians. As a result, PC1 Group is now one of the most reputable companies providing industrial electrical contractor services in the country, having completed numerous large and small projects across the country. PC1 Group is a joint-stock company that specializes in electrical construction and installation, founded in 1963 by a group of highly qualified engineers and technicians. As a result, PC1 Group is now one of the most reputable companies providing industrial electrical contractor services in the country, having completed numerous large and small projects across the country. - 3fsyxy9mxj
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techtimechronicles24 · 6 months
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🇺🇲 Step back in time and explore the fascinating journey of the IBM PS/1—a pioneering computer that revolutionized personal computing in the late 1980s and early 1990s!
💻 The IBM PS/1, short for Personal System/1, marked a significant milestone in the evolution of home computing. Launched by IBM in 1990, this innovative machine was designed to bring the power and versatility of IBM's business computers into the homes of consumers.
💾 With its sleek and compact design, the IBM PS/1 was a departure from the bulky and intimidating computers of the past. It featured a built-in monitor, keyboard, and mouse, making it a convenient all-in-one solution for home users.
⚙️ Under the hood, the IBM PS/1 boasted impressive specifications for its time, including an Intel 80286 or 80386 processor, up to 16MB of RAM, and a variety of storage options ranging from floppy disks to hard drives. This formidable hardware allowed users to run productivity software, play games, and explore the emerging world of multimedia with ease.
💡 One of the most notable features of the IBM PS/1 was its user-friendly interface, which made it accessible to users of all skill levels. With its intuitive graphical user interface and pre-installed software, including IBM's own software suite and educational programs, the IBM PS/1 opened up new possibilities for home computing.
📈 Despite facing stiff competition from other manufacturers, the IBM PS/1 enjoyed moderate success and helped pave the way for the widespread adoption of personal computers in homes around the world. Its influence can still be felt today in the countless households that rely on computers for work, entertainment, and communication.
🚀 The IBM PS/1 may have been a product of its time, but its legacy lives on as a testament to the transformative power of technology. As we continue to push the boundaries of computing, let us not forget the humble beginnings of the IBM PS/1 and the role it played in shaping the digital world we know today.
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akalss · 4 months
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pc1 / 2
and my friend's pc1
hmm 🤔
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yourplayersaidwhat · 4 months
[Talking about returning to a location from ~50 sessions ago]
PC1: "I'm sure the captain is a wonderful person and would love to help us"
PC2:" Captain Brine is a bitch and I will dangle him over the walls by his ankles.
[They pause as they realize what they just said, and in front of who]
Don't you worry for a single minute, [patron]! Negotiations are going to go great!"
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