#pcy soft suggestions
eomayas · 10 months
new thing (pt. 7) • pcy
pairing: chanyeol x f!reader, age gap, established relationship
synopsis: reader and chanyeol reconcile after being broken up for a few months.
genre: angst & fluff. LOTS OF FLUFF. e2l. happy ending
warnings: swearing, drinking, crying. lots of crying. reader is just a girl and chanyeol is just a 30 year old boy :(
a/n: this is the finale!! yay!! thank you to everybody who has been here from the beginning and stuck with me and this story! it has been a lot of fun writing this. once again thank you, and i hope you like it. sorry for the lowkey trash ending lmao! ❤️
seulgi runs across the grass with her arms open wide, gown flowing behind her. you meet her halfway and throw your arms around her, engaging in a moving hug. “we really did it!” she squeals, hugging you tight against her.
your heart beats rapidly from pure joy that you haven’t felt in awhile, and mild case of anxiety at the prospect of your future truly beginning now. you two just walked across the stage to declare yourselves officially done with undergrad. it’s exciting and nauseating at the same time.
“i know, i know,” you say, pulling back and holding her arms. she looks up at you and you get the overwhelming feeling to cry into her arms. “i love you.” you say, pulling her back into a hug so you don’t have to look at her in the face.
“i love you more!” she says. you two stay wrapped up together for a moment longer before she taps your back. “i’m sinking.” seulgi says, making a show of picking up her legs to remove her heels from the grass.
“me too,” you say, letting go of her to pull both of you out of the earth. “our parents should be around here somewhere.” you say, linking arms with her and weaving through throngs of people. a lot of them stop the two of you to give hugs and exclaim how excited they are to be done with college. you're excited too, but there is a pit in the bottom of your stomach that reminds you that you're officially not a kid anymore. there's so much of life that you haven't experienced, and its all going to be laid out in front of you.
finally, you find your parents talking amongst each other, as well and mr and mrs. kim. seulgi is practically family to them at this point, so it makes sense that they showed up to support her. "congratulations!" mrs. kim yells, bouncing over to you two and engulfing you into a hug.
you go around giving hugs and accepting congratulations from everybody before ending up at your mothers side, clinging to her the way a child would. “so, what’s next?” mr. kim asks, and you and seulgi glance at each other before bursting into breathless giggles, no clear idea or answer.
everybody laughs when you two laugh and it puts you at ease for a moment. seulgis parents suggest heading to the restaurant to go eat, and you agree. “i think someone is looking for you,” your mom says, glancing over your shoulder. you assume it’s a fellow classmate, so you turn around with the intention to shout congratulations, but are stunned into silence when you see who it is, going weak at the knees.
he looks nervous, and so endearingly awkward that it makes you want to cry and scream. and in extreme chanyeol fashion, he holds an assorted bouquet of pink flowers between his hands.
your heart leaps into your throat, just as shock and confusion cross over your face. you wonder if he can see the desperation in your face, that your been wanting to see him for months. you’re aware of other people around you, but it just feels like it’s you and him. it’s been so long since you’ve seen him—nearly three months to the day—and you still don’t know how to properly function near him, or without him, for that matter.
“uh, hi,” he says, and your knees feel weak at him being so shy and awkward. somehow, your brain tells you to move, and you take a few short steps towards him, stopping when there’s about two feet of space between you. “hi.” he says again, looking down at you with a soft smile.
“hi,” you say, nervously wringing your hands in front of you. you shift your eyes to glance at the flowers, and his eyes widen like he forget he was holding them.
“oh, these are for you,” he says, a blush forming on his cheeks and going to the tips of his ears in the way that you’re so fond of. it makes your heart clench in your chest.
you thank him as you accept the flowers and hold them between to shaky hands. you wonder how you look to the people around you; if they can read your body language and see that you two have obvious history. or maybe you look as rigid as you feel, nervous and taut? “what are you doing here?” you ask, blinking a few times.
“uh, seulgi invited me,” he says. you whip your head around to glare at her, but are met with an empty path of grass; your mother the only person still standing there. “she said… she said you wouldn’t mind.” and you hate that she was right, because of course you’d want him here. you’d want him anywhere, at any time.
“oh. well… thank you for coming,” you say, ducking your head shyly. chanyeol nearly reaches out to tip your chin up, but stops himself before he gets the courage. you’re not his to touch like that, and the realization burns in his chest.
“always. i’m proud of you, y/n,” he says softly, and you look up at him, lips folded into your mouth. that pit in your stomach only gets deeper and you feel the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. you can feel yourself melting into the earth as he keeps looking you dead in the eye.
“thank you,” you say, hugging the flowers to your chest as if to ground you, like you’re afraid if you’re not anchored to something you might float up, up, up into the clouds and disappear among the stars. you’re not even sure you’re still breathing properly, not with the way you can smell his cologne despite being outdoors and surrounded by hundreds of people.
chanyeol glances behind you, and you become acutely aware of the fact that your mother is still standing behind you. “oh!” you exclaim, whirling around and motioning for your mom to come over. they’ve never met, and this isn’t necessarily the way you want them to meet, but you’re not going to have them ignore each other just because you’re broken up—especially not when he keeps looking at you like he could eat you. “mom, this is chanyeol; chanyeol, my mom.” you say, gently nudging her, telling her to be nice.
your mom shakes his hand and gives him a smile that doesn’t reach her eyes. a few months ago, she did her typical check in via a phone call. you never told her about chanyeol explicitly, just told her that there was a guy you were seeing back when you two first started dating. she asked about him here and there, but it was never anything pressing and you weren’t just going to give up the information. but when she called you after you two broke up, you couldn’t help but vent to her on the phone. for once, she let you cry in peace over a man—you don’t know why, maybe it’s because she could tell you actually liked him? but she let you cry and told you that one day, it would get better. she didn’t chastise you and tell you to simply get over it and to stop crying like you expected. you never asked her, but you figured she might’ve experienced something similar when she was your age or before you were born.
“it’s nice to put a face to a name, now,” your mom says, glancing at you before returning her gaze to chanyeol. he smiles, and the tips of his ears turn pink again. “how nice of you to show up today, too.” she adds and you cut your eyes at her, wanting her to lay off of him.
chanyeol only nods, his eyes never leaving yours as he says, “of course. i’m proud of her.” your whole body burns, the heat starting at your toes and spreading upwards. it’s too much to look at him, so you break first and awkwardly clear your throat.
“we’re about to go celebrate—you’re welcome to join us, if you want,” your mom says, shocking you and chanyeol, and probably even herself. you look at chanyeol with wide eyes, praying that he says no and spares an awkward, tension filled dinner.
“thank you, but i’ll pass for now,” he says politely and you nearly sigh in relief. your mom nods and smiles at him, seemingly happy with his answer, and announces that she’ll be waiting for you in the car.
you and chanyeol are truly left alone, and you don’t know how to determine the rolling of your stomach; anxiety, or excitement? either way, your pulse quickens and you feel shy when he smiles at you. "you look pretty, by the way," he compliments, and you feel like you're floating in the air when he says it. you thank him and he stuffs his hands into his front pockets of his jeans. "can i see you later? after your dinner?" chanyeol asks.
you bite the inside of your cheek. you know you should probably say no, because while you're elated to see him right now, you don't know when reality will set in and shatter whatever idea you have of him. his proposition from a few months ago still lurk in the depths of your memory, reminding you that you were too much and not enough for him at the same time. but on the flip side, you really do want to see him. theres so much you've wanted to say to him since your breakup and that rotten day.
blowing out a breath, you look up at chanyeol who wears a hopeful expression on his face. you’ve never been strong around him, never been able to resist him and those eyes that make you turn into mush around him. “yeah, sure. after dinner,” you say, nodding as if to convince yourself and psych yourself up.
chanyeol smiles, his dimples popping out and making your chest squeeze. “okay, cool. i’ll see you then,” he says. you nod and the two of you look at each other for a second before awkwardly laughing. chanyeol opens one of his arms, inviting you in for a hug. it takes everything in you to not throw yourself at him, and you slip underneath his arm just like you used to. you’re practically made to fit in his side.
the whole uber ride, you wonder if you’re too dressed up to see him. you changed your outfit four times, always feeling like it was too much or not enough, before you finally ended up in a blue, silk midi dress with lace trim, paired with heeled boots and a leather jacket. it might be too much, since it’s not a date. but he said he wanted to buy you a celebratory drink, and would it really hurt if you looked nice?
thanking your driver, you step out of the car and make the short walk into the bar. it’s quiet, save for the soft jazz music playing over the speakers. it’s definitely not somewhere you’d have picked if it was up to you, but it’s very chanyeol.
he sits at a high table near the windows, and gets up from his chair to greet you. it’s awkward again, stuck in the in between of a hug, or if you should just sit down. you both opt for the latter, chanyeol casting you a lingering glance. “what are you drinking?” you ask him, hanging your bag off the back of your chair.
“don’t know yet; i was waiting for you,” he answers, and you hate that you find it sweet. you only hum and start looking over the drink menu, not set on one particular drink.
“i think i’m gonna try this,” you say, pointing and showing chanyeol. he nods before slipping the menu from your fingertips and looking for his own option. you study him while he’s momentarily preoccupied and take in the few changes: the stubble, which you can admit you’re a fan of, thicker forearms like he’s been working out, and slightly longer hair. you slip your eyes to look out the window when he lifts his head and announces to you that he’s going to go order your drinks.
letting out a breath, you fold your hands together and glance around the bar, really wondering what you’re doing here with him. you know you shouldn’t be here after the way he tried to have some of you without having all of you, but you still have feelings for him despite it all. you’ve never really stopped.
chanyeol returns with your drinks and you two cheers before taking a sip, both making a face when you taste the alcohol. "so, how've you been—besides graduating?" chanyeol asks, looking over at you with a small, expectant smile.
with a shrug, you take another sip of your drink and set it down. "i've been fine, i guess. not really much going on," you say. "i have an interview coming up for this job—hopefully its my last one." chanyeols eyebrows raise at the mention of a new job, and eggs you on to tell him about it. you get a moment of deja vu, like you've had this conversation before and are going through the motions of trying to make everything right again.
"thats great, y/n. i'm really proud of you," he says it with so much genuineness that you have to take a deep breath to relax yourself. its just the simple things that make you ache the most. when you got an email back from the job, the first person you wanted to tell was him. he hasn't been an afterthought for you, not even after over 100 days of being apart.
you must get a look on your face, because chanyeol frowns and leans forward and asks if you're alright. "huh? yeah, i'm fine," you say, taking another sip of your drink. chanyeol backs off, but he knows you nearly as good as he knows himself, and the look on your face is one he's seen many of times. it lets him know that there is something on your mind that you aren't saying, but he knows better to press you about it, especially since you are not his anymore. "whats up with you?" you ask, wanting the attention off of you.
chanyeol goes on about how its been pretty much the same for him as well, except he's helping his cousin produce an album and is trying to get his brother in the studio more. you can't help but think about that fateful night at the drug store when you caught him buying condoms. you wonder if you hadn't run into him, if you wouldn't be sitting here with him trying to act normal and like you don't think about him nearly everyday. "y/n, you're doing it again," he notes, snapping you out of your own thoughts.
"doing what?"
he makes a face that says, really?, and shakes his head. "i know you, you know. say whatever's on your mind," you chew on the inside of your cheek and crack your fingers against your leg. "please, y/n."
you look up at him and your eyes start to well with tears, for reasons unknown to you and him. "oh my god," you mumble, covering your face with your hands. you sniff and wait for your eyes to dry up before uncovering your face and blowing out a heavy sigh of a breath. you look away from chanyeol as you talk, not trusting yourself to be able to make it while looking at him. "i am just so... confused, chanyeol. we don't talk for months, and then you show up to my graduation—and that was fine, okay?—but this? i can't just sit here and act normal with you, like we're friends or something, because we're not." your voice is even and slow, but you feel a wave of emotions brewing up again. "and with how we ended things? chanyeol, i need to know why you're trying to come around again because i just can't deal with it."
hes silent as he absorbs your words. chanyeol runs a hand through his hair and presses his lips together into a thin line. "okay, i'm just going to be honest, alright?" chanyeol looks over at you, and his stomach flips when you look up at him with wide, tear filled eyes. "first, i want to apologize—for everything, but especially the last time we saw each other. that was fucked up, and i knew it, and i still said it anyways. i wasn't... that just wasn't fair to you," chanyeols picks at his fingernails and looks down at his lap.
"i broke us up the first time; that wasn't your fault."
"yes, it was, y/n. there were things i didn't say to you, that i should have said. i could've tried harder, i could've just been honest with you," you bite your bottom lip, wishing he would just tell you those simple three words, whether they're still true or not. you need to hear it. "you can say it was all on you—fine—but i know that it wasn't. we both played a part, but it was completely my fault this time around. i don't want you to think that i... that i think less of you, because i don't. it was a stupid and fucked up thing for me to imply." chanyeols says, running his hand through his hair and gently tugging at the roots.
you fold your lips into your mouth and blink back the tears that form in your eyes again. his words mean something to you, so much that you don't think you'll be able to make it the rest of the night without crying. "y/n, can you look at me? please?" his tone is pleading, like its all he needs from you to get through the night. but you know the moment you look like him you'll start crying, and you don't know if you'll be able to stop. "please, y/n." and you wish he'd just call you baby.
with a breath, you finally turn your head to face him, and it hardly takes a second of seeing him before your face crumples and you drop your head into your hands. you're embarrassed for crying so quickly and in public, and you try to keep it silent. chanyeol jumps up from his chair and comes over to wrap you in a comforting embrace. you let him hold you for a moment, missing the feeling of being wrapped up in his strong arms. it doesn't last long before you mumble that you need air, and pull yourself from his grasp, not making eye contact with him as you slip on your jacket and dash outside.
you expect him to follow after you, and are greatly relieved when he does exactly that. "y/n," chanyeol says, a crestfallen expression on his face. the tears don't stop and you lean against the side of the building to support yourself. "i'm sorry." he's not really sure what he's apologizing for exactly, but he feels guilty and helpless watching you cry like this.
shaking your head, you wipe underneath your eyes and sniff, letting out a breath. "i don't know whats wrong with me," you mumble, letting out a weak chuckle. chanyeol gives you a small smile, taking a step closer to you. you take the risk of looking at him again, the urge to throw yourself into his arms tempting you. "why couldn't you just tell me?" you ask him, sniffing again. but you could ask yourself the same thin. why? seems to be the one question neither of you can figure out.
chanyeol lifts his shoulders and drops them before slumping against the building, mirroring your stance. "i don't know. i really don't. i felt—feel—so many things for you, so strongly, that i didn't want to ruin it or complicate it. especially if you didn't feel the same way," he says. the correction to the present tense makes your heart skip a beat, but also just makes you feel more frustrated.
"chanyeol, do you seriously think i just... kind of liked you, or something?" you ask, wiping the last of the tears from your cheeks. he shrugs and hangs his head when you let out a sarcastic cackle. "the way i felt about you scared the shit out of me. and since we're being honest, i still feel the exact same way. i can't even go a minute without thinking about you and wishing i could just go back in time so none of this happened." you're shocked that you found the bravery to tell him, but it feels like a weight has been taken off of your shoulders.
chanyeol blushes, and looks down at his shoes. "its the same thing for me. i really fucked up when i said what i said. i want you in more than that way, and i mean it. you mean more to me than just sex. i don't know why i thought i could even do that with you and not want more," you bite your bottom lip, his words settling in the pit in your stomach. the words are on the tip of your tongue, like they've been for months.
he beats you to the punch, nearly knocking the wind out of you. "i can't imagine trying to go through life without ever getting the chance to tell you that i love you. because i do, and i have for a long time, and i should have told you a long time ago."
"chanyeol," your voice cracks on the last syllable and tears immediately stream down your face again. his arms are around you in seconds, holding you tightly against him. chanyeol rests his chin atop your head and cages his body around you in a way that is just natural for the two of you.
you circle your arms around his torso and rest your cheek against his chest, letting out a deep breath and closing your eyes for a brief moment. this is all you've wanted, to be back in his arms, to be his, if not just for the moment.
"yeol," you mutter, pulling back to look up at him. chanyeols looks down at you and your eyes flick to his lips. thats all it takes for his lips to be on yours, one of his large hands cradling your head and the other around your waist. your palms rest flat on his chest before sliding up to grab onto the back of his neck to press him closer to you.
chanyeol backs you up against the wall of the building and presses your bodies impossibly closer, your hands sliding into his hair. you kiss him like its the last thing you'll do in this lifetime. theres a sense of desperation in the way you press yourself against him, but you don't care, and neither does he because all he does is shove his tongue into your mouth.
a whine leaves chanyeols throat when you pull away, and he chases after your lips. you blush and let him kiss you before you pull away again. you put your hands on his cheeks and look up at him, with what you can only image are heart eyes. "chanyeol," you say, gently stroking the left side of his face with your thumb.
"hmm?" he gently holds onto your wrist.
"i love you," you confess, and the smile that stretches across his lips is enough to make you weak in the knees.
"i love you." kiss. "i love you." kiss. "i love you." kiss.
you two stay like that for a few more minutes, pressed against each other. you feel his love for you in the way he holds you like you're delicate. you feel it in the way he kisses you like he means it, and you wonder why it couldn't have always been this easy and simple.
you've spent so long wondering why?, and you don't know if you'll ever find the answer, and for right now that is okay. because being back in chanyeols arms is enough.
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yeolsaintlaurent · 7 months
Nocturnal Reverie ch.9 [PCY]
pairing - chanyeol x fem reader
genre - mature, smut, angst
themes - power imbalance, romance, crime, justice, class divide, politics, sex
synopsis - In the sprawling, dystopian city of Emberhaven, where power and corruption reign supreme, the lives of two unlikely individuals collide in a tale of passion, intrigue, and moral reckoning. Chanyeol, an enigmatic and wealthy scion of the city's elite, finds himself captivated by the elusive Y/N, a cunning and resourceful thief who navigates the treacherous underworld of Emberhaven. Their first encounter, sparked by a chance meeting in a luxurious club called The Velvet Lounge, sets the stage for a whirlwind romance amidst a backdrop of crime, politics, and danger.
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warnings - none for this chapter
A/N - Hey my lovelies~ did you miss me? and did you miss our Chanyeol? Well, both of us are back, and as a thank you for waiting for us, here is a whole load of heart warming fluff, romantic gestures, and lovely bonding in serenity. Also guitar-playing yeol!! Let me know what you think of this chapter~~
Chapter 9: Harmony in Midnight melodies
In the tranquil embrace of Chanyeol's urban haven, the night unfurled enchantingly  as Chanyeol suggested they take a bath together. They had helped each other undress, gently, as he suggested they take a bath together. There were lingering touches, as they peeled the clothes off of each other, and playful glints in their eyes.
After the adrenaline-laden chase, their connection blossomed as they exchanged playful banter while helping each other wash away the remnants of the night's escapade. Chanyeol, ever the attentive host, orchestrated a bath like a maestro crafting a soothing melody—an oasis of fragrant bubbles and soft candlelight that cradled them in serene tranquility.
The ambiance, a blend of warm hues and the soft glow of flickering candles, transformed the living room into an intimate sanctuary. Plush towels cocooned their bodies as they emerged from the bath, the softness against their skin accentuating the sense of comfort and closeness.
A bottle of rich red wine awaited them on the coffee table, its deep aroma mingling with the playful banter that echoed through the room.
"So," Chanyeol grinned, pouring the wine, "what's the most adventurous thing you've ever done?"
Y/N chuckled, her eyes gleaming with mischief. "Well, aside from narrowly escaping danger tonight, I once climbed the city's tallest building just to see the sunrise."
Chanyeol raised an impressed eyebrow. "Now that's a story I want to hear."
Their conversation, a delightful dance of shared tales and laughter, added vibrant strokes to the canvas of the night. The city outside, with its twinkling lights and distant hum, provided a backdrop to their intimate exchange.
Chanyeol, with his guitar, plucked a melody that resonated in the walls of his home. The music, a sweet serenade that filled the room, seemed to harmonize with the laughter and conversation that flowed freely.
"I wrote this when I was figuring out life," Chanyeol shared, his fingers expertly navigating the strings. "It's a reminder that every note, like every moment, contributes to the symphony of our existence."
Y/N, captivated by both the melody and Chanyeol's words, leaned in closer. "It's beautiful, Chanyeol. You've got a talent for capturing emotions."
As the night unfolded, they shared the simple joy of cooking together. Chanyeol, with an apron tied loosely around his waist, guided Y/N through the steps of a recipe that spoke of warmth and shared moments.
"I've never been much of a chef," Y/N admitted, her laughter echoing in the cozy kitchen. "But with you as my guide, maybe I'll become a culinary master."
Chanyeol, his eyes twinkling, replied, "Who knows, we might just discover the perfect recipe for happiness."
Their whimsical night continued as Y/N, embracing the playful spirit of the moment, decided to paint Chanyeol's nails black. The vibrant hues of the polish contrasted with the robe he wore, creating a visual symphony that mirrored the harmonious energy between them.
"Never thought I'd be rocking black nails," Chanyeol chuckled, examining his hands. "But it suits the mood, doesn't it?"
Y/N, her laughter bubbling like a melody, replied, "Absolutely. Now you're officially part of the midnight aesthetic club."
In return, Chanyeol picked out a blushy pink nail polish, and with meticulous care, painted Y/N's nails. The delicate strokes of the brush mirrored the tenderness that enveloped them, a connection that transcended the ordinary.
As the night deepened, Chanyeol, with a playful glint in his eye, attempted to curl Y/N's hair. The gentle tug of the curling iron, combined with their laughter, became a whimsical moment etched in the fabric of their shared adventure.
Outside, the city's heartbeat continued, oblivious to the private symphony of laughter and connection within Chanyeol's home. The couple, wrapped in blankets on the balcony, gazed at the city lights. The ambient glow, a reflection of the warmth they found in each other, created a serene finale to their night.
Pouring more glasses of wine, their conversation meandered into more personal territories. Y/N, guided by the gentle current of the night, began to share the intricacies of her past. Her childhood unfolded like a cherished storybook, illuminated by the love and support of her amazing parents.
Y/N began to open up about her past. She spoke of her childhood, where she had been blessed with amazing parents who loved and supported her. Her eyes glistened with fond memories as she painted a picture of a warm and loving family.
But then, her tone grew somber as she recounted the heart-wrenching moment that had shattered her world. During her sixth term in college, she received a devastating call that her parents had passed away. She rushed back home in anguish, only to find that their bodies had mysteriously vanished. The loss and confusion had plunged her into a pit of depression, forcing her to quit college and navigate the harsh, unforgiving streets of Emberhaven.
Y/N's voice quivered as she continued her story. She revealed how, in her darkest days, she had discovered her ability to use her feminine wiles and her athletic skills to her advantage. It was a stark contrast to the bright future she had once envisioned, but it had become a means of survival in the unforgiving city.
Chanyeol listened in silence, his expression filled with empathy and understanding. The weight of her past was etched in her eyes, and in this shared moment of vulnerability, they began to forge a deeper connection.
"Life has a way of throwing curveballs, doesn't it?" Chanyeol mused, sipping his wine with a thoughtful expression. "And yet, here we are, making sense of our stories in the midst of chaos."
As Y/N shared her life story, Chanyeol couldn't help but admire her resilience and strength. Her past was a mosaic of love, loss, and survival, and she had managed to emerge from it, albeit with a few scars. When she finished her narrative, he knew it was time to open up about his own life.
Taking a sip of the rich red wine, Chanyeol began, "Well, I had quite a different upbringing from yours. I came from a very sheltered and privileged home, with all the trappings of wealth. My family wanted me to follow in my father's footsteps, to take over his business."
He paused, his gaze distant, as he omitted the truth about his father's criminal empire. Instead, he continued with a faint smile, "But, I didn't really receive the proper love and attention I needed from my parents. It was more about grooming me to be the perfect heir."
Y/N's eyes held a warmth that encouraged him to share more, "Eventually, I realized that the life they had planned for me wasn't what I wanted. I decided to leave that life behind and start anew, find my own path."
Chanyeol took another sip of wine, his eyes locking with Y/N's. "It was a difficult decision, and it meant leaving behind everything I had known. But it was the best choice I ever made. I wanted to find a life that was meaningful to me, a life where I could be myself."
His revelation hung in the air, the weight of their pasts and their present circumstances converging on the balcony. The unspoken understanding between them was powerful, a bond that transcended the complexities of their lives.
Their hearts had bared the secrets of their pasts, and now in the intimate streaks of city lights and under the twinkling stars, Chanyeol couldn't help but confess his true feelings for Y/N. He looked into her eyes, his own filled with sincerity and a hint of playful charm.
"Y/N," he began, his voice low and loving, "from the moment I saw you, I knew there was something special about you. I was drawn to your spirit, your strength, and your incredible beauty. But as we spent time together, I realized that there's so much more to you than meets the eye. You're not just any woman; you're extraordinary, and I can't help but be captivated by you."
Chanyeol's confession was met with a warm smile from Y/N, her eyes reflecting the affection she felt for him. "Chanyeol," she replied, her voice equally tender, "I feel the same way. There's something about you that makes my heart race, that makes me feel alive and happy in a way I haven't in a long time."
Their words hung in the air, explicit understanding of the depth of their feelings. Chanyeol leaned in slowly, capturing Y/N's lips in a soft and passionate kiss. It was a kiss that spoke of longing and affection, a promise of the romantic night they were about to share.
As they embraced, they knew that their connection was more than just a chance encounter. It was a rare and beautiful thing, born from the complexities of their pasts and the shared experiences that had brought them together. In each other's arms, they found solace and the promise of a love that had the potential to heal the wounds of their pasts.
"I never imagined a single unexpected encounter could lead to something so magical," Chanyeol mused, his voice a soft undertone to the city's nocturnal melody.
Y/N, her head resting on his shoulder, replied, "Life's full of surprises, isn't it? But I wouldn't have it any other way."
They sat in companionable silence, their fingers entwined, savoring the magic of the night—a night that marked the beginning of a chapter filled with laughter, shared secrets, and the promise of a love that blossomed in the most unexpected of places.
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softpcysuggestions · 6 years
After having a long movie night at his place chanyeol offers to let you stay over for the first time, he walks to his room grabbing you a sweater of his to wear to bed. After putting it on you hear a sharp intake of breath as you walked out of the bathroom, you glance up at him his cheeks dusty pink, his eyes trained on your sweater paws and how his sweater swarms your entire figure, a hand grasping lighly at his chest as his heart fills with so much adoration for you. He reaches out and softly grabs your hands, pulling you towards him surrounding you with his warm arms, you bury your head into his chest as he rests his head softl on top of yours
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sweetjekyll · 3 years
25 Kisses — PCY
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pairing: Park Chanyeol x Aquarius!OC / Reader (first pov) 
genre: birthday au, fluff, domestic life, established relationship, one shot rating: teen and up  warnings: slightly suggestive towards the end but it’s nothing worth tagging 18+  word count: ~1k 
summary: Birthday morning with one of your my favorite tall man
A/N: today is my birthday and I’m finally 25! yay! this piece is 1st pov since I’ve been actually struggling to write any 2nd pov fic recently, since it’s also my birthday I thought I’d indulge myself just this once hehe. anyway, I hope you like it! I miss Chanyeol a lot lately, I hope this helps those who miss him too. ps: I’m not a native english speaker, I think I’ve mentioned this before, but there might be some errors, I did not proof read this!
⟶ To my dear readers: feedback is highly encouraged and important! as it gives me motivation to write with more passion, knowing that you like what you are reading. Please LIKE and REBLOG so more people can find this and read it. ❤ My askbox is always open for questions or to chat ❤
Enjoy! ❤
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Mornings with him were my favorite, despite me hating mornings with a burning passion. I love waking up with his arm draped over me, to the warmth of his body pressed against mine and his soft breath tickling the skin on my neck and shoulder. It’s when I feel the most at peace and it makes me smile absentmindedly. Dreamland cannot compare to waking up in Park Chanyeol’s embrace.
The first kiss he gave me was a very sleepy one, pouty lips caressing my shoulder and slowly moving towards my neck, until he attacked with a loud smooch. Chanyeol knew about that spot just below my ear where I’m most ticklish, and he still went for it to watch me squirm and giggle in his arms, trying to get some distance between our bodies but he never lets me. In the end, I’m always pulled back against him under the bedsheets, until I kiss him back and greet him with a good morning.
“Good morning, beautiful.” It should’ve sounded like a whisper, but it was much deeper when he said it as he wore a content smile while looking back at me with those soft, breathtaking, black eyes.
“Had a good night’s sleep?” I nuzzled the tip of my cold nose in the crook of his neck, returning a kiss to his skin, which was much gentler than his.
“I always sleep well with you next to me…” One of his hands reached out from under the sheets to brush back the mess of hair that was covering my face and I looked up at him; my will to sleep was long gone despite having woken up before the alarm went off.
“That’s so cheesy, but I love it.” Huffing a bit ungracefully, I adjusted my position and laid on my belly, partially leaning against him. One arm was folded on top of his toned chest with my chin resting on top of it.
It appeared as if his smile got wider and brighter when our eyes met again. “Do you know what day it is?”
I furrowed my brows and averted my gaze, thinking hard, but my brain was still coming down from dreamland. It took me a long moment before I remembered, but I shook my head instead. “Why don’t you remind me?” A playful grin caught his attention… he knew me too well.
“Okay, close your eyes,” Chanyeol pointed a finger at me as he bit hit bottom lip, eyebrows slightly raised in a warning, “no peeking!” I did as he said and felt his body shift a little, I could hear his hand reaching out towards the nightstand on his side of the bed. I heard him opening a drawer followed by some rummaging a shuffling, his hand was outstretched so far and in an awkward position that I couldn’t help but peek with one eye. “Hey, I said no peeking!” His chest reverberated with a chuckle when he noticed one of my eyes open, looking in the direction of the drawer.
“Sorry!” I sat up on my knees and covered my face with both of my hands, to allow him take whatever he was looking for without being awkwardly twisted onto the bed. “It’s not like I can see a thing without my glasses on anyway!” I whined, yet still felt excited.
“Happy birthday, baby.” I felt his lips press on my forehead and I removed my hands to see what he had been looking for earlier. He held a black velvet jewelry box, but it was too big to hold a ring. Nonetheless, my mouth fell agape as my pupils darted from his eyes to the box he was holding out to me.
“Loey…” I couldn’t help but bring my hands to my chest and pout my lips in disbelief, tears clouded my eyes.
He quickly pouted his lips too at my reaction. “What— you haven’t seen it yet!” He reached out to gently hold one of my hands and brought it to his lips, kissing my knuckles. “Ready?” He opened the little box, making me gasp and giggle at the sight of a gorgeous golden necklace, the pendant had some tiny diamonds encased in an irregular design. “It’s our zodiac signs connected.”
I looked closer at the pendant and noticed that indeed it resembled two constellations, Sagittarius and Aquarius, blending with each other. The sight of such a thoughtful gift made even more tears rush to my eyes. The panicked expression in Chanyeol’s eyes was quickly replaced by a groan, after I threw my arms around his shoulders and held him close in a tight embrace, lulling him left and right gently. “Thank you, Loey, I love it so much!”
“Wait till you get my second gift!” Chanyeol’s words took me off guard and I looked at him with a puzzled expression.
“There’s more?” I shrieked wide eyed.
He swiftly stole a breathless kiss from me thanks to our close proximity and nodded. “Twenty-five kisses for my love turning 25 today…” mischief was back in those dark eyes of his, yet still shining a joyful light, “And so far I believe I’ve only given you six.” He suddenly snaked his arms behind my back and laid me back down in bed, laughter feeling the intimacy of the room at the crack of dawn.
“When did you start counting them?!” Yet the question was long forgotten after his lips found mine once more, but they didn’t stay there for long…
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saebyeog-i · 4 years
⇏ Not all work contains smut but most work contains mature themes/content, i.e. mentions of alcohol, drugs, sexual themes, mental health topics, etc; please check the summaries on each post for warnings + their tags for details.
⇏ I’m not your mom but I’m probably old enough to be your big sister so don’t read smut if you’re under age. The internet and fanfics are not where you want to learn about sex, trust me.
❥ fluff | ☂ angst | ❂ suggestive | ☾ smut (18+)
J O H N N Y | Y O U N G H O
➵ bitter brews - not quite a coffeeshop au / Spending the summer on the Big Island helping your brother in law on his coffee farm through the summer harvest was the plan. Having him and your sister bail to stay in the lower 48 and leave you to run the whole operation for a few months was not. Neither was the live-in help your brother in law hired to work for you without telling you. (f!reader x Johnny series; this is self indulgent and writing this is like therapy for me so it takes forever sorry not sorry)
➵ pt. i / 19.6k / ❥ ❂ ☂ ➵ pt. ii / wip / ☾ ☂
➵  soft - office romance au / 2.1k drabble / Jaemin from IT wears gaudy sweaters, and only gaudy sweaters. Jaemin from IT is patient, and kind, and doesn’t lose his temper. It’s an attractive quality, you have to admit, and if Jaemin from IT wasn’t the walking embodiment of marshmallow fluff you’d think more about him. But he is, so you don’t, and instead sigh out loud as you watch him huff and blow the fluffy bangs out of his eyes as he’s crouched under your desk, re-running the wires for your office phone. (f!reader x IT Worker!Jaemin, drabble one shot) ❥ ☾
➵ what it feels like - this sat on a shelf next to a soulmates au for five minutes / 1.8k / “If this was a brave new world you’d entered with that thinly veiled declaration of love, you wanted no part of it.” (Gender neutral reader x PCY Drabble) ❥ ❂
➵ a formal occasion - established relationship idolverse au / 6.66k / “He could probably hear your muttering but not any specific words, so you waved your hands subtly in an attempt to reassure him that everything was fine, nothing unusual was happening, and your boyfriend definitely wasn’t talking about sex while seated in the third row pew of a church.” (F!reader x PCY one shot)  ☾ ❥
Don’t ask for updates* I don’t know it’s whenever my serotonin levels are high enough that they let me write okay?
* = unless I’ve specifically asked for you to bully me into writing because I’m motivated but lacking focus xoxo
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miramizar · 4 years
11 questions tag
I was tagged by @achenlove, @milky-waee, @conqueredthemagic and @notasiren21​! Haha this took such a long time to do and I know I’m terribly late but thank you for tagging me! I had lots of fun, even if answering all these combined took both time and energy haha~ 💕
Post the rules Answer the questions given to you by the tagger. Write 11 questions of your own Tag 11 people
My Questions:
1) Sunny days or rainy days?
2) It’s saturday morning, you’ve slept in and you are free the entire day. What do you do?
3) If a book/tv-series you love doesn’t end happily, will you get angry and never read/watch it again?
4) You get to fill a bag with whatever candy you like from your local supermarket! What do you fill it with?
5) Have you ever played an instrument? (Singing also counts~)
6) What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you see the word “happiness”?
7) Recommend me a book!
8) If you were to start a new hobby, what would you do?
9) Do you have any favourite words? (doesn’t matter which language you choose!)
10) Tell me your favourite movie from Disney, Pixar and Studio Ghibli~
11) What encouraging words do you need to hear right now?
I’d like to tag @xiuminscheeks​, @ladyliliah​, @youngk-hun​, @qtpie1098​, @suhosmilitarywife​, @cottonhyun​​, @iyeolie​​​​, @bloomingyouths​​ and whoever wants to do this! 💞
My answers are under the cut if you want to read them! (^_^)💗
1. What´s a hidden talent of yours?  
Um, can shake my eyes and move my nostrils?
2. What makes you really really angry? 
Whenever things don’t go the way I want to (and I get angry at myself) and when people are being rude
3. If you got one wish, what would you wish for? 
For everybody to be happy~
4. Tell us the reason your bias is your bias! 
I just love everything about Junmyeon - his dorkiness, his big heart, how adorable he is, how thoughtful and stubborn he is, his beautiful smile... Everything really 💖 Jinki is so natural and warm and soft... Leo is a sweetheart, so kind and humble and open with his thoughts, and his smile is so beautiful my heart hurts 💘 for Mark, it’s how cute and hard-working he is, and how easy he finds things interesting and funny~ and Leeteuk is just a big, pretty ball of weird who manages to make me laugh at any time~ 💕
5. If you only could listen to one song for the rest of your life, what song would you choose? 
Oh my goodness I can’t answer that (>_<;)
6. If you were able to go on a date with your bias, what would you do and why?
Something calm, like visiting a café or a bookshop would be lovely~ (>///<)💘
7. What makes you happy? 
Seeing the people I love being happy and dorky 💖
8. Name 5 things you wouldn´t be able to live without! 
My family, music, books, candy and nature 💚
9. You´ve just won 1 million dollars, what do you do with them? 
Probably pay off my family’s loans, use a little of it to buy myself books and cute things and such, and then give the rest to charity~
10. Tell us 3 things your followers doesn´t know about you! 
Ahh, well I just started painting with watercolours (I’m truly a beginner but it’s fun so far~), I know enough japanese to understand what’s going on in un-subbed shows, and I really like planning things out but actually doing them is hard (>w<)❣️
11. What is your dream, your goal in life?
I don’t really know... I want to make people happy, of course... I haven’t thought beyond that really, maybe I should do that...
~Next set of questions!~
1 RANDOM QUESTION BUT: what would you name your dog if you had one??? (I need suggestions)
Ahah I do have one and his name is Picasso!
2 Favourite pic/gif/MEME of your bias? 
adhgfaoad I love all pictures of my biases but I love these a lot!!
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3 what would you say to your bias if you had the chance to talk to them (like, you meet them while they’re drinking a coffee and you just pass by and you exchange a few words)
I would say thank you for working so hard and for always thinking of us fans, and that I treasure them a lot 💕
4 Chen’s “Ah waeeeee” or Xiumin’s “marshmallow~ marshmallow~”?
They’re both cute!! In different ways! But I guess “marshmallow~”? (>^<)💞
5 “Yo, nice skirt” or “up and down like a rollercoaster”?
up and down like a rollercoaster 🎶
6.Do you like pineapple on your pizza? Please be honest.
Yup! 🍍❤️ 🍕~
7 What’s your favourite girl group?
I don’t really like that many girl groups but I’m currently looking into Mamamoo and Brown Eyed Girls~
8 would you let Pcy punch you in the face killing you instantly? (this is important)
Um, If he has to? But preferably not :>
9 You’re in Baek’s room and he’s asleep next to Mongryong. He looks like an angel.Would you rather fall asleep next to him hugging him or steal Mongryong and start running as fast as you can? :=))))
Sleep next to him, definitely! 
10 What’s your favourite MV??
I really like Overdose, For life and Universe~
11 It’s 3 am and you hear strange noises from the apartment in front of yours: it’s Suho dancing to Red Velvet’s Red Flavor. Would you join him or throw a shoe at him?
Join him!! ❤️
~Next set of questions!~
1. Original bias in your ult group?
2. How did you get into kpop?
My youngest sister is into dancing and she found some cool videos on youtube one day, showed me and the rest is history 💫
3. What’s the best way kpop has changed your life?
It gave me friends, let me grow closer to my sisters and inspired me in an otherwise very grey reality 💕
4. If you could start your own group, what concept would you have and what position would you hold?
I’d probably be the exasperated leader (I took a quiz recently so I got proof) for a group that makes music that is both soft and happy, and a bit dark and upbeat~ ❣️ Maybe a little like VIXX’s style?
5. Fave look of your bias? (Era wise)
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6. Fave pet of the members?
All of them! 💓
7. Fave mv of your ultimate group?
I already answered this, but they’re all really nice so it’s hard to just pick one... Maybe Universe, since it’s so aesthetically pleasing and also pretty deep? :> 
8. Favorite fanfic??
That’s something for another post haha but oh well, I really love “Got hands like the ocean” by apaixono, it has me squealing and laughing and crying and everything in between~ 💕
9. Have you seen your bias group live?
Nope - even though they were really close to me when they were in Germany, I didn’t have enough money to go :<
10. Favorite EXO blogs and why?
uh... I think they’re all great? I mean, both the ones creating stuff and those who reblog things... we’re all important to the fandom ❣️
1. Describe yourself with 3 words
Kind, creative, insecure
2. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
My self-confidence... if I had more of it I think I would be happier... 
3. What do you do to make yourself happy when you´re sad? 
Look at fun things that my favourite kpop-groups do, Gaki no Tsukai, Yoon Siyoon, reading and being creative (when it works out, if it doesn’t I just get more sad 💘), being with my family and pets~
4. If you could meet your 5-year old self, what would you say to her/him? 
You’re great just the way you are, don’t ever forget that 💝
5. What is you biggest fear? 
Ending up alone... and accidentally hurting people :<
6. When did you start listen to kpop?
In the spring of 2016 I think?
7. If you could meet your bias for a minute, what would you say to him/ her?
Thank you for everything you do and for thinking about your fans, I'm so happy to know you 💓
8. Name 3 people you admire
Apart from all the amazing kpop people ahah (>w<) Well, Itzhak Perlman, Aki (manga artist) and the crown princess of Sweden~
9. What´s the sound you like the most? 
The wind blowing through things; like trees and grass and wind chimes~
10. If you got one wish, what would you wish for? 
Everybody’s happiness~
11. What would you do if you were invisible for a day?
Read somewhere in a corner I guess... maybe check out some stores, some are so crowded that I just feel like I’m being in the way if I go inside so I don’t, but if I were invisible I could actually do it... I don’t really know haha 💕
~Next set of questions!~
1. Who is your favourite EXO-CBX member and why?
They’re all amazing, but I choose Xiumin - because he’s so soft and full of surprises! 💜
2. Who in your bias group would you like to be your best friend?
Oh... well I’m very similar to D.O so maybe D.O? (>v<)💖
3. Who is your NCT bias (if you have one)?
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4. What is your favourite food?
Steak with potatoes, gravy and lingonberry jam~ ❤️
5. Favourite thing about your bias -personality wise?
All of my biases try really hard, they’re very kind and spontaneous and aren’t afraid of being dorky~ 💗
6. What’s your favourite body part of your bias?
Okay this is really embarrassing (/▽\*)。o○♡ I’m not really one to like specific body parts but I kind of love Jinki’s thighs because they look healthy? ajfdaihfba
7. Favourite colour?
Soft and bright ones, like white, light blue and light purple~
8. Who has the best humour in your bias group?
Suho is the funniest in EXO, period. (>w<)💕 but yeah, I find all my biases the most fun in all of my favourite groups~
9. What’s your favourite animal?
Cats ✨
10. Would you rather go on an ice cream date or a coffee-shop date with your bias?
I’m happy to do either, as long as I get to be with my bias (>///<)❣️
11. How do you feel about beans?
...not really a fan. Hide it in other food and I’ll eat it, otherwise I won’t eat it.
~Next set of questions!~
1) Your favorite quote that grounds you to being yourself?
Oh, that’s a good question... maybe “You doubt your value. Don’t run from who you are.” It’s a quote from the Narnia books that I really like, and since I struggle a lot with self-loathing it is very important to me since it makes me remember that I am valuable~ 💫
2) Ultimate ship you’re fond of and love?
This is pretty much impossible to answer because I have wayyyyy to many ships and I can’t choose just one of them adjfbnaidfad
3) Favorite soulmate AU type? (I.e. name on wrist, heterocrhomia eyes of your other half’s, seeing color for the first time)
I like all of them but I haven’t heard of the heterochromia one, that sounds really beautiful!
4) Favorite show of yours that you love that’s not in your first language?
Merlin. I like a lot of shows but Merlin is the one I keep coming back to. ✨
5) Your white noise show? (Go to show you can rewatch countless times and tune in and out of)
SCRUBS. Definitely. It’s such a great show, perfectly balanced between humour and seriousness and almost every episode works well on it’s own so no matter when you decide to watch you’ll have a nice time~
6) Fictional character you wish was real to validate your unnecessary crush?
Oh, I don’t really fall in love with fictional characters? I just ship them with people from their own universe haha (^^;)
7) A weird phobia you have that you can’t explain?
I have phobias, but I don’t know if they’re un-explainable... like my fear of insects can be explained by me getting stung by a bee when I was little...
8) Sweets or Sours?
I like both, but I’’ll say sweets! 🍬
9) Are you an artist, writer, musician, or part of the adoring audience who supports them?
...I’m a bit of them all? I play the violin so I am a musician, and I like to write and I always support other artists 💗
10) Favorite band?
I love a lot of Kpop groups, and apart from that... musically or personality-wise? Because musically I’d say any group made by Alexander Bard, but personality-wise... Westlife? Maybe??
Congratulations for reading all of those messy answers! (>W<) You’re amazing~ Have a nice day! 💖
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thechanbaeklibrary · 4 years
Thank u for opening it again and THANK YOU FOR YOUR HARDWORK 🥰❤ can you suggest any fic with bottom chanyeol being submissive or soft?
hey! it’s really hard to find bottom pcy so we suggest you check out our tag here! and thanks!
-the chanbaek ℓibrary team
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hazybyun · 5 years
In your arms | PCY
Summary: Being alone had always frightened you, but being alone on a stormy night without your boyfriend really set a deep fear inside of you. The one thing that would calm you down was the sweet scent and safety of Chanyeol’s embrace. He didn’t seem to be real, the love and warmth he held in his heart for you was something anyone would dream of- so after the boy’s arrived home early, naturally a great wave of relief would wash over you
Pairing: Chanyeol X Reader
Genre: Fluff | One-shot
Warnings: PTSD trigger- fireworks,  thunder and lightning
Word count: 2.2K
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Truthfully, the past few months had felt like hell without the guys. You missed hearing their laughter, annoying yells when losing games on a Thursday night- Jongdae especially would always make it known if he had lost. Each member meant a lot to you and you saw 8 of them as you big brothers who kept you safe at all costs. 
It had been around 2 years now since your boyfriend had first introduced you to the rest of his members- and thankfully, you all seemed to click right away (much to his relief) The boys treated you like you were family, if you had a rough day and felt like everything was falling apart they would be there for you; When your boyfriend couldn’t comfort you the boys would always try their best to fill that empty spot- something that Kyungsoo, in particular, was especially brilliant at. It was around the 3rd month into EXO’s tour- and this time things only seemed to feel lonelier.
They hadn’t been gone for too long but your relationship with the boys was strong now, seemingly unbreakable. Especially with your boyfriend, Chanyeol- things had become serious recently, the two of you were beginning to talk about your future together. And yet, as always his career would rip the taller male away from you just when you wanted him the most. During their last tour, the boys had been allowed to contact family whenever they had time. But this time their manager wasn’t so laid back. Chanyeol had barely called you during the last few months, it was a drastic change from the daily messages and lengthy evening calls where you would talk about almost complete nonsense for hours. 
Nights alone like these were the worst. You had always been absolutely terrified of thunder and loud things such as fireworks due to an incident in the past. When you were in high school, during your sophomore year a few friends had a celebration and used some fireworks in the back garden. It was just past midnight when it happened, your friends had decided to let off the fireworks without warning and you were far too close. The noise was almost deafening and you suffered some serious burns up your right arm that had left some a dew obvious scars. 
The only person who could really make you feel safe when stuck in a situation like this was Chanyeol. And as you shuffled around in the large bed that felt completely empty without your boyfriend- you couldn’t help but realize just how much you missed the man.
It was an unpleasant evening, to say the least- the rain was pouring heavily accompanied by thunder. No matter how hard you tried, getting to sleep was an issue. Usually on nights like these things would play out much differently if your boyfriend was with you...
You buried yourself under the covers and hid your face underneath the pillows. The dorm was completely empty except for you- things had been hectic recently what with the company finally allowing your boyfriend and his members to promote for a decent amount of time. However, it often meant that you were left alone in the evenings and things weren’t exactly pleasant considering your fear of loud noises and storms.
The strikes of lightning illuminated the dark bedroom in an eerie light from time to time, often accompanied by loud crashes that caused you to shake. Everything was far too overwhelming for you- the noises and sudden bursts of light through the slightly translucent curtains were so distracting you hadn’t even heard the door open.
One by one, the boys poured into the dorm- smiling and chatting quietly amongst themselves as they threw their bags to the side...something that they knew you would kill them for in the morning. Junmyeon glanced around the seemingly empty dorm as he unzipped his grey coat and hung it up neatly- he glanced at a taller figure who was the last to enter. He was the first to notice how seemingly empty the dorm was. He knew you were aware that it was the day they came home for a few weeks since not only himself but your boyfriend and the other boys had constantly been reminding you and uttering soft words of reassurance every time they were able to get a hold of you. ‘Don’t forget! We’ll be home soon!’ Was how all of the boys seemed to end their calls as if they had rehearsed it in order to help you feel some sort of comfort and distraction from the loneliness that had slowly been swallowing you like quicksand.
A soft, yet concerned frown fell onto his face. He looked around with a curious gleam in his eye, it wasn’t like you to ever miss them after all. The last time they had just returned from a tour- you had stayed up all night in excitement just like a child on Christmas. Any of them could easily remember the tears of joy that fell from your eyes as you ran to each member, hugging them tightly as if they were to disappear from your hold if you didn’t keep an eye on them. The warmth Chanyeol felt in his heart that day as he held you close to him and gently stroked your hair, mumbling sweet nothings in your ear as he gently rubbed the small of your back. It was something he was hoping for a repeat of this evening but as they stood in the dark, quiet dorm- curiosity riddled the young man’s face.
“Is she home..?” Jongdae asked in a curious tone, whilst looking around- even he knew it wasn’t like you to not make a show of their return...even if it was only for one evening. 
Jongin patted your boyfriend on the back reassuringly and let out a soft sigh “Well, you never know she could be staying at your sisters'.” He glanced at his elder friend with a reassuring look in his eye- knowing that Chanyeol’s older sister had become very fond of you recently  “You know how lonely she gets when you leave.”
It was just then when another loud crash of thunder erupted from the sky accompanied by a quick strike of lightning that brightened the hallway and illuminating the faces of the nine men that stood, slouching against the walls out of utter exhaustion. Chanyeol stood in thought for a moment, at first he assumed that you were asleep or perhaps at his sister’s place like Jongin had suggested. But it was highly unlike you to not call him when you had been very aware he was coming home today. As if everything had suddenly seemed to click in your boyfriend’s mind when the sound of the thunder boomed throughout the dorm- he dropped everything and rushed through the hallway, heading straight up the stairs before he reached the room the two of you shared.
A soft, shaky sigh left the man’s lips as his hand slowly reached up and ran through his chestnut-brown thick hair. The room was almost pitch black save fort the slithers of moonlight that travelled into the room through the cracks in the curtains and if he didn’t concentrate, your curled up figure- disguised as a lump in the middle of the bed could have been possibly overlooked. He hated seeing you so terrified of the noises, and it made Chanyeol feel beyond guilty for not being there on nights like this when they were performing or had a schedule.
 The man climbed into the bed and wrapped his arm securely around your waist, causing you to jump slightly out of surprise; you’d been hiding underneath your pillow, avoiding the loud sounds of thunder, for the majority of the night. Ever since you were little thunder had been a big fear of yours and your only main source of coping with it was your boyfriend.
You shuffled slightly underneath the cover, turning into his muscular chest. His scent alone was reassuring, the soft smell of vanilla lightly dancing on Chanyeol’s skin reminded you that the thunder was nothing more than a noise. A loud noise that was separated by the walls of the dorm and large windows- in a way, it was like you were safe. In his arms, you couldn’t be harmed, the thunder was nothing more than noise and nothing could hurt you on the outside walls of the dorm. 
He seemed to know exactly what to do and when to do it without even asking, it was like he was a natural after being with you for so long. “Hey...” a soft, smooth and reassuring tone leaving his plump lips. Chanyeol pressed a soft kiss to your cheek, smoothing down your hair as he cuddled you. His vanilla-like scent and the way that your boyfriend gently rocked you in his arms caused an immediate wave of calm to wash over you, like all your fears of the noise and worries seemed to immediately leave you. The tension you felt in your muscles slowly relaxed as your hands clung to the taller male’s plain black shirt. 
Chanyeol didn’t pressure you to talk to him, look at him or even speak with him. He understood that in situations like these...you needed time to slowly unravel the tight knot of fear in your stomach and he knew that it would only stress you out even more if he tried to put you in a situation that you weren’t comfortable with.
 A small, apologetic quiet laugh left your lips as you peaked up at the man- the first thing you saw was his warm and slightly goofy lop-sided smile that revealed his dimples. You gently played with the material of the shirt he wore “I’m really sorry about this...” as always, you couldn’t help but be apologetic. Dragging him into your panic attacks, your troubles, anything that caused you to have a minor episode made feel guilty; Park Chanyeol seemed to push his own burdens aside in order to help you and the guilt slowly built up. Because you only wished that he would let you care for him just as much as your boyfriend cared for you.
 The man frowned softly and immediately shook his head as his hand gently smoothed down your hair “Don’t you dare apologize.” Chanyeol shook his head and hushed you quickly be pressing his finger against your lips “You can’t help being afraid of something...”
 His words managed to distract you slightly from the storm outside,  that was until a large crash of thunder sounded from outside of the bedroom windows. Accompanied by a sudden flash of light that illuminated your boyfriend’s features slightly. Everything seemed to crash down in that moment, your body began to shake. A small yelp left your plump lips that were sore from the anxious chewing you had resorted to earlier when you were home alone- attempting to deal with the storm the best you could on your own. It was louder than usual, something that had set off an alarming amount of panic that surged through your body like a wildfire. 
You furrowed your brows slightly whilst doing your best to cover your ears although it did little to help you try and block out the loud noises that were bringing back too many old fears. A pair of strong arms wrapped securely around you, gently rocking you in his arms “You’re okay baby, you’re okay... nothing’s gonna hurt you- I’m here...” Chanyeol spoke in a deep yet soft and comforting tone, his honey-like voice seemingly warming you and it gradually began to melt away the fear.
Footsteps slowly entered the room, treading lightly upon the wooden floor of your bedroom as to not disturb either of you. Yixing lightly peaked around the corner of the bedroom to check upon the both of you. Aside from Chanyeol, you were closest with Yixing- he treated you with love just like a real older brother would. Storms always worried him, the two of you had grown up together, in fact the two of you had travelled to Korea together to study after he had announced his acceptance into SM Entertainment. The concerned frown the knitted his brows together slowly left his face, accompanied by a soft sigh of relief as he saw the two of you. 
Chanyeol held you securely in his arms, possessing so much love for you it was obvious to anyone who had even known the pair of you for barely two minutes that you were the main focus of his life. Your boyfriend gently rocked you in his arms, one of his hands slowly rubbing the small of your lower back as he buried his face in the crook of your neck and whispered sweet words of reassurance- telling you how well you were doing and that everything would be alright.
“Please don’t leave me.” You whispered in a shaky voice that was almost inaudible, a tone so quiet only he could her.
Chanyeol smiled softly as shook his head as he looked down at you with loving eyes, using his long and slender finger to gently lift up your chin and look you in the eyes. 
“I wouldn’t dream of it.”
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fluffybunnybaekhyun · 6 years
soft stan - park chanyeol
soft stan - park chanyeol
GENRE: FLUFF + a tiny bit of suggestiveness 
this is cus of my recent pcy post a person commented 'daddy' um
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you're basically a soft chanyeol stan
you can't be a hard stan because you love him so much?? like ???
btw you guys are dating lolol
you and chanyeol haven't frickle frackled in a while cus ya know you're a soft stan lmaoo
so one day he's like 'babe?? you wanna do the deed ya know??!!'
so you have to break the heartbreaking news to him
'chanyeol, you know i love you so much and you mean so much to me but...i cant frickle frackle with you'
he's confused like ?? what do you mean???
'are you sure you know what i'm talking about? i mean like i wanna stick my pickle in you. you know...that' he'll say and he'll even even do the hole and his finger going through the whole thing for you to understand what he's talking about
'i know what you mean, chanyeol. i just can't im sorry' you'll reply with a slight frown
he'll pout like 'is there something wrong? is it my pickle? cus i mean other people have told me it's kinda big but i'll try do that thing that makes it bigger what's it called again-'
and you'll stop him with a laugh and you're like 'no no no i love you and your pickle it's not small it's fine' and you'll have to stop because you're giggling and you have to take a breather.
alright let's resume this uhhh
'it's just that i'm soft for you.'
'soft??? what's that???'
'it means that i only have loving feelings for you not necessarily frickle frackle ones'
'ohhHHHHHHHH. so there's nothing wrong with my pickle then?'
and he'll pull you into a hug and you'll say 'no you're pickle is fine if anything it's too much like dANG'
oh shaba
you've been exposed
you'll quickly cover your mouth and chanyeol will look down at you with a smirk
'so i'm too much now?'
'shut up and make me food.'
and he's like 'oKaY BABY I LOVE YOU'
and you're like ¿¿ 'why the sudden change of mood?'
'because i'm soft for you, baby'
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hence starting soft stan! chanyeol
^ that might be a part two idk if people like it or not?? message me if you want a part two !!!
↖(^ω^)↗ feel free to request !!! (⌒▽⌒)
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yeoldontknow · 7 years
Midnight Summer
Author’s Note: rainbow!pcy has messed me up in all the ways a person can be messed up, and so this had to happen. he is now my 80s daydream boyfriend. Pairing: Chanyeol x Reader (oc; female) Creative Content Contributors: @gingersaysjump for this INCREDIBLY stunning moodboard <3 oh my LORD Genre: shameless smut Rating: NC-17 Warning: explicit language; explicit sex Word Count: 4,053
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Los Angeles in the summer is oppressive, almost aggressive in the way it clings to your skin and presses on you, making you feel like you’re forced to swallow its wetness whole. You always hated it, the way it slithers down your back in a drop of sweat, steals the moisture from your mouth and makes you thirsty; aching to be touched, yet untouched in the warmth. The only place you can feel any sort of reprieve is the Manhattan Beach Pier, one long expanse of wood and sea breeze removed from the neon of the city. Here, the metal railing cools your hot skin and your tongue tastes the sea, hair ruffling in the wind as your body starts to relax. Here, you let yourself be unmade - just a little. You relax into yourself and your tight dress. Here, summer doesn’t seem so violent or so long.
And here is where you met him.
You thought he was too bright for such a dark space, tresses a rainbow of pastel nonchalance and lips pink from the heat. His long fingers toyed with a lighter, but you saw no cigarette, the absent minded action turning it into a firework. For a while, he didn’t notice you staring at him. For a long while, you didn’t know why you kept looking. It was rude and intrusive, the pier a place of quiet reflection and peace - defined as such by you. But you couldn’t look away, not from him. There was a hardness in his bones that seemed contradictory to the brightness of his person, settling in his clenched jaw and furrowed brow. He was a paradox of playfulness and adult abjection, and he was beautiful.
And when he looked at you, when he finally turned his eyes to yours, you didn’t feel breathless or speechless merely awash with the overwhelming sensation of finding something you’d been waiting for.
‘Something to say?’ he asked, voice deep and tongue teasing his bottom lip.
You could suck that lip, you thought, suck it and make it bleed between your teeth.
‘No,’ was your calm reply, and, for that evening, it was enough.
Until it wasn’t.
You met like that for weeks, standing at the edge of the pier separate, but together. On the second night, he told you his name, saying I’m Chanyeol to the sky without looking at you or really needing a response. You told him your own and he simply nodded, the action so minute you would have missed it had you blinked. On the fifth night, he told you not to trust him, though you’re not sure why. You said you didn’t and that you wouldn’t, and he seemed pleased with this answer, turning to look at you and smiling for the first time. It felt like your heart had learned how to bloom and burst.
Slowly, naturally, your bodies gravitated towards one another, inching closer along the railing over a period of days in which you found it harder and harder to be apart. Eventually, you stood shoulder to shoulder, not really feeling the need to say anything just luxuriating in the nearness of him. The smell of his cologne was carried on the breeze, mixing with the salt of the air and putting him in your mouth before you could truly taste him. It was a heady combination, the kind that made your synapses short circuit and your thighs clench in anticipation or desire, and it made you want to pull at him.
‘I’m going to kiss you,’ he said calmly, breaking the silence and sending the words into the crashing waves.
He really wasn’t asking your permission, and you assumed he could feel that he didn’t need it. You could smell him in the air and likely the same was for him, two halves of the same fucked up whole aching to burn out together.
‘Good,’ was really all you could manage.
When your lips touched, you were surprised such a hard thing could feel so soft. He moved against you like he already knew you, and you could taste the cocaine on his teeth as your tongue moved against his, turning him into a contact high. He hummed into the kiss, sending a vibration through your chest that rumbled deep into your core, making you wet and desperate to be close. Your hands were needy, but so were his, and you found it odd that you wanted to be pressed so tightly against him. You kept people at an arm’s length in the July heat, flesh too hot and wired to crave the touch of a stranger, but he was different. Chanyeol’s blood ran cold, you assumed, his skin cool to the touch and made you feel refreshed wherever his hands traced. Cupping your ass and your breasts, creeping up into your neck, he was the chill you’d been seeking throughout all your summers.
Now it is August, and, now, you can feel September looming around you, feeling the crisp air of autumn long before the start making the hair on your arms stand at attention. Chanyeol is driving you somewhere, he didn’t say where, just suggested leaving the city behind in favor of each other’s company. It’s normal for him to do this, Chanyeol finding the proximity of people in the city something of a burden and you finding people to simply be too loud. It’s normal for him to take you, drive you out of the city somewhere quiet, somewhere far up the coast where you can fuck or talk without feeling the obligation of being who LA made you to be.
He’s reckless with his speed, one hand on the wheel and the other draped over the door as he whisks you up the Hollywood Hills. With every press of his foot to the gas, the car seems to moan in appreciation, his lips parting to release a sigh at the noise - as though he were about to transcend ecstasy. Tonight, he is gold and pink, a neon smear in the wind as he speeds along the highway, and tonight you are hungry.
When he drives, there is a carefree sort of authority to his features, an ease of control as he handles the car the way he handles your body: with power and knowledge and affection. Chanyeol isn’t soft for many things, doesn’t lose the tension in his shoulders unless he’s sure the thing he surrenders to will bring him pleasure. Chanyeol isn’t soft for many things, but he’s soft for a drive and he’s soft for you. It’s this knowledge that fills you with a yearning so whole and complete that you find yourself grinding your hips into the black leather of your seat, exposed knees tensing as the cool night air runs along your skin.
Watching him, it’s easy to lose yourself in the sight. Your hand falls between your thighs as if on instinct, and he seems to notice from his peripheral, moving to look at you with relaxed eyes and a smirk that lets you know he wants you too. He reaches one hand over to your cheek, cradling it gently as he watches the road, before bringing his thumb to your bottom lip, gingerly tugging at it to relish the plumpness. You suck his finger into your mouth, biting weakly at the tip and stroking it with your tongue, giggling at the way his eyes flutter as he releases a low groan.
Pulling his thumb from your mouth, he drops his hand to the apex of your thighs, moving yours away and hiking the skirt of your dress up past your hips. Not wasting any time, he shifts your underwear to the side and strokes one finger along your slit.
‘You’re fucking wet,’ he growls, turning to look at you with wide eyes.
Removing his hand from your body, he turns back to the road and slides his finger into his mouth, humming in pleasure. The telltale curl to his upper lip forms, and you moan in delight.
He licks his lips, and smiles. ‘Sweet.’
Chanyeol doesn’t touch you again after that, leaving you in an intense state of longing. He makes it a point to not look at you, instead keeping his eyes on the road as he runs his fingers over his lips, but you can feel the heat radiating from his body even through air. There’s a phantom limb ghosting over your slit and thighs, where his hands once were, and your body is tingling as though being touched by a ghost. Biting down on your lip, you close your eyes and sigh as you try to make the memory last, to bring the feeling back to life.
Your body is a live wire, chest instinctively lifting from your seat and mouth going dry in anticipation. Part of you thinks you should be shocked by the control he has over your body, how just one brief touch of his fingers can tilt you, leave you on edge and make you into a ravenous, lustful thing, something wholly unlike the way you normally surrender to pleasure. But another part of you, a different, bolder part of you, knows that he had control from the start. He had control because you let him, you let him and you wanted him, and now your body reacts to the thing it calls mine.
Chanyeol pulls the car off the road at the top of a hill, a vantage point overlooking the city surrounded by trees and only a few streetlights. It’s dark here, secluded enough to feel the warm hands of privacy dance along your skin, and open enough to be dangerous, risky. Up and out of the city, you can almost see past the smog and the smoke, free from the scent of piss and exhaust, and can finally see Los Angeles as a city of stars the way the rest of the world does.
He rests his head against the seat and looks at you, eyes blown wide and lips set in a seductive pout. You know he means to reach for you, you can see the bulge in his trousers simply begging to be touched, and the way his fingers twitch in expectation of skin against skin. You know he means to reach for you, but you slide out of the car and away from his hold before he can move.
Beneath the echo of the door slam, you can hear his dissatisfied whine as you walk towards the edge of the view barrier, hips swaying purposefully to tease him. Wrapping your arms around yourself, you lean over the concrete with a small smile, taking in the scenery and the night sky. Real stars are a wish, a memory of vacations with your family up north, where the city pollution doesn’t reach so high and the sky is free and wild and alive. You settle for this, though. Settle for the ownership of the city, for the way the height and the distance makes it seem like you could hold LA in the palm of your hand; the way this view makes you feel like a queen and Chanyeol your king.
He steps behind you, hands reaching for and stroking at your hips, clutching the flesh of your body with force as he presses his chest against your back. For a moment you stay this way, basking in the warmth of one another, feeling a sort of dominance course through your body as you think on how this city and this night is yours, commanded by your own choice and whim. Chanyeol’s hot breath cascades down your neck, spreading out over your shoulders and sending a heat to your core that makes your thighs clench. He seems to sense this, chuckling to himself as he leans to take your earlobe between his teeth.
Turning in his arms, you pull back to admire all the colours of him, the way he is every shade of beauty, every shade of love and lust and the image of summer you always wanted but could never find. In these soft moments, these moments of quiet and comfort, he becomes something young and something precious. In one summer, you’ve tasted cocaine on his tongue and watched him fight brutally against the rules of conformity and expectation. In one summer, you’ve learned he’s wrong for you in all the ways society deems him to be so: too cold, too uneducated, too cruel in his outlook on life. But, in one summer, you’ve learned he’s the most perfect thing you’ve ever held between your hands and now, with the summer breeze disappearing with each passing day, you start to see him as you should have from the start: a refraction of light, something impermanent and impossible to keep.
This only makes you wrap your arms around his neck, hold him close and tight, pressing your lips against his in an almost painful act of heartbreaking need. He’s tangible now, and yours, grasping at your body like he’s trying to mould himself into you; merge into your bones to keep you with him, united down to the marrow. When he kisses you this time, it’s like fire. He’s a straight shot of whiskey and you’re burning with the taste. On edge for too long, he wants all of you and you want all of him, teeth and tongue fighting against one another for dominance. Usually, he’s slow. Usually, he takes his time and likes to tease you, only touching you once you’re begging for him, whimpering beneath the weight of how badly you want him. Tonight, he kisses you like he wants to go to war, wants to claim your body and mark you as his, always, to own you the way you own the night.
Pulling your mouth from his, you move down his jaw, nipping gently at the bone, down towards his neck where you latch onto your favourite tendon. Chanyeol stills, moaning at the way your tongue licks at his skin as your teeth latch down while you suck. His fingers become furious things, needy things, moving to grip your ass as he pulls your hips to his. He’s hard and hungry, mouth agape and sighing into the pleasure, and the sheer noise of him almost becomes too much for you to bear. Rhythmically grinding into you, his hands move up your back, splayed wide aching to feel all of you at once, until they reach your neck to fist in your hair. He tugs your head back and rests his forehead against yours, panting into your mouth to share your breath.
‘Can I fuck you here?’
He asks for permission for this and only this, voice taut and dry like always. He asks permission for this one thing because, even though he knows he doesn't need to, knows that for him the only word you have is yes, every new location is a test of your boundaries, an expansion of territory as you fuck your way through the world.
Turning your bodies, he walks you slowly back until your thighs hit his Mercedes 450, and he bends you down until your back rests on the hood. Foreheads still touching and his eyes searching you, remembering you in some way, his hands graze all the pieces of you they can touch as he settles between your thighs. Your breasts, hears from his hands penetrating the fabric of your dress and bra; your hips, held tightly to the point of bruising, giving you marks to wear with pride; the skin of your thighs and the backs of your knees as he parts your legs wide, this especially making you arch up against him.
He's turned you into a sensitive thing, goosebumps raising on your flesh wherever he was and no longer is, and you clutch at him, squeezes his shoulder blades to remind yourself you are here and alive and his.
Finally his fingers glide along your thigh, where you want him the most, and you tilt your head back as you hiss from the contact. You observe the sky as he sucks lighlty at your throat, enjoying the black and the feel of him all around you. One long digit strokes you, teasing you for entrance, and you look down to find him studying you with a smile.
‘Right now,’ he says, lowly, ‘I can’t not touch you.’
At this, he slides his finger into you, watching the way your expression morphed into one of extreme pleasure. He moves in you with an exactness born of someone who took the time to learn you, observed your face, your sounds, the flush of your chest, until he learned all the ways to unmake you with ease. He moves in you with precise thrusts, adding a second finger as his thumb circles over your clit, and you cry out, laughing immediately after as you echo amongst the trees.
Fingers stretching you, he takes to licking your exposed collarbones, teasing it between his teeth to mark it. You want to kiss him, leave your marks on his as well, but you know this is about you. Already you feel each other slipping away, summer coming to an end and with it the fire that binds you, and Chanyeol is possessive, unable to give things away once he gets attached. And so you don't turn this into your standard affair, mouths covering every inch of skin, instead letting him worship you because he wants to. He wants to and he does.
Eventually though, you find clenching your walls around his fingers isn't enough. You need more of him, have never truly had your fill of him, and so you reach between your bodies to find his belt. You fumble with it, fingers shaking as he executes a rather deep thrust of his fingers while flicking your clit, until it comes undone.
He pulls away from you to help, and you let your body relax against the car, still trembling from holding yourself up to undress him. This was always your favourite part, watching him languidly remove clothes to reveal himself to you. You consider it a great unwrapping, a removal of the things he uses to fight his way through the world, revealing his skin and bones and hardness, and making himself vulnerable only for you.
As he rolls a condom over his length, you can feel the heat from his gaze as he takes in your figure. You know you're his favourite thing, at least for right now. You're his favourite thing and he makes it known in all the ways girls of your youth would find to be simply not enough.
The way his tongue comes to wet his lips, mouth dry from the sight of you. The way he hardly moves, standing still in front of you, refusing to hide himself away and giving the totality of his soul to you. The way he doesn’t really blink, only lets his eyes flutter briefly, unable to look away from you and arrested by the sight. The way his breathing seems to become little more than a quake, heart thundering in his chest at the thrill of having you and tasting you and surrendering only to you. It’s hard to think how these things couldn’t be enough for someone. They aren’t words and,because they aren’t words, they matter more. They are things a person can’t hide or fake. They are real. He is real, and these things are what instill a small spark of hope in your chest that he won’t wither from your reach past the season.
Unable to be away from you any longer, Chanyeol lowers himself to your body and lets his lips hover just above yours. Taking hold of your knees, he wraps your legs around his waist and enters you slowly, gliding in little by little giving you time to adjust with each slight move of his hips. You sigh at the feel of completeness, the way he fills you in ways you didn’t think possible, ways you didn’t know you needed, and he takes the opportunity to kiss you, first with his soul and then with his mouth.
After several seconds of this seductive stillness, your walls clench around him, desperate to move against him, and you take his face between your hands. Heart full as he closes his eyes and rubs his nose against yours only slightly, you whisper to him.
‘I need you to move.’
And he does.
He slides in and out of you, setting a punishing rhythm that seems almost contradictory to the softness he has for you, but this you know is the only way he knows how to fuck you. Hard. Purposeful. Deep. This is how he loves, with bruises and sweat stains on the pain of his car. With low grunts, keening whines, and your nails digging into his back so hard you draw blood. The force of his hips meeting yours makes the car beneath you shake, jutting back and forth in time with his thrusts.
All around you is Chanyeol. His car, his body, his hands, his scent. He possesses you completely and you let him, arching up into him at the thought of giving yourself over to him, now and for always.
One of his hands slides between you, finding you clit and rubbing circles into you, just how he knows you like. Again, this pleasure isn't about him. It's about you. He wants you to come first and around him, hard enough for him to gag at the feeling of you squeezing him dry. He wants you gasping, splayed out on his car too tired to move because he doesn't wish it to be so and because removing yourself from his hold would cause you both an unbearable amount of hurt.
The coil inside your stomach builds, the base of your spine starting to twist with each thrust of his hips, and you watch him bite his lips. He gets deeper and deeper every time, making sure you feel him inside you even when he isn’t. Making sure you feel him even when he’s apart from you, aching for him to be with you again. Your hands reach for his neck, fondling the his sweat soaked hair, and he groans at the way you tease him, at the way your fingers stroke at his scalp the way he strokes the very core of you.
‘I won’t last,’ you whimper, relaxing back against the car to stare at the sky.
Invigorated by your words, he increases his speed, thrusts harder and faster than before, his fingers on your clit no longer lazy but calculated in their desire to feel you trembling beneath him.
‘Eyes on me, baby. Eyes on me when you come.’
And so you do.
The tension in your body reaches its peak at his words, raising your legs higher against him and your back off the car. You look right into him, into his eyes and into all the things he hides from the world as you shudder, violently, around him in waves that shake your soul from your body. He takes it from you, takes all of it from you, with greedy thrusts that become sloppy in the wake of your orgasm. You ride your high, quivering in his hands as he comes with a vulnerable moan, a moan that is loud and vocal and wholly unlike him as he submits to the all encompassing feel of you.
You lay together for a long while, unable to move and unable to speak. His fingers touch all the places they couldn’t reach before: you hair, your ears, your neck. You do the same to him, stroking his ears and admiring the way he looks so like a boy in his post coitus bliss. Sparks from your orgasm still linger in your vision as you regard him with a fond smile, and the very notion of this makes your heart stop.
He’s given you everything you ever wanted. An escape, a reason to enjoy the season, a reason to release yourself to something unexpected and new and brilliant. And tonight, he’s given you the stars.
He’s given you the stars.
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caticorn61 · 7 years
11 questions tag
I was tagged by the cutie pie @xiulayallday thanks bby ily
1. Favorite physical feature of your bias?
You expect me to pick ONE when pcy looks like adamn snack??? If I'm held at gun point I'll say his smile but listen his arms man he can choke me with them
2. Your second favorite group/artist?
Tbh I'm not even sure at this point? Bts is usually what o say tho
3. The drink you usually get at coffee shops?
I don't have a lot of coffee shops around me but when I do it's usually just an incredible coffee or the house special. Maybe something mocha 4. Can you speak more than one language?
I speak decent Spanish but I'm not fluent
5. DC or Marvel? or EXO
EXO man have you seen their comic game? It's killer DC who?????
6. Your favorite face emoji?
😭 tbh I cry a lot
7. Favorite dessert?
Ice cream
But I'm lactose intolerant and god hates me
8. A country you’d like to visit?
9. One EXO blog you’d suggest to others?
Just one??? I can't pick one so here's a list
@xiulayallday @eyesonxiu @uminbean @kyungso @exoinyourmind @shesdreamingfics @kpopandlock @xiuminscheeks and there's plenty more
10. Favorite hairstyle on your bias?
Uugghhhh his silver ofmeifk or his blonde but I'm also soft af for his natural hair
My questions!
1. Original bias in your ult group?
2. How did you get into kpop?
3. What's the best way kpop has changed your life?
4. If you could start your own group, what concept would you have and what position would you hold?
5. Fave look of your bias? (Era wise)
6. Fave pet of the members?
7. Fave mv of your ultimate group?
8. Favorite fanfic??
9. Have you seen your bias group live?
10. Favorite EXO blogs and why?
I tag @eyesonxiu @kpopandlock @xiulayallday @shesdreamingfics @exoinyourmind and if any of my followers actually pay attention to my feed and see this then you should do it too!!!
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queenrozaay · 7 years
it’s a date? | 05.29.17
bg: rosé had taken an interest in taehyung and somehow had gone through hell and back just to get ahold of his kakao. mustering up the courage she sends him a text and one thing led to another and the two have made plans to catch a movie together.
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/okay. truthfully speaking, she couldn't remember how on earth she got his kakao id, but she did and she needed him to answer an important question  for her so hopefully he wouldn't think she was too strange for messaging him out of the blue like this; [ kkt -> bwee ] oi- you got a minute?
kth: /he glanced down at his phone at the sound of the delightful 'ting', confusion running over his expression that was soon replaced by intrigue- [kkt| rosé]: For you I've got multiple. What's up?
pcy: /rosé was in the middle of finishing a dance sequence when her phone went off. in the background she could hear her members griping- something about how blackpink's comeback was next month and that she should be taking practice more seriously; oh quit it. we've been going at it for hours- let's take a short water break. /she suggested as she unlocked her lock screen to find a message from him; [ kkt -> bwee ] on a scale from one to ten, where would you rank your interest/love for superhero movies?
kth: /Taehyung, who'd been lounging on his phone, didn't waste much time with responding. Time in Korea between BTS' tour stops was always short but not having to worry about wifi was always a relief-  [kkt| rosé]: probably 9.5? There's always a part of me that thinks I won't be interested but once I'm in the theater I always love them. Honestly can't wait for Wonder Woman; Gal Godot is my hero.
pcy: /her fingers ghosted over the letters on her keyboard for the longest time unsure whether she should even suggest it or not; get it together chae- /for now she decided to play it safe; [ kkt -> bwee ] AYEE that's what I like to hear. Though to be perfectly honest with you, I'm more of a marvel movie kinda gal. D.C. Movies don't give me the same burst of excitement.. Buuut I must admit... the trailers for Wonder Woman might just be a game changer.
kth: /when it came to movies Taehyung didn't discriminate, but he did have a soft spot for DCU and their brooding emo aesthetic-  [kkt| rosé]: Ha! That's what I like to hear. Marvel has it down to a science but I feel like Wonder Woman and Justice League will officially put D.C. on the map, you know? If you'll have me I'd love to take you to see WW, I need to fully convert you.
pcy: Oh- /she voiced aloud, eyes widening some having not expected the conversation to head in this direction so soon, but was somewhat relieved he had done the hard part for her; [ kkt -> bwee ] I feel like Marvel has a tendency to play it safe most of the time. They found what worked for them and stuck with ajdjsuebzbaie /her members had snuck up behind her at some point and being the nosy punks they were tried to read over her shoulder. startled by their sudden appearance she had accidentally hit 'send' mid-reply. rosé deadpanned and excused herself out into the hallway without another word and the others knew better than to follow after her; [ kkt -> bwee ] **stuck with it. phone please- [ kkt -> bwee ] and what is this converting nonsense you s p e a k of? [ kkt -> bwee ] I may consider it if you throw in a tub of white cheddar popcorn- and since I'm feeling generous maybe I'll sneak in a box of your favorite boxed candy too.
kth: [kkt| rosé]: I'm fixated on convincing you that these books will bring about an entirely new chapter of superhero culture. White cheddar popcorn is a fair sacrifice to make if it means saving you from Marvel Hell ™. Plus candy? This is starting to sound more like a treat than a rescue mission.  /his good mood increased tenfold at her 'kind of' acceptance to his offer, big smiles and his nose stuck even further into his phone convincing a few of the members that he was in fact NOT going to be joining them for Overwatch anytime soon-
pcy: [ kkt -> bwee ] oh-ho. I must warn you though, since I haven't seen many superhero movies outside of marvel- there is a high chance I may say something stupid. feel free to- oh I don't know flick my forehead or something as punishment. [ kkt -> bwee ] aha- is that what it sounds like?? Consider these snacks a reward for contributing to a worthy cause - aka me. I am a nearly a lost cause. /rosé had caught herself smiling like an idiot. luckily, no one else was around to witness it and question her about it. just to be safe, she started down the hallway with purpose, dark brown eyes peeking into each room until she stumbled upon a vacant room where she took cover for the next few minutes or so; [ kkt -> bwee ] my phone keeps autocorrecting your name to 'beer' and I'm not sure if it's trying to tell me something or what- it's driving me nuts [ kkt -> bwee ] a n y w a y s- what are you up to? am I distracting you from your work?
kth: [kkt| rosé]: Oh, I know better then to fight a marvel stan. You guys will defend your movies to the death and I already admit my defeat when it comes to that. But c'mon, stick with me and there is yet hope for salvation 🙃  /Since his last message Taehyung has since closed his laptop 90% of the way, headphones still in despite not listening to anything so the members would stop shouting at him to do things- 
[kkt| rosé]: Beer? Maybe I should quit the idol life and start a brewing company.  [kkt| rosé]: Nah, I'm just at the dorm TRYING to have some alone time away from these hooligans. We're always together because of our tour so I'm not a bad friend for wanting them to be quiet for just five minutes, right? Maybe even just three. Please... [kkt| rosé]: What about you? Hopefully your day is more interesting than mine.
pcy: /a laugh escaped her lips, frame shaking lightly with each laugh. It was no secret that marvel stans were quick to defend themselves when they feel the least bit threatened even if the other had meant no harm by it; [ kkt -> bwee ] hey, that tub of popcorn has me sold. I'm down. The movie comes out when? Sometime next week right? I'll keep a date free. Just let me know! Ah- /before she forgot, she took it upon herself to message her groupchat and told them she wouldn't be able to make it home in time for dinner and made up some excuse about having a few errands to run; [ kkt -> bwee ] if you do, I volunteer to help you taste-test. 🤗 I've been told I'm a u i t e helpful. /after skimming through the rest of his messages, she breathed a sigh of relief. Becoming a bother to someone else was the last thing she wanted to be; [ kkt -> bwee ] LOL. Maybe I can help you with that. Have you eaten yet? I'm actually done with practice for the day. We've been slaving away these past couple of weeks and the amount of times I've seen the sun I can count on one hand. I'm not even joking..  I don't know if you've read articles recently, but we're having our first comeback of the year this June which explains the uh- slaving away thing. Can't tell if it's better or worse than yours.
kth: /he sighed, impending tour dates, their 4 year anniversary activities for the fans, and new album preparations running through his mind as he attempted to pick a date- [kkt| rosé]: I think the movie comes out June 1st? I actually leave for Osaka tonight, we'll be there for three days. After that we won't have to be in Hiroshima for a few days so anytime between the 2nd and the 6th I'm all yours. [kkt| rosé]: I've heard! I'm looking forward to it, you guys have yet to release a bad song and I'm sure this comeback will be just as good as your debut. /he grinned at the prospect of speaking to someone other than the 6 boys he spend every waking moment with, jumping out of bed while ignoring curious eyes- [kkt| rosé]: If you're offering to grab something to eat with me so I don't go crazy my answer is please. Yes please. I'll even pay.
pcy: /that's right. It's times like these she often forgot that others have been in the industry must longer than she has been, so their schedules are naturally more packed than hers; [ kkt -> bwee ] all mine aye? /rosé tore her attention away from her device and thought for a moment. Oh who was she kidding- she didn't have any major plans next week outside of practice; [ kkt -> bwee ] how about the 2nd? or the 3rd or 4th? It may be a bit crowded still, but not nearly as crowded as opening night. My work load next week is relatively easy, so whatever works best for you I can accommodate! /she picked herself up off the floor and left the room, slowly making her way to the elevator whilst crafting yet another reply; [ kkt -> bwee ] as you wish~! [ kkt -> bwee ] what are you craving? burgers? tacos? pasta-? me? [ kkt -> bwee ] Kidding. but really though. I'm not picky when it comes to food. unless there is celery involved... [ kkt -> bwee ] oh and don't worry about paying for me! I don't mind paying for my own share! I've been budgeting wisely this month so I think I can handle it 
kth: [kkt| rosé]: how about the 3rd? We can buy tickets early and even go to a showtime that no one goes to. Like 11 am or something. It's fun to see all the elderly out and filling places you'd normally see kids in! Truly proves that the soul never ages.  /he slid on his shoes near the front door despite having no clue where he was off to, shouting a simple "be back soon" over his shoulder before stepping out the door- [kkt| rosé]: You know what? Let's eat tacos. I haven't had a taco in ages. I could also go for a burger, though. Just something full of fat. [kkt| rosé]: You can think of it as a thank you. For saving my career and BTS. I don't know how much longer I could have stood being back home. [kkt| rosé]: should I meet you at your company? It's a bit intimidating compared to mine but I'm a big boy.
pcy: [ kkt -> bwee ] That'll work! I'll put it in my calendar so I don't forget. I swear, you think someone wth a goldfish memory like mine would have more creative ways to help me remember things right? /Tacos did sound pretty good and come to think of it she couldn't recall when she last had one either. Rosé had made it down to the main lobby when she received another string of texts from him. Not wanting to block anyone's way, she found a bench by the doorway and seated herself for the time being; [ kkt -> bwee ] tacos it is! I was actually reading a few comments fans had left on our wall and learned that there's this new Korean-Mexican fusion restaurant nearby. Did a little more digging and found its rated 4.5 stars on a 5 star scale! I think it'll be promising. And if it isn't? You can put the blame on me [ kkt -> bwee ] mm.. if you want to stop by, you're more than welcome to! and don't worry, you'll have me beside you at all times so I can assure you no one will try to bully you.
kth: [kkt| rosé]: don't worry, I'm not picky when it comes to what food I shove into my mouth. 🙃 [kkt| rosé]: it shouldn't take long, I'll drive there. Parking is a nightmare but I feel like it'll be safer for us? Especially with dispatch always poking their noses around. Not that I'd really care but I'm sure you don't want to get caught up in some huge scandal just for some tacos. [kkt| rosé]: even if they're 4.5 star tacos. When we find a 5 star place is when all bets will be off. [kkt: rosé]: I'm stealing (borrowing) my manager's car so it's less obvious, I'll be there soon- don't miss my bants too much. /Taehyung tossed his phone onto the passenger side seat after hitting send on his last message, promising his manager he wouldn't crash his car for the nth time as he drove off towards the YG building-
pcy: /Augh. That's right.. she can't go around frolicking in broad daylight like she used to. She could- but people could easily recognize her these days, but it helped now that her was darker and less orange creamsicle looking. Should she borrow a hoodie or something?; [ kkt -> bwee ] I'll try not to miss you too much [ ikr -> bwee ] drive safe! /She figured she'd respond to everything you had said prior in person. After hitting send, rosé got up and ran toward the lounge where she was sure there was probably a change of clothes she could wear just in case someone had been keeping a close eye on her today. The last thing she wanted to do was inconvenience him;
kth: /how he'd managed to get his license was a miracle given his short attention span but he figured him not having been in an accident yet, knock on wood, was a good sign that he was doing something right. Finding the YG building was easy enough, but finding a place to park that wouldn't get him weird looks proved to be a tad more difficult. Taehyung contemplated in the car, settling on waiting for her instead of going in- [kkt| rosé]: I made it alive [kkt| rosé]: I'm in the blue car, by the way. A bit off to the left once you step out the door. [kkt| rosé]: I doubt anyone will recognize me but I don't want to get you in trouble! I don't know your company rules about boys and stuff.
pcy: [ kkt -> bwee ] and just in time too! I'll be right out. if it helps I'm wearing a black baseball cap that says 'bless up' in white lettering on the front.  /and with that, rosé stuffed her phone back into her pocket and headed out the door. In the sea of black, grey, and occasionally a splash of red cars- it wasn't /too/ terribly difficult to locate his car. At least- she /hoped/ it was yours.  After climbing in and locking the door behind her, she breathed a sigh of relief to find him sitting in the driver's seat; oh thank god. I saw maybe two or three blue cars out there and literally did that 'eenie-meenie-miney-mo' thing in my head and picked one. I hope it wasn't too much trouble getting here?
kth: Yes, it's me and not some crazy stalker. No worries. /he shrugged, turning a bit in his seat as he continued to speak to her- Finding it wasn't too bad. Convincing those guards over there that I'm not here to kidnap one of the artists through awkward eye contact was a bit more difficult. So! /he tapped his hands against the steering wheel, his body facing forwards again. Taehyung started to drive, having absolutely no idea where he was going but he'd been in Seoul long enough to know how not to get completely and utterly lost amongst countless similar looking buildings and one way streets- where am I going? Please tell me it's not in the opposite direction. If it is we're going to have to go around the block, oops.
pcy: I mean you could be a cleverly disguised sasaeng for all I know. There are people out there who parade around as different people all the time- I think the term for it is an 'identity theft?' /she was rambling needlessly now or so it felt like. when the car started to move, she instinctively reached for her seat belt and tried to buckle herself in but for the life of her struggled. classic rosé; errr- well I thought 4.5 stars wasn't good enough for you, so we were gonna look for a 5 star one? But honestly, I'm so hungry I could eat anything and anywhere. I'm not even joking..
kth: Oh, you got me! Taehyung is the best looking member so of course I had to pick his identity to steal. /he noted her struggle so he reached one hand over, buckling the seatbelt for her with ease- Sorry about that. I keep telling my manager that this seat belt is constantly trying to kill me by getting stuck at the worst of times. It also hits me in the throat which is just lovely. /he chuckled quietly, eyebrows furrowing slightly at the thought of seeming pretentious- I'm not like that, I'd even eat street food right now. Or any time, I don't think there's anything quite like buying tteokbokki from old ladies outside.
pcy: Best looking member huh..? /she mumbled quietly to herself, still somewhat distracted by the seatbelt that wouldn't go in? But thankfully, he helped strapped her in; Ah- thank you. I was beginning to think that maybe I'm just incredibly unlucky and that your car was silently telling me I should get out and take a hike. /she half-joked. Though the mere image of that seatbelt whacking him had her chuckling some; oh- sorry. I wasn't trying to make it seem like you wouldn't settle for anything less than the best. Poor choice in words, my fault. /she bit her bottom lip out of habit, something she normally did when she was either anxious; If you're still hungry after tacos though, we can stop for some tteokbokki! It's actually my favorite street food. I live and breathe for spicy foods~ /rosé gushed while she fished for her phone once more and typed in the address to that fusion restaurant she had told him about earlier; okay- so make a left up here and drive for three more blocks.
kth: Alright! Left it is then. /he merged into the turning lane, turning off to the left once everything was clear- So, Rosé. Girl with the fancy 'E'. How's life been treating you these days? Aside from preparing for your comeback- I know how stressful that can be. /Taehyung was admittedly not the best when it came to face to face conversation, but he figured asking about her wellbeing was a good place to start given he was actually interested- Where do I go next? Not to interrupt, I just don't want to make us crash by suddenly swerving or something.
pcy: Terrible. I slept through all five of my alarms the other day and it had to be the day YG evaluated us on our performance for this month. /she made a face as the mere memory of it all came flooding back to her; -buuuttt. On the bright side- it was one of the best sleeps I've had in awhile.. I haven't been able to sleep very well sadly- oh- /rosé faced front again, eyes scanning the familiar scenery that lie ahead of them; I /think/ you take a right at this stop sign up here... or was it a left..? /she mumbled that last part under her breath. Perhaps this was why her members always joked that she'd make the worst Siri ever- er human GPS;
kth: Ouch- well, catching up on sleep is worth a scolding or two. Have you been feeling better since then? I bet it was the sleep. /he hummed, deciding on taking the right turn despite the worst word to hear when you don't know where you're going; think. The area didn't look too off, but at this point Taehyung was driving without a clue- You know, if we get lost it might be more fun. I've always wanted to do that whole go somewhere you've never been before thing but knowing me I'll drive into the ocean or something. I don't want to die trying to be an edgy cool Tumblr kid.
pcy: /the brunette got a pretty good laugh out of that and ending up along the ocean front didn't seem too bad. Well- there was a difference between driving INTO and ocean and ending up near one; i don't know about you, but I'm twenty right now and I still have a lot of things I still need to cross off of my bucket list and d r o w n I n g in the middle of the ocean with you is not one of them. I mean- not that I don't want to spend my last moments with you or anything- /And there she goes with the rambling again. Shush rosé shuush; ok I'm just gonna shut up now. /and so she did and distracted herself with her phone, pulling up the directions to the restaurant, ecstatic to learn that they were indeed going in the right direction; Oppa- make a left up at this light and it should be a white building with a black roof to our right!
kth: Don't worry! I'll roll all the windows down before we drive into the water so we have a way to escape. I changed my mind, I don't really feel like dying right now either. But yes ma'am, I'll trust your GPS. /and so they were in the aesthetic part of town full of modern shops, cafes, and restaurants where simplicity was the key to looking sleek and sophisticated. The restaurant was lively and easy to spot, but parking was a different story. After circling the block a few times an opening finally appeared and he wasted no time in pulling into the spot- Ready? I don't mean to be basic but we have to take cool photos around here. We can pretend they're candid but pose on the down low.
pcy: /she could only playfully roll her eyes at how ridiculous he sounded in the moment, but it didn't sound all that bad at all. rosé could feel the anticipation bubbling in the pit of her stomach. she couldn't tell if it was because she was hungry or if it was because she was actually having dinner with Taehyung himself. Out of all of her members, she would've thought she'd be the last person to share this moment with him; It's funny you ask, cuz I was about to suggest the same. And since we're talking photos and posing here, I figured I might as well tell you beforehand that I'm the kind of person who takes pictures of their food before eating it. /she hid her face behind her hands both out of slight embarrassment but also to hide the faint smirk that tugged at the corners of her lips; please feel free to judge me
kth: Truthfully I don't understand people who get annoyed with others when they take a lot of photos. It's like- have fun being bitter for no reason while I have lots of pictures that trigger fond memories. Totally a waste of my time. /he unbuckled his seatbelt, grabbing his phone and his wallet before stepping out of the car. Truth be told Taehyung was excited to see what type of photos Rosé would come up with. The blackpink instagram was filled with countless posts of the girls without a single flaw yet she seemed to always stand out to him the most. He met her on the sidewalk, a giant grin on his lips now that they were finally face to face- Do you want to go eat first? I know you said you didn't eat yet so I feel like we should get some food in you. I know I'm always starving after practice.
pcy: But if you're hungry I could understand why you would be semi-upset. Some people take their sweet time snapping pictures of a single dish. I once had a friend snap so many pictures my lasagna went cold. But it was still good either way! /she exclaimed, climbing out of her seat and stepped out into the street where she stretched her arms high up on the air. she met his gaze, an easy smile spreading across her face; we can if you're hungry! I think I can hold off for another thirty, but I know I'll have more energy after I've eaten. I say this but there are times where I've fallen victim to a food coma aha
kth: I'm the most indecisive person ever. You'll find that out soon enough the more we hang out. /he worried his lower lip between his teeth; a quick look around wouldn't hurt, right? He doubted they'd take more than fifteen minutes to explore their surroundings- We can have a look around, yeah? That way I can think about what kind of tacos I feel like eating. I'm sure you don't want to sit there while I have a mini existential crisis. /they could go left, right, across the street, through the alleyway next to some random pet shop. The options were endless. Taehyung huffed, turning back to Rosé- I don't know where we should go...close your eyes! I'll spin you around and whatever direction you're pointing in when you say stop is where we'll go to be typical nineties babies. /he leaned forward to be at her eye level, playfully squinting- no peeking either, miss.
pcy: But we can't have twoooo indecisive people in the same place at the same time- we'll never get anything dooneee!! /she wailed, making a big show of it by resting a hand against her forehead in a dramatic fashion, the corners of her lips tugging upward some; mmm. I don't know about that- I'm sure the stages of a very distressed Taehyung would be quite entertaining if you ask me. Well- at least for me heh- /his idea didn't seem too terrible and she was about to open her mouth to speak again but couldn't make much of a sound, not when he was inches from her face, but she managed to mirror his action, playfully squinting at him in return; -oh don't worry. I've been told I play fair and follow directions very well. /and with that her eyelids fell shut; I'm ready! Don't spin me too fast-
kth: Too late! You're stuck with me. Maybe. I think. /Taehyung joked, chuckling at how cute her overzealous reactions were. He lolled his head to the, shrugging as he playfully pretended to think- Ah...well, maybe I'll have a mental breakdown just for you. For the bants, of course. All about the bants. /he stood up straight as she closed her eyes, carefully spinning her round and round by her shoulders. People passing by on the sidewalk spared curious glances but he paid them no mind even though the two of them attracting so much attention probably wasn't the smartest idea. He'd take his chances, though; it wasn't everyday you saw Kim Taehyung out in a hoodie, baseball cap, and jeans- Tell me if you feel sick so I can run a bit that way, hah-
pcy: Just for me? Pfft. What did I do to deserve such a generous reward? Save a million lives in my past life? /rosé bit her bottom lip in an attempt to suppress her laughter. man- how long has it been since she'd been able to act this carefree? she wouldn't be able to tell you, but she knew that she would be savoring this moment for as long as she could. he made good company and it was honestly nice forgetting about work related business that had been stressing her out lately; uh I don't think so- if I'm going down, /you're/ coming down with me Tae- I take no prisoners.
kth: That's fair. Though I'd like to think I have an advantage at the moment. You're going to be pretty dizzy, so making an escape will be easy. /he stopped briefly, grabbing her hand in order to twirl her around his finger- it'd be less likely for her to wander into the street this way and he didn't exactly want to be the reason for a blackpink member's hospitalization/ but seriously, I'm glad we're doing this now and not when you've just eaten. THAT, would not be a good idea. A disaster in the making. But hey, I'd hold your hair back for you.
pcy: Honestly, it feels like I'm doing some kind of perpetual dance than anything else. /she mumbled quietly, managing to chuckle some. there was no doubt about it eyes were on them and she half wondered if they should even be doing something like this. again- the last thing she wanted to do was find their names in the news the next morning, not that she would mind- it'd just be troubling for you and she didn't want you to get in trouble or anything because of her; how /generous/ of you... //and after awhile she finally stuck her index finger out, "accidentally" poking his chest; oh. it seems like I've hit an obstacle-
kth: Dang. I think this is the universe trying to tell us something, don't you? Maybe it's saying "make up your mind Kim Taehyung, what the hell", or maybe it's a sign that we should dance? For real. /he spun her around one last time, pulling her into a ballroom position/ But okay I suck at dancing so if I step on your foot I'm sorry. /he chuckled, leading her around on the pavement with random steps that made them look like they were stumbling around rather than what he (sort of) intended/ How do I do this for a living again? Huh.
pcy: /her eyelids fluttered open the second they assumed the classic ballroom position. Her big brown eyes widened in surprise, confusion written in them, but even so she did her best and tried to follow his lead; Yah- what kind of dancing is this even? /she asked through fits of laughter, eyes disappearing into crescents. So much for lying under the radar. Oh well; You know I was wondering the same, but I mean hey- if BigHit thinks you're a great dancer I don't think we should question him. You're a lovely dancer.
kth: At least I haven't stepped on you yet? Plus, we haven't fallen either. I'd call this a success but that's just me. /Taehyung began to dance with her properly, guiding her down the pavement until they reached the corner of the cross walk. Reluctantly he let her go, gaze trailing off to the unexplored territory of the neighborhood they were in. Apparently they were traveling this way, as fate would have it/ hey, that building had a mural on the side of it. We can go take our basic photos over there?
pcy: Key word there is /yet/- /she made sure to emphasize that to him, though she was simply teasing and meant no harm by it. After the last twirl, Rosé caught her balance, curious eyes scanning their surroundings and eventually set on that very mural that captured his interest; Not only are you a great dancer, you seem to have an eye for the arts- /she mused and skipped passed him over to that building she had been looking at; you know- I s never been great at the whole modeling thing- Jisoo and Jennie unnie always have me beat.. how should I pose for this one? Should I be obnoxious and hug the wall like this? /and she does exactly that, pressing her stomach against the wall, arms spread out like a freaking starfish;  cute, right?
kth: It's a recent interest, actually. As of late I've been hitting up as many art museums as I can. The one in Chicago is my favorite so far. Everything there is gorgeous. /he followed suit, laughing at her silly pose/ You know what? That's actually perfect. /in seconds his phone was in his hand and he was snapping pictures of Rosé left and right. His personal opinion was that she was the prettiest in the group, but of course felt it wasn't in his place to say/ wow, I'm spamming you with all these photos of yourself later. You're welcome!
pcy: /rosé was about to comment about his interest in art museums and her members was never really appreciative of stuff like this so it was nice being around someone who did. but before she could even deliver her words, her attention was fixated elsewhere, eyes growing wide in a mix of both surprise and horror he instant his camera flash went off; Yah- what are you doing? Delete those this instant! /she's rushing toward him now and proceeded to make grabby hands for him- well, the phone in his hands, leaving a trail of laughter behind her while she's at it; You mustn't spoil the public with these rare photos Tae. No spamming. No nothing you hear?
kth: /he laughed loudly, wholeheartedly, raising his hands into the air in surrender/ Don't worry, these are for me. Not to be weird or anything- I just like the memories. They're actually cute. Here, take a look. /he held out his phone to Rosé, encouraging her to take the device and flip through his photo gallery/ I kind of feel like I should post something of me to the BTS twitter, but at the same time I don't want to ruin anything or make a mistake. /having a career in a field he loved was everything to him, but the tight restrictions did get irritating. He'd love to share their adventures with the world, but that'd have to wait until another time when it wouldn't potentially ruin their careers/
pcy: /she stood flat on her feet again, calming down some after seeing just how harmless he looked. rosé looked up at him with those big brown eyes of hers, lips forming into a small little pout; I don't think posting anything of you running around town would raise any suspicions. I'll even take the photo for you! Just- don't accidentally upload a photo of me by mistake.. that- might earn me a few antis, nbd. Aha. /she bit her bottom lip in thought for a moment before speaking up again; I probably won't upload anything remotely similar to yours, but I'll upload something to the blackpink Instagram, just show that I'm still alive and hey- my fans know I'm artsy fartsy anyways so I doubt they'd put two and two together. It'll be our little secret! /she chirped, giving his arm a little nudge, playful grin spreading across her face. That's if he wanted to. The pictures he'd taken of her weren't all that bad and he actually surprised her with how well she was photographed too, the light hitting her face just right. Not too much sky, not too much ground, just right; Guard these with your life. I trust you-
kth: These will be my new prized possession. A Kim Taehyung exclusive. They won't see the light of day, trust me. /he raised his left hand, the supposedly giant iPhone 7 plus looking tiny with his fingers wrapped around it, his right hand making an 'X' over his heart to nonverbally reinforce his promise of secrecy/ I'm sure I'm just overthinking things. I'm used to not even looking at people a certain way because fans will come up with countless theories out of thin air. /he laughed a bit, rubbing his nape with his free hand/ c'mon. Let's you and me take a quick photo, yeah? Just because I don't want the world to remember this doesn't mean I don't want to. /the offer was good willed and genuine, but he wouldn't be shocked if she said no. Having something like that could end in disaster; you could ruin your reputation with one wrong 'select' but he had faith in himself to not completely fuck up/
pcy: Pfft. New prized possession.. Taehyung puhleaaaseee.. /she repeated with a playful roll of her eyes. There was no hiding the amusement in her voice. It was there and it honestly  didn't surprise her when he confessed the tricks he had to learn to protect himself from weird rumors. She couldn't blame him- hell she'd even do the same if she were ever in his position; Geez. How terrible. Sometimes I wish reporters, netizens- would all understand that we're just normal people with basic needs, trying to make money to survive. But nah- privacy isn't in their vocabulary when it comes to us.. /she mumbled softly whilst shuffling closer to him. Rosé casually wrapped her arms around his waist in a side hug and moved where it seemed most natural before turning to look up at him; I'll help you burn these clothes later- /'ah- wait.' It took her half a second too late to realize the words that slipped passed her lips came out sounding a lot more suggestive than she had interested and she could feel her face growing warm at the sudden realization; -that came out wrong. I was referring to cooties- mine. My germs. Okay- i think it would be best if i just stopped talking. /Rosé coughed awkwardly and looked up toward the sky, anywhere but into his eyes. 'GG CHAE. GG.;'
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jaeniusmcgenius · 7 years
Short-Lived Excitement
“____, let’s go out!” Your boyfriend -- although one might mistaken him as your younger brother -- whines with his deep voice and boyish charm.
“It’s a weekend, Park Chanyeol,” you reply him, not looking up from the novel you’re reading as you lounge on the bean bag by the room window.
“Exactly! We should be enjoying the beautiful outdoor and doing fun activities. Outdoor.”
“I told you I need to finish this book, Yeol. It’s gotta be indoors today.” You say, gesturing the newly-bought book in your hands.
The ‘boy’ in ‘boyfriend’ finally makes sense to you today as the man, who’s supposedly older than you are, keeps tugging at your sleeve, twirling your hair in his fingers and giving you a thousand and one reasons to get out of the house. You start ignoring him after his third sentence but his significant, velvety voice can be very distracting, causing you to re-read the same paragraph four times already.
Having enough of his whining, you snap your book shut in between your palms and turn to him on your left. He flashes a wide grin, pleased that you’ve given in into his persuasion.
Or so he thinks.
“I know a better way of having fun than going out. Are you up for it?” The glint in your eyes and the smirk etched on your face seem to perplex yet excite the gullible boy. He nods, curiosity flooding his eyes in a second.
You get up, his hand in yours, as you tug him along in the direction of your shared bedroom. You gently push him on to the bed. After telling him to wait, you walk across the bedroom to gather several items from a storage box and then return to stand in front your clueless boyfriend. You slowly walk to your awaiting boyfriend with your hands behind you and an innocent smile of an angel. With a lower voice, you whisper into his ears, angel turning into a devil in a matter of seconds. “And close your eyes.” He practically shivers as your hot breath hits the back of his neck.
You wrap a black cloth around his eyes and tie it behind his head snugly. “_____, what’s happening?” He asks, but the unconcealed joy in his voice tells you he doesn’t care about your answer anyway. The thrill he feels is escalating by the second.
Then, you take his left wrist -- caressing it ever so gently just to see his satisfied response -- and fasten a handcuff around it. Having bound him to the bed with the studio prop that Chanyeol brought back from one of his shoot, you give a soft peck on his cheek.....
Before taking your unfinished novel by the bedside table and run for the door. “I’ll get back to you, Chanyeol. I love you!”
“_____?” He calls out your name confusedly, wondering about your distant voice and the sound of your quick footsteps. Chanyeol attempts to leave the bed, only to realise that his left hand has been chained by something. With his other free hand, he removes the blindfold from his eyes, but the sudden flurry of light blinds him for a few moments. Upon regaining his vision, he scans around, the reality of being deserted and confined has finally dawned on him.
“_____! Where are you? Why did you leave me alone?” From downstairs, you can hear your boyfriend’s questions, his voice almost desperate to lure you back into the bedroom. For the first five minutes or so, you have probably heard your name being called out more than you ever have for your whole life time. It’s no wonder Kyungsoo gets so annoyed whenever that boy addresses him.
Finally, silence. Ahh, the distinct smell of ink on coarse yellowish papers has never felt so good, almost as if you’re in a peaceful library. Chanyeol has probably found something to entertain himself and quietens down. You indulge yourself into the world of fiction, happy over the freedom from interruption.
About half an hour later, your phone buzzes on the coffee table, taking your focus away from the building up of the climax.
PCYeol: ____, I’m bored… Save me, I’m gonna die from boredom.
You chuckle as you read the text, imagining how desperate that boyfriend of yours must be feeling right now. He is known for his hyperactivity, and truthfully, you’ve never seen him stay still for at least one minute. Confining him to the bed is probably a great torture for him, which makes you feel bad. But he needs to train his mental endurance some time or another, right?
Give me a call only when nature calls for you, OK? I’m halfway through this book already, so it won’t be long to your freedom. Meanwhile, cultivate your mental and emotional peace, alright? Yours truly, ____.
PCYeol: But… I miss you already. :(
PCYeol: ____, how could you abandon me for a novel? I thought I’m the most important thing in your life, like you are in mine.
PCYeol: Chaining me to the bed, blindfolding. I was so shocked just now. Come to think of it, where did you even get this suggestive idea? Let me guess, Baekhyun?
PCYeol: Or is it sly Jongdae?
PCYeol: Oh Sehun?
Eventually, Chanyeol keeps sending you texts that are left unread. You put your phone on silent mode and don’t bother to check unless he gives you a call, which he doesn’t dare unless he needs a toilet break.
After snapping out of the world of fictional crime investigation, you get yourself back to reality and into the bedroom where your imprisoned boyfriend is. Having prepared dinner already, you want to invite Chanyeol to eat, as an apology and appreciation for letting you have your ‘me’ time, but the sight that met you delays your plan. Your exhausted boyfriend is sleeping soundly, sprawled unattractively like a bear on the huge bed, his left hand still attached to the top of the bed by that metal cuff. Guilt creeps into your heart for tying him up, besides also giving him the wrong idea. But let’s be honest, he kinda deserves it for being so hyperactive.
Nonetheless, you release the handcuff before quietly lay next to him, not wanting to wake the tired beagle up since he looks so peaceful as sleep looms his consciousness. As you stare at his serene face, you wish he can be like this half of the time he’s awake. After an unaware amount of time, Chanyeol stirs gently and flutters his big eyes open. As your figure settles into his vision, the large-framed man quickly wraps his arms around you like a huge bear, engulfing you whole.
“_____! You’re finally here, I missed you so much. How could you just leave me here like that?” He complains, rocking back and forth on the bed like a kid in need of consolation.
“It’s only been a couple of hours, cut the drama PCY.  However...I am sorry for chaining you up though. I have to finish what I’ve started and that book was no different, there just wasn’t any compromise.” You admit, casting a guilty glance at him.
“Well, you can make up for it.” He says, a mischievous grin creeping up his face, contrary to a sulky boyfriend that you have expected beforehand. “You said it yourself, you have to finish what you started. You enacted this excitement in me, and you have to give it a closure.”
Like every other man, Park Chanyeol has clearly been aroused by that suggestive move you made before confining him to the bed. Thrilled with the hoax you did, boyfriend Park now demands some sexy time, it seems.
“Looks like you’re hungry, Park Chanyeol. I’ll give you something to eat to satisfy that hunger of yours. Dinner is ready.” With that said, you purposely reject him, although you secretly desire the same as he does. But it’s always fun to play around with him first. Your attempt of escaping fails when he immediately hugs you with his long arms, not wanting to let you go.
“Aww, _____, why are you doing this to me? I’m not hungry for food, you know that.” He whines a bit, burying his face between your neck and shoulder. “Didn’t the novel you read has parts about this special hunger?”
“It was a mystery crime novel, Chanyeol. What do you think I was reading, 50 Shades of Grey?” You notice his expression change from the corner of your eyes at the mention of that romance book.
“We don’t have to read it to know what happened in that book, do we?” He says smugly, a flirtatious glint in his eyes. At this point, you are reeled in. Chanyeol is really pushing it and you’re not complaining either.
“Are you sure you know, Park Chanyeol?”
“Well, it doesn’t matter. We’ll learn as we practice,” he answers with a smirk, showing off the dimple on his cheek.
“Then, shall we get started?” You ask with a raised eyebrow, head tilting to the right. Instead of a verbal reply, Chanyeol responds with passionate eyes and a gentle kiss that catches fire in one passing moment.
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softpcysuggestions · 6 years
Chanyeol would love when the air turned crisp and when the autumn leaves fell down. There would always be some sweet tint in the air, but he loved it most because it gave him an excuse to bundle up close to you. How many nights you would spend - cuddled with a blanket while the snow fell outside. Yeah, Chanyeol loved the cold, but only because your presence was his warmth.
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iu · 6 years
ok so ! i tag baekhyun as beak, pcy as pcy, kyungsoo as ksoo, kai as nini, suho as myeon, xiumin as umin and i just changed my sehun tag for hunnie! all i need now is a soft tag for jongdae and yixing any suggestions
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fairyshuuu · 7 years
this might be rlly basic but im a hoe for boyfriend/bestfriend pcy moodboards mayb late night adventures kinda feel? idk
Done! Thank you for the suggestion! This one made me v soft. You can find it here.
Suggest me a moodboard concept and a person.
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