#pdh laurance x reader
starhvney · 1 month
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𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: blaze, garroth, gene, laurance
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: your friend group has a certain game they like to play at your co-ed sleepovers–one that was exhilarating and full of tension. naturally, what’s a girl to do but use her wits and charm to win over the heart of the boy she’s playing with? and what if he’s the one pulling the strings all along?
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒: teens being teens, fluff and flirtyness, kissing and cooties! it’s implied that they’re dating the reader or at least have mutual crushes
𝐂𝐖: use of fake knives and nerf guns lol
𝐀/𝐍: erm..umm…hehe? bites lip
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𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐞: 𝐦𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐫. 𝐤𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞.
“hey blaze, wanna go see something cool?” you ask suddenly, tilting your head and batting your eyelashes up at the tall werewolf.
he purses his lips, black ears twitching against his dark red curls. a suspicious hum leaves his lips for a moment as the rest of the group warily watches on.
“okay!” he goofily smiles, shrugging and following after you towards the house’s basement door.
“blaze… don’t fall for it.”
“but she’s such a trustworthy person!” he protests against the group’s warnings, beginning to follow you down the dim staircase.
you hold back a snort at his enthusiastic voice, wondering if he was playing up on his usual airheaded tendencies or if he really thought you weren’t going to kill him off from the game down here.
“the basement, definitely super romantic and cool and not suspicious at all!”
he definitely knew. you giggle as you make it to the end of the staircase, standing at the bottom as you awkwardly try to think of what you want to “show him” besides the plastic knife in your pocket.
“your laugh is usually cute, but when it’s so mischievous and in a dark basement it’s kind of creepy,” he shivers, backing up towards the stairs again. “actually… i just remembered i need to do something!”
“wait! you said i’m cute, right?” you snatch onto his flannel, dragging him back towards you—or rather dragging yourself towards his much heavier and unmoving body.
“um… wanna… make out?”
“yeah!” he switches back to his himbo cheerfulness, very eagerly leaning down and pressing his lips against yours.
you indulge him for a moment, before your puckered lips spread into an evil smile and you’re pressing the plastic knife into his abs. a disappointed sigh leaves his lips as he dramatically sinks down to the floor to play dead.
“not cool, you’re gonna leave me in the spooky basement?” he pouts, his fluffy tail laying flat on the ground.
“you’ll be fine,” you giggle, pressing one last kiss to his forehead and happily skipping up the stairs to finish the round. “see you later!”
𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐞: 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬. 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐝𝐢𝐞!
“where is everyone…?” you trail, feeling uneasy as you look for all of the friends you were separated from. 
your search is interrupted when you hear footsteps rapidly approaching you across the grass of the backyard. 
despite knowing this was a silly game with friends, turning to see a six foot three beast of a werewolf sprinting at you with a plastic knife in hand was still a terrifying visual. you couldn’t help the terrified yelp that left your lips as you sprinted away from him, knowing your efforts were futile.
you’re caught up to within barely a few seconds, strong arms nearly crushing you as he scoops you up. a squeal leaves your lips as you cling onto his shirt, feeling your feet leave the ground.
“wait! wait!” you screech, heart racing as you catch your breath.
“nuh-uh,” he laughs.
you groan when you feel the knife firmly placed against your back, limply dangling in blaze’s arms.
“caught you.”
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𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐞: 𝐦𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐫. 𝐤𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞.
your arms boldly slink around garroth’s shoulders as you lean onto him from behind where he sat, your face snuggling up to the side of his cheek.
automatically he tenses up, eyelids narrowing as his vision darts over to you from the side of his eye. he mutters your name suspiciously, but one of his hands comes up to softly grab onto one of your arms.
“hey, garroth,” you whisper into his ear, holding back the amused giggle that fights to escape your lips. “i was just wishing a tall, hot blonde guy would go into the closet to make out with me…”
garroth sighs, his ears turning a bright red where your breath ghosted along the skin.
“you said that last time, and i died.”
you can tell he’s trying to make his voice monotonous and unimpressed, but the amused intonation at the end of his sentence tells another story. your chest presses against his back, and the breathy, mischievous laughter that exhales from your lungs shakes the both of you.
“no, i’m for real this time!”
“oh yeah, that sounds perfect,” he sarcastically quips back. “i’ll go with the girl trying to seduce me into the closet with no witnesses.”
“garroth… would i ever betray you in such a way?”
“you just did a couple rounds ago.”
“yeahhh,” you drawl out, placing a kiss on his cheek as you quickly place the knife over his heart and press down. “sorry.”
he sighs, slumping forward on the table to play dead.
“so cruel and heartless,” he jokingly pouts, and you have to restrain yourself from placing another kiss on his jutted lower lip.
𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐞: 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬. 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 ���𝐢𝐞!
“garroth, i’m sorry. why don’t we hug it out?” you suggest, arms spread wide as you look up at the blonde expectantly.
he rolls his eyes, leaning down and tightly wrapping his arms around you. after a moment you pay his back, expecting to be let go, but realization hits you as it’s his turn to giggle at you. 
the light rumbling of his laughter vibrates against you, before you feel the plastic knife pressing right up against the small of your back.
you groan, going limp in his arms and leaning your head back as you sigh in light hearted annoyance.
“wowwww, okay.”
he continues to laugh, leaning over and letting you slink down to the floor before gently letting you rest on the ground.
“sorry,” he smiles, looking the least bit sorry before leaning down and placing a kiss against your lips.
“i’m so gonna haunt you.”
“i wouldn’t mind a pretty ghost following me around,” he smiles back, before getting back up and running off to finish his job.
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𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐞: 𝐦𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐫. 𝐤𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞.
“gene, wanna go make out?” you casually ask, smiling at the older boy cheekily and attempting to ignore the attractive look he stares back at you with.
his head falls back and he rolls his eyes, smirk plastered on his lips as he sighs in contemplation from where he sat.
“see, how am i supposed to refuse when you ask like that, though?”
“like what?” you tilt your head innocently, lacing your hands behind your back.
he pointedly stares at you through hooded eyes, before stretching up from his seat and shoving his hands in his pockets.
“alright, where are we going to make out?”
you shrug and guide him out of the house, passing a few people as you go.
“where are you two going?”
“to make out, apparently.”
“don’t tell me you’re falling for that.”
“it’ll be fine,” gene drawls, waving his hand as the two of you exit the house. “i have a feeling on how this is gonna end, but i’ll take my chances.”
“well, whoever’s the cop—be ready when she comes back alone,” you hear someone say as the door shuts behind you. 
you only take a few steps before turning around, pointing the knife at him with a small innocent smile on your face.
“damn, not even gonna give me a small chance at a kiss before you kill me?”
“so sorry,” you apologize emptily, the cheeky smile on your lips leaving when he leans forward into the knife, grabbing your face and devouring your lips for a moment with his own.
you blink at him in shock as he pretends to cough in pain, keeping forward into the ground and rolling onto his back to play dead.
“it’s alright, you will be later,” he smirks back, laying flat on the ground and staring up at the stars.
𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐞: 𝐜𝐨𝐩. 𝐬𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞!
finally! you found where your friends had been all round… only to see that they were all sprawled out on the floor, motionless. you take a cautious step into the room, slowly turning your head to the tall form standing in your peripheral.
you hear a few snickers from the ground as you and gene stare at each other, with your hands on your hips.
“well, it’s just us, huh?”
you don’t have enough time or a chance to pull out the gun, instead having to run away down the hall and through the back doors as he suddenly sprints after you.
“nooo! nonono, gene!” you call out, fumbling for the gun in your pocket as you run through the grass.
“why are you running?” he asks, the amused smile on his lips heard through his voice without even having to glance back. “don’t run from me.”
you point the gun back, shooting and missing the boy entirely, wasting your last bullet. one more stride and he catches up to you, knocking the gun out of your hand and restraining you against him with one arm in a single swoop. 
“wait! don’t!” you frantically scramble as he presses the knife up against your chest. “i will… um!”
“mhmmm…” he tauntingly hums, letting you continue.
“…go out? …with you?”
you whine as he presses the knife down against your chest, slumping over as he hunches over and slowly lets you down to the ground. deep laughter leaves his lips as he looks down at your pout, hands on his knees in amusement. 
“sorry, that’s not a good deal if you already do that, doll.”
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𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐞: 𝐦𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐫. 𝐤𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞.
“laurance, follow me,” you tug on his shirt, backing up as you try to lure him out of the room.
“i’m not falling for that, silly girl,” he leans down towards you, smirk plastered on his face. “where’s everyone else you walked off with, then. hm?”
“falling for what?” you follow him as he starts backing away from you and towards the door. “i just love you so much. i wanna show you!”
“uh-huh, right,” he nods, before turning and taking off outside into the cool night air.
“laurance! wait, let me show you!” you laugh hysterically. “i wanna show you how much i love you!”
“get away!” he laughs, using his soccer skills to dodge and run away from you in the grass.
you manage to catch him, jumping onto his back and using the momentum to tackle the both of you down to the soft grass. your legs straddle his torso as you both catch your breath, chests panting for air.
“now it’s just us…” you trail, dragging your index finger across his lower lip. 
you pull on it before leaning down and pressing a kiss to his lips, simultaneously plunging the fake knife against his chest.
“that was both terrifying and hot at the same time,” he breathes with a smug grin.
𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐞: 𝐜𝐨𝐩. 𝐬𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞!
“come on, you don’t trust me?” laurance tilts his head, pouting as you indecisively point your gun back and forth between him and katelyn—the rest of your friends laid out on the ground. “ouch, that hurts.”
katelyn stares at you with a deadpan expression. her and laurance have their arms raised in the air in surrender, leaving you as the one to make the game-settling decision.
“don’t let him woo you, you’re better than this—“
“she went off with aphmau alone and now aphmau is dead!” laurance insists, leaning forward towards you. “it’s obviously her, be smart. you’re smart.”
“um… i’m sorry katelyn!” you apologize, sending a bullet out toward katelyn’s stomach.
she laughs with a groan as she sinks to the ground. you come to the realization that you, in fact, made the wrong decision when nobody else gets up, leaving you and laurance at a standstill.
“…i’m out of bullets.”
“you better run…” someone mutters with a snort on the ground.
strings of shouts and scared curses leave your lips as you take off down the hallway, searching for any bullets to use now that you’ve cornered yourself at one end of the house.
“oh no!” you yelp, socks sliding as you land against a wall, laurance’s hands trapping you in before you can scramble anywhere else.
“hey,” he jokingly bites his lip, staring at you with faux seduction.
you sigh dramatically. “just kill me.”
he giggles, stabbing you with the knife before placing a kiss against your cheek.
“hey, it’s not your fault my charm works so well—“
“shut up.”
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©starhvney, 2024. please do not steal or repost my works as your own.
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sunnified · 27 days
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synopsis. it's not your fault that, out of the two of them, you happen to like your best friend's brother more.
pairing. pdh!garroth, pdh!laurance, pdh!dante, pdh!gene, x gn!reader
content. cheesy pick up line in garroth’s, use of calling the reader “gorgeous” in laurance’s, dante just being a dude with a crush, gene is smoking, gene also offers that same smoke to you, he also calls you a name.
word count. 1.2k
a/n. zenix was also supposed to be in this,, my bad zenix fans </3
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unfortunately for you, vylad was far too perceptive for you to ever keep any secrets from him for long. luckily, he couldn’t be nearly as observational when he was on the soccer field, kicking a ball to his teammates and putting all of his focus on the game.
you stand off to the side, near the bleachers where the players keep their water bottles and such, under the pretence of watching vylad play. in actuality, you’re giggling as garroth reads off another cheesy pick up line that would make you cringe should it have come from anyone else, “you’re still coming to my house for dinner tonight, right?”
you nod, already sensing where this is going, “mhm.”
“well, on the menu tonight is me n’ u.” he beams, and you almost snort from how proud your charming lover looks with himself.
the game is almost over, and you know that you’re here to cheer on vylad, but you’ve spent most of the match flirting with garroth and giggling anytime he made a cheesy joke. honestly, you could live with your relationship being like this for the rest of high school, if you really wanted to — it’s not that he’s ashamed of you, but garroth knows his family can come off as intense, and he feels the intensity will only increase because of your close friendship with vylad.
not that you mind, it’s fun to sneak around with the hottest boy in school, knowing that you both harbour a silly secret together.
the ball is kicked in your direction, and vylad comes running over, “hey guys,” he greets, panting slightly as he bends down to pick up the ball. when he’s upright again, he turns to you and raises a brow, “i hope he’s not trying to charm you.”
you can’t help the heat in your cheeks as you hum, “i really don’t mind it all that much.”
one quick text is all it took for you to abandon cadenza’s room, creeping across the hall and peeking your head into the bedroom of her younger brother. unsurprisingly, laurance was awake and sitting on top of his duvet. his room was dimly lit, but provided enough light for you to see the grin spread across his handsome features, “well, hey there, gorgeous.”
you snickered, slipping through the crack in his door and officially stepping foot into his bedroom, “hey there yourself, handsome.”
six steps is all it took for you to reach his bed, sitting across from him as he let out an amused laugh. the relationship between you two is still fresh, and it’s exhilarating to be sneaking around like forbidden lovers right under everyone’s noses. even if you do feel slightly guilty for not telling cadenza about it — she’ll probably lose her mind once she finds out.
oh well.
a minute passes, before laurance decides he can’t stand the distance between the two of you and is actively tugging you to lay down with him. his ceiling seems to be the most interesting thing in the world as you can’t bring yourself to meet his piercing gaze. you barely talk, just enjoying the company of one another, until his lips find the skin of your cheek. when he pulls away, leaving a soft kiss in his absence, laurance hums, “you should sleep over more often.”
he’s seeing all of you, in moments like these, where it’s just the two of you against the world. “i’m supposed to be in your sister’s room right now.” you reply with a huff of laughter.
he smirks, “but you’re not.”
laurance’s arm encircles your waist, and he shifts to lay on his side. there’s something cute about this boy, who waited up until his sister fell asleep to see you, that makes your heart flutter.
“you’re right.” you agree, tilting your head to meet those pale blues he wears so well, “i’m not.”
usually, nobody would have the guts to approach the gang of four sitting off in the hallway. on your left, sasha was glued to her phone and occasionally adding to the conversation with half hearted quips. on your right, zenix was attempting to stack two spray paint cans on top of one another whilst his legs sprawled across the floor. the leader of your little group, gene, was pacing back and forth as he thought up ways to cause more havoc across the student body.
the four of you were widely regarded as troublemakers, and yet there seemed to be one soul in the entire school who couldn’t seem to stop ‘accidentally’ stumbling across you.
you tried to hide your amused smirk as gene stopped his scheming, blinking at the blue haired boy with the dopey smile across his face, “hey, gene.” he greeted his older brother, eyes flickering to meet yours for a second, “hi.”
you lifted a hand to wave in response, already charmed by whatever plan he had cooked up in order to talk to you around your friends. it’s not that you were attempting to hide your recently blossomed feelings from your friends, but they had never cared to ask, and you had never cared to tell.
gene raised a brow, “what do you want, dante?”
“just heading to class!” he grinned in response, barely even looking at his older brother as he fixed his sight on you. irene, you looked so good simply sitting there. it was unfair, “say, don’t you have class too?”
from each side of you, sasha and zenix groaned, as though they could already sense gene’s response. no matter what reputation the four of you garnered, gene wouldn’t tarnish the image his younger brother had of him, “you’re right. let’s go, guys.”
with a bit of pep in your step, you swung your backpack over your shoulder and headed over to dante; he seemed absolutely elated as you approached him. with a wave to your group of friends, you headed off down the hall, falling into footing with your not-so-secret secret boyfriend.
slipping away from dante had been easy, and finding gene had been easier. he was in your usual smoke spot in the park across from the school, rid of his usual lackeys. it was almost surprising, to see him without his two friends, but you didn’t question him. after all, it’s not like you wanted to talk about his friends when this was the first time you’d seen him alone in quite a while.
“you’re late.” he observed, huffing out a cloud of smoke whilst leaning against the bark of a tree.
you shrugged in response, because there was nothing you could say to make him forgive your misdeed. after all, actions spoke louder than words with gene. sinking into the shaded spot beside him, you hummed, “had to lose dante first.”
he offered you a puff of the cigarette he had been smoking, an incentive to stop talking. you didn’t accept, and he scoffed, narrowing teal eyes in your direction. “i don’t want to hear you talkin’ about other guys.” he muttered in annoyance, returning your confused look with a deadpan stare, “yes, even if the other guy is my brother.”
there was a beat of silence, your lip upturning in hilarity, “he’s my best friend.”
“go find him then, if he’s so great?”
you snickered, “you’re such a loser.”
“thin ice, doll.” he warned with a smirk, stubbing his cigarette out. you returned his smirk, sticking your tongue out, and gene laughed, “oh, you’re in for it.”
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just a lil reminder that my reqs are open rn <3
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iatered · 2 months
Laurance X Reader
One Night Stand
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First post, hope you enjoy 😧🙈
Laurance X Reader
TW: NSFW, bad writing (?) 🥲 (Kawaii-Chan)
Laurance Zvahl.
You had always been one to find him annoying. From the way he carried himself, always with confidence and sunshine surrounding him. From the way he smirked and talked so flirtatious that it caused your stomach to twist in turn in so many ways.
You especially hated the way he was always there. No matter where you went, it’s as if the two of you were connected. At parties, at dinners, at the store, at a festival. He was even there when you were still in highschool, at Phoenix Drop High.
But the worst of all, was when he stared. He never really talked to you or anything but it felt as if he were always staring at you.
Of course, this may you feel shy and a bit nervous. I mean, who wouldn’t be right? He didn’t notice your blush either, right?
You had been attending one of Kawaii-Chan’s parties when Laurance suddenly approached you. Usually you would see him flirt with girls with such confidence, but when he tried talking to you, it seemed as if he was stumbling over his words and stuttering. His hands fiddled and crunched the red cup occasionally.
You stared at him, somewhat jealous by the way he was able to be so fine. Yet you found his demenaor amusing, intrigued by the way he acted around you. His clear blue eyes would occasionally flicker up to your face,
The next thing you knew, he was at your house, pinning your hands above your head. He was letting out trembling breaths as your entire body quivered.
The both of you were so close together. So close.
“Fuck, I never thought..” He started, squeezing his eyes as he blinked before focusing back on you. He didn’t finish his sentence as his eyes found their way to where the both of you connected, your pussy greedily sucking him in. He muttered something to himself, admiring the view.
One of his hands was pinning both of your wrists together against the headboard of your bed. The room smelled of skin and desire. There was clothes scattered all over the floor, showing the excitement.
You scrunched your eyes at him, suddenly moaning as he gave you a teasing thrust. “Laurance..” You called out, sighing his name deliciously.
That caused him to shudder, leaning down to feverishly kiss you. His hand reached up to cup your face. His touch was gentle as he kissed you.
He was a good kisser. You wondered where he learnt to kiss that well before he leaned back and stared at your disheveled state.
His eyes were swirling with a mix of desire but also adoration. You became nervous again, glancing away from his gaze. It felt as if he were studying you, watching you for a long time as if this may be the only time he’ll ever get this close to you.
“I love when you say my name,” he mumbles, leaning down to place another mark on your body.
With his lips on your skin, he just caused you to crumble and melt onto your messy bed. You wanted to scratch his back or anything but you’d already learned your lesson with that as your hands greedily tried to escape his grasp.
You couldn’t help but buck your hips at him, growing frustrated by the way he was teasing you. He had already come into multiple condoms already.
Wasn’t he exhausted already?
You stared up at him, your breathing heavy and tired. “Laurance-“ he groaned “-Fuck me please. Make me come,” you plead out sweetly, not knowing your limits.
His soft brown hair was plastered against his forehead, slight sweat dripping down his face and chest, making him glow under the moonlit sky. I wanted to touch him and I tried to reach over but his hand tugged me back into his restraint.
He chuckled at your words, causing your mind to turn a bit fuzzy.
“As you wish, m’lady,” he left a tender kiss on my neck, smirking as he leaned back.
You were about to reprimand him about such a name but he already began to pound into you, causing you to shut your mouth. Your hands clenched around each other, your back arching as he began to ravish you.
Moans slid right past your mouth, high pitched hiccups along with those as he leaned down and pressed his lips against your skin once again. You hummed, savoring the moment.
Finally, he let go of your hands and as soon as they were free, they went straight to his face, to his chest, or to his arms. His hands glided and gently squeezed your waist, admiring your gleaming skin.
His hips moved at a steady pace. Fast and passionate was his style as his grunted with each thrust. You whimpered at each thrust, each time the tip of his cock touched your sweet spot, it caused you to squeeze your eyes and clench your jaw.
“You’re so pretty..” Laurance whispered huskily, groaning as your hands went to scratch his bag again. This time he didn’t pull you away but he did bite down on your neck, a curse slipping past your lips as he did so.
“So precious..” he moaned, his face centimeters away from yours.
His forehead was pressed against yours, his breath brushing against your lips. His eyes locked with yours as you fluttered your eyes open to stare up at his presence.
“Laurance.. I’m close,” you sob, feeling overstimulated and coming faster than the previous times.
Your legs were tightly wrapped around his waist, afraid you might fall through your bed and into the nothing if you let go. He whispered something unintelligible, your mind blurry as you felt a knot form in your stomach, tightening faster and tighter.
He moaned, pressing his body against yours.
Tears started to well up in your eyes, beautifully rolling down your face. Laurance watched you with furrowed brows, kissing the tears away with such tenderness that you forgot he wasn’t yours.
But for tonight, he’s yours. And you’re his.
You threw your head back, whining his name as you gasped at each pounding thrust. With each thrust, the bed creaked. With each thrust, your heart hiccuped. With each thrust, your need for him grew stronger.
“You feel so good,” he mumbled against your skin, peppering soft kisses against your face.
Finally, you felt your entire soul leave your body for a moment, going into a state of nothing but heavenly bliss. With you, was Laurance and his presence. His eyes brought you back and you came, gripping onto his shoulders with so much pressure it may have left bruises.
He also came, a low moan leaving his soft lips as he did so. His voice vibrated against your skin, causing you to shudder and collapse onto your bed.
The both of you stayed like that for a long moment, laying together. He admired you, watching as you closed your eyes and breathed heavily.
He chuckled before pulling back. “You’re not going to sleep, are you?” He smirked, pulling out of you which made you feel empty and clenching around nothing.
Suddenly everything came back to you and you instantly felt shy, grabbing onto the discarded blanket on the floor and wrapping your body up in it. “I-.. no?” You whispered cheekily.
He stared at me for a few moments as he threw the condom away before shaking his head with a laugh. You blushed, watching as he put some his boxers on.
You looked away, squeezing your eyes shut as you burrowed your face into your pillow. What just happened.
You felt a hand gently travel down your back, causing you to look at Laurance and watch as his amused expression teased you. You blushed once again and hid your face in your blanket, pulling it over your head.
“Aren’t you going to shower or.. something?” You asked, your muffled voice making its way through your blanket.
He shrugged, laying down in your bed with you. “I don’t think so, I just wanna lay here and sleep.”
You hummed, feeling the blanket be pulled down to reveal your face. His breath hitched, his eyes darting all over your face as he watched you. You furrowed your brows, looking away.
“You’re disgusting,” you fake gagged, giggling as he feigned a playful offense to it.
“Right, right. Then why don’t you shower with me?” He wiggled his brows.
You rolled your eyes, gasping as he picked you up, still butt naked and dragged you into the bathroom. You pressed your body against his, hoping that would hide the view away from him but he blushed instead from the skin on skin contact.
You blushed as well, huffing as you crossed your arms over your chest, hiding.
The door closed and the water turned on.
The Next Morning
You walked out of your house, ready to go to work when suddenly you felt a presence behind you. You turned around quickly, getting into a defensive stance when you realized it was Kawaii-Chan.
“Oh, Kawaii-Chan, it’s you,” you sighed in relief.
“What are you doing here?” you asked, looking at her strangely.
She had this cheeky grin on her face. You narrowed your eyes at her, crossing your arms. “What’s the matter?”
“Oh nothing.” She smiled suspiciously.
“But Kawaii-Chan may or may not have seen Laurance-Kun and (Y/N)-Senpai sneak off last night at she party,” she giggled to your horror.
“Don’t worry, Kawaii-Chan is not mad,” she said, raising a finger up to her lips before scarily walking backwards into a bush.
You stood there in horror, afraid of the things she might do.
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I wnat gene, Laurence and garroth. One at a time and then all together.
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garcargofarfar · 4 months
Valentine's Cards
PDH boys x Gn!Reader
Aaron x Reader, Garroth x Reader, Laurance x Reader, Ein x Reader, Zane x Reader, Blaze x Reader, Gene x Reader, Kai x Reader, Dante x Reader, Travis x Reader
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Happy Valentine's Day. I've been meaning to ask you.. if you'd like to be my Valentine? We could go watch a movie or something, whatever you'd like.
Of course, you could always decline. I just hope you know you're amazing. Thank you for being there for me at my lowest point. It's my turn to be there with you on a special day like this.
Lots of love,
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Dear (Y/n),
Happy Valentine's Day♡ On such a special day, I'd love to be spending it with you if you'll allow me. We could do whatever you'd like, just you and me.
I hope you like the flowers I got you. I'd be delighted to have you join me after school today to celebrate such a special occasion. I'll come pick you up from your last class. Take care, xxx.
Yours truly,
Garroth Ro'Meave
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(Y/n) (L/n),
Hey there. Happy Valentine's Day, be my Valentine? Thank you for being my friend, (Y/n). Thank you for seeing me for who I am. I'd like to return the favor by taking you out, if you'll let me.
What do you say? Want to join me and make me the happiest Laurance on Earth? ;)
Signed with love,
𝐿𝒶𝓊𝓇𝒶𝓃𝒸𝑒 𝒵.
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Be my Valentine? I know I'm just a boring werewolf, but I really like you. ☆ And.. I'd love to spend more time to get to know you. You're beautiful and sweet and kind and loving and ☆ caring and amazing and I'd be so happy to have you celebrate this year's Valentine's Day with me. ☆
☆ If you'd like, we could take things slowly. I don't mind. I just hope to be with you today.☆
Ein <3
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Hey. You.
Happy Valentine's Day. Do you want to hang out together today? Not as a date or anything, just.. casual hanging out. Yeah.
As part of the Shadow Nights, I promise to give you the best time of your life.
So if you'd like we could go do some cool stuff together. Like skateboarding or spraypainting some walls or something. Just cool stuff. But we'll be doing it together.
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Hey, pup♡ Happy Valentine's Day. D'you wanna be my Valentine? Even though werewolves can't have chocolate, we could still go have a romantic meal together, if you're up for it?
I'd love to spend today with you if you'd let me. Take a little break off of the pack, and it's shenanigans. You get me?
Hope to see you after school♡
~The guys name that shines brighter than the sun (aka Blaze)
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Hey cutie~
You're cute, y'know that? I'd love to have you as my Valentine this year. We don't have to do anything too crazy if you don't want to. I just want to be with you.
How about I take you shopping today? I know you're not a big fan of skipping classes so I'll come over to your classroom and get you, yeah? Can't wait to see you, cutie~
Leader of the Shadow Knights,
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Hi lunch buddy,
I know we've only ever talked during lunch mostly, but you're really awesome and I'd like to get to know you more. Would you consider being my Valentine?
You can find me today during lunch, and I'll take that as a yes. I made your favourite~
Kai ฅ^._.^ฅ
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Hey baby~
We all know I'm the hottest in the school. Would you like to be my Valentine? I'd be honored to have such a hot person like you be mine.
Consider it for a while, babe, and text me when you have your answer~ muah~
-Hot stuff, Dante
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I know I'm usually flirting with every girl in the school, but I want you to know I'm not actually all that.
You've helped me realised that there's more to me than what Dante depicts me as, and for that I thank you. Would you like to be my Valentine? Or we could take things slowly and be friends. I don't mind.
But happy Valentine's Day regardless to the prettiest person I know.
Travis :D
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lexissrosea · 22 hours
↳ masterlist ᕱ⑅ᕱ ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁
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૮ . . ྀིა⁩ 𝐋𝐞𝐱𝐢𝐬𝐬' 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 ───⁩ 𝜗𝜚
𝐓𝐨𝐩 𝐆𝐮𝐧: 𝐌𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐤
all i need. [Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw x Fem! Reader] chicken pot pie. [Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw x Fem! Reader]
𝐀𝐩𝐡𝐦𝐚𝐮 // 𝐀𝐥𝐞𝐱𝐢𝐬𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞
Alexis' Years: Beneath the Thorns [PDH Laurance Zvahl x OC] — ON QUOTEV Alexis' Diaries: The Forgotten Flora [MCD Laurance Zvahl x OC] — ON QUOTEV
𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧ . . .
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❝ 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐤𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐜; 𝐢𝐭 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐫𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ❞
pic. credit to @twime
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deardiane18 · 2 years
i stumbled on this pdh laurance x reader on pinterest and now i can’t stop reading
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lovelaurs · 5 days
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REQUEST RULES : what i will and won't write! | MASTERLIST
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as silly as it is to say; i am biased. if i am given a request involving laurance, that request will be given priority. as i am the one writing the fics, writing requests of many characters can get tiring, so i prefer sometimes to get myself back into the zone by writing my favorite character before other requests (this does not mean your request will be deleted, i will just simply put it in a queue to write!).
in regards to what i will and won't write, please understand that i am going based off what i myself am most comfortable with. if you put a request in my inbox that in any way, shape, or form makes me uncomfortable, i have the right to refuse it. please respect that before submitting any requests!
below you will find the list of everything i will and won't write!
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i will write:
mcd characters : if you couldn't tell by now, i absolutely am OBSESSED with minecraft diaries. because of this, any fics i decide to write myself WILL be based in that universe.
mystreet characters : as much as i prefer mcd, i am very much opem to writing mystreet! however, please clarify on your request that it is mystreet, or i will default to writing minecraft diaries!
i won't write:
romantic aaron x readers : first off, i'd like to say i have nothing against aaron fans! i just personally do not wish to write of him in a romantic way as it makes me uncomfortable. this does NOT mean i won't write him at all! i will 100% write him in a platonic way in requests!
pdh characters x readers : since i am 19, i don't feel comfortable writing x readers of underage characters. i will, however, write platonic and pdh characters x each other though!
side series characters : it has been a LONG time since i have seen any of her other mini side series, so i don't remember much from them! so as for now, i am not going to write series such as inner demons, heart point, ultra nova, etc!
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i will write:
romance : i love writing romantic pairings! whether it be of pre-existing characters or x readers, i'm open to it in general!
platonic : i really enjoy writing friendship fics as well! so feel free to send in any pairing or group and i'll gladly write them! but please be sure to clarify it's platonic in your request!
poly : i am completely down to write polyamory relationships! as someone who is poly themself, i truly wish there was more representation! also, please make sure to clarify in which way the relationship goes and who is dating who as well!
prompts : i love having a sense of direction to go in, so prompts are greatly encouraged! but don't worry, if you don't have one, i can write up a scenario myself!
suggestive : i will write suggestive content from time to time or insinuate at topics if the content is right! i will not write suggestive on requests unless it is specifically stated! please do NOT request this if you are a minor.
drabbles : writing little stories and or my thoughts on different scenarios i have in my brain are definitely something i'm interested in! so please share your ideas so i can ramble on about that!
headcanons : i love writing headcanons for characters! so if you have a character in mind with a certain topic as well, i will gladly write about it! or with no topic at all i'll just list my thoughts!
angst : i personally love to torture these characters and make them suffer more than they do in canon (sorry). so feel free to send any angst requests and i'll happily write them!
i won't write:
proship material : anything involving underage characters or problematic themes shed in a good light will NOT be apart of my writing no matter what. if i feel uncomfortable with a request i will simply reject it.
gendered readers : as someone who uses they/them pronouns myself, i prefer to write gender neutral works in which EVERYONE can see themselves in! so, for any requests, please expect them to be done with either they/them pronouns used, or with no mention of gender!
smut : as of right now, i haven't written many x readers yet, and would prefer to keep nsfw out of my writings for now! i might change my mind in the future, so be sure to check this list often to make sure!
romantic pdh x reader : since i am 19, i don't feel comfortable writing x readers of underage characters. i will, however, write platonic and pdh characters x each other though!
anything i feel uncomfortable with : obviously i'm going to have my own personal preferences as well, so please do not be offended if i turn down any requests that contain content i feel unsure about!
lastly, i'd like to add that if you have any questions or need clarifications on anything here, don't be afraid to ask in my inbox!
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Guys I'm having such bad writers block wth.
Please give me tips on how to get rid of it.
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sunnified · 24 days
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synopsis. a dive into the world of mystreet’s resident bad boy!
pairing. mystreet!gene x reader
content. general headcanons, includes a bit of pdh!gene, mentions of smoking, mentions of alcohol, potentially a few ooc gene points (shut up, these are MY headcanons), sasha and zenix, mentions of bullying.
word count. 1.3k
a/n. gene lovers, i see you, i hear you, i am one of you!!! for this lovely anon <3
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𖤓 probably started the shadow knight gang in his freshman year, but nobody joined because they either weren’t “cool enough” or gene was too intimidating.
𖤓 he didn’t have a lot of friends during his first year because he was taller and more menacing than all the other freshman — i’m talking him being six foot, and by the end of high school he’s grown an extra three inches.
𖤓 tall!gene supremacy.
𖤓 gene attended his classes during freshman year since his mother was so excited for him to finally be going to high school — she was so proud of her oldest son growing up that she sobbed on his first day, snapping pictures of him in his uniform in front of the living room fireplace.
𖤓 he still ate his lunch outside, though.
𖤓 during the summer before sophomore year, he impulsively dyes a strand of his hair to match his younger brother’s. dante was so excited to see that blue streak that he cried.
𖤓 the blue faded as school started up again, and the two brothers never tell anyone else about it.
𖤓 he proposes the whole gang idea again in his sophomore year, except this time a silvery haired freshman takes an interest. she ends up recruiting another freshman, and the three of them become fast friends.
𖤓 he never says it out loud, but gene loves those two like they’re his own flesh and blood. they’re family, as far as he’s concerned.
𖤓 his own family life is a little bit rocky. gene’s father left when he was very young, and it broke his mother’s heart. he stepped up to help raise dante, but having a part of his childhood ripped away from him so young impacted gene more than he lets on.
𖤓 he went wild with freedom, upon reaching high school.
𖤓 the new founded shadow knights bond over terrorising freshman and sophomores alike, being a group of petty bullies for their first year as an ‘official gang’.
𖤓 gene also uses the group to look out for his little brother secretly, picking on kids who thought it was cool to tease dante.
𖤓 when gene’s junior year rolls around, another freshman takes interest in their little group, and he’s there testing how ‘hardcore’ this kid is. he turns out being pretty cool, and is inviter to hang out with them after vandalising an alleyway with their logo.
𖤓 he looks out for laurance whilst he’s apart of their group, going out of his way to make sure that older students stay away from him.
𖤓 when laurance ends up distancing himself from the shadow knights before eventually calling it quits, gene’s annoyed for sure. he offered everything he could to this little freshman, and in return he was labelled a bully and a bad guy.
𖤓 he picks up smoking in his junior year, and tries to hide it from both his mum and dante.
𖤓 he tried skateboarding for a little while, when zenix got into it, but eventually decided it wasn’t for him. and therefore stupid.
𖤓 he had a lot of influence over a select few students during high school, making them do his dirty work.
𖤓 honestly, phoenix drop high is where he learned to be such a manipulative little bastard. he never really grows out of this, but he does have a change of heart well into his adult life.
𖤓 any romantic relationship you develop with gene comes after high school. if you attended phoenix drop high and saw what he was like, you avoid him at all costs. if you don’t attend phoenix drop high and meet him in later years, gene thinks he still has a lot of changing to do before he’s ready for a relationship.
𖤓 he doesn’t go to college when he graduates high school. he passes all of his exams with average grades, but doesn’t want to continue on with education because he finds it boring.
𖤓 he lives at home for a while, trying to find his feet and figure out what he wants to do next with his life.
𖤓 ends up working at hot topic for a year, but gets fired for too many missed shifts.
𖤓 when sasha and zenix graduate, the three of them move into a shabby apartment together.
𖤓 you’re their most frequent visitor!
𖤓 he cares deeply, although he never words it.
𖤓 actions speak louder than words for him.
𖤓 when you’re visiting the apartment, cringing at the creaking floors and exposed wires, you can see how gene functions. he still has some small influence over his friends, scolding them when they argue, letting sasha do her college case studies on him, making sure zenix doesn’t accidentally sleep in when he’s scheduled a shift at work.
𖤓 you realise that the eyebags he wears are thanks to how hard he works without anyone ever really seeing it.
𖤓 maybe, that’s why you start crushing on him.
𖤓 he’s sly and teasing, a cover up for how awkward he really is when it comes to romance. he’s never had a boyfriend, girlfriend, or significant other before. even in high school, people were intimidated by him.
𖤓 everything is unsure with him when you do end up in a relationship, and he ends up disguising it as ‘baby steps’ so that you don’t immediately figure out he’s an intimacy-virgin.
𖤓 much later into the relationship, he confesses how you’re his first everything, to which you giggle softly. he thinks your laughter is his favourite sound.
𖤓 whilst he smokes quite often, he is much less likely to indulge in alcohol. he doesn’t mind the stuff, but he hates the way it makes him act.
𖤓 how does it make him act? emotional.
𖤓 it’s hilarious, watching how he embodies his mother and brother’s emotional state, clinging to you and hiding his face as he murmurs about how much he loves you and how you’re too good for him.
𖤓 i imagine that later in life, when the two of you end up moving into your first house together, he’s over the moon.
𖤓 of course, sasha and zenix are still there every other day. not that you mind, you’ve come to love having them around, and you know how much they mean to gene.
𖤓 he leaves most of the interior design up to you, although he does insist that the bedroom includes some variation of red.
𖤓 i imagine that gene ends up jumping jobs quite a few times, unable to settle in a place where he’d be happy to work for the rest of his life.
𖤓 in fact, with a bit of encouragement, he goes to college in his late twenties, living in your shared home with you supporting him.
𖤓 he works hard because he wants to make you proud. he wants to make his mother proud. he wants to make dante proud. he wants to make sasha and zenix proud. and he wants to prove everyone wrong about him.
𖤓 he ends up confiding in you about all of his feelings. he confesses that his childhood messed him up a little bit — no father figure to guide him and having to help raise his younger brother made gene resent dante slightly. even if none of it is his fault. he whispers to you that he regrets how he acted during high school, but he knows that he can’t change the past. he evens mumbles about he thinks you’re the best thing to ever happen to him, and he’d be a fool to ever let you go.
𖤓 when you kiss him, reassuring him that he’s not a bad person, he thinks of buying you a ring. after all, he can’t let you go, can he?
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garcargofarfar · 4 months
May I pretty please request some fluffy headcanons for Laurance x Garrorth x reader?
Also, may I pretty please be ⭐ anon?
Omg my first request on this blog! Thank you Anon <3 (I honestly thought the Aphmau community was dead) AND YES OMG I LOVE GARRANCE. I wasn't sure if you wanted this as in separately fighting for your love type or a threesome type. ALSO I wasn't sure if you wanted this set in PDH or MyStreet(or mcd but I haven't watched mcd) so..
Here have them all⭐️
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Laurance x Garroth x Reader HEADCANONS
Laurance x Reader, Garroth x Reader, Garrance
Era of Pdh and MyStreet
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Garroth and Laurance, like with Canon Aph, will both end up falling for you
The two of them would fight for your attention, remaining a friendly competition, but never letting that get in the way of their friendship
Garroth would be the more responsible and caring one
Laurance would be the more popular and carefree one
The two would secretly come to a mutual agreement to share you until you decide who to get with
Meanwhile, they'd both go behind each other's backs and try to spend the most time with you
You have separate classes with them both, respectively, yet also, occasionally have a class with both of them together
Garroth isn't the type for too over-the-top pet names, he'd go for something simple like love, sweetheart, babe, etc.
Laurance doesn't care as much and does whatever he feels like
Both boys will screw over one another and give them false information, thinking you had no clue
Meanwhile, you were aware of everything listed above but just never admit it
Remember what I said earlier about Garroth being the responsible one? Yeah, not anymore.
Garroth will eventually turn out to be the outgoing and goofy bundle of joy, but he knows when to be serious and when not to
Laurance is.. well, Laurance. He hasn't changed much since high school, but a tad bit more serious than he used to be to balance out Garroth's crazy mind
Both the boys would come over to find you occasionally at your house and refuse to leave, always finding excuses to be by your side
Eventually, they'll give in and work together, trying to get your attention together
Seeing as they live together, they hold meetings to plot out the perfect moments
L : "Oh, what a coincidence! Zane says he'd be home late."
G : "Would you mind if we stayed longer? To watch another movie?"
You : "We just watched all eight of the Harry Potter movies! Eight!"
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The two starts off surprised, learning that you're up to try a threesome
At first, it's hard to share you
Eventually, the two boys will learn to be gay asses and they'd purposely show each other more affection than to you to piss you off
You get pissed off
It takes them forever to get your attention and forgiveness, but knowing them, they'd pull this off again in less than two weeks time
The boys are mature, they'll finally learn to share.
Until, of course, they start getting jealous of each other. Again.
Garroth is usually on your left and Laurance on your right
It doesn't mean anything, but it's become habit
Actually, a lot of things have become habit
Like watching movies with the two on the weekends, having one boy's head on your lap as your head lays on the others shoulders, arms wrapped around you
And then, comes Sprinkles.
Laurance uses Sprinkles as bait and gaslighting
You use Sprinkles as emotional support while the two fight over Garroth's love for Sprinkles
You : *petting Sprinkles in your room* "Why are they like this."
Sprinkles : meow.
You : "I don't know what I see in those two idiots either."
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starhvney · 2 months
thats hype! what's your queue right now, if you don't mind me asking :] (I don't wanna overflow the space 😭)
hi! i don't mind at all :) i've gotten so many requests (which i'm super thankful for and blown away by!) that i'm having to filter through which ones i'm going to take and prioritize while also writing my own works. i feel really bad about it but i also don't want to stress myself over fanfiction about block people bahaha
right now i'm working on these:
☆ mystreet nana ashida & fem!reader | platonic, fluff
☆ travis fluff headcanons
(those two will hopefully be done by the end of today!)
☆ pdh katelyn & fem!reader | platonic, fluff
☆ mystreet laurance x fem!reader | fluff, established relationship
☆ mcd garroth x fem!reader | angst, hurt/comfort
☆ three multi-character headcanons/drabbles
☆ the first chapter of my multichapter mystreet x reader fic that i'm also going to cross-post on ao3
i'm sorry i've been kinda inactive lately everyone! i'm trying to finish my school work early to hash more time out to write but you know how life goes >< thanks to everyone for the support! i'm kinda overwhelmed by how much people like my writing, i didn't expect it at all!
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starhvney · 2 months
goodluck on your queue!!! :D your writings are a delight, you should totaallllyy share what your gonna write :3 (only if you wanna! if you don't wanna feel free to delete this, again goodluck dude!!)
hi anon!! i don't mind sharing at all! i'm so glad you like my writing so much :) most of my requests are for gene you guys are eating him up!! (real, I've been obsessed with him since i was 12 too)
here's the requests i have (and a small hint to what it's about):
☆ mystreet!gene x fem!reader | fluff, slice of life, established relationship, babysitting together
☆ mystreet!aphmau & fem!reader | fluff, platonic close friendship and physical touch, slice of life (anon didn't specify whether it was platonic or romantic, but i only write platonically for the female characters, and since aphmau is the self-insert of jess i don't feel comfortable writing romantically about her!)
☆ pdh!gene x fem!reader | bully x smart/good dynamic, will be fluffy though, possibly will make pdh gene slightly ooc but i won't stray too far from his personality :')
☆ mystreet!gene x fem!reader | hurt/comfort, fluff?, takes place during the ultima incident/starlight lockdown
☆ mystreet!nana ashida x fem!reader | fluff, platonic, slice of life, slight hurt/comfort for nana
i also have a word doc full of fic and headcanon ideas, i counted 16 oneshots and like 40 headcanon/drabble prompts that i came up with and just haven't written yet! a few are in the works right now but i want to prioritize prompts first. maybe i'll come up with a schedule and do one request one personal and so on.
these are some oneshots and headcanons i've started on if you're curious:
☆ "home cooked meal", a mystreet!laurance x fem!reader oneshot
☆ "late night study", a fcu!garroth x fem!reader oneshot
☆ "i'll find my way back to you", a mcd!garroth x fem!reader oneshot
☆ apocalypse au headcanons
☆ beach vacation headcanons
i have a lot more in the works but i don't want to give away all of my surprises and secrets ;) thank you so much for the good luck! you're super sweet!!
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