#pe aryia
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my kids from THE ETERNITY'S MAGIC with sangled's picrew! in order:
Easton // Aryia
Wyatt // Vrenht
Caelym // Fevira
i've had these in my photo album for a while, and i realized i never posted them! so, here you go. of course, these don't look exactly as they should be (aryia is an elf, vrenht is a dwarf, wyatt has wings, caelym has scales, fevira has bigger horns, etc) but they're pretty close.
@ink-flavored @phoebette @2krisp @charvaughn-writes @quilloftheclouds @starrywritingg @malaykawrites @cookiecutterwrites @lady-redshield-writes @writeblrcabinetofwonders @astoryinmypocket @ren-c-leyn @dove-actually @the-real-rg @timefirewrites @holotones @sunlight-and-starskies @evergrcen @writing-instead-of-fighting @heldinhishands
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lonely-xplr · 4 years
Influencers we love that do not-so-loveable things:
tw: slight mentions of r*pe & homophobic slurs
it really sucks seeing people that you love and care about say stupid things. in my opinion, i don’t think everyone should be “cancelled” for any inappropriate/insensitive thing they say (unless it’s unforgivable of course). let’s take trash brennen for example. he’s said and done countless horrible things that go beyond just making a “dumb joke”. we all know he’s simply a terrible person, but what about the other people that we trust have good hearts but maybe say an insensitive slur or make an inappropriate joke?
aryia for example said the f slur many times in a video talking about his past. now in context, he said it without censoring because he was explaining what he had been called and didn’t want to censor himself. now although he said it in a story context, it still hurt many LGBTQ viewers to hear the word, that is so often used against them, without any censoring. instead of acknowledging his fault and apologizing, he defended his actions by saying it was the truth of his past, while also saying the word again multiple times without censoring in his explanation.
although i can understand wanting to be raw and honest about your past, we’ll get the same message if the word is censored. and if you acknowledge your mistake in the explanation with a real apology and censoring, then you can easily be forgiven without a problem. the disappointment comes in when even after having tons of followers and fans tell you that you hurt them with that word, no matter the context, you still choose to ignore it and think as though you’ve done nothing wrong.
i love aryia and i truly feel he’s a good person, but if i’m being honest, that love is now tarnished with the memory of him refusing to apologize, to those who actually love him no less. we’re not just “haters” who are trying to give you a hard time. i really don’t understand the thought process of not wanting to apologize to the people who care about you most AND got you to where you are now. same with elton (and corey) and his “r*pe joke”. sure it was you mishearing what someone said, but was it really necessary to laugh at the word like it was the greatest joke you’ve ever heard?
i’m sorry this is long, but this has been stuck in my head a lot recently, especially today. this weird feeling of me knowing you did a shitty thing, but it’s not at the same level as say shane or brennen, so i don’t think you should lose your career because of it. however i do think you should apologize because it’s simply the right thing to do. i’d like to think i’m a good judge of character, so i feel they’re good people who can do great things for their supporters, but the fact that they can’t see when they’re in the wrong rubs me the wrong way.
i’m stuck in this place of “ugh i hate that you did this bad thing” yet “i still kinda love you because i know you’re not a shitty human being like other influencers”. they need to get rid of these selfish tendencies and start listening to those who provide them with a job in the first place. if they don’t, i’m afraid they’ll lose their platform for good in the future.
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💕: what has your favorite scene been?
that’s. tough. that’s a tough question.
i would say the fight scene between Aryia and Zeadra and Salator (two minor antagonists) in Chapter 29 is one of my favourites! having three very skilled characters fight each other is really fun to write, even if one is reluctant, and they all have history! after all, who doesn’t love an angsty conversation mid-battle?
other than that, i gotta say the conversation between Aryia and Easton in Chapter 30, when they’re on the way to the final area of the book. i’ve said it before, but i think it could be considered THE scene of the story. it’s just really... touching. and it hurts 10x more when u know the plot twist :3
💝: who has your favorite character arc? give a brief summary.
answered here!
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salator: well, well, well, if it isn't aryia.
aryia: but it is i.
salator: no, it's an expre-
aryia: your villain tricks will not work on me, salator!
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💙: how has the idea changed between starting it and where it is now? 💔: give a brief character bio of your 3-5 MCs 💞: which future scene are you looking forward to writing? please!!!
thank you so much for the askkkkkkkkkk~
💙: how has the idea changed between starting it and where it is now?
answered here!
💔: give a brief character bio of your MCs.
i’ve taken these directly from my wip intro, which is right here!
EASTON: a young boy who wants nothing more than to be a hero. he has a great sense of righteousness and justice, but coupled with his unmatched recklessness, he often has to be stopped by the others before he gets killed.
ARYIA: a dutiful and stoic elf. she’s powerful, thoughtful, and could easily take on a horde of goblins by herself.
WYATT: the most upbeat of the group. he cares about his friends more than he can handle, and though he’s a cunning mage with some powerful tricks up his sleeve, he’s awkward and a little clumsy.
VRENHT: a retired dwarf who lives a humble life as an occasional tour guide. despite his buff stature and awesome axe-wielding skills, vrenht is the wisest and most logical of the group, and always knows what to do.
CAELYM: the sole prince of the dragons. getting along with him won’t be too easy at first, but behind that egotistical and sassy facade of his is a caring personality that won’t see his friends get hurt.
FEVIRA: a distant and lonely faun. it’s a wonder she even joined the group in the first place—it seems like the only thing keeping her going is her hatred for the regnora eversor.
💞: which future scene are you looking forward to writing?
answered here!
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taglist: @clarissalopeswriter @kmjthatsall @astoryinmypocket @witchywrite @bettsican @malaykawrites @hoshizoragabe @ink-flavored @quilloftheclouds @ren-c-leyn @dove-actually
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happy sts! what tropes would your characters each most hate, and what tropes would they be complete suckers for? what genres do they like most and least?
ahh this is such a fun question, thanks for the ask velve!! :D
EASTON hates cheesy romance, especially the ones where they fall in love at first sight. it just! doesn’t make sense to him! he’s a sucker for the underdog trope. it’s really inspiring, especially to a teenager like him! and he loves the superhero / fantasy genre, specifically movies like marvel and DC!
WYATT is the opposite. cheesy romance novels are his thing, dammit, and he’s gonna die on that hill. especially gay ones. he hates love triangles, though—they usually aren’t very interesting to him, and why don’t they just all get together???
ARYIA doesn’t like romance very much. it really isn’t her thing. but she does enjoy any stories with dark humour and morally grey characters! it’s just interesting to her, the way people can act due to certain circumstances.
VRENHT will read any classic he can get his hands on. Lord of the Flies? read. To Kill A Mockingbird? he’s already got it. he isn’t closed off to newer books, but he prefers the writing style and the allegory-ness of the older ones!
i’m gonna stop here bc it’s getting pretty long
[ send me an ask for sts! ]
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first / last lines in book one of The Eternity’s Magic
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Happy storyteller Saturday! Which character goes through the most character development in your story? What is the driving force behind this change?
well, jason, what an interesting question you’ve asked...
it’s Aryia! for multiple reasons. in the first book, you can already see how much she changes, even by the halfway point. she’s less cold, more open, and just a nicer person in general! this is definitely because of Easton, and his relationship with her becomes more sibling-like rather than just rude to each other.
but in books two and three, there’s... a lot more. i can’t say much because massive spoilers, but she comes to a dreadful realization and breaks down. it’s fun!
[ happy storyteller saturday! come send me an ask! ]
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20, 30, and 31 for whoever you like!!
PIYA!! i know i can always count on you to send me stuff
20: Is your OC expressive, or would they rather conceal their emotions? What are their typical expressions like?
Aryia is the most repressed person you will ever meet. she laughs maybe twice in the entirety of the first book, but she learns to show her emotions more. her vulnerable side is definitely shown more during the second and third books!
according to Easton, 90% of her face is angry, indifferent, annoyed, or smug. fun!
30: How caring/empathetic is your OC? Are they the type to immediately adopt and protect others, or are they a true sadist?
she won’t show it, but Aryia cares a lot for the others! she is slightly sadistic toward Easton in the beginning (she doesn’t really like humans—no one does, for very specific reasons) so there’s that, but otherwise, she has a huge heart!
31: What inspired the creation of your OC? Any specific things, a general aesthetic or idea, or something completely random?
i actually can’t remember... this must have been, what, about a two and a half years ago? it’s insane—i think my friend actually thought of her, and i expanded on her character. she was probably based off of those badass and stoic female characters, tho.
{ send me an oc ask, please! }
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the second scene of chapter 30 has Easton and Aryia speaking to each other while on the way to Mons Altus (a super dangerous mountain), like the calm before the storm, and i think it might be my favourite scene in the whole book. 
yeah. the whole book. it’s not even one between Easton and Wyatt, but Easton and Aryia, two people who aren’t romantically involved at all.
i feel like it would be the moment of the book: the one all the readers know about, the most iconic one, etc. and i think there are many reasons for that.
first, it’s between Easton and Aryia: the first two characters we meet, and also arguably the most important ones. though it’s really short, there are a lot of subjects and ideas that are touched upon which really enforce the themes of The Eternity’s Magic.
plus, my heart aches a little every time i read it—only because i know the plot twist.
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Wbw for Ariya please? Their name is so pretty !!
ooh!! yes!! some love for Aryia and her name!! thank you so much for the ask :D
send me an ask with one of my characters and i’ll fill out this stats chart!
full name: Aryia
gender: cis female
sexuality: aromantic, asexual
pronouns: she/her
family: Fell (her dead sister)
birthplace: Arcadia, a secluded town in the western part of the Elven Kingdom
job: a mercenary / soldier working for the fairies
phobias: heights (acrophobia), failure, being lied to / tricked
guilty pleasures: hunting monsters, being mean to Easton (in a nice, loving way!)
morality alignment: lawful evil
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
otp: none!! at!! all!!
ot3: please see above.
brotp: highkey Easton. they were platonically made for each other. they’re basically siblings
notp: anyone, really. if i had to choose, Easton, because in the early parts of the book it acts as if her and Easton are going to get together LMAO
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easton: is that a knife in your pocket or are you just happy to see me? ;)
aryia: *whips out a knife*
easton: hOLY SHI-
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Happy Saturday !!! What would your characters wear to feel comfortable ? :0
Easton: basic boy. hoodie, jeans or sweats. but can you blame him? i’m the same :3
Aryia: she’s comfortable in anything, really. hunting gear? check. a dress? check. nothing fazes her.
Wyatt: pyjamas!! specifically the really soft ones.
Vrenht: a tank top and jeans is what suits him best when he’s at home!
Caelym: really old, ragged clothing. it’s a fashion statement, he claims.
Fevira: probably a blouse, maybe shorts too.
[ happy storyteller saturday! come send me an ask! ]
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me: *wakes up in a cold sweat* I SHOULD GIVE ARYIA A BOOB WINDOW JUST LIKE CATRA’S
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Last Line Tag
thank you so much @ardawyn for tagging me!
“I hate to be the one to ruin the mood—” Aryia started.
“You always ruin the mood,” I muttered.
“—But we still have a job to do. We must find Korbin and the rest of the dwarves.” She turned to Queen Titania. “I also have harrowing news for you, your Majesty.”
today’s last line is: easton, now really isn’t the time.
tagging: @ink-flavored @ren-c-leyn @woodhouse-jay @cookiecuttercritter @dove-actually @holotones
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