#peace and prosperity
warhead · 1 month
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miskoncepcje · 9 months
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the atomic cafe dir. jayne loader, kevin rafferty, pierce rafferty 1982
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captainhoesaver · 5 months
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This summer, my handsome chubby ass was LIVING. Spending 2024 investing in this energy. JOY&PEACE
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potuzzz · 1 year
Western Communists, Psychopathy, and Love
Snark, smugness, and smarm are not revolutionary.
Pettiness, sadism and cruelty are not revolutionary.
The system of capitalism encourages narcissism. Psychopathy, sociopathy, megalomania and trance-like overconsumption are its core tenets. The cold and ruthless are rewarded while the warm and compassionate fall behind and suffer the whims of the cold.
It alienates us from not just our labor but from nature, our fellow humans. People are trained to be fake, to socialize only as a part of a grotesque game where dogs eat dogs and everybody has an ulterior motive, a vein of gold to mine, refine and exploit, and a limp leg, a disturbingly human flaw that renders them an imperfect asset in a world where only a string of uninterrupted perfection will win the race. A flaw which signals to a world of speculators that they are little more than a burden to be calculated around, or, preferably, removed altogether.
We learn to hate our neighbors. To distrust them, to make what use of them we can as quickly as possible and then to discard them—and that is only if we are forced to interact with them in the first place, as surely we would rather avoid all that is biological and social and only touch numbers on a screen or the stiff cardboard of an anonymously delivered box of fleeting dopamine. Everything is pornographic, but nothing is erotic; sex is a corrupted pantomime from the prude to the promiscuous. Passions are only useful insofar as a “side hustle” or a potential career. Friendships and family relationships are a chore to maintain. Community is dead in the West and we are all somewhat relieved to know this.
We have arrived at the conclusion we have neither the time, the emotional energy, nor the patience to deal with the human race which we now recognize as insufferable monsters.  We shorten the time required to build rapport in cyberspace by donning on iconography to signal our allegiance in a flash; those who fall short of meeting every checkmark are quickly and unceremoniously discarded. We have a very woke-sounding rationale we cite to ourselves and to the audience to excuse our lack of positive emotional effort and our overabundance of negative behaviors and worldviews. We have no patience to change, or for others to change; real change is fake (when has a Westerner ever felt real, positive change?), and we have come to internalize this. Even those of us who understand the scientific, incremental, and bloodily difficult process it is to change society, who see the positives in the East which are taking their turn with humanity’s steering wheel, even those comrades also see how real, positive change in the West is unprecedented, how deeply sick this society is. The question we ask ourselves is not how to heal it, but rather how to save one’s individual self, how to amputate from the host body that is overridden with cancer…if we allow ourselves to reflect on this grim scenario and its implications for our personal life in the first place. And in truth, as we have come to subconsciously accept the fascist creed “to live is to suffer,” many of us happily accept a future of death and destruction, smiling softly knowing that perhaps the Chinese, Russians, Africans or Latinos may be happy in the world a century for now, and that we can finally know peace in the finality of our deaths, buried underneath the rubble of the Empire as its roof caves in on top of us.
However, these are revolutionary, unprecedented times.
The Empire is waning, and they have used up all their tricks on the populace—they may be brainwashed, but there is no new bleach to pour into the mix. The realities are more in our favor to persuade than ever before. The CIA, FBI, and numerous American Deep State entities which have been curating Hell on Earth on this plot of stained land are losing their grip. They are running out of ways to transmute revolutionary potential into an anticommunist Compatible Left. They are overwhelmed with the sheer amount of surveilled citizens who casually and constantly talk about treason and violence against the oligarchy from every bastardized niche of the American political spectrum.
People—even people who still believe Stalin killed the entire population of the Baltics, even people who still are tricked into demanding escalation of the war in Ukraine, even people who still think the United States is a benevolent force of “liberal democracy” that just occasionally makes mistakes in the war against a far-worse “authoritarian” menace, even people who proudly voted for Bush Jr. and then Obama and then Trump and then Biden—are sick of being sick. Tired of being tired. People hunger for real, positive change.
As the past century has shown, even the most expertly, intricately, secretly crafted boot made with the finest leathers and laces imperialism can procure cannot stomp out communism from the human heart. Three decades of uncontested Western hegemony, following several centuries of world-faring propaganda and power, even this solidified not the throne of capitalism but its own failures. People are looking everywhere for communism, and capitalism is increasingly desperate, feeding them half-truths to buy just a little more time. But as the hyper-individualized solutions of McMindfulness, narcissistically-twisted astroturfed narratives of isolating self-love, for-profit therapy, aesthetics-based New Ageism and the wheezing, decrepit body of Christofascism fail to bring peace of mind, as rise-and-grind culture and Yang-esque “capitalism, but different this time—seriously!” fails to bring prosperity, as billionaire foundations and “charities” and media virtue signaling and tokenization fail to solve homelessness, climate change, or racism, the bewitching capitalism will run out of new, ever-the-more complicated spells to cast to maintain the illusion.
The truth is, simply, too simple. Americans will not be surprised to learn that within the next century America might be a dystopic wasteland…but what will utterly shock them is that the rest of the world not only isn’t suffering the same fate, but is even better than America ever was!
Now is the time to sow seeds. When people are finally ready for their moment of epiphany, it must be a matter of coming to terms with reality, not shutting down into despair, depression and psychosis. The easier this process can be made, the less pressure it will take to trigger it, and the less explosive the transition will be.
People cannot feel “in too deep.” It is far too often the guilt associated to coming to terms with what they have done that a wolf will opt to stay the same rather than venture on the path of positive change. Nor can people cannot think that the path to redemption is one that involves showing one’s belly and prostrating unconditionally—not for the sake of sheltering their pride, but because in this society, in this world, we have been taught that only the wolf ever wins.  A communist above all surely understands that we are all a product of our circumstances; every horror of capitalism is the predictable, logical conclusion of the core tenets it was built upon. People who are monsters today were not born that way, and, if shown the right path, there are many who can be saved from their seemingly terminal fate.
Just as the person is taught to either become a wolf or suffer as a sheep, we are unconsciously, expertly, and incessantly taught, as communists living in the West, to ultimately serve capitalism and thwart or own missions of socialism and intersectional harmony. The leftwardly curious are first sent on a marathon through a gauntlet of false-consciousness; many are plucked one-by-one, recruited towards social democracy, liberal Wokeism, anarchism, doomerism, and anticommunist, anti-AES socialist tendencies such as Trotskyism, Maoism, and the like. And then, if all else fails, and we cannot be hindered from reaching Marxist-Leninist conclusions, still there are diseases that capitalism will try to mix into our food: dogmatism, purity politics, social gamification, outrage loops. And, above all, core character traits we do not normally associate with our politics: fearfulness, grudgingness, arrogance, and the other aforementioned cancers outlined at the beginning of this.
The people need to see the alternative, to start conceiving in their mind of an alternative to this hellscape. They will not see it if we are bashing them for their current state—their natural, logical, predictable state per the path of least resistance in such a society which has been carefully manicured into a beast from the top down.
No matter how deserved it must seem, the communist must strive to avoid being snarky, cruel, or petty. We are only humans, our days are hard and we have our own toxic behaviors baked into us by our natural life in these United States. However, as communists, we are the pioneers, the moss and lichens that must make do on barren rock so that one day soil and then a forest may bloom.  Our job is not easy, and we must not beat ourselves up for failing to maintain perfect praxis in all our interactions. However, that does not mean that, when we have the spare energy, when we have a little bit of extra fight in us after making sure the bills are paid and our hens are in order, that we shouldn’t at least consciously strive towards it.
Kindness. Patience. Compassion. Empathy. Forgiveness. Conscientiousness. Acceptance  Proactive helpfulness. Unconditional love for all. These are some of the traits a communist should be striving towards, as often as they can, per the circumstances they occupy.  Avoiding starvation, maintaining a job and a good friend, battling demons, getting sleep, and necessary leisure to enjoy life for being life and to recharge the batteries are, of course, even more paramount. Us comrade have our own cancers that have been inflicted upon us. But it should be understood that if one is too tired, or their mood is too poor, they perhaps should avoid being cruel to the unenlightened—it is only through sheer luck of circumstance that we are communists and the vast majority of Westerners are not. It is only through the machinations of the ephemeral monster that we call “capitalism” that our neighbors are bigots, misers, painfully ignorant and excessively selfish, infantile and yet without the wholesome spark we wash out of children, delusional, rigid, and damaging bastards who have been tricked to worship devils. Sometimes walking away from these situations is better for both ourselves as individuals and for communism as a worldwide movement than staying and letting our enemies drag us down to their woeful state.
Choosing to be kind instead of cruel is rewarding in the long-term, much like how a healthy diet, exercise, passions, socialization, sleep and sun are. And, just like how doing those things are made incredibly, unnecessarily difficult in the world of capitalism, so too is being kind. Doing “the right thing” is often the opposite of doing “the easy thing,” as we all know. People will be cruel to you, inviting you to be cruel back. Tempers flare. Our lives are already awash with injustice, and this is only felt more sharply when one is going out of their way to be kind. People will taunt you. Men trying to be kind to other men, women, or children will be perceived as being gay, toxic, and pedophiles respectively. White people being kind to Black people is perceived as patronizing, fake, or conditional to their submission, whereas Black people being kind in reverse is seen as fearful, fake, or submissive. Even talking about “love and kindness” will be seen by many here as cultish and disingenuous. So many interactions that should be simple are made to be overly complicated and uncomfortable, across wealth, race, gender, sexuality, profession, interests, age, and certainly political label.
Yes, the social contract is completely fucked. As a communist, you should know this already. But unfortunately, while many revolutionary factors happen without our input required at all, many do require input—sweaty, infuriating, demeaning input at that. Just like how they ripped the idea of “peace” from the hands of revolutionaries such as Martin Luther King Jr. and turned him into a Walmart t-shirt, just as the notion of “One Love” and “world peace” of well-intentioned white suburbanite hippies was quickly distorted by the powers-that-be, they will try and co-opt any real, positive change and kill or corrupt those who birthed it. People will abuse a call to be kind and turn it into the equally gross smarm, to victimize themselves in the face of constructive criticism, to scold human emotions such as anger. We are swimming against the current, we are brushing against the grain, and we will shred our hands and cough up foul water in the process.
But also, in my personal experience, I can assure you that it is not always this agonizing. And, if we act as a healing force in society, if we help give these peoples a taste of what trust, love, acceptance and social harmony is like, we will find it slowly getting better, even faster than how slowly things got worse and worse. People are already hungering for a social dialogue to fix these issues, and the primary problem with their solutions is they are not anti-capitalist and they are certainly not pro-socialist. However, from the time of Christ, the ancient home of kindness on the political spectrum has always been in communism. If we take up our positions as the pioneers of a better society, we will naturally inhabit this niche; it will be like dusting off and oiling a machine that, while it has been neglected for quite some time, has always been waiting for us to reacquaint. The key to start this machine has always been in our possession, in the possession of the communists—we only need the willpower to fish it out of the refuse we have allowed to build up. Yes, we need to “clean our room,” as in we need to throw out all the poisonous garbage capitalism has instilled on the otherwise pure temples of our hearts and minds.
Capitalism is an anti-human system, and likewise it has instilled even its greatest detractors with anti-human tendencies. While socialist revolution will not break out in the imperial core through a mere few hugs, bummed cash, or kind explanations of Marxist theory, it will certainly accelerate the process of real, positive change. I ask my fellow communists to—especially when they are “on the clock”—catch themselves before they do “the easy thing.” To kindly assert kindness into our political spaces. To forgive and understand not only our comrades, not only our neighbors, but our enemies and ourselves as well.  And if you begin to doubt the efficacy of kindness, ask yourselves how much good this society of cruelty, artificially brought upon us by the agents of the most inhuman system on the planet, has done for us, and ask yourself what sort of things every person on this Earth, especially in such a sick and stunted society, crave above all else. Peace and prosperity, love and kindness.  Not from the cynical “doing what they must” to win a war, but the sincere sort that exists for its own sake with no ulterior motives or expectation of reciprocation.
The Soviets, the Chinese, and the other revolutions across time and space had their own battles to fight.  Their societies were destitute, overexploited, and undeveloped. We too may need guns and the courage to make physical battle before this is all said and done—not every fascist fanatic and American state agent will be persuaded to change their ways—but in the now, while this is still an invisible warm war in the Age of Information for hearts and minds, we will need solutions to the remarkably sick hearts and minds of Western society, who have been inoculated against the very medicine meant to liberate them. If they are taught to hate Marxist buzzwords, how do we start a dialogue? What is the pioneer species that will break into this barren rock? Love and kindness.
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gcik · 10 months
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peacelovegrowth · 1 year
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teruriphoto · 1 year
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Title:Happy New Year 2023:Shrine Maiden
Shrine maidens wearing costume In white and red representing purity Walk within the sacred precinct At Izumo Taisha Shinto Shrine.
On the first week of January Millions of the Japanese people go To the shrines across the nation For making prayers as a tradition Wishing the happiness and prosperity Of individuals. families, the nation or the world.
May peace and happiness prevail upon you in 2023.
出雲大社の境内を歩く巫女さんたち。 2023年が世界にとって平和な一年で ありますように。
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https://teruriphoto.tumblr.com https://www.instagram.com/teruriphoto
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saxafimedianetwork · 8 months
FDI In Somaliland: A Vehicle For Peacebuilding Or A Source Of Social Inequality?
The Gov't of #Somaliland should work on making state institutions more effective, efficient, transparent & reliable; open the market space to all citizens & advocate the issue of a fair & free market economy, where the rights of the poor & minorities are respected.
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newsbites · 1 year
News from Namibia and South Africa, 19 May
Commenting on US-South African relations in New York, SA Deputy Minister of Finance, David Masondo, has denied that South Africa favours Russia.
2. In remarks at the opening session of the Pan-African Parliament in Midrand, South Africa, this week, the African Union Chair, Azali Assoumani, urged representatives to work towards a more united Africa.
The Second Ordinary Session of the Sixth Pan-African Parliament got underway this week in Midrand, South Africa, under the theme, “Accelerating the implementation of African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) to galvanize stakeholders capable of promoting and broadening support for pro-poor implementation and overall climate action.
3. And, speaking at the Pan-African Parliament's Summit on Climate Policy and Equity, Kenyan President, William Ruto, said that African leaders are sometimes forced to attend international meetings in foreign powerful countries because of blackmail.
4. Accommodation for Chinese nationals is superior to the accommodation provided for Namibian nationals at a lithium mine near Uis, a Committee of the Namibian Parliament has found.
5. The Development Bank of Namibia (DBN) is in the process of developing and establishing a venture capital fund as part of the national SME Financing Strategy.
6. Oshakati town council in Namibia has tabled a provisional budget which will see tariff increases for some services as it seeks to balance the budget.
To ensure the full realization of the 2023/24 budget, [Mayor, Leonard Hango,] called on all town residents to pay and honour their municipal bills. He mentioned that revenue collection methods will be regularly modified and intensified to minimize and control bad debt defaults, as has been done since 2022.
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wolfspaw · 1 year
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mishalogic · 1 year
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Good morning tumblrites
Hello from Australia
The rattling chain of ignorance and racism have no value in our free and happy nation of peace and prosperity ... Misha
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a-la-campanella · 3 months
New official art! Yanqing is here!
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This was posted some hours ago on their other social media. Given that the Lunar New Year lasts for two weeks, we might get some more art in a similiar style soon!
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awesomecooperlove · 5 months
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its-not-a-pen · 1 year
first day as a small-town sherif and you discover that some of the convicts you're transporting managed to escape in the night and since the penalty for letting prisoners escape is death, and the penalty for being late because you were looking for escaped prisoners is also death, you decide to free ALL of them and go hide out in the wilderness for a bit, except the convicts are super grateful so they make you their leader and it turns out they're decent guys who were exploited by a tyrannical government, so long story short you're crowd-sourcing for a peasant uprising and would anyone like to chip in?
3650th day and due to a series of unforeseen events you are now the emperor and founder of the han dynasty.
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wayti-blog · 6 months
Any religion that professes to be concerned with the souls of men and is not concerned with the slums that damn them, the economic conditions that strangle them, and the social conditions that cripple them, is a spiritually moribund [at the point of death] religion.
Martin Luther King Jr., speech, 1960
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peacelovegrowth · 1 year
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