#pedro pascal teen
Could you do meeting stepdad! Pedro for the first time? Please and thank you!😭💗
To Build a Home (Pedro Pascal x Teen!Reader)
Pedro Pascal Masterlist
A/N: I feel like this one was too short but I've been having writers block and this is the best I could do! I hope you enjoy it!! <3
Word Count: 2,880
Summary: Your mother decides it is time for you to meet her boyfriend of six months, you are defensive at first, but you think you could get used to the idea of having this one around more often.
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This is fine. 
Everything about this situation is okay. 
No need to panic. You thought to yourself. Watching your mother frantically cook in the kitchen as if her life depended on it. You have never seen your mother this frantic since the day your grandmother decided to do a surprise visit. 
“Mom?” you quietly said, walking around the counter. 
“Honey, can you grab me some garlic, it should be next to the bananas… bananas… shit! I forgot to make dessert!” She groaned to herself as she handled the hot pan in front of her. 
You sighed, grabbing the garlic and setting it down on the counter beside her, “Mom,” you said a little louder. 
“What, honey?” She quickly gave you a glance before taking notice of the garlic you had placed on the counter. She grabbed it, taking it over to the cutting board. 
“Can you look at me for a moment?” You asked desperately. 
She sighed, putting down everything before turning to give you her full attention. “Si, Cariño?” 
“I don’t know if I want to do this anymore.” You regretted the words as soon as they had left your mother, seeing the reaction on your mother's face. How her eyes watered and her mouth frowned. 
“But, Cariño, you told me you were ready. We had a whole discussion– I don’t understand.” 
You sighed, “I know, I–I think I’m nervous ‘s all.” 
“Nervous? Sweetie, how do you think we feel?” You shrugged, “Pedro has been messaging me all week about how he wants to cancel because he’s nervous.” She sighed, “Honey, you’re not the only one that is feeling this way.” 
“So, we should cancel?” 
She shook her head, “It’s time for you to meet Pedro.” You feared that she would say that. It only meant one thing. One thing you truly feared, she was deeply in love with him. That what they had was something serious and it could lead to them becoming more than just boyfriend and girlfriend. It meant that you would now have to share your mother with someone and you weren’t sure how you felt about that. 
Especially with how the last time ended. You still had nightmares from when your father was around, images in your head that never left. What if Pedro turned out to be just like your father? 
“Okay,” you felt defeated. Your mother was a person who didn’t budge. Once she had made a decision it was final. 
“Now you either help me cook or you get out of my kitchen,” she stated, turning her body to face the counter once more to busy herself with the garlic in front of her. 
For the longest, it had always been you and your mother. Your father had no visitation rights since you were eight, so for the past five years, you and your mother picked up the pieces and started a new life. A better life. 
Your mother focused mainly on work in the filming industry and eventually, she was able to afford a nice house for the two of you. That’s what it was, just the two of you. You never imagined that one day, it could potentially be three of you. That your mother would one day want to find love again. 
“Do you love him?” You hesitantly asked. 
Your mother stopped everything, letting out a deep sigh, “I’m afraid to answer that question,” she admitted. 
You were afraid she would dodge that question, but also you were sad that she had. You had hoped that your mother wouldn’t tip-toe around the subject with you. Maybe she could be honest with you about a topic that wasn’t common in this household. 
“Be honest with me,” you reassured. “Do you love him?” 
“Love is a strong word,” she whispered. 
“And your daughter meeting him is a big step.” 
“Yes,” she admitted. “I do love him.” 
You gave her a small nod, “Then that’s enough for me.” 
She gave you a smile before walking around the counter to pull you in for a hug, “Thank you.” 
“But this doesn’t mean that I’m not going to give him a hard time, I still don’t trust the man.” You grabbed one of the potatoes that were on the counter, grabbed the peeler, and made your way over to the trash can. “Don’t expect me to call him dad,” you said jokingly, referencing to the movie Stepbrothers. 
Your mother giggled, “I don’t expect that at all from you, amor,” she smiled. 
The hour quickly passed, and you anxiously sat on the couch, your eyes not peeling away from the clock on the wall. Your foot bounced against the wooden floors, creating a gentle but persistent thud. The sound echoed throughout the room and for a moment you were glad your mother was busy in the kitchen, distracting herself with the neatness of the dining room and kitchen and if she had enough time to whip up something quick for dessert. You could hear her muttering to herself about whether Pedro would enjoy a bar of chocolate for dessert or if that was stupid. 
It was any second that Pedro would walk through those doors and your life would change for either the worst or the best. You didn’t know which and you were afraid to find out. 
“Sweetie, are you going to wear that?” Your mom asked as she walked into the living room.
You looked down to see what you were wearing, it was what you had worn to school, a plain tee, flannel, and some jeans. It was casual wear for you, “Um, yes?” She raised her eyebrows, “would you like for me to change?” 
She sighed, “Would it be fucked up for me to say yes?” 
“Kind of, I mean, if he really liked me he wouldn’t care what I wore right? But, on the other hand, I can change to make you feel less anxious.” 
Your mother stood there for a second, thinking about what you had just said. Giving you a small nod, “Don’t change,” she stated. 
You smiled, knowing you had won, “Alright.” 
Your mother's head whipped towards the door at the sound of the doorbell, “Oh my god, that’s him.” She let out a deep breath before looking over at you, “is it too late to cancel?” 
“Hey, I tried earlier but you said it was too late.” 
“Fuck,” she muttered under her breath, “What the fuck am I doing? I mean, are we even ready for something like this?” 
You sighed, getting up from the couch, “Ama, I think you’ve been ready for a while, you’ve just been scared, but I’m no longer a little girl, Mom. You deserve happiness.” 
She gave you a soft smile, placing a hand on your cheek, “Cuando creciste?” (When did you grow up)
“Cuando no estabas mirando,” you smiled. (When you weren’t looking) 
“Alright, let’s do this,” she whispered. You trailed behind her as she walked towards the door. You stood back, watching as your mother opened the door. She deserved happiness, no matter what. Even at the cost of yours. She deserved it. 
After everything she had been through to protect you, it was the least you could give her. You saw the way she had been these past few months, the after-dates smile, and how she grinned from ear to ear the day after. He made her happy and it scared you, but you couldn’t tell your mother that. You couldn’t ruin it because somehow seeing her so happy made you happy, even if you were weary about the man who was causing it. 
Your mother's voice was muffled as she greeted Pedro on the other side of the door. Meeting him meant a lot of things, it meant that it was no longer the two of you on adventures, that he would more than likely tag along. It meant that eventually, you would have to get used to your mom always being with him. He could be here for breakfast some days and you know what that meant. He could be here for dinners on other days and it also meant expressing boundaries. 
She deserved this happiness. 
“Y/N,” your mother called for you as she stepped aside to let Pedro in. There he was, with a nervous smile playing on his lips and a bouquet of flowers in his hands that you knew was for your mother. “I’d like for you to meet my daughter, Pedro.” 
He let out a nervous laugh, “It’s so nice to finally meet you, your mother speaks so much about you.” He held out his free hand for you to shake, and you gently shook his hand. 
“Nice to meet you too,” you gave him a hesitant smile. 
“Oh! I got you these, your mother said you loved sunflowers and well,” he nervously chuckled, “I hope you like ‘em.” 
You gave him a surprised look, glancing at your mom who grinned from ear to ear, “For me?” He gave you a nod, “T–thank you, I–I don’t know what to say!” Pedro handed you the bouquet that was beautifully displayed sunflowers with a few purple flowers here and there and baby’s breath surrounding them. “They’re beautiful, thank you, Pedro!” 
Pedro grinned from ear to ear, he relaxed a little. He had been nervous all day about handing you the flowers, afraid that you’d reject them. Maybe this dinner wouldn’t be so bad and maybe he could bond with you after all. He knew some things about you from what your mother had said, but it was only some things. He did know the struggles you and your mother had gone through, knowing very well that this transition wasn’t going to be easy for you. Pedro is determined to try his best to get you to trust him because all he wants is to be a positive influence in your life, it was the way he was. His heart broke to hear what you had been through at such a young age and he wished there was something he could do. Something he could do for you and your mother. 
“Well, dinner is ready,” your mother states, “let me show you to the dining room.” 
“I-I’m gonna put these away,” you say as you walk towards the kitchen. You set the flowers on the counter, staring at them for a second. This was the first time anyone had gotten you flowers. Your first time getting flowers were supposed to be meaningful. A moment you’d remember forever and for a second you were afraid he had just ruined that. For just a second and it was gone, you couldn’t help but smile at the sight of the bouquet. “Don’t,” you whispered to yourself. The sound of your mother's laughter coming from the other room. This all felt too good, it would all soon come tumbling down and you knew that, but you did not know if you could handle it. 
You took in a deep breath before joining your mother and Pedro in the dining room. You sat across from Pedro at the table, “smells good,” you commented as you began piling food on your plate. 
“Thanks, mija,” your mom smiled. 
“So, Y/N, your mother tells me you are in the drama club at school?” You gave him a nod. 
“She’s thinking about starting auditions for actual films soon, right, mija?” 
You shrugged, “It’s still a big maybe.” 
“For film? I mean, it doesn’t hurt to try.” 
“Maybe Pedro could give you some pointers,” your mother suggested. 
You cleared your throat, “So, how many siblings do you have?” 
“Y/N,” your mother warned. 
Pedro chuckled, “It’s okay, Yesenia.” For a moment you forgot your mother had a first name, you were so used to just calling her mom. “I have three siblings.” 
“Pedro, you don’t have to answer her questions, she does thi-” 
“How many sisters and how many brothers?” You asked. 
“Two sisters, one brother.” 
You nod, “Please stop interrogating him,” your mother pleaded. 
You gave her a small glare before looking over at Pedro, “Where are you from?” 
“Chile,” Pedro smiled. He found this amusing and cute. You were protective over your mother and he loved that you were. “Next question?” 
“When did you move here?” 
“That’s a long story.” 
“I have all night, it’s a weekend.” 
“Y/N,” your mother warned. 
Pedro chuckled, “It’s okay.” He looked back over at you, “Long story short, my family moved here when I was very little but we had to go back when I was a little older when I was old enough I moved back on my own to pursue acting.” He gave you the cliff notes of his life, leaving out the personal details that were still hard for him to talk about, but enough to keep you satisfied. Your mother gave Pedro a sincere smile and he smiled back. She knew the longer version of the story and she was grateful he was answering your questions to his best ability. “Next question?” he asked. 
“Do you want more kids?” 
Your mother rolled her eyes, “No,” he chuckled.
“Yes, he said no and I don’t want more kids either, Y/N,” your mother stated.
“Why not?” you directed the question towards Pedro.
“Because of my schedule mostly, but I also never saw myself having kids. I’m already almost fifty and I don’t think it’s fair on the kid to have a parent that old, you know?” 
“Plus, your mother can’t have any more kids and if she could she wouldn’t because childbirth is no joke.” 
You rolled your eyes this time, “Alright, last question.” 
“Hit me with it,” Pedro stated. 
“What are your intentions with my mother?” 
“Y/N!” your mother warned.
Pedro chuckled, “I love your mother and I love spending time with her and right now I would like to get to know you because I know you mean the world to her. I know you both have…” Pedro hesitated, “I don’t intend on hurting your mother in any way. I see myself spending a lot more time with her and hopefully, one day, growing old with her.” 
You watched as his eyes never left your mother, the way they idolized her as if she were the only thing that mattered. He really loved her and you could see it in him, but could you trust him? You didn’t know. It was hard to know. You barely had any trust, to begin with. 
You remained quiet the rest of the dinner, listening to the two of them laugh as they joked around and told stories about some of their dates or their time together on set. He was an actor, he’d be on the road a lot and your mother knew that yet she was okay with it. She was okay with everything about him. 
Your mother got up to answer a phone call, leaving the two of you alone. 
You pushed your food around with your fork, “You okay?” 
You glanced up at Pedro, his eyes showing concern, how you hated that they did that. “Yeah.” 
He sighed, placing his fork down, “You don’t have to like me.” 
“You got me flowers,” you whispered. 
“Your mother kept mentioning how you loved sunflowers, and it felt like the right thing to do.” 
“No one has ever gotten me flowers,” you stated. 
Pedro sighed, “I’m sorry if I stepped over the line or–” 
“No, you didn’t… just taken back ‘s all.” 
He gave you a small nod, “Do you like them?” 
“Love them,” you corrected. Giving him a small smile, he smiled back. “I just… I always kind of dreamt that my dad would be the first person to get me flowers, you know?” 
He nodded, “I’m sorry, I probably should’ve–” 
“It’s okay,” you reassured. 
He sighed, “I’m not him, you know.” You stayed quiet. “I know, you don’t trust me because of him, but I am not him and I’m willing to give you all the time you need in order for you to allow me in your life. I love your mother, Y/N and I hope that if you get to know me and I get to know you… we could develop a sort of bond… would that be okay?” 
There was a little voice inside your head that was screaming yes, she was shouting it so loud that it gave you a headache. Yet, your mouth never moved, seconds passed and you sat there wondering if it would be okay. The little voice argued with the bigger one. One was more naive than the other and one was more hurt than the other. 
Your mother stepped back into the dining room, “I was thinking while on the call, maybe the two of you should hang out together sometime soon? Without me there, get to know each other you know?” 
Pedro smiled, “Sounds good to me, what do you think, Y/N?”
You shrugged before giving your mother a nod. 
She clapped in excitement, “I’ll plan it out for you guys! It’ll be great!” Would that be okay? His voice trailed inside yours for the remainder of the dinner. You wanted it to be okay, but you couldn’t give him an answer, not just yet anyway.
Pedro Pascal Taglist: @Sophieelizabeth01  @tracysnook  @cilliansangel  @change-the-world-someday  @graciegoeskrazy @oggystine93 @t-stark35 @twkobii @picklehat3r @welcometomyworldwithoutrules @white-wolf-buckaroo @steadydragongalaxy @rooting4theantihero @soupinasock @Ilovehotdadsandshit @dzaga890 @marantha @emmasauger @marysucks-blog @pcotato @scrappybear89 @dlwrish @what-ever-man213 @boiohboii @drowning-in-paragraphs @stoneredsworld @xmurph7 @sleepylunarwolf @glossy01 @aot-task141-lover @uwiuwi
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daemontargaryenwhore · 8 months
Man's ready to risk it all
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daughterofthequeen · 1 year
Incorrect Quote:
(Based after season 3 episode 2 so spoilers in a way)
*Bo-Katan and Din on the ground after she saves him from drowning with Y/n kneeling over Din to make sure he’s ok*
*Grogu staring at Din and Bo-Katan in concern while Y/n runs back over to put her face back into the water*
Bo-Katan: Kid get out of there!
*Y/n with her head finally out of the water staring straight ahead sitting on her knees not moving an inch of her body*
Y/n: Oh. My. Maker.
Din: Y/n are you okay?
Y/n: *Calmly* A beast so large and so long it rivals cities. A species so old they were known as a myth. The original natives of this amazing once beautiful planet, the Mythosaur.
Bo-Katan: *Whispering* Is she okay? Where is she going with this?
Din: *Whispering back* Idk this is the first time this has happened, just roll with it.
Y/n: The species that is only heard of in stories, an amazing creature thought extinct. Right under us in these mystic waters.
Y/n: . . . .
Bo-Katan: 😑
Din: *sighs*
Bo-Katan: She does know that a mythosaur is a predator that would eat her given the chance right?
Din: Unclear.
*Y/n running around*
Din: She loves animals.
Bo-Katan: I see.
Grogu: *Staring and cooing in worry*
Y/n: *Starting to run towards the water* IM GONNA HUG IT
Din: NO!!!
Bo-Katan: NO!!!
*Din carrying Y/n over his shoulder after her almost giving him a heart attack*
Y/n: *😭😭😭* But I want to give it looove.
Din: *😒🙄* It’s a killer.
Din: *sighs* Come on Grogu.
Grogu: *Coos in agreement*
*Bo-Katan talking to Grogu*
Bo-Katan: You have a weird family
Grogu: Tell me about it.
Bo-Katan: *😳*
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moiravim · 1 year
Found part 2
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Dad!Din Djarin x Teen!GN!yn part 2
Summary: Din bonding with his children; Grogu and YN.
it had been just a few days since Din had taken you in. He was quiet at first but slowly started warming up to you.
One of the first things you noticed about him was how protective he was of you. He took you and Grogu's wellbeing very seriously.
You had gotten sick and are currently in 'bed rest'. It was miserable. You were sweating and your head was aching worst than you'd ever felt before.
You could tell Din was stressed by the way he was acting. He wouldn't let you get up and would do everything for you. He was already like this, but now that your sick it's ten times worst.
He babies you but you just want to get back to normal again. You've been bored out of your mind.
Grogu and you had become close friends. Although you were very different, you both shared a father figure. That was the main cause of your sibling-like relationship.
It was also nice being around someone who wasn't an adult. Someone you could play around and get into trouble with.
You room was very small and had a mattress placed in the corner along with a few toys scattered and a basket of clothes. A few hours ago Din had tucked you and Grogu in bed and the two of you were supposed to be sleeping.
But currently you and Grogu were playing catch. Grogu was using the force while you played how you used to see other kids play.
Din walked in to check on you and when he realized you were playing he said; "Hey, stop that. Grogu, you need to save your energy. And YN. your supposed to be sleeping. Go to bed." He says as he takes the ball from you.
You frown and lay back down. "How much longer?" You ask in a miserable voice. He looks down at you and responds; "just a few more days. It'll go by faster if you sleep."
You nod your head and close your eyes. Din grabs your blanket and tucks you in before picking up Grogu and leaving the room.
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piggyjeans · 1 year
Omgg okay sine you are doing platonic asks I have a request. They are all in Jackson and Ellies steals or something like that some alcohol and she and readers drink it and get drunk and Joel catches them and goes all dad on them and grounds them? <3
Half empty (request)
Requested by: anonymous
Pairings: Ellie Williams x platonic!reader, Joel miller x platonic!reader
Warnings: vomiting, underage drinking, mentions of abuse but no abuse is written. Insecurity in relationships and just sadness yassss
A/n: I wrote something omg! This might need a second part? I wanted to get it out as soon as possible bc I’m going away for my friends bday and wanted to put it out yesterday but I’ve been busy af. So sorry if this is rushed it’s not proof read and I can do another part if it’s necessary! Anyway I love Ellie and I got drunk last night so I’m really fucking hungover rn and sleepy so I’m sorry if this is shit but yeah I had a little Ellie moment underage drinking yusss ianyway enjoy yusasssssssssssss:)):):):)::)
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“No, Ellie. Absolutely not,” You say, turning your back to her. You two are usually on the same wavelength and agree to do the same things, but sometimes Ellie’s naivety becomes too much for you. You’ve seen more than she has despite being the same age as her. And much to Ellie’s demise, though she would never admit this, you know better.
“C'mon, y/n! It's Friday night! We never do anything fun anymore. We always just sit and do the same thing. Read dead people's journals, play board games, or sometimes go to the movies. God, last week you even did your homework on Friday night! You’re becoming too accustomed to domestic life. Don’t you miss it being a little crazy,” Ellie questions you, the way she always does. Sometimes you can’t even keep up with what she’s saying.
You narrow your eyes, looking dumbfounded as you turn to face her, “miss it being a little crazy? What, like when we were almost devoured by clickers? When we were almost murdered by raiders? When we had to aid Joel back to life-“ you begin to list off the things that had happened in the past few months just to remind Ellie, but she cut you off with a waving hand in your face before you could continue.
“Not that. Like…” she pauses to sigh, “when we played soccer with Sam in that bunker. All the cool things we saw when we were traveling, the stars when we slept under the open sky, or when Joel let us try his whiskey,” she shrugs.
You don’t want to admit it. You don’t want to say you miss that, because it was the most exhausting thing you’ve ever done. It was the hardest thing you’ve ever done, and you lost so much because of it. But you couldn’t help feeling a little nostalgia for that portion of your life. You, Joel, and Ellie, were all each other had. And as much as it was hard having only each other to rely on, with this weird dynamic going on, it was nice only having each other. It was a simpler time and a part of you missed when things were like that.
But you wouldn’t say that to Ellie. Some part of you always told yourself you had to be strong around her. You couldn’t be vulnerable with Ellie or Joel. You’re Ellie’s best friend, and she’s something of a little sister to you despite only being a few weeks younger than you. You always felt the need to protect her, especially since the whole point of the trip that changed your life was to deliver her to make this vaccine.
And with Joel, well, you didn’t know what to make of your relationship with him. You wanted to seem strong and mature around him, so as to be respected by him, and it’s gotten you this far, so why show your true colors now? He sees you as an equal somehow. You see how he looks at Ellie, with some sort of paternal love in his eyes. But you tried to treat him as a peer instead of someone you needed to look up to.
You felt selfish for that little part of you that missed being out in the open world with Ellie and Joel. You were safe here, and happy. You had enough to eat, you got to learn, and you even have a healthy comfortable home, and friends your age. You’re not fighting for your life, so what’s there to miss?
So you shrugged in response to Ellie. “I’m thankful for how far we’ve come.”
“Bullshit. You used to be fun! What happened to you,” she pushed you. You sighed deeply as an older sibling would. You partly agreed with Ellie, you did use to have more fun with her. You two got into trouble all the time when you first got to Jackson. But you felt bad making Joel parent the both of you, so you eventually stopped agreeing to do things with Ellie. You did become accustomed to domesticity. But it was a good life.
You look up at her and smile softly, “what’s your plan, Ellie,” you say slowly. A part of you is excited to let loose a little. She smiles the biggest, toothiest grin you’ve seen from her in a long time. She looks how she did before everything happened.
“Okay, Joel is in town, so his stuff is unguarded. And I just so happen to know where he keeps his whiskey,” Ellie says in a mischievous voice, your mouth immediately falls agape.
Before she had time to continue with her master plan, you cut her off, “Ellie, are you fucking crazy? I thought you would want to go for a night walk or like, I don’t know, play a prank on the kids in town watching a movie. Stealing Joel’s whiskey,” you breathe out sharply, unable to compute. You couldn’t imagine doing that to Joel. You could only imagine the pressure that he’s under with the two of you and you would never purposefully add more to his plate.
“Y/n, please? He wouldn’t even notice. He’s been so busy lately that he’ll probably just forget about it altogether, and he can go get more now,” she says, giving her infamous Ellie puppy dog eyes. It’s hard to say no to her, especially when you feel so much for her and your mind automatically goes back to Everything that she’s gone through.
You shake your head and look away, “what if he notices,” you say quietly, allowing yourself to slip out of that fearless front for a quick moment.
“Y/n, he’s like seventy years old, also if he does notice anything, it’s just Joel,” she says with a shrug. Yeah. Just Joel. Just Joel who you’ve spent so much of your energy trying to impress. Just Joel who brought you two across the country safe and alive, somehow. Just Joel who you owe your life to.
You look up at her emotionlessly and nod slowly. “Go get it.”
Ellie returns to your room a few minutes later with Joel’s whisky bottle which has half of its contents left. “It’s half full, this will be enough to get us drunk, right,” she says as she tears the cap of the bottle off.
“Half empty,” you say as you examine the bottle, before taking a hefty swig of it. “Jesus!”
“How is it,” Ellie says with her classic naive and interested expression on her face. “It’s whisky,” you say stubbornly, before handing her the bottle. She takes a sip and tries her hardest not to cough, but it’s too strong for her. After she swallows what’s in her mouth, she starts coughing like a maniac and you cringe, patting her on the back. “Get it together, partner. There’s more where that came from.”
After twenty minutes, you two are sitting on your bedroom floor chatting normally. Or boringly, as Ellie put it. This whiskey was taking forever to kick in, you almost wanted to pull your homework out of your bag and start to do it right then and there. Suddenly, Ellie exclaims loudly.
“What the fuck is taking so long! I’m putting my tastebuds through hell just to sit here sober,” she says with an exasperated voice. You smile at her softly and take a breath, just feeling tired, “I’m bored,” you say.
“Me too,” she says, throwing herself back onto the floor. “Should we go do something?”
You shrug, “it’s better than sitting here doing nothing,” you say. The alcohol must be affecting you because otherwise you would have thought logically about this. The two of you got up and exited your room, and then the house. It was a bit of a walk to the town from your house, but with the bottle of whisky coming along for the ride, it was definitely entertaining.
On the walk to the town, you definitely started feeling it. Your vision became gradually more blurry, you had to focus on walking straight, and for some reason, Ellie’s loud mouth was a lot funnier to you than it usually is.
“What do you call a chicken who crossed the road?”
You look up into the night sky, focusing on the stars as you try to guess what the punchline of this joke is gonna be. Before you’re able to guess, Ellie corrects herself, “Fuck, I messed it up,” she snorts as the two of you start laughing uncontrollably as you’re walking up the uphill road.
“Ellie, you’re so funny,” you say between chuckles, as you wipe the tears of laughter off your cheeks. “You make everything so funny and fun. You're so funny,” you smile as you messily gush over her. You feel so much love for her, but when in your everyday life while you're sober, you don't know how to tell her that. The two of you aren’t very expressive about your emotions with each other.
You look over at her and see her smiling softly and looking down. You can’t tell if she’s embarrassed or if she’s just taking in what you’re saying. You wonder if you’re going to remember this in the morning as the town lights come into view.
Ellie sighs, shoving her hands into her jacket pockets. “Where are we going,” she turns to look at you. You shrug, “tipsy bison?”
You guys head for the restaurant, unsure of what your plans are for when you get there. You’re not thinking very far ahead. You’re just living in the moment talking to Ellie about things that don’t even make sense.
Walking into town on a Friday night made you remember why people always wait for Friday. Why people always rave about Friday. The lights on around the buildings in town and the quiet chatter coming from people with busy, happy lives is a beautiful sight to see. And you miss going out as much. You miss interacting with people. You miss live being unpredictable, or even having a little bit of fun. It makes you sad to think about, so you wrap your arm around Ellie’s shoulder.
She puts her arm around your figure and you push the door to the tipsy bison open with your foot. Most people stay engaged in conversation, but some heads turn to you. You’re not worried though, you just continue your conversation with Ellie as you walk up to the bar, “I don’t understand how it works, like, yeah, atoms or whatever but it’s just weird that we grow and expand into nothing… like it’s just air I don’t-“
“Y/n? Ellie,” You hear a familiar voice question from behind you. You abruptly end your not very intellectual conversation and turn to Ellie and widen your eyes dramatically before turning to face the figure behind you. It’s Joel and he doesn’t look that surprised to see you.
“Hi Joel,” Ellie says with a big smile as she waved to him. You wave awkwardly after you see Ellie do it, figuring that’s the appropriate thing to do. He narrows his eyes, walking closer to you guys. He lifts his hand up slowly to wave but something in him decided against it, he only lifts it halfway before dropping it.
“I thought you guys said you were staying in tonight,” he says looking between the two of you who are awkwardly standing like puppies who have obviously done something wrong. Ellie shrugs, looking to you to respond this time.
You take a moment to collect your thoughts, “we were hungry.”
He squints his eyes at you slightly but corrects himself soon thereafter. “Do we not have any food left at the house?”
You shrug, this time looking to Ellie to answer. Maybe you should’ve just taken this one, because Ellie bursts out, “please don’t be mad, Joel!”
You let your mouth fall agape at her sudden outburst and quickly scan the room to see if everyone heard that, surprisingly not a lot of people are phased by Ellie, which is weird because she sounds like the loudest person in the room to you. You try to read Joel’s expression but somehow his face remains blank. After maybe five seconds of silence, Joel suddenly pushes the two of you towards the door, you kick it open once more, quickly shuffling out the door.
After the three of you are out of the restaurant, he walks in front of you both, as to get a good look at your red, hot faces. “Are you guys drunk,” he asks in a panicked voice.
“No,” Ellie says.
You stay silent.
Suddenly feeling bile rise to your throat, you lean over into the bushes in front of your favorite restaurant. You violently vomit onto the ground. You don’t focus on much except for the burning in your throat. But you can feel someone’s hand on your back and someone pulling your hair back out of your face. You’re guessing that’s not Ellie, because the only other thing you can register is her voice getting rapidly further away as she exclaims, “ew! Gross! Holy shit!”
You just keep throwing up. It’s painful and you can feel tears running down your face. Suddenly the sick feeling in your stomach feels like something similar to guilt and shame. You try to not feel this often. You used to be someone who put yourself in bad situations because you wanted to be helpful or respected. But long before you met Ellie or Joel, you changed your ways and tried to be someone who didn’t have anything to regret. Someone who made mature decisions, since you didn’t have anyone on your side to defend you. In this moment, you know you’ve become too comfortable.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” you sob between gags. You hate yourself for crying in front of them. You can hear someone telling you it’s okay. Saying over and over again it’s okay, it’s okay y/n. You don’t expect to look up and see it coming out of Joel’s mouth. Even though he’s reassuring you that you’re okay, his expression says otherwise. He looks mad. He hasn’t looked this mad in a long time. This makes you cry harder as the vomit forces it’s way out of your stomach.
You continue to apologize while vomiting and don’t even know where Ellie is, until at one point you hear Joel yell at Ellie to sit in the snow and not move. This brightens your mood a little bit, as you think it’s funny that Ellie’s getting told off. You can’t help but giggle, followed by a hiccup as you bring your hand up to your mouth, subconsciously begging your brain to let you have a break from the vomit.
“Hey, fuck you, y/n,” Ellie yells at you loudly through her slurred words as you continue to giggle. “Ellie,” Joel forcefully says back at her as she sits motionlessly in the snow. She doesn’t react, just sits there with an angry look on her face. She doesn’t seem like a fun drunk.
“Are you finished,” Joel says softly, leaning down to your level as you’re breathing heavily. You burp quietly before saying, “I think.” The owner of the tipsy bison comes outside and throws his hands up in the air, scoffing at Joel. “I’m sorry man, I’m sorry,” he says, taking your shoulders and leading you back towards your house. “Come Ellie.”
At some point on the walk back, Ellie started crying too. She just kept saying she was sorry, she was stupid, she was sorry, she wouldn’t ever do it again. Joel stopped answering a while ago. Helping you walk and yelling at Ellie to keep up when she fell to far behind. That made her cry harder.
“What did you drink,” he asked at one point, his voice staying steady and strong. Ellie starts to answer, but you cut her off before she get the two of you in more trouble than you already are in. “It was my idea. I traded with my friend from school.”
Ellie just looks at you. The two of you make eye contact for a long time, silently, only hearing your footsteps under you. Joel doesn't answer. He doesn't say anything for the rest of the walk. Ellie keeps sniffling and complaining about her legs hurting, despite the house being in your view at this point.
Once you arrive home, you sit on the couch motionlessly. In your mind, you feel like if you’re still enough you could disappear into the couch cushion and wake up tomorrow in a reality where none of this ever happened. Hoping you won’t have to face the consequences of your actions.
You hear Joel sigh as he pulls the door of Ellie’s room shut quietly. You follow his dark shadow with your eyes slowly. You accidentally sniffle and through the dark, you can see Joel’s figure jump. He quickly clicks on the lantern on the side table.
“Jesus, y/n,” he says, rubbing his eyebrows together, wearing a tired expression.
“I'm sorry.”
Joel starts to say something but stops himself. Taking a deep breath and standing still for a moment. Before coming closer to you. You expect him to hit you, you would even understand if he beat you senselessly and threw you out of the house.
But he just stands above you as you sit on the couch for a few more seconds before taking a deep breath and starting. “You're smart, y/n. You know better.”
You try not to react. You try to keep a still, blank face like you usually do. But it's difficult this time. You already failed once tonight and you feel like you're on the verge of breaking again. You don't say anything.
“I know you care about Ellie, so why would you put her in this situation,” he asks, crossing his arms over his chest. You wish you could be honest with him, you wish you could tell him everything that's going on in your mind, but something is keeping you from doing that. This man isn't your father, and he obviously doesn't want to be. It's hard for you to connect with him, and you don't think he has any interest in doing that anyway.
“You know, my birthday was yesterday,” you say emotionlessly. There's no way for him to have known that, and you don't feel upset that he didn't know. You don't feel upset that Ellie didn't know and you don't feel upset that no one knew, because that part of your life is over. Your parents are gone and so is anyone who loved you before, so you don't have a reason to hold what happened to you against anyone. You just want him to know.
“You’re right. I shouldn’t have put her in this situation, and I do know better.”
You don’t know what to make of this situation. You don’t know how to connect with him.
You just keep crying. You want to stop crying but you don’t know how. You don’t know what you’re trying to say, you just wish he knew. You shake your head. “You’re right,” you repeat yourself.
He sighs and rubs his eyes. Seemingly tired from the long day, or week, or months that he has had. Maybe even years. You know you and Ellie aren’t helping and that makes you feel worse. But he draws a long breath in. “Get up,” he says with the same blank face. You get up, not wanting to make anything worse than it has to be.
When he moved his hand you expect him to reach out and hurt you, but he wraps his arms around your small figure and gives you a long hug. This was your first hug. You two barely talk, the only thing the two of you had in common was ellie. Sometimes you felt so out of place. You felt like you didn’t belong and you were tagging along with the two of them. But you tried to brush those feelings off so you didn’t have to think about it.
“Go to sleep. We can talk about this when you feel better.”
He pulls out of the hug and doesn’t look at you. Instead starts to walk to his room, but he stops and says one last thing before going up the stairs.
“Wake Ellie up in the morning and tell her that you two are going to the tispy bison to clean the flower pots and planters first thing. And you're apologizing to the owner.”
Let me know if I should start a the last of us tag list and if u wanna be added
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luulapants · 1 year
ok listen. LISTEN.
first of all let’s address that TV writers apparently believe rebar is the greatest threat to our society since quicksand. let’s address that. but specifically, let’s look at outcomes:
Cordelia Chase, Buffy the Vampire Slayer
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OG rebar queen. Impaled. Outcome? Went to the hospital, was well enough to dump her bf after, had no lasting health issues.
Chris Argent, Teen Wolf
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Homoerotically nailed to a filthy sewer wall with rebar, which was then bent while it was inside him. Disgusting! Best efforts to nail down a timeline on this episode find that Chris must have been stuck in the sewer for at least a day before rescue. Outcome? Quietly reminded his body that infections are for women and homosexuals, presumably fashioned himself a DIY colostomy bag, then immediately took an 8 hour drive to Mexico to fire two guns simultaneously.
Whoever Pedro Pascal plays in The Last of Us
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I’ll be honest, I don’t give even a little bit of a shit about this show but I saw a post that Pedro Pascal got rebar’d and supposedly is gonna be ok despite zero medical intervention and his caretaker being a child.
Which leads us to the obvious question then...
Dean Winchester, Supernatural
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Boy, WHAT are you dying about?? It didn’t even come out the other side of him! He looks like he’s standing there with indigestion! He looks mildly affronted. His expression says, “Oh, beans.” Everyone else is surviving WAY worse rebar. I’m pretty sure Dean fully willed himself to death here.
What am I saying?
I don’t know. I don’t know. I’m not saying anything. Have a good day.
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ghost-bison · 10 months
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TV shows emo grumpies who actually cry themselves to sleep
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heartbreakgrill · 8 months
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1989 (Heartbreak Grill’s Version)
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Countdown to 1989 (Taylor’s Version) with me! I will be writing 6 song blurbs based off of my top 6 1989 tracks. This will hopefully all be finished by October 27th, 2023, when 1989(TV) will finally be released. Enjoy!
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How You Get the Girl: Calum Hood
“remind me how it used to be.”
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Out of the Woods: Theo Raeken
“we were in screaming color.”
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Wildest Dreams: Kol Mikaelson
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This Love: Stiles Stilinski
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You Are In Love: Matthew Gray Gubler
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Style: Pedro Pascal
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“it’s a new soundtrack. i could dance to this beat forevermore.”
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Joel Miller x Teen!GN Reader
AFAB Reader
Request : *verbal request from my friend* Can I have a Joel Miller fic of Reader coming out to Joel as Trans after they get attacked? Platonic/Parental relationship !
Type : Comfort
Relationship : Platonic/Parental
Summary : While on the road to get to Tommy, Joel and Reader get attacked, they get out just fine but Reader is exhausted, which leads to Reader coming out as trans and explaining that they wear a binder
Warnings : self-hatred, internalized transphobia, abusive wear of binder (BE SAFE MY LOVELY PEOPLE), coming-out, violence, swear words
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You and Joel were still looking for Tommy and had stopped in a town to get some more food and supplies. While wandering in the lonely streets, you had suddenly heard people talking just across the street.  Three raiders were coming your way. It took only a second for Joel to notice them as well.
“Fuck! Run Y/N, Run” Joel suddenly whispered/screamed.
“Fucking hell Joel ! Fuck!” You said, startled.
You did as asked and ran to safety in a nearby house. Joel though, quickly hid behind an old car and took the raiders by surprise, killing one from a bullet before going to fight the other two with a knife, whom ran towards him. While Joel was fighting them the best he could, and you were hiding, you quickly realised he was gonna need help seing he had managed to kill another one but the last was putting up a great fight. Taking a deep breath, already tucking at your binder, you opened the back door of the house and ran as fast as you could to where Joel had parked the car, you knew he had extra shotguns in there, though he never let you use them.
Running as fast as you could, it took you a few minutes to get to the car, you took a shotgun he had hidden in the trunk, loaded it, took bullets with you and got ready to run again. Your ribcage was already killing you, ‘now is not the time to take my binder off’, you thought. Even out of breath you got back to running. You tripped a few times, your mind dizzy from the pain and the lack of air. You manage to get back to Joel whom was struggling, stuck under the last raider alive, He put all his strength into stopping the knife that was currently threatening to stab his throat.
Once you got a few meters away from the scene, you stopped and lifted the shot gun. Your vision was blurry but you had to do it, you had to help Joel. Gathering all the strength you had left and taking one last short breath, you shot the raider in the arm, hurting him just enough so that Joel could get back on top of him, steal his knife and cut his throat.
But your brain had reached its limits, you fell to the ground, desperately tucking your binder in a last desperate attempt at breathing,you just needed a little more air. Joel, instantly worried about you, ran to your side and picked up your head, laying it on his legs.
“Are you okay?! Fuck Y/N are you hurt!?” Joel asked you in a grave voice.
“Hm Hm, yeah, I’m fine, I just need to catch my breath” You whispered, your eyes were closed. You were focused on trying to breathe through your stomach.
“Y/N look at me, you don’t seem fine”Joel said. You could sense the panic in his voice although it was steady.
“I- I ... I can’t breathe, give me a minute please”You said, your voice cracking up with each word.
“Why? Why Y/N ? let me see”With his words Joel went to lift up your shirt but you quickly stopped him, your eyes now open and looking right at him.
“NO! No... Please, Joel, Don’t...”You struggled to breathe. “Don’t look.”
“Y/N please, I need to know what’s wrong.”
Your head was spinning, your eyes were in his. Not knowing what was happening anymore, you decided to tell him. You knew you would have to say it someday, well today was the day, right there, hardly breathing in his arms.
“I’m just, I’m... I’m wearing a binder Joel...” You waited but he didn’t say anything, of course he didn’t understand what you meant. “I’m trans, Joel. I’m wearing a binder, to compress my chest.”
“Okay”He simply said.
“Yeah, just give me a few minutes”You repeated, very nervous.
You and Joel stayed like that, your head on his lap, in complete silence for a few minutes. His gaze alternated between you and the streets, checking for any danger. Yours was fixed on him, still waiting for him to say something, anything. Finally, after what felt like forever, you breath steadied and your head stopped spinning.
“I’m sorry”You said suddenly.
“For what?”Joel replied.
“For what I said, for fainting, for who I am...”You started crying.
“Hey, it’s okay kid. I can’t force you take off that thing. It seems important to you” Joel assumed respectfully.
“It is, it really is” You quickly noted.
“And if it stops your breathing obviously it’s gonna make you faint,it’s fine,just be careful, you won’t have to save my ass next time hopefully.” He laughed a bit at the end. “And never apologise for who you are kid, you do you, I respect that”
“But, But it’s not normal, I’m not normal Joel.. I-I hate myself and I hate my body, and I hate how I have to wear this binder to feel like myself while it kills me slowly and put us in danger. Fuck, I’m so sorry Joel”You are left sobbing on his lap, turning to hide your face.
Joel lifted you and hugged you tightly. One of his hand in your hair caressing it to sooth you.
“shhh, it’s okay, you’re just a kid you’ll be fine, we’ll be fine. You are you and it’s all that matters. I am not mad at you. I just want you to know I see you as you and nothing else, this thing or not I don’t care. What I care about is you, and I'm sure if your chest really bothers you we can find a doctor that can do something about it. It’s okay kid” He declared.
“Thank you, thank you so much Joel” You continued crying, but were relieved.
“It’s okay, now let’s get going, it’s not safe to stay out there”He reminded you.
Eventually Joel let go off you and helped you get up. He smiled softly at you before taking the shotgun and walking back the car. You had had enough action for today.
!Reminder that english is not my first language, be kind in the comments!
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billy-theratking · 1 year
The two types of men I simp for are:
Daddies and Damaged
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sujan39 · 1 year
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✨Slutty daddy✨
~Pedro Pascal~
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hi!! maybe a fic where pedro has been away from his daughter for a while due to filming and just before a few days before he’s supposed to come home, he calls her saying he has to stay for a couple more weeks. she gets upset and maybe rebels and acts out in some way. the eventual reunion could either be a angsty or fluff depending on what ur goin for!! love ur writing btw!!
Broken Promises (Pedro Pascal x Daughter!Reader)
Pedro Pascal Masterlist
Word Count: 4,516
A/N: First of all, thank you for your kind words! It means a lot! <3 I live for angsty requests! This one was fun to write! I kind of took what you asked and did some twists... I hope you like it, though!! Requests are open to anyone who wants to send something in! Also, I don't know if Pedro's older sister has a husband so, i made it up. ALSO, 4.5 k words! This might be my longest one yet. I stayed up till 4:30 am writing this one....
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You anxiously looked over at the clock that was mounted on the wall, “The more you look at it, the slower it’ll move,” your tia commented as she noticed you looking at the clock for the seventh time in the past five minutes. “He said he’ll call before he got on his flight, his flight isn’t until Seven. Hours away, so would you please finish your homework before your father kills me because your grades slipped while he was away.” 
You groaned, “It’s killing me that he hasn’t called to let me know he made it to the airport, not even a text!” 
“He’s a busy man, Y/N. Plus you know how he is, he forgets where he places his phone like ever single minute, that’s why he’s so attached to that damn iPad,” Your tia commented as she continued to chop up vegetables for dinner. But she had a point, he could have let his phone in his carry on, or some obvious place that was in plain sight. 
You knew your dad too well, sometimes you thought you knew him better than he knew himself. Sometimes it was true and it scared you. Why? Maybe it was because he was everything to you and you were everything to him. It had just been the two of you since your mother passed and it was as if her passing brought the two of you closer. You bonded over her death in a morbid way. 
His mother passed when he was young, so he knew how to be a shoulder to cry on.
 He knew the right things to say and the wrong things to say. 
He knew the things you would want to avoid, the people you wouldn’t want to see. Overall, he just knew the pain you would go through. Ever since you were just this dynamic duo. 
When he was away filming, you missed him dearly, but it gave you time to spend with your cousins and family you don’t get to see as often. 
“Any plans for his return home?” your tia asked, interrupting your thoughts. 
“Well, I do have my tournament coming up, which is out of state and papi said we can go on a road trip. Take the scenic route and do all the stops.” 
“He did mention that, he sounded pretty excited.” 
“Yeah, plus this tournament is a pretty big deal, the top four teams will be competing to go to championship,” you explained. You wouldn’t say that soccer was your life, but you did love playing soccer. There was something about being on the field and just leaving everything on the sidelines, leaving all your trauma and past for a few hours and just being free. 
You had gotten into soccer when you were fairly young. You remembered your parents always cheering for you in the sidelines and then it was just your dad, then sometimes it would only be your tia who always had her phone up with most likely, your dad on the other side of the phone. Slowly the emptier the sidelines got, the reason for you to play grew, the more you wanted to just be free from your mind. 
The sound of your phone ringing interrupted your thoughts, you jumped up and ran towards your phone that sat at the kitchen counter. “Papi?” You said as you answered the call. 
“Y//N,” he began to say. 
“About time you called, I was beginning to worry you had missed your flight or something. Are you at the airport already?” 
“No,” He sighed. 
“You’re kind of cutting it close, you know that right?” you glanced at the clock, six thirty, it had read. 
“Cariño, I need you to listen to me,” he sighed. 
You sat back down at the kitchen table, “What’s wrong?” you asked. Your mind was quick to race to certain thoughts, someone could be dead, you thought. Who could it be? You had been with your tia Javiera for the past month and she was the oldest. Usually she was the first to know everything. 
“I’m sorry, Cariño,” he began. Your heart began to race, an uneasy feeling crept over you like storm clouds. “I’m gonna have to stay here for a few more weeks.” 
“A few more weeks? B-But you’ll be here for our road trip right?” You were met with silence, a sinking feeling took hold in your stomach, “Right?” you asked again. 
“Mija,” he muttered. Pedro spent the whole day putting off this phone call for this reason. He had gotten your hopes up and he knew you weren’t going to take it easy. 
“Did you tell them no?”
“I can’t tell the directors no,” he answered. 
“Did you even try?” Your voice choked with disappointment, he couldn’t be doing this. He promised he wouldn’t become that parent.  
“Mija, I can’t say no, I have to stay here and do reshoots.” 
“But our road trip!” You exclaimed. 
“I know and I’ll make it up to you, I promise.” 
“Just like you promised to take me on this road trip?” 
“Mija, por favor, Don’t do this to me,” he said, Pedro felt his heart heavy, he knew he was disappointing you and as much as he wanted to tell the directors to shove it and say no, he knew he couldn’t. 
“Or like how you promised you’d never do this? How you promised you wouldn’t become that person.” 
“Y/N,” When the first name came out, you knew he was beginning to get upset. 
“Mija, give me the phone,” your Tia stepped in. She knew someone might say something they might regret and she didn’t want to see either of your hurt. But she forgot to realize you were her brothers daughter and just like him, you were stubborn too. 
You held onto the phone, “You promised,” disappointment written over your voice, tears began to well up in your eyes. 
“I know,” he whispered. If you had only seen how torn your father was at the moment, maybe you would have been okay with situation. Or maybe things would have turned differently, but you could only hear his voice and although, you heard the disappointment in his voice, you couldnt be bothered to care about it. All that mattered to you was that he had broken his first promise and you didn’t know if this was going to be the first of many and if so, what was next? 
Would you be one of those kids that grew up only seeing their parents on the holidays and eventually writing a book titled, “My Parent, the Mandalorian, and the neglect I endured.” You never wanted to be one of those kids and when your dad first began to get bigger roles, he had promised you that you wouldn’t. That he wouldn’t become one of those famous parents. 
You remained silent, hoping it was some kind of sick joke and maybe he’d say something along the lines of ‘Gotcha!’ or maybe he’d say ‘I’ll be there tomorrow, don’t worry!’ But seconds pass and he didn’t say any of it. “Okay,” you finally said. 
“Mija,” Pedro began to say but you handed the phone to your tia. 
“Pedro, it’s Javiera,” your tia said, a somber look fell on her face when she had heard him apologizing when she first took the phone. She felt bad for her little brother, but she also felt bad for you. 
“Is she still there?” Pedro asks
Javiera looked at you, you wiped away tears that were managing to escape. You groaned to yourself, irritated with everything around you, you left the room. “She just left,” she replied. 
“I fucked up, didn’t I?” 
“Yeah,” she sighed. 
“How do I fix this?” Pedro pleaded. Ever since your mother passed away, Pedro called his big sister for any little thing on parenting, he felt like every choice he made was the wrong one. Most of the time, it wasn’t, he was just overthinking it. 
“There really is no way out of the reshoots? No way to reschedule?” 
“Directors call,” he sighed. “I really fucked up, Javiera. No me va a perdonar” (She’s not gonna forgive me). 
“No mas nicesieta tiempo. Let me talk to her, but for now… give her some space.” 
“Are you saying not to call her?” Pedro questioned. 
“Or text… just for a couple of days. If anything send her a goodnight text, but let’s not anger her more.” He let out a small sigh, Pedro always texted you. Even if he went the whole day without responding, he made sure to send a goodnight text every night. 
“Alright,” he muttered. “I’m gonna need you to get in contact with the school, she’ll have to go with her team to the tournament.” 
“I’ll contact them, and Pedro?”
She let out a deep breathe, “It’s gonna be fine.” 
Pedro tried his hardest to give himself a smile, to reassure himself that it would be fine and eventually it’ll pass, but he couldn’t. At the moment his heart was utterly broken, he had broken a promise, what felt like a sacred vow and now he had disappointed you. It probably wouldn’t be the first, but he sure as hell, hopes it wouldn’t become a habit. 
Over the past week, you only left your room to go to school and shower. Your cousins dropped off your food in your room every day, you felt like they were somehow on your side. Your friends eventually began to blow up your phone, not only had you been distant with your family, but you’ve also been distant with them. 
You felt your phone vibrate beside you, you groaned at the thought of getting a phone call from anyone. Picking up the phone you realized it was one of your teammates, Cassandra, “Yeah?” 
“Finally you pick up,” Cassandra muttered. “Look, a bunch of us are going to go on a drive later tonight with Justin’s brother, he just got his license and we wanted to know if you want to join.” 
“Oh come on, Y/N! You’ve been so distant and what will it hurt? You’re dad isn’t home anyway so he can’t say anything!” 
You let out a sigh, she had a point, “I still have curfew.” 
“So? Sneak out.” 
You had to admit that Cassandra was a bad influence. She wasn’t your best friend, she was one of the girls in your soccer team. She was part of the older group in the varsity team, but she always invited you out. Part of you felt like she only did it because of your dads social status which is why you always declined her offer. That and because your dad didn’t really approve of you hanging out with her, he could always tell when someone was a bad influence. But Cassandra was right, he wasn’t here. 
“Really?” Cassandra asked taken back by your response. 
“Like you said, my dad isn’t here, so it shouldn’t matter right?” 
“Trouble in paradise?” She chuckled. 
You rolled your eyes, “What time should I be ready?” 
“We’ll pick you up at midnight, we’ll shoot you a text when we’re down the block,” Cassandra said before she hung up the phone. You felt your nerves beginning to get worked up, you had no idea what you just got yourself into, yet something inside you felt carefree. 
If your dad were home, you knew he wouldn’t approve of you going out so late. He definitely wouldn’t have approved of you going on a joy ride with someone you didn’t even know and had just gotten their license. He wasn’t here though. 
You remained in your room while you waited, your Tia Javiera came to check on you before she went to bed. Soon after you heard your phone vibrate on your desk, for a moment you thought it was Cassandra but it was still an hour away from midnight. You glanced at your phone, 
Goodnight, Mija ♥️ 
It was a message from your dad. You rolled your eyes and put your phone away. You spent the rest of your time getting ready, you wore something simple, but made sure to cover up from the cold. A few minutes past midnight you received a text from Cassandra saying that they were waiting down the block. You began to quietly make your way out of the house.
“Where you going?” you heard someone whisper. 
You turned around to see your cousin Pedro in the middle of the kitchen, “Pedro, what are you doing up?” 
He held up a sandwich, “where you going?” 
You looked at him with pleading eyes, “I’m only going to be gone for an hour, it’s just a drive around the block with some friends.” 
He chuckled, “I don’t care what you do, Y/N. I’ve been there before. Have fun and if you go to McDonalds bring me some fries, kay?” 
You rolled your eyes, “whatever.” You playfully flipped him off before walking out of the house. You made sure to close the door softly behind you. Once you were in the clear you booked it down the street. You spotted Cassandra waving you down from a dark green Tahoe. 
“This car is a piece of junk,” you commented as you got into the Tahoe. 
“Hey, no disrespecting Hilda!” The driver who you assumed to be Jasons brother, exclaimed. 
“She’s a piece of junk but she’s Marty’s piece of junk,” Jason commented. 
“Correct!” Marty said. “Now let’s get this party started!” 
Pedro woke up in a startle to the sound of his phone ringing, at first he had thought it was just his dream, but the sound slowly began to get louder and louder until finally he woke up. He groaned, “who the fuck is calling so early?” he muttered to himself. 
“Hello?” he answered in an annoyed tone. 
“Pedro?” he heard his sister on the other line, her voice sounded strain. 
“Javiera?” Pedro quickly sat up. 
“Pedro,” Javiera’s voice trembled, there was some ruffling sounds on the other line. 
“Javiera?” No answer. “Javier, que te pasa?” 
“Pedro?” Javiera’s husband had taken over the phone. 
“Augustine? Que esta pasando?” (What’s happening) Pedro was no sitting on the side of his bed, he no longer felt drowsy. 
Augustine sighed, “Pedro, no se como dicier te. Y/N snuck out a few hours ago,” 
“Shit,” Pedro let out a deep breath he didn’t know he was holding in. His mind had been racing to a million scenarios. “Well that’s a first,” he chuckled. 
“Pedro,” Augustine said softly. 
Pedro closed his eyes, the way Augustine said his name, he knew what it meant. “Is she okay?” Pedro asked as his voice trembled. 
“She was in a car with a bunch of her friends and some drunk driver, he was driving over a hundred miles, the kid didn’t have a chance to react.” 
“Augustine, is my baby okay?” Pedro was beginning to get ansty. 
“She’s in the ICU,” Pedro could hear his sister crying in the background. 
“Is she okay?” Pedro asked again. 
“You need to get here as fast as possible, Pedro. She’s at Saint Mary’s Memorial Hospital, you know where that is?” 
“Saint Mary’s, yeah,” Of course he knew where it was. He could never forget, it was the same hospital you were born at and now you were there again, but in different circumstances. Pedro was quick to hang up, calling his Director in the middle of night was something he would never do, unless it was something like this. Something like his daughter was hanging on by a thread and he didn’t care about anyones sleep, he just needed to get on the first plane back to New York. 
The directors were understanding of the situation, they even helped Pedro get back to New York within the hour. He had never received treatment like that, but he was thankful for it. 
Pedro had just a carry on, leaving most of his luggage back at the hotel with his assistant. He didn’t need much anyway, just the essentials. 
Once he got out of the airport, he flagged down a taxi. The ride to the hospital seemed to be the longest ride ever. Pedro was anxious to get there, anxious to see you and to make sure you were okay. She’s in the ICU, Augustine’s voice kept repeating those words in his head like a broken record player. The sound of his sisters cries over the phone brought back memories he had thought he buried. 
His thoughts were quickly interrupted by the brief halt of the car, Pedro looked out of the car window to see that he had arrived to his destination. “Thanks,” he said to the cab driver as he handed him some cash before bolting out of the car and into the hospital.
The sun was beginning to rise when Pedro finally arrived, he rushed over to the front desk. “May I help you, sir?” 
“Uh- my, my daughter,” Pedro let out a shaky breath. 
The receptionist knew that look too well, she had seen it so many times. “What’s the name?” she asked softly. 
“Y/N Pascal.” 
SHe was quick to type the name in, knowing that the last thing he wanted to do was wait any longer. “Take the elevator to floor three.” 
“Thank you!” Pedro ran over to the elevator, punch the button for floor three. 
He ran out of the elevator once they opened. 
“Pedro!” He heard his sister exclaim. 
Pedro let out a sigh of relief, he ran over to her and gave her a hug. 
“I’m sorry,” she sobbed. 
“It’s alright,” he looked over at his nephews, they both were distraught of the situation. “You boys okay?” 
Young Pedro looked over at his uncle, tears in his eyes, “I should’ve stopped her, Tio. I’m sorry.” 
“It’s okay,” he pulled his nephew into the hug. Pedro didn’t know why he was trying to comfort everyone at the moment, maybe a part of him felt like it was his responsibility because he felt so much guilt. “Where is she?” 
“The doctors have her in surgery right now, she had some internal injuries they hoped to repair.” Pedro choked back the tears, he sat down on one of the chairs nearby. “They said by the looks of the crash site, she got the worse of it. She was sitting in the spot the car impacted with.” 
Pedro pinched the bridge of his nose, “How bad is it?” 
“The doctors said something about possible physical therapy,” Javiera added. “It’s still all unknown at the moment.” 
“This is all my fault.” 
“Don’t say that, Pedro.” 
“She isn’t that kind of kid, Javiera! She would’ve never done this unless she was really mad at me,” Pedro let out a shaky breath. Javiera placed a comforting hand on her brothers shoulder. “I can’t lose her, Javiera,” Pedro sobbed. 
“I know,” she whispered. She let Pedro cry into her shoulder and he cried for a while. After about an hour, he began to calm down, everyone sat in silence as they waited for the doctors to come out. Hours passed by when finally a doctor walked out of the doubled doors and to the Pascal family. 
“Family of Y/N Pascal?” the doctor nervously figeted with his hands. 
Pedro stood up quickly, “How is she?” 
The doctor cleared his throat, he never like this part of the job, speaking to the family. “There was a lot of damage and we did the best we could,” Pedro felt a sob make its way into his throat, he tried his best to hold it back, it wasn’t bad news yet. “But she’s steady now.” Pedro let out a deep breathe. “This isn’t the end of her journey yet, she has a long road of recovery. She’s lucky to be alive.” 
Pedro had tears falling from his eyes, his baby girl was okay. “Thank you,” he said to the doctor, “Can I see her?” 
“Of course, I’ll take you to her.” The doctor led Pedro through the doubled doors, “She’s in the post Surgery, we’ll be moving her back to the ICU later today.” The doctor stood beside one of the doors, “She’ll have a lot of wires surrounding her, it may look scary but it’s what’s keeping her alive. She might not wake up right away, if anything we don’t expect her to wake up for a few days. It’s common in severe crash victims,” the doctor explained. “The tube in her throat will be taken out once she can breathe on her own.” 
“Can I touch her at least?” 
The doctor nodded, “It’s like handling a newborn, you have to be a bit careful.” The doctor tried to give Pedro a reassuring smile. 
“Thank you,” he said softly before opening the door. The doctor was right, the way the wires surrounded you scared Pedro. “Oh baby girl,” he said softly as he walked up to the bed. “I’m sorry,” he let out a sob. He sat on the chair beside your bed, taking your hand into his, he placed a kiss on the top of your hand. “I’m sorry I broke our promise, but you need to wake up for me okay?” He slowly moved a strand of hair out of your face, careful to not touch the tubing and wires. “Te quiero mucho, Y/N. No puedo vivir sin ti.” (I love you so much, Y/N. I can’t live without you). 
As the days passed, Pedro stayed beside your bedside during the day and during the night. He never left your bedside, not even to shower although he was beginning to get remarks about how he smelled. He didn’t care, he wanted to make sure he was there when you woke up. 
It had been a full week and you still hadn’t woken up. The doctors were beginning to worry, they started to do more tests to make sure they didn’t miss anything before or to see if anything new showed up. 
“Pedro, you need to go home and at least shower,” Augustine said as he placed a plate of food on a small table nearby. 
“I’m fine,” Pedro said as he kept his eyes on you. Augustine sighed, it was no use, there was really nothing that was going to convince Pedro to leave the room. 
“Come on, Cariño,” Pedro said softly. “You need to wake up.” he squeezed your hand gently. Pedro was about to let go when he felt you squeeze his hand, his eyes widen and he squeezed your hand again. Few seconds later your squeezed his hand, “Yes!” he exclaimed. He got up from his chair, “She squeezed my hand!” he yelled out to the nurses that were outside the door. They came rushing in, beginning to check your pupils and your vitals. 
“Get the doctor,” one of them commanded the other. 
The doctor was ecstatic to see the vitals go up, “Y/N, if you can hear me, squeeze your dads hand.” You squeezed your dads hand again. Seconds later your eyes fluttered opened, you winced at the brightness of the room. You felt something lodge in your throat, you lifted your arm to touch it, “no, no we’ll take it out for you, dear.” 
“She’s awake,” Pedro said in disbelief. 
“We’ll need to get the tubing out,” the doctor said. Pedro got up from his spot on the bedside, let the doctor take the tubing out from your mouth. “Your mouth is gonna feel dry for a couple of days, it’s common,” he began to say as he checked your pupils again. “Do you know where you are?” 
“The-” you coughed, a nurse handed your cup of water. “The hospital?” 
“Good, what year is it?” 
“Twenty Twenty Three.” 
“What’s your name?” 
“And who’s that?” The doctor pointed over at your dad. 
“My dad,” you said softly. 
The doctor smiled, “We’ll run some more tests later,” he said to your dad, “I’ll leave you two alone for a now.” 
Your dad thanked the doctor, he waited until they all left to go back to his spot by the bedside. You bothe remained quiet for a few minutes, one waiting for the other to speak. The other trying to get the courage to speak. 
You let out a shaky breath, “I’m sorry,” you whisepred. “It was really stupid.” 
Pedro shook his head, pulling you into a warm embrace, “It doesn’t matter,” he said softly. “All that matter is that you’re here and you’re alive.” He let go of the embrace, holding your head in his hands, “that’s all that matters to me right now, okay?” You gave him a nod, “I thought I was gonna lose you,” he choked out. 
“I’m sorry,” you trembled. 
“Que paso, Amor? How did it happen?” 
You shrugged, “One second we were heading back and the next thing I know, I heard screaming and it was dark,” you sniffled. “Is everyone else okay?” 
Your dad nods, “You got the worse of it. Cassandra was pretty shooken up, but they all got minor scratches and concussions.” 
“Lucky me,” you said sarcastically. Your dad kissed the top of your head, “I really am sorry about everything.” 
“No, I’m sorry, I broke a promise.” 
“I overreacted,” you confessed. 
“I don’t think you did,” he said softly. “I mean, I get it, we had a promise I wouldn’t break promises or cancel on you for work, especially with thing like your tournament. I wouldn’t let you become one of those kids with a book on how their parent was the worst parent ever.” you chuckled, causing your dad to smile, “I broke that promise and it scared you, and I’m sorry.” 
“Thank you and I’m sorry I overreacted and landed myself in the most expensive place on earth that isn’t Disneyland.” 
Your dad let out a laugh, “Forgiven.” 
“Forgiven,” you repeated. “Now, how bad is this?” you gestured to your broken leg, “Is my soccer career totaled?” 
“Soccer career? I thought you wanted to become an actor like your old man?” 
“Well, acting wasn’t my first choice, but depending on this, it might just become my first choice.” 
Pedro rolled his eyes, “Well, you’ll have physical therapy for sure, but let’s talk about it when we get there.” 
“Alright, but can we talk about something else?” 
“Dime (tell me).” 
“Can you go shower?” you scrunched up your nose, “I’m pretty sure your B.O. is what woke me up!” 
Pedro rolled his eyes, “Alright, alright, I’ll call your tia over to be with you while I go shower.” Pedro watched as you covered your nose in exaggeration, usually he would say something petty, but right now he just wanted to admire you and the fact that you were still alive. “Te amo, mija.” 
“Y yo a ti, papi,” you gave him a smile, knowing that everything was going to be okay and that if you did write a book in the future, it’d probably be about how you grew up blessed to be Pedro Pascal’s daughter.
Pedro Pascal Taglist: @Sophieelizabeth01  @tracysnookok  @cilliansangel @change-the-world-someday @graciegoeskrazy
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daemontargaryenwhore · 7 months
The photographer knew what they were doing when they told him to pose like that.
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daughterofthequeen · 1 year
How did I not see this before😂😂😂Pedro what’s goin on man (that pose says it all it’s Pedro look at that foot placement😂😂😂)
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moiravim · 1 year
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Dad!Din Djarin x Teen!GN!yn
Summary: you sneak into the Mandalorian's ship in hopes to find something valuable. When he catches you, you realize you've found something much better than you were hoping for.
You were sneaking into a strange space ship. It was the largest one you've ever seen. You had seen someone walk out of it and decided to go check if there was anything that would be useful for you. Money, food, or pretty much anything that you could sell.
That was, until you heard the doors shut. It worried you for a minute but then you decided you'd make an exit when the owner of the ship came back.
The ship lifted off the ground. You fill your pockets with random supplies before running back to the closed door. You try opening it and search for a button to open it.
It doesn't work. You can't find any way out. You wait out the time until the ship reaches it's next destination
When the ship settles back down you sigh in relief. Then, a mandalorian walked into the main room of the ship. He towers over you and your jaw drops.
Your hands start to shake and anxiously play with each other as you look up at the scary man.
Tears fill your eyes and you hear him sigh. "Show me your pockets." You empty out everything you had stolen as you start to sob.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Please" you cry out. He takes his things and puts them in their place as you try to explain everything to him.
"I didn't mean to- I mean- I'm sorry. Please, I don't have a lot of money, I just thought- I thought..." Your words are drowned out by your sobs.
He guides you over to a chair and you sit down in it. "Where are your parents?" He says.
The silence answers his questions. You shiver and he hands you a small blanket that you wrap around your arms.
He walks back to the room where he has just been and comes back with a small green creature.
"This is Grogu. I expect the two of you to stay here. I will be back." He says as he opens the door and walks out.
I look outside to see a town that looks nothing like your home. You wipe the last few tears in your eyes before looking around for something to do.
When he comes back he says nothing. He picks up Grogu and motions you to follow him. He sets Grogu down in his chair and sits down in his own.
You stand akwardly and the man points to an empty spot. You sit down and he nods.
"I'm Din." He says, breaking the silence. "...YN" you respond. He had already known he was gonna let you stay but this was the moment you had realized.
You slept on the way to wherever he had to go next. Although he tried his best to hide it, he had a soft spot for you. He was also extremely overprotective of you and wouldn't let anything bad happen to you.
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piggyjeans · 1 year
Okayyy fineeeee send platonic the last of us requests please :( I promise I will write them. This is going to make me get back into writing. Ellie x Joel or other platonic stuff pleasseeee I am going to write so much on my momma!!!
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