#peeper beetle
skekgra-smokes-weed · 10 days
whatever. go my peeper beetle
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kingkippy · 26 days
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Beetle and Peepers interaction drawing. This is my first time actually trying to render something in 5 months, so I'm a little rusty.
Peepers is perfect the way he is, yet also in headcanon i sometimes think that his design should stand out more, being the commander and all, so this design was born.
Gotta love the sillies.
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possumnest · 2 years
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rolling out today in my etsy shop is the ATLAS BEETLE, a crisp 2" x 3" vinyl sticker perfect for all your various beetle-less surfaces 🪲🪲🪲
reminder! if you'd like to hold off on your order until all 9 designs are available, i will be spotlighting one sticker design a day until the 8th! keep ur peepers out tomorrow ... ���
reblogs very much appreciated!
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anchasvtt · 4 months
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Tdc Mermaid AU sketches part 3
1. SkekTek's punishment. In this AU peeper beetle /or peeper crustacean?/ ate his lantern. He'll make himself a new one from something bioluminescent later
2. SkekVar's death. Instead of a duel before the final battle he chased Rian to the upper layers and then to the ocean surface, where he was accidently hit by a harpoon of a large fishing vessel, dragged on board and died shortly after
3. Brea meets Deet. As I mentioned before it happens earlier, than in canon, then they swim to Ha'rar together
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whistlingstarlight · 3 months
Watching The Dark Crystal: Age Of Resistance atm, top ten things I never want to see again:
1-10 all of them are the Peeper Beetle scene-
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sylpeeps-time-drtc · 1 year
Hii!! Ok a random poll 😁💯
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boombox-fuckboy · 2 years
Reasons to listen to The Cryptonaturalist:
First!! Do not fret: no cryptocurrency only cryptonature.
Cryptids of many kinds! (And like 99% of them are made up for the show).
Marvelling at the natural and extranatural world.
Learn about real creatures!
And even more about non-real creatures such as the tiny koiflys of road islands, subterranian shadowhawks, sun-burn bright neon peeper frogs, air-chilling arctic vortex beetles, migratory forests, to name a few.
Perhaps you will even wonder if you should've gone into ecology after all.
The lead travels the world with his bestie who is either a sentient RV or an AI with one for a body. She has a lovely voice and expansive within.
Snippets of excellent nature poetry and flash fiction that helped me understand poetry as a concept.
Both from creator Jarod K Anderson, who's poetry you've likely seen floating around Tumblr, and many guests.
Non-poetry features from other cryptonaturalists about the globe, played by many potentially familiar voices including: Jordan Cobb, Julia Schifini, Lucille Valentine, Justin McElroy, Hank Green, etc.
Good quality audio.
Extremely simple but complementary soundwork.
Absolutely no jumpscares.
No major story, but the same lead character and some connecting background stories.
There's a whole episode that's just cool facts and a gentle pep talk.
Very good vibes.
I mentioned the creatures but seriously, the creativity in the organisms is a delight.
Super chill, good for relaxing, daydreaming, floor time, lab work, etc.
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locksnek · 5 months
Re-read my peeper beetle fic that I was picking away at for all of 2021 (and well into 2022, until The Incident), I remember thinking it was getting chaotic and I was trying to do too much with it, but actually I think it read pretty smooth. I was stuck on tying all the loose ends together though.
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skekheck · 2 years
Do you have any...possible AOR crackship?
Peeper beetle and skekTek's eye.
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silverwingink · 1 year
Wreck Ch. 1
Dagfinn snorted as he watched the little video he had recorded on his PDA, “Did you see this one?” he asked, offering it over to Asmund. 
The larger tea beetle briefly glanced at the screen only to roll his eyes, “Yes you’ve shown me that one before. Now stop distracting the pilot, would you?” despite the statement his tone was filled with a certain amount of humor, having been tickled by the brief glimpse he’d seen.
Dagfinn seemed to gloss over the other’s response, “That little thing was never too bright was she? Always chewing on something,” he mused, watching the video of one of the creatures they’d managed to tame on Planet 4546B; a young Stalker.
“Primarily my dive suit,” Asmund mumbled.
“Ha! Maybe if you looked less edible, or smelled less like Peeper–” the other teased. 
“Hardly my fault you didn’t want to handle cooking the fish!”
“Awe! But you just did it so much better~!”
Asmund let out an exasperated sigh, shaking his head, “Whatever. I suspect it was also because John liked you better anyways.” 
“Well I spent more time with her,” Dagfinn pointed out before slouching some, “Shame we couldn’t bring her along…” he hummed. 
At this the other beetle took some pause, giving his cousin a sympathetic look, “She’s where she belongs, and soon we will be too,” he quietly reassured.
“We don’t even know where we are, or what planet we’re closest to right now,” he raised his dark blue eyes up to the flight deck’s window panels. Before them was a large, green and blue planet. It looked habitable enough, and scans had indicated that it contained life, “Or how we ended up looking like… this,” he gestured to himself. 
By now the two of them had become quite accustomed to these new bodies, though the sudden change had been quite a shock at first. Now it seemed more like an… inconvenience. Dagfinn for one didn’t want to sit too long pondering how it could have happened.
Asmund took longer to answer that one, his brows furrowing. As he opened his mouth to speak, however, a sudden bang jolted the entire ship, causing the two to nearly fall out of their seats. 
The ship, once bright with LED lighting and white walls was quickly plunged into a terrifying, red-tinged darkness, “What the hell was that?!” the smaller tea beetle exclaimed.
“We just got hit by something! An asteroid?!” Asmund exclaimed, frantically tapping on his screens to get more information, but they soon went out as well.
 The first thing to be knocked out was their power supply, so they were now on emergency battery. Despite that, the sirens seemed to be working quite fine, blaring through the circular halls of the cousins’ little ship. They were working a bit too well as it left a pounding pain in their now unfamiliarly sensitive ears. 
“W-we need to go, now!” the large beetle grabbed his cousin by the arm and practically dragged him to his feet. The two began to run as quickly as they could towards the emergency pods, knowing they were on borrowed time before their ship would crash violently down onto the foriegn planet below, or break apart in the upper atmosphere.
Dagfinn had walked this path many a time with Asmund, going through the drill over and over just in case a situation like this ever occurred. Had this been any other day, he likely would have bemoaned the frequency of their practice, but today he could finally understand the purpose of all those dry runs. Even with these strange new legs he made all the turns necessary to arrive there in good pace.
However what awaited them was not a welcome sight. One of the larger meteoroids had struck this end of the ship, crumpling the titanium wall like paper and completely blocking off the secondary emergency pod further down the bay.
But that should be fine right? There’s two e-pods for a reason! Asmund quickly stuck his head into the first one’s open door, but upon pulling back out, his expression was grim. 
“What? What is it?” Dagfinn asked, not waiting for an answer as he too took a peek, “D-damn it…”
This pod, though certainly more intact than the other, had one of its seats damaged.
“There’s… only one seat to get out of here,” Asmund spoke gravely. 
The smaller tea beetle pulled his head out to look towards his cousin, “What about your repair tool? Maybe we can fix it–!”
Another explosion sent a jarring shake through the ship’s hull. Dagfinn barely managed to claw onto the doorframe hard enough to keep himself standing, and even then he could feel the vibrations practically rattle his bones.
“There’s not enough time! We’re barely holding together as is!” Asmund shouted in return, clear fear in his voice.
“What do we do then?!” 
Asmund’s mind was racing, trying to find some sort of solution to this dire circumstance. He could try to make a landing on this thing, but with this many systems down the chances were slim. Hell, without enough control they could just end up burning as they fall through the atmosphere! And it’s not like they had the time or materials to simply fabricate another e-pod on the spot! Pulling out his PDA he scrolled through the blueprints, desperately looking for something he could make that might help them in this situation. But everything was either useless or required materials they didn’t have on them anymore…
Through the semi-transluscent screen he caught the faintest outline of Dagfinn’s expression. He looked expectant, yet nervous. 
Asmund’s heart dropped… he could only think of one thing. 
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With one arm the larger teabeetle gave the smaller a hard shove, and with the other, he slammed down on the activation button outside of the e-pod. Taken off-guard by the sudden action Dagfinn fell flat on his back, sprawling his limbs out to try to stop himself. By the time he realized what had happened, the door had already been sealed shut. Scrambling to his feet the lighter blue beetle went up to the small window on the e-pod which still pointed into the ship, “What the hell are you doing?!”
“I’m sorry Danny… If this thing is going down, I’m not going to let you be dragged down with me,” Asmund said, forcing a smile towards his cousin even as the smaller one banged at the door, “Y-your e-pod s-should have plenty of f-food and water to last you a good b-bit. Remember to do system diagnostics often t-to catch p-problems early,” he said, his voice cracking the more upset he got.
“Shut up! Get in here and we can figure something out you stupid bastard!” Danny shouted, tears welling in his eyes, “Stop being a damn hero!”
The screen next to the door flickered to green, indicating the e-pod was ready to launch. Asmund pressed it without hesitating and bit his lip, tears falling down his face now too, “G-get strapped in, will you?” he said, before stepping away from the door.
“Asmund! Asmund!” Dagfinn yelled. But no matter how hard he hit and yanked at the door, the damn thing wasn’t coming open. The other disappeared from his line of sight. 
“Launch sequence engaged, launching in 10… 9…”
“D-damn it… Damn it!” the smaller tea beetle stumbled back towards the available chair, fumbling with the straps as the robotic voice above continued to count down. Eventually, despite the fogginess in his vision, he was able to get it all locked in. 
“4… 3… 2… 1… Launching…”
Dagfinn shut his eyes tight and squeezed the restraints hard. In a second there was a loud pop and a sudden jolt. His stomach was forced into his throat as the pod fell away from the rest of the ship. 
He opened one eye just enough to look out the window again, and he could see the burning ship drifting away from view having been set ablaze…
Lil backstory for these two, though mostly Danny:
Chapter 2 is here.
Chapter 3 is here.
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xtruss · 4 months
Are Owls Actually All That Wise?
Often depicted wearing glasses and graduation caps, owls are regarded as the brainiacs of the animal kingdom. While they’re not exactly dumb, they fall behind several bird species when it comes to intelligence.
— By Anna Green | Feb 26, 2024
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Smart? Maybe. Cute? Definitely. Ian Douglas/500px/Getty Images
For thousands of years, from Ancient Greek legend to modern literature and TV, humans have portrayed owls as sage and wise. The intelligent owl appears in everything from The Iliad to Winnie the Pooh. But, it turns out, though they’re excellent hunters, owls probably aren’t any smarter than a lot of other birds.
In fact, they may be significantly worse at problem solving than other big-brained birds like crows and parrots. One study from 2013 found that great gray owls repeatedly failed a simple cognitive test—pulling a string to get a treat—that had been successfully solved by several other bird species. It doesn’t help that owls face some steep competition in the avian class. Ravens are often ranked as one of the most intelligent non-human species along with dolphins and chimpanzees.
Owls may not be as smart as their corvid cousins, but that doesn’t make them dumb. Studies have found that some owls actually practice a primitive form of tool use. According to a study published in the scientific journal Nature, burrowing owls have been observed using animal dung to lure dung beetles to their burrows, where they subsequently feast on the insects.
However, while animal tool use is always impressive, it doesn’t really mean that owls are “wise” by any human standards. Owls are extraordinary animals in their own right. They’re incredible hunters who have evolved specialized hearing, camouflaging plumage, and unique tubular eyes that help them catch their prey.
Why Are Owls Considered Wise?
But, if owls aren’t mysterious guardians of life’s secrets, hiding deep reservoirs of wisdom behind their giant yellow eyes, then why do we so frequently represent them that way? Where does that idea come from?
While many cultures feature owls in their mythology, not all societies see owls as wise. In India, for instance, owls are associated with ill-gained wealth and foolishness rather than wisdom. The pervasive myth of the wise owl, meanwhile, likely originated with legends of the Ancient Greek goddess Athena. The goddess of wisdom, Athena was often portrayed in art holding an owl, or described in literary works as “owl-eyed” or even “owl-faced.”
Owls’ large eyes may have led to them being typecast as wise sages in literature. The bird’s striking peepers may not hold the answers to the mysteries of the universe, but they do serve a special purpose. The size enables a sort of night vision, allowing them to spot faraway prey in the dark. But the saucer-like eyes are not without their flaws. Up close, the world becomes blurry, so owls use the small, bristly feathers on their beaks and talons to feel their immediate surroundings.
Because their eyes are tubular instead of spherical—meaning they extend far back into their heads—owls can’t roll them around their sockets. Instead they have to move their entire heads to look around—which they can do 135 degrees in either direction. If you ever wondered how owls are able to pull an Exorcist without dying, you can read more about the impressive adaptation here.
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dzmoot · 8 months
Great Caesar's Apparition!
Today, our trek brought us to the exotic world of DiatCoak XII. Kitten was a bit thirsty and since many of the planets we've visited thus far have had no water, this is the closest we've had to a planet with a consumable liquid (Hampire's potion punch he brought on the trip doesn't count). There were no oceans on DiatCoak, just little ponds and streams of bubbly, fizzy cola, quite refreshing. We all went out of our way just for the taste of it, but we were bewildered and quite frankly speechless, like someone knocked the blasted wind out of us when we saw where the cola came from. We looked up and saw about three or so mighty volcano like brutes, all made of pure glass with giant metal soda cap heads and twisty straws in their bellies.
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They just stood there, still as stonehenge rocks. Zappy, that confounded kangarabbit tried getting them to move by whacking them with his tail and the two wizards did the same but with hexes and tickling curses. Still, they stood, the only thing moving was their eyelids to blink. Then, as if our breaths weren't already taken away to the next door galaxy, a weird bunch of creatures came out from the clouds. They were white, many eyed and all stuck together in a row. One broke off from the pack, revealed it's pinchers like a lunar stag beetle and landed atop one of the glass behemoths. It's pinchers ripped the cap off it's top and it jumped inside. What happened next was unbelievable, but I saw it with my own two peepers.
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That minty varmint dissolved in the liquid, turned to pure bubbles and the colacano erupted, showering everything and everyone in sight with it's bubbly inners. If only I brought an empty 2 liter bottle with me, I'd filled it up and keep it under my pillow at night in case I needed to wet my whistle! A great alternative to moonshine, wouldn't you say!
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Ironically, the planet we are heading to tomorrow also has volcanoes. I think it will be a rather cheesy experience to say the least!
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victorian-vampir · 1 year
The peeper beetle is what happens to you at the start of Baldurs gate three
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dragonladdie · 3 years
Thra creatures that have Black Air Force energy(in no particular order)
I'm so out of pocket for this
Starting off with the Arathim, more specifically the Spitters.
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There are two types of Spitters(at least, shown in the shows): Poison and Silk. Poison Spitters barf up a venom which can cause blindness, while Silk Spitters spit a ropy silk material which could be used in combat to ensnare their enemies.
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They're also a hive mind which means they can come together to form faces, which is not okay in any shape or form and if I saw a bunch of spiders in my house pull this I would simply dip off the face of the earth.
Next up are peeper beetles.
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This scorpion with extra steps eats mainly small animals, and, as you may have guessed from the name; eyes. Honestly I don't have anything else to say about this. It just gives me the Ick.
Third, we have fizzgigs.
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These meth head pomeranians have a mouth full of razor sharp teeth and make absolutely ungodly sounds. Since their fat little legs are too small to get them anywhere they move around by rolling. They'll also run fades for no other reason than to be a dick.
Next is the Garthim
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And uh...
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I think we all know about the Garthim
Finally we have the rakkida, which are crackdogs the size of a horse with vestigial wings and teeth so big they can't ever close their mouths completely.
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I was gonna make a joke about how with legs like that they could make it onto the front page of Vogue but honestly? This shit isn't even funny, because there's no telling these mfs don't Run Shit over there
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The fact that they also have a pair of vestigial wings means that these bitches could once FLY and that just awakens a whole new vault of fear for me
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timeagainreviews · 4 years
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Ah! Ritual Master. How has your… hMmMm pet been, hmm? Well fed? Has gotten enough juicy, wet eyes, yes? @chamberlain-skeksil
You need not concern yourself with that, Chamberlain. The peeper beetle will have its feast when the occasion is right. In the meantime, it will remain ravenous with anticipation. [Grins] 
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