#penny dreadful season 3
amalthea9 · 2 years
(Recorded by my phone, apologies for video and audio quality.)
As suggested by my dear @ariel-seagull-wings I recorded Sean Gilder as Marshall Franklin Ostow in season 3 of Showtime's Penny Dreadful (2016)
Funny story: I was OBSESSED with this show and the characters while it was airing. Even made some OCs for it and im still so fond of it! I didn't know Sean was in it back then because I hadn't fallen for him yet. So then I discover he was listed in it and was like "WAIT WHAT?!" 😱😍
So I pulled out my blu-ray set and started watching the episodes he was listed in!
He's even got the southern drawl guys.*fans self*😍
Anyways, just one of those fun easter eggs to discover for his #1 fangirl in the US.🤭😆🥰
Hope you guys enjoy seeing him too! Thank you for watching!!
@ailendolin @captain-dad
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Vanessa Ives white dress in Penny Dreadful
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raspberrywiskey · 3 months
ethan chandler you live in my mind always!
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annalebeaus · 4 months
kinda insane how penny dreadful season 3 was like “we women are tired of submitting to men” only for vanessa to do it at the end with dracula and worse than that how not only they killed off the character that had been fighting the darkness inside her since the very beginning but they basically made her commit suicide because that was the only way she would find peace and the world would be right like such a nice message to give to everyone lmaooooo
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vanalex · 3 months
Penny dreadful
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owlbean · 28 days
Remember when Lily said I want to kill all men and Dorian was like but not me right? I'm your special little guy right? And she went yeah ;) whatever you say Dorian ;)
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userttpd · 2 years
penny dreadful is such a hauntingly beautiful show i couldn't be more in love with it
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thank you hannibal for providing me with audio for the post-torvic koschei turmoil im writing
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shinehalley · 1 year
Now that I've watched Lady Frankenstein I can only think of a 3 season AU where Victor's real hidden goal is to put Henry's brain (intelligent and devotedly in love with him) in the body of Lily (physically the ideal of the perfect woman he always wanted). In the end Victor doesn't get what he wants and still manages to make Henry turn against him which would open up a remote possibility of an alliance between Henry and Lily against Victor (which we agree would be very interesting to watch in the context of the au).
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coffeeworldsasaki · 2 years
"come with me? Our desolate shore" and "I think you are the most human man i have ever known" being in the same scene ended me
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shojizbae · 6 days
Explorative Operation
Spencer Reid x reader
(takes place during season 6 after JJ leaves) oops spoilers, dw she comes back
Garcia's snooping goes too far, and she ends up unearthing some truths about the new hire. Unfortunately, those truths feel are a little more intimate than you were willing to divulge with the team. Especially details you wouldn't want to spread on a first date.
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Spencer had no clue how this happened. Of course, curiosity killed the cat but in this case, this was more like a mixture of hubris and inquisivity slaughtering a lion. A week of preliminary interviews had yielded 3 finalists and, finally, you. Young, stunning, sharp as a tack, and most importantly, hired. After Hotchner had announced to the team for you that you were hired, they sent you home until 8 am tomorrow.
"Baby girl, did you hear that?" Penelope swung her head around and gave her classic doe-eyed look.
"We finally got a new media liaison." The team feels the conflicted stir of relief and grief. Their workloads should be lightened but they missed JJ. It had been a couple of months since she was transferred to the Pentagon, and the team was spread too thin without her.
"Oh (L/n) or Raleigh?"
"Wasn't there three finalists?" Emily corrects
"Yeah, but Rossi said that Kuschner reminded him of his second wife, and we didn't want to relive that relationship." Penelope sipped her coffee with a cheeky look in her eye. "So, who'd they go with?"
"(L/n)." Morgan declares as he puts his hands on his hips
"Ah that's good, she had a nice clean background, good college and she crushed it in the academy." Garcia smiled and innocently clicked off to her office. Morgan and emily shared mischievous glances as Spencer sat oblivious. He held his mug by his jaw and readjusted his hand in his pocket.
"Why don't we go learn more about our new Liasion." Emily makes a downward smile, and Morgan stalks over to clap Reid on the back
"We should, gotta know who we're hiring."
Any protests of "Well, it's not technically us who's doing the hiring, but Chief Strauss." Were silenced as Morgan marched Spencer to the hidden office of Penelope Garcia.
"C'mon, pretty boy, no need to argue." Just down a hallway and around the corner the trio stumbles across the neon red curls of Penelope. Emily knocks on the jam of the open door.
"Hey Penny, we've got some questions about this miss ((L/n)."
"Oh, smart ones kneeling at the keeper all pearls of wisdoms in search of the A's to their Q's." Garcia spins around in her chair like a cartoon villain.
"We just want to know some things about this new liaison. You know this wound is still so fresh with JJ being gone and all." Emily plays innocently
"Well, they want this information. I want nothing to do with this sleuthing." Reid shows his palms in surrender and tries to spin around the counter but Morgan grabs him by the back of his sweater,
"Oh, know you don't, pretty boy."
"No," She points her finger in his face. "You can't use JJ as a chip in your nasty snooping."
"We just wanna know if there's anything we should be worried about, mama." Morgan juts out his lip
"You know I can't resist that sexy puppy face." Garcia spins around and flicks up her recent searches on you. A hundred files fly up, including credit car history, hospital visits, and even that dreaded 'permanent record' that every school principal threatens. Shockingly, all that's on it is that you got in a fistfight in seventh grade and served three weeks of after-school detention and a subsequent suspension from your varsity tennis team.
"What's this in her medical history?" Emily points at a page hidden behind a few tabs.
"Uhh, it just shows she had a pretty average childhood; she had her tonsils and adenoids removed at age five after some repeated tonsillitis and bronchitis. She broke her right arm when she was 7 and then her left one when she was 10. And oh god, she gave birth at seventeen, but 8 months prior, she had a rape kit administered." the ream halts a moment.
"Did the case go through?" Spencer questioned
"Yes, she filed suit for statutory a week after her kit and won the case, he went to jail for 6 years." Garcia clicks away
"What about the baby?" Emilys voice wavers
"Oh lord, he died 3 hours after she gave birth." Tears gather in Penelope's eyes. When she did a preliminary background search, most of the information was 'history of mental illness' or 'criminal record', of which she found none.
"Alright, I don't want to do this anymore." She took her hands off the keyboard
"That's alright, baby girl, you've done plenty. Why don't we take lunch?"
The next morning, you arrived before anyone else. All ready to start the day fresh. You even went out of the way to go to the fancy bakery up the street of your new apartment to get treats. You unlocked your office to get familiarized with it but were sent into a spin at the state of it. You spent the following forty minutes refining the filing cabinet, even pushing the desk into a different corner. Human metabolism caught up with you, and you went out to the kitchenette, and even as you started a fresh brew of coffee, you were wiping down the counters and organizing the tea by top notes. It didn't dawn on you that you had an audience. When the small alarm on the machine dinged, you filled your mug and put in a splash of creamer.
"Did you bribe the team with donuts?" you shot out of the refrigerator, ready to pulverize whoever scared you.
"Woah!" a brown-skinned man holds his hands up in surrender. "I just want to thank you. They were delicious. My name is SSA Derek Morgan, I'll be working with you." He holds out a hand, and I shake it bashfully.
"Yeah, I figured I'd attempt to start things off on a sweet note." I force out an awkward giggle but clear my throat. "If you need me, I'll be in my office." I take my coffee and skitter off the small flight of stairs to start raking through the freshly organized files of suspected serial killers. All day, I answer calls and prioritize deaths. For a moment, I ponder whether this job could give me a god complex, and I hope it doesn't. A knock on my door rips me from my trance, and an older Italian man with a lazy eye.
"We're going to meet at the round table. I'm SSA David Rossi." I shoot out of my chair and greet him with a firm handshake.
"Yes, sir, nice to see you again." I follow after him as we round a corner. Bloody photos of three crime scenes are displayed on the TV screen. The team finds it difficult to focus on the gory details as the new girl explains the details of the case. Your outfit isn't outrageous.
A gray pencil skirt with a small slit on the back, a white button down, but you'd rolled up your sleeves, and you wore a sweater. You'd clipped your hair up, but wavy little bits fell and framed your face. You paced around with the remote in hand as your boss divulged more of the science. When they make the decision to leave in an hour, you're the last to leave, but you give friendly smiles to everyone as they file out.
Between departure and arrival, you speak with the local PD to alert them of your arrival. Over the three-hour flight, you watch the team rake all scraps of evidence for a story. Garcia and I rake over misdemeanors in Nebraska to try and grasp a victim pool. As liaison, it's my job to chit-chat with police officers, grieving relatives, and generally anybody. Despite that, Hotch takes the lead as we intersperse our teams.
"And this is our liaison, Agent (Y/n) (L/n); she'll be your access to us." They break down every scrap of information in a way that's less scientific but artful. Instantly, I fell in love with my job. After 90 minutes of questioning, this is what I've gathered.
It's a man, he's impotent because he targets hookers. Apologies, prostitute or lady of the night. Shocking job because it's freezing up in Nebraska, even in April. He feels slight remorse because he poses his victims like a traditional corpse, yet he views them as objects because he leaves them in their underwear. Which seems typical if you're going to see a hooker that she might get naked if you pay her.
Now, we just need to figure out why.
I go with Emily and Seaver to speak with grieving families. We learn bits and pieces of each history. That's how each case went. Your training wrapped up only a few cases later. You decide that since you were given free rein and that the team was really starting to show openness to you it was time you hosted a fun get-together. Wrapping up a case in Florida and touching back down at Quantico at two pm, you ask the team,
"Would you guys like to go get some drinks?" everyone looks hesitant. Grief and tensity underline their features. So you try to fabricate a good night, "I could get some wine coolers and Chinese food." you smile hopefully. Hotchner relents
"I'll come so long as I can bring Jack."
"Alright, are there any foods he prefers ooh or any allergies?" Your excitement cuts you off. Your eyes scan the team and land on Spencer. He's slowly cut his hair shorter and some of the sadness has fallen from his eyes. He purses his lips and puts his hands in his pockets,
"I prefer Thai," he sighs
"Not a problem, there's a Thai place down the road." you punch in the passcode on your Blackberry. "I could call it in now?"
"That's alright. Just send me your address. I'll be there whenever you text." His face heats up, and he slinks off to his desk to file his report with record speed and detail.
"Great. I'll email the team my address, and I'll buzz you up at six," I offer, and Emily nods.
"If there will be wine coolers, I should bring something palatable." Rossi makes his famous little smirk, and Aaron regards him with a knowing smile.
"Ooh, this will be nice, I'll bring some beers. Baby girl are you coming over to (Y/n)'s?" Morgan steals Garcia's attention as she clicks out to greet the team after a job well done
"Oh, that sounds like a hoot and a holler!" She cheers pointedly
Sometime around Eight pm that night, the cheap alcohol had flown, and Aaron was bringing his sober son home. Rossi and Emily were giggling over a real bottle of champagne from France. Morgan was laughing as he finished off his fourth beer and watched Reid desperately writhe under your highly obvious flirting. Your heels had long been kicked off, but you still squirmed around in nylons and a white scoop-neck t-shirt.
"So, Reid, how many degrees do you have?" you held your third wine cooler in your hand, and your other arm was on the leather sofa dangerously close to looping around Spencer's neck. His legs are crossed, and he's still on his first beer, nervous about using any addictive substances.
"Currently, I have six, not counting my high school degree, a BA in psychology and sociology, my doctorate in mathematics, chemistry, and engineering, and recently, I got a BA in philosophy." You have the definition of an ear-to-ear smile.
"That is ridiculously impressive." you practically radiate light as you make the most genuine eye contact and take a sip of your bottle.
"Thank you," he replies curtly
"No, I mean it. You're so far above my metric of impressiveness. Your girlfriend must be a lucky woman."
"What makes you think I have a girlfriend?" He smiles at your classically alcohol-flushed face
"You don't? So I wouldn't be encroaching if I asked you on a date?" It's almost like you halted time and the rotation of oxygen.
"I wouldn't say encroaching, but maybe.."
"Are you against it?" You kind of shift closer to him
"Certainly not. I just don't know if you're familiar with the coworkers dating clause."
"I just signed my contract, I am very familiar. So long as it doesn't impede our ability to collaborate."
"So how about," Slowly, you've shifted closer to him so that you're nearly chest to chest, and he leans backward? " Tomorrow at eight p.m., I'll pick you up, and we'll go get Thai."
"That sounds lovely."
"Perfect." you smile in content and give him some personal space.
Nine am rolls around, and you make your way to the office to prepare for a long day of phone calls and gore. A stabbing in Knoxville that seemed like a gang collision. Some suspicious kills in Annapolis that definitely should be presented, and a murder/suicide in Vegas. You called the meeting, and Hotch decided that the team needs some rest and that they should meet at the jet tomorrow at eight. You spend the rest of your day sorting files and answering emails.
At five, you saunter to Reid's desk and smile at his slightly sweaty face. "I'll see you in three hours." You wink. Once you get in your car, you scream in glee and squeeze the wheel. The next three hours are spent in anxiety. You shower and blow dry your hair, opting to take out your contacts for the night. You decide on jeans, a tank top, and a big UCLA hoodie.
You leave your house at exactly 7:47, so the 13-minute drive will leave you at Reid's doorstep at exactly eight. You find him sitting on his porch step, swinging his hand in front and behind his back until his hands collide. You pull off to the side and roll down the window,
"Get in, loser. We're going shopping!"
"What?" he still jogs up to the window, and you unlock your door for him.
"C'mon, you've never heard of mean girls? Regina George?"
"No, I watch nerdy movies, old classical films."
"That is a classic. Seat belt, please. We'll have to watch it sometime." You put the car in drive and take him into the small 'Chinatown' near your apartment. You two got pad Thai and khao pad and drove to a scenic park to enjoy it. Being all too familiar with Ted Bundy and James Thomas, you lock the doors tight.
"Do you want to keep the radio playing?" Even with the car in park, you keep the car running, so the heat will keep you warm. The radio plays some old Radio Head songs.
"Sure, if you want to." He tears open the brown paper bag. You grab the bar under your seat, push it all the way back, and bring your knees up to your chest. Reid hands you your fried rice, and you get a pair of chopsticks from him. You eat the rice with ease, and Spencer looks at you perplexed. "How do you do that?"
"Do what?" you cover your mouth with your hand as you chew
"Eat with those freaking sticks." His anger is overlain with his flummoxed tone.
"I don't know, there's always been a lot of Asian restaurants near me. It's like kids who just know how to play the piano after watching their parents." This launches Spencer into a five-minute speech about inherited talents' pathology. When he finally runs out of breath, he's relieved that you never told him to can it. In fact, you sat there intently, listening to him ramble on about inherent perceptions.
"I've talked a lot, so why don't you tell me something about you?" he fiddles with his fingers as he focuses on you.
"Uh, what to say that's not too weird," you scan over the ceiling of your car as you think out loud, "Uh, in college, I nearly switched my major to film after watching Breakfast at Tiffanies and then buying copies of hundreds of old films."
"Really? What about those old movies that drew you in?" He struggles to get some noodles and you hold back your giggles
"Romance seemed more simple back then. I mean, I'm aware that it was normal and even expected to domestically abuse, but that doesn't mean that Liz Taylor and Marylin Monroe didn't play in some of my favorite movies. I had some shitty exes that thought it was better to be like reality rather than film."
"Is one of them the one that got you pregnant?"
"What? How do you know about that?" It took Spencer far too long to register what had slipped from his mouth. Before he could even begin his explanation with a double side of apologies, you had launched into a rant about men and privacy and why everyone sucked.
"Explain yourself!" you demanded with the same intonation of a banshee
"The team was working on your background check, and we did some further snooping. We found your medical records, and it said you lost your son at 17 years old?" tears had gathered in your eyebags in a way that resembled sweat.
"Why would you stay to dig? Why did you did at all?"
"I would like you to know that it wasn't my idea, although I know you don't care. I just wanted to know more about you."
"And you couldn't just come up and ask about my favorite color or favorite Beatles song?" you raked your hands through your hair.
" I didn't-I," he sighed through his teeth, "I didn't mean to violate your privacy. It was wrong. I shouldn't have done it. If I could take it back, I wouldn't because knowing you're not the perfect Barbie you appear to be gives me the bravery to talk to you. Knowing you're not perfect, it-it forces me to think about you as a human, not just the goddess I perceive." The tears pouring down your face change from anger and betrayal to shock and elation.
No man had treated you with such adoration, not entirely. Most of them buttered you up with words that were so predictable they could be seen as binary code. These words. These words are original and genuine. It never struck you that someone could love you from so little without touching you.
You tugged your sleeve up the heel of your palm, wiped your eyes, and then placed your hand on Spencer's forearm. At first, he jumped back from the contact, but he slid his hand into yours slowly.
"That's the sweetest thing anyone's ever said to me, ever."
"It's just the truth; in your second case, you said you hate liars." you giggle a little as your tears dry up.
"Would it be too soon to kiss you?" your smile is all shy and crooked
"Only if you say so," he chews on his inner lip but the apprehensive lean in makes your chest lift.
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scotianostra · 5 months
1. You consider scattered showers with outbreaks of sunshine 🌞 as good weather.
2. The only sausage you like is square.
3. You were forced to do Scottish country dancing 🕺🏻
every year at secondary school.
4. You have a wide vocabulary of Scottish words such as numpty, aye, aye right, auldyin, baltic...
5. You destroyed your teeth when you were young using Buchanan's toffee, Wham bars, Penny Dainties, MB Bars, Cola Cubes etc
6. You have an enormous feeling of dread whenever Scotland play a 'numpty' team like the Faroe Islands.
7. You happily engage in a conversation about the weather with someone you've never met before.
8. Even if you normally hate the Proclaimers, Runrig, Caledonia , Deacon Blue and Big Country, you still love it when you're in a club abroad and they play something Scottish.
9. You used to watch Glen Michael's Cavalcade on a Sunday afternoon with his side kick Lamp Paladin.
10. You got Oor Wullie and The Broons annuals at Xmas.
11. You can tell where another Scot is from by their accent - "Awright, pal, gonnae gies a wee swatch oa yur Sun ? Cheers, magic pal." Or "Fit ya bin up tae ? Fair few quines in the nicht, eh ?", etc
12. You see cops and hear someone shout 'Errapolis'.
13. You have participated in or watched people having a 'square go'.
14. You know that when someone asks you what school you went to they only want to know if you are catholic or protestant.
15. You have eaten lots and lots of random Scottish food like mince 'n tatties, Tunnock's Caramel Logs, oat cakes, haggis, Cullen skink, Lees Macaroon Bars, etc.
16. A jakey has asked you for money.
17. You think nothing of waiting expectantly for your 1p change from a shop keeper.
18. You know the right response to 'Ye dancing ?' is 'Y'askin?' followed by 'Ahm askin' and finally 'Then ahm dancin'. 💃
19. Whenever you see sawdust it reminds you of pools of vomit as that's what the jannies used to chuck on it at school.
20. You lose all respect for a groom 🤵 who doesn't wear a kilt.
21. You don't do 🛒 shopping ... you 'go the messages'.
22. You're sitting on the train 🚂 or bus and a 😵 drunk man sits next to you telling you a joke - and asking 'Ahm no annoying ye ahm a?' and you respond 'Naw, not at a', yer fine. This is ma stoap, but'. 🛑
23. You can have an entire phone 📞 conversation using only the words 'awright', 'aye' and 'naw'.
24. You have experienced peer pressure to have an alcoholic drink 🍷 when out - regardless of the circumstances.
25. You know that ye cannae fling yer pieces 🍞 oot a 20 storey flat, and that seven hundred hungry weans'll testify tae that. Furthermore you're sure that if it's butter, 🧀 cheese or jeely, or if the breid is plain or pan, the odds against it reaching earth are 99 tae wan.
26. You know that going to a party 🥳 at a friend's house involves bringing your own drink.
27. Your holiday abroad is ruined if you hear there is a heatwave in Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 while you're away.
28. Your national team goes 2-0 up again the Czechs in a qualifier in Prague and your mate says we'll end up losing 3-2 here and you think "Probably". ⚽️
29. You can properly pronounce McConnochie, Ecclefechan, Milngavie, and Auchtermuchty.
30. Your favourite pizza is deep fried and battered from the chippy.
31. You're used to 4 💨 ☔️ ☀️ ❄️ seasons in one day.
32. You can't pass a chip shop or kebab shop, without drooling, when your 🥴 drunk.
33. You can fall about 😵 drunk without spilling your drink.
34. You measure distance in minutes.
35. You can understand Rab C Nesbitt and know characters just like them in your own family.
36. You go to Saltcoats because you think it's like being at the ocean.
37. You can make a whole sentence out of just swear words.
38. You know what haggis is made with and still eat it.
39. Somebody you know used a football 🥅 schedule to plan their 💒 day date.
40. You've been at a 👰 🎩 wedding where the footie results were read out.
41. You aren't surprised to find curries, pizzas 🍕 kebabs, Irn Bru, nappies and fags all for sale in one shop.
42. Your seaside holiday home has Calor ⛽️ gas under it.
43. You know that Irn Bru is an infallible hangover 😵 cure.
44. You understand all the above and are going to send it to your pals.
45. and, finally, you are 100 per cent Scottish if you have ever used these terms - "How's it hingin'?", "clatty", "boggin", "cludgie", "dreich", "bampot", and "dubble nugget"..
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Vanessa Ives black corsage & underskirt in Penny Dreadful 3x01
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transmutationisms · 4 months
Now I’m curious, if you could create your own personal best tv list what would it be?
i canotttt commit to a ranking and i'm sure this is not comprehensive but my personal list would probably include
i may destroy you
mr robot
the first 3 seasons of community
the first 4.5 seasons of mad men
nbc hannibal
penny dreadful
bojack horseman
the episodes of seinfeld that are good
the rehearsal
the first few seasons of bakeoff
pushing daisies
arrested development
how to with john wilson
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thenightling · 18 days
More on Interview with the Vampire season 2, episode 3
I decided to make a separate post about the part that bothered me the most about episode 3 of season 2 of Interview with the vampire. Armand's version of The Theatre's origin.
I know there are deviations from the books but this isn't just a deviation. This is the direct opposite of The Vampire Lestat in its entirety. I used to think Lestat killing his groupies in The Queen of the Damned movie was a bastardization. This is so much worse. Lestat, in the novel, started as a country noble, the son of a Marquis in the Auvergne of France. This is essentially the eighteenth century French equivalent of upstate New York. After he single-handedly killed a large wolf pack that had been preying on the local livestock, Lestat was given a red velvet cloak lined with the fur of the wolves. This is when Lestat reunites with his childhood friend, Nicolas, AKA Nicki. Lestat's mother, who is dying of Consumption (Tuberculosis) gives Lestat her jewels so he has the financial means to run away with Nicolas to Paris. In Paris they get jobs in a theatre. Lestat fast became the romantic lead and Nicolas played the violin, the instrument he was obsessed with. Lestat loved the theatre. He viewed it as something good, something pure. It was a thing that could provide comfort and relief, a way to forget one's own mortality.
After being made a vampire Lestat bought the theatre where he and Nicolas has been so happy. And it was only after Nicolas (who had gone mad) became vampire that Nicolas came up with the idea of the theatre of the vampires. Lestat HATED the idea. He would never have killed on the stage. He would have thought it vulgar and petty. Lestat saw the Theatre as good, as an escape from the dread of death. And it was the place where he was most happy as a mortal. He was disgusted by the idea of the Theatre of The Vampires. Having Lestat come with the idea of the theatre AND taking part in it, is a major deviation. Not just a deviation, it's an out-right character assassination. This is the direct opposite of book Lestat.
How can the possibly do the rest of the book series with Lestat as the protagonist when they've so thoroughly character assassinated him here that it's worse than the actual Interview with the vampire book? I guess it's Armand's slant on what happened but are they going't really retcon all of this later? It's like the showrunner thinks all we liked about Lestat was his accent and blond hair when it was actually his personality (which isn't really present here at all) that drew us in. The first spark of the literary Lestat is the very shallow version of him exposing the truth to Armand's Satanic coven. I think, if they plan on making Lestat the hero of the series going forward, that this portrayal of him was a big mistake. The Interview with the Vampire movie of 1994 heavily hinted that Lestat had his own side of things and wasn't all that bad. This portrayal has no such hints. Also TV audiences have a bad habit of not getting over negative first impressions of a character. Just look at how some Penny Dreadful fans reacted to The Frankenstein Monster despite the fact that he was supposed to be sympathetic.
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vestaclinicpod · 11 months
Audio Drama Sunday - 30th July ✨
Another great week of audio drama has kept my brain busy while my data collection is less busy. Happy Audio Drama Sunday, please allow me to share my favourites!
🌲 @hellofromthehallowoods (127) Oh NO Mrs Wicker get your children away from that Church!!!! I love to hear the J-sibs starting to push back against her, long may it continue! I'm also still obsessed with the Raven-Writing Desk dynamic and it's only going to get juicier when Mr Writing Desk actually wants to follow Penny’s demands… And Danielle!! I love that she still gets to be an active help in the mission to the North in a way that doesn’t feel like deus ex machina because it’s just her. 
🎞 Tiny Terrors (022) this episode had me yelling ‘what’s the catch?!?!?’ internally and I’ve just seen that the wait is over to listen to the other side of the tape!! Angela, what are you??
🌍 @lastechoespod (7) As some of you may know. . . I am a huge fan of Drs in Space. This episode had me gripped, those poor people 😭 What a cruel scare tactic from the Collected for that to be played to the people trying to decide whether to join. I’m so tense to hear what the final archival selection is going to be! 
🧛‍♂️ @re-dracula Things are TENSE aboard the Demeter. Even in <60s of audio, the creeping dread is so palpable. And Mina, sweet Mina! So thrilled to have her back! Listening rather than reading has makes it so much easier to parse the long, chunky sections describing Whitby!! I have high hopes that I'm going to stick with it to the very end this time.
 💫 Wolf 359 (24-32) Oh fuck. I am so glad I have all the episodes to listen to at once. I could NOT have dealt with the wait between seasons. Ep 30, Mayday, is possibly one of the coolest things I’ve ever heard. I love that feeling of rooting for a character so hard that you forget that they don’t really exist and that you know they make it because there are another 30 eps of the show left. And the new characters - Kepler, Jacobi, Maxwell - wow, I LOVE to hate them. They’re fantastic in the worst way. 
🎩 @ethicstownpod (5) Things got a little creepy on the emergency broadcast this week. Memory is created as it is recalled?? What?? My mind is boggled. I’m very excited to hear how this, and what seems to be a growing discomfort between January and Artemis, plays out in the next episodes! 
🥾@doyoucopypod (3) Now. Hear me out. I know that being stuck up in a radio tower all day has got to be boring but I do think there might be a better time to flirt with your colleague than when 3 people are missing in a place called the ‘Dead Zone’ where strange ecological events are occurring . . . Just me?? Have I got the braincell here??? I’m so excited for these shenanigans to get even spookier. 
🏴‍☠️ Yeah. I listened to @levianpod again. What are you going to do? Support their crowdfunder? Good. Do it.
🎧 Such an interesting episode of The First Episode Of with @wirelandranch! The wireland vibes have always been immaculate and it’s so interesting to learn about where it came from and why it’s an amalgamation rather than a straight-up audio drama. 
🐬 Described as a weird mystery, @patterspod is exactly that. It’s batshit in the best possible way. Perhaps I hang out with strange people, but the main character is so normal in his weirdness, I feel like most people know a guy like Ryan even though Ryan is a liar ghostwriter trying to hunt down his thieving EX-boss with ?paranormal connections. It’s great stuff. 
I hope everyone has a lovely weekend! My goal is to have season two of the show written by the start of August . . . So I should stop writing this and get to writing that . . . Right? Okay.
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