#just a quick thing bc i was sad and i needed to draw him
raspberrywiskey · 6 months
ethan chandler you live in my mind always!
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lightsoutletsgo · 6 months
flowers are a language of their own — mv.1
pairing: max verstappen x reader word count: 4.2k warnings:  slight angst
four times max gives you flowers and the first time you reciprocate, a childhood friends to lovers oneshot this is basically inspired by gwen and for gwen 😭 @verstappen-cult once again thanking you for my max brain rot bc these conversations are just DOING something to me skskksjsj but MWAH! I hope you like it my love 🤍 happy reading! mimi
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i. daisies; new beginnings, innocence, cheerfulness (age 6) You hadn’t been at your new school very long, having moved to the town recently. You’d struggled with making new friends, the new language making things even more difficult. But this had really ruined your day. Your bottom lip jutted out and began to wobble as you looked at your drawing you’d spent the whole morning perfecting before tidy-up time. What had once been a beautiful explosion of scribbled crayon colours across one page now lay in two halves. It was more than your poor six year old brain could handle and so you immediately burst into tears. Wailing and sobbing, your teacher hurried over to see what the issue was. Between gasping inhales and snotty sobs you pointed to your crumpled torn drawing. She picked it up and turned to address the class of wild six year olds, “Alright class, does anybody know what happened to Y/N’s picture?” Your teacher’s voice was gentle, “You won’t be in trouble but our friend is very sad so we need to apologise and make it right okay?” Your bottom lip wobbled as your sniffles quietened a little and a small voice could be heard from the back of the classroom, “I didn’t mean to!” A small boy stepped forwards, bright blonde hair with blue eyes and you glared at him. He looked down at the floor as he awkwardly scuffed his shoe against the carpet. The teacher approached him and crouched down, “Thank you for being honest Max… Can you come and say sorry?” He nodded and took the teacher’s hand as she lead him over to you, “I’m sorry…” His apology was accented by a slight lisp and you frowned, arms crossing in front of your chest. “Thank you Max, Y/N? Max said it was an accident and that he’s sorry okay?” You let out a slight ‘hmmph’ as the teacher straightened up at the sound of the lunch bell. Max was quick to run out of the classroom with his friends but you plodded behind the group, still sad about your artwork. 
You grabbed your lunchbox from your locker and looked for a chair in the lunch hall. Spotting your favourite yellow chair you couldn’t help but gasp as your little legs headed over as fast as they could carry you. You sat down and opened your lunchbox, legs swinging under the table. You’d barely taken two bites of your sandwich before a boy approached the table. You looked up and saw Max standing there, his hands behind his back. “I’m sorry I broke your drawing.” Max did his best to speak so you’d understand.  “‘S fine.” You grumbled, annoyed he was talking to you. Six year old you could really hold a grudge… His cheeks tinted pink as he removed his hands from behind his back to hold out a small bunch of daisies he’d clearly picked from the playing field. Your eyes widened and your mouth dropped open. “Here, for you…” He took a step closer and you held your hand out for him to gently place the flowers in your palm. Your eyes looked at him and you noticed how his knees were slightly muddy and there was a streak of dirt on his cheek. You giggled and he beamed back at you, you suddenly felt very shy,
“D-do you want to sit here?” You patted the seat next to you, “We can eat lunch together?” Max nodded, racing off to grab his lunchbox. He dashed back and sat next to you, unzipping his lunchbag to compare the contents with yours. “Are we going to be friends Max?” He nodded enthusiastically, taking your hand in his, “Mhmm! Best friends Y/N! So you can call me Maxie!” 
ii. yellow amaryllis; pride, happiness, strength, determination (age 18) “Smile!” You stood with your friends, taking pictures in your graduation gowns and giggling together. But your heart panged, something - or rather someone - was missing from your day. Your eyes scanned the hall, desperately looking for a familiar blonde head. Despite knowing he was currently halfway round the world at a Grand Prix, “Boo!” A hand covered your eyes and a grin spread across your face at the familiar voice, “Maxie!” Turning around, you jumped into his arms and he laughed out loud, “Easy there bug!” You could hear your friends and family laughing and taking pictures of the two of you behind you but you still didn’t pull away, too embarrassed to let anyone see that you had tears welling up in your eyes. “I didn’t think you’d be able to make it…” Max squeezed you a little tighter, “I left as soon as the race was over, there was no way I was missing this!” You pulled back and he wiped the tear that had slipped down your cheek. He let go of you and extended his arm towards you, holding out a beautiful bouquet of yellow amaryllis flowers, complete with yellow and white ribbons. 
“Max,” you gasped “they’re so beautiful!” he nudged your shoulder with his, “Hey, you deserve it. They stand for pride, strength, happiness and determination.” “Determination” You spoke at the same time, finishing the sentence together. His eyes stared at you so adoringly, you felt like you couldn’t catch your breath. The moment was broken by your parents urging you to stand together for a picture. “What a beautiful couple!” You heard a teacher say as they walked past, “Oh no we’re not-” “Me and him? No way-” Both you and Max spoke over each other, completely missing the knowing looks your friends and family all gave each other. You couldn’t help the fresh wave of giggles that overtook you as Max pulled you into his side. You could have sworn that for the briefest of seconds, butterflies took flight in your stomach but you quickly brushed it off, blaming it on the excitement of the day. 
iii. - yellow roses; friendship | bluebells; comfort (age 22) Max couldn’t deny the way that panic flashed through his entire body when he answered your call and heard nothing but your sobs on the other end. “Maxie!” You hiccuped, “Y/N? What happened? Are you okay?” He stood up, not caring that he was interrupting an important team meeting. His alarm grew even more when your only response was to cry even harder. He looked back at the group of people sat around the conference table, “I’m sorry but it’s a family emergency, I have to go.” He raced down the corridor and poked the elevator button far more times than was necessary. “Talk to me bug… I can’t help if you don’t explain what’s going on.” “He cheated Max! I went to his place and he was in bed with my roommate.” Max felt a weird combination of calm and anger wash over him at the same time. Calm because he knew you were safe and anger because who the fuck did your boyfriend, well ex-boyfriend, think he was? Fuck the elevator, Max headed for the stairs, wanting to get to his car and book a flight to you as soon as possible. “Oh Y/N…” “Said he only did it because he knew that I’d been cheating on him with you.” You heard Max scoff, “God he’s so fucking dumb Y/N… I never really liked him, you know that right? You’ve always been too good for him…” You heard Max sigh on the other end of the line and you curled up into an even smaller ball in your bed, pulling Max’s hoodie up even more as your nose inhaled the comforting scent of him, 
“Can we move to facetime? Just wanna see you.” You choked out and he obliged, quickly filling your request. Max felt his heart breaking as he looked at you in your bed. “Hey! Is that my hoodie, bug?” You nodded with a sniffle as he did his best to cheer you up even just a little, “Traitor! You told me you didn’t know where it had gone…” A watery smile spread across your face. “Look, I’m gonna come see you okay?” You sat upright and stared at him hard, “Max Emilian Verstappen, you cannot do that! You have important meetings this week.” “Ooo full name?” He hissed through his teeth, “I am in trouble.” You shook your head at him, “You’re incorrigible.” “Big words we’re using today hmm?” You flipped him off and he laughed, “I’ll be there soon, bug okay?” You nodded and he smiled at you once more, “Just hang in there for a little longer.” He ended the call and immediately your smile dropped. In those brief few seconds you’d forgotten why you’d even called him in the first place. But now in the quiet of your apartment, the sad feelings crept up once more, smothering you and dragging you down. 
You weren’t sure when you’d fallen asleep the night before, but the combination of the doorbell ringing and the knocking on the door jolted you awake. Rushing to the front door, you threw it open, still slightly disorientated from your rude awakening, “Hey bug.” “Maxie!” You felt wide awake staring at Max who now stood on your doorstep, a warm smile across his face. You immediately felt like bursting into tears once more and Max was quick to see that, pulling you into his chest and wrapping his arms around you as he rested his head on top of yours. “It’s okay bug,” you felt him press a kiss to the top of your head, “I got you.” He waddled with you in his arms, through your doorway and into the hallway to close the door and give you some privacy. As he held you, he felt his heart race a little, thinking how he would never make you or let you cry like that if you were his girl - wait what? Now was not the time to be thinking about those kinds of things! Max held you until your sobbing had quietened down again, “Sorry,” you sniffed all snotty and he just poked your nose and laughed gently, “It’s okay Y/N.” His hand gently rubbed your arm as he watched you take a few deep breaths to compose yourself, “Here.” He pulled a somewhat squished bouquet of flowers out of what seemed like nowhere, “Sorry, they got a little uhhh… too involved in the hug?” You let out a breath of laughter and took them from him, a finger gently tracing the petals, “Yellow roses? For friendship right?” Max nodded with a smile, “Yellow roses, because I’m always gonna be your best friend who has your back and bluebells because they’re comforting.” You couldn’t help the way your heart clenched hearing his words. It seemed that Max not only bought you flowers often but he even thought of the meaning of what he was buying. For some reason, the thought had those pesky flutters appearing in your stomach but you quickly reprimanded yourself and shook them off. You hadn’t even broken up with your ex for more than 24 hours yet, but here you were thinking about Max romantically? You shook your head, that was a line you could never think of crossing, no matter how much it seemed to be crossing your mind more and more the older you got. 
iv. pink tulips; perfect love, affection (now) Now that you were living in Monaco, not too far from Max, movie nights were a common occurrence, with evenings being split between your apartment and his. Food would be ordered and wine would be drunk, movies would be played but barely watched as the two of you would end up talking into the night and continue long after the credits had finished rolling. If there was one thing you could count on Max for, it was his promptness and so when the clock read seven o’clock exactly, you knew it would only be a matter of seconds before you heard his footsteps down the hallway to your apartment. You were proven correct as Max let himself into your apartment, calling out as he did so, “Hey bug! It’s just me!” “In the living room!” You called back, smiling as he appeared in the doorway, holding something behind his back, “What have you got there hmm?” Max’s smile wavered for a second and you frowned, sitting up on the couch, “Max?” He exhaled and bit his lip nervously, “Maxie?” You tried again much more softly, not wanting to make him uncomfortable, “I’m about to say something and…” He sighed, “I just want you to let me finish okay?” You nodded confused as he came to sit next to you, holding out a bouquet of pink tulips as he did so. You felt yourself gasp as you stared at the flowers, admiring the pretty wrapping and how the ribbon matched the flowers. You wracked your brain as you stared, desperately trying to recall the meaning, Max always gave flowers with meaning. Appreciation? No, apology? Nope not that... No. It couldn’t be? Could it? “Affection?” You didn’t even realise you’d spoken the word out loud but a sharp inhale from Max was enough to tell you he’d heard you. Your eyes shot up to his face and noticed he wouldn’t even look at you, instead choosing to gently trace over the bouquet ribbon, “Yes.” His cheeks were pink and you could have sworn you stopped breathing. It was silent in your apartment. The only noise coming from the traffic outside and the thump of your neighbour as their work boots clunked over the floor before their door slammed. The noise pulled you out of your silence as you stared at Max, “What did you just say?” Max finally dared to look up as he gazed into your eyes, “Pink tulips, affection, perfect l…” “Perfect what?” There was no way he was going to say what you thought he was going to say… “Perfect love.” You stood up from the couch, immediately pacing back and forth as your hands started to fumble together, “Max…” You breathed, finally stopping to look at him sat staring at you. “Okay so this is the part where I need you to listen…” You let out a laugh of disbelief but said nothing as he swallowed, hands nervously rubbing the legs of his jeans. “I like you.” You froze as he continued, “I like you and I think I honestly have for a while… I know that this might not be the best time to tell you but I just can’t keep kidding myself anymore. The feelings I have for you? They’re not things I would be feeling if you were just a best friend to me Y/N. God I think I always knew it was you… From the day I ruined your drawing and then when I surprised you at your graduation… And then that horrific breakup,” You both winced, “I swore then that I would never let you cry over another man like that again. Because I wanted to be the only man that you had from then on.” Your lips parted as a nervous exhale left you. He stopped his rambling, panting slightly as he looked at you, “If you have anything to say, now would be a good time to say it…” You looked at him. Max, your Max. The boy that had been there for you through everything, your best friend.
“No…” You whispered out, your own heart breaking at your words, “I can’t…” Max looked absolutely crushed, “No?” His voice was quiet, “Why?” You shrugged, bottom lip trembling, “I can’t risk losing you.” Max scoffed, “Losing me?” “What if we break up hmm? You’re telling me we would be able to go back to being best friends like nothing ever happened? What if it doesn’t work hmm?” Max shook his head as your spoke, “You think I would say this to you if I didn’t think it would work?” “I-I… I don’t know!” You exclaimed as Max stood up, “You won’t even try?” “I’m too scared to Max…” He nodded, stuffing his hands into his pockets as you stared at him, “I’m so sorry.” You whispered, “Me too.” he said before turning and walking out. The door hadn’t even closed behind him before you’d collapsed to the floor, your legs giving out. You’d never cried so hard because of him before. Not when he’d ripped your drawing, not when he'd surprised you at graduation, not even when he’d held you after your breakup. 
You stared at the pink tulips as they lay on your couch, their bright happy hopeful colour taunting you. You stalked over to them and picked them up, heading straight to the trash, pulling your arm back to throw them away but you found yourself physically unable to do it. 
i. flowers are a language of their own You weren’t sure whether it was convenient or not that Max had a double header after that conversation. Usually you would spam him while he was away and he would pick things up when he could. Often late at night in his hotel bed, a goofy grin plastered across his face as he opened your fit pics and food diary pics of the day, reading through your spam about work, friends and cute cats you’d spotted on the street.
But this time there had been nothing. From either of you. It had been strange and hurtful. You sighed as you checked your phone again for the millionth time that day, already knowing there would be no new notifications from him. Why would there be? The guy you liked had confessed to you and you’d broken his heart because you were too scared he’d break yours. Groaning you dropped your head to the kitchen counter, thumping your forehead against it a few times in the hope of gaining some sense of clarity. It didn’t work. You sighed and stood up straight. You were still kicking yourself for shutting him down so quickly. Yes, he was your Maxie, your best friend, but wasn’t that the point? He knew you so well, he cared for you and loved you, in whatever capacity. He would never intentionally hurt you. You couldn’t lie to yourself, there had been a continuous pull in your stomach and a slight ache in your chest the longer you went without talking to him. You knew if you could do the situation over again you would give a completely different answer. You didn’t want him to break your heart but now you had lost him completely. 
Your head shot up as a plan began to form in your head. Grabbing your phone you looked up plane tickets for the country you knew Max was in at the moment. You knew things would be tricky without his help and you didn’t even know if it would work out, but for him you had to try. Selecting your seat you rushed to pack a bag, noticing how the now dry and dead tulips still lay on your bedroom vanity, the pink now much less vibrant and tinged with brown. Your stomach flipped and you hoped to god it would all work out. You knew which hotel the team usually stayed at when they were racing in that specific country and so after making a quick stop you headed straight there, planning to just wait until you were spotted by someone from the team who recognised you and took pity on you. You didn’t have to wait long as one of Max’s race engineers was exiting the building just as your taxi pulled up. Clambering out of the vehicle as you spotted him, he smiled and waved, “Hey! Didn’t know you were coming this weekend? Max usually says something.” “Ah,” you shuffled awkwardly, not wanting to give anything away about your strained relationship, “it’s a surprise!” His eyes widened and he grinned at you knowingly, especially when he spotted what you carried in your arms. “Well… Seeing as it’s you, I’ll give you his room number.” After obtaining the information you needed you thanked him and headed inside, getting on the elevator and pressing the button for his floor as you thanked whatever higher powers there were that so far the plan was working. As the bell dinged for your floor you gulped, a whole new wave of nerves and anxiety washing over you. What if he didn’t want to see you? What if he got angry with you and sent you away? But what if he heard you out? Oh crap, what were you gonna say? 
Through your internal rambling, you had somehow managed to walk to his door and now you stood frozen. Unable to knock and unable to move. Swallowing the lump in your throat you knocked the door gently. You heard a crash and then a curse in Dutch came from inside and you winced. Oh god, if he was already in a bad mood… This wouldn’t help. The door swung open and a tired looking Max stood there. Dressed in cosy sweatpants and navy hoodie, no logos in sight but still fitting his team colours. His eyes widened as he took in the sight of you in front of him.  “Y/N?” You gave the softest of smiles nervously, “Hi Maxie.”
You weren’t sure what you’d expected when you saw him. You’d thought about how he might yell or cry or get mad or slam the door in your face but you certainly hadn’t expected him to grab your arms and pull you into a hug, burying his face in your neck, “Fuck, I missed you so much I’m so sorry…” You sniffled, pulling back and looking at him, “Why are you sorry?! I’m sorry! I never should have doubted you-” “I never should have pressured you-” “You didn’t! I never should have jumped to conclusions about how things would end. God. It’s been so miserable without you…” You noticed his eyes growing tearful. “Here, come in.” He gently pulled you into the room and closed the door behind you. Your eyes swept the room and zeroed in on an object on his bed, “Is that my t-shirt?” You asked incredulously, mouth gaping at him slightly as he rushed to shove it in his suitcase, “N-no!” “Max Emilian…” Your voice was low, “M-maybe…” You gave him a pointed stare and he relented, “Okay yes fine it is.” He sighed, “I found it at my apartment that night when I got back and… I just… I didn’t have you and it was the closest thing…” He trailed off, sitting on the bed. You padded across the room to take a seat next to him, one hand gently rubbing his back, “I know Maxie… Me too.” His head rested on your shoulder and you inhaled shakily, it was now or never. 
You looked back across the room at where your things lay in the entrance. You stood up and made your way over, picking up what you needed before turning back to him with your arms behind your back. “I’m about to say something…” His head shot up to look at you, “and I need you to let me finish.” You gave him a tearful smile and he swore he felt his breathing quicken as you practically echoed his words from a few weeks ago. You approached him and offered him the bouquet from behind your back. He stared at it for a moment before his eyes flicked up to look at yours.
“Red roses?” You nodded, unable to keep looking at him - partly shy and partly terrified of his answer, until he gently held your chin and tilted your head up to meet his gaze once more, “Red roses.” “You know what they mean don’t you?” “I picked them for a reason.” He stood up and gently took them from you, one hand sliding round your waist to pull you into him, “Baby’s breath?” “Baby’s breath.” You looked down, breathing your answer as his face got closer to yours. “Is this your speech then?” You let out a breath, “I figured I would let the flowers speak for themselves, god knows you’ve been doing it long enough.”
His lips were practically on yours and it took everything in you to keep standing as his next words were brushed against your lips, “Is this your answer then?” You nodded, “No schat, please… Let me hear you say it…” His eyes closed as he felt your shuddering breath, “Yes, Max. Yes, I want to try with you, I love you and that’s enough to tell me we should try-” Any further words you had were cut off by Max’s lips meeting yours. His grip around your waist tightened, the flowers sliding from his other hand to the floor as he gently cupped your face, thumb rubbing back and forth across your cheek. You couldn’t help the way you smiled against his lips and he laughed at the feeling, the two of you giggling and grinning between kisses like the lovesick idiots you were. 
Red roses; declaration of love, Baby’s breath; eternal love.   
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whousestypewriters · 3 months
its you and me, baby - j.l x reader
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pairing: joey lynch x fem!reader [established relationship]
requested: yes / no
warnings: swearing and sadish/insecure thoughts?
a/n: dw guys im still feeding you even tho im not online (this has been ling over due as well sorry to the two anons who requested this for taking so long!!) also i rlly dont like that i kinda not really sorta made aoife a problem in this bc joeyaoife forever!!!
taglist: @lxvebelle, @ecliphttlunar,
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you like to think you're not insecure.
but sometimes those small moments of doubt creep in and you find yourself questioning yourself more.
like right now as you watch your boyfriend talk to a very pretty girl at the bar. the same girl he'd been talking to for the last fifteen minutes. aoife molloy. she went to school with you and joey. you never really talked much to her but always got the vibe that she was a perfect shining star, that everyone loved.
example number one; your boyfriends smile right now.
he's smiling brightly at aoife, chatting away while he gets drinks for the both of you, laughing at whatever things she says. the feeling starts to build in your gut, one you desperately try to shove down because its the worst feeling ever.
and you see them too. the slight touches from aoife on joey's arm. fucking hell you're going to need several drinks if this is how tonight is going to go.
aoife's loud laugh breaks through your thoughts and draws your attention - not that you weren't already looking at them - back to her. joey's eyes are alight and you feel a ping of sadness and two ugly emotions you definitely don't like; insecurity and jealousy.
why didn't joe's eyes light up that bright when you two were together? why did he laugh as loud? was it you? were you just not funny enough? or was it something else? that one thing deep, deep down you were always afraid of. that you weren't good enough for him. and that he had found someone better.
"stupid shit thoughts," you grumble to yourself. "shut up, shut up, shut up."
pushing away all thoughts, you decide on getting your mopey ass a drink instead cause clearly someone else can't do that. standing up you make your way over to the bar and just to be petty you slip in next to joey and aoife and call out to the bartender ordering your drink.
joey hears your voice and his head instantly snaps around to you. "y/n, hey baby i was just getting us some drinks," he says with a small grin.
"yeah it seems so," you roll your eyes picking up your drink and heading back to your table. joey seemingly knowing that you're pissed says a quick goodbye to aoife and follows you over with two more drinks.
he sits down across from you and tries to make eye contact. "are you okay?"
you answer with a short nod and a sharp, "yes."
jealousy isn't a good emotion. its such an awful feeling, and you do not like it. so when joe asks, "you sure, baby?"
you kinda snap. "i said yes. i'm fine okay?"
he lets it go for now but you feel his eyes on you through out the rest of the - admittedly short - time you spent out together. you know he knows something is bothering you.
yeah, somthing was bothering you, someone called aoife molloy who's the prettiest person ever and who had joey lynch laughing his ass off for at least twenty minutes before you interrupted.
now you liked aoife, she was a sweet girl, but seeing the way she was with joey tonight really made you wanna bitch slap her. that was your boyfriend not hers.
the ride home you were quiet and you tried to bury the jealousy and insecurity bubbling beneath the surface you really did. but those dumb little thoughts kept weaselling their way into your head creating more doubt.
after you had both gone inside - still not talking - joey had had a shower and started to relax getting ready for bed while you had your own.
the hot - ok more like burning - water did nothing to ease the awful feeling in your gut. it was aoife molloy most guys your age would kill to go out with her. and she had chosen to talk to your boyfriend - who you aren't kidding yourself he's absolutely gorgeous. you've heard girls whispering about him more that a few times - you're not-single-very-taken-boyfriend.
so when you come out of the shower and still didn't talk to joey thats when he snapped.
"alright thats it." he shoots his arms out wrapping them around your waist and throwing you on your back on the bed. he leans over you one arm on each side of your head caging you in. "what is wrong, and don't you dare say nothing because i swear to god i will kill you-in-a-non-threatening-way-because-i-love-you," he rushes the last part out.
"fine," you sigh. "it... bothered me tonight, when you were talking with aoife."
"and..." joey eggs you on.
we're you really about to say this? "and i got jealous and insecure and i wasn't happy about it."
"why were you jealous?"
"because of her!" you cry. "its aoife fucking molloy, she's gorgeous, she's every guys dream girl and she was flirting with my boyfriend! and my boyfriend was smiling right back at her and yes it made me jealous because my boyfriend never smiles at me like that. he never laughs as loud when he's with me so yes. i. was. jealous."
joey's face stays still for a moment before he breaks into the biggest laugh. "oh, my god, y/n!" he chuckles loudly. "you have absolutely nothing to be worried about there. you wanna know what we were talking about the entire time? you." he leans down and presses a kiss on your forehead. "we were talking about you." he presses another kiss to your cheek, "aoife had brought up how grumpy you looked and we got caught up talking about you." he presses a kiss to the other cheek.
"yes you, my grumpy little bug." he presses a soft kiss on your lips.
"there is no-one else, you got that? i adore you. i cannot stand the thought i being with anyone else. it physically pains me. i love you more than i'm actually sure is possible." he presses another kiss to your lips.
"its you and me baby. you and me."
a smile overcomes your lips and you pull joeys face down to kiss him yourself. "i love you," you whisper. "so much."
you both pull yourselves up under the bedcovers and fall asleep to the soft kisses and squeezes you exchange.
ok so maybe you are a little insecure but none of it matters as long as the boy who has his arms wrapped around you was with you.
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a/n pt2: ok so i dont really know what happened with the ending so i lowkey js gave up on it. i hope you enjoy!!
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sisterofficerlucychen · 4 months
this idea came to me at like three in the morning and it was making me sad bc it still felt pretty angsty but it's starting to turn a leaf and i'm a little giddy over it 🥹
You’re gonna make a really great dad one of these days. As she watches Tim make playful faces at the elated baby bouncing on his lap she’s reminded of how that statement remains so. Watching him with Angela and Wesley’s youngest is only the latest example of this; she used to love watching these different interactions, from building forts with his nephews in the middle of the living room when they’d sleep over to giving Lila his undivided attention and asking questions as she walked the group through the science project she got first place in to reading Jack a bedtime story — silly voices and all — when they’d babysit for Angela and Wesley during date night. Despite everything, her conviction in that belief has never changed, perhaps only reinforced as she now watches him with Emmy; she has absolutely no doubt that one day he’ll make an amazing dad. A soft smile tugs on her lips at the thought though short lived because she suddenly sees it again. Their kids. It’s a fleeting moment that’s gone as quickly as it appeared but for the first time in months she’s reminded of the future she once saw for herself — and how much she still wants it, how much she still wishes to call him the father of her children someday ... which is absolutely terrifying. It’s not necessarily surprising, it’s not like she ever once stopped loving him, but she did stop trusting him. Even as they’ve slowly found their footing again, as they’ve started to rebuilt the foundation that crumbled beneath them, there’s certain things she needs more time with. She might trust him with her life again but not quite with her heart. She draws a deep breath, lost in her own thoughts but unable to explore them further as a voice brings her back to the present. “You’re staring, Lucy.” Huh? She’s about to question what was just said when her mind catches up but she’s not quick enough to respond before Angela continues.  “I know my child’s cute but that’s not why you’re staring, is it?” she quips with a quirked brow.
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pumpkinsy0 · 2 months
Papercut taking late night drives together hcs? I personally hc that when Ponys anxious he'd like to go on drives to help clear his head and stuff
•they'll find any reason to go on a car ride, they both like car rides, feelin sick?? car ride!!! bored??? car ride???? car ride???? car ride.
•at some point they dont even need to ask, curly just gets up and gets the keys and he signals to pony that hes goin out for a drive and pony can come along w, pony just brings a blanket too, he’ll forget a jacket but not a damn blanket😭
•they talk about everything but at the same time nothing at all, they like the quiet and they like the scenery, they also cant stay silent for so long w the other just right there but also they got something on their minds holding them back from doing their normal banter, they do still play fight a lil tho, just bc curlys in the passenger seat doesnt mean pony wont flick his ear
•they dont drive that far out, maybe like a neighborhood or 2 down from where they live, they also make small comments about how some ppl decorated the outside of their house😭
•they try using different routes everytime they go out driving to shake things up a bit, however i would be a big fat liar if i aint say that they would get lost sometimes
•if pony was feeling like sad or woke up after a nightmare and thats y theyre going for a ride, curly would drive right near where the forest are, he HATES driving near the forest bc those trees seem WAY taller than they normally r, but pony seems to like the quiet there so why not
•if hes feelin it, maybe he shares whats bothering him
•the radio is most likely on, but not turned up all the way, curlys too tired to be his loud self and pony doesnt want to be 100% awake either, he still wants to sleep after this
•car rides when its raining???? yea thats definitely their form of therapy, does basically the same thing for them, bc the windows have condensation on em they draw on em, curlys driving tho so its mostly only at red lights
•if theres a gas station near by u can bet ur bottom dollar they stopped buy for snacks, and by they, i mean curly, pony was too comfortable in that passenger seat to rlly get up
•they TRY playing car games like i spy, but curlys a lil asshole and kept changing what he was seeing or tried being a smart ass
•poor pony cant even play it properly, he was going “i soy with my little eye” and then he’s accidentally say what he was looking at
•anyways the car ride back home is just quiet, theres rlly nothing to say anymore, it was just a quick thing to do
•if ponys asleep on the ride home i KNOW he wakes up when he feels that turn, he just knows where hes at even while sleeping, its so engraved into his head
•as soon as they get back in the bedroom the immediately plop down and go right back to bed, as soon as their eyes closed they r OUT
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vampiric-succulent · 2 months
It’s not even past the bean footage yet and already I have a thing to comment about—
“Hey. Keep working. Keep your hands down.” Idk if it’s just Mace or if it’s me but this is an interesting thing to start the episode with
Also I lowkey already watched this but considering that I wasn’t really paying attention due to Sleep im rewatching
Oh this is the Silly Goofy episode. Got it.
Watching this is so different now that I know how tall each of these people actually are in real life
“Mr Kremyyyyy….. Torbek had a nightmaaaare………..” torb <3
Hot jones?
Why is Mikey using the King Shmebulon voice
Oh the energy here is so weird today
The improv shenanigans here are SO GOOD— “the wee hours” watches and the blue J and the bottle of something
“There was that guy and he was like… woah.” Bi Gricko!!!! “Why you always watching these kingly types and looking at their woah?” Lmfao Gideon you are no better
Degenerate Jones
TABAXI TORBEK and eughhh Mammon Tiefling Gricko (applying for all Mammon Tiefling Gricko)
I love how Kremy is super paranoid thinks everyone is out to get him but still immediately tells Gideon everything (I need to see Gideon do some sort of something back bc coalecroux is feeling increasingly one sided and it is making me sad)
“Torbek was happy with the infinite abyss”
Poor Twig she went from dealing with absolute loneliness to dealing with all this bullshit. She needs to have the space to Bogart out a little bit like get this woman a destruction room
Twig 🤝 Torbek
coping mechanisms
Gideon has such older brother who acts like a father figure to Twig vibes
Torbek is simply following suit… following the suit to the ground lmfao
Gideon is overwhelmed by Penis im sorry
This is just reminding me of when Frost got the proud nudist curse and Derek made that slapping turn joke 😭
Obligatory “im walkin here” please stop
Nvm we have the coalecroux and also poly party affirmations (long shots and headcanons)
OH!!! Woah there Kremy
“Think of the Federal government!” Quick Gid take your clothes off!! The government!!!
Love Torbek’s Spring Aladrin voice. It’s like some sort of old English aristocratic friend of Oscar Wilde.
Oop! Theseus’s Ship mentioned (kind of)
“Did we do a bunch of drugs before bed again?” Funny you should have asked that Gideon given what is now happening
“Tentacles probe me” “yes Gideon join us the time is now get naked”
WHY IS IT ERECT NOW DEREK. PUT THAT DOWN. “Something about beekeeper helmets…” HUH
Oh god Twig is gonna bogart out
Love how Nikkie says “your mind is back to Gricko” and Mikey just starts screaming
It is so impressive how Twig is so controlled. Like she has every justification to absolutely freak out right now and she’s keeping calm and trying to manage things.
Thank god Hootsie is out of this lol
“Torbek was *very* thorough.”
Okay seriously how old is Twig?? This is a very important question. Like REALLY important.
I’m imagining Spring Aladrin Torbek lying on a couch like he’s gonna say “draw me like one of your French girls”
Guys. Please. We are nearly halfway through this video. Please.
No Twig it’s not your fault!!!!!!! No!!!!!!!!!!!
Not the Pennsylvanian sperm trees
“After what I’ve watched today I don’t think you’ll accomplish anything of value.”
Not the milk joke PLEASE y’all not the cilk
Frost is so sweet tho
No more Hot Joneses :(
Yesss Twig establish those boundaries!!!!
Tom is such a deep cut
Okay so Twig is at least 200 years old. Good. That’s really good. Good to know.
Grinko is having a stronk. Please call the Gronkulance.
Omg she’s their niece!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But also HOLY FUCK HE HIT HER??? WITH A CABINET????????
Menasith, and their older sibling Menapauthe.
The Glowing Anus 😭
Oh this is Nikkie’s fault. Fantastic.
“That’s very funny Gricko. Your daughter is possibly bleeding out.”
Ohhhh Hootsie’s okay thank god
Gricko however is really not
Okay so I know this is a fantasy campaign and we are in the literal Feywild so this like kind of doesn’t matter but how does Gideon get energy??? Does he need to absorb nutrients or is it just sort of as long as he keeps his internal furnace alive he’s okay?
Twig boundaries 100 with regards to Torbek but fully get the party’s concerns
Also Twigsy ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Not Gricko being hypnotized by Spring Aladrin Torbek’s hip sway
Torbek does not know but Torbek must dance!!!!
Oh Torbek’s ticket is so sad
“This is an Acorn Satchel!!!”
Mikey annoying Nikkie so much that she just takes things away
Frost getting jealous over the Gricko impression 😭❤️
What is a mud meffet?????
I love Andy so much. Oh he’s wonderful. So glad he’s here.
KLUTZY RETURNS for like two seconds
Love these guys. Oh my lord. Also what the fuck happened in the first like hour???? Still a fun little episode.
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vulpisnocturna · 1 year
Itachi x yn,yn is very insecure about herself bc she likes Itachi and she's totally not his type she has short shoulder length hair, she's not that feminine like a little bit occasionally. She's not that intelligent but average. She's Introverted and can be bold sometimes.
I need some comfort I'm feeling very insecure lately🥺 and also I really love your writing keep up the good work 👍
Hi lovely, thank you so much 🤍 you are so so loved. You sound like a lovely person, don’t sell yourself short!
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Tags: fluff, insecure reader, Itachi being a lovely person, confession of infatuation, SFW
You sucked in your lips, looking across the room, where Itachi was working on his computer, dark eyes absorbed in his work, long, slender fingers twirling a pencil between them absentmindedly. You quickly averted your eyes when he lifted his and glanced at you, or rather, straight ahead. You just happened to be in his line of sight.
You had liked Itachi for months. Well, everyone in your office liked Itachi. He was a genius, good at everything, always had a clever idea during work meetings, was polite and personable even though he was quite introverted, and to top it all off, he was the most beautiful man you had ever seen. Sometimes, it felt as though he had a type of attractiveness that made you hold your breath and stare in awe, as if you were looking upon a painting; other times, he looked hot, intense. All sharp lines, long lashes that brushed the tops of his cheeks, well-defined lips, neither full nor thin, a straight nose, slightly upturned at the tip, high cheekbones, eyes of the darkest black. You couldn’t even see his pupils. Not that you’d ever been that close to him to prove that last point.
You sighed, trying to concentrate on your work. Sometimes, you felt as though you had too many shortcomings compared to him. You were sometimes scolded by your boss for not talking enough during meetings, making some mistakes, occasionally drawing raised eyebrows when one of your remarks was a little too bold.
For sure, Itachi would never see you the way you saw him. You’d seen a beautiful woman with long dark hair and a feminine figure wait for him outside of work one day, and the image had stuck in your head. His girlfriend, you thought with a grimace, but your eyes were sad. She’d been so outspoken, you’d happened to overhear her spark a conversation with the other people there like it was natural. Like it didn’t take any effort.
‘Y/n’ you heard and you lifted your head from your workstation, eyes widening as you set them on the object of your desire.
You scrambled around, clearing your throat and straightening up. He gave you a half smile, and you had to muster your willpower to stay focused.
‘I was wondering if you had a minute to go over the last project. I finished early and I have been asked to check up on the others’ he said. You swallowed, nodding slowly, grabbing the file on your desk and walking out of your little squared station. Itachi was tall, but he was not imposing as he walked beside you towards the exit.
‘Where are we going?’ you asked, voice small.
‘Just getting a coffee. You look quite tired, it would help for your concentration’ he said, walking through the corridor and slowing down slightly when he noticed you had to take quick steps to keep up with him.
Your cheeks felt warm. It was one thing to have to go over work with him, quite another to be told between the lines that he thought you weren’t doing a good job at concentrating.
When you got to the cafeteria, Itachi insisted to pay for your coffee, and you accepted after a bit of a back and forth. He stepped outside on the terrace, sipping his black tea and looking at you before he leaned against the railing, the wind ruffling the strands of black hair framing his angular jaw.
‘Y/n… I haven’t been completely honest with you’ he said quietly, his thumb turning the silver ring on his middle finger as if he was slightly unnerved. You looked at him, blinking, trying to understand what he meant.
‘I didn’t want to look at the project. I- have grown attached to you. I like you’ he said, looking at you, his eyes sincere. Your brow furrowed, and even though your heart felt like it might leap out of your chest, you didn’t quite understand. Liked you? But… he had a girlfriend, and you were definitely not like her at all…
‘Why? I’m- not that clever, and you- have a girlfriend, don’t you?’ you stuttered, shifting on your feet, averting your eyes.
‘What makes you think that?’ he asked, tilting his head at you. You blushed, chewing on the corner of your bottom lip.
‘Well- I saw her. The pretty girl with long dark brown hair and a birthmark on her face’ you said, though your words came out of your mouth as though they’d been pulled out with a pair of pliers.
‘Izumi? She’s my cousin’ he said, his eyes glinting with amusement.
His cousin? Well, okay, but you were still convinced you weren’t his type.
‘And my hair’s too short, I’m not that feminine, and you’re so smart and I’m just- like everybody else’ you said, gulping down the lump in your throat.
‘Type? I wouldn’t say I have a type. If I were to have one, it would be you. Not everybody else. And your hair is perfect the way it is. I think you are really beautiful and endearing, y/n. What made you think I would be so shallow as to be attracted to someone for their mere appearance? Besides, I think you’re quite insightful; there are more important things than wits’ he said with a soft exhale, his eyes gentle and kind. You looked at him, a tentative smile spreading across your lips.
‘You really think that? You really like me?’ you asked, and he put his cup on the table next to you, along with yours, straightening up, his eyes boring into yours, intense and warm.
‘Why don’t I show you?’ he asked in a low voice, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear with gentle fingers before he cupped your face and brushed his lips against yours. The whole world stopped, and you closed your eyes, feeling the softness of his lips, the way they sought yours out gently but with longing, his warm hands softly tipping your head up as he pressed his mouth against yours. It was everything you’d ever imagined and more.
‘Do you believe me now?’ he asked, his cheeks tinged of a pale pink, his eyes bright. You nodded sheepishly, fingertips tentatively touching your tingling lips.
‘Okay- I think I do… I- like you too. A lot’
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blackrabbittwst · 1 year
Hi I was the one who asked for the Aladdin one and yeah I totally should've clarified!!! So what I mean is that I wanted their personality to be like Aladdin (charming mischievous quick-witted caring etc.) and that some part of Aladdins background in them. Like them being good at stealing things bc they need to. hope this helps. Please tell me if u need more info!!!
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A/N: It’s all good! Thank you for the details! That should work!
A/N 2: I actually started writing this a year ago, so I’ll go back and proofread it later.
Synopsis: Dating an Aladdin-like S/O
Characters: Jamil Viper and Kalim Al Asim
Pairings: Jamil Viper x Reader, Kalim Al Asim x Reader
Gender/Pronoun: Gender Neutral
Warning: N/A
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Kalim Al Asim
Kalim would be easily drawn to your charming nature. He already has this innocence and trusting personality, that he would be an easy person to captivate. Thankfully he has Jamil to help him avoid a lot of these people and their schemes at home. However, if you do fancy the adorable son of Al Asim, it won’t be too hard to catch him with your charms.
However, despite your charms, you’d probably be drawn into his own charms as well. While he may not act it, Kalim has his own unique charm that even draws the entire dorm to his side. So together you both would be a charming power couple! Everyone would be attracted to both of you and be surrounded with love and affection.
Since he’s such a pure boy, he wouldn’t initiate or encourage any mischievous schemes you might be pulling of they’re past the point of small harmless pranks. However if you only pull harmless pranks, he’d probably have fun setting it up with you and giggling. He doesn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings or make them sad. He would also be against anything violent since he wouldn’t want to see you hurt.
If your schemes or plans are more harsh, hurt people’s feelings, etc., he would scold you for not being kind to other people and how you’re better than that. He’d mention you’re too smart to be hurting others with your skills. You could be using them to help others instead. He might even get upset to the point of crying.
He wouldn’t really appreciate it if you steal at your older age. He’d understand and not criticize if you stole necessary items like food and water as a child to survive. However, now you attend the most prestigious magic school, so there’s no need to steal anymore. Instead he’d promise to buy you anything they wanted instead!
If you continued to steal after talking to him about it though, it will be a betrayal of his trust to some degree. He’s used to being taken advantage of by other people who want to obtain his wealth, so he’s experienced theft. The idea of you stealing would remind him of people who have hurt him in the past. He doesn’t understand why you would continue to steal if he could buy you anything you wanted.
If you wanted to give back to the poor, just tell him. He doesn’t understand what the lower privilege class goes through on a daily basis, so you would need to sneak him out to a town and show him first hand. He’s lived a life of luxury, but they doesn’t mean he’s greedy, if anything all he ever wants to do is make people happy and be happy. He’s willing to supply anything the town would need if you help him understand what they go through and what they need.
You and Kamil go into the town you grew up in while wearing hoods to cover your faces. You made sure to mention that this trip was purely to understand how people are living, and that you would help them later. If you both were not careful, people might recognize him and go into a frenzy. You did clarify that you would explain everything when you both made it back to the dorm because asking questions in earshot could also blow his cover. Holding his hand, you lead him to the back alleys where he comes face to face to starving children and homeless families begging for food. Kamil would look at them so sadly, not understanding how they got in this situation. He grew up in a home that always had plentiful of food and jugs full of water to the point where he never felt much in the way of hunger or thirst over a long period of time. Seeing these children run up to him and grasp onto his pants legs almost made him cry. The moment he’d watch you take out an apple from your bag and carefully hand it to the child, he knew he fell in love again. Your warm smile made his heart flutter and the way the child’s face lit up so brightly made him so incredibly happy when this child was crying merely moments ago. While you were handing out some food you had just bought down the street, many of the citizens asked you who was the man that accompanied you. Normally you would swing by these alleys by yourself, so seeing that you had a fried delighted them. They were all worried you weren’t making friends and that you were spending too much time there than at the fancy school you worked so hard to get into. You would reassure them it was the least you could do after all the help they gave you growing up. You did introduce Kalim to them as your boyfriend at school but mentioned he was very shy to avoid too much attention towards him.
Back at the dorm, Kalim asked you many questions, like why these people were without homes, why they didn’t have food, why no one else helped them, etc. You did attempt to answer all his concerns, but ultimately it really varies on a person to person basis. It broke your heart to see him look so dejected and sad to see all those people on need, especially since you grew up that way. After a large deep breath, Kamil hops up and exclaims that he was going to start giving back to those people! You were completely surprised, but not because you didn’t think Kalim would offer his wealth for other. It was the fact that he decided this so quickly and without any judgement towards the individuals who lived there. Of course you had to guide him on what to buy the people in the town. For example, they don’t need wine at the moment, nor do they need golden chairs to sit on. You were very gentle and passionate as you explained what are actually necessity items they don’t actually have. The list of common goods was so shocking to Kalim. He knew that they did not have much in the way of belongings, but even jugs to hold water was something they they struggled with since they could develop cracks over time. He would end up thanking you for showing him how grateful he should be about his life and that he should focus on using his ressources for the people in need. It really warmed you heart to see him so excited to help others like yourself.
Jamil Viper
Let’s be honest, Jamil would be super suspicious of you at first. He would be able to catch glimpses of you stealing food here and there or using your charming personality on the fly as you convinced people that you were not planning something like a scam (but you indeed were).
He would think you had ulterior motives when you wanted to get closer to Kalim. However what he doesn’t realize is that the reason you seemed to be getting closer to Kalim was to actually get closer to himself.
When he realized how caring you were and how you cared for the less fortunate, he would allow himself to open himself up more to you. He would act less cold towards you and not avoid your presence. By watching your good nature, he’d eventually realize you were not there to take advantage of the Al Asim family.
He’s used to keeping his guard up, so he would be apprehensive and not tolerate your mischievous side. He finds it troublesome since it causes him issues he’d have to clean up. However , if you involve him in your schemes, he’s totally game. He’d definitely want fo help if it was involving harmlessly pranking Kalim (as long as it didn’t get back to Kalim that Jamil was apart of it so his parents won’t find out), or if it involved scamming the King of Greed (AKA Azul lol). As long as Jamil isn’t responsible, he’s a lot more chill.
Like getting Kalim to run into a door opening blocked by cling wrap and seeing his face scrunch up in the transparent film! After you set up the trap, Jamil would probably be the one to lead Kalim to the door’s opening and duck gracefully under the film before Kalim runs smack face first into the stuff. Of course you’d all share a laugh afterwards (and someone might post it on magicam).
After learning to trust you, he’d also get caught up in your charm and be attracted to your quick-witt. While he does find Kalim a little troublesome, his own charm is what really keeps their friendship alive. Despite not showing it, he’d find this charming side of you endearing and special. It would be something he loved the most about you as your carefree nature won over the entire dorm
Similar to Kalim, you’d be able to convince him to do things with you despite his initial rejections. Please convince this overworked boy to relax and take a nap with you. Normally this would be impossible but if you worded it in such a way, he might be willing to listen. A decent excuse would be: enjoying himself and his free time rather than continuing to suffer and half-ass everything (so basically instead of trying to be mid, be lazy and smack off here and there), would be more worth his time. Also the moment when you quickly react to a problem, he’d be so impressed. It would be a reminder why he liked you in the first place. You had a quality that the Great Seven of Scarabia would adore, which was your wisdom.
When he finds out why you resort to stealing, he wouldn’t criticize you too much. He’s experienced his fair share of swiping food when he was in middle school, and your reason was even more heroic than his immature past self. However, he has matured since then and he would encourage you to stop the antics since it was bound to get messy and cause you more issues than benefit in the long term. He understands living as someone less privilege and trying to survive, but you’re at NCR now and there’s no reason to steal anymore. There were many other ways to give back to the poor that didn’t include the five finger discount.
He’d help you out as much as he can and maybe even manipulate Kalim to help out too. For example, he’d convince Kamil to donate money to you as a sponsor so you do not have to worry about your financial situation. He could also tell Kalim about donating his money to charities around Sage Island rather than spending it so frivolously. He’d also assist you helping others in need on his spare time like volunteering to cook for the hungry.
While in town on a free weekend, you were peacfully wandering around window shopping with Jamil and admiring the stuff you could only dream of obtaining. You noticed a small shadow moving in the corner of your eyes getting slowly closer than what you’re comfortable with. As the figure reaches in your pocket, Jamil swiftly snatch their arm and you turn to look at the thief in eyes. In front of you was a dirtied faced, wide-eyed small child not much older than 10. His face, despite all the soot and dirt smudged on his face, pales at the sight of his victim staring him down, catching him in the act of pickpocketing. His eyes water as he begins to tear up, so shocked as he gasps for air, attempting to utter a single word. Like a fish being quickly reeled in to be then eaten by a hungry fisherman, the small boy tries to wrangle out of your grasp. Before he could get free, he feels something cold hit his hand, which made him jump out of his skin. You gently let go of his arm as he scampers away desperate to get away from his captor. After rounding the corner, the boy remembers the cold sensation in his hand earlier. He slowly opens his hand to see a shiny gold coin. He closed his hand, and reopened it a few times thinking this was just a big joke.
“If you needed help, you could have ask us.” Jamil says behind him. ‘When did he even get behind me?!’ The boy thought as he whipped his head around to stare at the couple he just tried to pickpocket. Before he could zip off again, you kneel on the ground to his eye level and ask, “What do you need the money for?” Your kind voice resonated inside somewhere in the boy. It was something he hadn’t heard in a long time. The image of his late mother flashed in his head as she gently rubbed his head while softly telling him how much she loved him. Your voice alone allowed him to trust you and Jamil, just a little bit. “My sister. She’s sick. And my brother is starving.” The boy quietly mutters while looking at the ground. You hum with acknowledgement as the boy’s eyes fill with tears again, being reminded of his harsh situation. “Come back with us and we can get you some medicine and food.” Jamil says as he uncrosses his arms in front of his chest and reaches out to the boy. “B-but I just tried to steal your stuff! Why would you help me?” The boy croaked, thinking maybe their kindness was a trap. “Because I know how it feels to live a tough life.” You say with a sad smile as remember your time on the streets. He recognized that expression. It was the same as his mother’s smile as he watched her slowly lose strength from a rare disease. It was worry and guilt as she realized that she would be leaving her children to fend for themselves in this cruel world. Tears stream down his face as he sobs at your kindness. A small sigh escapes Jamil’s lips as he bends down and pats the child’s head. The boy, wishing for comfort, reaches up and clings into his arm, which surprises Jamil. After calming the boy down, the two of you go and buy the boy medicine and food for his siblings, which he was more than thankful for. After returning to the dorm, you made plans with Jamil to go back to town and check up on the child to make sure he doing alright. Jamil also suggests that he’ll cook some curry and bring it to them and any other homeless children in the area. It was then that Kalim overheard their planning, which lead to you telling the housewarden their encounter in town. Kalim’s eyes widen and start to tear up dramatically as he agrees to come along and help the children (much to Jamil’s disappointment since he’ll have to babysit Kalim, but he is thankful that Kalim is willing to help out at the same time).
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bau-drabbles · 1 year
liaaa please don’t give me that promotion 💀 more hotch stuff bc ive been pining more for him lately and i keep thinking about that idea i told you about (where reader is jack’s teacher)? i’d think that aaron would try to bring jack to school personally, just to see you even if it was for few minutes? oh but can you imagine valentine’s day in jack’s school and the kids have to draw people in their lives they love/care a lot about and in his final drawing it’s you, aaron and jack next to a house on one side with his friends and his aunt on the other?
and when aaron comes to pick jack up, you hand him and jack this picture back and start complimenting jack on his skills but aaron is at the side wondering if this could work again?? :( he’s afraid of falling in love because he’s not sure if he’ll be able to protect them or be there for them when in need, but seeing his son so happy again just makes his heart melt. he likes being around you too, noticing that he has been putting his guard down when you’re talking to him.
once you’re done, you gently pat the top of jack’s head and he giggles as he walks away holding his dad’s hand, waving goodbye to you before a small slip up — he says “bye mom”. you can tell aaron freezes up, unsure how to feel but you’re immediately calling out to both of them saying that kids do this all the time and its no big deal.
you pass jack a little sweet, hoping it’ll ease the embarrassment he’s feeling. aaron turns to watch as you interact with his son, smiling and patiently reassuring him that it’s okay and that’s when he blurts out an invitation to have dinner with him?? this man would be so direct with no frills whatsoever, and while you’re taken aback by how abrupt it was, you can tell that he’s a little embarrassed by it too — his cheeks are tinted pink and he watches you nervously before you say yes. you quickly scribble down your number and pass it to him before leaving to tend to the other kids and their parents, now before sending a quick wink to the both of them.
aaron’s heart is beating like crazy because there’s no way he just managed to do that but as he walked towards his car, he cant help but smile at the thought that things are finally looking better for him, and that maybe, it doesn’t have to be just the two of the hotchner boys anymore <3
- (not) gideon anon
aww baby, i don't think you gave me this idea the last ask you sent was sad horny hotch but teacher!reader !!!!! 👀👀👀👀 also never apologise for the long ask!!! i love them!! 🤍🤍
this makes me so sad and happy because the first chance at love after such a devastating loss??? 🥺🥺 like after the whole haley thing, he's so scared to love again because what happens if history repeats itself and he falls too fast and too deep?? but you're such a burst of colour, so vibrant and just so beautiful he just wants a taste. a little glimpse of what if.
and when he looks back after reaching his car, he can see you smiling and laughing to the other parents with their kids and you just look so damn gorgeous. the wind blowing just the right amount, the sun dancing across your face, all of it feels like a romcom. it's such a cliché but he all he wants to do is scoop you up in his arms and whirl you around before planting a soft kiss to your lips which look so inviting.
he paces himself though, this time he's a little more reserved but it's only because its so new. you've said yes to his invite, surely that must mean something good.
and in the midst of it all, your eyes have catches his again just before he enters his car. the usual stoic face drops a little and you see a hint of a smile and something more. his cheeks are tinged with pink, his eyes a hurricane of emotions even if you're too far away to decipher which is the most dominant. jack calls out to him again and he awkwardly breaks out of the trance, looking at his son before shooting you a soft smile as he gets into his car after securing jack in his seat
this dinner would be perfect, he concludes in his head. seeing your beautiful face and seeing just how happy you make him and jack feel, it was going to be all okay.
i love this so bad 😩🤲 your 😺 may belong to gideon but your heart def belongs to hotchycakes <33 😙😙
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mdverse · 1 year
rating the glee kids based on how easy it was to animate them
finn: 9/10
-1 bc i kept underestimating how long his part was and had to go back and add more frames at least once
all of the frames were pretty similar and tbh that was simultaneously a blessing and a curse
britt: 10/10
im a britt apologist, she can do no wrong to me, so she's the only one whose bopping around did not cost her any points
honestly the best person to get me started experimenting with smear frames here! i love her
-1 bc these aren't my best britt drawings (sorry babe)
+1 bc she somehow managed to look cute in her transitions from finn and to puck. i didn't think that was possible. who else is doing it like her <3
puck: 2/10
did not need to be moving that much. sir pls stop why were u whipping ur head around like that
also the mostly bald head keeps tripping me up but that's just a general puck thing
mike: 7/10
pretty quick, pretty easy! no complaints there he is vv cute and it's nice to draw him more
rachel: 1/10
i was feeling pretty neutral about her for a while but i'm back to hating her just bc of this
i can draw her from one angle only so everything else was a nightmare and i learned to draw her out of sheer spite
she was singing the "it's tough for you to get by" part so a. i had to sync her mouth to the words and b. it felt like a personal attack 😔 yes it was tough rachel thank u for rubbing it in
every time i thought i was done with her i had to go back and add more frames and i was seething about it
mercedes: 5/10
still not used to drawing her so genuinely who knows if the resemblance is there or not
very short segment for her tho so i suppose it could've been much worse? but i don't love what i did
sam: 8/10
so little screentime (literally 4 frames rip samuel)! quick and easy, i have to appreciate that
the hair transition from mercedes to sam was so fun actually
kurt: 9/10
literally the same :D expression the entire time! adorable <3
rory: 5/10
i have never drawn this man in my life and i may never do it again (not an insult)
santana: 9.5/10
the "go girl give us nothing" lack of movement in her shoulders is everything to me
thank u for making my life easier and looking flawless the entire time ily queen
-0.5 but only bc i got really sad the entire time i was drawing her and tbh that's not her fault in the slightest
also shoutout to her for getting The Best frame in this entire animation??
quinn: 4/10
listen usually i like drawing quinn but this was a struggle
miss ma'am did not need to be tipping her head up and down like that :(
honestly i did my best but ive definitely drawn much better quinns than these
artie: 3/10
by this point i was ready to commit murder this lil fucker would not stop moving and i wanted to cry
why. what was the point of all that. he was doing the most like his part wasn't already The Longest by a lot
every time i thought i might be getting close to the end i realised i was wrong. genuinely so emotionally devastating u don't understand
he earned himself points back tho bc i drew so many good arties and im proud of that. growth babey <3
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revcleo · 2 years
Ok, one thing I've realised over time is that a lot of people seemingly got into hogwarts as a kid and didn't realise that pretty much every part of the start is barely unique. It's like how AI art draws on people's art to make things. The other thing that I realised over time, is that a lot of things are super surface level, but it feels like a lot of people never saw that, especially people from the USA.
I was reading this article and stopped when I was in the second section because like, I think it's weird how people saw her as supporting people who had been abused. Everything was just a surface level thing. She works backwards from what she wants in a plot, rather than what elements in a story means. Like it's really evident from Shaun's video.
What I'm saying is if there's something you liked about the world of potter, then like, it's probably not come from jk, I heard it was round Order of the phoenix where she was allowed greater creative freedom, and it shows bc that's where I as a 14 year old decided the books really sucked now and I couldn't be bothered with them any more.
Further detail:
Harry's backstory:
Ok we want a special kid, who doesn't really have connections he cares about, so he can develop all his connections later in the story, a sort of black slate with no real problems.
The easiest way to do this is make him an orphan, but not a recent orphan. But then he can't be looked after by the state, so he still has a real family but he can't be close to them, so they have to be stereotypes of big bully characters and uhh send him to the cupboard under the stairs which most post-war uk houses of the time have.
He's not confined there though, but his uncle and aunt who are basically like evil step-mothers talk about how evil he is, but still allow him on school trips because they still allow him to do normal kid things because the plot needs that and they wouldn't take him to the zoo.
Also he's not seriously affected by this, they're just clowns, and he's the protagonist and he knows it. It's not like this is The Little Princess or Oliver Twist. Those protagonists are both sad and pitiful and this protagonist is calm about the whole situation, unless he can pull a prank or something.
Also he can do anything, which means he needs a lot of money suddenly, because the protagonist needs money, and he'll be a good rich person. A quick google says that some people estimated his wealth at over £2 million.
Weasleys poverty:
Ok so we want them to be poor, because The White Working Class are idolised in UK society (even if they're rich landlords now). And they're fine with being poor because they are happy with their lot, can't complain. They mend and make do, and they have a cheerful cottage, they don't spend their money on big televisions and they don't have a lot but they're happy and kind, just like the happy villagers from things such as Postman Pat or whatever else. They don't complain about inequality so much, if they can't afford something they just go without (they don't steal).
They like being poor and don't want handouts so even though Harry could share a lot of his money and solve a lot of their problems they still have to wear handmedown robes and have broken wands because some people just need to be poor for the story. "He would willingly have split all the money in his Gringotts vault with the Weasleys, but he knew they would never take it." This isn't Danny Champion of the World where someone has to do illegal and dangerous activities in part because they're poor. They're the Railway Children sort of poor, where the man who helps the family won't take any charity. The deserving poor, not idle shirkers or layabouts or beggars.
Ethel Hallow Malfoy is the snobbish, stuck-up, vindictive, and sly rival and enemy of Mildred and her friends. She is favoured by Miss Hardbroom Snape, but appears to have no friends, apart from the rarely seen Drusilla Paddock Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle, who is just as bad as Ethel Malfoy. Ethel Malfoy is described as being "one of those lucky people for whom everything goes right" which is what caused her to become so snobby. Ethel Malfoy is tall and thin (just like Mildred Harry) and has blonde hair which she wears in a ponytail with a black hair ribbon.
He's at boarding school like most rich kids because his dad doesn't love him as happens with every member of the aristocracy. Just ignore that everyone else is also at boarding school.
Other aspects: Every school in the uk has houses you get sorted into, it comes from that boarding schools have houses you get sorted into because of them being literal buildings. But then it just propagated though the school system to make it easier to run things like sports day and to count up the amount of detentions, de-merits, merits and distinctions which people get in various teams through the year. Then there's like an assembly at the end where they just say who won, but there's no real prizes for it.
Some schools have more than 4. You either get seperated by where you are in the alphabet, the teachers go through all the names and just pick one after the other (like 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4) , or by classroom.
There's no like "are you sanguine or melancholic" lmao
My school houses were Curie (primary) and Stratford (secondary). In secondary we had 6 school houses.
I'm pretty sure if there's anything in harry potter which you like, it's not come from jk's mind, it's either been in other stories, or it's actually something which exists. It's not like she's come up with magic wands or hidden societies.
It's like even the antisemitism, it's not like she invented anything new, she just grabbed old tropes, didn't think about them, she just wanted "creepy little banker" and was like "ah, these tropes are what I think should happen in my story" and then didn't think any further than that. Except when attacked which is when she goes "Well I didn't intend to do that." she didn't intend anything, because she doesn't think, she doesn't step back and look at the bigger picture on anything she does. It's all just individual elements which she feels that she can grab wholesale.
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tahitiwoke · 2 years
five times kissed bc i didnt send it to you but i suppose its my time to be hurt
" it's all the in the back swing, slugger, " phil says with a laugh, readjusting roman's grip on the sammy sosa wooden bat - it's pint size, one he had to get at a walmart because the ones he had at home were practically the size of roman himself. the boy pulls his arms back and tries for a practice swing, one-two-three times, and with a fresh determination, adjusts the yankees cap phil had pushed onto his head before they got to the cages.
like this? " yeah, just like that. come on, now, chin up. focus and don't dare look away, 'cause that's what gets you -- taking your eye off the ball. " from the other side of the batting cage, carol whoops and shouts go roman! and shoots phil a wink. he's a good kid they tell each other at night when he's gone to bed. he's a good kid with a good head on his shoulders and he's got a hell of a life stretching out in front of him.
there's a long break before the next ball flies out the ejector and a longer pause between the shunk of the piston, and the crack of roman's bat finding leather. naturally, phil goes wild. " that's what i'm talking about! " they applaud obnoxiously and phil kisses the top of his head, ruffling his hair.
things go wrong. it is the nature of the beast, it is what happens to people like them in this job and maria tells him this was always going to be the risk, that if anything were to go wrong, it may as well be now when nobody is in too deep. are you in too deep? i heard he's living with you. but phil knows now what he didn't before: he can't live without roman.
when maria mentions transferring roman into someone else's caseload, he grabs her wrist, keeps his voice low so as not to wake the sleeping boy in the hospital bed that looks so obscenely large next to his tiny frame. if you take him away from me, i'll burn your fucking house to the ground. he's my boy. the pause had been volatile. had been hard to process, for both of them, but when he let go, she had nodded. okay, she had said with an oddly proud look on her face, okay. get some sleep, coulson, you look like shit.
he waits until she's gone before he turns back and kisses roman's forehead, careful not to jostle any of the wires attached to him; when he sinks back into the too-small, shitty uncomfortable plastic chair, he opens a book and starts to read.
she's not coming back, is she? roman stands in the threshold of the bedroom doorway, looking into the dim light cast by the bedside light; phil is awake with a report scattered over the duvet - not a usual move, but the living room still has a lot of boxes from the move, both his things and roman's - so needs must. he looks over at roman, over his glasses. he's always been a precocious kid. he's always been a good kid -- thirteen years old and already half a man.
a sigh pushes out between them, phil rubbing at the frown cutting into his own forehead. " no, slugger. she's not. " there must be some sort of sadness, some heaviness that he has not managed to cover quick enough because roman pads into the room then, in his pyjamas that look a little smaller than they did last week. (they'll go shopping tomorrow. he'll get him new clothes, and they'll have ice cream and he'll say to the waiter my son was wondering if you had the chocolate milkshakes again?) it is careful the way he puts his hand on phil's shoulder, but in a strange moment, he's almost the caretaker -- roman leans over and presses a kiss to phil's forehead. it's okay, dad.
jess watches the young man on the edge of the wellwishers carefully; he's hung far enough back, stood beside a red-head she doesn't recognise, that it shouldn't really draw her attention as much as it does, but the utterly devastated look on his face catches her breath. it's a deep sorrow - the kind she feels herself, in some small way. her brother was not the most forthcoming person. never mentioned friends or girlfriends -- or boyfriends? no, it doesn't seem the grief of a lover. it looks... christ, it looks like the grief of a son.
(that makes her baulk, makes her immediately dismiss the idea. because phil would have told her, surely, and their mother if he had a son. he would have mentioned it.)
somebody presses a folded flag into her mother's hands and says we thank your brother for his dedication to his country -- fucking steve rogers shakes her hand when he says it. she does not know what phil did for a living but it seems overwhelmingly important with the sad, sorrow filled face of captain america staring over at the white stone marker. the boy she'd been watching - twenty-ish maybe, she thinks - steps up to that marker after the priest disappears kisses his fingertips, pressing them lightly against the front, just above the words chiselled into it.
phil is running a little late -- he doesn't mean to be and he texts roman to say he's on his way as soon as he leaves the office, apologises for the delay and that dinner is his treat. that he cannot wait to meet the mystery girl. he's so eager, in fact, to get into the restaurant that he even tosses the keys to the valet with a cheerful don't scratch it, chief and takes the steps two at a time upstairs to where the hostess had told him they've been seated.
the girl is facing away from him and carol forces a smile when he walks in, but roman stands. roman stands and hugs him and phil kisses his temple, " hey, slugger, sorry i'm late, i had a nightmare at the office -- "
phil turns then, to greet the girl and say hello and has his mouth open to introduce himself but -- he knows the face. he knows the exact shade and shape of the girl in front of him and she looks equally thrown off, looks slightly nauseas when roman says josephine, this is my dad, phil.
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runfast-runfar · 2 years
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Daily things ~holiday edition~
✨ dog sat for a quick night for my favorite boy Finn!! So so happy I got to see him!
✨ I ended up getting the new switch OLED and it’s amazinggg!!! The differences are minor but they make the biggest difference!!
✨ haven’t been running in a month now which makes me so so sad and frustrated but I try to go out and walk in the neighborhood to get the light exercise still. I am doing the peloton daily now which is amazingggg!! But missing my runs and the fresh air with working out so so much. Hopefully my back will get figured out soon and can be resolved easily!! 🤞
✨ I am obsessed with platforms shoes now lol!!! I have platform converse, and then I also got my first pair of Nike airforce 1s 😭
In love with both!!
And then I just bought myself a pair of Oxford platform Doc Marten’s 😅 This year I spent SO much money…. So I need to go back to saving!! Lots to save for this year! My brother and I are moving early next year (YAY!!!) and that needs lots of saving, I have a Disneyland trip over the summer with a friend, going to NYC next year during the winter, spending money for Taylor swift concert next year, etc! Plus just saving in general! :)
✨ the biggest thing I bought myself for a holiday treat was a quest 2 VR system!!!!! That is getting delivered today!!!!! I am SO freaking excited!!!!! I have really gotten into gaming since being essentially on bed rest and it helps pass the time… but it’s also become a genuine hobby! I am loving Pokémon violet and then I got Pokémon shield and have been playing the two. And then I wanted the virtual reality system bc getting to be fully immersed in the games is amazing and escaping entirely to a new world… I need that right now lol
✨ I bought thea a new hammock since her old one broke way earlier this year. She got upgraded to a double decker lol
✨ on an iced coffee kick and not complaining about it!! I am trying to make coffee at home versus buying Starbucks to save money, and one of my New Year’s resolutions is to only get Starbucks twice a week! And then make coffee every other day! And these iced coffee nespresso pods are making that easy to happen lol!
✨ spending some time doodling my own little cute anime-esque characters; meet Kipper haha
✨ the day after Christmas I came down with the flu and so I’ve been in bed most of the day for the past two days now. But tbh I’ve needed the rest, I’m just bummed I feel shitty during it. But at least today I’m feeling better than yesterday!
✨ I’m going to a friends beach house tomorrow for the weekend in celebration of New Years. I’m chugging DayQuil like it’s water (haha jk.. sorta) and hopefully I only feel better as each day comes! 🤞
✨ ordered myself some sushi for lunch since my throat isn’t on fire like it was yesterday, thank god!! And then all I’ve done today is play the switch, draw, have the show Wednesday on in the background (last episode is playing now… sooo that’s seven hours later lol 😅) and began reading my new book “Remarkably Bright Creatures” which is so good so far but I can tell it’s going to be a sad one 💔
✨ Well, I hope you’re all doing good, that you had a nice holiday and the new year is good to you!!!
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j-nope-not-today · 2 years
Hello. Can I request a Maze runner match up please? . Im Gabriela but they mostly call me Gabby, 17 years old straight girl from Slovakia, 171 cm tall, Libra and my hp faculty is Ravenclaw. Im an only child. Im half Russian and half Slovak. Russian and Slovak are my native languages and I have a Russian accent. To others, my accent is hot and attractive. I have brown-green eyes, dirty blonde hair to my shoulders, Im tall and slim with wide hips and I wear black glasses. I have little freckles all Across my nose and cheeks but you need to look closer to see them. Im ENFP, introvert, shy, quiet, observant, reserved, witty, creative, accepting, a shoulder to cry on, caring and really shy. But I have a temper. Im hothead and impulsive. I hate argument tho. When someone will raise their voice, I get scared. My grades are mostly A's. Im allergic to strawberries and sunlight. Im literally a vampire because I have white skin and fangs. To others, Im monster. It makes me sad but whatever. I have lots of panic attacks and breakdows mostly because of my grandfather. He died 4 years ago. Its so painful because we had a special relationship. Im a huuge coffee addict and I ADORE cappuccino. I am an artist and dancer. I love music and I mostly listen to pop,rock and roll. I spend my free time studying, playing mobile games, reading books and drawing. Art is my passion. I have my black headphones in 24/7. I cry easily.. My biggest fears are rats, Dark, clowns, spiders and heights and I hate the sound of chewing. I love rainy days and Im the biggest bookworm ever. Books are literally my life and you can see me neither with book, textbooks or headphones. Im really shy and I stutter when Im nervous. Thats All. Thank you so much ❤️❤️
I match you with Thomas!
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He thinks your very beautiful and even more so when he hears you speak. You instantly catch his attention.
Thomas very quickly realizes your a little shy, but he can work with it. He's very good at getting people to open up and he definitely gets you to open up to him. At first he's just looking to make a new friend, but once he gets to know you he's gonna fall hard.
He's quick to get into arguments and so he'll try to steer clear of those with you. He doesn't mind your hot headness since he's dealt with it before. If he can handle Gally he can handle anything.
He doesn't think you look like a monster, but he'll do his best to keep you out of the sun and away from eating any strawberries and reminding you how perfect you are.
He'll be a shoulder for you to cry on when your upset or panicky and would probably do something stupid to make you laugh.
He's fine with whatever hobbies you have. He's not much of a reader, but he will listen to you read to him if you wanted too. Admires your artwork. He's definitely gonna love the music you listen to. He's one of those people who can listen to literally anything and enjoy it.
He'll do his best to keep you away from things your scared of, but the most he can do is comfort you when you see a spider or your in the dark. He'll distract you and try to ease your panic.
It's a good thing your so smart though bc Thomas is the village idiot so your gonna have to keep him out of trouble.
All in all you'll work together perfectly!
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mywritingonlyfans · 3 years
this short fic is about: a needy/emotional reader being fingered by dami.
warnings: it’s smut (you know what to do and i can’t like stop you, so just be careful (?) idk. fem!reader x damiano david. ps. i’m sorry if you already read something similar before bc i really like that fic so i decide to rewrite it with dami.
Your back hurts from the time you spent working at your desk.
Stress was running through your body, resulting in tears of frustration pooling in your eyes. Even so, being enfolded in Damiano’s arms made things endurable.
“Gonna tell me what happened with you, little one?” The tip of his nose slid down your neck, fitting his face into your shoulder.
The weather was cold. Your body, dressed in minimal clothes, was wrapped in between the covers that were now being shared with Damiano. He tried to accommodate you in his grip, in a delicious mixture of his scent along with his warmth. Fully dressed, in his open blazer and tailored pants, he let you squeeze him into your figure.
“Nothing at all," you sighed. "It was just a bad day. I’m feelin’ like pure shit.” He laughed, causing a sweet vibration in his chest that made you feel at home.
Words wouldn’t describe how grateful you were that he came home and went straight to you, without worrying about his own affairs first; or even removing his clothes to lie on the bed with you.
“D’ya wanna talk about it?” He whispered, placing soft kisses on your neck.
You dazed as soon as his teeth found your flesh, growling in his ear, “no. I’m hurting, 'm too tense.”
He sniffed at your inability to form sentences in the moment. Lovely sight to his eyes. Holding your face in his hand, he glued his lips to yours as you involuntary nestled your cheek in his palm; just like a puppy.
“So needy. I though you were simply sad darlin’.” He rubbed his thumb on the corners of your mouth, lowering his fingertips across all long your body. “I guess I'm gonna have to fix this, huh?”
You didn't answer him. Not that you need to. Honesty, you were guiding him to that. His touch were melting you inside. No more words were needed for him to understand that you were craving to be taken care of by him.
Your fingers grazed the soft skin above his underwear. Your breath speed up while his weight was put on top of yours, not in an exaggerated way but in a delicate one, his heaviness brought you comfort. He attacked your lips again, this time deepening it; putting in a fight with your tongue. You sank your head into the pillow, enjoying his taste on your mouth.
The calluses of his fingers danced on your lower belly, providing you goosebumps. “Dami,” you held his face, breaking the kiss and leaving a thin line of saliva connecting the two of you.
“Touch me,” you breathe out, putting your hand over his, pushing it down. “Please.”
Damiano knew what you needed, however hearing the words come out of your mouth was fascinating; inviting. So he always awaited you to verbalize what you wanted him.
“Gladly,” his murmur being muffled as he sucked on the skin of your collarbone. “So sweet.”
A delightful euphoric ardor filling your chest when you feel his fingers caress you, in smooth and slow circles, along to the marks he left on your top.
You dropped your head on his neck, depositing bites on his shoulder, while he dipped his fingers in your folds.
Your growl filled the room along with the wet noises you made. “Does it feel good, angel?” He kissed the side of your face at the same time that you clutched your arms around his shoulders; shoving your nose on his shining blazer.
As you muttered an incoherent agreement, he removed his digits, teasing the edges of your entrance with his tips, then pushing at you in a fast pace.
You clasped your fingerprints in his hair, holding his dominant hand while closing your leg in a reflex act.
“You’re so good, babe. You’re doing so good for me, taking my fingers so well, making ‘em all warm and moisturizer.” He said in a hoarse voice due to his altered breathing.
Touching his fist lightly on your inner thigh, he made you spread yourself for him again. He pressed his thumb on your clit, rubbing it firmly, increasing his movements inside you.
“Dami,” you cried out, noticing your throat getting dry by each breath.
You held on to him tighter than before, feeling your stomach tingle as tears formed in your eyes.
“Don’t you hide from me, babe. Let me admire how good I’m makin’ you feel.” He kissed your cheek, watching you lay your head back on the pillow.
Your breast rose and fell fiercely, your bottom lip caught in between your teeth as you tried to keep your eyes open for him.
“That’s my girl.” He curled his fingers in you, dropping strands of his hair fall on your forehead. “Keep your eyes open for me, baby girl.” He said as soon as you threatened to close your eyes.
You nodded, looking at him, taking note of how inviting his pink and swollen lips were. He smiled sweetly, a nice contrast to how he was making you feel, starting to widen his fingers just to close it right after; rigid like a scissors. You groaned loudly, ignoring what he had asked and closing your eyes tight. He laughed, shutting you up with his lips while your legs went limp as you messed up his hand.
He rubbed you until your breathing calmed, drawing lines around your groin with his thumb. “Better?” He asked, watching you open your eyes. You nodded, pulling him lazily to yourself for more kisses.
He played with your tongue, pecking your corners every once in a while; letting you soften into him. Squeezing your thigh, after giving it a quick but hard slap, he brought his index finger up to your lips, outlining them. You took his finger in your mouth, with his pierce eyes stuck on you as sucking it lightly; making him let out a deep sigh. You tasted yourself on him until he pulled his finger of you, sealing his lips with yours one last time. He pulled you onto his chest while you felt your body electrified by him, you wrapped your legs around his, fitting one of them at the height of his waist, feeling your bare stomach in contact with his now cold belt as his hand ran down your back.
“You want more, angel?” He whispered, watching you grinding yourself on him.
You lifted your head, blood rising to your cheeks. “Yeeep.”
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So I made these pretty late yesterday so i didnt get to post them so im gonna post them here.
Quick backstory: so in my mind, Optimus prime has the same birthday as Peter Cullen because the two are so intertwined in culture that they’re essentially the same thing ( at least in my eyes Peter Cullen = Optimus Prime). So Optimus has the same birthday as mr. Cullen too.
Now, I ALSO have a head cannon that the tfp kids make a spinning wheel or a hat draw for random days of the year, and whatever day the pick becomes one of the autobots “birthdays” because they want a special occasion for the autobots but they don’t actually have birthdays to celebrate. The random day that Optimus gets is June 28th, so the kids get him a little gift and pit it in his room when he’s busy. When Optimus gets back, he sees the gift and gets confused, reads the tag, and almost immediately starts crying bc the poor guy hasn’t gotten any true forms of affection in like thousands of years. He doesn’t actually open the present (ever), instead just keeping it in his subspace and taking it out whenever he needs some motivation or comfort ( the poor mech cries over the present for like 15 minutes too)
Fun fact: irl, Optimus Prime is now 38 years old. So happy 38th birthday sad boi
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